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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 50 KB, 450x338, work-in-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6597481 No.6597481 [Reply] [Original]

New Progress thread, The last one has fallen to shit thanks to anons and stupid trips bickering over nothing. AKA another normal day in /cgl/~

Lets try and keep threads like these helpful Shall we?

>> No.6597489
File: 143 KB, 808x608, WIZOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the process of molding the back half of my Kamen Rider Wizard helmet. Just finished up The Kamen Rider OOO base helmet, gonna prep it and mold it too, Its a good size and i should be able to replicate the rest of the OOO combos without rebuilding that helmet in pep each time.
Also sealed the front of the Wizard helmet and getting it ready for molding. I started Wizards Cuffs and Anklets today too, Should be done by this evening.
2 weeks till Katsucon and I should be done early.... for once.

>> No.6597900

Do you go to any West Coast cons? I seriously would love to meet you.

>> No.6598206
File: 278 KB, 972x1296, DSC09524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I'm never buying a pre-parted wig ever. Going to throw this wig against the wall in a few moments in frustration.

>> No.6598250

I'm going to start sewing up Bolin's outfit and a Pabu plushie soon.

I have zero sewing experience and have till AX to learn. Is that enough, or should I just buy/commission?

>> No.6598271

Today I finished the fourth and final paper mache layer on my sword I'm currently crafting for my Alundra cosplay. Next up is smoothing and painting.

>> No.6598282

Finished Kat hoodie from DMC but unfortunately spilled coffee on it. Going have to wait until the hoodie dries to make the paint job then I'll post photos.

>> No.6598319
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>> No.6598332
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, BCCXYNLCMAEcHlm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Only con I went to on the west coast was PowerMorphicon, Hopefully this will change this year or next. what cons do you go to?

Heres the front half of the helmet being molded. Its gotten one more layer since though

>> No.6598351

lkajdfhasldkfjHNGN. Let me know how it turns out!

>> No.6598464
File: 1.13 MB, 997x498, lucina armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm sort of rushing through making this armor for Katsucon. Do you guys have any suggestions on attaching pauldrons to arms? I'm planning to just use elastic like I've done before, but it's not terribly comfortable or secure.

>> No.6598908
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, 20130201_203247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly done with my sailor scout!Fluttershy. Just gotta do the shoulder rolls and get ribbon for the hip belt thing so I can stop staring at the ugly unhemmed edges of the top of the skirt.

>> No.6599011
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, 778686_10151226085111510_1608708318_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a used wig for $12 for my fullmetal panic costume. I now have to untangle it ^_^''

>> No.6599225
File: 267 KB, 804x1072, DSCF0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misfired! Need to iron this thing.

>> No.6599380

From what I can see it's amaazing. I love the shape of the horn curves hrrrng

>> No.6599396

If there's any fabric under it at all, you can use paired velcro strips; if there's anything that'll connect to the pauldrons, you can connect it that way and keep from just wearing the pauldrons to your shoulders; if you're seriously just wearing the pauldrons straight on, elastic might just be your best guess. :/

>> No.6599430
File: 107 KB, 960x960, lucina progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I'm doing elastic under a ring of fabric (like a scrunchie) with velcro on the scrunchie, since I don't actually want to sew anything to the undershirt. I think this is only working because it's a single layer of foam and not anything heavier...But thank you for your suggestion!

Also, I tried on the rest of my costume. I'll need to make more belts, a mask, and acquire a bluer wig. Please excuse the mess.

>> No.6599448

I've been watching a lot of Bob's Burgers on Netflix lately and I love you for doing this.

>> No.6599453
File: 157 KB, 541x960, 376305_10151264358360840_1573697109_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly carving this thing out. As long as no one who knows anything about real Thompson Contenders sees the final product it should be fine.

>> No.6599475

Holy fuck that looks horrible.
You sure you wanna use that?

>> No.6599486


It looks to me like you're trying to work without extensions which is the real problem here.

What do you mean by pre-parted anyways?

>> No.6599503


I agree with this anon >>6599486

There's no way you can cover the hair with the existing hair due to the way the hair wants to go (due to what direction the wefts point). If you get a pack of wefts, and cover the horns. If it's pre parted in the back, saver the fibers in the skin cap. Take the rest of the hair, "stub" it (find away to take away the excess fiber. Take the skin cap/part fiber and wrap it over the excess mess. You might be able to take that extra fiber and work it into the base of the horns.

>> No.6599554

are you going to round that pistol grip? i mean, it's blocky as fuck and not what i'd choose to grip onto if i had to.

>> No.6599683

Ah, but that's the challenge! We can't use any extra extensions.

>> No.6599692

Your best bet then is to pull out some of the existing hair for sure (seam ripper ftw).

And because of this statement I take it you're in the Iron Wig challenge? Just your progress picture makes me exciting to see it finished as well as seeing what others do.

>> No.6599702

why does this look shit when you have CNC access? o_O Edges look lasered to me, anyways.

You look into the airsoft versions? They look pretty decent.

>> No.6599945

I think your overall problem what you tried to do it in too many layers. The crecent moon detail for instance is way too deep into the gun. I think about two less layers and it would look a lot better.

>> No.6599962

I'm pretty new to the laser cutting stuff. I don't have access to the more 3D machines. As for airsoft those usually aren't allowed in cons and I'm a cheapass.

Yeah the butt is my next step. The finger grips were enough of a pain.

>> No.6600090

Lasers, NICE- the trick to getting smoother detail will be having maybe 30+ layers, then the steps between them will be much smaller, finer curves, etc etc. At that point, the problems with accurately reproducing the 3d model become more about how much variation in thickness of the layers there is... for example if you thought you bought 1/16" sheet, and it's really .055 or some crap, you've got a .0075 discrepancy times the thickness of the part along the sheets' normal vector- guessing 1.5-2" for that gun, so 24X-32X, .18 - .24", or between 3/16-1/4"!

With that barrel... stick.. thing.. I'm guessing you just threw a rough game model in a blender or sketchup z-slice script and hit print. Gotta be more discerning! Good CNC work is very very possible- it's automated and accurate as hell, take advantage of that! Set yourself up a standard sheet size and set up 15 sheets of parts, the improved resolution will mean less sanding and less human error later on.

If you want help with the source files or setting up some cuts, I used to run a small Epilog, did business cards and exec toys. Gladly set up some of your stuff, or help you improve the end result.

>> No.6600367
File: 310 KB, 972x1296, DSC09529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, yeah, I've been trying to do that, but the way the fibers lay is just murder. It's been incredibly frustrating styling this thing. The wefts are super thick, but there aren't very many...if that makes sense? The bulk of the fibers are concentrated in the back in the part while the rest are reversed facing forward. Pic related.

This has definitely been a challenge, and I'm still not completely sure what I'm making since every idea I've had has been thrown out due to how uncooperative this wig has been.

>> No.6600387

You're giving me too much credit. I just went in Illustrator and vectored it into 9 layers. I left the barrel derpy because I'm just going to put an acrylic tube over it. I'm still really new to this stuff. If you can recommend tutes or something I can check out to understand different software or theory that'd be great.

>> No.6600453

HA. from the thumbnail I assumed this was a flayed human shoulder.

>> No.6600524

Just as a silly suggestion maybe adding red felt to cover the holes? It won't be perfect but it will at least look better than the wig cap? Since you can't do extensions which is very silly imo but I understand that's the rules.

>> No.6600522

Wow, that's almost cruel of them to send you a wig like that to work with.

>> No.6600533
File: 441 KB, 1609x1029, 20130202_192407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special here, just posting for the benefit of that CNC person who said they wanted to see it last thread.

Learned how to use the CNC mill (for real this time, since I kinda shortcutted for Laharl's sword), and made a test tsuba to make sure I was getting all the dimensions right. Turns out I'm not really getting all the dimensions right, definitely should use 1/4" wood instead of 1/2. But other than that it works, slides nicely onto the blade. I'll probably make the actual design for each side pretty soon.

Oh yeah, and the TF2 3D print didn't work either, since apparently TF2's models aren't airtight as necessary for 3D printing. Probably should've expected that.

>> No.6600535
File: 80 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mhmc7sjrpo1qf2xeyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some bracelets for my Scholar
they look pretty rough on the edges but look so much better than what i try to make last year

>> No.6600787

Cool. Your 'for real' tsuba going to have some more complex detail than that?

Let me know if you need some help getting the TF2 models ready to print.

>> No.6600796
File: 193 KB, 1536x2048, 325709_10151226085326510_628026111_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bam! Two hours and a lot of careful detangeling.

>> No.6600802

Fucking incredible.
Tell me your secrets anon.

>> No.6600813
File: 411 KB, 898x738, stages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, the real ones will definitely be more detailed. Here's the one image that exists of the detail of a side, it's pretty fuzzy but you can sorta tell what's on there, just looks like abstract lines and shapes kinda. I'll probably make up something more simple for the hand sides, probably two-squares-making-8-point-star and cherry blossoms, themed after her Hisoutensoku 5-cost spell cards, like to the right the main graphic. Not real sure what I'll do for the blade side of the longer sword, probably look up some IRL tsuba details and base it off of something that looks nice.

And I would actually appreciate help with getting the model ready, I'm not sure what the best way to do that was. I was just planning on flailing around in 3DS Max hoping to get it cleaned up but if there's an easier way I'm all ears.

>> No.6600824

I think Source filmmaker has higher quality models (but that might be for the characters themselves only)

>> No.6600857

Are you a wizard?

Mmmm, I wouldn't say cruel. Just...very tricksy.

Ah, those will be covered! I'm not quite done styling it yet, and have an idea of what I would like to do, but fuck me if I can get it to actually work.

>> No.6600876

Actually found a tutorial on here a while back. It involves mixing body lotion with water in a spray bottle and then carefully working up small sections of the wig. It worked great.

The hair was still really frizzed out but a second on a straight iron (after i tested it on some trashed fibers) got is smooth. I had to detangel it twice because i wanted to wash the wig before I ware it.

>> No.6600873

oh my god

>> No.6600882
File: 207 KB, 494x756, nordherogreatsword_pepprog2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, cool. The Source filmmaker suggestion sounds solid, usually cutscene models are much higher quality.

Here's what I've been at. Should have cleaned this up more before going to pep.

>> No.6600884
File: 500 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much of progress but its a start! Going to do a Ryo-ohki kigurumi. I got the concept from the art book(s).

I honestly thought you lost your marbles to buy a wig that messed up... You truly are a wizard.

>> No.6600890

Well, I don't think the problem is the quality of the model, since it looks pretty fine visually. The problem is it's either not watertight, or maybe some of the normals are wonky, or most likely the facets intersect in weird ways. It's not something that would matter in a video game or a movie, but is important for making the 3D printer slices and stuff. So I'm not sure the source filmmaker models would be better.

>> No.6600939

Throw it up on a server somewhere, we'll have a look, then.

>> No.6600961
File: 146 KB, 1695x835, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's the .obj file.

>> No.6600984
File: 107 KB, 960x641, BlackRose04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is super old but I already packed it so i figure I would post this instead
BlackRose Xth Form armor for Katsucon.

since this picture I've finished the painting and also attached the base spikes. I'm going to finish the coating on the spikes and paint them once I'm in the states and don't have to worry about it. Other than that All I need is the velcro to attach everything together.

>> No.6601076

Give this a shot, I just ran it through c4d, couple booleans, polygon patches, optimize passes. IIRC Shapeways' web tools let you check for watertightness online? I also rotated it so the large flat back was towards Z- , not sure if they do that.

Haven't got the right plugins to properly test it, but it's not very complex and looks ok.

>> No.6601097
File: 54 KB, 900x489, Screenshot from 2013-02-03 00:13:26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrm, still seems to be complaining about the same thing as before. Here's the specific error.

>> No.6601120
File: 2.62 MB, 4288x3216, 100_2697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the mask, the weapon, and the armor, just need the leather on the pants and I'm g2g.

>> No.6601125

your edgy ring is sideways, bro

>> No.6601130

Oh it is? Lemme fix it.

>> No.6601335

Decided to open it up in pronterface just to see what it got sliced into, and it actually looks a lot better than before, should be maybe doable with only a few more changes. I'll see if I can make some further edits to what you gave me to get it fully correct, thanks for the help!

>> No.6601465

Sorry, I haven't been online till now. I'm usually always at Fanime and AX if you're going for major cons. There's usually a good gathering of Toku at Fanime too.

To stay on topic, I was cutting fabric for a sweater tonight, and I just barely had enough. Saved by the fact that I'm trimming it in another fabric so the length of some things could be a little shorter than intended...

>> No.6601718
File: 190 KB, 787x552, free3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of progress on my Butterfree trainer costume.
Still lots to do, clearly. Need to adjust the sleeves so they fit better, add the zipper, add the antenna to the hood, add the buttons for the collar bit.
And then I need to make the pants and, the biggie, the wing backpack. But it is coming along.

>> No.6601787 [DELETED] 

I want to make this cosplay for may, but I have no idea how I make such a large hat and how I make it stay rigid. I do

>> No.6601789 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 1215x717, 19disp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot image .
Lulu from LoL

>> No.6601791

come on now, stop being a newfag and use the help thread >>6587469

>> No.6601858
File: 578 KB, 1600x1200, 2013-02-03 00.32.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thumb still hurts from holding the bevel stamp. but this was the bulk of the design tooling, just finishing up the back design, then I can finally start sewing it up.

>> No.6602165

There are so many things right with the world.

>> No.6602315

Is that made of craft foam?

>> No.6602337
File: 1.48 MB, 800x1408, June.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my june cosplay in the mail, another cosplayer made it. She's utterly fantastic. I'm just super pleased it fits really well.

Oh, and I'm super short but we can ignore that part. Shoes and scarf are placeholders til I get some more accurate ones.

Critique though? Anything I should fix up?

>> No.6602354
File: 827 KB, 1047x1487, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First up; this is a progress thread, buddy. Not trying to be rude or anything like that, but I don't know if receiving a basically-complete cosplay from another cosplayer counts as 'progress'.....

....And looking by the colour and structure of the dress, I can more or less tell who made it. (I've spent almost two years now on the constant prowl for 999 cosplay, and there's only been a couple of decent Akane cosplayers. How sad.) My main issue with it is that it lacks..... shape? Akane's dress is a fair bit more fitted around her waistline, and a lot of cosplayers tend to forget that. In the more square shape people tend to do it makes you look kind of frumpy and doesn't emphasize your curves like June's outfit does. Other than that, I don't have any real issues with it?

Anyway, s'good to see more people jumping into 999 cosplay. It's kind of nice to not have a non-existent fandom like we did back in early 2011.

>> No.6602362

Oh i know, I was just posting for critique on the fitting and whatnot, I know it's not really progress. My apologies. Thanks for the critique, I'll sort out the fitting.

And yeah, more 999 cosplay from people would be fantastic. I'm expecting cosplays from the new game to pop up soon. Tempted for Phi myself.

>> No.6602659
File: 55 KB, 541x960, 65551_10152503464410543_838603783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwwwwww yeah, finished Lucy Steel.

Now to finish my other Katsucon outfit

>> No.6602673

Yesss more 999 cosplay. And the mask is really killer, whomever made that did a really great job. The fandom was really super small, though I think VLR has helped make it a little bigger at least!

Sage for nothing relevant.

>> No.6602793
File: 17 KB, 185x263, guardtopleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the model all fixed up! I kinda want to head down to the 3D printer right now but it'd be a bit of a waste since I should probably get the 1/4" wood for the tsuba and do the printing and milling at the same time.

Speaking of tsubas, here's my interpretation of the visible one. Not sure if it looks like butts or not.

>> No.6602795

Kinda cute, wouldn't mind seeing out of the costume and makeup. Awesome cleavage.

>> No.6602812

Ahh, thanks anon, I guess.

>> No.6602884

You look faaaaaaaaaabulous!

>> No.6602899
File: 336 KB, 1296x972, DSC09549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huuurrrrrr, also forgot half my post. Got one of the horns almost done, just gotta add the finishing touches to it. Those exposed wefts will be covered soon. Sooooon.

>> No.6602920

cut off some extra length where you won't notice it, braid or twist around base of horns to hide ugly spaces.

>> No.6602928

You have a lot more patience than I do!

>> No.6602944

Already working on it.

>> No.6603010

You look so gud! I'm almost done my Rohan cosplay which I SHOULD be wearing to Katsu. I'll have to keep an eye out for you! Also since I'm curious. What is your other outfit?

>> No.6603026

Hakufu Sonsaku from Ikkitousen. I haven't really figured out when I'm wearing Lucy, unfortunately, due to friends having massive piles of cosplay-competition-caused time conflicts. But I'll watch out for you too!

>> No.6603034 [DELETED] 

I haven't seen much from Angela lately, did the underage b&hammer get her?
Not looking for drama, just curious. I loved seeing her progress. :(

>> No.6603039 [DELETED] 

She posted in the last thread with her new Sakizou dress.

You can see it on her blog.

>> No.6603052 [DELETED] 

I'm starting to wonder if it's really "her" progress.

What 16-year-old with only a small handful of costumes under her belt can use such advanced techniques anyway? I can tell she's got a lot of family funding, what with having such a huge collection of pricey art materials at her disposal since she was 13, but I really want to know who's helping her learn all this pattern drafting and sewing techniques. It's really high-level for someone her age.

in b4 jellyfat. It's something I'm honestly really curious about.

>> No.6603049

The shape is nice! Looking better and better. What's the rest of the hair going to be doing?

>> No.6603059
File: 1.58 MB, 4288x3216, 100_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a foam sword (mostly because I don't have the funds to buy tools for working with better materials), thinking of reinforcing it with resin but my question is what would I do to prep it for that? Paper mache?
I'm aware that it looks horribly uneven right now... also looking for tips on how to fix that? I don't need it perfect but something usable for con weekend

>> No.6603061 [DELETED] 

This. A lot of what she does and says doesn't add up. You can't accidentally fall into knowing how to draft like an educated professional. She's either a prodigy with a ton of time on her hands or she has a very experienced person helping her.

>> No.6603065 [DELETED] 

I can believe she makes her own things, it's easy to learn and acquire knowledge.
Remember, her first Napoleon jacket wasn't that great, so she made a new one. She probably picks up tricks from mistakes.

Her mom also is a crafty person from what I've heard.

I was able to learn by myself, certainly not as fast as her or to that skill (then again I didn't even attempt going that hard) but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. She gives out long, detailed explanations on how she made her costumes.

>> No.6603066 [DELETED] 

She's also homeschooled, so thats where all the time comes from.

sage for drama, come on guys lets move along and not derail the progress thread. we were doing so well

>> No.6603077

Thanks! I...have absolutely no idea yet. I'm kind of just making this up as I go.

>> No.6603093

Fiber glass then resin?
I'm not 100% sure it'd adhere as I've never used foam before but I don't see why it wouldn't.

>> No.6603098

Honestly I'd recommend scrapping that and just making it out of wood. The basic thin-katana-shape takes really well to wood, since you've got something that's more than capable of holding its own weight, responds acceptably to impacts, is reasonably easily shapeable and already comes in shapes approximating the sword blade to begin with.

>> No.6603102

Anon plz

>> No.6603104

If you got the time you don't need power tools. Hell you could do it with a hand saw and some sand paper. It'd just take more time and dedication.

>> No.6603112

I really really don't think I have the strength to work a hand saw without chopping a finger off. I mean I know it doesn't look perfect but fiberglass might be a good way to go?

>> No.6603114

Just get 60 grit sandpaper and a sanding block for the edge, maybe a coping saw to get the point at the tip.

>> No.6603116 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 455x549, ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always talked about how she only started sewing a few months ago.
her mom being crafty just adds to how suspicious it is.

You really expect us to believe that a 15-16 year old suddenly knows relatively complicated sewing techniques, even though she was buying extremely simply costumes only months before?
Pic related was the quality of her work only months before "she" sewed Napoleon.
Also, where does she get all the money? She's said she can't legally drive before, she she might be 16 now. Most jobs you can't get til 16, and since she can't drive how would she get there? Fabric, trim, wigs; we all know how expensive this shit gets.

I know, jelly fatty.
It's just all so fishy.

>> No.6603121

Not quite sure what you mean by that.

>> No.6603122 [DELETED] 

I have no doubt her parents fund her, that I do believe.

Especially her Sakizou costumes, christ i'd love to see that receipt

>> No.6603118

Really? How would I work around the hand guard and such with a saw?
I'm just so scared to work with tools like that..
>is a noob

>> No.6603133

I know that I would have to attach the handguard separately (like slide it on the handle and attach) but like how would I cut such a shape with a hand saw?

>> No.6603135

It's a hand saw. As in you manually move it back and forth on your own. It ain't hard.

You'd cut the whole with a hand drill or something else.
Alternatively make the whole sword out of one chunk of wood.

>> No.6603139 [DELETED] 

whats this girl tumblr?

>> No.6603140

I may go with wood just cause I don't want it to look utterly shitty. I guess I'm just really scared working with a new medium like this.
Would I need a saw horse and table for it though?

>> No.6603144 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ, me too.

I mean, if her oh-so-crafty mom is funding everything TrustFund-gela makes, is it so far fetched to believe that her mom is the one sewing at least some of the shit?
And if you can believe her mom's sewing some of her shit, who's to say she isn't sewing most of it?

>> No.6603158

Maybe just a table, but if you're only cutting the tip then you could probably just hold it with one hand and cut with the other.

The tsuba you may be better off doing in foam, trying to cut the slot for the blade would be fairly difficult with hand tools.

>> No.6603168

what are you using to keep the wefts up? Glue?

>> No.6603169

I'm not sure what type of sword you're making from the honestly terrible foam blade you posted, but there's no reason you can't remake the blade from wood with just a hand saw and sandpaper, and a cheap rasp would speed up the work considerably. If you have a cross guard just cut the whole thing with the right shape. If it's a tsuba like on a samurai sword you could make it out of craft foam if you cut carefully with a knife, but based on your pink foam I'm not sure you're patient enough to be careful. It seems to me that you really need to slow down and tell yourself you're going to make an awesome prop and spend a couple weeks working at it slowly instead of settling for what you've got.

And for the record, most resins will eat the foam, and even the ones that don't will give you a lumpy sword with how rough your shape is right now, so you'd have to sand and recoat dozens of times.

>> No.6603170
File: 46 KB, 618x326, Swords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make the sword out of a wooden meter stick (ruler) or piece of wood and use cardboard for the sheath/handguard.

Funds would be like $5 to make.

>> No.6603167

Thanks so much. =__=
I posted cause I was so scared that my katana would end up too brittle and.. come to find no matter what I do that stuff just won't be solid enough at that thickness. Oh well.

>> No.6603181

The insults were totally necessary...
I was working slowly but have no clue what I'm doing so it kept catching on the foam.

>> No.6603186

Nope, just hairspray!

>> No.6603189
File: 40 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130203_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty photo but I'm so proud of all this knitting I've done, holy shit. Just one more sleeve and a collar left. I'll probably make an orange slip to wear underneath as well.
I should be all ready for AOD.

>> No.6603192

What is it? Looks great!

>> No.6603203
File: 23 KB, 120x261, tumblr_m4vb4j0B661rxsyi5o1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Princess. Thank you! I never thought I would actually finish a knitting project before this.
I messed up a row (which you can't see due to my crappy webcam) but considering it's the first sweater I've ever knit and also by far the largest, I'm pretty happy with it anyway.

>> No.6603222

I need help attaching a large belt buckle to an existing belt. Any tips?

>> No.6603224

fold over, glue

>> No.6603239

Fold over what? It has a different kind of buckle actually securing the belt together that I need to hide underneath.

>> No.6603256 [DELETED] 


>> No.6603268

This is not a help thread, this is the progress thread.
If you want help with, go here >>6587469

>> No.6603279 [DELETED] 

I can definitely believe that her mom helps out with a ton of shit.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if at least half of the more advanced stuff is done by her mom.

>> No.6603293 [DELETED] 

If her mom is crafty and she has been around her sewing its totally possible she picked up on some techniques.

>> No.6603296 [DELETED] 

alot of her photos look really shopped in the face

>> No.6603314 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 490x824, ange2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was her in 2011.
I think she only just recently hit puberty.

And she's already got drama because of her uber short skirted cosplay from a porn game.

>> No.6603330 [DELETED] 

>Also, where does she get all the money?

Like I said upthread, I found her blog when she was 13 and still posted on Coscom, and she had a shitload of Copic markers at the time. That combined with knowing she's homeschooled leads me to believe she comes from a fairly wealthy family. She also seems to be using an industrial sewing machine, which isn't cheap, and takes selfies with a Nikon D7000 (it's generally over $1000 with the kit lens).

It's not really her funding that bothers me. I can understand why a kid whose parents obviously dote on her (homeschool etc.) would have a lot of expendable income. It's the fact that she claims to basically be "just playing around" when she patterns but obviously knows exactly what she's doing. The only person she credits with making her costumes is herself, but there's only so much you can learn from online tutorials and such. There's no shame in advertising that you get help from others. My mom taught me to sew and helped me with tricky parts when I was a teen. To this date I still get a lot of help from friends. Why is that so hard to admit for others?

>> No.6603450 [DELETED] 

Because they fear they wouldn't get the attention if people knew they were getting help?

>> No.6603462

Bolin's outfit isn't super detailed so I think there's hope for you yet. However, I don't really know what to say about the plushie since I know nothing about those.

>> No.6603484 [DELETED] 

I'm not entirely sure that she has other people doing her sewing for her, but I don't really believe that "tee hee I became an amazing seamstress overnight after watching tutorials on youtube!" thing. I think she probably just got lessons. Not the kind they have at JoAnns, but like private lessons from someone who does more than just quilting. If I had her resources, it's what I would do.

I think she just has an awkwardly pudgy face. If she shooped it, she'd probably make her upper lip thicker.

>> No.6603503 [DELETED] 

>I think she just has an awkwardly pudgy face

She said she was taking Prednisone on FB once. It gives you a big round face (moonface) but the rest of you stays relatively normal (unless you get an increased appetite -> get fat). Not sure why she has/had to take it. It's a pretty awful medication.

>> No.6603507 [DELETED] 

Oh, that makes sense then. She said she has arthritis before.

>> No.6603516 [DELETED] 

Gotcha, might be rheumatoid arthritis. I figured that having a chronic illness may be part of why she's homeschooled.

>> No.6603557 [DELETED] 

Or maybe it's because she's still filling out.
You know, being hardly past puberty and all

I find it hard to believe she has arthritis. Have you seen her in the ackson Otakon video? The one where you can see her ass hanging out of Napoleon?
Hard to believe that her debilitating disease that forces her to be homeschooled lets her hop and skip and jump around in those stripper heels she always wears in her progress shots.

>> No.6603578 [DELETED] 

Yeah but she lost weight and her face didn't change, even in kids that's not common.

She said she had arthritis on a thread here when she was asking about losing weight. She said she needed to do it through diet because she couldn't exercise regularly because of her arthritis. For the vid, maybe she was having a good day or put up with the pain for filming.

>> No.6603586 [DELETED] 

Gaiz, stahp. I just wanted to know if she had gotten banned or not.
Who cares that she's underage, or cosplayed from a hentai or if her mom sews all her stuff? She's still really pretty and her costumes look nice.

So, back to progress please?

>> No.6603588 [DELETED] 

That's why they were saging. So as to not bump the thread with off topic points.

>> No.6603610 [DELETED] 

My mom's a very healthy woman who has to get prednisone shots in her shoulder and hips. Even on a good day she couldn't run for maybe more than 30 seconds without her hips bothering her, much less jump around. She had to get physical therapy to help with her shoulder, and she still can't move it backwards very far.

I dunno, Angela is just so suspicious with everything she comes into contact with, ever since her whole Napoleon skirt that she never fixed. A simple task for such a talented seamstress with an unlimited budget.

But that's all I have to say about that. Time to get the thread back on track.

>> No.6603665 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 483x79, pred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She changed the privacy settings later but I remembered this post. Googling her name + prednisone brought it up again.

>> No.6603731

Katanas are actually easier to make than western sword out of wood in my opinion. I have a belt sander and the curve of the blade makes it easier to sharpen with the motion you have to use.

>> No.6603831

Sweet thanks for all the help anons :3
Started me on the right path.

>> No.6603952
File: 243 KB, 971x1102, DSC09557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back progress thread. Things got kind of weird there for a bit.

Anyways, finally figured out what direction to go with this wig! It kind of feels like a cop-out the way I decided to cover the bald spots by the horns, but the fibers just did not want to cooperate and go any other way. Ah well. It'll do. Hopefully. Man, I can't wait to see what everyone else decided to make. The suspense is killing me and making me over think every single step in this thing.

>> No.6603970


Good luck! This is super wicked and I'm stoked to see the final product.

>> No.6603992

Korin, what kind of spray/glue do you use to keep heavily styled wigs in tact so well?

>> No.6604012

Hey, just quickly, what character is this for? I'm pretty sheltered and that wig looks great, so I got curious.

>> No.6604046
File: 709 KB, 1936x1936, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slaved over Bleez boots all night with Matt. First time making bootcovers so i'm pretty damn happy with how they turned out. They just need the garter now to hold them up.

>> No.6604052
File: 2.35 MB, 3664x2748, DSCF6514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handle on my sword came off much to my chagrin. Reason being that the side I cemented was uneven, giving less of a surface for the cement to stick. After a bit of sanding, I hot glued it back together and went over with another 2 layers of paper mache.

Just waiting on my Gesso to arrive, then I can go over it all and smooth off those bumps. I'm liking how it's turning out so far for my first time crafting weaponry.

>> No.6604120

Never make your blade and handle in two unsecured parts, especially if you're only using hot glue to connect them. That thing is going to fall off again I can pretty much promise you.

Pull them apart then drill holes to put a bar or dowel connecting them.

>> No.6604125

wow, that is amazing. Please tell me that material is at least decently stretchy.

>> No.6604232

Thaaaaaanks! Now, if I can just get someone to wear this thing that won't cancel on me. MEH.

A super super super strong freeze spray like got2b, a blow dryer and a ton of patience. I tried a different brand of hairspray this time, and it's not bad. Usually I live off of got2b, but not a single store in my area is selling it at the moment.

No character in particular. It's for a wig contest that we were allowed to just make up a design.

>> No.6604248

OP maybe you should loose weight first you fucking hambeast.

>> No.6604393
File: 64 KB, 960x720, Wizmold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the helmet after 5 layers and the last 2 were strengthened with Cheesecloth........

>> No.6604410
File: 60 KB, 960x720, wizmothermold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Jacket mold!
Hopefully I can make a cast in a few hours!!
polite sage

>> No.6604416

For an original design it's looking really great.
Hope it gets used well.

>> No.6604419


Yo Decade long time no see how have you been bro?

sage for OT shit, I haven't been on cgl in a long time

>> No.6604514
File: 54 KB, 960x640, wizmoldjacketv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup man? Ive been Stressing, I swore Id get my stuff done in time for Katsu and DAMNIT I WILL!!

I realized the Jacket I made would never work!! too thin in spots and also it would have been nigh impossible getting the jacket off without breaking it. So I took it off, and rethought the jacket. This time its 2 parts, top and bottom. I made a lip on the top half for registration, also made 3 spots where I know I could drill through and use zipties or screws to hold it together. Its Thick, gonna take a day to dry at least. once its dry Ill cover it in vaseline on the edge and build the bottom. Wish me luck guys!

This is my Hope, I don't wanna fall into despair!

>> No.6604532

Its got toooons of stretch to it, 4 ways. Enough that i can comfortably cross my legs when theyre all the way up!

>> No.6604601
File: 615 KB, 1600x1200, 2013-02-04 00.57.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the tooling on the vest done... Need to cut out a few beltloops and finish sewing it up. Then it's onto the belts, bracers, and holster, which thankfully don't have much tooling. I did find some gorgeous lighter orange-brown leather in Philly for them.
Also waiting for leather stain to come in the mail to accent the tooling.

Oh. right. I still need to finish the shirt too. eesh.

>> No.6604618


watch for spoilers if you're going to wear the mask

>> No.6604633

That looks fucking slick. Keep up the amazing work.

>> No.6604681
File: 783 KB, 1000x942, IMG_1157_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on Aegywnn. Breastplate...

>> No.6604682
File: 304 KB, 456x1000, IMG_1159_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... cloak...

>> No.6604687
File: 428 KB, 1000x455, IMG_1163_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and pauldrons are almost done. Really hope to finish the whole costume this week.

Oh my god! Really never saw a wig with such a cool styling! Just a lovely job!

>> No.6604701

Beautifully designed. Very inspirational too, I'm about to work on armor for the first time. I'll keep an eye on your stuff!

>> No.6604704

holy shit

>> No.6604741

Wow! That looks amazing! Is there anywhere where you have listed your work process? I would love to see how you do this!

>> No.6604749

Please tell me you have a blogspot or tumblr or anything where you document this.

>> No.6604795 [DELETED] 


>> No.6604802

Thanks a lot, guys!

>> No.6604804

Your newfag is showing

>> No.6604808

Spam filter kills my links. Just google Kamui cosplay and you'll find my work.

>> No.6604809

Is it? I am rather new so it isn't surprising.

>> No.6604974

They were. You got good advice, especially:
>>but based on your pink foam I'm not sure you're patient enough to be careful.
>>It seems to me that you really need to slow down and tell yourself you're going to make
>>an awesome prop and spend a couple weeks working at it slowly
>>instead of settling for what you've got

Man, what's your character/reference material? This is some nice tooling, wish people with these skills would tackle Skyrim stuff.

>> No.6605001 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 770x542, Screen Shot 2013-02-04 at 6.17.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage because not all that much progress, but I planned out how I'm gonna do my Shirahoshi tail while still being mobile. Here's the base, use your imagination. Hopefully the fabric arrives soon.

>> No.6605125
File: 111 KB, 1025x666, Brad_My_Life_As_A_Teenage_Robot_XJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides my non-spiky hair and beard, how do I improve my Brad from MLaaTR: XJ9 cosplay?

I thought about carrying around a picket sign with a crossed-out picture of Zone-Tan.

>> No.6605155

>being enthusiastic over someone's hard work and wanting to continue watching them outside of cgl
oh em gee anon is just too cewl for us lulz ^_^ yes plz everyone really thinks you're badass for trying to call out 'newfags'

>> No.6605192

whatever newfag. NewFag! NEWFAG NEWFAG! Everybody point and laugh at the new kid! Derp.

Probably, shave and wear a styled wig. Props help. Otherwise it's just similar clothing, not cosplay of any sort.

>> No.6605252

Emphasize the collars more (more point, bigger),
get a more grey pair of paints and be sure to cuff,
add big black buttons to the sleeve cuffs as his does
Possibly find a friend to cosplay another character from the series with you!

>> No.6605272

Yep. the armor is craft foam and the spikes are soft foam I carved

>sage for not progress

>> No.6605274

If you could get someone to be Jenny when she's in her human disguise, that might be a bit more noticeable? But as said before, his clothes are street clothes, without good props no one will know what you are.

>> No.6605313

Oh cool, thanks. It looks great! Kind of reminds me just a tad of Envy Adams' hair for the Chaos Theatre opening in the last Scott Pilgrim book.

Seriously though, it looks so good. Really neat and a cool design.

>> No.6605328
File: 112 KB, 883x768, CIMG0647 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun is finally mounted in place - lots of work left to do with it(hiding screws and filling seams and whatnot).. but the chest is finally all together!

>> No.6605601
File: 326 KB, 800x1416, albus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albus, from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.
Thanks, I'm really digging learning to work with it, and definitely want to do more... But I've never touched an Elder Scrolls game, heh.

>> No.6605694
File: 189 KB, 540x838, free4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so not nearly as impressive as all the armor work, fancy dresses and capes, or leather tooling, but I finished the jacket and pants for my Butterfree trainer costume.
Once I get more piping, I will start to work on the wing backpack, and my goggles should arrive soon, I hope.

And oh god I look terrible. Lack of sleep does not look good on me.

>> No.6605708

Progress is progress, and yours look good!

Lack of sleep is usual when it comes to cosplay. All work and no play makes cosplayers look great.

>> No.6605798
File: 173 KB, 800x600, P2040142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D printing complete. I'm probably gonna have to use some sort of filler to clean up the everything, but I'm okay with how it turned out on a macro level.

>> No.6605815

So this is what a 3D print looks like. Interesting! Have you done other things with this or is this your first project?

>> No.6605826

That was the first thing I've ever printed on a 3D printer, and I had maybe an hour and a half's tutorial about half a week ago. So it certainly could've turned out worse, haha.

I could note that the reason everything's so banded is because I used a plastic extrusion 3D printer. The more expensive ones that use dust and glue have a lot finer resolution and you don't get that Z-axis quantization. But this cost maybe a few cents' worth of plastic and an hour of printing time, so hey, s'cool.

>> No.6605905
File: 260 KB, 802x798, EMBLEMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some emblems for my Ikki cosplay for the jacket and pants
last minute cosplay for the con so ill prolly remake them later on if i rewear him

>> No.6605923
File: 40 KB, 600x376, 1311018058771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those are for your cosplay but...

>> No.6605926

omg anon this took me like 10 min to make haha
if you find me at katsu while im ikki you can just have one

>> No.6605949
File: 249 KB, 300x367, 1302907276809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Canada, but thank you so much for the kind gesture!


>> No.6606051
File: 135 KB, 768x955, CIMG0657 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm tired now.

Mad jelly of your 3d printer

>> No.6606166

your youtube video are so amazing even though they have subtitles they are incredibly easy to understand, thank you for being amazing.

>> No.6606177
File: 2.04 MB, 1454x648, I want to burn this wig oh god it's awful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooooooooo, it's about 90% done. Just gotta do some touch ups and final add-ons, but eh. It's done. This thing didn't turn out exactly like I wanted, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to be good enough but done is beautiful at this point.

>> No.6606190


It seems like it could use a bit more of a style with the front, otherwise it looks pretty neat

>> No.6606249

It looks like it'd be really scary to wear, but it's cool to look at!
I agree with the other Anon that the front looks a but lacking.

>> No.6606343

This looks amazing! What is the brownish material on the front? It kinda looks like rubber or latex?

captcha; athereis PROGRESS

>> No.6606370
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x2560, WP_000857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well holy shit that is beautiful. Really start needing to work with pvc and sintra...

This has been a bitch. I have 11 or so more pages just like this that I cut out last night for the dark knight armor plates.

Tonight I will be plastidiping and sorting it all out, making a duct tape body form, and starting to glue them to the undersuit. I will probably redo my chest peice as I am a bit iffy on how it looks. (a tad small, and the plastidip wanted to bubble a bit giving a texture to it.)

Wed, I'll start working (or reworking rather) on the cowl and neck. And I should be getting the cape, gloves and boots in sometime this week.

For (yet another) speed build, its starting to shape up.

>> No.6606371
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1920, WP_000856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the chest peice that I'm just not happy with, will probably scrap it once I get the chance, but for the moment, it'll do its job of making sure everything is lined up.

>> No.6606373

shit, flash makes everything look terrible. I swear it doesn't look like a hot shit that I molded into shape in person....

triple post as well...

>> No.6606398
File: 161 KB, 1296x972, DSC095822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! Yes! I hadn't fixed that part just yet. So, yeah. This is 100% finished. Oh god, it was such a pain to style. Those fibers did NOT want to play nice at all.

>> No.6606409


>> No.6606417


Next time use a finer point in drawing the lines onto the foam. Those pieces look uneven because of it and it shows in that chest piece.

>> No.6606437

And I'm mad jelly of your armormaking, so I guess it evens out, haha. Is that just styrene?

>> No.6606439

Which contestant are you?

>> No.6606442

That is really awesome, damn.

>> No.6606481

yeah the chest was pretty nasty. I for the plates its a bit easier because they dont attach to anything, so when I cut them out I was able to do it a little smoother.

The real problem is its a pep file, so its jagged as all fuck, but thank you for the advice, i'll try it out.

For the most part I've just been using a superwide sharpie, and half tracing on teh paper and half on the foam, this tends to give me a pretty crisp cut line (basically right where the silver ends on the inner part is the cut line, if that makes any sense.)

Alot of this stuff is pretty new to me, been costuming for years and I'm just making it up as I go along.

>> No.6606526

Mixture of Styrene and 1/8ths sintra, the sun shape is resin.

>> No.6606545
File: 168 KB, 600x900, final-fantasy-iv-cecil-cosplay-by-neilbombad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that infamous Cecil from FFIV costume is 3d printed if you want to have other examples.

>> No.6606703

Yeah, but that's with a much more expensive printer than the one I used.

>> No.6606919

meguma was excited to see examples. I was just providing another. It wasn't in comparison to your item (which I think looks really cool fyi)

>> No.6606937

Oh, no, I wasn't getting offended about being shown up or anything, I was just sayin'. S'cool.

>> No.6607081

Thank you guys. For serious.

I'm Korinchan. I think that's what they have me listed as.

>> No.6607132
File: 391 KB, 429x1000, IMG_1173_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Never saw a better wig styling! You are SO awesome, Korin!

"ow, that's super impressive!

Awww, I'm glad you like them. Thanks for your feedback!

Ah... my costume is almost done. My husband finished my paint job today...

>> No.6607140
File: 791 KB, 1000x963, IMG_1170_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and I was able to put everything together.

>> No.6607158

I'm doing Travis Touchdown. There's not much I have to actually make. I'll probably sculpt the 'sheathed' beam katanas out of foam and put them on a key ring.

I'm also going to dye my hair black for it because he doesn't have hair that's all too crazy. I've got the sunglasses, the jeans, and even the BJ5 t-shirt, which was a bitch to find.

My only problem is the jacket. I need to find a place that sells a red leather jacket with a stand up collar for under $200. I would buy cheaper, but I also want a jacket that will be wearable even after I'm done with the cosplay.

>> No.6607246
File: 63 KB, 720x960, wizmoldSUCCESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

success! The mold is >Almost< perfect.. The very top of it the silicone didnt cure, but its such a small spot I can just fix it after I cast it. Now I just wait for my extra bottles silicone and thi-vex to get here so I can make 2 more molds. Wheee!! 9 days till Katsu and now I know I got it!

>> No.6607259

Could you take a closer picture of those sleeves? I kind of want to stare at the pretty patterns for a while.

>> No.6607271

Here is some shiny purple fabric!

>> No.6607270

This thread is more for showing off progress you have made, not what you intend to make eventually. Also, you should head over to the help thread if you want advice on the jacket and beam katana.
That said, I would like to advise you to not just dye your hair and spike it. Even though it is a simple look he has, it is always better to use a wig. Natural hair has oils and grease and as you move around, and sweat, all styling you do will start to fall and sag. So unless you want to stop every 30 min to fix up your hair, use a wig.

>> No.6607272

Decade, will you please have my armored cosplay babies? I mean that in the gayest way I possibly can.

Gotta ask though, how long did you spend actually make thing base helm?

>> No.6607274
File: 742 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1070_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, forgot the pic!

>> No.6607273

Rude question: do you have a job? Between working a typical american blue-collar job and properly caring for myself and my immediate family, I don't have time to crank out costumes in a week.

>> No.6607282

It's just so pretty!
And nice work with the overlocking. Mine always looks chewed up.

>> No.6607284

I love your work Kamui, but that edge looks terrible. Learn how to do a proper bound edge and it will look a lot better.

>> No.6607287

I have a part time job, which is basically playing cards in cosplay at some events every year. However I'm almost done with my studies and need to start working full time soon, so I try to finish all my projects as fast as possible now.

>> No.6607293

well she's always going to tell you she is not a seamstress and hates sewing heh. Curious where both the gold (she said it was expensive satin??) and purple fabric came from/what are they

>> No.6607310

oh my~
about a week building the base, and then I took a few more days to sculpt more detail on it.

>> No.6607307

Thanks a lot, I have no skill and just try my best.

Hm... I know. It's pretty weird. I put a lot of effort in creating armor in the right way, but I don't care about sewing. As long as it looks good from distance and doesn't fall apart I'm fine with it. In addition it's a comission costume and if I had the choice I would never create a costume with so much stuff to sew. Hate, hate, HATE sewing!

Golden fabric is from the LA fashion district, purple one is from ebay.

>> No.6607660
File: 363 KB, 1049x591, nordherogreatsword.c4d *-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hitting the bricks on a better nord greatsword model. Gonna smooth and detail this and see about CNCing it.

>> No.6607715
File: 126 KB, 852x651, il_fullxfull.350388329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he just has a flat laser cutter.

I would have used a different kind of wood than plywood even though it's cheap. Basswood would look a whole lot better but I know it's hella expensive.

I also make laser cut guns from chip board that I sell. Chipboard is somewhat sandable, cheap and comes in a variety of thickness.

>> No.6607805

Neat. An acquaintance of mine makes armor and props by lasercutting chipboard, then sealing it with brushed-in silicone and slush-casting smoothcast- you get a cast plastic part that just needs vertices sanded down, which depending on your pep resolution, isn't too bad. Also cuts down on manual labor by cutting out fiberglassing, toxic resin anything, and all of the cutting and scoring of pepakura parts. I'm sure you're aware that chipboard comes in large, uniform sizes and thicknesses, too :)

>> No.6607868

>I have no skill
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6607916
File: 46 KB, 500x375, x660_cutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have access to a flat bed laser cutter, which just uses Illustrator or Autocad files to work from. It's none of that 3D cnc stuff, I just mooch off college supplies.

I'm working on getting a vaccumform area set up in the mean time though.

>> No.6607941


Damn, I'm jelly. I would make a vac forming machine if I had a workspace to put it in. Or a to store it. I'm also jelly of people who have garages.

>> No.6607963
File: 340 KB, 1129x641, nordherogreatsword.c4d *-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I used to provide tech support and classes on an epilog, they're great tools! I wish my local hackerspace had one.

Here's what I got done today- bunch of handle roughing, blade finishing. Going to hit the grooving on the quillion tomorrow, then knock on the asymmetrical details, after that it goes under hypernurbs for smoothing, and I look at what to mill it out of. Probably try doing this as a cavity mold in something, spray it down with silicone and throw in smooth-cast.

>> No.6608086
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x897, IMAG0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More slow progress on my GaoGaiGar. Working on the skirt armor atm.

>> No.6608096
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>> No.6608095
File: 301 KB, 1068x684, 20130205_234337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got half of the milling done. Left is hilt side, right is blade side.

I'm not sure I'm happy with the blade side, I think I made the design a bit too blocky, and it came out a little off-center. I'm happy with the hilt side though.

>> No.6608141

Wow, that looks great.

>> No.6608196

What are the tools that you are using for this carving? Just a simple chisels or are you using a rotatory tool as well?

Regardless it looks fantastic!

>> No.6608206
File: 1.34 MB, 315x315, FUCK YOU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new to /cgl/
>decides to tripfag

RIP in peace /cgl/ I knew thee well

>> No.6608216

>weird mix of tris and quads

Nigga what are you doing. As a rule of thumb stick to one, you should really only run into tris when edgeloop modelling characters for rigging.

>> No.6608248
File: 152 KB, 664x664, nordherogreatsword.c4d *-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, how am I doing now?

This is for CNC, it's gonna be stupidly-high-poly when it's done, I don't care about a vertex:polygon ratio and what type of each there is. I'm very glad you're aware of your narrow application's most efficient geometrical composition, more people and more knowledge is a wonderful problem.

>> No.6608257
File: 374 KB, 1345x2048, AXBRRtfCQAE2lxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered my wigs and some lace for Catherine.
I say wigs because I got a back up in case I royally screw up the first one as this if my first time trying this degree of styling.
Basically just need to find the shoes.
Which is easier said than done really, fuck those shoes.

>> No.6608363

My hackspace has a ton of CNC mills but can someone describe to me what exactly they do? The impression I'm getting is take cad model, insert wood, get sword, profit.

>> No.6608393

Basically. Count yourself lucky, my hackerspace doesn't show up to unlock the door half the time.

Google CNC, feed yourself. Hell, google 'CNC props'.

I'm probably going to cut out a cavity in the shape of this sword, coat it with silicone spray, then pour in casting plastic and pop out a copy. Slightly different.

>> No.6608402

So what you're saying is CNC machines are beautiful prop birthing monsters and I need to find one.

Wonder if any are near me.....

>> No.6608407

Oh, just a CNC mill for the tsuba. The rest of the sword I did with a jigsaw and a belt sander.

You mean you don't have the key to the door yourself? Get on that!

>> No.6608411

Also question, I see hackerspace thrown around a lot, what exactly is a "hackerspace"? Just a general garage with various tools?

>> No.6608421

Generally a place with lots of tools and machines and computers to make shit. Or at least that's how I know it. Mine's a chain called Techshop and was a godsend when I moved to the city.

>> No.6608435
File: 123 KB, 876x768, CIMG0666 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I enjoy seeing people build stuff in these hackerspaces.. it just sort of... not the same.. Doing it the hard way sucks and doesnt yield as good of a product (unless you're Volpin, but even then) but is using a machine to build it for you (obviously you still have to build it on the pc) still satisfying upon completion?

Musings aside, made a bit more progress on the chest - starting to come together properly now.

>> No.6608439

Not quite sure which point you're trying to make. Is it that hackerspaces aren't as satisfying and that people should do it by hand rather than machine? Or that doing it via a machine yields the same results and satisfaction?

Either way, if I had access to a CNC machine you can be damn sure I'd be using it.

>> No.6608442

Which parts are sintra here? Just curious.

>> No.6608456


Hmm, I tend to think there's nothing wrong with either or.

An instructor of mine said to me 'the end results is what happens' so in the end if the prop or whatever is finished and up to the level of quality you want then does it really matter how you got there?

>> No.6608458


Conflicting feelings, because my feelings are the same as yours (if I had access, I'd likely be using them). Build it all whatever way you can and in whatever way you enjoy - honestly I should have said nothing at all.

The very bottom layer (majority of the chest) is .08 Styrene, the rest is 1/8th" sntra (The sun shape was built out of sintra layers and sanded to shape, then vac pulled and resin filled to get the compond curve.. roundabout and ghetto as hell)

>> No.6608461

I was kinda contemplating this once CNC stuff started showing up and I was getting feedback on my laser cut gun base. I guess there's a middle ground to be had. Like I had a ton of layers cut out of flat wood that I could have cut out with hand tools or a bandsaw if I wanted but the laser cutter I still knew I'd have to do a lot before it was finished though. Because of this I was a little butthurt when most feedback on my unfinished product was WTF that sucks.

You still have ot do a lot of work in terms of setting up vectors/drawings

People scoff at that 3D printed Cecil but it still must have taken several hours to create the data for that then assemble each piece. There's still a lot of painting, priming, weathering, attaching etc to be done. I'm still going to be proud of it. It just would have taken me 20 more hours to make to do it from scratch.

I sent an inquiry to my friend who's a major cosplay judge asking what the general consensus is on using advanced tools versus more elbow grease methods.

It kinda harkens back to the machine stitched versus hand-stitched costume. You CAN sew an entire costume together by hand, but unless you're doing hand embroidery it begs the question of WHY. Every so often people go into cosplay contests thinking that because they hand sewed the seams in their costume it will get them an instant win.

>> No.6608463


Meant to say 'the end results is what matters'

Brain fart

>> No.6608748 [DELETED] 

about 80% done with the wig for flame princess, quite pleased with how it is turning out; needs a little more fluffing and filling.
It is much more vibrant an orange in real life.

>> No.6608752
File: 362 KB, 293x550, FPwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 80% done with the wig for flame princess, quite pleased with how it is turning out; needs a little more fluffing and filling.
It is much more vibrant an orange in real life.

>> No.6608754

I don't have access to a 3D printer or laser cutter, but for me the thought of all the time I'd have to spend learning to build a model on the computer and then actually building the models seems to be a similar, if not longer, time investment than I'd need for doing it from styrene or fiberglass or epoxy clay. If it gets to the point where the 3D models are suddenly easy to acquire online and people can just download and print/cut then I can see how we'd be getting into territory of "you didn't make your costume"

>> No.6608764


but they are easy to acquire online. at least video game characters. You don't even have to rip the models yourself, there's a huge community of people who do this as a hobby.

>> No.6608773

yes and no. they're not really 3d print ready and still need a lot of work. even things like pep files that are made for costumes need a lot of scaling to the wearer.

>> No.6608849

Almost all the time the 3d models are modified to actually contain less real 3d data, and fudge fine grooves and textures with a few different types of image projection, so you end up having to basically redo it. You have a crappy base to build on, but that's it.

I loathe people who go straight from game models to pep- they're undiscerning fools who are missing LOADS of detail.

>> No.6608859

>is using a machine to build it for you (obviously you still have to build it on the pc) still satisfying upon completion?
Of course. Does a propmaker feel less accomplished after using a jigsaw to cut a piece than using a coping saw? Does a seamstress feel less accomplished after using a sewing machine instead of hand sewing?

Use the tools at your disposal, I don't see why you wouldn't.

>> No.6608957

Fucking HNNNG!!!! Single?

>> No.6609204

>trying to pick up chicks in the progress thread
Only the classiest of gentlemen in cgl.

>> No.6609464
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x1836, 2013-02-06_16-19-25_460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of a commission I started today for a crown based on Thranduil's from The Hobbit.

>> No.6609494

plz don't do this unless you have big boobies and know how to style a wig properly

>> No.6609582

Why do your flat areas need so many polys...?

>> No.6609598

Ooohh, that looks fantastic!

>> No.6609623
File: 34 KB, 960x720, wizcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELMET CASTED! The first was really bad but the second was perfect!~ the second is the one on the right

>> No.6609625

Lotta bit jelly. You gonna be sellin this at all?
Also, do you plan on making the jewel face itself out of a clear resin so it's transparent at all or just going to use reflective paint?

>> No.6609631

That is creepy looking
like a spider.

>> No.6609640

I have 2 options, one is the clear resin, one is the town Vaccuformer. Stay tuned!~

>> No.6609643

Oh shit. I'd go Vaccum formed in a heartbeat. It'd be much easier. Vac form + Reflective backing + color = Done

>> No.6609662

What are you smoking man, Pep models should be as simple as possible. You get all your detail when bondoing it.

>> No.6609667

I can actually get his point- I ripped a bunch of armor models straight from Skyrim and loaded them up in 3DSMax... holy shit the lack of any sort of detail was depressing. It was to the point where the glass gauntlet looked almost indiscernible from the iron gauntlet. While ideal for pepping perhaps because it is simple, it in the end is not that great because you might as well just make it from wire mesh instead of pepping because it could only serve as a base.

Question for hackerspace people- how much does CNC milling usually cost for you guys? Not looking for specific numbers, just ballpark. Or what your specific project cost you.

>> No.6609703


I think people mostly go for pep because it's a cheaper option and symmetry is done and correct off the bat.

Sometimes I wish there was an instant symmetry button when I'm sculpting things by hand... :|

>> No.6609706

At Techshop I paid $500 for 6 months during the black friday deal. It's about $100 a month there depending on what deal you get. You don't need to pay more for any machines except the industrial metal cutting water jet. You're only allowed to book the laser cutters up to 2 hours a day 3 times a week because they're so in demand. However there are plenty of times during the day where people don't show up for their time slot and it's all yours if they don't show up after 15 minutes.

So at that price it's about $21 per week for me to use the laser cutter. IT would be the same if I learned to use the Shop Bot CNC beast.

>> No.6609724

for anyone who doesn't know how 3d works nowadays, you make a base 3d low poly mesh and then subdivision modeling (sculpting) comes in for details, then texturing as a result of said sculpting.

>> No.6609734

>Question for hackerspace people- how much does CNC milling usually cost for you guys? Not looking for specific numbers, just ballpark. Or what your specific project cost you.
Free. The local hackerspace is really cool, CNC doesn't cost anything, 3D printing is essentially free (unless you're doing something huge that uses a lot of plastic, which is still cheap) and laser cutting is only $10 an hour since the lenses need to be replaced every so often.

Speaking of, currently doing the last run of detailing the other tsuba. Looking good so far.

>> No.6609748
File: 286 KB, 387x672, temporary-34.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. see attached, what some guy(405th) wastes his time on. Also, fuck spending time after, with, during, and around bondo, I know how rough my manual finishing skills are. Rather KILL the detail with an immaculate 3d model and fine finishing pass, throw robots with ballmills at the problem, beepbopboopboop that sucker to death.

comparatively, leasing a bottom-of-the line laser is going to be around 100-200usd/mo, or you can buy a chinese one- full spectrum etc- for 2-3000.

It's the cost of a membership, plus materials, possibly some other consumables like cutting bits and screws/clamps to hold your material in place. YMMV, especially between hackerspaces; there is very little standardization, even between chains like Techshop's locations.
I think most hackerspaces are around 100-150/month. Well worth it, just google up a techshop's tool list, then go see what they cost to lease or own. TIP: only plutocrats can afford most of it.

>> No.6609801
File: 788 KB, 1557x915, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont really understand your point of view when you use cnc machines. Of course you are going to want better quality model files as you arent the one who has to painstakingly carve out a 2mm groove.

I don't have access to a cnc or 3d printer, so instead of using my time learning to model I learnt to sculpt.

Case in point; I'm working on this dark souls elite knight armour set. I am making the helmet right now. What would be easier editing the 3d model and putting in the holes for the face guard and creating the bumps on the helm. Or just scult it with bondo / clay and use a dremel to cut grooves. And if I fuck up it doesn't matter just slap bondo and sand.

This is the pep file in question: http://www.mediafire.com/?ow7o1dlaqqwpq

>> No.6609812
File: 148 KB, 864x648, SAM_0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marceline's cool new bass.

>> No.6609824

It looks very sloppy. The sides especially look very lumpy. Unless it suppose to look like that. Strip off the paint, smooth out the sides, and repaint with thinner layers and paint.

>> No.6609847

Is it supposed to look like shit?

>> No.6609853
File: 56 KB, 400x498, Marceline&#039;s_Cool_New_Bass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its supposed to look like shit

>> No.6609858

That's twice as thick as it needs to be. Also, it looks like it's supposed to be alive and "textured"
not like you just didn't even try to smooth it out.

>> No.6609862

..well in that case, it isn't lumpy enough.
You don't need it to look sloppy and unfinished. You need it to look fleshy.
Give it bigger, smoother bumps.

>> No.6609864

I am not the anon making the bass.

>> No.6609868
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>> No.6609873
File: 582 KB, 1160x1667, P2060143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think most hackerspaces are around 100-150/month.
Whoa, really? A membership at mine is $20-50 a month (no difference between 20 and 50 if you're a student). And you don't even technically have to be a member, all it gives you is 24/7 access and cheaper classes. (Plus you don't even truly have to pay for classes either, if you don't have a lot of money. It's mostly a pay-what-you-can kinda thing, I think.)
I think what I'm trying to get at here is the people who run it are really chill dudes. I'm a member though since I like the 24/7 access.

Granted, it's not the most fully-equipped of makerspaces, the CNC machine and laser cutter are relatively small and the 3D printers are tiny. But they do have a lot of hand tools and electronics stuff.

Anyways, roukanken tsuba did not turn out as well as I was hoping. The handle side is way off-center, and I don't like how its design is half covered by the handle itself. Top side is alright I guess but that plus the side getting chewed up on the final pass, I'm gonna have to redo it sometime. Oh well.

>> No.6609984


CNC access and classes would change your perspective. There are things when sculpting you both don't want to and cannot do, robots can do them for you. If you're a skilled 3d modeler, you're 75% of the way to being a decent CNC machinist. It's just an armet with some fluting and edge detail.. the hardest part is realistically attaching those weird droopy gorget lames together. Is there a back or front view, do they have rivets to a leather backing or something?

Try a downcut router bit, I think. That'll fix those burrs, anyways :)

>> No.6609990

Oh, yeah, I was using a downcut for cutting out the pockets and the edges, but I don't think ball-tip bits come in downcut flavor. Anyways, the burrs aren't really the problem, those're easy enough to fix by hand. I just didn't bother this time since I'll be redoing it anyways.

>> No.6609991

Oops, hello tripcode. Oh well, no reason not to use it I guess.

>> No.6609995
File: 217 KB, 958x842, Oh god what have I done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting some progress done to add onto the beautiful progress going on! Almost finished with Rabi, got the ears to stay on the wig nicely, dont feel like trying this all on with the dice and all though.
Need to still play pin the tail on the bunny girl right, or probably beg someone to help me put it on. Need to also glue the backing for the heart so I can pin it to my skirt. I am so ear saying fuck it to the back bow for now just because I have a problem with getting it to stay up, might need to just put wire in it but I dont want to right now, and the con is next weekend .
Also anyone have any idea what I can do to my eyebrows to make them look better for the costume?

>> No.6610001

This. I went into the Epilog cutter knowing how to use Illustrator already. It helped a ton in starting off my first few projects.

I asked the main desk guy today how the CNC works and it's still way more involved than insert model and wood get prop. You actually need to change out the drillbits and do a lot of testing before you get a product you like.

To be fair you can't really make stuff like pauldrons or wide angle armor like that with CNC. You could potentially make a mold to vacuumform or mold around it but the shape isn't too practical from what I can tell.

What's the usual max thickness on the materials you can use? I know on the epilog anything more than 1/2" takes a lot of work to cut.

>> No.6610101
File: 386 KB, 500x667, hatterprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bluhh almost finished with the sewing for my original mad hatter cosplay for katsucon. Gotta add the back of the coat and line it. Sorry bout my face, lack of wig, etc. idek.

>> No.6610108

oh geeze thank you.

>> No.6610115

Well, I have decent enough boobs for my body shape, about D-DD and I'll make sure to wear a push up bra.
As for the wig, I brought two so I can make sure I get it right, and I won't wear it until I can do it right.
Don't worry, friend.
I don't want to look like trash either.

>> No.6610177

>>You actually need to change out the drillbits and do a lot of testing before you get a product you like.
Yep, usually a roughing tool like a 1/2" endmill will get you to around 1/8" of a target surface, then you want to switch to something smaller like an 1/8" ballmill for detail passes, and maybe a small endmill for finishing grooves and internal corners along the XY plane, depending.

>>To be fair you can't really make stuff like pauldrons or wide angle armor like that with CNC. You could potentially make a mold to vacuumform or mold around it but the shape isn't too practical from what I can tell.
Not entirely true. There are limitations, but you can realign parts to capture all the detail you need, make parts in sections- for example that Dark Souls armet would probably be best done with vacforming or casting, from the left and right. What you want to eliminate by splitting up a model along logical or hide-able seams or realigning the angle your cutters comes down along(Z) are undercuts.
Of course, if you have a 4/5-axis machine.. like that motorcycle helmet that gets posted a lot, bets are off.

>>What's the usual max thickness on the materials you can use? I know on the epilog anything more than 1/2" takes a lot of work to cut.
It depends on how deep your bits can reach- selection of which is driven by their shape and material- which is driven by the material you're cutting. If it's on a 3-axis router style CNC cutting wood, probably stick to 2" or so material, max, more if you're cutting foam, depending upon the balance of the cutter. If you have heat-shrink tool holding and/or balanced holders, you can mill aluminum 6"+ deep at good speeds.. Cutter selection for CNC is very, very complex, when you look at the science of it, but usually there's industries built up around specific applications which carry comprehensive guides to their domain- for example, Onsrud has great references for wood routing, Niagara or Benchmark for metal, etc..

>> No.6610229
File: 54 KB, 250x195, 1314263834059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMAZING! Neat, and well tailored~~

>> No.6610283
File: 504 KB, 1848x1102, cosplay progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished 3 cosplays for katsu today
Aoshi, Sanzo and Nike
only one more to go and im done

>> No.6610307
File: 325 KB, 400x713, IMG_0643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/co/ regular here. Mind if I hang out here while I build this?

>> No.6610319

Yes pls

>> No.6610336

I'm pretty new to cosplay in general. This will be the first fan-costume.

>> No.6610345
File: 82 KB, 720x960, wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6610366

Good luck and have fun! Cosplay generally looks good when people manage their time well. Nothing sucks more than to have sleepless nights while trying to finish your costume, and still working on it during the con.

>> No.6610412

Garo and Gao Gai Gar costumes? Tis a glorious time for /m/en cosplaying.

>> No.6610767

HOLY FUCK....would love to know if you had a pattern for the helm or just freehanded it. looks fucking amazing.

>> No.6610820

Well... we never had patterns for those. So we had to cut the foam and glue it together piece by piece.

>> No.6610830 [DELETED] 

Some wig styling today. For people in the UK, Boots are selling that got2b range for 2 for £5 so I stocked up on that. Picture not of the actual costume, still needs to be actually made and need to fix this derpy ass bow.

I'm surprised I've managed to salvage this wig with little wig experience. About four years ago I completely ruined this wig by cutting it up too much but with some ghetto methods I've managed to fix it as much as possible.

>> No.6610833
File: 139 KB, 284x680, IMGP1725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some wig styling today. For people in the UK, Boots are selling that got2b range for 2 for £5 so I stocked up on that. Picture not of the actual costume, still needs to be actually made and need to fix this derpy ass bow.

I'm surprised I've managed to salvage this wig with little wig experience. About four years ago I completely ruined this wig by cutting it up too much but with some ghetto methods I've managed to fix it as much as possible.

>> No.6610849

where the whip at

>> No.6611102

DAMN. That is some fantastic foamwork.

>> No.6611134
File: 2.95 MB, 569x320, 1359272445699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6611135
File: 3.00 MB, 427x240, 1359273032859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well zero but w/e

>> No.6611259
File: 287 KB, 960x960, IMG_20130207_160412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the jacket for my Ikki cosplay today
only one cosplay more to go for katsu!

>> No.6611367

>opened a package

>> No.6611403
File: 44 KB, 478x640, urg fuck two point oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added another wig to the head-eating monster that is my Mother Nature wig. I don't even want to think about how long it is. I'm 6' and it's nearly to the ground. I also faced the jacket and tried to follow the chrysanthemum design on the fabric as best I could, and oh my god fuck scallops there are tiny ones everywhere.

>> No.6611402
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x1549, ProgressBeatriceUmineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still pushing to finish this before Katsucon. It's my first ballgown I've made. I still need to add the eagles to the top skirt, finish the trim and edges on the top, sew in an invisible zipper and make the choker.

>> No.6611406

Oh god that bustling is beautiful. I also like that you didn't use gum wrapper gold trim. Warning if I find you at Katsu I'll want to high-five you.

>> No.6611409

Lovely! Best version of this dress I've seen so far.

>> No.6611424
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>> No.6611458
File: 7 KB, 225x225, YAMI WO KIRISAKU OH DESIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6611496
File: 63 KB, 768x1024, 792434_513705845335274_2097622241_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the penguins for a Penguindrum group that may or may not be happening for Katsucon. Even if it doesn't happen I may just bring them for stupid pics.

>> No.6611510 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 298x800, 728473284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw your progress on tumblr! SO GOOD !

Also. Finally got a chance to do alterations to this thing. It was less than I remembered . YAY! That and I got gold body paint today for the eagle. DOUBLE YAY!

Sorry for the phone quality. blahblahslutheelsblahblah

>> No.6611516
File: 442 KB, 524x1000, IMG_1213_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with Aegywnn! Time to fill my suitcases for a con tomorrow!

>> No.6611518

Hmm, skirt could be a fair bit poofier.

>> No.6611520
File: 413 KB, 1000x625, 1000px-Screen_shot_2012-12-15_at_12.05.56_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Shy Guy for an upcoming con. Mario Warfare was just so awesome!

>> No.6611525
File: 36 KB, 167x230, f795832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get over how neat that trim is.

>> No.6611530

Want. Want so much.

>> No.6611564
File: 368 KB, 600x853, wigfinish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wig stylin' complete.

>> No.6611572

Whoa. That is awesome. The side 'bun' is super clean. Forgive me if I'm not familiar with the source, but what character is this for?

>> No.6611577

Thanks! It was originally a wig with two clip in ponytails but I took out the clips in both. The bun's base is a doughnut I made out of white cotton and stuffed it with polyfill, the I took one of the ponytail clip ons and just wrapped it around the doughnut and spraying it into place. I then took the other ponytail clip on, attached a styrofoam ball to it then attached that to the center of my hair doughnut.

Character isn't officially out yet and is from a new series soon to be released!

>> No.6611601

I hope those aren't the shoes you are using with that.

>> No.6611656

Neat and trim sounds weird in my ears. Never thought I would read it in this combination. Thanks a lot!

Guess I'll wear something else.

Uuuh, looks super nice and clean!

>> No.6612090
File: 85 KB, 612x612, 13047c48719211e2a68422000a1fb163_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on an Adiane cosplay. Here is the wig so far, though I need to trim the front bangs a little bit more. Also thinking about reducing the angle on the side bangs and making it more like a traditional hime cut, but I'm not sure because I kind of like the more dramatic/2d look.

>> No.6612189

Thread is bumpin' no mo'. Anyone wanna make a new one?

>> No.6612211

I like the way you've cut it. The dramatic look in it I think really helps. But that's my opinion, do what you will~ It still looks boss.

>> No.6612225

new thread:


>> No.6613700

I have to agree... I lost a HCC to a girl who hand knitted her entire Riku (KH)... I mean yeah that's pretty impressive and probably took her tons of hours but why? It wasn't even 100% accurate..

Saged due to OT

>> No.6617538
File: 177 KB, 800x600, passenger_side_fender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batmobile progress abounds!

Also, new video:

>> No.6617795

So smooooooooth~ I really wanna see this thing live.