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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6595679 No.6595679 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see one, so weeaboo/con horror story thread??

(Pic unreleated)

>> No.6596192


>> No.6597110

sadly I have no stories so i'll just give a bump

>> No.6597152

I actually have a story if anyone is interested. I'm really bad at writing stories but I could try my best! It's kind of long though so I'm not sure if I'd want to spam the thread with it.

>> No.6597155

People should know the answer is always yes by now. Please, nonny, tell us of your tale.

>> No.6597163

It's a thread asking for stories.
Just post it already.

>> No.6597166

Alright. I have some of it typed up, I just need to shorten it. A lot.

>> No.6597183

Don’t get your hopes up guys. This isn’t too terrible of a story. Just really fucking awkward.

Before I post my story, I should let you guys know a bit about what was going on at the time. When I was 17 (when this story takes place) I was living with my mother who was (and still is) a raging alcoholic. My best friend’s family had made arrangements to take me in when I turned 18. They ended up adopting me so when I say “my new family”, I’m talking about the ones that adopted me.

>> No.6597185

When I was 17, I went to a small local and wasn’t cosplaying. I was a former Hetaliatard but I abandoned ship because of crazies. While I wasn’t cosplaying from Hetalia, I still clung to the hope that maybe there would be some sane cosplayers that I could at least talk to. What I found was a group of fatties singing Maru Kaite Chikyuu (<sp?) at the top of their lungs, eating pocky and screaming about how ramune was making them “SO HYPER LOLOL RANDUM!!1!” I was about to nope my way out of there until I saw someone awkwardly standing off in the distance.

I’ll call this girl Kish. Kish is an extremely good Austria cosplayer who I formed an unspoken bond with over a couple of years prior. She would always be Austria and I would always be Prussia so we would point at each other, do a Fonzie and then be on our merry ways. This con was small, my friends were doing stuff, and she obviously didn’t know anyone within the Hetalia group so I decided to talk to her finally. She recognized me instantly even though I wasn’t in cosplay and came right up to me, obviously relieved to see someone who wasn’t screaming at her to make out with a Prussia or something. We hit it off instantly and decided to spend the rest of the con with each other since we didn’t know too many people there. And….

Surprise! She’s not the crazy one! It’s her ride that’s nuts.

Enter Korea-man….

>> No.6597191 [DELETED] 

When Kish introduced me to Korea-man, I thought he was pretty cool. I didn’t collect from him at all that there was anything wrong with him and we bonded over something that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to bond with someone over: North Korea. I fucking love learning about NK. Don’t ask me why, I just do. Now, I know not to just bring up NK to a Korean because that’s sensitive shit. It was actually Korea-man who brought it up. As soon as I started telling him what I knew, we ended up talking for almost two hours straight. When Kish wanted to go home, we all exchanged facebook info and left.

My graduation party fell on the same day as my birthday so I had a combined party. I wanted to spend time with Kish and Korea-man again so I invited them to my party. When Korea-man showed up he handed me a bag of Korean snacks. I thought it was sweet. I pointed out my mother with the intent of warning him about her bullshit but as soon as I said the word “mother” he started trembling in awe and was nearly in tears, giving her a full bow and saying “what an honor it is to be in your presence.” Whatever, maybe it’s a Korean thing. It was still weird though since this was only my second time seeing him.

I got so caught up in conversation with Kish that by the time I looked for Korea-man, he was dumping a box of choco pies on a table that my family members were sitting at and then proceeding to tell them all about Korea. After an awkward half an hour, my family members finally started ignoring him so he moved on to tell my friends all about Korea. They also found it rude that he just butted in. At this point I’m getting annoyed too but I was didn't want to seem like a jerk as he made his rounds to different table, educating my conservative family members on the history of Korea.

>> No.6597192

When Kish introduced me to Korea-man, I thought he was pretty cool. I didn’t collect from him at all that there was anything wrong with him and we bonded over something that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to bond with someone over: North Korea. I fucking love learning about NK. Don’t ask me why, I just do. Now, I know not to just bring up NK to a Korean because that’s sensitive shit. It was actually Korea-man who brought it up. As soon as I started telling him what I knew, we ended up talking for almost two hours straight. When Kish wanted to go home, we all exchanged facebook info and left.

My graduation party fell on the same day as my birthday so I had a combined party. I wanted to spend time with Kish and Korea-man again so I invited them to my party. When Korea-man showed up he handed me a bag of Korean snacks. I thought it was sweet. I pointed out my mother with the intent of warning him about her bullshit but as soon as I said the word “mother” he started trembling in awe and was nearly in tears, giving her a full bow and saying “what an honor it is to be in your presence.” Whatever, maybe it’s a Korean thing. It was still weird though since this was only my second time seeing him.

I got so caught up in conversation with Kish that by the time I looked for Korea-man, he was dumping a box of choco pies on a table that my family members were sitting at and then proceeding to tell them all about Korea. After an awkward half an hour, my family members finally started ignoring him so he moved on to tell my friends all about Korea. They also found it rude that he just butted in. At this point I’m getting annoyed too but I was didn't want to seem like a jerk as he made his rounds to different table, educating my conservative family members on the history of Korea.

>> No.6597193

When the party is over, I ask my friends for a ride to a meeting point that I had set up with my best friend. Korea-man is the only one who can drive me to the cities since I live so damned far away. I agree just because I want to get the hell out of there. He drops me off at my meet up point and I have a dramatic reunion with my best friend after being cut off from her for four years. The family makes quick work of adopting me and now my best friend is my sister!

After a month of living with my new family, I am so happy with life that I decide to invite Korea-man over for dinner. He keeps asking me if he would be welcome there and if “such an honor could be bestowed upon him.” He’s starting to sound like something out of a traditional Japanese movie but maybe it’s just his culture. I tell him to just come on over and when he does, he greets my new mom the way he did my biological mother and turns it into a huge dramatic scene. For the whole duration of dinner, he tells us all about Korea and won’t let anyone have a word in between.

I continue to hang out with Korea-man because I generally enjoy having conversations about NK with him, but soon it starts getting weird. He always tries to keep meeting in person or invites me to small events on facebook and will cancel them if I can’t go. Doesn’t matter if all of his other friends can, he’ll cancel plans entirely because of me. I ask him why and he says “It would be weird without my best friend there.” At this point, we’ve only seen each other in person three times. I wouldn’t say we had become best friends..

>> No.6597195 [DELETED] 

I know you’re probably thinking that I’m a prick for finding all of this to be weird. At the time, I actually was pretty okay with it because I thought it was just a culture thing. It was when he confessed his feelings for Kish that he completely changed. Korea-man confessed his love for her at a Japanese Obon festival and got down on his hands and knees, placing his forehead on the ground and making a huge scene in front of a crowd. Kish rejected him because she was dating someone at the time. This is when he started his fit of stalking.

Within a week, about five of Kish’s friends and five of mine message me on facebook, asking me if I know Korea-man. When I tell them that I do, they say that they’re scared because within 15 minutes of talking to them, he has told them he was going to commit suicide. For Kish’s friends, he would add them and if anyone accepted his friend request he would instantly ask where Kish was, what she was doing, and what could they tell him about her. Any conversation after that consisted of him telling them all about Korea.

I had read enough horror stories on /cgl/ to know where this shit was going. We both tried to cut off ties with him but he would instantly cling to us at cons and try to tell us that we were his best friends and would buy us expensive gifts to make us feel guilty. Oh, and he would shut us up when we tried to tell him to leave us alone by TELLING US ABOUT FUCKING KOREA. He also guilted me into staying into Hetalia, saying he would give it up if I did. If I made any other cosplay plans then he would instantly decide to cosplay from it as well. I finally snapped and told him that I needed a long break from him.

>> No.6597197

I know you’re probably thinking that I’m a prick for finding all of this to be weird. At the time, I actually was pretty okay with it because I thought it was just a culture thing. It was when he confessed his feelings for Kish that he completely changed. Korea-man confessed his love for her at a Japanese Obon festival and got down on his hands and knees, placing his forehead on the ground and making a huge scene in front of a crowd. Kish rejected him because she was dating someone at the time. This is when he started his fit of stalking.

Within a week, about five of Kish’s friends and five of mine message me on facebook, asking me if I know Korea-man. When I tell them that I do, they say that they’re scared because within 15 minutes of talking to them, he has told them he was going to commit suicide. For Kish’s friends, he would add them and if anyone accepted his friend request he would instantly ask where Kish was, what she was doing, and what could they tell him about her. Any conversation after that consisted of him telling them all about Korea.

I had read enough horror stories on /cgl/ to know where this shit was going. We both tried to cut off ties with him but he would instantly cling to us at cons and try to tell us that we were his best friends and would buy us expensive gifts to make us feel guilty. Oh, and he would shut us up when we tried to tell him to leave us alone by TELLING US ABOUT FUCKING KOREA. He also guilted me into staying into Hetalia, saying he would give it up if I did. If I made any other cosplay plans then he would instantly decide to cosplay from it as well. I finally snapped and told him that I needed a long break from him.

>> No.6597200

By this point, Kish and I had been dating for quite some time. We did our best not to make contact with Korea-man until one day, a young cosplayer we had met at a con sent Kish a panicked message on facebook. She was frantically asking for help because she didn’t know what to do with Korea-man. Some shit went down at the Hetalia day she hosted and Korea-man started it all. Basically, this is what happened:

>16 year old girl with autism is in love with Korea-man.
>Korea-man is in love with her best friend
>he’s also 10 years older than autism girl.
>goes into a fit of traditional shame and gets up in autism girl’s face, telling her to slap him
>She gets scared by this and runs way
>Host (who is also 16) has to physically pry Korea-man away from autism girl
>He then tries to commit seppuku with a wooden sword.
>In front of a bunch of minors.

And that, my friends, is when I told Korea-man to never speak to me again and blocked him from everything. If you guys go to any Midwest cons, watch out for an older Korea cosplayer who is very overdramatic. He might decide that you are his best friend forever.

>> No.6597206

Well written. I wish I knew why he was so crazy about Korea...

>> No.6597209

My sister says that she's 99% sure that he's living in a state of delusion. He thinks that he's living in ancient Korea due to his fascination with his country's history. Kind of sad, really...

>> No.6597213
File: 110 KB, 262x243, bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seppuku with a wooden sword
oh my god
this guy is a fucking retard

>> No.6597215
File: 115 KB, 231x215, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seppuki with a wooden sword
>In front of a bunch of minors


>> No.6597217

This is the girl who wrote the Korea-man story. I have another story about Kish's creeper.

It's actually interesting because this creeper is someone who you guys may have seen at cons due to her amazing cosplays. She's pretty popular. I don't think she browses /cgl/ but I've seen her pictures on here before. I personally think this story is better.

>> No.6597222

Please, continue.

>> No.6597243
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A little after I turned 18, I was crushing on a girl who I’ll call Kish. Kish was everything I had hoped and dreamed for in a woman. Now, I wasn’t going to fuck this one up. Sure, I had a massive crush on her but I didn’t want to screw up our friendship at ALL. My number one rule is that I need to become friends with someone before dating them so that’s exactly what I did. And dear lord, was she an awesome friend to have. She still is. I can’t recall a single time that I was awkward around her due to my feelings simply because I had too much fun hanging out with her.

Around Halloween, I was making plans to do a cosplay that required one of those tiny hats. I knew someone who made them so I contacted this girl and started talking to her about the fandom that the cosplay was from. As soon as I mentioned that I was cosplaying a pairing that she liked with Kish, she asked if she could have Kish’s email address so she could talk to her. I actually said no, and explained honestly that I was worried that Kish would want to cosplay the pairing with her instead of me, since her cosplays were fucking gorgeous. She said she understood and dropped it at that.

One week later, the girl (I’ll call her Lena) has added Kish on facebook and is practically throwing herself at Kish’s feet.


>> No.6597253 [DELETED] 
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I impulse bought this wig on ebay for less than £5 when I was drunk. It arrived quickly, and honestly the quality is brilliant for that price. Lovely thick hair, nice colors, not very shiny. I'm impressed, even though I have nowhere and nothing to wear it with.

>> No.6597259

In fact, she was planning cosplays to do with Kish within the first week. Kish just kind of laughed and said sure, not actually expecting anything to happen. Not long after, BOOM! Lena starts making an outfit for Kish without even really telling her. “We’re doing this! I already started the sewing it!” Now, Kish was startled by this. Kish felt obligated to pay Lena back for this, even though Lena tried refusing, saying that she wanted to do it. Kish ended up paying her back anyway in the form of gas cards, since Lena lived a state away. Lena started posting on Kish’s facebook constantly, writing things that specifically couples only write to each other. And this wasn’t me being buttmad either. I had friends who flat out said “They’re dating!” with not a doubt in their minds because of the way Lena talked to Kish.

Kish was starting to feel uncomfortable with all of this and let Lena know that she hardly knew her. That didn’t stop Lena. She brushed it off and wiped it from her mind. Lena continued to flirt with Kish, having skype calls, and making her gifts. Those skype calls turned into “dates” in Lena’s eyes, little did Kish know. By this point, Kish was telling me that Lena was making her uncomfortable but she didn’t want to be a bad friend. I told her to be forward with Lena but when she tried, it just got shrugged off.

>> No.6597269

Kish was starting to feel uncomfortable with all of this and let Lena know that she hardly knew her. That didn’t stop Lena. She brushed it off and wiped it from her mind. Lena continued to flirt with Kish, having skype calls, and making her gifts. Those skype calls turned into “dates” in Lena’s eyes, little did Kish know. By this point, Kish was telling me that Lena was making her uncomfortable but she didn’t want to be a bad friend. I told her to be forward with Lena but when she tried, it just got shrugged off.
I backed off during this whole ordeal. Sure, I was butthurt. No, I was buttraging. But it wasn’t my place to tell her not to talk to Lena. Aside from being creepy, Lena was just getting her hopes up far too much and was very vocal about it.
I did say something, however, when Lena said that she viewed her and Kish as “the true representation of their pairing.” I kept seeing posts about how they were their characters and how only they portrayed it perfectly. I’ve read horror stories before. I spoke up. I was surprised when I found out that Kish was unaware of that and instantly turned white when she realized what she had done by encouraging this behavior from Lena. From that point on, Kish started back off. Bad. Fucking. Move. That made Lena go into full wife mode and was constantly bugging Kish when, god forbid, she didn’t contact her every hour. I watched as Kish started getting depressed from the demands yet I didn’t get in the way.

>> No.6597274

The day of our local con approaches and I’m dreading it, as I would have to watch Lena attach herself to Kish and generally whore herself all over her. As soon as they met up, Lena took Kish away and held her hand. That made me feel like crap but I wasn’t about to let her ruin my con. I met up with my sister and hung out with her, planning to spend a few hours with her. I was surprised when only fifteen minutes later, Kish came running up, looking very uncomfortable and said she wanted to hang out with me. I was concerned but didn’t question her.

Throughout the con, Lena did exactly what I thought she would. Try to cut into my cosplay plans with Kish, cry when Kish wanted to go to sleep, the works. My flaming gay friend actually ran into her, not knowing at the time that it was her. He noticed she was dressed from the show I cosplay from and said “Hey, you’re from that show! Do you know Kish? She cosplays from that show.” According to my gay friend, Lena’s eyes nearly popped out of her skull and she shouted “YOU KNOW KISH?!!!1!” He booked it out of there pretty fast.

>> No.6597289

After the con, Lena had plans to spend the night at Kish’s house. They had planned it long in advance but Kish was now kind of dreading it. Their plan was to go to a mall and then go to Kish’s house. While at the con, Lena asked “So what are we now?” Kish, confused, said “Friends?” Lena shook her head and said “No, I mean after the mall and stuff. What will we be?” Kish repeated her answer. She asked Kish again once they did get to the mall. It made Kish feel very uncomfortable. Lena kept brushing up against Kish and being blunt with flirting.

When Lena spent the night, Lena kept trying to cuddle with Kish. Kish flinched away and decided to sleep on the floor. Lena slept on the couch and kept trying to flop her hand on Kish, acting like she was asleep.

It was a day after the con (when Lena left) that Kish surprised the fuck out of me and said yes when I asked her to go out with me. I was worried that it was because she had such an awkward experience with Lena and just wanted to comforted but when we met up, it wasn’t like that at all. Kish said that it was that experience that made her solid with her feelings for me. The whole time she was wishing that I was there and that I was in Lena’s place. Thinking about it right now is making me tear up. I was so happy that day.

>> No.6597298

So cute...

>> No.6597300

We kept the relationship hidden out of fear of how Lena would react. When Lena got home, she left Kish a long note saying how happy she was while she was over and how she sobbed for hours on end when she had to leave. Lena asked for a final time what they were and Kish put her foot down, saying that she was only friends with her and that they had only met in person for the first time at the con and at her house. Lena went ape.

Lena accused Kish of using her for cosplay, leading her on, called Kish a bad friend, and generally exploded at her. Kish is a very sensitive person so she was very shaken from the ordeal. Lena started demanding even more contact from Kish after going off on her, texting her multiple times if she didn’t answer the first one. It was pretty obnoxious. When Kish and I finally made it public that we were dating, Lena insulted Kish for reasons that were all over the place and made Kish go into a fit of depression again. Lena blocked her not long after.

>> No.6597303
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That's so sweet anon.
I'm happy for the two of you.

>> No.6597305

Kish and I are still together to this day. Tomorrow actually marks ten months. I still am friends with Lena on facebook and I watch her for general lolcow purposes. I’ve asked some friends before if they knew her and every one that did would instantly scrunch up their faces and slowly nod like they were recalling days of war.

One friend actually told me that Lena made a full outfit for her literally three days after mentioning that she was going to be one of the characters from Lena’s favorite pairing. Lena made all of these pairing cosplay plans for this friend and she noped the fuck out of there so fast. Every story I hear about her is just sad. I won’t be surprised when I see her cosplays in an “amazing cosplay” thread some day. I also eagerly await the day when someone else writes a story about her clingyness.

>> No.6597318
File: 87 KB, 222x231, Zara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I d'aww'd so hard. This warmed my heart.

>> No.6597323

Thank you guys~ Your pictures are adorable, by the way.

>> No.6597346
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, guuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every one that did would instantly scrunch up their faces and slowly nod like they were recalling days of war

>> No.6597354

>I’ve asked some friends before if they knew her and every one that did would instantly scrunch up their faces and slowly nod like they were recalling days of war.
I just love that line.

Go you and Kish!

>> No.6597632


>> No.6597842


>> No.6598215


>> No.6598232

My god, just let this die. Nobody has any stories that haven't already been told hundreds of times before. There doesn't need to be a constant thread about it.

>> No.6598254

get the fuck out of my house

>> No.6598260

actually I have a new story that I have never told before! I'm not great at describing things and /Cgl/ often misreads my stories and likes to bitch about it, but If requested I'll type it out anyway.

>> No.6598273

Type it out!

>> No.6598349

Ho-lee balls.
I know a guy that acts exactly like Korea-man to a T. Except he's British and gay.

>> No.6598374

I have a story but it's more about rude as fuck con mates than weeaboos. I would type it out but ehhhh

>> No.6598386

I went to a college that had an autism program, so a large amount of people in this college were autistic, including my best friend's boyfriend, and his friend. my best friend's boyfriend was a brony, who created a tumblr, and posted nothing but lesbian pony incest and monster girls, then posted his tumblr to his facebook wall asking all his friends to follow. his mom found out and it was hysterical. this kid was downright weird, but, lets not forget, he had a friend with autism too! here are some memorable quotes:

>"I'm going back to my dorm, I need to fap"

>"black anime characters are hot, but I hate real life black people, they are all dumb negros."


>"why did I jizz in my trash can? bitch, pls, If I want to jizz in my trashcan, I'll jizz in my damn trash can"

>"black girls shouldn't be ballerinas, goths, or lolitas. only asians should."

>"any one that disagrees with anything I say is a huge asshole with mental issues"

>"everyone in the autism program is a freak. I hate it. I'm not autistic my mom (a therapist) just said I was so I could get the benefits of the program"

>> No.6598398

so he isn't an asspie he is just a fuck face asshole.

>> No.6598420
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Nothing horrible/scary, but I was at work(company that teaches middle/high school kids programming/math/physics lessons outside of school for fun) and while I was repairing some computers while a class was going on, the kids go on a bathroom break. One girl walks out in a make-shift school girl uniform and twin-tails calling the guys in her group "instertnamehere-kun", and the whole uguuu~~kawaii desu "tee-hee" act. I really hope she grows out of it, I'd hate to see a smart mind go to waste for the sake of attention.

>> No.6598430

you should tell it!

>> No.6598429
File: 101 KB, 408x673, MERCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl. She's super nice but I wan't to punch her.
She tried lolita. I wonder how it turned out..?

>> No.6598457

This is so familiar. Like my life on a random image board. Except my Kish actually kind of liked my Lena for a while, and also my Lena didn't go batshit afterwards when she got fully rejected.

Weird. Cosplayers, man, cosplayers.

>> No.6598489

> be me
> AWA 2012
> asleep in my room, only one there
> knock on door
> friend of a roommate
> "He's not here, man, sorry."
> "I'll just chill here. I can't be alone, though."
> Did I fucking mention I was asleep?
> "Really, he isn't here, I'm the only one."
> "It's cool, I come here to get laid anyways
> what the actual fuck
> "By the way, I have Aspergers, so whatever I say, don't get mad at me."
> nothowthatworks.jpg
> "I was sleeping, alright? I'm rotten."
> "So you're drunk? Cool."
> "Please go."
> "I don't mind you sleeping. I come here to get laid anyways."

I eventually bought this fucker some Subway to make him leave me the fuck alone. I seriously have no idea what he meant by "It's fine if you sleep, I come here to get laid anyways," but I didn't like the implication.

>> No.6598496

Post it, faget.

Not really a horror story, but more of an entitled brat story. It's about a con mate I roomed with once since she's a good acquaintance when out of cosplay. Over the con, however, I unfortunately discovered that while in cosplay she magically becomes incompetent and spits out "wut" tier stories.
I can't tell her to her face what was wrong with her actions since she had her dad pay for the hotel and let me stay for free (and I feel obliged to just not bug her because of that fact, this obligation probably being the cause of most of the annoyance she caused). I'm just never going to room with her again and whine on /cgl/.
She would insist (not ask politely for assistance) that I help her put on all her wigs (none of them were styled???) and put pins to secure that they would stay. If I did it "wrong", she would take it off and either make me re-do it or she would just re-do it herself. She has no problem putting them on herself, as I've seen her put on wigs without assistance before - I have no idea why she made me put them on. I did so anyway, however, since I felt indebted to her for the room.
She also had me do her makeup - what would happen is that she would half-ass half of her face, make me do the rest, then make me re-do the half of her face that she did. Again, I indulged her due to this obligation I felt.
After she had me basically put her costume and makeup on for her, she would follow me all around the con and talk my ear off about her good friend who stopped talking to her. She later changed the story to her girlfriend who wasn't talking to her, and then to her girlfriend that proposed to her and broke up with her. The real story, as far as I can tell, is that her boyfriend and her are having a spat. There is no way to know for sure because of these strange stories that she tells.
To top the icing on the cake, when I woke up, there was a giant shit in the hotel room toilet that was obviously her doing which she denied. Wut.

>> No.6598497

>Eating a really tasty sandwich outside of a con.
>Waiting for my boy friend to get back with our drinks.
>All of the sudden really horrible, unexpected pain.
>Something smacked straight into my face
>Bottom tooth broke, sliced open my lip, huge bruise taking up most of the lower half of my face
>Dropped my sandwich in surprise.
>Curl up immediately, checking to see if I lost any teeth.
>Really glad I'm not blind.
>Some one threw a rock about the size of my fist at my fucking face.
>Heard some one yelling about “Western Cosplay”
>Probably yelling western cosplay wasn't welcomed in Anime convention
>My vision is kind of blurred from tears
>Certain it's a Naruto cosplayer. The girl with pink hair.
>Run away, because you can't fight crazy.
>Find Boyfriend
>Cry, freak out and go to the emergency room.
>Never find who decided to fuck up my face
>Worst part, I was only wearing a Superman shirt.

>> No.6598501

You misheard him.

He was saying, "I don't mind you sleeping. I came here to lay down anyways."

He was tired from walking all day and wanted to take a load off and was simply seeing if you'd invite him to rest for a while.

Source: a unicorn fart

>> No.6598506

>Ohayocon 2013
>Friday night, friends and I are walking around
>Suddenly this dude in a masquerade type cosplay comes up, holding his phone and a portable speaker playing music
>Wordlessly hands his phone+speaker to one of my friends, and holds his hand out to my other friend.
>They dance
>He kisses her on a cheek, effectively freaking her out
>Repeats this with my two other friends, this time kissing their hands
>Leaves without having said a word
>Relieved he didn't try to dance with me probably because I'm ugly

>> No.6598509


No. No.

He distinctly said: "Here to get laid."

And it didn't help that he kept asking if I was single (I'm not), and if I liked sexual cosplay (I might, but not with him.)

Don't listen to Balloonicorn farts. They make horrible sources.

>> No.6598516
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What the actual fuck. That's terrible!

>> No.6598557

What the shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I'm on verge of tears and popping veins.

>> No.6598580

Um, yeah, my tooth isn't that noticable because of how I smiled. I kept looking for her everywhere but she seemed to have dipped out by the next day.
My boyfriend almost attacked everyone with a pink wig he saw.
I don't wear super hero tee shirts at anime conventions anymore and I don't sit in relatively empty spaces around cons anymore.

>> No.6598586


That kind of shit really doesn't need to happen to anyone.

It takes a special kind of crazy to attack someone for wearing a fucking Superman shirt.

>> No.6598587
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>> No.6598599

Holy shit anon I'm sorry that happened to you. :( I'm surprised it didn't scare you off from going to cons altogether, I'd probably be pretty traumatized if someone attacked me for wearing a superhero shirt, wtf.

>> No.6598619

This. Throwing rocks at people is beyond childish and cowardice, and this is a first for me to hear it happened at a con.

>> No.6598624

Not con but weaboo-ish?

>GF dumps me
>Old friend "S" flies me out to live with her
>Everything seems cool. We hangout and stuff
>Starts speaking in 3rd person calling herself "Kitten"
>Says Mew after everything
>Keeps trying to have sex with me
>Constantly pawing at me
>"Kitten needs attention mew"
>Okay she's cute lets smash
>She has the hairiest ass i've ever seen

>> No.6598628


Alright, this might be a little bit long-winded. I was 16 at the time and this was my first convention. It was a big one too, about 20,000-25,000 people, although I didn't really realize the magnitude of what I was going to. I had 3 cosplays planned although they were basically closet cosplays, but they weren't too bad, and I was really excited to go to the convention. The plan was that friday morning my friends would call me and then come pick me up. So Thursday night, my little teen heart couldn't start thudding because wow a real animu con!!!!!!

I have a tendency to oversleep. It's been a trait of mine since I was little. And I was up all night twisting and turning in my bed since I was so excited. So I was a little shocked when the first thing I heard was people yelling outside my bedroom window. (c)

>> No.6598657

Before I go any further I guess I'll give the people I went with pseudonyms. One of the girls I was going with....I'll call her Primadonna. She used to be a weeaboo when she was little, and she had one cosplay planned for the convention. Final Fantasy or something, I don't care enough to remember. We were really close friends when we were younger and still fairly good friends at the time. She's very dramatic and loves to be the center of attention.

I'll call the other girl Fujoshi, because goddamn does that girl love gay girls. She's a typical tumblr fangirl, and she likes a few anime series but she's more into Homestuck/Sherlock/Supernatural. She squees over gay guys and often tells her male friends that she thinks they should "totally be a hawt gay guy!!!!!". However, she was one of my best friends at the time, and we remain good friends. She's a nice girl, but a bit awkward.

I'll call the other roommate Brony, because he was one of them. He wasn't that bad though, he wasn't creepy, I just didn't like him that much at first. He was more of a casual fan, liking the sort of anime on Adult Swim, MLP, vidya, etc.

Roommate #4 was the girl who planned everything, I'll call her Kitten, she's a pretty big anime and video game fan along with some nerdy western things. She also likes raves. Not a cosplayer, but one of my best friends to this day.

>> No.6598677

Kitten's best friend and one of my best friends to this day I'll call Jigglypuff, because she did a rave sort of gijinka cosplay of it. She wasn't really an anime fan, but she likes video games, pokemon, MLP, and superheroes/Marvel. She was mostly going for the raves I think, oh well.

The other roommates weren't as important, but I'll still give them names. One of them I'll call Chubs, since he was a chubby guy but nice and quiet and chill. I'll call the girl Curls, since she had very curly dark hair. She was also a nice girl. And the final roommate I'll call Cow, since she had a cow kigurumi. She definitely wasn't a Cow though, and is skinny as a stick, but quiet and fun to be around.

So I look outside my window and I see Primadonna and Fujoshi jumping and yelling. I open it and they tell me they've been at my house trying to wake me up, it was about 10:45 AM at the time, I felt really awful for making them wait. I was planning on cosplaying that day but I had to just settle for regular clothes since there was no time to put my cosplay on. I had to quickly brush my hair-I didn't even have time to style it. I felt really self concious, but we had to leave, so I grabbed my bags and ran out the door. My father wanted to say bye to me, but he was out at the time, so all I could do was call him and tell him I'd see him later.

We pulled out of my driveway and I didn't feel as bad as I realized nobody else was in cosplay (besides Cow, if you consider a kigurumi a cosplay) so I felt a little better. Primadonna's mom was driving us. I didn't really like Brony at first, I found him a little annoying, but all together I wasn't concerned.(c)

>> No.6598693


Really hoping all the fucking people are necessary to the fucking plot. Cause you making it really hard to keep track, Anon.

>> No.6598700

I thought as soon as we got to the convention I would be able to change into cosplay and get settled into the hotel, but apparently we had to wait until 3:00 PM, because I guess that Primadonna's mom was going to keep our bags in her truck and go gambling at a nearby casino. I was pretty awestruck with this world of conventions and cosplay. I didn't even realize there was much more to the convention than the dealer's room/artist alley (which was combined for a mega hall), and that's where Brony, Primadonna, Fujoshi, Cow and I ended up walking around. Fujoshi was wasting all her money on pins, but I just wanted to get something to eat since I didn't get the chance to eat anything that morning. I got a chance to get a slice of pizza, but I was too anxious to eat.

Finally, we went back to the hotel lobby and got our bags dropped off by Primadonna's mom. I changed into my cosplay in the bathroom of the hotel, and I was pretty glad I was finally in it. Fujoshi was in hers now too, she was crossplaying and she had no binder and D-cups, along with tennis shoes which weren't accurate for the character and capri yoga pants (her character wore long black jeans). She ended up taking one of those "Yaoiz XD" leg humping pictures with a cosplayer of the same character. It was pretty embarassing in retrospect.

Finally, I ended up meeting Kitten's mom. This is where it gets interesting.(c)

>> No.6598707

I actually shed a tear.
That must have been horrible!


>> No.6598712
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>> No.6598724

I'm sorry, they definitely are! Sorry for being so long-winded.

Kitten had warned me about her mom before but I didn't expect this, because I thought she was exaggerating. But her mom was pretty bad.

She looked like a crack whore (which she was, her mom had sold drugs and been in a gang in the past, as well as still using drugs) and had teeth missing and just generally looked and talked crazy. She also had a 1 year old with her (her daughter, Kitten's half-sister)

She came up to us, laid down the law (not that bad really, the only rules were that you had to tell her if you were leaving and no drinking) and then led us to the hotel room.

Between 8 teenagers, 1 parent "chaperone" and a baby, we had 2 rooms with 1 bed in each. I was with Fujoshi, Primadonna, Brony and Cow and the others were in the room right next to us.

When we got in the room, nobody wanted to go anywhere. They had nothing planned. I suggested a few panels on the program, but they all ignored me and said they wanted to hang out in the room. They weren't tired, they just were content with sitting around. This kind of pissed me off. Why would you pay for a badge and pitch in for a room just to sit around? I didn't want to go wander alone, and I don't think Kitten's mom wanted us going anywhere alone either.

Finally, me and Fujoshi go to some meetup/photoshoot thing. I didn't really want to go with, but I decided it was better than nothing. I immediately regretted it, it was freezing outside, I waited around with her shivering while she fucked around and eventually she got bored. I was hungry again, and I suggested getting fast food, but she just ignored me, so we went back to the hotel room. Nobody in our room had moved from where we left them. Also, Kitten's mom had stolen all our food. Fujoshi had no money left because she blew it all on stupid merch. Kitten promised us her mom would get us dinner, so I patiently waited. (C)

>> No.6598734
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>> No.6598739

The "dinner" she had brought us was....not a dinner at all. It was a small container of some chicken salad type thing and a small bag of fries, along with some uncooked hotdogs. I took a few fries, and a few doritos from a big bag that she had stolen from one of the conmates. Around this time everyone was getting excited and talking about going to the rave.

I don't remember exactly how it happened, but Primadonna, Fujoshi and Brony ended up leaving. Kitten's mom was irate, and she started swearing and demanding to know where they were. Jigglypuff called one of them on her phone, asking where they were, and then Kitten's mom grabbed the phone and starting scolding them. One of them said something alone the lines of "this is fucking stupid", and Kitten's mom blew her fucking shit and demanded that they got up there. I couldn't blame her-this con was infamous for lots of illicit drug use and ambulances coming. While waiting for them to come up to the hotel room, Kitten's mom bitched about how much she hated "the blonde one" (Primadonna) and how was a stuck up little cunt which was pretty funny. When they came upstairs (turned out they were going to the rave or a concert or something? idrr) she yelled at them for 10 minutes straight while the rest of us looked on awkwardly.

>> No.6598748

Kitten, Jigglypuff, Curls, Chubs, Cow and I decided to wait in line for the rave, but it was really huge (and outdoors) so we just said fuck it, we'll go tomorrow night. We ended up playing truth or dare with some complete strangers which was probably the highlight of the whole con, then went to bed.

Oh man, I forgot something. Sometime after the dinner incident but before Kitten's mom flipping her shit, Primadonna and Fujoshi got this great idea to go to a panel, which most of us were dragged along to. We waited 1 hour before they found out the panel was being delayed then we all left. It was just a waste of fucking time. They didn't even care, but I kind of wanted to see the panel.

Next day, we spent quite some while in the hotel room before going BACK to the dealer's room. Today Primadonna was cosplaying. She was wearing some slight kitten heels, and bitched the whole damn time about how her feet hurt. I'm pretty sure she faked some tears. I was wearing 3-inch combat boots, but I didn't complain at all. Me and Brony bonded over getting tired of her shit.

Then we ending up going back to the hotel, and there was a....presence of sorts. Yep, there was a random guy that Primadonna invited up with her. She claimed it was a friend from school. The guy was just fucking weird, I'm sorry, he didn't talk at all, just awkwardly smiled occasionally and took up space in our hotel room. Then for a few hours nobody wanted to do anything except watch tv and screw around, Primadonna spent like 2 hours webcamming with her boyfriend and awkward smiley guy just fucking stood there being a 9th wheel.

>> No.6598755

I eventually convinced Fujoshi and Cow to go back and wander the dealer's hall with me (I didn't know anything else existed, it was my first con) and they seemed like they really didn't want to be there, but I ended up buying some food. Then we went back to the room. Around this time was when everyone was getting ready for the rave. I was excited and determined to go that night. But right before everyone was going to leave, I felt really worn down. It sort of just hit me. Brony, who I had become quick friends with, decided to stay in the hotel room with me, so we just chilled out talking and watching tv. All of a sudden a fire alarm started going off, so I grabbed my jacket and we headed out of the room.

I have a really bad fear of fire (inb4 i'm a pussy) and I was sort of panicking, but he was trying to calm me down. We found Curls who was in the other room resting, poor girl was having a panic attack. I tried to comfort her, and we had to evacuate the hotel and it was freezing out. All I had was a thin jacket, but we got to go back to the hotel soon. I decided fuck it, I'll go to the rave, but Brony didn't seem to want to(c)

>> No.6598760

>recent con
>dressed as Pepper for Avengers meetup ( no, I'm not an Avengers freak, I've just always had a super girl crush on Pepper)
>anywho, one of the few Pepper's that are there. Gets lots of pictures taken and has witty banter battles with the Tony's that came up to me.
>good gathering, good people, until the fire nation attacked.
>After talking to a few famous cosplayers at the meetup (met playing Minecraft) get taps on the shoulder
>a plump girl, who I later found out was also a Pepper, pushed me out of the way to talk to said "famous cosplayers" all of whom where surrounded by their online buddies (like myself) for protection.
>starts talking animatedly with "famous" Tony, er ma gerd u amzering, blarg, tonyXperpperrr fur life, etc.
>realized friend was getting uncomfortable so I asked her to give them a little space.
>here when the fire nation attacked. She swivels towards me and starts going off about my cosplay.
>whoa now.....
>"You're too skinny to be pepper, she has curves, you wig is the wrong color,, blah blah blah, you're a skinny attention whore."
>well then.
>I don't diss people for their body-weight, or for what they cosplay. I'm on cgl every once while so I thought skinny cosplayers were mean.guess anyone can be an asshat.
>I wanted to defend myself but just let it go.
>I was wearing a high quality wig, the same color as Gwenneths in the films, styled nicely and wearing a good form fitting (but not too tight) business dress.
>Upset because I thought people would be nicer, and because she was creepin my friends out.

Not too much horror, mostly rude weeaboo who apparently thought all skinny people are attention whores....

>> No.6598766

I didn't really care, I convinced him to go with, and he shrugged and agreed to it. So we went to the rave, and I guess I had no idea what to expect, but as soon as I walk in a girl walked up to me (obviously on X) and asked if i would make out with her. I gave her a small kiss on the cheek and walked away, then as me and Brony went to find the rest of our roommates, some guy came up to me, grabbed my face and tried to shove his tongue down my throat. I pushed him away, a little shocked, and I held Brony's hand to try and look like his girlfriend to hopefully ward off horny people, I don't know.

I finally found my friends and I got to dance for 5 minutes tops before Brony started complaining about how he didn't want to be there. I felt bad for forcing him to go with so I went back to the hotel room.

I can't remember the rest of the night too well. I think Kitten's mom left sometime to go clubbing, the baby disappeared (it's daddy picked it up, I guess), and people just kept coming and going into the hotel room all night while I was trying to sleep. I also started my period and all there was were Primadonna's chunky maxi-pads for me to use.

The next day, we had to leave the hotel early so there was no time to explore the Sunday of the con. I went home pretty unsatisfied, but eventually found better con buddies that I go with now. It was a pretty shitty con experience, sorry if it's not horror story enough, but it's the worst that's happened to me yet.

>> No.6598779


That's not right. You poor thing...she had no right to be such an asshat to you.

Fuck, that took too long ti type out, I am clearly too drunk to /cgl/.

>> No.6598815

Bitches be crazy.
People of all body types are mean, its just far easier the say that your skinny than fat online.
Do the right thing anon, smoke weed.

>> No.6598819


I cant weed isn not moneh enough.

>> No.6598823

>Friend dating a girl from his college, she's into anime etcetc
>Figure she will be awesome because my guy friend is the biggest gentleman ever and he wouldn't be dating some jerk
>Girl wants to make cosplay, she is visiting my friend and he has no sewing machine
>I offer to let her borrow my extra one. I even put a new light bulb in it and give her some bobbins/thread to use because I'm pretty nice
>I spent months working on my costumes , and 2 costumes for my guy friend who cosplays with me
-While fabric hunting one day she publicly freaks out at Walmart because something didn't go exactly her way, pouts for rest of day
>Con rolls around
>I expect to get some photos with my friend because I made him the costumes, styled his wig, and because we're both massive fans of the series we cosplay from (also because we like hanging out etc)
>It is awkward to get pics
>Bitch is glaring at us and visibly angry the whole time I borrow him for a grand total of an hour or two for the whole fucking weekend
>She freaks out when friend and I go to a photoshoot we had planned months in advance that involved meeting cosplayers from HALFWAY ACROSS THE US (apparently there was a hentai panel she did not want to miss so she had a temper tantrum instead)
>So stressed because I felt rushed the whole time
>While I am wearing a costume I made (which is based on an elegant evening dress) she has the nerve to tell me I look like a hooker
>Also has the nerve to say "aw that's cute, you had to pad your bra"
>She is pretty big, and that's putting it nicely
>My BMI is 17.5
>Rage more cuntwad

Turns out the bitch was jealous of EVERYONE she met who also knew her bf, including his own goddamn brother. She seemed nice enough to my face (save for those rudeass comments) but holy shit I found out later she was jealous of me and didn't like me. I mean what the hell, how big of a bitch do you have to be to hate someone who lets you borrow something, especially considering I didn't know her?

>> No.6598827

(i don't get why you had to include that she's overweight and you're underweight but other than that,) that chick needs to get her jealousy under control, holy man. sorry that had to happen to you, anon!

>> No.6598868

I included it because she patronized me- as someone who weighed quite a bit less than her-as if she was in any position to get on her high horse. At least that's how I perceived it. I get a bit too over worked when people who are larger insult people who are smaller as if it is okay, and they'd be really offended if someone turned it around on them.
Thinking about it now I realize that was kind of mean and I am no better than what she did to me. Sorry, I wish I could edit it now to sound less awful. She was really a jerk to my guy friend in the end of their relationship, and I guess I got a bit buttmad as I wrote that.

>> No.6598871

>almost dead at a con
>get saved by eune
>go change
>creeper stalker wants to hang out
>decide to drink more liquids

I dont even. Cons are a blur at this point.

>> No.6598874

Hello seagulls,

Long time lurker here. Not really a horror story, but I have a weeb story that happened three years ago. This doesn't actually take place in a con, but at a well known Japanese grocery store called Mitsuwa, a relatively large Japanese grocery store here on the East Coast.

So I have a pretty normal friend who is my age (early twenties at the time) who is into ball jointed dolls. We live in different cities and we haven't seen each other for a while, so we decided to meet up. She also invited some friends along that she knows from the ball jointed doll community and I was okay with this, the more the merrier. I had never met them before. They had decided that our meeting point would be at a Japanese bookstore. I don't know why it had to be a Japanese bookstore, but maybe that was the only place the weebs knew how to get to.

So I get there and I meet my friend and her friends, who were typical weebs. They were all around our age, some late twenties. Pasty, chubby, kind of greasy/grungy looking. I didn't hold it against them though and they were all relatively calm in the Japanese book store, despite all the kawaii merchandise around. I didn’t really know what we had planned for the day, but when one of them decided that they wanted to go to Mitsuwa I got a bad feeling.

>> No.6598879

We all boarded on a shuttle bus that would take us there and that’s when they started to unleash their powerlevels. At first they started talking about how they were planning a wedding, which turned out to be for one of their dolls. Okay, I get this. Ball jointed doll people really get into that kind of stuff I guess. But then they started talking louder and started clamoring and squeeing about their doll’s wedding and how awesome and sugoy it would be.

We finally arrived at Mitsuwa. For those of you that heard about this place you can probably take a guess that it’s practically weeb paradise, which it was for them since we ended up spending the rest of the day at this place for six fucking hours. There wasn’t even anything going on, no festival or some other event which this place holds sometimes. We spent the rest of the day at a grocery store. Had I known this was going to happen I would have stayed home.

These guys go fucking nuts. First we ordered food at the food court there, which was good. But aside from that they squeed and ran around the grocery store for a couple of hours, looking for shit like pocky, Japanese beer, and other kawaii snacks for them to feast on while all the rest of the shoppers, who were Japanese or other Asians, were trying to ignore them. I was feeling pretty embarrassed at this point and did not want to be seen with them so I waited around outside most of the time, walking by the river, and just enjoying the fresh air and sunlight. Meanwhile my normal friend was also getting pretty embarrassed by the group’s behavior, but said nothing since she’s kind of a shy, apprehensive person who doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

>> No.6598882

When they were done they decided to check out some of the other nearby Japanese stores for more kawaii shit, but I don’t know much else that happened because I did not follow them in. But after a couple of more hours of this, when they were finally done, everyone all met outside. Some of them had their shopping bags with their kawaii food inside and we didn’t really know what to do next. So some of them plopped down on the ground outside of the grocery store and proceeded to eat their Japanese junk food and drinking their Japanese beer, getting tipsy

At this point I was probably looking like a fucking bitch because I pretty much wasted a perfectly good afternoon wasting my time at a grocery store doing nothing. I didn’t even have any grocery shopping to do. If it weren’t for my one friend I would have taken the bus back home long ago. The weebs could tell that I was getting annoyed with them at this point and I didn’t exactly hide it. I was wondering what these guys, who are in their twenties, were doing wasting their time with weeb stuff. I thought people would have grown out of it by now. I doubt they went to school and I suspected most, if not all of them lived at home. I finally told them something along the lines that I thought their behavior was strange and weird to be so obsessed with Japan. Why can’t they embrace their own culture or being American? One weeb, who was nearly 27 years old and getting tipsy off the Japanese beer, defended herself and said she was “proud to be a wapanese” and didn’t care what other people thought of her embarrassing behavior.

Soon it was time to leave. One of them mentioned that we should all do it again sometime. I got the fuck out of there.

Tl;dr version: Go on a trip to a Japanese grocery store with a bunch of weebs, end up staying there for six hours.

>> No.6598992
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I have a story from high school

> Junior year
>Left my sketchbook in my piano class
>Filled with all my anime styled drawings (not weeby terrible though)
>Friend tells me that his class found the sketchbook and he knew it was mine
>Apparently some girl had it and was gonna give it to me

So later that week..
>At school, before classes start
>Some girl I have never seen introduces herself to me
>Pulls out my sketchbook and gives it back to me
>She then proceeds to pull out her sketchbook and show me her terrible, terrible weeb shit
>Tell her what she needs to work on
>No feathers ruffled

Then that next week the advanced art class was going on a field trip
>Waiting for bus in the morning to pick us up
>Weeb girl has somehow found and latched on to a friend to find me
>Is ditching fucking first period just to show me her shitty drawings again
>Tell her to work on anatomy again
>Busses get there
>Girl full on tard bear hulk hug smashes the shit outta me
>Push her away and tell her to fuck the fuck off
>"Oh anon, tee heee"
>Avoid the fuck outta her from there on out

Then, it just got worse
>Period right before lunch is art, so I stay in the same class to eat and continue working
>Some how this fucking chick finds out where I am at lunch
>Sometimes hung out with other people in the class
>She shows up and makes the whole situation fucking weird
>She never shuts the fuck up about the Bloody Roar series
>She thinks shes some kawaii dark edgy cat girl cause of it
> Watches elfin lied and starts acting like the characters doing that nuuuuu thing
>Starts telling us about her family
>Pretty sure shes coming from some sort of Mexican version of Carrie
>She just wont fuck off, hangs around even when I completely ignore her and tell her to fuck off

>> No.6598996

i just think it's a horrible thing to insult anyone for their body, regardless of size, etc. but don't apologize, we all get butthurt occasionally and everyone's a jerk sometimes, haha. i wish i could contribute to this thread, but i will be going to my first con in a month. i'm pretty new to the cosplaying scene too. reading these stories is making me anxious and excited at the same time.

>> No.6598997

go on~

>> No.6599004

who gives a fuck, you're going to an anime con. why would you be anxious about what they think of you or how they act? most people get into these situations because they are pretty spineless and won't just tell someone to fuck right off.

as for the fat bitch insulting the skinny chick, if skinny turned around and told her she was too fat to do pepper can you imagine her reaction? it's like a one way street with these fat fuckers nowadays.

>> No.6599021

Was Korea-man born in the U.S.? I wonder how he behaves around other Koreans. I'm surprised how he goes to cons and Japanese festivals and stuff, considering how much he talks about Korea and how Koreans generally hate the Japanese.

>> No.6599030

thats up in jersey right? i feel like i recognize that from somewhere

>> No.6599036

Yeah, right by the Hudson river.

>> No.6599037
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>> No.6599046

I've been pretty lucky con wise (I've been going to cons for awhile with no real horror stories to tell) but the other day I bumped into some people I knew from my high school's anime club and they were all nya ing and trying to rub against my neck in greeting.
how do these people not grow up? I know I was at least that bad in hs but I've learned how to hide my power level since then. Shit was fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6599048
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>Friend and I decide to meet up in the art room for lunch on the first day
>Things are going great, whole week of peaceful lunches
>Girl pops in to see if i'm there
>proceeds to tackle me and start rubbing her face on me purring my name
>Jesus fucking christ get off me dammit
>Her new thing is repeating my name over and over again
>Me and friend start hiding in at tree at lunch

Things return to normal till the new semster
>Girl finds me walking the school grounds in the morning
>proceeds to pull out a teddy bear all bandaged and bloody
>Tries to be all dark and edgy with it, I instantly recognize this and don't give her the reaction she wants
>Tell her I gotta go take a test I missed and fuck off to a classroom

>> No.6599050
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>caring about what weebs or fatties think

>> No.6599053
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After me and my friend returned to the art room for lunch, this shit started happening
>New semester, got new classes
>One of them is next to her class at the same time
>Use art room as locker for books I need after lunch
>Carring a bunch of books to class after lunch
>Turn corrner
>bitch had been hiding around the fucking corner, waiting for me to show up
>books don't allow me to slap her shit
>screaming at her and trying to throw her off me with all my might
>shes got a good 60 pounds over me
>end up dragging her all the way to my class
>Make eye contact with everybody walking past trying to get help
>pity stares everywhere but nobody wants to catch her plague
>bitch has been stalking me and now does this everyday, each day on the way to a different class
>Its russian roolete, fear behind every corner
>apparently she thinks shes my cat

I had been safe after school luckily, but when my ride home started picking me up in a different spot...
>Waiting in front of school for ride
>its a large parking lot and where the busses are
>Girl rides bus
>Wait on these stone steps where i can look for my rides car
>Girl stalks me and pummels me into the steps
>Taking an awful thud into the steps
>Toss that fucking bitch off me and proceed to tell her to fuck the fucking fuck off
>tee hees and scurries off to bus
>Have to start hiding in the theater with my sister till the buses leave
>Move states

Thank fucking god she never got my phone number or facebook

Lizzete you were the biggest piece of weeaboo shit ever
I would have pummeled the shit outta her face but she was obviously special ed

>> No.6599054

i don't understand you at all, oh my god. i have an anxiety disorder merely brought on by people, i never said i cared about what anyone thought of me. that was what the eyeroll was about. jesus christ.

>> No.6599057

holy shit, i feel for you, anon.

>> No.6599063
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>anxiety brought on by people
>not caring about what people think

>> No.6599087
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I think I told this one before.

It all started at the local asian festival... (this was february 2010)

>Me and friend, Sammy (female) go to local asia fest
>We're both wearing our frilly dresses from hot topic, trying to look like we're wearing asian fashion (pic related, me 3 years ago)
>see a samurai at the festival, we run to take a picture
>he poses, super cool for us. then asks us if he can take a picture.
>figured he liked our dresses. A resounding "Sure!" from the two of us
>We pose all cutesy, he comments, "wow, how lucky of me to find two cute little lolitas!"
>we accept the compliment, but then he adds "I just want y'all to know y'all are very beautiful, like, damn, if I was younger..."
>start to cringe a bit, that last part...
>starts asking us if we have facebooks (didnt at the time) we say we have to run.
>spots us three more times, asks for another pic and chats us up the other two times
>think nothing of it

Skip ahead to a small college con a few months later

>see battle flag floating above a crowd
>hmm... that looks like
>"Hey.... Hey girls!!"
>asks for a picture
>bumps into us five more times
>asks for another picture EVERY TIME
>wouldn't be odd... if we were actually dressed up this time.
>one of the times he said "I know i'm too old for you girls, and i dont want to be creepy, but i just think y'all are so damn hot."
>repeats this sort of statement using beautiful/attractive/cute
>Find out he's 26. We're 15.
>keeps asking about facebooks/emails/what school we attend/etc.
>avoid like the plauge

He found us again at our large local con, again at asian festival, then again at con (this has been over the 3 years).

>Bumps into us at big con for second time (2 years had passed since initial)
>I see him, but it's too late. Turn on my heel to run.
>"Hey, my little lolita!"
>trying to run away, just keep running. He's about twice my size and his hand goes around my entire arm. I'm running in a circle

>> No.6599099

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6599101

>"You're not going to get away from me this time! I WILL get my picture!"
>He wants another picture apparently
>Still running, sammy is staring at the scene and attempting to shout "Umm... you should let her go!"
>The random guy who had been walking with us asks him for a picture
>He just stops and smiles while I book it.
>Hear "I'll find you!" as i run off and hide in the dealer room
>Didn't find me

Aaaand the final year that we saw him

>calls out to me and sammy, who happened by at the same time and werent even going to the con together
>he still manages to find us both, together
>anyway, calls us over and says, "I have a present for you guys!"
>sam looks at me, i look at her, she's too nice to say no and I just kind of follow with a scowl
>hands us a picture of us that he drew, me in my purple dress, from the asian festival three years ago
>and it looks like a 15 year old weaboo drew it
but the worst part was
>all of the details are correct

Wish I'd at least kept it to show here. Man, the way he pulled us in the small con pictures. That was so unnerving now that I look back on it.

Somewhere he's jerking off to pictures of 15 year old me and sam, I just know it

>> No.6599105

I feel bad for you, anon. I had a similar experience my sophomore year. This one weeb that, in all honesty had maybe one or two friends started creeping on me in my Algebra 2 class, trying to flirt with me. She sat next to me, and this lasted the entire year. She was a grade ahead of me and, her being a junior, asked my best friend to prom. He just stayed with his friends and avoided her. The next year, she asked out one of my other friends to prom, saying that it would determine "her happiness for the rest of her life" or something like that. My friend wisely let her down smoothly and got another girl for prom.

And this weeb chick has her kids' lives planned out. But, considering many factors including her creepiness, (and lack of good looks) I do not know anyone that would procreate with her.

tl;dr: I know that feel bro

>> No.6599108

*pulled us in by our waists

and well that's the end
(for now)

going to said asian festival again on the 16th. wish me luck at avoiding a reunion.

>> No.6599119

I also love learning about NK, anon.

>> No.6599125
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Lets hope she doesnt rape anybody, feelbro

>> No.6599133

I have a story but I think I'm more of the horrifying person than anyone else in the story if anyone wants to hear it.

>> No.6599135

Woah there Mate!
You and Kish were dating?! Nigga, did I miss some important detail about this?!

sage for off topic

>> No.6599172 [DELETED] 

Yeah, we started dating half way into our bullshit with Korea-man. I didn't think it was important enough to mention. Sorry for the confusion!

>> No.6599179

Dude, if you are serious then we should exchange emails or something. It is so rare (at least in my case) to find someone else who is interested in NK!

>> No.6599200

He was born on an American army base in South Korea. I believe he went to school on this base too, from what he told me. They taught him in English so I'm assuming that he wasn't taught in the semi-anti-Japanese environment that others did in South Korea.

>> No.6599205
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Different anon here. I also enjoy learning about NK. This book is a great read if you want to hear first hand accounts on what daily life in NK is like.

>> No.6599213

Anon who wrote Korea-man story here. I've read it so many times and studied more into the defectors for further stories.

>> No.6599231
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Sorry! I didn't think that it would be important to go into detail on that. I did talk about that in the story I put up on Kish's creeper though.

>mfw the captcha asks for Korea-man's name

>> No.6599249

I'm assuming you've both seen the Vice documentary about NK and NK in Siberia... have you seen any other good NK documentaries?

>> No.6599264

I haven't read that book yet. I'll check it out!

>> No.6599267

That one isn't ringing a bell.

I have seen tons though. My personal favorite is the blurb on Ceausescu's (former Romanian Dictator) visit to NK. It has tons or rare stock footage on it.

I'm leaving my email in the email field so I don't clutter up the thread with unrelated yapping. Email me if you want to discuss more and share videos!

>> No.6599321
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Small weeb story of myself:

>Spent my teenage years weebing it up but living in a country with no cons or anything of the sort and it's relatively hard to come by Japanese merchandise.
>Every day spent wishing I lived in Japan/ was Japanese cause
"then I'd find people who understand me!!"
>Halfhearted attempts at being different and kawaii, wearing a cat bell around my neck, buying only black clothes (trying to be goth).
>Grow out of it eventually. Still like video games and such but enjoy western stuff more.
>Get the chance to go to my first anime con in the US last year (23 at the time)
>It's fun but a little depressing since it's exactly what /cgl/ said it would be.
>Hetaliatards running around being loud, creepy guy comments on my friend's t-shirt and ends up following us around the whole day, all the lolitas are fat and stuck up when I try to talk to them.
>Panels keep being moved around and those we do get in to are pretty crappy
>End up thinking "screw this, I'm only here for a weekend. Might as well live up to every weeby fantasy I had as a teen"
>Buy a moogle hat, a pinkie pie t-shirt, pocky and ramune, try DDR, read hentai in public (etc.). Generally just making a asshat of myself.

Embarrassing as fuck to think about but I don't regret it for one moment. In a way I'm a bit happy I didn't get a chance to do this stuff till after I realized how fucking stupid it is.

tl;dr: Released my inner weeaboo at a con

>> No.6599324

special ed
sympathy lost

>> No.6599334

Posted this once before.

>San Japan (forgot what year)
>I'm cosplaying Ash, my girlfriend at the time was cosplaying Gary
>We're walking down the hallway to our room and talking when we hear what sounds like a kid throwing a tantrum
>We ignore
>The yelling gets louder so we eventually look behind us and see this really hot chick in a revealing Pikachu gijinka outfit yelling "Chuuuuuu!" at us
>We laugh and wave, continue walking
>Suddenly "thumpthumpthumpthUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHU"
>We turn to see the girl running full speed at us and she let's out another "CHUUUUUU!!!!"
>Girlfriend grabs my wrist and drags me, fucking hauling it to the room
>We get in and close the door
>"bang bang bang bang"

>She was so hot
>She was fucking terrifying
>I'm so confused

>> No.6599345


>dat potential threesome

>> No.6599349
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Oh fuck how terrifying.
>Not having your girlfriend wrestle her yelling "You can't ingore my girth"

>> No.6599435
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So I have a kinda horror/horror avoided story I've never gotten around to sharing with /cgl/

>go to local con with last second idea thrown together rocket power cosplay with a friend
>live it up going down childhood lane and woogity-ing it out with everyone
>some tobi cosplayer freaks out and talks with me for a while because DUDE CHILDHOOD cool stuff and all
>friday night hanging at the pool with friends
>group at the hot tub get in heated comic discussion and what not
>tobi there, still pretty cool guy w/e
>exchange numbers since no warning signals are going off
>wake up next morning with several texts asking if i want to meet up and where i was
>oh dear lord
>do my best to ignore him the rest of the weekend because bitch please I am not going to find myself staring a con horror story
>rest of the weekend he's all REGGIE LOOOLLLZ and im all yeah hi bye and think I managed to get out of the whole situation


>> No.6599437
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>Monday after con weekend get texts from him asking about how my weekend was if i had fun and stuff
>Moment of weakness: thought okay maybe I judged him poorly this isn't that bad
>have normal decent conversation
>Tuesday get spammed with "hi" "are you there" "anon" "anon" "hi"
>fuck i was wrong abort mission
>Wednesday more spamming, but less than Tuesday
>Thursday comes along and it seems I've ignored him away
>start getting texts from him about how he really needs a friend right now because he's in a really bad place and hints at wanting to commit suicide and shit
>honestly can't remember if I ignored him again or if I straight up told him "I don't know you, I'm not your friend. You need to talk to people you're closer to if you're feeling this way. I can't help you."
>either way he stopped talking to me for a while
>and then over the span of the past half year I've gotten sporadic messages from him attempting to strike a conversation (and by that I mean "hi" "how r u" "r u their?")
>just recently I was hanging out with some friends and he texted me several times within the hour
>friend grabs my phone and texts him "who is anon? stop texting me you have the wrong number"
>so far horror story completely avoided
>of course i haven't been to any cons he might be at yet sooooooo

>> No.6599472
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>this girl keeps calling herself princess and/or loli

>> No.6599474
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>Go to a Con in DC (can't remember the name)
>Checking in, standing behind a guy with HUGE black wings and no shirt
>Standing quietly behind him, kind of out of it (freaking Friday DC traffic)
>See black out of the corner of my eye, too tired to react in time
>Shirtless weebo kid turned around quickly to greet a friend and smacked me in the face with his gigantic wing.
>Fat friend and him look at me like it was my fault for my face being there
>He frantically panics because he thinks his wing is broken
>He says (loudly) it better not be broken
>I say in a haze, "Honey, the only thing that's broken are your parents' hearts because you turned out gay. Chill out."

Him and his fat friend froze in place while my friends laughed. It was at that moment I saw a slew of Japanese flight attendants frantically looking for another hotel to get away from the convention.

>> No.6599502

Oh my god

>> No.6599505


>> No.6599512

>be 13 years old
>first con and cosplay (misty from pokemon)
>hear a group of men call out to me
>"hey misty! do you know what time it is?"
>reply "no", confused
>men proceed to run up to me and say "it's party time!"
>literally surround me and start grinding/dancing up on me
>mfw i am a small young girl and they are creepy, sweaty, overweight, smelly, very tall men

it was fucking bad, since they literally circled me i had no way of getting out and just stood there scared for what felt like 5 minutes (was probably more like just a minute).
i always brought a male companion after that incident. (i had a guy friend with me but he was completely useless in that situation)

>> No.6599522
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Where in the hell were your parents? At 13, I was never allowed anywhere without a chaperone.

>> No.6599530

my aunt took me, but she let me and my friend walk around a bit by ourselves while she watched over her own kid. it was a relatively small con though.

>> No.6599534

>At Everfree Northwest cosplaying as Rarity (I'm a Pegasister, sue me).
>Some guy dressed as Spike comes up and asks if he could be my "Spikey-Wikey"
>I tell him to impale himself on a "Spikey-Wikey". LIEK A BAWSS!

>> No.6599536


You were asking for it

>> No.6599535


Forgot to mention. The guy was nearly 40 and I'm 22.

>> No.6599542


Typical Weeaboo behaviour. This is why I spend most cons in the bar.

>> No.6599602

The mental image of this is enough to keep me laughing for a life time.

>> No.6599641

I would've jumped up and beat the ever living fuck out of that bitch. You don't just fucking do that.
Fuck, that makes me so angry just thinking about it.
When I was 14 I was living in Phoenix, or rather, near it. I'd gone to PCC a couple years, because I used to live like a block from the Mesa Convention Center, which was the venue back then. Decided I liked going to cons. I went to the first year of Saboten Con, because a friend of mine went. (I think it was 2008 or 2009?)

Anyways, the con was shit, but I remember going to the crappy anime rave, and some greasy raver with a gas mask started dancing with me and whatnot. Immediately I'm like "ohgod" because he's creepy. And he's like grinding up on me and whatnot, and when I try to get away, he won't stop following me everywhere. At one point we're outside the room talking, and he tells me he's something like 26. I tell him I'm 14, a freshman. He starts acting kind of awkward for a second, asking me about school and such. I figured he was done because he realized "Ohshit, too young."

But then like ten minutes later, when I had gone back in to look for my friends, he was back to grinding up on me, started getting handsy. Tried to kiss me when I told him I was leaving for the night, but I managed to dodge it. He gave me his number and I threw it away without even bothering to look at it.

>> No.6599661

It's a tad hard to believe you would "beat the ever living fuck" out of someone if you can't even get a greasy creep to leave you the hell alone.

>> No.6599691

Funny thing, the way a 14 year old reacts to a male twice her size and age hitting on her is probably going to be different from a 20 year old reacting to some girl throwing a rock at her. He was kind of creepy, but he wasn't violent and didn't cause me permanent damage.

>> No.6599870

i was the other person in the hotel room with this person and the annoying as fuck room buddy and this is definitely a really toned down version of what happened. i’ve roomed with this girl (hereafter vanilla) before and it was really terrible but i chalked it up to her being 15 and inexperienced, but this story happened three years later and it was just as awful
so the first thing that happened was she bawwed really hard to us about how her internet friend stopped talking to her out of the blue. The annoying part of this is that it turned out later that she told her cosplay posse that her girlfriend who shed been engaged to broke up with her – which is a blatant lie. She has a boyfriend who shes been dating for two years and to my knowledge they’ve never been engaged, I talked to him about this and they had some kind of giant fight about it (still together tho)

>> No.6599872

I got so tired of dealing with her whiny ass that I was just really snippy Sunday morning and left the hotel room the second I was dressed enough to be walking around on the street, so the burden of dressing vanille fell to my sister unfortunately
(I was the one who discovered the giant shit in the bathroom, btw. there was some blood on the toilet bowl as well)

>> No.6599871

anyway saturday morning my sister and i were getting into our cosplays (it was pretty involved, there were a lot of little details involved) and vanille was sitting there watching us with her cosplay on but her wig was still on its stand on the counter, so I asked if she needed help (mistake number one) and she jumped up and proclaimed that she couldn’t put her wig on by herself
she’s done this shit before at previous conventions but I decided to suck it up and roll with it because it was a free hotel room at the con. It was one of those clip-on pigtail wigs and I was unfamiliar with the character she was cosplaying but I guess the pigtails were supposed to be really high up, so she had me put them on really fuckin high on her head
then she said “no, that’s wrong”
took them off
stared at them for a few seconds
and put them right back where I had put them
I actually said “dude I think that’s exactly where they just were” and all she said was “oh, were they?” and walked back into the bathroom

>> No.6599885

oh, I forgot to mention: she ripped her skirt by glomping somebody and made me safety pin it together for her to wear again on Sunday

>> No.6599898

Woah, Izumicon, right?

Mess is always going down in Izumicon.

>> No.6599935

Nope. That particular event happened at a Hetalia day. I don't know where Izumicon is lol

>> No.6599964

4 chan panel line at Otakon 2007. Our derp was legendary.

Ohayocon in Columbus is a horror story in itself, and the security and staff thereof is the most hapless bunch of fuckwits I ever did see. WAY too much hipster douchebag Homestuck bullshit and very little creative genius in the cosplay at that one.

>> No.6599977

>I saw a slew of Japanese flight attendants frantically looking for another hotel to get away from the convention.
Love the puchline.

>> No.6599980
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A decently close friend of mine told me she needed help with a video project. She's striving to become the next big shot director blah blah whatever, but she's helped me in some tight spots so I say I'll help. I get a call at the end of the week from her, telling me to meet up at her house on sunday. Walk in to find fucking weeaboo central. Seriously every kind of weeaboo you can think of was there, short fat hambeast, weird smelly tall girl, cat ears squealing girl, nerd asian boy who thinks hes a naruto ninja. I saw them all, in one fucking living room. Apparently, said friend decided to round up a bunch of anime loving, socially awkward, unhygienic weeb's to help with her video. I freeze, hoping the sound of the door didn't catch their attention, but they have spotted me. Tall smelly girl runs up to me and greets "awww. look how cute you are! like a walking chibi! You'll make a perfect Zexion!" Now I'm 5'1", and this chick proceeds to pull me into a very tight and painful hug. My face gets shoved in her sweaty and fucking putrid armpit. I can feel the moisture on my noise and cheek, I'm horrified.

>> No.6599982

She releases me just in time for Hambeast to take over, who proceeds to examine me like some fucking doll. Looking at my wrist, checking the health of my hair, Then she turns around, long greasy unwashed hair slaps me in the face, a fucking strand found it's way into my mouth and it. was. fucking foul. giggles and says 'gomei' I get to the bathroom and wash my face and mouth with what I can find, only to remember what the first weeb said 'you'll make a get Zexion' wtf is a Zexion?' I leave the bathroom only when I hear my friend outside, where I proceed to dash out and ask her wtf a Zexion is. She cheerfully informs me we are doing a kingdom hearts skit! And I die a little on the inside cause I'm here and I've already agreed.

>> No.6599990

They slap a wig on me and rest of the day was me in the following scenarios...
A)Waiting for my scene and having Naruto wannabe ninja boy try to swoon me with shitty ninja poses and fake tales of how awesome he is, he's also a black belt and ninjustu teacher.
B)Being awww’ed and picked up and called kawaii by the unfortunate looking girl weeaboos
C)In front of my friends camera being forced into a scene with stupid fangirl giggly hinting at being gay. (smelly ass demyx being the ‘love interest’)
D) Shooing of Demyx because she thinks it’s okay to act ‘in character’ off camera.
The end of this tale is me telling my friend I’m glad I could help with her little project, but I don’t ever want to do it again. I’ll help her another way. I go home, take a burning hot shower and proceed with my night. Only to get a text from someone name ‘itachi’ I’m like ‘da fuq?’ So I look through my phone to find all of them saved their number and proceeded to call themselves so they could have mine. Fuck Weeaboos dude.

>> No.6600155

almost went to ohayocon as umbrella. If i had saw that id have gotten my team together and we would have come by and escorted him the fuck out.

>> No.6600558

Never, never, never go to cons with a group of friends that all have their own internal issues or sexual tension with others. Shit is wack.

>> No.6600566

>>implying any group can exist that does not have sexual tension in it

Embrace it, anonymous.

>> No.6600590

so never told this before and im not the greatest at telling stories so bare with me and sorry for spelling mistakes...this is gunna be long so sit tight and prepare for awkward and crazy.

so takes place in 7th grade. I'm awkward as fuck, super shy and strange. None my friends were in any of my classes or even the same school so I was extremely loney and was pretty desperate for a friend. Then comes alone who I will call "D"
Met her in my drawing and painting class, seemed nice (similar to me, shy and strange) but we both liked anime so a bond was formed. We also lived really close together so we would walk home or to the book store and hung out nearly every day. Things were going well (well we kinda got picked on but we at least werent alone so we delt with it)
so a couple months down the line she started telling me how she was really getting into Inuyasha...REALLY getting into it. I didnt like it but I still watched it with her when we would have sleepovers and such (her mom was crazy and thought anime was the devils work so we had to watch anime or read after she went to bed or wasnt home)

>> No.6600596

so I noticed she started to take the show a little too seriously...she was head over heels in love with Inuyasha. And then she started saying that we would hear the voices of characters from the show talk to her inside her head. She said she could find us a portal and we could go visit them. I was pretty freaked out but I didnt want to lose my only friend so I just played along. She told be to pack a bag full of supplies and come to school a hour early. I do as she said and she her by the big tree near our school. It had just rained last night so she said the portal was inside the puddles and we had to jump in them and find the portal. Needlest to say it didnt work and she was upset

so this kept up for a couple weeks where she was covinced they were talking to her and how we have to find the portal so she can be with Inuyasha. I was starting to get a little freaked out about her hearing voices and then something new...she was possessed by the the characters.

>> No.6600631


So she seemed normal when her siblings and mom was awake. We watched tv and had a nice dinner. It was nice seeing her act normal for once. but that changed when everyone else went to bed and we went to hangout in the basement rec room. So I go to the bath room and come back down to a pitch black basement (i was really freaked out by the dark back then)

I call out her name and nothing just silence so i walk torwards the stairs then hear her say my name in a pretty fucking creepy voice. I tell her to cut it out and turn the lights on. She refuses. My eyes are now ajusted and I find her. she's walking towards me, graps my arm and then I see the knife

>> No.6600641

When I was cosplaying as America from Hetalia, a cute female Japan approached me and apologized for Pearl Harbor.

Only thing that's happened to me that I thought was kinda silly.

>> No.6600650
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Also I want everyone to know I get a kick out of Con Horror Stories. I love reading all the cringe-worthy stories of weird/creepy/bizarre things that go on at cons.

>> No.6600664

Does anyone have any creepy lolita stories?

>> No.6600668

that's funny. innapropriate, but funny.

>> No.6600675

one time, i was at a con. i had on sunglasses and was sitting outside with some of my friends. keep in mind i have long blonde hair. a homestuck cosplayer came up to and snottily told me i was doing a bad job of cosplaying "female dave strider". i was really confused so i just gave her an odd look and she sighed and walked away.

>> No.6600681

I almost apologized for Hiroshima and Nagasaki but decided that might be in bad taste.

>> No.6600814

Oh god if she was like that to someone who was America, I would love to hear her apology to China and any other Asian country.

>> No.6600854

Ive never posted one of these before but ive been thinking about it forever, this is more of a weeb story though:

I had just arrived at highschool when i met olivia. I had a few other friends but unfortunately i was a fucking beta and my friends were really bitchy, one girl started bullying me really badly and it got to the point where i was really scared. Eventually i met Olivia in the school bathrooms where i was hiding from the bully and she and i became pretty close pretty fast.
I was really glad to have a safe friend, even if she was a little weird: She had really come into puberty really fast and she really hadn't done it willingly and was very childish compared to the other girls. I started to think there was something wrong with her BUT i was still really happy to have someone to hang out with who wasn't really nasty.

>> No.6600871


Olivia came up to me super exited one day and told me all about how she had discovered something incredible: Anime.

Before this she had been quite obsessed with nintendo and she really loved sonic the hedgehog. Well soon enough her obsession with anime and nintendo kinda merged and she got a deviantart account. She drew pretty well and some of the stuff that she showed me (i didn't have a DA and i hadn't actually checked hers out). During this time she had also met my family...

The night she met my mom and dad she had come over for a sleepover, my family is fairly proper and the fact that Olivia was blatantly unwashed kinda shocked my mom who knew full well that Olivias family was really wealthy. Olivia was one of those sorts who really couldn't control her volume and my families place was small, my parents looked exausted after tea since she had talked non stop at top volume about this anime and that anime.

>> No.6600893

Well, needless to say my mother thought she was pretty fucking weird and kept giving me these looks. After tea my mother asked me if Olivia smelled funny or if it was her imagination i started smelling it after that too...

Anyway i had kinda started trying to make new friends and i had been gaining social ease so Olivia wasn't my primary concern but we were still chatting on line.

While chatting OL one night (pretty late) She sent me a msg asking me if i could keep a secret and i told her i could. She then sent me a link to her DA and asked me to read one of her stories and tell her what i thought about it...

Well, i guess frequent readers of cgl would know pretty much what it was but at all of 11 years old i was pretty shocked to read a pornographic story about sonic the hedgehog fucking tails.

There were also a ton of stories about her OC who apparently was fucking sonic and a ton of other game and anime creatures in pretty graphic detail. For 11 this girl had an impressive imagination!

The next morning i was pretty confused. I knew that i didn't really want to see her the next day though cause she was gonna ask me what i had thought and the whole thing was too fucking weird for me. See i was sexually abused as a small child and her stories had kinda bought old and scary memories to the fore and i wasn't too happy to talk about it.

I faked sick that day, and managed to fake sick the next day but i knew i wasn't gonna get away with it forever...

>> No.6600931


So i finally told my mother, or i didn't, i just told her that a person from school had sent me these weird stories and i didn't want to talk to them anymore. She looked through the account and it was FULL of sonic porn. She was really angry and she pretty much forced Olivias name out of me. She was furious! She called the school and told the school therapist woman everything and gave her the link to Olivias DA and i assume that she read the stories ect...

I went back to school and Olivia wasn't there anymore. She had been yanked out of school after her family got a call by the school as it had turned out that Olivia had been using the school computers to upload porn and they didn't like that much so they may have threatened to expel her.

We didn't see Olivia after that for a few years though the school did ask my mother if she wanted to press charges as Olivia had transmitted harmful material to a child. Mom didn't press charges in the end as we just wanted the whole thing to go away.

A few years later i, now a lolita, was hangin out on FB when i suddenly got an IM from Olivia. She was talking exitedly about how i was a lolita and she loved lolita cause thats what a bunch of anime girls wore and how i should check out her DA again. Instead i checked out her FB photos: She had gotten really fat and was now the size of a small planet, it turned out that her mother was one of those "ladies who lunch" and since her daughter was weird she didn't want much to do with her, after she had left school she was "homeschooled" and that ment that she had been pretty soundly ignored and left to her weeb ways. She really didn't shower and had a face full of pimples.

Her FB was full of pics of her "Cosplaying" and her talking about how she was "married" to several anime characters in a poly relationship. I never did check her DA and i really don't regret it.

>> No.6600963

...i know i am not the only one here who is disappointed by the lack of a dA page

>> No.6600964

> be 11, love and watch Pokemon
> be in highschool and get tv after not having it for 2yrs
> find some anime on adult swim late night, mainstream stuff like FMA, Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, Ghost in the shell
> cool stuff but like everything I couldn't afford to make anime a hobby of mine and get vids/merch
> wondered if anyone at school also liked anime I could be friends with, though I wasn't the type of person who had friends, was really shy
> see some younger girls wearing cat ears and naruto headbands at school one day, one had a bad purple wig
> squeeing and looking at something, probably manga
> Noped and turned the fuck around

My lack of money was literally the only thing that stopped me from being a batshit insane weaboo or WOW fanatic. Thank you Lord Jesus. I did have a dark period of obsessive Harry Potter roleplaying and fanfiction making, but it was only for 5 years or so.....Oh wait, shit, that's an awful long time. God damn.

>> No.6600974

Dude you did not end it there

>> No.6601015


Tell me there is more! This girl sounds cray cray

>> No.6601012

I was just reading a shit ton of capped Weeb Horror Stories. Here's mine, with a bit of background:

So basically I'm a closet nerd, not really a weeaboo because I don't into anime, but I dress like a douche (for all intents and purposes, just imagine me wearing an Aeropostal t-shirt and jeans) on a daily basis. I've been to several cons over the years and never cosplayed, so I looked horribly out of place and often get a lot of bad looks because people think I'm there to be an asshole, when in reality I just want to have fun. Anyway my girlfriend, who always does cosplay suggests that we do something together, and naturally I agree. We decide to go as Shen and Akali from League of Legends and she basically puts it all together. So we get to the convention, all dressed up and excited as fuck, and finally I feel like I belong and people want to take pictures with us, etc etc.

After a while though one of my friends comes up to us and says he's seen my ex hanging around. My ex is a cruel, spiteful bitch and, after our breakup, became a landwhale of a woman. She likes to parade around EVERY con she goes to in lingerie. She thinks it's "cute" and she sometimes tries to be "lolita" and generally gets a lot of attention, mostly because the other guys are beta and desperate perhaps? I shrug it off and basically attempt to avoid her the whole time. I never really revealed any of my ex's batshit insanity to my current girlfriend, mostly because some of it still gives me shivers just thinking about it.


>> No.6601027


But after my friend says he saw her, my girlfriend starts asking about her. Stuff like why it's such a big deal and why I looked worried. I finally told her some of the more tame stuff my ex did, like break in to my house while I was at work because she "missed me" or how she would constantly make references to obscure animes in love letters about us being soulmates or some shit. I even told her some batshit stuff like how she wrote me a letter entirely in period blood and left it in my mailbox that explained how we were "forever entangled" in some way. It was creepy as shit.

My girlfriend, quite clearly disturbed, asked me to point her out so she knew who to avoid. As we were talking, I couldn't help but notice my ex, who we'll call D for simplicity, waddling toward us in some skimpy black lingerie. It was like somebody popped a can of dough and put some lingerie on it and holy fuck it was disgusting.


>> No.6601054


I could see it in her eyes, D was out for revenge. Since we broke up I got in to shape (thanks to /fit/), my girlfriend was in shape, and D was jealous of everything. Despite being broken up for over a year she just couldn't pass up the chance to be a bitch. So D comes waddling up, looks both of us up and down, then says, "Hey, Anon. Long time no see!" in the most innocent voice I've ever heard from a devil. I kind of roll my eyes and mutter a "Hey" back. She has this shit eating grin on her face and says, "Well? Aren't you going to introduce me?" So I politely turn to my girlfriend and tell her this is my ex, D, and told D this was my girlfriend, who we'll call L.

They shake hands and what not. It seemed that, even though D had ballooned in size, her ego and generally bitchiness had deflated. Oh boy was I wrong. She immediately looked at L's costume and snorted, like actually snorted, laughing. "What the hell are you supposed to be, anyway? Some sort of slut-ninja?" L sat there with her mouth open, probably at the fact that a hippo in high heels and a corset with fat spilling out above and below tried to call her a slut. I stepped in and said sarcastically, "Oh yeah, because -that's- attractive, right?" pointing to her entire outfit.


>> No.6601072


It wasn't the best of remarks, but I had to do something, right? Anyway, D looks at me, basically snarling at this point (even though she looked more like a bulldog). "Did you tell L here how much of a little bitch you used to be? Do you remember crying and just -begging- for me back?" With that she kind of popped her hip in what I can only assume was a sexy (and I use the term loosely here) fashion. L and I simply burst in to laughter and L grabbed my hand and we went away. I could feel D's piercing gaze as we walked away. I apologized profusely to L and told her that D just had to be a bitch, especially to me, because she felt I had wronged her in some way. We thought it was going to be an enjoyable con and D would leave us alone.

Later that night we changed out of our costumes in to some more casual clothes to attend a room party. For anyone who has seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show, the local shadow cast puts on a party every year at this con and L and I had both just turned 21, so we wanted to have fun. But as we walked in to the room, there was D, who had also turned 21 recently and thus was getting as fucked up as possible.


>> No.6601087


As soon as D notices us she saunters over in the only way someone her size can. She's still wearing the same black lingerie from earlier and she actually smells terrible at this point. She had apparently been sweating in it ALL day long and never bothered to change. She blocks our entrance, as well as some of the other guests, proclaiming we're not old enough to drink. However there were two people checking IDs at the door and confirmed that we were, in fact, 21. We pushed our way past her carefully, not wanting to get stink on us, but she followed the whole time, claiming I was a "fucking loser" and my girlfriend was a "stupid cunt" for dating me. We ignored her and she went back to molesting creepy old guys. Finally L and I had enough to drink to where we were both slightly tipsy, though L was more tipsy than I was since she's much smaller (about 120lbs). At one point L told me she needed to use the restroom, and the bathroom was being overrun by other people puking and shit, so she had to go back to our room, which was 5 floors up and toward the end of the hall. She told me she didn't need any help, so I let her go and continued drinking and socializing. What I didn't notice, however, was that D had slipped out right behind L. After 10 minutes had passed I began to worry, but since the room was far away I didn't think too much about it. After 20 minutes I finally noticed D was gone too and one of the other party guests told me she left no more than 5 minutes after L.


>> No.6601106


So I basically sprint up to the room, saying fuck the elevators and taking the stairs. When I get to the room I can hear yelling coming from the inside and fumble with my keycard a bit, but when it unlocks I explode through the door and round the corner to see D on top of L, nearly strangling her and yelling about what a bitch she is for stealing her man and how I'd gotten so sexy that only she (as in D) was worthy of having me. I yelled out, "WHAT THE FUCK" and gathered the strength to lift the cow off L. I grabbed her by the arm and threw her in to the hall before running back in and scooping L up, asking if she was alright. She was shaking badly and in tears, her makeup streaming down her face, red finger marks on her neck, the works. After she assured me she was fine I called the police and notified the convention staff, who couldn't do much to stop her. It turns out she ran to her dad's room (who was convention president at the time) to hide while he was at the very same party we came from. When he got word he came storming to the hotel lobby and interrupted the cops to scream in my face about how I was worthless and why I couldn't just let shit die. I told him his precious "little" angel got drunk, stalked my girlfriend from the party to our room, and (according to L) waited for her to come back out, only to shove her in the room and assault and strangle her. He was in disbelief, but the marks on L's neck and her stretched clothing revealed otherwise.


>> No.6601116

>dad gets involved
Oh, this gon' be good.

>> No.6601124


Is anyone even here? Oh well, finishing the story...

So we go on a hunt for D, but nobody can find her (at the time we don't know she's in her dad's room). After some time we see her come out of the stair well, still wearing the same fucking lingerie, but as soon as she sees us she bolts up the stairs. Luckily for us she made it up about one flight before the combination of being fat, drunk, and in heels stopped her. The police arrested her and, after a very short trial, did a few months in prison since there were no "clear witnesses" and the marks on L's neck were all they had to go by.

In the end I apologized again to L, but she said it was alright since it wasn't my fault. We did manage to get a restraining order though. When D finally got out of prison she attempted to contact both myself and L on Facebook in clear violation of the restraining order. I reminded her of it and haven't heard from her since. I did hear from a few friends though that she started dating a crackhead, so there's that.

>> No.6601129


Him being involved wasn't that impressive. He was just in awe that his daughter would do something like this, but it was obvious she did.

>> No.6601151

that is some crazy shit!

>> No.6601226

can we have some photos of D

>> No.6601274

Oh shit, that's intense. How could you date someone like that in the first place?

>> No.6601282
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>> No.6601289

Reposting old fav of mine:

>I was cosplaying Hinata, and a friend of mine had come with me as Ino. We were walking around the con when she said she wanted to go to see one of the panels on a visiting speaker, and I wanted to keep looking around, so we agreed to meet up back at the hotel lobby later on.

>When I was going through the dealer room I saw this group of guys, and one girl. They were all kinda overweight, and cosplaying naruto characters too. We made eye contact and I waved to be nice.

>They wouldn't leave me alone after that. They followed me around the dealer's room and kept trying to talk to me and get me to join them. I answered the first few times to be nice, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them, they also smelled really bad, breath twice as much.

>I managed to lose them, but when I got to the doors of the convention hall/hotel where the panels and stuff were being held, they spotted me crossing the street.

>They acted like it was a game, and started hooting and hollaring as they chased me to the elevators. I was really freaked out now, and I really didn't want them touching me. They were still a bit away when the doors to the elevator going up opened, and there was this guy standing in there alone, cosplaying as one of those odst halo soldiers. As soon as the naruto hambeast leader came closest to the elevator, ODST guy steps up and punches him in the face. The guy hits the floor and the whole group is staring at us as the doors close.

>I feel bad cause I just stood there quietly, and he got out on the third floor without saying anything. Definitely one of the coolest things that happened that year!

>> No.6601313

I nearly had my trachea crushed thanks to some fucking weird ass hambeasts last year.

I didn't even know they made dog collars with magnets the size of fucking half-dollar coins in them

>> No.6601344
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>Walking around NYC after the con ended for the day last year
>Just walking all over until it was like 2 AM
>Light up a cigarette when suddenly I hear http://soundbible.com/grab.php?id=88&type=mp3
>Some black guy has a gun pointed at the back of my head and is demanding for my wallet
>"Okay okay just chill bro."
>Suddenly hear the same sound again
>Black turns around startled before getting pistol whipped across the face with a sickening crunch
>The dude's out cold
>I look at my savior
>The guy is fucking RIPPED and dressed as pic related
The guy was roaming around New York as fucking Venom.
>Im standing there awestruck at what just happened
>He kicks the guy on the ground before looking at me
>He pulls his gun out and in the most Imposing voice ever says
>"Don't worry, it's a BB gun."
>Im still like wtf just happened
>He puts the gun away and says "Don't say anything. Alright? He was following you for a while, i just happened to see him before he saw me. Just go to your hotel or wherever you're staying and get some sleep. Also..."
>He grabs my cigarette and throws it too the ground and stomps it out
>"Those will kill you. Good night."

>I sprint the fuck back to my hotel and pass out on my bed

I still don't know what the fuck happened.

>> No.6601351

Now that is a real hero story.

>> No.6601364

Yeah I wish I could have seen the dude again, would've bought him a drink or something.

I just wonder why he was doing what he did.
He could've gotten shot so why risk it?

I don't know, but I appreciate him for possibly saving my life.

>> No.6601363

Never have I felt so turned on by a con story here.

I think you have to post this in the other happy/hero con story thread.

>> No.6601381

>Be 18 at a local cosplayfest
>Dressed as Heath Ledger Joker because I was fuck-all lazy and it's an easy costume.
>Get accosted by small asian females that keep wanting to take peace sign photos with me.
>Tempted to tell them to fuck off after the 20th one.
>Continue enjoying the attention.
>Girl that looks like a combination of Chewbaca, Oompa Loompa, and Ugly Betty is DYING for a quick photoshoot with the Joker. (She's wearing overalls and crocs...)
>Takes like 10 photos in crazy fuck poses.
>In two of the poses, I distinctly felt her hand caress/search along my groin area like she's trying to find my dick.
>Having a small penis came in handy. (Thank god)
>She never touched it. (Being a horny 18 year old with polymorphous perversion I probably would've cum and felt really really really dirty and embarrassed.)
>When she goes to leave, she wants to hug me first.
>Pulls in tight in the hug and her thigh goes up between my legs.
>She grinds it right into my cock.
(Unfortunately I was erect at this point from all the physical contact, not that this girl aroused me in any way.)
>She feels my small cock and giggles.
>"Aww, the Joker has a little gun." -more giggles-
>Being sexually teased and humiliated by an Uggo
>Confidence shattered
>A few of the asian chicks were around and uggo makes the small penis sign to them and smiles
>They giggle back
>My face is probably red despite my face paint
>Fucking go to the foodcourt bathroom
>Wipe make up off, change outfit as much as possible.
>By a drink to go and gtfo never to return

Fuck that shit.

>> No.6601382

>not avengers freak
>always had a super girl crush on pepper

I call bullshit... Who the fuck likes Pepper from the comics? She is hardly a character...hell, I would compare it to being an Alfred fan if you liked batman but he's even more developed then her! You're with the bandwagon, deal with it.

>> No.6601390

.. You can't tell penis size through clothes. Unless you were wearing sweatpants and no underwear or something..

>> No.6601392

Zoot pants
I was the joker, remember?
That material is like two sheets of paper thin.

>> No.6601402

Maybe because Pepper is "underdeveloped" that it makes it easier for a girl to take on her character and make it hers. You know, like the rest of dem crazies.

>> No.6601410

Pepper's hair isn't even blonde in the comic typically so yeah, she's full of shit. Big surprise! there's been a whole slew of girls like that seeking tony cosplayers dick

>> No.6601470 [DELETED] 

One time a girl I was doing a group cosplay with tried to cut my hair while I was sleeping and destroyed my costume because I got to cosplay the girl she wanted to. She didn't get to my hair but the costume involved LED lights and a really bizarre back piece, which she fucking wrecked.

When we asked her to explain herself, she derailed into this very strange anime villain explanation of how I had unleashed some sort of demon inside of her by stealing her character and her soul and everything she stood for.

>> No.6601472
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One time a girl I was doing a group cosplay with tried to cut my hair while I was sleeping and destroyed my costume because I got to cosplay the girl she wanted to. She didn't get to my hair but the costume involved LED lights and a really bizarre back piece, which she fucking wrecked.

When we asked her to explain herself, she derailed into this very strange anime villain explanation of how I had unleashed some sort of demon inside of her by stealing her character and her soul and everything she stood for.

>> No.6601526

My sister and I have been going to conventions since we were about 10-ish.
Starting at a young age, we got out of our weeb-phase early. At around 13 we were still young, and at one con cosplayed from bleach. I was Rukia ( No wig, it was my first cosplay) She was Yachiru. Us being twins, we attracted a lot of attention and people thought we were just the cutest.
A Kenpachi noticed my sister and asked for pictures. It was all fun, him carrying her around and such.
Eventually the con was nearing an end and my mom was there. The Kenpachi seemed like a nice guy, talking with my mom about him being a marine whatever.
We exchanged numbers, but WOW was I a fucking stupid 13 year old.
Turns out the guy is like, 22. Talking to a 13 year old.
We talked but I barely remember it since it was so long ago, but one day he says to me "Hey...I know i have a girlfriend and ur 13 but i think ur rly cute lol.."
And I'm like aw thanks for thinking I'm cute whatever.
And he was like "I hope this isnt weird but maybe we could date and do stuff (; "
I'm fucking 13 and get creeped out, but he kept pushing it until I told him to leave me alone and never talk to me again.
He starts calling me over and over, I was terrified to touch my phone. He called 20-40 times a day.
He even got his MOM to call me.

>> No.6601531

He tried finding me through every social media site.
Messages on myspace, facebook, and he even found one of my friend's numbers and started callling her begging to talk to me and my sister.
My friend gets so freaked out, and one day when we are at my friend's house, her mom takes the phone and answers, yelling "YOU ARE STALKING 13 YEAR OLD GIRLS YOU BETTER FUCK OFF BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE"
His calls were less frequent after that, calling only once every few weeks, (I just fucking ignored them.)
He ends up sending my sister one last message on FB before he blocks her (This is about a year later, we are now 14.)
He says "I'll find you at a con one day"
Shits creepy as fuck and after he's like "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" (wow maybe stalking 13 year old girls?)
Anyways, the horror doesn't end there...


>> No.6601534

oops I mean *after she blocks him

(He made a new account just to send her that message.)
So fast forward a few months, it's con time. I am unable to go because I was in some young leader program and had a trip to go on.
So my sister ends up going without me, but with a group of our friends.
She ends up seeing Kenpachi and telling our friends about him, she's freaking out.
They tell her to calm down and they walk away.
She keeps watching her back, and when she calms down and thinks he might be gone, someone suddenly grabs her by the wrist.
Kenpachi is holding her fucking arm and he says "I finally found you"
She starts screaming and kicks him, pulling her arm free and running to lock herself in a bathroom. She shakily texts me and I call some friends, who go find her in the bathroom and protect her.
They alert security and it turns out this Kenpachi guy hasn't just been creeping on us.
My sister ended up making friends with a girl he pushed up against a wall and tried to persuade her into sex.
More stories about the Kenpachi started going around until security finally got to him and banned him from the con.

Haven't heard from him since and its been years.
We are still terrified at cons, though.

>> No.6601538

jeez. glad you guys are ok!

>> No.6601545
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Not much of a weeb horror story, but it still got on my nerves.
>Athletic, but have a tumor, severe allergies, vocal cord dysfunction and asthma.
>Hot out, wearing a costume with tons of layers.
>Camera's batteries die 10 minutes before photoshoot.
>Run to room and back in costume, 4-6 blocks total.
>Dehydrated, VCD kicking in, vocal cords cutting off my airway.
>Start going numb, arms cramping up, hands curling back, very audibly wheezing for air, sit on a bench.
>Can't breathe or talk, friends freaking out and trying to get water and help me out of my costume.
>Ciel / Sebastian cosplayers sitting next to us. I've seen them around the con.
>Ciel is a little girl, Sebastian looks middle-aged. Assume it's her father.
>Friends are freaking out, debating whether to call the paramedics (again).
>Whole time I'm having an attack, they're sitting on the bench next to me, making out.
>Half an hour, three bottles of water and an inhaler later, I'm getting back to normal.
>Pedobastian and his playmate are still in their own little world.
I mean, I don't expect them to join in and freak out or anything, but it would have been nice if they paused for a second to ask if I was okay or not.
Kind of curious if they would have noticed if the paramedics actually showed up.

>> No.6601546

I saw this guy posting amazing weaboo/con stories on /fit/ yesterday and I read every single one of them? anyone got some they could dump?

>> No.6601547

perhaps he was a /k/ommando and recognized it was just a BB gun

>> No.6601555
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1345770523257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey. /cgl/-anon here. Glad you guys seemed to enjoy those.
So much rage over a few of them; especially Furry Screws a Princess. We're a lot slower board than /fit/, especially this time of day.
This thread will probably be around for another couple weeks, so you can check back every now and then before it 404's.

>> No.6601557

Oh hey. Yeah. I was just reading them throughout the day for a good laugh/rage as they were all walls of text. These ones are pretty cool but the ones you dumped felt like absolute classics.

>> No.6601561

I think you misread. Venom's gun was the BB gun, and thug's gun is presumably real. I think? I don't know, that part was all written rather ambiguously.

>> No.6601565

Well, now that you're actually here, I'm sure some seagulls would have others to contribute.
In particular, there's two I've been looking for. One where a guy got raped, and one where some weeb pushed Anon's wheelchair-bound little brother into the deep end of a hotel pool trying to drown him.
Make that three. Or one where an anime club is staying in a high school overnight, and the weeb and her friend try to pull some shit on a guy in the gym.

Anyway, /cgl/'s Weeb Horror threads is what got me lurking 4chan in the first place, a couple years ago. Still always entertaining.

>> No.6601574

There's an old guy, probably in his mid-50s, and he always comes to the con. He comes dressed up in a Sailor Moon costume, usually a maroon-ish color. I think he was going for Sailor Jupiter?

Anyway, I talked to him once and found out his name was Ray. Aside from the fact that he's a creepy bastard and walks around with a camera trying to take panty shots and generally unwanted photos of girls wearing skirts and hot girls, he's not so bad once you get to know him. Oh and my group nicknamed him Sailor Ray.

>> No.6601580
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It seems you encountered a wild Jnig.

>> No.6601583


Fellow /fit/izen here... Not gonna lie, I came over specifically for the weeb horror stories after seeing the ones you posted. Thanks brah.

>> No.6601584


Meant Sailor Mars. Fuck.

>> No.6601602

I want to read those so bad now. Weeb stories are just the best.

>> No.6602268

No no, the guy robbing had a real gun, Venom's was the BB.

>> No.6602324
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>No fat sweaty smelly fujoshi have ever hit on me.

What do I have to do to get in their pants?

Serious question, I want some yaoi fangirl cunt.

>> No.6602338

dress up as one of the popular husbandoes of the day. what do girls like now? is it still kuroshit?

>> No.6602347

you can never go wrong with kuroshit if you want to get some harpooning done
i'm sure you could get some homosteak going too

>> No.6602349

How about what's happening RIGHT NOW?

In Starbucks, whoring off their wifi before work (something I often do).

Two girls just walked in. One is probably a furry (she has a tail hooked onto the back of her belt), and the other looks like she's trying to be Hatsune Miku. Long, tangled wig. And it's black.

Can't identify the outfit though. Seams. Seams everywhere. I can tell it's homemade.

>> No.6602363

Maybe they figured there was nothing they could do for you and that it seemed like you were in the hands of people that had your back?

>> No.6602370


Same anon. I also have a person on my facebook friends I did for a game (which petered out after two weeks).

Since then, she's clearly anti-obama, she loves god, hates gays, loves foxes, and is making her own manga.

All of which is traced from previous images. I cannot see how people do not notice this.

Clincher: she admits to be an aspie, and is married, but she reeks of weeabo. Is also in love with Monster High.

(Also, when the school shooting happened, she posted up a status saying, "not all aspies are violent! don't persecute us!" I thought it was really fucking weird. Her journal is a GOLDMINE.)

>> No.6602378

Feel free to post but scratch out her name.

>> No.6602390
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I've got a horror story. Not a weeb horror story so much but... It's about me at a con, and a lesson in why you should never cosplay outside of your body type.

>be fat, tall, broad-shouldered guy
>love Haku from Naruto to death, don't give a fuck about seagull or my own mother's advice and decide to go as him
>Look okay at the start of day, other than being, well, a fat, tall Haku with glasses, but I figure I just take the glasses off before taking a picture with someone
>get to con
>Wig keeps falling off
>start getting sweaty from all the layers of clothing and the wig
>Accidentally creep out sexy jutsu Naruto cosplayer I keep running into, able to, thankfully, explain that it's just coincidence... Though I'm sure she wouldn't believe me if I didn't have my little sister with me
>By 5 or 6 the whole damn costume was falling apart and I just decided to just take the wig and wigcap off, and the outer robe, and the straw sandals, and hope no one wonders why I'm wearing shorts with a long-sleeved shirt.

That whole experience turned me off of cosplaying inaccurately and just "having fun"... and I don't like /most/ characters that fit my bodytype, so I guess no more cosplaying for me for now. Though I am trying to lose weight though so maybe after I drop 30 lbs or so I'll be in the mood to try again.

>> No.6602393

You get back here and finish.

>> No.6602399

>furry that hates gays
I assume she's a furry anyway if it's important enough to mention her fox love

>> No.6602406

Oh I figure I should explain why I creeped the Naruko out. See, she was one of those Narukos who only wears the clouds and stuff and whenever I ran into her I looked at her and smiled to be friendly but I do that with any Naruto-series cosplayer who does a good job. I guess she thought I was checking her out?

>> No.6602416
File: 32 KB, 477x615, evil lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this pose. I know this character. Where the hell is it from, though?


>> No.6602423
File: 28 KB, 371x619, evil lucifer 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another one of her characters.

>> No.6602427
File: 92 KB, 438x588, evil lucifer 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suddenly, I find a picture she's actually drawn.

Blah blah the thing on the right is a slit-mouthed woman that's a demon.

>> No.6602431

This isn't so bad but oh well... And sorry for my English!

So yeah, when I was around 16-17 years old (now 19), there was really small "manga happening" in local movie theater. Because I lived near of that "happening" I decide to go.
Hetalia was huge thing back then, and I myself liked Hetalia quite bit (dundunDUUU!). I decide to cosplay gakuen!Prussia, because it was easy costume and comfy.
I arrived to a movie theater, and it was full of cosplayers (around 60 peoples I suppose?), and most of them was pretty young. After 2 minutes there was first "Prussia!" shout. I have cosplayed Prussia before, so I was "used to it". There was 4 young Hetaliards coming to me, asking hug and saying something like "Omg ya are awsum omg omg!". I smiled to them and thanked. Right after these girls, there was another shout, but this time "BIRDIE!". (Yeah, I had a little bird attached to my wig) I turn around and there was Light Yagami cosplayer. Really young girl, whit bad wig and "blood" in her shirt (I think it was strawberry stains...). She asked hug and I hugged her. Usually I hug like 2 seconds because I'm not fan of hugging strangers... But this Light cosplayer hugged me like... 30 seconds. After I gently pushed her away, she thanked me and did run away.
Well, after those "weeboos", I did go to my friends and hanged with them. After a while we decide to eat something, and go to home after that. I was a waiting for my friends to pack their stuffs, when I heard this really high pitched scream. I turned my head and those same hetaliards was running and screaming. I ignored them, what was a big mistake. They did run to my place and they started to run around me. Like, circle running. They were even holding my hips at the same time. I froze to my place and after 5 circles later they ran away. My friends did saw this and they all started to laugh to me. I told them to hurry, because I really didn't want to be there anymore.

>> No.6602433
File: 186 KB, 526x640, 7223794498_155e7b8575_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates gays
>Is also in love with Monster High.
How the hell does that work? Every single MH plot line is about accepting minorities.

>> No.6602437
File: 50 KB, 428x422, evil lucifer 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck me there's too much for one sitting. I've discovered a Dragonball fanfiction where it looks like she is the daughter of Goku and she has the hots for the son of Vegeta.

I need to find her more interesting FB posts n' cap 'em. Will go through her timeline tomorrow. I've noticed if anybody offends her, her husband will whiteknight and run interference while she stops talking altogether.

Here's the cap for the first evil lucifer tho.

>> No.6602438


Yeah, I was waiting just to get fuck out of there and just go to sleep (I was a bad mood anyway). And then this same Light Yagami cosplayer did come to me and asked another hug. I decide to give hug to her, like, what harm would that even give? Oh boy, another big mistake. This time this Light cosplayer did nuzzled her face into my neck (thanks god that I did have scarf back then). Feeling REALLY awkward I tapped to her back trying to get away from that hug. But right after that, she kissed me to my cheek. And again, I froze. I really don’t like strangers to touch me, and kissing was just… Nope. She smiled to me and ran away. My friends finally did came to my place and they asked that “why I looked so shocked?”.
This really wasn't so bad like rest of these stories…..

>> No.6602441


Your guess is as good as mine, Anon. I've got to go to work, though. I'll try to cap and screen tomorrow. She's got HUGE TL;DR about her journies with god.

And she has Monster High OCs and shit. Jesus fuck so much to wade through.

>> No.6602457

Possibly. If you smile each time one might get the feeling. At some it may have been better to ignore her?

>> No.6602461

You deserved it cunt. Go back to comicon.

>> No.6602469

If your question wasn't rhetorical, I'm pretty sure that's Lelouch

>> No.6602504

your gf was probably threatened by her attractiveness.

>> No.6602521
File: 14 KB, 240x320, the belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time at Sakuracon, I was chased down, caught and molested by a weeby Belarus. Then later that same year at Kumoricon, I was chased down, caught, and molested again by the same Belarus. pic related.

To this day, I am frightful of Belarus or any cosplayer that resembles her.

I've also been molested by a Hetalia Paris OC cosplayer who 'bout creamed her panties when she found out I spoke French and kept kneelng to lick my crotch at random times.

I've also had Latvias fight over who gets to sit in my lap, people play tug of war with my scarf while it's on my neck, been glomped and knocked the fuck over, and had Prussias ask me to 'dominate' them.

>> No.6602586

If I might ask, what's the pairing? Just curious.

>> No.6602593

Probably so. I didn't actually realize it was the same person until like the third time which is when she made that weird face at me and I got the idea she was creeped out by me.

>> No.6602598

This is why I like cosplying MGS. No one ever glomps me or does creepy touchy feely things to me.


>> No.6602621

who do you cosplay from MGS

polite sage for not contributing. I've never run into crazies and have done a pretty swell job at avoiding them too.

>> No.6602630

>'''hear''' we come
oh my god, fantastic.

>> No.6602631

MSF soldier from peace walker.....yeah i know, not the most well known. Everyone always recognizes Solid Snake and some have confused me with big boss (which i look nothing like, maybe its the BDU pattern).

Either they don't play MGS and only know Snake or have played 1, 2 (doubtful), 3 and 4 only. Kinda depressing. Peace Walker was a great game and important to the rest of the series.

>> No.6602639
File: 997 KB, 245x260, sadtears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sad feel where I desperately want to cosplay Sniper Wolf but I'm too gross looking.

Keep on doing what you're doing, bro. It's good to see there are people out there who actually cosplay characters other than fucking Snake.

>> No.6602661
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>(Rushifa is Japanese for Lucifer)

>> No.6603148

Organizing a hotel room for fifteen or more people is something I do every year for our upcoming conventions. This past year was the uttermost shit I've ever gone through.

I have three rooms booked, most attendants are female and are rooming with people they are comfortable with. We have three couples (myself and boyfriend included) staying in a separate room together to avoid any possible issues. (some people can't handle the opposite gender)

Anyway, planning going great, rooms all charted and taken care of, funds collected, we are good to go. Que con. Finally get our rooms after lugging everybody's stuff in and everyone is settled. Except this one chick (whom unfortunately was a friend of a friend that was needed to fill space)

I marked her out instantly as a "problem" "drama queen" all that jazz after she kept turning to us during out luggage hauling expedition to keep whispering that all the men where checking her out. What pigs, right?

She was an okay looking girl, chubby but not too bad, short and sturdy. Her face was pleasant but holds the token "bitch face" lip purse too often for my taste. Anyway, she thought completely that she was a walking rape, sexual assault target because she was the shit or something.

My boyfriend and I had a hard time not telling her to shut-up, as did most of our roommates. Que social awkwardness and drama queen mode.

Now, my boyfriend and are are both fairly attractive people. We are both fitizens and have been competitive climbing partners for four years and dating for the past two. Needless to say we are extremely exclusive and know each other well.

This woman, no girl, no child, had to audacity to flirt with my boyfriend the entire convention (mostly without me knowing since she'd wait for me to leave) trying to touch him or be close to him. Of course, the BF was nervous as hell since he didn't know how to handle this situation.

>> No.6603182

Enjoying this so far; seems like this is going to get juicy

>> No.6603213


One day later during the cosplay competition, my BF went back up to the room due to his knee acting up and needing to retape it. Unbeknownst to us, said girl (we'll call her Jess) was in the room as well eating, since our room hosted all the food and snacks.

Now all this information is from my BF who ran down after to tell me what happened. He got to the room, noticed she was there and started retaping and generally ignoring her.

She says" When are we going to talk?"
He has no idea what she's talking about and tells her so.
She says "I know the way you've been looking at me, so are you going to do anything?"

BF is freaked the fuck out and tells her he's leaving. She proceeds to run after him into the hallway and into the elevator. Now that he's stuck in there she found this a good opportunity to try to come on to him even more.

"blah blah blah bullshit about how she'd be much better than me, how's she's prettier and he could do better" same banter about how he's apparently been watching her.

BF has to physically shove her away from him and bolt when the elevator opens. Finally finds me and he's pretty shook up. I'm about ready to open a can of major whoop ass on this girl because nobody has to right to force yourself on someone.

Friends follow us up to the room to find the hole place trashed and her naked in the sheets on the floor. Que, major what. Starts raving in hysterics that my boyfriend raped her.

Wow. So, naturally, her friends get angry and suspicious and start trying to calm her down. She keeps going on and on about "becoming a statistic" and that all men were rapists.

I'm calling bullshit due to the plain fact that my boyfriend wouldn't rape anyone. I was sexually assaulted by an ex, while we were dating, and he was the one who helped me the most. So, back to dramallama here. Jess was a snotty naked mess that kept going on and on about him raping her.

>> No.6603219

juicy shit, but it's 'cue' not 'que'

>> No.6603220

I'd be impressed if someone was able to get all of their victim's clothing off while raping them.

Hah, captcha is "pareakfl CHASTE"
Lovely topic.

>> No.6603232

Not gonna lie, I probably would've slapped that bitch as soon as she started going on about it despite being naked etc. and then made her clean the fucking room.

>> No.6603235

>she wrote me a letter entirely in period blood

>> No.6603241

I finally calm everyone the fuck down, keeping my boyfriend in bathroom to appease the lemmings (so he'd not run away) and start asking her questions. It's all about the details. I ask her a few about how it happened, what did he do, and all that jazz. I'll have to admit she had a pretty good imagination, but it was very Jess, and when I mean Jess, very stereotypical.

He came in, found her alone, and obviously took the opportunity to rape her. Apparently took her by mouth first then made her watch him while he had her on the floor. Now my last question is one that I am proud of for thinking of. I asked her "did he have a birthmark or anything that you could describe to the police?" She said no. Stupid.Ass.Bitch. I had just proved her whole story was shit ( at least in my eyes) I asked my boyfriend to come out and lower his waistband to his pubic hair level. My darling BF has a large brown birthmark that starts at his pubic hairline and travels to his left thigh, in the crease.

I told her she was a complete liar because she definitely would have noticed it. If things had happened the way she said they had. Lemmings said that it proved nothing and proceeded to call the cops.

Oh boy, here we go. Cops are called, statements are taken, BF and Jess are taken into the office for questioning. Police test her, the room, the sheets, and BF for DNA and all that jazz. They finally get a copy of the elevator camera security video and bust her stupid little facade wide open.

BF gets off without a hook, Jess gets filed with a misdemeanor. YAY! All in all, I am never taking on people I don't know personally in the future. Bitches are crazy.

>> No.6603247

sorry, English is not my first language. I just clicked the first auto-correct answer.

>> No.6603264

I'm glad it worked out all right in the end.

Bitches like that piss me off. So many rapes go unreported because people think no one will believe them. Then there are these bitches. What would have been the outcome?!

>> No.6603267

Homestuck girls aren't really like that though. I'd say go for Kuroshitsuji or Naruto. (Or Hetalia, if you really have no standards.)

>> No.6603276

But 80% or so of Homestuck fangirls were Hetalitards who found another thing to obsess over. The rest of them are tumblrettes, so they're all neo-feminists and RESPECT MY BODY types.

>> No.6603275

I agree, that's why I was asking her so many questions because I was asked similar ones in my case. I had to make sure that things actually happened or in this case did not.

>> No.6603278

how does that have anythign to do with not suiting your characters body type? next time just try and get a more comfortable costume perhaps.

>> No.6603280

Holy fuck I am mad. People have enough problems as it is trying to report rape, and then attention seekers cry wolf when things don't work out their way, or don't want to seem like they cheated on someone.

>> No.6603288

I don't know if I'd giver her those head's up to the questions. She might have changed her answers to sound more plausible.

I really don't know how you didn't outright deck her.

I would have been arrested for beating the fuck out of her for even implying that.

>> No.6603300

I'm inspired by all these other crazy roommate stories to tell my own.

J - cosplay and convention newbie, 15
K & L - casualfags and convention newbies, 15 and 16
M - J's hot DDR AZN male friend, 16

A - cosplayer J met through forum looking for roommates, 19
B - A's cosplayer friend, 20ish

This is J's first convention she will be attending full-throttle. She saved up her own money and planned it months in advance, even finding some friendly girls on a local cosplay forum to share the book and share the room with. K & L aren't as interested in anime as J, but they really wanted to go to a convention and wear costumes with J. They all go to highschool together and are part of the same anime club. Their parents have spoken to A on the phone in advance and met her once or twice in person, so they aren't worried when they leave their kids at the convention. A has always been very cool, and very nice.

J worked very hard and finished all their costumes in advance, which looked pretty darn good. When they got to the con they were excited to wear them, but first they had to meet A who was supposed to be there in twenty minutes. They had agreed to all get their badges together after they checked into the hotel. The shit parade starts with A being not one, not two, not three, but FOUR hours late. J and her friends have been waiting in the lobby for a long time and are hungry, bored and worried about if A was even going to show up.

A shows up pissed off and covered in paint with her friend B in tow. When J questions A's whereabouts, A snaps at her and slaps the back of J's head hard enough to hurt and calls her a 'baka'. A and B had been finishing their costumes and still weren't done and needed to go up and work in the room.

She also lectures them on the rules of the room.

>No friends, no mess, everyone keeps their items to their own personal space and most importantly NO DRAMA.

I'm sure you all see where this is going.

>> No.6603305

please just use a fake name instead of a letter, it gets hard to follow

>> No.6603306

from the statement released by police to myself and BF she changed her story a lot, so they were very suspicious from the beginning. Like another anon, said most rapist don't get their victims completely naked. Also this encounter happened within a five to ten minute frame, not enough time for them to go down the elevator, him to come back up the elevator and rape her in a room that was very far away from the elevator port.

She needless to say lost all of her friends, I didn't feel the need then to punch her. But during, yes, I very much wanted to hit her even though it wouldn't solve anything.

>> No.6603325

Perhaps, (though none of the Homestuck girls I know like Hetalia) but most of the Homestuck fandom is underage and/or easily creeped out-type.

>> No.6603339

damn that was confusing
i find it really fucking horrible how adults 19+ in age can act like that

>> No.6603352

J -> Jane
K & L-> Kelly and Lin
M -> Matt
A -> Alice
B -> Beth

After checking out their hotel room they all go upstairs. The room has two double beds and a pull-out couch, there is lots of space. That is until Alice and Beth start working on their costumes. Before any of the younger girls are even finished changing Alice and Beth have their shit EVERYWHERE. Not only do they have two sewing machines, they have spray paint and an entire crate of what look like woodworking and prop tools. B starts sawing into some cardboard and getting paper dust all over the carpet.

Jane and co. suit up and stow their bags neatly in the corner beside their bed and get the hell out, because they've missed most of Friday by this point and want to have fun. The convention is a blast, everyone loves their cosplay and they meet a ton of people. They go back to the hotel room at one point to eat pizza they had ordered, and are glad to see Alice and Beth aren't there and have presumably finished their costumes. They have to move some of Alice and Beth's shit just to be able to sit down.

Jane is in the middle of talking to someone when she hears someone yelling in the background and ignores it. Then an arm grabs her from behind, yanking her around as another hand roughly grabs her face. It's Alice in what looks like half a costume and she is pissed off ever worse than earlier. Without waiting for the person J is talking to leave, she starts ranting and raving about how Jane and her friends tore apart the hotel room and threw their stuff around and stole Beth's money.

Cont. It gets worse.

>> No.6603357


Jane is pretty confused because none of them had touched anything of their except to move some stacks of stuff from the only available chairs onto the ground. She's also pretty freaked out by how aggressive Alice is being. Alice drags Jane upstairs by the wrist, and doesn't give her a choice. When Jane enters the room she finds that all her and Kelly and Lin's stuff has been ransacked. The bags they had kept neatly by the bed had been torn open, and all their clothing and items thrown all over the place.

Alice starts screaming so hard at Jane she starts turning red in the face and sweating. From what Jane can understand, Beth came upstairs to look for her wallet and couldn't find it and decided the younger girls had stolen it. Jane wonders how the hell Beth could have found anything when her and Alice have made such a mess working on their costumes. While Alice continues to scream Jane pokes around and notices something sitting right on top of the bed in plain sight. Beth's wallet. She hands it to Alice who tears it out of her hand to look through it. She tells Jane then that since Beth had thought they had stolen her wallet, she had taken the cash they had given for the hotel room and spent that instead.

Beth's wallet had $50 in it. The money Jane, Kelly and Lin had left in the room for their hotel payment was over $200. Somehow despite the fact it was Beth's stupidity at fault, Alice is pissed at Jane and tells her she better figure out how they're paying for the hotel if Beth spent that cash. Jane also notices that Beth and Alice ate all the leftover pizza (an entire box) Jane and her friends had bought.

Jane spends the rest of the night hiding with Kelly and Lin from Beth and Alice. They go back when the other girls are asleep, and notice that instead of sharing a bed... both girls have taken an entire bed each. To make matters worse, the entire pull-out bed is covered in over a hundred manga that one of them had bought.


>> No.6603359

For what? Being a gentleman? What in the actual fuck.

>> No.6603383

After Beth and Alice's previous freak-out they all decide it's safer to not touch the manga, and Jane and her friends sleep on the floor. Sometime earlier Alice and Beth had also used spraypaint in the hotel room, and the air was thick with fumes.

The next morning Jane, Kelly and Lin escape the room early to avoid Beth and Alice. They have fun all day and meet up with their hot AZN DDR maniac friend Matt. The room he was supposed to be in ended up not happening, and he wants to know if he can crash on their floor and is willing to pay $100 for one night which is double what any of the girls had paid. The girls know Matt very well and he's a good guy and think this would be a good way to supplement the money Beth has probably spent so the room can be covered. Alice and Beth both say no, because Matt is a boy and one of the original rules was NO FRIENDS ARE ALLOWED IN THE ROOM. Jane, Kelly and Lin buy another pizza and head out again. They meet more cool people and stay out until late avoiding Alice and Beth because they've proven themselves to be silly cunts at this point.

When they come back to the room they find not one, not two, not three, not four, not five and not six- but SEVEN strange guys of varying ages sleeping all over the floor, bed and pull-out couch. Not only is there no room for the girls to sleep, but they are pissed at the hypocrisy of this situation. Since there is literally no room to sleep and they feel awkward touching and waking up any of these strange guys they decide to hang out in the hotel lobby all night and not sleep.

When they come back to the room the next morning the guys are gone. Beth and Alice are putting on costumes and its two hours to check-out. The room is an absolute pig-sty from their costume making and the pizza Jane, Kelly and Lin had bought is once again GONE.


>> No.6603387

oh my god! that sounds terrifying

>> No.6603389


Jesus Christ I would have woken up all those bitches and ordered them the fuck out.

>> No.6603394

Speaking to Beth and Alice enlightens them to the fact NONE of the guys had paid for the room, and that Beth had indeed spent all that money on her manga because she had been so distraught about her missing wallet and wanted to punish them.

Jane, Kelly and Lin don't know what to do. The room is a disaster zone and they can't touch Alice and Beth's stuff without either of them freaking out. The room is short $200 because Beth spent it all on weeaboo shit. They are all tired and don't have any food because the pizza is gone, and they have no money left.

Alice and Beth are continuing to be nasty through all this and haven't apologized for a single thing, and give no explanation for their floor covered in guys- at least two of who had been complete strangers allowed to sleep in the room where they could have stolen anything.

The younger girls call their parents and do the only thing left they can think of. They wait until Beth and Alice are gone, pack up all their things and leave the mess and the lost hotel room money to the bitches who had fucked with them with their parents blessing, as the room is not in their names- but the two older girls.

To this day (almost ten years later) they don't know what Beth and Alice did that day, but they heard from mutual friends they had to pay an additional fee for trashing the rooms. Kelly and Lin no longer go to conventions, but sometimes Jane sees Alice and Beth at her local cons- and always gives them a nice, big smile.

>> No.6603401


We were all pretty scared shitless. If I could go back in time I would have thrown them all out, but we were young and there were so many of them we were shocked and a little scared to piss them off. Also Beth and Alice were psychotic, and who knows what they would have done.

>> No.6603409

I breathed a massive sigh of relief when I saw that the story ended exactly how I'd hoped - with them leaving and not giving the older bitches any money to pay for the hotel room.

>> No.6603423

We just didn't have it. We also hadn't slept in the beds even once, and we had no part in the gigantic mess they had created. No doubt if we had stuck around and they had been charged extra, they would have tried to wring it out of us.

Our parents were just glad to have us home safe and were happy we had enjoyed ourselves otherwise. Beth and Alice had always been nice before, it was like they turned into completely different people at the convention.

>> No.6603428
File: 14 KB, 489x148, ughhhghg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6603444

Glad it turned out well but sucks about your money

>> No.6603456

Fucking bitches that lie about being raped like her are complete scum.
It is their fault that real rape victims aren't taken as seriously. It is their fault that there are people who don't believe it when someone is actually raped.
I can't imagine how horrible it would feel to be raped and then have people assume "well, she was probably asking for it" or "psh, bitch be lying". I would not even wish that on my worst enemy.
>had to type the rage out

>> No.6603477

I have one story that I wish I could tell but it involves multiple tripfags and I'm too scared to post it here. Maybe one day.

All I can say is, keep them bitches at arms length and never room with them.

>> No.6603489

post it

>> No.6603509

Do it, you shit-stained cunt.

>> No.6603540

Trying to write it up without being too obvious. It's impossible, fuck you guys. Just don't room with or involve yourself with tripfags.

>> No.6603565


Be as obvious as you can be. Nobody gives a shit about /cgl/ tripfags. We all know that Masa and Token are shitty people.

>> No.6603569

why do you care about tripfags?

>> No.6603590

It's not like you yourself are tripping right now, so even if they find this and bitch, it's not like they'll know where you are at all times on this board afterwards. Just post the damn thing.

>> No.6603639

lolno you go back to weebland douche

>> No.6603711

Different Anon, but I wouldn't be worried about the money, by the end of it all.
I mean, they weren't seeing that $200 again, one way or another. And they must have paid the rest of the money back, meaning the $200 they essentially stole ended up coming out of their pocket, anyway.

Just don't say their actual names or trips. I'm also curious about your story.

>> No.6603732

even if they do recognize it, what are they gonna do?

>> No.6603774

Austria/Switzerland. From Hetalia.

>> No.6603779
File: 175 KB, 400x800, 1312170754191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy bitch. Sometimes I'm afraid to date, since you never know if an ex will be batshit crazy until it's too late.
>My aspie levels are showing.

>> No.6603780
File: 65 KB, 1024x768, Fuck you guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sally: Girl dating Ben (one of Mike’s friends)
Jack: Some guy at the party
Mike: A tripfag

>Go back to a room party at some guys at biggest con in the state
>About 15 people there. Drinking starto
> Start playing The Kings game because we’re disgusting weebs
>1(Sally) and 2(Jack) are told to change clothes in the bathroom
>Goes on for a while since they are wearing complex costumes
>Mike bursts out of room in tears
>Some guys look for him, expecting something like his parents are dead
>Find him crying in some corner.
>”What’s wrong bro?”
>”Their love is special! I can’t believe she did that! Why would she do that?!”
>Try not to laugh. The guy in the bathroom is gay.
>Take him back to the party
>The awkwardness is Palpable but he carry on.

>Ben is no longer with Sally
>Mike:”Do you think I can get in with Sally?!”
>”GIRL X is dating GUY Y, Think I've got a chance?”
>“CHECK THIS OUT! I got her facebook! Jealous?”
>He got pissed and freaked out at another guy for banging a girl he wanted to fuck. Said it was “Unfair”

Some fuckin guys.

>> No.6603792

Okay, I would have been laughing my ass off if I knew the guy was gay, and Mike started freaking out that bad.

>> No.6603835

Does anyone have the story about the schizophrenic that stabbed scissors into a guy's wall and stalked a girl? I've seen it posted a couple times and wanted to show a friend but I realized I never saved it.

>> No.6603852
File: 83 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mh60crfe3z1r07s3yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any SD comic-con/Anime Conji/homestuck related horror stories?

>> No.6603866


that looks exactly like my old apartment

i feel so uncomfortable

>> No.6603871

I hear there's an artist who is late-30's/early-40's-ish who collects nerdy 20-something virgins and dates them all at the same time, all while being married with kids. It's very grapevine-y because I got the info from someone who says they've been to her house for a party or something.

>> No.6603944

Hitting people doesn't really solve anything, but it makes you feel really good at the time.

>> No.6604239
File: 64 KB, 576x768, 20130106_144754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a horror story, but this didn't belong in the hero thread.

>I'm a wig dealer
>Huge security dude has been a bro all weekend
>It's Sunday, we're making no sales
>He stops by, we're all bored
>Put a blonde pig-tailed wig on him
>Add a bow
>Add cat paws
>He's kawaii as fuck
>He runs around the con like this for nearly an hour

>> No.6604338

Thanks for my new tf2 spray, anon.

>> No.6604510

Aww, that's so adorable
I love it when other people are secure in their own masculinity and are willing to do something for a bit of fun

>> No.6604629

Serious answer

(for the most success, learn Japanese! gets them every time!)
>learn Japanese
>offer to teach a girl Japanese
>offer to take her to japan and ramble about the JET program
>tell her she's cute, like (____ charachter)
>act like generic cool guy from anime
reel in all the pussy. any type you want. you got options.

I know a guy that did this. despite being ugly as hell he was a total manwhore.

I really hate that fuckface. I never met someone so retarded and yet drowning in women, a different girl every week. and this kid would randomly stand up at serious meetings and pretend to be a bowl of spaggetti and flap his arms around. "SKETTI! SKETTI! IMMA SKETTI!!"
yes. that kid was reelin in da pussy. dated a japanese chick too. if you wan't i'll give you more weeb stories about him.

>> No.6604971
File: 12 KB, 468x425, oh god no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kept kneelng to lick my crotch at random times.


>> No.6605002

That's pathetic. I find it hilarious how pussy controls men.

>> No.6605388


>> No.6605533 [DELETED] 

I find it hilarious how men controls pussy.

>> No.6605891

Ugh, I've been to cons where some of the artists were old enough to have kids and one time it was this awkward-ass 10/11 year old with crazy ADD that his mom couldn't get under control. I lost all interest in the product.

>> No.6607806


i wanna see more of these

>> No.6608783


>> No.6609377

Why almost every Rarity cosplayer has this "yeah, I'm a pegasis/brony. Deal with it" attitude????