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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 39 KB, 400x800, 551180_433606346677384_152025546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6596801 No.6596801 [Reply] [Original]

i cant find the daily lolita thread ,so can we have another DL thread?

i really love her coords,but damn how old is she.

>> No.6596843

In her mid 40s I think? What's it to you? She has awesome style and dresses appropriately for her age.

>> No.6596848

>mid 40's
God I hope not, she looks like early 60's.

>> No.6596868

its just so suprising when i see older lolitas i always really want to know how old they are.

>> No.6596877

well I'm confirming mid 40s via FB. I hope I'm still wearing loli when I'm that age.

>> No.6596885
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>> No.6596901

i puked a little

>> No.6596920

wow she looks amazing. link to her post?

>> No.6596938
File: 42 KB, 549x538, 1337404942_at_least_you_tried_gag[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6596939

Did she completely remove the straps from RHS? Isn't that a little dangerous? I feel like the straps are there because they weigh so much. I have so many mental images of them falling off and her tripping all over the place.

>> No.6596958

no to the shirt and more poof in that skirt, or maybe a different skirt altogether because the ruffles are weird

>> No.6596964
File: 43 KB, 338x450, 3503_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>father never took it off

The way she worded her post creeped me out...

Also, terrible fucking post.

>> No.6596968

The straps actually don't do anything in the way of keeping them on. They kind of like, encase your feet, and stay on( don't know how else to describe it) and really, even the wooden ones aren't all that heavy.

>> No.6596969

i actually like the shirt/skirt/jacket combo for the casual lolita look but she looses me on the petti and everything from the legs down

>> No.6596973

oops meant to quote

>> No.6596975

I think a cute blouse and head bow could make it a little better. Possibly a better shaped petti too. The girl is cute, she'll get better in time.

>> No.6597040

I'm surprised people still use d_l

would have thought everyone moved to tumblr

>> No.6597214
File: 36 KB, 450x600, 81400_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exept for the lack of shoes, i thought this one was pretty cute.

>> No.6597223

The lack of shoes is pretty cute but does make for an incomplete coord.

Is that her hair? I usually dislike large hair bows but I like how the hair is resting on that huge 'afro'. I wish the hair were rounder, though, and perhaps a different colour.

>> No.6597235
File: 139 KB, 283x424, hairback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks better pulled back, imo. Would give a much better place to put a head-eating bow too.

>> No.6597240


I'm digging that huge afro, now that's cute.

>> No.6597255

That hair! I'm in love :)

>> No.6597257

omg dat hair
I don't mind the lack of shoes, that's absolutely adorable!

>> No.6597835

Reminds me of photos for Syrup.

>> No.6598699

WHO IS THIS WOMAN I want to look like this when I'm older :(

>> No.6598867
File: 86 KB, 400x800, 542490_503370493034302_933074707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her coordinates are a little hit-and-miss for me, but overall I like her style and she's got a nice collection for someone who sounds like she only got into the style a year or so ago. I especially liked this outfit.

>> No.6598876

How fat and liberty bell shaped.

>> No.6598890

Some of the things she wears don't suit her cause she looks too old for it? (kinda like when you see girls wearing ott sweet and they don't look fresh faced).. Some outfits work quite well.. I think it's the longer skirty ones and the ones with the less patterns/more muted colours.

>> No.6598901

...She's fat? Aren't you chubby as hell?

>> No.6598904

I am fascinated by older lolitas for some weird reason. because they are so rare. who are some lolitas/aristos that are 30+? send me links I need it in my life.also, a while back this girl said she wears the fashion with her mom I am so curious about that, what style does she wear.

>TL;DR: link me to older lolitas/aristo

>> No.6598918

who cares how old she is? I think she looks great.

>> No.6598938

I think there's some famous Japanese woman musician person (not sachi) who's in her 40s and wears aristo but I can't remember her name.

>> No.6598980

Smoker's fucking huge. Ignore him.

>> No.6598994
File: 155 KB, 366x500, 3997204384_efddb4eae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm thinking of the right person but are you speaking about Arika Takarano? She wears a lot of lolita-esque and aristocratic-like clothing and she's in her early 50's now

>> No.6599020

Yep that's her :)

>> No.6599097

The girl who said wore it with her mom is NOT something you want to see. Trust me. They're in my local comm.

>> No.6599724

I'm just a few months older than her, wear aristocrat and gothic, and I agree. There's just too much going on too close to her face in some of those looks, and it really draws attention to the fact she's not a kid anymore. Plus, she has delicate natural-blonde coloring and neither black or pure white are going to be the most flattering colors on her.

IMO, there's a span during middle age when you can still wear alternative fashions, but you've got to rein some things in lest you look haggy, demented, or desperate to hold on to youth. I do still want to look good--I'm all about the "elegant" part of "elegant gothic aristocrat/lolita"--and with a bit of work I can, and often enough I do. But I've had to accept that there are things I just can't wear if that's to happen. In my own case, I keep the frills and details relegated to skirts and cuffs, keep blouses simpler and more tailored, wear real hats instead of headdresses/headbows/fascinators, and wear my hair up (because wearing it down makes me look older, as do wigs).

However, once everything's gone to shit and there's no denying I'm old, I'll wear whatever the fuck I like. Old ladies who dress crazy get far more leeway than middle-aged women who do, and I expect to take full advantage of that.

>> No.6599752


Just saying, its a wig. Its still cute though.

>> No.6599788

>my local comm

Are you from the socal comm too? Oh god, that girl.

>> No.6599798

i get the critiques but she's just too cute and too...well its not well put together but still something with her outfits is just clicking with me. I love it, you go girl

>> No.6599803

Yeah, and I've only been seeing her recently, or I haven't noticed her before. I've only been in the comm 2 years so I'm no well known veteran but I go to a decent amount of meetups to be able to recognize people even with different wigs.

>> No.6599817

I've only seen her in the kawaii international video, never seen her before IRL. Must be part of the holy almighty god tier lolitas of the comm that don't mingle with the peasants.

>> No.6599848

I like this comment. I totally agree.

With this woman, and also arsenicandoldlace, they have some really good hits and some really huge misses. You really just can't pull off the more youthful silhouettes and styles once you're noticeably older- I just cringe when I see a sweet outfit by the latter. But they also look really, REALLY good in aristocratic stuff.

I don't know, I think it's too condescending to call it 'cute' because that reminds me of like... girls that call old people 'cute' because they have dementia and can't function anymore. It's not cute, it's sad.

>> No.6599852
File: 28 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mh2by8ZDF11r1f3mqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just went back to dl for the first time in a long time.I cant believe it hasnt died yet.
anyway I thought this girl had cute outfits.

>> No.6599857
File: 91 KB, 469x600, 28569_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why, but there's something about this girl's coords that comes off as strange to me. Though I do really like her punk coord.

Also, there's something about her face?? smile/smirk?? that really weirds me out. I don't think she's ugly at all, but there's just something about her that throws me off.

>> No.6599860

maybe its because thats an awful outfit

>> No.6599879

I don't think it's awful, but the plaid tie is too much with the jacket. I like the red/black outfit the best; some of the others are interesting but not really lolita.
She's cute though, some people just make sort of awkward facial expressions when they get nervous in front of a camera.

>> No.6599966

I agree with this; lose the tie or make it a solid color like white and it would be perfect. I'm not quite a fan of the socks either but I do get where she was going with those.

All in all it's one of the better punk outfits I've seen on there.

>> No.6599975

Most older lolitas aren't going to disclose their age, especially not if they can get away with it!

Like you, I'm currently in that middle age span where I can pull off some things, but not others. Sadly, dark colors (especially black) wash my skin out and make my fine lines more visible, so I've mostly given up gothic for classic. Tea-length skirts, high-neck blouses, floral hairclips and a neutral / jewel-toned palette work well for me, and I stick to either solids or more mature prints, nothing with teddy bears or dancing ducks.

I am so excited to reach eccentric old lady status, however!

>> No.6599987

>especially not if they can get away with it!
And these are the ones who can still pull it off. That's sort of the point; it doesn't matter what your age is, it's how old you LOOK; if you still look young enough, you don't have to worry about it.

>> No.6600007

Agreed, but part of looking "young enough" involves selecting styles and details that suit you. People always guess my age as older when I'm wearing sweet rather than classic, in part because the youthfulness of the clothes creates more juxtaposition with the age markers of my face. Basically, if I dress like someone in my late teens, people estimate my age upwards; if I dress like someone in my mid-to-late 20s, they underestimate.

>> No.6600023

Hnnng, Arika is so gorgeous, I don't even care about her age. She'll be pretty forever. Her outfits are amazing too.

>> No.6600033

I love how nobody commented on it except someone saying to fix the cut and getoffegl girl.

>> No.6600041
File: 61 KB, 209x750, tumblr_mhgoz0AvRs1qgnhu4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most prime example of how having a ton of brand doesn't automatically make you look good.
damn she looks like a hot mess in every. outfit post. every single one.

>> No.6600042

Not the same anon you're replying to, but I think that she has awesome outfits too, minus the Megan Maude stuff (frankly, I think those look bad on everyone). Although her choices in glasses fits the vintage feel in lolita and aristocrat, they make her look older than she really is, and same goes with the wig choice. I wonder if a darker wig would make her look younger.

>> No.6600048

Damn...everything was fine until the tights. I think it would look better with a pair of solid/opaque colored tights. I know that otome-kei has a tendency to be pattern overload, but even this style requires some balance.

>> No.6600060
File: 133 KB, 387x750, tumblr_mhbemoSZvR1qgnhu4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is she does this same shit for every outfit, STOP

>> No.6600063

It's like she's a little kid who's finally getting to dress themselves. The result is just a hot mess.

>> No.6600094

I would like this outfit in particular if the tights were a normal vertical stripe without the extra print detail... but I agree that almost always she just overdoes it. I always just-almost like her coords, and then there's a thing or two that pushes it over to being too much.

Like in >>6600060 the sparkly shoes are just no, and one of the prints, either the skirt or tights, needs to go or be more subtle at least. I just can't decide which because I almost like them where they are, just not quite.

>> No.6600107

I love the printed tights trend, but I blame sweet (particularly OTT) for this massacre of style.
Keep trying to make OTT classic a thing, you ain't classic.

>> No.6600105

The clashing in otome really has to be treated like how they do clashing in high fashion if it's going to really work. Too many tumblr/lj people think you can just coordinate general themes and colors and be done with it, when you also have to consider fabric weight/texture, print size, proximity to other prints, etc.

>> No.6600109

>Keep trying to make OTT classic a thing, you ain't classic.

Yeah, you try telling that to JetJ. I'm sure they'll value your opinion highly.

>> No.6600111

The thing about infiniteneeya is that unlike a lot of Tumblr outfits that look fine in photos but look like a hot mess in real life, she always pulls it off really nicely in person. She has a knack for negotiating textures and fabric weights and small details and those things really just don't show up in photos. She does fail sometimes in real life but in person a lot of this shit honestly does work.

>> No.6600125

butthurt ott sweet detected

>> No.6600134

Nope, classic lolita (that doesn't do OTT), but nice try

>> No.6600156

Same! I find lolitas over 30+ fascinating. It's something about the ones that pull it off with confidence and have this IDGAF feel to them... I second the request for older loli links. The only ones I know are arsenicoldlace, the one in OP's pic and octavekitten (who is young anyway but still 30+)

>> No.6600159

If you're counting 30+, there's also jola, although she just left lolita. I really like her coords, though.

>> No.6600165

>unlike a lot of Tumblr outfits that look fine in photos but look like a hot mess in real life

I've never heard this said before... but what a weird way to whiteknight her kindergarten sense of fashionstyle

>> No.6600175

>someone disagrees with your opinion
>white knight!!!

never fails

only reason people are up her butt now is the rosaire thing (which they ought to be for that, but that has nothing to do with how she dresses).

>> No.6600186



>> No.6600193

Although infiniteneeya has a lot of amazing pieces, I feel like she tries to show off as much as she can all at once, so it's a bit overkill. I feel if you have one busy pattern, you can tie it with a simpler pattern, not something else that will compete for attention.

I love how she can dress is some crazy ass stuff with no fucks given.

>> No.6600216

also OctaveKitten. Disregarding drama, she's 30+

>> No.6600218

thank you! thank you based god.

finally, some LINKS

>> No.6600220

and http://charmingmonsters.tumblr.com

>> No.6600223
File: 53 KB, 576x768, cling123.tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cling's face though

>> No.6600225

never been a fan of her outfits, but now that shes proven to be a raging bitch i have no sympathy

>> No.6600230

Agree, her face creeps me out every time

>> No.6600232

Disagreeing with my opinion would be "I like her outfits," not "Okay okay i know they look like total train wrecks in the photos but I SWEAR they look awesome in person!!"

>> No.6600238


She kind of looks like Mia from Kyss Mig.

>> No.6600240

she needs to learn2 makeup

>> No.6600313
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always has this huge intense eyes burning through your soul expression.

I dunno if she's trying to do a QT amelie thing but she needs to relax her eye area in photos because I think she's quite pretty despite this.

>> No.6600349

This girl looks like my previous boss -30 years.
My heart literally skipped in terror as I scrolled past and saw that manipulative psychotic grin.
I hope you're happy.

Polite sage for irrelevance.

>> No.6600362
File: 162 KB, 1145x767, cling123.tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but I lol'd

with a little bit of makeup under her eyes it makes a huge difference.

now I want a meitu thread

>> No.6600363

it's audrey tatou! she's baller as fuck.

>> No.6600369

she's like a slightly crazy-looking tina fey.

>> No.6600390

I think it's that she needs brightener under-eye as you added, but she needs to avoid lining and mascara on her bottom lashes/waterline, too.

And also just.. stop taking photos from that angle.

>> No.6600393

How old is the girl? I think I might know who you're talking about

>> No.6600399

i need pics in my life

>> No.6600403

Weren't they at that AP teaparty? I feel like I saw these pics

>> No.6600417

redtonic is in her late 20's as far as I know..

>> No.6600460

She's in her early 40s. Saw it on her profile once. She's really sweet, though. Atlanta seems to have lolitas of all ages.

>> No.6600585
File: 928 KB, 571x962, punta6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this girl is absolutely darling ;_;

>> No.6601110
File: 111 KB, 540x498, tumblr_m383o4eY1N1r1tgzro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both disagreeing though? You might not like them, and that's fine. What I'm saying moreso is a lot of her outfits, if I had seen them in a photo rather than on her in real life, would pass right by or even dislike, but in person they look fine/quite good.

What I meant by the Tumblr comment is best shown by example. This image is cohesive, color-coordinated, and aesthetically pleasing, but if you saw this person walking around in this outfit instead of a staged photograph, chances are you'd be wondering why she's wearing clunky stilts and ratty denim underwear.

>> No.6601169

but nothing about that outfit is aesthetically pleasing

>> No.6601187

i want to lick her face

>> No.6601196

>This image is cohesive, color-coordinated, and aesthetically pleasing,

The IMAGE is. The outfit? Not so much.

Disagreeing with "I think her outfit looks shitty" would be "I think her outfit doesn't look shitty." instead they (you?) went the extra mile of saying that, even though the outfit shows a complete lack of the ability to coordinate without looking like a preschooler digging through her wardrobe, it just looks STUNNING in person, you promise, unlike all those other tumblr girls who look great in photos and awful in real life. Somehow, her clashing colors, overload of patterns, and ability to jam on as many mismatching pieces as she can is just fabulous in person.

>> No.6601445

It'd be so much better if she'd use her real hair instead of that stupid, ugly wig.

>> No.6601476


Do you have any tips for that? I've always wanted to try clashing but I'm scared of turning into a hot mess...

>> No.6601666

I feel like every one of her outfits is just her saying "HAR HAR I'M RICHER THAN YOOOOOOOU" I also can't believe she seriously wears some of those things outside. Like someone needs to tell her just because it comes from Japan doesn't make it good.

I hate her face. It's everything you think of when you think of stuck up rich white girl.

>> No.6601822
File: 473 KB, 439x659, harpoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Tumblr but good god.

Search tag "handmade lolita"

>> No.6601847

Why do fat women love lolita so much?

>> No.6601850

How is that even vaguely Lolita...?

>> No.6601859

because knee-length skirt made poofy by spare tire = lolita!

>> No.6602397


Poor girl. Lost on the genetics and parenting lottery.

Nothing that a little diet change and walking after dinner can't fix. Cause when you get that big it's either medical or just having a salad with every meal can fix.

>> No.6602400

>Why do fat women love lolita so much?

I think it's because life always tells them how unattractive they are and they feel cute (in lieu of sexy) with lolita.

>> No.6602472

I love this woman.

>> No.6602654

Not a fatty, but I imagine it's because if you're always getting shit on for your body type and how clothes look on you, you might as well say "Fuck it" and dress like a cupcake. Fat women are supposed to remain invisible out of shame, and lolita, despite it's sugary-sweet-cuteness, is aggressively visible. So it's like saying, "Yes, I'm fat. And I'm wearing a dress that gives me even more poof, so I take up even more room! Now you can't just look right past me as if I don't exist. Deal with it or fuck off."

Which is why I can't pick on fatty-chans simply for being fat. Going ahead and dressing as you damned well please when you're constantly surrounded by people telling you to hate yourself because being fat is the worst thing ever? That's badass.

>> No.6602678

I don't think it's that complicated. I think some people are just disgusting and fat and happen to be into rorita too.

>> No.6603106

>fat women are supposed to remain invisible out of shame

Now where the hell are you getting this? These fat activists are always pulling stuff out of their bulbous, jiggling arses. Fat women are supposed to lose weight, not be invisible.

>> No.6603136
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, 238892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all look fucking weird to normalfags.
Just your daily reminder that whether you're fat or skinny, you're still an attention whoring snowflake.

>> No.6603248

I thought she had the cutest fucking face. She really looks like a little girl

>> No.6603271

no, fat women are supposed to move their landwhale arses, do some exercise and lose some fucking blubber.

>> No.6603316
File: 155 KB, 645x900, 39405_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, she is such a sweet girl, but she cannot dress herself.

>> No.6603323
File: 305 KB, 500x640, 36214_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6603329

She needs a good petticoat. That Queen's Coach looks a little sad. :(

>> No.6603348

and dif shoes. they gotta go

>> No.6603351

This is what I was about to say. I don't mind the rest of it much, but the shoes are a definite no.

Those kneesocks gotta go.

>> No.6603371
File: 124 KB, 500x666, 25369_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all of her coords even though she sucks at posing

>> No.6603377

nice, but could've gone with brown shoes instead

>> No.6603468

Also the wig is the wrong tone of blonde for her skin tone. I wonder what her natural color is...