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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6582638 No.6582638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Britfag thread mk.3
Everyone got stuff sorted for Gemu?

>> No.6583019

I feel like I'm the only person who isn't going to Gemu. (●´∀`●)

Hope you all have fun there though, and I expect lots of photos!

>> No.6583061

I'm about halfway sorted. My main costume is almost done, just have to put the finishing touches onto the dress and make bootcovers. My main problem is deciding what other cosplays to do. I can't decide what rewears I want to do.

>> No.6584306


>> No.6584319

I am almost super ready for Gemu. Got my room, flight and costumes all sorted out.
Just need to finish up my wigs for said costumes and I'm ready to rock.

What is everyone doing for Gemu?

>> No.6584554

I'm still on the fence about Gemu. It's pretty expensive for a first year con. It doesn't help that MinamiCon is a month before, and the weekend before Gemu, I'm going to spend 5 days in a field at a larpfest...

>> No.6584769

looks like i won't be going either due to poorfagging, unless by some miracle there are still spaces by like, march
on the other hand everything is sorted for midlands expo except for the megabus so at least i can be hyped for that now

>> No.6584862

Everything sorted in terms of passes/hotel room

Still need to sort cosplay though, got one almost finished, since I'm taking it to LSCC too, but I need to get shit sorted to make Mario and Luigi. Fucking hassle.

>> No.6585052

I thought I was prepared but I'm really not...Place paid for, hotel booked and need to sort out travel now.
I'll either be redoing Cammy or doing C Viper instead, along with Claire Redfield and Kasumi. Need to get a wiggle on...How about you?

>> No.6585085

Anyone checking out nine worlds?

They're trying to bring the Dragon*Con experience to the UK

>> No.6585144


Tickets will be on sale from February 1, 2013, when we launch our month-long Kickstarter drive. Ticket prices will be as follows:

Feb 1 - March 1, -- £65 (Kickstarter rate)
March 2 - May 31, -- £75 (Early Bird rate)
June 1-July 30, -- £85 (Regular rate)
Aug 1 - Aug 8, -- £95 (Late rate)
Aug 9 + 10, -- £99 (Door price)

Not with those ticket prices!

>> No.6585150

Are those seriously the prices?! I doubt many people will pay those kinds of prices.

>> No.6585153

>Hotel rooms at both our Heathrow conference hotels are at the special Nine Worlds convention rate of £90 per night for a double room (£80 for a single room), and these go on sale on Feb 1, 2013.

The hotel prices are cheaper than the tickets, what is with that?

>> No.6585159


>Nine World's Anime and J-Culture Track will be headed up by AnimeLeague, a great team with many years of experience running Anime conventions in the UK who have run other events such as London Anime Con, London Gaming Con and Alcon.


>> No.6585164

Just as well I won't be touching that piece of shit track.

I'll stick with the costuming, discworld, Vidya, GoT and comics tracks.

>> No.6585181

I like how they've made the "Anti-Harassment Policy" a huge selling point.

Sounds like a total cluster fuck of shit and bad.

>> No.6585524

It looks like a disaster waiting to happen. Are you sure Ryan Gentle isn't involved somewhere with those prices?

Definitely not going, but I will be watching the fall out and laughing.

>> No.6587870 [DELETED] 

What is a gemu?

>> No.6587872

>What is a gemu?

>> No.6587900

How the fuck do people keep falling for this shit. Do people just let Towers run their shit without even googling the cunt?

If 30 second son Google can turn up an ED entry on a person, that's not someone you should want to be professionally associated with.

>> No.6588037
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>just read his ED article
Oh fuck, my friend is doing a gig at London Gaming Con

>> No.6588059

which band is your friend in?

>> No.6588246

Probably not a good one if they're playing LGC. /snark

Tell your friend, let him know. The only way we can stop this cancer is to educate people in how much a of twat Towers is. That idiot and his hangers on are the single biggest problem in the UK con scene.

>> No.6588358

I'm not going either. Just didn't hold any interest for me. I'm not doing many events this year. Saving up for a huge splash out at Ayacon instead.

>> No.6588468

So I'm clearly going to get jumped on and violated in every orifice for posing this question, but fuck it, I don't lurk enough and I need an answer.

Why exactly is Anime League such a pile of utter wank?

>> No.6588524
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>everyone and their mums creaming themselves over gemucon and ayacon
>can't afford to go to either
i want to see pictures of the fun please
lots and lots of pictures

But on the plus side I am looking forward to getting back into cosplaying again come London MCM.
What's everybody got planned cosplay-wise for this year? Anything you're particularly excited about doin'?

>> No.6588669
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The guy who runs it all (Mike towers/FreeSaiyan) is a total douche bag. Google his name and read the ED page, it sums it up.

WHAT A HUGE LOSER. You still have time to raise money for Aya. As for cosplays, I think I might finally try and get around to doing something from the Madokas. If not then I'll just improve some of the costumes I already have or just go straight Tog mode.

>> No.6589583
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Two Hearts Away From A One Up

I'm not going either, maybe we should have our own 'people who can't afford to go to Gemu' con.
I'm looking forward to doing Doc Scratch at May expo though! Or maybe God-Tier John, I need to choose.

>> No.6589956

Aya is 18+ anyway you underage cancer

>> No.6589972

but blue is 18

>> No.6590022

>google mike towers
>first result
>"FreeSaiyan, aka Michael Towers, is the kiddie-fiddling self-invented spamlord of the UK anime scene. A legend amongst scammers, perverts, ..."

why would you employ this person wtf

>> No.6590087

>Two girls away from one cup.

>> No.6590092

Oh you

Has anyone seen Xaerael around lately? What happened to him?

>> No.6590125

no you're not Blue

>> No.6590134

Not going to another Animu League run shitfest after Towers said he wanted to make me his "special pet" because I put up a photo online wearing cat ears. :|

>> No.6590142
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>> No.6590161

wtf when was this

>> No.6590197

He's done it to several girls, the cat/collar thing seems to be a recurring theme when he creeps on girls.

>> No.6590203

Also it was at least a year ago, just deleted him off everything after that

>> No.6590220

I heard at one Kitacon he try it on with Kara hook even she would not have anything to do with him.

>> No.6590231

He looks like McLovin, is in his mid thirties and still lives with his mother...ladies, please contain your orgasms.

>> No.6590732

>Why exactly is Anime League such a pile of utter wank?
Horrible horrible people in charge. The cons are badly organised, poorly staffed, health and safety nightmares full of bootleg merch dealers and "Youtube celebrity" guests designed to put as much money in Towers' pockets as possible.

>> No.6591112

Didn't he get banned from Expo a couple of years back? Any one know the story behind that?

>> No.6591950

he got admin/mod access to mcms Facebook group somehow and used it to spam unsolicited messages promoting London Anime Con. There should be a link to a thread on mcms forums giving more detail on the Ed entry. Again he's the only person banned from every mcm event in I the country.

>> No.6592081

Found the link. Pretty good summary of why everyone thinks he's a twunt.


>> No.6594071


Wow! He is a bit of a twat. Thanks for posting the link. I had heard that something went down on the forums but as I don't go on there I didn't know the details. What a douche for using another event's name to try and grab people for his own. That is really shitty. I'm not surprised he got banned.

With this story and the other stories about his creeper like tendencies have really put me off AL events. Mind you, from what I hear I'm not missing much.

>> No.6594490

So everyone knows about AL. Are there any other events that should be avoided? Or does anyone have any events they'd recommend?

>> No.6594559

General feedback from my friends is to pretty much avoid anything from the AL. Not heard of too many other events to fully avoid. Most events I've been to I've usually had a good time. Most have reasonable reps. Don't know about events like Hyper Japan as I have never been.

>> No.6594953

HyperJapan is quite boring if you're not into lolita, you can pretty much do and see everything in an hour, two hours tops.

At least it's in the middle of London so you can hop on the tube and go sightseeing.

>> No.6594955

It's a shame that the Michael Towers ED page has been frozen since 09/10. Due to new ownership then accepted that it was against his interests in terms of employment and froze it. I assume it's part of the reason he now uses the alian Ferefire now too.

This guy doesn't give a shit about you unless you have something to offer him. All of his events offer no variation, so if you've been once you've seen it all.

If he wasn't so liberal about advertising where he shouldn't then he probably wouldn't be hated so much.

I think along with getting access to the MCM FB page he and Adam/TheFailedNinja actively did something they shouldn't have to disrupt an event at MCM a few years back which led to him finally being banned.

Not sure if he lurks Fox Bar anymore, but if you have an ounce of intelligence avoid him and his events at all costs.

>> No.6594992

Any good story about Adam/TheFailedNinja

>> No.6595362 [DELETED] 

Is everyone hyped for the Skrillex and marijuana party?

>> No.6595364

Toko registration is open!

the whatnow?

>> No.6595366

Is everyone hyped for the Skrillex and marijuana party?

>> No.6595397

Second in the waiting list for Toko, missed it last year too.

Wait, what?

>> No.6595402

Scratch that, already got a space.

>> No.6595405

And it's full.

NO. It's four and a half hours away on the coach.

Do they automatically register you when there's a space?

>> No.6595409

you get added to a waiting list and it just moves you to pending when there is room

>> No.6595419
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>full already

>> No.6595434
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got my toko reg just in time, real hyped about it


>> No.6595462
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Colour me jellymad.

I think I'm... fifth??? in the queue for Toko? The list keep moving around and confusing me.

It's shit.

>> No.6595480

I'm still confused as to what this is.

Anyone planning on going to 9 worlds?

>> No.6595567

Just got a place. Aww yeah. Thankfully payment isn't needed right away. Got a couple of weeks. It had to be now, didn't it. So much going on at the moment.

>> No.6595612 [DELETED] 
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Didn't Toko have 250 places last year? Do they bump it up with demand? On the waiting list.

If I get in, I need to buy a new tent since my current tent sucks for anything outside. I'm guessing the camp sight is a no noise zone after certain hours so bringing a party tent is almost pointless.

If I do get in, I might have to make a jumbo Jenga drinking set. Best drinking game.

>> No.6595620

>Anyone planning on going to 9 worlds?
Noone in their right mind would because of, as already pointed out, the AL involvement.

>> No.6595629
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201 on the waiting list. If I do get in I'll make a Jumbo Jenga drinking set in celebration. We can label the bricks as a team and everything. It will be magical.

That and it looks shit.

>> No.6595655

Who the flying fuck are you?

>> No.6595670

Also, I dunno who else here drives, but I'm bringing Trev and running the booze taxi again (with my little brother for when i'm over the limit, woo!), so holla if that's a thing of convenience to you

>> No.6595688

A pegasister who like to get freaky with knobbly sticks of corn.
Who the FUCK are you?

>> No.6595691

Why is the third stripe on the Eire flag yellow?
It's orange. Also, the placement of the Union Jack is horrendous, it just covers Scotland in Blue.
Terrible map.

>> No.6595700

Twat. You do realise when I'm at home and have my trip, i can verify exactly which posts in this thread are mine?

>> No.6595712

the fuck is going on here?

>> No.6595722

Some cunt is stealing my name.

>> No.6595718

You do realize I suck dicks for money.

>> No.6595719

Eva is using her phone because she is out so doesnt have her trip, someone is using her name and posting.

>> No.6595730

I am as mystified as you. I just poked my head in to hype about toko and pimp out my car for beer procuring purposes.

>> No.6595731

Tripfags being dumb.

If you're woried about people stealing your name, why even post on 4chan?

>> No.6595736

Are you genuinely this thick?

>> No.6595746

It's not my fault I can't help it.
I'm not able to trip on my phone and vendettas seem to think it's funny to impersonate me.

>> No.6595750

I'll be home at 1. Have fun til then! You sad, sad little cunt.

>> No.6595758

So hyped for this, MLG GG big plays etc

But also Midlands, Toko, etc

>> No.6595762

is your body ready for Hedgehoggate II?

>> No.6595767

Midlands the weekend after the party is just perfect. All my hype.

Do I want to know?

>> No.6595764

Big plays.
Big plays.
Get involved!

>> No.6595769

The only sad cunt here is you. You could of at-least saged you attention whoring fuck.

>> No.6595770

Midlands is nothing compared to the party, unless you have a thing for sloppy homestuck cosplayers.

>> No.6595777

Toasters exboyfriend got accused of kicking a hedgehog when all he did was move it to a safer place.

>> No.6595775

Some guy accused Toast's boyfriend of kicking a hedgehog TO DEATH at toko last year. That's about as dramatic as it gets at toko. SCANDALOUS.
(no animals were harmes in the making of this drama)

>> No.6595776

>MLG GG big plays etc
fake gamer girl doing it for attention right there

>> No.6595781

I don't actually know how to sage on my phone, and why would I sage a thread that still has potential to be decent?

>> No.6595783


>> No.6595797

Why are you such a fuck.

>> No.6595799

Sorry, am I ruining your fun? Tough shit. Go shitpost in some other thread.

>> No.6595801

Isn't that the target audio of Gemucon?

>> No.6595810

You fucking cunt stop impersonating me. I swear to god the second I get my trip you're going to look like such a fucking idiot.
Oh well enjoy your fun for now.

>> No.6595811

You're not even capable of accurately imitating my typing style. Truly outstanding effort.

>> No.6595815

The irony here is bordering on astounding.

>> No.6595816
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>> No.6595818

Haha yeah that was shit, but apart from that drama shitfest Toko was actually pretty amazing, and I hate camping!

>implying I use these words seriously

>> No.6595821

Dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice dicks in every orifice

>> No.6595830

Is there a noise curfew after a certain time at Toko or can we go hard 24/7?

>> No.6595831

I can't remember what time things 'settled' down last time, but as far as I can remember the campsite is quite out the way so as long as it's not festival-level music go hard all you like

>> No.6595837

Seemed to be a lot of people partying til about 4am last year. Zomzom and I accidentally opted out of that by passing out early and then GLORIOUS 5AM DESERTED SHOWERS

>> No.6595851

It was really odd seeing so few people around.

>> No.6595887

I live local so I'm tempted to drive home, grab a shower then beer run. Also if Milton Bryant is anything like what I remember from scouts, the lake looks boss as fuck early in the morning.

>> No.6595897

It's a really pretty site, aye. Nice for cosplay shoots.

>> No.6596041

...and shooting up heroin in the bushes!

>> No.6596066
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Belfast fag here. See you faggots at london. The cosplay scene here in northern ireland is pretty much shit give or take one or two costumes. the rest is all HORRIFYING.
Q-con is fun but the anime side of it is pic related

>> No.6596073

Also havent been to london in YEARS.
MCM expo still grubbing hard for money?

>> No.6596083


>> No.6596106


You mean is a business trying to stay afloat during a depression?

Sure. Why not.

>> No.6596113
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MCM never fails to make me feel like cattle in an overpriced dealer hall.

>> No.6596277

Can't wait to camp out at Toko. It's going to be in-tents.

>> No.6597732


>> No.6597784
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>> No.6597841

No but he is an intensly annoying twat bag.

>> No.6597855
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>> No.6600035

Hey, WelshFag here. I'm looking for some suggestions of cons to go to this year.

I've been to London Expo for the past few years, as well as several Irish cons, but they're getting a bit stale for me. I've not been to any England based cons yet. I'm thinking of going to Ayacon since Matthew Mercer is gonna be there and I'm a huge Leon Kennedy fan. Gemucon also sounds pretty cool. Any others I should know about?

>> No.6600044

Not going to Gemucon even though it's right around the corner because I don't know how i could resist the urge to twat Jesse Cox then get drunk and try to hit on dodger

>> No.6600079

Just to make everyone aware of Gemucon,

You do all realise it's being run by AL elites?

The chairman of the con is basically the new michael towers.

>> No.6600084

well we need to go to SOMETHING

>> No.6600102

The Chairman doesn't like the way Towers runs anything, he looks at what Towers does, and makes sure not to do that.

>> No.6600110 [DELETED] 

The Chairman doesn't like the way Towers runs anything, he looks at what Towers does, and makes sure not to do that.

>> No.6600437

what his name?

>> No.6600493

Everyone person who runs shit gets labelled as the new Towers if they creep on/piss enough people off.

e.g I've heard the guy running Sunnycon "the geordie Mike Towers" like twice this week.

>> No.6601385

None that aren't full. Where about in Wales do you live?

>> No.6601802

Anyone seen that alcon are trying to crowd fund there guests this year http://www.gofundme.com/alconabridged The sad thing is they already made £820.

>> No.6601809

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1089256184/nine-worlds-geekfest-an-unconventional-convention Anyone seen this yet

>> No.6601810

It'll be the same as every year, they'll get Team Four Star, there will be piss poor cosplays and someone will go home with an STD.

>> No.6601907
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>Hosting it at Heathrow
>implying anyone will want to either travel an hour out on the Tube to get there or book ridiculously expensive hotels close to it

>> No.6601929

North, near Caernarfon. Ayacon isn't full yet, but I've only now noticed the entrance fee. Seems a tad steep.

>> No.6601934

Why/how? I met him at the MCM Homestuck meet and he seemed alright, bit aspietastic but not horrendously so.

>> No.6602633

Oh sweet, I study at Bangor so I only live 20~ minutes away for most of the year.

Oh it's so geeky I love it. Looks fucking terrible.

>> No.6604932

Anybody going to Promstuck? Looks pretty small, I'm unsure as to what's going on there

>> No.6604983

whats that?

>> No.6604988

Getting on dodger is my plan for Gemu
Not even started cosplays yet

>> No.6604997

A prom for Homestuck characters

>> No.6605040

There's so much fucking drama for something way out of the way. Wouldn't touch it with a stick.

>> No.6605051

Yeah, I'm going. Hoping to get some fabric soon to make a last minute cosplay for it. I don't even like Homestuck that much, I just want to go to a prom and maybe make some friends in my own town. (`・ω・´)”

Promstuck drama? I mean, I know the Homestuck fandom is known for drama, but does Promstuck have its own particular drama? I've not been paying attention to the Facebook group.

>> No.6605931

Bunch of kids in a hall dressed as homestucks. Nothing to get hype over.

>> No.6606334
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Any UK dealers in this thread, please stock this.

>> No.6606341

Yeah, I haven't heard of any drama. I'm really looking forward to it!

>> No.6606375

Why not just buy it when it goes up for preorder? It'll be cheaper than buying it from a reseller.

>> No.6606384

You think so? Do you know any sites shipping it to the UK?

>> No.6606395


GSC's site will have it for like 3500Y, with 2000Y flat shipping regardless of how many you order. Order three or so, then wait a few months and resell the unwanted ones. You'll at least make back what you paid for them, if not more.

>> No.6606399

It's only going to be sold through GSC's web store, they'll ship to the UK. http://goodsmile-wf-global.ecq.sc/?___store=goodsmilewfglobal_jp_en

If you want to save on shipping (everything from the store has a 2000 yen flat rate shipping price), see if anyone near you is running a group order.

>> No.6609182


>> No.6610797

What this guy said.

A little over a week to go for Midlands. Everyone ready? Are we having a meet?

>> No.6610937

I'd only go to meet friends and I'm not even sure if they're going. How is Midlands for after con stuff like restaurants and non-douchey bars and clubs?

>> No.6610944

>How is Midlands for after con stuff like restaurants and non-douchey bars and clubs?
there is literally nothing to do after the con, seriously. you're better off just going back home (unless you have to stay to be stuck with promstuck)

>> No.6610959

Fuck that then.

>> No.6617666


>> No.6618651

anyone go to London anime con? any drama

>> No.6618699

Just got back from there.
My first con. I didn't cosplay.
I went in, won some free video games and a boobie mousepad, and watched some ugly autists take part in a 'cosplay' blind date.
I felt so embarrassed for all them.
Over all the events / cosplayers were awful, but a few of the stalls had some nice things. Picked myself up a muvluv revoltech for just £25 and a the hotd and Madoka blue rei's.

The only decent cosplay I saw was this girl, no clue what she was, might have been dark magician girl, or a blonde Lacus, I don't know. She was on stage during with some fat green lantern kid.

>> No.6618721

So is there anything worthwhile in Scotland? I almost went to Auchinawa a few years ago but one of the guys going was a sexual predator and almost everyone else at the pre-meets were unwashed weebs.

>> No.6619154

This is the most accurate description of the event I have ever read. Except you missed out the horrendous stench of sweat and crushed dreams.

Never again.

>> No.6619215

Did you see this guy?

>> No.6619397

Don't know hard to say. He has a pretty common looking face. Anyway it was hard to recognise anyone there when just about everyone was wearing pikachu pyjamas.
The back room where the DDR shit is was really foul smelling. Poked my head in, saw some guy with greasy long hair laying down on the floor and walked straight back out.
Tried to get into the air conditioned games room to see what was going on but got intimated by the massive group of black dudes that were lurking and so I gave up on that. I think it was just a smash bro's tournie anyway.

Spent most of my time in the chatting with the stall vendors in the end. The guy selling all the porn upstairs was pretty interesting. I guess I'm just too old for these places (25) really though, but figured I'd check it out.
In the end I left pretty early, got there for 11am and left by 6pm. The cosplayers had just started getting drunk and some girl was on stage singing American Pie and things were just getting really weird. Had to leave sharpish because the second hand embarrassment was too strong to deal with. They really shouldn't let these people drink. They can't handle it at all.
Don't think I'll do it again though, it was just too small and cramped. I've heard the one at the London Expo is better though...but yeah, I might be put off for life now.

>> No.6619416

I was a regular last year but got tired of drunken fedora wearers trying to cop a feel.

>> No.6620290

Any photos of cosplayers

>> No.6620295

whoops looks like we have no choice but to party

>> No.6620385
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Seriously, just about any con in the UK is leagues better than whatever the hell LAC was meant to be. Try not to let it put you off too much.

If you like panels and all that jazz, try Aya in August. If you like cosplay and merc, try MCM in May. For games, apparently Gemucon in March is good.

I pretty much spent the whole of this 'convention' convincing first-timers and foreign cosplayers that it wasn't a typical example of UK cons.

Photos from the facebook group.

>> No.6620387
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>> No.6620393
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Lots of stuff like this.

>> No.6620394
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This guy won the Masquerade.

>> No.6620403


This isn't too bad a cosplay.

>> No.6620423

TBH it was one of the best there. I didn't pick it as a bad example.

>> No.6620446

Bretty good.

>> No.6620466

When she went on stage with the fat green lantern kid I thought she looked really good. Seeing her up close in that photo puts me off a little though. Dat face. Ugh.
The two borderlands cosplayers were probably the best in my opinion. But then I probably only like the girl because her tits and ass were on display for all to see.
I am so shallow.

>> No.6620538
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 431018_10150869988423378_730383377_12763330_295595845_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this guy here

>> No.6620544

Yeah but he was blue

>> No.6620549

I saw the pictures pop up on my facebook. I liked the Borderlands cosplayers too. Apart from their terrible make-up skills. But at least they tried.

>> No.6620550

oh god what he do this time

>> No.6620555

He coloured that thing on his head blue and was wearing a blue top.
He tried to do some sort of martial arts performance during the Masquerade, but just looked silly.

>> No.6620558

i heard he made an ass of himself doing a one piece dub
any sauce on this?

>> No.6620571

oh any video

>> No.6620644

The dubs were the most painful thing I have ever endured.

>> No.6620659

what happen at this dub thing

>> No.6620694

Last time I was there he did a break dance with light sabers.

>> No.6620699

No particular incident. They were given a clip from various anime titles, and a microphone, and told to talk over it. Each team were only given a minute to think of something funny to say. Of course, nervous weebs on stage are never going to come up with golden material. It mostly devolved into screams, random silent moments, and the occasional boob/poop/sex joke. All at about 90 decibels.
The guy dressed as Sonic pretended to get angry at the audience, and yelled a bit, when no-one 'voted' for his attempt with applause. It didn't make any further ass of him than anyone else on the stage.

It could potentially be a very funny event, but they need to be given the clips in advance and a little time to write a funny script imo.

The talent show was a lot of people who couldn't sing but thought they could. Only a couple were decent. The Blind Date was the worst, and I think it ended early. I thought you were supposed to be in character for it?

>> No.6620810

That yellow vocaloid guy, jesus christ.

>> No.6620987

tell us more

>> No.6622307

PSA for anyone planning on going to Promstuck this weekend.

>> No.6622361
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Silly homestucks.

>> No.6622633
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>> No.6622799
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Fuck yes, I'm in.

>> No.6622950

who is this?

>> No.6623275

>If 30 second son Google can turn up an ED entry on a person,

God why do people hold ED to be like some kind of bible? This is what gets /cgl/ a bad reputation. Even the articles which are essentially true still aren't trustworthy because of their tone and the lack of empathy it encourages.

There are certainly some people you should avoid, but goodness, the majority of people who edit ED should be included in that.

>> No.6623306

>God why do people hold ED to be like some kind of bible? This is what gets /cgl/ a bad reputation. Even the articles which are essentially true still aren't trustworthy because of their tone and the lack of empathy it encourages.
Regardless of the trustworthiness of the content in an ED article, someone must be a major fuck up or seriously dodgy bastard to warrant having a page in the first place.

ED articles should always be taken with a pinch of salt, but it's a damn good starting point for your own research if you're potentially going to be dealing with someone mentioned on it.

>> No.6623330

>Regardless of the trustworthiness of the content in an ED article, someone must be a major fuck up or seriously dodgy bastard to warrant having a page in the first place.

This is the mentality I'm addressing. I know a number of people who have ED articles just because they're a bit weird.

There is no such standard, and there's no way of even knowing if the contents of the article is true. The people writing these articles aren't some unbiased arbiters of justice. Some of them are nasty and just want to pick on people smaller than them.

If you're using a site like that for your starting point then you're the sort of person I wouldn't want to deal with quite frankly.

>> No.6623342

The issue is that if you have an ED article, then you've done something (regardless of whether or not it's 'just a bit weird') to get onto someone's radar. You actually have to have done something that's pretty noticeable otherwise that article will get deleted.

>> No.6623361

I'm really excited for Ayacon, but I don't know anyone going so far and I'm not sure if I can persuade my friends yet, so I'm kind of nervous. I really hope I can meet some cool people there.

>> No.6623414

What are you cosplaying, Anon?

>> No.6623668

Still a bit uncertain about which ones exactly, but likely one of my Tiger & Bunny/Madoka/Tales of costumes. They're quite popular series, so I'm hoping I can go to some meets/shoots etc.

Same old story about me being a bit socially awkward, but I tend to be a bit more confident in cosplay, so I'm kind of anxiously excited.

>> No.6623680

Snap. For Aya I'm hoping to pull out Blue Rose again with my group. I probably won't have Madoka done by then, but hey maybe I can catch you in that some other time (who are you doing?)? And I don't have a Tales cosplay but I love Vesperia and Symphonia.
Please come say hi at some point! It'd be cool to meet you and maybe get some photos together.

>> No.6623700

Oh, awesome! I'll most likely be Barnaby or Yuri, it depends a bit on what I have the time/money to finish over the summer. Hopefully I'll see you guys! My Homura cosplay is finished though, so I'm like 90% sure I'll be taking it.

>> No.6623713


Noticeable doesn't mean bad. 4chan and it's derivative harp on about tumblr social justice types all the time but that doesn't mean they're "bad".

Again you are still relying on the judgement of a site that prides itself on being amoral in the first place, except when they want to try shaming aspies for their behaviour.

It's a bad site with bad people, and even if some bad people get d0xed there's nothing like a guarantee that because someone has an article, they're a dodgy individual. It just means in some way they've challenged the mentality of the sort of people that populate ED.

Don't use it as a basis for who to associate with because a lot of articles are written by a small number of people looking to propogate hatred towards an individual or opposing group due to unresolved drama or even outright bigotry.

>> No.6623725

Great! Good luck with finishing everything. With luck you can take both Homura and one of your Tiger and Bunny choices.

I'll make sure to say hi to all T&B cosplayers (I tend to talk to them all anyway) and Homuras. Hopefully we'll find each other. I'll probably be with a Sengoku Basara group as Sasuke, or T&B, and maybe a Pandora Hearts lot, all with an unwieldy camera.

I tried to come up with some sort of signal but everything seemed pretty rubbish.

>> No.6623749

Google Wallet isn't accepting my card details to pay for Toko. Going to be platinum mad if I don't get to go because of this. I have so much hype for it.

I think a lot of /cgl/ folks are going to Aya, so I'm sure you'll find someone to talk to at least.

>> No.6623779

I'm thinking of going to Doj-con. Won't be cosplaying, I'll probably be in lolita. Is it worth going to?

I'm thinking of taking my girlfriend, and it'll be her first time at a con. Can anybody give me some tips to help make sure she has a really good time?

>> No.6623797

Thanks guys. If there's some kind of /cgl/ meet-up I wouldn't mind giving that a go either!

>> No.6624918

Midlands! What are you guys planning to cosplay? Is there going to be a meet?

>> No.6624929

I've just finished my Jill cosplay, I think this will be my first ever expo where I'm not finishing something the night before.
There's a cgl meet but not sure where or when.

>> No.6625073

I accidently listened to the Initial D soundtrack in my car and did some damage so I doubt I'll make it down now.

Wait until the event schedule gets announced and we'll plan it round that. Speaking of Aya, anyone want to help me run an anime room 101 panel where we name and shame the best of the worst shows, dubs, characters and what not? I could really use a co-host(s).

>> No.6625081
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I've just about finished my Tamako cosplay, but it isn't great.

There are always meets, as far as I know. How about we go for a cosplay ice skating meet?

>> No.6625096
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Can we not though

>> No.6625098

I can't make it, but I hope everyone has fun. Wanna see pictures afterwards too. There will most likely be a meet, as there usually is at every britfag convention.

Oh man, if you guys do actually end up going ice skating I will be so jealous, it is quite actually one of my favourite things to do.

>> No.6625108

Mate fuck ice skating can you not see that bingo building right there?

>> No.6625117

What's the matter

Scared you might fall over?

>> No.6625121

>Place called Meeting Point House
>not having the meet there

>> No.6627112


>> No.6628636

more bumps

isn't Midlands this weekend? Everyone ready?

>> No.6628771

The one and only time I've been ice skating, i broke my wrist, so Fuck That.

>> No.6628854

Meenah if you see this turn your goddamn phone on

>> No.6630925

Bumping for post-Midlands disappointment and pre-Promstuck excitement

>> No.6630936

Why was it disappointing? Just not enough going on? I haven't been to Midlands for a couple of years now, but mostly because the last time I went was really slow. Fun for chilling with friends for a day, but that's about it.

Hope you guys going to Promstuck have fun though!

>> No.6631498

It's pretty boring if you go on your own

>> No.6631524

Is it worth going to Gemucon? I live like a 30 minute drive away, but dunno if it's worth booking a weekend off work to go.

>> No.6632043

Midlands eat shit. Harry eat shit. Nike Naks eat shit

>> No.6632048

Nike Naks what am I talking about like some knobbly freaky chavs no holy shit this is not even ideal right now

>> No.6632572

What the hell

>> No.6632575

Oli go home you are drunk

>> No.6632660

oli pls

>> No.6632764
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Got this at Midlands on my cell phone, And lift!!! hahaha
Any one know who the blimp is?

>> No.6632789

That's street-angel, isn't it?

>> No.6632830

Why would they lift the fattest one in their group? That's just embarrassing.

>> No.6632860

because she's the choreographer / attention whore?

>> No.6632908

bloody hell! that is not a good look girl, I never knew why she is so full of herself looking that with those costumes.....

>> No.6632922


If it is I heard she was bitching about Piratetoaster's Panty cosplay at Ame, saying that hers was far superior. Is she really that delusional?

>> No.6632924

hahaha, is there a video of this? So many things wrong with the costumes, love how low the girl on the left had to squat to lift one leg!

>> No.6632931

I'm trying to find one, but no success as of yet

>> No.6632973

It was actually a pretty good performance, a few of them obviously had dance experience and they looked like they'd practiced the shit out of it. But oh god, the costumes. They all looked like they'd been made and then the girls had gained a load of weight. I think it's that fabric.

>> No.6632987

I didn't think street-angel has cosplayed from Panty and Stocking.

>> No.6632991

That wasn't Street-Angel. She has never done a Panty and Stocking cosplay as far as I'm aware.
It was Tiff/Kara that was APPARENTLY bitching, and even then that could not be true.
Get your facts straight before shit posting about someone.

>> No.6633026

what cosplays are they actually meant to be?

>> No.6633029

Some Italian animation called Winx Club. Never watched it the style looks horrible, but you can look it up if you want to see if the costumes are accurate.

>> No.6633403

>nike naks

>> No.6633417

I wouldn't be suprised if it was Tif/Kara who was bitching about someone elses Panty cosplay.

>> No.6634883

Have to agree, her ego has inflated since she started even though she can't make her own costumes and props.

>> No.6635162

More photos from the weekend??
Fave costumes? I personally loved the Digimon group.

>> No.6635165
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>> No.6635235

so apparantly Piratetoaster and her friends gatecrashed Promstuck?

>> No.6635238

I didn't even go and I can tell you it was shit. Where was it even held?

>> No.6635249

In one of the hotels - I think it was the Holiday Inn

>> No.6635256


looking from the outside in it looked horrendous. Kept seeing people run out of the hall in tears and it wasn't even lunch time..

>> No.6635269

nothing like that happened at all

>> No.6635271
File: 521 KB, 900x624, Playing to ones strengths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running out in tears? Was it like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejciaOfUWBE

>> No.6635273

as if they could gatecrash anything

>> No.6635276

I saw this too. A girl was sobbing on one of the sofas outside

>> No.6635292

Niknaks stop being jelly as fuck please.

>> No.6635298

I opened this out of pure curiosity. This looks like one of the most autistic things yet.

>> No.6635332

niknaks confirmed for rib 'n' saucy

>> No.6635475


>> No.6635489

Does Niknaks even trip anymore? I like to think he's over that GOTTA GET INTERNET FAMOUS stage.

>> No.6635688

This looks better than the 2013 one

>> No.6635848

>hi I'm a beta orbiter stalking Toast's facebook, please validate my desperate need to stalk her

I didn't see anything like that, but it was really, really lame. Most people there were in their mid teens. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had a danceable costume/ participated in stuff like the karaoke, but as it was, eh. Had way more fun just partying in our room the night before. Telford Expo was about as enjoyable as a bollock burger too.

No, he doesn't.

>> No.6635908
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Maybe they were tears of boredom.

>> No.6637947

Need to see more pics. Also who won what at Midlands? I was going to go but didn't in the end.

>> No.6637964

Best Costume: Snow White and the Hunstmen
Runner Up Costume: Digimon
Best Performance: Winx Club
Judges Award for 'Bottle for doing it Live': Touhou Project for singing
Judges Award for 'Ticking all the boxes': Saber
Junoir: Merida
Honourable Mention: Belle
Honourable Mention: Link

>> No.6637971

I don't understand why the Belle didn't win best costume. Sure, the girl has no idea how to present herself (no makeup, spending FAR too long on stage) but damn she can sew. Was there some reason she couldn't qualify or what?

>> No.6637974
File: 378 KB, 1024x680, 8484508480_8faa220bfe_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxy's photos of the masquerade are up on Flickr.

Haven't checked anywhere else.

>> No.6637978

I thought that was strange too especially since the backs of the Digimon costumes were a complete disaster. I can't say I got a good look at the actual winners though so can't judge there.

Wasn't she the Giselle from two years ago?

>> No.6638000

Pics of said Belle?

>> No.6638006
File: 649 KB, 1063x1600, 8483949866_4e7e3c2490_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a big picture so you can glimpse all the details.

>> No.6638009

Yeah I will wank off to that.

>> No.6638014

Why the hell didn't this win?!
She may not be the prettiest but god damn that dress is amazing.

>> No.6638020


I watched her progress on coscom. Girl has serious patience and skill to do all that.

I very much want to do her make up so it matches the work on her dress.

>> No.6638027

She looked so confused when Granny Gertrude announced her as an 'honourable mention'.

>> No.6638030
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Snow White and the Huntsmen

>> No.6638049

Looking at the picture posted by >>6638006 yes she did win two years ago. Wow! the dress is amazing.

>> No.6638052
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>> No.6638059
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Winx Club

>> No.6638064
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Touhou Project

>> No.6638066
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>> No.6638069
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>> No.6638072
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>> No.6638097

Well a bow did fall off the cosplay on stage that always costs you

>> No.6638107
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Saw that as well

>> No.6638128
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I wonder why these guys didn't get a mention of some sort.

>> No.6638137

can't mention every one

>> No.6638158

That is really cute.

Yes, that would have cost points. Costume durability is a factor in judging.

>> No.6638501

She didn't win because most of her cosplays are made by her mum.

>> No.6638533

Their costumes were mostly altered clothing rather than stuff made from scratch.

>> No.6638797

Aww that's a shame. Such a beautiful dress. Really wish she would do her make-up to match. She's not unattractive, but a bit of make-up to bring out her features would be the icing on the cake.

>> No.6638858

That makes more sense. Still good looking costumes though.

>> No.6640569

Not covering those tattoos probably diddn't help.

>> No.6641144

So, where's the hype train headed next?

Because she can't into archery.

>> No.6641455

>Because she can't into archery.


>> No.6641502

Think Physics.

>> No.6643475

Cocktail party!

>> No.6643484
File: 84 KB, 601x700, Thread broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin Moot.

>> No.6643620

This is just getting silly.

>> No.6643718

Oh god please say you have a video link, preferably With all of them.

>> No.6644546

So with Minami next week and Gemu still creeping up, how are your plans/predictions shaping up?

>> No.6644550

I do not want my party to be all over this board like the next Skrillex and marajooahna party please thank you.

Unless I get a sign with #Classic Niknaks in fancy writing.
then we're good.

>> No.6644598
File: 25 KB, 225x226, ThePoliceRoxanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not expecting much from Gemu in terms of the actual convention but I can't wait to see everyone there again.

>> No.6645366

I'm not making shit.

>> No.6645375

Freaking out about cosplay for Minami, I'm still only about halfway done :S
I managed to get time off work for Gemu though, and I've got a much easier cosplay lined up for it, so I feel pretty relaxed. Just need to and book train tickets~

Looking forward to hanging out with seagulls.

>> No.6645408

>sign with #Classic Niknaks in fancy writing
I'll bring the shirts along with the dead horse

>> No.6645429

yes good

Eh, first year convention, that's why I'm not going this year. Going to see what everyone else makes of it and maybe go next year.

>> No.6645639

Anybody else gonna be at LSCC tomorrow? I've got a table in artist alley but I'm starting to worry that not many people seem to be going.

>> No.6645661

It's a bit of a smaller con, but if you're interested in going to one casually then Cardiff Comic Expo is a thing. This year's is next weekend though.

>> No.6648005


we need to make a new thread soon

>> No.6649837



I'm going to Cardiff too, are you cosplaying? I'm undecided who to go as. Most of CosplayCymru are going so the cosplay standard is going to be quite low. But much fun shall be had!

>> No.6652305

new thread