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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 266 KB, 1542x1024, 131341_395497830518769_1555645374_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6586862 No.6586862 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone want to cosplay with his or hers mother? Especially when wearing something revealing as this? the old woman looks disgusting

>> No.6586864

They are having fun so take that salt out of your cunt

>> No.6586863
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>> No.6586869

Well her boobs are at her waist.....not very attractive. She is way too old for this

>> No.6586871
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>> No.6586872

How much time did you spend making this?

>> No.6586873

Since I hold the unpopular opinion that cosplay isn't actually about being aesthetically pleasing and attractive to others, I think this is pretty awesome.
There's no age for costuming as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6586874

about 90 seconds

>> No.6586891

The implications of dressing up as sexy slavegirl twins with your mother are mind-boggling.

>> No.6586940

That is a kinda wrong....

>> No.6587470

I would love to do a Washu and Ryoko cosplay with my mom. She's really short and thin and she'd just make a great Washu. But I can never get her to commit to anything.

>> No.6587485
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I kinda wish my family were more accepting of my weird hobbies. Envious.

>> No.6587487

Holy fuck she's a twig compared to her mother. That girl needs to eat more, her arms look terrifying.

>> No.6587492

Her arms look normal to me

>> No.6587495

I like the notion of older folks getting involved now... That way it won't look so unusual when we get older and stay involved.
That being said, these two should have chosen characters that were a little less risque.

>> No.6587510

I think this would be so much better if the mother actually looked like she was enjoying herself.
She just looks miserable in the pictures, doesn't even fold her arms to go back to back with her daughter, or try to pretend to be having fun.
Maybe it's just a bad couple of shots though?
For all I know she was the star of the rave later on, showing all the young hoodlums how it's done.

>> No.6587531

my parents are deeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

well my mother is but she totally would have been they type that would have cosplayed with me. that would have been awesome.

>> No.6587537

I would love to cosplay with my mom, but I'd never do a "sexy" cosplay with her. That's just nasty. I would love to do a Mrs. Brief and Bulma cosplay with my mom. She looks a lot like Bulma's mom.

>> No.6587547
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They look like sticks.

>> No.6587562

>older women tend to get fat and saggy, news at eleven

>> No.6587573

She's got a perfectly normal figure for a young woman. You sound like some fat American stereotype. Omg she's skinnier than me she must have an eating disorderrrrr~

>> No.6587580

Not really, just her arms specifically, they freak me out. IMO.

>> No.6587606

There is never a fucking middle ground for you people. Its either too fat or too skinny.

>> No.6587617
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>> No.6587668

I'm actually planning a mother/daughter cosplay for AX. My mom's always liked people watching at cons, but I figure it's about time she got more engaged.

>> No.6587874

I think that's pretty cool! The mom looks like the older, jaded one. Makes sense. I bet they had a blast!

>> No.6587923


Her arms are freaky thin though. There most be something wrong with her bones because that shit does not look right.

>> No.6588234

I'm sorry to tell you that people are diverse, then. There are girls naturally skinny like her that can't get toned because they can't get fat on their bones. Its just things that are impossible to work.

>> No.6588247

I'm willing to bet the mother only looks odd because she's unsure how to pose.
I would be too.

>> No.6588288

I'd cosplay with my mom. It would not be revealing like that but I'd never wear something like that anyways.
We both love sci-fi so it would be pretty nice.

>> No.6588584

My mom cosplayed with me for my first convention and she loved it. We were Izumi and Wrath from FMA. She got really into too, it was pretty awesome. I think more parents should cosplay with their kids.

>> No.6588660

I know I'm definitely going to cosplay with my kids when I have them. Well, definitely when they're younger since they won't have much of a choice, but I'd hope like hell they'd grow up liking it so it would turn into a family thing.

>> No.6588689

I agree. I'm happy my mother doesn't use the computer very much, so even if someone says shit about her she probably wouldn't ever find out about it.

>> No.6588699

Are you fucking stupid? It's called "muscle" not fat. Unless you have some sort of condition I'm pretty sure everyone has muscles that they can tone up. That doesn't mean get big it muscular it means get off your lazy sedentary ass and exercise.

>> No.6589001

>Can't get toned because they can't get fat on their bones.
Isn't it usually the other way around? Don't tell me it's that "endomorph / ectomorph" bullshit.
She's a healthy weight, but if she wanted to tone up, she easily could, as long as she was persistent and ate well.

But yes, I'd have to agree that she weighs enough to be considered average in health, but she's no athlete, from what I can see.

>> No.6589037

My mom looks only about 10 years older than me and often gets mistaken for a doctor at her work who is 27 but looks 23, so I would like it as long as it's flattering. While my moms face looks young and she's not fat, my body looks so much younger than hers...

>> No.6589065
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, DSCN9461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of this? I've always wanted to cosplay with my mom, both dressed as Silk Spectre, but one as Sally Jupiter and one as Laurel Jane. She introduced me Watchmen at a very young age and she's a fitness instructor so that wouldn't be a problem. ^^

Only problem is she's kinda a bitch. Also I think I prefer Sally Jupiter's costume. Anyways, would this be weird?!

>> No.6589069

my mother taught me to sew and helps me with my cos if i ever need it,
but she is much too shy to actually cosplay with me

>> No.6589130

I'd love to see that. Especially if you're cosplaying Laurie / Silk Spectre, and she's Sally Jupiter. I think it'd be a lot cooler, and more widely recognized by fans if you both went in the superhero costumes from your picture, though.

>> No.6589322
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I lawd so hard at this.

>> No.6589478

Come the fuck on OP. This is /cgl/. The girls here hate their mothers. They only hate their fathers more.

>> No.6589751


>> No.6589790

You could do it for old people characters.

Ex. Rucks and the Kid, Kreia and the Exile, Jolee and Revan, Boss and Big Boss if that counts...Anybody else have any 'old adult, young adult' cosplays?

>> No.6589852

My Mom kinda looks like Alan Rickman
Trying to get her to do a Snape cosplay. I've even told her she would have an excuse to be a caustic asshole to people.

>> No.6589864

This is literally the same as fatties going on about "muh thyroid" and "that's how I'm shaaaaaaaped" when told to lose weight and/or get fit.

>> No.6589869

Id cosplay with my parents definitely. My dads a body builder and my moms a skinny woman with a nice body.
All I want is for my dad to be nick fury and my mom to be sharon carter.. they told me no.

>> No.6589913

I wonder how they made their headpieces... and no, I would never, ever, ever want to cosplay with my mom, it would be wrong on so many levels. muh escapism

>> No.6589919

I cosplay with my mother, but she usually chooses costumes that cover the whole body, like giant puppets and oddly-shaped things.

We're going to compete together at the next A-Kon.

>> No.6589942
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Pic related. Sorry for crap quality.

She couldn't see where she was going, so I had to help her waddle onto the stage.

>> No.6590297

AWH! How cute, is she on her knees?

>> No.6590335

Well, did convince my mom to cosplay with me and my nieces at aNext last year, (she was in a maid dress since if I called it lolita i'd be ita as fuck.) And she looked good in it and had fun with me and the two girls. This may be a bad choice (OPs pic ) but it just for fun if your not planning on taking photos.

>> No.6590610
File: 503 KB, 1024x768, DSCN1638 (1024x768).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This last year my mom actually decided to try cosplaying, her first one being Flo from Progressive.

pic related, my mom and I

>> No.6590619

These people have it right, stop acting like a 13 year old bitch OP.


>> No.6590660

cute wish she would have colored her eyebrows, I'm sorry but it looks unflattering and makes her forehead look big

>> No.6590694


Yes. She's wearing black pants/shoes from the knee-down.

>> No.6590712

my older sister often takes our nieces and nephews to cosplay conventions and such, dressing in a theme with each other.

also i came here looking for fappable pictures of cosplay.

im in the wrong place arent i.

>> No.6590733

Talking about you nieces and nephews cosplaying in the same post as asking for fap fodder suggests you are.

>> No.6590737

and ill be going back to /b/ now.

>> No.6590734

I would cosplay with my mom, but it would probably be something like Star Trek since she's not into much else. My only reservation would be having her around all of my con friends because she's kind of a prude and we talk like a bunch of sailors and hug and kiss each other, and I think she wouldn't really know what to do. She borrowed Fifty Shades of Grey from her Coworker once without knowing what it was, and when I explained it to her she turned beet red. So no DragonCon for my mom.

>> No.6590769
File: 28 KB, 326x279, BerserkHorseFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay isn't actually about being aesthetically pleasing and attractive to others

>> No.6590817

if it were, there wouldnt be so many bad cosplays.

>> No.6591414
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cosplayed with my mom a couple of times! At AX'11, I cosplayed as Chun-Li and she was Gen from Street Fighter IV. I don't have a pic of the two of us together, but here's one of her looking pretty bad-ass.

>> No.6591427

Then cosplay in your house, but if you're going to a con or something, don't you think you should make an attempt to impress others with your cosplay?

>> No.6591453

Because voice actors, merchants, and panels won't come to your house?