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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6584739 No.6584739 [Reply] [Original]

How's the con?

Got any pictures?

I heard from someone that it's actually pretty good.

>> No.6584799

I just came back and it was kind of shitty.

The venue was small as fuck, the con staff had little idea what they were doing, the panels were a clusterfuck, the dealer/artist alley was barren & boring, the building was so dim it was a pain to try and take photos, and it seems they assembled the most obnoxious parts of the Homestruck fandom into one concentrated place.

The only positive thing about the experience was that there were some cool people who I saw there.

>> No.6584811

as someone who was a panellist, I have to say that panel management was a mess.

>> No.6584819


How would you rate this con compared to like DTAC?

>> No.6584830


Much worse. Hell, they had an hour panel of a few people playing a single player rhythm game while everyone else watched. Seriously, ~6 people playing something like Elite Beats Agents while the rest of the room watched in silence.

>> No.6584834

I agree. That was bullshit. The panels before and after seemed at least mildly more interesting than that and could have used the extra 30 mins from what I saw.

>> No.6584837

There were a few neat cosplays but nothing really WOW. Also, a lot of guys were rocking the trench/hat/fingerless gloves look.

>> No.6584863


>> No.6584876

>Much worse.

How many people were there? Do you think they made their money back?

>> No.6584883


Just got back myself. It was pretty sparse so I've got no idea. There were maybe ~200-300 people there at maximum.

>> No.6584893

There was some creepy dude taking pictures of the girl cosplayers there and that put me on edge. I mean he was like everything I've read about sleazy photographers rolled into one chunky ball.

>> No.6584902

i see you've met Tom

>> No.6584904

300 people? That's not bad.

>> No.6584915

300 is pushing it. A lot of people just loitered outside the venue and took photos there since it was really dark inside and the only real place with good sunlight to take photos was where the panels were being held. So on one side of the room people were trying to run/listen to a panel and on the other they were organizing a photoshoot. It was pretty messy.

>> No.6584936

Eh, it was kinda boring but alright. Next time I'll just check out the peeps doing outdoors stuff rather than pay to get in.

>> No.6584938

I see.

Let's see some pics

>> No.6584949

No camera, friend. I was just tagging along with friends. The only major costumes I remember was the bald dude with the giant weapon w/ red fur that appears at EVERY T.O. convention (cool dude), a pretty neat Sailor Moon, and this one girl who had an awesome blonde wig but I didn't recognize the character (I think it was that Supergirl cosplayer who appears sometimes in /co/splay threads).

>> No.6584960
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There was someone cosplayed as pic related in the artist alley.

>> No.6584968


I think that was the guest of honor Master-level cosplayer?

>> No.6584986

One of the staff dudes forgot a shower this morning. The con funk was strong with him.

>> No.6585028

Panels were a mess
venue was crowded
Homestuck fans wouldn't stfu
Dude taking creepy pictures of girls
Artist Alley was the only good thing.

>> No.6585033

>every con ever

Come back when you have legit specific issues

>> No.6585042

I thought I was the only one that noticed that dude. He kept on asking a friend of mine for a pic even after she declined!

>> No.6585040

>Panels were a mess
> venue was crowded
> Homestuck fans wouldn't stfu
> Dude taking creepy pictures of girls
> Artist Alley was the only good thing.

I don't know, this AA seemed really cheap. Not as in prices but I mean quality. Everything seemed so flimsy and half-assed. The only real quality shit were those leather/scale mail bracers that were being sold but those were $130 and way too costly for me

>> No.6585044

Venue was way too packed. You couldn't take 2 steps in the dealer's room without tripping over some shit or accidentally photobombing someone

>> No.6585054

never said they were really issues. OP asked how it was and I mentioned how I felt about it. I don't go to cons too much aside from fan expo so I guess I'm just comparing it to that.

>> No.6585057

Should've fucking listened to /cgl/ and not wasted $10. I feel cheated.

>> No.6585067

Told ya

>> No.6585077

Organizers had no clue what was going on. It was like watching blind people trying to run a race.

>> No.6585086

Do you think there's gonna be a Frostcon next year?

>> No.6585101

Doubt it unless they reorganize shit and get somewhere that can comfortably hold more than 150 people.

>> No.6585108

They probably made enough money to have another one next year.

>> No.6585118


Next year I'll be smarter and stay away. Can't say I had a good time at all.

>> No.6585185

Fuck Antonio and SavageBandito, the two scumbags.

>> No.6585189


Agreed. The people presenting it weren't doing a good job either, making it even more of a waste of an hour.

Panel area wasn't even closed off and the 'impromptu photoshoot' area at the back combined with (from what I heard) the Homestuck fans on the floor below meant that you could barely hear the panelists over the constant background chatter.

>> No.6585221

There was actually one guy who I heard from downstairs yelling "Shut the fuck up!" It was pretty funny and when I went up to see what was going on, some guy (who I think was Antonio) came by to give him a stern talking to before taking more creep shots.

>> No.6585235


I was sitting a few rows ahead of that guy and his voice actually made me jump. Dude looked like he was about to laugh in the con-staff's face when the staffer threatened to call security.

>> No.6585438
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I just got back and it wasn't too bad for a small $10.00 convention.

Compared to DCON I'd say the venue was worse, but the location was better (slightly down the road, but still closer to transit, park right outside, etc.). In terms of panels...hahano. The panels were God awful. The dealer's area? That was average (for a small convention).

So all in all...
>location of venue was good
>venue itself was okay; a bit dim
>panels were horrible
>dealer's area was average for a small con.
>no wow cosplays, all average or below

Anyways, I have some pictures which I'l proceed to dump now. There was also a small LARP battle outside around 13:00. I'll dump that next.

>> No.6585448
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>> No.6585444
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>> No.6585451

The panels themselves were alright (Aside from the Osu one) It was just so bloody hard to hear them all.

>> No.6585457
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>> No.6585453
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I don't know...personally I found them rather lacking. They were also difficult to hear, especially with the cosplayers getting photos behind the area for the panels.

>> No.6585463
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>> No.6585468
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>> No.6585486
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>> No.6585487
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When I first got there, the turnout seemed pretty good lots of cosplayers and energy. A few hours later though, it seemed like it completely emptied out by about 4pm, despite closing at 7. I really wondered where everyone had gone to. To be honest though I preferred this venue over DTAC because we weren't limited to a single hallway.

It was pretty much exactly what I expected. Small, shitty panels (Honestly wtf was even going on during that superhero one, seemed like the Toronto Batman was trying to suck all the attention), small dealers room and artist alley. For $10, it was decent to just hang out.

I overheard some organizers saying they reached cap though. So I guess it did as well as they planned.

I went with another seagull who introduced me to some of his /a/ buddies. We just hung out all con having a tea(coffee) party. They had brought a coffee maker and brewed it fresh. It was fun. Pic related

I'll post some pics after I eat dinner

>> No.6585494
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>tfw gf steals your plush for her cosplay and ruins your junky closet cosplay

>> No.6585504

The Homestruck cosplayers were annoying and the convention center wasn't great but I suppose it could've been worse.

>> No.6585518

>seemed like the Toronto Batman was trying to suck all the attention

Attention whoring is basically his full-time job.

in b4 he makes a Facebook pity party post about this.

>> No.6585512
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>> No.6585523
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Okay, that's all I got for cosplay photos. Time for photos from the small LARP battle.

>> No.6585526

God that douchebag was annoying.

>> No.6585531
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>> No.6585539

The afternoon panels were pretty crappy but I ended up sitting in on one in the morning and it was kinda funny.

>> No.6585549
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>> No.6585542
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>> No.6585544


Which one?

>> No.6585556
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>> No.6585561
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>> No.6585565

It was a few guys and a chick and they were talking about how to fandub while cracking jokes with the audience. Since it was early and the photoshoot guys weren't raising hell directly behind the panel I could actually hear what they were saying.

>> No.6585589


Oh, that was the 11am one? I missed that - for some reason the organizers decided to schedule a panel at the same time the doors opened. Horrible planning, and if that was one of the good panels then I'm even more annoyed that I missed it.

>> No.6585587
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>> No.6585600

I think some guy was filming the early morning panels so there might be a vid out there. Didn't see him later in the afternoon, I think he gave up because his camera couldn't pick up the panels over all the other noise.

>> No.6585608


>Interested in starting your own abridged series or fandub? Several members of
thethreephilosophers from FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood: The Abdridged Series along with some of the cast of Doctor Whooves and Assistant will be here to answer your questions regarding everything you need to start up your own abridged series and/or fandub: equipment, script writing, voice acting, and more!

Dis one?

>> No.6585615

Think so, sounds like what they were talking about.

Wasn't a bad con, just needed a bit more polish.

>> No.6585621
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That's all I've got. There's a video of the mini LARP battle around there somewhere...several, actually. I don't have the links, though.

Ah well.

Anyways, it was an enjoyable convention and average for a small one. Would still recommend it, though.

>> No.6585625 [DELETED] 

vlad + sona
see im not 100% sure but i think that fat bitch is supposed to be frejlord ashe which makes me mad b/c ashe is so beautiful in a wifey jawn kinda way

>> No.6585646

Not my cup of tea, I'll stick to AN and FanEx

>> No.6585659



>> No.6585673
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kay here's some pictures

>> No.6585675


That superhero panel was cringeworthy. I couldn't make it to the end because I felt so awkward just watching them do whatever the fuck they were doing.

>> No.6585678
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It was a tiny con but there were 2 decent Black Cat cosplayers. I wonder if it was awkward between them

>> No.6585685
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I asked this girl for a picture just because she was dressed up and kawaii as fruit

>> No.6585687
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>> No.6585701
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I just liked how one guy cosplayed a turret

>> No.6585704

Was Tom there?

>> No.6585709

Creepy glue guy? Yeah, he was there enjoying his panelist position. How the fuck that happened, I don't know.

>> No.6585710

I overheard a conversation while I was in the bathroom between a staff member and some attendees. Apparently FC is a go for next year, they had over 450+ people buy a ticket (they ran out of physical tickets I got a stamp when I got there) and based on security who was counting people, 800-900 people came in and out. They really only did expect the number of people who were on the fb event.

I was just pissed off that the staff wouldn't give me a discount on the ticket even though I came there at 5 (there was an hour left of the con really? and then I later heard they let some of the general public in for free to look around wtf) and I really was only there to pick up a commission for a friend who couldn't go.

Even though the con said it was til 7, the staff was rushing dealers and artists to pack up after 6, apparently they weren't allowed in the space after 7.

>> No.6585718
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>> No.6585720

The convention was a comedy of errors. So bad it was meh.

>> No.6585726
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I expected it to be just another DTAC, which it pretty much was. It's not something to be taken seriously, but more of an excuse just to cosplay and hang out

>> No.6585727

Oh man.

>> No.6585734

Con staff at Frostcon were a bunch of dicks, that's all there is to it.

>> No.6585732

I overheard alot of people say they'll be skipping out on DTAC for this if FC is back next year.

>> No.6585744
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Any idea why the con was so dead past 4 pm? Did everyone really just leave early?

>> No.6585767

Dang I just noticed my pictures look awful. I think I compressed them too much

>> No.6585796


I left at 2 pm. By that point I had seen everything I wanted to see, and even though I was interested in some of the later panels (the Voice Acting one looked interesting), I could hear nothing during the earlier panels and didn't think that it'd be worth staying for a later one just to be annoyed about not hearing anything that was going on.

>> No.6585801

there was a voice acting one earlier.

>> No.6585813

I went there with no expectations and received none at all at the end. There were some things that the con could've improved on. The panels need a revamp when its held in an open area upstairs. It could use a better sound system or an actual room held in. I've heard that the mic disappeared for a period of time and one of the panels had to go without it. Chatting with a fellow friend told me that some of the panelists were known for being notorious crooks and perverts; but I’m sure the organizer had to make due with what they had.
The dealer rooms were decent for a small con but its small space made it difficult to move. I was impressed with how the dealership room was held on two floors; it was quite the experience.
The con attendance was dominated by Homestuck fans, they were alright compared to the old, creepy guys taking pictures.

It wasn't worth the money if you didn't have friends to hang out and have coffee with. Which >>6585487 did.

>> No.6585816

Okay, friend just sent me a video. Not the best one there is (it was shot by a guy on a camera phone, parts cut out, etc.) but it does the job.


Also - I left around 15:30. The panels were getting so you couldn't hear them (and there were none I wanted to see), I'd already wandered through the entire place multiple times and seen all there was to see, did the small LARP battle, went to photoshoots I wanted to go to...I just ran out of things to do.

>> No.6585823

I happen to pass by this convention myself. But I've been hearing some negative things about the con organizer and some of the panelists. I'd like to know more or if /cgl/ ever archived any info about some of these people.

Is it true that the con organizer had his mother pay for this convention? A photographer that takes pictures of young girls. I wanna know more.

>> No.6585836

Was there a /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.6585884

It's not the panels that were bad, it was the organization and the impromptu photoshoot in the back that ruined them. mind you, I left at around 3:00 so I wouldn't know after that

>> No.6585893


I've been reading a bit about this Antonio and getting more on this Tom Savage guy. I've been told by a local seagull that he tricks girls into taking photos of them but never releases them. I'm appalled after hearing.

>> No.6585910
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The Comic book Heroes panel was bad

Toronto Batman forced the audience to all stand up and dance to Gangnam Style

Also what the heck is up with the fad of having the title "Toronto's ____"? All the cosplayers were introduced as "Toronto's Batman", "Toronto's Spiderman", "Toronto's Joker", "Toronto's Rogue", etc. I admit they weren't awful, but giving yourself a title like that is a bit silly.

There was a Joker in the audience that looked way better imo.

>> No.6585922

I stopped attending panels after the doctor hooves one, how were the panels after that?

>> No.6585923

Most of the "Toronto ____" comic cosplay are okay in general. There a just just a lot of better comic cosplayers in the community.

Toronto Batman is just a dick in general, old news

>> No.6585933

The cosplay panel was alright. There was a huge attendance for that. The homestuck panel was chock full of people that should never reproduce. The Gamer GURL panel was poor with the panelists crying victims of being in a male-dominated hobby. The Voice acting panel suffered a sound system issue. Finally, the Toronto Super-hero panel was a waste of time and it felt like watching a televised wrestling match with grown men delivering insults at each other.

>> No.6585977

If the professional voice acting panel was that bad, I'm glad I attended the good one.

>> No.6586020

I found it rather irritating that they had the sound system to broadcast the panelists to the downstairs which was the designated "rest" area. It was always too loud so I didn't find it a good spot to sit and rest at all, let alone catch up with friends I hadn't seen in ages.

>> No.6586023

>I've been told by a local seagull that he tricks girls into taking photos of them but never releases them. I'm appalled after hearing.

Not quite. Basically he's not very up front about his fetishes (basically bondage fetish variations: handcuffs, tied-up girls, girls being stuck in or to things/each other by glue or other substances). He also has a foot fetish that ties into his glue fetish (feet stuck to the ground, girl can't move, etc.). He'll ask for a photoshoot without really bringing up these things, then start asking for photos of the cosplayer without their footwear, and it just kind of escalates. He used to do interview-style videos where he'd pretend to be a villain called Savage Bandito, and girls would be victimized by him, being caught (usually barefoot) in glue traps. A lot of girls played along with this, thinking it was just a funny schtick of his, but his fetishes became really obvious over the years. These days he's escalated to taking a loooot of photoshoots of girls indulging his fetishes. I can verify that a number of these girls have been high schoolers; legally it's iffy because they're not nude or anything.

Anyway, he continues to tarnish his own reputation, so generally cosplayers with higher standards won't work with him for photos. These days it's mostly friends of his or people who won't really get photos of themselves otherwise.

His photos aren't generally good. He has no concept of composition or editing, his angles are usually fetishy/objectifying (like unflattering crotch shots that make the girl's thighs take up 50% of the frame). He'll also post basically EVERY SINGLE PHOTO he took from a shoot without using any quality control, instead of just posting his best photos. So it's the opposite of what you're saying - you will see the photos, but you'll see all of them, including every single awful one, uploaded on dA or FB.

>> No.6586034

Perfect write-up.

>> No.6586036

Nooooo it was way over 400 tickets sold. They did rather well.
imo it was very good for a first con, especially thrown together completely last minute. Compare this to Unplugged.

>> No.6586052


Well, that was a good explanation. I've also dug up some archived posts about this man. I have to say though, this guy is a sick person. Its almost CWC levels. I did happen to see him today. He's got a huge beer gut.

>> No.6586063

So here is my review:
I went in expecting to get in as a panelist for free like a normal. NOPE. Had to pay that 10 bucks which also surprised me that we simply got regular attendees passes rather than panelist passes.

My panel wasn't until late in the day with a controversial figure. So I spent the day chilling with friends and people.

I was rather amazed by how packed it was. It was rather hard to move especially with people jumping left and right wanting to talk to me. The con can be described as "medium" in size in my opinion, but because of all the stuff like tables, booths, dealers, etc was everywhere, it felt more like a "small" .

The Artist and Dealers were actually decent. A good number no doubt and half decent. I liked how the venues coatcheck gave you actual plastic tags over those shitty tickets like they do a JCCC. I didn't attend many panels but I did go to the Cosplay 101 panel which actually was really good!

Afterwards I noted that the con started to slow down in numbers which I decided to go and do some photoshoots for people and be in some myself. That went well until a building near us forbid us from continuing of shoots unfortunately so I returned with my panel coming up.

Overall it didn't go too badly actually but I have to say that the lack of a proper closing ceremonies really hurt it imo I saw a staffer sitting at front but Antonio and the other staffers refused to come and then when Antonio did come, he took the staff to the back room and that was it. He didn't even announce it was out so I was unsure, so I just decided to leave and eat dinner at Frans with many others which ended nicely.

I estimate they got in the range of 300 to 500 throughout the day considering they ran out of tickets, though Antonio has said 800 but I doubt that. However if they indeed are somehow gonna do a year 2, they shouldn't do it here as they REALLY can't hold more than that considering second year will only likely grow.

>> No.6586070


I was a panelist and was also surprised by the full-price ticket which just got me a regular pass as well.

They could've at least given the panelists a discounted price or something =/

>> No.6586076

>I went in expecting to get in as a panelist for free like a normal. NOPE. Had to pay that 10 bucks which also surprised me that we simply got regular attendees passes rather than panelist passes.

THIS 100 times this!

I was in the very first panel of the day and dear god it was annoying. I'd also like to say that starting the panel just as people were JUST being allowed in was dumb Dumb DUMB!

>> No.6586084

and I thought having the last panel of the day when people were leaving was bad.

>> No.6586126

I think this convention deepened my hate for Homestuck several folds

>> No.6586155

>not already hating every homesuck fan the moment you lay eyes on them
>not having a minor anneurisnm at your attempt to suppress the rage you feel at seeing them

Come on man, get it together.

>> No.6586177


Did he say anything noteworthy? I was around at the time but I never bothered checking out that panel.

>> No.6586181


Truly, Homstuck fans are a blight to the anime con community. I hope that none of them will ever reproduce.

>> No.6586196

I didn't like the Hetalia fandom but they were tolerable. The Kingdom Hearts fandom was annoying but again tolerable. The Vocaloids fandom was getting annoying but tolerable.

But Homestuck is freakin overdone, too annoying, and tolerable anymore. If anything they indeed seem to STUCK as well as the fandom of cosplays don't seem to die like those previous ones I mentioned did.

>> No.6586216
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>>It was a tiny con but there were 2 decent Black Cat cosplayers. I wonder if it was awkward between them

>> No.6586225
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jesus christ that doctor is an asbergers fucker and a half

told one of my friends who is pro/won a bunch of awards in the uk and the states that 'she should work on her costume and maybe she'd get some photos with people like him'

she wanted to deck him HARD

>> No.6586232

How rude and awkward. May I ask what was your friend wearing?

>> No.6586274

I wasn't there for that myself but it's one of those animes I've never fucking heard of, but I've dealt with him before in DW cosplay. My husband and his friends are well known for them.

He came over to my husband and started TUGGING AND PULLING at his 300 dollar tweed jacket my DEAD GRANDFATHER gave him while saying 'Oh, that's too bad it's not screen-accurate... you should save up. Also, you don't have the right hair color... You should get some contacts.'

My husband politely told him to fuck off or he'd be missing his jaw bone.

It was kinda hilarious because my husband also cosplays Billy Hyde from BBC's Jekyll and Harold Saxon.

Guess the other side of him was itching to get out...

>> No.6586294

you are not alone, my friend.

>> No.6586289

>It was kinda hilarious because my husband also cosplays Billy Hyde from BBC's Jekyll and Harold Saxon.

Holy shit someone other than me watched Jekyll?

We should hang out.

>> No.6586310

No anon.




>> No.6586318

Cosplay was okay, it's a small con so I didn't really expect to be wowed. Really glad there weren't any giant wings/props in such a small area.

Dealers room was pretty okay. Got a Gokaiger phone and some persona 4 figures, which were surprising finds. The dealers room / artist alley wasn't really impressive, but once again it was a small con.

Really upset they didn't have more schedules posted around. I liked how Unplugged expo had theirs posted around on boards. This con only had them on the tables where people were buying badges.

Cosplay panel was good, unfortunately it wasn't an enclosed room so there was a lot of disruptive sound from people talking downstairs. Saw the end of the adventure time panel and apparently the panelists didn't show up and audience members took over.

I liked that there was a meeting space for the outside photo shoots, but I don't know if the front area (where the tickets are being sold, the entrance doors are, and the schedules are posted) was the best choice.

I rate it between dotcon and unplugged expo. It's not a terrible con, but it wasn't too well organized.

>> No.6586332

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because it was their first year but we'll see how it is next year.

>> No.6586334

omg ikr

Seriously though, I haven't really met any other locals who liked it, let alone enough to cosplay from it. It's a bit obscure compared to other BBC shows, as far as I can tell.

>> No.6586363

It'll be on my con list for next year, I'd like to see where they go. If they listen to the criticism and improve, they could be a really good con.

>> No.6586437
File: 308 KB, 792x1080, angry_doctor_whooves_by_aaastudios-d59bq1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short Answer (for TL:DRs): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MNXO5JeI

Long Answer:
As one of the panelists, I am going to be blunt. Frost Con needs a significant upgrade in the following:

~Quality Assurance in Panels, Panelists, etc.~

Seriously? An HOUR's panel featuring a shoddy "request con goers to request the panelists to play on a single player "OSU~!"" game that any being with a rational mind can do at home? On top of that, give less time to a good abridged panel and ours that needed the extra time to have viewers well informed and actually engage with?


And if this con knows there are creeper/nutters with a bad history coming to these cons, SERIOUSLY issue the security policy on these pillocks! Safety of the con goers is UTMOST priority. Not satiate someone's closet fetishes!

Crowd Control
Homestuck....I have never heard of it nor got into it, but after the panel about it and most definitely the noise coming from its fanbase below the panel room, I don't WANT to get into it.

This isn't the bloody dark ages. Have some better lighting. My 3DS camera couldn't take any photos worth a shite.

Time Management
Impartiality. Give one panel an hour, do it for the rest. Special pandering is most disturbing.

Everyone else said it here. Who's fucking bright idea was it to put a panel room ABOVE AN OPEN REST AREA ROOM?

Personal rant: I was with the Abridged panel and our own panel (Whooves n Assistant) I personally want to apologise to all of you who couldn't get a wonderful experience, and at the very least hope that our panel and the abridged panel (for those that came to it) enjoyed.

After this I am not so sure if I want to go to FC again next year.

>> No.6586477

I heard Tom Savage had a panel. How did that go?

>> No.6586542

>complaining about homestuck
every time

>> No.6586555

I think the only reason he is doing the pony thing is because it was part of the subject of his panel. From what I understood, he was at least being very respectful throught his while panel.

>> No.6586576

No, more like
>Homestuck people in large groups
>being obnoxiously loud and disruptive
Every time

Trust me, they were HORRENDOUSLY loud, people had to be close up to the panel just to remotely hear over them. And they were coming from downstairs.

This is why panels should be in rooms, and not large open spaces that are close to a lounge area. Conventions are LOUD, and panels need rooms so they wont be disrupted and so people can actually hear them.

>> No.6586602
File: 84 KB, 312x321, 1359008294322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as someone watching this go down in Nova Scotia it makes me really sad that this wasn't a disaster. But if i'm getting my facts straight, admission was $10 (for one day?) and it was reasonably well attended for the venue? I'd love to see if the conrunners are broke from the event, but it sounds like everything went smoothly

I think this is more telling of Torontonians than the shitheads running the event. Maybe there's room for a smaller, fan run con during the winter. I assume the location was easy to get to? I've always thought the north end would be easier place to run a con, anywhere on the young line would be able to draw the same ease of access.

Ramblings asside, what would you change about frostcon? It sounded like a pretty panel heavy con, which is logical, was the dealers/AA big enough to be worth it? I'd love to hear more details, it's obvious the runners fucked up, but i'm surprised it wasn't a fiscal disaster as well.

>> No.6586648

Then don't. Don't support this lowest common denominator bullshit dude. Save your time and money for something more worthwhile.

>> No.6586727

I was already scared what I was going into upon seeing the entire staff and randoms behind the front desk all in Homestuck cosplay.

>> No.6586829


Agreed. The panel seating area was maybe for 50 people? Small square of seats that was approx 7x7. The noise levels were so loud that the only way we could hear the MLP people was if we were sitting in the 1st and 2nd rows of the seats.

>> No.6586856

Wasn't Tom running the photography panel?

>> No.6586867

Yeah, it was uncomfortable.

>> No.6586870


You were with the other abridging panel? What was that like? I missed that and yours since I got there late and I heard that they were pretty fun?

>> No.6586876

So what I'm getting from the general consensus of this thread was that the convention was "okay" but could've been a lot better.

>> No.6586967

The con was dark as shit, impossible to get any decent pictures. The venders were alright, but the artists ally was half assed, save a few. The Homestucks were obnoxious as usual. The lounge area was crawling with them and during the panels all we could hear was chatter- and whoever was doing their photoshoots screaming even louder than the rest to be quiet. Is Naruto coming back? Because there were a lot of them too.

>> No.6586975

Dark like an S&M dungeon but without all the interesting bits.

>> No.6586972


It was like the gates of Aspergers hell opened and poured forth its filth directly into the convention.

>> No.6586989


Oh there were bits at this convention alright! Fat, jiggly, greasy, sweaty, crusty, putrid man-bits.

>> No.6587040

The convention was alright for a first year, it needs work though. Hopefully, we'll more activities in the con.

>> No.6587088 [DELETED] 

I was actually part of the other abridging panel as a panelist. If you want the negatives, then read >>6586076

It was a small group but overall, I felt that everyone who actually did attend was very interested. We were a very new group and this was our first panel so we didn't know what to expect and couldn't really compare. What I can personally say though is that it was alright for a first con and we were a very unknown group so considering that, and the organizational mess that was downstairs, I think it was alright. we could have gotten some more time but what can you do. I won't be presumptuous and say our panel was good because I can't really judge that but this guy >>6585565 seemed to enjoy it.

>> No.6587094

This convention was "alright" because it was $10 and accessible by the subway.

It was "alright" because we as a bunch of cosplayers got to dress up and hang out with our friends.

It was "alright" because we have no taste and aren't willing to critically demand a bar of quality for things we pay for.

It would be absolutely unacceptable if Frostcon had been in say, Mississauga or Scarborough, because it would have been less easy to get to.

Nothing about this con except its price and location was "alright". This was terrible for a first year con. It would barely make it as a goddamned birthday party.

I'm tempted to justify investing $10 as well. I don't want to speak ill of something that I paid for. But this was the cheap Made in China knockoff convention. Everything fell apart, the programming was mostly a joke, and the venue was very poorly used.

Why ANYONE defends shit like this is beyond me. We abandoned DotCon after its first year for being shit. We saw Con no Baka go down in flames for being run by an incompetent asshole. Even NAF was laid low by mismanagement.

I, for one, am abandoning Frostcon for being an insult to conventions. Unplugged is getting my money next year for in-town small con. At least they didn't fuck up every last single aspect of their con.

>> No.6587138


You sound mad. but I can see why you are. I'm not trying to defend this convention but it needs work.

Sure, everything was a mess in terms of management and events. But the staffers and volunteers at least kept their head above water with all that going on. Aside from booting people like Antonio and Tom savage out. What I do hope is that the staff will learn from this experience and make it a better one.

>> No.6587136

They're saying 800 folks paid for this. I call bullshit their space is rate for 350 people max at any time (used to work there). Fire marshal would have been called. I'd say true numbers are likely around 300-400 total paid so it sounds like when Dotcon lied about their numbers in second year and said like 2000 people showed up and it was really like 150.

Head counting doesn't equal attendance guyz.

>> No.6587147

Wait wat. Isn't Antonio the fucking CHAIR?

>> No.6587152

I think they mean it'd be an improvement if Tom and Antonio were taken out of the picture

>> No.6587154

I think those were *suggestions*, though they'd be funny as trufax.

>> No.6587157

I see we're both here.

>> No.6587162


Yes. Tom Savage also was part of staff (and was useless). During the MLP panel while the noise was getting loud, some dude in the audience turned around and roared an epic 'SHUT THE FUCK UP' at both the photography crowd behind the open panel area and the downstairs rest area. Tom had been there the entire time taking pictures and doing NOTHING about the noise levels. He gave the yeller a warning and said that he'd 'try to control the noise levels' which only resulted in a marginal improvement. Noise levels downstairs continued unabated.

After another 5 min of this bullshit, the MLP panel dude (which I think was this guy >>6586437) got fed up and quoted the 11th Doctor's 'I AM TALKING!' speech which also didn't do much vs the noise levels. Tom responded to this by simply telling him 'oh, it's not us people at the back, it's the people downstairs'. IF YOU'RE FUCKING STAFF, ACT LIKE IT AND DO SOMETHING, DON'T JUST STAND THERE TAKING PHOTOS TO SATISFY YOUR FETISHES.


>> No.6587182


I'm surprised that the con staff or even con head would have someone like him to be a part of it. When I met him, he was completely useless.

>> No.6587187

That's because the con head is completely useless. They didn't have pre-reg because he didn't know you need a bank account for Paypal to send your money to.

>> No.6587191
File: 190 KB, 363x322, 1354101787279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think, when I criticized Tom in the last thread, I was called a stupid vendetta inciting rumour-monger.

no, I'm not bitter.

>> No.6587196

He is incredibly spineless
he will never stand up to anyone even for the little things
it's pathetic

>> No.6587198


I just facepalmed so hard that I felt my eyeballs rattle in their sockets.

>> No.6587214

Yeah. If FC keeps going, best idea would be to fire the current con head and find someone new. Otakuthon did that for this year since the head was getting in everyone's business, and they're 10,000 attendees strong.

>> No.6587223
File: 148 KB, 1280x1440, world destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick question. For next year, will you come back /cgl/?

>> No.6587239


I think it would depend on a lot of things, so here's a quick list (not necessarily in order of importance) off the top of my head:

1: Removing Antonio from his position of power
2: Removing Tom Savage from staff
3: Better guests
4: Better use of their venue
5: Better scheduling of their panels - none of this 'OSU gets one hour' bullshit. The Adventure Time panelist(s) was a no-show and they were scheduled for an hour as well.
6: More professionalism in their PR. Their schedule had typos everywhere and so did a lot of their posts to FB/twitter. Never a good sign.

>> No.6587243


I forgot to add - if they fixed all of what I mentioned above, I'd consider going back for year 2. If not, forget it, I'm not wasting my time/money on FC again.

>> No.6587244

The staff members were running around like they didn't know what was going on. Sad thing is, the only reason I knew they were staff was because they were carrying clip boards. You'd think they would want to distinguish themselves from the masses of greasy troll paint and neck beards. This con was a hectic mass of poor planning and terrible execution. What a flop. I actually regret paying the 10$ to get in, it wasn't even worth the laugh I got from it.

>> No.6587276

I don't think Tom Savage was on staff. His name isn't even on the website as staff but he was a guest.

Did anyone actually attend his panel and see what he was saying?

>> No.6587273

Are people complaining on the Frostcon Facebook yet?

>> No.6587274


>> No.6587289

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6587297

>>roared an epic 'SHUT THE FUCK UP' at both the photography crowd behind the open panel area and the downstairs rest area.

HOLY FUCK, I wish I could've seen that!

>> No.6587300

Tom was passing himself of ass Staff the entire day and Antonio didn't say anything to the contrary.

>> No.6587305

If he did then Tom was lying as he was just a guest and Antonio simply didn't give a shit.

>> No.6587307


People were complaining but all the criticisms "magically" disappeared.

>> No.6587314

you're joking...

>> No.6587316

What a bastard

>> No.6587320


No joke. A lot of the same things posted in this thread were posted to the FB and taken down by the page moderators only moments later.

>> No.6587322

The best thing about STFU Guy was that right after he yelled, one of the Homestuck cosplayers exclaimed that they should call security.

>> No.6587371

It was boring but convenient to get to and me and my friends got to take pictures in that park across the road.

>> No.6587396

They're currently asking for feedback on their FB.

>> No.6587397
File: 1.90 MB, 3456x2304, DSC_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I already had problems with this con before it even took place.
- Confirming the panel I applied for, but not telling me who my other panellists were and that I was not the moderator.
I ended up finding out 2 days before the con that VickyBunnyAngel was Mod, which was cool with me. I didn't want kelly to be on it but I didn't have a choice. I was fine with Lovina and ZombieBitMe
- Not having a projector or monitor for any powerpoints/videos for the panels
- Antonio running it
-Tom, Kelly, and Toronto Batman being guests

Once I actually got to the con though, the crap didn't stop.
- Having to pay to be a panellist
- Running out of badges (I arrived at 1:30 and they had already run out by then)
- Having to maneuvor through the cramped dealer's room to get anywhere
- Artist's alley booths were so cramped, artists had to crawl under their tables to get in and out
- Panel room wasn't actually a room
- Only two mic's for the panellists
- Mic's were hooked up to speakers DOWNSTAIRS
- No one actually watching the panel could hear, only people downstairs in the "lounge area" could hear
- Panels were meh (the one I hosted was okay)
- Lighting was bad, hard to get good shots downstairs
- Con staff had no idea what was going on, and could never find Antonio when they needed him for something (I saw him once for about 10 seconds)
- Dealer's room and Artist's alley were pretty boring, the usual stuff, nothing interesting

That being said, there were some good parts too
- Coat check people were really nice
- Got away with having a sharp metal katana on me the entire time, despite the signs on the door saying "No metal or wood weapons/props"
- Security was fine
- "lounge area" was fine

Tom was doing his thing, Toronto Batman was an ass (no surprise with either of those things), and there were no really big blunders or incidents that I know of.
I overheard Antonio say they had 800 people there including staff. I call bullshit on that.

>> No.6587411

Oh wow, you got 2 mics? My group only got one. Also, I agree that charging the panelists was uncool. I would've been happy with even half-price for entrance.

>> No.6587409

I think you misspelled "compliments".

>> No.6587413
File: 2.35 MB, 2304x3456, DSC_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

con't from >>6587397

In summary:
Do I want my $10 back? yes
Do I think anyone should have paid $10 for that con? no
Will I attend it next year? no

Was it as bad as I, and many others were expecting it to be? Sadly, no, but it was still bad.

I'll dump the pictures I have, I didn't take all that many.

>> No.6587416

Yeah apparently someone took/stole on of the mics at the panel that was after mine?

>> No.6587418

someone please post comments from this thread on their FB

>> No.6587422
File: 387 KB, 1506x2259, DSC_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6587423

I was honestly surprised that Vickybunnyangel agreed to show up at this convention, seems like a major step down for her.

>> No.6587425
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>> No.6587427
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>> No.6587433
File: 271 KB, 1728x1152, DSC_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the view of one side of the artist's alley from across the hall. the hole in the middle of the room is a staircase that leads down into the dealer's room

>> No.6587437

Holy that's tiny!

>> No.6587439
File: 1.80 MB, 3456x2304, DSC_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our best friend

>> No.6587443
File: 1.96 MB, 3456x2304, DSC_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the panel "room". The homestuck panel had just finished

>> No.6587451 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 520x148, antoniowut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is what Antonio just messaged me on facebook. That little yellow symbol said my reply didn't go through, and when I clicked on his name, it said his profile didn't exist?

Looks like somebody's mad :3

>> No.6587454

the homestuck guys at this convention were terrible

>> No.6587458


Meh, if she had nothing better to do I suppose she's getting her name out there until one of the better conventions.

>> No.6587462
File: 1.46 MB, 301x250, this-gon-be-good-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we gooooo

>> No.6587463

jesus christ
Antonio's pathetic

>> No.6587467

he insta-blocked me before I could even reply :(

>> No.6587481
File: 61 KB, 635x550, popcorn-jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6587482

Pretty well the entire staff was Homestuck. They were just...everywhere. You couldn't run, you couldn't hide. There was no escape.

>> No.6587486


Look at the size of this pathetic little panel 'room'. And now think about how loud it must've been if you couldn't hear the panelists in an area this small.

>> No.6587489

All that could be heard was girls (and guys) painted grey squealing at one another and some fat fuck photographer directing the lot of them.

>> No.6587493

A wee little bitch he is.

>> No.6587496


Ah, Homestuck.

>> No.6587497

Yeah he does that. The one who left staff also ended up being blocked by Antonio. He needs some composure.

>> No.6587500

Finally! Now I know who Antonio is. Still haven't actually met the guy.

I liked your costume Blair, and enjoyed the cosplay panel. Was it your outline that vicky was following?

>> No.6587502

Their photoshoot was so unnecessarily loud, partially because whoever was running it was screaming even louder than them. I left the room and went to go check out the dealers before my ears bled.

>> No.6587513


Blocked a minimum of two people for this con. One being someone who simply gave criticism, and another who resigned from the convention.

I don't see the other con chairs from cons doing that.

>> No.6587514

I really hope they boot him of chair and get another con head for next year if they REALLY plan on going through with this again...He acts like such a child.

>> No.6587515

I really hope they boot him of chair and get another con head for next year if they actually plan on going through with this again...He acts like such a child.

>> No.6587529

I'm glad I didn't waste my time on this crap. Ten bucks says Anthony was too busy crying to mommy, and that's why nobody could find him.

>> No.6587526

The only thing I had a problem with was Tom taking pictures of my girlfriend...when she wasn't in cosplay.

>> No.6587539

LOL burn

>> No.6587541

What happened?

>> No.6587546

Yeah I did the write up and Vicky added her own notes. I'm glad she was moderator

>> No.6587551


Told him to fuck off once I noticed what was going on. The guy is a blight on Toronto.

>> No.6587558

what was your gf wearing?

>> No.6587560


Normal clothes! Jeans, a t-shirt, and a coat.

>> No.6587566

Someone resigned?

>> No.6587567

Did Vicky say anything about the con or was she being diplomatic since she was the Guest of Honor?

>> No.6587574

Did he ask her to her shoes off?

>> No.6587593


She did have a nice pair of boots on...
He was just discretely taking photos when he thought we weren't looking.

>> No.6587594
File: 146 KB, 515x738, complaints-not-disappeared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that's wrong.

>> No.6587591

It was good. I liked that etiquette was covered and self marketing.

She promoted the con on her facebook page, but as a guest of honor I doubt she wants to burn bridges.

>> No.6587609


OP said complaints, not suggestions.

>> No.6587619

It's moreso constructive criticism.

I can see why they'd remove "this sucked, and this sucked, and that sucked" comments. If it's a "this sucked, but you could try this" comment of course it's not going to get removed.

>> No.6587623


Anything that mentioned constaff, Tom, or voiced particularly harsh criticism was deleted

>> No.6587631

According to them the attendance was over 800, I guess a lot of people got there went NOPE and left, waste...

>> No.6587629

Considering Antonio is blocking people unfairly, I would think he probably would delete the comments that say "this sucked, but you could try this" "

>> No.6587641

Heavily policing comments is not a good idea. You should USUALLY only delete comments that are generally offensive (racism, sexism, etc.). Anything else is fair game.

>> No.6587636


Funny, but I just checked and I'm not seeing that comment there.

>> No.6587638

Yeah that's Vickybunnyangel, one of the very few guests worth their salt

>> No.6587650

What happens when you make Tom a guest of honour

>> No.6587651

it's Antonio, what did you expect?

>> No.6587656

It is, but it's under a "see more" thing about halfway down the page.

True, but look at how almost every person does things nowadays - don't like it? Delete it. At least we know they're seeing it, though, so maybe the messages will sink in.

>> No.6587657


I think I saw Tom taking pictures of a Black Cat. The only reason I think it was Tom was because the cosplayer had removed her boots...

>> No.6587655

Antonio, I know you're here. Read this

BTW, your con sucked.

>> No.6587661

You are far too optimistic about the people who ran this. They got their money and that's what matters to them.

>> No.6587664

>They got their money and that's what matters to them.

this. I have a feeling Frostcon's coming back next year.

>> No.6587667

Was this the women's bathroom? If so, then I think that I was the person talking to the con staffer, who was cosplaying dave.

>> No.6587676
File: 520 KB, 733x1040, Frostcon comments1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Attached is a picture of all the comments which are visible to me.

>> No.6587691

Huh, I'm not seeing any of those. The one I posted was from "about an hour ago" and yours is "2 hours ago". Maybe they asked the same thign twice? Or, actually, where are you looking? I'm on the event page. Are you on the actualy page, then, or....?

>> No.6587696

Oh I remember him from Unplugged! He ran a panel as Scott Pilgrim and did this whole tutorial making him and his shitty group of friends sound like pros.

>> No.6587698


I'm on this page: (facebook URL here)/FrostconTO

>> No.6587702 [DELETED] 

That's all I'm able to see too, anon. Looks like Anthony went on another deleting spree when>>6587594 wasn't looking.

>> No.6587713

Ah, see, I'm on the event page, which is why we're seeing different things. I'd post a URL, but no matter what it thinks it's spam because of the numbers at the end.

>> No.6587719

>Sees that toy guns were banned

Seriously? This explains why that Minato I took a photo of had put his Evoker away.

>> No.6587730


Fair enough. They may be monitoring the comments on their main page more than event page because the event page is less easy to access. Thanks for clearing up misunderstanding though.

>> No.6587733

Toronto Batman's character is supposed to be a dick. He was quite tame yesterday and only saw him really loud in the panel he was in and allowed Toronto Spider-man to press him. You guys should really look up the term satire

>> No.6587748


>> No.6587757

There is a fine line between satire and being a dick.

>> No.6587771

It would help if he left that annoying persona in the costume, and didn't act that way in real life too. Granted, it's toned down, but he's still pretty obnoxious.

>> No.6587776

Yeah a review of Toronto Batman written by the most egotistical ladies of all of cosplay time. Seems legit... Wanted to tear my eyes out on their writing alone. Biggest cunts in person probably. Cgl doesnt seem to like em either

>> No.6587785

I dont think he hangs with many people in cosplay outside of cons and probably cause its not his bag. Just wondering if anyone actually sees him ouside of his Toronto Batman persona. I read that he might actually have cancer. shit that sucks

>> No.6587799

The Ladies are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, "egotistical".

>> No.6587802


I've never found them egotistical in person, quite the opposite.

>> No.6587812

And you sound like such a good judge of character /s

>> No.6587822 [DELETED] 

I guess the one I used to associate with has drastically changed her ways then. Good on her.

>> No.6587827

I guess the one I used to hang out with has drastically changed her ways then. Good on her.

>> No.6587837


Jenn, Diane, Emily, or Christine?

>> No.6587871

She hasn't done anything to me in some time, so I'm not singling her out on here. Feel free to decide for yourself who may have been a former twat.

>> No.6587879

theyre all twats with huge egos.

>> No.6587882

>Biggest cunts in person probably

And yet you are the one here, calling people cunts, while they are updating their tumblr daily with tutorials and offering help to anyone who asks.

>> No.6587885

I guess >>6587882
applies to >>6587879 as well

>> No.6587898

implying they dont do that just to get attention and arent condescending as hell about itt jen acts like shes gods gift to cosplay

>> No.6587912
File: 55 KB, 459x257, _DSC0895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heyyyyyy I can see the back of myself on the left of the white column. I was in the corner there with a couple of people from /a/ and that's where we set up our little table and drank coffee. Got to listen in on the panels which was interesting, except for the Homestuck panel which was just fans yelling out "Marry me ____" and whatever. They were pretty loud.

I remember the panel had just finished at this time and I was getting up to leave. I had been waiting a while for it to end because I didn't want to rude to leave mid-way through



>> No.6587932
File: 6 KB, 520x148, 1359403097266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the image with the post?

>> No.6587929

They don't, and she doesn't?
I really don't understand where your hate for them comes from. They are really just very nice people. And I have never known them to be condescending at all.
Once I asked them for advice on a costume I was working on. They checked back in with me a few times afterwards to see how it's coming along, then came up to me at a con to see how it all turned out and take a few pics.

But clearly, you have some deep seated hatred for them, and no matter what anyone else says, you will continue to bad mouth them at any chance you get. So, have fun with your hatred!

>> No.6587938

http://archive.rebeccablacktech.cocgl/thread/6186864 tons of people against the dangerous ladies. yeah they post tutorials, but that doesnt make em cunts. Toronto Batman admits hes a jerk and thats what got him the views on YouTube, otherwise you wouldnt be talking about him. please get laid some of you

>> No.6587939
File: 49 KB, 1232x133, 6587451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the actual post?

>> No.6587942

I meant that it doesnt it make em not cunts just cause they post tutorials. they are the snobbiest cunts in cosplay and dont know their role

>> No.6587987

Vendetta much?

>> No.6587993

Guys, cut this shit out. The gone's over and done with, your drama with Antonio is no longer relevant. No use shitting up this thread with all of it, leave it for attendees to post photos.

>> No.6587994

>dont know their role

Their role? What role would that be exactly?

>> No.6587995


Jesus /cgl/, some of you are dicks!

>> No.6587997


This attendee would post photos if the venue had lighting that didn't make me feel like I was back in Soviet Russia when they were rationing electricity.

>> No.6588002

The one where one of them didn't spurn the neckbeard poster.

>> No.6588006

This thread goes to show that Canada is not a place where I care to go. Ever.

>> No.6588011

I cant believe people who stand by the Dangerous ladies, as if you are completely oblivious to the drama they cause. And that goes beyond their Toronto Batman article.

>> No.6588014

what is the so-called drama? I haven't heard any

>> No.6588015

So, to recap.

Con = meh
Con girls = good to chunky
Photoshoots = fun outdoors, terrible indoors
Panels = not too great (due to space problems)
Dealer's Room = lackluster
Antonio = unreliable and keeps facebook monitored
Savage Bandito = creepy
Toronto Batman = Douche (but apparently it's okay?)
Dangerousladies = feminists (and apparently that's not okay)
Homestuck = Can suck a fat bag of AIDs dicks

Did I miss anything?

>> No.6588019

1. They don't cause drama, and so far only you are the one trying to start any
2. No one cares either way
3. They have nothing to do with FC at all, so why do you keep talking about them?
4. You are alone in your hate. Go away.

>> No.6588022


Having actually interacted with T.O. Batman, I agree that he is colossal Asperging shithead. No opinion on the cosplayers who wrote about him but everything about it checks out.

>> No.6588025


Ah, thanks. Curious to what it was

>> No.6588032


They've helped me out with costuming questions a couple of times so they're okay in my book.

>> No.6588036

The person you're talking about was never a cunt. She's just had a hard life and has never had an easy time with people. I haven't spoken to her in a while and don't know the people she's running with now, but she was a really good friend back in the day.

>> No.6588038


>> No.6588041

Really? That doesn't sound like him. He's one of the nicer people I've met. What con was that at?

>> No.6588045
File: 774 KB, 2700x1685, popcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what every toronto thread eventually becomes. Pull up a seat and enjoy the show.

>> No.6588046

ahahaha, holy shit is that guy still around

>> No.6588048

That's cold!

>> No.6588064

I hate to ask but I want to see how bad it is.
DA link?

>> No.6588073
File: 36 KB, 250x223, datface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, that post is pretty damn accurate. More of my male friends hate them then the girls I know...

>> No.6588077

If we are in fact talking about the same person, then yes, she was a good friend for a while. Then she caused some completely unnecessary dramatic bullshit, and I've not really spoken to her since. Hence why I'm hopeful for her reformation.

>> No.6588079

*him, not them

>> No.6588082

I'm male, and I think they are very lovely, and genuinely nice people.
And they still still have nothing to do with FC, so drop it.

>> No.6588084


>> No.6588085
File: 55 KB, 639x960, 394845_10151339837164299_40393721_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6588086


I was once cosplaying as Riddler (it was shitty, I won't lie) and the dude literally yanked me away from the people I was taking pictures with to take one with him. Nearly knocked the cowl off his head. He needs to learn basic manners.

>> No.6588087


You have got to be fucking kidding me...
And this guy did a panel while adding to his wank folder?

>> No.6588088

goddammit homestuck

I just want to cosplay decently and have fun, but fucking stuckaboos ruin shit for everyone by being obnoxious twats. What a surprise.

I kind of wanted to go, but by the time I found out about it, it was too late. Doesn't seem like I missed anything though.

>> No.6588090

trust me, you didn't

>> No.6588091

Stop it, Tom.
Keep your fucking fetish to yourself!

>> No.6588094
File: 328 KB, 654x942, rommt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a taste of more of his work

>> No.6588095

Jesus christ...has anybody told his "models" wtf is going on?

>> No.6588098


His photography is shitty, why was he asked to run the photography panel?

>> No.6588103

~300 posts and a good 70%-80% are telling me this con was a shithole. Looks like I got lucky this weekend with Norwalk virus.

>> No.6588114


Spend your 10$ on something nice once you get better!

I think all I can say is that my reaction is similar to this anon >>6588087

>> No.6588127

I went in the morning and left by 2ish because it was too crowded and I was getting a bit claustrophobic but here are my feelings:

1. The FMA Abridging group was the first panel I saw and that was actually pretty funny. There wasn't much of a turnout since they were put on schedule just as the doors opened but they were good sports about it.

1.5. I tried to see a few more panels but the one after that was just people playing videogames and later on you couldn't hear anything because of photoshoots in the back (even if you were in the first few rows).

2. Dealers room didn't have too much stuff I wanted and I was sad about there being very little manga I could buy.

3. AA had some interesting things and I actually got a Pokemon DS case that I'm pretty happy about.

4. Those cosplayers who donated money to cancer research were there and it was nice to see the cosplay community give back to a worthy cause.

5. Vickybunnyangel's Sona costume was like neon crack for my eyes and she was super nice.

6. There were a lot of homestuck people and they were a bit too boisterous for my liking.

7. I saw Tom doing one of his photoshoots. It was creepy and I gtfo-ed.

8. I felt bad for the staff because alot of them didn't know where people were or what was going on. They really worked hard to try and make sure things happened.

9. There were way too many people in such a small space, I was relieved to get outdoors. That being said, not too much BO aside from a few guys.

>> No.6588128


Talking about killing two birds with one cumshot.

>> No.6588135

pic of the DS case? I've been looking for something pokemon related for my 3ds

>> No.6588140
File: 118 KB, 627x148, Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 6.52.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I was in the threephilosophers panel. It was fun because while we had a slow part, (partially due to con organisation and possibly not well known to the community), we had fun voicing our characters, accidentally breaking our own rules of conduct (We were a "PG" panel), and ultimately having laughs with the wonderful con goers in attendance.

We hope it would have gone better had we more time, because seriously, trying to cram important information about setting up and performing an abridged series in the span of thirty minutes (to specially pander to a stupid OSU panel) is bloody bonkers.

Our panel, Whooves n Assistant, started to get the brunt of the noise from the back and downstairs. epic STFU guy (one of our abridged members actually), quieted the noise in the back, but unfortunately, neither of us could keep the respectful silence down below the stairs.

So facebook comments such as these I find intellectually dishonest and outright ignoring the valid criticisms of those who did speak out.

>> No.6588141

I'd love to see his Hyde
>>6585744 Thanks for the picture. I literally have nothing else but the pink ribbon groups pics so anything right now is almost a godsend.

>> No.6588136


You went to the Abridging panel too?! There were only about 10 of us so we probably sat near/next to each other. I agree that they were funny, not like the superhero group who were trying to get the audience to laugh by making fun of each other.

>> No.6588138
File: 17 KB, 432x288, 1318236065115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image of birds being killed by cumshot

>> No.6588143


Sorry, I'm one of those poor anons who has yet to buy either a camera (old one had an accident) or a phone with one built in.

It's basically a Togepi egg so I thought it was cute!

>> No.6588147

That one guy who kept on accidently cursing cracked me up.

>> No.6588148

Oh god that sounds adorable!would you happen to know the artist?

>> No.6588149

Dude...too far.

>> No.6588153


It was something like "Team Rocket Designs". They gave you a discount if you gave them a secret password (it was "Slowpoke Tail" and I thought that was awesome).

>> No.6588158

Aw man, I was trying to find that table.

I remember them advertising on the facebook page that their table was called "Team Rocket's Gamecorner" (Something along those lines) and if you told them the password "SLOWPOKETAIL" you got a discount on the DS cases

I thought it was an adorable idea

>> No.6588161


They were right next to the table with the gorgeous scalemail armguards.

>> No.6588159


>> No.6588168

his lighting is so fucking bad. he refuses to even TRY and make it better.

>> No.6588169

Did they seriously give you 30mins while the Osu! group got a full hour?

>> No.6588172


It's hard to take pictures while hiding a boner.

>> No.6588177

looking at his metadata on DA, there is no way in hell he ISN'T just putting his camera on auto and hoping for the best. I am so fucking done with this guy.

>> No.6588182

He does that. He only shoots on auto. He refuses to use manual settings.

>> No.6588184

For real? Dumbass!

>> No.6588189

yeah, cuz god forbid only the "model" is in focus, cuz, yknow, that would make the image INTERESTING

>> No.6588191
File: 74 KB, 753x336, Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 7.19.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Not only the OSU! panel, they gave Homestuck gorup an hour as well.

I have their pdf schedule as evidence.

>> No.6588195

He's not the only "photographer" in the GTA to do this. I've borrowed someones dSLR once to take some silly pictures, switched it to manual. Gave it back, first thing he did was switch it back to auto, and ignore all of my advice on how to improve.

>> No.6588199

Stinks of favoritism

>> No.6588204



>> No.6588215

did anyone go to that panel or film it? I'm dying to hear his input on being a photographer

>> No.6588218

yeah. i've never even owned a dslr and i know more than this clown. did anyone go to the panel? i want to know how much wrong stuff he told everyone.

>> No.6588223


Hell no, after I saw his name I bugged out. I've seen him do photoshoots before and he makes me sick. Besides, he was throwing his weight around all day saying that he was one of the staff and got people to listen to him (except for the one guy at the Dr Who/MLP panel who gave him such a look I thought his balls were trying to scurry back into his fat gut).

>> No.6588226

BellaFrankenstein = Fat cunt whos had a few abortions and then turns against her friends

>> No.6588231

dangerous ladies = self entitled cunts. Having upon reading their article and them citing that they're doing everyone a favor by going to cons to allow people to take pics of them. also telling Marvel comics how to control their Facebook page. Yeah, thats not weird at all

>> No.6588232

So what you're saying is everyone is a cunt.

>> No.6588236

that nigga was crazy
can't blame Tom in that case (everything else still stands)

>> No.6588237

Gina Greco = boderline fat hobbit who cosplays and has not finished with her divorce. Cries when people stare at her tits even though theyre pretty much the only thing note worthy.

>> No.6588239


Someone has multiple vendettas!

>> No.6588241

Tom Savage = fatty who does weird photos but people should be aware of what kind of photography he does; shitty and fetish. People still talking about it are retarded

>> No.6588244

Blair (Alex Rose) = Another women on with abortions in her belt and quite the two face when she should probably not go on the internet or speak at all.

>> No.6588249


sup antonio

>> No.6588252

Gillykins = Pretty much a dude with a dick. Socially retarded and should stop thinking shes gods gift to conventions

>> No.6588255

Abortions, abortions everywhere.

>> No.6588257

Cosplay for a cure don't actually give all of their donations. Having dated one of them, and still a "friend" I can tell you that most of that is pocketed.

>> No.6588258

This con was Antonio's abortion

>> No.6588260

Antonio = 20 something year old virgin but at least attempted to run a con. If you hate him so much why go? Although he is pretty much retarded and couldnt run a con.

>> No.6588261


For real! That grinds my gears!

>> No.6588266


>> No.6588268

The problem with you Toronto cosplayers or into the cosplaying scene is that you go dramatic on anyone with any kind of credability recognized beyond the Toronto scene. Ever wonder why Fan Expo doesnt get a lot of American attendees? You have yourselves to blame.

>> No.6588270
File: 119 KB, 618x627, 1345460132360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he was throwing his weight around all day
>throwing his weight around

>> No.6588271

>American attendees

You assume we want your lard asses.

>> No.6588274

divorce? isn't she like 22

>> No.6588276


Are you talking about Rage-Guy (don't know his real name, that's what me and my friends dubbed him)?

>> No.6588278

Toronto Batamn = Prick and can be loud or obnoixous and says insults. However the guy keeps to himself and doesnt actually go after cosplay girls as stated. He is pretty much like borat in a bat suit. Im not offended.

>> No.6588280

Gina is/was married. its possible for anyone to get married and dvorced by 22.

>> No.6588281


Yeah, that was him. Fucking killed me to see Tom try and get away from him as fast as possible.

>> No.6588284

Not sure why Fan Expo wouldnt want a bigger con up to the likes of SDCC, D*C or NYCC. if not then keep on having a 4th rate con. Such a lame attitude.

>> No.6588285

>Gina is/was married. its possible for anyone to get married and dvorced by 22.


>> No.6588286

Toronto Batman is posting in this thread lol

Sup douchebag

>> No.6588290

Toronto already has enough drama and shit without having to export it from filthy USA

>> No.6588292

Hi toronto batman
You can't possibly make this any more obvious.

>> No.6588294

I am Toronto Batman swear to me! Right on. That guys a fucking loser. lol

>> No.6588295

No shit, eh. Like his post about "keep[ing] to himself and [not going] after cosplay girls" wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.6588301

but what what if it isnt him. i think its anotino

>> No.6588302


Come on TOBats, you aren't even trying.

>> No.6588304


I'm perfectly fine hating both of them.

>> No.6588305

I dont think its Toronto Batamn, TB is probably in a ditch somewhere shooting up

>> No.6588308

You guys are retarded man. Its this guy, its not him. Batman sucks this guys dick. Tom shoots this girls foot in her vagina. Antonio is gay. Make up your minds lol

>> No.6588311

The Toronto Batman is insane (and not in a good way), spends all his busking money on cocaine or heroin.

>> No.6588314


>> No.6588316

I dont think he posting on here on the case that hes retarded and probably couldnt think of how to form a sentence anyhow.

>> No.6588323

So what I can see.

1. Most people didnt like this con
2. this con had a lot of creepos.
3. Some of you dont like anyone


>> No.6588324

Regardless of drama, con sucked.
Maybe it gets better next year, maybe it won't.
At least we have Anime North and FanExpo to look forward to.

>> No.6588328


Because I was a panelist and hanging out with friends. XD

>> No.6588327

Dragged by friends insisting it would be good otherwise they'd owe me dinner. I ate at Red Lobster for free that night.

>> No.6588331


I had high hopes which were quickly crushed.

>> No.6588338


Part of a cosplay group so I was obliged to go with them.

>> No.6588335

Bored and thought it would be fun. I WAS WRONG

>> No.6588340

I just wanted to see creeps and drama.

>> No.6588341

But the bigger question is... DIDNT YOU SEE THIS SUCKING AHEAD OF TIME? I sure did and stayed the hell home

>> No.6588345

Had nothing better to do.

>> No.6588349

double SHIIIIITTT. I dont like many stuff about Amerricuh... but i do believe they have better cons? Or is it just me?

>> No.6588356

Anime North is always good and FanEx can be hit-or-miss.

>> No.6588357

You were a wiser man than ALL of us.

>> No.6588364
File: 21 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m49lclhulD1rnrvlm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, to sum this whole thread up tom is still a disgusting creep, antonio is still the definition of spaghetti and and tbatman/every other Toronto (insert hero here) is pathetic and desperate for attention.

>> No.6588371


never again

>> No.6588369
File: 19 KB, 618x562, 1350032925781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, saying you're bored as an excuse really only makes sense if you were in the area and just popped in mid-day because no one's so bored at 9am that they trek to a convention.

But by all means, if that's really how your day went, I'm not arguing

>> No.6588370
File: 21 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m49lclhulD1rnrvlm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to sum this whole thread up: tom is still a disgusting creep, antonio is still the definition of spaghetti who doesnt know how to organize, and and tbatman/every other Toronto (insert hero here) is pathetic and desperate for attention.

>> No.6588382


I live about 10 minutes away from the convention center so I figured I might as well poke my head in around 3ish to see if I could get some deals in the AA or Dealers. I was sorrly disappointed.

>> No.6588383

If by wiser you mean not a guy to guess whos posting what shit then yes.. I guess Im WIZER.. Fuck, I just dont understand you folk. Were ALL FUCKING NERDS! And instead of trying to be cool and jus t fucking undersand were all different we go after each other. One guy is going to go ape shit and punch one of you guys in the face. I hope Toronto Batman gets punched in the face cause the crack would probably absorb it. Or fucking someone take a punch and cry. god.. that being said CGL is always fucking entertaining.

>> No.6588384

Yup, pretty much.

>> No.6588389

I don't think crack works that way..

>> No.6588390

Did anyone have a table in the Artist Alley? Or did it look like it might be worthwhile next year? How many tables do you think they had?

>> No.6588392


Dude, if there was a nerd-brawl at a convention I would pay good money to see it.

>> No.6588394

Well Im glad we dont know how crack works on here. Thats all we NEEDS toronto cosplayers on crack.

>> No.6588397

Tom Savage vs every girl hes taken a photo of without permission. Tom is not allowed to eat before

>> No.6588398

go to Anime North, they have the fake wrestling ring on Saturdays. Things like Sailor Moon wresting L

>> No.6588399

There were about 10-12 tables. All of them were fairly sparse save for one or two. I wouldn't waste your time Corky.

>> No.6588402

thanks for the heads up.
I'd pay $10 for that

>> No.6588404

I heard from a bunch of people that buisness was horrid. It seemed most people liked to window shop

>> No.6588406


I said brawl, not potential occasion for cannibalism/rape/necrophilia.

>> No.6588410


Yeah, nobody really bought much of anything. The only people who seemed to be selling stuff were those Team Rocket peeps.

>> No.6588412

Toronto Batman vs all of Toronto cosplayers. Loser has to leave city for good

>> No.6588413


I'd not only pay to see that, I'd place $40 on Tom getting his testicles torn off.

>> No.6588414

oh, the DS cozie peeps? I think I met them at AN last year. I loved their Magikarp ds cozie

>> No.6588415

One can dream.

>> No.6588416


Yup, they had the felt/knit cozies and were even selling Slowpoke Tail keychains.

>> No.6588418

But think about it, Tom would be hungry. If the prize at the end was something like a pass at an AYCE buffet I'm sure he would hulk out.

>> No.6588419

Who was that fucking noob spidey with the sneakers. Made me FUCKIN MAD BRO!

>> No.6588420


This comrade would post photos if venue had lighting that didn't remind comrade of days back in Soviet Russia when electricty rationed. Good days!

>> No.6588423


>> No.6588526

She didn't say anything bad about it when I was talking with her. She wasn't defensive of it though

>> No.6588541

He didn't run that panel, I did. And none of us ever claimed to be pros at shit. It was on cosplaying on a budget which is level 1 info too.

>> No.6588544

Is there any websites, info or pictures of this Tom Savage? I'd like to take some time and make a photoshop info pic about him.

>> No.6588553

I've hung out with him several times when he's not Batman. He's never been a dick to me, but he has said some stupid things to my friends outside of Batman

>> No.6588562


Aspergers is a hell of a mental disorder.

>> No.6588566
File: 59 KB, 720x540, lol tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like this.

>> No.6588568


Just google Savage Bandito, you'll find a photo or two.

>> No.6588570


>> No.6588572

That is one ugly chick.

>> No.6588576

I think 90% of the Toronto cosplay community especially on cgl have Aspbergers or some sort of mental illness... Lets be REALZ here!

>> No.6588579


Thanks for the nice Birthday wish Antonio :)

>> No.6588590


I now want a picture of Blair to see if she's hot...

>> No.6588605
File: 76 KB, 640x960, 14933_10151692607632787_605952877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Judge away

>> No.6588613

My verdict: A lovely cosplay and picture. ^o^

Antonio's comment is utter bollocks and downright rude.

>> No.6588616

Not bad, you've got a wicked stare.

>> No.6588617

It's 99% bullshit IMO
He got one thing right, I have had an abortion, but I don't see what that has to do with cosplaying or the cosplay community at all, and is therefore irrelevant and unnecessary.

>> No.6588619

This one "hero" thinks Blair is hot. Always told her so.

>> No.6588620


I'll do some digging again when I have the time. I'll post back when I got something.

>> No.6588624


So, you were the one doing the cosplay panel. I was at the panel at the time and I gotta say; love the wig.

>> No.6588628

Yep. Thanks. It's a stubborn one but I do like it

>> No.6588633

Not that person, but I feel like you could take in your top on that uniform to be more flattering. It looks too big on you. It'd be way more HOTD if you made it really fitted.

>> No.6588640

Girl, who hasn't had an abortion nowadays?

>> No.6588638

You should see done of her other pics then.

Hey Blair, mind if I post something that shows how creepy/awesome your dead-eyed stares can be?

>> No.6588639

it was a little loose because I lost weight since I bought the costume last year. I pinned it to my bodice under the bust to define my bust more but that pose make it look weird. I'm having it re-fitted for AN so it will be tighter.

>> No.6588643

lmao go right ahead

>> No.6588651

I think it's better than having a baby at 20 when you have no resources to raise a child... Don't you?
I'll never regret my decision. It was the right one for me, and even my family doctor agrees with me on that. Anyone else's opinion about it is irrelevant to me.

>> No.6588652

Also this "hero" wanted to say that if anyone has been offended by my jokes and such that I apologise. Sometimes I ham it up to much and eh lose track. I also realize my yelling does annoy. I am asked to play it up for the people that like it and the others that are within ear shot are at the mercy. Hope everyone enjoys themselves. Yes, Im aware people in my own city might not like me and thats cool. I dont agree with all the "truths" about me and I wish we could all be friends. Sometimes shit wont happen. If you feel that we could get along and you cosplay, then lemme know. We do videos with cosplayers more now. Nigri please!

>> No.6588656

It was in the women's bathroom, and both the staff member and the attendees were in Homestuck cosplay (but I don't recall it being Dave, she had black hair and glasses).

If it was you, I apologize for eavesdropping.

>> No.6588662

To people that dont like me if its any compensation, I have quite the coughing fits, and I lose my voice at least once a month. One day I will be a mute... til then.

>> No.6588670

On that day we shall throw a party.

>> No.6588674


Okay batman. We get it. Just don't be a total dick in public when you're doing gigs again.

>> No.6588682

Why the fuck do you keep confronting people who don't like you instead of just letting it roll off your back? Your flaws should be pretty obvious by now. You don't need other people to tell you what's wrong with you if you have any semblance of self-awareness.

>> No.6588685

Swear to confront! Actually Im a pacifist. Walked away many o times

>> No.6588687

well i would say 1/3 dick.. more like a nub.

>> No.6588690

have smores

>> No.6588698
File: 38 KB, 364x538, goddamn-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6588701

Welp, I believe I've shat myself out of fear.

>> No.6588706

Too bad this was taken after I took off my giant lolita wig :/

>> No.6588707
File: 128 KB, 427x315, tumblr_m0fs54BZFt1ql6drc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh stop trying to save face. You're rude, obnoxious and really come off as someone who saw the dark knight a couple times and decided you suddenly were a ~*hardcore batman fan 5eva*~

The moment anyone confronts you about it, you're so quick to cry I JUST WANT US ALL TO HAVE FUN THE PEOPLE MAKE ME TO DO IT WHY DO YOU HATE ME STOP HATING ME ... and then you do it all over again, even worse than before.

also cute name drop, are we suppose to be jealous..?

>> No.6588709


>> No.6588710

Christian Bale.. Theres another.

>> No.6588711

Yeah, the wig would've made this so much better.

>> No.6588713

do you need a hug?

>> No.6588716

Halleluja praise be Batman!

>> No.6588727
File: 25 KB, 314x295, 1346989349088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can put multiple replies in one post, right?
Actually scratch that, just stop posting

>> No.6588730

I just want you all to love me :( I am the hero this city deserves

>> No.6588731

i love dolphins

>> No.6588735


>> No.6588737
File: 495 KB, 358x201, tumblr_m46o8okorn1qhsz9k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i'm just feeling second hand embarrassment for you

>> No.6588739

This is cringe-worthy.

>> No.6588742

Wait this Toronto Batman isnt a professional 4chan user... let us kill him.

>> No.6588748

I do what I want


>> No.6588759

you're such a self centered egotistical sad sack of a man. It's depressing how much you thrive on your internet "famous" status. Have fun

>> No.6588760

I'm sure they'd be proud.

>> No.6588765
File: 74 KB, 360x241, tumblr_lk0holpjIF1qbpbxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6588768

Is this really Toronto Batman? no tripcode, no proof. It could be some random Anon pretending to be him.

>> No.6588769

It's me. Go check my Facebook.

>> No.6588771
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Facebook, oh shit!

>> No.6588775


Makes no difference to me, I dislike him regardless.

>> No.6588780

It's not him. He only posted three times
here >>6588619
here >>6588652
and here >>6588662

>> No.6588789

So whether its him or not it goes to show easy it is to work up people to hate a guy on the net... The real question is who is the real LOZER.. Him or the people trolling him lol.

>> No.6588795

Let's be safe and just go with both losers

>> No.6588801

Agreed. "Hey, we HATEZ a guy! And the best thing to do about it is keep talking about him!" man its like that fucking buitch who complained about daniel Tosh doing a rape joke. Anyone remember her?

>> No.6588939


TBH she's one of the few "well-known" GTA cosplayers who has consistently been friendly and a solid person overall. One of the few cosplayers out there who seems to have actually earned their share of attention by having skill and doing actual work.

I just wish her friends would stop name-dropping her to get attention and look famous.

>> No.6589472

there are a lot of days I want to come running back to Toronto

this is not one of those days

>> No.6589585
File: 491 KB, 450x338, m63obc2gmo1qisc8g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Corky, I went with an AA but a whole bunch of things that went down that happened to my favor this time around. In short, if it was suppose to run like they wanted to and how most people got it, I would of raged and left. I didn't do awesome but let's just said I've paid more for a table and made less before so at least it wasn't as bad as that.

One thing to note is that AA = 15$ = half of a 6ft table (if you're lucky) whereas dealers is $30 on the main floor for an 8ft table. :/

>> No.6590186
File: 803 KB, 1169x3731, 11012122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now, its done. Share it with the younger kids and everyone else to let them know. Feel free to add some suggestions or whatnot.

>> No.6590228

very concise. I'm sure this'll make the rounds next time he's mentioned in a thread

>> No.6590345


Brilliant infographic, thank you! Saved it for future use.

>> No.6590383

I dontk now Tom that well, andn ot saying that its not creepy. But isnt that a big excessive. What about a pic for people who cause excessive drama.

>> No.6590474


>> No.6591067

It's not excessive at all since it's all proven fact and truth. There's a difference between someone who causes excessive drama, and Tom. He's in a league of his own.

I saved this picture for future use as well.

>> No.6591301


The reason why I've decided to create a pic for Tom is because this man crossed the line. There is a difference between perverts keeping it to themselves to perverts who exploit others for their gain. I could not ignore this guy after seeing some of his videos and doing some research. This guy has a paper trail that made it so obvious; its painful even for me to see. What I hope is that more people know about what he does and by all means, avoid him at all costs.

>> No.6591396


>> No.6591493

at the risk of sounding like a noob, does he force people into photos. Just asking cause I dont him that well or the situation.

>> No.6591542

He doesn't force anyone. He starts photoshoots off with the usual poses, then he'll drop a line like "Hey, do you know what'd be fun?" and then he'll suggest handcuffs or bare feet or being glued to the floor or something. It seems innocent enough, since at no point does he ever tell you he intends to put those photos on a fetish site, so you go along with it because it seems harmless and he's good at tricking you into thinking it's not weird and perverted. Most if not all of the girls he shoots feel comfortable around him and usually have little to no experience doing photo shoots, so they want to feel sexy and they think these pictures will show their fun/sexy side without being obviously slutty. He makes sure he gets consent to take the pictures, but up until recently, he hasn't been upfront about where they're posted. I heard he's making girls sign wavers or some sort of contract now?

>> No.6591645

then if he doesnt force them and they do it.. well then fuck its like a guy who sucks dick for crack willingly. the posting where the photos go is weird, but sadly ive seen worse. and now theres that infograph making him look like paul bernardo. Man in the grand scheme of things, I kind of hope he snaps and beats some people up. Why? Cause its destined to happen. Look up Columbine for more info. Btw this wasnt an attack on you.

>> No.6592263

It's not okay to take fetish pictures of someone without telling them that they are fetish pictures.

>> No.6592302


We'll have to see at another event. Its most likely he'll either back off and lay low.

>> No.6593627

I dont get you people. You bitch about who's been invited or guests or running the con yet you still go. Make sense much?