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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 166 KB, 400x702, rm7SkaG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6585171 No.6585171 [Reply] [Original]

COME ON GUYS, VOTE FOR THIS ONE, DON'T LET BOMB4Y WIN AGAIN. everyone always bitches about not having a black lolita in the banner AND NOW YOU CAN ACTUALLY HAVE ONE.


>> No.6585178

ugh, how can the monstrosity with the violin be voted higher than this one?

>> No.6585186
File: 101 KB, 400x440, ziy21ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted this one.

>> No.6585191

my thoughts exactly. It was in the lead last night but somehow bomb4y took over :(

>> No.6585193

that one looks like she's lifting her dress to take a shit in the woods and is looking around to make sure no one is watching

>> No.6585197

I dunno, the Bomb4y one is kind of cute too. At least it isn't tryhard as fuck. Still voted for the black lolita.

I noticed diaper loli is back in the running. People can resubmit the same drawings/designs?

>> No.6585200

There's something about this one; it's really cute but I feel like something is 'off'. I think it's the hand and legs. They look a little wonky.

>> No.6585201

I hate that almost superflat shit. I voted for bomb4y because I prefer it stylistically.

>> No.6585207

All of these are so shitty. I'm submitting one next month of a black deco sweet loli. She'll be cute as fuck.

>> No.6585206

It looks nice, but I think a pastel or pretty much any other color would have looked nicer with her skin tone. There's just too much brown in the picture, and before this ends up on a million SJK blogs, I'm referring to her outfit, not her skin.

>> No.6585210

Fucking hell, are there really enough SJWs on EGL to push this shit to 125 votes?

>> No.6585216

Call me blind, but I just don't get it. Maybe I miss the posts, but how do you know what next month's theme is? I saw a page with a list of themes, but... How do I know which is for the next month?

>> No.6585213

Fuck you

>> No.6585214

The art style looks like a shitty panty and stocking rip. Also this is traced >>6585186

>> No.6585220

Prove it.

>> No.6585228

Thought that looked TOO familiar.

>> No.6585225


When have we ever bitched not having a black lolita?

>> No.6585230

Her head looks humongous...

>> No.6585233

The eyes are different but the pose and face and ~posture~ are the same. I'm trying to find what it is.

>> No.6585236

I agree, it needs more contrast because from a distance it just looks like a brown blob. Even just making the dress darker or lighter would help.
It's still my favorite in this round though.
This one has a cute outfit, but there's something unsettling about the face like she's thinking about raping someone.

>> No.6585237

>gross giant hand with ghetto nails

No thanks.
I voted for violin girl. Least horrid of all.

>> No.6585239

When tumblr

>> No.6585240

Lots of people have, on here and on the secrets

>> No.6585241

The violin one? Ugh there are so many things wrong with that one. Obvious the artist has never been in the same room as a violinist.

>> No.6585242

It's obviously some doll base edit.

>> No.6585245

But... P&S ripped off of another style that's been around for ages...

>> No.6585247

I... have never seen this page. OH MY GOD THANK YOU. *bookmarks*

>> No.6585253

I only see ONE entree that's chocolate and lacy related(OP's pic) and it's only chocolate by color.

>> No.6585261
File: 273 KB, 455x329, 1340080983063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugggghhhhhhhhhh. Bitch does not know how to make colors clash, god damn. She needs some design classes, that's one of the first lessons. The colors need to pop.

>> No.6585260

Anyone BUT bomb4y's please. I hate her shota style. I voted for the chocololi.

>> No.6585269

I goddamn love Pigarlick but this isn't the best she's ever done

>> No.6585270

I thought the colors popped just fine. You don't need to call her a bitch. Calm your tits.

>> No.6585271

I voted for hers just now and told my friends to vote just because this sjw shit pissed me off.
I just don't like the picture it has nothing to do with it being black jfc

>> No.6585273
File: 33 KB, 475x370, vnlszvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the mods post anything? Would this get posted?

>> No.6585275

I voted for the Bomb4y one. I think it's really cute. I almost voted for the black girl because I think it's cute, but it just looks so flat. I wish she was wearing a color other than brown, maybe lavender. The ghetto nails freaked me out too.

>> No.6585276

It's not about SJW shit... I'm just tired of seeing people complain year after year about never having a lolita that wasn't white.. Now they have a chance to DO something about it and nobody wants to

>> No.6585277

did she really color it brown and then put a fucking brown grainy filter over it?
I want a poc lolita/kodona on the banner but not like this...

>> No.6585279

If it got posted I can almost guarantee it would win because people would vote for it as a joke.

>> No.6585284

I think that's my problem with it. I wish it were a better picture and I would vote for it in a heartbeat

>> No.6585285

I can't remember seeing people complain about not having any black lolis. At least not on /cgl/.

>> No.6585286
File: 172 KB, 816x702, 1359328166956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a working graphic artist, this seriously pisses me off. I know it's gonna sound bitchy, but I don't care. Fuck.

>> No.6585282


Because nobody on /cgl/ ever complains about this shit.

>> No.6585287

I've seen it both on here, on the secrets, and on EGL itself. It's happened. Maybe you're not in the right threads.

>> No.6585288

CGL is never happy right?
Where is the decoration dream pony promised in the last banner thread? I've waited for that one!

>> No.6585289

The rip-off would have been too obvious.

>> No.6585290

yeah I've seen it happen what, twice or so? Like the secret that was made this week to try to garner votes for this one?

>> No.6585293

Artist here. I do draw ~animu~, but I can make it look less kawaii uggu. I'm planning on doing a drawing for next month. Full of color, nice pose, the whole works. Give me some ideas(I'm basically commission only since I have sort of bad imagination) Throw some ideas out there!

>> No.6585296

black loli
not covered in brown

dante must die mode: hijab loli

>> No.6585294
File: 34 KB, 396x470, iutyrhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my submission for next month. The title is Composition IV in Sugary Carnival.
I hope the moderators like Neo-Plasticism.

>> No.6585298

A dark skinned hijab animu loli.

>> No.6585300

It's definitely happened more than that. You're just trying to be argumentative.

I love this.

>> No.6585302

+1 vote

>> No.6585301

Obviously, no one cares that the banner submissions don't follow theme.

>> No.6585304

I'm okay with the first three entries, but this one is just hideous. Just look at the proportions and the eyes. She looks kind of retarded. I hope something else wins.

>> No.6585303

oh! so eternally brown loli is brown because the theme is chocolate...
carry on then...artist still could have put in red or a *darker* 90% cacao brown just so the poor girl wasn't all samey and shit

>> No.6585307

And there's more than just one hue of brown. I think if they mixed some reddish browns with the more yellowy ones and all the hues in between, it would look better. Or at least more variety.

>> No.6585308
File: 282 KB, 400x585, nnlo5eH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this was the worst submission

who fucking votes for this shit, I mean really?

>> No.6585309

I WILL DO IT! Dark skinned hijab animu loli in pastels!

>> No.6585313

Some of us are actually artists.

>> No.6585310

Everyone on CGL is an art critic.

>> No.6585311

She keeps trying.

>> No.6585314

the 6 people who voted for her should be ashamed of themselves

>> No.6585318

What's the theme for next month? I'm gonna submit one, but don't actually follow egl.

>> No.6585321


Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.6585319
File: 82 KB, 1265x510, egl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice anon. I even made her a black lolita.

>> No.6585323

Dolls, fringe and tassels.

>> No.6585328

Ok! So I'm drawing a pastel dark skinned hijab wearing lolita picking flowers for next month's theme. In a pseudo anime style.

>> No.6585326

I've been wanting to submit a hijab loli too. Hahaha purists might crucify me, but I think the look is cute as fuck.

Can we have like 3 different people submitting hijab lolis because I would totally be down. Also maybe it'll flush out some of the shittier/more generic ones

>> No.6585331

Then go ahead and submit something, geez. If you guys really want to see better art, then you have the power to help change that. As it is, the submissions come from amateurs who don't mind spending time on a project they won't get paid for.
There's nothing wrong with con-crit about specific pieces, but just whining that all the art sucks isn't going to accomplish anything.

>> No.6585332
File: 47 KB, 249x498, 131879857462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585333

Don't forget to make her a doll to match the theme

>> No.6585341

The Mondrian fan in me wants to slap you for the misuse of color theory, but the troll in me would vote for you anyway.

>> No.6585339

I always thought a hijab loli would be awesome in classic. I've seen some girls do sweet as well as they can, but I think classic stuff would actually work really well with a coordinated hijab, kinda like a matryoshka doll.

>> No.6585343

Would have, if the index finger didn't look like some fat thumb.

>> No.6585365

I love your imagination, anon.

>> No.6585411

Whoa, do we know each other on Tumblr?

>> No.6585419

This is the best thing I've ever seen.

I need to stop picturing Piet Mondrian being a lolita. Stoooop...

>> No.6585425 [DELETED] 

Is this for the banner of month?

I hope everyone knows that next month is February and February is Black History Month. Has there ever been an black lolita banner that gets to be the banner of the month on EGL?

>> No.6585428

Damn I didn't think of that. No, there's never been a black anyone for the banner on EGL.

>> No.6585432

>Black History Month
You mean, the shortest month of the year?

>> No.6585431

I hate it when people say "Oh, you don't stick in a black, you're racist."
You know, there's other races than just black and white.
All my life I've never understood diversity. Why? I'm not from America. You shouldn't just force people to associate with a different kind if they don't want to.
I remember my first day being in this neighborhood, I was the only Chinese, surrounded by a lot of hispanics and blacks. It made me feel so uncomfortable i did notwant to be there. I prefer to stick to my culture and my own kind. I believe that race and culture are two separate things.
And just because someone is black, you want to vote for them? That is completely racist.

>> No.6585455

Why do people give a shit
I'm black myself and I think light to pale skin is much prettier than shit color.

>> No.6585456

THIS!!! Inb4 every american idiot who thinks this is wrong. This is so so so right.

>> No.6585464

>i've never understood diversity
> Chinese
yeah that explains it

but this is neither the time nor the place for that kind of discussion go to /pol/

>> No.6585460

I'm not the one saying "oh gawd it sucks"

Though I did say that the brown could use more different types a brown. :P

>> No.6585484

Except all year is black history month. It's constantly shoved down our throats.

>> No.6585495

Okay first of all, no one is saying it's racist for not having a black person. Second of all, there has never been a person of ANY color for the banner on EGL. It's always been white people. Not even Asians.

Fuck off.

>> No.6585502


not surprised >>6585431 is coming from a Chinese person

>> No.6585508


What's wrong with celebrating the master race?

>> No.6585514

It should be short. All the "history" we're taught is slavery. Spaniards have more interesting history. "Black" isn't a culture. It's a color.

>> No.6585534

No, it's always been fair-shinned icons representing humans. No racial descriptors outside of skin tone. They could have been Asian, they could have been African, they could have been Middle Eastern. You just consider white folks to be default so if they don't have dark skin, hijabs or squinty eyes, you think they are white.

>> No.6585535

I lol'd. Good one.

>> No.6585546

I find that incredibly hard to believe
being as i actually teach high school history and know the standards for it

>> No.6585550

>fair-shinned icons representing humans
LOL. Nope, not really. It's almost always blonde hair, blue eyes, pale as fuck WHITE skin. None of those are Asian or African or Middle Eastern. The mascot Sophie (?) was always acknowledged by the creators to be white even before these stupid banner contests.

>> No.6585559
File: 21 KB, 500x214, nyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a lesser race, they are fortunate to have their world shown to us.

>> No.6585578

I love you.

>> No.6585579

Because no Japanese lolitas wear blonde wigs and light circle lenses, right? It okay that you're racist, little white sally. It's natural that you believe your people are the default, but with all the make-up and wigs in lolita, you cannot think that all lolita art is white.

Oh, but you probably think anime characters are white, too, right?

>> No.6585586

OP's pic has blue eyes and half-blonde hair...

>> No.6585602

So then if I draw a girl who looks like an ethnically black girl without coloring in her skin then she's white? Why do you have to give cartoons a race. It's one thing when the artists claims their race but that's like saying all the people in anime are white when they all live in Japan and say they're Japanese with their traditional Japanese homes and families. They. Aren't. White. The best thing about art is that it doesn't have to be a representation of anything in the real world, you're taking away part of the beauty of art by putting race on everything.

>> No.6585619
File: 20 KB, 173x350, Profileimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These replies are hilarious. I'm racist because I'm tired of seeing WHITE faces? really? Okay well this is the mascot for EGL, seriously try and tell me that this person is not white. I also never said anime people were white either, what the fuck. You guys are seriously grasping at straws.

Split hair =/= natural

>> No.6585668

Please submit this. I am begging you.

>> No.6585674

>I'm racist because I'm tired of seeing WHITE
> I also never said anime people were white either, what the fuck.
>None of those are Asian or African or Middle Eastern.

Oh okay.

She's not white she's a cartoon. Cartoons don't have race.

>> No.6585679

>Split hair =/= natural
So then cartoons have to have natural hair now? Since when?

>> No.6585683

this is the same shit as saying 'i don't see color' stop it

>> No.6585689

You guys are seriously just as bad as the SJWs people have been complaining about on this thread.

>> No.6585708

People complaining the colours aren't popping but UM maybe the whole pastel wash out style is what she was going for? The purple hue over the whole thing is pretty.

>> No.6585707

...You've never actually witnessed an sjw, have you?
These guys are stating the obvious. They're not screaming at you and calling you racist and sexist and a bitch for stupid things.
They're giving you valid points.

>> No.6585711

>They're not screaming at you and calling you racist and sexist and a bitch for stupid things.
They totally are, what are you talking about

>> No.6585723

No. People all have races. Cartoons do not. Do you complain about all the xkcd characters being white? Or do you see color in them, too?

>> No.6585740

cartoons have races when, you know, they're colored in that way

>> No.6585742

What race are homestuck trolls then?

>> No.6585746

That's like saying race is skin color.

>> No.6585751


>> No.6585752
File: 53 KB, 426x640, tumblr_ldxb8xCCTq1qawv1wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6585550 I don't think you know what you're talking about. You're stuck in a stereotypical world. Please see past it. >>6585534 at least knows that albinos exist

Maybe at your school but I went to one school that was African-American dominated had Black history month. Every school after that didn't even know what it was when I asked. What was shoved down my throat was the Holocaust.

For everyone else
The oldest remains ever found were in Ethiopia and Kenya. The oldest being the female "Ardi", "Lucy" was also in Ethiopia, and "Chad was found in Kenya. China has the second oldest skeletons found.
Unless you can prove that "White" people were first you cannot prove you are the "master race", you're nothing more than a diluted African or Asian. Years of living in colder climates/regions have caused your ancestors to adapt i.e lighter/straighter hair, different noses/eyes, paler skin etc.

>> No.6585756



>> No.6585757

What, peach? The color Asian girls are? And the second image this week is black-and-white.

>> No.6585764
File: 100 KB, 400x524, E8YQFHt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what race is this?

I'll give you a hint.

It's anime.

>> No.6585766

This is 4chan, baby. Unlike tumblr, you cannot win an argument without logic.

>> No.6585772 [DELETED] 

>Blacks are the master race because they came first!
Yeah, look at all those advanced civilizations over their. I mean, it's not like up until the last 5 or so centuries they've been running around ass naked hunting with spears and speaking in clicks.
Oh, wait...

>> No.6585774

social justice warrior/10

>> No.6585777

>Blacks are the master race because they came first!
Yeah, look at all those advanced civilizations over there. I mean, it's not like up until the last 5 or so centuries they've been running around ass naked hunting with spears and speaking in clicks.
Oh, wait...

>> No.6585779

diff anon but the problem is you guys know exactly what they meant and you're picking it apart just to argue... you know, like social justice warrirors

>> No.6585781

egl banner dicussion

5 minutes later


what the FUCK /cgl/

>> No.6585786

Not the people right there, they weren't. They just said cartoons don't have races, and that they don't have to have natural hair.
Since when is that yelling at you and calling you racist and sexist and a bitch.

>> No.6585787

You forgot Tumblr

>> No.6585788
File: 108 KB, 1024x819, 6jyhtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This character is Asian.

>> No.6585790

You know this is what happens anytime anything race related is brought up on /cgl/.
It's almost like a rage inducing tradition on this board.

>> No.6585793

this thread is funny

>> No.6585810

voted for bomb4y's. i personally like the style, i love the details, and the kodona is cute.

i've never understood the whole "vote for X because it's a lolita of color" and hating on everyone who doesn't. in fact, i'd say THAT'S racist- focusing on something and solely giving it attention on basis of skin color. i'd be fucking mad if people did (and they do) that shit to me. how shameful to earn "approval" or praise because people are afraid to offend me.

>> No.6585812

diff anon but

is pretty yell-y and calling them racist...

>> No.6585819
File: 109 KB, 975x654, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. And this yellow psychiatrist is white. Because cartoons can do that shit.

>> No.6585821

Cgl discussing race:

The white girls: Self entitled nigress monkeys!!! Take off masters buuurando!

The black girls: WHITE PRIVILEGE! I hope you all get raped you racist cunts!

>> No.6585830

...this is oddly accurate
though i've never told anyone to check their privilege and would self immolate if i ever did

>> No.6585863

why do ppl car so much about race!?? lets jus makee cooki an hav fun,,mmm

>> No.6585888

I never said that, if that's what you got from my post then who's to say China isn't a master race. Drop the whole "Master Race" bull shit in the first place.
Stop trying to bring your race into the matter and make it seem like its the better race. It just makes you seem pathetic and that you have no self-esteem imho.

>> No.6585889

>i'd be fucking mad if people did (and they do) that shit to me. how shameful to earn "approval" or praise because people are afraid to offend me.

Basically this. Ever since Tumblr, people always want to say, "omg PERFECT X" just because a person happens to not be white, and all the comments will be gushing, "Wow, look at this X of colour! We need to see more of this!" Even if the person in said photo looks like a hot ass mess. Like, damn, if you give me some polite criticism and say, "Hey, this isn't so great, here's how to fix it," I won't jump on your dick, calling you a filthy racist. I'll say thank you, and try to improve.
We're not exempt from making mistakes.

>> No.6585907

What if your bi-racial?
I'm African-American and White and I don't think either one is correct.
Weird, that is exactly what I did, I'm eating a cookie as we speak.
...or read, w.e.

>> No.6585911


>> No.6585991

"Diversity" basically means "less whit people."

>> No.6585998
File: 171 KB, 900x900, tumblr_m6umtmmHyH1r7llf5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makee cooki

>> No.6586002

White people tend to prefer other whites, so? What is wrong with preferring your own race? Blacks do it all the time.

>> No.6586024
File: 160 KB, 473x529, 1359088762001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, now that ugly as shit banner is gonna win. The face of white guilt is a sad one.

>> No.6586026

an hav fun,,

>> No.6586043

I'm gonna vomit

>> No.6586047
File: 66 KB, 1069x609, shitgookssay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Asians can be ignorant as fuck SJWs, too.

>> No.6586068

lol read that as cockasian.

>> No.6586074
File: 108 KB, 448x744, everything is the same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

person needs to learn how to saturate, everything is the same saturation making it look pretty boring

>> No.6586078

I"m confused, if she's a feminist, why would she become a muslim? Aren't women more oppressed in that religion? Or did I miss the point entirely?

>> No.6586094

I actually quite like it... I looked over the other ones, and the only other real contender is the bomb4y one, but I felt like it didn't really fit the February theme. As much as the art style is flat and clearly P&S-inspired, it's really not bad.

The violin one was cute, but she was not holding it correctly at all, and it really bothers me. The star one is cute, but the face is a bit wonky. It looks Scott Pilgrim-inspired, which is cool, but kind of poorly executed.

>> No.6586106
File: 43 KB, 546x320, 1351729862714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of Swedish education. Basically, if it's white, it a'int right.

>> No.6586127

No she's just off her rocker. Some idiot foreign women think Islam is empowering because they're valuing modesty or something. You can spin anything to make it "feminist".

>> No.6586172

I just... wow, these are the two stupidest things I have ever heard. I guess there's just no limit on human ignorance. Sage for OT, though I dunno why I'm even bothering with that.

>> No.6586174

Woops, forgot my sage.

>> No.6586227

It looks like shit
I'm not voting for it just because she's black. That's retarded.

Would rather vote for bomb4y.

>> No.6586245


looks like old beatmania art work, I love it!

>> No.6586331

What the fuck? That bomb4y one is the only one that isn't hideously unimaginative tryhard shit. OP's had her bowl of tasty jelly.

>> No.6586355

>everyone always bitches about not having a black lolita in the banner
even if she's black or not, i don't really care. As long as the art is good with an accurate portrayal of egl fashion. This art is pretty average tbh. oh well, only a month of it around anyway

>dem nails

>> No.6586389

>the pose is boring, flat and stiff
>the ghetto nails
>everything's the same color


>> No.6586398

That's a black lolita? I thought it was some kind of fursona when I saw it. The nails look like claws, and the legs are too thick for her otherwise slim build.

>> No.6586405

I choked on my spit laughing. My day has been made, anon. Thank you

>> No.6586406

have you ever seen a real black girl? Thick legs, claws, hairy....

>> No.6586420

Made an art for next month, where can I submit it?

>> No.6586456

>a real black girl
what's a fake black girl like then
and i've seen plenty of "real" black women and they don't fit that description at all

and if you think women being hairy is a problem in any case i think you have some issues as is

>> No.6586458

What are you even trying to say?

Okay. I was just alerting those who would like to see a black lolita for a change.

You have to admit, it's better than the shiny splooge from last month.


>> No.6586497

As long as she's not mixed with another race she shouldn't be hairy. If you're looking at African-American, the chances are higher.

>> No.6586501

women are hairy, get over it

>> No.6586529

>Thinking you know more than a Dermatologist.

>> No.6586566

i double dog dare you to fix it and post a better one here! :D

I voted for that one even though bomb4y has a nice handrawn feel to it while not being sad copic art by dust_chan

>> No.6586569 [DELETED] 

A fake black gurl= a drawing, doll, ect.
>>and if you think women being hairy is a problem in any case
Confirmed for hairy nigger.

>> No.6586571

if you are a dermatologist and never noticed body hair on a woman than you are either blind, a shitty dermatologist, or both

>> No.6586572

I voted for bomb4y, even though personally I think the best is Pigarlick's but since it has no chance of winning anyway... And seriously, everyone is just voting for that banner because it's a black girl? Fuck this shit, this is the same thing when a black girl wears an ugly half-assed cosplay or those muslim girls wear hijab lolita and still they get millions of notes in tumblr.
I think next time I will be submitting a fat black transsexual lolita in a wheelchair and hijab, maybe then these tumblr white guilt whiners will be happy.

>> No.6586581

I never claimed to be, I'm was just quoting one that specifically said that the only reason black women had arm hair etc. is because somewhere along the line their family had relations with someone outside their race.

>> No.6586580

I actually do like OP's, but it does need a bit of tweaking. Personaly taste, I don't like the nails so long, maybe a little shorter or more rounded? Though maybe a little more decora would make them more appealing to me? But that's just me, I've never been a big fan of those really long flat nails.

The ankle part is bugging me. The ankle needs to be slimmed in just a bit. They look a bit to much like logs.

and the colors. I think maybe change the colors just a bit on the lighter stripes and bows. Maybe a slightly lighter brown color or more of a pinkish tone? It's just an over saturation of too much brown.

I think that's about it. This is just personal opinion.

>> No.6589425

I'm under the impression she was just trying to use a limited color palette. The contrast could have been done a bit better so there're less "similar shades of brown-on-brown", but at least it isn't a vomit of randomly picked colors like some of the other entries I've seen.

Hopefully if it wins, the mod who changes the banner will pick layout colors that contrast well with it.