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File: 76 KB, 500x750, geo-tri-color-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6579808 No.6579808 [Reply] [Original]

Circle Lenses General.

Questions, reviews, recommendations.

>> No.6579959

http://www.hystericbynature.com/2012/04ow-circle-lens-damaged-my-eyes.html (polite warning - the link contains mild eye gore)

So does Eyecandylens do fakes?

>> No.6580082

Damn this reminds me of a girl I saw the other day while I was shopping. She was a bit tall and pretty so she caught my eye, but when I looked at her face her eyes were BRIGHT FUCKING PINK EYE RED and she was wearing circle lenses and heavy makeup.

I was shocked. I mean maybe she had a medical condition where her eyes are just permanently red like that but like damn.

>> No.6580121

Thanks for the warning!
And I'm not sure..

>> No.6580138

Ewg. You probably should have said something - that's way more likely to be a lens issue. And you shouldn't be wearing lenses on damaged eyes.

>> No.6580152

Hahah yeah, try to tell a random person what to do with their body/that you know what's better for them than they do at the store, that should go over well

>> No.6580175

Shut up and go back to tumblr.

>> No.6580186
File: 36 KB, 500x265, ojo_zpsfda2de04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a good brand for more natural looking lenses?

I really want a good pair to help accentuate my eyes to make them look more green.
> pic related.

If anyone knows of a good blue that would blend well, that would be awesome.

>> No.6580192

I'm looking for good lenses to turn grey eyes brown. I've got GEO Bambi in brown, but they don't make the colour I'm looking for. Any recommendations?

>> No.6580255
File: 23 KB, 1226x346, 358us00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beaucon Shimmer Green, I used to have them and they are a lovely, natural forest green that really make your eyes pop.

These are them on my naturally blue eyes, standing in front of a window in natural sunlight.

>> No.6580262

was there ever a follow up, like did her condition ever get better? did she file a lawsuit ever?

>> No.6580430

I wish I knew.

>> No.6580439

This made me a bit wary because I JUST bought from candy lens, the names are so similar.

So, that means I'm clear?

>> No.6580440

1. yes and 2. nope

>> No.6580566

How can i convince my mum that circle lenses from a verified store (i was thinking about pinkyparadise) are not going to damage my eyes?
She don't want me to buy them even if i would pay them by myself.

>> No.6580591

What can she do to prevent you from buying?

>> No.6580629

Candylens is fine, I almost always buy from them.

>> No.6580637

I always tell people to order GEO lenses. They may not have as many colors as Dueba or other companies but their lenses are US FDA approved and I haven't had a problem with them for 4 years. Just as long as the store you purchase from has authentic lenses and you wear them how you are suppose to

>> No.6580646

Move out so that she can't say a damn thing about what you buy?

>> No.6580686

Oh, awesome! I was hoping you would post here.

Thank you!

>> No.6580739

Have the lenses checked out by your eye doctor to prove they won't damage your eye.

>> No.6580746
File: 320 KB, 1280x1024, Lenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoppingholics (or LoveShoppingholics) that they've changed their name to. Anyways, they are my favorite place to buy contacts. I have perfect vision, no glasses or contacts needed. I've order 15 pairs from Shoppingholics. Never had a problem.

UNTIL..http://www.loveshoppingholics.com/goodshp?id=4Those"Barbie Lace Eye Contacts&quotReceiving the pcakage, I noticed the brand wasn't EOS, or GEO, or just anything I've heard of. It was by "Barbie Eyes." Now I bought these contacts because they were huge. 17.5mm is a lot bigger than the average 15.0mm that circle lenses are
There were other sites selling these lenses that were way cheaper, but I went with LoveShoppingholics because I trusted them. Well, these lenses blurred my vision to Hell the moment I put them in. They were the most comfortable lenses I had ever put in my eyes. Normally my eyes water a bit when I put in circle lenses, but nope. These were also very NOT dry. But I couldn't see. Anything. My vision was so horribly blurred. I checked and there wasn't a perscription (I never buy prescriptions). So I told Shoppingholics and they refunded me by sending me another pair. Since I've been buying from them several pairs and other make ups, they trusted me
In the mean time, I purchased other pairs from other shops. I got the same exact problem. Whether it be Candylens, Pinkparadise - BLURRED VISION. I could not see. I made sure that they weren't prescription kind.

So Shoppingholics's new pair finally got to me. Still, blurred vision
I looked up reviews (it must have just came out), and none
A few months later, I looked up reviews. There were some. But get this, they were all SPONSORED reviews. Not a single person doing a review for free
I don't know what it takes to be a sponsor. I'd love to be one - get paid and free stuff for lying and making up a phony positive review so the shop gets more credit? Count me in
In short, be VERY wary of these lenses (Barbie Eye LACE circle lenses).

>> No.6580749

Grow up.
And there's a reason why selling unprescribed contacts is illegal in the USA. Asia has far less restrictions than the USA. Why do you think there's so many lead breakouts coming from China, and why so many make up products are so horrible for your skin?

>> No.6580766
File: 70 KB, 316x91, nocirclelenses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my eyes and am not sure if circle lenses would really make them 'better' or not. Thoughts?

>> No.6580773

What is wrong with you.
You are a beautiful girl to me.
I would love to have pretty eyes like you, and pale skin like you.
Pale skin and light colored eyes are my favorite. You are perfect to me.

>> No.6580780
File: 268 KB, 1217x851, d5F1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to reply... Not sure it went through....

And thank you! I probably will pass on the lenses then. :)

>> No.6580781

Thank you white knight-kun, I'm sure you just saved this maiden from low self esteem.

Well, they can make your eyes bigger and give really cool color effects (see >>6580255 for example).
If you're interested, go ahead. If you're fine with how they are now and have no interest in those things, though, why bother?

>> No.6580785

Haha, making them look bigger is semi-appealing is the only reason I've thought of it. I have fairly big eyes as-is, so I'm curious how they'd look with lenses. But I also wasn't sure if it's really worth it because I know my eyes are pretty nice without. Just was seeking general opinions.

I also don't know what color to get, if I did.

>> No.6580799

It's a silly question, i know, but i don't want her to be angry... Well im going to think it out...
well.. you're right
That sounds like a good idea, thx :)

>> No.6580811

You're welcome. You have nice double eyelids as well. Because you are not Asian, you might not know what it is, but it is the crease above your eyes, and that is what makes you have the "big eyes" because it makes you be able to open your eyes bigger. The colored part of your eye is already big as it is as well. I have monolids, and because of that, my eyes will always look "small" even with lenses. There is a surgery, popular in east Asia called double eyelid surgery, that a lot of eastern Asian celebrities get that I may be getting. It is very cheap in Korea, in and out process, so I want it to have bigger and more opened eyes like you. I envy the white people and hispanics and other colored people who have such nice double eyelids. I really love light colored eyes as well. And my opinion about circle lenses for you is that if you wear glasses, people won't be able to see your eyes as good! Sorry for bad English, I am Thai, with mono lids and ugly dark skin, but I have move to US in 2007.

>> No.6580822 [DELETED] 

Thanks for all the input and information. And the compliments. :) I am sure your eyes, skin, etc. aren't ugly. I have considered getting Lasik (or something similar) eventually. My vision isn't that bad, but enough that things are blurry far away and I get a headache. Maybe someday! I used to wear contacts more often, maybe I'll get some plain ones again.

>> No.6580849
File: 115 KB, 500x620, tumblr_mgscpnNDBQ1rpyuq7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what I usually hear people say, most colors look really nice with light eyes, especially your color.
They tend look really... impressive, you know?

And, well, it's not like they are terribly expensive, so if you're curious I think it's worth the shot~

>> No.6580854

What about people who are Asian? I'm Chinese and I desperately want to have light colored eyes. I've bought about 10 pairs of blues and greens of circle lenses, but the colors don't mesh with my dark brown/black eyes. I hate it. Any help for finding OPAQUE blue's and green's that look "natural" (By natural, I mean... Not those Opaque red demon looking lenses). I'm jealous of people who have light colored eyes. Like Kotakoti.

>> No.6580901

Can't happen unless you have light brown eyes. See why almost no Black/colored cosplayer doesn't color their skin for cosplay. It's hard to cover dark pigmentation without it looking fake (even Indian actresses who wear them usually have light brown eyes). The only hope you'll have is a surgery to remove the pigmentation which is still in development

>> No.6581077

Wow ok. White people are copying Asian people. Fuck white people. You aall are fucking ugly. Only Asian people look good in circle lenses, and light colored eyes are just fucking retarded.

>> No.6581131

Lol. Whoa now. Calm down there, buddy.

>> No.6581138

One of the tumblr idiots seems to have escaped.

>> No.6581143

You maybe should look at reviews, there would be a lot at http://fuckyeahcirclelenses.tumblr.com/ with dark eyed people.

>> No.6581163


>> No.6581174

Thanks for that blog! Are there any others like that - that just have a few comments, and then a rating out of 10 like comfort and stuff?

"Comfort: 7/10 (38% water content. Geo is not known for their comfort.. My vision gets clouded a lot from dust sticking to the lenses!)"

Does water content matter - what does that even mean? I've heard Geo was the best brand. I have a pair from them, and they are very drying to my eyes after 2 hours. I'll be sitting in class and then my contacts just feel so dry like they're stuck to my eyeball. Then my vision starts tok get blurry. Guys, what does that mean? I have 20/20 vision. Is Geo's "Pure Max" Brown.

>> No.6581179

I do hope you're trolling.

>> No.6581184

Yeah, I'm the quoted anon and I'm the same. My eyes are also dark as the best I can get is usually a strange blue-ish brown.

Light eyes look so pretty with most circle lenses, they blend in and just look a hell of a lot better.

>> No.6581188

And by "as the best I can..." I mean "and the best".

Too lazy to delete post

>> No.6581192

Know what? Word to that.

>> No.6581198

Yeah, it's not fair.
White people can look nice with any colored circle lenses.
Asians only get to have browns or blacks :/
And the light browns I've tried on just look like shit. Holy fuck I'm Korean too. All of those shopped models in magazines... THEIR EYES ARE SHOPPED D:<

>> No.6581216

I'm white, with hazel/brown eyes. I've yet to find a pair of lenses that make my eyes look anything but "dark" (which translates to brown in real life if people aren't really looking)

I'd just like a pair that actually looks like the colour they are in real life without having to have someone a foot away from my face :(

That being said, I've found G&G 3 tone lenses to have the most noticable colour, they also have a orangish-brown ring in the centre so it blends more with brown eyes.

>> No.6581233

The higher the water content the more confortable are the lenses at a long wear.

>> No.6581236

Chinese person here
I've bought 3-tone "puffy" (that's the only word I remember in its title) in blue color.
It's the most opaque I've found. it's kind of freaky like, unreal and definitely not natural looking. It's a blue color that no one can ever have in real life. Although it doesn't end up looking like vomit color (blue over brown isn't really pretty), it is a very nice blue. Problem: It dries out my eyes almost instantly. I feel that there's something wrong with contact's. And I've bought them before from 2 other websites. I still had the same problem :/ Maybe it's the brand

>> No.6581245

Then gtfo and search reviews yourself.

>> No.6581246

Water content: So does it have anything or does it even matter how long you soak it into contact solution for? Like will the water content change if you've had it in the solution for a long time?

What is the highest amount of water content a pair of lenses can have? What are the best/recommendations, and where can you find lenses where they say how much water content there is?

A lot of pairs I've bought dry out before 4 hours. I've only had one pair that didn't.

>> No.6581270

Soft lenses soak up water and the water content basicly says how much % water they include after soaking, the water content of circle lens is usually approx 38%.

>> No.6581285

Can it be anymore? What's the highest water content?

>> No.6581347

No,it doesn't increase and the highest water content at circle lens is 55% currently but I only saw it at the brand FreshKon so far.

>> No.6581466

I have a really small base curve and can't find any lenses on the sites everyone recommends. Does anyone have experience with finding small lenses on any less known sites? I've found them a few times but I don't trust ordering from sites that nobody seems to have any knowledge of. Anyone else an 8.3 base curve and found a reputable place to buy lenses? I could just get acuvue color contacts but I don't like the look as much on my eyes, they look so opaque and unnatural.

>> No.6581483

Wow, what lenses are those?
They look amazing!

>> No.6581481

Uh... Stop fucking around with your eyes. You don't need circle lenses. They're stupid.

>> No.6581490 [DELETED] 

This is a thread about circle lenses. You're just shitting up a thread by trying to argue with people. If you're not going to post anything relevant and helpful, don't post at all.
Sage for replying to trolls.

>> No.6581491

E-circlelens offers some that are 8.4 and maybe 8.2. Can't remember the brand name though

>> No.6581505

>This is a thread about circle lenses. You're just shitting up a thread by trying to argue with people. If you're not going to post anything relevant and helpful, don't post at all.
>Sage for replying to trolls.
Fuck off. Circle lenses are bad for your eyes.

>> No.6581506

Not OP but Geo Hanabi Blue, they also come in a 15mm version.

>> No.6581528

No1curr. It's like going up to a smoker and telling them they're gonna get cancer. People wore hard contacts for years with 0% oxygen permeability. The extra mm diameter or so is not going to kill your eyes when worn one weekend every few months for cosplay.

>> No.6581533

So is staring at your computer.

>> No.6581582
File: 142 KB, 951x639, my eye!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot! I saw them on PinkyParadise, but the in the sample pic the girl's eyes weren't very clear.
Also, this is my eye, what color lenses would look good with it? Most times when I try and look for reviews, the people reviewing have really dark eyes naturally.

>> No.6581591

Greys and browns and blacks natural or unnatural usually go really well some natural greens and pinks do as well.

>> No.6581600

Would yellow or purple go well?
I really liked the Princess Pinky Twilight Brown lenses and Vassen Ruby Violet but wasn't sure.

>> No.6581602

No, don't do yellow or purple. You'll look like a freak. Go with green or blue. Brown looks shitty on white people with light colored eyes as well.
Greens and blues, and other light colors like gray - really will make your eyes pop.
Avoid yellows, oranges, and browns.

>> No.6581603

People like you make me wish I wasn't Asian and was white instead.
Curse your fucking light colored eyes and long eyelashes and double eyelids.

>> No.6581606

I was going for something unnatural, but okay if you say it'll look freaky I guess I won't. And I disagree on the orange, I've seen some cosplayers with orange contacts and they rocked! :) But I can't find any orange ones at all except for the Manson lenses, but those look corny.
And blue contacts are nice like you said, what blue contacts would go well for my eyes?

>> No.6581607

>Brown looks shitty on white people with light colored eyes as well.

That's not true at all.

>> No.6581609

How about you stop sticking foreign objects into your eye and go with your natural eye color. Your eyes are beautiful as they are.

>> No.6581610

You're crazy, I wish I was Asian so people wouldn't call me stupid for not being Asian and wearing Fairy Kei '^u^

>> No.6581613

Thanks a lot!
But I think circle lenses are amazing and want some. Although I am lucky with my natural eyes, is it really so bad to want a different color sometimes?

>> No.6581615

THank you so much for using the proper 'You're'!

Yeah, I can understand that. I'm happy I get called "cute" and all since I fit into the general aesthetics of wearing J-fashion. I don't like hearing the "Oh white people shouldn't do lolita/gyaru because they look bad in it." While I do agree to an extent, there are some REALLY cute white girls out there, as well as REALLY ugly Asian girls. I'm Chinese, but people mistaken me for Japanese because of how I dress. I wish I could have lighter colored eyes though. There is only so many brown and black colored contacts out there.

>> No.6581616

Same anon, I think blues or violets or greens would look lovely on your eyes.
>Wishing I had light colored eyes now...
So jealous of girls like you with such perfect eyes!

>> No.6581617

Even though I HATE Tumblr, since someone mentioned it - i've been really digging this blog:
I've just been going through the archive and choosing which eye color looks best.
I think doing that will help you.
I can't tell you which lenses to pick, because it's up to your personal choice! And you shouldn't let anyone tell you what you should go with, because that's their opinion, and not yours. It only matters what you think :)
I just wish people would submit more detailed responses. A lot of people only submit the name of the lenses, which is nice, but I'd like a little more detailed review. Also wish people wouldn't photoshop their photos when submitting. What good is choosing an eye COLOR when people PHOTOSHOP the lighting of their face/eyes/photo?

>> No.6581621

Is is the correct you're? I can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not, but if not thanks! :D
And yeah, good point. And I'm pretty happy with my eye color, but since circle lenses are mostly for Asians, they're made to look good on darker eyes most of the times which makes it hard to find a pair for me '^u^

Thanks! I like a lot of the blue lenses out there, I'm glad they might go with my eye color.
And thanks a lot! But they're not perfect lol

>> No.6581623

You're = You are
Yes, you used the right you're lol.
Well, there's lots of light colored lenses, that look like shit (literally) on Asians (including myself).
So you're lucky there!

>> No.6581625

Okay I'll be sure to check out that tumblr!
And you're right, but I was asking here because people here are bound to know more about lenses than me. And yeah it's stupid to Photoshop a lens review, what's even the point of the review if you do that?

>> No.6581634

Awesome! I try to have good grammar when I can lol.
And yeah true. I just don't know which lenses are meant for light or dark eyes most of the time though '^u^

>> No.6581746

Lenses meant for dark eyes - browns and blacks.
Dark colored eyes will never look good with light colored contacts, unless the contacts are oppaque (which will look scary).
Anything light colored will look good with light colored eyes lol.

>> No.6582539

Can /cgl/ take a guess at which contact lenses Tim Minchin wears?

>> No.6582543
File: 17 KB, 250x250, your opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark colored eyes will never look good with light colored contacts

>> No.6582587


circle lenses were made for dark asian eyes

so, no

>> No.6582594


Do you happen to know what lenses are worn in the pic?

Also, I buy my stuff from honeycolor.com and haven't had a problem with any of their products. Then again, I think it's a given that if you wear circle lenses daily, something bad might happen which is the case of that blogger as well as the first person who commented on that blog who had the same problems.

>> No.6582624

I have this same issue with 3-tone puffy lenses. I also had the blue, they looked pretty natural on me (aside from the massive enlargement) but holy fuck they're painful. Can't wear them for longer than it takes to take photos.

>> No.6583417

This is probably a stupid question, but do I need to go to an optometrist to get my eyes measured before I buy circle lenses?

>> No.6583428

I have horrible eyesight and I want to wear circles lenses.. What are my options?

>> No.6583433

A lot of places sell circle lenses that are prescription too, but you're paying more obviously.

>> No.6583442


>> No.6583448

Yes. Because even if you have 20/20 vision, you need to know your base curve for a proper fit, otherwise you could scratch your eye

>> No.6583464

Pinky paradise sells lense strength to -10, although you might not have as big of a selection.

>> No.6584153

South Korea's and Japan's FDAs are strict. The problem is China's government sponsored illegal trade of low quality polyhema and multiple labs operating in conditions not suitable for the production of medical devices. Circle lens companies in South Korea have trouble with the labs producing essentially replicas of their products and willing distributors that will falsely market the lenses as official products. This is why Geo and Vassen have stickers on the vials that they constantly change so the illegal labs cannot replicate the product. If you buy from a seller that directly gets the lenses from the circle lens company, the lenses are safe for wear with proper care and use.

>> No.6584170
File: 171 KB, 1140x579, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I sashay away...


Sorry about the messed up URL. The spam filter is strong with this one.

>> No.6584844

Lol what the fuck are you on blue eyes hardly mesh with any color. The purple ones I just got were amazing though. I also fucking hate all those annoying bitches who get pissed that PinkyParadise has ONE FUCKING MODEL with light eyes. They have to go and bitch about it. "WHY WON'T YOU SHOW THIS ON DARK EYES??" When I had to search for weeks to actually find pink lenses that would work on my eyes.
GBT Violet were the purple ones I got and they just make my eyes look a bit more purple and a bit more intense. It's nice. Also they're really thin and comfy!

>> No.6585932
File: 2.04 MB, 3072x2304, purple eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first pair of circle lenses a few days ago. My natural eyecolor is a dark green, for reference. They're Neo Vision Dali Extra Violet, and I got them from circlelens.net

I'm very pleased with them! They're comfy and look so cool in my opinion. My Base Curve is 8.4, so I was very glad to find a site that sold circles in that BC and my prescription (which is -8.00 in each eye).

My mom's still convinced they're going to damage my eyes. I've been wearing contacts since I was 9, and I've never had a problem with them... She just doesn't trust the circle lenses because they're made in Asia. Here's to hoping my eye's prescription doesn't get any worse next time I go to the eye doctor, because I know she'll blame the lenses and make me throw them out.

>> No.6585947

>thread about circle lenses and recommendations, questions, reviews

looks like someone doesn't know how to read!

>> No.6585996
File: 94 KB, 336x495, barbie brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barbie Eye
It is just one of the brand names that Geo uses for selling lenses in japan, just like Dueba sells lenses as Candy Magic there.

>> No.6586006

So you have blue eyes? I'd love to see a pic of the GBT violet lenses on blue eyes if you have one!

>> No.6586525

If you're not old enough for your prescription to stabilise - which usually happens in your 20s but I'm STILL FREAKING WAITING, damn my fucked up eyes - then you can't blame the lenses really. Your mother will probably still try to though.

>> No.6586541

Yeah... Luckily my eyes have been the same for a couple of years now (I'm 18), before that they changed drastically every year.

Then again, I was 5'3 for a couple of years, and I just grew an inch this year.. With my luck, my eyes will have gotten worse, too. Blegh. At least it won't matter once I move away.

>> No.6586549

Just curious, has anyone else ordered from circlelens.net, or tried any Neo Vision lenses?

>> No.6586574

I have central heterochromia, will circle lenses look strange on me?

>> No.6586586

Get grey or black. I have it too, it makes your eyes look fucking amazing!

>> No.6586588

Will more watery colours like blue and green not look right?

>> No.6586608

Hey, is it normal for eyes to be extremely dry whilst wearing circle lenses and afterwards as well? Circle lenses feel quite uncomfortable for me because I find myself blinking a lot because it feels like there isn't any moisture there. My eyes aren't irritated or anything, I just have this uncomfortable dry feeling.

>> No.6586610

No, they definitely shouldn't. You may be more sensitive to wearing lenses/lower water contents/lower permeability which would explain why your eyes get dry, but this shouldn't be a reason to put up with it as you can damage your cornea if your eyes are too dry for too long. You should never be uncomfortable when wearing contacts.

>> No.6586618

You probably have a thinner tear film than normal. The constantly blinking is the way the eye lubricates the cornea with each blink. I have the same problem due to medications drying out my tear film. Even my clear contacts get very dry after a few hours. If it's an ongoing issue, you can get prescription eye drops from the eye doctor that can help your eyes produce more tears.

>> No.6586627


Thanks for the responses. I will probably go talk to my optometrist about it because I thought it was quite weird. I used to wear the daily acuvue contacts about a year ago and never had a problem, but at the moment I've been wearing Vassen Cloud Nine lenses and they just make my eyes feel so dry and tired.

Maybe my eyes just aren't used to them yet? But I'll definitely go see the optometrist. I'll look into the eye drops as well.

>> No.6586634

I see, thanks for the suggestion but my eyesight is even worse than that haha.

>> No.6586683

Nah, you shouldn't have to get used to contacts that much. Maybe for the first day or two, because of the foreign body sensation, but they should never be uncomfortable.

>> No.6586687

You'll probably have to compromise on your script or custom order (and we're talking the $300 range here) - most lenses only go up to -10.00, so if you can still sort-of see with that, then that'll be most of what's available.

>> No.6586835


Alternately, you could order plano (no prescription) lenses and wear them with your glasses, which you can take off for photos if you want.

>> No.6589032
File: 190 KB, 458x598, 882714c9d21c90_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Coseye.net? couldn't find many reviews but they have nice prices.
Also, are there any hazel (pic related) lenses that are relatively natural and noticeable on dark eyes? bonus points if they're around 14.5 mm

>> No.6589067

circle lenses are MADE for dark eyes dipshit, they will 90% of the time work best and show up on dark eyes. THEY WERE CREATED BY ASIAN PEOPLE.

>> No.6589936

I FUCKING KNOW. But even when they are made for dark eyes, some are more opaque than others, these being more noticeable, and that's what I'm looking for.

>> No.6591439

just a note for anyone with naturally light eyes, if lenese say the blend naturally or look like they are a bit darker towards the middle, avoid them like the plauge. I brought a pair of geo hanabi blue contacts and they make my eyes go black, blue, black, blue, pupil. don't make the same mistake.

>> No.6591459

I have dark brown eyes of a regular Asian and EOS New Adult and Neo Sunflower both show up nicely against them.

Dolly+ will do it, too, but it's too solid and unnatural-looking for regular wear and most cosplays.

Currently waiting on a pair of Super Pinky to arrive. They seem to be good for dark eyes in reviews I've seen.

>> No.6591465

Is anyone taking advantage of HoneyColor.com's free shipping promotion right now?

>> No.6591497
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x749, Vassen_Natural_Sparkling_Grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some look way better at light eyes thought.

>> No.6591523

>blue eyes hardly mesh with any color
I think they look nice with almost anything, even better than most other colors.

Don't be mean, it's supposed to be a compliment. ;_;

>> No.6591539

>because of the foreign body sensation

Sorry to get in the middle of the subject, but I had to comment - I was so impressed the first time I put lenses in my eyes. I always heard my mother go on and on about how she never managed to wear lenses because she could feel there was something in her eyes and I thought that was the norm because, well, it IS something huge in your eyes.
Then I bought mine.
I couldn't tell the difference between having no contacts on and having. It was amazing, to say the least.

>> No.6591617

But I'm not white anon. I have dark brown eyes and I've received plenty of compliments with circle lenses on. Take your racist bullshit somewhere else

>> No.6592385

Currently trying to pick my first pair right now.
I really want Vassen, but they're not stocked on HoneyColor.

Also, I rang up my optometrist today and got my prescription and have no idea how to convert it into the single number per eye format.
They gave me three numbers per eye.

>> No.6592410
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>light colored eyes are just fucking retarded.

>> No.6592418
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Finally went to the opthamologist yesterday.. It's free once a year because of an incident that leaves me at a really high risk for glaucoma, have to monitor it.
Finally getting fitted for contact lenses! Admittedly I've worn plano circle lenses twice in the past without first checking my base curve. Apparently my astigmatism isn't so bad that I have to wear toric lenses either!

To celebrate, can anyone recommend their favourite violent/purple lenses?
Especially worn pics would be great.

Oh my good god

>> No.6592429
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My favorites would be kind size purple but tey only look good at dark eyes since they don't blend well with their solid color.

>> No.6592438

Are you sure? Looks like geo hurricane blue to me.

>> No.6592445

I like super pinky violet but they tend to dry out pretty quickly and they're awkward to get on if you haven't put on large lenses before.

>> No.6592450

Does anyone have any good pictures of the Twilight Princess Blue or Gray lenses on light colored eyes?

>> No.6592498
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>> No.6592512


>> No.6592546

Fuck you.
I wish I was European or Caucasion instead of fucking Asian I have dark shit colored eyes and the only lenses I can wear are brown nor black I FUCKING HATE IT IS DISGUSTING SHIT AND SO GROSS!

>> No.6592550

Does base curve really matter? I've NEVER paid attention to that.
Some lenses leave my eyes feeling really dry, so I was thinking of paying attention to the water percentage. What is the average water precentage? And what is good water percentage? Anyone help me please ._.
I've been wearing circle lenses (have 20/20 vision) for 3 years now.

>> No.6592706
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>European or Caucasion
there's a difference?

>> No.6592757

>Does base curve really matter? I've NEVER paid attention to that.
Yes, it definitely matters. If the lens is flatter than what you need, it's less of a problem but your lenses may slide and be irritating. If the lens curve is too steep for your eye (the lens fits too tightly), you can get corneal abrasions, slicing, and hypoxia (oxygen deprivation). People who make it on the news seem to run into this problem because they don't know how to clean/handle lenses and they didn't get properly fitted for lenses and don't understand that that shit isn't supposed to hurt and if lenses do hurt, you need to take them out. Everyone's eyes are different regardless if they have 20/20 vision, that's why getting fitted is the best way to go about it.

Prolonged hypoxia generally leads to the blood vessels grow into the cornea to bring oxygen that comes from blood since the corneas get oxygen from water content in contact lenses and/or from the air. Blood vessels growing into your corneas is a serious issue that could lead to permanent contact lens intolerance and vision loss. It's all connected.

>Some lenses leave my eyes feeling really dry, so I was thinking of paying attention to the water percentage. What is the average water precentage? And what is good water percentage? Anyone help me please ._.
Standard for colored/cosmetic lenses was 38% but many lenses are high water content lenses with 44ish% nowadays. That number will just increase as technology increases.

>> No.6592767

Eh... ESL moments abound.

Let me rephrase that. Contacts block the normal amount of oxygen flow to your corneas. Normally this isn't a problem if you've got lenses that fit and are a compatible material for your needs. Higher water content = more comfy lenses. But if you're wearing lenses that are too tight or aren't a good material for your eyes, you've got 2 strikes really: 1) less oxygen to your eyes because you're wearing contacts *again not usually a huge issue, and 2) because the lenses don't fit properly

>> No.6592836

What's a good way to tell if the contact lenses you have aren't suitable for wearing?
Obviously if they cause you pain to wear, then that's a big red flag to stop using them, but will they always hurt if they're unsuitable? Is it possible to get hypoxia from the lenses you're wearing without feeling it?

>> No.6593089

Yes, it's possible to not feel it, especially at cons where you're caught up in all the excitement. It's pretty visible though: if your eyes need oxygen (hypoxia), the blood vessels will come to the surface. Thin red lines will be visible on your eyes (so basically, they look blood-shot).

>> No.6593609

Those are smoking!
Thanks guys!

>> No.6593721

Could anyone recommend me a pair of blue lenses? I've tried Acuvue coloured contacts before (it was a few years back but yeah) and I found the colours very blah. They barely made a difference to my natural colour. (That light kind of colour that can't decide whether it's gray, blue or green...you know.)

Since they would be for cosplay I'm looking for something vibrant that will make my eyes pop. Basically I want a nice bright blue, but I'd also like it to blend with my natural colour reasonably well. I've checked out a whole bunch of lenses on PinkyParadise and I'm drawn to the Geo Nudys, but I've heard they're not too comfortable and the last thing I want is dry itchy eyes in the middle of a con.

>> No.6593932

iFairy makes some amazing (and comfortable!) lenses, have a look at them if you like.

>> No.6595276

This is killing me.
I've been trying to get prescription lenses from honeycolor, but I only have my glasses prescription. Figuring out a lense prescription from a glasses one makes no sense.


I might just get plano ones and deal with my near-sightedness as I always do.

>> No.6595288

And now it says shipping is over.
It didn't give a timezone, and so I didn't realise it would be over by now.

So much for lenses.

>> No.6595347

I ordered a pair of Geo Nudy brown lenses, currently waiting for them to come. I'm hoping they will look decent on my light blue/grey eyes.. Hopefully.

I remember I tried to figure out my lens prescription when I just had glasses.
Honestly If I were you I'd just go get fitted for actually contacts, rather than doing that.

>> No.6595367

Your lens prescription may be similar to your glasses but it's not going to be the same. Glasses sit a few cm. in front of your eyes, lenses rest on the eyes and both are prescribed as such.

It's definitely worth getting formally fitted for contacts. Then you can take your prescription with powers and base curve and go on a spree all while knowing you're buying what's right for you.

>> No.6595377
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I think I can help.
I'm British but this is the paper I receive with my new prescription after every new sight test.

Look for Sph on your paper (spherical), that's the strength you need.

>> No.6595389


>glasses sit a few cm. in front of your eyes, lenses rest on the eyes

That's a fair point, but I base my prescription off my glasses prescription and have literally never had a single problem.
I don't know about anybody else, we would have to get some others sharing their experiences.

>> No.6595441

Thanks everyone. Free shipping is over so I won't be getting any now,but I'm glad you cleared this up for me.

I wanted Geo Nudy in brown for my blue eyes too, so hopefully you can post reveiws anon?

>> No.6595476

My contact script is entirely different from my glasses one apart from the astigmatism. my glasses are -8.00/-9.25 but contacts are -7.50/-8.50

Basing your script off your glasses won't make you blind unless you aren't properly fitted for contacts and get all the corneal issues , but it won't be optimal in comparison to your glasses. Even though optometrists use a formula to convert glasses script they also go on experience about rounding contact script up or down

>> No.6595487

Mm, I definitely will! The last brown lenses I got just kind of made me eyes look like a greenish muddy brown..
So I'm curious as to how these will turn out.

>> No.6595500

Actually, fuck that, I just bought Geo Dali Extra in Brown since the shipping is only £3 or so.
My prescription is -0.25 and the lowest I could round it would be -0.75 so I just went Plano.

Looking forwards to receiving my utterly impulse buy in the mail.

>> No.6595992

How long did it take for your lenses to come in? I bought lenses from circlelens.net too and waiting for them to come in soon.

I have an 8.3 base curve and I'm mostly asking how long did it take with the 8.4 bc? The ones I bought have an 8.5 bc but I'm also interested in getting some 8.4's next time.

>> No.6596023
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I have a base curve of 8.3. Are there any circle lenses for that?

>> No.6596067

I ordered them on the first of December, and I got them on the 31st of December. Sadly, one of the lenses was defective (it was plano, I needed my prescription) and I had to send it back. It took about 2 and half weeks from the time I sent out the defective lens until I got my new pair.

>> No.6596122

When I get my 8.5's in I'll report back how it went.
I hope mine don't come in defective. I just checked the site and the ones I ordered are no longer on the site. I did get an email letting me know that they're coming in soon.

>> No.6596355


>>6595476 This.

Also, I too have an astigmatism, so my eye doctor gave me another prescription on top of that. So I have one for glasses, one for toric lenses, and one for specialty lenses. Just ask your eye doctor. Mine fit me for special lenses in five minutes after she had fit me for normal lenses.

>> No.6596529

For some who need very minimal correction people it's fine, and it works as well as you mentioned in your experience.

For people needing more vision correction, the similarities between prescrioptions become less. Many glasses prescriptions have a cylinder measurement even if you don't have an astigmatism worth noting. For some people, they can just drop that number and be fine, for other's you can't so it really depends on what your vision is and how your eye doctor wrote the script. My contact lens and glasses scripts are close but still different but I have a moderate astigmatism. I want the clearest possible vision from my lenses which is why I got a separate script for the contact lenses.

>> No.6597379

Can anyone tell me how eye docs measure your eyeball? I've never had it done.

>> No.6597382
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Just got my first ifairy batch the other day. This is the Tofi Gold in natural lighting taken just with a webcam. Quite pleased with them, as they're rather comfortable considering the size! I have the Dolly Red and Cara Green if anyone would like to see them on another person?

>> No.6597388

oh man those are HUGE. You look like a bushbaby, but in a totally cool way.

>> No.6597393
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Am I anime yet?!

>> No.6597393,1 [INTERNAL] 

"Wow ok. White people are copying Asian people. Fuck white people. You aall are fucking ugly. Only Asian people look good in circle lenses, and light colored eyes are just fucking retarded."

Wow, ignorance is bliss, even more so when random people of all colors have the ability to leave anonymous comments. Question? Why do some of you complain about circle lenses, if you have the choice not to wear them? Your comments have no relevance on others current opinions regarding the product and it doesn't hurt you by having the choice to read someone else's comment to share their opinion about the contacts. I personally think those who judge and make rude, nasty comments are those who are afraid of change. They are typically the narrow minded people you see outside of the internet that tend to be shallow in regards to their own outside appearance. So....there is nothing for you to do than bash others who choose to do something they enjoy. You can sincerely go fuck yourselves and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Sincerely, someone you judge, don't know and choose not to like.

Ignorance is bliss