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File: 182 KB, 531x800, 8406847470_1084618f9a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6580098 No.6580098 [Reply] [Original]


I didn't managed to attend the event so I enjoyed this report so much.

comments & opinions?

btw did they hire a professional photographer for this? the pictures are very horrid.... Even Vysanthe's pictures look a thousand times better :/

>> No.6580101
File: 187 KB, 531x800, 8405754411_5440e94bb6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this girl, cute as a button.

>> No.6580104

Thick ankles

>> No.6580106
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>> No.6580113
File: 470 KB, 1024x680, lolwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty. I'm honestly surprised how many ugly chicks were at this thing. Even some of choke's outfits were kinda meh, her wigs weren't very good.
Very few of these pics were flattering.

>> No.6580114

It was amazing, really well organised event

>> No.6580115

Thick arms that look very unflattering

>> No.6580120
File: 162 KB, 531x800, 8406848266_b1cf6e4868_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, no.
All of the dresses had poofy arms and made them look thicker.

>> No.6580125

>All of the dresses had poofy arms and made them look thicker.
Wait, lolita has been around for how long, and people still haven't figured this out?

>> No.6580126

Libra hasn't apparently.

>> No.6580127

Hnnnggg she looks like a porcelain doll!

>> No.6580129

She is gorgeous. And as the dresses used were all J+J size 1 she aint fat

>> No.6580130

I agree. Photographs look really unflattering I feel sorry for these girls.

>> No.6580133
File: 168 KB, 531x800, 8406847778_4ed473e1bd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people look like shit in this style blouse, but she looks really good in it.

>> No.6580135

Best posture, expression and composure from all the models imho judging from the videos....

>> No.6580139
File: 436 KB, 1024x680, 8405753875_94e08d4444_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite picture is this due to the expression of the doll-lady in the middle

>> No.6580140

Yeah, it's not a criticism since these girls aren't exactly all professional models, but most of them have their heads down and their eyes closed. Chin up, eyes to the back of the room!

>> No.6580142

No body said fat
But if she has thick ankles she should wear tights and shoes that draw attention AWAY from them rather than towards them.
The ribbon pattern, which draws focus to her ankles, along with shoes that don't elongate the legs is a poor choice for her ankle shape.

>> No.6580143

Also, it may just be the shitty camera lighting, but almost everyone is wearing foundation that is too light. (I'm hoping it's just lighting washout.)

>> No.6580145

I'm not a fan of the shoes either, but I disagree that they are accentuating the ankles. They look pretty normal to me.

>> No.6580148

The TIGHTS are accentuating the ankles. The shoes just aren't counteracting that. The shoes would be great with different tights... or different ankles.

>> No.6580150

I think that's the flash photography. I wonder about the professional photographers too, beacuse even if I wasn't there Im friends with many of the girls on facebook and have seen many pictures from that event. And I have to say these "professional" ones are the worst.

>> No.6580151

It's probably foundation with SPF and a lot of these pics are witch flash which makes the spf flash back really bright. :/

>> No.6580155

The models are all very pretty, but it's too bad the photos are so terrible.
I can understand how they came out poorly, because indoor venues often have low lighting and flash highlights everyone's worst features, but if I was the photographer I'd be embarrassed to put these horrible shots on my website.
I'm getting tired of the gaudy art prints, but this dress is kinda neat.

>> No.6580156

Confession time: as much as I like pat lyttle as a person, am i the only one who doesn't like his photographs?

>> No.6580159
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>> No.6580160

What gender is the person in the pink?

>> No.6580161

No, I agree. His photographs always have "cold" colours, like a blue-green tinge that really doesn't suit lolita.

>> No.6580164


>> No.6580174
File: 310 KB, 664x1000, jetj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the event was fresh I posted some of my own photographs of the catwalk and videos. I can repost them and relink the videos if people are interested.

The event was great and I really liked it but my favourite part is when we went to Mcdonalds for lunch and there were a bunch of army guys and a bunch of lolitas sitting around. I'm sure to anyone normal or a tourist walking into this Mcdonalds it would've been a bit surreal.

>> No.6580177

Learn to sage properly, negative nancy.

>> No.6580191

Please post more pics if you can! I wanna see more girls and their outfits but the "official" photos are cringeworthy

>> No.6580197
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>> No.6580198
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>> No.6580199
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>> No.6580201
File: 563 KB, 1275x1920, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to work now but I will be back to post more pictures. I've also got a couple of just general pictures of the event.

>> No.6580204
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>> No.6580208
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>> No.6580211
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>> No.6580214
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>> No.6580215
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>> No.6580225

I like your pics better? Perhaps it's because you're going with the natural light vs the harsh flash like the official photos. If someone could post a list of the dresses in order of appearance, it would be much appreciated~

>> No.6580234

She makes me go lesbian.

>> No.6580237
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, HAHAHAHHAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like someone took a theater curtain and draped it over a painting...lol.

>> No.6580256

I really hated the photographs, the flash kills all the photos, making everyone look unflattering. They should have cut the flash power down and brought more ambient light in (increase aperture and ISO), and put some kind of diffuser infront of the flash so it slightly softens. As a photography student I've never done event photography before so I can't exactly say I would have done a better job, but these are AWFUL. :( I hope that photographer didn't get paid more than £10.

>> No.6580263

Chokolate was lucky to get a dress, but it was kinda ugly. I wonder if she chose it herself, or if they just gave her the one she was wearing.

>> No.6580314
File: 173 KB, 531x800, 8406848580_3f0b153e4e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6580324

That wig looks like it's sliding off her face.

>> No.6580337

They gave choko all the best/new/expensive dresses :P

>> No.6580353


Of course, she's the best looking model.
The other girls are cute too but, you can tell she's done modeling before, she's a whole lot more professional and damn gorgeous on top of that.

>> No.6580356

>ugliest dress :P

>> No.6580453

This dress is cool as a fashion show piece, but it's really not very wearable at all. If the whole thing was the small print it would be a bit less ridiculous but with Marie Antoinette or whoever's face right on the bodice and so many different fabrics it just looks like a really ornate clusterfuck. I don't think they'll sell too many of those.

>> No.6580463

I like this except for that weird shiny gold corset.

>> No.6580468

Did pixie_late really get mad because they didn't chose her to be a model?

>> No.6580477

We don't know. It was all assumed because she bought a VIP ticket, which all sold out minutes after the tickets went on sale, meaning she had to be waiting for the ticket sales to open. Then after the model results came out, she sold her ticket saying she couldn't make it anymore. Then on the day of the event, she blogged about how she went to the cinema with her (now ex) boyfriend. Bearing in mind that this is the biggest lolita event of the year for the UK, plus p_l is supposedly a huuuuuge JetJ fan and yet missed out meeting the designer to go to the cinema, and there has been bad blood between her and Kyra, it all seems a bit suspicious.

>> No.6580518

>>658047I got the impression they were friends but this was like a year agohttp://pixie-late.tumblr.com/post/55873452

>> No.6580523

What dresses did she actually get? I remember her talking about how they had not given her anything so she was going to ask them about it. I never heard which ones she received!

Its only a fashion show piece. They made a much simpler version to release through KERA but it was super super ugly. I would have loved the Elizabeth show piece and paid tons for it but they also butchered that one releasing a simpler version.

>> No.6580526

There was a falling out, as with many of p_l's friends.

>> No.6580529

I don't know whether she was mad or what, but yes, she decided not to go after she didn't get picked. She had been wearing a lot of J+J in the last year and had bought a VIP ticket for the event and applied to be a model but she wasn't picked. So she sold her ticket. It must have been a shock for her not to get chosen since she's one of the most admired lolitas in the uk (or west in general) but she needs a reality check. Since she became efamous all she cares about is being on stage, being on TV, being a model, being popular and so on. I used to like her when she was just being herself.

>> No.6580531

Pretty sure she got the dress pictured in >>6580314

>> No.6580535

What did she really expect? She's not as tall as the other models and JetJ seem to favour European looks.

>> No.6580537

>her (now ex) boyfriend
woah, pixie late is single now?

>> No.6580541

I don't exactly blame her for not going if her main interest was to model at the event. That doesn't make her shallow or egotistical, she just didn't want to attend and figured it wasn't worth her buck to go.

>> No.6580543

No, she's got a new boyfriend. Let's not turn this thread into another pixie_late thread though. She's not worth it, I'm more interested in the event.

>> No.6580546

No, her main interest was being the centre of attention.

>> No.6580547

Her choice sucked imho. I applied too though I'm nowhere near as pretty as her, and didn't get in (I knew I wouldn't but didn't hurt to try!). But guess what, I went anyway to support my friends who DID get in. If a modelling contest is important for me to apply to and but a ticket for the event, I'm assuming it is a big deal for my friends too. And it would suck if I didn't acknowledge this and went to see them and show my support. If she was ill or something came up, I would understand. It just left a bad taste in my mouth when I read that she just went to see a movie with her bf instead. Like, you were PREPARED to go to the event, you had a VIP ticket. So all that was worth about it was your potential participation in the fashion show? Nothing else? Call me a bitch but I think that is self-centered behaviour right there.

>> No.6580550

No, she is dating that douchebag gyaruo guy now

>> No.6580551

Don't be ridiculous.
If I had my heart set on doing something at a particular event, and it turns out I wasn't chosen or wasn't allowed to do it, I would be very discouraged from going as well. And no less if the travel expense was costly as it was.

That's an absurd speculation, and it's just that.
Is every model an attention whore to you or something?

>> No.6580553

She lives in London. The event was in London. She went out to the cinema in London.

>> No.6580556

>And no less if the travel expense was costly as it was.
>Event is in central London
>Pixie_late lives in London
>Film she went to see is in central London
>Travel cost is exactly the same

Not the one you replied to, but I agree with above. She is not an attention whore cause she wanted to be a model. Not all models or wanna be models are attention whores. But it's really what >>6580547
said. If that is all you care about in an event, i.e. yourself on the stage, and you have no incentive to go if you are not on stage, yeah, it does kinda make you selfabsorbed

>> No.6580558

>well we have an obligation to be there for our friends
It's not bitchy, but it's a very grandiose view you have of yourself and the importance of you being there. Friends are going to do fine with or without you unless they expressed their desire to have you attend with them.

It is a fashion event, so I would assume the majority of the interest with many girls would be to be in the fashion show. You're just going on the assumption that p_l had some commitment to her friends. It's hardly selfish to decide you don't want to attend an event you paid for, sell the ticket because you can no longer do what you're interested in doing, and do something comfortable locally.

>> No.6580560

That's not the only point I made you know...and second of all there's nothing self-absorbed about not wanting to attend an event because you didn't get picked to be a model.

Are actors being self-absorbed if they don't want to attend a production that they didn't get casted for, or are they being selfish little prima donnas too? This is too ridiculous.

>> No.6580562

you obviously don't know her or what's been happening in the last year with her. She has alienated most of her friends by behaving like that consistently.

>> No.6580565

It shows bad sportsmanship. Yes you are disappointed about not being cast, or not being chosen as a model, but at the end of the day, the fashion show was a really small part of this event. There was a lot more to it than just the fashion show. For someone who claims to be a super fan of the brand, wouldn't you still have gone so you can meet and support the designer

>> No.6580568

>Are actors being self-absorbed if they don't want to attend a production that they didn't get casted for
You hit the nail on the head but not in the way you intended. Pixie late is not a professional model. This was an event for the uk comm to get together. The fashion show was only a part, not the whole point of the event. The problem is that pixie treated it as if she is a pro model who got rejected and as if all that mattered for her was just to be a model. It's her choice of course, but don't be surprised if it makes her ridiculous and shallow in the eyes of many lolitas.

>> No.6580569

>well you obviously don't know her
You're right, I don't. But as an outsider I think you're being highly unreasonable. If she's alienating her friends by not attending events, then maybe that's a problem her and the friends need to sort out. I was under the impression friends tend to hang out outside lolita events, I don't think attending fashion events are meant to be exclusive to prove you're friends with people. And it certainly shouldn't be taken as a personal insult if she decides not to go. What kinds of friends are these people?

>> No.6580570

>The problem is that pixie treated it as if she is a pro model who got rejected and as if all that mattered for her was just to be a model.

No, you can't prove this. This is your assumption.

>> No.6580574

From her facebook profile it looks like she is trying to work the professional angle since she describes herself as
>Model/Stylist, Fashion Consultant, Show/Event Organiser
She is none of these things anymore than any amateur lolita who has done a catwalk or two in local cons or has put together a fashion show at same local con. Since she became e-famous, she is treating local meets and events as platforms for self-promotion and as something to add to her overinflated virtual CV. It is self-absorbed to behave like that, it's not like you always have to "be there" and support your friends, but at the same time it's horrible to treat meets and events with your friends as your personal promotion platform. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.6580582

>treating meets as platforms of self-promotion
Lots of people do this though, are you going to stew and fuss over every single one of them?
Or isn't it just easier to let people do what they want with their money and ignore it if they decide not to go to something?

Again, you can't prove that personal promotion was her intent all along (which is laughable because every 'model' there is basically self-promoting, they just happened to get picked) maybe she just legitimately didn't feel like going and preferred a night out with her now ex bf.
I don't see the big deal, and there's really nothing you can say to convince me that it is.

>> No.6580589


Would you just stop whiteknighting P-L, it's pathetic.

>> No.6580595

No, meets are more about meeting up with people.

>> No.6580596

>let people do what they want
Calm down, no one is stopping her from doing what she wants. Everyone can do what they like, but everyone can also judge them based on their actions. Not everyone will like a famewhore regardless of her right to famewhore on as she pleases.

>> No.6580602

>using reason and not attacking someone with assumptions

You're overreacting about someone doing something that they wanted to do.
You're very petty is all I'm saying, even if you could prove p_l just wanted to snub JetJ for not picking her to be a model.

>> No.6580609

Your samefag is showing anon.

>> No.6580610

>mfw posing for a few shoots for GLW e.t.c doesn't make you a model

>> No.6580614

>>everyone can judge her based on her actions
Right, and on the same token someone else can call out your judgments and say that they're not correct.
This conversation sounds over.

>> No.6580622

TPC = tokyo police club?

>> No.6580631

Tea Party Club

>> No.6580644

Okay, I'm not even a UK loli so I don't know why I feel the need to get involved with this. And before you call samefag on me and someone else, just know I haven't said one word in this entire thread. No one's overreacting, no one's keeping p_l from doing what she wants. But from what happened, and how she's been acting, it's not a huge leap to think she's being self-centered.

Someone that claims to be a huge JetJ fan wouldn't miss this for a movie. This is a chance to support one of your favorite designers and you sell your ticket to go see a movie? No, I'm not having that. And if she's not a big enough person to put aside her personal disappointment in order to support a designer she loves and her friends, then who wants to support her?

I'm calling whiteknight too, you're ignoring everything everyone says just to put yourself on a pedestal because you don't judge people like that.

>> No.6580650

Opinions can't be correct or incorrect. And if you want people to respect yours, respect theirs, even if they're ~hurtful~

If people put themselves out there, they are open to criticism, that's what a judgement is. Not everyone wants it but everyone gets it.

>> No.6580651

>Someone that claims to be a huge JetJ fan wouldn't miss this for a movie

So you think just because someone is a fan of something that they're obligated to attend every single event relating to that thing no matter what?

And just because "you won't have that" doesn't mean other people have to live the way in which you would.

I'm not a whiteknight, I just think you are behaving like sperglords.

>> No.6580653
File: 101 KB, 201x216, 1332864592891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opinions can't be correct or incorrect
Brb, my sides seem to be in orbit.

>> No.6580656

No, but if you say JetJ is your favourite brand, then a designer from your favourite brand in your favourite fashion style comes over to your country for one event, then wouldn't you really try to get to the event to meet them? If it was someone that would probably be at events regularly then I can understand not going, but considering they came all the way from Japan... I don't know, it just seems really weird that you would be super excited for an event, buy VIP tickets and tickets to the tea party (only opened to the first few people who bought tickets) and then suddenly lose all interest and go to see a movie instead.

>> No.6580657

>I like cheese
>I don't like cheese

OMG WHICH ONE IS A FACT!!!!!!!! I'M SO FUCKING CONFUSED! HELP ME ANON! Clearly you're the only one who knows the TRUTH!

>> No.6580662

Lol you are laughable.
No one is obligated. But: If you wear a brand and you are a fan and you are planning to go to an event and you buy a VIP ticket for said event.... only to sell it when you find out you don't get to be a model... yes, that says that being a model was your only reason for considering going to said event. Other possible reasons people go:
To see their favorite brand
To have fun with friends
To support their friends who are modelling
To support the organizer who is your friend

If you don't go despite having a ticket already, it means that you being a model > all the other reasons above. So yes, that means you are self-centred. Do you do logic at all?

>> No.6580663


You're acting like there's never going to be another JetJ event ever. There will be more.

>> No.6580670

>to see their friends
So maybe she didn't have friends there to see or cared to go out of her way to see.
>to support their friends who are modeling
Do you know for a fact she was super close with any other models? And why would you take this as a personal snub?

Do you logic at all? These are just your assumptions. These are not facts, these are your speculations.

>> No.6580680

>So maybe she didn't have friends there to see or cared to go out of her way to see
You know nothing of all this if you don't even know who her friends are. There is a reason people keep bringing up this point again and again.

>> No.6580682

Probably not for a while. At least not in the UK. The event cost the TPC a lot of money and it was done specially for the anniversary so it was a special thing.

>> No.6580685

>go out of her way
One would be "going out of their way" if they already had plans for something else and then had to buy a ticket and go to the event. Already planning to go and having tickets and then not going is pretty much the opposite of going out of one's way. She went out of her way NOT to go.

>> No.6580693

>a reason people keep bringing this up again and again
So are you implying these "friends" feel snubbed she didn't go? Again, I ask, what kind of "friends" are these people to shitpost her instead of actually addressing the issue with her? All they're doing is dragging this out like teenagers and curbing the issue which is creating more alienation and more bad blood.

>She went out of her way NOT to go
That doesn't even make any sense. If it wouldn't be going out of her way to go then it shouldn't have been a hassle not to go.

>> No.6580697

Most of the UK community and almost all the London community were there... I know her in real life and I know for a fact that her group of friends did go to this event.

>> No.6580702

/diff anon here
but wait, so basically a bunch of friends are angry at pixie_late because she didn't attend this event and that's why this keeps getting brought up? So then why doesn't anyone just come out and say how they feel instead of making passive-aggressive posts on 4chan?
You can't complain about her alienating her "friends" if these "friends" are alienating her as well.

>> No.6580713

Being friends with pixie late sounds like being friends with a toddler. From what I have heard she is unreliable as hell, she is always running late, she is used to not working and just having everything handed to her and she only cares about herself and throws a tantrum when everything is not about her.

>> No.6580736

I worked for her for a Japanese olympics related event at Southbank. She ran it pretty well (I thought!).

No one is perfect, we all flake or get things wrong sometimes. Everyone is friends currently as far as I'm aware.

>> No.6580772

then you don't know shit

>> No.6580791
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Back with some more photos.

>> No.6580792
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>> No.6580794
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>> No.6580797
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>> No.6580800
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>> No.6580802
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>> No.6580804
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>> No.6580805

Everyone looks absolutely beautiful in these normal pictures. WTF did those photographers use to make everyone look so fug

>> No.6580809
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>> No.6580813
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Sorry this one is blurry.

>> No.6580816
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>> No.6580820
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>> No.6580823
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>> No.6580825
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>> No.6580828
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>> No.6580832
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>> No.6580836
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>> No.6580834
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>> No.6580839

And these were my videos of some of the fashion show

>> No.6580840

Those girls look so sassy!
I'm loving your pictures, anon, please keep posting! Everyone looks lovely!

>> No.6580848
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>> No.6580851
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>> No.6580857
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>> No.6580859
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>> No.6580861

well the photographer sure didn't do them any favours

>> No.6580862
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>> No.6580863


>> No.6580868

So this is the girl with the supposedly thick ankles? How the fuck did those official photographs managed to make her look like that, her legs and ankles look absolutely normal here....

>> No.6580878

Looking at the anons pics here I see what you mean. Something always looked "off" to me about his pics and now I can see it.

>> No.6580972

Love these two dresses. I definitely prefer solid colors with ruffles and fabric details over the painting prints. JetJ does some gorgeous dress designs.

>> No.6580983

Maybe I should change 'friends' to 'friendly'. Regardless, the Jetj event was quite a while ago now. /shrug

>> No.6581016

I came...God Damn Chocolate.

>> No.6581028

Tania, go to bed, your same fagging is obvious
Jetj didn't come to the UK because they wanted to promote their brand, they came because the TPC paid for them to come. There had never been a JetJ party before, not even in Japan so it's unlikely she'll get the chance again.

Anon, in the unlikely case that you're not Tania and that you just don't have any friends so can't see the need to support them, think about this, if she was only looking after her self interests why didn't she come and try and get into the GLB? They were there too. She was embarrassed that not everyone finds her attractive, it's obvious. It's also obvious it's her considering she had no whiteknights at all when it happened, or the other day

>> No.6581043

And that's what makes it so dramatic oh my~

>> No.6581105

Does it bother anyone else how derpy one of the JetJ designers ALWAYS looks? Is she like, mentally handicapped or something?

>> No.6581106

She has a lazy eye, it's nothing to do with being mentally handicapped.

>> No.6581109

>Chokolate was lucky to get a dress

She actually never got to keep the dress. They took it back after the event. She had considered sending them an email about it but didn't want to complain about not getting a free dress.

>> No.6581152


Pat Lyttle is an abysmal photographer and a creeper to boot. He loves them upskirts. I hope he's not at Minami this year.

>> No.6581219

She used to come to some smaller friends-only meets. We'd often get a text from her stating that she was a little late, and she'd turn up around 3-4 hours later for a few minutes before leaving again. I thought that she was just busy, I didn't realise she had that reputation for being flaky. She's great at making friends and seeming sweet as sugar, but I wouldn't count on her to help me out if my house burned down.

>> No.6581235

OK wtf the guy looks like he's dressed up as some kind of 90s schoolboy??

>> No.6581256

Silly, that's the mail guy delivering somebody's burando.

>> No.6581318


>> No.6581350
File: 546 KB, 613x557, guuuuuuurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this other image of her, haha.
Sorry for the horrible memeriffic image.

>> No.6581471

the photographer who took those god awful photos was Rod Mcdonaldhe primarily is a fetish photographe

>> No.6581592


That guy in the back looks like a regular salaryman stuffed in a pink dress.

>> No.6582180

Sorry not here to slay but im gonna do that anyway. Her face resembles a Roman man with thin lips and square boxy face and I agree with the comment about her having cankels....thick ankles are so unflattering for lolitas

>> No.6582182

And Chokelate looks like a tranny. What's your point?

>> No.6582184

Lol no.
She may have a lot of flaws, but criticizing her appearence just makes you sound jeeeeelly~

>> No.6582186


I guess if you mean by Emma or "Memz" who is the girl on the left, you have it wroooooonnnngggg. She stalked her ex-boyfriend ROB that came to that loser show on TV Snog Marry Avoid because she's an attention whore who never gets attention, BROKE into his house and got DUMPED after that. FREAK!

She SLEPT with her friend DOUDOU's boyfriend at the time who looks just as disgusting called JACK. He was really fat and really dirty looking, like her so she could get him.

Then she also fooled around with someone else's girlfriend because she's been a dry one for a few good years. Seems desperate and skanky. LOL Nobody wants to be near her, she's like a plague.

>> No.6582187

You just got done criticizing someone else's appearance. Guess you must be fat and jelly~~~~ too. Enjoy your sandy vagina.

>> No.6582200

I actually think this girl's legs are cute in the Disney Alice in Wonderland sort of way. Thick legs with black mary janes and white tights. It's so cartoony and adorable.

>> No.6582233


No, the one with big sandy vagina in here is definitely you.

>> No.6582234

Be careful. Last time I said think legs were cute in a Alice sort of way I got attacked for skinny shaming

>> No.6582260

So a person can't find different body types attractive?

>> No.6582286

I think it's because he posted every picture of them when they were blinking on the catwalk :/

also when I read pixie_late, I think "pixie latte" as if she's a coffee drink

>> No.6582317

Not on cgl, sorry.

>> No.6582319

Oof, those pictures are definitely not flattering indeed.
On the other hand, it was really dark, and flash photography is always a little difficult. I honestly can't wait until the next event, it was great meeting people that I've always admired from afar (even though I was super nervous), it was a great event and I think that Kyra and the others did an amazing job :)

>> No.6582327

>Omg some girl slept around and is skanky omg you guise!!!
What are you, 12?

>> No.6582337

'Broke into her ex boyfriend's house, cheated with her friend's boyfriend'. That sounds more like a very desperate girl if you ask me. I hope she got in trouble for breaking and entering, creepy much? I don't know this girl but if I you I'd stay away from her.

That sed, this post is on not on topic. And ugh that Snog Marry Avoid programme is so lame, I know a few friends who were asked to be in this and they turned it down because it's degrading. Why would anyone want to be on that show???? Just screams attention whore.

>> No.6582357

I read all this in LSP's voice...
It doesn't sound at all like you have a vendetta there, anon....

>> No.6582384

She has Disney style Alice In Wonderland ankles, which is kinda endearing.

>> No.6582896

Unless there's proof keep your lies to yourself. Oh wait its cgl so it must be the truth

>> No.6582994

omg stop skinny shaming :(

>> No.6583030

Good god, they all have down syndrome.

>> No.6583032

1000 lady boners for Choke.
I love the bitches in the background who are sooo thinking "IM TOO FAT FOR JETJ WHEN IS OOH JIA GOING TO DO A REPLICA OF THIS?"

>> No.6583037

No one at this event wore replicas

>> No.6583038
File: 59 KB, 357x402, 1355463774029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love the bitches in the background who are sooo thinking "IM TOO FAT FOR JETJ WHEN IS OOH JIA GOING TO DO A REPLICA OF THIS?"

Dropped your trip, Chokesalot. How many times are you going to give yourself asspats? You weren't the best one there I've got news for you.

>> No.6583048

Flash photography usually isn't going to be flattering outside of a studio environment. Flash almost always makes photos end up looking like shit.

Those photos with the natural lighting are nice anon. Nice work! :)

>> No.6583082

not choke. Sorry.

>> No.6583114


Please dont tell me people actually think like this whenever they see a fat person standing near a thin person

>> No.6583158

Well then she should come over here and tighten the muzzles on her whiteknights, you're getting rowdy.

>> No.6583192

omg I say pixie latte as well haha <3

>> No.6583350

well then i hope his fetish is ugly people.

seriously, it's like when you take some shitty photos of your friends or family at some casual event and while most of them turn up ok enough, there's this one picture where everyone is blinking or chewing or mid-talking or doing a generally weird face and they all look so awful and unlike themselves that you delete it immediatly.
all of that guy's photos are this exact picture: i'll admit it's statistically pretty impressive.

>> No.6583418
File: 150 KB, 500x281, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg she's so perf

>> No.6584246

I saw other pictures with flash from the event that lolitas posted and they all look better that the official photographers' so it's not just the flash. It's just that both those photographers suck at what they do.

>> No.6586834
File: 91 KB, 1366x768, snm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Memz or Emma this abomination on SNM? lololololol

This is just embarrassing for the Lolita community. I searched it on youtube and I felt like I needed a shower after I watched it. It's the most awkward thing I've ever seen and her face is so squashed looking it pisses me off.

I'm in the UK and I have seen this girl around a lot of the weaboo events but nobody ever gave a shit about her attention whoring because nobody wants to give a shit. It's kinda sad to see someone wanting any kind of attention so bad she'd do anything even if it means looking like a fucking idiot. Ugh those kind of people annoys me the most. She's kinda getting attention now though from anon's post so maybe stop it because she is ugly and not entertaining in any way...it's like a low tier PixyTeri. Least Pixyteri does all kinds of batshit crazy posts with nudes.

"because she's been a dry one for a few good years." That is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6587065

What dress is that? I searched both hellolace and lolibrary, but I couldn't find the name.

>> No.6587079

Chocolate Rosette Salopette


>> No.6587108

>BBC Three

What TV show did that picture came from?

>> No.6587112


Snog, marry, avoid.

>> No.6587110
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 3xKuQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who loves Chokelete?

She's skinny, always looks incredibly in lolita. Even her face just BELONGS to the fashion, I mean come on. She's ethereal, graceful and incredibly intelligent.

She might be full of herself, but there's nobody that pretty who isn't. She always seems really nice to me.
I'm pretty sure you only hate her because you're jelly.

Lobitah is also one of the nicest girls on the internet.

>> No.6587134

>I the only one who loves Chokelete?

She has several thousand fans?

>> No.6587155

>incredibly intelligent

I'm sure someone with more time than me could produce several screencaps that disprove that, but for now I will say... just no.

>> No.6587338

Obvious samefag. Calm down....

>> No.6587405

>incredibly intelligent
She's really not. I agree with you that she's very pretty, but she's not that smart. Pretty sure she didn't even finish high school. On the other hand, Lockshop is doing pretty well so she's obviously not completely dumb. I just wouldn't say she's "incredibly intelligent"

>> No.6587544

Since when do you have to be intelligent to finish high school? If anything more kudos to her for actually achieving something without relying on school.

>> No.6587571



I was predicted A's and B's for all of my GCSE's (British grading) but at the same time I was being bullied pretty fucking horrifically and nobody at the school would do anything about it. I ended up developing some pretty horrendous anxiety and when our GCSE's rolled round I could only bring myself to go into one of the exams, and even then I only lasted about 20 minutes before I ran out to throw up in the sink.

After that I was too afraid to go in for the rest of the exams, too afraid to tell anybody in case I was ignored again. Technically I didn't finish highschool, doesn't mean I'm a dumbass, just means the people who ran my school were a bunch of incompetent pigs.

Like seriously, I remember one time fight breaking out on the field. It was a bunch of chavs all attacking this one lone dude who'd strayed onto their "field-territory". Everybody was stood around watching, and I looked up at the balcony and sure enough, there was 3 teachers stood watching the fight themselves.

>> No.6587605

I can't find her post about in on Tumblr anymore but IIRC anxiety problems lead to her dropping out, much like your story.

I'm sorry to hear that anon, it's such a divided world. Some love school, some loathe school and some fear school. What are you doing now?

>> No.6587627


Thanks, I actually appreciate that.
After highschool I did attend college and at the very least obtain Maths and English which are the really important ones, but the anxiety problems persisted and I didn't take it any farther then that.

I'm looking to study a course on animal care. What I'd really like to do is become some sort of veterinary assistant. I know I don't all the relevant grades but I've heard of people being taken on as receptionists and being trained up from there.

This is why I hate bullies so much though. They've effectively ruined what could have been an extremely successful life for me and I bet they don't even give it a second thought. It's been years and I only really JUST gotten over all of it, and what's worse is when people don't take mental sickness seriously at all. You can break a leg or lose an eye and it's a big deal to everybody because it's visible, physical damage. The brain can become sick just as much as any other organ in the body.

There really needs to be more consequences for idiot children who do that kind of shit.

>> No.6587626

Schools here have different levels of difficulty. One end is geared towards people who will end up in academia, the other end towards people with very hands-on jobs, and there are several levels in between. The 'hands-on' levels can have someone graduate at 16, even 15.
Having no high school diploma whatsoever practically always means that a person
>a) has untreated mental illness that prevents them from functioning in a school environment
>b) has a difficult home situation that does not allow them time for schoolwork (e.g. sick parent, child needs to take care of younger siblings)
>c) is the laziest motherfucker on the planet and doesn't give a fuck about the future
>d) all of the above

You don't have to be intelligent to finish high school. Like, at all. But if your situation sucks then it may seem tempting to drop out. It doesn't say much about her intelligence, but it does say something about her drive and foresight.

>> No.6587645


This. My mother always told me that when it comes to people, you get two types. intellectuals and creatives, and both are as equally as intelligent as other but in many different ways.

She sucked hard at math when she was a kid, but she is an amazing seamstress, artist and cook. She's just so amazing at creating things, and then you have my younger sister who's about as creative as an old sponge and has decided to take a career route towards politics.

I would love to work in a morgue, I don't know what they says about me. Biology fascinates me.

>> No.6587665

School isn't an automatic key to success though, you can achieve a lot without school, as you see with Choke. If she would lack in drive and foresight she wouldn't have been able to build up a business without any education.

I know from a friend how crippling anxiety can be, contributing it simply due to a mental illness or laziness is discrediting anxiety problems caused by external sources.

>> No.6587786

It's just...a fucking online wig shop. There are idiots who run online shops.
It takes no skill whatsoever.

>> No.6587891

It takes some skill to stay organized and actually make money from it.
There are a lot of idiots who open online shops reselling shit, but they eventually crash and burn because they can't keep up with orders, are flaky, lazy, don't know how to market their stuff, etc.

>> No.6588360


just want to say you can have an untreated mental illness and still function in a school/high-pressure environment. i suffer from schizophrenia, and work is my escape from the delusions. i emigrated to avoid the stigma of having schizophrenia on my medical record, and happier for keeping it hidden.

>> No.6588457

It's really not hard to organize an online store and run it. It's nothing like the effort it takes to run a physical shop.
It's requires no skill unless you're selling handmade goods that require talent.
The only creative element that she does about her site is take the pictures.

>> No.6591804

Avoid. Both of them. lol

>> No.6591828


Her horsey faced asian friend is really annoying. She takes so many pictures of me when she spots me in events.

>> No.6591865
File: 309 KB, 650x433, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found me

>> No.6591921

>but wait, so basically a bunch of friends are angry at pixie_late because she didn't attend this event and that's why this keeps getting brought up? So then why doesn't anyone just come out and say how they feel instead of making passive-aggressive posts on 4chan?

Exactly this. I've been "friends" with pixie_late for a long time as well as a lot of other uk lolitas and it seems like a lot of drama about her not attending things are more apparent after the emergence of certain people in the community. I put quotation marks on friends because I'm casual friends with her but I'm friends with everyone lol.

It is getting on my nerves that she has been brought up on several occasions purely because she could not attend events, it's not about her!

Just face it girls, she has a busy life and friends outside of lolita, sadly like most of us do! But maybe these so called "friends" who keeps on bringing her up doesn't... which explains why the shit stirring continues. I have a pretty good idea who these girls are btw and it's mainly two girls. From my point of view it's entertaining to see them trying to claw their way into her life for such a long time.

Advice-- Do yourself a favour, stop obsessing over and getting bitter about p_l abandoning you…we don't want to hear your internal turmoil which is not relevant to lolita events. Bring it up with her, not as anon.

I don't think she has a group of friends. If you follow her on her fb, twitter, blog you can tell she is friends with a lot of girls but she does not have just one small group she hangs out with a lot.

>> No.6591945

Holy Shit

>> No.6591970

It's just so fucking embarrassing seeing the girls at this event in AP or whatever, especially that one fat girl in the union jack sweater and the mailman boy. Especially that black girl who seems to be an organizer, nasty nappy wig and no make-up. It's also so obvs that JetJ only wanted white girls for this event, "Tea Party and Fashion show in LOONNDOONNN" sounds so fancy for Japan.

Also, I think Pixie_Latte and Choke(latte) too for some reason. Hey Choke, is it just pronounced Chocolate or Choke-late?

>> No.6591982

Fucking THIS.
I was diagnosed with bipolar as a teenager (runs in the family, unfortunately) but I still got my shit together to finish school and then go on to get a Masters. I'm not saying it's easy, but unless you have some serious financial or familial obligations at home, acquiring a basic education is possible.

>> No.6591983
File: 144 KB, 427x688, -_-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that no one in this thread has pointed out yet that it's pixe-LATE. As in being LATE, tardy, not on time, etc.
She even tells people that. It's not "latte" like the espresso drink

>> No.6591997

Northern loli here. So the frills and frolics girls are pissed off with pixie_late for not attending an event they didn't organise and weren't modelling for? And that she has a new boyfriend?

And then pixie_late


whiteknights herself and slags them off back? What?

So glad I don't live in London

>> No.6592001

I'm sorry but then you probably don't have those issues. You need to appreciate that your experience isn't everyone's experience of life, mine was fucking destroyed by mental health issues.

>> No.6592014

that's a hell loads of pixie there eh? Oh you...why do people think saying hi thur p_l or pointing who's anon on an anon board means she's right?

>> No.6592020

It's cgl.......there's been a lot of choke on a lot of boards too apparently.

I'm the anon that posted the some questioning posts up there about her friends so no I'm not p_l. But I think the more direct personal ones about that Emma could be her or her personal whiteknights. :/ Also that's not the frills and frolics girls??? They don't exist everyone is a frills or a tic girl if you're a loli.

>> No.6592021

Ment to say tpc

>> No.6592027

Well, you also need to appreciate that your experience isn't everyone's.
My aunt also was diagnosed with bipolar and she lived like a normal person, now she is married and waiting for a kid. My cousin also has a normal lif with schizophrenia, he graduated just fine.

You probably had problems yourself, but you can't say someone "prolly didn't have issues" just because they could live a normal life.

>> No.6592028

I meant the people who set up the facebook group? On the page it says Tania, Emma and Wing so I guess that's the girl from snog marry avoid and her 'horsey faced asian friend'? I don't think either of them were in the fashion show so I don't know why they're so pissed? Or why Tania is so pissed with them?

>> No.6592031

I just looked on the f&f site and they're not the one who made it, they're just mods. I thought you meant 'Katie Carter' that p_l have been hanging out with since last year. since that katie girl seems to be more of a frills & frolics girl than any of them.

>> No.6592036

She's been hanging out with a girl called Katie?

I think they set up f&f together, I was on tania's fan page and fb for a while before she deleted everyone and emma was in like everyone of her group pictures until the JetJ event. Just wondered what happened?

>> No.6592049

The girl that modelled with her on GLW and was manning her stall at HJ. I follow p_l on her twitter, fb page and blog but she only accepted my friends request a couple months ago. idc what happened. lol also i don't see the group pics?

if she deleted everyone why is she still replying to a lot of other lolis on fb? Seems like those girls were snubbed and got butthurt so they went here to vent?

>> No.6592068

And you have a thriving, online store? Link to it? Maybe some people would be interested in buying something.

>> No.6592071

Emma and wing has this vendetta against Kyra and we all know Kyra is too busy to go on cgl with her job and organising events. Emma has no job and is a student with more than enough hours to spend on cgl day and night. Anon problem solved!

>> No.6592077

Don't know her, didn't go to hyper. Since she only accepted your friends request after this happened you wouldn't have seen the pictures would you? But they hung out like every day.

idk she deleted everyone in the summer, not just a few people she didn't know and then added them back. I didn't send a request since we've never really spoken

p_l has so many fans that she's going to get support no matter what I'm just wondering why her besties are slagging her off? They just came off crazy until p_l did the same thing.

>> No.6592079

You're getting confused because this is a tea party club thread and kyra is the organiser but you all are talking about p_l who has nothing to do with tea party club. /mindfuck

Saying that, it's true, I'm friends with kyra and tania both and they are both busy with jobs and their love lives where those girls don't seem to have one. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.6592087

Diff anon here, I don't think they're besties LOL p_l's besties were kyra and this girl called jessica. I've been out of lolita for so long, hell i don't even dress it for 4 years now, but I'm friends with her on and off and it seems like p_l actively didn't attend these girl's outings, etc and then they got angry. I'm a busy person myself and I have a 9-5 job and a partner so I get what p_l is going through, even though she deleted me before. She's just getting rid of unwanted friends.

To me they look like the crazy ones getting personal on 4chan because a 'friend' doesn't want to hang out with you anymore. Sadly that's what happens to people. You drift apart if you don't think they are worth it. I've done this to a toxic friend of mine and now we're okay but it did take a year or so for them to cool off.

so errr even though i don't know p_l as a bestie, I've known her much longer than the newbies you mentioned.

>> No.6592094

Sounds like p_l had enough of shit stirrers and decided to lash back? Good for her! I always though she's a bit too soft on people even when she organises things. I prefer Kyra's style of leadership, she doesn't take shit so I'm kinda glad p_l's now responding. This is still speculations but if the anon who said personal stuff back on this thread is her, I'm liking p_l more and more.

>> No.6592139

i always pronounced like pixelate, so...

>> No.6592454
File: 71 KB, 528x384, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you achieved something, so I bet you were normal in the first place rather than a hard worker who got over your shit
I think you're just jelly because she has a masters and you are a dropout bashing others for what you're incapable of doing yourself. Shame on you. My best friend suffers from bipolar disorder, and it is not a "fake" illness, especially if it's hereditary. Again, shame on you.

>> No.6593122

Why is it embarrassing for people to be in AP? In case you didn't get it, this wasn't some Juliette et Justine tea party or event. This was a London lolita event where JetJ were invited and got their expenses paid to be guests.

You seem confused, so let me explain: Events hosted by brands have each brand's dress code. The brands throw these events to reward and gather their loyal customer base together so of course at a JetJ tea party you'd wear JetJ. On the other hand there are events organized by parties not affiliated with any brands where brands are the guests. There is no dresscode at such events. If it was me, yes, I would wear JetJ. But it wasn't a prerequisite or an expectation at that event, JetJ were just the special guest, it wasn't their event.