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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 131 KB, 1100x405, kotn-feature-home-2-1100x405_091720121113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6571492 No.6571492 [Reply] [Original]

So did anyone end up watching this show? What did you all think of it? Were you surprise it wasn't AS terrible as you thought....

Link: http://www.1channel.ch/watch-2737278-Ki-of-the-Nerds

>> No.6571522

I watched it last night, it made me cringe quite a bit but in the end I was looking forward to more.
Mostly I just want to see more interesting challenges.

>> No.6571597

Here's a challenge:
Get a job and move out of your mother's basement.

>> No.6571628

NO. If you watch reality tv you need to be shot. Even worse since its about 'le epic nerd culture xDD'

>> No.6571643

I thought the first ep was pretty boring as far as reality tv goes. I'm looking forward to this week though because the challenge involves cosplay and yaya is a judge. That has to be entertaining right?

>> No.6571672
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>it wasn't AS terrible as you thought....
It wouldn't have been if not for fatty mcfats being a failure of a human and getting the autist with the photographic memory kicked off the show (he was one of the few likeable ones in my opinion).

>> No.6571722
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Panser/Danielle annoys the shit out of me on youtube, I didn't want to watch her on this.

As another poster said, this le epix nerd culture xD is annoying as shit.

>> No.6571836

>I'm looking forward to this week though because the challenge involves cosplay and yaya is a judge.
Definitely watching this.

>> No.6571851

>because the challenge involves cosplay and yaya
Confirmed for shit show. But do let me know if miss drag queen flips a shit. I can see her and that Danielle bitch butt heads.

>> No.6571854

Turned it off after the 'teehee choosing a nerd last!' part, flipped back as they started playing chess, watched that part.

The whole show is still really side-eye worthy though. Really cringing for next week's cosplay theme...

>> No.6571861


It also involves George Takei, who is a total fucking bro.

Why are all the nice guys only interested in cock? Sigh...

>> No.6571930

What's the big fucking deal about Celeste? She can solve a rubix cube, whoop de doo. And professional gamer? Please, everyone in that house can play games and I'm willing to bet even Danielle could kick her can.
She strikes me as a snake. Why would you keep a person around who claims to be openly competitive and will probably throw you under the bus later? Wow.

>> No.6571939

>Implying women want nice guys

>> No.6571973

>She strikes me as a snake.
Especially the way she played both sides during the team picking.
Pretty smart though.

>> No.6571974


/r9k/, is that you?

>implying I wouldn't ravish Christan Jessen

>> No.6571971


Actually, anybody can solve a Rubix cube in a matter of minutes if you follow a specific set number of turns and twists. It's the same one every time and works every time as well.

I haven't seen this show, but I'm betting the girl has memorized this.


>> No.6571985

Like has anyone actually seen her game in the house? They seem to stick with her because they label her the "gamer" but srsly, how good is she? I feel like that label is the only thing saving her now, and it doesn't appear like it's been proven yet.

>> No.6571992

There was a shot of her playing a game with a wiimote. It was probably Super Smash Brothers.

>> No.6571997

I think there was one scene with her playing smash bros with (i think his name was) Ivan for like a split second.

>> No.6572010

>professional gamer
I lol'd. But seriously, it's not hard to play Smash Bros.

>> No.6572017

When I saw Yaya Han on the commercial for this, I wanted to kill myself for a split second.

>> No.6572018

What team does she play on and what games does she compete in? I did see clips of her sitting with what looked like a team of guys at a competition.

>> No.6572023

Maybe that was what they wanted to play? It doesn't prove anything for or against her when it comes to her being a professional gamer.

>> No.6572027

I think she specializes in FPS?
I heard that somewhere, maybe it was in her bio or something.

>> No.6572033


My name is Celeste & I'm random, clumsy & awkward.


I competed in Halo for 6 years and I have the greatest memories from it! I also loved trying to get good at different genres (see vids). I've been a gamer all my life (competitive and casual) and now, I'll be stepping back from the gaming scene to concentrate on what I've always wanted to do : Go to school and live life to the fullest! I currently study Computer Science at University of Waterloo. Aside from gaming, I love solving Rubik's Cubes, collecting plush toys and hanging around!

>> No.6572036

>It doesn't prove anything for or against her when it comes to her being a professional gamer
Which is my point, which is why I was saying it's retarded they regard that label.

>> No.6572047

>competed in halo
What does this even mean? Was it at parties? An actual event?
I mean in high school I used to go to these Halo tournaments hosted in my friends' basements but that doesn't make me a professional. It's very vague.

>> No.6572069

I got that from her youtube where she also listed this.


Halo 2/3/Reach

MLG Chicago '07

MLG Toronto '07 (Canadian Open - MLG Canada)

MLG Toronto '08

MLG Meadowlands '09

MLG Columbus '09

MLG Columbus '10

MLG Orlando '10

MLG Dallas '10

MLG Columbus '11

MLG Providence '11

MLG Columbus '12


AMP Your Game Video Game Tour '08

E3 '10

PAX Prime '10

PAX East '11

E3 '11

ReveLAtions '11

Lord only knows how well she placed in those. She has playlists on her channel for DJ Hero, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, DDR/Stepmania and then Halo. So from a glance it looks like she mostly plays rhythm games?

>> No.6572084

Here's her halo playlist


>> No.6572089

Havn't seen it yet, going to watch the frist episodewith a friend this weekend

>> No.6572094

Lol@ that Genevieve girl
>"Well he smokes. How smart can someone be if they're damaging their own health?"

Einstein smoked you dumb bitch. Lots of smart people have.

>> No.6572095

I'm going to brace for impact just in case this goes like the Steampunk special MTV did back in 07 or 08. Shortly after it aired, the big forum I was on was flooded by new people who didn't have the patience to even read the damned sticky about the fashion in general or post their outfits in the dedicated 'Is this SP?' area and instead clogged up and crashed the forum.
I hope we don't get a torrent of idiotic newcomers who have no concept of learning the basics as happened in the SP community, but I'll be ready just in case.

And while Yaya has been questionable, I thank fuck they didn't get JNig; at least Han has photos of complex costumes up as opposed to lingerie+prop.

>> No.6572102
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<She knows lots bout batman and ... norse gods n stuff

>> No.6572233

I hate this chick. She looks like an autistic girl I knew in high school.

>> No.6572256

I absolutely adore this show, but I was heart broken when Hendrick got kicked. It's crazy that Jon got him kicked off (If we're pretending like Alana didn't) when Hendrick had picks Jon to be on the team.
I have the show recorded and have watched the first episode like 5 or 6 times already. I'm in love.

>> No.6572264

Hendrik seemed like a really good contender too, he should have just used his photographic memory and played against computers like jon did.
Also, fuck Alana.

>> No.6572274

Saw the first episode while channel surfing. Cringed so hard.. Probably will watch the next just to see what horror awaits me. I have a feeling this show is going to be like watching a train wreck.

>> No.6572321
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>George Takei
I fucking love George Takei but he is such a shameless attention whore, oh my god.

>> No.6572501

I haven't watched the show so can someone please explain to me - what sort of "challenges" do they give the contestants? Trivia contests? Who has the biggest collection of plastic figurines? Since you can call yourself a "nerd" these days for having just about any interest in anything I don't really see how a TV show could issue challenges that everyone would (theoretically) have an equal chance of competing at.

>> No.6572531

At least half of the contestants have jobs in math and science fields, NASA, stuff like that. Only a few seem like the type with basements full of comics and toys. The only challenge so far was a game of chess. Doesn't seem as bad as it first sounded.

>> No.6572558

I don't remember her name, but the chick with the pink hair bothers the ever- living fuck out of me. The self proclaimed "Queen of WoW". She comes across as a desperate try hard.
> people just see pink hair and rainbows and assume I'm stupid. I'm smart.
No, people assume you're stupid because you show you are stupid.

>> No.6572591

And yet you know she'll be in the top 2 simply due to ratings.

>> No.6572609

I think she makes a living off of youtube videos.
She comes off as kind of a bitch to me.

>> No.6575052
File: 26 KB, 338x599, alana-smith-brown-king-of-the-nerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alana is fucken dumb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBBhCE7yU

Seriously so far she's said
>>Girls are nerds too! BITCHEZ
yes we know nerds are girls. That's why the first two picks were girls....
>> I don't have to go home BITCHEZ
yes....and you wonder why you were last picked
Then she sends Hendrik home....

It pisses me off that they are voting the best off first so you know Sugar Plum & her are going to be in the finale
she sounds like Howard from BBT

>> No.6575058
File: 96 KB, 430x286, My favorite picture from my modeling portfolio...I think lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she is TradeChat on jewtube


>> No.6575061

I need to punch her in the throat.

>> No.6575075
File: 14 KB, 499x181, ia ramse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up catching the first episode over the weekend, there was definitely some second hand embarrassment to be had from some of the contestants. Felt kinda bad for the fella who got kicked off first, though. He definitely got cheated on account of Alana.

Curious to see what this "cosplay" episode's going to be about.

>> No.6575090

we hate Yaya now?
since when?

>> No.6575092

Are you serious

>> No.6575111

It's as if you've never been here before or something...

Alana drove me insane. she kept shitting on herself and everyone around her. If I were on that show I would straight up tell her to calm the fuck down and stop shitting out of the shower heads... Also that other girl who is team leader, rude as well. "He must not be smart because he smokes." Bitch, Einstein smoked a pipe!

I hope some of the other players are cooler, and the coolest guy so far is already eliminated.

>> No.6575114

where are the minority males?

>in b4 lel noone kare

>> No.6575117

There are an awful lot of chick "nerds" but it's definitely disproportionate to reality. Probably for ratings.

>> No.6575120 [DELETED] 


>i said males

y u do dis? you think im dumb or something and dont mean exactly what i say?

>> No.6575124
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1090137788758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you realized your failed reading comprehension before you deleted your post anon-chan.

>> No.6575131


lel i just didn't want to be a meanie pie, thats why i deleted it.

>> No.6575134

this thread just got me started watching the first episode on tbs, paused to say (and google who the girl was) that Genevieve is the super adorable. I hope I won't unpause and immediately retract that statement when she does something horrible and catty.

Fat Genevieve however looks like the kind of loser I knew in high school. Ughhhhh

>> No.6575139

Chick nerds exist, and there are a lot of them, but the amount portrayed in the show compared to the amount of men is disproportionate. However, they probably did this for the sake of ratings.

l2read and please for the love of god stop typing like the human incarnation of tumblr

>> No.6575141
File: 1001 KB, 1588x867, fucking diagrams how do they work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a terrible idea that attracted terrible people and was all around terrible.
The chill bro who put Desert Bus as his favorite video game was the only hope of the show being good, and the only real "nerd" on it.
But then the fat bitch fucked him over with her chess advice and got him kicked off.
No reason to keep watching a bunch of attention whores trying to be "so nerdy".
Also they cant even do venn diagrams right.

>> No.6575142

5-man hero DPS... she's a queen of nothing, even if attractive looking...

>> No.6575148


i know that, but i wasn't focusing on dat.

i said.

wher be da brown men at?

>> No.6575150

None of them applied to be on the show

That or black male nerds were too nerdy to be on the nerd show.

>> No.6575152

We need to remake the show with just black otakus as contestants.

>> No.6575156


>> No.6575160

I wonder if Thad is still in jail

>> No.6575162

Actually kind of surprised that none of them really fit into the otaku category.

>> No.6575178

anime nerd is still pretty taboo nerd i guess

>> No.6575181

Nobody likes anime anymore.

The otaku generation ended 5 years ago.

>> No.6575184

I just watched ep 1 of this show. It is not that terrible really. But i hate Alana and the Gamer Girls. They think they are so special. Joshua is a douche too. And poor Hendrik. His awkwardness was really adorable.

>> No.6575188

Also, if you read his bio and stuff, Hendrik was really the one person who deserved to win.

>> No.6575190

But we still have weebs, which they definitely could have done something with.
I'd rather have a dirty weeb on the show than Alana because then I could at least laugh at them instead of going full rage mode.

>> No.6575197

knowing hendrick goes home makes it so hard to watch because fuck if he isnt totally awesome :(

>> No.6575198

When he volunteered for the nerd off he said something along the lines of "I'm here to test my limits"
It really is a shame that he was kicked out mostly due to someone else's incompetence.

>> No.6575205

TV land is only allowed to reference "nerdy" things that everyone else has heard of. The contestants would be nothing but bleachfags and narutards, which could make it rage-inducing enough that I might actually watch it.

>> No.6575204

I so agree with you guys. Alana really makes me rage, I hope next episode she will go, cause urg.. disgusting.

>> No.6575219

Is this what happens when someone tries to make Big Bang Theory into a reality show?

>> No.6575229

well, Virgil lists Serial Experiments Lain as his favorite show, I think it's fair to say he's more than likely an otaku. Also, he totally looks like one.

>> No.6575242

as annoying as alana is, I'd probably act the same way if for some reason I got onto the show and realized my star trek TNG collection and measly bachelor of science was all I had behind me when these guys are hard core geniuses. I'd feel 100% out-nerded.

>> No.6575245

mfw people only dislike Alana because she's a fat ugly chick

let's not kid ourselves now

>have no opinion of her personally, could take or leave really

>> No.6575278

I agree with you. I think she's just a less cute version of Danielle.
I still don't really like the girls besides Moogega though.

>> No.6575281

Don't kid yourself. Her personality is also creepy.

>> No.6575293

Agreed, she's the only one with an unabrasive personality and seems to be the most well-adjusted contestant on the show from what we've seen so far.

>> No.6575297

I don't think that she's creepy, I just think that she is unlikable because she seems to have a victim complex, has out of place outbursts (Girls can be nerds too), and is markedly more awkward than the others.

>> No.6575315

She acts the most stereotypically nerdy of all the girls, I think.

>> No.6575320

I dislike Alana for her whining ''I've been a loser all my life, that is why i am a nerd, abloobloobloo''. I don't care what she looks like. Not that i like any of the girls except Moogega though. She is the least attention whoring of them all.

>> No.6575334

Actually she said she has an associates. (aka a GED plus).
I have only seen a third of an episode. I find it odd that people think fat Alana has to prove her nerd credentials any more than pink girl who appears to have the same shitty creds with the sizable distinction in that pink is fuckable.

Pink one annoys me most do far. I think it is TELLING that these two were picked last.

>> No.6575359

Who's doubting Alana's "nerd cred"? She's a big nerd, she's just more towards the loser/fan nerd side than the techy/geeky nerd side.

>> No.6575416

>And while Yaya has been questionable, I thank fuck they didn't get JNig; at least Han has photos of complex costumes up as opposed to lingerie+prop.

although they both have that "Makeup is effectively the same for EVERY COSTUME" problem

i really think Yaya would look so much better if she turned down the makeup a few notches

sage for off topic

>> No.6575422

> hard core geniuses


Its reality tv.

>> No.6575479


Well no fucking wonder. MLG players always think they're hot shit.

>> No.6575524
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Must be the name.

>> No.6575617

And thinking you're hot shit for playing with Training wheels (Aim assist) is just silly

at least she was playing in something resembling balanced and not fucking CoD

it would be HILARIOUS if there was a PC FPS challenge and she got wrecked

>> No.6575687

you can't say hendrik, moogega, virgil, jon etc aren't extremely intelligent people. moogega got a phd at 24, that's really fucking impressive. celeste and the other gamers are far less impressive, but maybe i'm just biased towards the academic nerds.

>> No.6575723

>PC FPS challenge and she got wrecked
God I hope this actually happens.

>> No.6575728

I have only ever heard the term MLG used sarcastically.

>> No.6575981

Don't care for Yaya on it.

>> No.6576015

Yeah I highly doubt they would ever get Jnig while she is extremely popular it's for all the wrong the reasons ... I mean she can't even make her own damn props her cosplay talent is boobs pushed up ...

She's like Kim kardashian famous for no reason when Kim K tries to act in movies no one takes her seriously but she's still famous as fuck so eh

>> No.6576036

So are we going to have a livewatch in here, or migrate to /tv/ for the night?

>> No.6576167

OP, this makes me think back to Beauty and the Geek where there were some hopeless geeks but a few ones that turned out cute with a lot of work.

Haven't seen the episode yet but oh dear this looks so bad yet I'll probably can't stop watching.

>> No.6576169


Watch it with /v/.

>> No.6576208

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of Beauty and the Geek. That show was kind of cute, but this shit is stupid.

>> No.6576234

I originally thought it would really give us some hard core nerds of comics and cartoons. Not actual super smart people. Having all these smart people on it and then just throwing a gamer and a comic book fan seems really unfair. But yeah miss "I was on the chess team" needs to go the fuck home.
Also from what I've seen for the cosplays this week it's going to be a laugh riot of bad.

>> No.6577604
File: 743 KB, 320x256, ragnarosmanco2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what annoys me the most. She's such a faux WoW nerd, it's just painful to hear her brag about it. She is a super casual who has achieved nothing of note in game.

When the dragon aspect mount was released on the Blizz store she begged on Facebook for someone to buy it for her, and since her fans are fucking suckers, someone did. She begs for money to go to Blizzcon then produces little to no content for the trip her fans bought for her.

No one watches her vidos for actual content, she's like that Hannah Minx chick, the sparse content is just a veiled excuse for guys to stare at her tiny tits and pink hair. She knows this too, thats why whenever she wants something she pulls out the I'm a girl, here's me in a bikini or me dancing, win me something.

At least the annoying shits like Towliee and Athene have a leg to stand on for their attention whoring, they've actually done something in game.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.6577907

>It's as if you've never been here before or something...

I know there have always been the jealous hambeasts but Yaya never really did anything hate worthy to my recollection

>> No.6577968

Just to catch you up on years of things.

>Patented those Ear and Wing designs (which she took from Coscom) and started making it rain with cease and desist orders to anyone who made anything remotely "close".
>Super snobby attitude towards anyone who can't be seen as a potential partner/client/stepping stone
>Completely shat all over multiple entries at WCS US Qualifiers 2012 while that reality TV show pilot was there, filming the Judging deliberations

And others will be willing to share. But those are some key pointers.

>> No.6578523

>>Completely shat all over multiple entries at WCS US Qualifiers 2012 while that reality TV show pilot was there, filming the Judging deliberations

Woah, never heard about this drama. What happened?

>> No.6578549

I was told by a participant of WCS last year in the green room. Apparently she was callously talking about the craftsmanship of a few entrants and was not holding back.

>> No.6578754

You girls are fucking adorable.

>> No.6578762
File: 484 KB, 275x210, disgonbegood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else watching tonight?

I have literally nothing better to do while I finish mindlessly writing SOAP notes.

I had to download the first episode just to see what happens.
>Dat fat chick's chess advice.

Did he get mated in... six moves? I feel bad for the guy.

>> No.6578772

gonna tivo it and come back. Should be a good midnight riot~

>> No.6578779

Damn. We should get a "watch TV show and laugh" running commentary with the 4 or so people currently perusing

>inb4 "this isn't fucking justin tv. pls go."

>> No.6578788

I'd tiny chat this with some peeps later tonight if anyone's up~

>> No.6578806

Any place I can watch the first episode online?

>> No.6578804

I could be down for this. But, I'd be surprised if other seagulls are. You don't have to sign up for tiny chat right? (yeah yeah)

>> No.6578811

I don't think so. I torrented mine.

>> No.6578826

There's usually a huge thread in /v/ with a livestream. I don't usually visit /v/ but they seemed kind of fun to be in.

>> No.6578844


>> No.6578873

Nah, you can be a guest.

>> No.6578877



>> No.6578891

Meh the /v/ chat is moving too fast for a coherent dialogue/commentary.

Oh well. I'll still chill in there to see if any interesting comments pop up. Interested to hear /cgl/'s opinion on this episode as it deals with cosplay.

>> No.6578896

das raycis

>> No.6578901

"My primary experience with cosplay is my female friends dressed as boys, making out with other girls dressed as boys."

>> No.6578902


>> No.6578904

I lost all my shit at this quote

>> No.6578913

Wow right to fucking steam punk

>> No.6578914

I hate you Genevive.

"My character is an orphan... who becomes a badass..."

>> No.6578916

Steam punk :-\
This isn't really .... normal cosplay is it?

Also this fat chick is just running her mouth at this point.

>> No.6578936


And imo original characters is kind of against the point too, but of course rights to copyrighted characters will probably be too hard (which I suppose they would need for a TV show?).

>> No.6578939

I'm votin for the Orange team. They have their shit together.

>> No.6578940

This isn't cosplay, this is dress-up.

>> No.6578947

Never watched it but the pink hair girl (aka TradeChat or whatever) is the biggest gamurgurlzzzz ive ever seen. She's pretty abnoxious. She used her "modeling" photos in her bid for King Of the Web title which was her in scantily clad clothing in questionable poses.

>> No.6578953


>> No.6578958

And of course now she's a scantily clad elf chick...

>> No.6578963

Holy fuck those terrible as shit Party City wigs

what the fuck

>> No.6578964

Alana confirmed for shitty wig.

>> No.6578966

If fat cunt doesn't go home I'll be fucking amazed

>> No.6578972

That Alana bitch is fucking horrible.

She's right about Virgil. He's aspy-ing the fuck out of the other team.
>mfw he's more concerned with being called a "dick" than the reason he's been called a dick.

I think Virgil is the character that /v/ is supposed to identify with.

Lastly, before I get back to watching the shit out of this:

>> No.6578974

"Her costume was spot on... with the exception of her gigantic thunder thighs, which she didn't have."


>> No.6578978

Stop making me hate you, Genevieve. I hate you SO MUCH!

>> No.6578995

Yaya looks pained.

>> No.6578992

"Do you guys not want to win?"
That dude is awesome. Screams common se- OH MY GOD THE FAT CHICK IS TALKING.

It's like... it's like watching a train full of children explode.

>> No.6579005

Yaya is too good for this shit.

That says more about this shit than Yaya.

>> No.6579006

"I like Danielle's costume."

I bet you do.

>> No.6579017

Watching the blue team explain their characters was painful, then we see the orange team who actually has their shit together

>> No.6579018

>becomes badass

mary sue bullshit

>> No.6579025

Yaya looks like she wants to cringe, but she knows she's on TV

>> No.6579032

>george takei liked the song


>> No.6579033

Wasn't even a contest

>> No.6579034

Flaming sword was pretty cool tbh.

>> No.6579038


Yes it was!

>> No.6579040

Yaya, what the hell. The only thing you say is that you liked the CUBE?? That was the worst costume of them all! It wasn't even a costume, it was a glorified backpack.

/raging hard

>> No.6579041

woah rude alana throwing him under the bus while he goes to get her a drink

>> No.6579051


>> No.6579054

Alana should go home already. I have a headache when she talks.

>> No.6579061

"I know where you sleep at night... and there are knives in the kitchen." Someone call this girl for a straight jacket.

>> No.6579067

The way he said it... I get the impression he had to *say* something positive about that team. It really was the only thing worth commenting about.

And, to be fair, watching this I thought Genevieve did the best on that team.

It's good strategy. She really needs to cover her ass. Problem is, Virgil dug a pretty deep grave.

This isn't particularly deep though, the way they're playing up Virgil as "the logical choice" I anticipate Alana in the nerd-off against Genevieve.

Plus, I don't think the blue team is stupid, they need Virgil.

The melodrama isn't even entertaining. She's just grating. She's the sort of girl that acts like that and rationalizes her absence of a social life as, "people hate me because of my nerdy interests." No, Alana, you are an insular, socially-blunted, histrionic cunt- that's why you don't have friends.

>> No.6579068

Moogega is seriously cute... I ain't even sorry.

Orange team has their shit put together and Virgil is a motherfucking aspie. Still not as bad as Alana

>> No.6579070

>i get you water, gaiz

>> No.6579071


>> No.6579073


I agree completely.

>> No.6579072

Genevive thinks she's GOOD at cosplay?

>> No.6579076

They both are, really. Alana's just more aggressive and Virgil is beyond beta

>> No.6579077

I fucking lost it at that.
If that's the only thing you did then you deserve to fucking leave.

>> No.6579081

>hidden talents

Somewhere in all those fat rolls...

>> No.6579085

She's a model too guys.


>> No.6579087

How much more does that bitch needs to cry?

>> No.6579088


lol danielle

>> No.6579089

Alana needs to go.

She contributed to Hendrik's lose thus needs to pay the price for failure.

>> No.6579090

Danielle confirmed for backstabbing bitch


>> No.6579093

Were we really surprised?

>> No.6579096

This stream is giving me a fuck.

>> No.6579095


lol fuck no, she's just a gurl gamer that has a pretty face and guarantees rating from her white knight army.

>> No.6579101

"I've been watching Star Wars since I wa"

I blacked out here. What the fuck? I'm post-ictal. I think I just had a seizure. Stupid is to me as bright flashing lights are to epileptics.

>> No.6579104

Maybe Alana should roll herself down the hill, she couldn't miss.

>> No.6579112

me thinks she hit the black night
oh shit a come back


>> No.6579110

how do you fuck up so bad at rolling something down a hill

>> No.6579117

What the FUCK



>> No.6579118

She's an asshole and an idiot. She got rid of Hendrik.

Jon has it in the bag

>> No.6579122

Duh she's gonna hit it and then Jon will somehow loose by only 100 points and they can keep the bitch everyone hates on for a few more weeks to make people keep watching to see her throw bitch fits.

>> No.6579130

This, lrn2 reality tv guys

>> No.6579126

Remind me who said this again? I wanna shit in a box and mail it, 10/10 would rage again.

>> No.6579127

Alana is to King of the Nerds as Josie was to Top Chef seattle

>> No.6579128


I have a feeling that is going to be true.

>> No.6579134

Genevieve is kinda adorable. So is Moogega. Danielle is pretty but she claims to be the pro Wow player and... no. Celeste just comes off untrustworthy.

Yaya rocked Chun-Li

Lana needs to go...

>> No.6579133


>> No.6579139




>> No.6579140

You let me down Jon.

>> No.6579141

Called it.

Looks like that leaked list is true...

>> No.6579142


>> No.6579143

I'm so fucking mad I was right though.

>> No.6579145

Can someone summarize the episode? I'm too embarrassed to watch but interested about what the cosplay challenge was.

>> No.6579150

Oh god all my rage

I'm shitting bullets

>> No.6579153

Just shootin the shit.

>> No.6579157

CaRLOS you're making it worse.

>> No.6579158
File: 194 KB, 386x480, 1280844064129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue team had a horrible set of costumes. Orange team was boss as fuck.

Alana tried to throw Virgil under a bus for being a clever little shit, and instead Jon lost because Alana got fucking lucky as shit.

Alana also made a billion threats towards Virgil including a little passive aggressive stab to kill him in his sleep for "not being a team player"

Also Genevieve needs to leave her gated community fantasy world and get thrown into a public school and grow the fuck up.

>> No.6579159


link to list?

>> No.6579167

It was suppose to be like scifi vs larp I think. At least that is how it turned out. Larp side did well and knew how to make costumes. The scifi side though...it was painful to look at. Fat bitch was a princess. what a fucking shock.

>> No.6579175

/tv/'s thread posted it and was taken down soon after. Alayna is in it for another 2 or 3 weeks via the list and Brandon wins

>> No.6579172
File: 28 KB, 817x136, 1359085191334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saddens me Alana isn't going home next

>> No.6579174

I'll re-host on imgur here:
Spoiler alert, I guess. The end result is okay, though.

I don't know. I think I'm done with this show. That Alana bitch is too much.

>> No.6579181

I'm so sad. I decided to watch for shits and giggles and then the super chill guy ended up leaving. :C

>> No.6579199

>No Virgil

>> No.6579204

wheres virgil?

>> No.6579213

He obviously gets killed by Alana

>> No.6579241

How much do you think they paid Yaya?

>> No.6579247


They probably paid her airfare/room and gave her a free table.

>> No.6579266


>The guy who looks and acts most like a character on their hit-rating show BBT wins

Oh wow. What a surprise, they pick the IRL Leonard.

>> No.6579283

ba-dum tss

>> No.6579506

Yaya I am guessing got payed between 5 to 10 thousand. Doing a show like this is cheap thats why there are so many of them.

>> No.6579521

Each of these people, but virtue of being on TV, are liked by quite a few people. I submit to you that this surpasses the maximum popularity threshold for being a true nerd and as such none of them are worthy of the title.

>> No.6579573

I have a fantasy where enough anons get together to send a guy who just toes the 4chan party line and makes sly references to well-ish-known memes.

Like how 4chan is trying to launch moot into space.

>> No.6579591

Anyone know why they keep censoring Alana's tattoo?

>> No.6579601

Final two, probably.

>> No.6579607
File: 53 KB, 500x340, GXXon_8V80-RNb5sW_cu7Q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the most subtle way to censor her. She's just an offensive human being.

>> No.6579606

Maybe it's a Nike logo

>> No.6579612

>saying how the other team is shitty
>takes a full clip of the DMR to kill someone


>> No.6579614

Damn, I can't believe Alana's gonna last that long.

>> No.6579620

Was it Hendrik? Because it sure as hall wasn't Jon

>> No.6579618

Okay this thread is really long and I haven't watched the show but please tell me that really adorable guy who sang that song in the commercial didn't get kicked off, because he is the only one I didn't want to punch in the face and also I love him

>> No.6579623

How do we know these were the legit results anyway?

>> No.6579624

Oh please, as soon as they put the idea of a lowly niche nobody like her being on tv into Yaya's head, they probably got away with accommodations and 300 bucks.

You're all lying to yourselves if you think you'd turn down that offer or anything less.

>> No.6579625

He was singing something in the commercial and someone behind the scene had to stop him because he just kept going and my heart was melting. He was like a puppy except that I wanted to give him his first blowjob.

>> No.6579633

>He was like a puppy except that I wanted to give him his first blowjob.


>> No.6579636

Because we were all positive that Alana was going to get kicked out next and she didn't.

We'll see next week if this is still true.

>> No.6579653

What of it?

>> No.6579660

I don't know if I want to bear the second-hand embarrassment from watching this shit, but what kind of challenges and things do they have to do?

>> No.6579661

Episode one had no real challenge, but the elimination challenge was chess.

Today's episode was cosplay challenge, then trivia and giant d20 bowling

>> No.6579664

>He was like a puppy except that I wanted to give him his first blowjob.


>> No.6579663

>d20 bowling

>> No.6579669

What were the questions like?
>d20 bowling
Please tell me that someone at least mentioned any other PnPRPG system then d20.

>> No.6579671
File: 1.93 MB, 216x162, 8rKT8ML.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. What did I just watch.

>> No.6579672

Just random nerd stuff: Language Chewbacca speaks, how many Lion, Witch, wardrobe books are there? What's the percentage of landing a Crit Hit in DnD? Title of a guy in Game of Thrones.

Those were the questions.

And the d20 bowling was just giant craftfoam d20s that were rolled down a hill, and there were mannequins and shit set up that were worth various points.

>> No.6579681

It's Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. It was uncensored in one of the previews, probably by accident.

>> No.6580018

If you want to watch the episode
here it is

Fuck honestly Alana pissing me off so much. She's such an idiot and acting like a total weeb! She won out of pure luck. And is still blaming other people for her problems.....

>> No.6580020

Did they have any video games or anime related trivia?

>> No.6580031

LOL nope..
This challenge was pure BS. they had 4 question about GOT, D&D Narnia & Star Wars.THAT'S IT. the bowling part was also bs the character were not evenly sparse,,,,,

>> No.6580032


but..but..but..she's hideous

>> No.6580035
File: 150 KB, 500x270, tumblr_mh62gsLUxH1qm8etwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are making sure that people who watch BBT can keep up. Anime is too far out there so they're sticking to LARP & sci fi....they gave them all but a day to do costume and what seems like very little material....

>> No.6580037

>King of the nerds
>only have to know western shit


>> No.6580041

Where is the 'modeling' these are horrible profile pics....

>> No.6580050

It's funny when so many people hate on a quasi-celebrity without ever personally knowing them.
>She didn't take the ear designs, they stole the designs from her. Hence the cease and desist. She had a right to patent them.
>I've hung out with her several times, I have nothing to offer her career, and she's been nothing but down to earth and sweet to me.
>Hmm, why would someone act overly dramatic "while the reality TV show pilot was there filming" ??? Could it possibly be that the producers of a reality TV show want you to create drama?

>> No.6580062

Why the fuck are you greentexting like that?

>> No.6580075


She can't model. For one she's not photogenic or appealing, and second of all she went and tatted herself up with a bunch of tacky tattoos. Unless by some miracle some agency wants to work with those things or wants to spend the money on makeup to get it covered, she won't be taken seriously.
>inb4 she becomes a SuicideGirl

>> No.6580097

Blue team may be terrible, but honestly, they seriously look the most nerdy. They make the orange team look like normalfags.

>> No.6580184

My two favorites were out in te first two weeks due to the same dumb bitch. Fuck her. I went to bed pissed the fuck off last night and I'm still pissed the fuck off now. It's almost 12. Shit. Alana is just... She's pathetic. She's useless. And my baby Hendrick and my potential friend Jon deserve so much more. I'm praying that they do one of those things mid-season were they bring somebody who got kicked off back. I need Hendrick in my life again. Plz.
>captcha: staarts dice
Dice needed to end differently.

>> No.6580220


don't worry, she's hated on my server. we pugged a 10 man fl run for the mount and loot mastered it when the mount dropped, then kicked her before last cheev.

her dps sucks, she has 2 bought characters, and she begs for carries in trade chat. she begged for someone to find her the tlpd before crz went live. she also gets trolled hard.

she is to wow what ebola is for 3rd world countries. it's what she's known for, but the community doesn't necessarily like her.

mila kunis on the other hand pulls some fucking HARD deeps. someone posted her numbers from her warrior and lock and i damn near shit myself.

>> No.6580229


she sucked so much dick to get on this show, probably they gave her that new home aids test and a bunch of stolen soap from the hotel room.

after the last fat sweaty shit covered producer creamed all over her fake-ass tits they charged her $2,000 for ruining a "show prop" when she wiped up with a towel she found near the dumpster they have her living in.

they didn't force her to sleep in the dumpster, she said it felt like the taiwanese rape den she grew up in and asked to be belted with the blackest most diseased cock they could find. unfortunately wesley snipes was in prison so they settled for magic jhonson and charles barkley...

dass turrible...

>> No.6580231

what the actual fuck anon

>> No.6580236


yaya han-djob 5 dollah is someone who got famous in cosplay by fucking some rich guy 100 years ago to get fake tits because her cosplay sucked and then whored herself on myspace of all places to get famous. then wonderful frat favorite sites started posting pictures of her non cosplay work and she sucked more dick to become more famous.

yaya han is about as sucessful as pixiteri in my book.

>> No.6580241

>by fucking some rich guy 100 years ago to get fake tits because her cosplay

no it wasn't anything to do with cosplay it was because she was a stripper, he cosplay fame actually prevented her from ending up in porn


>> No.6580244


When she complained in the first episode that she wasn't going to fit in because she only had an associates degree, I had no pity for her. She's a chess master apparently, but was on the chess team in high school? She is constantly talking about how her team mates put her down and don't believe in her skills, but she's annoying as hell. The whole "dark side of the Force" over the top dice rolling in ep. 2 and her bitching out Virgil (who is a douche, but he's a hacker, idk what they expected from someone like that)... I just want to slap her. Yeah, she is useless and worthless compared to some of these other people.

Also, I can't remember his name, but I had a little Tolkien rage when he mangled the horn blowing reference by initially saying it was on Minas Tirith. He could barely even say that and then, thankfully, did correct himself. But if you're going to throw out Tolkien references, know your shit, dude. No true Tolkien fan would fuck that up.

My parents were watching the show while I was on skype and said, "There's a drag geisha." My first thought was, "That's probably Yaya Han" and then when I watched the ep this morning I realized she was in Chun Li cosplay. Really wished she had been the drag geisha.

>> No.6580336

It's as if you don't know anything about this community or something. Just stop trying to rationalize.

No, they make the Orange team look stable.

>>6580244 My parents were watching the show while I was on skype and said, "There's a drag geisha."
Curtis was dressed as a geisha at the beginning of the episode to introduce the challenge. Not Yaya.

>> No.6580340
File: 13 KB, 542x542, 1346642283963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make the Orange team look stable
>Maguma doesn't get what normalfag means

>> No.6580346
File: 129 KB, 640x480, 1248477139191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... There's a difference between normalfag and mentally adjusted IMO.

Seriously, does anyone around here try anymore?

>> No.6580363

Exactly. She just constantly whines. She lacks confidence in whatever skills she does have. I think one of the things that annoys me the most is that I know the creators HAD to put her on there for a reason. There was a reason they decided she was for the competition, I just have no clue what that is and it's awful.
Nobody is going to like her at her current state. Honestly there is not one redeeming quality in her displayed thus far. She's unsure of herself, whiney, paranoid, obnoxious, and she's not even a good friend (or team player) with the way she so blatantly assumed that the team was going to send in Virgil for the nerd. On top of that, he was in the middle of doing her a favor. Yeah, Virgil's a dick, but I would expect no less. He's a computer geek and he looks at things objectively, and does the whole "I'm going to boast as if I'm confident but it's only to hide the insecurities I won't dare tell you if you question me about it" act. It's one of the techie stereotypes.
You'd expect somebody as insecure as Alana to be at the very least a good friend.
Oh god, don't get me started on the chess master thing. Although at least there she was confident in something, even if she did it in an over bearing manner.
.... My poor baby.
I don't know what Alana's got going on for her. I can only hope she shows us soon.

>> No.6580378

Haha, sure Maguma.

>> No.6580385

Everyone's already saying that they want to keep her around because they feel she's the weakest link. They're trying to knock off the "better" people on the blue team first to get the competition out of the way.
I think Alana is the underdog, but more importantly she knows she's the underdog. She'll play this to her advantage to stay longer. It doesn't matter if her own team hates her, fact is if the orange team still votes someone stronger than her to go to the challenges then that still gives her a 50/50 chance to stay longer assuming her own team always votes her in.

>> No.6580464

Spit out my drink at this, I love you anon.

>> No.6580923

ITT: Maguma mad that he is not part of the show of his dreams.

>> No.6581708 [DELETED] 

Did he have hair dark brown hair and was singing a rape song? If so then that was Brandon and he's still on the show.

>> No.6581710

Did he have hair dark brown hair and was singing a rap song? If so then that was Brandon and he's still on the show.

>> No.6581717

>Also, I can't remember his name, but I had a little Tolkien rage when he mangled the horn blowing reference by initially saying it was on Minas Tirith.

When did this happen/which episode? I might have missed that.

>> No.6581896

You mean the guy who married a mathematician's daughter during a time when women couldn't get published in scientific journals and had a pre-nup that specifically stated she got half of all money from math prizes?

>> No.6581904

>Celeste and Danielle go home before Alana does
I'm pleased with this.

>> No.6581943


>> No.6581952

I'm only watching it cuz Genevieve is my cousin

>> No.6581965

>Other team determines to vote you out.
>Blatantly lie to other team's captain so they vote for someone else instead.


Blue would have stood a better chance if the prop guys had actually bothered to look for the fuel for Jon's flamethrowers instead of sitting on their ass for three hours and going "nope, can't find it anywhere" fifteen minutes before the competition.

>> No.6582328
File: 98 KB, 798x720, 1319573213654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think one of the things that annoys me the most is that I know the creators HAD to put her on there for a reason.
>There was a reason they decided she was for the competition, I just have no clue what that is and it's awful.
They put Alana in there for entertaining purposes. Most of the time she is annoying, whiny and useless and this makes the viewer rage. It pulls the viewer more into the show since he/she is more emotionally attached to the show (even if it's because you're angry at her). So there's a higher possibility you'll watch until the bitch is finally thrown out (and boy, she'll probably throw a spectacular fit when that happens).
Alana also stirs up the atmosphere among the other nerds. If she wasn't around to whine and cry there wouldn't be as much drama, since the other people there are pretty sane and would get along better without a loose cannon constantly wanting to desert her own team.
So yeah, to the producers she's useful in being so useless.

>> No.6582334

People dislike Alana because she got the best contestant kicked off by not noticing a basic queen tactic when her entire deal was *playing defensively*.

Also she's a massive pessimist.

>> No.6582364

>What's the percentage of landing a Crit Hit in DnD?
>convert 1/20 chance to percent!
These are some hardcore nerd questions here.

>> No.6582376

"Cosplay is when you are wearing a costume and you inhabit the character and do everything as if you were that person. It's like pretend times 10"
Wtf? I never met anyone who actually acted as the character

"My primary experience with cosplay are my female friends dressed as boys making out with other girls dressed as boys. It's very complicated"
Relatively accurate, bad choice in friends lol

>> No.6582377

They feel more like pop culture questions honestly. I thought the DnD one was the only really nerdy question.

>> No.6582386
File: 298 KB, 482x557, fsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're new here, aren't you?
Being in character is part of cosplay. How good you do it depends on you though.

>> No.6582394

no it's not, you aspie weirdo.

>> No.6582393

Err, she didn't 'take them from coscom' she sold them via there, they were always her designs.

She's also never been snobby to me and literally *dozens* of my friends and we're all mostly nobodies. We're certainly not partners or stepping stones (and honestly ANYONE could be a potential client, so it seems silly that she would intentionally be shitty to anyone as it would be bad for business).

And if judges talking callously about the bad craftsman ship of entries is a crime then every cosplay judge I've ever known has committed that, rofl.

Pretty disappoint Mags I'll be honest.

>> No.6582409

Who do you hang out with? Majority of cosplayers don't walk around consistently in character, it's mainly done for photos or in the masquerade and possibly at photoshoots / group meetups.

You don't do everything as if you were the character, unless you're special.

LARP / Renaissance costuming on the other hand are different.

>> No.6582407

Definitely new.

>> No.6582420

I didn't mean to be constantly in character, we're not LARPers. But say... if you meet another character from your show or a fan who recognizes you most people try to act as the character they are cosplaying. That and of course masquerades and photos.

>> No.6582422

.. or basically this. My bad I missed your post anon.

Sure bugs me when people spread /cgl misinformation and hearsay without fact checking too.

>> No.6582434

But the quote from the show implies that cosplayers attempt to be the character fro the entire duration of wearing the costume. There are situations where acting comes into play, but we don't do everything as the character.

Probably the show's choice to spin it negatively anyway, nerd media tends to still portray nerds negatively when explaining hobbies and interests to "normal people"

>> No.6582442

Hmm, true. If someone doesn't know that we don't always act IC they could misinterpret that. Not sure how much that chick actually knows about cosplay.

But the way anon from >>6582376 said it sounds like we're all just faggots who cosplay for the sake of a pretty design and not for the character itself and that this is normal.

>> No.6582451

>But the way anon from >>6582376 said it sounds like we're all just faggots who cosplay for the sake of a pretty design and not for the character itself and that this is normal.

Some people do, some cosplay for the characters, some people for the social experience.

I just don't like the quotes they used to define the hobby. It makes cosplayers sound like a bunch of crazies (not too far off) running around as the opposite gender, making out in front of the public, and dedicating hours to pretending they are the characters.

I just wish it was a little more neutral: we are fans of characters and create their costumes to wear at events.

>> No.6582461

but that is normal. Not everyone is the same.

>> No.6582468

I know. It's a pity the media often makes cosplayers look like a bunch of weirdos living a life full of nerdy things and escapism.

>> No.6582584
File: 6 KB, 256x144, fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this whole show is a reality show of a Weeboo Horror Stories thread

>> No.6584054

I'd fuck Alana in the ass

>> No.6584793
