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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6576945 No.6576945 [Reply] [Original]

J-Fashion Transformation Competition
Old thread >>6561405

- Do you have a favorite?
- Who would you make your top 3?

>> No.6576956

My top three is Meisu, Hana Usagi and Gulpereel.

>> No.6577014


Hi Ladies,

I'm busy checking out each collage and making sure the pass the shop-test. Kevlar passed, btw and everything she said checked out and was within the rules.

>> No.6577043

Would any contestants be willing to share some details about their outfits? I'm thinking of getting into some of the styles entered and I want to know how you wonderful people co-ordinate everything- brands/items used, where you bought stuff from, hair styling, nail deco- any info would be great :).

>> No.6577092

Just responding to some comments in the last thread:
I did iron my dress but I'm really sorry that it still looks unironed. Maybe I need to steam it or something. Regarding my petticoat, what is bad about it? I just want to know so I know what to fix in the future. I need to buy a new petticoat so it would be helpful to know.

I was going to retake my photos, but there were some problems at home and I wasn't able to before the deadline. I wanted to do the advice people gave to me and make a more interesting outfit. I even had it all planned out, but sadly time got away from me. I'll try harder in the next one!

I'm not comfortable taking detail shots of my hands, as they don't look very nice at all and after reading people complaining in the last nail thread about people having ugly cuticles and skin around nails I really am embarassed of my hands. I'm training to be a chef and I'm also a wheelchair user sometimes, so my hands are pretty beat up and my nails have to be kept short. I didn't want to put false nails on as the skin still looks bad and it's painful to get the nails off.

>> No.6577100
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I'm the one that said you needed some ironing and better petti. I guess it can't be helped if you already have ironed it, but it might be nicer with a better petti. Maybe a little poofier A-line. I think that the skirt should be fullest at the bottom, even if you're going with a minimal poof look. It just seems a little deflated in your photo.

But don't worry too much about it, your coord is one of the best lolita outfits in the contest. And I don't really see any problems with not having hand shoots, I think that is more important for the gyarus.

>> No.6577108
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I think my top three would have to be Hana Usagi and Hester with Kevlar Teacup being my favorite. Hitsuzen and Lecithin are my two runners up after that. They all seemed to work hard to put their outfits together and are also all adorable, though most of the ladies who entered are gorgeous too.

>> No.6577156

My winners would be Meisu (otome), Badr (mori) and Gulper Eel (lolita).
They have the best coords for their style, and they look like they have put thought and effort into their outfit. I also like that they asked for feedback before sending in their entry, and improved their look based on the feedback they got. It shows that they actually listened, tried and improved. Also, this is a /cgl/ contest after all, so I think it should be obvious that the contest has to interact and actually be on /cgl/.

I wish more people would consult /cgl/ before entering, it's always nice to hear from the contestants and see them get better.

>> No.6577158

It is one from each style that can win, right?

>> No.6577190

I'm pretty sure all of the contestants have been active in the thread, it's just that the girls remove their trip so participation won't be seen as attention-whoring.

My favorites are Meisu, Rusalka and Hester. I really like Féerique's coordinate as well. I feel like all three of these girls absolutely nailed the 'atmosphere' of the look that they're going for.
To me, the contest shouldn't be about whether or not the contestants asked for and took feedback; it's wonderful that they improved, but I think the winner should be determined by what they bring to the fashion from their own personal tastes. Anyone can let popular opinion determine how they dress, but if it's not something that you've put your own personal spin on, the result can end up looking like a costume rather than a 'transformation'.

>> No.6577202

The thing is none of us have seen the before pics so we don't know how much of a transformation each contestant has gone through. It is a transformation contest after all so we might be surprised by the winner.

>> No.6577206

I agree with you on Hana Usagi and Hester, but I don't really care for Kevlar Teacup's coordinate. The JSK and handmade accessories are cute, but I just wish she'd worn a more 'lolita' blouse instead of...well, it looks like just a regular black shirt with a satin Japanese school uniform neck-tie tucked into the collar. I also think some patterned tights or shoes with a small heel would add interest to the outfit. Lecithin and Hitsuzen both have a long way to go IMO. The shine on Lecithin's wig needs to be toned down, and her coordinate is very plain for lolita style. We can't see her shoes in the 'full outfit' shot, either. She needs a much poofier petticoat if she's even wearing one at all. In Hitsuzen's case, I think her entry would look 100x better if she simply wasn't using that wig. The color makes it look like it might have been used for a cosplay, but in a style like otome it doesn't really work. I think I remember seeing this girl in the idol contest as well, and she had beautiful natural hair, so I'm curious as to why she chose that wig instead.

>> No.6577209

Thanks for the advice. I think the fabric of the dress is weird and it creases really easily. I'm definitely going to get a new petticoat though. Mine are quite old now and not really suitable. I love the poof on Kevlar Teacup's skirt! So lovely. When I get wardrobe space I am getting a nice cupcake petticoat for sweet and a nice a-line petticoat for classic.

>> No.6577226

This is the third thread so far and everything has been running pretty smooth, thankfully. :D

I suppose, most of the girls have become a little jaded and tend to shy away from asking for opinions on /cgl/...because somehow it turns into a bashing fest. I did encourage them to try and a few did and others preferred to consult me privately. I think next time around, things will be a lot better and the contestants will be more vocal on here.

No, basically its whoever made the biggest improvement in their transformation and their finished look. It would be nice to pick one from every style, that wasn't the point of the contest. I was just giving the girls some personal range in things they felt comfortable in and wanted to show off.

You nailed it.

I know and a few people have brought this up. But in the end, its what the contestants where comfortable with. If /cgl/ wasn't so catty, maybe they'd be more inclined to share that stuff.

It's not easy for me to pick 3, because a lot of the girls really out did themselves and a few of them I had to re-check their entry photos just to make sure it was the same person.

>> No.6577433

Where can you see the contestants?
>Sorry if I'm retarded

>> No.6577445

On the tumblr
Or the fb page
>fb /DasDollHaus

>> No.6577469

Kitts, Kevlar teacup, Meisu and Hester are my favourites so far. Everyone's really cute though!

>> No.6577477

I see, thank you!

>> No.6577480

I don't see what's so great about Meisu or why she has so many fangirls ITT. Boring coord is boring.

>> No.6577493

So far I like Alice (I know it's not quite as gyaru as it could be, but it has a very mode feel that i like), Rusalka, Kevlar Teacup. I'd like Kittz a lot more if she had chosen a better pair of shorts. :/ Hana Usagi is also pretty cute.

>> No.6577499

Because she is pretty and Asian

>> No.6577521

>having different taste
Honestly, out of the asians, both Kevlar and Kittz are prettier than her, but I personally like her more. The makeup and outfit looks really good on her, and it fits the style.

>> No.6577542

I think it's because she's pretty and cute, dresses well but also because she participates on cgl quite a lot so we recognise her. I've seen her post on the what are you wearing threads and jfashion threads a fair bit.

>> No.6577547

Personally I like her because her face is adorable in a very unconventional way. She has features that are kind of unattractive but somehow her face is really attractive anyway. Obviously she also dresses really well, but to me she has like.. ugly duckling kind of charm about her. It's hard to explain.

>> No.6577581

As one of the contestants I don't mind posting my 'before' entry photo. At the end of the day everyone knows people can look bad without make up and proper styling so I don't mind if people see me without it.

>> No.6577613

Same. I've posted less flattering pictures of myself. If it helps ease the mind of everyone else, I really don't mind.

>> No.6577796

I agree, I was surprised to see that they had taken away that rule. But in the end it doesn't really matter, because it's the judges that decide anyways.

>> No.6577813

Which styles were you interested in? For the lolitas, I know that Hester is modeling what Korean indie designer Baroque calls a 'Missing Letter Keys and Rabbit' print, and the matching headbow. Chunlichan is wearing what I've seen referred to as Angelic Pretty's 'Tea Party Cat' print. Hana Usagi is also wearing AP, and I think Kevlar Teacup and Gulper Eel are both in Alice and the Pirates. No idea about Fruitful Efforts or Terra, those are more generic designs so it's harder to tell.

I think the two entries with the most interesting details are Rusalka and Eri, I want to know where their accessories came from. I like Meisu and Alice's coords but they both look like stuff I could find at Forever21, not quite 'J-fashion' yet.

>> No.6577817

She's cute, and her collage is pretty nice. The only thing I don't like about her outfit is the hair piece -- I'm not quite sure what it actually is.
The wig doesn't look good, and I can't really see the outfit. The silhouette doesn't look very otome-kei to me. I know that it isn't lolita, but I still think most otome-kei coords with dresses/skirts have a little more shape to them.
She's super cute, and I love her accessories, but I feel like kogyaru is a cheap way to include wearing a school girl outfit in this contest. Her legs are long and pretty, but in the picture where she has them spread, she looks kind of freaky!
>Chun-Li Chan
The photos aren't very good, and the lipstick isn't flattering.
It doesn't look pastel goth at all. She should've also taken better pictures.
HNNG. I love her hair, her smile, and her outfit. I might be partial to the style and her face, though. She's probably my favorite.
More accessories would've improved the outfit. Overall, I like it.
>Kelvar Teacup
She's another cutie, and I like her dress, but she looks too stiff/awkward for me. I'm also not sure if that's her hair or a wig, but it looks a little strange.
I don't really like hime gyaru, but I really think she got the style down. Bigger hair would've been better, but I really like how happy she looks as well as her nails.
Her make up looks pretty cute, and her outfit looks okay, but I absolutely hate when people make that face and do that thing with their lips. And she basically has three pictures of herself doing the same face without showing of more of her outfit/accessories. I just can't like this entry.

>> No.6577823

I find this really well done. More over the top nails would've made it more gyaru for me, but then again, I don't exactly know what "mode gyaru" is.
>Gulper Eel
Really cute coord, but the bow(?) on her head is a little much. It also looks like she's wearing green eyeshadow, and that seems weird to me.
Man, I don't even like this style, but she really emulates it well. The makeup is also really well done. She's maybe second for me.
I love her! I see her post on /cgl/ a lot and follow her on tumblr. However, I don't think that this is her best outfit or the best in this competition. I still love her, though.
>Hana Usagi
I find her makeup really well done. The wig is also really nice, and I love the background of her collage. I don't really have anything negative to say except that it doesn't stand out that much to me.
Um, wow? This outfit is great. She's also pretty, haha. What makes it everything even better is the setting of her photo on the left -- it really compliments her outfit. This is another favorite of mine.
>Fruitful Efforts
The wig looks awkward, and falsies would've done a lot for her makeup. The socks are also weird.
Beautiful hair and outfit, but maybe more layers or patterns would've made the entry stand out more.

>> No.6577856

where can one view the entries again?

>> No.6577865


>> No.6577869

Alice here, if you wanted to know anything specific, just ask! The only thing that really "stands out" are the thigh high boots which I got online from UrbanOG, and the nail deco was from Daiso.

I consulted people with some outfits before entering! But I ended up going with the outfit I did because I just bought that shirt and I wanted to wear it, haha. Plus it's been a while since I put on my thigh highs! I was also in contact with CuriousBear and actually retook all my pictures since the first attempt wasn't good enough...

Haha, thanks. I know a lot of people hate my hair, but I tried?

Thanks~ I actually want acrylics, but I'm a cashier at a game store so I have to use my hands a lot and open packaging and stuff. So sad. Haha.

>> No.6577871

Thanks so much for the feedback, I wish I had been able to post before having to submit my entry.
In regards to the wig, it is a wig I used once for a cosplay (Helga Sinclair from Atlantis to be exact), and it washes me out something fierce in these photos.
My original thought process was that my hair is particularly difficult to style and maintain, especially since I'm still not used to not having super cropped Ga-In hair. I think my cosplay background may have hindered me as well, considering the first rule of cosplay is "always wear a wig"

I'm really not proud of my final product, but I ran out of time before I was able to fix anything. I considered withdrawing from the moment I sent it to the moment I fell asleep. I am a cosplayer first, and, perhaps, looking back, this might not have the contest for me, as I don't own anything particularly "j-fashion". While I enjoy the "transformation" aspect, the J-fashion really threw me off.
However, I did enjoy this contest much more than the Idol one (no creepy personal questions, hurray!). I had fun digging through my closet and messing around with my makeup and learning more about japanese fashion.

So, with all those excuses and all that tl;dr being said, good luck ladies! You're all so beautiful.

>> No.6577868

As another contestant, I wouldn't mind posting my before photo at all.

Curiousbear, would this be allowed?

>> No.6577875

Wouldn't that kinda be like forcing those who don't want too do it too? Just chill, it's CB that is choosing the winner anyways, and she can see the naked face photo. Don't be so desperate.

>> No.6577911

Thanks for your comments! I really wanted to participate in this contest so I could improve. I did have gyaru outfits picked out for the competition as well, but I didn't like them as much as the kogyaru outfit. I realize now the large body shot should have been the smaller one, because I had removed my sweater for that shot which makes it look kind of plain. Yeah, the other one does look kinda weird... I thought it was fine at the time, but staring at lots of pictures and trying to pick the best one is difficult. Next time I'll have to ask for more people's opinion, but I'm still kind of afraid of posting here.

>> No.6577944

oh boy, I know everyone says my pictures weren't great and that I didn't look pastel goth enough

but I really didn't know where to start, I thought crosses and roses and skulls, my natural hair is half white half red so I didn't think it'd look good in the pastel style.

but I've learned a lot and I'll definetly try to take better pictures, lack of camera and being stupidly tall makes for awkward pictures if I want to show the whole outfit.

also I kept getting mixed messages on what was pastel and what wasn't from friends, I went with what I thought was pastel goth and what I had available but I guess it wasn't enough.

I absolutely love your wig and dress, I do wish your shoes were a red or something but it wasn't a big deal, I loved it nonetheless. And I'm sorry to hear you use a wheelchair, that's unfortunate!

I think my top three would be Hester, Hina Usagi, and Rusalka, I can tell the three really loved dressing up the way they did and I loved their choices of hair and makeup.

>> No.6577993
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Thank you so much for the comments everyone! I'm really surprised about all the positive comments, it makes me really happy to read them :)
Sorry to those who didn't like my entry, it would be nice if you could give me some feedback so that I know what to improve next time. I'm always open for constructive criticism and tips.

Wishing everyone good luck, especially CB that will have a hard time choosing between all these great entries!

I don't really own any brand items, because I'm not comfortable with using a lot of money one item. Maybe I will get something from ETC one day, I love that brand.. Anyways, someone was saying that my pieces look like something you can get from f21, and while my dress is not from there (we don't have those cute stores over here unfortunately) it's not hard to make an otome outfit from that store IMO. I think that otome is more about the feeling of the look than the pieces. It's about looking young and feminine. Peter pan collars, dresses with fuller skirt and sweet patterns, cute cardigans and tights are things that a lot of "normal" stores have nowadays, so you can always find something that will work with otome. More people should start dressing otome, since it such an open style with clothing that's not hard to find and it has so many possibilities!

>> No.6578003

My favorites are Alice, Hester and Rusalka. But to be honest everyone looks pretty good and you can see how much effort has been put into their looks. You girls are all so beautiful!

>> No.6578006

CB and Woopwoop, I do not envy the decision you guys have to make. Good luck!

>> No.6578007

Is the results published tomorrow?

>> No.6578021

My favorites are Meisu, Féerique and Kittz, it looks like they have put thought into their outfit and it looks great. But yeah, everyone look good. We rarely have contests with this kind of high level.

>> No.6578041

yes I believe they will be posted tomorrow at 8pm, it's what I got from the facebook post.

I totally agree with you Meisu, I saw a lot of really cute stuff in forever21 and H&M that were probably considered otome, I don't think that it has to be a specific brand of stuff to pull off the more casual styles, because they are after all 'casual' styles, something you can wear outside of cons and meet ups and still feel pretty in the style you like. I love your outfit too, is that a rocking horse necklace? it's super cute

>> No.6578058

Tomorrow at 8AMEST, actually! I'm so excited.

>> No.6578190

Kittz here! I'm usually too shy to post on /cgl/ so please bare with me! Thank you for all your feedback! This co-ord was my first I've ever done so I really appreciate the feedback! I shall improve next time hopefully.
And goodluck to the other contestants, you are all so pretty and your outfits really suit you all!

Thank you for your input! It seems that a good number of people were discussing how it would have been better to have choosen a longer pair of shorts/trousers. I didn't know that the style usually has longer shorts and such but now I do, thank you! (And I don't think I even have longer semi shorts)

I wouldn't mind posting my before/entry photo as well as even I find it amusing when I compared my before and after as with make up and lenses my face basically transforms quite dramatically, as long as /cgl/ stays on the nice side but I hope not as this is a transformation competition afterall.

>> No.6578264

All this constructive, nice criticism! Some of the girls were really new to this, and I'm sure that this will definitely help them work those little details out. All the help is appreciated! Especially to the girls who gave advice in regards to collages and makeup :)

As far as the girls who are comfortable with posting their "before", I would wait for CB's approval on that. It could cause some conflict and peer pressure on the girls that are too shy or have a reason to not have those in public.

It's pretty hard :D, there are all these amazing entries, picking a winner will definitely be difficult. It's been so great getting to see all the beautiful pictures and seeing the girls build their knowledge up. Will it be hard? Yes, but is it worth it? Definitely :3

>> No.6578340


Hi ladies, it's been a rough one for me today. I can barely see out of one eye, that is why I'm waking up late. As some of you may know. I've been struggling with my health for some time. So, I apologize for being lateness once more.

Yes, you ladies and any other of the contestants may post their entry pictures. The choice is ultimately yours.

I just ask that the the ladies in this thread or anyone else reading this post. Please, try to refrain from bashing anyone. No one looks perfect without makeup and I really believe that if you have nothing good to say, it's best you say nothing at all.

>> No.6578368

Hey =) it's okay, if they want to reveal their pictures. That doesn't mean you have too as well. In the end, I'm the one picking the winner.

I think they just want to show what the contest would have looked like, had that part of the rules not been revoked. So, needless to say, there is no advantage to doing this of course.

>> No.6578378

Feel better soon CB, you're amazing to keep doing this even though you've not been well.

>> No.6578426

Chunlichan here. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed because all of these trips seem to know each other? I guess I'm the odd one out, haha.
That being said, I had a great time entering this contest and I hang out as anon all the time on cgl. While I namefag on occasion I don't like to b/c I've had hate threads directed at me before and prefer to stay incognito.
Yes, I am wearing Angelic Pretty's "Cat's Tea Party" the Capelet is also AP as are the wristcuffs. The other items are by Baby. Feel free to ask me any other question you may have.
>The photos aren't very good, and the lipstick >isn't flattering.
I...don't really understand this criticism? I don't think the photos are any better or worse than others? The lipstick is a matter of opinion.
That all being said I love everyone's entry!

>> No.6578446

I don't think everyone knows each other, don't worry about being left out. Everyone is quite friendly with CB because she's helped all the contestants out and spoken to them one on one.

>> No.6578458

haha, thanks! I did speak to CB quite a bit so I wasn't referring to that at all. I guess I meant I recognized all the names from elsewhere? ...They're all so pretty though!
and CB I did not see this. Please feel better!

>> No.6578467

The only names I recognized was Hitsuzen from the idol contest, Badr from various mori threads, meisu from jfashion threads, and you. I recognize Rusalka's face and Hana Usagi's face but I don't know where from.

>> No.6578478

haha, you recognized my name? I didn't think my name carried any recognition..thanks, I guess?haha.
Yeah, I guess I was just used to seeing them in other threads. I think Hana Usagi posted in the j-fashion threads before? I know I've seen her before too!
Also, I'd be willing to post my nakey face photo, but only after the contest is over.
sage for no contribution at all whatsoever!

>> No.6578493

Thank you. I'm really looking forward to doing more. It keeps me really busy and my mind off the discomfort. =)

Sorry for the slow posting, I'm making myself some apple cider vinegar tea and coaxing this pot of raw oats to cook faster.

>> No.6578552

Hoping you get better as well.
Being sick is never a party...

>> No.6578587

Thank you everyone who has said nice things about me, I was so worried about entering but I'm glad I did. This has been a boost to my confidence.

Thank you! I wish my shoes were red too, but I couldn't find my red heels sadly. I only had some mary jane style flats and they look very unflattering. Next time I'll not procrastinate and hopefully will do a better outfit. I'm so used to my wheelchair now that it doesn't bother me too much. It's just disappointing at never being able to have long and pretty nails!

Feel better Curiousbear! I hope you get the right meds soon to make you well again.

I don't mind posting my before picture either. Everyone looks unpolished without make up on anyway.

>> No.6578623

fwiw I think cropped hair/pixie cuts can be really cute with otome.
>also Ga-in, all my hnnnng

>> No.6578730

AP http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/angelic-ptty/type/op/item/339/

>> No.6578770

Feel better, Curiousbear! I didn't participate, but I'm really enjoying the contest you're holding. You're an awesome person, and I feel like you're keeping keeping competition fun. I hope you run the next contest soon, so that maybe I can participate!

>> No.6578814

Wow good luck CB with deciding. I can't even decide, the other participants did so well.
Also I hope your health improves! Every thread you're talking about drinking your tea!

>> No.6578817

Hi ladies,

Just an update:
Once the deadline for the submissions had closed. I printed out all the collages and the entry pictures and laid them out on my table. I plastered sticky notes everywhere. I even used my HDMI cord to connect my laptop to the TV to get a better view of each contestant.

I even got my Husband to help out. I asked him to pair each photo with its counterpart. In the end, he had 4 pictures remaining in his hand. He asked if it was a trick, because he couldn't find the collages for them. Oddly, those were the girls that I had chosen. Which confirmed my choices at least.

Now, me and the other judge shall pull together our findings and combine them to make a final decision.

If you like, at 12:00 AM EST we can post up the top 3 honorable mentions that almost made it....or you can wait until 8 AM EST for us to post the winners and the 3 honorable mentions.

>> No.6578830


Thank you ladies <3, I'm on my second cup and feel a little better now that some of the painkillers set in. Now my face doesn't feel like someone crushed half of it.

I'm so thrilled with the turn out and how everyone was being so helpful. I was especially impressed that everyone was so respectful. I really look forward to hosting more contests and will post up a poll so everyone can pick what the next theme will be. =)

>> No.6578843

Feel better, Curiousbear! :c It sounds like you're taking good care of yourself, so I hope that your recovery is swift.

That's hilarious that your husband couldn't figure out who was who! Maybe it might be a negative thing in another sense, but for this contest, it's perfect.

Augh, I'm pretty much dying to know! I don't want to wait until 8AM! I'm going to be rocking back and forth in anticipation, haha. But at the same time, I'm not sure that I want to know the honorable mentions just yet...

>> No.6578865

My Husband was really blown away by everyone actually. He has such a trained eye for detail and was happy to help out. He even pulled out his laser pointer and got really serious.

Don't take it as a negative, it doesn't mean that your not pretty. Some people just look completely different with makeup and like you mentioned, that sort of total transformation is what the essence of this competition was about.

I had to be suuuper tough with the judging, because everyone did a stellar job.

What makes this even harder, is that I had a lot of one on one with all the contestants and I got to know them. So, it was like picking which best friend gets to go on a trip with you. ;_;

>> No.6578878

When he gets his laser pen out, it's serious time.
I'm sure you will make the best decisions CB!
And I hope you feel better soon as well!

>> No.6578875

Hello, it's Rusalka.
Thank you for the nice comments. I was actually pretty nervous about putting my face on the internet, but I'm glad that overall the mood's been civil. It's been a lot of fun to contribute to these threads.
To the anon who asked about our coordinates, it's kind of a hodge-podge. The dress is Gunne Sax, the blouse is from Innocent World, and the headdress is handmade. Jabot, handbag, broaches and rings are all thrifted vintage; the necklace and earrings I'm wearing come from local stores. The shoes I'm wearing are also secondhand, I was kind of disappointed that my camera wasn't good enough to pick up those small details (should've put up one more photo!) Finally, I found the velvet jacket at a local Goodwill, haha~ then again, I've heard that most of Grimoire's stock is thrifted from overseas, so maybe that's not bad for dolly-kei.
Everyone else did a really great job on their entry, so it'll be tough to determine a winner. I'm glad that we had such a good turn-out~ way to represent, seagulls! And thank you to Curiousbear for putting together this contest, I don't think anyone could have asked for a better hostess. I hope you feel better soon! Get lots of rest. c:

>> No.6578942

Laser pointer!? I think CSI should give him a call. He'd be a good addition to the team.

Of course! I may not be the supa kawaiiest desu without make-up, but putting it on is seriously one of the most enjoyable things for me. For some reason, I just feel really happy when I put make-up on and transform myself. I hope it's the same way with everyone else!

I agree. I don't envy the choice you guys have to make, either. In the least.

>> No.6578960

I'm glad you're feeling better CB, don't forget to rest though! when you mention feeling like someone crushed half your face it doesn't really sound all that great..

>> No.6579039
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Gulpereel here, I just want to say thank you also to the people saying nice stuff about my outfit and look. I'm glad I posted to /cgl/ first as I like to get advice and work on something with peoples input. I think you need other people to see other things you don't to improve, especially with things like make up which I'm not exactly a guru at. Also the person who said I am wearing green eyeshadow, it's a sparkly gold.

To get the ball rolling with no make up shots, this was my entry photo.

>> No.6579046

It's a little after noon for me right now and might take a nap in a little bit. Luckily, my Husband told the office he's leaving work early to keep an eye on me.

The migraine is partly due to the cocktail of meds I'm currently on and have to slowly switch over to the new stuff and this bloody Korean weather is making me catch colds on top of the ailments I already have. :c

On a super random note, has anyone seen the girl who trips as alpaca? I miss my little sis. If anyone see's her around, send her my way. :3

Oh, one more thing. Does anyone remember the list of themes I had going on? I know we had

>> No.6579098

I believe one of them was a gothic lolita, another was a gender crossing one? I'm sorry, I can't remember much of them..

wow gulper! you did a great job with your makeup, mine's on my desktop so I might post it tomorrow since I'm on my laptop. I wish I had posted my pictures beforehand but I was scared to, I really admire your ability to take criticism to improve, and I really see that you did so in the last thread.

>> No.6579115

- Manga Couple (One gender-bends to play the guy)
- Opposite Coords team-up.
- Gothic Lolita
- Dolly Look
- ??

=) Thank you for posting, its very brave of you.

>> No.6579135 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 960x1280, 20130113_220835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I got my picture from the email..

here you can see my hair, I wasn't sure if it'd be okay for the style I chose.

>> No.6579297
File: 99 KB, 968x648, AHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoop, let me join you.

>> No.6579334

So did you guys want to see the 3 honorable mentions first? I'm kind of curious...

>> No.6579369

I dooo

>> No.6579552
File: 277 KB, 500x750, entrypicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the feedback guys! You're all really nice. :3
Also, I can't believe how beautiful everyone is! Everyone's collages are so great and well-done.

I thought I'd post my before picture, since Badr and Gulpereel have. I think it's interesting to see our transformations.

>> No.6579568

I do too!

>> No.6579597

Are they going in that order?
Also if we particiate in a contest but don't win any placing are we still banned from the next contest?

>> No.6579629
File: 95 KB, 544x700, DSC07982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining you gals!~ Don't question the murderous look in my face ahaha

>> No.6579642
File: 264 KB, 960x1280, 20130113_220835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your hair short? I think it looks cute!

also since more of you are posting I figured I should too now that I got my picture..

hahaha murderous look, I like it.

>> No.6579865

No, you will not get banned. The only people that cannot participate in the next contest will be the people who win. So, for example you didn't win but get an honorable mention. You can still participate in the next contest.

>> No.6579866

Oops, missed a queston. No, that will not be the order for future contests. Just ideas for possible themes. I will allow everyone to vote in a poll to choose the next theme.

>> No.6579869

Hey Curiousbear! Are you going to queue the winners on tumblr so that they will show up exactly at 8AM EST? I'm dying to find out!

>> No.6579894

Yes, I will stay up until it is 8:00 am EST and post the winners on FB and Tumblr. Right now its 8:52 PM for me (I live in Korea). So, I'll pass the time playing Dragons Dogma.

>> No.6579928
File: 148 KB, 1215x997, beforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think my transformation was that big really. Should have put on the circle lenses and gone heavier, but it's not really a big deal now since it's over. I just have to try harder in the next one!

>> No.6579933

I like you in the before better to be honest.

I think it's the wig you chose and the fact that your make up looks heavy all over(your blush could be blended in better)

Either do a strong lip or strong eyes, not both.

Aside from that very cute!

>> No.6579938

are you half-asian?
anyway you look cute in both, but as >>6579933
said the blush+lip look a little heavy, if one or both were toned down a little it would look less heavy

>> No.6579945

Boo I didn't win :(
Congrats to everyone else that did though! You guys looked great!

>> No.6579946


>> No.6579948

Aw, congrats to everyone who won! I hope you all enjoy your prizes! You all deserved it!

>> No.6579952

Thanks for running a great contest, CB! Can't wait for the next one!
Now let's hear that concrit!
..wow this new mobile format sucks :/

>> No.6579956

Well done everyone who won! Definitely very well deserved winners. Thanks Curiousbear for this contest.

Yes, my mum is Chinese and my dad is English.

>> No.6579961

Hi ladies!

I wanted to thank every single one of you who participated! You really impressed the hell out of me and made this one tough contest to judge. I'm so looking forward to the next contest, I can hardly wait.

Everyone who participated and didn't win, you can participate in the next contest. =)

>> No.6579964

lol are you balding?

>> No.6579965

*Gets squirt bottle out* That's a bad kitty.

>> No.6579970

.. Wait, Eri won first place?
I can kinda understand Kittz and Hana Usagi, but Eri?
She obviously had the most makeup on (so I'm guessing that would make a bigger transformation), but that outfit was awful.

>> No.6579981

Curiousbear really don't know much about J-fashion. I feel the same way.

>> No.6579987

well, we'd have to see what she looks like under the makeup, this is mainly a transformation contest after all.

>> No.6579992

I based on decision on many things and one of the biggest factor was the before and after. She had the BIGGEST transformation out of all the other contestants. Not only that, but she put a lot of work into her look and I got to see a bit of her personality as well through the photos.

And her makeup looks just fine, of course its suppose to be heavy, its Gyaru after all. You can see she put a lot of thought into her outfit and everything compliments each other, from the accessories, the nails, the shoes and dress.

I suppose that is your opinion and I cannot change that. But, of course you also don't see the full spectrum of things either. I did not recognize her, in fact I thought she was one of the girls who forfeited and then I saw her name, then looked back her collage and was floored.

>> No.6579994

If she decides to post her picture, that is entirely on her. I don't want Eri to feel pressured to do anything she doesn't want.

The other judge had the same reaction, as did my Husband as I mentioned here >>6578865

>> No.6579996

I felt like she did a pretty good job, actually. The coord may not have been spot-on but her accessories and makeup are definitely in keeping with gyaru 'style'. The main thing that I would suggest is maybe matching the pinks a little more closely next time. To me, a rosy pink feels more princessy than, for example, the hot pink and polka dots in her hair accessories.

forever, secretly, I will mourn the passing of the dakota rose stickers.

>> No.6580002

For a lot of the girls, this was a first attempt and had some trouble in one area or another. I think for a first time effort, Eri did very well and I really dig the nails she made, it screams Gyaru.

I will grab some more Dakota stickers and send them your way, just send me a message in my inbox. =)

>> No.6580007

I actually agree with this, the coord itself is rather iffy, but there's no denying that it's definitely gyaru.

>> No.6580011

Fair enough. But as a hime outfit it has a lot of flaws.
Hair isn't big enough (hime girls layer several wigs/hairpieces). Dress isn't hime. Eyemake is ok, but needs more blush and highlighting. Nails are too short and poorly decorated.

>> No.6580013

People who have gotten an honourable mention can enter the next one, yes? It's been a boost of confidence to get an honourable mention and I feel like I would definitely want to enter another one at some point.

>> No.6580014 [DELETED] 

this was her first time trying gyaru?
woah, I definitely couldn't tell. I figured she had to be a pro at this already because of her makeup and nails. this definitely makes me reevaluate her entry.

also I read that second line & erasure's 'always' started playing in my head & all my wishes and dreams came true.

>> No.6580015


Cut this shit out.

>> No.6580019

You sound like someone who is well versed in the style and I appreciate your feedback. A good a mount of the girls, had never done anything like this and they really tried their hands at a new style.

Not everyone who entered was a veteran in the styles they picked. I think, for someone who is new to this style, she did a great job and really transformed herself to the point that I didn't recognize her anymore and thought she was someone else entirely.

>> No.6580022

Yes, you can still enter the next contest even if you got an honorable mention.

Yes, that is correct. I have to applaud her for the effort, because I could tell it was Gyaru and she used whatever she could. She painted her own nails, not press-on's.That is not a wig either, she styled that and mixed hair extensions in. Like I said, she did a great job in my opinion.

>> No.6580023

Congrats to the winners!!!! It was fun competing against you!

>> No.6580030

Where do I find pictures of the entries?

>> No.6580040

You don't, those are entirely kept private. People wished to use the entry methods that Choke used for her own contest and everyone agreed on this.

This was done for the safety of the contestants, because after all this is /cgl/ and a lot of the ladies that frequent this board tend to be very catty. So, it wasn't an issue of being embarrassed.

>> No.6580051

Did you mean the finished collages? >>6577445

>> No.6580055

>all I wanted was that Dakota sticker ;_;

But congratulations to all the winners :)

>> No.6580066

To the people who have posted transformations already - wow! Thank you! The fact that you just look like normal people beforehand has given me the confidence to keep working at my makeup.

>> No.6580083

No she's just got an asian forehead
At least that can be covered with bangs unlike the horrible skin all the white people in this thread have for some reason

>> No.6580092

Come on, no need for that. That issue has been defused a long while back.

>> No.6580096

Wow, that is very unnecessary. beautiful girls had to be brave to put up there no makeup picture and that comment is childish and really a slap to the face. please, try not to make comments like this in the future. it is rude, uncalled for, and very hurtful.

>> No.6580099

So I'm guessing you're white
I'm asian and I found the balding comment rude and hurtful as well as RACIST.
And I don't think jokingly threatening someone with a squirt bottle "takes care of it".
So don't feed me bullshit.

>> No.6580105

>comes to 4chan
>bitches about racism

Did you come here by mistake?

>> No.6580107

fuck off chink

>> No.6580109

Did the people bitching about me bitching come here by mistake?

>> No.6580110

Okay, you're just trolling for attention now and being very rude. Yes, it was and that wasn't the first mean comment someone made in a thread.

Trolls will post anything to stir up trouble in a thread and that was obviously a great example. So why feed into it? Just ignore it and be the bigger person.

And if I made comments like that, its to nicely say stop it and it did, until you started up in the thread with your anger. I will not respond anymore to you, I hope what I said got through to you.

I also ask, that you ladies not respond either. Thank you in advance.

I must go to sleep, it's 1 am for me. Goodnight everyone! Thanks again for participating.

>> No.6580111

Nah gurl, you're just balding.
Also, it's kinda funny how you mention white people's skin. I've spent a semester in Shanghai and I've never seen as many people with acne scars than there. You chinks are disgusting (not even mentioning how you spit on the ground even inside).

>> No.6580112

What? Do you think anon wouldn't have said that if she wasn't asian? really?

>> No.6580116

I.... what? You're the only booty bothered one here, missy and it's pretty hilarious. Better leave this thread before you make too much of a fool of yourself.

>> No.6580118

Personally I am not a chink, I am a Jap, and WE do not spit inside.
Look at THIS THREAD... who has bad skin and who has good skin?
The pictures speak for themselves.
I'd rather have a big forehead than bad skin and lifelong acne scars.
Because personally I want to be able to look good without makeup, so I look good for my husband when we wake up in the morning.
But maybe that's just me.

Bye, have a nice life.

>> No.6580119

If she wasn't asian she wouldn't have an asian forehead, genius

>> No.6580123

>Personally I am not a chink, I am a Jap
You're just inbred chinks, retard

>> No.6580124
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>> No.6580128

The one who said she had an asian forehead wasn't the one who said she was balding. Or are you implying only asians have large foreheads?

>well at least the drama started AFTER the results came out

>> No.6580131
File: 6 KB, 113x168, finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was on this finger

>> No.6580132

Oh god how stupid are you
The person said she was balding BECAUSE she has an asian forehead.
White people sometimes like to make fun of asian people's foreheads by asking if they are balding.

>> No.6580134

No, it's because she's balding.

>> No.6580141

Well excuse me for not being american and missing the context then?

>> No.6580146

Yes excuse you for trying to jump onto a conversation you have no fucking idea about.

>> No.6580163

and excuse you for whining about racism on cgl of all places.

>> No.6580226

Lol wow looking at these "winners" makes me glad I thought twice before entering this "who can throwon the most ott shit in their closet" contest

>> No.6580243 [DELETED] 

Dolly look would be great! I'm still bummed about all the lazy winners in Venus' contest.

>> No.6580260

A dolly or gothic lolita theme would be really nice, since not everyone have a partner to dress up with. Also it would be nice to see a dolly contest with a bit better entries and winners (quite a few in Venus contest were pretty lazy tbh).

>> No.6580265


Where? Who won?

>> No.6580272

It's posted on the facebook;
1. Eri
2. Kittz
3. Hana Usagi

>> No.6580295


Was this a 4chan exclusive event?

>> No.6580310

Wow, you're beautiful! I think your transformation is pretty drastic.

>> No.6580320

>I'm a Jap

I believe it was supposed to be, yes.

>> No.6580339

Who are the runner ups?
I can read Gulpereel, Kevlar Teacup, and Meisu, but I have no clue who the last one is.

>> No.6580402


>> No.6580883

I'm very happy to have participated, because I saw it through and I think it was a good experience.

I look forward to the other contests. Everyone did an amazing job and I'm happy for Eri, her hime gyaru was very good and her hair did look the best with the extensions and whatnot.

Everyone was so nice and I'm glad there was no drama between all the contestants.

>> No.6580941

Wow guys, no need to bring cultural differences into it; what's weird to one country can be completely normal in another and you guys should know that by now. I think these ladies are all gorgeous with and without makeup and it takes a certain kind of strength to post bare-faced, no makeup pictures on a site like 4chan, especially on this board. I applaud the winners and thank CuriousBear for giving us this opportunity. It was my first time trying the style I did and while I didn't place its given me something of a self-confidence boost. Again, well done everyone who entered as well as those keeping things civil.

>> No.6581341


I participated because I'd really like to improve. If anyone wouldn't mind handing out some advice on my collage, I'm aeliami.

>> No.6581518

I hope there is another transformation competition, I missed out on all the fun and would have loved to participate

>> No.6582350

Maybe not a transformation one, but there will be many more! CB has posted a poll to vote on which theme we'd like next ^^

>> No.6582443

Where is the poll?

>> No.6582474

/DasDollHaus at facebook. It's the latest post.

>> No.6582735

What does moe girl and opposite coord mean?

>> No.6583546

The character type in anime & manga, the "Moe Girl" you would dress up as a "Moe Girl".

Opposite coord would be, one person dresses as one style and someone else would dress in another style.

For example:
One girl could do Sweet Lolita and one girl do Gothic Lolita.

One girl can do Japanese Street style and one girl do Classic Lolita.

Basically, when you make a collage, half of it would be one girl in one style and the other another style worn by your partner.

You would team up with another girl and submit as partners. Then, I would pick a winning team.

>> No.6583586

Curious, are you able to vote on the Fan Page without a FB account. If not, let me know and I will make another poll on tumblr for the anon-seagulls who wish to participate.

Thank you, I really appreciate it. =)

Once we get the details sorted out for the other theme and rules hammers out. We can get another one started. So you can join in on the fun, but since it's a /cgl/ exclusive thing, I will need feedback from the girls here on what they want next.

>> No.6583597


Sorry if this is a bit late - I don't know a lot about your style, but it seemed somewhat plain. Your makeup was pretty and suited your face but was, again, sort of plain for a 'transformation' competition. Something about the skirt also threw me off.. Perhaps it's just your ridiculous proportions (and I honestly mean that in a good way). Overall your outfit, makeup and hair were good, but not great. My two cents.

>> No.6583654

I don't see how ~moe girl~ would work. Moe is a personality not a style.

>> No.6583664

Hi, =)

Because these contests are exclusively for /cgl/, this will include cosplay themes as well. Moe girl is a style, they dress a certain way and have a certain look that makes them "Moe". I want to make fun themes are well, so it doesn't seem like we're trying to recreate top-model or anything and it allows the cosplaying crowd to participate as well.

>> No.6583722

I still think naked face shots should be sent to curious so that she can make sure people aren't shopping in other contests.

>> No.6583787

That is correct, you must submit a picture to me with your trip and date. It doesn't have to be completely no makeup. Unless it's something like a Doll contest or something more simillar to the J-fashion transformation. But, I will allow light makeup (Foundation, concealer, lip gloss). But, shop is NEVER allowed, EVER.

Needless to say, no wigs or colored contacts either.

>> No.6583800

Alright, thanks. I thought it was sort of plain too, but I wasn't sure exactly how to remedy that. I'll definitely work on that for next time.

I'm still learning with makeup so any tips there would help. I just learned how to apply false lashes and I still need to invest in more makeup. I don't really have much to begin with, but I'm not sure where to start or even what to buy. :/

>> No.6583809

I think moe woud be cute but it is a really general term though. Is it imouto moe or maid moe or school girl moe or just like kawaii uguu moe. Any generic anime girl falls under moe so it seems like a really hard thing to grasp.

>> No.6590233

I just saw that poll on facebook, what is manga couple?