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File: 55 KB, 475x289, HALLOWEYES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6576469 No.6576469 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone suffer bad sunken eyes? Sadly mines hereditary. I use my Mac concealer but its just "blah". For my cosplay coming up I dont want it to haunt me in photos. Should I try theatrical makeup, any awesome creams? FILL IT WTH SOMETHING? ?btw Im SUPER PALE.

>> No.6576602
File: 6 KB, 200x300, 1343096829952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? I have sunken eyes, the skin under them is so thin, dark and ugh. Everyone in my family has the same dreaded dark circles. It's even worse since I'm extremely pale. I've tried concealer, after concealer, after concealer. Nothing has covered up my under eye circles.

>> No.6576611

I've got it pretty bad as well, even got those dreaded 'tear troughs' ugh..they just seem to get worse as I get older.

I use maybelline mineral power concealer and it covers them up pretty damn well if I do one major layer and then a touch up layer. I also use benefit high beam highlighter on the inner part where i'm darkest, just a little bit blended in and I look HEAPS better, for myself it makes my photos look so much nicer.

>> No.6576613


Instead of trying too much concealer, perhaps try to bring the focus away from the circles, and to your eyes? Like putting on heavier eyeshadow and eye liner, drawing the line of attention higher and accentuating your eyebrows.

I have some huge eyebags that are constantly swollen that I realize I'm never going to be able to make disappear. Work with your make-up instead, specifically dark colours.

>> No.6576620

doubt they are hereditary. play around with your diet. people that are determined to get rid of them often do this and they cant necessarily tell you what gave the reaction, but removing a certain food or foods certainly did. maybe your doctor can help.

>> No.6576631

I'm super pale and I have the same problem! I think its BECAUSE I'm pale .. its almost like the skin around my eyes is transparent and its just .. blue. Ugh its bad.

Is there any way to alleviate this besides a diet change? Are there eye creams that can help with this sort of thing?

>> No.6576634

Foundation, then a light orange eye shadow (cream eye shadow blends the best), then concealer. I have iron-absorption issues, hence permanent dark circles in addition to my already deep set eyes and this is how I keep myself from looking like a heroin addict.

>> No.6576689 [DELETED] 

Maybe were the same sad lil cracker souls? but im sorry, lets find the solution together!

>> No.6576715

we can be sad lil crackers together! But man I know your pain, ive bought too many concealers to count for it to only work minimally :< at this point, I just want to throw my non-existent money at a plastic surgeon to fix this shit.

>> No.6576724

got them too :< and it sucks, im still young and they make me look older than I am! but ill go to Ulta and try the benefit highlighter!

>> No.6576721

Don't sunken eyes actually mean your eyes are deep set? Isn't that just the way your skull and eyes are?

For a second, I really thought you had solved my problem. I thought tear troughs is what I had, but it says it affects people as early as their 20's -- I've had eye bags since about 7 or 8 years old. They have gotten worse as I've gotten older, but they aren't really a dark color unless I actually don't get sleep. I just mentioned this in another thread somewhere, but yeah.

What helps my under eye puffiness is the lancome cream. However, like I said before, it almost completely gets rid of the eye bag on one side, but it doesn't change the other one. Sometimes it actually makes it look worse, so I don't use it. People always remark that I look tired, but I prefer that to "what's up with your eye?" when one looks totally normal and the other one has this huge bag under it.

>> No.6576736

would any under eye-primers help? does that even exist XD? even when I put loads of concealer I still see the fine lines after a few hours later :<

>> No.6576733

I've had Sunken eyes ever since I was a 13 (chronic fatigue) and I've found that Revlon ColorStay Under Eye Concealer works really well for me.

>> No.6576745

I have large, sunken eyes. In order to hide my circles, I use two foundations. I know it sounds strange, but I use the lighter one everywhere and the darker, olive toned one in my circles. You would think that one would make them stand out more but it doesn't!! Ill post photos tomorrow so you can see an example :)

>> No.6576741

>tfw you got your dad's face shape
I like having a square face, but the jowls (they're on the way) and heavy lines under my eyes are annoying.
I have bags too

>> No.6576748
File: 35 KB, 380x258, concealer-triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have them. Bobbi Brown's creamy concealer in a shade lighter than my skin tone is awesome, I just apply it in a triangle shape under my eyes to lighten up the area. it minimizes the look of sunken eyes/lines. My eyes look like they have a crease all the way into my inner corner and this concealer technique really minimizes the look of that. Just make sure you set it with powder because it can crease. The concealer is great for covering dark circles without looking dry though.

I also never apply eyeliner all the way on the inside corner of my eyes, I only start my liner t the front of my iris and make a thin line all the way down to the end. On the lower lashline, i only line 1/3rd of the way in. Placing a bright shadow on the inner corner really helps wake up/open up the eyes and make them look more prominent and awake.

LashChronicles on youtube has a similar eye shape and does wonderful tutorials explaining how to apply eyeshadow that doesn't close off your eyes and gives lots of definition.

>> No.6576753

You could try an eyeshadow primer, actually. They can prevent creasing on your undereye concealer just as effectively as they prevent eyeshadows creasing. Urban Decay Primer Potion and NARS Smudgeproof are great, so is Benefit's Stay Don't Stray which is a little tinted.

>> No.6576761


Yeah mine are hereditary, my eyes are deep set too, it's just the way my face is constructed. I don't have bags or anything, just a deep-set eye area.

>> No.6576768

ooh that actually sounds like a good idea! and yay thank you!! since im so pale, should I use like....a green based concealer..yellow?

>> No.6576773

What colour are your circles? Green counteracts redness, yellow counteracts purple. Most people's dark circles are purple/blue-ish.

>> No.6576770

I've heard that using a pinkish concealer hides the color of dark circles really well.

>> No.6576771

are you me?

>mom has a cute, youthful and round face with huge eyes and a tiny nose
>dad has long rectangular face with jowls and a weird, wide nose
>tfw get dad's face
>tfw younger sister is born with mom's face and dad's height

>> No.6576783

Go for a yellow or peach-toned corrector. Benefit makes one called Erase Paste that's peach-toned to counteract purpleish-blue circles, Bobbi Brown has a corrector in a peach shade too, and I think Physicians Formula and CoverGirl have yellow corrector shades in their concealers.

>> No.6576791

Oh so very blue and purple! Okay, so yellow it is! thanks!

>> No.6576794
File: 9 KB, 241x230, 1358874310419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, but I know that feel.
>black mum has rectangular, taut & very-young looking face (she's mid-fifties but passes for late thirties)
>dad has square face, roman nose, small eyes and mouth, jowls, crows eyes (looks about ten years younger/mid-forties)
>I'm shorter than my 5'1" mum, get dad's face shape and small features, plus mum's nose (not too wide thank god)
>younger brother has a prettier face than me
>tfw genetic failure/no hybrid vigour
I'm nearly 19 but people think 14...so that feels okay

>> No.6576803

shit son, id KILL to get my moms gene pool. Lady looked like Jlo and my papa has the LONGEST European face with a crooked nose and sunken eyes. BAH.

>> No.6576810
File: 15 KB, 162x179, Photo on 2013-01-24 at 00.10 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes are the second most unfortunate part of my face.

>> No.6576809

I will pay the bobbi brown price if it helps! time to get a free test drive at neimans.

>> No.6576819

That feel when both of your parents were local fitness models with perfect faces and flawless skin and you're pale as death and the only thing longer than your scrawny limbs is your face.

Feels bad man.

>> No.6576848

I feel you about this...I don't like how it just eats up the eyelinear and the mascara and eyeshadow....

>> No.6576854
File: 70 KB, 466x467, 1358670348748_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, anon. I saw you self posting in another thread saying how ugly you are. you are actually quite pretty, light makeup works on you.
you just look really huggable
also, meitu'd your face.

>> No.6576863

I don't even bother because it's not worth it most of the time.

How.. how did you know it was me. Also, did you shop my picture? Hahah.

>> No.6576864
File: 63 KB, 920x459, 1346194975050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6576875

I noticed you because of your eyes (not the bags under them!) that really stand out. I think you got pretty eyes girl.
yep, shopped it. and for that picture I did not do any editing on your eyes or eye bags. just highlighted the picture, gave you lipgloss, and eye makeup.
I think you are adorbs.

>> No.6576882

Are you >>6576854? I remember you posting too and though I have to agree with you your eyes look unfortunate, it's solely because of those eyebags and you are very, VERY pretty otherwise.

>> No.6576911


just out of curiosity, why do you like having a square face? i hate mine and am always trying to look on the brightside.

>> No.6577320


it works really well

>> No.6577325

I'm glad I'm not alone in this, but you guys seem to have it easy. Mine are so dark and deep and almost all the way around my eye and I'm only 22. I hate it so much

>> No.6577357
File: 460 KB, 314x177, WITCHCRAFFFFT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6577362
File: 57 KB, 952x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a cream blush in a pink color on my dark circles along with Make Up For Ever high definition concealer under the cream blush. Then I use Shiney Pearl Water Drop BB cream to highlight.

>> No.6577776

Holy shit. I need a picture tutorial now.

>> No.6577804
File: 1.74 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foundation colors..

>> No.6577810
File: 1.55 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon the derp face, the right is before, the left is after.

>> No.6577822
File: 14 KB, 250x250, s1133396-main-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kat Von D tattoo concealer. I'm tellin ya man this stuff is like magic

>> No.6577825
File: 1.63 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the total effect. Hope this helps!!

>> No.6577828

My face is also asymmetrical. Shame there's no fix for that. Haha

>> No.6577829

oh my god.. now it looks like you're recovering from a black eye. good job, though.

>> No.6577832
File: 10 KB, 320x103, 428386_10150878589932753_121653070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for all these tips... I've been struggling with how to battle my dark circles.

Although the filter didn't help but darken them more, you can get a feel for what I deal with. somedays they aren't there.. and then other days I look like I'm dying.

>> No.6577833

Ahahaha I promise they blend in!! I just can't get a quality photo with my phone

>> No.6577841

Your eyes pop out more from your sockets than a regular person but it doesn't make you look bad, i think it's cute. Could pass off as aegyo sal or you could spend your entire life wishing they weren't there and trying to hide them. I think it gives you character though.

>> No.6577873

Are you two me? My mom has this cute feminine rounded jawline and my dad has this wide squared jaw and kind of a wide crooked nose, guess what I inherited? And my brother got my mothers jawline, goddamn genetics asfsgd

>> No.6577880

>Could pass off as aegyo sal
but she already has aegyo-sal without the dark circles

>> No.6577883

Ugh, this :( I'm almost 21 years old and I have a square face with BABY FAT still on them. And no I am not fat, not even chubby. Just unfortunate fat placement

>> No.6577889 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 713x957, 428386_10150878589932753_121653070_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my full photo if you were interested.

>> No.6577908

>if you were interested.


>> No.6578002

seconded, ei666shii make a tutorial preeeeease

>> No.6578018


also random concealer thread helps a lot~

>> No.6578099

dis right here

>> No.6578127
File: 17 KB, 154x60, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so great of a pic, but this is how under my eyes are. It looks really weird and I haven't really figured out how to hide or fix it. I don't even know why they're like this.
I have the dark spots under them, but I also have a bulge/bag thing happening above the dark spots.
How is this fixed? Do I just use concealer on only the dark spots? Or do I make the bag part darker? I just don't knoooooow... Make-up is so hard to figure out for me.

>> No.6578157

Get a tan.

>> No.6578174

Same. I don't like posting my picture on 4Chan because I get called fat a lot. I'm barely 5' tall and 100 lbs. I'm seriously not fat. It's just my cheeks.

Come on, puberty. I know you're still in there.

>> No.6578207

Use a darker orange based concealer, they won't be going away unless you manage to grow thicker skin under your eyes.

>> No.6578879

I'm ethnically Jewish and I face the same problem as you.

The only concealer I've found that works well for me without creasing and looking bad after a few hours is La Mer concealer. It's $75 but lasts forever and works WONDERS

>> No.6579293

Uuugh I have that same problem! I've always hated it, but since seeing that Koreans are trying to copy that puffy under eye look, I've started feeling a bit better about mine.

>> No.6579420

hello OP, i wonder if we hail from similar genetic ancestries. Everyone on my father's side of the family (myself obviously included) has very prominent, grey-blue bags under our eyes

short term:
get stick concealer a shade or two lighter, dab it on with a finger. do not smear. do not rub. this is SO IMPORTANT
then pat on some powder that is your own skin tone

long term:
make sure you have enough iron in your diet and stay as hydrated as possible

my makeup routine works so well that people are shocked when they see my out of makeup, everyone thinks i'm very ill

>> No.6580149

It does make me feel a little better knowing that, and when I lived in korea, I got a lot of compliments on having a nice face and eyes, but it's still something I don't like personally. QQ

>> No.6580189
File: 20 KB, 243x320, f6d661f593163ca7_concealers.xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a highlighter and use it. I use an estee lauder highlighter (soft pink color, I'm sure you can google it) in the area shown in pic; if you go up too high it will crease, albeit slightly, but it looks much worse than it does without makeup.

>> No.6580945

Keep in mind as well that the skin that sunken is rather thin, before laying tons of makeup on make sure your getting a good eye cream to moisturise the skin, even better if you can get a tinted one.

>> No.6580957
File: 54 KB, 400x175, fugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my eyes so much. I have fucking uneven eyebags/darkcircles. I have like... two (or just a giant one?) eyebags under my right eye but my left eye just has one. They pop out so much when I smile and it's the ugliest thing. I actually really like my left eye and I don't mind a puffy eyebag at all... is there a surgery or something I can do to make them even though? I'm thinking surgery because when I look at my elementary school photos, it looks like it was evident all the way back then too. pic related, FUGLY EYES

>> No.6580976

How do I avoid the "white cast" when taking flash photography?

>> No.6580990

are you me? i seriously want to know the answer to this question. i'm in the exact same situation as you, and my eyes look a lot like that.. HOWEVER, with me, I like my right eye a lot while my left eye is fuuuucked up. i mentioned this earlier in the thread, but i use this cream and it actually eliminates the right eyebag. but not the left!

>> No.6581067

>>658097>white cashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c4SlZu1that's probably what youre talking about i guess

>> No.6581361

Ugghh :( I hate it so much. I shoop it out lightly in my cosplay photos and I just look SO much better! I would totally get surgery for this if it exists but I have no idea if it does. It's so weird, like a double eyebag or something. I've tried lots of eyecreams, and concealer doesn't work because it's an eyebag. So it pops out and makes a shadow like in the photo I posted. FML

>> No.6581388

I'm pissed off because I wish I were Asian and had cute eyes like yours but you don't like the ones you have.

It's like someone who has no ass and somebody who thinks they have too much ass. I wish we could trade body parts that we're unhappy with. Then nobody would be upset with what they have...

>> No.6581395

somebody who wishes they had an ass but has none*

>> No.6581954

Not OP, but I have the same issue. My diet is not what caused my eye sockets to be very large. That is bone. That is not going to be changed by drinking water or eating less salt.

>> No.6581969

omg I have this exactly going on for me as well, it's on my right eye like yours and it stands out so much in pictures...

>> No.6581972

forgot to mention that I find having a good nights sleep the day before a convention makes a huge difference with the appearance of the bags, as well as skillful makeup application via loads of highlighting

>> No.6581982

Does anyone have sunken eyes AND visible blue veins as well? I really want to go in for one of those laser treatments but the horror stories I've heard about some patients receiving indentations where they got their treatment makes me not want to do it. But they could've gone to a dermatologist who wasn't reputable, idk.

>> No.6581988

I started using a Vitamin C Serum for my under eye circles. I don't have bags but my eyes are very discoloured and I have very pale skin. It has been less than a week of using it and I have noticed there is a an improvement. Mostly because I noticed a small sun spot I didn't even know I had until this week...

I don't know how much the Vitamin C Serum will help in the end but so far I am pretty hopeful.

>> No.6581997
File: 264 KB, 1163x1600, popteendec2011scans0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pretty bad eye bags too, and my eyes are sunken in. The only concealer that has ever helped remotely in any way is my MAC Studio Fix concealer. I swear that stuff is like magic.

My undereyes are really dark, so when I was in Hong Kong, I got a spa treatment done at Ingrid Millet on that area. What the beautician did was put this metal wand sort of thing and ran it around that area a few times. I could feel the electricity in my teeth. But I got out of there and seriously, the darkness was 100% gone!! Does anyone know what this treatment is called, or if they do it in the states? I'm dying to get it done again.

Also, for those of you who are sensitive about the puffs under your eyes... I used to hate it too. But a lot of Asian celebs have them. They're considered cute. Pic very, very related. It's a tutorial from Popteen actually TEACHING YOU how to fake those eyebags. There was like a 10 page spread on it. Now I don't feel so bad anymore, they're actually kind of cute to me.

>> No.6582225

How do I make myself seem like I have sunken eyes? I already kind of do, but I want to dig deeper.

>> No.6582248

Matte purplish eyeshadow, or a bronzer one or two shades darker than your skintone like you'd use for contouring. Blend like a motherfucker.

>> No.6582291


I'm square faced too. It's not like I hated it, but it definitely makes me look fat on pictures.
There's a way to make your jaw look thinner with make up, right? Something with using darker-than-your-skin foundation on the cheek bones? Do you guys know about it? I've always wanted to learn how to do it; I've even seen a few tutorials about it online, but it seems so unpractical irl.

Sage for being offtopic, I guess.

>> No.6582294

Sounds like the Dermawand? Or something similar?

>> No.6582737

Contouring. It doesn't look bad irl as long as you blend it well. It's great for pictures as well.

>> No.6582957
File: 2.29 MB, 1163x1600, eyebagsdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but i am defs not dealing with those kind of eyebags, and neither is the lady in the OP. white people eyebags are not kawaii, as re-illustrated in your picture.

>> No.6583000 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 906x906, difference between eyebags and aegyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people eyebags are not kawaii
I'm not a SJW but I'm pretty sure that every race can have those eyebags and just because koreans coined the term "aegyo-sal" doesn't mean that it's exclusively an asian-korean thing, it's just a trend that's more popular in Asia.
I don't mean to over react and tbh I don't like sunken eyebags either
Also I made this image for the other sunken eyes thread but I can see how it's still relevant

>> No.6583015 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 906x906, difference between eyebags and aegyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6583096

>Tfw your picture is used as one of the examples for ugly eyebags alongside a bunch of people thrice your age
> Tfw ugly eyes.

>> No.6583119

i wish i had aegyosal.

>> No.6583121

gurl I think you're cute.

>> No.6583144

I'm sorry I didn't mean that
yours are the only young eyes I could find (except for Katy Perry) on google images, if it makes you feel sad I'll use another picture, and again I'm sorry
your eyes have a nice colour tho

>> No.6583494
File: 53 KB, 426x122, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I need advice. Two years ago I noticed that fine lines started appearing under my eyes, and they have got SO BAD. They're freaking deep now (pic related) and getting even worse everyday. It worries me so much because I'm not even over 20. Is there a way to fade them a bit, or to stop them from getting worse? (sorry if it's not completely related)

>> No.6583538

The same thing is happening to me! It may be from not getting enough sleep? Last months were awfully busy. These lines get a little better at weekends, when I get my 8hours sleep.

>> No.6583535

they look fine... you are freaking out over nothing.

>> No.6583605

Really? maybe it's the picture, because they do are very deep, I always look tired because of them even when I conceal the darkness.

Yeah, I guess that might have to do with it, because most days I don't get full 8hrs of sleep (but I try). Though when I was on vacations I did had the 8 hrs and they did not got any better, but kept getting worse :/

>> No.6583617


>> No.6583625

>I always look tired because of them even when I conceal the darkness.
In my experience, trying to conceal lines like that (I have them as well) makes them more visible.

I know there are eye creams and shit but really, drink lots of water, try to get healthy amounts of sleep and don't stress too much. There are worse places to get lines.