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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 514x303, meep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6572130 No.6572130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't forget to keep voting seagulls! The contest goes until the 30th, I think.

Link to original thread

Vote for "love handles" Wolverine at http://www.wizardworlddigital.com/cosplayportland

>> No.6572146

any new statuses?

>> No.6572171



>> No.6572174

OP here, I wish I knew but I don't have her account added (and trying to friend now is probably suspect)

>> No.6572186

There's some massive flaw with the voting, managed to be able to revote again on the same people a few days later. Seems it refreshes every 24 hours.

>> No.6572198

It's not a flaw, people can vote once per day.

>> No.6572234

Whenever I click vote, it just keeps loading but doesn't do anything.

>> No.6572239

Usually, dramu on /cgl/ is pretty petty and boring, but this girl needs to be knocked down a peg or six. Capslocked status updates, personal attacks, deleting rude posts...and she even insulted the contest itself and called it stupid? I'd disqualify her for all that if I had a say, but they usually don't cut people for any reason, even poor sportsmanship. Isn't this also the same gal that posted about the photoshopped Felicia and got called out on it? Damn, chickie, life isn't fair; don't enter contests if you can't handle competition...

>> No.6572245

Absolutely. People were trying to excuse her for being young, but if I acted that way when I was her age I would've been slapped in the face.

>> No.6572270

haha wow I can't believe there was a thread about this. meep is an awesome girl. yeah she says a lot of shit but she doesn't hide from it and she's really fun irl.

>> No.6572282

This so much. What a cunt rag, if I said stuff this mean (which I wouldn't) I'd get called a bitch. If I spoke my mind about people half assing shit out the wazoo I'd have no friends anymore. How does someone this NASTY have friends/fans?

>> No.6572323

have fun listening to her cry about how unfair the contest was when she loses.

>> No.6572409

I guess it's better to be a real bitch than a fake saint.

>> No.6572416

Riding on some wanna-be famous bitch's coat tails isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.6572424

>implying any of these cosplay contests are anything but meaningless popularity contests

>> No.6572461
File: 33 KB, 442x447, 1333331406320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572536

REMINDER: You can vote for as many entries as you want and voting refreshing every 24 hours!

We could essentially bump her out of the top 10 even if we all remembered to vote.

>but she doesn't hide from it

I call bullshit considering she went back and deleted all her Facebook and Twitter posts where she was freaking out and bitching about the contest.

>> No.6572543

This. People like her are fine shooting their mouths off, and then when there are consequences plead innocent or make excuses.

>> No.6572599

>MeepyGal: 766 votes
>Wolverine: 1127 votes

bless you, cgl

>> No.6572630

Yeah! Take that your majesty!

>> No.6572653
File: 305 KB, 400x600, N2Nkzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrolling through entries
>My female version of a Ninja Turtle. Meet Raphaela !

>> No.6572657



man. thank you for this.

>> No.6572672

Anyone have any more screen caps of her complaining? I've been absent for a while.

>> No.6572877

did anyone ever send her shitty comments about other cosplayers to crunchyroll?

>> No.6572934

I hope someone does because Crunchy Roll's FB tried to pimp out her contest entry too. So, if they're going out of their way for her and she's being this much of a bint then they might want to reconsider who they get support.

>> No.6572941

I used to like Meepy. Now I don't. Voting now.

>> No.6572983

newfag here, can someone give me deets on meepy and why she's horrid? other than her current shitfest i mean.

>> No.6573304
File: 364 KB, 432x2127, meepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Anon said they were going to message CR, but I don't know if they did.

And this is all I have saved from the last thread.

>> No.6573324

>> I'm not wrong I'm just blunt

THIS is the kind of attitude that I hate. Acting like a bitch, being called out on it, and COMPLETELY missing the point.

>> No.6573431

This is amusing. Im pretty sure she knows at least some seagulls, there was some video with her and Shaynii posted before. She should know better to make posts like that on facebook with such company. You reap what you sow...

>> No.6573474

This is because the word "bitch" goes through female ears as something used to describe somebody who's unique and opinionated, rather than an actual bitch.

This is why women always say something along the lines of "Yeah, I'm a bitch, what are you gonna do about it?" rather than saying "I'm sorry for being such a goddamn fucking cunt. I should really cut that shit out, huh?"

>> No.6573482

I'm pretty sure she goes on here. She posted her birdy decode cosplay WIP in the progress thread a couple of times.

>> No.6573494


>> No.6573498

>playing with my love handles
I love it

>> No.6573515



>> No.6573523

Oh god I went to her costume and it's so nice to see all the comments calling her out on her shit. I love the person that posted the link to a photo of her calling the contest shitty.

>> No.6573531

oh my god i was like screaming

>> No.6573536

screencap it, please?

>> No.6573541

Thank you.

>> No.6573608

It's mostly just the current shitfest, but from what I've witnessed, she's just kind of an all around bitch. She thinks she "deserves" all this attention for her ok/good-at-best work, and she just bitches about EVERYONE. You think she's your friend one moment, but she'll be shit talking you behind your back the next. She thinks she can do whatever she wants because she's a cute asian girl who cosplays and has so many "friends".
So, basically, she's just a self-entitled little bitch with an over inflated ego. I'm really surprised it took so long for /cgl/ to get ahold of some of her dramu.

>> No.6573619

As much as I love Meepy in person, she just needs to think before she posts.

O-slap's sister is Shay, who (as far as I'm aware) is Meepy's best friend.
So I'd assume they know each other pretty well.

Do admit I laughed pretty hard at that.

>> No.6573629

she's even a rude, entitled bitch on CGL

i.e getting mad when people called her out on only being a guest at a local con because she's good friends with the owner, and her not getting how that doesn't qualify her as a guest when she's a goddamn newb

>> No.6573723

Would it be possible to send screenshots of her comments to the owners of the competition, maybe get her disqualified? I'm not sure if being a total cunt is against the rules, but it should be

>> No.6573758

They already know, according to previous thread.

>> No.6574068 [DELETED] 

Isn't Meepy are good friends with Electric Lady?

>> No.6574072

Isn't Meepy are good friends with Electric Lady? No wonder both of them are bitchy...

>> No.6574085

you guys do know that meep gave up on the contest like 4 days ago right??

>> No.6574091

Yeah she said she'd delete her entry.

Oh wait.

>> No.6574100

not deleting something doesnt always mean they are still gun ho about it..

>> No.6574117

This kind of thing really piss me off, this person had been caught red handed and then she had the nerve to use a fake apologize and expect this to all go away even though her vile message had been saved. She's not sorry for real, shes only sorry because she was caught.

>> No.6574118

But she's still in the running if her entry isn't removed. She said she wouldn't self-promote anymore, not that she was dropping from the contest. And that might mean no more promotion on her fanpage, but considering her recent history, she might still be promoting it among her friends on her personal page. Also, the phrase you're looking for is "gung-ho."

>> No.6574120

As much as Meepy would like everyone to believe, no they're not friends.

>> No.6574125

Her entry is still up guys http://www.wizardworlddigital.com/cosplayportland

>> No.6574147
File: 525 KB, 1600x1200, 121218_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I normally don't vote on contests but this worthy of mine.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6574190

Yes. I did indeed do it.

>> No.6574433

"Love handle Wolverine" seems like he'd be fun at parties. Voted.

>> No.6574463

Just for the record, you can't delete your entries from this contest. I know there are a couple people who wanted to or accidentally made duplicate entries and they're still up despite messaging the people running it and asking them to delete them.

>> No.6574652

I saw that. The Darkstalkers girl acidently uploaded two entries with the same photo and even put in the comments that it was an accident.

It made me chuckle when I saw it had a few votes on it

>> No.6574856

No, but you can change the description just like the Morrigan did. She could always state there that she chooses to withdraw, or perhaps use the space to admit her poor sportsmanship now that there's a flood of comments about it on there. But she hasn't, so...

>> No.6575214

>there was some video with her and Shaynii posted before
what video?

>> No.6575252

I have met her irl and she's nice and stuff to peoples faces. I don't like the delusions of grandeur that she has

>worthy of beating me

...the fuck.

There is no way that she has not been told that she has no range with her expressions. She ALWAYS looks the same.

No smile/blank expression/staring at the camera like a confused child.

>> No.6575257

. . . Why are most of these people in Portland.

Also due to /cgl/'s efforts, I no longer think this bitch is going to win. LOL.

>> No.6575262

they went on the niconico stream at sakuracon

>> No.6575275

It's funny how she blames the voters for not making her win. "This person SHOULD NOT be getting more votes than me. KEEP VOTING for me! DO YOUR DUTY!" You know you're a spoiled brat when you feel ENTITLED to win online competitions.

And frankly, her costume doesn't deserve to win or even be in the top 10. The plugsuit is generic and that wig is very poorly styled. She went for a bob and ended up with a prince valiant.

>> No.6575284


I am a stupid newfag lol. I cannot into reading, it seems.

Time to do some searching and see if I can make some new nerd friends.

>> No.6575292

oh it's the one in the EVA thread right?

>> No.6575305

I feel like we should start voting for the people in 3rd and 4th place so that she doesn't place at all.

>> No.6575309
File: 20 KB, 576x320, Oh-Boo-Hoo-58343916708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she's complaining that she has to win this contest because she can't afford to go to 2 cons so close together.

>> No.6575314

The person in 3rd doesn't deserve to win either. She tried to post a photoshop illustration of herself as a cosplay entry before it being taken down.

>> No.6575322

can we give Bioshock entry more votes?
or the Zelda?
lets try t bump her out of 2nd place!

>> No.6575325

4th and 5th, then. Fuck them both.

>> No.6575349
File: 54 KB, 451x691, 1551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And frankly, her costume doesn't deserve to win or even be in the top 10.

THANK YOU. I get that plug-suits are difficult but I really want people to stop putting the mediocre ones on a pedestal because some tiny asian managed to throw one together.

>> No.6576113
File: 21 KB, 426x240, 1349995816012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how she looks naked...

>> No.6576220

Yeah, I'd love to chill with him, he seems like a fun dude

>> No.6576271
File: 95 KB, 339x284, kuzco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6576274

This. I can appreciate someone's work when they put into something complex like a plug suit, but there's a vast difference between being priased for the work and asking to be bowed down to.

>> No.6576301

I, wat. Just because you work hard on a cosplay/prop/whatever does not mean everyone should bow down to you and worship you like some sort of cosplay god. I really hope she doesn't actually think like that. Love-handles Wolverine all the way!

>> No.6576454

To be honest that wolverine doesn't even look like he had some love handles.

>> No.6576567

> really hope she doesn't actually think like that.
talk to her for ten minutes and you'll see she does

>> No.6576588

Wow. This girl is a massive fucking bitch.

>> No.6576594

lol, good luck namefagging on /cgl/ in the future meepy, you vile cunt.

>> No.6576595


what the flying fuck, boko no pico?
are they flipping pedophiles?

>> No.6576607

You don't know how young they are, m8,

>> No.6576642

Awww baby actually brought her costume to the tailors and now she wants wittle asspats.
Maybe she should try just as hard with her t-shirt, raggedy shorts cosplays.

>> No.6576666
File: 75 KB, 900x600, my_ice_might_be_cold_by_electric_lady-d571ji4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only difference between Meepy and Electric Lady is Electric Lady is actually a good cosplayer

>> No.6576683

Where are the thorns?

>> No.6576686

With the power to vote someone up so high, seagulls should up vote some of the lower ranked cosplays like the dalek and the pixie cosplayers?

>> No.6576703

She said she wasn't 100% done with it but I haven't seen any updates on it.

Still beats Meepy's Rei cosplay by a long shot in my opinion.

>> No.6576746


Really think the Big Sister needs more love.

>> No.6576751
File: 121 KB, 269x274, Screen Shot 2013-01-23 at 10.52.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the difference is electric lady has good photographers. Her costumes are sub par in person.

That would only serve to ego-boost them. It's too late in the competition to vote someone in to second or third place.

>> No.6576827

I was hoping we could vote up the Dalek, too. That totally deserves to win something.

>> No.6576860

I wouldn't say that (the votes I mean). Since /cgl/ has gotten a hold of things wolverine has an addition 400+ votes. (he was at a little under 800 beforehand and is currently at 1237). It could be done.

>> No.6576872

twilight sparkle or stocking? honestly can't even tell

>> No.6576896

Any other good cosplays that deserve the votes this bitch isn't getting?

>> No.6576955
File: 85 KB, 684x485, 1357614879796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen her in person, so I'll take your word for it.

I guess most cosplayers with egos can't even make a great costume, huh?

>> No.6576971
File: 6 KB, 169x181, 1344558451752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Nothing women hate more than other women.
>This chick is a BITCH!
3DPD at it's finest. I thought this was going to be a troll thread. I need to quit exploring boards when I get bored.

>> No.6576982
File: 6 KB, 365x257, 1334718984657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /drama/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.6577010

Hi Christina, how's it feel to be 400 votes behind?

>> No.6577114

Another reminder: You can vote for as many entries as your want and voting can be done every 24 hours!

>> No.6577129
File: 298 KB, 500x651, 1341293439399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6577203
File: 412 KB, 644x828, tumblr_maemonMnLi1qbz11uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your imagination.

>> No.6577211

What, you don't like Boku no Pico?

What are you, gay?

>> No.6577212

Hnghh, she's so pretty. Didn't read the thread, but where can I find more?

>> No.6577218

I think the Terra, Morrigan, and Merida could use some more love.

>> No.6577217

Prissy bitch made an ass out of herself, other costumes are better than hers, she outright states that others don't deserve to win, and now she's trying to brush off her behavior as if she is the victim.
Even if it hadn't become a thread on /cgl/ the girl would have been acknowledged and reprimanded in SOME fashion. If you feel bad about what we are doing, grab friends and vote for her.

>> No.6577220


He said 3DPD; a newfriend who took a joke to heart; he obviously has none of those.

>> No.6577225
File: 19 KB, 440x434, 66520_533500536665611_1590649105_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.6577246

hi meepy

>> No.6577252

Voted for Wolverine.

So what happened, has bramble homie grown up into her skinny girl bitch phase?

>> No.6577260

what in the fuck is wrong with you people? ruining this contest for EVERYONE because some girl posted on facebook?

she does not have the best costume. neither does wolverine. there is no reason for you idiots to ruin the poll for a hundred other hopeful entries!

you all like to use the term "white knight" when we stick up for a female cosplayer, but nobody is using it in this situation.

this is exactly what "white knighting" is. she makes a small remark about love handles and the anti-fat-shaming-task-force fucking leaps into action!

/cgl/ is hands down the worst cosplay community out there.

>> No.6577261

Go to bed Meepy

>> No.6577262
File: 1.09 MB, 897x861, jimmies rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6577263

Confirmed for hardly skimming the thread.

If you're not going to bother actually reading the discussions, why come to the board?

>> No.6577268

this is what i mean about /cgl/ being shit

you all use trips and yet you constantly call anonymous out by by name when in reality it's just a random passerby

>> No.6577269

i come to the board to see cosplay pictures, read cosplay tips tutorials. not some random girl i'll never meet on facebook

>> No.6577270

>you all use trips
>you constantly call anonymous out by name
Only because you react to it.

Tumblr pls go. You saw the words "love handles" and assumed that was it, without bothering to actually read the thread, and feel like you need to assume the moralfag standpoint. Just stop, you are making a fool of yourself.

>> No.6577273


>you all use trips

Lol most of the tripfags left

>> No.6577276
File: 94 KB, 476x267, 1358655001257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6577280

>terrible thread
>pointless drama
>hurrr hurr i m so randum
>tripfags supporting this
>reddit shit

CGL you silly

>> No.6577285


go away libra

noone likes you

>> No.6577287
File: 647 KB, 160x120, lawlberriesandcream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, we're still here. We just go anonymous for our vendettas.

>> No.6577284

Half of that doesn't even apply here, we must be browsing different threads

You are objectively one of the worst trips we have
I don't know why you bother to stick around

>> No.6577289

>7 unique trips just in this shit thread


>> No.6577288

For this specific reddit tier thread with randumness and raiding? Its terrible

supporting this thread is terrible

>> No.6577292
File: 11 KB, 248x252, 1250413087494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new.

Why do people who have obviously never looked at this board twice keep coming here to shitpost? I will never understand it. What compels them?

>> No.6577295

because your hobby is not as niche as you think it is.

>> No.6577298
File: 45 KB, 800x800, 1000073504745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, continue to spew strawmen. I love it when you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6577299
File: 463 KB, 800x533, 1358664398187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Felica's before and after photos

>> No.6577310

>arguing in a thread you don't like
>bitch about supporting it and "it should die!"
>people respond thus bumping the thread
>Mad because quit a few people are very much against this girl and because of her actions wed prefer her not to win because she out right says others aren't as good as hers.
Why should behavior like that be acceptable anywhere? Would you really want someone who's costume isn't as good as some others demand she wins and her behavior is ignored?
Its like something out of toddlers and tiaras.
Not every voter is from /cgl/. Odds are many of them are friends or part of the contestants cosplay communities. I didn't vote but get over it.
She's a bitch and she's getting what she deserves by making her outright foolish comments publically.

>> No.6577313

i second this

>> No.6577330
File: 97 KB, 423x918, dumbbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6577339


No, really, who is she? I see names but no links to profiles.

>> No.6577341

Nevermind, stopped being dumb and found everything.

>> No.6577352
File: 47 KB, 612x612, 599361_490602964288702_142194407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and, is it just me or is her couch playing around and twisting itself?

>> No.6577356
File: 49 KB, 612x612, 599361_490602964288702_142194407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean

>> No.6577359

but.. the couch wanted to lose some weight, too. :(

>> No.6577378

just let it go man

>> No.6577420

I think you're an idiot.

Meepy and Wolverine were so high in 1st and 2nd when /cgl/ posted the original thread, there was no way any of the other costumes were going to catch up by the 30th. And that's a fact. So we're voting between her and the guy she was calling fat and a loser. You bet your ass she doesn't deserve to be rewarded with a win for being an unsportsmanlike bitch.

You don't like the few times /cgl/ actually finds a just cause? Then fuck you, go play on another board. In the meantime we'll keep voting and feeling great about it.

>> No.6577464


>> No.6577485

Like +1 le upboat

>> No.6577578

>what the flying fuck, boko no pico?
>are they flipping pedophiles?
nope, just unique

>> No.6577592
File: 120 KB, 1716x1740, 4chanlinetrapff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan, newfriend.

>> No.6577597

They are both terrible and supporting either one is just as bad. Also when you have a redditor supporting your comment then you know you are in the wrong.

I have a headache now

>> No.6577643

Not at all. Supporting the one with good sportsmanship is the way to go. You're the only one with this opinion, think about that.

>> No.6577640


shut the fuck up libra noone likes you

>> No.6577648

u mad brah?

>> No.6577655


omg who is dat grl.?

I hope your not trolling i am not a newfiend

>> No.6577661
File: 46 KB, 776x602, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am not a newfiend

>doesn't like bocu no pico

>> No.6577673


would bang

>> No.6577743

>dat grl
Yup, definitely a newfriend.

>> No.6577758


You are mum sucked me dick and it was gr8 m8

>> No.6577763

it's basically soft core porn though, really now?
They're probably just trolling those guys hard.

>> No.6577790

wow, she has a nicer body without the shoop.

>> No.6577797

Wait, how did she think she'd get away with that? Wow.

>> No.6577808

they said they did it "to make /a/ mad trololol XD"

>> No.6577815

doesn't bocu no pico is /a/'s favorite anime?

>> No.6577836


>> No.6577844


Guize, how dair u hert dis bootifle angle?

>> No.6577858

This shit is making me lol hard

>> No.6577929

I think what just makes me laugh the most is she posts these pictures from her mirror and everyone goes "oh your legs are so long and thin!"

Yes she has small legs, but her mirror is tilted at an extreme angle to make it more flattering. I'm just amazed no one else has pointed it out.

>> No.6577957

I can't help but laugh that people are saying this thread is "ruining the contest."
>Cosplay contests through Facebook are always really fair and well-judged!
said no one ever. They've always been popularity contests anyways. This thread really isn't ruining anything, especially since the prize is just a pass to a con. It's not like they're missing out on a cash prize or life's greatest secret or anything.

>> No.6577978

The puzzling part is that Meepy would even care enough about the contest to even mention it.

She's already well known, and seriously beautiful.

>> No.6578066
File: 83 KB, 480x720, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well known

>seriously beautiful
>her face without photoshop and the same expression in every picture

I agree she looks great in most of the pictures she posts but it's not like she's gorgeous outside of that limited range. The added fact that she has no problem being a bitch to anyone and refuses to own up to it makes her less attractive.

>> No.6578097

This doesn't look like the same girl. She looks white here.

>> No.6578117

She's half. I thought that was pretty obvious. Her dad's white.
I guess she got her dad's teeth or something, which is why she looks so white in the picture? They're massive.

>> No.6578125

>posts unflattering picture, claims meepy isn't beautiful.

She's a very pretty girl, and a good cosplayer. She may not be the nicest girl, but most thin girls aren't anyway. oh well.

>> No.6578161


Yeah, but she does some of the most terrifying things to wigs and her craftsmanship is shit up close. So what if she has a somewhat decent face from ten-fifteen feet away?

>> No.6578187
File: 39 KB, 500x334, 0012-1285534841201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6578191

I agree that this is biased since it is a horribly unflattering photo (I am surprised she'd even upload it as it is really quite creepy looking), but even in her shooped photos you can see she is no knock-out beauty. She's pretty average looking, or at least I don't think there's anything good looking or special about her.

Also lol at your generalization about thin girls. You must know/have met bitches, because not all thin girls are like that.

Yeah, I got that impression. Her Noriko looks awful in pictures where you can actually see it up close (well the jacket does anyway), and her Nono was fairly poor looking. I realize that is a hard costume to get right, but there were so many things that just looked poorly glued on, and un-poofy that it killed it for me.

>> No.6578200
File: 60 KB, 367x501, 1337725475983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's not "beautiful", she's pretty.

I never really thought anything much about her until I saw this photo. Now I want to bone her.

that's about the nicest thing I have to say about her.

>> No.6578208

>it's just a popularity contest
>and prize is garbage anyway
if that's true then they both won already. you guys put her in the fucking spotlight for days. she had to gain at least a few followers

also nobody is addressing the actual point i was making >>6577260
/cgl/ playing the righteous white knight

none of this would have happened if she had just said the "ugly wolverine". she said he was kinda fat and the /cg/landwhales had to make defending him a "cause"

also keep using words like unsportsmanlike. you stuffed the ballot box!

>> No.6578227

The fuck are you talking about. Did you not read this thread? There's much more than the lovehandle comment.

>> No.6578242

Considering how she's only received 6 votes in the past 3 days, it doesn't look as though she's gained much of a following.

Also, she's been constantly disparaging other entries, including the Felicia. It wasn't just one isolated comment.

>> No.6578247

You are clearly not from here, as all you can focus on is your predetermined assumption that /cgl/ is fat people only and is supportive of the shitty SJW "fat acceptance" bullshit.

1.) The Wolverine cosplayer is not even fat.
2.) Nobody here thinks fat acceptance is a legitimate thing to care about.
3.) Her shitty attitude was not ONLY from the comment about him having imaginary love handles. Read the fucking thread and stop bitching, because you really are starting to sound like Cris justifying her bullshit. Enough. The one whiteknighting here is you.

The amount of stupid abound today is unbelievable.

>> No.6578250

> /cgl/ doesn't want a bitch to win a contest she doesn't deserve and enjoys the drama along the way

What. Not everyone even votes for the wolverine, we're picking people we think deserve it. People that aren't that bitch. Also, if you're really wondering why there's drama on cgl...

>> No.6578252

get outa here meepy fan lololol u so butthurt dat ur mama felt it

>> No.6578261

This girl's craftsmanship is really bad. Despite being rail-thin (which is the absolute easiest body type to pattern for) none of her costumes fit properly and there is SO MUCH bagging and bunching.

I didn't realize it was possible to make such an ill-fitting unitard until I saw her plugsuit. Overall her stitching and construction is mediocre, definitely not 'good' or worthy of admiration. Over half the costumes in that contest look and are made better than hers. I really don't understand where her ego is coming from.

Just because you made a difficult costume, doesn't mean you did it well and deserve to be asspatted. Lots of people could attempt a plugsuit and pull off a half-assed attempt.

Her America Chavez costume made me cry tears of blood. Chavez is a curvy, strong latina girl. Meepy looks like an emaciated taobao model wearing a random outfit that happened to look like Chavez.

Maybe if she was a decent cosplayer I could excuse her terrible attitude and ego, but she's crap. As a sidenote, it always makes me laugh when people say they have an 'HONEST AND NO-BS PERSONALITY TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!' when 'honest' means whiny and they cry if you decide to leave it.

>> No.6578315

i couldn't get over seeing her change the lance like three times in all the pictures she has on fb of her rei and each time it looked just as shitty and inaccurate. also the bottom looks like a damn red dildo

>> No.6578803
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Wow, either you're Meepy, a friend, or a fan to be so blind about this whole situation.

> she had just said the "ugly wolverine". she said he was kinda fat and the /cg/landwhales had to make defending him a "cause"

She did much more than that. She insulted him and other contestants. Heck, she even called the whole contest stupid because she got caught saying those awful things. She never even gave out an apology for behaving like a cunt. We aren't making Wolverine a "cause", we're making Meepy reap what she sowed

>> No.6578813

Now, if only Meepy can get that through her big head.

>> No.6578822

Has anyone bought costumes from her? I want to see close up photos of her work because if they don't look that great from the photos, must be worse in person.

>> No.6578838

>not knowing Japanese have some busted up teeth

Did you never notice that most Japanese girls hide their teeth when they smile? That's why they do the stereotypical cutesy hand-covering-mouth thing when they laugh.

>> No.6578925

There is a video of her costume on YouTube. She used Cardboard on the inside... Cardboard. Search ' Plugsuit Cosplays by Meepygal and Shaynii.' it's horribly unfinished inside. She might have a different definition of a well constructed costume but in my vocab if needs to be finished on the inside and using materials that aren't cardboard.

>> No.6579263
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>Medicore costume
>Medicore turtorial
>Comments are filled with praises such as "Fucking awesome cosplays!" and "Wow. You are really talented. I'm jealous!"

No wonder this girl has a big ego.

>> No.6579284

It's because she's a cute asian. If you can look cute, you'll earn admiration and praise.

Shit like craftmanship really doesn't matter as much as most cosplayers think it does.

>> No.6579537

Skronky teeth are actually considered moe in Japan though, that's why so many anime girls are drawn with fangs. Practically nobody gets their teeth fixed there like we do in the west.

>> No.6579543

Does it really matter what the inside of a costume looks like though, as long as the outside is fine? I'd imagine there are a ton of good cosplays that look like shit on the inside, especially considering how many people make their costumes under a heavy time crunch.

>> No.6579551

as a craftsmanship judge, it does matter. I have passed over costumes that looked good on the outside if they were horribly unfinished on the inside. I will always pick the costume that looks good on the inside and out, for best overall construction.

you can also almost always see the difference without looking at the inside if the garment isn't properly lined/faced/etc. too. the drape won't be right, as well as the overall look and weight of the garment.

that being said, you don't need to finish the inside if you don't want. just don't expect to impress people with craftsmanship. for costumes i'm making for a laugh or just a simple shoot from far away for a project I don't bother with things like understitching or lining or proper hems.

>> No.6579570

No one besides cgl gives two shits about how the inside of a costume looks. Real talk.

>> No.6579582

I don't even think most of /cgl/ does.

>> No.6579590

Well considering she was bragging about hoe must craftsmanship her costume had, seeing the inside doesn't help her case at all.

>> No.6579699

What I don't understand is why she needed to go through all the trouble of entering a contest to be able to afford a con when she could have easily made more than enough money just by sucking a couple dicks instead.

>> No.6580206
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>> No.6580216


She's a lesbian.

>> No.6580326

How the hell did you get that idea? Is she claiming to be a lesbian now? She isn't.

>> No.6580329

>didn't hear about shaynii and meepy

>> No.6580407

You mean how she was bitching on twitter about not being able to find a boyfriend?
She likes dicks, trust me.

>> No.6580408

Pretty sure Meepy is straight. Haven't heard otherwise.
And as far as I was aware, I thought Shay was asexual. Don't remember where I heard that, though.

>> No.6580409
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I lol'd

>> No.6580414

>Pretty sure Meepy is straight

they've been seen doing some experimenting when they thought they were alone and there's nothing wrong with it. i support them and so should the rest of us.

>> No.6580625

>Pretty sure Meepy is straight. Haven't heard otherwise.
>And as far as I was aware, I thought Shay was asexual. Don't remember where I heard that, though.

Nah Shaynii hit on me before

>> No.6580735

I'm sorry I'm a guy, and she seems very confident and she looks really good in her costumes(that is the goal right?) She takes it very seriously, and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

>> No.6580738

it looks waaay better without the airbrushing

>> No.6580744

if you notice the camera.... it's tilted, changing our eyelevel, perspective 101 anon

>> No.6580745

Gah what a bitch, but I wouldn't mind wrecking that shit.

>> No.6580788

Hehe, oh you. Taking yourself seriously means maturely, and that doesn't mean capslock hissy fits when things don't go your way. But you're welcome to keep fapping to her! There is NOTHING wrong with that.

>> No.6580903
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>seems very confident

That's no excuse to insult the other contestants

>She looks really good in her costumes

It's really a matter of camera angles and photo editing. I saw her on a video before and based on that, her costume wasn't very fitting and the stitching wasn't done very well. Same with Wolverine. They are both on the same level so there's no excuse to have an ego.

But if you think she's cute and deserves to win , vote for her. No one is stopping you.

>> No.6580917
File: 477 KB, 500x500, UNACCEPTABLE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passing through. I assume that youre voting against the girl in the OP who does not respect logan?

>> No.6580929

Confidence is one thing.
Being a self-centered asshole and a backpedaling, unrepetant little bitch is a completely different game from that, though.

And it's more than possible to take something seriously and not trash-talk other people you're competing against. There's a thing called "good sportsmanship" that a lot of spoiled little brats don't seem to pick up on nowadays, and it's obvious this girl has none of it.

Indeed, I mad. I do not like this girl's attitude at all.

>> No.6580960

jesus fucking christ, does her ego know no bounds?

i'd love to go to that meetup just to ask her about her behaviour on this and see what she would say

>> No.6581039
File: 56 KB, 268x265, 1284024206784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people keep bumping this thread? She obviously doesn't care about /cgl/'s opinions and this is just giving her free publicity.

>> No.6581175

>On a small board on 4chan.
Not sure if publicity of any kind is good on /cgl/.

>> No.6581204

She's got hardly any votes since /cgl/ started talking about her, so obviously whatever publicity she is getting isn't equating into more fans. Only more people that hate her.

>> No.6581362

Then at least attention, if not publicity. She's an attention whore and the only way to combat an attention whore is to ignore then.

>> No.6582056
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I'd give her my attention, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6582077

Just looks like a tiny flat-chested asian girl using photoshop and facebook angles to try to look sexy.

>> No.6582117

I'd like to eat a spaghetti and meatball dinner off that midriff, with no utensils.

>> No.6582119


>> No.6582126


Oh hi, Meepy!