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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6570655 No.6570655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cosplayers that are notoriously cute

>> No.6570657

Does anyone have the uncensored image or was it always that way?

>> No.6570678
File: 13 KB, 209x215, 1358751108961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting spoony/cunt whatever the fuck her name is

>> No.6570684

cmon she may be a cunt but cant admit that shes not cute... her face anyway

>> No.6570691

Stop being so new here

>> No.6570692

have you even seen that photo of her without the shoop? her nose is fucked up and penis looking.

>> No.6570694


>> No.6570769

Is there a nose that /cgl/ doesn't consider ugly?

>> No.6570806

whos that?

>> No.6570910

she calls her self here Cunt Wizard.

>> No.6570927

How new are you...?

>> No.6570938
File: 1.32 MB, 2756x1500, 1350845044994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a random collection of /cgl/ anons / trips.
Didn't make any of these, FYI.

>> No.6570945
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>> No.6570948
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>> No.6570952
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>> No.6570956
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>> No.6570965

>Ugly List
>Hot List
>Derp Queen in Ugly List
>No mention of her in hot list

How the fuck is she not in the hot list? I'd take her over many of those mentioned in the hot list.

>> No.6570969

go to bed DQ

>> No.6570970

So would I, but as I said, I didn't make 'em, so don't shoot the messenger.
Though I must applaud /cgl/ for having so many cute and pretty girls, regardless.

>> No.6570974

except that most of these people were chased out of here by jealous fatties and vendettafags

>> No.6570978

Yeah, I've noticed that I haven't seen a lot of them post under their trips in a while. Or the ones that still lurk here just post as Anon.
Just the other day I was thinking about how I haven't seen Lobitah, Pirate Toaster or Soliloquy in a while.

>> No.6570982
File: 2.20 MB, 1280x1450, washucgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6570983

who the fuck is pirate toaster? I've seen all the others, but never her. Does she even post here?

>> No.6570985

Not since she cheated on her /fit/izen boyfriend and much dramu was had.

>> No.6570987

Yeah. Or at least she used to. Her boyfriend (Blue I think? They still together?) is another trip. They live over in the UK somewhere.

>> No.6570992
File: 14 KB, 224x247, 1313728197629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did Spoony ever actually finish that Morrigan cosplay?

>> No.6570997


>> No.6570998

Why is half of this unlabeled?

She doesn't post with her trip anymore, I think she lurks? She broke up with one of the most loved male trips (Blue, who doesn't post anymore, either) got a /fit/ boyfriend and did a series of store bought skimpy costumes in a row. People really started hating on her and she topped posting a year or so ago.

>> No.6571000

Lol no. She cheated on Blue with some guy from /fit/ and now she's cheated on her /fit/ boyfriend and is single again.

>> No.6571001
File: 98 KB, 456x640, hail eris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6571006
File: 136 KB, 469x750, ashurakagami.tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howabout, everyone shut the fuck up and post cute girls.
saw this cosplay while browsing tumblr. hnng

>> No.6571031

>howabout, everyone shut the fuck up and watch me selfpost
Even if that was a legitimate post (and I doubt it is) this thread is beyond help anyway.

>> No.6571035

it was a legit post.....

I guess I had high hopes...

>> No.6571038
File: 347 KB, 900x700, _Trust_You__by_Inuashley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6571059
File: 1.61 MB, 2610x3168, 1350838740978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was originally two images made by different people. I have one, but someone else found the unlabeled one and put that picture together.
Few months back it was circling around a lot of other boards, go figure. /a/, /fit/, ect. You know the drill.

>> No.6571194

You can tell that a picture of 'zomg xD hottest segulls' was made by DQ - it's when she includes herself in it, or Voldefart.

>> No.6571260

voldemort wasn't in it

>> No.6571262

>including Logseux, DQ, MJ, and ai-honey
Would lol again. PT is prettier than MJ and Loggy combined.

>> No.6571266
File: 39 KB, 960x540, 265007_400248540063341_383767588_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan <3

>> No.6571267

>no Elsie

Confirmed that all those pics are made by catty females.

>tfw Elsie stopped posting here forever

>> No.6571270
File: 20 KB, 460x370, 1358153497284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw flan will never take a pic showing off her profile because she wants to hide her jew nose
Nice shoop tho

>> No.6571277

I never ever browse /cgl/ but all the people who wouldn't wreck that girls ass in OP's pic are mad jealous women or faggotboyz.

Just sayin

>> No.6571280

Or guys that just don't like self-important camwhores, idk.

>> No.6571282

What are you talking about? She's posted several side profile pics.

>> No.6571284

fuck the fuck off spoony, how many MORE threads are you going to make for yourself this week? your names all get banned so this is how you seek attention huh

>> No.6571286


>camera on toilet

>> No.6571287
File: 59 KB, 360x720, fsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 'SHOOP! SHOOP!'

>dat feel when anon buttmad

>> No.6571289

i do this;-; only place in my home with any real lighting

>> No.6571291

Is that the Flan person? If so, lol@other anon. Certainly buttmad.

>> No.6571292

I use my bathroom cause it has several light settings :D I use the wall though cause it has a large white wall good for costume progress pics

>> No.6571293

this but for kitchen....and kitchen fridge LOL

>> No.6571295

LOL the mouth in the middle and left pics are two completely different shapes, sizes and positions. Left has large fatty chin with bump, middle has lips moved all the way down. Not to mention face and wig in both are also so different.

This must have been one of spoony's earlier Photoshop attempts.

>> No.6571300


mad jealous woman

>> No.6571305

Flattering pic of you flan, but you're still fuggo and nobody wants you back. Sorrz.

>> No.6571307

Sup OP/spoony.

>> No.6571397

First two got a lot of unwanted attention and sort of slipped away. I don't know why Soliloquy stopped posting though. Could just be boredom with /cgl/ which I'm sure all of us have experienced at some point

>> No.6571400


>Cosplayers that are notoriously cute

>Posts a fatass with a 6/10 face

Oh you, OP

>> No.6571414


Dude, she looks unwashed like Kesha

>> No.6571416
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>Those dick sucking lips

>> No.6571421
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>> No.6571424


Everyone always beats up on Potato, but I think she is one of the nicest trips.

>> No.6571433
File: 220 KB, 1200x1600, 1322457298402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6571434 [DELETED] 

I know you're fat. I stalker you everytime

>> No.6571436

None of those girls are actually ugly. It's just troll bait.

>> No.6571435

fuck off

>> No.6571438

And smelly

>> No.6571437

I just wanna hug her butt. It looks so soft and nice.

>> No.6571439


I think it looks like cottage cheese

>> No.6571442

She should take better care of her skin, she's got acne/blemishes

>> No.6571446

as a friend i can say that every part of that is wrong, he wasnt even a /fit/izen. she hasnt cheated. but cgl gonna cgl. she posts in the uk boards still but she either just lurks or doesnt use her trip anywhere else, i dunno.

>> No.6571448

/r/ing more of that Shaynii chick, she's cute as hell.

>> No.6571450

lurk more

>> No.6571458
File: 384 KB, 986x665, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this color on her.
much better than the dark red, imo.

jesus christ there are like two spots
I hate to see what you'd say about me without makeup on.
>tfw when never leaving my house without copious concealer and foundation again.

>> No.6571459
File: 42 KB, 400x300, tumblr_m49xdeBc831rtknyco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happened to our kawaii aidoru purincessu?
I know she doesn't trip after the shitstorm that was the idol contest, I wouldn't either, but does she still even lurk here?

>> No.6571463


>> No.6571464

Dat face

>> No.6571468

>here are like two spots
Not really, I can see a load of them on her face and chest. The makeup isn't doing much to cover them up.

If anything it's not that difficult to take better care of yourself. I used to have terrible breakouts but they stopped immediately after switching the products I used on my face. I haven't had pimples in months. If your face is as disgusting as you're implying you should also look into changing your routine.

>> No.6571479 [DELETED] 

our definitions of 'a load' are apparently really different.
but you are an asshat if your excuse is thinking that 'changing products' is all it takes for some girls to clear up their skin. no skin care routine is the same because nobody's skin is exactly alike. some skin care routines get really expensive and complicated while other girls are fine with just splashing water on their faces every once in a while. I'm not one of the latter, but I don't have the time or money to waste on experimenting right now.
because before now I never realised how 'disgusting' it must be to the people around me who are forced to witness the hideousness of my bespeckled face.
thank you for opening my eyes to the truth.

>> No.6571484

I'm spoony/cunt-wizard, whatever you want to call me. I didn't make this thread and I don't want it here either. The fact that the normally so attentive mod has yet to delete it makes me suspicious.

The reason nobody has seen me post in ages is because I don't want my personal identity involved in this stuff any more, I prefer staying Anonymous now.


Whilst I'm here, yeah I had quite bad acne then but it's hormonal and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it aside from fight hormone with hormone, so saying that somebody should "really take better care of their skin" is a really moronic thing to say. Unless you didn't already know it was proven a long time ago there's little causation between acne and bad diet so it's not like people can just eat a few apples and it'll vanish and I have always drunk a lot of water.

I had switched from one BC that was blocking Androgens in my body and preventing spots and moved onto another thinking I'd stopped getting them but they came back.

>> No.6571485

goddammit, 4chan, stop fucking with my posts
too long to write it over again
basically, our definitions of 'a load' of acne are very different.
you're a lucky girl for finding your miracle solution to acne, we all wish we had your skin, etc., but for the rest of us, getting to 'naturally perfect skin' takes a lot of money and experimentation that we all don't necessarily have the resources for.
but like, jesus christ, I never knew the world was going to call me disgusting for having a couple of blemishes imperfectly covered up when I went out. you sound so fucking judgmental right now.

>> No.6571487

Yep this spoony oh right

>> No.6571494


Don't worry about,the way she talks about it makes it clear that she's very uneducated on the subject.

Sometimes it's got nothing to with how often you change your sheets, how much water drink, how many carbs you abstain from or how little makeup you wear. If the problem lies within your body then it doesn't matter what you try, nothings going to help unless you get on some hardcore chemicals.

I know how devastating having acne can be, people think it's such a small thing, but of course they don't suffer from the same problems so they take it for granted. I tried everything, absolutely everything and mine didn't leave until I got on a certain birth control which wiped them out completely in a month.

I hope you find a way to deal with your own soon though x

>> No.6571497


Trip or gtfo

>> No.6571507

>it's hormonal and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it aside from fight hormone with hormone
>saying that somebody should "really take better care of their skin" is a really moronic thing to say.
I find that pretty funny because my acne was considered hormonal, and I'd always get the worst of it during my period. I also never implied anything about dieting and acne in my post. But you can believe whatever you want if it makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.6571516


Well you may be in for a big surprise, but believe it or not, not everybody is the same as you.

>> No.6571526


what made you decide to stop tripping

>> No.6571531
File: 97 KB, 300x521, 1335802698277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's pretty clear from this thread, you didn't have to tell me that.

>> No.6571530
File: 8 KB, 302x248, 1316192569638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


getting her trip banned, for one

>> No.6571535

B-but muh dynamic IP

>> No.6571542


Yeah, my tripcode got banned for 30 days lol. I could still post with a name and a different trip but I couldn't be bothered thinking of a new one, and after being Anonymous for a while I decided I liked it better that way.

That and I had started working out on a regular basis and eating right. I've lost 12lbs already and it's kind of given me a new lease on life. I just don't find /cgl/ that appealing any more so I rarely come here any more, evidenced by the fact that it took me so long to notice this thread haha

Anyway, I don't really want to play Q&A any more, I'm just waiting for this thread to get deleted.