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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 300x300, 937797028_yaoi_fangirl_____by_yukixharu123_d35tpq5_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6565524 No.6565524 [Reply] [Original]

Anything you regret from your younger, more naive days.

I pretty much made a bunch of stupid purchases. I've still got a Lucky Star wall scroll that I like, but I've got tonnes of unused posters cluttering up a corner of my room.
I also bought those stupid animal ear hats, like ones with long floppy bunny ears and wolf ears and panda ears. I'd love to wear them now the weather's a bit colder but they don't go with how I look now.
Also figurines. Fucking figurines everywhere. Not any decent ones, just those randomised figurines from little boxes and plastic balls.

Seem to remember buying a giant badge with "YAOI" written on it.
Never really into yaoi, I just wanted to fit in. I'll post a picture if I find it.

So fucking glad I never glomped anyone at a con, though.

>> No.6565526

Roleplaying in deviantart comments.
Emo kid eyeliner in every cosplay.
'Otaku' t-shirts.

Those were some dark days...

>> No.6565527

self insert fanfics
i also had to admit to my boyfriend that i learned how to kiss from fanfics because he didn't believe me that i've never kissed anyone before

also now i can't fucking get rid of these naruto manga and bleach manga FUCK

>> No.6565529

I have volumes 1 to 35 of Bleach on my shelf
So glad I never got into Naruto that shit just went on forever

>> No.6565532

sometimes I'll watch it on toonami and I just cringe
my first Naruto OC was Gaara's twin, god damn it I couldn't grasp the concept of MARY SUE

>> No.6565544

did anyone else use wapanese
i don't want to be the only one
please guys

>> No.6565550


Man I used to read so much fucking smut but then I'd glaze over the actual smut and just fastforward to the post coital stuff.

I wasted so much time on it and I don't even have proxy experience to compensate for it.

>> No.6565553
File: 447 KB, 427x563, Screen shot 2013-01-20 at 3.31.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a classic loud, obnoxious Kingdom Hearts obsessed weeaboo who drew really bad 'anime' and created so many shitty self-inserts it wasn't even funny.

To be fair, I was like twelve. Everyone is annoying at age 12. once I hit like 14/15 I mellowed out a lot, and by the time I was 17, I pretty much just disliked anime as a whole.

> pic related, my shitty 'art' from that time.

So glad I grew out of that.

>> No.6565561

What is it with weeaboos drawing on lined paper

>> No.6565565

my life 12-17

i used to be that little shit that glomped strangers and made crude sexual remarks with other fifteen year olds
i also text roleplayed (with the occassional sext) and wore novelty socks (ones with stripes/checkers/rainbow).
i was madly in love with seto kaiba and used to go to quizilla just to do those "seto kaiba is ur boyfran!!11" type quizzes.
i squeed over my first otp, first manga and first j rock band shirt.
i spent over a grand on straightening my hair every month for two years

god i was a fucking little fucker. there was more but i forgot them.

>> No.6565574
File: 154 KB, 245x163, ten crying distorted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that thing in anime when one female character would show up behind another female character and grab their boobs
I used to do that to my friend
I'm so fucking ashamed of myself

>> No.6565576
File: 213 KB, 858x191, processfinishedsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They draw during class when they're supposed to be taking notes and educating themselves. If it makes you feel any better, the story has a happy ending. I sort of stopped sucking at art, and I grew the fuck up.

...Still love vidya, though.

> pic related, the working process on some piece that I finished recently-ish.

>> No.6565577

had a friend who did this to me, tolerated it because I was older and knew she was going through a phase. We cool tho.

>> No.6565581


Hey I like your art a lot. Do you have a website?

>> No.6565583
File: 56 KB, 500x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle School, 12-13 or so
>Japanese high school exchange student living literally three doors down from my house
>Shit bricks when I find out she's from Japan
>Stare at her everyday at the bus stop
>She notices and asks "Is that bookbag from a popular anime?"
>Lucky Star bookbag, pic related
>Talk to her everyday at bus stop about anime and video games
>Try to speak Japanese to her, I literally know like 10 words maybe
>Fastforward towards end of school year
>Bought one of those dark blue school uniform online
>It's too small for me, but not by much
>I give it to her, she thanks me
>It is never mentioned again

I'm guilty of other weeby acts, most of which happened the year prior to this, things like glomping people at school, being really open about liking yaoi, calling everybody ____-chan, being ohso querky and randum!!!!^.~ That sort of thing. But every time I think of how big I weeb I was to this exchange student I just cringe. At the very least, I'm glad none of this followed me to high school.

>> No.6565587

Nah, just a dA( hearts-are-cold ), and most of the stuff on it isn't really anything like this since that particular image is like my first ever attempt at drawing something without having lines in the finished product, hahah.

But thank you for the compliment.

>> No.6565590

I only dated my first boyfriend because he was Japanese. He would eat that weeaboo shit up though because he knew he could get something out of it. I was one of those girls who would wear cat ears and "nya!" to everyone whilst also wearing obnoxiously loud socks. He didn't mind it I don't think. At least I hope not.

I'm pretty ashamed of it though.

>> No.6565594

I remember watching Pita Ten and wanting a pair of cat ears like Uematsu and I even planned to wear them to school but I never had the bottle.
Thank fuck for that.

Missed out on the obnoxious sock phase, too. Never even knew it existed.

>> No.6565596
File: 216 KB, 314x320, AXVdJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet baby Jesus, I am so embarrassed about my weeaboo past. I was 13 when I started to read manga in school and made a huge fuzz about it. I also screamed random Japanese words, wore striped socks, drew shitty animu characters and so on. Me and my friend also used to call each other with Japanese ~*nicknames*~ ( I was Akiko). We were obsessed about Hellsing anime and made OCs...
I was also a hardcore Dir en Grey fangirl. Thank god I didn't use makeup back then...
Now I rarely read manga and I don't watch anime at all, only the street fashions stayed.

>> No.6565604

My fashion sense during my weeaboo years was fucking disgusting.
Put simply I didn't wash my hair enough.
I also couldn't be bothered to get a haircut so it was really long and straggly.
At one point I got a really nice haircut for a cosplay and it got longer and I tried to get it back to how it looked beforehand and fucked up the fringe.
Then it got too long at the back and I tried to cut that off by putting it in a ponytail and cutting it and it went stupidly uneven and I spent ages wearing scarves around my neck to hide it.

Also barely brushed my teeth, thought Pocky was the nectar of the gods and always tried to keep a piece in my mouth. Wore this goddamn rainbow scarf everywhere because GAY PRIDE LOL!!11/!

There's probably some picture of a time I tried to "cosplay" L by gelling my (dark brown) hair in a really stupid fashion, putting on glittery eyeshadow under my eyes because it was all I had, wearing black jeans and a white shirt (IT DIDN'T EVEN HAVE LONG SLEEVES)
And crouching on a chair in L-style. While holding my Death Note manga.
Never published it to the world, thank fuck.

>> No.6565616
File: 40 KB, 308x681, 3398282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just a typical 2edgy4u preteen when I went through my worst weeb phase.

I remembered I used to trace anime characters from fucking Elfwood and other online art sites and pass them off as my own work on my xanga blog that nobody fucking looked at besides my only three friends. Everyone irl knew I didn't actually draw them and ignored it, but my best friend at the time used to rat me out to these people online and I would get really angsty messages from the artists. Their work was pretty mediocre looking back, so I think it's hilarious.

So there was that.
But honestly I wasn't much of a weeb outside of that besides liking sushi a lot and thinking Japanese products were the bee's knees. My Hot Topic mallgoth phase was much more cringeworthy and regretful.
Oh and I used to love Inuyasha because of Adult Swim, and I thought I was such a badass for staying up late at night to watch the anime specials.

>> No.6565618
File: 19 KB, 560x398, FUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White supremacist here. I used to like Asian guys.

>> No.6565619

> Oh and I used to love Inuyasha because of Adult Swim, and I thought I was such a badass for staying up late at night to watch the anime specials.
Oh god, this.

>> No.6565630

>White supremacist
Pick one.

>> No.6565634

I was horribly ashamed of liking Anime in Jr. High. I was more open about it in Elementary (but in no way a weeaboo) and wanted desperately to dismiss the notion that I ever liked it. I started to act racist towards Asians, and actually got into some shit with an Asian girl at my school. I wasn't straight up hateful, though. ("Do u like asian guys, anon?" EWWWWWW NO SMALL PENISES STUPID CHINK EYES LOL") The girl I was fighting with was way too sensitive about her race, though, so I really don't feel too bad about it.

>> No.6565635

Male, do you not know where you are right now?

>> No.6565640

>White supremacist
>not male

>> No.6565645

>>Making something about race about gender
Gtfo, go marry a kawaii asian bitch and stay out of my white nationalism.

>> No.6565650

>not even trying
I hope your white supremacist buddies find out about your homosexuality and smash your head against the curb.

Though unfortunately, it is more likely that they will have sex with you, since they're likely repressed homosexuals too.

>> No.6565656
File: 198 KB, 337x380, 1354807614024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw mud people think woman can't be white nationalists.

Ever heard of the singer Saga? The 14 words?

"Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth".

>> No.6565659

>posting a picture of Breivik
Yeah, confirmed for not woman.

Women don't have the balls to be white supremacist. They can only pretend to be one to get some nazi-wannabe dick.

Just like female 'metal fans'. Metal as a genre has absolutely zero appeal to the human brain. It's one of the worst genres to listen to if you're looking for music that gives you endomorphism. Metal only exists for loser male ex-nerds who didn't want to be losers anymore, so they glorified some pitiful music and used it as an excuse to be sociable with one another (banging heads, lel, growing faggot hair, lel) and to start drinking / be a normal human being.

>> No.6565667

>>implying you're white
Whoa there, Mohamed. You sure are mad.

>> No.6565678

What music should I be listening to if I want endomorphism?

>> No.6565687

Pop songs are the best. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber.. you might pretend you don't like it, because you're edgy and a special snowflakes, but no matter what you tell yourself you 'prefer', their music makes your brain the happiest.


>> No.6565688

Typical shitskin views on woman, ladies.

>> No.6565705

I disagree. While I do like pop music, on repeated listens music like classical, jazz and post rock can cause great happiness. The only reason pop is first as it is the most predictable. Which is why after a few listens the aforementioned genres are even better, as they aren't just predictable but they also have tension/release and other things.

>> No.6565714

>disagrees with objective science
>implying that his opinion is worth anything

>> No.6565720


>> No.6565741

>i was madly in love with seto kaiba and used to go to quizilla just to do those "seto kaiba is ur boyfran!!11" type quizzes.
Shit are you me?

>> No.6565764

Yes, stop replying to yourself, it's just sad, me.

>> No.6565806

I was never a weeaboo (got more into anime during college) but...

>Addicted to neopets
>Participating in all contests with shitty art and crafts
>Dream is to work at neopets
>Buy premium account

Then my account got frozen and I got sad but left it forever. During high-school I was one of the "hipster" kids (back in my time this word did not exist), belonged to the theatre group and spent my days being depressed, reading books that were not appropriate to my age and writing poetry.

>> No.6565824

So, I, uh, started eating sushi because it was omg nihon desu!!11!!

I also started learning Japanese so I could watch raws.

Oh, and there was this one time, when I was moving house and all my scores were boxed up, I printed out the sheet music for Misa's song in Death Note and took it to my singing lesson. Oh god. Why did I do that. Why.

On the plus side, I actually do really like sushi, although I don't eat it too often, and because I started learning Japanese, I also started learning Mandarin (although I'm pretty out of practice and not very good at either). I still want to take them up properly when I get to uni and can probably do a class at SOAS. I don't really inflict it on anyone unless they ask.

>> No.6566098

The only time I wore a Naruto headband to school was around my arm to cover a bruise because I thought it was a badass coverup. My friends were much bigger Narutards than me and cosplayed to school but I had too much self-shame.

Originally I ate sushi because omg wapan, but now that I'm an adult making money I have Japanese food all the time. It's delicious, usually made with fresh meat and vegetables and doesn't have a lot of heavy oils and sauces.

>> No.6566167

This so much. Inuyasha and .hack were my "I'm so edgy" shows back in 5th-6th grade.

In middle school my mom had a bright red windbreaker. I liked wearing that to school because I felt like Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist. Every day during lunch I would have a friend braid my hair. I also used to carry one of those "I <3 yaoi" bags, and when asked what it meant by a teacher or other adult I would say it's a boy band.

My weeb phase is far worse than that but I'd like to leave those memories buried in the past...

>> No.6566184

Naruto headbands were my way of covering hickies!

>> No.6566186

bless you for posting this, I know it's hard

>> No.6566189

drawing in school

>> No.6566190

Watched hours upon hours of Naruto
Literally stayed up all night reading fanfiction a couple times
Drew on comic that vaguely implied yaoi

The worst part was that I talked about it in school; I've never had a discussion about fanfiction, though. I'm glad I was too afraid to really act on it.

>> No.6566198

God I still have to tell people all the time that shit aint kawaii...

Oh noooo I read pita ten and wore cat ears all through out the 9th grade, i'm so embarrrassed remembering it.


bless this mess

At least you didn't tell them it was bishi guys fucking

>> No.6566199


I'm pretty sure all of this is off topic, including the original post.

That being said, I am curious, original poster; when did you start following white supremacist ideology?

>> No.6566229

I don't know if you'd count it as weeaboo...

But I was a huge Sonic the Hedgehog faggot in middle school.

I had my own character, "Vemon Fang Da Panther," and I told all of my friends that I was actually her, but in a human form so that the humans wouldn't poach me for my fur.

Good God, the shame.

>> No.6566236
File: 132 KB, 322x289, c703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasting the shit out of printer ink so I could stick pictures all over my school supplies.
Sometimes, if it printed in black and white, I'd colour it in.
It was very tacky.

We had a face-painting thing at school, so I painted those little triangles on my cheeks like Axel has.
I got clown comments on it for the entire day.

>> No.6566247
File: 326 KB, 686x1024, _DSC9744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah...I was absolutely horrible...I bought a yaoi paddle my first con ever when I was 14 and I'd take that thing everywhere to me for cons...I'd hit gay guys on the ass because IDK?? I'd warn them first but if they didn't want me to do it I'd get all huffy and pouty...

Ugh pic related, it's me 'n my paddle, Katsucon 2007 or 2008

>that feel when it was only 5 or 6 years ago and I've done a literal 180 since then

>> No.6566267

Naruto headband? Yes
Anime stickers on my stuff? Yes
School art project done in anime style? Yes (big regret)
Acting like a goddamned immature teenager? Yes
Socially awkward person that didn't know how to talk to women properly? Also regrettably, Yes.

Good thing I turned things around.

>> No.6566269

you look(ed) older than 14

>> No.6566272

>Trying to justify having sex with a CHILD.
Die, you scum.

>> No.6566274

this picture is really confusing :D You're so cute! Even despite the paddle :D

>> No.6566284

I shoved yaoi manga in the faces of my friends... and talked about anime non-stop. Luckily this only lasted about half a year. I learned to hide my power levels pretty soon.

>> No.6566286
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1351496342832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this thread about Nurutu fans
Please stay out of /a/.

Also I just decided to come to this board first time ever, and I see this. I am terrified.

>> No.6566293
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 1354706028666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read?
They were Narootoo fans once, no ones talking about today

>> No.6566299

Yes, I understand. The answer is still no.

>> No.6566307
File: 241 KB, 500x281, huff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in middle school, I was a typical text book weeaboo. I was a part of a big group of weeb kids and we all called each by name with Japanese suffixes. To make things worse, I was the "leader" of this group of kids. I was "Vivi-chan" because of how much I liked FF9 in middle school. We spoke in broken Japanese, ate store bought sushi and cup ramen, pocky and ramune was THE BEST TREAT DESU, and I fancied myself a super talented mangaka. I was going to go to Japan, become a famous mangaka and marry a hot Japanese man.

Also, tons of self insert fan fiction, which I promptly purged in high school.

Luckily, I cut that shit out when I got into high school and crafted a better reputation for myself. No one wants to be known as "that crazy anime girl". It's really embarrassing to think about these days.

>> No.6566305

There never was a question in the first place

>> No.6566308

And yet you were denied somehow.

>> No.6566314

I brought hentai with me to show and tell class in school. And not just one class either, but every time I got the chance to do it. Cause c'mon guys, hentai is so lolzy and edgy XDXD

Awful times, thank god that I grew the fuck up.

>> No.6566335

How did you not get into trouble for that? Just curious. Because I knew a kid who brought hentai print outs to school and got caught with them, and then got suspended or something.

>> No.6566361

>tfw no cute /a/ bf

>> No.6566365

I honestly have no idea. My teachers loved me, so I guess they refused to lecture me about it because it would ruin their image of me as a sweet little innocent angel or something :< I'm pretty sure I probably would have snapped right out of it if they had told me how wrong it was back then, but they just kind of let me do whatever the hell I wanted to do.

>> No.6566392

no i think she meant she just bought it when she was 14, that doesnt necessarily mean she was 14 in the photo

>> No.6566431

Ghhh, my friend still does this to me, and to every other female friend of hers. I could tell all about her weabooish ways, but I believe these confessions are supposed to be about yourself so that'd be unfair to her.

>> No.6566495

Oh god, tfw when I still have this bag. My hubby gave it to me for Christmas three years ago and I don't want to give it up ;_;

>start watching anime at 13.
>Inuyasha all the time
>I love kawaii bishies!!!!
>Have a livejournal. End every entry with "ja ne~"
>shitty anime art, but, "When I grow up I'm going to be a manga-ka!"
>make a catgirl character, act like a cat
>fast forward two years
>anime club, we play DDR, doodle and watch anime
>anime still part of my school projects

Eventually it tapered off and I got better. I think I reached my most annoying point at age 16 and after that I stopped with anime club, the cat ears and started going towards a career in the sciences.

Funny enough, I watch more anime than ever. I still draw my shitty anime art and enjoy my ridiculous catgirl OCs, socialized in my uni's anime club and buy anime merch. So yeah, I'm an incorrigible weaboo till the end. Unless you pay close attention though I don't think it's apparent. I'm probably just the girl that dresses kinda funny to everyone.

>> No.6566590

A guy my friend dated loved to pull that shit as an excuse to touch titties. He was a hideous fedora wearing asshole with pube beard and I guess he felt like he hit the jackpot by dating her, since our weeb group was kind of big and we were in an all-girls school.

He also tried to play off titty squeezing as a cute quirky thing he just did, it's not sexual! And fucking 80% of the group awkwardly accepted that. Like, you could tell they were uncomfortable but they joked it off or pretended to be enthusiastic about it. 15 year olds, man.

I hung out with him once in a group setting because a bunch of us wanted to hang out on the weekend. He had a pool table in the basement and thought and his room stank like IDK WHAT. Sweat? Semen? Poor ventilation?

He ended up cheating on his girlfriend with another girl in our group. To this day, I'm actually a little mad a 3/10 like that got away with any of that.

tl;dr: Anon, I hope this makes you feel a little better. You weren't this guy.

>> No.6566594

I'm interested, please go on.

>> No.6566596

learning sex ed from manga

you can probably guess why my first real encounters were a little awkward

>> No.6566618

My biggest 'weeaboo' mistake?

I'm an artist, a good artist. Cocky? Maybe... but not matter. I'm proud.

Well, back when I was 13 into Pokemon and Cardcaptors and all that my dad bought me all those 'How to Draw Manga' books. Now, mind you, at least he bought me the ones from that really, really good series. Not the shitty ones with the drawings a 3rd grader could make. Like, the really good books.

Unfortunately that was also the age I started learning how to draw humans and their anatomy, using those books (BAD IDEA!) and even though I don't draw manga now 10 years later...

Everyone is all like, 'Cool fucking anime picture, bro.' Me: It's not... anime or manga... 'Nah, man, cool anime picture.' :/

And no matter how hard I try, everyone now calls my art 'manga or anime'. Even though it's not. I don't draw big moe eyes or crazy spiky hair. But it still gets labeled as such.

>> No.6566633

I used 'baka' until someone told me to stop disrespecting the language.
That stopped me pretty quickly.

>> No.6566658


I never got into the yaoi or the OMGKAWAII DESU NI!!!! stage... nor larping... nor anything like that.

But I did give myself a self cut hime style haircut. Lord, did that look terrible. and awkward. Bangs... hair down to my ass... then two pieces that fell right below my shoulder.

Oh. and I didn't wash my face. That might have more to do with being raised by my dad who was terribly frightened of when it came to explaining the importance of facewash, makeup, fitting clothing, hair straighteners, and periods to me. Lol. Poor guy. Luckily, my grandmother and female friends finally decided to intervene.

>> No.6566700

My weeaboo stage still makes me cringe.
I would buy all of those shitty 'How to Draw Manga/Anime' books and pretty much copy them. Eventually, I graduated from drawing the book's characters to drawing my own. Which was worse, in a sense. I had an OC catgirl, but I tried to make her a tough tomboy. I actually used that for a school project. (That was so damn embarrassing. I wrote an entire 76 page story in about 3 days because I procrastinated, so it sucked twice as badly.) I had gone to Japan (to visit family) a few years before I had gotten into anime, so I regretted not doing whatever I thought I was supposed to do in Japan to be ultra-kawaii or whatever. And I was always trying to get my other anime friends to ask me about my trip.
Everyday, after changing for PE, I would basically bodyslam one of my friends as a sort of 'surprise!' thing. Eventually, she told me to stop, so I did.
The next year, I became a Kingdom Hearts-obsessed weeb, and made my own OC. I was too lazy to write a fanfic, but I had the story in my mind. I drew this fox-girl on everything. In the exact same pose. I would show these shitty drawings to the group's artist. I'm pretty sure that I pissed her off. Eventually, I tried to write the story out, but changed the names so that it wasn't such an obvious fanfic. I never finished. And good riddance.
I typed in that obnoxious chat-speak and purposefully misspelled words manner because it was 'omg liek so randum!!! XD' I would make journals on DeviantArt everyday, and did a million and one of those journal memes. I never drew anything though. Just journals.
I never really got into yaoi, but I would pretend I loved it in order to fit in. Sometimes, I would be the most vocal of the group. I wouldn't outright say anything inappropriate, but I would hint at things and giggle a lot.
I wonder why any of those people would even talk to me.
This is great to get it off of my chest. Even if these aren't all the stories that I have.

>> No.6566728

I was a yaoi fangirl. I kept a notebook full of my explicit drawings. But, I preferred drawing the female form, so I started drawing yuri, too. Eventually I would leave the girl pages open near my guy friend, tricking them into flipping through a book of mostly gay dudes. It was fun for me, but I was reported to the principal quickly enough. He didn't even do anything, though, because I have a mental illness and he was a fearful small town principal.

Oh, and I pronounced "yaoi" as "yow".

>> No.6566738


>> No.6566758

Middle school: Spent hours copying those terrible how to draw manga books. Went to the library every week to check out manga and anime. Read nothing but manga.
Beginning of high school (9th-10th): Saw Naruto, had Naruto crap (notebooks, folders, t-shirts, was jealous of other kids who had the headbands). Yaoi fan (liked the older men type of stuff (eww gross!) had otaku shirt, my life was anime.
End of high school: watched anime, read manga, and finally grew the fuck up.

I'm ashamed of myself! Now I know why my boyfriend hates it when I tell the world he likes anime...I sounded like a damn weeaboo.

>> No.6566791

I used to use words like "kawaii" and "ja ne" in everyday conversation with my friends. I drew terrible InuYasha OCs. I would sing Japanese anime opening songs at public events like talent shows. I have a bookshelf (not one shelf - an entire piece of furniture) loaded with mangas, how to draw manga books, and VHS tapes purchased from Suncoast Video and comic book stores at my mom's house that I collected over the course of about 5 years. I coated literally every available inch of my room with printouts of Sailor Moon pictures and Sailor Moon posters from the time I was 10 to the time I was 12. I recorded episodes of Sailor Moon onto VHS tapes off Toonami. I wore stuff like yukatas and seifukus out in public. I ate ramen all the time necause it was from Grorious Nippon.

Most of this took place between when I was 10-15. I'm 23 now and much better at hiding my powerlevel.

>> No.6567036

me too anon, me too
i used to also art really badly drawn stuff, squeed over bleach, used to make sexual remarks but
but at least i grew out of it

oh well at least i took shower twice a day though that must count for something

>> No.6567131

As much as I don't enjoy the whole metal subculture, and don't understand the need for it to exist, dismissing an entire genre of music is extremely stupid and shows you know nothing about the medium.

Also, "gives you endomorphism"? Really? Unless you have anything to do with vector spaces or category theory, using that term makes you look like a conceited asshole.

10/10. I'm mad, and I don't even like metal that much.

>> No.6567432

oh god anon same here, esp with the whole kingdom hearts & "pretending to like yaoi to fit in" act... I even used to chat roleplay kingdom hearts with other weebs on neopets, of all places. and then the OCs. oh god. wow am I glad to be out of my weaboo phase.

embarrassingly enough, i'm still facing the repercussions of it though. a classmate i recently spoke with seemed to be legitimately surprised at our holding a conversation, because apparently I was known for being the crazy anime chick or something like that. dear lord.

>> No.6567664

Near the end of sophomore year, I was roped into doing the Hare Hare Yukai for the school's talent show by two friends. One of the friends had to drop out of it, but another one stepped in. About a week before the talent show, the other of the original members had to drop out. The new girl and I were uncomfortable, and wanted to drop out, since we had both been roped in by the other two. The people in charge of the talent show were very short on performers that year, though, and being the pushovers we were, we just went along with it. We had to change the dance to fit two members, and wore shitty thrown-together outfits that were some unholy combination of kawaii schoolgirl desu and Hot Topic. We put our group name down as the American S.O.S. Brigade.
The dance was something that we had practiced every day at lunch, despite the numerous people that would point and laugh. Embarrassing stuff, that. But anyhow, we did our dance, got awkwardly applauded by the half-empty audience, then hid behind stage, watching various singers, tango-dancers, and pianists come up to show their actual talent.
Afterward, a guy that almost all of the girls in the anime club had been crushing on (because he was a sugoi asian) came up and asked to take a photo. Of course, we posed with the trademark V-for-victory poses. Oh man, we were proud of that. Now that I remember this, I shudder to imagine how badly that photo got made fun of. I guess that's what we got for having pushy friends that thought that doing the Hare Hare Yukai was alright for the talent show.
And lacking enough backbone to refuse.

>> No.6567720 [DELETED] 

How did you even get from there to here?

>> No.6567999


I think I went to your school, dude. Does one of them happen to be a Sarah?

>assuming every school didn't have that one Lucky Star/Haruhi dance group

>> No.6568014

>be 22
>retire from air force
>gorilla warfare, etc
>go to nyc
>con near my hotel
>wear frog hat
>get glomped
>throw fat girl in the ground out of instinct

I have never been so ashamed in my life

>> No.6568032

>Throws a fat girl on the floor
Nothing special, especially with the whole "glomp" thing.
>Weeaboo Confession thread
>Not posting anything embarrassing except some attempt to seem edgy and cool.

If troll for getting me to respond.
Reading comprehension, mate. Get some.

>> No.6568043
File: 11 KB, 225x272, Nodoka-Miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I regret from my weeaboo phase:

>doing the stupid V-sign or peace sign with my fingers in photos (thankfully there's very few photos of me doing that)
>wearing a dog collar with a bell on it
>role-playing online
>glomping friends
>having a few anime styled haircuts with one style being exactly like pic related
>dressing up in a sailor uniform at school twice

Yep. If I met my past self I would probably slap her as hard as I possibly can.

>> No.6568067

ITT: Chuunibyou

>> No.6568098

I thought Sora from KH was my super kawaii desu uke boy and I used to draw shitty doujinshi with him and riku in them oh god

i drew those in public

>> No.6568128

>Lucky Star

That wasn't even dubbed until like 09.

>> No.6568134

Nope. Sorry man.

>> No.6568157

i was probably one of the worst weeaboos ever. ever since i was really young i liked things from japan, starting with pokemon and sailor moon, leading into anime like cardcaptor sakura, inuyasha, etc. once i started middle school i was terrible.
i was very shy though so i didn't act obnoxiously unless i was with friends.
>started saying "nya", "nyo", "pyo" after sentences (copying digi charat)
>ate ramen daily
>spent many hours reading bad yaoi fanfiction
>took anime bf quizzes on quizilla
>bought SO MUCH manga, i am now trying to sell many with not much luck
>wore cat ears (even up until 9th grade)
>wore surgical masks (so jrock desu)
>cat-eye eyeliner to appear more asian
>chopsticks in hair
>drew very poor anime, some of characters, and others were OCs

oh my god it goes on and on, i'm repenting for my sins

>> No.6568166

Because nobody can download subs.

>> No.6568174

I was a fakeboi 'lesbian' in 7th/8th grade.
Now I actually consider myself a lesbian and looking back on those days I am just so ashamed for calling myself that.
I won't even get into the wapanophile stuff, because I imagine it's the same old song and dance.

>> No.6568177

- I went through a very, very short phase of trying to throw Japanese words into my regular speech. It was so short because even I heard how annoying it sounded.

- I wore a Naruto headband (it wasn't even a decent one with the metal plate; mine was plastic) to school, practiced jutsus, etc. I was a Narutard before that term even existed.

I spent every moment in school drawing. I actually flunked several classes because of it. I also brought manga to school to read in class.

- I had anime pictures printed out and put on my binder.

- There was also a project in history class to pick a country to report about, and I of course picked Japan and wrote about how awesome it was because they invented anime.

- I wrote a LOT of really terrible yaoi and shota fanfiction.

- I had cat ears that I wore for a few years. At first it was just for fun but when a few annoying people started bullying me to stop wearing them, it turned into a "I'm gonna wear these every single day just to prove you can't tell me what to do" thing.

- I brought anime plush toys to school.

- My fashion sense suffered. Obviously.

- I got shitty haircuts trying to imitate anime characters.

God, i was just so stupid. I'm just glad I didn't do really annoying things to people like glomping, or yelling at them for not liking anime, or anything like that. I was just a walking embarassment, not so much an annoyance.

>> No.6568269

From what I can remember..

>used to draw myself as an OC in all my favorite animes; Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, FMA, etc. as my favorite character's waifu or sidekick
>always had a Naruto headband tied around my arm
>browsing photobucket for hours looking at pictures of my favorite series
>poorly singing the openings and endings of animes to show people "OH I CAN SPEAK JAPANESE!!1!"
>had a Shoyru (Neopets) plushie that I carried with me everywhere
>search: "*OTP* lemon fanfics"
>was in some Bleach Gotei 13 roleplay on facebook

Though 4+ years later I'm still in contact with some of the people I met through the RP and most, if not all of them have grown out of their anime stage, so I don't entirely regret it. It was still really embarrassing, especially since it was in a public group and sometimes appeared on the newsfeed. /shudders

>> No.6568328

this is the most recent awkward weeb moment
>be 20 in community college
>waiting for my intro to psychology class to start
>this girl in anime club sits next to me on the bench outside the classroom with her friend
>they start talking about yaoi (I think it was really more shounen-ai, but whatever)
>"h-hey, so you like yaoi? what are you reading?"
>ohgod I can't stop myself for some reason
>she talks a little about it, I forgot what she said
>"yeah, it seems that a lot of the manga I find end in rape, it's like, I don't wanna see that! Rape is not sexy at all."
>it's an italian buffet
>why did I ever say that in public?
>there was someone next to me that probably overheard
>never talk to anyone in that class again
I thought I had left my weaboo days in high school, though I still like animus and stuff. I guess some slipped out.

>> No.6568370

> I'm a good artist.
Put your art where your mouth is. All weebs and plenty of delusional fucks think they're all good artists.

>> No.6568373

Italian buffet what now?

>> No.6568377

My childhood was fucking bizarre.

I spent most of primary school running around the playground as fast as I could with my BFF singing the music from City Escape in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Or playing Pokemon together. Or playing at being Final Fantasy characters (The game varied, but we played very true to the story because fuck your original plotline shit.) or playing at being various Zelda characters (We played Windwaker or Majora's Mask at my house after school most days.) and shit like that. I spent a lot of my time being Star Trek obsessed and I've still not grown out of that. I was also obsessed with a TV show called The Lexx, so we used to play that. We also used to play various Ghibli movies.
In Primary Seven, I got ma hair did like Rikku's from FF X-2 and wore an obnoxiously long scarf every day. Used to trip people over all the fucking time. Had to change my hair when I started high school because goddamn that school was a rough place and my mum didn't want me getting beat up for being retarded.

Then I mellowed out on the weebishness, got all eating disordery and spent all my time reading Sylvia Plath. Then I went into third or fourth year, had stupid bird's nest hair, made sushi at home every day for lunch and used to behave like Mello from Death Note. Went through a phase of eating nothing but chocolate and actually lost weight. Then I turned fifteen and stopped being so retarded. I was still socially retarded, but not weeb retarded.

>> No.6568399


>> No.6568405

Does anyone actually have any of their old fanfics?

>> No.6568411


I used to write Harry Potter fanfic. Not so much weeby as plain embarrassing.
I had an OC. She was fat.

I'm reading one of the fics now and contemplating setting myself on fire.

>> No.6568415

please sir, i need something more than that. I must read everything

>> No.6568417

OMG, Seto Kaiba fics on Quizilla used to be the shit! haha I still love Kaiba, buuuuut god did i used to be weird about it.... lol

>> No.6568429

Hells yes. Somewhere around here. Lots of scriptfics, full of Mary Sues and insomnia-induced nonsense. Mostly Gundam Wing.

Still proud of my Nii Jyeni / Ririn slash, though.

I have some fucking awesome MST3Ks kicking around, too.

>> No.6568435

Sure do!



>> No.6568444

oh god I'm not even to the actual story yet and I'm suffering

>> No.6568448

I... I used to have a shitty comic series in the Neopian Times. Neopets seriously ruined a lot of my school days. I have a no MMO/social game site rule now because of how obsessed I got.

>> No.6568451


Oh God, even my Harry Potter fanfic never went that far.
Have you ever been submitted to Pottersues?

>> No.6568453

>"Kitsune-chan isnt a full witch, Hermoine!" Ron said "She's half-kitsune!"

oh my life this actually reads like a parody fic

>> No.6568458

My first experience with anime dates back to the day I was born. Seriously my father was a crazy Dragon Ball fan and he would make me watch it with him. My whole life I grew up re watching the series (till this day I still re watch DB even if it's a bit shameful) without knowledge that it was called anime.

I didn't find out that type of series was called anime until I came to the USA. I was in middle-school and I didn't have any friends so I was trying to find ways to fit in. As some point I found a small group of ugly teens that talked about this 'magical' thing called anime. I didn't know what the fuck they were talking about until they mentioned DB; it was all down hill past that point. I started using my knowledge of Spanish dubbed anime like Ranma and Knights of the Zodiac to survive the initiation quiz.

After that I started reading Naruto on freaking Youtube (I have no fucking idea why youtube but everyone else used it), that's as far as it went until I started falling behind. One of my friends quizzed me about one of her shitty mangas since I didn't know the answer she proceeded to humiliate me and tell me how much I didn't know about JAPANESE CULTURE. Because of it, I just started reading shitty mangas 24/7 just so that I could fit in. Along the way all the girls in the group (the vast majority) fell for the YAOI fad, which just made everything fucking weird. Suddenly, all the conversations revolved around male on male sex in detail and about how cute it was. I started watching yaoi for a long time because of it (I think it left it's mark) but stopped when I discovered this thing called YURI.

I was to be super edgy at school when I told them I was so into this new thing that no one knew about. I started coming up with some weird logic about how it was superior to yaoi and even got the whole group together to explain my reasoning. Everyone looked at me repulsed and acted like I was some weird sexual deviant.

>> No.6568465
File: 4 KB, 125x166, 1260857707522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read it. Read the entire thing or you'll regret it.


And yes... there also used to be this site called the Mary Sue Grotto or something where the maker would do pixel dolls based off the descriptions of the Sue. Here's the one she made for me.

>> No.6568473

I was shunned out from the group of social rejects which broke my weeb kokoro. In retrospective it was provably a good thing since I started making friends with people that didn't act like anime characters and wore cat ears. I got into this special program when I graduated from middle-school and moved to a school across the city with one of my friends from the group. When we were in high-school she came up to me and told me that she didn't think Japan was all that great and just like that we were on our way to recovery.

Unlike most of the people here I still watch anime fairly often, but it isn't my favorite thing in the world anymore. Aside from filtering my intake of anime and manga the only thing that has changed is that I don't go around yelling about how Japan is the best country in the world. The only times people realize I'm into anime is when they come into my dorm and see some Evangelion DVDs or Satoshi Kon movies.


> We all got Death Note nicknames.
> My nickname was Misa.
> I'm male.
> We wore cat-ears.
> I read so much SasuNaru doujins.
> I carried around a Death Note.
> The Death Note was a replica made out of duct-tape and a shitty $ .80 notebook.
> Got in fight with the Principal because I was carrying around a 'hit list'.
> I ran around getting signatures so that they would give me the notebook back.
> I went to the public library weekly so check out strictly manga.
> Because of the Yuri incident (among a bunch of other bullshit) I became very sexually repressed.

>> No.6568483

I was never really a weeaboo but I did hear from my old classmate that I was called a freak in school because I would read manga in the library during lunch. Felt pretty bad man.

>> No.6568485

I - I can't. I just can't.

>> No.6568491
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I was a huge troll before I was even out of middle school, and I discovered 4chan at a very young age due to some circumstances. I'd go into full detail but it might be tl;dr.

My first anime were DBZ and CCS, and my mom was a computer buff who would let me use it without supervision. I ended up getting exposed to a lot of shit that way, but I don't think I would've had it any other way. The internet is amazing.

>> No.6568993

I love reading weeaboo stories.

I've never been one of those hardcore weeaboos, though I watched a lot more anime than the average 13-year old anime fan. I have to admit though, that I LOVED yaoi. I wasn't even faking it. I would draw homosexual pairings all over the place, and oh god, I posted them on facebook. I'm extremely ashamed of it, and I regret it deeply. But it could have been worse. I never wore cat ears/dog collars with bells etc, and I was never in an ita, hot topic style period.
I still watch a lot of anime, but less than before. I would watch a whole season of 24 episodes in one day. It was horrible, I could stay up to 4 am and wake up at 7 am.

>> No.6569079


Woahwoahwow... You seriously seriously sound like me (btwi'magrill). Except that instead of my dad, it was my brother. Woah... Where are you from? We could like, share stories and junk.

>> No.6569145
File: 807 KB, 700x447, yesreally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even need to say why ten year old me was fucking awful.

confession: I still enjoy rewatching yugioh and I still cosplay as Bakura.

bonus confession: It's been more than ten years since that picture was taken.

>> No.6569187

A long time ago, when I was about 11-13 years old, I was a great weeaboo. so much of a weeaboo that all of the other weeaboos in my school avoided me. I went to an all girls boarding school. No one wanted to be my roomate, and anyone that befriended me was bullied as well. (they threw rocks at me and wrote terrible things about me on my dorm room door)my power level was through the roof. I would publicly dance to the naruto theme song, and naruto was my husbando. my wall was PLASTERED with pictures of him. EVERYWHERE. I'd touch the photos of him on the wall and say shit like "its okay, I know how it feels to have no one like you." in my highlight of my weeaboo time at the all girls boarding school, I cleaned the tub like a relegious freak, got in, and bathed in ramen noodles. I BATHED in them. all while talking to myself saying shit like "oh, well, naruto won't be able to resist me, haha." I played gaiaonline like a maniac, and was not just a naruto fangirl. I was THE naruto fangirl. I still remember all those facts that I memorized about him. His favorite ramen is miso ramen, His birthday is october 10th.. oh god its all coming back to me. I even became obsessed with foxes because "so like naruto!!"
I bought a sweatshirt only to tear it up, sharpie it orange, and staple paper fox ears on it. and I wore it whenever I wasn't in class. I would fight over the dorm TV when naruto was on, and could be seen hugging the tv crying because my beloved naruto wasn't real. I even went on to make a terrible terrible music video with my self insert OC,and later on I was so obsessed I made everyone call me by my OC's name. the name still sticks with me to this day.
Believe it or not, it took me only 2 days to snap out of it. I was 14 years old and found out Naruto's voice actor was some hambeast lesbian chick. The pictures of her with girls crawling all over her revolted me. I was so disgusted I tore the posters off of my walls and refused to go near anything naruto ever again.

>> No.6569219

Obsessed with Squall Leonhart. I was going through a hard time in my life and I was moving to a new school with no one I knew. When the girls pressured me about if I had a boyfriend (I was fucking 12) I said his name was Squall and he was in a special academy for gifted students. It was an ongoing, growing lie for three years.

At some point I stopped wanting to be with Squall and realized I was just like him, a pathetic loner who complained a lot and was stressed out and lonely. I tried to tell myself I had no friends because I was the intelligent, lone wolf type. I was also very much a tomboy and one of the girls in my school hated my guts because when she first saw me when I moved, she thought I was a cute boy and hit on me in front of her friends. She became my mental Seifer who tormented me through school and hated my apathy. I did my room like his. I dressed like him. I even had my hair liked him and wore his necklace. I almost scarred my face like his too, but thank fucking god I chickened out and never went through with it.

Eventually, like Squall, I met a group of people I hated at first who somehow wormed their way into my heart and became my friends and taught me how to stop being a pathetic self-centred asshole. After three agonizing years of being a pathetic mess, when I moved to highschool I was completely normal and became somewhat popular.

I still wear his necklace though... I also totally got with a girl who reminds me a lot of Rinoa. I'm going to keep telling myself that was a coincidence.

>> No.6569293

Two of my best friends from middle school pronounced yaoi yay-oh-eye. They were a little bit weebish, but I wasn't really into anime at the time besides thinking shoujo style was cute, so I was confused and a little disturbed as to why they were so obsessed with gay men.

>> No.6569301

>bathed in ramen noodles


>> No.6569303
File: 31 KB, 356x374, 1349756591559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hambeast lesbian chick
Good to see all those years of bullying and being an outcast gave you the proper insight to be hesitant to judge others for their outward appearances.

>> No.6569313
File: 57 KB, 493x353, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god are you me

>> No.6569310

I'm sure if any guy had a waifu who turned out to be voiced by an extremely old obese gay man they would turn and run right there.

>> No.6569330
File: 1.98 MB, 402x315, 1336480419517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You weren't this guy.
I'm jelly as fuck

I'm 21y/m virgin, I was 3 years of depressed on the whole loneliness and the meaningless of life without the partner. When you go over the border you change. Now I'm very strict on the people I socialize with and I get revenge on everything slightly wrong done to me.

If I can't get a job at 30 I'm gonna suicide or start a rampage of drugs. And if I get a job and still no gf it's also drugs n whores time.

I'm not ugly either, maybe an 7/10, I should fucking move away from this fucking small town of 70k people.

>> No.6569333

If you can't make your style recognizable as anything but anime, I find it hard to believe you're as good as you say you are.

>> No.6569336

No. That's stupid to stop liking a character because a VA isn't attractive. The whole waifu/husbando concept is retarded in itself, but still.

>> No.6569346

>Italian Buffet

Ahahaha fantastic

>> No.6569349

it was in the past let it go. are you really saging because you are that butthurt over something a retarded 14 year old did 6 years ago?

>> No.6569353
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I also like cats more than most of humans. They are honest assholes that come around. I can respect that.

Also: cute stuff.

>> No.6569390
File: 964 KB, 500x200, monsieur candie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking 70k is a small town
try 13k and that was the biggest in the area

>story time
Because our town was so small, the weaboo group was pretty tight. Even if you didn't particularly like any of them, you had to put up with them because they were all you had.
This meant when Advent Children or any new SMT game came out, you had to go to one of these people's houses:
>the girl with all the figurines and Sailor Moon barbies who didn't bathe or clean her room
>the really heavy possibly aspie guy who wanted to sit way too close to you
>the hxc goth "stoner" who only wanted to cosplay Sasuke
>the one who kept asking you to RP their fanfics with them

>> No.6569402

People like you terrify me.

It sounds like your appearance has less to do with your virginity (though I find it unlikely you are a true 7/10 or anything higher). It probably has more to do with your creepy-ass personality.

>> No.6569411

Only thing I am embarassed of is when I was learning hiragana and kana I would write names from anime. That's seriously it.
Did all of you watch Naruto or some shit to be embarassed?

>> No.6569493
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't so much of a weeaboo but when i was an antisocial shut in from the early age of 12 thanks to runescape.

I spent every single day and hour on that website, constantly cutting shitty pixelled trees and trying to get dragon armor. I actually spent every single one of my school holidays on that game, killing dragons.
I forgot how to look after myself properly and I would miss school for it. I would stay up til 5 o clock in the morning to try and get my xp lvl up or get 10000 runes by the end of the playing session.
My mother would force me to take a shower when we had to go out, I abandoned even to go downstairs for meals with family because i was such a shut in little child in a fantasy world.

I remember having a boyfriend on runescape, having our idea of ''sex'' by our continuous ''aoooh,aoooh good'' in the chatbox. I WAS FUCKING 12. We planned that we were going to run away together. And how much we hate our parents and how we 3deep5theworld and how much we love linkin park and three days grace.


I'm so glad I passed that phase, but my god i was such a social outcast.

>> No.6569516

i met this girl at a convention who dropped out of school for a year because she was so addicted to runescape
but to be honest, back then it felt like a magical place

>> No.6569539

When you're in it and you're young you get obsessed with games like runescape. I always tell my younger sisters to not spend so much time on her games because it can be damaging. Staff from my school would have to pick me up because I would refuse to go to school WITHOUT GETTING MUH 96 WOODCUTTING. Jesus christ I really do look back and just cringe, when you're young you just cannot limit yourself to games like that.

>> No.6569558

>complaining about someone saging



pls go

>> No.6569560

>"This is Kitsune Feiku Kuro-Shon,"

This is really kind of great.

>> No.6569593

and of all skills Woodcutting. that is when you know you're fucked

>> No.6569637

Thank you. I love badfics, this is great!

>> No.6569650

Not weeby in and of itself (though I was a weeb) but I see this behavior popping up in a lot of weeaboo stories: I used to write stories about (and draw anime-style pictures of) me and whatever guy I liked at my school/extracurriculars/whathaveyou going on adventures and often he was the wounded hero and I'd take care of him. I never figured out how to draw men in anime style so it always looked like anime-me with a little boy with a stretched-out body.

I'm so thankful none of them ever found out. Well, one did in 8th grade but then he helped me and my friend write those stories. Granted, I hadn't gotten to the love part yet. I was such a prude that I never wrote sex scenes or anything so everything was always heavily implied and then "the lights would go out" or something to that effect.

>> No.6569670


God I know, I was too stupid to use a bot at the time too, I had 99 fletch, 99 fm and 99 wc and 99 cooking. I would go on the members world with all my skill capes in the house parties and feel like hot shit.

>> No.6569680

Oops, fucking iPhone and my clumsy replying to wrong people


>> No.6569701

I have one of my old ones about YuGiOh with a self-insert Sue with a pet dinosaur who was really wealthy for no reason and of course had her own Millennium Item and Yami. I wrote tons of stories like this but my AOL parental controls back in 2002 wouldn't let me on FF.net and I never read anyone else's fanfics but mine all had the hallmarks of sues and self-indulgence and tacked-on things just like everyone else's and I really wonder how so many of us could come up with the same thing independent from one another.

I'm considering C+Ping it into a Google Doc and posting it here.

>> No.6569711

99 fish 99 cook 99 fletch 99 str 97 attack 91 prayer 87 thief reporting in. I stopped playing around when runecrafting came out, and quit altogether when they brought out construction.

Ask me anything.

>> No.6569717
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Live in the UK so always had to wear a uniform (which I had no problem with, I loved looking smart and proper) but there was never anyway to tell if someone was a weeb really, nobody was ever bold enough I don't think. I personally didn't start properly watching anime till much later and never really had anyone to discuss it with, so I didn't. I think the only weeby thing I ever did was full metal alchemist RP on chatango yeeeaaars ago, but I don't regret that as I met someone I'm still good friends with to this day through.

I do love yaoi though, but as a dude, gotta keep that very on the d-low.

>> No.6569747



Press 111 for gf

>> No.6569756

Do you think that Jagex has gone soft on newbies?

>> No.6569752

omfg this thread

>middle school
>xanga page all decked out with my fav anime
>obsessed with pokemon and yugioh, collected the cards and everything man.
>pokemon collectibles everywhere
>wall scrolls.
>quizilla. all day, errday.
>then inuyasha happened
>sang a japanese song in my art class with my best friend...jfc
>began manga collection

>move on to highschool
>wore a Naruto headband around my neck for like a week before realizing how much of a weeb I was being.
>fanfiction plz
>wearing keyblade necklaces omfg
>binder cover full of anime/game fanart
>animu drawings all over my classwork
>first con walked around with a "yuri" sign omfg
>anime friends used to call me a Japanese name with "chan" on the end...


>> No.6569758

>also forgot to mention Runescape. omfg. THAT GAME.

>> No.6569764


Have you seen the new tutorial? Jesus Christ it's horrible as fuck, terrible voice acting. Tutorial island was the best imho with the wizard and the chickens

>> No.6569771

No because I used to buy gold back when the prices were still *relatively* high and not that many people were gold farming/ real world purchasing. Back then Jagex didn't really care because they had so many larger problems.

Now the situation is really out of hand.

>> No.6569774

I used to read ~~~***~~~Seto Kaiba and You!~~~~***~~~~ fanfics. You know, the ones where they'd put ______ instead of a name so that you could insert your own. My mom found out that I was reading them and got pretty freaked out; I was only 10, and the material was fairly sexually graphic.

I was able to find them again recently and boy howdy, are they terrible. The author of one said that she was going to write a book based on the fanfiction, and I think I sent her an email telling her that she was a great writer and should follow her dreams. I definitely contemplated doing so.

I'm kind of just glad they're still up. I thought that teennick would have deleted them.

>> No.6569779

The voice acting and cutscenes are kind of just...I don't really know why they added those. The graphics look prettier, though.

>> No.6569914

>AOL parental controls

I really wish i had reaction images on my phone.

>> No.6569972

my sides
troll or not that is a hilarious visual

>> No.6570006

Why don't you just kill yourself tonight and get it over with?

>> No.6570025

>Be in middle school
>Wore cat ears every day with my hair in pigtails with a little section left out on either side to frame my face
>"Nya", "baka", etc.
>Thought I was the shit because my mom let me subscribe to Anime Insider and Shonen Jump (but not shojo beat because I was too much of a special snowflake)
>Had one OC who was basically just me but skinnier and with real cat ears and I shipped her with every anime boy I liked
>Character also wore lolita because I wasn't allowed to until I made my own money and she was petite and moe
>Forced my friend to write my OC into her fanfiction
>OC got raped a lot in said fanfiction but was okay with it because the boys who did it were just emo and misunderstood and didn't know how to express their feelings for her
>Everyone said my anime art was good but it was only "good" because I traced the bodies and faces from my computer screen and then changed the hair and clothes
>Got fat from eating ramen every day to be like Naruto

I know there's more, but that's the worst of what I can think of.

>> No.6570033

Right. I also forgot xenga, quizilla, and runescape. Also my unhealthy obsession with moving to Japan to work in a maid cafe.

>> No.6570078

>OC got raped a lot in said fanfiction but was okay with it because the boys who did it were just emo and misunderstood and didn't know how to express their feelings for her
>Got fat from eating ramen every day

>> No.6570177
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, Shirokuma Cafe - 01 - Large 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read it all
>get to the end
>read comments

OH GOD. MY SIDES LEFT ORBIT. Are you some kind of genius?

>> No.6570281

I was a closet weeaboo. I was afraid of people finding out I liked anime at all.

I became less afraid once I entered high school, and met more people that were into anime, but not as much, even though a I was a borderline anime fan, I pretty much kept to myself and was able to act fairly normal. My group of friends was pretty much divided between animefans and normalfags.
By the time I was a senior I was able to balance both my hobbies and real life.

>> No.6570285


Just because the eyes aren't huge or whatever doesn't mean its not an anime style. Post pics and we'll tell ya.

>> No.6570431

What the hell is up with weebs and kingdom hearts? I keep on seeing this, and it was also apart of my weeb phase as well.

When I was 16(about 3 years ago) I used to print out hardcore Soriku fanfics and read them during study hall:

>"what are you reading, anon?"
>reaches for rapefic
>oh shit
>grab my preshus yaoi fics and run like hell

>> No.6570774

I never KH, but in our senior year of high school, my friends and me were obsessed with this one really long Gundam Wing fic to the point one friend printed it out so we could always read it~
She was worst; whilst taking the train to work experience, she would read said yaoi on crowded trains. I almost neglected to mention she printed a lot of it at work experience.

I have many tales of my youth.

>> No.6570800

Here's an old Akatsuki crack fic I wrote three years ago

>> No.6570810

>Literally stayed up all night reading fanfiction a couple times
I never could understand how people do this. I could never get into fanfiction.

>> No.6570818

Well if it helps your self esteem you look older then 14 and I wouldn't mind banging you, If you know what I mean.

>> No.6570830

At worst I doodled animus in class and even then I made sure no one would see it. And that was when I was eleven years old. I'm going to write about two of my friends because in my opinion being young isn't an excuse for acting fucking retarded.

Back then I had a classmate who read Tokyo Mew Mew. She forced her group of friends into it too and they called each other by the characters' names and pretended to be Mew Mews. She would ask everyone if they wanted to get their "anime world versions" drawn by her. Her behavior really pissed me off.

Nowadays I still know a weeaboo. She's twenty years old and wears Hetalia and yaoi badges to school, orders shitty eBay costumes for cons and draws shitty yaoi. She calls herself otaku, although admits she's only "half-otaku" because she likes sports. She spends all of her free time reading fanfiction and only gets into new series to ship hot guys. She hates all the female characters with a burning passion.

I befriended her when she was fifteen and she hasn't gotten any better because she's never spent a fucking moment thinking about the things she does. And guess what? You can stop to think no matter whether you're twenty or twelve.

>> No.6570848
File: 60 KB, 300x337, 1346368673200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took Japanese in high school
>fell in love with the ugly Japanese exchange student
>fantasized about marrying him and moving to glorious nippon
>anime club
>listened to nothing but jpop
>watched AZN religiously until they got shut down
>confessed my love to the ugly Japanese exchange student
>he's gay
>"that's okay, I've got a strap-on"
>drown sorrows in tears and ramune

I've destroyed most of my old journals and sketch books, but my mother found one with anime-themed crap in it while she was cleaning up the attic. She showed it to my boyfriend while we were visiting. THE SHAME.

>> No.6570853
File: 13 KB, 305x229, tumblr_marrxko0ry1rxnyd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that saging is a downvote
my, what a faggot you are

>> No.6570857
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 100514-181412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here's a little gem I dug out of my hard drive.

>> No.6570864
File: 42 KB, 604x453, yeah2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also used to photoshop my pics to look like Sesshomaru...

>> No.6570871

A sage isn't necessarily a "downvote." It just doesn't bump the thread, but will count as a reply. It doesn't actually bump the thread down or anything, so describing it as a "downvote" isn't too accurate.

>> No.6570880

no one knows what a sage is anymore. lets drop the subject and let the thread be perfect.
based on that picture alone me and you would have been worst enemies back then.

>> No.6570888

bless you

>> No.6570896
File: 169 KB, 663x960, pretty_weeb_there_mrfreeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apparently wrote this in Highschool... I vaguely remember writing it, and it's probably been a secretly repressed memory.

I still can't read the whole thing...

>> No.6570906

All these confessions need pictures of the confessees at said era of shame.
It would really make the stories come to life.

>> No.6570909

>cat ears
>INU Yasha

>> No.6570912

I cant remember the details of my weeaboo days... I was eh... 12-14 by 15 still weeabish but growing out of it and by 16 normaled almost all the way out (still like my cartoons just dont advertise it and realized no one else gives a shit anyways)

I do know this, once a weeaboo, always a weeaboo in the eye's of your family. My god. I switched schools after middle school to get rid of my stigma of being the 'geeky anime girl', worked for the most part. Now in college alls good no one gives a shit/ knew what I was like when I was younger. But nope. Mother always remembers. And always asks if I still want to go to Japan, or if I still want to be a manga artist. Good god. I'll never escape it I know. I'll be getting married and she'll be asking me why the man I marry isnt japanese.

I dont recall being that bad even... read my comics around school yeah, had standard weeb aspirations of going to Japan and becoming a manga artist (to be fair I was 12, by 13 I realized that was an impossibility) made some first really shitty cosplays that I wore on halloween, and doodled really bad drawings of my oc's in class.

If I thank my mother for one thing it's that she never let me dress like the visual kie/goth/punk I wanted to dress as. At the time I cursed her for it, now I thank her for sparing me of embarrassing middle school pictures of poor fashion choice.

>> No.6570915

"When it comes to strength, bravery, and an overall bad attitude, InuYasha tops all other hanyos."


>> No.6570918

I used to be a weeb. Now Im not. That is my confession. Nowadays I hide my power level.

>> No.6570966
File: 19 KB, 494x256, imgodn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing really sums up my weaboo days better than my about page on gaia during 7th grade

dude if i could go back in time and beat the shit out of myself omfg

>> No.6570973


>> No.6570975

maybe if my lucky, me?

>> No.6570976

>7th grade
>Twilight movies


>> No.6570981
File: 83 KB, 540x720, Sexy no jutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Care to share why? I'm curious.

>> No.6570991

.... I have that same rule now too. Oh god the weeb days, well pre weeb days really, anime didnt happen till after neopets for me.

I wasnt nearly a good enough artist to get noticed on that site but I would always read through every pet page of the 'good' artists that would show up in the neopean times and used to want to have my own series of comics in the paper. That was in... oh gosh I think I got my first account when I was 10 around and I'm 20 now. So around 2003 or 2004

Then I moved to gaia when I was 12, from there to DA a year or two later. But Gaia and Neopets were the worst, I would sink so many hours into the games and getting points to buy paintbrush's to have cool looking pets, or to outfit my avatar on Gaia to look super cool.

Then I got into maple story and realized I can not go anywhere near social games or MMO's for fear of getting sucked in. But I use a mac now so at least that cuts me off from most MMO's (at least while I'm at Uni. I do sometimes venture into them when I'm at home with my old PC.... and then regret it right afterwords)

>> No.6571033 [DELETED] 

because! Naruto is better and sasuke is a poopyhead!!111!!

wanna really laugh?

check out my old weeb youtube channel.
Its like a time capsule back to those years. everyone making fun of me in the comments were the other weeaboos from my school.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z 4X3abAWsOQ

>> No.6571053
File: 89 KB, 584x600, 1344506262978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a shitton of Anime T-shirts, Badges, Pictures, Plushies, posters, etc at conventions. Being a rich almost weeaboo is never good. I knew about weebs and I hated them with a passion. But years later I realized that all this Animu shit I bought made me appear as a weeb. Never really went through a weeb moment besides craving pasta after Hetalia, becoming an insomniac after Deathnote, and my Tea addiction after Black Butler. Sadly I'm still an insomniac, I still crave pasta, and I fucking love tea. I HAVE TOO MUCH GODDAMN TEA. When I was in third grade I wanted to be Chinese. Why does almost every weeb want to live in Japan/Asia? When I was 13 I went to Guam. DO YOU KNOW HOW AWKWARD IT IS WHEN YOU ARE THE ONLY WHITE PERSON ON A GODDAMN ISLAND? IT FEELS LIKE EVERYONE IS JUDGING YOU.

>> No.6571061

I used to religiously read all the shitty comic series in the Neopian Times, so there is a high chance that I really looked up to you several years ago.

>> No.6571071

I swore you were someone I knew from the thumbnail. Thank God you're not.

>> No.6571073

i've always been curious about something
everyone here says back in the day they would be reading smut and writing smut, but what would the weeb version of you do in an actual sexual situation?

>> No.6571082

I've decided to go ahead and go into my whole life story, including all my weeb fuckups. It's pretty damn long, would it be simpler to compile it into an image instead?

>> No.6571083

well.. I learned all of my moves from fanfiction...

>> No.6571085
File: 40 KB, 634x464, Washyuu41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made Naruto AMVs
>wore a bath robe to Japanese class (once)
>wore thick emo eyeliner with every cosplay
>dyed my hair blue and wore matching ears and tail. Walked around cons with "Hug me nya" sign
>created horrible horrible horrible yaoi chibi art

I'm sorry, it will never happen again. I swear!

>> No.6571152

>Be 13
>Wear Naruto headband around neck and tan coat to dress up as Hinata every day in middle school
>Also gaiafag
>Post in A/M/C nonstop, become a "regular", shitty photobucket gifs and rainbow text included
>Tell everyone I am a kawaii uke living with his 20
year old boifrendo in an apartment
>Yaoi. Terrible yaoi everywhere.
>Write shitty OC self inserts with Aizen-taichouuuu from Bleach
>Also tell History teacher that I'm half Japanese because my "grandma lived there!!!"

The unending shame.

>> No.6571153

God damn it, I can't greentext on mobile.

>> No.6571154

Probably cry. I was like 12 when I became a weeb. My mom had just left my previous stepdad, who was a violent alcoholic. I was extremely terrified of men, and the idea of having sex with one was still the most horrific ideas to cross my mind. I didn't mind thinking or reading about it, but if the actual situation arose, I'd probably just sob like a little bitch.

>> No.6571157

One time, back in highschool, I threw up the V in a photo. That's about it; I'm actually a well adjusted human being.

>> No.6571159

and then when you finally think you're over it, get into a sexual situation, all systems are go and then suddenly everything shuts down

like oh cool, can't feel anything but freaked out and bored, guess I wasn't over that after all

good parenting times.

>> No.6571166

Recently had sex with a guy for the first time, and it was pretty much exactly like that! Are you me?

Well, he didn't really help the situation. But anyways.

Yeah. Weeb me was a huge perv, but throw her into a locked room with a horny guy and she'd probably break down crying, even if he wasn't aggressive or forceful.

But if you threw her in a locked room with a horny lesbian, she'd be on it in a hurry. I loved (and still do love) me some women.

>> No.6571177
File: 157 KB, 870x442, tumblr_lzm64tjVhx1r9yvkoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to avoid starting a new thread for it.... I always wonder if the reaction I get to this image/post thing is the same reaction people of asian heritage get to weaboos/koreaboos

>> No.6571182

Call me a hypocrite or whatever you like, but I just think this is humorous and kind of charming in a weird way. Like a little kid.

>> No.6571186

This is HILARIOUS. That's a joke, right? There aren't like... seriously people out there like this? Oh god, lol.

>> No.6571193

That's my reaction to it too. Like a weird kid who focus's on one aspect of the culture, and then thinks he understands the entire nation because of that one aspect.

Hence why damn does that make me think of anime fans. So much so I'm willing to be this was probably a joke but it's still a good image to kinda get the point across about what it would be like to find some one obsessed with your culture.

I have no clue. I think this particular picture is a joke but I still find it amusing/interesting.
I can tell you though as an American living in Limeyland (doing my undergrad here) that I have found some honest to god american culture obsessors. Very rare, really only met 2. Both had a strong love of American culture over English culture and constantly asked me questions about what it's like to live there. But it's that same thing, focus's on one aspect of it and thinks they know the entire culture because of that one aspect. (though in this case English culture isnt too different from American culture realistically) Said person did recently see Django though and now thinks he completely understands American history.

>> No.6571197

Isn't that just a joke response to Ken-Sama?
Shame though, it'd be cute as heck if it were real.

>> No.6571199

I just... I just don't even. Lol. It kind of puts weeabooism into perspective, though. That's for sure. I mean, I'm sure weebs are probably perceived the same way.

>> No.6571344

I am a 20 year old gal and my fapanese or weeaboo phase was... Strange.

I read a lot of manga but never shoved it in anyone's face because I was still ashamed and I thought that liking that manga and anime was weird. Just kept it to myself.
Then I got into j-fashion and bought a FRuitS book at BAM. It was like $35 but I spent all of my little kiddy allowance on it. I fucking loved itttt. So then I tried to make an outfit like what they wore in FRuiTS! Yeah!

>green camo zipper-knee pants
>a tore up black skirt
>rainbow socks
>white sneakers
>lace-up arm warmers
>A shirt with a weirdo, pinky FMA shirt
>Looong bangs and tangly twin-tails
>Also at this time my hair was stupid long so I WAS MIKU BEFORE I KNEW WHAT MIKU FUCKING WAS.

As soon as my fucking butt hit the back seat of my mother's car I knew I looked DUMB AS SHIT. So I asked her if I could get out and change and she said "No we're gonna be late! You look fine let's go" I had forgotten she was taking me with her to work that day...

I quickly scrabbled to find the oversized jacket she usually keeps in her car, took off the skirt, zipped up the pants, removed the socks, put my hair back in 1 ponytail and but a jacket over the rest of that ugly shit.

The day went on fairly normally other then the fact that my mothers co-workers are FUCKING ASSHOLES who think it's 'cute' to YANK THE SHIT out of a 13-year-old's ponytail whenever they fucking feel like it.


>> No.6571347


Later in the day it got hot as fuck and I unzipped the jacket slightly. One of the sweeter girls who worked there saw me sitting at the free table, looked at me, smiled and said "I like your shirt" To which I smiled like a dork and ZIPPED THAT SHIT BACK UP.
I was FAR TO ASHAMED to even ask if she liked fma. I just smoshed over, behind my mom's chair and hid. And there I stayed for the rest of the day.

So yeah, SHAMESHAMESHAME my whole weeb phase.

I still read some manga, toriko, franken fran, ect and I haven't seen a good anime in a while so I mostly go for American junk now. TMNT, MotorCity, avengers, deadpool, SO MANY CARTOONS, but if this makes any sense, I still really love collecting fancy anime figurines, gundams, posters of the anime I still like, merchandise like phone charms, Rilakkima shit, Idol t-shirts, ect. Also pre-ordered Japanese food like gummies, k-on themed manju, weirdo Japanese doritos, ect. But I keep all of these things hidden in my weeb-closet. If you've ever seen Ore No Imo, something like that I guess. I don't let people know like, at all. I kind of enjoy feeling like one of those old, perverted, Japanese guys that shut themselves in and keep to themselves. I am one of those..

Does this make any sense?

>> No.6571355 [DELETED] 


That's pretty fucking adorable to be honest. You sound like my baby cousin when she hit her weeb stage. She was so fucking withdrawn it was ridiculous.

Ironically she too wore an FMA shirt one day, and me being like 16 when she was 13 (I look like the antithesis of a weeb), I told her I liked it. She too hid it and blushed like a fucking fiend. Cutest thing imaginable. It's like when we're younger we want people to recognize it, but still don't want to interact because of it.

Sorry for the tangent, just reminded me of growing up a while back.

>> No.6571461

> wears stripy OTK socks every now and then
> despite not knowing Japanese, can sing some lyrics for several anime OPs
I'm not still a weeb, am I /cgl/? T_T

As someone who has been genuinely interested in Japanese culture since I was very young and before I started watching anime (Pokemon, CCS and the like), I didn't go through much of a weeb stage. I had a massive crush on Ash Ketchum when I was 9 years old, but mostly kept it to myself, and a few years later I joined Gaia, got into drawing animu-style avvy art and went through a stage where everything Japanese was "soooo cuuuteee!!" (no, not even kawaii). That's about all I can think of for now. I still watch quite a bit of anime (more than I used to), occasionally draw my own stuff/fanart for my own entertainment and play Pokemon & DDR.

>> No.6571467

We went on a school field trip/busride to an orphanage today and spent roughly 30 minutes in the bus mock-arguing very loudly with my friend about Vampire Knight until our throats hurt.
Also, said friend called later some girl "kohwaii", then I told her how it's pronounced and told her pronouncing it the way she did made it seem like she was calling her "kowai"/scary. Then we jokingly called eachother "kowai". Loud weeaboo banter.
Should I regret this?

>> No.6571470

So many grammar errors. Sorry, I'm tired.

>> No.6571481

>I'm not still a weeb, am I /cgl/? T_T
The crying face you used should answer that for you.

>> No.6571521
File: 251 KB, 720x540, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to go to school now so I can't regale you with my weeaboo tales right now, though I will come back after school to contribute to this thread.

For the time being, please enjoy this picture of me and my best friend at our first con. I was some girl from Vampire Knight (jesus that cosplay cost me like $150 and it was shit) and she was a tentacle monster.

Oh man.. those were the days. I'll try to find more pictures later.

>> No.6571525


...This photo was taken at Nan Desu Kan, wasn't it?

>> No.6571537

What worries me more is that being obsessed with Vampire Knight implies that you were doing this stuff only 2-4 years ago.

>> No.6571565

Had a friend that does this too. .. Or did. I don't know I don't really talk to her anymore. I just figure she's a closet homosexual

>> No.6571624
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, Screen Shots (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was a closet weeaboo. I was afraid of people finding out I liked anime at all.
>I became less afraid once I entered high school, and met more people that were into anime, but not as much, even though a I was a borderline anime fan, I pretty much kept to myself and was able to act fairly normal. My group of friends was pretty much divided between animefans and normalfags.
>By the time I was a senior I was able to balance both my hobbies and real life.
Are you me because I was the same way.

>> No.6571640

Oh god let's see... I think I wasn't that bad of a weeaboo originally but then an older friend of mine kinda trained me into being more of a weeaboo.
She introduced me to yaoi and yuri when I was at the tender age of something like 11 and she was 5 years older. I wasn't even comfortable with sexuality yet and she showed me that one godawful yaoi OVA, sensitive pornography. I'd pretend I liked yaoi and yuri to please her.
We were both artists but she was the type to have OCs (gays of course) and she roped me into making OCs too and then roleplaying (smut of course).
She made me watch whatever anime was her flavor of the month. I remember one time spending forever and a half torrenting loveless on my shit internet only to please her.
Basically after I had known her for a while I was your typical anime watching, OC-having, yaoi-loving, broken japanese-speaking, closet cosplaying, hot-topic wearing weeaboo.
But then eventually we stopped being friends after she had first awkwardly hit on me. She basically dissappeared for months and then when I eventually heard from her again she had drawn me a picture of two of her OCs with a message saying she's sorry or something. I was sure she killed herself because she always talked about suicide to the point I had nightmares about it but the last I heard from her she was completely fine and cosplaying kingdom hearts characters.
Anyway after she was out of my life I basically grew the fuck up. I still have a lot of weeaboo hobbies, I like anime and asian dramas and tokusatsu but I'm hiding my powerlevel and acting like a normal human being.

>> No.6571680

I like how there's properly formatted footnotes.

>> No.6572119

Woah, same thing happened at my school. I remember watching from the sidelines and there was technical problems so the performance sucked even more than it should have. I was very glad that I wasn't roped into it.

>> No.6572139
File: 33 KB, 219x258, why past me why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I was a shy girl, and never did extremely weebish things outside of home. However...

>Wore Haruhi Suzumiya arm band to school. I got called a nazi by the guys in my class and I was so upset oh my god.
>Styled my hair as Misa from Death Note.
>Bought 15 animu keychains from eBay and put them all on the key to my locker. However, I couldn't fit them into my pocket so I had to remove them after a day or two.
>Shouted kawaii japanese phrases in swimming class while jumping from the trampoline.
>Drew lots of animu stuff in class, I was actually known as the 'manga girl' by most people there.

But at the internet, oh man.

>Roleplayed lots and lots, especially yaoi and yuri. In every yuri RP I joined I had a character named Asuka that had big boobs and would raep all the cute ukes lol (because she's in love with them, of course.)
>Wrote horrible Tokyo Mew Mew fanfiction with new mew mews that were exact copies of the original ones.
>Speaking of TMM, I was convinced that I was Mew Berry and wanted everyone to call me that.
>Wanted to get a sex-change so I could become a teacher and have hot yaoiz with one of my students!!!!!
>Would bash all the female characters because they ruin the yaoi!!!
>Got into a relationship with my online best friend just because lol yuri.
>I also started reading hentai when I was in 6th-7th grade, jesus fuck. I wonder if my mom ever found out that I did it because we only had one computer and I didn't delete history or anything.

I'm sure I've done more stuff, but for now I can't remember.

>> No.6572149

O... or not. That's okay too.

>> No.6572173

Mah nigga

>> No.6572211
File: 154 KB, 562x720, 1354204780441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got called a nazi by the guys in my class and I was so upset oh my god.
you could have used this to your advantage you know

>> No.6572223

>"I don't get it" said Hermoine.

>> No.6572230

I was awful, but Im glad to read these and know that I wasnt as bad as I could have been... I cut my hair short, drew my friends as ~kawaii yaoi boys~ but never wore anything too outlandish, just jeans and a Nintendo hoodie. I did change my name in all my friends phones to "Anon-chan" though. I also knew a group of girls where we would all call each other anime names that we cosplayed, not our real ones. This went on for a couple years. D'oh!

But I really want to tell you all about those girls. They lived in a strange way... Their families seemed wealthy, but their rooms were always horribly messy (like I couldnt see the floor) and there were empty wrappers and clothes everywhere, and any surface was covered in figurines (very very cheap to extremely expensive, though covered in dust and hair). The real cake topper was that they printed out literally hundreds of manga scans and taped them to their walls. Like wallpaper. All four walls. The only thing without any paper on it was the ceiling. It was mind boggling.

>> No.6572238
File: 45 KB, 500x375, 1353947583052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does almost every weeb want to live in Japan/Asia?
because in Japan they are going to stop you every 5 minutes to tell you how kawaii you are, if you are a westener you could easily get a job in a maid cafe as people from the west are rare over there, and at the end of the day a super sugoi member from a j-pop/rock band will ask you to be his wife and you will live happily ever after with half japanese/white kids that will look like kawaii anime/final fantasy characters
plus you can go out in cosplay and no one will say anything! anime is part of their culture and they will greatly appreciate your choices, then you will be chosen for this super secret project that will involve super seme/uke scientists who will transform you into an anime character!
your parents will tell you that you have been lied to all along, you are actually full japanese, and also a half vampire/half cat.
at least that's in Japan
In Korea, your favourite Oppa will marry you and you will become korean by magic!

any weeb/koreaboo would love to go to pretty much any part of Asia because "lol it's still asian rite? xd"

>> No.6572285
File: 67 KB, 323x315, SHHH+_39e52bd7a06122bd1768ec07a586b94f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm experiencing secondhand embarrassment here

>> No.6572299

This has to be fake. There's no way.

(Please tell me it's actually real, though.)

>> No.6572300

>went to an all boys Highschool in "u wot m8" england
>no one watches anime apart from a few people who do because lol violent cartoons but they never mentioned it more than once
>never experienced any of the shit ITT
>life in that school was just a power play of acceptance, cowardice and ruthlessness because no girls to waste time on
You did hilarious boy stuff (no homo) every week or so but that was it, it was pretty tame compared to the stuff I hear about American schools, I'm kinda jelly to be honest.
>tfw no generic American highschool experience paired with the thrill of watching your back in case the place gets shot up

>> No.6572689

Wasn't that much of a weeb - just normal wearing arm warmers/saying 'kawaii'/watching far too much anime to be healthy.
Weird thing is my mom seems to remember my weeb stage most? Like she's always asking me why don't i draw anymore . Or bragging to her friends that I learned japanese from watching anime. Ugh.

>> No.6572802
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>I'm this character, you're that character
I was always the strongest character and I dictated who everyone else was. For example, I was Aizen and no one could be Ichigo.

>memes, dirty and inside jokes all the time
>read smut fics during class
Still passed that shit with a B.

>wore cosplay to school
Once for Halloween, once to impress the anime club

>held multiple officer positions in the anime club, took that shit seriously
>wore edgy black trench coat to school every day, then moved onto hoodie + bomber jacket combination
>roleplayed yaoi all the time with a friend who had the most stereotypical kawaii desu uke boys
>made my own Neopet ninja squad
>so many self inserts

>everyone called me Sensei. Everyone.
>mfw when they still do.

>> No.6573015

I think that was part of the assignment.

Was gonna sage but jesus christ I'm not opening that can of worms in this thread.

>> No.6573027

I had a brief crazy weeb phase in HS, but the stigma from the mundanes was lessened due to me being asian. It really struck me when I saw my white friends acting the weeb shit out. If the anime club was in thread form, it would have been pure shitposting. There was drama, so-called 'genderqueers' that would insult most proper activists, and calling out references(I FUCKING HATED THIS THE MOST[I'm guilty of being the guy who made obscure ones just to experience *omg someone else loves it too*]). I saw how mundanes reacted to the crowd, and because I had two very different circle of people I hang with, I saw a lot from the other side. That brought really bad ideas to my head. I wanted to change it.

I became the president of my HS Anime Club. Most of my hardcore mundane slav friends hadn't caught wind of this, and those that did didn't give much of a shit anyway, so I was lucky there.

I had some stupid idea that I could tame the weeb crowd. When I told the previous club pres about the direction I was taking it("Hey man, I'm gonna try to make it mundane friendly, good PR"), he yelled "NOOO!!!" as loud as he could. In the cafeteria during lunch. During my ...administration? there was little I could do except changing the viewing lists so we'd get more variety, and less bishie vampires. I still coudn't discourage them from bringing plushies and cat-ears and wearing them at lunch.

That experience really helped when I got into Pony. I didn't want to fall into that fandom pit. I don't know If I should really call myself a brony from all of that disassociation, though.

>> No.6573031

fuck, i have to proof read that shit.

>> No.6573047

A bunch of manga that I bought at the airport because I was bored including 2 loveless, 3 naruto, soul rescue, black cat, 2 judas, and two others, also the fact i bought 11 volumes of d.grayman

My other manga I don't regret

also bought a KH wallscroll and a shitty painted paper parasol

>> No.6573093

Wow this'll be embarrassing.

>Pushed up my glasses with my middle finger dramatically
>didn't talk much and watched a shit ton of anime, suddenly started saying "ita" or "tatatatata" when I got hurt
>using oy instead of hey
>lots of iron on t-shirts.
>made myself cat ears, never wore them outside of halloween though
>arranged my "bento" in a shitty reusable divided ziploc container
>called people baka in my head
>obsessed with Naruto and Mugen
>yaoi obsessed
>did idol poses in the mirror before going to bed
>checked out shit tons of manga at the library
>used mangafox all the time, not even batoto
>made kawaii sweets all the time (don't regret this as much, but fuck I made those checkerboard shortbread cookies and almost gave some to "sempai")
>wanted so very badly to be in a maid cafe
>shat myself whenever I saw someone who liked anime
>almost cried when my normal friend's older brother's room was covered in anime shit, although he was pretty well adjusted
>shitty roleplays with "unique" characters

>> No.6573202
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I have become more of a weeb than I ever was but only inside. I am a chill and normal person to hang around with but truthfully I think I have hit weeb levels, I just hide it well. I don't talk about it much unless it's at conventions or with people who like the same stuff. I've been learning Japanese for about two years now, I will be going to Japan this year, I dress in lolita and jfashion and cosplay, listen to japanese music the most and follow it's culture, anime, video games and fashion closely. I have made various accounts on sites for Japanese cosplayers and have begun making friends with them in hopes to make contacts in Japan and just to get closer to the Japanese cosplay and lolita scene. The communities around where I live just aren't up to my standards in taste and I genuinely associate myself with the Japanese otaku, the kind that is disliked and found a bit weird by society and wishes to fujoshi hard everyday. I even have a body pillow now.

I don't want to be Japanese though, I just want to be a foreign fujoshi immersed within Japanese stuff and accepted into the Japanese cosplay/lolita cosplay scene. At the moment it's going pretty well for me in my goals.

>> No.6573203
File: 453 KB, 200x147, sadbaby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pushed up my glasses with my middle finger dramatically

>mfw when I do this shit without thought as a way of adjusting my glasses
I had a friend imitate me once, and I felt like such a weeb.

>> No.6573326


>> No.6573426

It's not necessarily an enjoyment but an addiction of sorts. What our brain "likes" isn't necessarily what we subjectively enjoy. People with a nicotine addiction who don't enjoy the mediums through which they trigger the brain's reaction are an example, and a more extreme example would be some cases of cutting: while a person may resent the act itself, they are literally betrayed by their own brains.

>> No.6573520

>Strongest person in any role play situation
My god! Out of every stereotype, that was the worst! Always that faggot who wanted to act superior to the others and they all went along with it because everyone else was that aspie to go along with it or because out of every omega you were the most alpha.

>> No.6573534

>mfw when said oi instead of hey but to be more punk
>obsessed with expensive bento box purchased online
>still shits self whenever I see someone wearing an anime shirt around here, even if it's a cowboy bebop or wan piss shirt

>> No.6573540

i was obsessed with playing the omega. i was also a serious, serious wolfaboo. sort of still am.

>> No.6573566

Holy shit are you me.

See you in Japan.

>> No.6573583
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I'm going in May, it's gonna be sweet.

>> No.6573600

No dude it's cool! And thanks for saying it sounds adorable I guess, haha. I still shudder when I think about the small few weeby encounters I had as a young un'.

>> No.6573605


I like your style. Make sure you hit up this place if any of y'all want to fujoshi it up in glorious nippon: http://www.love-all.co.jp/

The dudes that work there are hilarious/awesome. My friend and I went a couple times a week when we were visiting in 2011, they remembered our favorite shows and would always quote shit and stuff (like, at the time we were into T&B so one of the guys would always do Sky High's "Thank you, and thank you again!" at us when we left).

>> No.6573702
File: 36 KB, 200x200, top percentage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right I was the faggot who was most alpha.

>cleanest appearance
>best social skills
>most common sense
>best academic record
>always used indoor voice
>no drama from this mama
>no made-up mental handicaps

I was the top percentage by being the least weeby.

>> No.6573726
File: 30 KB, 300x300, stealthy blumaroo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are legitimate ninja Neopets now.

>> No.6573742

I grew up in the middle of nowhere, and didn't discover anime until freshman year of high school.
Because I didn't know anyone else that talked about it, and knew everyone viewed anime as kiddy cartoons, I was afraid to tell anyone about it.
Started watching anime, and it replaced WoW as my main timesink, watching 10-20 episodes of anime a day, no problem.

Was scared into hiding my powerlevel from the start - from friends and family, as well. So I never had a weeb-phase.
Didn't really ever meet others into anime until later in high school, but they had only seen things like FMA or Code Geass, at most.
Wasn't until college I met cosplayers and such.

Last year I went to the college's anime club, and I was the most non-weeb there. Felt pretty ashamed to be with them.
And the cosplay bowling night was a nightmare. Ran into friends I knew.

>> No.6574188
File: 36 KB, 320x400, living room wallpapered with maps_flickr decorology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga for wallpaper
I hope it's not weeby to think that that could actually be a kind of cool wallpaper, if you were careful about it? Not just tape, but varnished down or something...
Like pic related, but with manga

>> No.6574198
File: 622 KB, 547x506, QeAGI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as much as I hate RWJ, I love the Watchmen wallpaper he has in the background. Pic related.

>> No.6574202

yeah, that kind of thing! it'd definitely be a little overwhelming to do a whole big room in it, but one wall, or a bathroom or something would be really awesome.

>> No.6574201

l o l my room is covered with akira manga that i turned into a wallpaper, along with desolation jones and some other comics
>mfw i move and have to take it down

>> No.6574411

Oh good then I guess not. Yattaaaa~~ \(^.^)/

>> No.6574459
File: 123 KB, 728x1066, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have actually been meaning to do this for years.
I purchased two thick tankoban so I could decoupage them on things but I also thought that doing a wall would be really fun and interesting.

>> No.6574500 [DELETED] 

You girls are so fucking embarrassing, seriously.

I've never met a guy who was as big or retarded a weeb as you seem to have been.

You know, I kind of want you to get raped, just so you get broken in and snap out of it.

>> No.6574515


THIS. EXACTLY THIS. Except I'm male.
The bad thing is that it isn't a one time thing. My girlfriend still hasn't made me orgasm. The other day mid handjob she just started questioning the flaccidity of my dick.

>> No.6574548

I had a comic to do with an Ixi with a frying pan... oh god, I feel embarrassed thinking about it. Also because my comic was the catalyst for new rules involving people not submitting stories/comics with unique-looking pets in them. I feel so bad that it was something I did that caused it.

>> No.6574739
File: 666 KB, 300x340, 2wqba8k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I say kawaii to my inner group of friends because we're being ironic but all it does is bring back dark times of my actual weeaboo days

>> No.6574868

Cosplaying at school

>> No.6574884

That's because you're gay.

>> No.6575017

miku cosplay at school for me

>> No.6575027

I used to say kawaii too much. Then, I grew up and developed a knee-jerk reaction to the word. I cringed every time I heard it.

Then I went to Japan and kept cringing... Took me two weeks to get over it. Now I use it properly. In sentences. Japanese sentences. Conjugated.

>> No.6575032

I admit to cosplaying at school, but it was only on costume days and by 2005 standards, they were actually pretty decent cosplays.

>> No.6575161

"Oh yeah, honey. That's a good way to make me harder."

Fuck, no wonder she can't make you orgasm.

>> No.6575179
File: 34 KB, 494x461, 1354199001360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to justify having sex with a CHILD.
>Die, you scum.
I was just saying that in that photo she looked older than 14, I do NOT support people having sex with minors
you should really calm down you over-analyzing freak

>> No.6575187

not sure if relevant but why have koreaboos become the new weebs? weren't koreans the dirty "other asians" that hate our kawaii precious nipponians?

>> No.6575192
File: 42 KB, 603x315, escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude calm down

>> No.6575207

Japan is no longer en vogue. Weeaboos are a rarity now. That group of terrible people has fragmented into koreaboos, teaboos, Homestucks and bronies.

>> No.6575209

>she just started questioning the flaccidity of my dick.
I'm don't know if it's because I've been on 4chan too long and have a good idea how embarrassed guys feel when their dicks aren't the most powerful thing ever, harder than diamonds, but how can someone think that's a good idea?

>> No.6575215

Koreans are glamorous, they "look amazing", they are famous worldwide and... I don't know?

I think it's just the next big thing. I feel kind of bad because I'm still a weaboo at heart.

>> No.6575388

It changed everything.

>> No.6575409
File: 15 KB, 200x200, galactic chai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of you guys go on Subeta?

I did for a while. I loved their pets and colors more than the Neopet ones, but the site was so poorly run and the games were so pathetic that I didn't stay with it in the long run.

>> No.6575477

I'm still on, but I'm literally only there for the HAs because they're so beautiful. As a site it is shitty as hell, bugs everywhere and no challenge whatsoever in any aspect of it. Neopets has its problems, but it can at least boast decent games and a restocking system that is a real challenge. I don't like how on Subeta I can go from 0 to 20m with no effort.

>> No.6575518

>>tfw no generic American highschool experience paired with the thrill of watching your back in case the place gets shot up
Ummmm.....Speaking as American most of our schools aren't like that. Well except if you live in the inner city then it might be different.

>> No.6575536

>Was scared into hiding my powerlevel from the start - from friends and family, as well. So I never had a weeb-phase.
>Didn't really ever meet others into anime until later in high school, but they had only seen things like FMA or Code Geass, at most.

I know the feeling bro it was the same for me in High School.

>> No.6575798


D.gray-man is the shit nigga. I still obsess over it.

>> No.6575815

I helped DDoS it back when I wuz leejun, does that count?

>> No.6575865

I think my weebiness peaked at the age of 14. It had been in the long development for years but the second I hit highschool It grew exponentially before making its decline.
I used to do all those lame dances, From Hare Hare to Lucky Star to ParaPara. Spent nearly half of my christmas money on DDR and Initial D at the arcade.
I usde to have those animal hats and you could by the emotion pins like tear drop or angry or '...' I even had one that said baka on it.
Not to mention the dark dark days of halfassed cosplay and dyeing my hair animu colours.
I remember having all of Tsubasa chronicals, Nauto, Vampire Knight and Bokura Ga Ita. To make it worse I really REALLY liked twilight. My name of Facebook was x Uchiha Cullen Nagoyima. And all my pictures had ikimono gakari qoutes all over it.
I eventually decided that I wanted to be a sparkly lolita chan but thank light (because you know anime religion light IS god) I didn't have the money yo afford that monstrosity.

I was pretty much the essence of weeb. Except that i was actually pretty damn 'kawaii desu'
Who knew A little Hamtaro, and a couple really lame older cousins would eventually turn me into that monster.

>> No.6576045

I think it's like a weeaboo, but for England and British people.

>> No.6576043

what the fucking hell is a teaboo?

>> No.6576055

A teaboo is to the UK what a weeaboo is to Japan.

>> No.6576057

Pronounced "tee-ah-booh" (cause lolz people in England drink so much tea, right?)

I prefer weeabrit as a term.

>> No.6576069

A weeaboo, but for Britian.

I like britaboo better.

>> No.6576103

My weeaboo phase began when I was 11, and ended when I was 13, nearly 14.

I once glomped a Keiichi cosplayer
Some wapanese here and there. Learned Hiiragana and Katakana, too, and sometimes, I'd write stuff in Japanese in my designated drawing notebook.
Speaking of drawing, anime was all I drew. Especially Nami and Robin from One Piece.
Japanese music all day err' day
But the worst thing I did, without a doubt, was cosplaying in a mall. At least it was for an anime event at a movie store, though. So I was far from alone.
Actually, fun fact: That exact same event is when this happened. It's not me in the video, but this girl went to every anime event the store hosted in this costume, so she was pretty memorable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCtKC4i-SfA

>> No.6576133
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>Narutard (no headband, though I have a metal lunchbox from Hot Topic)
>Death Note fan

All within the span of my middle school year.

Now I hide the fuck out of my powerlevel, even though I've got 9 K-On albums in my music library.

>mfw my brain reminds me of my sperg moments

>> No.6576233

My weeb phase was pre-Naruto, thank god so no metal headbands here. Also I hate yaoi.
However my friends and I had doinky nicknames like Neko and Chibi, I did my fair share of shitty art, wore seifuku to school on Halloween, dreamed of opening my own maid cafe, read Newtype USA in public, bought bootleg Jpop CDs, tried to record all the anime on TV (I had all of Lain at one point but all on different tapes mixed with other shows lol) etc.
Then I went through a phase of shame and obsessive power level hiding and denial but now I've kind of mellowed out. I don't mind if people see me reading manga on the train or whatever because I'm not a loud idiot and I dress nice and a comic book isn't going to ruin my image (plus there's always some chick reading Fifty Shades and that's way more embarrassing than any manga I own).

>> No.6576254

I liked neopets better only because good looking stuff was harder to get and they looked more professional, if that makes any sense?

I was also a huge gaiafag. Spent at least $5 every month on two collectibles.

>> No.6576256 [DELETED] 

>chat roleplay kingdom hearts with other weebs on neopets
Oh god. OH GOD. Are you me? It can't be just me that did this.

You wouldn't believe how much time I spent on there talking to people on that place, either. The game was a time sink, I swear.

>> No.6576266

>chat roleplay kingdom hearts with other weebs on neopets
Oh god. OH GOD. Are you me? It can't be just me that did this.
Was it called TKHP or something?

You wouldn't believe how much time I spent on there talking to people on that place, either. The game was a time sink, I swear.

>> No.6576530

I missed out on my weeaboo phase, and even though I know it's a good thing, I still feel somewhat gypped. But, like, I spent a couple lunch periods with the anime club in 9th grade, and good lord, it was horrifying. I should've know better than to go in, expecting them to like the better anime I like, but of course, it was all the same weeby shit, watched dubbed, that every other weeaboo on the planet likes for some retarded reason.

>> No.6576546

Somehow seems more pathetic then a weeaboo.

>> No.6576549

So glad I'm old and the weeaboos didn't get to my school until the year I graduated. The worst thing I did was add "ara" and "no da" to my normal conversations every once in a while.

>> No.6576593

Yeah but they do exist... When I moved to england for uni I had a lot of friends constanly asking me bout it/ wanting me to bring authentic teas back and just.. honestly there arent that many big differences.

The only thing britfags have that I cant find when I'm home in the states for holiday is Maltesers (like malt balls, but amazin malt balls.) The cultures not all that different either. I'm just like... yeah England's pretty (London's beautiful if your in central) but I mean it's pretty much like the pacific north west or north east but with older buildings and different accents.

sage since not weeaboo but still.

>> No.6576673

hells yeah i do! Shitty Harry Potter and Naruto OCs and once I discovered what Yaoi was, no fandom was safe.

May God have mercy on my soul.

>> No.6577180

Honestly I think having a weeaboo phase IS a good thing. It allows you to get your reckless self-expression phase through while having a blast, exposes you to a lot of different things (I, for example, likely never would have ended up being bilingual, meeting my fiance, or continuing creative writing if not for my weeaboo phase) and for the most part it isn't self-destructive like some teenage exploration phases. Also it was ridiculously fucking fun. I know that I was insufferable looking back but I had the time of my life.

>> No.6577510
File: 44 KB, 272x410, 35763_1322164934395_2953205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 13
>Walk around our city like this.
>It's basically 0 degrees celsius.
>a couple of fashionstudents approach
>"What would you call your style"
>"Um it's like this asian kawaii style"

>> No.6578186

>Ron comes back from Japan and with a half kitsune for a girlfriend!

This is the summery, as written by the lady herself.

>> No.6578210

What class was this for and what grade did you get.

>> No.6578226

>eye liner


>> No.6578239

>cowboy hats, BBQ, being rawhide

>> No.6578285

>taped them to their walls. Like wallpaper.
My sister does this, but she does it for pretty much anything she's even passingly interested in. There is an astronomy located between a one direction poster and a south park poster.

>> No.6578301

>everyone called me Sensei. Everyone.
How did you get them to agree to this, why do they still do it, and how have you not gone mad with power?

>> No.6578372

>changing the viewing lists so we'd get more variety, and less bishie vampires.
Was there anything on the list that was /a/ approved?

>> No.6578397

>"Um it's like this asian kawaii style"
Did they take you seriously?

>> No.6579687

I think so- But how would I know. I was so wapanese that I thought it was obvious everyone would appreciate this "amazing fashion desu!!!"

>> No.6580910

I feel really weird about this subject plainly because I love a lot of anime and japanese culture however I NEVER fucking showed that to anyone, I always bottled that shit since middleschool because there were no weeaboos at my school, later in highschool I had one friend I found out was also a secret fanatic about anime and we discussed it casually when no one is around. so everyone including my family doesnt really know how ingrained in this shit I am, even after meeting weeaboo groups much later in highschool they didnt even know that I liked anime or shit like that, so on one hand I am sad that I bottled my interest for the sake of outward appearance, but I am sometimes really happy after reading some of this stuff that I was never in those situations

>> No.6581806

I died.

>implying I haven't gone mad with power
It started when I bought Urahara Kisuke's hat. My friend laughed and said she was going to call me Sensei from now on. She was serious. The name spread from there. All my friends called me Sensei. For four years, they called me Sensei. They said it feels awkward for them to call me by my actual name now because they've called me Sensei for so long.

I recently stopped by the old anime club. I walked in, was introduced as "This is Sensei, who I've been telling you guys about" and the look of awe on their faces. I was treated like a goddess. Whenever I spoke, everyone fell dead silent. My word was law, even moreso than the club president (who is in love with me desu). I abuse my power in the club in an attempt to tone down their weebiness and spare them from being a part of fandom awefulness.

>> No.6583742

Sophmore English, and I do not know the grade. I don't think I turned this draft in, as I notice the footnotes are done incorrectly. This was probably a rough draft I printed.