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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 146 KB, 540x539, 1308965951426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6566776 No.6566776 [Reply] [Original]

BtB's is late again.

Anyone have secrets they posted this week or have ones that were rejected?

>> No.6566803

It's up now.

>> No.6566826

Yeah, i noticed. About two minutes after i posted this they went up. Dicks.

>> No.6566843

seems almondmilks disappeared

also 200 secrets because of a samefag

also I bet misterlolita will try to enforce the limit again

>> No.6566893

wow.... wtf not a SINGLE secret about Jessie Kate. Wtf?

>> No.6566894

There was though? At least 2 of them

>> No.6566897

What the FUCK is with all the sweet hate?!

Seriously, why so butthurt!?

>> No.6566895

Which ones? I didn't see any... I saw one that used a screenshot of the entry to promote milanoo but that was it.

>> No.6566898
File: 59 KB, 560x600, 1358183169001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my secret is the first one on there
What shall I call it, this feeling?

>> No.6566904

It's so boring this week

>> No.6566905

Were those shoes really 300 dollars?

>> No.6566907

There's supposed to be a part 2 to the post, so maybe it'll be there?

>> No.6566910

oh poor child.

Go youtube 'Kelly Shoes'

>> No.6566909


>> No.6566915

Yeah no, just went through them all again, not one fucking secret about her.

>> No.6566919

Your secret made me so god damn happy, I was the one responding with more lyrics haha. Kelly pops up on my pandora every so often and it makes me happy.

>> No.6566920

I got posted for my shit-tier coordinate.
Mission complete.

>> No.6566927

So many troll secrets. Did the person really think nobody would think nobody would notice that one person wrote those billion secrets?

>> No.6566930

Did you make it on purpose? Because that would be a hilarious experiment I think

>> No.6566953

You know, without the troll secrets, I am almost sure that the secrets would be full of whinny girls crying about not fitting into brand, not having enough clothes or money or not having enough confidence to wear the fashion, blah, blah, blah.
So, yeah....

>> No.6566962

No no nono. I love that song. I was just asking if they were actually 300 dollars.

>> No.6567035

There is so, it's on the 1st page.

>> No.6567037

Which one

>> No.6567041

there is one using a screenshot of her entry, but it's not about her or the scam. All it says is buying taobao from them is fine...so if you're talking about that one, no, it is not about her or what she did.

>> No.6567044

I have homework due midnight but I want to read them. FUCK THE FUCKS.

>> No.6567060 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with no. 13? I have a lavender biker jacket coming in the mail and am super stoked for it. It's just like pastel doc martens or cowboy boots, not generically lolita but still pretty common in the fashion.

>> No.6567091

I have never seen any loli with cowboy boots, post some? I can't decide if it'd be rodeo kawaii or fucking hilarious.

>> No.6567132

so much samefagging made this week unbearable

>> No.6567182

Lol someone posted me for the first time. Now I am a real loli - it's me, I am the star.

>> No.6567210

Can I have your autograph? It would mean a lot to me.

>> No.6567231
File: 42 KB, 276x369, calimeetup_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowboy boots were huge in fashion about two years ago and they were showing up everywhere. Not always a winner but there were a few cute coords with them.

>> No.6567237
File: 47 KB, 450x600, DSCN6760-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6567242

I'm just really stoked that there are two posts.

>> No.6567246

Hate to be that guy but I really don't see how this outfit is lolita and not generic western/squaredance.

>> No.6567251
File: 29 KB, 160x240, 4477143105_b606c7164f_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.6567274

i agree, its cute but just on the wrong side of not lolita

>> No.6567277

Just missing a cardigan or something to cover the shoulders. There's really not much out there for lolita x cowboy boots.

>> No.6567420

What is up with all the "stahp" bullshit?

>> No.6567544

i dont know but its fucking annoying and they should stahp

>> No.6567770

"stahp" automatically reminds me of the Sam/Ron fights after Miami on the Jersey Shore.... if the tumblr reference is referencing that I don't think i'll be able to stahp using it. That is too funny.

>> No.6567796

I bet you think you're so clever.

>> No.6567848
File: 62 KB, 475x633, starjacke1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that fucking jacket.

Also, Angelic Pretty released a tits pastel biker jacket a few years ago, during their 80's pop phase.

>> No.6567853

she doesn't just wear lolita though, this might just be her regular clothes

>> No.6567864
File: 27 KB, 300x300, bitchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still want emikyu's bitching ass biker jacket.

>> No.6567871

FUCK what a great jacket

>> No.6567901

Holy yes, that would go perfectly with my red plaid AP.

So few good punk lolitas, so sad.

>> No.6567952
File: 152 KB, 426x640, u8mjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know more?

>> No.6567991

there is a pink faux leather jacket at Forever 21 with spikes on the shoulder. I can't wait to see people try to make it loli- it will be either awesome or epically terribad.

There is also a lace version that I may get for classic.

>> No.6567995

sucks because i used to see it on y!a for 4000 yen and i stalled, lister either sold elsewhere or gave up (since there were never any bids)...damn.

>> No.6567996

Your secret was literally the only thing that made me happy through all of this. Thanks anon.

>> No.6568026

Yeah, that's where it comes from.

>> No.6568033

secrets this week were BORING. they all had the same stupid theme. "Sweet lolita sux lol!!111!!" I need something that makes me curious.

>> No.6568037


>> No.6568122

if you have any other suggestions for tags let me know.

>> No.6568170

Quit plugging your shit. It's just going to end up being reported to tumblr staff because it "makes fun of people" anyway.

>> No.6568172

I'd plug you with my shit if you know what I mean.

>> No.6568211

Then why isn't lolitabitchbook gone?

>> No.6568218

Rosaire sure has a lot of free time!

>> No.6568237

yeah we should make one against her with all the shit we got on her.

>> No.6568257

i love how fed up and bored everyone is with the troll secrets in the comment

>> No.6568263

No, not really. Everyone except for Rosaire seems to have moved on.

>> No.6568270


>> No.6568280

Of course everyone has moved on. Octave, Neeya, and Lingo are thin, pretty, popular, and have large wardrobes, while Rosaire is fat, plain, homely, and probably only owns one dress. If it were the other way around there would be multiple threads on here, dox, and she would be run off the internet to drown in 100 pizzas.

>> No.6568396


i like how out of nowhere rosaire is now on yet another thread.

>> No.6568407

she's like a slightly thinner and slightly more attractive pt.

>> No.6568413

PT is nothing like Rosaire.

Pt... is.... just....i....don't even.... ./facepalm
why does she exist?

>> No.6568416

pt is pt and rosaire is craizaire. who is worse?

>> No.6568420
File: 997 KB, 800x700, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pt is worse by far. no sense of style. just a fail of a woman

>> No.6568421

I wouldn't call PT a woman.

>> No.6568422
File: 420 KB, 469x750, tumblr_mfjc4cLY111rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least be fair and post a full body pose of rosaire.

>> No.6568425

pt still is worse by far. she is getting ready to shit diarrhea

>> No.6568427
File: 858 KB, 710x946, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp forgot to add the pic

>> No.6568428

Why all the hate against this girl? She is fucking kawaii. Want moar.

>> No.6568430
File: 69 KB, 466x700, heyguyzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guyzzzz

>> No.6568432
File: 240 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mczjw1MoIs1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568433

imma cum

>> No.6568434


I've gotta be honest, you guys. I would totally fuck PT. Seriously. Not that it would ever happen, but...I'd hit it. She just dresses in a way that makes her look like an ass. Wouldn't be that bad if she just wore clothes that fit, and suited her.

I would try to be her friend, but I'm damn certain she'd assume I was trolling. I honestly wish I would, like, maybe sew her something. Something proper.

>> No.6568437

i MIGHT fuck her if she had a paper bag on and was wearing a corset. titty fuck and from behind only.

>> No.6568436
File: 459 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mf40joJX4K1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568439

How do you titty fuck someone from behind? Her back tits?

>> No.6568440
File: 114 KB, 960x960, 305626_2533944005857_1420302352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568441

ah no thats not what i meant. Id rather not fuck her 4th rack. I woulddo a titty fuck cuz she does indeed have ginormous tits. And id fuck her from behind while wearing a corset so i just see her big ass and not 4 layers of back boobs.

Paperbag is still needed with all of this.

>> No.6568442

my jsk has gotten shorter and its not because of my petticoat ;)

>> No.6568443
File: 18 KB, 328x400, 20911206-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a pink faux leather jacket at Forever 21 with spikes on the shoulder.

image board.

>> No.6568445

She does make derp face a lot. From the pics I've seen, she doesn't always took that downy, she's just making faces at the camera....failing to make cute face or whatever.

Also, her thinnest pics aren't bad for the back-rolls, I thought. Her rolls wouldn't roll if she didn't try to squeeze them in tiny clothing. Don't know what her weight is now though.

>> No.6568446
File: 25 KB, 328x400, 31557026-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568447

i thought all of her skinny ones were photo shopped?

>> No.6568450
File: 213 KB, 480x480, tumblr_mfsdd6q9Qf1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568454

brb skull fucking atm

>> No.6568455


if you really want to see what she was when she was just "chunky/fat" .....

proceed forward: https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/thumb/e/ec/PixyteriCollar.jpg/518px-PixyteriCollar.jpg

>> No.6568456

PS = she is like a fucking blue whale now

Sama anon

>> No.6568459

yeah that looks like shit. don't put that in a coord please.

>> No.6568461

Nah, only some. See 6568455. Also I said "thinnest" not "thin".

Oh, I meant to mention, some people seriously shouldn't shave. A trim is fine too.

Sad to hear she's gained again, too bad.

>> No.6568462

OT but not worthy of own thread. Did anyone see snowwhite890911's response on that viking coord post on EGL?

So sad OP didn't get butthurt, I was hoping for drama.


>> No.6568460
File: 112 KB, 480x480, tumblr_mfms6lwc7x1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm running out of pics mang, she don't post much

>> No.6568466
File: 349 KB, 472x352, meta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this secret made me sad and mad.
Perfume bottle is sooo not ita.
That chick just has shit photography skills.
I love my Perfume Bottle JSK T~T

>> No.6568469

doesn't look like English is her first language? she said some really strange syntax there.

I think the blonde suits well since the Norse/viking culture praised blonde hair, didn't they?

>> No.6568470


>> No.6568475

i think i've fallen in love help

>> No.6568478

OMG love the dress but the coord does kinda suck

>> No.6568479

Good for her for handling negative criticism and rudeness like an adult and a professional. Makes me want the dress twice as much.

>> No.6568766

What did snowwhite890911 say?
Comment got 'screened'. I wanted to see someone actually handle themselves well for once.

>> No.6568920


She said it was awful and didn't know what the OP was thinking. Followed shortly after by 'but i don't want to be rude' or something there-abouts.

OP was too fucking polite about it, even thanking her for her opinion. Personally I wouldn't have got butthurt over it, but would've said 'whilst you are entitled to your opinion, the way you express it it very rude and non-constructive.'

As someone pointed out, if you're going to say something is awful, at least give them some fucking advice or suggestions. All she said was she hated the wig with the dress.

I don't like EGL's ass-kissing attitude, but come on. Could have at least said what she felt would look better.

>> No.6569142

I'm probably just being retarded, but I can't find the second part of the secrets post. I saw it at college earlier today, right next to part one, and now I can't find it. Could someone post a link?

>> No.6569197

its been taken down by lj from an official complaint of copyright violation.
i just... dont know what to do.

>> No.6569294

But... but... oh. :( What the hell copyright could secrets violate? Or is it just butt-hurt?

>> No.6569312

this is what i got,

We have received a report, properly formatted under the provisions set forth by
United States law, indicating that your entry located at *insert link here*
violates the copyright of another. As such, we have suspended this entry.

and went on to say that i could submit an appeal.

Im sorry. I love modding this community and Im willing to put time and effort into it. But I dont love it enough to go to court over it.
Im really fucking bummed that I put all of this time into this weeks post just for it one person to ruin it all...

>> No.6569337

So does LJ just not actually review anything or what?

>> No.6569364

I bet it was Roseaire.

>> No.6569486

Oh please, can you just let the Rosaire thing go? Stop shoehorning her into perfectly good threads, everyone is bored of this now.

>> No.6569602

No worries, I'm pretty sure nobody expects you to take legal action. And we still got to read the first hundred!

>> No.6569624
File: 91 KB, 469x200, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so some beautiful anon should post them here... maybe possibly??
I saw them, i just want to see which one could have gotten the feds pissed off

who's got the cache?

>> No.6569662

Except... there were no pictures of rosaire's being used?

I bet it was octavekitten! Her picture was actually being used and she is a known cuntrag.

>> No.6569675

what cracks me up about LJ is that they'll take down entries because someone is butthurt about their image being used (even though it would probably be defensible under U.S. fair use) buuuuut most of their huge communities are basically built on copyright violations and never get touched

>> No.6569778

i have a pdf of the second secrets post

>> No.6569794

Whoever reported it is a butthurt little cunt.
I mean, why would you get a whole entry taken down just for one secret about you when you could easily ask civilly to get that one secret deleted?
It takes a disgusting type of narcissist to do get everything taken down.

>> No.6569806

Oh oh, also.... It's especially annoying 'cause it took so long for them to go up this time! (that's not a gripe at amidnightstroll btw, they done an amazing job at handling the sheer amount of secrets this week <3 Actually, that makes it worse, that's so much hard work and time destroyed, uggh, I'm even madder now!)

>> No.6569808

pretty sure it was octavekitten

>> No.6569855

Thanks anon

>> No.6569862
File: 265 KB, 500x497, 1343553790756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it?
We neeeed it.

>> No.6569912

Please post it!
I would really appreciate it.

>> No.6569916

holdddd ooonnnnn. i need to figure out how to get my user name out... but it may not matter. i was going to post it on the gtfo site. i did for a few seconds.

>> No.6569921

Why do you think that?

>> No.6569933



1st secret is missing to delete my SN

>> No.6570040

#170 is roseaire. That's why I think it was her.

>> No.6570048

you can't download for free without signing in? laaame

>> No.6570061

No, you think it was her because you're obsessed with her.

>> No.6570066

idk another place besides 4share that is free.
If you got an alternative, i will upload it there.

>> No.6570070

I think it could be anyone who had their photo posted, really. Just because you put a black circle over someone's face doesn't mean you're safe from getting busted for using that image without permission.

>> No.6570071


>> No.6570073

i think it might be the shitty indie designs that were the issue?

>> No.6570084

Vitae is in Australia so i don't think they could claim us copyright infringement?

>> No.6570089

Common misconceptions about copyright

Misconception: If it's posted somewhere else on the internet, I can repost it anywhere I want.
Reality: Posting content to the internet does not necessarily give you the right to repost it elsewhere. While it's typically safe to include a link to an article or image, posting that content yourself without the copyright holder's permission can still be a violation of their rights.

Misconception: I linked to the source/credited the author when I reposted my entry, so it doesn't violate their copyright.
Reality: It's generally considered good etiquette to link to the original source of something, or credit the author, but this does not necessarily change whether or not your use of the material violates their copyright. Your reproduction of their content can still potentially be a copyright violation.

Misconception: If I make some changes to the entry/image, it's not copyright infringement.
Reality: If you are reproducing a substantial portion of the original work, it could still qualify as copyright infringement. What qualifies as "substantial" is difficult to define, and if you're unsure if something you have modified might qualify as a copyright infringement, it is best to either consult an attorney or remove/do not post the material.

>> No.6570099


sendspace link
Secrets post 2/2

(does not require log in)

>> No.6570101

This is serious shit guys. Someone went to a lot of trouble just to get their shit taken down.


>> No.6570105


>> No.6570115

well i saved it ... so the jokes on you butthurt~channn <3

but seriously nothing on there is even that BAD. jesus.

>> No.6570117
File: 441 KB, 785x545, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you're a kind soul
I don't understand a lot of the secrets this week, whatever does this one mean?

>> No.6570121

I'm glad you saved it.
But why did you? Do people normally do this?

>> No.6570135

well i left the tabs a couple of tabs open (inc secret 1/2, and secret 2/2) open last night/early this morning. So when i heard that the secrets were put down, i just saved them as a PDF on google chrome. It was sheer luck really.

>> No.6570141

wow.. i really messed up that sentence. rofl.

>> No.6570143

I have no fucking idea

>> No.6570187

No bird legs, no Converse.

>> No.6570241

why this pose

>> No.6570245

because she thinks she is an angel demon bird princess lolol

>> No.6570262

My secret for next week is that I'm going to send the mods of LSE a bunch of hate messages promising to report threads in the comm until the ban replicas.

>> No.6570277


the fuck

>> No.6570292

bitches be crazy.

>> No.6570330


>> No.6570472

oh my o_______________o;;;;;

>> No.6570484


>> No.6570491

Did cederlina's account get hacked or is she really that psychotic irl? She is legit threatening to kill people in her comments.

>> No.6570494

Best secret ever. Fifty points to your House.

>> No.6570545

Going by her previous comments, it's not hacked, she's always been abrasive as fuck. She's 18 or 19 I think.

>> No.6570548

That ain't abrasive, that is downright motherfucking psycho.

>> No.6570549

too bad no one pulled out the 'say that to my face and not online' line. the copypasta was comedy gold though.

>> No.6570555

How the fuck have her parents dealt with her for that long? If she were my kid I would have had her locked up in some mental ward somewhere and left her there. That girl is balls out crazy.

>> No.6570569


Jesus Christ, how did we get from, "You're ignorant," to, "I will fucking kill you."

Bitch is tripping mad balls.

>> No.6570623
File: 27 KB, 1274x539, hahahahachicago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why this american cities thing is making me laugh so much. I am absolutely not surprised at any of those cities... imagine her with a gun.

I don't think it's her fault though, people from the nethlerlands are fuckin' batshit. like that girl who did a wardrobe post and was needlessly swearing and talking about how she has replicas so whut who cares type of attitude

>> No.6570690

What happened to secrets post 48?

>> No.6570703

so much "your" instead of "you're"... ugh.

>> No.6570716

And the post where the girl is bitching about her bf buying her something that she doesnt perfectly love? God some people are just.... ugh.

>> No.6571119


>> No.6571155
File: 64 KB, 579x629, craycray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Anons, whoever you are.

>> No.6571174




I enjoy your use of the word tits to describe something good. My dad does that. Therefore, you are my dad.


Ughhhh, I'm so embarrassed for her.


She could potentially be very very reserved in person. A lot of people who seem like fucking arseholes online are actually quiet and rather shy in person because all their bravery comes from hiding behind a persona or just because they're more comfortable online.
What's the story with her anyway?

>> No.6571180

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I own my own successful lolita brand, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on itas, and I have over 300 brand dresses. I am trained in make-up and cosmetology and I'm the top model for AP. You are nothing to me but just another sad jellyfat. I will wipe you the fuck out with style the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret horde of fans and whiteknights across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outdress in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Phtoshop, but I have access to the entire arsenal of insults Getoffegl can throw at you and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I lost my shit right there

>> No.6571387

LOL http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/564847.html?thread=38180719#t38180719

>> No.6571426

Seems like some seagulls are late to the party. Someone post the original image on the navy seal guy. This version was hilarious though.

>> No.6571440

Most successful version of this copy/pasta to date. Did people actually believe her? I can't see the btb page on phone but i assume everyone is showing their new fag and taking her seriously (i assume that comment is something she posted?)

>> No.6571445
File: 63 KB, 500x375, v reincarnated as a flounder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my fish when this drama

It pleases me.

>> No.6571447

Ah ok, it's an anon comment. Bravo. bravo!

>> No.6571462

Does anyone have caps of Purronica's repliles (she has deleted them) to number 38?

>> No.6571465

no, but she was basically like "I had ONE BAD DAY and people are still jumping on me" nd then replied defensively to someone critiquing her art

>> No.6571486

Yeah, it was a coordinate experiment as far as sweet/bitter sweet goes. I knew it would get posted on BtB's if I wore it. I think it's hilarious that I actually made it on.

>> No.6571595
File: 575 KB, 700x697, excuseyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people from the nethlerlands are fuckin' batshit

Anyway does anyone have any pictures of this chick so that I can cross the street if I see her coming? I don't recognize her username and she seems... unhinged.

what if she lives near me you guys oh my god
I don't want blood on my burando

>> No.6571723

When I saved this from sendspace, it's a .exe executable file. When I opened it, the installer for sendspace opened -_-
Anyway to get around this? I don't want to install some program from a site I'm never going to be using again.

>> No.6571806

Someone posted a link to a pic of her in the comments thread, I believe, unless it got deleted already?

>> No.6571831
File: 32 KB, 320x240, cederlina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she deleted it off the link but this is the picture she posted onto the plain_janes_ LJ community.

>> No.6571866

She's actually fairly pretty. Too bad she's bugfuck insane.

>> No.6572073

super weird. that doesnt happen to me. The other Anon linked a 4shared link


>> No.6572076

she LOOKS CRAY. Are you kidding me? Idk that looks like a mug shot or a shot that you usually see of a mother who has killed all five of her children

>> No.6572079

She looks like a fucking psycho. Like a husband beater.

>> No.6572165

deleted purronica posts:

*Purronica, for the love of god girl, stop replying. I joined the bloodsport as much anyone when the drama first happened, but you gotta let shit go. Even if it hurts. Even if you think you're standing up for yourself. Brush it off your damn shoulder. No one would have even known it was originally your art if you hadn't come in here and announced it. It would have gone unnoticed and just looked like a really stupid secret. But now you've gone and opened up yourself up for attack. Unless you just fucking love drama centering around yourself, you need to lay low and stop explaining/apologizing/making excuses.
-Their reply was:
:c i don't like the drama at all, and i also don't like when people say those really mean things.... i feel like i should stand up for myself and tell them it's not right :c i said some fucked up things and i accepted it and apologized to the best of my ability, and i won't do it again *__*

i also had a feeling people WOULD know it was mine since just a few days ago i posted an art commission post on the egl sales. *u *

*Do you know who requested the removal of the secret from two weeks ago? The whole thing kinda bothered me, especially after MS's "secret policy" excuse.
-Their reply was:
amber requested for it to be deleted because she's not a lolita. that's all i know

>> No.6572170


*How is it a bad day "one time" if it lasted more than one day?
-Their reply was:
the actual argument that started the whole thing lasted *less* than one day, the rest was me being accused of mostly untrue crap / was my friend being a dumbass and causing more drama. -_- she thought she was being funny, sadly.

but this isn't about all of that, it's about the fact that someone went this low and it is not cool. :(
*38. http://i.imgbox.com/abfnNi2n.pngc
-Their reply was:
i drew this, and yeah i've got some type of bad reputation because i had a bad day ONE TIME and took it out on others (to which BOTH have been apologized to privately) but honestly this was totally uncalled for... i spent a long time working on that and for you to have no more insults left that you resort to making fun of someone's hard work is just wrong. :c

i'm really not a bad person... people just have bad days sometimes. i never meant to hurt anyone and i'm sorry, ok? if anyone has questions about it i'll gladly answer now that it's kinda cooled off.. :/

i doubt it, but, i honestly don't mind constructive criticism - please pm me if you have anything actually useful to say n_n;

>> No.6572177


*really? one person talking shit to you makes you change your whole life? she didn't even get aggressive or anything, she didn't hurt you, she just loudly disapproved of some clothes you were wearing? oh and of course there's a token mention of vague, undiagnosed "anxiety problems." I agree you need therapy, or maybe you just need to stop being such a whiny little bitch. let me guess, you grew up with sheltering helicopter parents who gave you no actual life skills, and what confidence you claim you once had came from overpraising your relatively mediocre abilities and achievements. this isn't the last time something like that will happen, so you need to find some way to deal with it, preferably one that involves womaning the fuck up and not changing your entire life over random idiots' offhand remarks. google the complete guide to not giving a fuck and try reading dearcoquette for a start
-Their reply was:
how do you know that the op didn't already have previous anxiety problems prior to this, and it just triggered multiple attacks? it's not that easy for some people. i was diagnosed with severe anxiety when i was around 14, and i know how this shit feels. you weren't there, you are trivializing the situation by assuming it was just a little thing - i happen to be close friends with the OP irl (inb4 whiteknighting, you're just being an asshole and deserve for this shit to be handed to you) and this situation was a LOT more fucked than the secret lets on. Not everyone can have the confidence you might or might not even have, anon-chan.

>> No.6572180

aaaand this is the last of it.

I was with you until you went into attack mode. U such a hardcore badass! Why can't little fleshy blob pussy-willows get over themselves, amirite?

Now let ME guess: you grew up toughening up yourself cuz everyone else around you were assholes so you had to "woman up" or be the very thing you HATE HATE HATE: being a weak victim. Compassion and empathy is for pussies and yours is rock-hard solid.

Their reply was:
seriously? shut the fuck up lol

>> No.6572185

all bits of 'their reply was:' was purronica replying to the post

>> No.6572289

She looks like she has really pretty Emma Stone-esque features. I always hate it when pretty faces are wasted on shitty people.