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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6562369 No.6562369 [Reply] [Original]

Weeb horror stories? Bad con experiences?
>see girl in class
>she's wearing a GOD AWFUL fleece, extremely short skirt, wearing a long sleeved shirt and a plaid shirt over that with knee-high boots
>talking about homestuck, reading manga, drawing a horse version of eridan
>i need more friends, we both like homestuck
>i should try to befriend her
>a little nervous, as my best friend reads me weeaboo stories all the time about people appearing normal and then showing their "true" self.
>"whatever, ill just go try to talk to her"
>pussy out
>next day
>i have some cute animal shaped erasers that my friend sent me
>one of them is hamtaro, and thats the one the girl keeps staring at nonstop
>perfect chance to say something
>say "hi"
>she stares at me for a few seconds, takes a deep breath and quietly says "hi"
>well okay
>"ooooh, can i see that eraser?"
>snatches it before i have a chance to answer
>she ignores me and continues to talk to her friend
>alright, ill just get it back from her
>return to seat
>before our class ends, i walk RIGHT next to her and ask if i can have it back
>she obviously hears me, but walks out of the door
my friend was kind enough to spend her own money to buy me something that came from the other side of the country, even if it was cheap it's a nice little reminder of her since she lives far away
>hell no
>i have to chase her down (not literally running) and yell her name multiple times before she gives it back
i knew that bitch heard me and knew i was there.

I know it's not much but it happened recently, so if anything else happens I'll post about it. I'm pretty sure she's a weeb, she basically screams when she talks and makes little "uguu" noises when reading her manga.

>> No.6562377

This is a story about how I accidentally got my friend raped by a gay man dressed up as a cat

>Freshman year at university
>Sees Anime club posters inside engineering building one day
>It was right after and in the same room as my previous lecture that night so I decided to just stay there until people started showing up
>First guy walks in. We will name him Bob.
>Bob has shitty Japanese symbols tattooed all over his arm. He is about 5'7" and weighs 230lbs. His tits were probably C cups.
>He comes up to me and we start casually talking about engineering and anime (He is Computer Engineering, and I am Civil Engineering)
>Sits right next to me
>The seats are positioned exactly like movie theatre seats (stationary and flip up) so his fat/body is pertruding over the arm rest into my seat area.
>Smells like B.O and cigarettes
>Other than that he initally comes off as a cool guy so we exhange numbers because he wants in on the Calc 2 study group I host
>People start filling in and the culb president puts on HOTD for everyone to watch
>About halfway through the first episode he turns to me, mouth an inch away from my ear
>"Anon, are you gay?"


>> No.6562378

>"I said, anon, are you gay?"
>I didn't want to offend him so I replied "No bob, I'm not gay" with a calm voice
>"Oh, sorry. I was hoping you were gay"
>Don't talk to him for the rest of the episodes of HOTD.
The way the club meetings are structured is we watch 3 episodes of an anime which is "mainstream or new" then we watch 3 episodes of an anime that is older and not as well known. we have an intermission between the two parts.
>During the intermission I get up and start talking with some friends of mine.
>Bob stands up and tries to push his way into our cicle right next to me.
>"You know, I don't have a roomate anon..." he says right in front of my friends.
>At this point I leave the meeting and go to my apartment (I had a job so I could afford one my freshman year)
>Imediately get text from bob.
>"Hey sexy, where did you go?"
>Don't reply, but he has iMessaage so he could see that I "read" his text
>"Why don't you come over. I'm not wearing any clothes"
>He then describes to me in about 4 pages of text that he want to come over to my place seducively wrestle me down to the ground, and the only way to get him off of me was to "kick (him) in the nuts while he gave me head.
>I was a little blazed when he sent that so I disregarded it.


>> No.6562379


>Sitting down in front row after lecture waiting to watch some anime.
>"ANON! why didn't you reply to me?!"
>I'm beta as fuck I don't reply, pull out my phone and pretend that he isn't there.
>sits right behind me and doen't bother me for a few mins.
>People start filling in.
>About 2 episodes into the anime I start smelling cigarettes and hear faint breathing behind me
>It's getting louder and I can feel a tingling on my ear
>I turn around and bob is about an inch away from face
>He extends his tongue and licks my ear then runs out of the room giggling like a little girl.
>He walks back into the room
>I'm beta as fuck so I again pretend he isn't there.
>"ANON! I'm sorry about licking your face... I decided that you actually arnt gay (no shit...) so I'll leave you alone if you do one thing."
>"what bob..."
>"Hook me up with one of your friends."
>Then I remember, I have a super homo neighbor/friend who was having a birthday party this upcoming friday.
>Texted friend (who we will call Jeff) and told him what was happening.
>Know for a fact that jeff is into bears/bigger guys.


>> No.6562383


>It's Jeff's 21st so there is a ton of booze. Everyone is drunk.
>bob shows up in, I kid you not, cat ears and cat tail... but somehow they IMEDIATELY hit it off.
>Felt pretty good because they both looked happy.
>Bob even pulls me aside and genually appologizes, man to man. Beautiful drunk moment
>The party is now inside Jeff's apartment sitting in a circle on the ground.
>Jeff is sitting in bob's lab.
>See a smirk in bob's face
>Bob suddenly puts jeff in a head and leg strattle. He reaches down his hand and tries to take off his pants
>"NYAN! NYAN! NYAN! Do you wanna wrestle Jeff? NYAN NYAN PURRR! you know there is only one way to get me off kitty!"
>Jeff is struggling to get out
>Everyone is sitting there staring not knowing if they are just being super gay together or if someone's about to get raped.
>Bob sucessfully pulls Jeff's pants off and starts clawing at his boxers.
>"NYAN NYAN Play with me jeff!"
>I run to Bob and hit him as hard as I could in his kidney.
>Bob releases Jeff. There are red marks all over Jeff's body from the struggle.
>Jeff gets up and tells bob to GTFO
>"Hey man I was just teasing around"
>Everyone gets up to make sure he got out and drove off
>Jeff spent the next hour crying until he passed out from drinking too hard

So it turns out Bob failed out after the first semester and is now living with his mother.

This actually happened. I posted this one time before on one of these threads, so it's relatively OC

>> No.6562395

Holy shit anon.

>> No.6562403
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Sorry, buddy. :(

>> No.6562409
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>not knowing if they are just being super gay together or if someone's about to get raped

>> No.6562439


Shit... Bob is an unstable looking motherfucker.

>> No.6562442

>This is a story about how I accidentally got my friend raped by a gay man dressed up as a cat
Brilliant story.

>> No.6562486


And I thought gay men loved to get raped by other gay men.

>> No.6562505

>>Darkwing Duck


>> No.6562531

Technically you prevented your friend from being raped.

>> No.6562591

Yes can people also post Weeaboo pictures too, I am doing a sculpture of a weeb and I can't get that exact weeb feel to it.

>> No.6562670

I smell the next "brokeback mountain" waiting to happen.

>> No.6562818

>First day in developmental psych class
>Professor asks about hobbies and majors
>I briefly talk about making armor and costumes, already a paramedic but seeking a major in chemistry
>Weeb in the corner screams YESSS, COSPLAYER.
>Weeb talks about she is obsessed with homestuck, hetalia and harry potter fanfiction, wants to major in graphic design and MAKE VIDYA CHARACTERS
>Sits next to me in every class because she has decided we are kindred spirits
>Makes me look over her bad artwork, huge volumes of poorly drawn animu
>She has "personified" every class and turned them into an OC, like the countries/hetalia relationship
>Every class is an anime boy making out with another anime boy
>I'm 30, haven't watched anime in years but had my weeb stage a decade ago, so I try not to judge her too harshly. After all, she's only 18
>Never does her work or reads the chapters, spends all her time drawing yaoi and asking me to explain everything she misses
>Goes behind my back and begs the professor to do a group project/presentation with me (was supposed to be assigned at random with groups of 5, she said we wanted to be alone because we had special unique snowflake shit planned)
>She literally wanted to incorporate yaoi into the project.
>I get pissed, tell her "No fucking way you are messing with my grade," do the entire project without allowing her to contribute, just give her index cards to read during the presentation.
>To "apologize" to me, she shows me a pic of us both drawn as boys making out

>> No.6562865


Holy shit, anon. I'm amazed how some people don't grow up. I didn't dare dream of revealing my powerlevel to adults in a classroom, much less draw gay porn for a thirty year old.

My god...

>> No.6562924

Why that psych class, brah? As a psych major, I must say we have shittons more interesting classes
Polite sage for completely off topic.

>> No.6562927
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In addition to weeb stories, this has also turned into a bad cosplay thread.

This is supposed to be Aerith.

>> No.6562944

Thought that was a man at first glance.

>> No.6562950
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This is L.

>> No.6562954
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>> No.6562966

At the last minute, I registered for an extra class on a whim. There wasn't really anything with spots open that really jumped out at me, and psych classes are always interesting regardless.

>> No.6562967

this is on a fat lovers (whatever they call it, feeders, gainers w/e) site right? it has to be!

>> No.6562976

girl is a model. actually she's my friend's cousin. she dresses like this a lot apparently.
my friend: "one time, at a family reunion, she dressed up in a fishnet dress. she looked like a whale caught in a net."

>> No.6562997


I don't know if she is, but that's Pear-Chan. She's proud to be a fatty.

>> No.6562995

I'm in awe.
Fat idiots that think they're thin and don't dress their shape piss me off.
But at this stage she's not in denial and I think it's sort of cool.
Rofl at the net line.

>> No.6563001

I personally think it's less cool to knowingly not dress to suit your body. There's no excuse at that point.

>> No.6563033


...thats not pearchan, its beccabae

>> No.6563036

They're the same person...

>> No.6563042

Pearchan IS beccabae


>> No.6563072

OP, that cunt will try to steal it from you again. Keep it out of her sight. I've had SO MANY issues with weebs trying to steal things from me.

>> No.6563076

VT student the way the club works sounds just like that especially with you engineering focus

>> No.6563090

This so much! My friend's weeb gf came with him to my bf and my apartment a while back and she kept touching my stuff saying how "I have such cute things~" and "where did you get this" and "I wish I had money for this" and asking me to try it on, fuck that noise she was too big for my damn clothes! I didn't let that bitch out of my sight.

>> No.6563097 [DELETED] 

This. Had multiple art books that were mysteriously "losted it lol someone must have taken it out of my bag!" I've alsoI had a friend over and I had a voodoo doll keychain resting on my desk and when he left I realized he had taken it. Thankfully I got it back once I confronted him about it but fuck.
I've lost a lot of shit due to weeb friends. Even had shit stolen from me by weebs. Manga, art books (not that how to draw manga shit), DVDs, keychains...gypsy fuckers.

>> No.6563107

This. Had multiple things that were mysteriously "losted it lol someone must have taken it out of my bag while I was walking down the hall!"

I've also had a friend over and I had one of those really cute voodoo doll keychain resting on my desk and when he left I realized he had taken it. Thankfully I got it back once I confronted him about it but fuck. Man..I've lost a lot of shit due to weeb friends and weebs I've had over for parties. Manga, art books (not that how to draw manga shit), DVDs, keychains...gypsy fuckers.

>> No.6563108

thanx for ending your warning with an unnecessary out of place racist comment ^___^

>> No.6563125
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Blam bitches.

>> No.6563130
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>Go to new school meet new group of friends.
>they're all a bit nerdy, all a bit weird but you know I'm cool with that.
>Meet R.
>R is a weeb in every sense of the term. Smells bad, obsesive, nerdy, no dress sense.
>Group trip to Supernova, didn't care for it, didn't cosplay but R did. Cosplay was terrible, had no idea who or what it was.
>Kept quite because I vauled her friendship.
>Little while later back at school half eaten piece of cake on the floor. R picks it up and eats it.
>Grossed out but whatever. R at this point is just seen as gross but still friend.
>while later R works up the courage to show us her art, try to give her crit but R throws a fit. decides her art is perfect, doesn't listen to crit, hands in project.
>Complains to teacher when gets a C, but whatever, R is still part of my group of friends, I just put up with her.
>Art camp, same cabin as R. Playing Yugioh on the floor with friends.
>Losing horribly.
>Looks up.
>R is picking her nose on my bed.
>Tell its gross and if she wants to pick her nose she should go to the bathroom.
>Burst into tears, starts screaming at me.
>Aplogise later to keep the peace.
>Picked her nose on my bed the next day, didn't say anything wanted to keep the peace.
>Flash forward to last year.
>R wants crit on her cosplay, give her advice on styling her wig. R dosen't listen. Suprise, suprise.
>Turns up to Supernova wearing embarassing 'Fem-tin' cosplay. Not there, but apparently there was some drama involving it.
>Don't care at this point.
>R uploads drawing of her OC to tumblr.
>At this point I simply do not give two shits, ask her what gender it is in anon.
>R loses it, starts going about how obvious it was a girl. Says she knows who it was but isn't acting on it because shes a nice person.
>Has a massive fight with one of my closer friends, and because of this blocks and deletes me from every web site we'd conected.
>Don't give two shits.
>Pic related fem tin.

>> No.6563161
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>> No.6563189

I though we agreed not to use letters any more.

>> No.6563221
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>> No.6563243


I think a real female version of L would be this dirty.

>> No.6563287


>i need more friends, we both like homestuck
I've been there and I'm so sorry

>> No.6563385

I was driving down a really ghetto street around 11 pm at night and I saw a gang of kids wearing akatsuki cloaks.

>> No.6563410


Well I certainly want to plunge a 6 foot sword into her.

it's not my dick

>> No.6563415


>> No.6563431


Did you get the eraser back though?!

I had this shit happen to me.

>middle school
>guy my parent's didn't like for a dumb reason (him telling a counselor that they were hitting me) gave me a big present
>asked if I could hide it in my locker for a while (had a locker buddy)
>she said fine
>got mad at me
>it disappears
>never got it back from her even when I confronted her
>she ended up having a baby, he ended up getting two girls pregnant
>in college, haven't thought about this story in fucking forever

>> No.6563441

Weeb girls at my college:

>College is around 30% rich girls who wear it on their sleeve (nouveau riche), 20% old money who look normal, 40% "normal" looking or from another country but still, relatively normal, 10% weeaboo/Goth/Lolita/etc.
>The 10% group is split into the socially normal and socially retarded, just like the other groups, but some people accidentally categorize people from one clique as being part of another, because most people don't give a shit about the subtle differences in weebs
>I am a normal in this instance, technically a 20%er, important later on

>first girl
>girl makes shitty crafts based on her fandom
>sells them at a way too high price
>lies about how much she makes (for every one sale, she makes up five)
>has a creepy blog about how much she hates other students for being wealthy
>her parents are wealthy but blew it recently, so she considers herself totally equal to someone poor
>accuses rich kids of lying or being whores to get where they are or go on vacations
>constantly tells people to check their wealth privilege
>more like check your money management issues

>another girl
>girl looks a fucking mess
>claims to have invented many Internet memes including those with verified originators (think Trollface)
>puts weeb shit into every convo, even class discussions
>cosplays/costumes/weird clothes to class
>there's a way of doing something different but classy, but she looks like a train wreck
>converse boots, at least five pairs
>black Ed Hardy jeans
>capes she made herself, no lining, just fabric cut into shapes
>fake English accident
>her parents are American, she's American, claims to be from England
>works at a stereotypical nerd place
>"Oh silly boys don't hit on me I have a husbando~"
>the worst kind of Homestuck fan
>wears cosplay and costumes to every kind of party

>> No.6563443


>third girl
>claims to be super poor like first girl
>hates the 1% vehemently
>wears Disney shirts every day
>shirts meant for a 12 year old (cut, length, style)
>she's fat and an adult so it looks bad
>even if she lost weight, she's not willowy, she's broad shouldered, they would never fit her
>goes to Disney parks for every vacation
>FB photos of her with family
>can practically smell the disappointment

>girl four
>actual poor but doesn't hate rich people
>hates anyone who she doesn't see as white
>discourages them from doing white activities like European dance
>obsessed with Hetalia and Homestuck
>when asked about her fandoms, assumes people are making fun of her

>anime club
>went to table
>was told it wouldn't be "the club for me"
>because I'm an evil prep guys!
>"I only see shojo works listed...will there be shonen, seinen, and other works as well?"
>"Of course, whatever made you think it'd only be shojo?"
>"Because you only list shojo here, which I've already said."
>sign up for mailing list
>don't get an email
>pass by the club on accident

>> No.6563446

No offense, but you sound like a snob.
Oh wait, I'm in /cgl/

>> No.6563451


>girl five
>claims to be demisexual heteroromantic
>just doesn't want to lose virginity
>wants shit ton of babies
>wants to make out with guys
>wants to date guys
>is basically a hetero girl that doesn't wanna have sex until marriage
>is being a bitch about it
>won't shut up about western fandom stuff

>> No.6563457


Sorry you have that impression.

There's basically a group of girls that assume that because they're not wealthy as other people, other people are either "evil preps" or lying about travel, events, and people they know or are related to (and it's not like people here brag, it'll come up if it's relevant).

These people knew, coming in, that the college was mostly full of rich kids, and that it was an expensive college that doesn't offer much financial aid. Yet, they complain about the atmosphere as if they're owed something different. They complain if someone takes a cab, they complain if someone goes into the city to party, they complain if anyone does anything they can't afford to do for some reason (even if they actually could afford to do it if they cut back on their own spending).

There's also a difference between dressing well and dressing poorly. I've seen Goth kids come to class dressed well and dressed poorly. I've seen rich kids come looking great and looking ridiculous. Same goes for any clique, but I've specifically mentioned a few people's clothes as just being absolutely horrendous. That's the point of this thread. It's not about awesome people you know in real life.

>> No.6563465

how the hell do you get a school of 10% weeb?

>> No.6563468


10% weeb, Goth, emo, Lolita, etc. Anyone who doesn't look normal and would stick out. They're not bullied at all. Like any other group, some are great, some are shit, and some are blase.

In that 10%, a good number are Homestuck fans though. I had no idea what it was before this year and I don't want to find out now that I've met the fans.

>> No.6563556
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Have some more bad cosplay, on me.

>> No.6563568

Yeah, I may have made the judgement of snobbery too quickly, I was feeling bitchy. Sorry sis.

>> No.6563602

>Dat Sora.
>Dat Kairi
>Dat Riku

Seriously, what are people like this thinking when they do this?

>> No.6563604

Oh god fuck at first I only saw the left side and I was like, "Well, this actually looks pretty alright"

Someone should probably feed that Kairi before a bunch of org cosplayers go missing.

>> No.6563613
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>Be a vendor selling merch
>Homestuck becomes popular
>Cosplayers paint themselves
>Wants to handle merch with their paint covered hands and other apendages
>"Could you please not get paint on that."
>Paint fucking everywhere.

I live this horror story at every damn convention now. I want the series to die and go away. I don't care if I have to deal with a million bronies. No more Homestuck.

>> No.6563611
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Yesterday I was in the cafeteria at my college and this girl had on expensive headphones and was dancing in the crowded caf to get her pizza. I look at her again and see a really nice leather trench coat, a cheap ice blue wig, some sort of goggles on her head, cat ears, and a tail.
I've seen her around school dressed as some sort of elf or fairy or something.

>> No.6563629

tfw 90% of your college was neds/chavs, 9% other adn 1% weeb.
Even then the weebs were just me and a few friends, and our weebiness amounted to going to cons and having anime keychains.

>> No.6563633

The important question here is was she hot?
Also you're a shitty person for passing Bob off to a friend like that.

>> No.6563645




>> No.6563652

Oh man oh man I know this will make me sound like a cock but I have a friend who is otaku to the max and sometimes it's really hard being around her..

- Thanks CHINESE waiters in JAPANESE and when told off just makes 'nyaaah' sound.
- Only child so has never been told to knock that shit off
- all three of four walls are filled top to bottom in manga.
- Fucking loves manga and anime and yet calls it 'MONGAH'
- Says random Japanese words at dinner/during the day/any time/
- When she see's you she'll yell 'whatever-CHAAAAAAN!!'
- is 27 and calls her father 'Daddy'
- When told off or her lack of soical skills gently pointed out, huffs.
- Smells like BO alot
- Whenever in a book store she will ALWAYS go to the manga section and loudly go 'GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT GOT!' like trying to impress someone.
- Cosplays when cosplaying isn't really a good choice ie a works party, any party
- Spends 3/4 of her money on anime shit then skimps out on gifts for people and goes mental if you owe her even the smallist bit of money.
- I'M POOR THIS MONTH then buys $300 worth of 'mongah' and anime shit.
- When we see a nerdy movie she'll clap and snort like a fucking mental seal and you wish your movie chair would just fucking eat you.
- When out for a meal with people will either be looking at manga online or got her DS out.
- VERY small attention span
- Likes no other part of Japanese culture.
- Rude, lacking many soical graces..
- Will randomly giggle snort and hurhurhur to herself and when asked 'Whats funny?' she will reply 'Oh nothing.. just this anime I watched...'

>> No.6563653

luckily the only homestuck cosplayer that looked at my stuff had the brains not to touch anything (I sell lolita stuff). BUT this year looks like it's gaining more fans so I'm not sure what's in store this spring D:

>> No.6563657

>"I'M POOR THIS MONTH then buys $300 worth of 'mongah' and anime shit."

This really grinds my gears, one of my long time friends is like this. Has no money to buy stuff unless it's useless weeb shit that sits in his room and does nothing.

It's also funny because he takes pictures of everything he has and tries to impress girls with it all.

>> No.6563661

Isn't "mongah" the correct way to say it?

But she sounds like a nightmare, I don't know how you tolerate that shit.

>> No.6563684

Ugh, this.
I have one of these. She's on benefits but she buys a lot of weeby shit.
People are like this all over, they have no money but spend anything they do have on whatever they're in to rather than actual useful things.

>> No.6563693

I guess I'll chime in

>Friends go to Japanese Club
>~20+ actual Japanese exchange students there
>99% of the club actually knows a lot of Japanese. They usually try to learn japanese from the exchange students and the exchange students get to practice their english
>Fat weaboo from anime club goes to Jap club for the first time
>During the first meeting she screams "OHIO"
>It's 8 fucking pm
>Everyone bert stares her including all the Japanese kids
>I fucking run to the bathroom so I don't laugh my ass off in front of her
>She's never seen again at Jap club again

>> No.6563695

I'm too soft. And there it's said man-gah least in this country.

>> No.6563699
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This made my day so far.

>> No.6563701

Fucking hotel internet
This was meant for

>> No.6563704


No, though it's hard to discuss because the British/American pronunciation of "ma" is so different. It's not as hard a "ma" as the american, but it is NOT "mo".

>> No.6563710
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"demisexual heteroromantic"
Oh that's cute

>> No.6563721

I don't even know what it means.

>> No.6563733

Demisexual- a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships. The term demisexual comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual.

Heteroromantic-To be asexual, but with a slight preference for men.

>> No.6563736

in other words, all teenage girls.

>captcha: she ityzeso

>> No.6563743

Pretty much, yeah

>> No.6563755

We sell a lot of stuff so they're all over.

The worst is when you pack up and there's some paint shed from their skin lodged in your merch. You don't notice it until your next show. By then it's melted, smeared, and thoroughly ruined what you're selling.

You're always going to loose merch to shrinkage and the odd person spilling food or whatever. Just anoys me that it's one more damn thing to look out for, and they're fucking everywhere.

>> No.6563756

Brew some coffee, anons and cozy yourself in a comfy chair. I am going to greentext you the story, for the first time, of my friend Dan (his name is changed). This story is a condensed version of a few choice aspects of living with Dan and my efforts to be his friend.

>Be college sophomore. Switch to choicest dorm on campus from shit-dorm, due to grades.
>Meet new roommate, Dan.
>Dan is obese, hairy, and a bit smelly. But he seems nice enough.
>First thing he asks me is, “Is it cool if I set up a DDR pad in the room?”
>Chilling in room
>Dan covers his side of the room with anime posters, constantly-steaming rice cooker, and blasts really high pitched weeb music from his speakers.
>Has a girlfriend pillow. You know, one of those large body pillows with an anime girl emblazoned on it.
>Sex in dorms is tricky. Either you have it when you know the roomie is away or you leave a hint.
>My freshman year, my roomie and I would leave a phrase on the dryboard “Off to class”.
>I ask Dan if he’s cool with the system
>Initially he agrees, excitedly. “Yeah man this year I’m gonna get so much …ass”
>The way he says it is embodied discomfort.
>Anyway, bringing girls back. Explaining that, no, the anime wall isn’t mine.
>I’m a pretty geeky guy myself, but I can hide my power level pretty decently and chicks really dig music geeks and Ninja Turtles never seem to freak em out.
>Third girl I’ve been seeing about midway through semester, Dan decides to break the agreement and walk in on us...

>> No.6563757

>A little awkward, but I don’t give much of a shit. She does and leaves.
>”Ah, that sucks man. Did I forget to write the code?”
>”You did, but it’s only working for you.”
>”You’re the only one using the code to get the ladies” (yes, “the ladies”)
>Wait… does this guy think the writing has something to do with women.
>Learn that Dan is an asocial virgin.
>Invite Dan to party
>He dresses in ironic Japanese T and fedora
>Go to house party.
>Dan sits on back wall
>Bring girls up to Dan to talk to him, wing the shit out of the room for him
>”This is my roommate Dan. He’s fucking awesome. He collects a lot of cool art from japan and studies a lot about different cultures. He’s also a hell of a cook.”
>Dan can’t manage a conversation.
>I ask him if he’s cool or if he’s nervous and wants to leave
>Decides he wants to leave.
>Dan never goes to another party.
>A few weeks later walk in on Dan humping the shit out of his pillow.
>Walk in and he’s screeching something in Japanese in a high pitched voice.
>Immediately walk out, not sure if he saw me, closing door (which he never spoke of again)
>Speak nothing of this moment.
>Dan no longer leaves the room when I bring a girl back to hang out with.
>Dan insists in joining us in our date activities if he’s around or he’s on his computer, or playing DDR. (which, he was good at, admittedly and DDR is something I could always get the girls to try once or twice)

>> No.6563761

>Semester passes and I, stupidly, pass up a mid-year roommate switch. Would have been risky and I would have given up my awesome dorm (it had it’s own, superior, cafeteria)
>Finally break out of friendzone with hottest nerdy girl I’ve ever known, Chelsea.
>Let Dan know I’m taking her to a concert and we’re probably going to come back.
>Ask Dan if he wants to come, she’s bringing some friends too. He declines per usual.
>Ask him if he could do something for a little while when we return.
>”I don’t really feel like it.”
>Explain to him that this is the only time I’ll ask for it again.
>”Whatever, fine.”
>Concert goes well. We both get a bit tipsy.
>Making out on walk back to dorm
>Get to room
>Nothing written on dry board.
>Open door, room is pitch black, no noise. Don’t see Dan.
>”Isn’t your roommate here?” she asks.
>Reply, honestly, “I think he left”.
>start fucking
>Now, if you can imagine this, our beds were double beds that were lofted.
>Instead of being bunked with one right above the other, we had it so my bed was below Dan’s and his was up high but at a 90* angle. The two beds made a sort of L shape that we pushed into a corner.
>So I have her on top for a bit and I look up
>I see a dark figure
>It’s Dan...

>> No.6563763

>staring at us with his fuckin’ mane of hair.
>watching us silently
>At this point I’m thinking… if she fucking sees him…
>I flip her over on to her stomach and start doggy style so her head is underneath the loft and she can’t see dan.
>Have to finish in that position (which was fine).
>motion to dan that I can see him and mouth “turn around dude”
>He just covers up in his blanket but I can see his eyes…
>his fucking beady eyes
>Any further sex had to occur knowing his schedule (lots of daytime sex) or, more often, having sex at the girl’s room.
>Chelsea’s roommate was cool with the sex and just slept through it

Part II- The breaking point

>Try to be a bro to Dan for rest of year
>Not bringing girls to room any more
>Join him in some anime club meetings. Play more DDR with him
>Try to invite him to parties. Occasionally he comes
>When he does come to parties he lingers with me or finds other loners
>Dan is a bit creepy and a bit off, but he’s a really nice guy.
>Probably too nice.
>Always tries to be super nice to the girls who are unattractive enough to threaten him.

captcha: effeminacy Nancytrap

>> No.6563766

>Dates an ambulocetus for about a week.
>Has her over, he puts his head on her lap while they watch anime.
>He purrs while she rubs his hair.
>I leave the room.
>Still not sure why they didn’t work out.
>He’s pretty lonely after she breaks up with him
>Careful to listen to the door for sounds of him fucking his pillow to avoid relapse walk-in.
>Near the end of the year
>Walk in, hop on bed to read my assignment.
>Smells different… smells… smells like mothballs and B.O.
>Smells like Dan.
>Sheets are a little off too…
>”Dan, did you sleep in my bed?”
>”Dan… did you fuck your pillow in my bed? Be fucking honest with me, dude.”
>”..no.. I just jumped on your bed to get to mine”
>”But I’ve seen you climb on my bed to get to yours all the time and it never smells like you. It fuckin smells like you man.”
>He starts trying to ignore me. “Whatever, I won’t be angry but you have to fucking wash my sheets.”
>Wordlessly he complies, washes my sheets and brings them back.
>”I don’t give a shit if you fuck your pillow, man. Do what makes you happy, but don’t fuck it on my bed.”
>Pretty pissed… but fuck, the dude was pathetic. I just had feels for the guy.
>Speak nothing of the incident for the rest of the year.

That’s the story of my first year living with Dan. The second isn’t quite as horrifying (or long)... but it has awkward stories nonetheless.

Will tell if interested.

>> No.6563777

Omfg I hate this. When I'm painted grey, I tend to avoid AA and Dealer's. And if I go in, I DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF FLIPPING THROUGH AN ART BOOK WITH LITTLE PLASTIC COVERS AND SHIT.

I wait to actually physically touch things later when I'm doing a different series or just plain not in cosplay. I don't understand why no one else seems capable of understanding common courtesy like this.

>> No.6563791
File: 1.14 MB, 190x152, 1354415836242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see a dark figure
>It’s Dan..

>> No.6563790


You seem like a really chill guy/95% of the guys I know would flip shit if that happened.

When I was studying for MCATs my roommate would fucking jerk off to pokemon. He moved out 2 months into the semester

>> No.6563794

Oh goodness that is terrible, I just stiffen and watch any person with body paint on very carefully. Only so far I had one Homestuck cosplayer touch my things, but she didn't paint the underside of her hand, which was a relief and I didn't get any paint on my plushies.

Still though, it makes me nervous.

Thaaaaank yoooou, some people just forget common courtesy or it's just not in them, which is sad. I appreciate you and everyone else who is careful about this.

>> No.6563796


>> No.6563797


also you seem like a cool guy

>> No.6563800


lmao I honestly think fedoras are okay if you're either bald or using it as a dance prop

>> No.6563802

I made armsocks just so that I could safely navigate Dealers' rooms and AAs- I wear it on Friday, do my shopping, then I'll actually paint on Saturday, but steer clear of the dealer's room. But even if I DO swing by, I seal the fuck out of my paint.

Seriously. It isn't hard.

>> No.6563804


Common courtesy isn't common

>> No.6563812

Oh shit. I mean... jackin' it is part of life... but some people just lack tact about it.

You do well on those MCATs? You in Med school?

Sure, I'll tell another. Gimme a second to type it up.

ha ha, yeah I know.

So, yeah, I guess you could say I'm cool with the whole thing. I did yell at him when I discovered he fucked his pillow girl in my bed. He looked on the verge of tears, honestly... so I started feeling bad.

I dunno, I used to be a geeky kid when I was in middle school and my first few years of highschool. Then I sorta grew out of my awkwardness, discovered a few MORE socially acceptable activities and... well that was that.

My best friends and I originally met our freshman year talking about Gundam Wing, of all things. We all sort of stopped watching anime and reading mangu, but it was the catalyst to our friendship.

So, I've always had a soft spot for someone who is socially awkward or unskilled because I used to be awkward myself.

>> No.6563813

Totally reminds me of a thread once upon a time that was about how can you tell if the person sealed their paint or not. I just keep an eye out for those signs (smudges around the sleeves, smears of paint on the skin, etc.) and watch them diligently around my things.

>> No.6563819

Awwh, don't pick on Pear-chan.

>> No.6563826

>snort like a fucking mental seal
Oh god.
Also, I'm pretty sure both Americans and Brits will pronounce 'man' as man. Well, Muricans will pronounce it "Mayun"

>> No.6563829


>You do well on those MCATs? You in Med school?

33 so it's standard but I'm currently doing a post bacc program so I get my sGPA to a 3.5 before applying.

My buddy was on acid and got a 39 but he honestly is the most intelligent individual I've ever met haha.

How about you bro?

Also since this sort of relates to your story, my friend during freshman year had a roommate similar to yours (minus the body pillow+substitute comics instead of anime). Instead of being polite and communicative, he simply started bringing chicks back and fucked them on his roommate's bed lol. If you want to be spared of the details then don't read on.. otherwise..

Yea.. my 'friend' pulled out and fucking blew his man seed all over his roommate's pillow as revenge. That guy was too passive to do anything and simply moved out and my friend got a free double for a year (fucker)

>> No.6563844

There is no excuse for that.

>> No.6563845


Well that's why I'm no longer friends with that guy.

He was funny as hell and a fucking great drinking buddy but he was a complete asshole.

>> No.6563847

Solid man. You're doing the right thing by doing a post bacc. Just keep applying and improving your resume in the meantime. People who WANT to get into med school CAN almost always get in. It just takes perseverance unless, like your friend, you end up being a supergenius.

Also, I highly reccomend Kaplan. I got a 40T (i forget the writing score, but I got the highest mark you could get on writing).

I'm now a 3rd year med student and lovin' it.

As for your friend... blowing his wad on another dude's shit? That's pretty shitty. I'd probably lose my shit with that guy even if he were my friend. I'm not surprised that you aren't still friends with him.

Thankfully Dan wasn't an asshole. He was a really nice guy, which is why I couldn't stay mad at him.

Okay, Year Two Stories incoming.

>> No.6563852

>So over at SB’s house because her roomates promised to bake us cookies if we barbecued for them
>Demand the cookies up front.
>Head over, girls are giggly and drunk and getting ready to go out.
>Start giving them some shit
>they start asking about our house, want to throw a neighbor party
>One of them asks, “But what about that weird guy.. will he be there?”
>”What weird guy?” Know exactly who they are talking about
>”He’s always looking over here” (both of our living rooms have windows that look into the other house’s living room) “he’s kind of a creep”
>Explain that he’s just shy and awkward. Have the girls giving sympathetic “awwww”s by the time I’m done explaining that Dan is a good guy, really.
>They start asking if he brings girls over
>Explain that, actually, yes, there is a girl visiting him.

The Fatlus...

>> No.6563848

Dan, the second year

>Made a few really close friends
>We all decide to move into a house together
>House is pretty huge: space for 8.
>Bring my six friends. Other 2 are decided by lottery based on how much credits they have
>Dan begs to join us.
>Sit down with him and explain that living in a house is gonna be different
>Explain he can’t pull any of his shit in the common rooms
>He agrees readily and we let him roulette in (the dude took like 20 credits a semester, so he got in easily)
>Cottage is awesome. Perfect den of guys. Beers and steaks every night.
>Fuckin’ smash brothers tourneys
>Chillin with my philosobros upstairs drinking B&B and playin’ chess
>Roomate is my best friend, Alex
>Scene is set.
>Dan’s fitting in okay, learning to hide his power level okay
>Dudes know Dan incidentally through me so they try to accept him.
>House of girls next door with a fuckbuddy named Sex Bomb (her nickname was, and she gave embraced it, “Sex bomb”)

>> No.6563854

The Fatlus con't

>Dan had been attending anime club faithfully
>met a chick named Rosie
>Fat as fuck. Weeb as fuck.
>Literally squeals , “YAAAAAAAAA” when I say, “hey Rosie”
>Treats Dan nicely enough. Also treats him sort of like a dog.
>Keeps him in manchild mode. Sometimes dresses him in womens clothing.
>He’s clearly uncomfortable with this.
>Always telling him what to do, constantly putting down any interests she doesn’t approve
>Very resentful of any other women in the apartment, especially if they are better looking than she (so… all of them)
>Clings to Dan, literally
>Smells of curdled milk

Back to the story
>so this fatlus is over to our house and they’re playin some smash bros with other housemates
>Girl asks if Dan has his v-card.
>In a momentary lapse of bro code I admit he is and hasn’t even seen boobs.
>”He hasn’t even seen real boobs?”
>Nod, “you should take his b-card”, smiling
>Girls fucking think this is a great idea, decide to flash him as a house
>These are, I shit you not, solid 10/10 girls
>”Okay, get ready.”
>Call up Dan’s phone.
>He picks it up. “Dan… don’t move yet. But when I tell you to, turn around. Happy early birthday.”
>He starts turning around
>And the girls lift up their shirts and bras...

>> No.6563855

>Watch him drop his phone, watch the look of joy on his face
>Phone dropping must have gotten Rosie's attention. She looks at him first.. then..
>Fatlus Rosie starts turning around like it’s in slow motion. It’s like watching a bowl of Crisco getting dumped in a slow mixer.
>Girls put their girls away. “Shes looking at us…”
>Dan probably only got to see boobs for a second or two. The girls were going to mess with eachothers tits just to make it “a good experience” This never happens.
>Go back to apartment. Rosie is staring daggers at me.
>Leave to go to room.
>Later that night Dan comes in, hugs me, cries, says thanks
>Tells me that Rosie isn’t going to hang out with him.
>Feel like shit… ruined his relationship.
>Then again, Rosie was a thundercunt, so it was probably for his own good.

I have one more story worth telling… about the girl I set Dan up with, if you’re interested

>> No.6563857

yes please, go on

>> No.6563858


>3rd year

Jesus christ.. isn't 40 above the 99th percentile? (At least 99.5%+?)

Also congrats on med school. I'm very surprised that you have time to go on cgl/4chan. Aren't you supposed to be doing your rotations right now?

>> No.6563864
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>Cosplaying Stein from Soul Eater.
>Spotted from across the con.
>This Grell cosplayer runs up to me.
>Grabs my chest despite it being bound.
>Grinds their genitals against my ass.
>What the actual fuck get the fucking fuck away from me why.
>They run away presumably to make other people uncomfortable.

HB not even related I just had that expression for the entirety of the encounter.

>> No.6563882

I wonder how terrible he would be if you weren't there. You seem like the guy who's getting him to be a little more... Normal? You sound like an awesome guy.

>> No.6563885

I'm actually finishing up a pretty easy clerkship (psych) right now. I shit you not, some outpatient days like this we leave at NOON.

Anyway. Yeah.
The reason I'm posting on CGL is because I'm getting some CME credit to work the first aid at Anime Central in Chicago and have little to no knowledge of what cosplay is. Just stickin' around to swap stories.

This one's pretty quick

Amy the girlfriend
>Chelsea and I were on a break
>I start dating another biology student, Jessie
>She’s roommates with a shy, skinny weeb named Amy
>she’s pretty sweet and likes all things japan
>We decide to go on a “double date”
>Dan, against all odds, hits it off with Amy
>Within days she’s in the routine of stopping by
>Regularly sits on the couch to watch anime with him or watch him play games
>She asks me, “Hey medfag, when did you start kissing Jessie?”
>Read into the subtext, so I lie, “We took a while, I wanted her to know I really cared about her as a person before I kissed her.”
>Talk to Dan
>Admits he’s not kissed her (still never been kissed) wants to doesn’t know how
>Try to help explain what to do
>says he wants to wait for the perfect time
>explain there is no perfect time, just walk her home and kiss her at her doorstep, classic style.
>”C..can I watch you do it, medfag?”

>> No.6563886


>”Fuck…. Fine.”
>What have I done?
>Decide that Dan will hide and follow me and Jessie.
>Jessie and I are fooling around. Finish and head downstairs.
>Amy sitting on the couch. Dan sort of sitting nearby playing some RPG on the ps3.
>Amy has to go to bed, Dan gives her a hug.
>Ask Jessie if I can walk her home.
>She smiles and we wait for Amy to make a good distance before I start walking.
>Decide not to see if Dan is following, knowing Jessie will look if I do
>Get to Jessie’s doorstep
>”It was awesome having you over, Jessie”
>She smiles, I put my hand on her face, lean in and kiss her lightly.
>The sound of leaves moving
>Jessie startled looks at a small oak tree nearby.
>Dan is in it…
>”Dan? What are you doing?”
>He jumps down, looks at us and goes, “BEING A NINJA” and runs away (he says this quickly though, sounds like “beinganinja”).
>Wat faces.
>Get home. Dan says, and I quote, “That was close.”
>Watch the days pass.
>Dan never made his move
>Amy came around less and less frequently.
>eventually she broke up with him.
>he’s in his room often, listening to really high pitched anime music
>singing in Japanese along, you can hear him sobbing

That’s about all the stories worth telling about Dan. He really did improve his social skills over those two years. I saw him get friends, socialize outside of his comfort zone, and actually have a girlfriend. He’s in grad school now and he tells me he’s doing well. He’s seeing a girl too, and, yes, he kissed her. So happy ending after all.

>> No.6563896

That gave me a warm feeling inside.

>> No.6563897


Nice man.

Good luck on your journey. You seem like a genuinely good human being

>> No.6563907

If I were you I would have murdered Dan slowly and painful

>> No.6563919

You too man. Hopefully we'll get a chance to work together some day.

Me too. I'm glad he's doin' well.

The guy was awkward as fuck. Not an asshole.

>> No.6563926

Because he sounds super annoying and disgusting.
Don#t question my ways, foolish mortal

>> No.6563962

You're a really cool dude and I'm really happy for Dan!

>> No.6563963

Medfag, you are so damn chill. Also 'hide my power level' is a phrase I need to use more often. :)

>> No.6563966

This isnt so much as a weed story as it is a "Can you not?" thing.
>At a very small con wearing burn makeup
>it looks really messy but if you touch it it doesn't come off (unless i just put fake blood on it but at this point it was dry as a bone.)
>About to start a game of twister when a "casual" cosplay of hetalia comes up.
>says shes worried about playing with me since my arm might rub and get oh her outfit.
>Touch my own wounds and show her it doesn't come off, welcome her to touch it herself if shed like.
>She grabs my "burnt arm" takes two fingers and digs them into my skin and drags them down.
>shows me that some of the black makeup came off.
>No shit it came off im pretty sure some of my skin went off with it.
>dont say anything, agree not to play twister to keep her and the other outfits "safe"
>forgot to mention mrs hetalia had a sour look on her face the whole time, especially when she showed me the paint on her fingers.
>finally got to play when she left.

>> No.6563975

I was about to reply saying how something like this makes me uncomfortable thinking about trying a cross dress cosplay and then noticing that this is a female...

>> No.6563997

>here touch?

Fuck- how did you not lose your shit?

>> No.6564032

I decided it wasn't worth the drama.

>> No.6564036

at least she's somewhat pretty...?

or rather, could be.

>> No.6564038

i call bullshit

>> No.6564043


>not realizing that some people find this sexy

>> No.6564044

that's awesome.

>> No.6564049

do you live in South Carolina? With all the old money/nouveau riche shit going on, it sounds like my college.

>> No.6564068

This is more of a con horror story, but it's still pretty weebish

>for my 15th birthday my mom gets me a room in a really nice hotel for this anime convention that is a week after my birthday.
>I've been to conventions before so I knew my way around, but it was my first time without my mom breathing down my neck.
>weeks before the con my two friends ask if they can stay in my room, they tell me they will pay me 50 dollars each.
>the room is way more than that but I'm to nice of a person and I really didn't care about the money anyway because I liked them so I accept.

fast forward to the first friday of the con:

>I ask my friends if they have the money, they look at the ground and say they will pay me after the con because they want more money to buy animu shit.
>I tell my mom and she's not really mad but she tells me my friends are screwing me over. I ignore her because they were the first friends I had that were interested in the same stuff I was.
>only see them going in and out of the hotel room. They don't really hang out with me outside, When i see them they say they have somewhere to be bla bla bla.
>there's this other girl I know, we can call her ashley. She's pretty annoying but somehow I grew a tolerence to her because she hung out with my other friends
>I actually don't think she would be so bad if she didn't correct people all the time, especially when they are trying to say something.
>the whole con she conplains that she has no room to sleep in and everyone is sleeping at the con and she's not
>always does this around me, obviously trying to get me to pity her and let her stay in the room.

>> No.6564079
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A lot of you people have made terrible decisions. Some of you actively continued to hangout with freaks that have obvious mental/social issues. Get your shit together.

>> No.6564083


>At this point I really didn't want her to stay because another friend of mine (lets call her sandy) guilt tripped me into letting her stay which now makes three people not including me.
>Ashley asks me if she can keep her stuff in my room, even though there is free bag check in, I let her because I'm a pussy of a child.
>my two friends that said they would pay me pull me into a corner and ask me if ashley can stay because she's sad she can't stay and it's unfair that we are and she's not.
>I tell them my mom said no because I'm really done with being ass fucked by my "friends" at this point.
>I walk away and leave with some cool people I met to go get some food.
>I get a call from my mom, she says Ashley's mom called her and told her that Ashley said that I would let her stay if my mom is ok with it.
>I tell my mom I said no, but she said that she already told them yes because she thought that's what I wanted.
>I'm really fucking pissed at this point
>I finaly find one of my friends that isn't a complete asshole. She can go by kat
>I explain to kat what happened, I'm on the verge of tears because I'm naive and I really thought these people were my friends.
>She tells me that they have been calling me a bitch because I wouldn't let Ashley stay.
>I go to the rave to cool down and finally have some fun at this con.
>I get back to the room and they all start yelling at me telling me I'm being to loud and to shut the fuck up. ALL I did was open a door.
>when the con is over Ashelys mom confronts me and tells me she will pay me for letting Ashley stay.
>I only receive money from one of them, not Ashley. And in total 4 of them stayed in my room.
These people still try to talk to me to this day and always call me to see if I'm going to a con.

>> No.6564087

I have only known one weeb in my life, but damn she was freaky. She was at my ''Boarding school'. I'm putting atrophies at the boarding school part, because it's the wrong term, but the right one doesn't really exist in English. We lived at the school though. It wasn't that she did weeb things, you know besides using Japanese words and talking about Anime, it was more the things she did:

>Shaved off heir eyebrows for attention
>Hang up used menstruation pads on her wall on her room
>Wrote (and read to us at the lunch table) an erotic novel where she was raped and killed by a guy from the school
>Was caught openly Masturbating to her female roommate buy several people (Including the principal)

The list goes on. Dayum she was freaky

>> No.6564098


> atrophies

I think you mean apostrophes. Atrophy means 'to wither away'. Also what is it with weebs and menstrual blood? Personally, I can think of few things I find more disgusting than periods.

>> No.6564105
File: 916 KB, 245x285, okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only hang out with le cool kids, dweebs.
>If someone doesn't meet your social standards then ostracize them!

>> No.6564126

Medfag you are so chill, I would totally date you
Too bad I'm a boy, oh well, just know an actual fag would totally blow you

>> No.6564131

Freak detected. What it means is, if they give you so much fucking grief and act like complete social reject weeaboos, why hang out with them?

>> No.6564130
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>you wish your movie chair would just fucking eat you

>> No.6564144

>If someone doesn't meet your social standards then ostracize them!

Hmm lets see what we have in this thread:
>attempted rape
>vandalizing private property
>not bathing or using proper hygiene
>doing disgusing things in public (picking nose, sticking menstral pads to walls, talking about being raped)
I sure hope those aren't people you feel like fit social standards but yes I would actively avoid them.

>> No.6564187

> Was a senior in high school
> Big language geek. Used to be a weeb(when I was like 12)
> Used to love animu and mango(grew out of it)
> Taking lots of advanced classes, also taking two language classes.
> Did best in language classes, had the highest grade in Russian (even though a third of the class was native speakers)
> Was excited for class this year because our class size had doubled. Last year we'd only had like eleven students
> People seemed pretty chill
> Language department at the school was jacked up, so multiple levels of a language were in one class time, hence class size increasing.
> Lots of first years, including one weeby freshman.
> Me and a friend were always cracking jokes and stuff, had a couple in-jokes with the teacher from last year.
> Weeb was always getting in on our stuff even though she had no idea what any of it meant, just little things like jokingly calling a male friend "Её" (which is a feminine pronoun) because long story.
> Even people who are actually friends with me and second/third-year students don't get in on those jokes because they're willing to accept they don't know the story.
> Constantly Hetaliafagging everywhere and making racist comments for no reason. Trying to incorporate it into the class.
> Always picking on other students when they're trying to practice the language.
> Weeb is only actually friends with one person in class.
> He's a nice guy who likes anime but isn't a weeb. He got along with pretty much everyone.
> Weeb always makes an extra effort to humiliate her older brother in front of the class.
> Older brother is actually a bro.
> Always making bitchy remarks loudly but "under her breath" throughout class and in general being a nuisance.
> Still believes she's friends with everyone for some reason?
> My little group of friends just trying to ignore her so she'll go away.
> Nobody likes her except nice guy.


>> No.6564189

Kind of scary story. More weird than horrific, though.

In my country the Communist Party organizes, every year, a festival of all things Communist, with a lot of concerts, cheap booze and traditional food. This "encounter" happened there.

>Chilling with some cosplay friends I met there by chance, near the lake, just drinking some bottles of wine and smoking joints
>Suddenly, a group of guys appear
>Really loud, ghettoish, black guys, the own stereotype of "nigra" came true
>One of them comes to us and starts yelling
"Dudes, do you know what was awesome? SAILOR MOON! SAILOR FUCKING MOON! It was my favourite thing ever man, Sailor Moon and fucking digimon!"
>We are all terrified, thinking that the guy is going to attack us or something. But he continues
"Fucking Sailor Moon was the thing! My mother wanted me to go have dinner but I said No fuck you I'm gonna watch Sailor Moon!"
>His friends start to gather around us
"And this is the Communist Party man! Sailor Moon taught us about communism! Love and fucking Justice man!"
>And then his friends force him to go away from us

And this is how we learned that we should not judge people by their appearance.

>> No.6564206
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/fit/ here

I guess you guys also have an equivalent for our Fat People Stories.

Here's a good one for you DYELs:

>be in gym as usual
>NYRfags are about to burst in
>skinny teens everywhere in wild packs
>3 weeaboos
>literally the worst kind
>animu t-shirts
>arms as thick as their wrists
>one of them is fatasfatass hamplanet
>spend most of the time talking about Naruto while cracking cringeworthy jokes
>i pretend not to know what they are talking about
>haven't seen them since

I understand they want to change their faggotry ways, but Jesus fuck!

>> No.6564207
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> One day she's being a particular bitch, making fun of people trying to answer questions, she literally has the lowest grade in class.
> I lose it in the middle of class, turn around and bitch her out mid-lecture telling her to cut her shit out because she's being obnoxious.
> Teacher says nothing, just continues the lesson.
> Weeb says nothing for the rest of the day.

> Come home, she's sent me a friends request on Facebook.
> All my what.

> Rage, send her a longish message in response that basically just says she's a cunt and there's no way in hell that we'll ever be friends.
> Never try to threaten or intimidate her. Just tell her to leave me alone.
> Feel bad and delete the message right after sending it. She's a weeby cunt, but it was a pretty vicious letter.
> Mfw I find out the hard way that if you delete a message from facebook, it deletes the message on facebook, but the person is still sent the whole message via email, and there's no way to delete it.


>> No.6564214
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> Next day, called into office
> She fucking reported me to the school for 'cyberbullying' because I wrote three paragraph message basically saying, "You're a bitch. Leave me alone. I don't like you."
> No one presses charges or anything dumb like that, because they can't.
> Teacher doesn't even mention me yelling at her the day before when asked about my behavior in class. Just says that I'm a nice person who does well in class, and that the incident seems extremely unusual. (Because he fucking loves me)
> I'm asked not to attend Russian for two weeks.
> Get to sit in the library and dick around every day
> Don't have to make up any work.
> Write a halfassed apology letter which basically comes across as a subtle way of saying, "I'm sorry I got caught, you're still a bitch." but no one says anything.

> Mfw I start dating the only guy she was friends with. (really, he is a great guy)
> Mfw she has no friends now. (self-imposed. She decided to stop talking to nice guy when we started dating)
> Mfw not even the teacher liked her.

>> No.6564229

She has a prettier face than you ever will
10/10 would fuck

>> No.6564234


>> No.6564262
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She had a pretty face before she went complete whale mode. 0/10 would not touch with a ten foot pole.

>> No.6564336

>social retard detected
>go to con
>meet people from /cgl/
>add most to facebook
>seem legit
>one faggot
>posts on my statuses and shit
>just stupid shit that I ignore
>mostly delete it because keep that drama off my shit, this isn't fucking high school
>messages me time to time
>ignore because he's just subtly instigating
>get message about "his trolling getting to be too much?"
>strike one
>always see him on stalker bar constantly talking shit to the people who run the pages he likes
>not sticking around for this shit
>delete him
>live a better life

>> No.6564335
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>> No.6564347


We Hanako now?

>> No.6564360

Alright, I've got one. This here story is about a weeb-man-thing named Ash (name changed).

Let me give you a little back story about how I met him:
>Me freshman in college, still kinda into anime, and taking Japanese class for Language requirement
>decides to join the Japanese-related clubs, which at my school is a culture club and an anime club, because why not?
>goes to Anime Club's Halloween Party dressed as a schoolgirl. Dumb idea is dumb.
> I sit down after the costume contest, just to watch whatever anime is playing and chat.
>Enter Ash, overweight, poorly shaven, slightly awkward guy.
>Gives off this creeper vibe
>I think he's just shy, so start up a conversation
>Through that, find out that he's actually at the 300 level of Japanese, making him my upperclassman.
>We continue watching the anime, all the while he makes really uncomfortable comments about "moe" girls and I start getting a bit weirded out.
>After that, I saw him at minimal events for the Japanese Department, at all of which he was making those same inappropriate comments. Decide he's a weeb and move on with my life


>> No.6564395

Now Flash Forward a year. I've changed my major to Japanese, and am now one of the people in charge of the Culture Club.
>Over the summer, set up a poll on FB asking what people want to learn about the next semester. (We always pick a topic for each meeting and then have presentations based on said topic)
> See someone adds another option to the poll
>Ash added anime.
>Now the first club meeting comes, and Ash comes.
>He spends the whole time being rude and talking over us. He also demands we talk about anime. We don't outright say no, but say it's frowned upon, since there is already a club for that.
>Every single fucking meeting afterwards, does something related to anime, and/or makes rude comments about other people's projects
> Case in point, during art theme, someone does an awesome presentation on Katsushika Hokusai, a famous Ukiyoe artist.
>Met with me and another officer before to aski if it was ok if they included a bit about his history as a pornographic artist.
>I figured since we were in college, people are mature.
>Ash makes rude comments and snickers, calling it hentai and asking if there were gonna be tentacles in the next slide.
>kid gets flustered, and so am I. I didn't expect that reaction, especially from someone older than me. But because he's older than me, I feel wrong to say anything.

>> No.6564405
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>All of this is really annoying, but I finally reached my breaking point during the music theme.
>After all the presentations, we break into small talk.
>Ash gets out his laptop and starts showing one of the exchange students a music video.
> I notice this, and invite him to put it up on the tv with my laptop.
>"Oh You don't want this kinda video on the screen!"
>I ask what he's watching, and one of my professors, who is also there, hears the name and tells me that the video includes graphic child pornography.
>mfw he is blatantly disrespecting the club
>mfw he is pushing his weird videos on other students
>mfw some of those students are japanese exchange students
>My PROFESSOR is even looking at him disapprovingly.
>How does he not get that this is wrong?

After this semester and Ash's varied shenanigans, the culture club now has "no anime" rule. Hopefully we don't have any more incidents, but who knows...

>> No.6564420

>>summer 2008

>>growing out of being a weeb, still love super functional chobits bag
>>go to girls scout camp workshop thing being held for the summer at a college in nyc
>>have no friends going
>>be quiet for the first day, holding on to chobits bag because i'm awkward as hell
>>girl comes up to me and screams in my face that she "LOOOOOOOOOOVES CHII CHAN" and that my bag is "super sugoi"
>>quietly thank her for thinking that my bag was nice, brush her off
>>end up going to all the same classes with this girl

>>about a week later, we made friends, but she's awfully clingy as hell
>>will not stop going on about JTHM and kodocha and kingdom hearts oH GOD DID SHE GO ON ABOUT KINGDOM HEARTS
>>last day
>>stuffs love letter in my bag declaring that the stars fated for us to be together
>>turn it down, girl cries all the way home on the bus, makes all the friends i've made hate me for some reason

there's a lot more stuff that happened with that chick, like waking up to her leg straddling me, calling me AXEL KUN, etc but i'm awful at telling stories

>> No.6564449
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medfag you're such a cool dude! Wish I went to the chicago cons! Would totally buy you a drink!

>> No.6564463

>Be one of two female game design majors
>Transfer in from Art and Design
>Hit it off with a bunch of guys I knew vaguely through a friend
>Having great time
>Notice a lot of weird looks all of a sudden
>"It" is standing behind me
>"It" is Matt, the resident class weeb.
>Matt is jiggling his belly fat inches from the back of my head.
>First thing he says to me is "I feel so sweaty today!"
>He spends the rest of the year barely making making a passing grade by throwing together basic shapes in 3dsmax and trying to make them look like Goku
>Won't fucking shut up about fucking Gundam
>Wants to make a Gundam cosplay out of cardboard
>Won't shut up about fucking Dragon Ball Z
>Friends find his deviantart
>Full of shitty self insert poorly written smut fanfiction where he's Goku's brother or some shit
>Sonic and Naruto characters everywhere
>All named Matt.

>> No.6564468

Turns out the only reason he wanted to talk to me was because tiny tits.
The only other girl in the class had this super over protective brother in the same class and he couldn't even get near her.

>tfw you find a character in his smut rps described like you.

>> No.6564506


I usually call bitches out for playing the whole victim/OMG creeper shit but that fucker seriously sounds like chris chan lmfao

>> No.6564528

After a quick google, is this his dA? http://shadnicfusion.deviantart.com/

>> No.6564582


doesn't look like it, no fics?

>> No.6564648

I like this guy. He has good stories and a better job than I'll ever get.

Also, what the hell kind of school doles out living space according to school work? did you go to uni outside the USA?

>> No.6564681


Most state schools and ivies do this

>> No.6564708
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should have called campus security and got him in trouble/arrested for cp

>> No.6565319

Some dorms are available only to upperclassmen. I was able to game the system with random AP credits.

My roomate didn't have to game the system. He took a bunch of community college credits during highschool

>> No.6565895

bumping for moar

>> No.6565907

There's a creepy 30 year-old guy in my community that has done a countless of weird things.

>showed off loli hentai at an anime club meeting at the community college
>'interviews' young girls at conventions by asking them their names and where they are from
>uses events that are meant for fun in an attempt to get dates

He finally got banned from the largest convention here because he was heckling the GOH in really sexual ways.

>> No.6565944

Nah, wouldn't call myself a victim 'cause he never actually did anything to me. He was just fucking weird.

>He got caught trying to masturbate in the back of the classroom
>I saw his lolicon fox girl wallpaper during one class
>His girlfriend was jailbait from Canada that liked to draw hundreds of sexual things about their super special characters
>He takes loads of screenshots of this shitty rpg game he plays online and puts them all on his ~online portfolio~ thinking they'll get him into uni and he'll be a writer for some game company
>He's in his fifth fucking year on the same course because he's failed every single time

His dA is actually http://super-saiyan-matt.deviantart.com/ if anyone wants to ogle the trainwreck of his stories.

>> No.6565996
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>> No.6566056
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>> No.6566119

Yep, that's what he thought he could get into university with. Pixel screenshots of something he didn't make himself where all the characters are ripped from every generic rpg you can think of. Before I forget, the reason he wasn't actually kicked off the course until last term was because he's severely autistic and something else (dispraxic?) so the government literally paid for him to sit around and do fuck all all day.

>> No.6566130

You may have found an alternate reality version if Chris-Chan...And that's bad.

>> No.6566197
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>> No.6566225


Holy shit are you from Iowa State????

>> No.6566255

Nope, I live in the UK. Does that mean there's more than one of these guys?

>> No.6566287


Yes there is an American Matt but he had a friend named Michael who was from the UK and had the bad teeth stereo type.

>> No.6566303

my english is bad sorry
>couple of years ago in my highschool
>there was this extremely skinny guy, Erik, with greasy Draco Malfoy-like hair
>he never brought any papers or books to school, his backpack was filled with large empty folders and empty bento boxes, or metal pencils cases without pencils in them
>he would always stand in doorframes so if you wanted to enter the room you had to squeeze past him. he only moved when guys or teachers came
>he moaned and sighed whenever someone touched him/tried to shove him away
>quickly known as Erik the molester and Erik the future serial rapist
>wrote several poems to girls he was "in love" with (every week it was another girl)
>If you mentioned anything anime around him he would tell you that one single female character he would love to rape "haha just kidding"
>I made the mistake of mentioning RPGs to a friend, with him in the room
>Suddenly Erik was "in love" with me, demands that we marry and have ten children named after FF characters, he would scream and throw stuff when I didn't react
>writes me poems detailing the way he would like us to have anal sex and footjobs, and yes everything rhymed
>one day there's a thick white folder on my desk
>it's full of fanfiction and art of girls that get brutally raped and marry their rapists in the end and have a dozen children
>"Well anon, how do you like it? What do you think?"
>"It's... not my cup of tea I guess"
>"stop being tsundere"
>I try to get away from him and never answer his letters, try not to talk to him to encourage him even more
>one day he gets so mad he threatens to kill himself "by sword or swallowing poison", runs away
>the next week he's not in school
>there are rumors that police took him in after he called them and told them he raped his infant sister
>his whole family moved away, haven't heard from him since

He obviously had some sort of mental illness but goddamn

>> No.6566316

The poems.
GODDAMNIT, tell us you kept the poems!

>> No.6566333

I threw them away immediatly (they were in german anyway), of course now I wish I had kept them...
They were really, REALLY lame, something like "let's have awesome sex/hope you'll never be my ex"
or "things that go inside asses"
followed by a long, rhyming list of random things, vegetables, "long penisses, short penisses" and so on...
Every poem signed at the bottom with a flamboyant swirly ~ERIK~

>> No.6566334

Coming from an arts school, there were a shit ton of weebs and social outcasts who went there under the guise of being artsy. I hung out with a group of them for awhile but drifted apart from them because I realized how weeby they were.
One girl was very nice but just could not break away from drawing anime. Another went around in ita Lolita and talked in a high pitched voice. This one particular girl was a landwhale fujoshi who wrote crappy fanfiction and was a moody bitch all the time.
>in AP Art
>don't know how the fuck she got into the class
>group critique
>get to her painting
>no one wants to say anything
>I try to give her constructive feedback but she gets offended and starts bitching at my art and crying
>said painting was a rendition of her friend and looked like some crappy jrock fanart
>she never improves and keeps pumping out animu drawings

>> No.6566349

I'm German, I would've loved to read of his anal rape fantasies

>> No.6566359

Eh... you sound a bit too happy to have taken the only person who liked her away, and to be gloating in how alone she is.

>> No.6566369

German vegetable sex poems.
How did you not fall in love with him immediately?

>> No.6566384

I always hear about how art schools are full of weebs but I genuinely think I'm the weebiest person on my course
I have no anime merch, don't talk about anime unless someone asks about it and I probably only watch it once every one or two weeks. Where are the art schools full of hilarious fat ainmu fans that can't draw at? Mine is just artfags.

>> No.6566399

Like I said, it wasn't purposeful. I never made any indication that I had a problem with him being friends with her, because I didn't, even though I didn't like her. He tried to continue being friends with her, and she continually blew him off.

I'm sure she still has friends(even weebs have other weeby friends, right?). Just not in that particular class.

And I'm more happy because I quite adore him. Miss him now that he's off out of the country now, though. :/

>> No.6566412

I have a story. It's kind of long. I can try to write it out in greentext but I'm worried it will sound really choppy if I do.

Would you guys care if I wrote it out?

>> No.6566417

Every kind of weeb story is good weeb story

>> No.6566426 [DELETED] 

>Me, goes to anime meet ups on a weekend, most are mature, however we get the occasional weeb.
> One of my friends is a broli, we wear lolita together to the meets, he's openly gay. We'll call him Cupcake (similar to his irl name)
>Weeb touches our dresses and wigs without asking. Won't shutup about how "kawaii" and "sugoi" we are.
>Weeb says "Cupcake-chan, let me try on your kawaii wig!" and rips his wig off. He looks close to tears but he maintains composure, snatches his wig back and walks away from her to cool off.
>Later Weeb glomps him and says, "I've alway wanted to be a faghag let me be yours!"
>Cupcake just links my arm and walks away.
>Weeb's face was priceless.

>> No.6566430

>Me, goes to anime meet ups on a weekend, most are mature, however we get the occasional weeb.
> One of my friends is a broli, we wear lolita together to the meets, he's openly gay. We'll call him Cupcake (similar to his nickname)
>Weeb touches our dresses and wigs without asking. Won't shutup about how "kawaii" and "sugoi" we are.
>Weeb says "Cupcake-chan, let me try on your kawaii wig!" and rips his wig off. He looks close to tears but he maintains composure, snatches his wig back and walks away from her to cool off.
>Later Weeb glomps him and says, "I've alway wanted to be a faghag let me be yours!"
>Cupcake just links my arm and walks away.
>Weeb's face was priceless.

>> No.6566446

>Be in sophomore year
>Girl named Alicia in my science class sits next to me
>Typical weeb girl, unbrushed hair, shitty wire framed glasses, acne, mannish visage
>see's me drawing Rorschach from Watchman
>"Oh you like Watchmen?? I have sooo many yaoi's for that."
>she reaches into her backpack and hoists up a HUGE fucking binder FILLED with alphabetized yaoi fanfics and doujins
>Begins to read a Night Owl/Rorschach smut fic aloud in class
>tell her thats probably not a good idea and to pleasebe quiet
>she laughs and just starts showing me her doujins
>a few months later at lunch with friends sitting in field
>she spots me and comes over with binder
>apparently wrote a smutfic for two characters i liked (but didnt even ship) and begins to literally scream the sex scene out loud
>everyone in field looking at her like shes mad
>try to hide my face and ignore her

>> No.6566452

>Oh, also forgot to add, Weeb spent the entire day shoving a music video with a Russian guy in a pirate hat doing the helicopter dick in people's faces.
>She also called Cupcake fat (he's a UK 10-12, no where near fat)
>She was also groping Cupcake's arm when we were sitting talking and doing our makeup.

>> No.6566476


I heard someone use this at Ohayocon this weekend. What does it mean?

>> No.6566483

Couldn't find the gif in time

>> No.6566493

whoops, that's the sfw version

>> No.6566505

Faghag means a straight woman prefers to hang out with gay men basically.

I find the term pretty demeaning because she was acting like the fact he's gay is his only quality.

>> No.6566536

They're around anon. You just have to look. My school has a reputation for being weird. It attracts the wrong kind of people.

>> No.6566537

>letter names

>> No.6566580


Okay! I hope nobody minds. I've been working on an English paper and the creative fairy has struck, so things might get a little descriptive and tl;dr. You have been warned!

The very beginning of this actually started a long time ago, back when I was in middle school. My friends and I decided to take Drama for our last elective that year. None of us were great actors and we knew it. But it was seventh grade and you didn't exactly have to be very good to get an A in that class.
Anyways, one day we were playing an improv game called Party Guest. Someone plays the host of the party and lets a number of people into his 'house'. Each guest had to pick a 'prop' from a basket and had to be something completely different. The host has to try and guess what they are before letting them in. The guests have to interact and be 'in-character' until the host guesses everyone correctly.
During one round, the teacher picked this really quiet kid, Max, to play the host.
I wouldn't have even remembered this if I hadn't met Max years later. He recalled it with perfect detail.
Apparently, when it was my turn, I walked up to the 'door' with a magic wand, struck a pose and said, "I'm the Champion of Love and Justice!"
Embarrassing and weebish, yes, but at the time, every kid in my school knew what Sailor Moon was (it used to broadcast before school on cable).
Max said that he guessed me right away and that he 'remembered that moment fondly for years'.

>> No.6566592


Fast-forward about five years or so. I'm living in a dorm for school, while having a small job working at a wedding/event reception center. I really liked that job and my boss mentioned that the more experience I had, the more easily it would be to get into the field. So when bookings started getting a little thin, I decided to volunteer to run events at a convention my friend helped run. I like conventions and I figured with the right wording, I could put it down as volunteer-work on a resume for the future.

I was in charge of running gameshow-styled events (things like 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' and 'Hollywood Squares', etc.)
While hosting an 'Anime Jepordy' event, I was the one reading the answers for the contestants. During that round, there was a girl with cat-ears on, an older gentleman cosplaying as Lupin the Third, and a guy with this awful mullet, trenchcoat and sunglasses on.
When it was the trench-coat dude's turn, I asked him what category he wanted to pick from and he titled his sunglasses down in this bad attempt to look cool and said very quietly into the microphone,

"You're Anon. You went to (name of middle school) in (city)."

>> No.6566600

It's like one person.

>> No.6566605


Picture yourself sitting in the audience during an event where somebody on stage says that out of nowhere. Like literally the entire room went quiet and everyone was exchanging weird looks. I was especially taken aback because my college and this convention were two states away from where I grew up.

So I brushed this off, asked him again what category he would like to pick and waited for his answer. He changed the subject, too, but was smirking at me the entire time. He ended up winning that round, I think, and when the event was over, he approached me as I was clearing the stage.

He asked if I remembered him, I said no. He told me that he went to middle school with me, his name was Max and we had Drama class together. I vaguely remembered, but he then went into a full description of the Party Guest story. I did not remember any of that and it seemed to have hurt Max's feelings. I felt kind of bad for him, so I invited him to come to lunch with me and some friends before the next event. Max eagerly accepted and tagged along while I went to con ops to collect my friends.

>> No.6566609
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<"You're Anon. You went to (name of middle school) in (city)."

>> No.6566611

I can't even greentext

>> No.6566623
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refreshing like a madwoman

>> No.6566640


I wish I could say that some weird stuff went down during the convention, but that would be a lie. Max was pretty normal during lunch (albeit really shy) and he would show up to some of the events I was running. When the convention was over, Max found me via Myspace and sent me a friends request. I accepted, not really putting much thought into it.

Things started getting strange a few weeks later. Business was picking back up at work and with finals going on, I was busting my ass nearly every day. The only updates I really made on my MySpace were photos I had taken of the events at work. I did things like flower arrangements, centerpieces and table settings and all sorts of stuff. I would document my handiwork and uploaded them into their own album on my MySpace page.
The whole while, Max would leave comments on each one. He never said anything too weird ("Looks great!" or "I bet they loved the decorations."), but the number of notifications I got from his commenting was overwhelming.

He would occasionally ask if I wanted to hang out or go grab lunch, but I had to turn him down every time. I barely had time enough to sleep, let alone see friends. I told him that I was too busy with work and school and to ask me again in a few weeks.

>> No.6566648


One night, we were busy running a wedding for a big family of cowboys. Drunk people everywhere, spills everywhere, one of the toilets flooded and on top of all of that, they had chosen to have their catering done by the reception center (most events do self-catering or they pick a company to do it for them).
I was running back and forth in the dining room, clearing tables and making sure the bride kept to her schedule for the night. So, as you can imagine, I was pretty frazzled when somebody grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into the middle of the dance floor, arms around me and ready to waltz.

It was fucking Max.

He was still dressed in that God-awful trenchcoat (and by the looks of it, he had not washed it since the convention). Beneath it, he wore slacks, a black dress shirt and a stained silver tie. He had somehow wrestled his mullet into a ratty ponytail, which he tied with a silver ribbon. On his head, he wore a top hat and a white mask over his eyes.
With a hilariously dramatic sweep of his arm, he pulled a rose from out of his trench coat and said, "I've finally come, my Moon Princess."

>> No.6566669

The suspense is killing me

>> No.6566672

>On his head, he wore a top hat and a white mask over his eyes. With a hilariously dramatic sweep of his arm, he pulled a rose from out of his trench coat and said, "I've finally come, my Moon Princess."


>> No.6566681
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>I've finally come, my Moon Princess
My sides
I hope you got out of that in a safe manner

>> No.6566683


The sheer gayness of his words would have normally made me laugh my ass off. But I was stressed, sweaty and busy like a madwoman, so I reacted rather angrily. I asked him what he was doing here and if he knew the bridge and groom.

He didn't. He hadn't even been invited. He said he had missed me and wanted to surprise me and hopefully relieve some of my stress. He asked me if I wanted to dance. I shoved him off of me, said, "Not now." and ran off.
I had just been on my way to tell the bride that it was time to cut the cake. We were on a tight schedule and this event had to end -exactly- at the correct time so that we could get everything cleaned for yet another wedding the following morning. I did not have time to stop and chat, let alone dance.

Hours passed. The cake was cut, first dances commenced and the garter and bouquet was tossed. I was clearing tables, mopping up spilled booze and constantly relighting candles that little kids were blowing out. I had expected that Max would have realized that I did not have time to talk and would eventually leave before somebody noticed he was crashing the party.

He didn't.

>> No.6566693
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>he pulled a rose from out of his trench coat and said, "I've finally come, my Moon Princess."

>> No.6566696

Between medfag and this new girl, I hope someone's capping these besides me. I want them on record.

>> No.6566699


By the time the wedding was over and everyone had left the reception center, Max was sitting on a chair in the corner, looking dejected. I could see him from the security cameras in the back room and was really agitated that he was still there.
My boss asked me if I knew him and asked why he was still there. I told her he was some kid that I went to middle school with and just recently met him again. Beyond that, no, I did not know him very well. She sent her husband out into the ballroom, where he told Max that he had to leave.

Max took off his mask and top hat, wiped his arms on his sleeve and walked out the front door with his head hanging in a cartoonish matter.
That was the last I heard from him. For a while, anyways.

A few weeks later, the flowers started arriving.

>> No.6566706
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F5 F5 F5

>> No.6566727


I was getting ready to head to class one day. I opened the door to my dorm room and low and behold, on the fucking doormat was a huge vase of flowers. Red roses. I was not at all surprised to see that they were from Max. I chucked them into the dumpster on my way out, starting to get really fed up with his crap. I planned on telling him to stop after school that day.

After class, I walked home with my friend, Hakim. Hakim was this really nice-looking Middle Eastern kid, who had come to our school to study abroad. We had a lot of the same classes and our apartments weren't really far from each other, so a lot of the time we walked together and occasionally got lunch.
When we eventually reached the complex where our dorm/apartments were, I was surprised to see that ANOTHER vase of red roses was sitting on my doorstep, along with the one I had thrown into the trash earlier that morning. I threw them into the garbage again and Hakim made a joke about how 'my boyfriend will be sad' or something.

I told him that I didn't have a boyfriend and that this kid I barely knew had been bothering me. Hakim seemed worried, but I told him that I could handle it and that I was going to talk to Max about it. He said if I had anymore trouble to let him and his roommates know and they would give me a hand.

What I didn't know was Max actually was one of Hakim's roommates.

>> No.6566741


Please tell me there's more, pretty please.

>> No.6566742
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>Max actually was one of Hakim's roommates

>> No.6566743

The plot thickens!

>> No.6566749
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F5ing continuously

>> No.6566746
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>along with the one I had thrown into the trash earlier that morning
>What I didn't know was Max actually was one of Hakim's roommates.

>> No.6566751


That night, I got online and sent Max a huge message on MySpace that felt like a damn break-up letter. I told him that he was a nice kid and everything, but he really needed to give me some space. I mentioned how he could have got me into a lot of trouble the night he showed up for work, stop spending money on flowers, etc.
I tried really, really hard to put him down gently. After seeing him cry at work, I was worried how upset he would be so I chose my words carefully.

I got a response within minutes from him. I had thought maybe he would have seen the error in his ways and apologized, possibly deciding not to come on too strong.
Instead, I was faced with the following message:

"Must I challenge another to win your heart?"

Uh . . . what? I told him that no, there was no other person. I wasn't dating and I wasn't interested in dating because I simply did not have the time between work and school to have a steady relationship.
Once again, a few minutes later, I got another message.

"I see. Then I will do my best to keep my princess away from that raghead's intentions."

>> No.6566752

People still hit F5?

>> No.6566757

No, they click on auto, but F5 is the general term for showing interest on 4chan

>> No.6566768
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>> No.6566769

>raghead's intentions.

Oh man. Oh god oh man. Did Tuxedo Mask just transform into the Grand Dragon?

>> No.6566772
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what the fuck, how dense can you be?
anon you're brave to let him down gently, I would have threatened to file a police report about stalking, and if he kept it up, I'd have just got a restraining order.

>> No.6566778

>"I see. Then I will do my best to keep my princess away from that raghead's intentions."

What even. Do these people actually exist?

>> No.6566782
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Oh God oh man.

Oh man oh God.

>> No.6566784


That last message prompted me to go to school security. I showed them the message and said that someone was making threats against my friend and stalking me. They told me they would patrol the complexes and to keep an eye out when he went to class.
But like I said, I had no idea that Max even went to my school. I had no idea that he was living with my Hakim, either.

So, as you can imagine, I freaked when Hakim was not in class the next day.
I walked home alone, returning to my dorm to find more roses (single ones instead of vases) and things like plush kitties and bunnies. The flowers went to the trash and the stuffed animals were dumped into a donation box at school.
I went to security again and told them that the stalking was continueing and that my friend was missing. They said they would station someone outside of our complex, but reassured me that Hakim was probably just sick or something.
This was not enough for me so I went a few doors down to Hakim's apartment. Knock, knock on the door and guess who fucking opens the door?

>> No.6566788
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>> No.6566793
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>and guess who fucking opens the door?

Shit's about to go down

>> No.6566794

We have an archive if no one caps them now.

>> No.6566797

Oh god this anticipation!

>> No.6566804


I didn't show shock or horror. I went stone cold as he opened the door, smiled widely and moved forward with his arms open.
Instead, as Max got close to me, I swung for it with a clenched fist. It connected with his jaw and knocked him backwards onto his ass.
Max starts fucking ugly crying and his other roommate jumps to his feet and runs over to see what's going on. My hands have gone cold and I'm just standing in the doorway, shaking and fucking pissed beyond all belief. I demanded to know where Hakim was.

Max starts crying harder and the other roommate, who has no fucking idea what's going on, tells me that the campus police came and took him to their office for questioning. I started yelling at Max, by this time alerting our neighbors and causing many doors and blinds to open for a peek.

Through his tears, Max says he was, "Only trying to help!" and that "I just helped you get some space from him!"

>> No.6566818


I ran back to the campus security office, alerted them of the situation and asked what they had been told. Apparently, Max came to them with a rumor of Hakim planning a school shooting and they had arrested him and prepared him for expulsion.
I was really pissed because I had spoken to them TWICE about how someone was making threats against my friend and they had never even bothered to mention this.

The rest is kind of anti-climactic. Went to the actual police and showed them the messages, explained that Max had fucking lied to get Hakim in trouble. Hakim's name was cleared and Max got expelled for stalking and starting all this bullshit in the first place.
For a few days, I got a ton of apology letters on MySpace. I deleted the account and to this day, I use a fake name on Facebook.

I did file a restraining order. It wasn't really necessary, because I only needed it for the years that I spent in college. I have since moved back home, two states away from Max.
And that's basically the end. Thank you guys for listening.

>> No.6566821


Holy fucking shit.

That's...that's three different kinds of scary right there. Glad your friend and you were alright.

>> No.6566824

>and sent Max a huge message on MySpace
>but he really needed to give me some space
how deliciously ironic

>> No.6566822

Hory sheet I'm actually happy for you it's over

>> No.6566825

Who the fuck is Cupcake? UK12 is pretty big if the person is under 5"4

>> No.6566832

Took me a minute, and then I facepalmed

>> No.6566835

Considering they're 5"8 I wouldn't say they're fat.

>> No.6566840

Wow. You really are like a champion of love and justice or something.

>> No.6566849

Alrighty then, looks like it's time to share.

> be in ninth grade
> meet guy named Matt
> total greaseball
> emo
> start dating because I had terrible self-esteem
> tells me he's transgender
> "Oh, so you think you should be a woman?"
> "No, my father cursed me at birth and bound a dead girl's soul to mine. Her name's Sarah, she's a lesbian, and she hates men, so I do too."
> know he's lying, go along with it because I didn't want to make him mad
> date for five years
> cheats on me constantly because 'Sarah' is lonely
> rarely showers; hair is a continual ball of grease
> never brushes teeth; gets mad when I don't want to kiss him
> tells everyone he's an artist (draws on his iPad using a vectoring program)
> writes stories about killing my favorite video game or comic characters
> wants to tell everyone I'm his little sister
> his OC for any fandom is a blonde, slender man who's music is so beautiful it causes the world to move
> constantly told me that he wished he was my babysitter so he could molest me
> is 20 now, still acts like he has split personalities; uses 'Sarah' to get lesbians to send him pictures
> finally snap out of whatever stupid fucking fog I had been in
> tell him I'm not letting him get away with lying to me anymore
> dump him

I should have never dated him. I should have never even talked to him. I really should have never fucking moved in with this asshole, but he's out of my life, and everything's alright now.

>> No.6566878

It is good that you finally came to your senses. Go live your life and don't let the experience of knowing that prick sully it.

>> No.6566881
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As a fellow anon who was in a tamer, but similar situation I understand it was hard to leave even though you know they're asshat crazy.

Kudos to you leaving

>> No.6566885


Glad to know I'm not the only one who fell for that kind of awful relationship trap.

>> No.6566888

What on earth made you ever WANT to date him?!

>> No.6566890


Low, low, low, low self-esteem.

But, I got some good advice from someone:

"You can either be that mean bitch who broke his heart, or you can be that stupid bitch who keeps dating him."

Tough advice, but good advice nonetheless.

>> No.6566899

It's hard to explain why, but low self esteem is most of the problem. A guy almost convinced me to move to Canada and become his wife. I would be imprisoned at home while he was deployed.

>> No.6566902

This weeb guy I knew online made a huge folder of cosplay pictures of me (which could be flattering alveit borderline obsessive) and regular pics shared with friends or on social blogs.

Once I was joking about not having a pic to put on a curriculum and this guy (I barely talk to) im'd me "you should use 0013.jpg " and sent me the whole zip

he wad also convincef i looked like an anime character and pestered me about cosplaying her

>> No.6566906

I got a minor one with some involvement:
>Go to college for first quarter
>"I wonder what kind of people I'll see here"
>Fifth day I am returning a book, and then I hear someone saying something in some weird deep voice
>guy walks in front of me, holding up a huge Cloud figure from FF7 like a relic, and says something about "death and destruction"
>Oh good God
I see him around occasionally and he is always saying something out loud from a video game, comic book, or movie. Someone also told me that he believes he is some kind of super hero in real life, and he compares himself to Batman.
He really isn't that bad, just disruptive. Only experience I've had with dealing with him is he leaned against a wall "cool kid" style and just stared at me during a convo with a friend. And a funny moment:
>He walks by student lounge again
>suddenly he makes the Hadouken pose and yells
>"CHAOS, BLAST!" Twice
> Guy walks up to him
>"Dude what the hell c'mon you don't start yellin'"
>he walks off

>> No.6566914

Yeah. Low self-esteem and a desire to be anything but totally alone can end terribly. Stayed in a relationship for a year because I was afraid he was going to come kill me and/or himself if we broke up.

>> No.6566947 [DELETED] 


I was also in a tamer situation to this. saging because not really weeaboo story related. weeaboo part happens at the end.

>be total chuuni wannabe punk from ages 9-11
>be only one outwardly into pseudo-punk mall goth bullshit
>claim to see faeries and believe in magic and witchcraft
>roleplay on forums every day
>meet boy who thinks he's an alien prince from another planet
>be freaked out because ew boys
>hate him more since he starts copying my interests like roleplaying and shit
>boy writes about me being an alien princess
>over next two years, become calmer and solely interested in art, roleplaying, and eventually rekindle interest in anime
>realize i should hide interests from the world but still dress "weirdly" and really into japanese school girl shit
>boy dates all my friends and writes about fucking them
>boy writes stories about me getting raped, becoming pregnant, and committing suicide
>somehow fall for him, what the fuck
>boy kisses a girl who hates me
>boy tries to kill himself for betraying HIS FRIEND that he has a major crush on, not me, his girlfriend
>try to support him
>eventually break up with him, because he insults me and tells me i'm going to marry someone who will rape me every day
>don't talk to him for 2 years
>see he has changed after 2 years and start dating him again
>be really into japanese street fashion, and he appreciates it
>he's into steampunk and makes godawful outfits
>everything's pretty cool though
>he's diagnosed bi polar, depressed, and eventually schizophrenia

>> No.6566952


So he's Tuxedo Max?

>> No.6566965

If you have to look for them, then they're not that awful sort of weeb we talk about on here.
We can class them as human if they can at least convince other people on a daily basis that they are.

>> No.6566976 [DELETED] 

wow, forgot to sage

>boy's on a shit load of meds that make it worse
>forces me into sexual situations every day
>ignore uncomfortable feelings about being sexual with him since he'll flip his shit
>attempt to break up with him all the time but end up accepting him back over fear of him killing himself
>boy tries to kill himself a few times
>boy ends up in mental institution for a while
>get cheated on
>mfw when he was the one who broke up with me in the end
>mfw i was sad for a few days then realized this is my chance to escape
>mfw best thing that ever happened to me
>go to university
>he still follows me TO A DIFFERENT COUNTRY to be at the same university as me
>try to be friends with him again
>have a new bf
>constantly tries to force himself on me
>begs for me to come back since he's the one who "knows my body"
>break up with current bf anyway and stop talking to crazy ex
>friend introduces me to another boy who apparently really likes asian girls (like me)
>he finds out i'm not a virgin and doesn't want to even talk to me
>he's a NEET without even a GED at 18
>plays videogames every day and loves naruto and "animes"
>pronounces it an-eems
>constantly calls me a slut for having lost virginity to crazy boy and got raped/taken advantage of when drunk once (really my fault, i guess)
>thinks he's god's gift to womankind
>basically a huge fucking player
>fall for him anyway
>date him
>break up with him, because he gets clingy as fuck
>he decides to unleash the revenge of a thousand suns
>get cheated on several times when we start dating again with a bunch of other asian girls
>always "accidentally" set up with ex gfs or slutty viet girls by shithole friend
>acts like a prince for an entire year while cheating and flirting with a shit load of girls he finds cute
>admits he finds me ugly (ouch)
>eventually comes clean about how he cheated on me for a year to get revenge
>die inside

>> No.6566993 [DELETED] 

>still date him, because he seems better now
>he still talks about dream gf being a japanese girl who says "fuck" all the time
>wants to be an english teacher in japan
>barely got his GED (finally)
>starts going to art school, lol
>wants be a manga artist
>neglects me and starts saying 1 day a week is too much time together
>used to beg to see me every day
>says he's busy but goes out with male friend who is into figures
>think he's gay
>he's totally gay
>stops being interested in me sexually
>starts collecting figures and shit
>doesn't spend any money on me ever because lol too busy buying figures
>he eventually goes back to a normal-ish self
>still dating him
>mfw crazy ex tries to move to china and will ONLY have chinese friends
>crazy ex now speaks chinese and answers the phone in chinese, even if it's from a non-chinese speaker
>wants to teach english in china
>starts to hate ABC and swears to only date FOBs
>lies about sleeping with tons of girls

>> No.6567022

You actually have the worst taste in men.
Are you a hamplanet? There's no need for this even if you were hideous.

I dated a biopolar guy once, he wasn't half as bad at your ex was but I have since never stayed with someone who has been more trouble in my life than good.
I also have the rule that if they have more emotional problems than me, it can't work Maybe you like mothering them, but you'll be stuck bending over backwards for assholes that will take everything from you unless you grow a pair and learn to be selective.
Good luck, anon.

>> No.6567028

>still dating him

Why do some of you women keep doing this ??

>> No.6567045 [DELETED] 

I'm definitely not a hamplanet. Several attractive men (particularly Korean men, but once a man from France) hit on me, but they just want to have me in bed. They will literally throw money and gifts at me, and I doubt they want to date me. A good looking Korean doctor even cheated on his wife with me, but I didn't know he had a wife, and we only kissed once anyway...

Almost all of my male friends and friends' friends eventually "fall for me" or say they want to find a girl like me one day, but they almost always have an asian fetish or just like that I know a lot about anime and understand their stupid meme quoting.

I think I have a problem with mothering them. I literally do act like their mothers, and both of them have had serious mother issues -- crazy ex had a completely neglectful, weak mother, and this guy has a mother who acts like his sister.

I should have left my crazy ex, but I really love my current boyfriend...

>> No.6567064

YOU HAVE FAILED! In a relationship you both have to bring something to the table and getting mixed up in this crap just shows your gullibility. Make a stand and draw a line for christ's sake

>> No.6567069

i really want to know. this is just stupid

>> No.6567071

>always "accidentally" set up with ex gfs or slutty viet girls by shithole friend
THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT. The whole "I was just hanging out with Joe and he happened to bring that slutty underaged scene girl with the huge tits I accidentally told you I wanted to bang a while back again for the hundreth time"

Yeah right you fucking asshole prick get the fuck out of my face

>> No.6567075

but you love him. pathetic. you can try a bit harder to find someone actually decent

>> No.6567079 [DELETED] 

He's gives me a lot of attention now, which is something I admittedly really need. After I got cheated on in my first relationship, I kind of started wanting a lot of attention. For a while, he did neglect me a lot (only wanted to hang out once a week), but now he wants to see me all the time and wants to immigrate to my home country and live with me within the next year. What exactly do you think I should do? What do you mean by making a stand? I mean, he no longer flirts with other girls (as far as I know), and he doesn't waste all of his money on figures anymore. He takes me out now.

Maybe this is the weeaboo part of the story, but he's almost a carbon copy of one of my roleplay characters. It's one I had created long before I met him/heard of his existence. Down to his nationality, looks, and attitude, it all matches.

I wish I knew, too.

>> No.6567100

GROW A BACKBONE tell him what you want out of the relationship. If he gets a teaching job my question is will he cheat on you with those high school girls? (the answer is yes) he's proberly not see anyone but you. So your he's fallback girl

>> No.6567123

>at my first con by myself
>want to try and meet some new people
>girl comes up to me and starts talking
>we talk for a few minutes
>exchange emails
>go around con and have fun head back to my room several hours later
>i have 30+ new messages
>open the first message
>its a picture of a dildo with my name on in entering her very hairy vagina the only words were her room number
>each one after that was her asking where I was but each was increasingly more angry sounding
>last one was "ill find you, dont you worry"
>fear to leave my room
>leave the con early the next morning

I got a few email a day for a few weeks after that, I just wanted to talk to someone and get new friends. Fucking weirdos.

>> No.6567128 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's what I thought, too...

>sleeping over at his house
>his phone rings at 3-4 AM
>wake him up, see his ex's name on caller id
>be fucking mad
>he wont' pick up
>force him to call her the next day to see what she wants
>he tells her she woke his "friend" up
>what the hell? i'm just a FRIEND?
>she claims to have accidentally called him with her brand new phone

I recently found out he got tested again for STDs last year. We've been together for 4 years, and he told me he hasn't slept with another girl in 2 years. I got tested 2 years ago, and he had been tested, so idk why he went and got ANOTHER test.

I thought so too, but he only likes older females. Part of his mother complex, i guess.

>> No.6567134

not sure howd i react to that

>> No.6567162

Im kind of glad I wasnt there to receive the first email, had I been a lonely/desperate person I might have gone and stuck my dick in crazy, and you're not supposed to do that I have learned.

>> No.6567169

you deserve every piece of crap he throws at you if you're stupid enough to stay with him. i really hope yhis is a troll. im having a hard time believing that there is someone this stupid

>> No.6567164



I'm >>6566849

Everyone makes mistakes. Horrible, horrible mistakes.

The important thing is that you get him out of your life and get away from him.

He's a cheater, and that's unacceptable, no matter how much attention he pays to you.

Obviously, you're unhappy, or you wouldn't have posted about your relationship in a thread like this.

C'mon, you're better than this. Why are you letting him do this to you?

>> No.6567168
File: 30 KB, 387x264, my mind is blown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit man, you just can't make this shit up. Real life is scary as fuck that way

>> No.6567193

this thread really makes me not want to leave the house/apt. ever. some crazy people out there

>> No.6567197

he seems like someone who would if he could get away with it

>> No.6567225

well... atleast a girl wanted you? even if shes crazy

>> No.6567235 [DELETED] 

I posted really to complain about my ex boyfriend, but I realized my current bf is way more of a weeaboo.

True. Sadly not a troll.

I cleared it up with him. Apparently he thought you automatically get tested for STDs when you get your sugar levels tested for diabetes.

>> No.6567249

>Apparently he thought you automatically get tested for STDs when you get your sugar levels tested for diabetes.

You don't actually believe his bullshit, do you? That's a fucking terrible cover-up.

>> No.6567258

Bitch you dumb. No wonder he is taking advantage of you.

>> No.6567264

you're stupid

>> No.6567268
File: 193 KB, 780x907, Falcon_8ef2d6_2131940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thought's exactly.

>> No.6567273

He's actually really stupid sometimes. He didn't know what an EMT is or how to use an oven.

I don't actually believe him, but I want to trust him. Yes, I am stupid.

>> No.6567278

post your face so if i ever see you i can tell you im some sort of anime super wizard and that i will destroy the world unless you have sex with me. Im sure it will work on you.

>> No.6567281

in the end you'll end up depressed and broken. Do you want to really go down that road?

>> No.6567287
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Then you deserve whatever you get, unfortunately.

>> No.6567302

Never have a kid with him for the love of god! Between your stupidity and his manipulative behavior that would be the most unfortunate child in the world.

>> No.6567304

This thread got depressing.

>> No.6567334
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ok. I was told to come to this thread just to read all about you.

I have a friend like you. She dates "fixer upper" type guys and do you know what happens to her every time? They keep her down, they hit her, they keep her from being truly happy.

One day she got sick of the lies, the cheating (one guy cheater with her friend and knocked them both up at the same time) and the emptiness and decided to change all that.

She is now a successful dental hygienist, She has a beautiful home and takes care of herself and her son.

You should get away from this guy. You can do better. You seem sweet but gullible.

Calling yourself stupid and putting yourself down wont help you either.

>> No.6567338

>> date for five years


>> No.6567346

Let's lighten this up. None of us telling anon that she's hopeless and in a losing relationship will change her *~*~true love*~*mindset.

This one's shit but hey; be a teen weeb
> Obsessed with Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew
> Design love interest for my OC story character that is pretty much him, copy exact panel layouts and poses from Tokyo Mew Mew but redraw as him and my OC
> Bonus points, OC is obviously me but not as pathetic. Used her as an RP character on Neopets before she was my manguh project.
> Meet boy in school, popular yet alternative, very beautiful.
> Obsess like crazy, convincing myself they're so alike despite never actually talking to the guy. Draw more OTP Kisshu-lookalikexOC art.

Fortunately didn't glomp him, but did actually stalk him around shopping centres and school, usually with my weeby bff in tow.

>> No.6567367

Damn, anon. You can't let dudes walk all over you like this. You're a hot Asian babe who has guys competing for your attention and you're staying with dudes like this? Get with a dude who will do right by you. Failing that, get with a dude who will buy you anything you want.

>> No.6567370

This isnt my story but I saved it off here about a year ago and thought it was really nice and I havent seen it posted since. Its sort of a con horror story but with a good ending

"This wasnt at a con but it was just afterwards.

>walking home and hear a muffled scream but think it could have been something else
>take a few more steps and i heard it again
>decide to go investigate to make sure nothing is happening
>walk behind a building
>see a guy holding down a girl
>run over and try to stop it
>there were 3 other guys i didn't see also there
>able to push the guy off of the girl
>get into a fight
>wake up in hospital room

Apparently when I got into the fight she was able to run away and made it to a store just down the street. They called the cops who came but the guys got away. I was hit from behind with a steel rod in the skull and hit a couple more times with it when I was down. I was also kicked and punched as well and had broken ribs, broken fingers, dislocated jaw, broken nose, cracked orbital bone and a few other internal injuries.

When I woke up the girl was there, i didn't recognize her at all and was confused. Her mom and my mom walked in just after I woke up. The girl was only 13 and refused to go to school and would only leave the house to come to the hospital and see me. I was out for almost 5 days and it took months of recovery but I recovered perfectly.

She is like my little sister now, Her dad passed away awhile back and I would go over and help her and her mom do things around the house and would take her shopping or to the movies and out to eat.

Im glad I took action that night, Id take all the beatings in the world to protect her."

>> No.6567378

Yeah. I mean, I'm not that academically retarded or anything -- people who don't know about my personal life think I'm really intelligent. Honestly, I don't think I'm really intelligent, but I'm definitely not stupid scholastically, at work, or whatever. I guess I lack common sense or am masochistic to the point that it's incomprehensible for others.

My boyfriend HAS called me ugly before, but he's never insulted me otherwise. He's never raised his voice nor his hand at me.

If he raised a child, it would probably not turn out very well.

>called incredibly stupid by multiple people
not stupid enough to post a picture of myself in this thread, though.

ah, i agree. i'll change the topic to a weeby/just annoying preteen story

>have no friends in 6th grade
>befriend a 7th grader who has one other friend
>she loves DBZ and 'monguh'
>incredibly christian and hates gays
>also draws constantly and is pretty good
>introduce her to LotR and deviantart
>she starts to love yaoi and this one gay boy on dA
>confront her about hating gays but loving yaoi
>"oh, i'm an alternative wiccan christian now"

to be continued...

>> No.6567377

Know how you feel but...
Dated similar bipolar guy
Used to verbally abuse
Physically abused me once
Cheated on me with girls from his work
Scared to leave because when I tried to break up with him he threatened to kill himself
Am so unhappy and depressed I drop out of university
Continue downward spiral and verbal abuse until one day I randomly break up with him
3 months later he kills himself
Mfw I have no sympathy and breaking up with him was the best fucking decision
Not sure what the point of this was except that even if they say they might kill themselves there is a possibility that they will
And if they do. Oh fucking well your life will be better for it and I have no sympathy. His choice not mine.

>> No.6567410

Holy shit, anon... But good for you for standing up for yourself.

>she starts watching vash the stampede
>always folds her ams behind her head when walking around like in anime
>generally tries to mimic anime faces
>throws japanese words around randomly in conversation
>has an OC vampire character
>begins to say he's real
>claim that he's stalking her
>claim that he walks on her roof at night
>puts a tape recorder in her room at night and makes me listen to 8 hours of static
>claims that it sounds like there's a fire in the room, his footsteps, and him saying random words
>stupid attention whore friends try to leech of her weirdness
>friends start 3-way calling everybody and crying, saying the vampire is in their house throwing shit around
>friends claim to see bloody hand prints and shit on windows along with the vampire signing his name
>don't buy any of it
>she starts to dress like animu vampires
>she disappears from my life for almost 2 years
>touring a high school one day as an 8th grader
>get jumped out of nowhere
>arm twisted painfully behind me
>tall girl looking exactly like witch hunter robin holding my arm
>realize it's old friend
>run away
>tour guide freaks out and says she's a weirdo

>> No.6567434
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These feels

>> No.6567456
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My little brother used to be friends with a girl who would tell us that she had a parasite living in her hand similar to the one in Vampire Hunter D.
>mfw she would try to 'coax it out' in front of us by stabbing her hand with sharp objects

>> No.6567461

>be high school senior
>didn't want to socialize, had a few friends in the school, most of them were cool and hid their power levels pretty decently
>one of them (a junior, we'll call her Amy) was head of the manga club
> it was the hive for all the weebs in the school (which had like, 1000 kids)
>Amy mentioned to another friend of ours that she didn't want to be president after next year because of all the weebs in the club
>one of the people that tempted her to quit hosting the club is this freshman named Matt
>he was the biggest weeb I've seen in years, and still has yet to be one-upped
>according to Amy, in gym class during a tennis unit, he had smacked himself in the forehead (several times) with the racket shouting "Baka!" after missing the ball and said, I quote, "I am the mega Baka"
>I heard him smacking himself in the forehead with something and shouting "Baka!" later throughout the year, pretended to ignore it every time
>two years later and I still joke about "The mega baka" to Amy on occasion

I have no idea how he is now or anything like that, but it made my senior year pretty funny, if not slightly freaked out.

>> No.6567476

Obviously made up.

>> No.6567530

Thats on par with this girl from tumblr who claimed to have been beat up by some guy for defending his girlfriend who he was beating in public.

>This, ladies and gentlemen, is what you get when you stand up to a man who beats his young girlfriend in public. Not the black eye, not the broken nose, but the sense of being a fucking great human being.

>> No.6567537
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dun forgot my photo

>> No.6567542

Fake. Make-up.

>> No.6567555

I think that's the point they're trying to get across. Both ridiculous, made up stories.

>> No.6567562

No attempt whatsoever to make the supposedly hit eye look swollen. No attempt to make the eye itself even a little red. No attempt at shading the bruise with any color other than purple.
It's like she didn't even Google image black eyes. She's going purely off of Hollywood-pretty abuse victim.

>> No.6567572

>broken nose

Does she have healing powers?
sage for OT

>> No.6567575

I knew a wolfaboo in high school, any one care for a story? I've got a few good ones.

>> No.6567603

>Weighs 300 hundred pounds
>Has tiny boobs

Someone go put her out of her misery

>> No.6567607

go on...

>> No.6567658

i'm pretty sure this was for some sort of fetish type thing. she actually has a cute face and nice hair, so i can't bash on her.

>> No.6567673

up until this point i believed you were a guy,

>> No.6567680

In high school I knew this girl, which is p. much how all these stories start. She was your typical weaboo. Long frizzy unkempt and uncut hair. Loved Naruto and Inuyasha. Had pictures of Sesshomaru.

Oh but she was special. For one, she used to wear her fursuit to school and she used to draw her fursona doing stripper routines during art school. But the story I'm about to give you guys is her worst stunt yet.

She started dating a dude named Mike on he internet. She was 15, he was 27. He was as ugly as she was and was a greasy 300 pounder who his wolfboo girlfriend said "looked just like her dream boy edward cullen". He looked like he not only ate Robert Pattinson, but Pattinson's entirely family as well. He bought her an iphone, hundreds of dollars worth of furry shit and he even bought a plane ticket to meet his lovely, hambeast bride. She waved this fact in everyone's faces, constantly bragging over how lucky she was that she finally snagged 'a sucker' and how she couldn't wait for him to buy her more stuff after she fucked him.

except her parents found out about this, and when he got into the state he found himself greeted by the police at the airport gate way and they found condoms his bag. He was arrested. They continued to date even after her parents pressed charges and he was put in jail for a bit. The kicked to this is that her parents didn't make the call to get this guy- she did. But he apparently forgave her even knowing she did this and admitted to doing so in court. When she graduated high school she moved across the country and married him.

>> No.6567700

For this exact reason, I don't paint my hands. Too paranoid of getting it anywhere even if I seal it well, and don't wanna freak out any dealers/artists.

>> No.6567759


Yes, yes you can. She's got good genetics, but is a lazy fuck. That's the only way she can get like that.

>> No.6567779
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Okay, so this is more of a progression timeline since we're talking about nice, attractive girls and total wastes of space.
My friends and me were pretty high on the weebscale, but polite enough to the uninitiated. Best friend was really pretty but had no self esteem, gets boyfriend.
> Cute in the way kids can be, shy, likes anime and games
> Starts to get a bit more in to anime, develops larger interest in moe, nekomimi and hentai
> Gropes girlfriend publicly all the time
> Admits she doesn't like it, but doesn't tell him firmly to stop
> Nekomini love develops into furry appreciation
> Starts to grow facial hair, forgets to ever wash. Hands always smell like pee.
> Headlice all the time.
> She begins to wear fabric he doesn't like so that he might stop groping her, but won't break up with him because she feels like she needs more of a 'reason'.
> Eventually break up when he sleeps with a girl he met on an MMORPG, who was bizarrely also hot. I do not understand how.
> Has fully transmogrified into chubbyneckbeard
> Goes on to date attractive underage furry girl, statutory rape by default.

Mfw this persistent sexual predator with a bag full of pocky and a neck beard manages to get with these pretty girls because they have low self esteem. And it's the same in every city or convention.
People tell me he's mellowed out now.

>> No.6567826

This is so brilliant.
Dan's lucky for you to be so patient.

>> No.6567899
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>> No.6567904
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They have no interest in changing.

>> No.6567939

Are you the fucking cross gender of me?!

>Girl I'm with cheats on me behind my back online(omegle, email, meetme, facebook and so much more)
>She gets taken advantage of by some faggot that talked to her on facebook.
>Tells me about it.
>Stay with her so that I can be her rock.
>a couple of months later.
>Later find a video of her doing shit on omegle
>Stay with her because I "love" her
>Be now
>No longer a fucking man-child
>She's clingy of me.
>Happy because in love, wouldn't even consider breaking up with her.
>Yet feel like the first 3 years of our relationship didn't exist or matter.

Be careful with things like this anon because form now on you'll have:
>Trust issues
>Over protectiveness
>Self worth Issues
>and Some personal demons about this.

If you wanna stay with them, do it. Your life after all.

>> No.6567957

Something about you, I just hate.
Like you're that
>underage advice fag that has everything figured out
Regardless, I truly hate idiots like you that try and give "advice" based on your own morals. Who's examples are faked and made to emphasize your point.

Maybe you're not that person, but just reading
>ok. I was told to come to this thread just to read all about you.
and your reaction pic.

Sage for off topic and hate rant towards a demographic

>> No.6568194


This would make a decent FPS

>> No.6568197
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>lmao I honestly think fedoras are okay if you're either bald or using it as a dance prop

Fedoras are never ok

>> No.6568208

> In College
> Decide to join the anime club
> Everyone is nice but they are almost all fat and/or ugly
> Wear ~japanese clothes during meeting days and bring ~japanese snacks
> Two meetings later, decide to join the video game club instead

>> No.6568209

> Wearing Fedoras with jeans
you only should wear a Fedora with suits and suit pants

>> No.6568254
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They do.

>> No.6568307


Anybody cap the story before she deleted it?

>> No.6568313
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This girl says "nyah" at the end of every sentence. even when talking about serious stuff.
she's the nicest person that I have met but for fucks sake please stop

She bought a lolita dress apperantly. but I have NO DESIRE in seeing her coord.

>> No.6568314


>When she graduated high school she moved across the country and married him

Sounds like a happy ending

>> No.6568316

Having a fedora and an ill fitting suit doesn't make you fashionable

>> No.6569603
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Seeing some of these weeb relationships reminds me of my own.

>Go out to bar
>Meet E
>E is moderately fine looking and i hadnt got any in years so i was open to whatever
>We start dating
>Go to hers
>wallscrolls, poor cosplays, japanese things everywhere
>oh no
>Turns out shes bipolar
>now i have mild aspergers and i remember reading that AS and Bipolars are like fucking minefields to eachother
>Pretty much think that since i'm mild it won't be that bad
>She has enough bipolar to compensate and reach into the danger zone

>> No.6569622
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>Date for a while and everythings hunkey dorey
>but then she changes.
>She initally starts being a dick and asking me to leave and go home sometimes randomly after i make 2 hours journey to see her
>She starts fights with my best friends who aren't even talking to her at the time
>She crys randomly and then starts trying to get the sympathy vote
>I can see it's not working but for fear of her unstableness i didnt leave
>She learns of this and begs me not to go and that she loves me
>I'm guilted. I'm a dick but honestly the nicest guy if you know me
>Stay with her. Breakup 1 of 5
>She shit talks my brother
>breakup 2 of 5
>she made a promise to get better
>She didnt
>blames me instead
>breakup 3 of 5
>She shit talks my parents and life
>Breakup 4 of 5
>Shes on holiday now
>two weeks of my own thoughts and im finally able to see it
>I'm back home tomorrow. i'll see you right?
>No. you won't.
>Don't do this to me
>I'm doing this for me. The person i liked is all gone and left with a pathetic excuse of a person.
>you ruined my holiday!
>how do i ruin two weeks of a holiday when shes home next day
>she phones me

now nobody needs to ever be told these words but i needed to say them to stop her

>You're dead to me

After that the calls stopped. everything stopped finally. I had been set free. My family, friends and my mind pulled through the decision. I was more hurt at the fact i put myself through something so horrible.

As far as i know she's still doing terrible cosplay and dating some disabled guy. He probably can't get away from her or he's just taking what he can get.

>> No.6569634
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and she tried to do some shit for suicide girls or something but she has NOT got the looks for it.

This is a callout to anyone stuck in a bad relationship and they feel too guilty to leave

Im also horrible and telling weeb storys but i guess i'll throw in some of her weeb shit

>She dressed in anime cosplay for a convention solely for american comics saying its better
>Gets mad when she isn't recognized or appreciated
>Claims anime to be better than american cartoons
>I can make cosplays!
>They're like bin bags holy shit even chinese sellers do better

Let's just say i don't date girls that like the animoos anymore.

>> No.6569642

I vommed a bit.

>> No.6569742

That actually made me feel really good. I'm glad they found each other. I think weebs deserve to be happy just as much as everyone else.

Unless they're glomping people to the floor or creepy shit like >>6566751. Then misery all the way.

>> No.6569840

You gave us a bitter depressing rant about someone with problems and how you didn't work together.
You didn't write any weeb stories with comedy devices, you just pretty much said she was a weeb in greentext.
Get out.

>> No.6570447

> August
>I have a friend in an extracurricular orchestra
>At the end of the summer every year, the orchestra members have a pool party at a pool really close to where I live. Since I end up going to most of their concerts, and have helped them set up and the like a few times, they let me to come to the pool party every year, too
>Friend and I are helping serve food
>Two really short girls with greasy hair (they hadn't jumped in the pool yet) thanked us by saying "AHREEGAHTOO- oh, that means 'Thanks' in Japanese!"
>Friend- we'll call her Kathy- and I look at each other

>> No.6570466

>Kathy is a casual anime fan. We've gone to A-kon together since 2007, and a few other cons, but she's still hazy on what a weeaboo is
>She knows that most of them like Homestuck, Hetalia, and Kuroshitsuji, though
>I'm the only one who can stop this evil
>We finish serving food
>I approach weebs
>Kathy is watching from the sidelines
>I decide that I want to see the extent of their weebiness before I do anything else
>Bracing for impact

>> No.6570490
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>I ask them stuff like how long they've been watching anime, and their favorites, and so on
>They both claim that they've been watching anime- "REAL ANIME" - for about 3 or 4 years
>Please keep in mind, they're high school freshman (or rather, they would be the following week)
>Their favorites were Kuroshitsuji (Neither of them could pronounce it right though. They usually pronounced it like Crow-shet-jew), Hetalia, and FMA
>Also, they like Homestuck and yaoi
>Also, one of them, who was DEFINITELY Hispanic, claimed that she was part Japanese, and that her name was supposed to be Suzume Kikyo-something or other.
>Even Kathy knows they're bullshitting all their answers to questions I'm asking
>So they ask me to name some anime, and they'll tell me if either of them have seen it or not, since even with their VAST ANIME KNOWLEDGE they're having trouble thinking of some titles
>I decide to start with some entry-level titles, stuff that a LOT of people have seen
>One of the first ones I name is Evangelion
>Neither of them have heard of it
>"What's it about?"
>I mention mechs
>Neither of them know what a mech is, or have even heard that term before
>"Mechs are...giant robots. Y'know, like... Gundams. Or the Nightmare Frames in Code Geass."
>Neither of them have heard of the Gundam franchise or Code Geass- even though, they claim to have been watching REAL ANIME for 3-4 years now

>> No.6570533

>So I tell them mechs are just giant robots in anime
>...Sure, whatever floats your boat.
>The rest of our "chat" was them telling me about how much they loved Hetalia, and showing me their Hetalia'd-out phones
>They had each other and some of their other friends listed in their contacts by country names
>They talk about yaoi
>They're talking in some broken Japanese
>Kathy, even though she hasn't been speaking much (she knew what I was trying to do), had been sitting at the same table as us, and even she was face palming a little at some of the stuff they were saying
>The night goes on, and it's time for me to go home.
>So I turn around, and I tell them that anime fans like them make us all look bad
>I tell them that they're weeaboos (neither of them had heard the phrase before) and that they should stop while they're ahead
>You're not Japanese, you're annoying as fuck, people in the anime community won't take you seriously, it's EASY to tell you haven't been watching anime long, if you're gonna' lie at least try to make it seem believable
>Etc, etc
>One of the girls looks like she's about to cry
>I leave
>Zero fucks given
>I did them a favor

>> No.6570587


Wow, judging by this entire story you kind of just seem like a bitch. Everyone has their weeaboo phase, they grow out of it on their own.

>> No.6571106

I'm upset you didn't keep the poems, also, your English is probably better than like, 80% of native English speakers.

>> No.6571523


Considering this happened at a high school orchestra party, I don't really think this is as bad as some of the other stories posted. They're kids.
And apparently, you are, too. 4Chan's for 18+, kiddo.

>> No.6573825

Yeah... Honestly this falls under the bitchy category to me. They didn't do anything TO you. They're probably just dumb kids.

I work at JoAnns- and one of my favorite parts of working there (no, really) is gently steering the weeaboos working on their first cosplays. Leading them away from nasty costume satins and the quilting section and teaching them that it isn't horribly scary to dye things. If they're weebtastic, I usually ask how old they are. Nine times out of ten, they're babies. They're under 18, sometimes under 16. Who the hell am I to criticize a kid whose only flack with me is that they haven't learned social graces yet?