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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6558443 No.6558443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the polite thing to do if a girl comes up to your boyfriend at a con and starts hitting on him in a really obvious way in front of you?

>> No.6558452

nothing? that's up to your boyfriend.

>> No.6558458

Walk up to him and grab his arm with your's and rest your head against him.

Thus nothing is said which could be taken a wrong way.
>I'm a guy and my gf does this all the time when another girl walks up

>> No.6558460

Introduce yourself to her and make sure you are more a part of the conversation than your boyfriend is. Comment on her costume in a nice way to get her talking to you and kill her with kindness. Then politely excuse your boyfriend and yourself and say you need to get to the next panel or wherever you're going.

>> No.6558462
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if he's a good boyfriend, he'll politely tell her to fuck off
if not, well you've got a shitty boyfriend what can i tell you

>> No.6558472

Oh god no, I'd be so embarrassed if my boyfriend was a dick to someone like that.
You should only tell someone to fuck off if they know full well you are taken and obnoxiously persist.

>> No.6558474

you ask her for a threesome. it's a win/win if she says yes or no.

>> No.6558476


>politely tell her to fuck off

I think anon meant more along the lines of brushing off

>> No.6559037

I hate it when girls 'test' us like this.

They'll purposefully not do anything to see how we react to other females flirting with us. Obviously I'm going to react positively, even if I'm with my girlfriend.

>> No.6559039

What, do you expect her to start clawing at the other woman like a harpy? If your girlfriend isn't okay with you flirting with other women yet you encourage random chicks who hit on you, you're kind of a douche.

>Cosplay & EGL

>> No.6559044

Kick her in the cunt, obviously. Bonus points if you can make her jump so hard her wig falls off.

>> No.6559051

It's just harmless fun.

>> No.6559058

It's not harmless and you just signed the douche certificate. Congratulations.

>> No.6559070

So what do you do in the reverse situation. A guy tries to hit on your girlfriend.

>> No.6559072
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wtf am I reading

>> No.6559096

I don't have a bf :(

>> No.6559105

>implying you have a boyfriend

>> No.6559110


>> No.6559114

B-back the fuck off, h-homie!

>> No.6559111

It may seem harmless to you, but it does a lot of damage to your gf while also letting the girl you were flirting with know you may be interested. Girls read things completely different from the way guys do...sadly..

>> No.6559120

totally proud when a bitch hits on my man. totally humorous if the bitch is a land whale.

>> No.6559138

Leave it up to him.

If he accepts and flirts back, he's an asshole. Stop caring about him and doing things for him, eventually dump.
If not, he's a good bf. Keep him forever.

If it's not in front of you, or if it is but it's not clear that you are bf and gf, never, and I mean NEVER attack the girl. Your boyfriend is the one who should respect you and your relationship, she probably did not know better.

>> No.6559147

I'd hope my bf would ignore her or politely excuse himself because that's what I'd do if it happened to me. Though if he didn't I'd just tell him later what I expected him to do. Some guys aren't complete trash like >>6559037, sometimes they're just a little absent.
Of course that if it had happened before, I'd react very differently, then I'd leave him talking to the girl and wouldn't want to see his face through the rest of the day. I can't stand guys like that and I certainly don't need one who doesn't mind hurting me in order to inflate his own ego.

>> No.6559153

I'd start feeling him up and make out with him on the spot. Nah, I'd probably grab his hand, peck him on the cheek, then excuse him and myself and go somewhere else.

I remember my boyfriend told me about how some girl commented on his gengar shirt while he was on the train. He awkwardly excused himself and got off on the next stop. I thought it was rather cute that he couldn't handle the extra attention, but if some girl did that to him at con, he would probably react like that.

>> No.6559152

The first time that happened to me, my boyfriend said he didn't think she was hitting on him and I was exagerating. That was the way most grils treated him at cons anyway, and since it was our first together, I explained to him how that made me feel unconfortable.

After that, I started to make what >>6558460 said. When you are near your boyfriend and starts being kind there is no time for her to aproach him.

>> No.6559158

tell her to gtfo unless she's into threesomes

>> No.6559167
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Yeah, I don't pick up flirt cues well. I mean at all.

I pick up every other social cue just fine, but I am completely oblivious to when girls hit on me, much to the hilarity to my friends and gf.

They always tell me after the fact and I kinda resent them a bit for it. Either tell me during so I can learn, or just not tell me. v.v;
That feel when a 9/10 thinks your cute and you'll never know untill well after the fact.

>> No.6559175

>that feel when romantically blind
>oblivious to everything

>> No.6559183

Lol, lucily I'm not oblivious to everything. I was though. Up untill my college years I was a complete introvert. I decided I wanted to change that so I picked up magic and taught myself the in's and out's for two years. See in order to perform magic for people you have to talk to them. So I learned to talk, hold a conversation, lead a conversation, see where their interested, lead their eyes etc.

My downside to this is everyone I talk to except for friends is pretty much just an audience to me. You could put a 9/10 girl in front of me, mid conversation swap them out with a 2/10 fat weaboo guy and I'd be talking to them the same way.

>> No.6559216

Well then you're just shit out of luck I guess. If he is stronger or bigger than you, there really isn't much you can do. Chances are your woman will run off with him unless you're the epitome of manliness or a 9/10. n order to keep her you're going to have to bare your teeth and fight the dude because he sure as hall won't back off peacefully and your girl will want to see a display of power. Strongest wins. Also stay away from bars, this shit will happen there 10 times out of 10.

>> No.6559219

Rip her head off and shit down her neck.

>> No.6559251

In situation where my boyfriend gets hits on :
>Boyfriend is completely clueless that he is being hit on, beacause he's just like that... I had to spell it out for him when we got togerther.
>Compliment the other girl's cosplay
>Kiss boyfriend on the cheek
>Leave them be
>Boyfriend imidiately comes after me

When I get hit on/asked out/asked to go somewhere :
>Sorry, I have a boyfriend
>Sure, can I bring my boyfriend.

Problem resolved.

Captcha : Beau teachings

>> No.6559255
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Usually don't care, unless they have better assets than me

I had some girls hitting on my boyfriend on a cruise during my birthday once. They were undressing him, untucking his shirt and just watched and continued to drink. Girl told me I was a good sport later

>> No.6559260
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Boyfriend of another /k/ombat /fa/shionista. If a chick starts hitting on me I can hear the sound of a chainsaw sputtering and finally revving its terrible, hate-fueled little 2-stroke behind me.

It is my girlfriend with a chainsaw powered by flaming, unquenched hate and jealousy and she will overthrow monarchies, flips tables and strangle people until she wards off the Skankesaurous Rex at hand.

>> No.6559262 [DELETED] 

It really depends on the situation.

>> No.6559263
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>> No.6559265
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>> No.6559272

As long as the girl isn't grinding up on him or trying to kiss him I'm not going to care. Plenty of guys hit on me, and no, I don't expect my bf to beat the shit out of them. It's meaningless to me.
And it's most likely meaningless to my bf too.
What's he gonna do? Cheat on me because some bimbo gave him a compliment? If he did, he'd be an idiot and I would be gone.

>> No.6559276

>I am a whipped beta

>> No.6559278
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This logic.

>> No.6559284
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>I am a "whipped beta" with a girlfriend who gets the dick.