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6553484 No.6553484 [Reply] [Original]

>Lost Wondercon to LA
>Lost Yaoi-con to LA
>Sac anime still underage
>Fanime still has no details up on registration

Sucks being a Nor Cal con goer. Anyone else thinking of skipping Fanime this year because of lack of info?

>> No.6553513

No because most of my friends go. Maybe I'll be badgeless this year.

>> No.6553534

>AX goes down the shitter
>Look at Fanime to be the alternative
>Fanime is going down the shitter as well


>> No.6553672

Do they have new staff this year? I know of at least one department that got re-orged. I know they are usually pretty late but damn, this year takes the cake. No hotel yet is sadly the norm, but their entire website is still lacking any kind of info. I've decided not to even bother this year because of that. Four months out and completely unprepared.

>> No.6553772

Sad part is if you're in CA you're screwed for the weekend cause all the other cons are on the East coast. You're pretty much forced to go to AX if you don't wanna fly out

>> No.6553784

I was thinking about going to Fanime this year since AX went to shit (thank GOD I skipped last summer) and the cons in my state are a huge joke but now... things aren't looking too good.

>> No.6553787

Everyone lost Yaoicon until Spring 2014. Also I was quite satisfied with the move since it weeded out a lot of the Norcal creepers.

Norcal has AOD and Japan Expo coming up. Maicon was also recently announced cancelled/postponed, too. Looks like Norcal has to stick to their teenier cons now.

>> No.6553793

>Norcal creepers

Aren't they traded for Sol Cal creepers?

>> No.6553795

>Comparing hotel cons to huge conventions

You got a point but it's a huge downgrade

>> No.6553810

Fanime might be moved to the week after Memorial Day weekend? The reason is due to a lack of dealer space signed up for the Dealer's Room and a lack of guests able to sign on. The response has been lackluster as many dealers and guests have opted to go to Anime Boston or Anime North instead.

Basically Anime Boston fired the first shot when they announced they would be moving from Easter weekend to Memorial Day weekend and has fucked up Fanime big time.

>> No.6553822


Dear god I hope not.

>> No.6553818

it's on
the other side of the country also A-Kon is that weekend FANIME NOOOOO WHYYYYYYY

>> No.6553829

Didn't encounter too many Socal creepers actually. Just the old hag and midlife crisis fujyoshi being more noticeable.

>> No.6553912

plans to move back to norcal, they only had to move because of construction bullshit
>Japan Expo
Is coming to the US this year and is going to be in norcal

>> No.6553961

>JapanExpo launching this year, might be worthwhile because of relationship to giant French version
>I actually like AX
>Go to SDCC every year too

>> No.6553966
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>Fanime might be moved to the week after Memorial Day weekend?
YES PLEASE. I've been stuck in the eternal struggle of anime north vs fanime. This would make things so much easier.

>> No.6554002

Not true, Fanime is keeping the same date unless announced.

>> No.6554012


No fuck that's my dead week, if they move it and I have a final Monday I can't justify going.

>> No.6554068

I thought the construction at the convention center finished. I was actually really surprised that it's down in So-Cal again this year.

>> No.6554106


Man, and I was trying to plan in advance for Fanime too. But if it's not set in stone, I guess I'll just have to wait. Not big on AX anymore these days, though I do always keep an eye on guests, they still manage to get pretty good ones.

>> No.6554161

I'm worried with how late everything is going to be announced that we're gonna have comic-con tier levels of difficulty getting hotel rooms and badges

>> No.6554253

doubt you'll have to worry about badges. the line, maybe.

>> No.6554699
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It's halfway through January...

For people who have been to Fanime before, is it really worth it? I've only ever been to SacAnime before

>> No.6554701

Yes. Fanime effectively ruined SacAnime for me because after Fanime, SacAnime just seems a billion times shittier.

>> No.6554711


Mainly because Fanime has 24 hour programing (concenter and game room are always open) and and in a good location for easy access to food.

>> No.6554738


That sounds cool, but a more important question: Is there booze? Hotel parties?

>> No.6554774


It's not as obvious and in the open like at Anime Los Angeles, but if you have some friends going, likely they'll know someone having a function in a room. Or you could just wander and meet people until you do, it's not difficult at a con.

>> No.6554944

SacAnime guy again, I don't know why my trip keeps coming off

When you say "Function" are we talking like a game of Munchkin or more of a Lucky Star crossplay circlejerk?

I ask because I love the horror stories thread and, having never been to a 24-hour con, I would like to avoid having a new one to add to the list.

>> No.6555103

They do this shit every year

>> No.6555540

If you're alright with other cons Phx Comic is pretty great, same time as Fanime.

>> No.6555595

at least there is talk of Wondercon coming back to San Francisco, maybe next year......all i know is that personally, as a bay area person, i fucking hate going fo SoCal

>> No.6555606
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>California cons in general
>all the good photographers, videogaphers, and cosplayers abandon WC/California cons for EC cons

>> No.6555743

good thing I'm local and don't have to give a shit

>> No.6556288
File: 22 KB, 288x288, 1356635785009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Definitely try to get to know the right people or the "known" cosplayers/photographers, and they will lead the way. Or just look for crowded parts of hallways.

>> No.6557966

I find it hard to believe a massive cosplay exodus will happen

>> No.6558207

That's pretty much contingent on whether or not Fanime is actually happening, and with the number of people ditching out on their forums and facebook, it's going to be record-low attendance this year if it happens at all

>> No.6558236

Most "big" cons have to be planned out a year in advance if you're attending, if even just 6 months ahead. For them to not have anything up and it's 4 months away? That's a little sketchy. The staff should at least know if something's going to happen by now.

>> No.6558255

Rush is gonna be killer.

Shit its either wait it out or go to AX. The reason why I started going to fanime was because AX was going down.

Wish I had a plan C

>> No.6558271

Maybe more people will go to Kintoki-Con as an alternative? o(*゚▽゚*)o

>> No.6558340


Fanime was getting far too big for my taste anyway.

>> No.6558373

Wow, you're starting to sound like all those comic con elitist.

You should feel flattered that the con was doing so well despite not having super amazing guests

>> No.6558416

Dude, Fanime did this shit last year. We didn't get info until freaking March, didn't we?

Also, there's always Wondercon, I thought the move to Anaheim was temporary?


Isn't there A3, or whatever it's called? And why has AX being going to shit?

>> No.6558423

What, don't tell me you love those annoying, small-ass cons they keep trying to desperately advertise? Get out.

>> No.6558449

>No japanese guests
>expensive con prices
>Nothing to do

>> No.6558461

lol ironically staff guys i have connections with were all "wait til next year, this year is kind of low key" last year. guess everyone's going to AX. or japan expo. i'm giving japan expo a shot because it's nearby.

am2? it's now in august. in fact, both am2 and japan expo are on the same dates. ironically japan expo was trying to avoid am2 so that all could coexist but no one knew that am2 was moving to august.

wonder where jpop summit is going to fit in since it's around the same time period. hopefully not labor day or i'll have to pass since i'm out of town every labor day...

>> No.6558467


That's why I did Fanime last year, and I had quite a good time. I would need to fly out this year, and the longer they wait to put of info, the higher the prices get, so sadly, I think I'll have to skip out this year.

>> No.6558473

Memorial Day (Late May) - Fanime (?)
Independence Day (Early July) - AX
Mid/late July - SDCC
August - Japan Expo/AM2

running out of summer to work with, and this doesn't even include stuff like Otakon and DragonCon

>> No.6558490

>at the same time as Jpop summit

Yeah no

>> No.6558501

Which staff do you know? Staff usually aren't allowed to post anything concerning this.

I'm pretty much hyped for Japan Expo, too.

>> No.6558504

oh shit didn't even know they announced dates and they're favorable to me. summer is looking good with no time conflicts.

>> No.6558518

So apparently Fanime might now be a week after memorial day weekend

>> No.6558531

Why would it, they have the 2013 dates on their page

>> No.6558762

Not having updated the website with the con so close seriously strikes me as inexcusable. A con that large can at least make a single post, especially when they've already taken in a good chunk of money in pre-reg.

>> No.6558946

Where are these dates?

>> No.6558958

I hear that they're revamping reg because of the nightmare that was badge pickup last year and thats whats taking so long.

I really hope info goes up soon though...

>> No.6558975

Only a rumor, it's probably not true

>> No.6559770

"We're going to be making some announcements about our online registration and housing system very VERY soon! ^_- #FanimeCon"

Did anyone else get one of these on twitter? Looks like they're going to actually be doing something soon.

>> No.6559774

am2's will not be so close to AX any longer? Hah. Why did it take them for their third year to realize this shit?

>> No.6559782

Fanime staffer here. Not sure where you heard that, but I've not heard anything about that at all.

>> No.6560029

You're a staffer?

Get some better fucking staff, this is insulting

>> No.6560099

looks like people bitching about it gets their PR guy to get his ass in gear and post a tweet to get you to hang on another week or two

this year they run into japanexpo so i don't fancy their chances any better. i can only imagine the number of FUCK and GODDAMMIT that their staff started shouting upon that news coming out.

>> No.6560191

If it's ok to ask, whats the real reason for the long delay?

>> No.6560294

Waaah, boo hoo! Fanime isn't here to suck your cock. Go to Anime Expo if you must, but shut the fuck up otherwise.

>> No.6561021

If it bothers you to read posts by upset people, you are on the wrong board

>> No.6561579
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>> No.6561813

Nice reply with an image only faggot

>> No.6562001
File: 82 KB, 500x436, Look at all the fucks I give.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562094

They actually tried for later dates, the con center in Anaheim was booked though so they had to make do. Honestly I have way much more fun my 2 days at AM2 2011 and 3 days at AM2 2012 then I did at my 2 days at AX 2011 and 4 days at AX 2012 :/

Back to Fanime though, I really hope they post info soon. I have 2 hotel rooms I need to book and with 4.5 months to save for things it's looking kinda grim. I dont even have an estimate on prices for this year for besides last years figures which I'm using as a base but I'd like a better idea of what I need to save up for so my 7-8 hour drive there doesnt end up being a bust.

>> No.6562197

xDDDD so fune

>> No.6562416

Twitter Fanime staff message:
Happy New Year! A reminder for this Saturday's #FanimeCon staff meeting: January 19, in the Grand Hall of the Hyatt Place San Jose, at 3 PM.

Hopefully this means we'll be getting details soon~

>> No.6562877
File: 37 KB, 690x199, Screen shot 2013-01-18 at 8.48.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better be good