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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6549836 No.6549836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Complain about something cosplay or loli related, because, whether you like it or not, seagulls may be some of the few people that might understand these gripes.

Started this because an aquaintance who is fairly new to cosplay was talking to me about an upcoming costume she's doing and needs a pink wig. She doesn't want to have to buy a new wig though and wants to bleach and dye an old brown wig she has. I tried to explain to her that the wig is plastic and bleach will only mess it up and do nothing to the color. We argued back and forth on this one for awhile and finally she just folded her arms an went "We'll see."

Sorry if I'm trying to pass off a little of my 7 years of cosplay experience compare to your...7 months. Enjoy your wig blob.

>> No.6549844


>> No.6549848

Please make sure she take pictures! I want that disaster recorded. Maybe she should try to paint it pink too!
I had a lady at Joann's tell me that Sailor Moon's skirt wouldn't translate to real life because it's a drawing... I just stared at her for a bit and said nevermind, thanks and walked away.

>> No.6549851
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what really grinds my gear is when tons of people take photos of your costume, but never upload them online. its not like I can force people to post the pictures, but seriously, I want as many pictures of my costume as I can get. I seriously only have 2 pictures right now of my gurren lagann from ikkicon, and tons of people took photos of it

>> No.6549856
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>wants to bleach and dye
Haha, OP. Just let her. Laugh at the aftermath.

>> No.6549863

Just wanted to point out that bleach will do nothing to a plastic wig... It won't melt it, either.

>> No.6549868
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Honestly, I rarely post pictures from cosplayers on 4chan. Mainly because I respect the privacy of said cosplayers. But this is mainly the case for the bad ones though.

>> No.6549872

its just a shame, My costume was even in the cosplay contest, but every gallery, its like all the photographers just skipped even trying to photograph me lol I really just want photos of my gurren lagann rig and there are none to be found, I tried the ikkicon forums, the ikkicon facebook, hell i even dug through tumblr trying to find stuff, absolutely nothing

>> No.6549876

It happens to everyone
>get 50 or so photos taken of you

>> No.6549880
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Not really a gripe about anything in particular, just wish the girls in my local lolita comm would grow up and not act like such attention-starved, vapid little girls. They make it hard for anyone to connect whose life doesn't revolve around frills, cupcakes, and photos. But shit instead of complaining about it I should really just move on, but the problem is I really want to be involved with this fashion. I just have a hard time playing nice with girls that I secretly want to slap.

I've had to hide their social networks completely from my sights just to avoid their SJW bullshit and their fake feminism. Because you know, they can be crude and swear and sleep around and say degrading shit but for some reason the people that they don't like and men cannot.

>> No.6549878

You learned one of the more annoying lessons of trying to be a serious cosplayer. If you want good pictures you unfortunately have to find a decent cosplay photographer to set up shoots at cons or in private with. And unless you have a friend who's good at it or a friend who can refer you to someone they can be hard to find and establish a working relationship with.

>> No.6549883


yeah I see what you are all saying, and the gurren lagann cosplay group I am apart of is gonna set up a photoshoot up sometime soon, so thankfully I'll get several photos, it would just be nice to have photos of its first time shown off in public that's all

>> No.6549942

something that annoyed me recently:

>Girl shows up cosplayed as a popular female character, a bit sexy but not skimpy
> ofcourse many recognize her and want a picture
> only girls are allowed to take pictures because girl claims men only want to have her picture for fapping purposes

Seriously, wtf?

>> No.6550264

You need to be proactive with getting photos. If you want really good pictures that you know you will see then you should be booking photoshoots or asking photographers in advanced for a few pictures.

An alternative is to simply ask the photographer where they upload their pictures. If they're carrying around an expensive camera, chances are they also have a website.

>> No.6550294

at the constant whining of friends I've been taking commissions lately on top of my busy schedule. my friends tell me what they want, I pencil them in for time including fittings and pick my own costumes based on what I will have time for after them.

except no one tells me when they cancel. I just found out three of my friends no longer need costumes for an upcoming con, and didn't tell me. they bought cheap from ebay instead. I couldn't care less, except that they neglected to tell me this until we I tried to pin them down for fabric shopping and measurements.

I suppose what annoys me most as that they are all nitpicky perfectionists and I know they will hate what they get from ebay. I give them way better quality for a ridiculously low price, but they want even cheaper which just isn't possible.

I'm annoyed because I could have planned something huge for myself if I hadn't set all my time aside for these bastards and now I've already started on my much smaller personal projects...

>> No.6550296


>plastic wig

Jesus Christ, do ya'll even Hair Extentions?

Seriously, google Cinderella Hair.

>> No.6550305

I overheard a girl doing the same thing, so I (female) went and took a picture then grinned and said I'm so going to slick to this. Her look was priceless

>> No.6550307
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Can I ask your general location? Not to turn this into a loli-friend-finder thread, but I'm always up for making friends and I'm reasonably sane.

To keep it on topic, fabric, y u so expensive? I've started learning how to sew, and it pains my soul every time I screw something up because it's such an investment of money.

>> No.6550311


>loli-friend-finder thread

The latent /b/tard inside is tittering right now

>> No.6550324

A couple of my friends are always complaining about this. I'm a female cosplayer as well and it doesn't bother me. Guys will fap. Big deal.

1. Do you really think you're that hot? Why wouldn't said guy fap to a pornstar, hentai or a much prettier woman on the internet? A picture is a picture.

2. Who cares? If someone wants to fap to you, they don't need a photo so you might as well let them take one. Almost every model or celebrity online has people fap to them and you don't hear them crying or whining, it comes with the territory of being a good looking fantasy.

3. Does it matter? How does some guy fapping to you hurt or affect you in any way. It doesn't. Unless the guy is posting the pictures he takes of you to a porn or fetish site (unlikely), it doesn't affect your image or reputation in any way.

>> No.6550327


>implying it's possible to fap to pictures after age 15

Jesus Christ, I can barely get off to hardcore porn HD porn anymore. My mind's so desensitized that I can really only get off to actually have sex.

Girls who think guys actually fap to pictures are misguided.

>> No.6550332

Yeah, I definitely paused after writing that, but it amused me enough that I left it.

>> No.6550333

I'd just like to point out that the "posting on a fetish site" happens a lot thanks to FetLife. I've seen many of my friends posted without their knowledge.

>> No.6550334

Fetlife barely counts. I meant like a paysite. And even if they do, does it really matter? Its not like you're posting them yourself and no one will think you are, unless they're pretending to be you... which often is more a girl thing than a guy thing.

>> No.6555337


3 of the girls in my group are already now strippers, shows how much they crave the attention.

>> No.6555362

Especially with the amount of drugs that they consume makes the situation even worse. Makes them more irritated than normal behavior would allow and tell me they are fine.

>> No.6555372

I'm a professional, and a lolita, and recently at a con my photo was taken by a local paper and someone saw it from work and noticed me, now somehow my opinions are less valid at work because in my free time I'm a lolita.

It just irritates me, how does me dressing up as a doll on the weekend make me less intelligent.

>> No.6555387

What kind of professional are you? I'm a programmer so no one really gives a shit because we're all weird and out there.

>> No.6555398

god, this. I'm so tired of people thinking lolita comms are the place for their ~hardxcore alternative snowflake~ social club bullshit. I mean, those people burn out pretty quickly because it's too expensive, but I just wish there was a way to tell whether the girl who talks about video games online will turn out irl to be the cool friendly one or the one who rants about otherkin discrimination.

>> No.6555400


I'm a web developer, which is why I never thought it would matter but I was in a meeting today and someone asked for my opinion on a photo set for the website and they said

"Oh you only like that because it's like Japanese"

and it was a caucasian girl, laying on a bed, with a phone.

>> No.6555399

I'm a programmer too! I feel really lucky to have such a laid back career. I don't have to worry about hiding anything, and they all actually think all my vidya costumes are cool.

>> No.6555412

It bothers me a little, but only letting girls take pictures is super crazy. First of all, lesbians. Second, most of the people, male or female, taking pictures of you (unless you're doing the kind of "cosplay" that's just a corset and stripper heels) aren't doing it to fap, they're doing it because you have a nice costume. Seriously, if you have to worry about perverts, you're not more attractive than your character is. Thirdly, yeah, some guys are creepy. It's going to happen, and I'd rather just have fun, let the normals take pictures, and not worry about it than obsess over what someone, somewhere may or may not be doing with pictures of me.

Of course none of this applies to *that one guy* who thinks he's being super subtle zooming in on your boobs from 18 angles. Tell that guy to fuck right off.

>> No.6555419

There's a local bitch who's only so so at cosplay and yet everyone thinks she's amazing. She's a chubby little bitch who everyone fawns over because she's haafu japananese and oh so speshul desu.
I hate how everytime she posts an update about her fucking weeaboo music that she makes people fall over themselves with how amazing she is because she shouldn't ge tthat kind of attention. I wish people would see that she's just a bitchy fat girl and nothing special.

>> No.6555429

A friend of mind did a 30 minutes bbefore the con closet cosplay and then got super jealous when people asked to get a picture of just me. BAWWW plan ahead next tiem...

lol a drawing of a pleated skirt... and pleated skirt was the first thing i ever made, ever. Why the fuck does she work at a fabric store.

she doesnt need extensions, she needs a wig...

>> No.6555432

My brother's friend insists on calling everything cosplay. Wear a dress shirt with a tie and some plastic glasses? Doctor Who cosplay.

>> No.6555437

Fuck, I hate that. I've been into lolita for about three years. I've had a couple friends become interested in the fashion in that time so I tried to give them advice on what to do, what not to do, where to buy brand on the cheap, etc. They never want to listen. They always want to have their weeby ita stage first and then come crawling back once they've been made fun of or posted here. I finally just gave up. It isn't my problem if they want to lok retarded.

>> No.6555461

Our local lolita community is becoming a cesspool. The girls I've known for years are great, but I want some new girls and new styles.

All the new girls are itas with special snowflake syndrome. They meet at malls, Starbucks and other places where they can correct people that "Lolita is not a costume, it's a fashion from Nippon!"

>> No.6555490

>Be me
>Work in an aged care home
>See some old fashioned clothes and drool over them
>Never wear lolita in public in case people from work see me dressed up and think I'm any weirder than I already am.

>> No.6555516

wow, that's ridiculous, anon.

wear otome or more "casual" lolita? i wore a casual outfit to work, and the administrator actually told me i looked really nice. i didn't even wear a petticoat, though. i work at a skilled nursing facility.

>> No.6555746

I feel your pain. I had a weeby phase back in middle-school. It wasn't that bad, I read some fanfiction and drew animu on all my notebooks but never closet-cosplayed to school or glomped anyone or went nyaaaa!!

I left for a few years and came back, and the fucking retarded 'popular' (a.k.a. non-Asians who thinks they're like the 90210) still mock me about everything. "is it cosplay?" "are you cosplaying?" "do you want to go to Japan?" "You only like it because it's Japanese" like every fucking day. They're all wearing hoodies and skinny jeans and flats and look like shit, and just because I don't look like a hobo and wear some casual otome they think it's cosplay all the time.

>> No.6555790

They are just wondering why you are wearing that in public. You make it painfully obvious that you want to look different but accepted at the same time?

>> No.6555793

Goddamn I thought you were banned

>> No.6555799

I follow the rules? Also I help cosplayers/lolitas when I can. Its only when a person misinterprets what I said and throws a fit about it.

>> No.6555803

actually it depends on the level of peroxide you're using. If you use 30 or 40 it can melt it.

>> No.6555811

I hate tight-asses and people who assume that I work for free because I work freelance. People who want things for cheap or for free just because they know you suck.

I had a girl (an acquaintance, not even a friend or someone close to me) ask me if I would make "her brand" for her. Not a commission for one dress, but a whole lolita line. She wanted me to take her shitty sketches and turn them into print designs and sample garments so she could "make it big" as a designer. All for free (she said she'd pay the cost of materials but could I do the rest, 'cause she's broke). I about had a stroke.

Another girl I know asked me to design her cosplay business cards. I quoted her for the job, like I do anyone who asks for these things, and her reaction was "oh. I thought you'd just do it for the exposure. I'll just get some generic ones from Vista Print."

WTF is wrong with these people?!

>> No.6555818
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>> No.6555821

Okay okay, we won't do it then! You don't have to yell.

>> No.6555822

No you dont. You insult people behind passive aggressive comments and questions to get a rise out of them. You're a shit poster.

>> No.6555829

I have something to confess. I fucking hate, HATE "casual lolita" and, similarly, otome. It bugs the shit out of me, the way people wearing overly-distressed jeans bother me. It's like, what are you TRYING to look like? People with distressed jeans are trying to look edgy, and otome tries to look so fucking innocent and bland and it just drives me nuts. I think it's so ugly.

>> No.6555830

You are not being up front with the costs of labor+materials.

Incorrect, I criticize or correct when it is needed.

>> No.6555840

And by criticize and correct, you mean you troll poorly and spend most of your time being a raging asshole.

>> No.6555841

I feel you, Anon. My boyfriend and I are both music majors (I'm piano, he's trumpet) and people ask us to do gigs for free "for the exposure" all the fucking time. It's aggravating.

Right now I'm really fed up with other lolitas expecting me to take pictures with them and drink tea and be proper and shit. It's like, damn it you guys. I'm in this for the cute dresses, not some kind of lifestyle change. Why do we always have to play classical music at a meetup? Why couldn't we have soft rock or jazz in the background? I'm also sick of those pretentious fucks who think classic rori is best rori. I'm a classic lolita, but I'll be the first to admit that looking like some frilly pseudo-Victorian baby looks just as out of place in normal society as the chick dressed up pastels with a stuffed animal as a purse.

>> No.6555845

>I criticize or correct when it is needed.
Wow. You sound like a highschooler who thinks they've got life figured out. Please, continue to enlighten us with your words of wisdom.

>> No.6555847

I get that too. I spend all my time working, and people want me to do X or Y or fucking XYZ for them, when I barely have the time for my own projects. I just laugh in their faces now, don't know what else I can do.
I can post mine if you want. They're broad, scarred, stubby and generally gross looking, if you want to fap to that?

>> No.6555856

>scarred, stubby, generally gross looking
Are you a ballet dancer?

>> No.6555854

What grinds my gears, OP? Well, something about my own self and habits has been grinding my gears. I think I'm turning into a brand whore. I don't mean that I make fun of people who don't have brand (because that's mean). I mean I only buy brand now because I can only justify the purchase by going "Ooh, but it's worth it, because it's Angelic pretty/Moitie/Victorian Maiden/etc!" There are plenty of nice offbrand things on taobao and loliable things from normal stores that I could buy, but seeing that pink tag saying "Angelic Pretty" just means so much more to me. I don't really care if the person walking by me on the street knows I'm wearing AP, but the fact that I know I'm wearing AP makes a WORLD of difference. It makes me feel special. And that sounds... so wrong. I don't know. I feel like collecting burando is how I now justify doing one thing cool, brag-worthy, or just fucking notable in my life right now. I don't feel like I have that much else going for me at the moment :\

>> No.6555870

It's your money, so there's nothing wrong with spending it on what you prefer to have. If you feel that it's more worthwhile, more valuable, for whatever reason, go for it.

>> No.6555874
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You are my new personal hero.

>> No.6555879

When a general photoshoot suddenly morphs into a "a photoshoot for me while everyone else watches".

Like, a video game general photoshoot suddenly goes like this:

>"Okay! Capcom characters!"
>"Okay! Super Smash characters!"
>"Okay! Amnesia next!"
>"Ohh Daniel. how 'bout you pose like this?"
>"You know what would be fun? How 'bout everyone pose to look like they're all trying to kill Daniel?"
>Oh look! Silent Hill Nurses! Go pose with them Daniel!"
>"Slenderman wants to get you Daniel~"
>"Wouldn't it be cool if Daniel Held Chris Redfield's gun?"

>> No.6555891
File: 295 KB, 600x408, lolita11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita Rant: I hate when you are one of a few members or the only member to organize shit for your community and when you start making a post people just start off by bitching for the following reasons
a) they can't go on that day, change the day
b) they can't afford the price tag, change the price
c) they have suggestions to making it better. change this & that


I find every comm seems to have this problem of a 1-2 dedicated members and the others just sit on their ass and wait for the platters to be handed to them

>> No.6555922
File: 36 KB, 330x379, Better call Saul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>Nobody wants to pay us for our shitty music! How dare those assholes ask us if we want to work for free!


>I just laugh in their faces now, don't know what else I can do.

You could not be autistic and politely decline.

>> No.6555948

>be in charge of hotel room
>go up to room because I forgot something
>seven people I only know either by proxy or on FB are in there changing, only one is actually staying in the room

I don't mind it because there were no complete strangers, but at least fucking text me or something beforehand please.

>> No.6555957

Girls that tighten their corsets to ridiculous portions for cosplay when the character isn't depicted with a ridiculously small waist.

>> No.6555956

This thread exists so people can rant about things the can't compain about in polite company. I doubt any of them had the spaz attack you're implying.

>> No.6555975


as a freelancer you get hit with spec work all the time, it happens to every freelancing professional, in web design I get asked to design an entire website up front, for free, and if they'll like it, they'll pay for it.

Like that didn't just cost me 12 hours of my time to come up with a design.

It's called spec work, and it's killing our industry


>> No.6556037
File: 160 KB, 800x600, 3d954e2cceef4e977797ecc10bfe1474-d5jevfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it sounds like bitching for the sake of bitching, but I can't help but be a bit iffed when people pick something to cosplay that looks nothing or even seems to relate to their source material, or don't pick a decently appropriate setting for their cosplays.

>> No.6556048

Sorry, I guess I should say that I do think gijinka's are fine as long as it's not some closet cosplay or whatever. It's just when I came across this picture in particular I wouldn't have known who they were doing and they're saying it's their "own interpretation of the movie+comic book version of Jarvis."

>> No.6556061

Actually its less of their interpretation, and more of the fandoms choice, particularly on Pixiv. Human Jarvis is not old like in the comics, but rather blonde and attractive. You can find lots of fanart on the 'cyberhusbands' tag on tumblr.

>> No.6556062

what...exactly is that supposed to be a gijinka of?

>> No.6556068

Jarvis, Tony Stark's snarky AI butler dude.

Or basically... Wheatley, I guess ?Looks more like a Wheatley gijinka/Stephen Merchant.

>> No.6556070

other than "a girl in too-large vest offering us some mangy snacks on a crappy serving tray, while wearing a bluetooth headset", of course.

>> No.6556072

whaaaaaat. these weeabitches getting all "into" comics because of the avengers "franchise" and gaying it up has hit a new low.

>> No.6556073

I really hate cosplayers who insist that you MUST wear a wig even if you have perfect natural hair for a character. Do you actually think that looking as fake as possible is the point of cosplay?

>> No.6556076

Oh I was not aware of that. I was just going by the small description she gave in her dA info box/comments section where she said "This was my own interpretation."


It's supposed to be Jarvis from Iron Man/Avengers? I'm sorry I don't know much about this stuff. I just came across it on deviantart and was sort of confused.

>> No.6556081

while I agree with you to an extent, the ability to cut and style the wig off of your head and set in the style so that you just have to put it on later is what most people need. most people don't spend the time getting the body and luster to their hair and 9 times out of 10 their hair isn't actually totally accurate as far as cut, bangs, whatever. so the ones who say "oh she has brown hair I have brown hair, perfect I don't need a wig" and don't spend a minute styling their flat, stringy, nerd hair other than maybe a drag of a brush and a toke spritz of hairspray, those are the bad ones.

>> No.6556103

That happened to me but I'm a cosplayer, not lolita. I helped organize a big gathering in a really pretty very scenic park and had invited an excellent professional photographer to take photos. Then on the event page, we got annoying little shits complaining, "IT'S TOO FAR!!!" and "Why not have it here instead????" It just made me wanna go, "Well, deal with it and make your own gathering at that ugly as fuck location!!" Didn't even have to say anything... and they did. We had a great gathering while their gathering was the definition of pitiful (judging by those awful photos they posted). God, the park they chose was ghetto.

>> No.6556195

This also grinds my gears.

>> No.6556276


>perfect hair in real life
>for a perfect imaginary character

Uh what? Also, no, people usually do not get wigs that look plasticy and fake(that sounds in the range of party city stuff). 99.9% a wig will always look better, as long as its a good quality wig mind you.

I think guys have an easier time being able to use their real hair, girls not so much, sorry honey. Get a job and get a wig.

>> No.6556287

What annoys the hell out of me is girls wearing Lolita at a convention and getting pissy when someone says "Oh, I like your cosplay!"

Everyone else that's there and dressed up is cosplaying. I wore sweet at a recent convention for 3 days, super-pastel sweet for two coords. I was asked if I was a MLP cosplayer, what I was cosplaying from... never once did I get pissy. I thanked them and went on my merry way. If someone wanted to know and I was free for chit-chat, I explained that it wasn't a cosplay but a Japanese fashion and where to find more information about it.

But maybe that's me coming from 10+ years of experience in cosplay before getting into Lolita. IDK.

>> No.6556291

I really don't give a shit when someone calls my lolita outfit a "cosplay" or a "costume."

Like, I seriously. don't. fucking. care.
And it grinds my gears when people act like it's a big stinking deal.

>> No.6556316
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>politely let one of my friends know she's wearing part of her cosplays backwards
>she insists, saying that it isn't
>go home and look up a reference picture of the character
>I was right the whole time
>laugh but kinda feel bad at the same time because she could have listened to me

>> No.6556775
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Set up a cosplay only email address on yahoo.

When someone with a nicer camera takes a photo hand them your card and say with a smile "let me know when you post those"


ask if they are going to post them anywhere and then exchange info.

>> No.6556794
File: 61 KB, 500x678, tumblr_inline_mfu2rt7UXs1r5c3tx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Bara/muscular Cosplay exist!? I've searched for hours!!! If only I could find another muscular guy to do do it with me
Can anyone explain why there is none? have you seen yaoi/bara cosplayers? I know most gay muscle guys like fem boys but FUCK there has to be some.

>> No.6556798

i have the reverse problem
i'm a photog, i give people cards, contact info on it, and they don't send me a line. i only post a few of what i feel are the best shots because if i didn't my site would be swamped with about a billion photos every con (and to be honest hall shots don't scream quality photo) but i'd be more than willing to send people their photos.

>> No.6556971

you must be an ita

>> No.6556972

But seriously, it's fucking retarded.

>> No.6556983

I hate how every time I come on here, it's nothing but negativity. Weither it's telling another woman they're fat and gross and need to die because their cord isn't up to par or they disagree with them in the slightest about a term or a skinny/fat person not being perfect in everyway shape or form ... it's just ... really tiring.

If every lolita out there is like this then I don't really want to be a part of it. This place is just 85% negativity. Nothing but complaining, hating, and purposefully trying to make others feel like shit. I don't understand how some one can take that much joy in ridiculing another human being.

I know I'm prolly going to be told that "it's the internet, everyone is mean on the internet" But dear god ... cgl goes for the throat absolutely every chance it gets. I've made so much and been having a lot of fun doing my lolita projects .. but I've never posted it know that no mater what this place will hiss at anything that isn't utter perfection ... and even then they'll still hate you for being a snotty bitch. But I'm okay with. I'm still having fun and people in my life love the shit out of my lolita stuff.

>> No.6556985

haha, this happened to me too, kind of!

>photoshoot with friends
>some random girl shows up who is cosplaying from the same thing we are in, idk how she found us
>we already have one (cuter than her, to be honest) person dressed up as her in the group
>suddenly she just includes herself and has the photographer take a billion pictures of her

we just sat on the stairs staring incredulously at the photographer until someone spoke up that we had places to go. it was fucking annoying.

>> No.6557000

>If every lolita out there is like this
The only lolitas (and cosplayers, incidentally) I've met who were /cgl/-tier negative and catty IRL were also the people who would loudly denounce /cgl/ as a pit of scum and villainy that they would never ever visit ever. The girls who admitted to browsing here from time to time were super chill, as well as the girls who didn't but didn't judge others for doing so.
I'm torn between thinking a) the catty girls secretly do visit here and are just horrible all around, and b) they really don't visit 4chan but need somewhere else (meetups, facebook, innocent bystanders) to vent their negativity.
Maybe it's a combination of both. I don't know. I do know that the majority of lolitas I've met were totally cool and supportive both in real life and online. Maybe they only post here when they're grumpy or maybe the minority is just very very loud.

>> No.6557009


Seriously the amount of times I've seen people with armor pieces backwards, flaps turned 90 degrees and shit like that, pisses me off to no end, as it shows exactly how much involvment you had in building that costume and looking at any form of a reference photo.

>> No.6557010

I figured it was a secret dark side of nice lolitas. Like no matter how chill or nice someone is in real life, they could be saving all of their anger and negativity to talk shit on absolutely everyone the second they get on cgl.

I've realized this happens with a lot of stuff. People seem nice and supportive, but when covered with anonymity just spew the most hurtful shit they can muster because they had a bad day or don't have enough conflict in their life as is.

>> No.6557033

>I am like that therefore every male ever is too

What is it with men and thinking they can talk for their whole gender when it comes to sex?

>> No.6557039


I have had a similar problem, and my solution for my next con is to make individual cards for the cosplay I'm doing. Not just a general card with my contact info, but I thought, "Well, what if they don't remember WHO I was?" One would think that they would remember someone who gave them a card, but at a big con, it could get lost or just forgotten about. So my tactic this time is to have a business card with a photo of that character (if I've had it professional photographed) and my contact info to help them remember, "Oh, it was this character who wanted the pics!"

Also, figure out if there's a central place where that specific con wants photos to go, or a site a lot of the congoers use. For certain cons I've been to, they have a Facebook and people tag their facebook and you can see that way. I know Tumblr gets used similarly. So you also have to learn to look in the right places.

>> No.6557041

I blame the medication that they are taking that triggers these actions. I have yet to talk to a lolita that has not been on cocktail of anti depressants. When I ask then why do you need them if you come from well to do backgrounds. They look towards me with great anger and disgust telling me that i am not a doctor. The meetings are even more disturbing since its a whole group of them acting rather strange.

>> No.6557077


medicated society coupled with "speshul snowflake don't say trigger words" people.

When you are growing up and figuring out who you are you do all sorts of strange things to set yourself apart. Everyone in every decade did it.
Plus you can add to that a bunch of people who watched a lot of anime where the teen was the special one and only they could save the day.
Also nstead of having personal diaries to put their thoughts into they are now living out every stupid thought that occurs to them on facebook, LJ, and twitter.

Until companies realized that teens and now tweens had disposable incomes the heros were grown ups because kids were a non-entity. When you grew up you wanted to be Han Solo or Robin Hood. But you had to finish growing up first. Now you can be the special one without even hitting puberty and so kids don't even have to acquire social skills, respect, and resilience to be THE ONE. Now they just are because they think they are.

>> No.6557086
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And how.

>> No.6557089

I just do not understand why they have to be on these sort of drugs in the first place. I show them all sorts of articles on how these anti-depressants can change the very core of your person. Do they listen? No. Instead they insult me for trying to help them from getting out of the hole they are in. Its horrifying that I might leave lolita forever because of this. How can a large portion of the community live like this? Do they not understand the repercussions from the actions that they are taking. These not just teenagers but women above the age of 23+ that are doing this. I knew one girl and she was on 10 different supplements on single day. ONE DAY

>> No.6557091

Oh gosh, I've never known a fellow lolita well enough to know if they were ever on medication. Is it really all that common? Or only for those that have been into the sort of thing (ita or true lolita aside) since jr high?

>> No.6557096

Yep, spend some time with them and they will bring out the medication cocktails from their bag. A huge problem that is often dismissed because its been "scientifically proven" to "help" them. Then we have the other side of lolitas that are using "recreational" drugs. These are the same ones who end up experimenting with harder stuff for the hit that they receive from it.

>> No.6557113

It's funny you should post his picture. I went to highschool with a guy who was convinced he was the re-incarnation of Squall.

He was the clingiest "lone wolf" I've ever met.

>> No.6557162

I am making a huge outfit for my Saturday costume for an upcoming con. It has wings, a hoopskirt and will overall not be comfortable so I want a comfy/easy costume for friday and sunday.

But I can't. fucking. decide.

EVERY DAY I SETTLE ON SOMETHING AND GET EXCITED AND THINK 'THIS IS IT' then the next day I'm second-guessing myself and it seems like a bad idea.

It either ends up being too expensive or too much time or detailed, or not enough detail and pointless to even make.

I usually have no problem filling my schedule but since I never expected to be making a second costume its too late to do groups or anything too fancy...

>> No.6557164

Cosplay is when you dress up as a character. If your character wears a simple suit and glasses, it's still cosplay.

In fact I don't like the opposite where people go "it's not cosplay they just ___" Those sort of phrases are just snobby.

>> No.6557166

Don't think that all Lolitas are on medication, but surprisingly, many are. But then again, alternative groups of young people seem to have more people taking meds anyways. When I was 16 and hanging with emos/convention weeaboo-kids, I was sometimes literally the only one not on antidepressants. In my country it's ridiculously easy for kids to get them too, just say you're feeling sad and bam, there's your meds
The majority of kids taking them don't actually have diagnosed depression or anything either, they just felt a bit down for a while (who doesn't when you're a teen?) and claimed it was a legitimate depression, and nobody can say anything against it because then you're a vile being who doesn't understand psychological health and that they "actually want to die!1!!1!!"

I'm so goddamn happy I'm not 16 anymore

>> No.6557171

I'm tired of the mentality amongst a lot of younger female cosplayers that they shouldn't have any responsibility for their own actions. Yes, it's shitty that some men are rapists, but no, this doesn't mean society is telling them it's ok by telling you to take precautions.

It's like some of you actually want to get raped when you see the way you dress in certain parts of the con. Stop tempting men for fuck sake.

>> No.6557182

Hopefully no one actually responds to this seriously.

>> No.6557181

but shouldnt the girls be able to dress as they like without fear of getting raped?
Its mindsets like this that spur on rape culture.
"Well they're scantily clad, and other guys do it, so why not? After all, if i dont, someone else will."

>> No.6557185

What country are you from? In the U.S you would have had to go through psychiatric evaluation by your physician. Still a large portion of the community in my area have a variety of medications that they take on a single day + the ones for health reasons.

>> No.6557183

>rape culture

I don't think rape culture exists.

It's like saying that CRT monitor culture exists or something.

Ideally girls should be allowed to dress like they want, but telling a bunch of niggers not to rape isn't going to stop them.

>> No.6557187

It has begun.

>> No.6557193

What false world do you live in? Rape is going to happen whether you like it or not. This is the reason why I dress a certain way when in public because certain people are attracted to showing a bit of skin. I also carry a concealable pepper spray can that would sort of help me if i ever come in a situation like that. Some men can not fight basic animal instincts and it my responsibility to protect myself. I support women's rights not this oppression known as feminism!

>> No.6557197

>Some men can not fight basic animal instincts
It's in nobody's "natural behavior" to want to rape someone. Don't speak for men please.

>> No.6557201

What silly world do you live in anon? Third world countries have this problem on top of sexually transmitted diseases. Not everybody lives in 1st world country even if they did it still happens. Rape happens whether you like it or not because it just takes one person to do.

>> No.6557207

Oh, I see. I'm being trolled. 5/10 Almost got me. Nobody could be this willfully ignorant.

>> No.6557211

>It's in nobody's "natural behavior" to want to rape someone.

You're stupid. Biology plays a role in how primal certain men are. Some men's genomes are just predisposed to a lack of self control.

Yes liberals: Genes influences human behavior in scary, un-PC ways, not just when it's convenient to say homosexuality is genetic.

>> No.6557214

I didn't think there were people in their 20's and up still experimenting with antidepressant cocktails. I guess it makes a hell of a lot more sense to go and spaz out like a little douche on the computer all day once you zone out on pills.

Well, those of you lolitas out there taking medication and going on here bashing shit left and right ... think about what you're saying ... just for one second.

>> No.6557215

When people who are also cosplaying in your fandom are instantly in character when talking to you and expect you to be in character and respond to them. I like being IC at a con part of the time, but not 24/7. Don't expect me to respond the same way or in some way that reinforced the OTP you're trying to force on me.

Whenever I cosplay Ed, all the [girls crossplaying] Roys want to insinuate Ed x Roy and I don't even like that pairing. Keep it to yourself.

Idk if people still get butthurt about cosplayers who wear glasses, but I cannot wear contacts, so I wear my glasses and take them off for photos (if someone stops long enough to properly ask for one) and competition. But I can't see without them, so sorry I don't have the right color eyes or I'm ruining the image with my glasses.


Or people ask you to do some sketches or logo proposals, pay you maybe a little (I don't work unless I'm paid), and then you think, okay, they liked what I sent, we're going to start on the final project right? Nope, they email back saying they bought a logo online.

Got paid for the sketches, but lost to some shitty logo farm. Same thing when someone asks about a project, you send them a quote and get your hopes up you've got another freelance gig and then they reply back their designer was able to come through in time. I don't like being someone's last minute plan B.

>> No.6557218

In nature men didn't have to rape. In caveman days, women naturally surrendered when the man mates, allowing him to fuck when he pleases. In modern times women complicate this with their personal rights ("Now I'm the one who chooses!") which is an unnatural thing. What we now refer to as "rape" is really just a man needing to take what should naturally be given.

>> No.6557220

There was actually a girl on /r9k/ who posted timestamps and said she couldn't get off to any sex other than rape anymore, so she'd purposefully put herself in situations where she could get raped.

Makes you wonder how many girls actually want to go through with real rape if they could. I still remember how angry my sister got when I told her that it's perfectly possible women can enjoy rape because of these sorts of things. Bitch started clawing at me.

>> No.6557222

Have you heard of t South America/Africa/Eastern Europe/Asia? They all have problems with men forcing sex with a female its going to happen. Dressing a certain way introduces these ill behavior towards sick men. Sorry anon but I use to be ignorant as you when I was younger. When you grow older as a women you understand certain things and how the world really works.

I give 1/10 for not understanding how anything works inside of that bubble that you live.

>> No.6557227

I'm not a virgin, but I find it hard to believe that women cannot empathize with the fact virgin men have to put up with a lot at cons in the way of sexual stimulation, maybe if girls tried to tone it down just a bit, things would be easier.

>> No.6557228

Do you have a citation for that opinion, anon? It's true that genes do influence behavior, and environment does too (along with a plethora of other shit from psychology), but as a biologist I haven't read any scientific journals or studies that actually prove rapists are acting on primal instincts. I will admit that I saw a nature program on the Discovery channel many years ago that showed a male bat "raping" an unreceptive female. She was very distressed and looked physically beat afterwards, it was quite sad. Maybe that somehow plays into your argument, but I'm not sure how anthropomorphic the show may have been and how much animal rape was actually occurring is perhaps questionable.

>> No.6557229

Just spend a few minutes with any lolita at a meet and they would be more than happy to talk about the medications that they are taking

>> No.6557230

Women are more likely to get pregnant as a result of rape than normal sex.

>> No.6557234

>tfw south american
>cousin raped an underage girl
>family doesn't really care

>> No.6557235

>but as a biologist I haven't read any scientific journals or studies that actually prove rapists are acting on primal instincts.

Sexual aggression is a part of aggression as a whole, it's regulated by androgen receptors, inparticular NR3C4, this governs things like cortisol response levels through CAG repeats.

>> No.6557239


I really don't understand that. I've always been very embarrassed about things like that and work not to mention them as much as possible. I don't get why illnesses are treated like an accessory by some people.

>> No.6557241

You want a source? Research the the entire continent of Africa since they have a huge problem with rape. They also have documentaries on the crazy things they will do to this women besides rape. Biologist? You serious? I think that title should be stripped away from your basic lack of understanding of the world around you. How about some reading material from the Russian Manchurian rape campaign.

>> No.6557240

It's a troll. Do. not. respond.

>> No.6557242


Do you think the antidepressents are part of the reason the lolita community has a reputation for pretty heavy sexual promiscuity and kink?

>> No.6557244

So you take anti depressants?

>> No.6557247

Yes it starts with the anti-depressants and then it branches out into these gray shaded area that society looks down.

>> No.6557248


Who the hell do you hang out with? I'm pretty close to a lot of the girls in my comm, and none of them are on anti-depressants. We're all very open about medical crap, too--I could tell you what kind of BC they use, allergy medicine, heart conditions... maybe it's because my group has a lot of older girls and less "speshul snowflakes" than other groups, but I think assuming the majority of Lolitas are medicated is kind of ridiculous.

>> No.6557249


Have either of you ever been on Fetlife? It's full of lolitas from top to bottom into everything from rape to scat and piss.

I know it's not really the done thing to comment on this around lolitas, but I think lolita fashion is reflective of psychological problems moreso than cosplay. Every lolita I've met had problems with commitment and slept with lots of different men even though they admitted they ended up hating themselves for it.

>> No.6557251


That's not really anybody's business but mine. Not intended to be rude, but I hope you understand.

>> No.6557253

Yeah, no. It's about sex. It's about men who get hard seeing a girl and want to get off.

Power is a part of sex too, or do you forget that when you're asking to be dominated in bed?

>> No.6557252

rape is 99% about power over the victim kthanks

>> No.6557256

do normal lolitas actually exist?

normal as in no serious meds/psychological problems other than the occasional mild depression

>> No.6557255

>I could tell you what kind of BC they use

Don't you like, have any shame?

>> No.6557258

No, as a fashion it's an extension of a fetish called ageplay. There's widespread denial that the fashion lolita has anything to do with the fetish, but I've yet to meet a lolita who wasn't into ageplay as a fetish. Lolitas love the whole "daddy/daughter" stuff, they give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.6557260

Some do not mention personal matters such as the anti-depressants that they are on. This one told me she didn't want tell anybody about because it was none of there business. No they do not consider special snowflakes but they were fooled by the physician that they needed such drastic medication or taking hard drugs.

>> No.6557262


Rape is a cultural norm in certain parts of the world. Look at India, it's very common over there as recent news reports have attested. Also, Japan has a very active "virtual rape" culture to the point where I would argue rape is a part of the larger artistic cultural norm.

No, not telling someone to rape won't stop them, but there is evidence to support the claim (at least in Japan) that the availability of rape in sexually explicit media (i.e porn) conversely decreases the amount of sexual violence, particularly decreasing the amount of sexual violence towards individuals under age 13 [Diamond and Uchiyama 1999].

In the West, it is also documented that rapists are generally sexually repressed throughout childhood and adolescence and do not readily have access to porn. However, rape isn't always born of purely sexual frustration. [ibid]

tl;dr > rape porn makes people less likely to want to rape irl

>> No.6557259
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So much for this thread

Can i just say, this kind of bullshit grinds my gears?

>> No.6557266

Hey, sweetie. I have no problem with what you're into in your spare time, but I don't like the constant denial that your interest in lolita has nothing to do with your sexual fetishes, it insults both our intelligences.

>> No.6557263



I'm pretty sure that if there's a higher percentage of lolitas with a kink, that it's because people who are into alternative fashion are more likely to be open to or active in kink lifestyles. It's a product of alt fashion being more open and accepting, not drugs. What are you on to get such ridiculously uninformed ideas

I'm half-inclined to call troll...

>> No.6557267

A large portion take medication for psychiatric reasons and recreational drugs.

>> No.6557268

what kind of rock are you living under?
Im a dude who would be considered ugly.
I've been raped more than once.
Its mostly about power, and there have been studies done to prove this fact.
Sure there are exceptions to every rule, but yeah.

>> No.6557269

I agree with you that alt lifestyles tend to promote that sort of thing, but I disagree that it's all entirely devoid of psychological issues behind it. There's a lot of girls with absent father figures in lolita, and all of them are into daddy daughter fantasies, yourself included (I know who you are).

>> No.6557272

My local community has these sort of people? Well else do you want believe it or not I know what I see and im not liking it at all.

>> No.6557275

what grinds my gears, is all of the ftms.

to the ones into lolita: You're a man, fucking act like one.

to the cosplayers,esp in the homestuck fandom: I wanna see some real damn men thanks

>> No.6557276

Im not into lolita k thks, and my post had nothing to do with sexual fetishes. Im sad to see this thread turn into /r9k/ rape trolling

>> No.6557277


Not that I actually would, I was just making a point about how open we are with each other. I don't think there is anything wrong with women who trust each other sharing that kind of info.


Yes, they do. Don't listen to the trolls. Most of us are quite ordinary.

I'm calling troll on this one. You're an idiot if you seriously believe that.

>> No.6557280


Yes, but as stated above and found in "Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan, "Diamond and Uchiayama, 1999 (given that despite being very much an Eastern nation, Japan is Westernized and not presuming that incidents in third world countries will be the same, nor will motivations be the same as those in first world countries)...

While rape has a factor of sexual frustration more than likely born out of the sexual repression experienced growing up (sex negativity taught in the home, no outlets for sexual release via porn or masturbation, etc) rape is also very much a product of non-sexual frustrations and triggers.

Sources: above article. Not trying to brag, just trying to outline my credibility: I didn't just google this shit either, I've presented papers on rape in Japanese media at conferences. Not a professor, but I know a thing or two.

>> No.6557279


I'd be wary about what guys you share your kinks with, just as a heads up. Men tend to say all kinds of things to lead a girl to believe they're tolerant of it, but really they just say that to get into her pants.

I know a good majority of us lost our virginities fairly young here, so maybe that plays a role in the fact we're so into kink too.

>> No.6557284

How does that invalidate biology playing a role in the extent to which men are sexually aggressive?

You made no control for genetic factors. The fact Japan is still racially East Asian and thus will have different predispositions on an aggregate level as a population group than a white/european or black/african sample group

>> No.6557285


Eh I'm sure they do exist but out of the small sample of acquaintances of mine that are into lolita fashion..

They all have either:

A. Have cheated/lied/fucked over some poor guy

B. Have extreme self esteem issues/psychological issues

C. Have panic attacks once a week.

Again I hate overgeneralizing but when I say 'small sample' I literally mean ~10 girls and they all fall under A, B, C or a combination of 2+ categories

>> No.6557290

Oh wow that describes my local community very well they have at least one of the problems that you have listed.

>> No.6557291

Nice try, but I can guarantee that you do not know me.

Some fetishes may stem from psychological sources, but the majority are quite ordinary. I'm guessing you are either young and misinformed, in denial of your own issues, or trolling.

>> No.6557288

>A. Have cheated/lied/fucked over some poor guy

Yeah, this is another key feature of women into alternative fashions or hobbies. They're not just very promiscuous, they need sex a lot more than other girls. Maybe it's the drugs, maybe it's the lack of any real hobby beyond buying expensive clothes bought through prostitution money (sedentary lifestyle), but the fact is that lolitas are notorious for cheating on their boyfriends with other men.

>> No.6557293

trolls trolling trolls, trolling fucking if I know

>> No.6557294

>you do not know me

You didn't have a father figure growing up, we both know that.

>> No.6557296

This ridiculousness right here is my peeve. Too many idiots and trolls spreading misinformation and drama.

>> No.6557299

This actually makes me feel really depressed because looking back on it, this is exactly what guys who I've shared my kinks with have done to me.

Why do guys, even the really hot ones, lose respect and interest in us once we've had sex with them a few times?

>> No.6557300

>tfw love lolita fashion and wanted a lolita girlfriend
>tfw reading this thread

I'm not sure what I want now. Lolitas sound awful.

>> No.6557301

0/10, keep trying, troll.

Sage for off-topic. Can we get back to actual pet peeves and rants already, not this trolling bullshit?

>> No.6557305

There's nothing to 'try', I've hit the nerve because I know exactly who you are. I'm not a dick though (unlike the guys you date) so I'm not going to say anything more about who you are.

>> No.6557306


This isn't trolling from my end.

I pointed out potential flaws in my argument, e.g. the small sample size and overgeneralizations

I even admitted that there are definitely outliers since we're talking about a large population here

Please don't cherry pick when I am honestly trying to be fair to both sides

>> No.6557304

> Don't you like, have any shame?

Assuming BC stands for birth control, why is it an issue to talk about it? I have a LARC, and I'm happy to answer people's questions about it, since I did a lot of research before I got it, and the information we get in school is almost non-existent. I just want my friends to make the right decisions with as much information as possible. I've even handed out leaflets and everything.

Of course, if you meant it would be shameful to share their information on 4chan, then I agree.

>> No.6557309


You're basically admitting to being fairly slutty by talking openly about birth control so young

>> No.6557307

it varies.
my girlfriend is a lolita and shes actually a normal, well adjusted girl with normal hobbies and interests.

>> No.6557308

Don't take it seriously, it's mostly trolls. There will always be a few bad apples (drama queens and home wreckers) but those people exist everywhere. The majority of us are perfectly normal.

>> No.6557316

Oh come on, now you're not even trying. What are you, a 40-year-old white male Republican?

Sage for feeding the trolls.

>> No.6557323

Why should we take you seriously when they are the ones trying to explain it the best way possible but you insult them instead.

>> No.6557324


Not that troll, but why do you say white and male like it's a negative thing?

Furthermore, why do you associate misogyny with white males?

Do black and asian males have a strong history and culture of respecting women that I'm not aware of?

>> No.6557328

Actually, as a loli in my experience the sluttiest girls are by far the cosplayers. Cosplayers are the ones who obsess over making tiny little costumes purely to show off their tits, or go to cons like ALA to get high/drunk and hook up with sleazy assholes like Hobbes or Coffee. I don't know a single loli who likes the kind of sleazy asian men that cosplayers do. Let alone into going to 'room parties' with them.

>> No.6557330


>only asian male (ching chong chinese) in history class
>class is studying ancient chinese history
>professor talks about foot binding the women and all the messed up foot shit they used to do
>get WTF looks


>> No.6557331

It's a stereotype of the kind of American that would call birth-control users sluts. It's pretty commonly used, so I didn't expect it to be confusing. No need to go all MRA about it.

>> No.6557333

I thought about that because I swear I thought that all countries suffered from this problem. Must be one of those yuppy freshmen students attending university and spreading political ideals.

>> No.6557334

That's true. It's important to note all the really messed up "sex scandals" always involve cosplayers. Just look at that girl who took a video of herself pissing for her kawaii azn bf. Disgusting.

>> No.6557335


Coffee isn't even on the west coast /I think he's dated the same chick for years

Hobbes is still a virgin

>> No.6557337

We already know they they are off the chair when it comes to being nutty. My biggest concern is that the lolita community brushes this drug problem to the side because its "ok". I wish the mods would do something in raising awareness.

>> No.6557338

What grinds my gears is that anime cosplay is now the minority at anime cons. I mean, for fuck's sake, the con's clearly labeled as an anime con, so why do you think Doctor Who/Homestuck/Adventure Time is an anime? It'd be fine if it were a small percentage of the cosplay, but nowadays, cons are just a sea of grey paint and Fionna closet-cosplay. And I mean, yeah, there were shitty, over-prevalent fandoms in the past (Naruto, Hetalia, etc.), but at least those had some vaguely interesting character designs.

>> No.6557344


Just have fun bro

Most people don't bitch when animu characters are cosplayed at comic book conventions

Y u haef to be mad is only cosplay

>> No.6557345

Comparatively speaking, white men have treated their women pretty well.


Perhaps this was a mistake in the long run.

>> No.6557342

Lel. She's half-assedly cosplayed like 2-3 characters at all.

>> No.6557347


I think what's more telling about that shit is that the entire board defended Yuka when it, namely that video, leaked.

>> No.6557349
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I like cosplaying lolis and getting fucked by my big dicked non-white bf.

>> No.6557353
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I lol'd

>> No.6557356

I like trolling trolls.

>> No.6557360

Uh, we're all eighteen? You know, two years over the legal age (four years in most of the rest of the world)...

Also sage for replying to a troll.

>> No.6557374

Because recent anime sucks ass and no one watches old shit anymore? I cosplayed from Ranma 1/2 and no one knew what I was, it sucked.

>> No.6557486

Real nerds stay at home.

>> No.6557497

This. I don't feel like many anime con goers know anything about anime anymore. My friend runs a fun game show panel where he shows amvs with multiple anime or video games and two contestants go back and forth naming a show that was in it until one is stumped. Last couple times her ran it there were rounds where people couldn't name more than 2 and they weren't really that hard. One guy was even struggling to remember the title to Cardcaptor Sakura.

>> No.6557517

My cosplaying SO will jump around and act like a social butterfly jackass at cons and be almost unbearable to be around. I'd bail out if there wasn't more to their personality. Most cons require gallons of booze in order to not care, though.

>> No.6557524

I hate it when someone spends weeks buttering me up and pretending to be my friend, not only to then ask me for a free commission or to get them a badge for a con, but then to completely drop me when I say I can't. I'm so gullible, and dumb enough to think people like me, so it hurts every time.

>> No.6557537
File: 378 KB, 619x541, 1355101432236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the worst thing that ever happened to me, and ground my gears the most, was when I agreed to be in a group with a bunch of people for a convention that was a considerable distance away and was in another country.

I joined under the presumption that since I was rooming with them that I was going to drive my car to meet up with them in the nearest city and then carpool over the border with them. I thought that was the deal anyway. That's what they said when I first joined. But last minute they pretended like that was never the plan and were like "Well we don't have enough room in x's car soooo..."

And it's like if they wanted me out they could have just said so, shit. If I was going to waste all the money in gas to drive myself then I would just get a hotel room for myself too. The point of going with a group is to save money. So I wound up not going. Sucked. But I couldn't afford the trip in gas last minute like that.

>> No.6557550

So you dont like your SO at cons because their friendly?

>> No.6557573

how does that even happen? mind explaining the beginning phase of the butter-up?

>> No.6557625

They have super ADHD that they're on medication for now and conventions only exacerbate the symptoms. It's exhausting being dragged around because they need help with their costume or they get too drunk and need someone to babysit them for a while. Sometimes I just want to have a nice, relaxing dinner at the expensive hotel restaurant that the majority of the attendees can't afford and be away from the chaos while enjoying time spent alone with my SO.

>> No.6557673
File: 19 KB, 532x387, lulzargument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these kinds of stupid arguments people make just to prove their, so called, intelligence

>> No.6557850

the trans community getting all up in my cosplay.
Gtfo you guys

>> No.6558139

But...they're right tho.
Acting like stuck up brats over clothes isn't cute.

>> No.6558281


No one does this tho