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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6531007 No.6531007 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Unwritted Rules
Lets here your rules when it comes to cosplay and conventions.

>> No.6531011

Don't block halls.
Ignore candid photographers.
Eat real food.

>> No.6531013

Seal your fucking bodypaint or I will set you on fire.

>> No.6531015

Don't be an asshole to other convention goers.
Don't take someone's picture without their permission.

>> No.6531050

Its my camera and your in public. I'll take your picture whether or not you want me to.
You don't want your picture taken? Don't put on a costume and then parade around in public.

>> No.6531058


quit your goddamn whining

>> No.6531070

whoah calm down dude
it's just a guideline if you don't wanna look like a creep

>> No.6531132

>I'd rather take shit, candid pictures of cosplayers than ask for one in-character.
>I like creeping on cosplayers.
I know to ignore them, but it's still annoying.

>> No.6531188


wow ur an idiot

>> No.6531264

Expect me to turn around the minute you hit click, ass. :)

>> No.6531289

what's up with the attitude asshat? did you ever think that maybe if you ask for a photo the cosplayer will stop and pose just for you and you can have a nice photo instead of some awkward mid sentence half in frame shit.

>> No.6532296

'i've never been to a convention and i can write rules'
is now a rule.

>> No.6532314 [DELETED] 

It's probably in response to the cosplayers' attitude. ("YOU CAN'T TAKE A PICTURE OF ME UNLESS I SAY IT'S OKAY!")

In public you can take pictures of whatever the fuck you want. The only reason to ask is if you want them to pose for the picture. Expecting everyone to ask consent for a public photo is a diva move.

>> No.6532317

dont fucking glomp me. if im not in costume, and you know me well enough to react that way (only two people i know can) then ok. don't fucking grab me. I put hours of hard work into my costume and I don't want it fucked up because you can't keep your hands to yourself.

as least give a real effort in cosplay. if someone gives you constructive criticism (not 'you look like shit, just stop') listen to them, they may have a point and your best interests at heart. and don't give up.

also cosplay something you ahve an avid interest in. dressing as something you don't care too much about is disrespectful to the people who do love it and really hard to stay into character.

>> No.6532320

Or, they spent a lot of time on their costume, they want to look their best for photos, and would rather not have someone take pictures of them in mid-bite while they're eating.
It is a common courtesy, even in non-cosplay situations, to ask someone before taking pictures of them. It has nothing to do with "diva"-ness. It has to do with people not being creepers.

>> No.6532361

How is taking a picture of something you find cool, without going through the hassle of asking a permission, creepy? It's just really irritating when you ask for a photo, and the subject begins hufflepuffing with her entourage to make sure that everything is perrrfect, from pose to makeup.
Usually I want to snatch a photo simply because I can quickly show it to a friend later and say "Look, there was this cool X cosplay too!".

If I find the cosplay particularly interesting, of course I will try to get the best shot of it, but that isn't always the case. I take a shitload of pictures every time I go to a con.

>> No.6532401

Going around taking pictures of people without asking is rude, no matter what they're wearing. Of course it's a waste of time and energy for a cosplayer to demand people ask permission for every single picture, but your attitude is kind of snotty too. They're still people, not objects.

>> No.6532454


This. It's snotty to expect every single person to ask for permission as the cosplayer, but it's also incredibly rude as the photographer to take candids.

People are people regardless of what they're wearing and it's just common courtesy to ask.

>> No.6532463

If you don't have the money, time, or expertise to cosplay a certian character wait until you are able to gain funds or extra time, and don't (for the love of all that is holy) try to sew pieces of fabric together and wear a shitty wig expecting other people to know who you are cosplaying.

Try cosplaying something simple to start off and as your skills improve try the more complicated cosplays.

>> No.6532464

Keep your clothes on, last thing I want to see is your fat ass playing shadow ninja or whatever shit you 'tards make up to pass the time.

Get a room or something, why the hell are you sleeping in the middle of the con.

Don't hug me, I'll jab your rib.

I have no problem getting into a fist fight with you if you go overboard.

>> No.6532467

>also cosplay something you ahve an avid interest in. dressing as something you don't care too much about is disrespectful to the people who do love it and really hard to stay into character.

This. Pisses me off when certain cosplayers dress up as a character and know nothing about them. "Oh, I dressed up because it's sexy" Slut.

>> No.6532490

I'm glad I caused a shitstorm just because I take pictures without giving a fuck what the cosplayer thinks.
Fucking reporters don't ask permission when snapping photos for the news.

>> No.6532498

you're such a meanie head, I hope you get hit by a drunk driver.

>> No.6532503

You probably just lack social skills and are too afraid to ask. Seek therapy.

Either that or you're just a creepy neckbeard.

>> No.6532504


>"I don't need to extend a common courtesy to other human beings because [blank] doesn't!"

>> No.6532505

That attitude is why I don't ask before snapping photos.

>I don't want people taking my pictures without my permission
>snap photos anyway
>I hope you get hit by a drunk driver

Almost as ridiculous as
>You took the cookie from the jar I hope you get cancer

>> No.6532506

I'm pretty sure news reporters are actually protected by some law or another, you aren't. Why would you want a shitty candid shot and not one that he cosplayer is ready for? Do you really want a picture of someone who doesn't want their picture taken so badly that you have to do it behind their backs? That's kind of creepy.

>> No.6532507

Why do I give a fucking care what some slut I'm never gonna see again thinks?

Its called taking what I want and not giving a shit what you think.

>> No.6532508

Whoever said I take pictures behind people's backs? I get right up in front of them and snap the fucking photo. If they complain I tell them to fuck off.

>> No.6532511
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creepy neckbeard confirmed

>> No.6532516
File: 48 KB, 128x136, md7imwzM7S1qfzowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound angry, guy.

Do you not have a lot of friends? Why are you such a bitch to random cosplayers?

>> No.6532517

Stop being mean, meanie, I hope your family are victims of the next terrorist attack.

>> No.6532522

Typical /cgl/ logic. Anyone that doesn't do what YOU want is a creepy neckbeard.

I have a lot of friends actually. And I'm not angry. I just don't give a fuck about random cosplayers I'm never gonna see again.
If I actually gave 2 fucks about their opinion I'd be courteous to them.

>> No.6532523

But...but what if she's with some boyfriend with lots of muscles and he's a UFC fighter and he doesn't like it and takes you down...? Aren't you worried something like that would happen? Or at least a crazy knife wielding boyfriend?

>> No.6532526

>taking boyfriends to cons
Oh God how much my ex annoyed me with that shit...

>> No.6532528

But what if the girl you're taking a pic turns out to be a crazy STD infested girl when you wake up in the morning with?

>> No.6532530

I have NEVER seen a cosplayers boyfriend who looks like he's a UFC fighter or a crazy knife wielding maniac.
Also I'll laugh at him from the grave as he goes to prison for the rest of his life for killing some guy just cause he took a picture of his girlfriend.

>> No.6532533

lol ~so brave on the internet~

>> No.6532536

Bet most of those pictures are loaded with motion blur from inattentive cosplayers who are walking away from you or just by you.

>> No.6532537

But what if you can't laugh because you are dead? Will you be a zombie and then laugh? Or...just dead?

>> No.6532544

That's why I said
>laugh from the grave

Actually I'm a pretty avid photographer. I've been taking photos of wildlife, sceneries, and people for over 10 years. I've taken many photography classes when I was in college. I know how to handle a camera.
I only go to cons with a large group of friends cause they are boring solo. And none of them care about random cosplayers either.

>> No.6532545

>Giving me a rose isn't going to get me to have sex with you. Those girls on the other hand....

>> No.6532546

Do you have sex with your subjects?

>> No.6532549

No. I only fuck my girlfriend.

>> No.6532551

Have you ever experienced physical confrontations with overprotective people in cons? (I'm just curious honestly, hope you don't mind my questions)

>> No.6532559

I've had girls get pissy, but I tell them what I told /cgl/. If you don't want your picture taken don't walk around in public dressed in a costume.

>> No.6532561

They probably do want their picture taken, just with a bit of a warning beforehand to look extra slutty.

>> No.6532567

Not that you care of the reactions of pissy cosplayers, but what would be the worst experience you had with one?

>> No.6532571

So basically you treat cosplayers the same way you would photograph animals or insects or background props.
You sound like a reeeeal prize.

>> No.6532572

I've had one of two try to get me thrown out of the con claiming harassment. Con staff said taking pictures in a public setting is not considered harassment.

Eh I like natural pictures better. Looks better than poses.

>> No.6532576

Don't fucking take other people's stuff.
I have a friend who cosplayed as Lin from Spirited Away and she carried a basket of konpeito. It was quite expensive to fill the basket as she had to buy them all online.
As she was walking around the con, people kept sticking their hands in the basket and grabbing handfuls to eat. It was just so rude.

For the cosplay I'm working on now, I'll be carrying a basket of apples around and I'm worried people will grab them as I pass.

>> No.6532577

My girlfriend thinks so. There's no need to be courteous to people you meet for 5 minutes and then never see again.
She agrees.

>> No.6532578

Does your girlfriend cosplay?

Have cosplayers hit on you because you were a photographer? "Nice camera you got there sexy"

>> No.6532579

use wax or soap apples, enjoy reaction from thieves.

>> No.6532581

This thread ....Right, back to unwritten rules, here are mine:

-Don't touch my costume/props without my permission. Chances are I will let you touch them after I tell you to be careful.

-Give me like a second to get ready for a picture, I want you to have a nice picture of me and I think you'd want a nice picture, too.

-No glomping. Just no...

-No pictures on the steps or hallways. People are usually trying to get by!


That's all for now.

>> No.6532582

Unfortunately, my girl won't cosplay in public.
And no I've never had cosplayers hit on me for being a photographer.

>> No.6532588

Okay, I was wondering if there was a pattern, female cosplayers who have boyfriends are either photographers themselves or cosplayers.

What's the best cosplay you seen so far?

Do you compliment cosplayers if they actually did a good job on their costumes?

>> No.6532593


I don't really understand your attitude. Just snapping a shot from someones side, back or friend is going to end up being some kind of weird candid shot. Or blurry. I have never seen a candid shot of myself where I didn't look like terrible and wasn't doing something dumb with my hands.

Do you know why I like people to ask before taking a photo? I can quickly fix my wig, hide my con badge and ask a friend to hold my bag. Then I can look around me to make sure we aren't in the way or find a slightly nicer spot, pose nicely and smile or be in character for you.

I have no problem with anyone taking my photo. I don't care if hoards of people do without asking if I'm already stopped and prepared. As a cosplayer, I just want to give you my best and would appreciate if you took just a moment. It would ensure the photo you are taking is nice, clear and that I am presenting my costume and character in the best possible way.

As a side note, I have been interviewed by a few reporters as well as have been in the news paper and most of them have you sign a release a form or ask your permission. If you go up to a person and public and take a photo of them without warning most of them would be a lot more offended than a cosplayer as well.

Why are you so angry towards cosplayers anon? A lot of us are wearing the costumes with the intent to take pictures with people, we're not going to say no if you ask nicely and want to share our hard work with you.

>> No.6532595


Ahah, that's actually a really cool idea. Thing is, I wanted to hand some out if I saw any Disney or Once cosplayers (As unlikely as that is.) so I don't know if I could do that.

>> No.6532596

>Do you compliment cosplayers if they actually did a good job on their costumes?

Usually only if its a character or series I like.

"The best cosplay I've seen" is kind of subjective. I tend to favor cosplays of characters I like. Like some good Sailor Moon, Fushigi Yuugi, Precure, etc.
I saw a really nice Magic Knight Rayearth one year.

>> No.6532600

>Why are you so angry towards cosplayers anon?

Again, I'm not angry towards you. I'm very very neutral towards you. I don't know you, therefore I don't give a fuck about you.

>> No.6532602

well, you could use mix them, sour apples as a trap, red ones as something for your friends?

>> No.6532604

You don't need to give a fuck about someone to be polite. That's just basic human decency.

>> No.6532605

Oh, I got a question, have you ever had cosplay sex?

>> No.6532608

Yeah. Its one of the kinky things we like.

>> No.6532611

Lucky. lol

I think I'm out of questions though, thanks for feeding my curiosity!

>> No.6532612

No problem.

>> No.6532651

This. You don't have to know someone to afford them basic politeness polite to them. And I don't mean "OH GOSH CAN I GET THAT DOOR FOR YOU? CAN I DO THIS THAT AND THE OTHER FOR YOU?" That's not what basic, functioning in society like a non-asshole politeness is. You don't have to give them diva treatment either.

How hard is it to get a photo without being creepy as fuck and without saying anything to the cosplayer? Not hard at all, there are a ton of non-verbal cues you can use and not be rude or creepy.

Hold your camera/phone/photo-taking device up and people get the hint, it gives them a few seconds time to pose so your photo doesn't look like you were creepily taking photos of them while they eat, talk, etc. I totally get why and how people like taking AS MANY pics of costumes at a con, but it takes only seconds to hold your camera up in front of a cosplayer and then they will pose, you take your pic, just nod your head if you can't be assed to say "thanks", and be on your way.

Not that hard and it didn't require any words at all. Imagine that!

>> No.6532672

Most of you seem to miss the vital point that making casual photos, without cosplayers posing/being ready for/ has much more value, because otherwise (with cosplayers posing etc) is just bland and boring. Only this way (thought hard and rare even in this case) can one really make something of worth and interesting.

>> No.6532682

>can one really make something of worth and interesting.

Hahaha what

>> No.6532700

>Fucking reporters don't ask permission when snapping photos for the news.

Actually to use any photos they take you have to sign a release. Nice try though.

>> No.6532702

I like casual photos more than posed photos cause they look more natural.
Again, I don't give 2 shits about your opinion. I'll take your picture whenever I damn well feel like it.

>> No.6532706

No they don't. How do you think photographers get away with selling photos they take of celebrities to the fucking tabloids?

>> No.6532709
File: 266 KB, 450x253, 1341433294484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking reporters and the fucking paparazzi is the same shit

>> No.6532712

The point is there are people out there that take pictures without permission and get paid for it.

>> No.6532717

>implying these people aren't scum of the earth
>implying you aren't scum of the earth

>> No.6532721

the point is that you compared yourself to a reporter, a respectable professional that usually covers meaningful news or human interest stories. What you are really like is the paparazzi, a pack of rabid drama fueled dick bags that invade people's personal space and often private property to take really shitty photos and sell it to the tabloids.

Do you see the difference? Do you see why what a reporter does is not inappropriate but what the paparazzi (and you) is doing is?

>> No.6532723

Simmer down bro. I don't have to like, agree with, or even "give 2 shits about your opinion" either. It was just a suggestion for non-verbal ways to get photos without rustling jimmies. Who knows, you could even meet people that are pretty nice if you talked to them instead of taking candids and running. But hey, if you like your "natural" and voyeuristic approach, that's your prerogative. Just don't expect to make any friends while doing this and avoiding people.

>> No.6532727

I have tons of friends if you'd have bothered to read my posts. And again I don't take candids and run. I walk up in front of the person snap the photo and walk away. If they get pissy I tell em to fuck off.

>> No.6532730

Can you explain this? I've never used body paint before. How do you seal it?

>> No.6532742

You come into a cosplay board, admit to taking cosplay candids without permission, are
rude to people who ask you not to, and get pissy defensive when people here tell you to knock it off. Were you expecting medals or something?

And yes, please tell us more about how much ~you don't care~

>> No.6532744

I didn't say you had no friends and I have been reading your posts. What I said was that it didn't sound like you MADE many friends with the people you took photos of. Your general "fuck em' all" attitude didn't exactly make you sound friendly or approachable.

>> No.6532750

>everyone should accept my terms, but I don't have to care about theirs!

what are you? 14?

>> No.6532753

Well I don't go to cons to make new friends. We go to cons to have fun and look for rare shit at the dealer's room.

u mad? ya u mad.

>> No.6532757

>cant think of rebuttal
>u mad

>> No.6532759

>Eh I like natural pictures better. Looks better than poses.

>I walk up in front of the person snap the photo and walk away.

Post some of your photos. Seriously, I have to see these amazing FAR SUPERIOR candid photos.

>> No.6532762

Be nice to people
Ask for hugs
Don't block halls or elevators (seriously, at Akicon people always just camp in the elevators and it's really frustrating 'cause whenever you try to get to your room it's already at capacity)
Don't shove through doorways

I dunno, every convention I've been to has generally been a good experience. I do have to agree about the asking for pictures though. I remember once I was resting my head at a table and when I lifted it I found a couple girls taking pictures of me laughing going "haha Link is taking a nap!". I thought it was kind of awkward and I could easily see how that would piss off a lot of people. I shouldn't have been napping in public (even if it was off to the side) but people taking pictures of sleeping people is weird

>> No.6532763

Well I haven't been to a con in over 2 years so I don't have any cosplay pictures still stored on the camera.

>> No.6532768

A likely story, I knew you couldn't prove anything. Stop being a dick hole.

>> No.6532772

You spend the time taking candids and don't bother uploading them to a computer, burning them to a disc, putting them on a flash drive, etc?

Hahaha, great excuse. You've got one for everything.

>> No.6532777

After you apply your body paint, seal it with a powder (most people use a clear translucent powder or baby powder), then spritz yourself with a sealing spray (Ben Nye Final Seal or something similar). Easy enough and it keeps your body paint from sweating off and getting everywhere! Common courtesy, really.

>> No.6532779

>Don't block halls or elevators

good lord, at the last con I went to there was a pack of kids filming something infront of the escalators. I asked them if they could move because they were blocking traffic and they tried to give me lip. I got them to move, not without a lot of attitude from them. I don't understand how you are so unaware of your surroundings. I always try to move out of the way if someone stops me for a photo in a major walkway.

>> No.6532784

they're definitely 14

>> No.6532791

They sound young. They're probably still in the glorious teenage phase where the "world is your stage and you're the star", meaning no one else on the planet matters e.g. Photoshoot in the middle of a busy highway? "Well those fucking drivers HAVE to stop for me. I'm that important."

Unless someone teaches them to not block high traffic areas, let people on the elevators [or anything else] get off before bum rushing to get on it, yea, they're not going to know what's kosher behavior.

>> No.6532820

I haven't had so much experience with full body paint so maybe it works differently but with the small things (tattoos etc) which I have had painted on I have just had hairspray on it and it works quite well as long as you don't smudge it against someone. Got 2 Be is the hairspray.

>> No.6532838

Indeed, small things like tattoos etc. can be set with powder and sealed with hairspray and be fine.

Anything going on your face though, you want to use super face/skin-friendly products, hence the actual makeup sealer.

>> No.6532846

Quick question: do you have to re-apply the hair spray to keep the seal on every few hours or no?

>> No.6532855

What the heck are my terms here?

I just take bypassing photos of them, just like some fancy statue or something. If I stopped and asked everyone a permission, that would take my whole weekend.

>> No.6532859

.....they're people though
not statues

>> No.6532865


I'd say maybe give people a smile and hold up your camera to give them some warning. Leave them alone if they wave you away. That would maybe work better than just getting in their face and taking them by surprise.

>> No.6532872

You didn't read all of my post >>6532651 you just figured I disagreed with you and then hit reply.

Even >>6532865 suggested the same thing. Raise your camera and people get what you want. Nonverbal cues, not that hard to do and they won't take all weekend. They take seconds to get a person's attention, then you take a photo, and walk away.

But you haven't been to a con in 2 years so why do you even bother posting your opinions?

>> No.6532881

>There's no need to be courteous to people you meet for 5 minutes and then never see again.

What the fuck? What is wrong with you that you would actually think that? Manners only matter to people you know? How the hell were you raised?
Manners, courtesy, and not being a dick don't go out the window just because you don't know the person.
And where does this end with you? I imagine you are the kind of asshole who sees someone running for an elevator and presses the door close button while laughing at them.

>> No.6532898

I'm not the same dude you were replying to.
I do smile, though, if they do notice me. If they are preoccupied with something I just snap the photo and be on my way.

>> No.6532916

Agreed and adding, just because you never see someone again doesn't mean your behavior doesn't matter. People always remember a bitch/asshole/douchebag what have you. It doesn't matter if you are a cosplayer, lolita, photographer, or even a nameless asshole with a camera such as yourself. If you keep up the behavior that annoys people, word always gets around, then you have a reputation.

>> No.6532924

I'd never hug a cosplayer...unless it was KOS-MOS...I'd be tempted to ask...

>> No.6532928


and then that's when the "accidents" start to happen.

>> No.6532969

>I imagine you are the kind of asshole who sees someone running for an elevator and presses the door close button while laughing at them.

I only do that if its a fatty hambeast whale bitch.
And I feel good about it.

>> No.6532982

wow you really are a grade a dickhead

>> No.6532985



So...you talk to you own hand?

That's unhealthy.

>> No.6532988

It's even more hilarious because chances are you're a "fatty hambeast whale" too, except with a neckbeard and a unibrow.

>> No.6532992

It's my mom, idiot.


>> No.6533000

Nah actually I'm really tall and emaciated. Like 6 foot 120 lbs. I'm like a stick.

>hurr durr

>> No.6533002

prove with a pic and a timestamp that you aren't a fatty neckbeard then

or do you have an excuse for that too? camera's broken? webcam's broken?

>> No.6533016

No I could post a pic but i'm not gonna. I don't want my picture out there after I've just spent an entire thread pissing off entitled cosplayers.
And I really don't care if you think i'm not emaciated and you can see my rib cage through the flesh on my chest.

>> No.6533019


>> No.6533021


>> No.6533020

Hambeast w/ a neckbeard detected.
You're not fooling anyone, go back to /v/ and maybe they'll believe in your pretend girlfriend.

>> No.6533024

Whether or not I'm a hambeast or have a girlfriend is irrelevant. I've completely derailed the thread and thoroughly pissed off many people. And I'm laughing the entire time.

>> No.6533036

> Don't wear gigantic cosplays in small areas and get mad when people bump into you or step on your costume. Same rule goes for HUGE wings, long dress trains/capes. Save the big cosplays for Masquerades, photoshoots, or wide open spaces.

> Keep the babies/toddlers at home or in kid-friendly places. Last year so many panels were hard to hear because of crying/babbling kids. Nobody feels like maneuvering around a gigantic double-stroller in the dealers room, either.

> Treat the hotel rooms/staff/property very nicely. So many rules and regulations have come around because somebody decides to smear body paint all over the walls, or stack 12 people in a room meant for 2 people, or pulled the fire alarm/played with fire extinguishers, etc. Is it so hard to be a mature adult and keep things relatively neat in places that aren't yours?

> Bathe regularly and use effective deodorant/powder (Don't slather yourself in cheap cologne, perfume, body spray, etc. It doesn't work!!!). Showering takes only 15 minutes out of your day, and it's worth it.

>> No.6533038

you a reporter?

>> No.6533039

No you didn't, actually. You're the epitome of 'what not to do at a con'.
You're just claiming you're "trolololol"ing because you're too ashamed to admit how pathetic you are.

>> No.6533066

Oh my god, you're 14 :3 You're a dumb pudgy baby, this is so fucking cute.

>> No.6533079

I think he's just waffling. It's so awkward. I don't see how he could have made anyone MAD, but there's an aftertaste of secondhand embarrassment

>> No.6533148

You're free to think that if you want.
I've already had my fun.

>> No.6533205

I like the use of the "I'm just trollan" clause.

>> No.6533683

>saying shit like "I've already had my fun"

It's like I'm really in middle school!

>> No.6533732

Just because someone isn't dressed decently doesn't mean that you are no longer responsible for acting like a decent human being.

Stop being an asshole. Ask before you take a picture. It's not that hard.

>> No.6533740


You've got your lack of respect for other human beings and their privacy/ feelings/ beliefs, and you've got your blatant arrogant anime--villain-tryhard-damage-control responses to things not going according to plan. It's wonderful.

>> No.6533754

It's... my first con coming up (ACEN).

What should I expect and do? I'm not really dressing up because I don't have the skill nor time to make a nice costume.

I mostly want to go and see all the exciting costumes people come up with.

Any tips for a first time con-goer? I checked the chanarchives and only saw horror story threads.

>> No.6533767

Don't wear glitter (aka convention herpes)

>> No.6533772


Stay hydrated and remember to eat! It's really easy to forget or put it off because you're busy and there's a lot to see.

Be mindful of people taking photos and try not to walk into the shot. It can be easy to do this by accident.

Don't just buy stuff because you have money. Be sure you really want it!

Get a bunch of pictures and have a ton of fun. Don't go expecting ill will or with a bad attitude and don't feel left out just because you're out of costume, enjoy the atmosphere!

Bathe. BATHE. And bring anti-perspirant.

Bring a spare change of clothes on top of the clothing you've brought for your stay just in case.

Keep an eye on your bag and pockets.

>> No.6533785

I know this is a weird question.. but is this a good place to make friends and... meet girls?

>> No.6533795

Get to panels/events early. Anymore it seems like cons are over-crowded and most don't allow room stuffing. If all the chairs are full, you're not allowed in.

Always have a Plan B. If you can't get into that panel or if the dealer's room is boring, what next?

Sleep at least 6 hrs. Sleep deprivation will mess you up.

>> No.6533807


Cons are great places to make friends if you're outgoing and friendly. I won't lie, it's considerably easier to make friends if you're in costume.

As far as meeting girls goes, I'd say it depends on the vibe you give off. Don't go there looking to pick up girls, just sort of roll with "maybe I'll meet a cool girl and get talking" rather than "I will try to pick up girls at this here convention."
Just go with the flow and don't be scared to talk to people. Don't follow people around though, or keep trying to talk to them if they look uncomfortable.

>> No.6533820


Missing out on a panel is one of my biggest fears.

>> No.6533824

>don't sit on the floor during conventions
thats always bothered me. for a reason or sit the fuck outside.
>don't yell memes at the top of your lungs. in fact, don't say memes at all
>make sure you have somewhere to put your stuff, if not, get a friend to mind your stuff and make sure they're okay with that
>get at least eight hours. con routine: shower before, deoderise, shower after, deoderise
i always use mitchum odorless. never smelt bad ever.
its supposed to be a family event. there will be people who don't get your inside jokes and people who don't like being touched.
>do the "once around." go around the convention once and then mark the stalls you really like to buy from on your map (they still give these out don't they?)
i didn't do this once and i bought a plushie for $25. at another stall, the exact same plushie was $5. pays to wait sometimes.

>> No.6533866

>don't yell memes at the top of your lungs. in fact, don't say memes at all

oh god, this reminds me....
>be at acen
>first time at a con
>with a bunch of immature friends (teenagers at the time)
>they are shouting random memes
>embarrassed as hell
>stray behind them, try to pretend i'm not with them
>they start rolling down one of the hallways that's on a slant
>come on guys don't do that
>they do a bunch of other stupid, embarrassing shit the rest of the weekend
>consider never going to a con again

needless to say, i found better friends and i didn't go to acen or any other con with them ever again. horrible first con experience though, considering some of the other things they did.

>> No.6533910

In regards to weirdos who get to close what is a good way to handle them without overreacting?

>> No.6533952

Fuck not overreacting. Some creep gets too close, tell them to fuck off.

>> No.6533956


pretty much this. if they don't fuck off, alert friends or con security.

>> No.6533969

Just smile and back away, put your hands up and give them a physical cue.

If they persist tell them politely and calmly that you're not comfortable being so close to other people you don't know, and if they persist even MORE that they are invading your personal space and you are feeling threatened and will report them to staff if they don't leave you alone.

>> No.6534002

When you get your schedule, check to see which panels run multiple times and which are exclusive. I always loosely rank mine: what's a must-see vs what's just something to chill in because I'm bored of walking around. For the must-see's I make sure I'm there early and see if there's already a line. You'd be surprised what panels people will line up for.

>> No.6534263

>Keep an eye on your bag and pockets.

THIS. I've read reports of people's stuff being taken from pickpockets. Keep that shit secure and if someone bumps into you, make sure your stuff is still there afterwards.

>> No.6534282

Check your pockets after random hugs, too.

>> No.6535009

Honestly I'd rather people take candid shots of me if I was in costume.

Only because when I get asked to pose for photos I always end up making a really awkward face. I don't know why, cameras just make me nervous. I just don't do so well purposely posing for cameras, I don't know how to pose.

>> No.6535016

I've also never attended a major convention due to fear of being 'glomped'. More just the fear I'd deck whoever did that. I would smash their noses, poke their eyeballs, or just go apeshit and get sent to jail.

I think that counts. As annoying as 'glompers' are, I think not breaking their noses count as a rule.

>> No.6535024
File: 294 KB, 1227x637, banjees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the topic of bags and pockets, I have a tip.

Find "traveler-friendly" backpacks. Normally backpacks with zippers on the outside would make it easy for someone walking behind you to unzip things and take your stuff without you knowing (unless you padlock the double zippers which is impractical if you need to get into your bag often etc.)

Traveler-friendly backpacks are made to have zipper compartment on the back of the bag (the part that touches your back) so no one can get into your bag without pulling it off you first. And it's really not an inconvenience to you since most people take their bag off to get into it anyway. They come in all sizes and shapes. I got mine from Eddie Bauer and it probably cost $25 but very tough, like all their products, so it was well spent.

As for pockets, if you can add snaps, zips, or velcro to pockets on pre-existing garments, do it. If you're making your costumes, add some discreet pockets and secure them with the aforementioned.

If you don't have pockets you can secure and if your costume allows, wrist wallets are pretty boss. They look kinda derpy on their own but if you conceal them under a sleeve, no one knows anything. I have one made with lycra that zips. I put all my important cards in it, some cash, eye drops, a chap stick, AND my smartphone in it. It was a great way to have what I needed without carrying a bag.

>> No.6535058

After years of cons I'm pleased to report that no one has come out of nowhere to hug me. Everyone has asked first or it's been a mutual hug.

I expect people to take random pictures of me but I prefer you ask first. I also appreciate it when people give me a business card so I can find the photo later.

And for the love of everything holy if you're just going to fap to the picture later, don't TELL ME. I don't care, I just don't want to know.

And some friendly information, if someone touches you in a way you don't like (even if they aren't intending you harm) they can be charged with simple assault of sexual harassment depending on what they do. Know your rights.

And lastly, if you have breasts and are not super ugly or fat you'll probably be asked to to go some random guy's hotel room for a party. This is a bad idea, do not go. He's probably really creepy. Party in bars instead!

>> No.6535117
File: 13 KB, 280x260, 21456984231598162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it's like to get mad about having my picture taken without my permission.

>> No.6535239


You're not missing anything. Usually it happens at the end of the day when you're in the process of removing half of your costume and someone comes up and asks for a photo. You say 'Sorry, I'm actually taking my costume off for today but I'll be wearing it tomorrow!' and they stand there and snap a shot anyway.

Either that or you're in a huge rush to get somewhere like registration for the costume contest or a panel, and don't have time to stop and someone refuses to take 'I'm actually in a rush, but you can catch me in the foyer later!' for an answer and either grabs one as you're running away or begs you for one and says it will only take a second... and then fucks with their camera for five minutes.

>> No.6535243


>> No.6535385

I've always had the case where it someone across a hall zooming in on all the various costumers and snapping photos.

>> No.6535629

Gargu, is that you?

>> No.6536600

You sound like a rapist. Please leave.

>> No.6536815

Don't keep glaring at me if I'm hotter than you
if you want to take a pic of me at least talk to me first I guess, dont really care tho

>> No.6536924
File: 469 KB, 975x1075, 1357449289844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got the "I raped her because of the way she was dressed"

>> No.6536932

I wanted to take a picture of a reg line once to show how long it was, but gave up after I could only get permission from half of them.

>> No.6536933


I need to see the rest of this image. For science.

>> No.6536957


>> No.6538507 [DELETED] 

>Really tall
>Six foot
Okay, bro.

>> No.6538547

Reverse google search, visually similar images, first result.

This is a SFW board and we can't post nips.

>> No.6538599

Be a normal fucking human being and don't touch anyone without permission. Especially at those really ship-heavy photoshoots. Just because one person can kiss someone, doesn't mean you can.

I'm not even going to fucking go over the number of people that grabbed me, tried to kiss me, or do otherwise just because they see me hugging people or kissing someone. Don't fucking touch me holy shit would you do that to a random stranger. No. So fuck off.

>> No.6539207

i think agree with what you're saying, but i can see an exception to this rule. let's say there's a group cosplay and the group happens to be missing a character, now i don't think it would be unreasonable to ask a cosplay friend to fill in even if they know nothing of what they are cosplaying. although in that situation i guess the group would probably give the extra person a run down of the character so they at least know how to act/pose.

>> No.6539216

I am a news reporter and you have just as much right to take pictures as we do

>> No.6539220

If you don't know the person. Assume they have a personal bubble of at least a couple feet. If the person gives you permission to take a photo with them, don't assume you can just wrap your arms around them like an octopus. I had to tell a guy when he asked for a phoot, that I wasn't comfortable when he clamped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder like we were best friends. Even worse was the fact the guy he handed the camera off to was my husband. The guy got his photo after he let go and went with a much more comfortable and less clingy pose.

>> No.6539229

Nope. We can use pictures we took of you whether you like it or not

>> No.6539233

There is a big overlap. Some reporters look down on psparazzi yet they still use the photos

>> No.6539234

They're not. They're just fulfilling demand

>> No.6539236

News reporter here again. Please do not badmouth the Paparazxi.

>> No.6539239

-Ask before you take pictures of an artist's or vendor's stuff. Don't get buttmad as all hell when we tell you to cut it out.

-Don't take pictures in areas of high traffic. Regardless of whether you're the costumer or the photographer, ask to move to somewhere out of the way instead of blocking everyone's path.

-This might be a picky or stupid one but if you recognize a character and you don't necessarily like them, don't be all like... "oh it's x from y, I hate that character." I'm sure the cosplayer put in all that effort just for some asshole to express to them how much they dislike a character that they, the cosplayer, might actually kind of like. I just don't really know what people are trying to achieve with those kinds of comments.

>> No.6539240

News reporter here again. The photographer itt sounds angry

>> No.6539322

I don't think "Otaku" is the right word to describe a colossal weaboo. It sounds too nice and almost acceptable.

>> No.6539704

-Ask permission for photos. I'll gladly pose for you if you ask me. If you're shy, just walk in front of me and hold up your camera, I'll get the message. You'll get a better picture if you let me know instead of snapping one when I'm not looking.

-If you see a cosplayer is getting filmed for a cosplay video, don't just randomly jump towards the cosplayer to ask a picture and don't get butthurt because you're asked to wait 1 minute so the guy who asked first can finish the shot.

- Don't go into your holier than thou mode when someone who cosplays a character from the same series as your character, but whose cosplay you deem 'not as good as yours', wants to chat with you. I know people who act like this, it's irritating and it gives certain fandoms a bad name.

- Don't start complaining when confriends get more pictures taken than you. Especially when you're cosplaying a character from a barely known series.

- Don't talk bad about people who cosplay the same character as yours.

- Don't start conversations in the middle of a hallway.

- Don't steal at cons. Don't grab a plushie from someones bag just because you can't afford one and don't act all 'well, the dealers sell dozens of stuff so they won't miss it'.

>> No.6539712


>> No.6539722

follow the 621 rule.
>at least 6 hours of sleep a night
>at least 2 meals a day
>at least 1 shower a day
remember, all of these are AT LEAST. but follow this shit to a T
>its 2013 and we still have to remind congoers to bathe

>> No.6539731

Im sometimes to shy to ask someone for permission for taking a photo... i always think that probably they get asked for a photo like every minute and would rather not be talked to by so many people. So i sometimes just take "shitty" photos, or fotos from a bad angle to avoide asking them. But i dont see the problem ...

>> No.6539742

- Don't be an awkward tryhard faggot

Dont care about anything else. Just don't act like a homo who's never seen the sun or a pair of tits before.

>> No.6539771

Seriously, don't be shy. I always find that people asking me for photo's is like a compliment, and it really makes my day. I have never met a cosplayer who disliked getting asked (nicely) for photo's

>> No.6539778

Rule number 1:
I wish all these silly girls would stop hitting me

>> No.6539787

>Unwritted Rules

Seriously? Am I the only one who noticed this?

>> No.6540798

i noticed it, but i didn't care

>> No.6541748 [DELETED] 

Don't poke shit in the atrist alley with your prop.

>> No.6541750

Don't poke shit in the atrist alley with your prop.
Hugging is fine just please ask first.
Wait for me to hide my badge and other not cosplay related crap for your photo (if you don't oh well)

>> No.6541781

Simple rule that most con websites employ:
If it's illegal outside the con, it's illegal INSIDE the con

freedom of the press does not extend to people who are not members of the press

>> No.6541787

would something like this work on ankles? I feel like that would be more convenient

>> No.6541888

Im going to agree with you. Im not sure what everyone is so up in arms about.
Sometimes people just want pics of people doing con things, or dont like hyper posed pictures, or maybe they are just fucking shy.
Everyone needs to get off their high horses.

>> No.6541897

If you worked hard on your costume:
Do you want to look unflattering in a picture? No, I very much doubt it.
Do you want the details of your costume to be hidden or out of focus or some other shit? No, I very much doubt you don't.
If you worked hard on your costume, I would think you'd want to show it off as best as you can; specially for pictures.
When you work on a costume, you want people to get a good impression of your work.

>> No.6541908

I lol'd

>> No.6541910

actually I prefer to be photographed candidly because I freeze up when I see a lense. So speak for yourself. I cosplay for the fun of it, not the pictures. Thats actually my least favourite part.

>> No.6541914

Aren't I glad fun is subjective then.

>> No.6541927

I didn't say you couldn't get enjoyment out of the photos, just that not everyone is going to agree with you. So maybe you should calm down

>> No.6541933

>answer to message
>oh my god calm down

I love this logic. Carry on.

>> No.6541942


It's just that it's a weird feeling to be minding your own business, and then see a camera flash right near you out of nowhere. You're kind of like, did he just take a picture of me or that guy over there? I'm not really sure, oh well. And then they never have any idea if you took their picture and never go and look to see if you did, thus never admiring your fantastic photography skills that you boast about. The least you can do is after taking their picture candidly, tell them that you did and give them a link to where you're going to put it or something.

>> No.6541962

Loud obnoxious music inside the con hotel/wherever it is being held is never cool. Outside is fine, as long as you're not directly in front of the area, but inside just makes you look like a dick.
The past Momocon, these two kids (I say kids, but they looked to be late teens, early twenties, which makes their behaviour even more ridiculous), had a fucking ghettoblaster on one of the hotel floors. I was with some friends, waiting for an elevator so we could get down, and one of my friends asked them to turn down the music, since we were talking. They fucking turned it up even louder, and said they didn't have to listen to her. When she showed them her badge that said she was con security, they shut right the fuck up and left, muttering about, "This is the reason this con sucks."

Seriously, now.

>> No.6541988

>spontaneous creeper shots
no I don't mean a neckbeard who wants to put his arm around me for a photo. those are fine. I mean the jackasses who think the best time to take one is while I am sitting and eating or putting parts of my costume on.

also to the dickwad who apparently pops up in front of people and flashbangs them without warning? the last time someone did that to me I shoved my hand right into their camera and knocked their flash right off. If you want to be rude, expect people to be rude right back. just try to get someone in trouble when you tell staff you jumped in their faces without warning and didn't bother to ask.

if you are so drunk or high you can't stand, stick to your room party. no one wants you puking or falling on them in the elevator. it is not an excuse for shithead behaviour like groping people or breaking things.

don't be that roommate or con friend who blows all their money on cosplay or merch and sits around and whines about having no money for the hotel or food and mooches off everyone or doesn't pay up. if you can't afford to take care of yourself, don't go to the con.

>cosplay divas
don't wear costumes that take up a ridiculous amount of space or could poke peoples eyes out in high traffic areas. if you want to spread your giant dress out, do it somewhere you're not blocking the crowd or causing issues. don't hog up all the best photo areas, share. keep an eye on any part of your costume that may injure or cause on obstruction to others. carry your trains and be mindful of weapons. you are not more important than anyone else.

>> No.6541997

>There is never a need to get physical. Play wrestling, hitting anyone "lightly" or anything else that can cause physical pain is unneeded, childish, can hurt someone or fuck up their costume.

>Learn to take a joke about your fandom or whatever the hell you are dressed up as or like. If you can't laugh at yourself or identify when someone is making a joke don't even bother coming out of the house.

>> No.6542014 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 600x600, 1322510652849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're mean to Lobitah someone is going to kill you because she is the sweetest.

I want to glomp her.

>> No.6542017
File: 2 KB, 126x100, um no...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're mean to Lobitah someone is going to assassinate you.
She is the sweetest.

>> No.6542048

Shouldn't you kill yourself then, Roko-kun?

>> No.6542062


Who the hell is "Roko-kun?"

>> No.6542065

>-No pictures on the steps
This. PMX is the worst for this. Everyone blocks those fucking lobby stairs.

>> No.6542067

Don't photobomb. Unintentional is something I can excuse, but nothing pisses me off more than someone just standing behind the person you're taking a picture of and doing something incredibly stupid that takes away from the cosplayer. I usually never notice until I put the pictures on my computer and then I have to ruin the image with a ton of blur to get the offender away. I'm not taking a picture of YOU, you dick.

>> No.6542074

Fuck you buddy. Photobombs are awesome and 99% of the time are better than just the picture alone.

>> No.6542076

I bet you like screaming memes and board-tan cosplay too.

>> No.6542265

You've trolled >>6532490

Congrats, why don't you take a walk with me back to /b/.

>> No.6542355
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Regarding to the subject of taking photos without permission:

You guys are all fucking nuts. You chose to play dress-up in a public place, people are bound to take photos of you whether they asked for permission or not. "Being rude" is not the problem here, you all are idiots for getting fanny-flustered.

>> No.6542356

This. I hear nasty comments like this all the time when I cosplay Raiden.

>> No.6543776

>In public
You're not in public, you're on the private property of the convention.

>> No.6543837

fuck that. those kids are stupid. Raiden is sick as fuck in 4. and now in Revengence, still as sick as Gray fox.

>> No.6543854
File: 140 KB, 309x323, 1354298100381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you look your best during candid photos because you're not making that thousand yard stare as if the camera is sucking out your soul
>that feel when you can spot a camera like a goddamn eagle spots a mouse shitting in a crevace 2000 feet away
>that feel when /cgl/ discourages candid photos anyway
I am never going to look good in photos ever.

>> No.6543861

What on Earth is wrong with you girls? Somebody disagrees with you so you just start saying "lol u dont have sex" as an insult?

Why do you have to confirm every worst stereotype about cosplayers every day?

>> No.6543884

I dislike creeps too, but doing that isn't very ladylike.

>> No.6544294

> the last time someone did that to me I shoved my hand right into their camera and knocked their flash right off.

You fixin' to catch an ass whoopin off of that one.

>> No.6544303 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 1280x960, idisagree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bet is to flat out tell them you're not comfortable. If the guy persist, then tell him to fuck off and if need be, get a staffer/security.

I had a guy ask me for a photo and clamped his arms around my waist(without asking first) and cuddled up to me like he knew me for years. First words out of my mouth were "Not comfortable" He immediately let go and took a much more neutral pose. I really don't have a problem taking photos with anybody, and I don't even mind a friendly arm on the shoulder for photos, hell I don't even mind a hug if you actually ask me first, but even I have my limits.

>> No.6544356

Two can play the rude dick game. What's he going to do, hit me in a crowd of people so his ass gets thrown out? I'd take a black eye get even one rude asshat like him blacklisted from the con.

You know what they'll say? "You should have asked her first, why would you just jump in front of someone and flash a photo into their face when they're not expecting it?"

+10 points to me if I'm wearing even something remotely sexy, you'll look like a creep without me saying anything.

This can all be avoided by acting like a decent human being, and simply asking nicely. If there is already a group of people taking photos, the cosplayer is already ready and you don't need to.

>> No.6544486

Next week I'm going for the first time dressed as Link to a con , what should I expect?

>> No.6544487

These are all pet peeves, but unwritten rules in my book...

If you are carrying a flag, don't let it touch the ground. Be mindful when sitting with it in a panel that people don't trip over it or it is otherwise in the way. Do not ever wear it is a cape or write on it or deface it at all.

Ask before you hug. You will probably get one. But if you hug without asking, or glomp, it's not going to end well.

If you're not 100% positive who a cosplayer is dressing as, don't presume to call them by the character name. You could be wrong or worse, have no even landed in the same fandom. It's okay to admit you don't know who they are. I'd rather someone say that than call me an incorrect character name.

Don't force your pairing or fandom inside joke on someone. Cosplayers have their own OTPs and don't want to be forced to make yours come true, so don't ask for fanservice-y shots.

Don't bring a boombox and play dance music and parade up and down the halls in a long line. Don't try and form a conga line, most cons won't let you do this, it will get broken up, and you're just in the way. Don't try and play Carmel Dansen, the Sailor dance, or the Haruhi dance. Those died several years ago and you're just going to look like an aging weeaboo.

When doing a cosplay skit, do not attempt to dance to any of the above songs. Actually, don't "dance" at all as your skit. Don't try and force some weird OTP fantasy scene on the audience. No one is going to like your skit if you do these, and they're all way overdone.

Don't form a line to form a line. Most cons have a certain time you can start to line up for the masquerade, concert, or other big panel. You can't circumvent this by forming another line to form the line. You will get it dissolved, told to walk the halls, and create further panic when the actual line forms. Don't run to get in it, you'll get hurt--or hurt someone else--and the con staff won't like you.

>> No.6544549

>If you are carrying a flag, don't let it touch the ground. Be mindful when sitting with it in a panel that people don't trip over it or it is otherwise in the way. Do not ever wear it is a cape or write on it or deface it at all.


>> No.6544558

Do not forget to practice your regular hygine routines. Some people forget them in the huge rush of the con, don't be like them.

Be mindful of hallway traffic. If you gotta get your photo taken, a quick step to the side will make things easier for everyone.

Pay all your depts upfront (gas, room, food). If you are the one who is owed money to collect everything before people run off to the con.

Treat the hotel and con staff with respect, even thank them if you want. They have the ultimate say if the con comes back or not.

Run your gatherings on time and make sure everyone gets a chance. If you're the organizer prioritize yourself the least

It's fine to act in character in front of others. However if you see people involved in a conversation, it's best to back off.

>> No.6544593

Do not, do not, DO NOT spend all three days bitching about how you think everyone else's costumes aren't 'kawii' enough. Not everyone has 'kawii' in mind for a convention.

Do not pitch a fit about getting a bed to yourself in a full room, then crash at a friend's place after dumping your stuff on it and leaving. If you DO decide to do this, don't pitch a fit when someone else uses your bed. There is no need for someone to sleep on the floor if you aren't even using your bed to sleep.

Do not pull your roommates into your own personal drama. A convention is not the right place to start crying so that everyone will pay attention to you. If there is something genuinely wrong, that's one thing, but to drag people aside and wail about how you're not sure if you have feeling for someone...

Do not stay up all night watching anime/listening to music as loudly as you possibly can. Others might be trying to sleep.

Do not fucking crash in a hotel room someone else has paid for without their permission. If you do, pay them for stealing their bed.

When someone isn't interested in talking to you, don't push it.

When someone isn't interested in sleeping with you, don't fucking push it.

Don't wander around the entire time too shy to talk to someone. I do this every time, and I always regret it.

>> No.6544604

>Do not fucking crash in a hotel room someone else has paid for without their permission. If you do, pay them for stealing their bed.

This. Just fucking this.... Still pissed about that and I'll probably always hold it at the back of my head; specially because I just met the chick that very same day...

>> No.6544607

>Do not fucking crash in a hotel room someone else has paid for without their permission. If you do, pay them for stealing their bed

wat? How the fuck does this shit even happen?

>> No.6544608


One of my roommates boy-pals did this shit, so I slept on the floor.

Which wouldn't have been a problem, if he hadn't stolen my blanket as well.

Which wouldn't have been a problem, if it wasn't my personal blanket.

>> No.6544609

you'd be surprised... shit happens.

>> No.6544614

THIS. I can't count how many times this has happened to me. Especially with room parties, they wait until everyone is good and sloshed and then find a space on the floor or slip into the bed.

Then when you call them out on it or ask for payment, they whine that you never told them they would have to pay... never mind the fact they never asked.

>TFW your friends booking the room make you pay, and then invite a bunch of their friends to crash for free... This is why I always book my own rooms now.

>> No.6544616


Are you kidding? At a con, it's like any sense of personal space and respect for others goes right out the window.

I had a guy I didn't even know (he was a friend of one of the guys in our room) come in while I was alone and sleeping, and proceed to wake me up because: "I'm bored."

>> No.6544697
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Unless you're staff or in programming ops, stay the hell away from my table in the panel room. I get that you want to be closer to your idoru or whatever, but there's a lot of important shit on or under that table and I'm responsible for it. And don't call me a bitch for letting panelists know it's time to wrap up. Other people use those rooms. If you want to continue wanking over Parle or whatever, go up to them and suck their imaginary cocks like you were five minutes ago, just not in the room that I need to clean and set up for the next panel, you asshole.

Eight people to an elevator. That's it. I don't care if your group has seven people and another has five, it's eight people to an elevator. You fatasses almost destroyed two of the elevators at ALA because you absolutely NEEDED to cram as many people as possible in there. Fuck you and your mom's cooking sucks.

Be nice to the hotel staff. They put up with animu shit for a whole weekend and never complain unless someone seriously fucks up. Leave decent tips for the housekeeping and bellhops. Don't give security a bad time for doing their fucking job. The only reason why the hot tub at ALA had to be drained was because some cockjuggling homoshit didn't listen to security and snuck in there after being told not to. Don't shit where you eat.

>> No.6544701


Being polite to hotel staff pays, anyways. When we went to AWA, all we had to do was be polite to the staff, and when we needed little things like extra soap, they didn't give us any hassle.

And yes, always, always, always tip.

>> No.6544716

Forgot to add a thing about potential guests:

You might be able to sell more tickets for us. You're awesome for that. It doesn't mean that you're God's gift to anime cons. Don't treat staff like shit or else you will not be asked to come back and we will fucking blacklist you.

>> No.6544731

If you sit at a panel while wearing cosplay, be mindful of your costume if it is large or tall (hats, wigs, wings, props). Nobody wants to sit behind somebody wearing a gigantic hat or wings. You can't see shit.

If an elevator is full, don't try to weasel your way in. Then the overweight alarm goes off and we all glare at you and wait for you to GTFO.

>> No.6544743

>Eight people to an elevator. That's it. I don't care if your group has seven people and another has five, it's eight people to an elevator. You fatasses almost destroyed two of the elevators at ALA because you absolutely NEEDED to cram as many people as possible in there. Fuck you and your mom's cooking sucks.

This was fucking annoying the entire weekend. I even overheard one girl say how annoying it was that the message saying the elevator was full kept coming on. Maybe if you'd stop cramming your fat asses in it wouldn't.

>> No.6544776
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Con attendants need to learn a little respect when it comes to elevators. How many hotels end up with broken elevators because attendants either keep over stuffing them or play elevator jump party and break the shit. Yes, let's totally break the elevators in an 18 story hotel.

I'm sure the poor pilots who are trying to get up to the 17th and 18th floor to get some sleep REALLY appreciate.

>> No.6544777

> Don't talk bad about people who cosplay the same character as yours.

This so, so much. One of my biggest peeves ever is watching friends destroy their whole weekend for no reason by pouting about someone else's cosplay choice being the same as theirs. As if seriously, no one but you has seen this anime.

This is also a generation where a lot of anime-watchers watch a lot of the same thing. You can walk into a con and see a dozen Stockings who cosplay them for different reasons. It seems petty to sit and nitpick about them instead of enjoying the con in your costume.

And naturally if you know you're picking a popular character, this defensiveness is even stupider.

>> No.6544785 [DELETED] 

I've tried looking around to see if someone's asked this recently (I saw it before but forgot to save) but how big are taobao wigs, and do they generally fit most head sizes?

I don't have a super large head, but I've had some hits and misses when it comes to Asian sizing in wigs I've purchased from Chinese ebay stores.

>> No.6545017

>Room drama

And this is why it pays to save up money to get your own room for whatever con you're hitting up. I just cant understand the mindset of someone who'll throw down $500 in the dealers room for overpriced figures and shit without batting an eye, but will constantly bitch about the cost of a hotel room.

You know full well you're going to a con in the future so why not just put aside $50 each paycheck and by the time the con comes up you'll be able to embrace the joys of having a room to yourself with no bullshit drama attached.

I understand shit happens in life where you gotta dip into the savings a bit, but if you cant afford to get a room then don't go until you got enough money.

Or you can take advantage of hotel deals that will often be cheaper than the con rates.

>> No.6545029


Or, you know, people can share rooms and treat each other with respect.

>> No.6545079

>Eight people to an elevator. That's it. I don't care if your group has seven people and another has five, it's eight people to an elevator.

Jesus Christ, past AWA/Momo (I can't remember which), the number of people on elevators was ridiculous. When people have to keep tripping the doors to stay open because someone's struggling to get to the front, there's a problem. And if you see people with luggage, it does not mean you still have to have the absolute maximum amount of people in the elevator. That's how shit gets brokem.

>> No.6545091


At AWA, my friends and I decided to fuck the elevator and take the stairs at our hotel. When we were trying to get our luggage up to our room, no one would even let us get into an elevator.

So, screw it. Stairs are healthier, anyways.

>> No.6545135

oh god I'm reading this thread and I'm freaked out
I'm going to Megacon in April for my first con and these stories are scaring me

>> No.6545160

Or do what me and my friends are doing (in terms of finding a decent price hotel) - Find a hotel that's about 5-10 mins driving time away from the con hall. They're usually cheaper.

And if you know a good travel agent or a website with good hotel deals, they can hook oyu up with cheaper prices for a hotel. (Thank you older brother travel wisdom that barely passed on to me due to my thick skill)

>> No.6545172

Another one I feel is worth mentioning.
If somebody is cosplaying an evil character, that does NOT make them evil. Stop glaring at them or making mean comments etc. just because they're cosplaying a villain.

And if you're a Loki cosplayer, if you tell me to get on my knees and genuinely expect me to do it, I will take your props from you and beat you to death with them. If you want act that shit out, do it with your own fandom. I'm not kneeling on the ground in the outfit I sunk a billion pennies into.


Don't freak out too much. So long as you don't do anything listed here as asshole behaviour and remain courteous and thoughtful, then you'll be okay. Always strive to be polite and self-aware.
As for other people being assholes, you just have to try and avoid those perpetuating negative behaviour, as tough as it is.

>> No.6545173

Are you going with anyone who's gone before? If so, you should be okay. Florida Cons are notorious for being awful and horrifying but you should be alright if you're not cosplaying from any of the particularly big fandoms of the year.

>> No.6545178

...I'm going with two lesbian homestuckers who go to almost every con and their friends.
That being said, I'm going as Ciel from BB.
And great....

>> No.6545198

I've personally never had any good experiences with BB and I go to a lot of Cons in the Central Florida area. But if you stick with friends and just generally try to stay away from people who are screaming/acting immature/seem crazy you should be okay. Just remember it's okay to tell people to stop doing something if it makes you uncomfortable and you can always report shit to Con staff.
All in all I'd really suggest staying with your friends. Megacon's the biggest Con in Florida and I really don't think you want to wander around alone, especially if it's your first Con.

>> No.6545207

I'll keep that in mind then, thank you!
And yeah, I'm planning on following my group around since I'm easily lost.

>> No.6545212

You're very welcome! Yeah Mega's big and you can easily get lost. I'll be Homestuck the first half of Saturday so I might very well see you there, aha. I hope you have fun!

>> No.6545215

I try to room with someone creepier/quieter than me, but still tolerable. Girls pay more attention to the "good guy" who's trying to hook up his beta friend, plus they assume it's him when some of their used panties go missing.

>> No.6545218

So Homestuck isn't that frowned upon?
I was thinking about cosplaying as one of the trolls, but I thought people would rip me a part and/or others would hate me because lol homestuck.
If you see a boy as ciel who is probably being dragged around by two homestuckers, that will be me.
Hope to see you then!

>> No.6545235

It... can be very frowned upon, I definitely won't lie to you about that. And pretty awful here. I've been cosplaying from it for a little over a year now but I avoid crowds and photoshoots and generally just stick around and cosplay with my little 3-5 person group. It is way less frowned upon if you're not with the giant, screaming group and are quiet enough. Also polite and courteous, which apparently is not a given to most.
I definitely won't tell you not to cosplay from it, though! If you have/find a few people who are nice and calm you'll be okay and it's a lot of fun. I'd also suggest not going to the group photoshoots because they're always /huge/ and /horrifying/ and /loud/. And the one at Mega is being held outside and it'll be hot as balls.
It's fun but you've got to be ready for people to give you shit no matter how nice you are. Because it is one of the main fandoms to hate still.

>> No.6545262

>Florida Cons are notorious for being awful
Since I live in Florida that's all I have been too.

It's unsurprising...I always go to Supercon in Miami.

>> No.6545264

Ah, I see. I'll probably do Homstuck for one day then.

>> No.6545982

fucking all of these, man. a+

>> No.6550442

I only have one rule. PLEASE DON'T GLOMP ME! ask first! you never know if someone has a bjd in their bag :'{

>> No.6550467

slendy did you drop trip for a second there