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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6542049 No.6542049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So questions, broad topic I guess;
1. For the males, which is more your style, what do you aim for (if any) realistically, which is your current and absolute most ideal (if not your aim).
2. For the ladies, what is your most desired male body type(s) (multiples are fine), if you have a reason for this, share.

And to make it board related;
3. Throw out ideas for cosplay and corresponding body type it would suit.

I'll start;
Male: current Builtfat, going for Bearmode/Built. Used to be Built level, lost it sitting on my ass watching anime, playing games and looking after a family member for 5 years.
I was intending to cosplay back then at a local con, for some fun, but never had the confidence once I went to 120kg of supersize.

I find it hard to think of cosplay for anime, for the built bodytypes. Some game characters suit, or the more extreme shounen characters.

>> No.6542061


>> No.6542059

Just go make it on the right board genius.

>> No.6542060
File: 264 KB, 761x1100, berserk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favourite is bearmode. I just like how masculine and huge and strong it is.

TFW I will never have a tall bearmode guy to be the Guts to my Caska

>> No.6542064

Male, currently skinny fat, going for otter mode.
I've got a naturally slim frame, so I can't really set my sights too high, but I'm thinking cosplays of some of the younger super heroes might be alright. like the teen titans version of Red Robin, or possibly TASM, maybe even a Nightwing if I do get a little more built later on down the line.

>> No.6542080
File: 68 KB, 500x700, 27vs16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fit doesn't really care for discussion about aesthetics. If you bring it up, you often get shunned out. Also not many women there, and i'm somewhat interested in more than one sex's opinion.
2. I am actually interested in the cosplay side of the discussion, always have been.

If there were ever a board to discuss aesthetics of the human body, it's here.

Exquisite taste, friend. Also exquisite choice of chapter to post, can't wait till it's animated.
I wanted to cosplay Guts, but I feel i'm a bit short (176cm). Not many bearmode characters that are short-average height either, sadly.

Slim tends to go ottermode fairly easy, if you apply yourself. From there you can build pretty fast, and you'll end up pretty beast if you're tall.

Pic: just the sad truth

>> No.6542091

i used to care, but my current BF is strong fat bordering on fat as a fatass (he still has muscely as fuck arms and legs, but has a gut). I'm truly in it for the personality for a change (will fully admit to being a shallow cunt in the past).

I personally like whatever goes well with a guys body type though. Like if my current BF got in shape he'd look good as built or bearmode. But if my ex got in shape he'd look hot at ottermode. It really depends on the guy for me.

>> No.6542100
File: 189 KB, 382x447, 2556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda OT but are there some examples of bearmode on ladies? unless there's a different name for it

>> No.6542112

Not many women go bearmode, or get close. A physiological limitation really.
I mean there are obviously bodybuilding women, but even they cram so much testosterone into their system they almost turn into men.

Also Bearmode is the "natural" state of big muscular guy, rather than bodybuilder which is starvation mode for looks/competition.

>> No.6542113

Not cosplay, fuck off to >>>/soc/

>> No.6542117

This. I'd like to see a chart for the ladies, as well as cosplay options for the girls.
I think with girls you have more options bodytype-wise, since it's much easier to pad out a bra or wear a corset than it is to convincingly fake a six pack via padding or muscle shirts.

I would be a pear or hourglass based on my BWH measurements, but I have no tits and giant swimmer shoulders, so I'm essentially a carrot. Finding flattering cosplay options for broad shoulders is often a challenge, especially when a lot of designs in anime have puffed sleeves.

>> No.6542124

Please do it if you can. The world needs more Berserk cosplay. If I weren't a 5'2" girl I'd be all over it, but due to my height and darker skin I'd make a better Caska (or Serpico, though he's pale)... I just really want to have one of the boys with me.

>> No.6542133
File: 118 KB, 809x1024, hollymangold_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it ain't pretty

>> No.6542150

Pretty much. Bearmode woman isn't really a think. It's more of a heaving hulk. There's no denying the strength.
But the idea of bearmode is that the guy doesn't sacrifice overall health or core strength for looks. The puffed out abdomen is due to immense core strength, which allows him to lift large amounts of weight using his core, without rupturing or crushing organs due to exertion.
Men are just better at keeping the fat off while maintaining the muscle of bearmode.

Yeah, not debating the personality angle, just a purely physical preference thing here, all good.

There are a lot more possibilities for women when it comes to body types and proportions. Different chest sizes, broad shoulders vs pillar style, tight arse vs rounder type, hourglass vs more amazon type, solid legs vs skinny. General slim vs athletic vs nbormal.

I see lots of options for female types. Thus why I was proposing a thread about make types and suitability for cosplay. I don't see much of it. Guys just generally suit up in some wigs and some $10 robes and play a Bleach captain or super saiyan or something like that.

>> No.6542166

You don't lift

>> No.6542178

I just sarted back up a few months ago. I've mainly been doing cardio to get my energy back.
Down to 95kg, was 120kg as mentioned, about beginning of the year.

I'll start focusing on lifting again very soon. But that's not really what this topic is about.

>> No.6542184
File: 73 KB, 347x750, tumblr_mcgov8k4PI1rsvxgko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male: current Builtfat

fuck off you fat swine. I hope you're suicidal because it would fill me with pleasure to know you're planning to hack away at your sweaty hammy wrists.

cgl doesn't care about your attention whoring tl'dr and samefagging. Fit doesn't want you, nor do we.

>> No.6542189

i fucking love bearmode

>> No.6542201

wow, 3/10 body on that chick...

>> No.6542215

Does she look pregnant to anyone else? Her stomach sticks out more than her breasts...

>> No.6542216

I like skinny/ottermode/skinnyfat all fine, I also quite like stocky guys. I guess builtfat, but I kinda just mean guys with thick legs and broad shoulders who aren't super tall. Not surprisingly for cgl, most of the guys who I've though looked good stocky were asian. Not so into hairy stocky manly man man men.

>> No.6542225


>that body

Jesus fuck eat something.

>hurr jelly whale xD

No, I'm a guy who wants something to grab onto when handling a lady. Not a goddamn stick.

>> No.6542233

It's just her godawful posture.

>> No.6542237

guy here somewhere between ottermode and ripped.
I have the chest and legs of ripped, problem is my arms are naturally skinny so I have more ottermode like arms. Fuck you 5.5 inch wrists.

Already know what I'm cosplaying, going to go as gray fullbuster, because I am a lazy man.

>> No.6542241

her stomach sticking out beyond her tits is what freaks me out, its like she has a crack belly.

>> No.6542245

more like 8/10, you jealous fatty

just imagine fucking a chick that you could break in half any time you desired

>> No.6542256
File: 1.15 MB, 400x600, loli2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's just her body type,anon. Some girls just have very narrow bodies. You cannot be that thin even if you starve yourself if your bone structure is naturally wide. I used to know a girl who was naturally stick thin, even slimmer than that girl, she had a healthy appetite as far as I knew.

pic related, pretty sure she's got some kind of medical condition though.

>> No.6542259

chubbyfat here, but im actually really built underneath. gonna cosplay goku
dont think i'll have to do any cutting, ill just use shading with makeup in the right places and i should be good to go

>> No.6542267

You know how a babies belly sticks out in a weird way because of their organs? That's what she looks like.

>> No.6542272

>implying anyone gives a fuck
Take it to /fit/ fatass

>> No.6542273

>not pure sexmachine mode
anton pls