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6541641 No.6541641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

previous thread is autosaging >>6511337

Any updates on either situation?

>> No.6541642

So did anyone see maiko at ALA? Was she actually there?

>> No.6541685

More conspiracy theory but to me it looks like lingozero is being fake nice to try and gain rosaire's trust. Why did she post the entire conversation and drag unrelated people into it?

>> No.6541700

Only someone as crazy and paranoid as Lisa would be all worked up about some "conspiracy theory". Calm down.

>> No.6541702

Her replies don't seem crazy and paranoid to me. I would be punching my monitor by now.

>> No.6541704


Rosaire not scammer. Trio liars. Rosaire bitch. End of story. Move along.

>> No.6541706

Why is she a bitch? Just wondering because all this drama made me want to try her service out.

>> No.6541732

Hello vendettachan

>> No.6541766

What I got from the whole Rosaire drama (and I wasn't glued to the monitor) is that she's probably not out to scam anyone out of money but still not really fit to run a SS, if I'd use her then only out of pity. So if someone wanted to ruin her business it worked on me.
But I don't want to be unfair towards her, so what's up with the stuff about her being "too sick to run a business" or generally not that reliable? Was that also just part of the malicious rumour?

>> No.6541800


>i'd only use her out of pity
>but i don't want to unfair towards her


I admit to wondering just why someone so chronically ill would start a shopping service. Especially in the fashion off the catty and impatient. But I have no idea quite what the illness is, so who am I to gauge her ability.

She's said she needs a buffer of two or so weeks to ship, should nothing happen health-wise. But the evidenced drama happened to be based around shipping time and deadlines (which were well within her two weeks AND the date needed / she wasn't even aware of in the trample case), poor communication (I'm going to say this applied to herself AND the three, but especially them since one whined about family taking priority). It's all very confusing with sheer amount of contradictions present but these TREMENDOUS complaints were proven more or less false.

If I sound too biased in Rosaire's favour, it's because I'm just incredibly disgusted with the entire ordeal.

>> No.6541806

I wish the liars would come around and tell us why they lied.

>> No.6541837

One of them did; Lingozero posted like three tl;drs worth of paragraphs confirming that she didn't let Rosaire know about the deadline.

>> No.6541858

Ok and why did she lie in the first place? Sorry I don't get it.

>> No.6541862

She didn't say why she lied, though. She claimed that the OP of the gtfo post and rosaire were "personally attacking her" and didn't say anything true. Except... they did... and she confirmed it herself that she didn't tell rosaire about a deadline and that she was freaking out about taking a whole 9 minutes to get a refund.

>> No.6541891

tiggs said it best: "This whole debacle is actually more of a warning agains you three than Rosaire." I know I won't be selling to any of the three in the future.

regarding the maiko scam, I don't know if she went to ALA but she is ignoring messages from quite a few people still, going by the last updates on LSE

>> No.6541980

All I know is that she was supposed to ship two weeks after Christmas because of the post being closed for the holidays but thanks to all this bull shit it is taking her even longer so thanks a lot vendetta Chan, you have done nothing but succeeded in making me hate you and want to ruin your life in exchange. I don't think rosaire is a scammer or delaying on purpose, but I just want my fucking stuff.

>> No.6541986


Actually forget that, it was always two weeks after the holidays now that I think about it, so in ahead of myself. Fuck off vendetta Chan, making everybody stress out.

>> No.6542246

>When I first started, with the Milky Planet reserve, I had problems with communication and extreme slowness. Now communication is no problem at all, but I am still a little slow, and I am blunt and upfront about it. I am busy with work, both full time and part time, hospital appointments, those bad days where I can't move, etc.

>So why do I do SS? I enjoy it. Shopping gets my mind off of things. I love the fashion and shopping even if it isn't for myself. I love getting messages in all caps thanking me for finding someone's dream dress. I love unexpectedly getting a letter or postcard in the mail thanking me for everything I've done. I like helping people and making them happy.

>I'm not a perfect SS, I know that. But then again, there is no perfect SS because humans aren't perfect. All I can say is that I will continue to try to improve my service.

>> No.6542340

I want to know what she has besides fat that makes her unable to move.

>> No.6542474

Why don't you ask her yourself? You'd call her a liar based on your internet research of whatever she says she has, anyways.

>> No.6542542

Ikr? It's what they've been doing this whole time. Their basic MO is

>accuse rosaire of something
>get proven wrong with screencaps, links or other evidence
>throw out another random accusation (usually, "SHE'S A FAT FUCK LOL SHE'S NOT REALLY SICK LYING CRAZAIRE")

>> No.6542550

I'm just an onlooker here, but to be honest, I don't like the idea of people who don't work at shops being shopping services. It seems way too scary to me. Also, this post seems to make her look unprofessional anyway so I'm really not sure what all the bitching is about.

>> No.6542568

How does the post make her look unprofessional? Would you rather she lie and say she does no wrong and thinks she's perfect SS?

>I don't like the idea of people who don't work at shops being shopping services

Most shopping service "shops" begin with people doing it on their own. Not that I think rosaire has plans to ever expand into a legit business instead of a personal service, but there's nothing "scary" about using a personal service, or at least nothing scarier than using one vs buying from a private seller on the sales community or ebay.

>> No.6542595

Well the Three Lying Amigos are already getting what's coming to them. It seems like everyone that knows about this situation is planning on never doing transactions with them again. This really has backfired on them because even though a lot of people will suck up to them for being popular, they'll still have this hanging over their heads. Much like that other lolita and the Iron Gate necklace.

>> No.6542602


If anything it's just proved that rosaire can take some heat, was within her bounds as an SS, and is willing to communicate with people.

>> No.6542620

Yep. When even laiferr is saying it makes her create a mental note not to buy from (at least) Trample clothing, you know you fucked up.

>> No.6542682

I don't think most people would buy shit from Trample to begin with. Their shit is overpriced, they don't have much stock, and their custom things are shit.

>> No.6542907

I'm glad rosaire didn't partner with them. I'd rather buy from her than buy items she sent to them after seeing this.

>> No.6542966

>never doing transaction with them again

>Look up comm_sales.
>Big DS, almost sold out.

Yeah, right.

Inb4 vendettachan, I was at least confused, if not disgusted, with the lies. But right now you are trying too hard you've become their vendettachan yourself.

>> No.6542982

Well, seeing as the two of them are popular members with coveted items, I don't think this will deter many people from buying from them. I mean, we haven't even gotten a response from them, so what will most likely happen is that people will forget entirely.

>> No.6542994

I think it will make people think twice before selling to them, especially if they are someone who relies on selling to supplement their income.

Buying, though, it doesn't matter what someone does in the community. You could scam the fuck out of everyone and still get everyone snapping up your items. Hell, Talia_Speaks could show up selling a closet full of brand and people would snap it up.

>> No.6542999

I think it'll blow up more once Saturday rolls around and all the secrets about this go out. More people read the secrets each week than frequent getoffegl. I doubt there will be lasting consequences because of their popularity, but it is at least something that can be brought up.

>> No.6543021

Speaking of which, did anyone make secrets bout this?

>> No.6543026

There will be more secrets slamming rosaire, just you wait ;)

>> No.6543027

From... you? Yeah, I think we knew that already.

>> No.6543029

we know, vendetta chan. Let me guess; "YOU'RE A FAT PSYCHO BITCH OMG11!!!"

And you know what? I finally figured out why you deleted your comment on lovelyfantene's getoffegl post. You were afraid they might be able to see your IP and connect it to someone.

>> No.6543048

Oh yes. We're shaking in our frilly little bloomers about how many secrets you'll post about how fat she is. Psh. Someone needs to expose who you are, you need a gtfo post like nobody's business.

>> No.6543066

If you think there is just one of us then your retarted.

>> No.6543069



Also, we know there's three of you. Octavekitten, lingozero, and infiniteneeya. It's no coincidence that all three showed up to your post (ESPECIALLY neeya, who does not normally go on getoffegl) within a few hours with falsified stories of negative experiences.

>> No.6543073

Batten down the hatches and put on your tinfoil hats

>> No.6543074


Just.. stop. this is just sad. sadder than that whole memphis lolita shit.

>> No.6543096

>implying that it's a far-fetched theory

Keep trying to throw people off your tracks, dear. There's nothing normal about three people, two of which were once well respected community members, lying about transactions with a specific person within a few hours of a randomly made post about a seller/service.

>> No.6543109

>Much like that other lolita and the Iron Gate necklace.
maybe they'll all leave lolita get into gothninja and start tripping here???? what do u think

>> No.6543234

Not any of them but Rosaire is a pain in the ass. Ive bought from her before and it felt like pulling teeth. It took a little over three weeks to ship the item and tried to ask for additional shipping and really does come off as a scammer to those who purchase frequently. Would i use her again? Yes if shes the only one available. But I would buy from anyone who has an item i want. Im sure thats why others are staying quiet. Im pretty sure in the end no one will care

>> No.6543236

>took her three weeks to ship
Caps or gtfo.

>> No.6543263

As i said I might use her again. I dont want her to figure it out from date stamp.

>> No.6543271

>I dont want her to figure it out from date stamp.
This. Seriously, do you guys really think anyone is going to throw themselves to you whiteknighting wolves? And don't even try using the 'no one will persecute you!!1' bullshit, because you know that's a damn lie and you'll find any excuse you can to tear apart their experience and twist them into horrible evil liars who should be shunned from lolita FOREVAR.

Obviously those 3 girls on the getoff lied but there have been rumblings about her poor service since she was lacetreasures and everyone knows it.

>> No.6543280

>Obviously those 3 girls on the getoff lied but there have been rumblings about her poor service since she was lacetreasures and everyone knows it.

You posting obsessively about her on /cgl/ doesn't count as "rumblings about her poor service."

Evidence? Details?

Didn't think so.

>> No.6543285
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everyone is vendettachan, I forgot

>> No.6543288

You sound just like them. People aren't "whiteknighting wolves" for wanting evidence of the always-anonymous people who crop up claiming she's given them bad service, acts like a scammer, etc. It's funny how her reputation seems to only occur here, on /cgl/, anonymously. Or it is spread by people like octavekitten, lingozero, and infiniteneeya, who lied about it.

>> No.6543298

What the fuck do you have to fear if what you say is true and can be proven?
What's rosaire gonna do in the face of evidence? Say "Oh, well your evidence doesn't count." Wtf.

No, obviously you have no caps and just want to say shit to say shit.

>> No.6543308

The only "rumblings" are that she is a slow shipper, which she states upfront, and that there may be delays in shipping due to her health, which she also states upfront.

>> No.6543322

If you've got nothing to hide and want to make a valid point, post your evidence. She doesn't seem the type to deny service for someone telling the truth. What are you more afraid of? Having to use another SS or being considered a liar?

>> No.6543331

Actually she does. She deleted a lot of new people according to her. I dont understand why you are so invested in this. I said I would still use her if desperate. I do know she isnt being honest about post office hours. According to the japan post her branch is open every day.

>> No.6543348

And on top of it, it was pretty mean to oust a girl with a shopping service in the area because of photos of cc. Maybe its against the rules, but that was clearly for an alt motif.

>> No.6543350

If she deleted new people, it's probably because she's already had someone posting her private Facebook updates here.

If you know she isn't being honest, prove it. Not sure why you brought up post office hours when we're not even talking about that. We're talking about you posting evidence that she shipped a week after she said she would.

I'm invested in it because you're going "Well I can prove she's a bad SS but I don't want to actually prove it."

>> No.6543354

How is this even relevant to what was being asked?

>> No.6543356

>She deleted a lot of new people according to her.

Yes, because people were leaking screencaps from her personal Facebook.

>I dont understand why you are so invested in this

People are tired of people shit-stirring about rosaire on here without a bit of evidence.

>I do know she isnt being honest about post office hours. According to the japan post her branch is open every day.

Evidence of her saying the post office is open between x and y time and evidence that it's not true?

>> No.6543371

Its used to show she aint100% honest. And she can be difficult to deal with without getting in to my situation. The more you ask though, the more I think you are rosaire. It is the afternoon in jp right?

>> No.6543376
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It's almost 3am on the American east coast and I still think you're full of shit. Not sure about those other anons though.
You're still not proving shit without screencaps, and you sound exactly like vendettachan trying to assert your mere hear-say as evidence to prove rosaire is anything of this or that. I think you should shut up.

>> No.6543383

From what i read in this situation she said the po is closed the whole month. Then said limited hours on select days later. Or did i miss something in skimming all these screen caps (or not remember). The jp post has better hours holiday times then me in the US during regular times. Just sayin

>> No.6543385

>Its used to show she aint100% honest.

Except... how would that show she's not 100% honest? Nothing she said was false. That girl was taking photos which she knows are against Closet Child rules. Her actions can have an affect on other people.

The more you dodge providing any evidence, the more I think you are vendetta-anon.

>> No.6543390

Its midnight on the west cost. My point is i now think you are rosaire.

>> No.6543396

>she said the po is closed the whole month.
>Then said limited hours on select days later.


She said that Japan pretty much shuts down from dec 23rd - january 4th, which is true--things tend to take much longer, such as bank transfers, getting items mailed out, etc. Nowhere in the posted screencaps did she say that the post office was closed the whole month or say that it had limited hours.

>> No.6543393

And you can think that all you'd like, but that doesn't make it any more valid than your evidence-less post stating rosaire didn't ship an item for three weeks.
Oh and protip: Not everyone who thinks you're being an idiot is rosaire, dearest samefag vendettachan.

>> No.6543398

Rofl isnt it always rosaire.cuz who else would care this much?

>> No.6543400

Holy shit vendetta anon, you could at least TRY to make it less obvious that you're samefagging. God, why do you care so much about rosaire? Seriously? What sort of mental damage occurred that caused you to be an obsessive cunt about this girl?

>> No.6543404

It's actually really just super entertaining to argue with you on and off and watch you defend your posts for hours when you yourself know there's no substance to them.
It's kind of comical how mad you get.

>> No.6543406

The first post of mine on this situation was only about half an hour ago. I said i would use you again if desperate. The fact that you cant accept this and take it so personally is kind of strange.

>> No.6543402

inb4 vendetta anon ignores this or just goes


like they always do when confronted with facts

>> No.6543403

Grow some balls and post the damn caps, anon. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.6543409

>mfw vendetta anon swears we're all Rosaire despite the timestamps

>> No.6543410

You need mental help. I'm not even joking. Seek professional assistance before you start stalking people IRL.

>> No.6543412


Unless i clicked an extra one, these were my only posts.

>> No.6543414

The most I've gathered is that vendettachan is some buttmad lolita from the west coast (possibly underage?). Hopefully when school starts back up in full swing they won't have the time to make threads for hours on end and shitstir.

>> No.6543415

Okay, let me spell this out for you anon.

1. I'm not Rosaire or the person you're replying to but I also requested you post evidence.
2. You clearly must not speak English as your first language or have a low IQ because you don't seem to understand the concept that you can't say "Well this event happened." and have people take it as fact without evidence. If you make up an excuse as to why you can't provide evidence but still try to pass your statement as fact, people are going to call you out on it.

Either post your evidence or accept the fact that no one will believe you.

>> No.6543416

sorry anon but this just proves that rosaire ss is horrible and people are idiots to put their trust in her

>> No.6543417

Naw, they've been doing this since August. Though it seems to have really picked up since octavekitten etc got called out for lying.

>> No.6543420

vendetta chan you need to learn how to read

>> No.6543425

mfw anons seem to think it's "obvious" that they're not all rosaire, but that every anon that disagrees with them MUST be samefag/vendetta-chan!!


(no, I don't think you're all rosaire. just pointing out that you're all hypocrites, though.)

>> No.6543426

But...you are the same person. It's obvious in the way you type and the way you purposefully change your grammar syntax to be "other anons" to prove you're not a samefag. We may love drama but we're not stupid.

>> No.6543441

Why would she have an ulterior motive when that girl's rates are ridiculous? I mean seriously.

>> No.6543440

I am not underage. English is my first language and am pretty clear- you seem to understand me just fine. What does this have to do with my point? It is fact, if you dont want to accept it, thats your prerogative.

>> No.6543446

Lolol rosaires not shipping because she's still posting on cgl. Go. ship. your. packages. Rosaire! Get. Off. Cgl. And. Do. Us. All. A. Favor. English! English do you speak it??

>> No.6543454

Good point. I think this whole thing is stupid as fuck but it seems to me that only rosaire and her whiteknights cant seem to drop it. Everybody else has moved on.

>> No.6543452

No. I'm
Maybe a couple others above from way earlier in this thread but I'm too lazy to go search for the rest.
So no, I'm not everyone you happen to disagree with, and I have absolutely zero to do with this situation. Just a bystander who doesn't think anyone involved is totally clean in this and that you guys are going way overboard to the point that anyone who does have a legitimate poor experience will be too afraid to speak up now and you're knowingly bullshitting to say they shouldn't.

>> No.6543458

Hey rosaire is the thread too much yet? You gonna report it to cgl again to get it baleeted lol

>> No.6543459

Don't know why I haven't hidden this thread yet but jesus fucking christ just do that samefag post check. People use "samefag" as an insult, as a joke, and as to accuse someone making multiple postings under different "guises". Those people are either silly, smart, or dumb as fuck because they don't bother to check so they won't be proven wrong.

Finally hidden.


>> No.6543461
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>everyone else has moved on

Did I ever tell you that your irony is really enjoyable, vendettachan?

>> No.6543464

Agreed maybe this will be remembered as crayzaire and the 3liars.

>> No.6543475

>mfw people would drop the subject if vendetta-chan didn't constantly post new things that supposedly make Rosaire a bad shopping service

Vendetta-chan all you're doing is giving her more publicity. I didn't even know who she was before all this but now I just found me a new shopping service.

>> No.6543476

>just do that samefag post check

I wish I knew how to do this

>> No.6543478


>> No.6543488

how do you do that anyway?

>> No.6543492

This is why I buy from tokyo rebel. Theyve had their drama but ship on time and make little excuses.

>> No.6543497

Ugh dont bring tokyo rebel into this. They are overpriced and their store folded anyway

>> No.6543505

Nice. Good luck cuz she was posting here just a sec ago b4 i reminded her to go ship her packages.

Your welcome fags btw. Remember me if she actually shipped them today 1/10

>> No.6543512

LMFAO /thread
If someone gets this in a btb/secrets that will make my day.

>> No.6543515

Not getting your packages from rosaire ss?? Why wait? Post on cgl and yell reminders at her to ship your packages instead of fucking around here. Cuz it's obvs the only thing that works! Your welcome.

>> No.6543539


Learn to proper English, samefag.

>> No.6543553

It's likev8:00 in Japan now isn't it? I doubt she can ship anything?

>> No.6543556

...Well for one Tokyo Rebel is an actual physical store, and anything they buy in advance for people are usually reserved items that they get directly from brands. And not places like Closet Child. Same could be said for AP San Fran. Those places have nothing to do with an independent SS.

>> No.6543562

Everyone just use chibi tenshi. Problem solved, rates are the same

>> No.6543573

Done and done

>> No.6543581

6:20pm and po are open till like 8 or 9pm in some areas. Others have late hours during holidays. Lived there for a year, was awesome.

>> No.6543578

Rofl i doubt she can ship anything. She's a scammer and makes a whole lot of excuses for shit. I"m new to this thread and just looking at the archived past threads shows you what a liar she is. How many fucking excuses and lies can she possibly add to this shit. Get over it. Her SS is over.

>> No.6543589

They havent had a physical store for almost a year. They said they were going to open a new one up in the summer but no nyc loli friends posted of fb. Do they still exist?

>> No.6543591

the fact that even lolitas in japan wont talk to rosaire kinda shows that shes not someone to be trusted. Rosaires a liar and a landwhale she needs to go in a corner and feel sorry for herself. Oh wait i forgot. she does that already

>> No.6543615

No one likes her. Before she deleted me I saw all her boohoo I'm sad and lonely posts and posts asking people to meet up with her and no one replied lolol

>> No.6543625

Thats not funny, its kind of sad. The people in Japan are very welcoming especially if you are white and can speak enough to get by. I mentioned i lived there for a year. Racism can work in your favor.

>> No.6543627

>for almost a year
wat? Yes they have, I went there in late summer. It would still be barely even half a year if they closed right after that.

>> No.6543628


I need to add rosaire as a friend for the lulz

>> No.6543632

Oh cool. Did they move? Havent heard anything from the nyc crowd. I plan on visiting ny again soon so i would like to stop by.

>> No.6543635

purakuri is suppose to make you cuter, not uglier. I guess not even the magic of photoshop can fix that ugly mug

>> No.6543642

Just because it takes her over two weeks to ship doesnt mean you should prep her for two weeks to kill herself. I get the stuff is worth more but at least offer a fair trade. Some people are waiting on their items still.

>> No.6543644

ouuuuuch. this taste like burnings

>> No.6543647


Shit shit shit! Guiyse what are you doing? She'll NEVER ship our items now.

>> No.6543649

Fat, ugly, worthless, and everyone hates you. The ones who claim to be your friends just keep you around for entertainment but they are leaking your posts and laughing behind your back. Why go on?

>> No.6543650

She mentioned she would be shipping today to me on fb. Doesn't afraid!

>> No.6543659

Whatcha getting anon? I hope you didn't buy something of hers because I heard she busts the seams and stinks real bad.

>> No.6543660

Not that I know of, when I went they were still in their old location. I think they're still looking for a new space.

I hope they find one soon, that's the only big draw of buying from them, really.

>> No.6543661

Wtf i dont know whose dumber the fact that you revealed your identity to rosaire or you believe she will actually ship it today. Cause today is a national holiday. Its Crasaire Day. There's no shipping on Crasaire Day, stupid.

>> No.6543664

O shit srsly? I didnt know 1.10 is Craisaire Day. She gets a fucking holiday too. Lisa's gonna be overjoyed. Maybe she'll off herself on Crasaire Day 1.10 this will make it more memorable.

>> No.6543666

LOL. Im not worried. After i get my item I'm deleting her. Too much to handle for what it was.

>> No.6543677

honestly I didn't have a good SS experience from Lisa too. I can't leave feedback because of her sheer crazy. Its not worth it cause just at what she did with the 3 who came out against her. Even if their stories were exaggerated, they all say rosaire is a scumbag. Im too chicken to do what they did. Id rather just stay in the dark like the rest of us and not come out against her.

hey octavekitten, infiniteneeya, lingozero i'm with you on this a hundred percent. Dont worry. The truth will come out from rosaire. Shes gonna blow it and everyone will see her for the fraud she is.

>> No.6543683


If you did your ttansaction through fb, you guys are idiots. None of you can post feedback. But you didn't realize that of course.

>> No.6543686

It's not like it hasn't been tried. It's quite difficult to be friends with someone who is loud, obnoxious, rude, and has poor social skills in general. Though I feel bad for her, her poor-me-why-don't-I-just-die pityfests and aggressive reactions to any criticisms or suggestions, no matter how gentle, about her behaviour, do create a major obstacle. Nobody wants to deal with all that drama in a friendship.

>> No.6543687

You're on her private fb? Caps or copy pasta plz!!

>> No.6543688

Why are we still talking about this? stop giving her so much credit crazaire day wtf. No you will feed her too much. She's the size of a small orbit already.

>> No.6543690
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Having fun talking to yourself, op?

>> No.6543695

she had a drunken poem once if anyone remembers. long time ago but it qas really sad. She was calling herseflf a worthless drunk and a liar. Going on about how she wasnt good enough for someone. It was perfect i wish i saved it tho

>> No.6543700

I'll take caps when I get home tomorrow. Im saving a few good ones for behindthebows but if the mods end up deleting it then i'll post it here

>> No.6543701


Holy shit there us a lot of crazy in this thread over night. Calif it now, this is going to end in tears. Vchan you really, really need help. If you are in college, go talk to a counselor, it's likely free and uh, I'm sure they will help you "uncover rosaires lies" and make everyone see how terrible and fat she is, just like you say.

>> No.6543707

In order to be a scammer, you have to actually scam someone out of money.

>> No.6543708

Its Rosaire. Your samefagging is atrocious. Stop your shit.

>> No.6543709

I became one of her "closest friends" as she calls it by catering to her every need. The truth is I'm just playing along for the drama. She told me this story once of how she needed money for concert tickets so she tried to prostitute herself but ended up getting beaten and raped. I said her story made me cry but in reality I was crying from laughing so hard.

She's no different than pixitery. It's no wonder they're friends

>> No.6543711

If this is a lie, you're a pathetic individual.
If this is the truth, you're truly a scumbag.

It's bad enough one of the vendetta shitfaces posted that cap of her sister's personal business to make Rosaire look bad but between this and the suicide encouragements, you're all fucking sick.

Sage and fucking reported.

>> No.6543713

Getting some dick didn't even help that bitch. God damn.

>> No.6543714

I'm not sure how that's a response to my post.
Rosaire isn't an inherently bad person, just abrasive and doesn't seem to know how to act in social situations.

Even if you can't stand her, that's a terrible thing to say.

>> No.6543715

You must be one of the Tokyo lolitas. More deets

>> No.6543717
File: 75 KB, 540x361, 1356380764483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I vote this thread gets deleted and all shitposts associated with that particular IP be permabanned.

As it is:
>no evidence to assert Rosaire is a scammer
>only harassment about how fat and weird she is
>since she's not a scammer this violates the singling out rule and should be considered harassment
>the worst that's been said is she can be a slow shipper and is socially awkward

This isn't good enough to constitute a "scammer" thread, and these threads should have been put down a long time ago. I think I'm gonna contact Moot, a few other people should do the same if they agree this has gone on long enough.
Ample time has been given to OP and others to prove rosaire is a scammer, and they have failed. It's time to end this.

>> No.6543718

>Even if you can't stand her, that's a terrible thing to say.

thats funny coming from someone, who was at least on cordial terms with her, who is shitposting about her anonymously

>> No.6543720

Can't take the heat huh roseaire

>> No.6543721

You really want to believe I'm her, don't you? Like I said, I can only hope you will be permabanned and that someone outs your identity. Annoying shitposters like yourselves need to be outed like arthritic cockroaches.
I would also merrily enjoy a gtfo post about you, hopefully the mods will have a way of tracking all those wonderful btb secrets you've claimed to submit.

>> No.6543724

Agreed. There's no evidence of scamming and given that the vendetta person has resorted to outright telling Rosaire to kill herself, it's time they got permabanned.

>> No.6543725

At least one person from the Tokyo lolita group is in here unless they are lying.

>> No.6543729

As someone who doesn't think rosaire is squeaky clean in all this, I also agree the personal attacks on her have gone way too far.

In fact it's incredibly detrimental to the case anyone who actually does have a warning to give about her service, because at this point everyone will just assume every case is trolling when some are not. So good going, you've accomplished exactly the opposite of what you should have been trying to do. :/

>> No.6543730

>the worst that's been said...

I would also like to add to that list
>inciting rosaire to self-harm
>inciting suicide
>claiming she's "crazy" when she's acted nothing short of professional
Fuck, whoever this is needs to get questioned by authorities. They might actually be dangerous individual(s). And I don't necessarily mean a danger to other people, like if they're this delusional they may pose a threat to themselves. A mental evaluation may be needed.

>> No.6543732

This. You done fucked up for everyone now because after this unless they screencap every single message they exchange with her, no one will believe anything negative that's being said about her service.

>> No.6543733

Why should anyone believe anything negative said about her unless there's proof? Screencaps even happened with Maiko drama when the people posted screencaps of their chargebacks and the fact that Maiko was being unresponsive in messages and on group posts.

It's not the discrimination you think it is. It's perfectly reasonable. And honestly, anyone who was scammed or wronged shouldn't feel held back if what they're posting matches up with their stories. The only ones who ever have a problem with this are liars or exaggerators.

>> No.6543735

And their friends apparently.

>> No.6543736

Is it just a coincidence that both times Rosaire provided proof that Lingozero was full of shit, a bunch of nasty posts flooded onto /cgl/?

>> No.6543737

This has already been explained here >>6543271
If you still don't get it then well, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

>> No.6543739
File: 31 KB, 638x638, 1345834178446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People had no problem throwing around their screencaps on Maiko threads. And yes, there were people whiteknighting Maiko too, and even the mods didn't completely side against Maiko until the whole thing was over with.

Those three little shits got "torn apart by whiteknight wolves abloobloo" because they were liars. Not a liar? Then don't worry about it.

Got proof Rosaire is a slow shipper?
Got proof Rosaire is a shitty customer service person?
Then post it or GTFO. Why even mention it if you're not going to produce it? If you're not going to take action then why even bother saying anything at all other than to incite more drama?
Yeah, exactly. Fuck off girl.

>> No.6543740

Probably not. Everyone knows it's one of the three that's behind all this. We just can't prove which one(s) it is.

>> No.6543744

Look, I've tried to explain this as simply as possible, but apparently you just can't get it through your head. I'll try again.

This thread is full of aggression towards anyone who isn't kissing rosaire's ass. Buyers would be hesitant to provide proof for multiple reasons, such as:
-Not wanting their names to be linked with this drama in general
-Not wanting to be harassed by rosaire or her friends for speaking up
-Not wanting potential future SS transactions to be denied for speaking up about a SS in the past

Even in a case where there is solid screencap proof, in these kinds of drama events people tend to remember the usernames, not the specifics of how someone was involved or who said what. To involve yourself at all is still sticking yourself in the line of fire and no one wants to deal with that bullshit- and doubly so if it was a situation where it's more of a 'feeling' of being ignored, led around or given excuses or whatever, instead of having explicit incidental proof of an event occurring. And there have been several such mentions of those situations already. Sometimes you just feel uncomfortable for a reason that can't be explained with specific examples.

If people want to give their feedback that while they don't have a specific event to point out, they felt uncomfortable in their transaction and would not recommend using her based upon this feedback, they should be able to without being attacked for it.

>> No.6543745


The three not only tried to ruin her business but a genuine source of happiness as well?

I am so done. I know that exact feel.
Petti all ruffled now and shit.

>> No.6543747

...you mean the lyrics from a Tool song that she posted? Confirmed for underaged hipster imbecile.

>> No.6543750

>full of aggression towards anyone not kissing rosaire's ass
Protip for ya genius: That's because everyone ITT who claims to have had a "bad experience" hasn't posted any proof so it sounds like they're just trying to defame her. If we took in every negative account without proof, then I'm sure no SS person would even be able to hold onto their business.
>not wanting to be harassed
Which wouldn't happen if they could PROVE what they are saying. Don't you get it?
>not wanting future transactions being denied
But that wouldn't happen if there was PROOF that rosaire did the wrong and not the customer.

You're making excuses for people, and that's all you're doing.

>> No.6543762

>Which wouldn't happen if they could PROVE what they are saying.
It's like you didn't read the entire second half of my post.

Since you clearly don't get what I'm trying to say, again: let's just agree to disagree.

>> No.6543764

Lol right, buh bye.

>> No.6543766

In response to the first line, sorry, on my phone, didn't intend to respond to any line in particular.

>> No.6543768

Who's buh-byeing here?
And protip: acting like a massive cunt to someone you're trying to convince of your point usually doesn't work out so well for you.

>> No.6543769
File: 30 KB, 344x291, 1355280271395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me being so mature and walking away from a situation to 'agree to disagree' but I still gotta have that juicy last word!

>> No.6543770

You're all acting like massive cunts. Shut up already.

>> No.6543784


>> No.6543857

Lol too bad chibi tenshi is always so swamped with orders that unless you're one of her favorite girls you ain't gettin shit, especially with these new restrictions

>> No.6543870



>> No.6543924

Ikr? It's literally painful to read their samefag posts.

>> No.6543931

So we have:

>no evidence she's a scammer
>no evidence she's given poor service
>no evidence she's not shipped something for 3 weeks

but we do have evidence that she

>provides free gifts if shipping takes especially long
>lets people know in advance that shipping may take longer
>has shipped packages EMS out of her own pocket before 2 weeks are up to people who are leaving for a trip
>offered to upgrade shipping multiple times out of her own pocket
>let someone know that she probably couldn't reserve their item in store and gave them a solution
>has no problem suggesting refunds when it's clear the buyer won't be happy
>refunds within minutes
>responds to accusations of bullshit with evidence of what happened to avoid gossip bullshit

Everything vendetta chan(s) have accused her of has been proven wrong in this thread and the last one.

>> No.6544034

There is evidence of poor service. Slow to ship is considered poor service. I havent seen proof of her willingness to give free upgrade in every case. She also is hesitant to give refunds unless she offers. And where are these free gift photos?

I agree with the rest but your list isnt accurate or unbiased.

>> No.6544038

Every time vchan calls something juicy it makes me very uncomfortable. Just throwing that out there.

>> No.6544040

She gave octavekitten a free alpaca plush, I have not see her be hesitant to give a refund since you know, in every single cap that was offered up here, she offered first or did it within minutes of being asked.

Everyone knows she is slow to ship. It's the buyers fault if they enter into an agreement with her knowing this, and then complaining about it after.

>> No.6544044

The thing about it is that if she is making it known up front that she takes a while to ship, which she does, of the buyer decided to work with her anyways, then they forfeit their right to complain. It's not a surprise or unexpected, she warns the buyers, they can decide if they want to work with her or not after that. It's like getting mad at the post office for a package taking a well to get there because you choose cheap first class parcel post instead of paying more for express and claiming they have bad service and are scamming you.

>> No.6544051

"You know I've got to say as an outsider looking in all this situation has resulted in is me having another SS to potentially use (you) and now making a mental note not to buy from Trample, if these are the sorts of people that run it. Seriously if you run a business be more sensible. You're effecting how it's perceived by many people, even if they don't comment."

>> No.6544063

Still hesitant as fuck to use any of them who posted

>> No.6544062

>Slow to ship is considered poor service.

No, it's not. It would be considered slow service if she didn't tell people shipping was slow. As it is, she lets people know before they make a purchase or contact her for a transaction that shipping is slow. That is not poor service.

>And where are these free gift photos?

No photos, but screencaps. One of her feedback under rosaire/lacetreasures indicates a free gift, as does her transaction with octavekitten.

And I've never see her be hesitant to give refunds. Evidence? Proof? There's plenty of proof that she provides good service and yet not a scrap that she's fucked people over or not done her best to work with people, especially those like lingozero who suddenly decide they have a deadline earlier than 2 weeks.

>> No.6544069

Really? Where did all this drama come from? I used Lisa as an SS for years, and she was never a problem. She was always foreword with what was going on and very responsive.
She would almost always include candy in my packages, and fuck ya candy. I still wish I knew what one of the sakura hard candies was, I could eat fist-fulls of that.
She always did nothing but go out of her way for me. When I reserved Twinkle Carnival with her she warned me that she may not be able to get the head bow because someone else had the spot in the colorway I wanted, and she then went to a different ap just to make sure I got my head bow.
When I reserved Chess Chocolate with her she was unable to get the socks, and offered up a refund quickly.
She was more then happy when I decided to put that money to the matching jewelery instead, and scanned shop adds, translated them, told me what things were.
She even offered to give me free shipping from the online shop because she was ordering some things too.
Sadly, all of this took place on my old collage e-mail and since I graduated it is long deleted.
I would use her again in a heartbeat if I had the cash for new brand anymore.

If you are reading this hun, you are great, sorry I stopped using your service but I'm just broke it is nothing you did. I'm sure you know who I am by now?
Also seriously what was that hard candy it was my shit. Also, we finally got the apple flavored mentos in the states and every time I buy them I think of you.

>> No.6544080

I think these threads are blowing the situation so far out of proportion that any legitimate concerns about rosaire's shopping service that are just going to get pushed under the rug. I'm not happy with her service but I can't speak up or say anything now because I'll get burned at the lolita community stake for talking about it. Way to go v-chan, actual issues could have been brought to light if you weren't fornicating all over these damn threads with your unjustified hate that just makes rosaire look better instead of worse.

>> No.6544081

- that

>> No.6544093

>I think these threads are blowing the situation so far out of proportion that any legitimate concerns about rosaire's shopping service that are just going to get pushed under the rug.

Except no one has come forward with legitimate concerns about her shopping service. People come forward with vague "oh I experienced bad service but I can't give any details or provide any evidence, omg whiteknights why don't you believe me?!"

>> No.6544097

Good for you anon. This is so fucking stupid that both sides refuse to believe
-theres more than 1 vchan or whiteknight
-some people had good experiences while some people had bad experiences or vice versa.
Let it go. Its getting annoying as fuck and makes everyone involved look really retarded.

>> No.6544116

1 This is a fucking awful to say if it really happened or you're just making it. 2 if it was true, you've just revealed your identity vchan. Good job.

>> No.6544129

>-some people had good experiences while some people had bad experiences or vice versa.

The problem is that no one who has had a bad experience can actually prove it. It's always ohhh yeah I had a bad experience, she didn't ship for like 5 weeks, and she totally sounds like a scammer omg, but oh, you want details or evidence of my accusation? LOL WHITEKNIGHT ROSAIRE

>> No.6544154

Rofl ok then people who just didnt like their ss experience with her with no real reason. You know what i mean. This shit is stupid and overrated. Move on idiots.

>> No.6544171

Why do you want people to move on when there are people who keep accusing her of poor service without evidence and then getting in a tizzy when people don't believe them or ask for proof?

>> No.6544219

This dramu is boring. Soooo last week. Rosaire is slow to ship kind of scattery and seems fishy. Doesnt matter. Use her or dont. Why continue to defend or bash. She's 30 something. She should be able to hold her own weight.

>> No.6544255

What I like about the people screaming MOVE ON MOVE ON is that they're always blaming Rosaire and talking how how she's fishy and slow shipper etc. Completely forgetting the fact that, you know, she didn't do anything wrong and people lied to make her look bad...

>> No.6544452

I wish one of the 3 liars would come around and tell us why they lied

>> No.6544494

Lingozero: I didn't lie, here are over 9000 irrelevant caps, but 8 days is two weeks!

>> No.6544507

Call me crazy but I want to think this entire this is over Lingozero not getting that ring she wanted for her store event. She probably told a bunch of people she'd have it to promote herself as Trample Clothing but due to her not telling Rosaire when she needed it and that it was for an event for Trample Clothing and with the intent to sell it.

Obviously Lingozero didn't end up getting the ring and no doubt this made her look bad in a professional light since I doubt she wouldn't have mentioned "Oh, I'll have this ring for our company event!" to at least one person she was interested in selling it to since it's a fact that she did intend to take the ring to the Trample Clothing event and sell it. There's no way she would have just shown up out of the blue with it as a surprise item to sell. I'd go so far as to say that she might have even had one person interested in buying it, a sale that didn't happen and lost Trample Clothing money.

From what I know, Lingozero knows both Octavekitten and Infiniteneeya, thus she would know about both of them using Rosaire for a SS. I can't prove that Lingozero is behind the idea that they'd all lie about their stories, but I can bet you that Lingozero is the one who made the original GTFO post and is doing the most vendetta here.

Rosaire 'ruined' Lingozero's business reputation when it came to that event because she didn't get the ring she wanted (even though it wasn't Rosaire's fault) and so what better way to get back than to ruin Rosaire's business reputation as well?

>> No.6544510

Some of you ladies are very imaginative.

>> No.6544519
File: 96 KB, 503x358, 43_zps0c1908fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I just found this. Her coworkers knew she was buying the ring for the event. No ring equals one very embarrassed and humiliated Lingozero.

>> No.6544520

Lingozero never denied it was for a company event when it was mentioned in caps.

>> No.6544524
File: 13 KB, 1230x70, also.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and while I'm rereading everything, I find this interesting.

Vendetta anons said here repeatedly that Rosaire shouldn't spend so much time on /cgl/ whiteknighting herself and instead be shipping out packages and other phrases along those lines. See >>6543446 >>6543515

Now check out this screencap from one of Lingozero's posts.

>> No.6544534

>orders ring from Rosaire
>tells coworkers
>repeatedly mentions wanting to make a partnership with Rosaire
>tells coworkers about possibly partnership (why else would she mention to her coworkers that Rosaire 'honors her shipping deadlines')
>doesn't get ring
>Rosaire shows no interest in partnership

Lingozero is one mad-ass scorned lolita. Either she's doing this to permanently ruin Rosaire's business or she's doing this to make just enough damage so she can swoop in and make Rosaire her personal SS for Trample Clothing. Why else would she outright lie, go to all this trouble, and then still say "I'm trying to be her friend. I still want to form a business partnership with her!" if you had such a bad transaction with a SS, why would you want to make a business relationship with them for your company?

>> No.6544548

Wtf am I reading?! This is hilarious! If there was a trample event, i think it would be on their fb or tumblr. In lingozero's post she states the item is for herself a few times. These stories are great though. I think v-chan is switching her hate every half hour to spice up the interest.

>> No.6544552

This does make sense. If her shopping service is ruined because of all the made up bad reviews then Lingo would have no problem recruiting her because she would be desperate for business. That's why Lingo is still acting as though she's symphathetic and just wants to be her friend despite the 'bad' transaction.

>> No.6544554

It would also explain why Lingozero was butthurt when she was removed from Rosaire's SS group. If the transaction was so bad why would she want to remain in it?

>> No.6544555

here's my theory... rosaire and lingozero did team up. this was their marketing scheme for the ss and trample. And it worked because both of them are getting a lot of customers and adds now. Watch lingozero ends up with the ring lol

>> No.6544563

That last part, yeahh not so much. Rosaire sounded eager to join. It was a successful(? ) marketing scheme.

>> No.6544565

LOL Sides hurting. Mud slinging from all sides of the field. I just wonder who is saying the harshest comments. Those involved or those not.

>> No.6544566

>if there was a trample event
But there was an event she was going to, a friend's event and she mentioned "There's another event after.."

>she states the item is for herself
She does, but why would she tell her coworkers about it? It's a business, she wouldn't feel pressured to get the ring by her coworkers if it was a personal purchase. Plus TrampleClothing has other AP rings for sale on their site.

>> No.6544570

Ugh. I bought from TrampleClothing once. The dress looked nice on the website but it took forever to ship and when I finally got it had an odd smell and the material felt odd.

>> No.6544574

My theory is Rosaire was always the fourth member. She left on good terms and tried to come back. Their friendship was on the line because of some unspoken past event.

>> No.6544588

Where in the caps does she say that it's for herself?

>> No.6544617

Rosaire said she thought the ring was for lingozero personally, not the company. Lingozero then says (paraphrased, but it's in the caps) "oh well there's another event I can take it to after" which implies IS related to her business and not personal use.

>> No.6544625

Why hasn't Lingo replied? Sick in bed again?

>> No.6544728

>lingozero's post she states the item is for herself a few times.

Except in her message to rosaire, she stated the item was "for an event" and that she informed her "colleagues" that there was a transaction going on, and she didn't disagree when rosaire said "oh, I thought this was for you personally and not the company.."

>> No.6544793

I think that, like rosaire, lingo isn't even a lolita. She just pretends to be for business. But I do personally find it odd that lingo appeared to be trying hard to make friends then suddenly backs out of the transaction and lies about it.

I think the added touch all three of them had in saying that making fun of her appearance is wrong was just for brownie points.

>> No.6544809

>I think the added touch all three of them had in saying that making fun of her appearance is wrong was just for brownie points.

Considering that their feedback ended up being bullshit, I'm inclined to think they were less than genuine with "ohh gosh, don't make fun of her appearance, that is so mean!" You know what else is mean, bitches? Lying.

>> No.6544918

This is sort of sad, honestly. What is your deal?

>> No.6544941

Agreed. These thread aren't offering anything constructive. Her service doesn't sound fantastic but I honestly see no reason for having a whole thread about her apart from arguing with "vendettachan". It should really be deleted.

>> No.6544942

So I see Lingo or none of the others that posted on the original getoffegl have bothered to reply yet after the proof was posted to contridict them.

>> No.6544975

They won't. Lingo only posted because she thought she "caught" rosaire in a trap but she's too dumb to realize she basically confirmed to everyone that she was actually a shitty buyer in that case and rosaire behaved pretty reasonably, considering the sudden "UH BUT I THOUGHT I'D HAVE IT BY JAN 3RD... I told my company about this transaction too, soooo..."

octavekitten & infiniteneeya will ignore it because they're popular enough that their legion of 'friends' will just wave their hands and poo poo it.

>> No.6545014

Seeing as they've all been coming on here talking shit, I believe it.

>> No.6545508


Did anyone get shipping notices?

>> No.6545597

Not yet, kinda pissed about it.

>> No.6545641

Did you buy her used panties? Of course you did. You like hamplanets.

>> No.6545660

Yeah, all my tuition refund down the drain.

>> No.6545850

How many people made secrets about this? lol

>> No.6545992


>> No.6546029


Yep. First time using Rosaire and I'm overall pleased with her service, despite all this drama. Her communication has been quick and clear, and she was totally upfront about the shipping time-frame so there were no surprises. She's helping me get a dream dress for a really good price; I definitely plan on asking her to keep an eye out for a few other items for me once I've rebuilt my savings post-Xmas.

>> No.6546051

hi crazaire

>> No.6546124

Proove or it didn't happen.

>> No.6546135

hey samefag vendetta chan

Still pressed that you can't find any evidence of her poor service?

See, the thing about it is: There's ample evidence (links and screencaps) of her providing good service. But the only evidence of even remotely poor service are 2 feedback from 2010 that gave her 4/5 on shipping. That's all you have. Therefore, when people talk about good service, it's more likely to be taken seriously because--gasp--we fucking know she gives it! So when you come here samefagging with your vague accounts of bad service but refuse to provide evidence, guess what? Nobody believes you. Because you're a vendettaing, cunty piece of shit who needs psychological care.

>> No.6546154
File: 66 KB, 855x475, rosaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencap of fb message where rosaire let me know the package had been sent, and photo of the tracking slip with number (personal details blocked, obv). Package isn't here yet, but I'm expecting it today or Monday depending on how much my post office drags their ass.

>> No.6546179

oh snap

>> No.6546207

If people can provide screencaps and evidence of good service from Rosaire, I don't understand why people who have bad service can't provide screencaps and evidence of their poor transactions.

>> No.6546225

Probably because they're all fabricated. And I would bet, all from the same person or same group of people.

>> No.6546280

You must be one of the two people she told me she gave shipping notices to, which is why the anon up there flipping shit about not having anything shipped is bullshit.

Also to >>6543709
This is a sick, horrible, terrible fucking lie and I hope karma comes back at you hard.

>> No.6546691

Has the Maiko situation been sorted? Someone posted saying they think she's run off with the money by now. I have no idea when the chargebacks took place, find it funny seeing her band page www facebook c o m /MayonakaNoFantaji and someone commenting back in early October they liked her lolita outfit, dunno if she chargebacked all the way back then. Is she really half Japanese? sounds like BS too... Has anyone seen this blog page? http://ameblo.jp/backwoodsbarbie/ The 2nd post is only from September, but there's like 10 pics of her wearing lolita outfits, may be proof needed for some? http://www.youtube.com/user/MayonakaNoFantaji/videos?flow=grid&view=0 youtube videos if there's any proof in there... Why is no one bitching about Maiko, Rosarie hasn't chargebacked whatever it was

>> No.6546740

um where have you been the past 2 months...

>> No.6547396


>> No.6547577

secrets are up and there are no sign of anti roseaire ones

>> No.6547589

genuinely thought there would have been waaaaaay more secrets about the situation. gotta say though, the ones that were up, say a lot.

>> No.6547665

I made one but forgot to submit it in time.

>> No.6547671

post it here instead? lol or at the end of the post, or in the comments of the one on the first page

>> No.6547675

I'll just wait until next week! I am patient.

>> No.6547677

She's stopped responding to people and there are at least 4-5 people who do not have their money back. That's the only update I know of, though.

>> No.6547684

but if it's anti roseaire it should go up now somewhere

>> No.6547696

Why would it be anti-rosaire? Only the lying trio & obsessive vendetta-chans have anything against her.

>> No.6547701

because she is shady as hell and isn't the saint her whiteknighting friends are trying to make her out to be

>> No.6547741

Oh, you're back.

>she's totally shady and there's totally something shady about her but I refuse to ever get detailed and provide evidence!!

>> No.6547821

I've been defending her and I had never heard of her till this.

>> No.6547825

guys, can we stop with the rosaire bullshit. she wants to run a shopping service, let her, maybe she's slow at it but you don't have to use her. she's still going to do it anyway, everyone shut the fuck up.

>> No.6547831

I see you found btb

>> No.6548361

bamp, vchan is going strong

>> No.6548768

I hope someone finds out who they are so badly. It would be hilarious to see their reputation crash around them.

>> No.6548961


in my head it's octavekitten. i will laugh forever if this turns out to be true.

>> No.6549021

Holy shit! I know you're probably saying that for the shits and giggles bro but maybe you shouldn't say shit like 'offing herself'.
Cause for a person ya'll say is mentally unstable if she does 'off' herself that shits..... ON YOU BRO! :s

.....ON YOU!

>> No.6549120

I doubt anyone would care if she did.

>> No.6549183

I would I want my stuff!!

>> No.6549193
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure her Family would. :/ have a heart anon! ...have. a. heart!

>> No.6549251


>> No.6549537


Fucking hell. Its because we (I'll speak for myself *I*) don't want my name attached to any of this shit. Even if its proof and true people here would dig into what I bought, what I said, what my motivation was etc. Its not fucking worth it.

>> No.6549581

Then maybe you should realize that your accusations aren't going to stand without proof and give up already. I almost wish this shit was on Judge Judy so she could tear you apart for your bullshit excuse for lack of proof. It'd be hilarious.

>> No.6549593

I'm totally okay with that. I don't have motivation to bring her down or ruin her life or any of that as the original vendetta poster kept going on about.

My bullshit excuse, asyousay, is totally valid.

>> No.6549597

It seems most people want to bring her down so don't you think that providing proof of bad service would garner support?

>> No.6549671

Has anyone gotten shipping notices? I haven't. Looks like she lied again and is probably too drunk to ship.

>> No.6549692


But you could just censor your name, picture?
I honestly do not get this. I might be too tired, but that seems incredibly obvious. And Rosaire can confirm or deny the accusation without revealing everything, I'm pretty sure.

She even blocked out Lingo's Facebook name in all her caps, took others traditionally AND via her phone for edit proofing.

I'm not even talking about you in particular.
The vendettatroll could at least fake some shit, I don't know. Be more visually-appealing at least.

>> No.6549708

Seriously, this accusation without proof shit is getting really lame.

>> No.6549717

Plus, if you had a bad transaction with her, she should already know about it. Or are you one of those who would rather talk behind the seller's back instead of giving them a chance to fix whatever went wrong?

And if your complaint is solid and backed up by evidence, you shouldn't be worried about it being dug into. The only people so far who have gotten shit was because they WERE lying. Don't lie and you won't have a problem.

>> No.6549729

Why are so many anons so desperate to get her to stop doing ss? Or are these anons competition?

>> No.6550011

>Okay everyone, I just finished adding tracking numbers to Paypal and invoicing people for money that is owed (and in some cases, refunding extra!) Please check your Paypal email/Paypal account for this information.

>I shipped 18 packages today. If you did not receive a notice, please PM me and I can let you know what's up!

>> No.6550014


This shit is getting old. Proof or GTFO

>> No.6550017

well, I don't think one can prove a package wasn't shipped if it never happened in the first place... the only one who can prove it was shipped is rosaire.

>> No.6550023

and the only person who "deserves" to know if their package was shipped is the recipient of it.

>> No.6550025

Recipients can get the tracking number off their PayPal which she said they added. Proof enough. It'll also have the destination in the tracking information

>> No.6550038

At least all this is getting her up off her ass and shipping things. A new "emergency" every day preventing her from shipping my foot.

>> No.6550041

She had said she would ship after the holidays long before this blew up.

>> No.6550111

>You have some serious nerve. I'm in a transaction with her now and she's been nothing but a complete doll to me. She was able to get me AP's Gloria JSK in pink, which is one of my dream items. I didn't know about the dress until the day of the release, so I spent hours trying to get a SS to look for the dress. All the SS I used told me the item was completely sold out. 2 weeks later I get a pm from rosaire. She was able to get the JSK for me. I don't think I've ever been so happy about a Lolita item in my life. She literally made my entire week so much better. With regards to the long wait. Seriously,people we've been in the fashion long enough to know how it gets around this time. Especially those of us who order either directly from Japan or us SS based in Japan. She's not a scammer, she's not bullshitting, and I'm just appalled that you have the audacity to make any kind of comment about her wait. Jealous bro? Sounds like it. You need to get over whatever the hell your problem with Lisa is and grow up. She Legit so STFU.

>> No.6550112

Exactly. Vendetta-chan just keeps saying vague shit in the hopes that some of it rings true.

Like saying she changed her name from karasu to lacetreasures and then to rosaire to hide bad feedback. When... her first name was all positive and only had two 4/5 shipping ratings and lacetreasure/rosiare are the same account since she paid to have the name changed and even then, no real notices about the shipping because in both cases, she let the buyer know on her sales post that shipping would be slow AND in one case decided to EMS it out of her own pocket when the buyer said they were leaving on a trip.

>> No.6550120

That's because buyers with bad experiences are scared to leave negative feedback and end up getting attacked

>> No.6550122

>That's because buyers with bad experiences are scared to leave negative feedback and end up getting attacked

Bullshit. No one has gotten attacked for a legit experience. Shit, the lying trio of bitches didn't even get attacked (and they weren't "attacked" more like "called out for being lying cunts") when they left their feedback. Rosaire gave her side of the story and then it was slowly found out that their sides didn't add up.

This "aww boboobobo I'm soo scaared I can't possibly give you any details or evidence that she's a scammer but she ISSSS!!" is fucking ridiculous and absolutely REEKS of people obsessed with taking her down, because all people ask is that if you've had a bad experience, show that it happened. Vague anon comments on /cgl/ that scream 'vendetta anon' don't count.

>> No.6550127


oh lookie here, recent positive feedback

>> No.6550131

>That's because buyers with bad experiences are scared to leave negative feedback and end up getting attacked

Except there's no reason for them to be scared to leave negative feedback. ESPECIALLY before all of this went down because the only people talking about rosaire was vendetta anon trashing her on /cgl/ all the time and making it seem like she was a shit seller. So if she's such a horrible seller with all these bad experiences, why wasn't there a single ounce of bad feedback before the extremely coincidental timing of "shit post on getoffegl about making her leave, three people lying about experiences with her"?

>> No.6550147

It really looks like it was planned. But why?

>> No.6550310

Seagulls are so naive.

How many ppl know about her before this whole shit?
How many of you remember her name and might even consider using her now?

Attention gained. Business flourished.

That's why she won't let this thread die.

>> No.6550325

hi m_miu

>> No.6550466

So you're saying she somehow convinced three people to lie so she could publicly call them out on it just to make her business look better. Unless she's paid each of them for putting their own reputations on the line, I doubt this is true.

>> No.6550582

Vendetta chan we know it's you. Seriously. It's very easy to spot your comments.

>> No.6550586

I'm starting to believe the theory that it might have something to do with lingozero not getting that ring she wanted. She seemed awfully upset about rosaire selling it, even though she got a refund (which she had to DEMAND!11! and it took FOREVER!!11) and rosaire had every right to sell the ring. It was also odd how there was a spike in "kill yourself" "craizaire" "drunk bitch" etc comments after lingozero got called out, first the first time and then after she posted on getoffegl.

But then that doesn't explain why octave & the other girl would a) be bitchy enough to do it in the first place and b) risk their reputations over helping lingo get pseudo-revenge

>> No.6550606

Back of my mind also says octavekitten cuz her story turned out to be the biggest fraud out of the 3L. She was actively trying to defend herself on cgl. Shes a total bitch and a liar.By the way I've tried m_miu and she sucksass. She overcharges and adds in a shitty free gift. You lose Vchan cuz Roseaire ss is the best

>> No.6551722

oh look another excuse as to not ship. surprised anyone?

>> No.6551740

>and adds in a shitty free gift
Yeah, how dare she go out of her way to give you something for free out of no obligation!

>> No.6551762

but roseaire is slow and her gifts are shit too. liek from daiso.

>> No.6551763
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I'm kind of pissed that the janitor hasn't deleted this because the thread title implies "scammer general" when it's really just been a personal attack on one person who has proven not to have been a scammer. This is what I call bullshit.

>> No.6551831

>when it's really just been a personal attack on one person who has proven not to have been a scammer. This is what I call bullshit.

at least the threads have made vendetta chan prove themselves to be even more pathetic?

"SHE DIDN'T SHIP ANYTHING OUT" "Here's a cap of her doing that"

"SHE ABANDONED 2 ACCOUNTS TO RUN FROM OODLES OF BAD FEEDBACK" "here's a link proving she didn't have bad feedback under any of those names, here's a link proving she didn't abandon the second account but just renamed"

etc etc.

>> No.6551838

lingozero must be really, really mad.

>> No.6551842


Seriously, you sound like the kinda person who screams at their parents cause you got an iPad 1 instead of an iPad 2 for Christmas.

>> No.6551847

instead of browsing around a store for gifts she should be shipping faster. How is it that others can get it in the mail the next day or within 3 days but she needs 2 weeks?

>> No.6551852

She probably buys them in bulk at one time, not shopping around every single time.

Sometimes I ship next day, sometimes it takes me 4 or 5 days to be able to go to the post office. It just happens. Plus, 2 weeks is hardly anything, especially when she is upfront about it. It's not like she's lied about it or taken months instead of 2 weeks suddenly. God I'd hate to see you wait for a BJD or something where it can take up to 6 months just to ship.

>> No.6551857


It's up to two weeks.
As in, if her chronic illness prevents her from shipping within that allotted amount of time, I guess you get a refund or an even nicer gift, upgraded shipping, etc.

Anyone who uses her service has no right to complain about orders shipped under that buffer.

Rosaire is not a scammer. I couldn't care less what a "drunk, brash, crazy bitch" she is, her business is fine and no one has lost any fucking money. People lied. They deserve a blacklisting more than she does.

This is a scammer general and talk of an actual scammer, maikodolly, has been rare and perverted. Mod, please. Stop deleting on-topic threads and do something.

>> No.6551860

Obesity isn't a chronic illness.

>> No.6551864
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Oh look, this retard again. Precious.

>> No.6551867
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>chronic illness

>> No.6551875

She has Hashimoto's disease, nerve problems, and some other things I can't recall off the top of my head.

>> No.6551887

yeah, no.

>> No.6551888

Oh, so you're privy to her medical records then? What, does she have to take photos of her labs to prove it to you? Pretty sure it's none of your business either way, however.

>> No.6551892

sorry but people with chronic illnesses don't go to concerts several times a week.

>> No.6551897

yeah people with chronic illness would die if they stepped outside their house.... they would just disintegrate... or worse maybe even implode.

>> No.6551898

>concerts several times a week
Even if this were true, are you so retarded to think that people with illness are constantly bed-ridden and can't do things like go out? Sorry, but no.

>> No.6551900

She doesn't. If you're going to bitch about her, at least bring up points that are actually true.

And yes, people with chronic illnesses go to concerts. Maybe not several times a week, but I've been to concerts more than once a month before, and I have chronic illnesses too. I have seen and met others who did as well, and they went to way more concerts than I ever did. Just because you're sick doesn't mean you can't enjoy things when you're actually have one of your good days.

Regardless, I'm pretty sure even if she did go to a concert, it has absolutely nothing to do with her shopping service.

>> No.6551915

>mfw Rosaire goes to concerts regularly, moshes/gets into altercations, and bitches to her concert friends about her SS customers wanting their things shipped while she lies about being too sick to even get out of bed

>> No.6551922

Except no. Post proof of her going to concerts regularly or gtfo.

>> No.6551930

>at a vk concert

Yeahhh no.

>> No.6552009


>> No.6552287

doesn't this mean your buddy octavekitten doesn't have a chronic illness? She flew to London! That faking bitch.

>> No.6552796

My friend has cancer and still goes to gigs. He takes a seating ticket when possible or else stands at the back out the way of pits and boisterous activity.

>> No.6553634

Update on Maiko


>I'm pretty sure that Maikodolly ran off with everyone's money, including mine. Can we make sure that she is banned now? This whole situation has just been ridiculous.

>> No.6553639

she complains about her "chronic illness" 24/7 too. why isn't anyone whining about that?

>> No.6553650

Because vendetta chan doesn't have a vendetta against her. Also because she's thin and pretty.

>> No.6553668

yep and crazaire is fat and ugly and a lier
I bet her areolas look like dinner plates

>> No.6553736

Work on your spelling, lingo

>> No.6554442

I got my parcel and the dress smells like rotten pussy.

>> No.6554511

That sounds contagious, maybe you should go to a gyno.

>> No.6555575

Rosaire had a gyno issue and told a whole restaurant about it, so maybe you could go together?

>> No.6555639

I still can't believe she told everyone her gyno sexually assaulted her. Keep that shit to yourself. I don't want to hear your rape stories.

>> No.6555691

Kicking it up a notch, vchan? You look kinda crazy talking to yourself like that.

>> No.6555726

hi sarah :)

>> No.6555753
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>> No.6556034

I don't think you know what being a "scammer" is. Unreliable service? Sure, I probably wouldn't use her service as my first choice. But unless she's stolen someone's money without providing items. she is NOT a scammer. Don't throw that word around so lightly, it needs to be reserved for people who truly ARE scammers.

>> No.6556082

If you're not going to provide any proof, don't bother saying it.

>> No.6556087

Can we talk about Maiko since she's the actual scammer here?

Was she at ALA?