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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 657x492, prussiaamericaengland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6530221 No.6530221 [Reply] [Original]

Shitty Hetalia thread?

This is apparently Prussia, America, and England "cosplaying" at a museum. There's this really shitty Hetalia cosplay group in my area and all their events are weeb photo goldmines.

Post other shitty fandoms if you want to I guess.

>> No.6530260
File: 30 KB, 234x183, 1314930331036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they at a con?
Is this a paid photoshoot?
Do they claim to be professional?

No. They're just casuals enjoying their day with wigs on and acting in character. I mad because there is an endless amount of photos like this on facebook or dA, because fun things are fun; UNLIKE people who DO claim to be pro and have a 100 photo set of a god awful cosplay for an ill suited body shape that could be worth mentioning on this board, unlike a few friends you're stabbing in the back. jfc

>> No.6530280

I'm resisting the urge to post someone on my facebook. It's hard.

>> No.6530363

>implying I'm friends with any of these people
Also calm down, it's just a shitty cosplay thread. You look, you laugh, you nitpick, and you move on, like in ita threads.

>> No.6530367
File: 92 KB, 720x540, chii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Hetalia but the other bad cosplay thread is full so I'm hijacking this thread with a prom picture from my old high school. What doesn't belong?

>> No.6530371

The difference is this isn't really cosplay.
It's wigs.
Well that's unfortunate.
And dear lord, I want to beat up the kid with his shirt untucked. Stop that.

>> No.6530428

You know it's wigs, and I know it's wigs, but they called it cosplay. Not even "casual cosplay." I asked the one on the right about it once and she said she wore what England would have worn if he went to the science museum, and continued to tout it as cosplay.

>> No.6530431

Everyone is white except the asian girl with the black dress?

>> No.6530436
File: 4 KB, 203x221, 123543543652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I'm friends with any of these people
>I asked the one on the right about it once and she said

>> No.6530441 [DELETED] 

So you're friends with everyone you've ever talked to?

>> No.6530443
File: 12 KB, 256x256, woka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, tell me more about how you're friends with everyone you come in contact with.

>> No.6530552

Okay, if that's true they're really horrible weebs. I guess it's best to ignore them. That or you could ask them why the fuck they don't bind their chest if they're cosplaying male characters. I fucking hate that.

>> No.6530563
File: 76 KB, 750x600, 1305586216765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6530565

I can't tell if the person with the red tie is a guy who hasn't hit puberty yet, or a teenage lesbian.

>> No.6530566

I know Homestuck gets a lot of hate, but I think Hetalia fans act so much more retarded than Homestuck fans. They're louder, more annoying and have shittier cosplays almost all the time.

>> No.6530573


Not to mention all the inappropriate jokes about other countries and nationalities. Plus all that Nazi admiring crap, like cosplayers doing Nazi salutations in front of public buildings.

>> No.6530603

I think you've gotten shit mixed up. Hetalia's on the downward now because all the weeaboos left.
For Homestuck.
Which is why you hear about Homestucks doing shit like dumping buckets of paint on innocent people. And if you seriously think 99% of Homestuck cosplays aren't shit, you haven't seen enough.

>> No.6530827 [DELETED] 


Yeah, Hetalia fandom has a bad name, but every con I've been to in recent months, I've had other Hetalia cosplayers say the Homestuck group was rude to them earlier that day. Not saying our cosplayers aren't shittier as a fandom, but every fandom has shit cosplay.

> 6530573

That shit was years ago, yeah, the Anime Boston incident was terrible and those girls were a bad representation of the fandom. Not like other fandoms don't have their wank.

>Nazi admiring crap
As if the people who cosplay SS officers and stuff aren't as bad? There's even a thread on SS uniforms right now. It's not just Hetalia with this Nazi stuff.

And the fandom, the entire series, is based on inappropriate jokes, and it's all fairly evenly spread across all nations. It's not like Himaruya doesn't make a ton of racist Japanese jokes, too.

inb4, yes I am a Hetaliafag, but from way back when this fandom was still underground and we were excited to get an anime. It's weeaboos who came in with the dub release that crapped up the place. Glad to see they all left for Homestuck, good riddance I say!

>> No.6530835 [DELETED] 


Yeah, Hetalia fandom has a bad name, but every con I've been to in recent months, I've had other Hetalia cosplayers say the Homestuck group was rude to them earlier that day. Not saying our cosplayers aren't shittier as a fandom, but every fandom has shit cosplay.

>> 6530573

That shit was years ago, yeah, the Anime Boston incident was terrible and those girls were a bad representation of the fandom. Not like other fandoms don't have their wank.

> Nazi admiring crap
As if the people who cosplay SS officers and stuff aren't as bad? There's even a thread on SS uniforms right now. It's not just Hetalia with this Nazi stuff.

And the fandom, the entire series, is based on inappropriate jokes, and it's all fairly evenly spread across all nations. It's not like Himaruya doesn't make a ton of racist Japanese jokes, too. Remove the sand from your vagina and deal with it.

inb4, yes I am a Hetaliafag, but from way back when this fandom was still underground and we were excited to get an anime. It's weeaboos who came in with the dub release that crapped up the place. Glad to see they all left for Homestuck, good riddance I say!

>> No.6530838


Yeah, Hetalia fandom has a bad name, but every con I've been to in recent months, I've had other Hetalia cosplayers say the Homestuck group was rude to them earlier that day. Not saying our cosplayers aren't shittier as a fandom, but every fandom has shit cosplay.


That shit was years ago, yeah, the Anime Boston incident was terrible and those girls were a bad representation of the fandom. Not like other fandoms don't have their wank.

> Nazi admiring crap
As if the people who cosplay SS officers and stuff aren't as bad? There's even a thread on SS uniforms right now. It's not just Hetalia with this Nazi stuff.

And the fandom, the entire series, is based on inappropriate jokes, and it's all fairly evenly spread across all nations. It's not like Himaruya doesn't make a ton of racist Japanese jokes, too. Remove the sand from your vagina and deal with it.

inb4, yes I am a Hetaliafag, but from way back when this fandom was still underground and we were excited to get an anime. It's weeaboos who came in with the dub release that crapped up the place. Glad to see they all left for Homestuck, good riddance I say!

But if you want shit Hetalia cosplay here you go: http://badhetacosplay.tumblr.com/

>> No.6530841

> like dumping buckets of paint on innocent people
Oh god, please tell me that's not true, and super please tell me that they don't do that to cosplayers at conventions.
I nearly had a heart attack thinking about them dumping paint on the cosplay I'm currently making from scratch.

>> No.6530884

Not so much at conventions I don't think, but I've heard multiple times about them finding people who on the internet expressed how they dislike Homestuck, and doing shit like dumping paint on them.

>> No.6530931

>As if the people who cosplay SS officers and stuff aren't as bad? There's even a thread on SS uniforms right now. It's not just Hetalia with this Nazi stuff.

Those are troll threads and are full of mocking and ridicule.

>And the fandom, the entire series, is based on inappropriate jokes, and it's all fairly evenly spread across all nations.

And those jokes are limited to being in the series, and not shouted down a hotel hallway by 300lbs 15 year olds who don't get what "context" and "appropriate behavior" means.

>but from way back when this fandom was still underground and we were excited to get an anime

Please be more hipster.

>> No.6531426

Is that emo Bieber in the back?

>> No.6531495

Nope, it's true. The girl who ran cosplayhell on tumblr said she hated Homestuck, so some rabid Homestuck fans dumped a bucket of gray paint on her at a convention at night.

It's sad that there's so many idiots who are fans of it, I know a few people who are into it and they're all sane and pretty good cosplayers.

>> No.6531515

It seem like every fandom is okay or at least tolerable until the fame bomb hits and then everyone bandwagons to it and then it just gets shitty. Hormonal teens, weebs, and crazies ruin everything.

>> No.6531519
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x765, sakuracon 2012 homestuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for most of the Homestuck fandom, it really suffers from its own popularity. If 1 in 10 people are idiots and you get a couple hundred Homestucks together, then you unfortunately also have a dozen retards chomping at the bit to give everyone else a bad reputation.

>> No.6531547


Did they get caught?

>> No.6531567

I'm not honestly sure, sorry! There's a handful of dumb Homestucks but there's a lot of really cool ones too who make great costumes. I wish people could see that.

>> No.6531595


That's so awful. Paint can BLIND people! Pretty sure it can also cause deafness, but not sure on that one. That was really terrible of them and if they didn't get prosecuted, then that's bullshit.

I don't care for Homestuck at all, but I'm pretty neutral toward the cosplayers because I've never encountered any.

I try not to judge by the fandom, but I will not pretend I'm not going to immediately run in the opposite direction should I see any floating about at my next con, because my biggest fear is somebody brushing past me and covering me in their grey bodypaint...

>> No.6531982 [DELETED] 

Sucks, I like hetalia, but, the weebs in it really do ruin everything.

>> No.6532239


You sound really fun to be with. I guess you're the type who freaks out or passive aggressively side eyes every time someone tells a joke vaguely poking fun at an ethnicity. Lighten up. The world's not going to stop making stupid nationality jokes because you said so.

Only gripe I have with hetalia canon is that their nationality jokes are woefully off the mark and not that funny most of the time. I liked the HRE segment though. That was fairly to the point and cute. I stopped reading soon afterwards though. *shrug*

>> No.6534990


>> No.6534993
File: 86 KB, 960x720, datwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem wigs
especially on the right

>> No.6535000

I don't know what disturbs me more, the England's face or their hands

>> No.6535014

the england's costume looks okay though.

>> No.6535036

Is the black girl wearing a gray mottled walmart tshirt? I'm not a hetaliafag so I don't know how accurate that is but damn.

>> No.6535056

girl or boy? i can't tell

>> No.6535365
File: 89 KB, 720x540, hetalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bam i like this thread because I really really hate Hetaliatards even more than any other fandom

>> No.6535370
File: 127 KB, 640x960, hetalia (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6535373
File: 65 KB, 720x540, hetali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6535381


How the fuck do you get that fat. At that age in particular.

What the fuck.

>> No.6535800

I know them, they're both girls.

>> No.6536969

I studied abroad with the girl that is in OP's image and >>6534993 and honestly she didn't seem to eat any more than anybody else did. Maybe she has a medical problem? Also I remember she is a lot older than she looks, I think she's like 25-27.

>> No.6537473

bump for more shitalia

>> No.6537510

Late night snacks, and shitty food in between when you don't see them.
It's like me in reverse and how sometimes I eat a lot in front of/when I'm with people because socializing, but when I'm away I'm honestly good with just a snack every so often so I stay at about 115-120 even though I eat a lot sometimes, but most of the time I don't.

Any medical issues aside from the unlikely or very rare wouldn't be a sole cause of someone who appears to be obese/morbidly obese but eats a healthy/normal diet. It just doesn't happen, even common hormonal issues shouldn't cause someone to become very overweight/obese/morbidly obese. Difficulty loosing or maintaining a low weight, but in the overweight category sure. But again, unless they had an (severe)unlikely or rare condition, a person isn't going to become that big when on a normal/mostly healthy diet with an adequate amount of calories.

>> No.6537590

I guess. There was always something off about her though, she apparently had really bad anxiety and always clung to her best friend and the only girl on the trip who spoke the language of the country we studied in. Maybe she was on an antidepressant that caused weight gain? We really did so much together all the time and there weren't a whole lot of opportunities to not be with the group and she always complained about not having any money so I honestly can't imagine that she'd have that many opportunities to binge.

>> No.6539256


>> No.6539297

But Homestuck has unsealed body paint.

>> No.6539313

Hetalia has shittier cosplays than Homestuck? You're telling me the candy cane, styrofoam horns and t-shirts from Cafepress are better than Hetalia cosplays? Okay, yeah a lot of them are just from Milanoo or Ebay or something like that, but at least there's some damn variation among the characters.
I like Hetalia. I JUST got into the fandom. I cosplay Hetalia. I understand over half of the fandom is annoying as hell with shitty cosplays which is why I stayed away from it for so long. But at least now of days, people are putting more effort into it. I see a lot more homemade uniforms and the wigs are getting better as people are learning from past mistakes.
I'm laughing at you though, because most Hetalia fans left for Homestuck. Enjoy your weebs.

>> No.6539328
File: 198 KB, 960x720, 379530_439397919459990_1637322819_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't see anything too ba-

>that Canada.

>> No.6539401
File: 56 KB, 500x667, AGAIN HETALIA WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6539408
File: 78 KB, 500x375, eye bleach plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Captcha: uleBOAR variation

>> No.6539414
File: 75 KB, 376x375, 939876457283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking picture. Everytime.

>> No.6539435

I would seriously beat the ever loving fuck out of someone for that.

>> No.6539437
File: 132 KB, 198x268, tumblr_m7etooVrg31r208kf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doing understand mpreg. I don't understand shittly cosplayed mpreg even more.

>> No.6539453

Again, anti-depressants aren't going to be the cause of that much weight. It doesn't happen, that's not how anti-depressants work. At the most depression could cause over eating as a coping mechanism. But again, it would be over eating that would cause someone to have a significant amount of weight like that. Like how some people think birth-control makes you gain weight, it doesn't. It MAY cause a bit of an increase in hunger as your body is adjusting to it, and it may cause some bloating/water weight, but it isn't going to actually cause you to gain a significant amount of weight. Maybe if you have a severe hormonal problem, but if that was the case, a low dose or other method of birth control would be used.

Not to mention, it was a trip, just because she didn't have much opportunity to over-eat then, doesn't mean it wasn't in her usual life.

>> No.6539471

The Sydney Homestuck group was asking around and trying to find who did it so they could report them to the police, from what I remember (I'm in the Melbourne Homestuck group, they asked us if we knew anything).

I hope those arseholes were caught.

>> No.6539516

If she was on an antipsychotic like olanzapine though...the average weight gain for those is like 10kg, and that's just an average.

>> No.6540146

I seriously can't stand my local hetalia group. They occasionally come along to our larger general meets and get us kicked out of shopping centres and restaurants by being loud and weeby.

I've been asked several times by strangers if I'm a support worker because some random weeb next to me is screaming "PASTAAA!"

>> No.6540272

Are you from NC?

>> No.6540303


>> No.6541169

North Carolina. I guess not though.

>> No.6541994
File: 67 KB, 717x960, 531012_127089187444707_898467928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Prussia

>> No.6542276

Nah I'm UK based

>> No.6542286

That's not even shitty. It's not good, especially with the makeup, but come on. This is the Hetalia fandom we're talking about, you can do better.

>> No.6542294
File: 72 KB, 640x960, 1328469352704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be much worse anon.

>> No.6542347
File: 109 KB, 960x717, tumblr_mgbs4yfZrp1ro62e7o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be Poland, apparently.

>> No.6542353
File: 55 KB, 643x960, tumblr_mfoz33t0uZ1r8ujaio1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542357
File: 164 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mfnctoAGLZ1rniz2po1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captions reads: Just one look at Herr stick and Gilbert ran away. I have no idea why..

I think I know why, and it nothing to do with your twig.

>> No.6542367
File: 81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mfdf2bgjs31qfn8eio1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia if he were a fat 13 year old boy.

>> No.6542369


>> No.6542379

That's actually kind of perfect, because Russia is childish and round...
I mean, if he was older and better-dressed, it'd be spot-on.

>> No.6542617
File: 145 KB, 500x401, tumblr_merl5zI6Wi1r1tz6ro1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6542627

>shitty hetalia cosplay
>all hetalia cosplay

>> No.6542662
File: 135 KB, 500x750, Prussia and France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare make me start a quality Hetalia cosplay thread.

>> No.6542970

dat england
the america's kind of cute and fitting though, i'd like to see them in a better picture.

>> No.6543020
File: 283 KB, 512x492, 1357315560181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6543080

The plaid ones are supposed to be 2P!Canada but....

Shit, major binding needed.

>> No.6543126

i'm the OP who knows them and I always felt this was kind of true. America always hung out with the weeby England, a pretentious anorexiafag, and this assholish foreign girl that cosplayed an equally shitty Leichtenstein (I think? I'm not into hetalia too much). I always kinda felt bad for her because she was really cool and nice but her friends sucked.

>> No.6543955

Please do! I love good Hetalia thread, but I never have much to contribute.

>> No.6543968
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1266621361135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>What doesn't belong?


>> No.6543991
File: 221 KB, 594x401, bad time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to know a group of Hetalia cosplayers. A few of them were really nice and we're still friends, but the rest of that group was kind of freaky.

Pic related. I should have listened to you guys.

>> No.6543998

Are you the anon in that weaboo horror story thread who told us that they didn't know what was up with this chick that called herself Russia who in turn called you Lithuania? I believe you were in college or something.

>> No.6544001

Yes that was me.

>> No.6544008

Oh boy, what happened? Did she try to pull something on you? Deets, man, deets!

>> No.6544012

/r/ing backstory and updates

deets pls

>> No.6544074

You can see the pattern on the ball

>> No.6544094

I had sort of a nervous breakdown at my first college because of a variety of things, moved back to my parent's house and changed schools. I befriended some people who were really into Hetalia, one of which was a girl who identified herself as Russia. Everyone in that group was nicknamed after one of the countries and because of my personality and appearance, I was dubbed "Lithuania".

She seemed off to me and I described the way she acted on here. She was bad at respecting boundaries, really, REALLY into acting in character and seemed to have a hard time separating the people in our groups from the Hetalia nicknames they had been given. I don't remember how it came up, but I ended up asking some people on here if these were major warning flags. A couple of people told me to keep an eye out because she could just be awkward, but several told me to run for the hills.

I thought I would give her a chance because I'm not really assertive and I struggle with anxiety problems so I was just glad to have people at my new school I could talk to. I also know what it's like to have people judge you because you're strange and different. (Part of my problem at my old school was one of my room mates. She didn't feel comfortable with the fact that I was sort of into girls and didn't want to say so, so she made up a bunch of lies to get me to leave instead, the main one being that I was on drugs and had just come from rehab.)

>> No.6544123

Shit, guessing it's all downhill from there?

>> No.6544126

Kind of?

I guess I should tell you about our little group first. Along with myself and the Russia girl, there was also an Italy, America, Greece, Germany, France and England. I'll call them by their "Hetalia" names because it's easier than making new names up.

Greece and Italy are the only people I hang out with to this day. Everyone else ended up siding with the Russia girl after the split happened. They were a little too intense for me, anyway. Especially the guy that was supposed to be Germany. He always made Jew jokes and sometimes I got the impression that he was a borderline Nazi apologist. Greece and I became part of the group around the same time. Everyone else was part of the "original" group and weren't named on the basis of personality quite as much as we were. However--with the exception of Italy--the way they acted and treated one another changed to adapt to their new "roles". I guess it was more about what they WANTED to be versus what they were in that case. I also felt really bad for Italy because she wasn't actually dumb so much as she was just cheerful, but they made fun of her constantly and treated her like she was an utter moron.

So anyway, back to my story. (Or should I continue this in a weeaboo horror thread? Is it related enough for here?)

>> No.6544139

I wou;d say keep it here unless it's some legit weaboo horror. It's up to you brah.

>> No.6544190

Things began getting hairy when I started getting closer to the Greece of our group. I liked hanging out with Greece because it was less stressful. She wasn't into being in character or that weird almost-role-playing thing that Russia did where I couldn't tell if she was being honest, quoting the show or acting out some fan fiction/comic. I like Greece because her cats are nice and she likes doing quiet things like taking naps and marathoning Battlestar Galactica. I even started to like her a little "in that way", but I kept it secret.

What I didn't realize was Russia assumed that because I knew that Russia and Lithuania was her OTP and had admitted I sort of liked girls, that meant we were an item. My never objecting (mainly because I didn't know this was what she thought) apparently confirmed her assumption.

So she was jealous, I guess. She was outright cruel to Greece but weirdly moody around me. She would snap at me or say/do something really mean or kind of scary and then be all sad and apologetic. She would say it was because she was worried I was becoming better friends with Greece and felt threatened because she had been my friend first. Then "you were my friend first" turned into "you were mine first".

>> No.6544196

This shit is getting scary holy fuck

>> No.6544204
File: 19 KB, 292x250, sipping jolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.6544210


>> No.6544225

She was a really touchy person in general and would kind of drag me around or pat me on the back/head too hard like she didn't know her own strength. Russia never really hit me when she got mad, but she would grab me by wrist or arm and hold tight and once she twisted it. She also grabbed me by my hair a couple of times. Whenever she would talk about how upset she was, she was really good at making it seem like I was being a bad friend and it was my fault and I actually believed her. I didn't think it was right that she kept grabbing me, but I could understand why she was angry so I sort of excused it. It was like she was doing some kind of Jedi mind trick. She seemed so sorry for doing it that I forgave her. No one else was ever around to see it, so I was worried that my other friends wouldn't believe me, just like what happened with the roommate.

She would call/text/IM me constantly whenever we weren't together and was getting really clingy very quickly. I felt like I was in over my head so I confided in Italy about everything that was happening. She was the only one at the time who knew how bad my problems with anxiety were, so I hoped she would be understanding if I was reading too far into things. To my surprise, she believed me and was on my side. She was starting to get tired of being a walking punch line and getting treated like she was an idiot and agreed the whole thing had gone too far. She coached me on what to say to Russia and even let me practice with her.

It took me a few tries to get her alone and work up the courage to say it, but when I finally did, it was like talking to a brick wall. Italy said the same thing happened whenever she talked to the rest of the group (except Greece) about how she was being treated.

>> No.6544244

Italy volunteered to go with me for support the next time I tried, but I said I wanted to stand up for myself alone.

This was all about four or five months ago.

In between the next time I spoke to Russia, Greece told me she liked me. When she confessed it, she told me she knew that I was already in a relationship, but she just wanted it off her chest because she didn't like not being honest about how she felt and it was bugging her.

Naturally, the fact that I was in a relationship was news to me.

When I said so, she told me that her, Germany and France were all hanging out before a class they were all in together and Russia was telling them we were a couple. Greece was kind of on the periphery of the group since she was tired of Russia being mean to her. (She later told me that this was also when she learned that both Russia and Germany are really into guro.)

I got a little mad and later went and told Russia that I didn't like that she was telling everyone we were an item. Apparently, the fact that we WEREN'T in a committed fake lesbian relationship was news to her. I had always thought she liked boys, anyway.

She said something like "You don't get a say because I win." which was confusing as hell since we weren't playing anything. Then I realized she was probably quoting the show.

I sometimes cry when I get angry, so I started tearing up and told her that I didn't want to keep being friends with her if she was going to just keep playing pretend when I was trying to talk to her about something serious. I left her standing there before the waterworks could start up.

She blew up my phone with voicemails and texts, but I didn't answer her because I thought it would just be a re-hash of every other conversation we've ever had about the same subject.

>> No.6544280

She didn't show up to the classes that we had together for the rest of the week, but she kept flooding me with calls, texts or IMs. It was dumb of me not to answer them, but I ignored them, thinking that if I waited until she calmed down we could talk about this rationally and maybe she'd get her act together and we could have a normal friendship. I kind of avoided everyone but Italy and Greece, too.

Some other kind of petty in-group fighting started happening because Russia somehow found out I was unofficially with Greece and was talking shit about her. Apparently, all Russia wanted was for me to come back to her, but also spent a lot of time talking about violence against certain people with what Italy described as wistfulness. Italy stood up for us and said this "in character" thing had gone too far, which made the rift worse because she was labeled a traitor.

The rest of the group supposedly hated me because I made Russia become (in America's words) a "mindless, depressed zombie" who supposedly spent a lot of time drawing gore, cutting herself and staring off into space.

Italy, Greece and I decided that it was best to just stop contact with them all together if we can avoid it. It worked fine for about half of the next week.

But on either Thursday or Friday, Russia showed up at my house with scratches all over her arms and a pipe. She normally carried the pipe with her to be "in character" when we weren't in school, but this time it was a little scary.

She was screaming at me and sobbing incoherently. In all seriousness, I could not understand what she was saying half the time and in hindsight I think it was all a tactic to scare me into giving in.

In that moment though, I suddenly stopped giving a fuck about everything and just went inside. Thankfully, my dad was home so he went outside and threatened to call the cops on her if she didn't get off his porch.

>> No.6544288

And this is why I would never join my college's anime clubs. I'm afraid of meeting crazy people like them.

>> No.6544292

She apparently scuttled off pretty quickly.

She tried to get in touch with me a few times through AIM and Facebook after that and once showed up when my parents weren't home. I didn't even answer the door. It was hard, but I never responded to any of her messages, either. We didn't speak again after that, but Greece said that there was a month long period where she kept finding dead animals on her door step. Just small things like squirrels, chipmunks and birds. It could have been one one of her cats, but she gets the impression that it was Russia. She had no proof though.

I know you guys were expecting some big, dramatic ending so I'm sorry this was kind of an anti-climax.

Word on the street is that Russia is dating the Germany of the group now. I'm told that their reasoning was that Kazakhstan once once part of the Russian Empire and Borat makes anti-Jewish jokes and Nazi Germany didn't like Jews.

I wish them all the best of luck with that.

>> No.6544342


When done right, Hetalia cosplay is kick-ass. But shitty closet cosplay is shitty closet cosplay, whether it's Hetalia or something else.


Wow, I would delete her from my contacts and block her from everything. Restraining order wouldn't be too out of the question.

But do people normally act this way, being in character all the time? I'd consider myself a big Hetalia fan, but I've never wanted to be in character 24/7. I keep all that with meet ups and rp, not my life.

This is psychiatric level delusional and that Russia probably needs some serious psychological help.

>> No.6544372

>do people normally act this way?
At the height of my Hetalia weebism, I'll admit I tried to resemble the character as much as possible. My character was Austria though, so it wasn't anything like this.
I don't disbelieve it, though, especially with the way Russia is portrayed in the fandom.
Also, judging by how she described them, I'd say they were the type of fans who watched only the dub. The dub screwed up a lot of things.

>> No.6544404


Yeah. I love the dub in that I love being able to own the DVD and I have a difficult time reading subtitles when I'm not at a computer screen, so it's easier.

But I think Hetalia fandom became rabidly weeaboo with the availability of the dub. I know at cons I can always tell when someone has only watched the dub because they don't know the Nordics. This was more so true when we only had seasons 1 & 2, but even now with all of the original series out, you can tell who's a dub-only, or even anime-only based on how much they know and how they act.

The dub and anime in general reduced the characters to one sided characterizations of their manga personalities. They're one joke characters in a sense and have lost a lot of the subtleties of the manga. It's less about their interactions and how those reflect history and geopolitics and how they reflect this ONE thing about them. Russia is ALWAYS creepy, Canada is ALWAYS forgotten, France is ALWAYS pervy, Prussia is ALWAYS awesome, etc.

I very much respect the work put in on the dub and the entire release of Hetalia in general, but there is a great difference in people who are Hetalia fans post-dub compared to those of us who became fans before that was available (I feel very much like we have an 'old guard' and 'newbie' atmosphere in the fandom, and it exists at odds).

I know the major incidents in fandom which caused us to be so introspective and guarded against weeaboo actions and idiocy in general were before the dub, but beyond the AB thing, I conceptualize the fandom is way more immature and irrational at time as something that is post-dub. But it's like these new people never heard the lessons and pointers from fandom saying, "Don't do this! be respectful!" and threw it all to the wind. I shouldn't still be reminding people at cons about flag etiquette, that's Hetalia Cosplay 101!

tl;dr --> The dub created weeaboos who misrepresent fandom. Learn the characters and get your flag off the ground!

>> No.6545267

>>the way they acted and treated one another changed to adapt to their new "roles". I guess it was more about what they WANTED to be versus what they were in that case

that is freaky as shit

your whole story is freaky as shit

>> No.6545678

>But do people normally act this way, being in character all the time?

I was friends with someone like this. She would treat me like her characters would treat mine, which was unfortunate since her characters ended up being somewhat abusive to mine a lot of the times.

>> No.6546026

The England in the starter image is like this. She doesn't even call the America by her real name and makes Hetalia references all day long. It's insufferable. She called her friend Liechtenstein and the other girl never seemed to show much interest in Hetalia but maybe that's because she didn't want to get roped into something.

>> No.6546037

you know when we were like 8 years old we would pick a member of the Avengers and that was our identity we would stay in character as much as we could even after school

but then we fucking grew the fuck up
I weep for our future

>> No.6546068

Aye, I went through the same situation. I didn't even wait for it to get bad. My contact list on my phone though, all my friends have the name of the country I think they look like. And I check with them if it's okay before doing it. I don't ever expect them to act like the character, so this "connection" is limited to their appearance. They quite like it and they call me The President because I have contact with all the countries haha.

>> No.6546089

It's not really unheard of in the Hetalia fandom, that's the freaky part.
That Anon got one of the worst kinds of it, but yeah, we have fans doing smaller-degrees of this shit annoyingly often.

>> No.6546106

>>he was a borderline Nazi apologist.
>>the way they acted and treated one another changed to adapt to their new "roles"
>> "you were mine first"
>> both Russia and Germany are really into guro
>>Russia showed up at my house with scratches all over her arms and a pipe
>>She normally carried the pipe with her to be "in character" when we weren't in school
>>dead birds, dead birds everywhere

where the fuck did you find these people? sweet buttery christ.

>>she was really good at making it seem like I was being a bad friend and it was my fault
>> it was all a tactic to scare me into giving in

that's called being a sociopath. this russia chick has issues.


>>their reasoning was that Kazakhstan once once part of the Russian Empire and Borat makes anti-Jewish jokes and Nazi Germany didn't like Jews.

what the actual hell. this proves they know nothing of history. then again they are hetalia fans.

>> No.6546412

Chin up, anon. You're still an Avenger.

>> No.6550136


>> No.6552157
File: 48 KB, 400x777, tumblr_llv2d2ZldS1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To help everyone beat the Monday blues, here's a shitton of bad Hetalia cosplay. Enjoy!

So not sexy, England. And that wig...

>> No.6552158
File: 141 KB, 900x673, tumblr_llv2u43a6p1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Austria and femme!England. I hope this wasn't what they wore to prom.

>> No.6552159
File: 65 KB, 600x449, tumblr_llwqhcpkEn1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one disturbs me so much.

>> No.6552163
File: 248 KB, 428x639, tumblr_llyxmtQTfa1qh03fco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why people cosplay like this. Who would go out in public looking like this?! Also, really shiny tie on Italy. Costume satin?

>> No.6552166
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_llyzf31fm81qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a terrible cosplay per se, but those boots. Why must everyone wear stripper or goth boots with Hetalia?!

>> No.6552169
File: 66 KB, 420x648, tumblr_llz1d6PT6M1qh03fco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first you think, oh, this is actually a good cosplay! Then look at England. But good job Prussia and France!

>> No.6552171
File: 440 KB, 615x415, tumblr_llz153D6Sz1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what's happening here.

>> No.6552175
File: 34 KB, 400x313, tumblr_llsv47SgZC1qh03fco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharpie eyebrows are always the best.

>> No.6552178
File: 80 KB, 394x1280, tumblr_llsuys4Lv01qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6552179
File: 104 KB, 900x548, tumblr_lg5ndjVLTf1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay photos look best when taken in a kitchen. Also, nice wig Germany!

>> No.6552183
File: 1.01 MB, 600x1043, tumblr_lgcqv1PUM61qh03fco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is Russia.

>> No.6552185
File: 103 KB, 900x675, tumblr_lgcqx6HYBN1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flying Mint Bunny

>> No.6552184
File: 98 KB, 900x675, tumblr_llsurrgx2n1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just all kinds of fail.

>> No.6552190
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_lgdwmf1Zei1qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany's wig looks like grandma hair.

>> No.6552188
File: 85 KB, 900x675, tumblr_lg5ngi6NT11qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More terrible England and his eyebrows.

>> No.6552191
File: 172 KB, 900x675, tumblr_lgembxI4M91qh03fco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much fail.

>> No.6552678

I actually think those are pretty cute.

>> No.6552836
File: 54 KB, 500x313, Wailord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6552846
File: 15 KB, 117x188, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6552858
File: 83 KB, 960x563, 154412_442982565755164_57124378_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553962

Best filename.

>> No.6554084

That's not actual cosplay. This is a personal photo that was on a facebook. These two were just getting ready to go to the con's rave. Someone took this off their personal facebooks and posted it on a shitty Hetalia cosplay blog on tumblr.
In actuality, they're both amazing cosplayers.

>> No.6554305


Late but, I can't help but agree with the Nordic thing. The only Hetalia characters I even cosplay anymore are Denmark and Sweden because it gets a lot of the weebs off of me, mostly with Denmark though.

>> No.6554345

Post yourself!

>> No.6554363
File: 124 KB, 451x700, Norway Denmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd really rather not have my picture on here; but here's some quality Nordics to make up for it. Don't have any bad hetalia cosplay saved unfortunately.

>> No.6554369

ah just the kind of person i want to ask this, if you want to cosplay as a male character and you have large breats like dd-f sized but with a 34-36 band do you believe they should still bind their chest althought it makes little differnce? go as a female version (this slighty irritates me)? or avoid all together?

>> No.6554372

Not who you're asking but it sort of defeats the purpose of cosplaying a male character if you don't bind. Even if you have large breasts you can still get a good binder and reduce the size of them and then make up the rest with altering your costume to be a little looser or something. Using "Oh I have big boobs, it wouldn't make a difference if I bound or not" as an excuse to why your male cosplay has a rack is just bad cosplaying.

>> No.6554374

>shiny satan
...is that a tail with a bow on it? Did she fucking wear a tail to prom?

>> No.6554375


Denamark!Anon here, as someone who has DD's and a relatively small waist I will say that binding with an actual binder DOES make a difference. After binding I still have prominent breasts but they're around B's, much easier to hide. The trick is to crossplay characters that have a lot of padding.

Let's take for instance: Denmark. He's got a dress shirt and a heavy coat so, with a male cut, you can still kinda see that i have a chest if you squint but it's definitely passable. Hetalia is great for this because a lot of the characters wear coats or uniforms. If you're trying to go as someone in a tank though, or Spain in a vest, you're tough out of luck.

>> No.6554378
File: 477 KB, 900x568, hetalia droopfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That poor girl got about halfway with everything but forgot to get clothes that fit, make an ax not a hammer, and then actually style her wig.

>> No.6554379

Other than that she looks pretty metal.

>> No.6554388
File: 278 KB, 960x640, 538609_4604116938881_1821710546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping this France I found with a pretty awesome beard/stubble. Saw 'em at Ikkicon this year. Too bad their costume was way too big for them, apparently it was borrowed.

Has anyone else seen any Frances with quality beard/stubble?

>> No.6554415


Yes, but I'm not going to post them on here. She uses the same technique for Kotetsu as well: eyelash glue and trimmed wig hair. Looks amazing.

>> No.6554434

Isn't the Italy Quantum Destiny?

>> No.6554445

That pisses me off so much.
I feel like I'm the only England cosplayer who tries to make my eyebrows look natural.

>> No.6554584


The amount of times I get called Sealand when I'm Norway... beyond not knowing the characters, did no one EVER learn their flags in school? You know Sealand is a 'country' but can't recognize a Nordic cross to at least place my character in Scandinavia?!


Yes. I love the pics from this shoot. Nordics in the snow are the best.


Pics then? Regardless of whether they were going to the rave or not, it clearly looks like Germany and Prussia. Idk how it's "not cosplay" when you're wearing a white wig, cross, and shirt that looks like it has the Prussian emblem on it.

inb4 > I ripped it from tumblr, I'm not the OP to that tumblr

>> No.6554636
File: 209 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mga41cHi5w1rmxdd3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To counteract the GOOD example of how to do France's beard listed by the anon above

>> No.6554679

Ah, another NC Hetalian? I used to be more in the community. I left once I got screwed over big time by some 'friends'. I miss it, but not worth seeing their fucking faces.

>> No.6554733


>> No.6555127


I am into neither Hetalia or Homestuck. However,
>at least there's some damn variation among the characters
From an observer's point of view, purely, Homestuck has some people who aren't grey, some people who are grey and within each category people with vastly different hairstyles and costumes and things. If I see a group photo of Homestuck cosplayers, no matter how shitty the cosplay I can still just about tell who's supposed to be the same character and who isn't.

Hetalia just looks like a bunch of people in blonde wigs and I honestly can't tell if they're supposed to be the same character or not, except that a couple seem to have brownish hair instead of blondish hair. Sorry.

>> No.6555164


>Hetalia just looks like a bunch of people in blonde wigs
Obviously you seem to have forgotten Asia. Any every other country that doesn't have blonde hair. I fail to see how you can't tell Hetalia characters apart even if you can't name them. Europe is homogenous yes, but the sheer variety of costumes within the series should help you distinguish people. There's everything from the Viking era up to the modern world.

>vastly different hairstyles and costumes and things
In other words, like Hetalia?

>> No.6555166


Also, this is a shitty Hetalia cosplay thread, please leave the Homestuck out. We already get lumped together in other threads.

>> No.6555196


Hey, I'm just giving you my perspective, as someone who isn't familiar with either series. I'm not saying that either series is better or anything like that, just that you're obviously biased as it's easy to tout costume variance within a fandom you're part of, and that to an outsider Hetalia characters (at least in the cosplays/photos of them I've seen) look very, very similar to each other. Again, character variance =/= series quality, so chill.

>> No.6555231

What part of NC? The Triangle?

>> No.6555252
File: 23 KB, 294x294, 1341868281489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I had that exact checkered wristband and wore it throughout middle school and my freshman year

>> No.6555260

>>that's called being a sociopath. this russia chick has issues.


>>what the actual hell. this proves they know nothing of history. then again they are hetalia fans.

Also seconding. Isn't there even a line in the dub that lampshades this tendency?

>> No.6555420


Why? They're not exactly drawn looking natural.

>> No.6555500

Used to be, not anymore. Oh man, I'm curious on who you might be...

>> No.6555505

Different anon, same beef, I just feel it's obnoxious and takes away from your costume when you have drawn on LINES instead of thickening and bushying up yours, or making some obnoxious fake ones.

>> No.6556248

Did you know the people in OP's image?

>> No.6556862


I don't think it's fair to complain about people copying the art when it's something that comes down to taste, though. Personally I prefer to just use mascara, but you can see why a lot of people go for drawing lines (and it works better for some people than others).

>> No.6556944

England looks piss drunk.

>> No.6556942

Because they don't research into the actual fashion/uniform of the country and time period. They think any boots that are taller than your average Timberlands, black, and lace up most of the way are military boots. Ignorance is all.

>> No.6557036

girl on bottom right's sorta...cute.

>> No.6557079

I can't say I did. Most of the people I did know into Hetalia were on the Coast. That and this might be a thing that happened AFTER I left the fandom.

>> No.6557122
File: 89 KB, 482x720, 1284988023407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the first time I ever cosplayed Prussia I was chased across the Katsucon convention center by a Hungary who was wielding a goddamn cast-iron skillet and had full intent to use it on me.

This was like 10:30 in the morning and I had just gotten off the phone with my bank canceling my credit cards because my wallet had just been lost. And I hear a wailing behind me and there she was, coming at me full-swing with that cast iron high in the fucking air.

I have never been so terrified in my entire life.

>in exchange, have some bitchin' good Hetalia

>> No.6557176
File: 192 KB, 900x600, hetalia_asia5_yao_vs_kiku___by_azuooooo-d5ejink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quickest way to ruin an otherwise awesome cosplay. Stripper platform boots.

Anyone up for making Shittalia threads a more or less permanent fixture on this board? Shitty cosplay (and GOOD cosplay), horror stories, general Hetalia cosplay and con related wank?

>> No.6557184


People take it way too far and that sounds terrifying.

I'd have reported her to con staff. They should have had her tag the skillet as a weapon. I always have my flag tagged just in case.

I understand acting in character sometimes, but just because you happen to be cosplaying from the same series does not give someone the license to come up to a complete stranger and try and act all in character with them. it's weird and just an all around bad idea. Like creeper Russias or Bad Touch Trio cosplayers who try and be pervy. If we're friends, cool, but if I don't even know you... back off on the roleplay until I say it's okay. I'm dressed as a character, I'm not actually that character.

>> No.6557553

>open pic
>"hey, this actually looks pretty goo-"
God fucking damnit.

>> No.6557649
File: 107 KB, 540x720, 44568_425620848732_6794679_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6557672
File: 106 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m6fvjx4yON1r152i9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Homestucks get a thread, I don't see why the Hetalians shouldn't. There's lots of shit cosplays to make fun of, but there's just as many good cosplays to look at.

>> No.6557779


Definitely going to keep this active then and keep it going once this thread is over. Probably will be a general Hetalia thread, whether it's Shittalia or good stuff, questions, horror stories, etc.

>> No.6557793

Damn, I know that Russia. When I was cosplaying America in 2010, she swiped some money out of my hand as I was buying something and stuffed into her cleavage, insisting that I had to fish it out if I wanted it back. It took a lot of asking - both polite and slightly aggressive - to convince her to give it back. The money was pretty dank and sweaty, and I felt bad about using it. I tried to avoid her throughout the con, but occasionally she'd catch up with me and try to follow me around.

>> No.6557796

Oh the NC Hetalia fandom, I was always an observer that watched friends in the fandom deal with the shenanigans.
Anyone have any NC Hetalia horror stories/pics?

>> No.6557821

oh god i never thought i'd see her again.
i knew her growing up but lost touch after I moved.
Any other stories of fuckery?
I can trade for a few of my own

>> No.6558059

Not so much as horror stories so much as 'god fucking dammit' stories.

Calling people by cosplays

AZ '10:
>Cosplay Hetalia for the first time
>First real cosplay and con in general
>Meet up with a cool group of seasoned cosplayers
>Chilling with them with my head on ones lap for a shippy picture
>Terribad Poland comes by
>Starts acting obnoxious and doesn't understand no one wants her there
>A Russia cosplayer stops by for pics
>Get faceful of Poland's ass
>Trying to get out
>France is trying to get her off
>Don't go near her ever again

During that huge statewide same day meet shit that was happening:
>Helping set up a meet up on the coast
>Talk with friend who is the one technically running it
>She wants to set it up for 11AM not 5PM like everyone else will be
>"Okay, America, just remember to tell the head girl to post on the group!"
>"Yeah sure"
>Day of I come early to help set up
>America and her two friends (who are the people I don't associate with anymore come over an hour late)
>Late because Canada had to bring their fucking kid
>No one else has shown up
>Turns out America never informed anyone of the time change
>Hang around awkwardly for a few hours with people who don't like me
>Poor kid never leaves his stroller
>Play awkward games
>People start to arrive around 5PM
>They're all weebs
>I leave at 5:10PM

Needless to say I stopped even helping with those fucking meets.

>> No.6558100

Boy, I can't wait to have my own Hetalia horror stories. Two friends and I decided to try our own version of the Amagami Challenge but insteading of finding girlfriends we had to find boyfriends before Christmas Eve. We also changed the punishment to cosplaying Hetalia characters at a local convention and attending every single Hetalia panel. We all lost the challenge, but one of the two friends almost succeeded.

>> No.6558196

Was the name Erin in any of those by chance?

>> No.6558254

Oh man I have a story.

>first con ever
>decide to do shitty china cosplay because it would be cheap and i could use my own long, brown, frizzy, hair
>have fun regardless of the fact that me and friends are all babby's first cosplay and look terrible
>at one point meet a russia
>very large guy, horizontally and vertically
>end up talking to him
>he slowly inches closer whole time
>eventually leaning over me completely
>all light is blocked out, all i am aware of is his rank body odor
>after a long moment of silence in which i have taken into account every bloated pimple on his oily face he speaks
>you're cute
>squeak out an aru of terror
>he thinks i'm trying to reinforce my apparent cuteness
>leans in for the kiss
>i have literally known him for all of three minutes
>i ponder my options
>end up stumbling backwards while making noises akin to that of a wheezing baboon as i try and indicate that i would not like to become makeout buddies
>in huge crowd, doesn't work
>he is not deterred by the amount of people now staring at us and the fact that i have managed to begin shaking my head
>friend who is also a shitty russia but a much less oily one comes between me and her wider counterpart
>gives him peck on check
>stuns him long enough to drag me away through the crowd
>i continue to make baboon noises
>friend finds this very amusing and ends up buying me dinner
>the next day hear that sized to scale!russia was kicked out for shoplifting and harassing other underage hetalians
>feel vindictive pleasure and also never cosplay china again because shit i'm not even asian

>> No.6558309

Erin is the head girl in control of all the meet ups, yes. Otherwise, they're all names I've forgotten, or of people that can go fuck themselves (except America. America's chill now that they're through with Canada. Chiiiiill).

>> No.6558320

>stuck outside during fanexpo 2012 because of oversold passes, just hanging out with buddies
>she rushes up to me and unbuckles my belt (it functioned kind of like an airplane seat belt so it was easy to snap open i guess; I borrowed it last minute because my pants were kind of loose)
>she tries to stick her hand into the front of my pants
>shove her away
>"Jesus Christ! What the hell are you doing?"
>"I know you want to be one with me, America!"
>she tries to pass it off as me being in character (???) and tries to hug me
>we get the fuck outta there

My friends were all really shocked I couldn't find con security since I was stuck outside. I reported her (as others did too, I think) and she was banned from the Hetalia group we were a part of back then; I was definitely not the only person she harassed. Haven't seen her in a while.

>> No.6559078

The image header is from the NC Hetalia group. They're all fucking weebs I swear.

>> No.6559080

Do you know Megan (England and sometimes Italy)?

>> No.6559321


Idk what it is with these OTT Hetalia weebs who take things sexual on complete strangers. People need to follow the International Hetalia Day rules AT cons. I.e. don't just randomly bad touch people because that's freaking SEXUAL HARASSMENT. When is is EVER okay to try and stick your hands down a strangers pants?!

Kinda glad I've never had anyone creep on me like that. The Alabama group wasn't very big though there was drama between Sweden and Finland. Something about a crush. We only ever met a few times. My main issue is that I'm out of college now and have yet to really meet any post-college Hetalia cosplayers. When I go to cons they're all in high school and don't seem to know that much about the series (call me the wrong characters, don't get which versions I'm cosplaying, etc).

Anyone got juicy stories from the infamous DFW group? I've asked a round a bit before and gotten "they're immature" but none of the nitty gritty.

>> No.6559577

I'm part of the DFW group. Most of the drama that happens is shit between individuals. There hasn't been anything in a while, though.

>> No.6559589


I have heard trickles of some of the shit (if what I've heard is true), like getting kicked out of the museum, the secret group that existed. I just have always been curious since they seem to be the one group everyone mentions when it comes to Hetalia drama.

>> No.6559595

There were two, apparently. I know that they both considered it like a private conversation. One claims to have been a group for venting about whatever has been going on. The other seems to have disbanded after getting outed. There really hasn't been anything with then that has involved the entirety of dfwhetalia. Any shit talking or whatever always was just person on person. The people in those groups are actually pretty chill? People in both groups got made out to seem like bad people. They've apologized for stuff they said that was out of line. It's old news, though.

>> No.6559597

Don't know anything about museums. There are a loooot of members.

>> No.6559614
File: 109 KB, 482x720, 9d44334466c39e076b840f600f581269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW drama is old news.

Lay some adorable female nation cosplays on me! I've got a weakness for the two Asia girls. I'll start off. Can't find any more of this photoset.

>> No.6559683

SOUNDS familiar, I think she was someone in passing. Not someone I knew on a personal level.

>> No.6559686
File: 164 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m0qkqjVOZX1qlg6yao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy to contribute.

>> No.6559689
File: 260 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lhucjmrKOA1qdl7zgo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559688
File: 160 KB, 731x1092, 1352035145454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559690
File: 329 KB, 493x740, tumblr_m1crdrQ9It1r85zjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559691
File: 36 KB, 225x235, cartman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Cartman doing there?

>> No.6559694
File: 80 KB, 500x322, tumblr_lpmzgf6fkX1qlw52to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one actually had drama behind it. People going 'YOU CAN'T SIT ON A FLAG LIKE THAT'. Though to be honest it looks thick, like a towel.

>> No.6559696
File: 60 KB, 480x720, Prussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of the Prussia in that picture. I can't seem to find any others of the Germany actually cosplaying Germany. However, I do know that she's been on a Hetalia Etiquette Panel dressed up as Nyotalia!Russia and was rather popular in the Oni-con 2011 Ask a Nation Panel as Prussia.

>> No.6559698
File: 240 KB, 740x416, tumblr_m429q5KvVw1qbo448o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559700
File: 80 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lm1lnskbBk1qdl7zgo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559701 [DELETED] 

Isn't she the Taiwan from the World Conference thing on youtube?

>> No.6559709


Isn't that the Taiwan from that World Conference deal on youtube?

>> No.6559733
File: 1.83 MB, 2994x4412, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Found one of that Germany in there as Prussia. It's pretty old and they're posing with a super cute Hungary.

>> No.6559736

i've seen redstate folks wear flag clothing and let the flag drag on the ground. They don't realize the hypocrisy.

>> No.6559746

>super cute Hungary
You're funny.

>> No.6559753

I've had someone call me Germany when I was England before.... it's okay.

>> No.6559758

No I mean it, she's fucking adorable.

>> No.6559793


Were they even trying?

>> No.6559800

One of my "favorite" things about being a Hetalia fan is the fact that people assume that because I enjoy and cosplay Hetalia, I know nothing about History and have even gone to a point to call me a terrible person for the fact that I enjoy Hetalia. That I'm "laughing at war" and have no respect or shame.

I'm a fucking History major.
It's possible to be smart and a fan of Hetalia at the same time. It's also possible to be respectful.

But then, I get called an elitist bitch when other Hetalians find out my actual degree is in History.

I can't win, it seems.

>> No.6559807

The drama the Hetalia fandom creates for itself is hilarious. Especially in the roleplaying fandom on tumblr. There's legitimate Hetalia fans that go on and on about how 'HIMAS SO STUPID' while number one being a fan of Hetalia, and number two not knowing shit about the country they roleplay.
Meanwhile people that actually know shit are called elitist.

>> No.6559879

Did you know Miles (cool America in OP's image)?

>> No.6559881


>> No.6559903

I gotta be 100% honest on this.
Hetalia's like the only thing I actually like to see Asian people cosplay as asian nations and caucasians cosplay as caucasian nations.
I have nothing against people who do otherwise, but I kinda like it better this way.
This Taiwan looks amazing, and maybe if she was caucasian, no matter how detailed her costume was, I'd still rather if she was asian. Same goes for a Belarus or a Hungary, I like it when those are caucasians better.
But like I said, I have nothing against people who are asian and cosplay caucasians and vice-versa.

>> No.6559908

Like I said before, I don't recognize anyone in OPs photo, they probably came in as I left. I know a Tabatha, Liz, and Katie. To name a few (though Katie's actually VA)

>> No.6559913
File: 93 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lqlpt3XIdq1qeyhbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I agree completely. For some reason, people in this fandom try too hard to look another race. Especially the Japanese side of the fandom, trying to cosplay Americas and Englands. It looks scary. Like, they cover themselves with makeup to try and look white.

>> No.6559938

The fem!America looks passable, but that male!America is damn creepy.

I hate when they coat their lips in foundation. Men have pink lips too.

>> No.6560172
File: 98 KB, 648x431, APH_GP_Hey_you_by_fullmetalflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.

>> No.6560623

this sounds familliar
is the bitch in question's name Julie?
Thinks shes a big name in ontario?

>> No.6560751


Does this Julie chick cosplay as Russia? There was a Julie as Russia who kept stabbing people in the butt with her pipe at cons. Never wanted to drop kick someone so bad before.


This is the Julie as Russia I'm talking about

>> No.6560770

ohh yeah thats her.

I grew up with that.
She's always been a fucking creeper weeb with no sense of personal space. And watch out, shes a creepy pedo who steals shit.

>> No.6560784


I feel so bad for you. I had a hard enough time dealing with her at cons. I wonder what fandom she's destroying now.

I was kind of glad when all the creepy Hetalia cosplayers made the Tomato Crate. I could go to meet ups and feel like 'this is awesome, I'm not going to get sexually harassed today'

>> No.6560796

She moved to homestuck, as did i.
As kids, we were the perfect examples of total weebs (her) and good, respectable fans (me)
It seems it's moved to homestuck, and remains the same. i'd post some hilarious pictures, but this is a hetalia thread.

>> No.6560855


Agreed. A part of fandom I really enjoy is getting in touch with the character and their culture, because I chose my character based on my heritage. I know some people in fandom get pissy about that, claiming people have fake national pride and everything. I do admit I took a more active interest in my Norwegian roots post-Hetalia, but I'm not all suddenly "omg Norway" in a weeby way. I celebrate the national holiday and make a few native desserts on May 17 and at Christmas.

So I really enjoy seeing cosplayers who match not only the general race of their character, but the heritage as well (not perfectly per se, but someone with Southern European looks cosplaying someone from that region, etc). If you're too tan you look off as a Nordic or Northern European, to me at least, in the same way you look off if you're white and cosplaying China, or Seychelles, or a Japanese person cosplaying a European nation.

None of this means you have to cosplay what ethnicity you were born. But Hetalia is a fandom that lends itself to cosplaying who you look like more so than simply your favorite character.

Just curious everyone... what is your heritage and what is your favorite character? I'd like to know if they match up!

I'm Norwegian, French, German, Polish, Czech, and English, and I cosplay Norway.

>> No.6560918

I have a fun game, count all of the Daves.

>> No.6561144
File: 14 KB, 240x320, the belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakuracon 2011
>half decent Russia cosplay
>walking around, minding my own business
>suddenly hear "RUN RUSSIA RUN"
>turn around
>fight or flight mode: flight, take off down the hall
>get yelled at by security for running, stop
>Belarus slams into me in a glomp/tackle
>horrible body odor, bad teeth, bad breath, shitty wig
>"Marry me marry me marry me marry me"
>friends rescue me after laughing at me and taking my picture

Fast forward to Kumoricon 2011
>be Russia again
>avoiding sexual harrassment!France, hiding in park
>hear hurried footsteps
>"Oh god it's that France again", turn around
>Belarus, the same goddamn one
>dont have time to escape, glomps me again
>smells worse, teeth are yellow, wig is alive and monstrous
>"I found you big brother"
>clings to me throughout Hetalia shoot, glares at other cosplayers who get near me
>disappears after chasing another Russia

pic related

>> No.6561163


>half decent.

You gotta up your Russia. With better cosplays the crazies approach you less I find. They become more intimidated and less likely to physically touch you.

>> No.6561175

I actually stopped cosplaying Russia after this incident. I don't know if I'll ever pick it back up again, thought I still have it. I've moved onto "pirate" France and I've been left alone.

But I don't know, man. This Belarus chased any Russia, even ones much superior to me. And at Sakuracon 2012, I conversed with a good Russia who'd had a Belarus with handcuffs jump on her back and tear open her coat.

>> No.6561186


I cosplay Russia and I consider mine pretty good. I think the best thing you can do is got get a pipe and make it look real. I get bothered but I haven't been bothered physically and having a group with you always helps. Hetalia has also calmed down with the rise of homestuck so if you're interested in doing another cosplay now might be the time.

>> No.6561188

I might consider it. I adore the coat and I have this neat visor cap I could sport with it.

>> No.6561192


That's cool and I wish you the best. Hate to see cosplays being directed by the fear of crazed fans.

>> No.6561217


Oh Americans and your obsession with heritage.

I'm British and my family is British. But there's probably some Viking and Norman in there and if you go back far enough even some Roman!!! I'm totes from Italy! Oh and my Grandpa was born in India so I'm Indian too!

>> No.6561243

Just so you know, I'm a small, rather weak 5'1 Russia cosplayer with a fairly good (nothing amazing) outfit. I've worn it to Hetalia meets around my area, and to a convention, and nobody glomped me or anything. I had people ask for hugs (including one really smelly small person of indeterminable gender), but that was about it.
The Hetalia fandom's calmer now, I think. Most of them are homestucks.
(Though that could just be where I live.)

>> No.6561248

That's not at all what I meant, but sure, if that makes you happy.

I mean the shape of the face and all that jazz. You could even be from Spain and look asian, and cosplay China. I don't care about the heritage, talking about characters that would fit your body and shape of your face, etc.

>> No.6561250

That's fucking terrifying.
I think I'm going to have nightmares, anon.

>> No.6561383
File: 130 KB, 322x241, tumblr_m7sa5tvvI41qkjx6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I cosplayed Hong Kong everyone who talked to me called me China. I understand that feeling.
>pic unrelated but it's meant to be fem!Canada

>> No.6561434
File: 979 KB, 795x532, brbdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meant to be fem!Canada

Who does this and thinks, "Fuck yeah, looks awesome, now I should upload it somewhere for the world to see!"?

>> No.6561451

I only have a story about the crappy way fans have treated me while in hetalia cosplay. At a con, no one was respecting keeping their hands to themselves. Everyone who recognized me ran up to me with open arms and I refused their hugs due to anxiety. One chick, while I was refusing her friends' advances decided to come up behind me and hug me anyway. By then I was so overwhelmed by people advancing on me that I panicked, struggled out of her grip, turned around and slugged her. Later, con security approached me because she had apparently reported me to them and local cops, and upon finding out what really happened -I guess their reported story was that I was going around punching people for no reason- they were so disgusted by her, they sat there and counseled me to make sure I was okay. I changed out of my hetalia cosplay after that, for the rest of the weekend.

>> No.6561480

That Austria just made my day.

>> No.6561509
File: 860 KB, 800x567, sb4mja.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all the shittiness in the fandom, I count my blessings that there are still things that make me glad I read that stupid webcomic.

>> No.6561516


I haven't experienced any of the "rabid fangirls" to quite the extent I would there were at the height in about 2010 or even 2011 (though that's pushing it). I know I personally see less and less Hetalia cosplays, specifically of obscure nations. The only time I see people beyond the usual cast is at a larger con or when there is a Hetalia Ask a Nations panel. It's not the "everyone is doing it" cosplay anymore, and I do think a lot of the crazies have jumped ship (or are members of both Hetalia and Homestuck fandom, I see a lot of people in Homestuck cosplay wanting to chat me up about Hetalia). I like to think that those who remain aren't as bad. I mean, we survived all the drama, it really can't get worse. We had already hit rock bottom, so it's only up from here in my eyes. Unfortunately a lot of other people not in the fandom don't see it that way, but whatever.

However, Hetalia is a fandom that can attract weeaboos. Highly shippable, a lot of closet cosplay options and just a lot of outfit options in general, the series is very accessible, etc.

I'm curious to see if the new season reboots the fandom and we see a resurgence, or if indeed our time has passed.


This is the reason I'm so bothered by Nyotalia. When done right, it's kick ass, but people use that as an excuse to do really shitty closet cosplays and not do anything with their hair, then start some tumblr like "As Femme Canada!" I've also never understood the urge to photograph an outfit you think looks like something the character would wear casually (when it's obviously what you wore that day) and call it cosplay and slap it up online. In my experience, closet cosplayers in general are the ones at cons who get the most butthurt when you don't recognize them.

>> No.6561670

I'm German, Polish, Czech, and Russian with a touch of Scottish.
Mostly, I cosplay Prussia. But not so much, anymore. It's become a bit of a hazard to cosplay him at cons now.

>> No.6561692

It's nice to see less and less Hetalia cosplays. Where I live [Houston, Texas], the fandom is still very much alive and there's still a lot of cosplayers from it, but many of the super weebs have jumped ship and most of the people who have stuck with it out here have grown up a bit. I've seen several cosplayers come forward and apologize for their Weebdom and actually become decent people and cosplayers after that.
However, we still have our share of drama and weebs and it sucks.

Despite there being a decline in fandom and cosplays from Hetalia out here, there's been an increase in GOOD Hetalia cosplays out here.
Most of them went to Homestuck.

>> No.6561704

Eh, it depends on the American. You can tell how much they know about their culture by how many nationalities they say.
Greeks and Italians tend to stay more linked here and only marry Greeks and Italians, but the rest blend in after a few generations and end up with 'I'M SCOT-HUNG-AUST-BELG-CZECHOSLOVAKIAN' And yes. People legitimately do think they can be 'Czechoslovakian' in this country. They're really more obsessed with wanting to be part of a culture than actually looking at a culture and even knowing if it exists or not anymore.

>> No.6561734

I didn't find out that Czechoslovakia was no longer a country until I entered Middle School because my Grandmother had immigrated to the States from there as a very young child and refused to acknowledge that it was now Czech Republic and Slovakia.
It was a rather embarrassing experience, actually, but yeah. I was raised by my Grandmother and Mother telling me we came from Czechoslovakia and, when I learned about the split and tried to say something to her about it, she wouldn't hear it from me. She just refuses to acknowledge it.

>> No.6561741

She must have been one of the few Czechoslovakian nationalists, I guess? Or maybe just Czech. If they're anything like the Serbs of Yugoslavia, that could explain her butthurt.

>> No.6561775

They're cute!
The Prussia's wig could use a little styling, though.

>> No.6561869 [DELETED] 


Even though I wasn't terrible about it in public and never pulled any of the shit people have described here, I did go through a weeby Hetalia phase early on. Thankfully "early on" for me was still early on in the fandom, and as soon as I saw weeby people at cons, it's like it snapped me back into reality. All it takes is seeing someone worse than you and you'll sober up.

I'm really happy the quality is going up. Maybe because I feel like we've gotten some great source material in the last few years that really lends itself to good cosplay, like all the pirate versions, Halloween outfits, etc. I feel like people aren't limited now, so I really appreciate when someone does one of the alternate outfits instead of the simple uniform. Though that DOES make it trickier when trying to cosplay something, since the chances of someone else having already done the particular outfit are slimmer than with the more basic, common versions. So it can make it hard for reference, but it's more of a challenge!


Most Americans also don't realize that just because you're from, say Germany, doesn't mean you're necessarily German. They see it as defined by geo-political national boundaries and not a certain ethnic group.

I say I'm German and Czech, but I don't think anyone actually knows which one it is. I have distant relatives in Germany though. I just usually claim the French and Norwegian since it's so obvious with a French last name and I look and have the genetics like my Norwegian side of the family. Most recently my paternal grandfather, apparently having studied our family tree, decided we're actually French and not Belgian, but as my mother says, 'He's waffling on the issue."

>> No.6561873


Even though I wasn't terrible about it in public and never pulled any of the shit people have described here, I did go through a weeby Hetalia phase early on. Thankfully "early on" for me was still early on in the fandom, and as soon as I saw weeby people at cons, it's like it snapped me back into reality. All it takes is seeing someone worse than you and you'll sober up.

I'm really happy the quality is going up. Maybe because I feel like we've gotten some great source material in the last few years that really lends itself to good cosplay, like all the pirate versions, Halloween outfits, etc. I feel like people aren't limited now, so I really appreciate when someone does one of the alternate outfits instead of the simple uniform. Though that DOES make it trickier when trying to cosplay something, since the chances of someone else having already done the particular outfit are slimmer than with the more basic, common versions. So it can make it hard for reference, but it's more of a challenge!


Most Americans also don't realize that just because you're from, say Germany, doesn't mean you're necessarily German. They see it as defined by geo-political national boundaries and not a certain ethnic group.

I say I'm German and Czech, but I don't think anyone actually knows which one it is. I have distant relatives in Germany though. I just usually claim the French and Norwegian since it's so obvious with a French last name and I look and have the genetics like my Norwegian side of the family. Most recently my paternal grandfather, apparently having studied our family tree, decided we're actually French and not Belgian, but as my mother says, 'He's waffling on the issue."

>> No.6561903
File: 149 KB, 730x1095, taiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're sprinkling in the good in here have this one - Couldn't find a picture earlier but one of the best Taiwan's I've ever seen! She makes a pretty good China too, just needs to bind better. Can't find a better pic for some reason, but the bottom of her outfit is adorable as well.

>> No.6561942
File: 28 KB, 500x327, tumblr_loyf38KxvG1qai3cno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so few really perfect China cosplays, but it's so great when you finally find one. The rest tend to be just 'okay.'...

>> No.6561967

Ooh, what part of Houston?

>> No.6561977
File: 172 KB, 537x800, China3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the issue with China is the hair.
Most people just think, "Oh, I can do this one without a wig!!" and ignore all other details.
But I do agree that the good Chinas are amazing.

>> No.6561986
File: 82 KB, 568x568, BestFailuresForever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what really makes it great isn't it?
Finding the people that make it worth it.

>> No.6562045


Wish she used a wig, dang. I hate that thin bangs look. Also could have used some makeup around the eyes, imo.

>> No.6562177

It's on the outskirts of Houston.

>> No.6562179

Then I may have met you before. I'm from Spring too.

>> No.6562185

Fancy that.

>> No.6562566

>no wig
>no make up

She looks cute, but I've seen better.

>> No.6562638

> one of the best
> i've seen

implying few if any have been seen and out of them shes one of the best.

>> No.6562673
File: 314 KB, 317x426, Taiwan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good? Perhaps.
Best? No.
A quick look through CureCos brings up a lot of Taiwan cosplayers that are about on the same tier as her.

>> No.6562716



I don't know why, but I suddenly had a very strong urge to tap that.

So I'd tap that.