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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 100 KB, 716x960, 406086_4630673416113_1635756298_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6536000 No.6536000 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever see things that just REALLY piss you off about cosplayers/how they act...in or out of conventions?? I just saw this online and it really grinds my gears. First of all, that costume (and other ones they tried on) are NOT made for people their size/age, and they could be ruining the product! Plus I know that if I was walking through DTD with my little sister and saw this Id just be floored by their obnxious behavior in public (other pictures show them doing the "buttsex" pose, other costumes obvious stretched out while wearing, etc). I just dont get why cosplayers think this is cute, funny, whatever.

ITT:// General cosplay petpeeves, especially out side of conventions.

>> No.6536004

not really contributing but wow those are not good costumes but Im not surprised....DTD is FL right? YEAH not surprised. Plus when the fuck did Steph have devil horns?

>> No.6536025

Yep, those are FL cosplayers.

>> No.6536030

Unsealed paint. And this isn't just to go off on some tangent against Homestuck cosplayers, as I myself have cosplayed Homestuck in the past and always sealed my paint. Not only does it look better, but it's not hard to do. You can seal with baby powder for fuck's sake. And it doesn't just go for Homestucks, even though they're a large majority of cosplayers who use body paint, but for other cosplayers (the Demon sisters from PSG for example) who don't seal their body paint. It's rude and if you get it everywhere you're ruining property, you can cost the hotel damage and you can ruin other people's costumes, plus it will get all over your cosplay too.

>> No.6536039
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>Do you ever see things that just REALLY piss you off about cosplayers/how they act...in or out of conventions??

Do you know what pisses ME off? When OP uses a photo of my friends from my fucking facebook that I just uploaded 10 minutes ago, which is set to private. Who the fuck are you?

>> No.6536043

A few things that annoy me....
>The yaoiz XD pose (where one cosplayer is standing normal and another is clinging onto them and humping their leg, i can't describe it well)
>No wig cap/large amount of hair showing underneath a wig
>Blocking hallways/exits
>Cleavage where cleavage shouldn't be, if you want to cosplay a character with cleavage choose a costume with a low cut, don't slut up Homura or Terezi or whatever
>Just really rude, elitist behaviors
>Casual MLP cosplayers

>> No.6536045


Your friends are retards.

>> No.6536047

I guess I sound a little bit hypocritical by saying all of that and then saying elitists bother me. Let me clarify that I won't be rude or look down on anyone if they do any of that, I just get a little annoyed by it. The only one I'll say anything about is if someone's blocking a hallway because that's a potential fire hazard.

>> No.6536057
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>> No.6536069

I used to go to cons and meet tons of new people.
The last con I went to, no one talked to me, and people travelled in fandom based packs- there was a hetalia pack, a homestuck pack, and a Final Fantasy pack. There were some other cool cosplayers but it was the first con I've ever been to where people acted like I was annoying them by trying to talk to them or start a game in the tabletop room or anything. That sucked.

Also, not cosplay, but con related. I hate when vendors are selling really chintzy shit that looks like it took 20 min to make and used $1.50 in materials in the artist's alley and vendor room, and then pounce on you the second you walk by their table like you're going to drop $100 on it. It doesn't need to be an heirloom piece of master craftsmanship that will last until my grandchildren pass it on to their weeaboo babies, but come on! It should be reasonably well constructed and not fall apart while I'm still at the con.

>> No.6536074

This is why I don't cosplay anymore. Big head, lots of hair, can't find wigs in my price range that won't show a tiny bit of my hair and that I don't have to fix regularly. It doesn't help that my hair is a bright, noticeable color.

>> No.6536077
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Wow sorry. Take a second and look at all the people tagged in those pictures....and look how many friends they have. Or maybe im friends with who posted the album, oh yeah, that'd make tons of sense.

Sorry, I used to cosplay at DTD when I was like 13. Im glad Ive matured past THIS and didnt go to that meet up, even if I was just planning on hanging out with two of my good friends there.

Pic very much related.

>> No.6536082

Ugh same on the vendors. Kind of related. There is a con here in FL (and other places as well....just not sure if it runs the same way) called Orlando Anime Day....and the costume contest is judged by the vendors. You can just imagine that the people who win are the ones wiling to drop cash on stuff like that. I mean not expecting the contest to be a whole fancy to-do, since its a free-$5 con, but shit even just a "atendees vote for your fave" or some local cosplayers judging would be better than kissing the vendors ass and emptying your wallets.

Related to the thread: the way a lot of contest are run piss me off.

>> No.6536088
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......so you're not a two faced friend of mine? And just a random vendetta-chan that wasnt invited?

PHEW! Okay I literally don't care anymore, you had me buttmad for a moment there bye op keep bein a faggot

>> No.6536094

you and your friends are obnoxious deal w it

>> No.6536100

That picture is really fucking obnoxious. Your friends and now you are the faggots. Do you really think that behavior in the picture is acceptable?

>> No.6536109

>not a two faced friend of mine?

Yeah thank god. Would die of second-hand embarrassment being around you and your childish friends.

>> No.6536113

Oh actually darling, I WAS invited. So have fun combing through that invite list. I was simply saying I only LIKE two of the girls there, the rest of you I could care less about or honestly dislike. Actually theres three of you I like. And Im pretty sure you are one of the ones I dont know or could care less about.

>> No.6536115
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>> No.6536120

Wow is that TSKYLI. Im sad, I really like her cosplays and shes always been nice at cons but as a MK CM this kinda behavoir in any of our parks or venues makes me so sad :(

>> No.6536124

Stop being so god damn sensitive. If I saw that id be laughing. Why get so offended? If it doesn't involve me, they can continue their behavior.

>> No.6536128

Yes I know I know. I was having hope for us 2012-2013 season. Besides cheaty-mc-my-mom-sews-my-costumes-sakura-pants we were pretty chill.

>> No.6536132

Maybe because Ive worked in retail and seeing dumbasses ruin costumes for the sake of shit and giggles irrates me. MAYBE its because I dont find immaturity funny?

>> No.6536134

I'm still new to this whole thing. been to a few western and steampunk cons, not exactly into all the eastern weeaboos animes and junk. just personal taste.
I have a problem with my hair and wigs cooperating so I usually go as a background character or something with a mask or helmet.

>> No.6536140

this might as well just be a FL thread. Sooooo FL thread?

>> No.6536142

1. Not bathing. Rarely run into this problem of being around people that don't bathe except at conventions.
2. Acting like complete retards, and being loud obnoxious social rejects in public. That video of the annoying as hell girl yelling "nyan" 5 million times, in public, and trying to get people in her group to say it is a perfect example.

>> No.6536148

>things that just REALLY piss you off about cosplayers/how they act

I really hate when cosplayers get all pissy just because you walked up and took their picture and walked away. You'd think I strangled their puppy.

>> No.6536151


>could care less

This thread is getting hilarious but GOD do I hate it when people fuck up this saying, and it's always Americans.



>doesn't know what FL means

>fat lesbians
>failed lifeguards
>fickle lobsters

>> No.6536153
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I don't mind admitting I'm a petty bitch about sizing, fatties in lolita piss me off. Quit fucking ruining other people's dream dresses by busting seams and stretching fabric. It's the idea that they've taken and ruined another beautiful dress off the market for people who are actively searching for it and would probably look thousands of times better in it, that really get me annoyed. Get customized sizes from taobao or something please, fatties. You'll make everyone happier. Also, get on a treadmill.

>> No.6536154

>fickle lobsters
Can you explain this one? Does FL even have lobsters?

>> No.6536157

I love this entitled way of thinking that lolita dresses are a community asset to be bought and sold amongst the hivemind.

>> No.6536165

Maybe different cultures say it different ways? Maybe she does care and literally means she could care less? Maybe you should get over it this isn't a grammar/saying board? Idgaf

And FL means Florida. Since you're assuming Americans are posting in this thread you really should of assumed they were referring to state abbreviations.

>> No.6536171

Taking photos with blatantly "vulgar" poses where there are a lot of kids is pretty poor taste.

I really hope they didn't damage any of the stuff they tried on.

Personally, I don't mind seeing cosplayers around the place outside of cons, but I hate when they feel the need to draw as much attention to themselves as possible by screaming, jumping on each other, talking loudly etc. This is more common in younger people I find, but it's still pretty rude.

I don't mind if you take photos in costume outside of the con (Hell, I have some cute photo ideas to do outside of a con myself.) but please don't stop for photos in high traffic areas! If you are in a packed street, don't hold everybody up to get photos of you guys forming a human pyramid or some shit. Wait until you find somewhere emptier.


You, you are sensible.

I'm absolutely TERRIFIED somebody is going to rub paint on me when I wear the costume I'm working on right now.

>> No.6536179


I'm guessing somebody just bought your dream dress out from under you?

>> No.6536186

You put everything I wanted to say about that picture and that general behavior so much better than I could of! Thank you!

>> No.6536189

Does it make you mad that I buy my clothes for myself and don't ever stop to think about how it would hurt your feels that you don't have it?

I know a fattychan that purchased two lottas, one off a Japanese friend and the other from mbok, and sewed them together. I don't think she'll ever sell it.

But then again she wouldn't dare post it to her tumblr or LJ because she knows there's people like you who would freak the fuck out about it. At least you admitted you're a petty bitch though.

>> No.6536213
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>Taking photos with blatantly "vulgar" poses where there are a lot of kids is pretty poor taste.

Psssst... we had our huge group stationed behind a building just for a couple photos where there was noone walking; except for maybe a security guard, the only witness to an inappropriate photo that only took 8 seconds to take. Other than that, we were pretty calm and had our own fun lol

>I really hope they didn't damage any of the stuff they tried on.

The dress was stretched yes, but not torn. She was skinny enough for it to fit.

>> No.6536224

So you mean it was damaged.

>> No.6536225


Well if there was nobody around, that's okay. The poster of the thread didn't mention where the buttsex photos were being taken, so naturally I assumed they'd been taken in the store where the dresses were. Like I said, have fun and take silly photos, just don't around kids. Same way I'd not want people swearing loudly around kids etc.

As for the dress being stretched, I'd still count that as damage. That's pretty bad crack.

>> No.6536226

Not trying to make excuses, but the nyan girl was (possibly still is) a complete and utter no hoper sperg - she was truly a special case.

>> No.6536228

Have you tried Arda wigs? They're a bit expensive but great for big heads.

>> No.6536251

oh my god you again

>> No.6536260

Really, considering who you're friends with, I doubt those photos were taken behind a building. When I first started working for Disney I worked at DTD, and Im a) pretty sure you're not allowed to be behind buildings b) a CM would for sure ask you to leave if they saw you in employee only area, aka behind buildings, epecially dressed like that and c) that since Im pretty sure I recognize where that is, and know how busy DTD is ALL the time, people with children (yes some questionable parenting with having kids out late but hey tourists and vacay ending) saw you shiting around. Hell, Im postitive adults dont want to see that shit. Call me a slave to the mouse or whatever, but seeing bullshit and vulgar stuff such as that in side anything associated with Disney just really grinds my gears.

And just because shes SKINNY doesnt mean she isnt TOO BIG for a CHILDRENS costume. Yes Im mad! But that dress is made for some little girl to feel like a princess, and I KNOW Disney has a million of them, but still. That is a damaged good, one taken away from a child and I hope your asshole friend paid for it. Jesus Christ immaturity like that is so irratating.

sorry for the rant. Like I said, I worked a lot at DTD in the begining and I remember having girls crying and frusterated mothers returning dresses or goods like that because they trusted the store and bought it off the rack and when she went to put it on in the bathroom it fit her weirdly or was ripped or etc etc and made her not feel like a princess.

TL;DR Pay for fucking damaged goods and thanks for ruining the magic

>> No.6536281

Why can't you just laugh that your friends behaved like retards and let it go? Does it matter where it's honestly posted if hundreds of people have seen it and it's public? I don't think you should put things on the internet that you'd be embarrassed of others seeing.

>> No.6536285
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i like you.
you tell em!!

>> No.6536293

Why thank you love!
I know Ill look at the post in like 20 minutes and be like jesus christ chill girl. But. Ugh. I just love my job, my old job, the children, and hate when immature, selfish assholes do dumb shit like this. Like that cosplayer who stomped on a dress in walmart or something for a MLP cosplay. Expect for worse because I know this (and a friend EVEN ADMITTED) it physically and perminantly harmed the dress.

>> No.6536297

Yeah... See, those dresses belong to them. They forked over the cash, they can do what they want.

OP's image has people messing up dresses that they have not payed for and do not own. See the difference?

>> No.6536302

honestly, noone was around. We were farther down the aisle aside from where the main traffic from the gate was, and I'm p sure that even if a family did happen to stroll through we wouldn't pose like that in front of them; (considering most of us got stopped all day by families to hug and talk to their kids, we know how to act around them) Its one photo that took /a few/ seconds, that does not describe our behavior the whole meet. jfc we all live here, pretty sure we know how to handle this park. As for the dress? I would have bought it if I knew it was damaged, but in all honesty i have NO clue as to if it was or not.

totally not embarrassed that the photo was taken, or else why pose like that? Its for fun. I simply replied to let them know we made sure no children saw. But if 4chan sees? have a field day.

>> No.6536309
File: 52 KB, 500x682, tumblr_lviy274iPE1r1dtsro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean this cosplayer? Apparently she didn't actually step on the costume, just had it on the ground and had a picture taken from a certain angle, and apparently she also asked the manager first, but I bet it's bullshit. And, she had it on the ground anyways, which would've made it dirty.... She had a Spike with her too who knocked over a bunch of stuffed animals. I'll post that next.

>> No.6536310

>As for the dress? I would have bought it if I knew it was damaged, but in all honesty i have NO clue as to if it was or not.

...But you just said it was stretched.

>> No.6536311
File: 110 KB, 500x673, tumblr_lvswrg9qEk1r1dtsro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaand here's the Spike..

>> No.6536313


those open-mouthed buttfucking poses are my instant-rage trigger.

looks so fucking stupid

>> No.6536314

Stretched as in, it was tight on her but still able to easily be put on and off. That does not mean she riPPED the dress for it to be worn.

>> No.6536317

so you're not embarassed to be taking pictures posing like that? i dunno, i would be. especially in public, at disney, posing in a dirty manner. you must be really young or really shameless. maybe i'm just a prude.

>> No.6536319


Stretching is damage. Have you ever seen stretched out seams? They look hideous and they destroy the fit of a dress. I'm willing to bet she stretched it out.

Just because it isn't an obvious tear doesn't mean it isn't damaged.

>> No.6536322
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>> No.6536324

Yeah, that's total bullshit. Even if it is just the angle (extremely doubtful), no manager is going to let you put a dress on the floor. That shit is unacceptable.

Why do so many cosplayers abandon common sense in costume?

>> No.6536325

Yup exactly what I was referring to!

Wow smooth, admit it was stretched and damaged and then back track. Honey Ive been around the FL community cosplay and disney wise much longer than you. I DOUBT Tskyli would of bought that. HIGHLY DOUBT. And you act like I havent seen groups like yours tromping around DTD or the parks. For every parent that was amused, I promise you you annoyed or bothered 5 more. Ive had parents come to counters and complain about cosplay groups being loud or obnxious or just generally disruptive. And theres some weird shit that goes down at DTD it takes a lot to upset guests. Posing like that, or them SEEING you try on clothes is definetly up there though.

>> No.6536338

I don't know why I'm surprised. Anyone who likes that asshole Damien is bound to be an asshole themselves.

>> No.6536351

This bitch also knows like nothing about DC comics so shes probally thinks all robins are the same or that shes cosplaying Dick or something

>> No.6536358

But I like Damien, his book is the best Batman book currently.

>> No.6536367
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FL is rampant with cosplay, this kind of stuff happens every day in all retail stores and public places. Cosplay groups are bound to do like this, and I doubt it'll ever stop. The only difference is is that we got our hands caught in the cookie jar-- oops? Welp, everyone had stupid fun, and still no regrets. And honestly, your buttmad won't change the past, and it won't matter to anyone unless you confront them face to face to complain about their irresponsible shenanigans and ask for an apology, or whatever you're looking to gain out of complaining. Oh cgl never change.

>> No.6536378

so basically, "we know we're shit but we aren't gonna change!"

oh weeaboos, never change.

>> No.6536395
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>> No.6536405


...So you care more about "having fun" than actually being courteous, decent people? That's sort of shitty, that's why a lot of people find cosplayers obnoxious.

I'd much rather be polite and unobtrusive in cosplay and set a good example rather than being loud and obnoxious.

It's not hard to be polite and decent behaviour doesn't cost anything. I get you guys wanna have fun, but you can have fun without bothering other people.

>> No.6536419

What happend to "no character costumes" in DTD? I attended several RisingSun shoots in early 2000's, and if we were in Orlando we would end the day there -but always changed first.

>> No.6536422


Also yeah, keep being petty assholes. These pictures and this attitude jsut affirmed some negative things said about girls in this picture, and that I will never want to asscoiate myself with them again/ever. Sure you will be like "haha not loosing anything out of not having you as a friend I dont even know who you are" But I definetly gained something by now being assured not to ever hang out/cosplay with some of these girls, Tskyli especially. Im glad I will not be associating myself with negative and immature people such as her

>> No.6536428

Wow, you're a bitch. So it's no big deal to damage merchandise at a store unless you're caught in person?

>> No.6536435
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>> No.6536441

Fatty girls crossplaying from 'trendy' fandoms that lend themselves to a lot of slash and/or actively engaging in 'yaoi'.

Bonus points if they are SJ.

>> No.6536446

>bothering other people
>loud and obnoxious

Please, do go on as if you were there and know what you're talking about. Other than that one photo, the "peace" of the new years celebration was not disrupted; there was no running around, screaming or anything of that sort. Honestly, we pretty much blended in at this point considering how everyone was partying in the last few hours of the year, and there was more drunk adults than there were children.

>> No.6536447

>bragging about being a piece of shit in public
And I always wonder where these sterotypes come from....

>> No.6536451


>> No.6536452
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Like I said. FL.

>> No.6536454

This seems quite tame compared to what I've seen even regular people do in stores. Like leaving meats and other frozen/cold foods in an aisle somewhere and knocked over/broken crap. Used to work in a department store and hating having to clean up after so people who act like barn animals. Piles of clothing left on the floor in the dressing rooms, in the aisles, shit knocked on the floor and they couldn't bother to pick it up.
Don't even get me started on disgusting bathroom behavior people practice when in public.

>> No.6536464

>Like leaving meats and other frozen/cold foods in an aisle somewhere

OMFG that shit pisses me off so much when I'm shopping. I try to let an attendant know when I see that. Fuck people

>> No.6536477

How old were most of you in this picture? Y'all look pretty damn young, like 14-17, isn't there some sort of curfew?

>> No.6536480

Keep back tracking shithead. Nobody is buying it. Posting on cgl wont take away your terrible behavior

>> No.6536481

....You let an attendant know instead of putting it back yourself?

>> No.6536484


No need to be cunt, I'm not talking as if I was there, I'm addressing precisely the things you admitted to doing.
I did not say you were running around screaming.

It's obnoxious to damage products in stores and not pay for them. It's obnoxious to pose in a sexual manner when there are kids around. You were being obnoxious. You just said above you didn't care if you were being obnoxious or not because "everybody had stupid fun" and you have "no regrets". That's a shitty attitude! You should strive to be a good example.
And it doesn't matter what other people were doing.

It is your responsibility to behave with some decency when in public.

>> No.6536493


Yep we do. They are ok-tier. Our crab is better.

>> No.6536494

not her, but that's probably a good idea. There might be laws that would make it illegal to put it back in the freezer.

>> No.6536502

The cast members loved us, the children adored us, and the parents thought we were awesome. We left Disney in a better condition then we found it and we are more mature then all the drunken adults with kids there any day.

>> No.6536499

>implying grocers give an ever loving fuck about their jobs or products
Wow. You would be horrified to see what goes on behind those doors if you have this logic.

>> No.6536504

You are seriously one of my favorite people on this board/thread. Thank you so much for being rational and sane.

>> No.6536511

You shouldn't be putting those kinds of food back yourself unless it still feels cold. But even then don't bother. The food could have gone bad from being left out and you putting it back is just going to get someone sick. An attendant will be able to put the item in the damages area.

>> No.6536527

>We left Disney in a better condition then we found it

What? So now you're god's gift to the parks? What even.

>> No.6536528

Haha doubtful. Stop bullshitting. Is this you Deisha? Get out of your fantasy world and holier than thou mindset. You and your little friends are not as adored by the public as you think

>> No.6536530

When I worked at a major movie theater I really thought I'd see some sick stuff going on behind the seems. But seriously, I really didn't. They threw away or damaged the cooked stuff that was left over at the end of the night, and you'd get in major trouble for not using gloves for everything that involved touching food. But this place might have just had managers that were really serious about food laws.

>> No.6536534

Oh yea sure, sure they did. Grow up

>> No.6536539


Thank you! I just think that common decency is so important, especially if you are in costume. You're a representative of cosplayers everywhere; be polite, quiet and aware of your surroundings! There are few things that irritate me more than gangs of kids screaming or messing around with merchandise in stores. Just because somebody is in costume doesn't make it acceptable.

It's so easy to be polite and well-behaved. I find that if you're composed, mature and decent toward everybody you meet, then any onlookers will be much more inclined to treat you with the same respect instead of assuming "ugh, attention-whoring teens..."

>> No.6536549

So is this just a Florida thing? Because in Chicago we've had cosplay meetups of 30+ people in public and nobody was obnoxious, loud or rude. And this was a Homestuck cosplay meet nonetheless.

>> No.6536552

It really is. It's not hard to stand there, not mess with stuff that doesn't belong to you, or not cause a scene instead of acting like a teenager at their first party will alcohol.

>> No.6536554

This. This is why I don't put it back. I don't want to risk that someone will eat a spoiled good and get sick.

>> No.6536557


It's obnoxious to pose in a sexual manner in public period.

>> No.6536558

See, that's where you're wrong.

>damage products in stores and not pay for them

There is no way for YOU to tell if it was really damaged or not.

>to pose in a sexual manner when there are kids around

Can you read? There was not anyone around us. I wouldn't be the only one to attest for this.

>That's a shitty attitude! You should strive to be a good example.

I'm pretty sure all of the people who attended DO so in their daily lives, but just happened to act like fools for a brief moment on a holiday. Would you rather have us drinking, screaming at each other at high pitches and physically harassing the other park attendees? No. THAT is far worse.

As for >>6536539 we did act in character while we walked throughout the park. We were nice and respectable to all those around us, kept quiet and had to deny photos as we did not work for the park. Again I will say, this thread just happened to post the only two photos where we did something ill behaved. I'm not saying that it wasn't acceptable, but this thread has blown things out of proportion.

>> No.6536559

This this THIS!!
This is perfect!

>> No.6536564

Just stop. You all are obviously immature children and one of the reasons why FL will always have a terrible cosplay reputation.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.6536567

Who are all the people involved? Can someone give background info?

Wow, more about her please

>> No.6536575
File: 31 KB, 217x278, 1339474014475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the amount of back peddling in this thread is impressive.

>> No.6536576


But you admitted it was damaged. Stop backpedalling.

You said there was a security guard, so yes, there was somebody around. I actually think posing like that in a public place in general is in pretty poor taste. It's not even funny, it's just sort of embarrassing.

I would rather have you behaving like adults. You can't say "well would you rather our behaviour WAS EVEN WORSE?", that's shitty reasoning.

Well if you were well-behaved, that's great! But try to be more well-behaved, because some of the things you admitted to doing are just not on.

As for denying photos, I can't comment on that, because I'd heard people in costume who didn't work for the park actually aren't supposed to be there. I can't say if that's true or not.

As for things being blown out of proportion, perhaps if you hadn't had such a cavalier attitude toward the problematic aspects of your conduct, people wouldn't be so irritated with you.

>> No.6536606

I was there, and our group was VERY well behaved. We were having fun just like everyone else. We were acting just as silly as the next person on NEW YEARS EVE in pleasure island (the club area of dtd). So everyone just chill out. The dress was not damaged at all. Tskyli is very small and can be considered "child-sized" therefore she fit into the dress. She wouldn't have put it on if she couldn't fit into it. We didn't act inappropriately at all around the children. All of us are over 18 (except for 1 i believe) and know better than to behave rudely in front of children. This has been blown way out of proportion.

>> No.6536614

Continuing my loving praise of your perfect reasoning and comebacks !

Also as a CM I can comment on the costume thing! NO people are not supposed to be in costume in ANY of the parks or related property. Children are obviously ok since no one will msitake them for employees and Disney costumes are a BIG no no for adults!(Merida in the picture....looking at you!) The reason is because some tourist may be unaware or confused by people in costumes, disney or not! And if a tourist or confused guest sees people in costume ACTING LIKE THIS. It can mean big trouble for the company! Bad behavior gives US a bad rep or can .... and thats why we're supposed to kick your asses out!

Now, DTD is VERY slack in costume rules obviously, but really you guys should know better. The only exception to teenagers/adults in costumes is Mickeys Not So Scary...and even then you're not allowed to talk to guests/ interact with them in character or take picture with them or their children!

>> No.6536623
File: 180 KB, 692x519, 9437140_How To Deal With A Teenager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you care more about "having fun" than actually being courteous, decent people?

I believe that is the definition of an average person from age 13-22.
Some people never grow out of it though.

>> No.6536625

it doesn't look like it fits her at all in the picture op posted.

>> No.6536629
File: 132 KB, 640x960, 425477_444557132277356_519805919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup Deisha. You are not child sized. And PI is closed...not clubs anymore! And saying that you werent behaving any worse THAN DRUNK PEOPLE isnt really helping your case.

Heres a pic of you not being child sized!

>> No.6536631


the thing I like most about this gif whenever I see it is that little YAY pose Bugs has at the end.

>> No.6536635

It was not torn. I said stretched, which I supposed didn't equate to damaged. But if you worked for disney and that DOES? Well then I stand corrected.

That one photo would have taken a fraction of a second, not something we're doing repeatedly around the park for all to see. Noone saw, no offense was taken, and for us to act mature at this point might seem a bit null, as we're already in costume in public.

I wouldn't be so aggravated if everyone else in the thread wasn't throwing around typical insults. You're the only one who is replying to me with a level head. I know I can't defend my ill behavior as its permanently cemented with photographic proof, but how else to go about this then? All I can say is that we'd be aware not to repeat the same mistakes.

>> No.6536636

There's also a Sugar Racer cosplayer in the picture which is from a disney movie

>> No.6536639

>but how else to go about this then?
Well, you could respond better than going "We're just having fun it's not a big deal!"

>> No.6536640

>for us to act mature at this point might seem a bit null, as we're already in costume in public.

but wouldn't you want to act more mature? to show you aren't batshit crazy.

>> No.6536645

I work for Disney and stretched is 100% considered as damaged. And now dressing up in costume is immature, so you dont have to act mature? That is the most nonsensical thing youve said.

youre right! Totally missed that, she would be a huge no no too!

>> No.6536649


Stretching counts as damage as it can alter the fit of the item and cause unattractive pulling at the seams.

As I said above, being in costume certainly does not excuse a lack of maturity. It's just in bad taste to behave that way in public.

The best way? Simply think about this and in future consider behaving differently. I have a lot of respect for people for people who are nicely behaved in public. It's just a really great way to be.

>> No.6536650

OKAY this isn't Deisha, but i am a friend of hers. I don't get mad easily, but when you start talking about my friends, i'm going to get upset. I don't know who you are, but either be brave enough to come off anon, or stop talking smack about Dei. Okay? Thanks.

>> No.6536657

whatever you say Deisha. Anon goes both ways, dont go demanding people to be off anon and then not be brave enough to do it yourself.

Plus anon is like the one of the whole points of this board.

>> No.6536659
File: 205 KB, 405x289, kyon facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I understand the desire to defend your friend, sometimes you should step back and consider why people are criticizing them. In this case, they're specifically talking about her bad behavior that lead to her damaging an item at a shop.

Also, defending your friend in this sort of thing just tends to add fuel to the flames, PARTICULARLY when you start acting like you're a badass.

>> No.6536664

>be brave enough to come off anon, or stop talking smack about Dei

this isn't tumblr, sweetie. nobody can "come off anon".

>> No.6536665

WHOOP there it is!

>> No.6536667
File: 52 KB, 320x425, 143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duly noted; and thank you for being civil in your replies.

>> No.6536676

Yeah you can it's called say it to her face then behind your back but then again you are on here because you are scared it's ok though :)

>> No.6536677

pick is pretty cool..ish just saying...How is Fl and its conventions and whatnot

>> No.6536679

nothing you just said made any grammatical sense.

also, i don't know this girl at all. i literally know nothing about her. i don't live in the same state or even the same region.

as a side note, pls learn how 2 4chan.

>> No.6536683

Well this person apparently knows her but is afraid to say who they are. I'm done with this. Deisha is probably better off without his/her friendship anyway. And Dei is an amazing cosplayer! And he/she probably just jealous.

Okay, i do apologize for my rant, but Dei is one of my heroes. I'll be going now.

>> No.6536684

Your hero is damaging store goods without paying for them, you know.

Also "she's just jealous" is never a good way to win an argument, it makes you sound desperate.

>> No.6536686
File: 495 KB, 500x236, popcorn 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6536690

Who the fuck are you and why cant you speak english?

Unless you're Deisha just typing weird to disguise herself and defend herself. Which I wouldnt be surprised at all

>> No.6536738

OP wins. Fatality

>> No.6536741

Oh please dont stop now! We never get to talk about FL anymore....lets keep it going!
Who are the new hot/best cosplayers in FL?
The worst/annoying ones?

>> No.6536751

LOL yes finally. I lasted as long as one of my threads

>> No.6536775 [DELETED] 

'Dei' is mediocre and usually alright for just hanging out at cons but the whole 'people who drink are bad and going to be alcoholics one day' thing needs to stop. The fact that she doesn't want to be in a room with people drinking because it puts her on edge is odd enough without the 'Why do you have to drink to have fun? speech'

>> No.6536778
File: 49 KB, 280x337, This pleases me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen and amen.

>> No.6536790

somebody just got their jimmies rustled

>> No.6536795

Whoa whoa sauce? Ive had friends be around her when shes said some weird things and Ive seen her post things like that on Tumblr, like when she goes on her bipolar "IM A LESBIAN THAT DOESNT MEAN I CAN LIKE DILDOES" rant (which btw is always unprovocted, no one ever said lesbians cant use toys or ASKED YOU DEI) and then her "I LIKE WHOEVER I WANT IM PANSEXUAL~" shit. Idk if shes gay or not these days she changes her mind so much. Close friend of mine dated her and Ill never be able to figure out how or why.

But yeah whats this drinking thing? Havent heard that one yet

>> No.6536843
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, dramu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6536853

I can't stand when people goes to the cons dressed and provoques other people at streets, in the public transportation, malls, supermarkets... this is not just awfull, it really makes me ashamed. It's ok get out to buy food or take photos, but please respect other people. They can just don't understand what cosplay means.

I hate when people takes photos in some small corridor or shit and others just can't pass."Weaboo/fangirl/boy atacks", stalkering or shaming are unacceptable behavior for me too.

I don't care about people being "vulgar" if they aren't touching anyone that is not interested, louding strange things or blocking the way.

People from OP pic: you are strange, please stop being you. And stop demage thing in the stores. This is ridiculous, wearing a cosplay or no.

>> No.6536910
File: 166 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mdaq1iWT501qm9c9g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing that gets me is screaming. That fucking fangirl scream is like nails on a chalk board. Don't scream in public unless you're being hurt.

>> No.6536917

I know I'm way late to respond to this, but your comment about drunken parents pisses me off. I've been to Disney multiple times and I haven't once seen a parent that is even noticeably drunk. The only time I've seen a drunk adult at Disney is at some of the alcohol stands in Epcot, and none of those adults had children with them.

I have, in my multiple trips to Disney, seen annoying cosplay groups. They're loud, rude, and obnoxious. The most recent cosplay group I saw (I don't know what they were cosplaying, but it was obvious from the way they dressed and the fact that some were carrying small props that they were cosplaying something) were being loud and rowdy and even going so far as to scream obscenities around children. I ran into some of them in a line and they were pushing and shoving each other, and one pushed another into my father and I.

That shit is rude and unacceptable, yo.

>> No.6536922

Don't they only sell alcohol at Epcot? Idk, Disney doesn't seem like the place to go and get wasted.

>> No.6536927

Last year at A-Kon 23, we literally left the Repo shadowcast line because this woman sitting across from us wouldn't stop shrieking like a banshee. Okay, we know you love the movie but please shut the fuck UP.

>> No.6536940

They were at Downtown Disney, which does sell alchol. Paradise Island used to have a bunch of nightclubs but theyre all closed now. DTD is restruants and shopping, so at night you can see some adults be pretty wasted. But Im talking one to two at most, not this enormous drunk crowd like Kiwi wants us to envision

>> No.6536942

Fucking this.

Sometimes I just want to get hidden cameras and make people who do shit like this, watch themselves.

>> No.6536949

I think they sell beer at most of the other parks, but Epcot has stuff like wine, mixed drinks, and a tequila stand in their Mexico region.

Epcot is probably the least child-heavy park anyway, so it doesn't matter that much. There isn't much to do in the World Showcase except for going to shops, eating, and drinking.

Plenty of adults go to Disney for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and meetups and don't bring along children. I think that for the most part parents stay away from alcohol because it's hard for your child to have fun at the most magical place on earth if mommy and daddy are wasted of their asses.

>> No.6536954
File: 4 KB, 50x50, prinnysaluteplz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you captain for being a smart and rational individual. Your arguements are sound you'd make a great role model for 4-chan

>> No.6536977


Thank you! I'd not be much of a role model though.

Also, fuck yeah Disgaea. I've got a little Prinny plush somewhere.

>> No.6536978
File: 1.48 MB, 320x214, MHHMMM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I just witnessed some people doing this at a con I went to over the weekend. It didn't look like they prepped their skin either (clean dry skin and primer). I really hope that they at least cleaned after themselves because I hate it when people use public restrooms to put on this kind of cosplay (hell, generally speaking) - do it at home or at your own hotel room, for crying out loud. No one likes foundation powder and stray wig fibers on sinks.

Another pet peeve that probably comes from studying theatre are most masquerade sketches. It's such as breath of fresh air to see a skit that is well written, rehearsed, and involves people who understand the basics of stage direction. It's also a plus to see those aware of where the mics are and aren't.

And if I ever run a convention, I will hire people who do improvised acts as a profession or study because I'm rarely ever impressed at Whose Line is it Anime. Maybe I should get drunk to find the jokes funny.

>> No.6536995

it's such a breath of fresh air**

wow, I should sleep.

Same here, dude. I can't even justify wearing wigs with lolita. Even if I could physically fit my head into wigs, I can't stand how high maintenance it is to wear one.

>> No.6537008

Agreed and I've had similar experiences to yours.

I work at WDW in Florida and the special snowflake dress up day at the park thing is getting so popular here, but at least Orlando doesn't have it as bad as Anaheim yet. My job affords the opportunity for a lot of guest interraction and unfortunately, it's true that a lot of the people who parade around the parks in costume come off as pretty ill mannered and self centered. Just keep in mind, some of the cast know what you're doing and the second hand embarassment we experience is almost painful. I understand the appeal of dressing up and goofing off, but wow.

Not everyone is like that, though. I actually meet a lot of nice Homestucks at the parks and they are pretty good at dressing down and behaving in public.

>> No.6537010

This thread is like a bunch of retards telling another bunch of retards how retarded they are.

>> No.6537011


Out of curiosity, how do you feel about lolitas at the parks? I'd probably avoid wearing anything other than a very toned down coord just to avoid any issues with the no costumes rule, but I'd love to hear an employee's view.

>> No.6537053

1. No the costume shown was not damaged. I made sure myself that it was not.
2. I would not have put the costume on if I could not fit it.
3. The costume was not stretched , broken , or destroyed in anyway.
I am a very small person and it still had room after I put it on. It was a XXL in girls.

>> No.6537056

I'm actually very much into lolita myself, more than cosplay! Personally, I don't understand the draw of wearing those shoes, wigs, etc to a sweltering theme park. Also, the place is filthy. They don't wash the ride vehicle seats at all really, just wipe them down after people throw up and go to the bathroom on them. If I sat in ice cream or something while wearing AatP, I'd be so pissed. I'd rather have fun and not have to worry about wrecking my clothes or having my bow fly off on Space Mountain, but to each their own! As for lolitas making a scene like cosplayers tend to, nah, not really. They hardly ever come in groups anyway.

But, for some reason, a lot of the lolitas I meet out and about in the parks are kind of stand-offish, like veeerrry introverted and defensive when you compliment them. It's probably the heat or a day full of awkward comments making them cranky I guess, but it's still a bummer when you get all excited to see someone who shares your hobby and they get all grouchy when you say hi.

>> No.6537067


God is this facebook or something?

>> No.6537086

Lolita CM from above, here. I think trying those dresses on over your clothes like that in the middle of the store was kind of weird. They aren't a photo op, they're kid's clothes! I'm a smaller adult too and the XXL would technically fit me (I've held that same Tiana dress flat across my chest after friends bet it would fit) but the bodice and straps are cut for a child, so the odds of damaging it while pulling it on are pretty high. Not saying that you did, but those little things are made of paper basically and fall apart so easily, so it could happen!

I like your costumes, though! You guys looked nifty.

>> No.6537091

I find this hilarious anon because you obviously aren't one of my friends or know me. If you were you would know how much I love DC Comics and that you can challenge my Robin knowledge any day. I know I am cosplaying Damian Wayne, son of bruce wayne and Talia al ghul. The costume is from his crime fighting days with Dick Grayson when he was Batman. He is the 5th robin in the canon series and one out of 7 robins that include Dick Grayson, Jason todd , Tim drake , Stephanie Brown , Damian Wayne , Carrie Kelly , and now Helena Wayne in the new 52 comics when she was Robin with Power Girl. Also there is the Ami Comi Robin as well to account for.

Nope not me.
Yes because this is a photo meant to make myself look taller than I really am. I am showing off my cleavage in this photo and wearing heels. Its not meant for me to look child size.

I am off Anon. But you know what thank you for confirming your identity anon because you sound exactly like the anon that was harassing me on tumblr not to long ago . I have your username and know who you are and I am going to gladly have a talk with you.

>> No.6537094

this thread
this thread is awful

>> No.6537098

>Cleavage where cleavage shouldn't be, if you want to cosplay a character with cleavage choose a costume with a low cut, don't slut up Homura or Terezi or whatever
>Just really rude, elitist behaviors


People at cons who take their hobby way too fucking seriously who feel the need to mouth off at others who're there to enjoy themselves. Who the fuck cares if someone showed up to A-kon in a generic schoolgirl outfit, or Jessica Nigri wants to wear a skirt and some pikachu ears? Why is that a bothersome thing? You make your own shit, neat, good for you, i'm sure you look good etc etc but it's a HOBBY. For FUN.

>> No.6537143
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x720, 1351867674898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wont it go away

>> No.6537177

It's hilarious that everyone is ignoring Tskyli and just moving on with the thread/ combo. I literally laughed out loud.

So desperate for attention and making yourself look *perfect* Dei. And you talking about Damien proved nothing, all that is on Wikipedia nice try.

>> No.6537185
File: 183 KB, 214x200, calling your bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6537192

If you are going to bash someone about their knowledge of a character and say they are wrong then at least spell the name of the character right.

>> No.6537202 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 3072x1728, DSC00368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dani no one calls me Dei but you. Everyone else uses my full name. Also I'm not the one who is trying to look perfect. I could care less. Why do you try so hard to bash me. I feel like you are trying to get my attention.

>> No.6537204
File: 23 KB, 638x360, nhk20ni20youkoso2020012cc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6537205

Just dropping in the middle of the dramu to say...

Fuck... the composition of this photo is horrible.

Why did the photographer take it from that angle?
Why did he/she angle the camera so obscurely?
Why didn't the photographer fix the pose?
what the fuck is with the lighting?

I'm just.. sad.

>> No.6537240
File: 36 KB, 363x249, Screen shot 2013-01-07 at 4.27.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey vendetta anon just let it go. You're the one continuing with it and its really fucking stupid. If you have such a big problem with her why don't you just tell her yourself, instead of in this thread. You are violating the 4chan rules by bringing drama into the thread and singling her out when this thread wasn't even about her.

>> No.6538845

>Do you really think that behavior in the picture is acceptable?
What the fuck, they were just posing for a pic, what behavior? Shit.