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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 35 KB, 400x400, beauty-products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6533543 No.6533543 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see it in the first few pages so beauty thread seagulls.
Tips, tricks, recommendations, and general grooming.

>> No.6533558

Lets see

>practice on a dam balloon
>having less is better
>few can pull the red lips correctly
>none of this organic b.s
>remember to wash your face

I see so many females with too much makeup and it makes me sad. Sad because they think they are the cutest thing in this world.

>> No.6533582

Why the fuck do you even bother? Nobody gives a rats ass about your opinions. You are the most useless tripfag. Go back to /b/.

>> No.6533586
File: 122 KB, 350x447, 1357410876409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practice on a balloon
Do you have a serious case of moonface or something? What's the practical use of wasting makeup on a rubber surface when it ultimately needs to transfer to your face anyway? Not to mention texture and shape differences.

>> No.6533594

Tips/tricks: fake eyelashes are easier to put on with one of those lash holders, get a fucking script before you use lenses, ungroomed eyebrows will ruin a good makeup look, and don't expect it to make you look younger, just more attractive.

Recommendations: Revlon Photoready foundation for decent coverage, Etude House Precious Minerals BB cream, green concealers in general

responding to libra. le sigh.

>> No.6533604
File: 41 KB, 300x320, 1239254962507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying le

>> No.6533607

You want to walk around looking like a hot mess? I want that balloon too flirt with me without saying a word.

> le sigh.

reddit shit

>> No.6533608


saging myself for OT but who the hell is Libra?

I haven't been here in a while

>> No.6533629

An annoying trip that contributes nothing but instead posts like people value their input. Just report everything they post.

>> No.6533635

>easier to put on with lash holders
Not really.
>script for lenses
Not exactly necessary if you know you have relatively normal eyes with a normal base curve.
>ungroomed eyebrows will ruin a makeup look
It depends. It's the difference between unibrow-tier ungroomed and just having bushy/full eyebrows.
>don't expect makeup to make you look younger
You might be doing something wrong.
Just get the hell outta here.

>> No.6533641

I can answer hair questions if you guys have any. Or at least point you in the right direction.

*Note, I am not a hair technition, just someone who has experience growing long, healthy hair while dying, styling, and cutting it and recommending cuts to friends.

>> No.6533719

what do you do to keep your hair healthy enough to grow it long? even with dying damage

>> No.6533725

i'm here. don't know how long, though.
possibly 10 minutes, possibly all night.

if anyone has advice for me- i want new bangs. but my bangs grow very thinly and so they get greasy very quickly. they also don't grow quickly
if anyone has photos of awkward mid-length (as in not straight across but not yet side swept) thin bangs i would very much appreciate it.

>> No.6533726

When you're damaging your hair by dying it you have to minimize damage elsewhere and try to lay the cuticle down again after a dye job. To minimize damage to the hair wear hair up to protect the ends or in braids (so fun buns) and use spin pins/ a non-metal elastic/ or hair sticks. To lay the cuticle down again use a deep conditioner. You can either buy these or use extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) as an oil treatment, egg mask, mayo mask, or other natural oils. If you want more info on that, just ask.

>> No.6533729

Anyone have any male beauty tips?

>> No.6533753

plenty. be more specific.

>> No.6533759

To add to this post I use Moroccan hair oil (light forumla) to treat my color damaged hair. It's a bit pricey, but it smells wonderful and it doesn't make your hair look like a giant greaseball.

Other than that there isn't much to do for already damaged hair, but I've been taking biotin supplements almost everyday for about a month and a half now (a little over 1000mcg) and I've noticed my virgin hair at the top looks a lot thicker and shinier. I also shed a lot less than I used to too.

I also stopped hot ironing and blow drying it, and I try to trim a bit off it to ward off the split ends.

>> No.6533789


I'm a male that picked up some tips in a simliar thread a few weeks ago.

You should have some sort of real skincare regimen. Originally, mine consisted of some drug store cleanser and an equally shitty moisturizer.

I've since switched to Dermalogica's "clay cleanser", Lush's "breath of fresh air" toner, and Lush's "vanishing cream" moisturizer. I should be applying some sort of SPF but haven't found something I like yet.

I've found that since switching to a real regimen, blackheads on my nose have been reduced greatly, I have a more even skin tone, and I don't get oily almost at all during the day.

>> No.6533815

what exactly is your regimen?
Mine is wake up, take a shower, apply acne cream to the bad spots, then a non-oil based moisturizer lotion.
At night, i wash with a Benzyl Peroxide soap, then do the same thing as the morning, cream and moisturizer.
It's been about 3 or so weeks, my skin is definitely better, but it's not to the point I thought it would be. tips?

>> No.6533821

popping in to say that the skin regeneration cycle is about 28 days depending upon diet and age so results do take a while.

>> No.6533823

alright, i'll just keep at it. Thanks
>been told not to touch face.
>struggling to keep hand away from face, but managing

>> No.6533848

I have very thick hair thats dry, damaged and has multiple split ends from years of dyeing and straightening without using heat protection (I was a fucking idiot) so is there any kind of hair treatment, mask, deep conditioner that I can use to make it manageable and nourish it?
Also do you know of any supplements or vitamins that can help hair to grow faster?

>> No.6533855

Biotin is the vitamin for hair.

as for hair treatments, Paul Mitchell makes an amazing one.
it's $35 on Amazon, and it's really fantastic. and very easy to do at home.

>> No.6533860

oh, and cut the split ends off. there's nothing you can do for them.

>> No.6533869

Dermatologist. I'm being so serious.
If your blemishes aren't going away with a regimen like that, then it just might be that it needs a boost.

I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I went to see mine. My skin is so much clearer and i barely do shit with it. I could even show you before/after pics.

>> No.6533878

i actually went to a derm, and this is what was I was told to do. I was given pills to take as well, but I discovered that they cause headaches and occasionally vomit, so I've kind of avoided them...

>> No.6533889


Thank you so much I'll pick up some Biotin tomorrow and once I get paid next week I'll purchase the hair treatment stuff and schedule in a hair appt. for a trim

>> No.6533897

What brand are they? I had the same problem with my pills and they're doxycycline. If it says on the bottle to take on an empty stomach, don't. I tried that with my pills and they gave me stomach ulcers and it would make me vomit my food. But if I ate a little food and drank something like juice or milk beforehand I would be fine.

The pills also took about a month and a half to work for me. My derm also gave me this Epiduo cream and it eroded my face at first, but after awhile it got used to it and stopped reacting in that way.

>> No.6533902

So I guess the point of that story is just try to stick with a certain regimen for awhile. Don't be discouraged if something seems really shitty for a few weeks, because it gets better.

>> No.6533904

You haven't said what specific products you are using. I found that my skin cleared up when I switched from my old moisturizer to a natural toner and moisturizer. I've always been partial to Dermalogica products so I'm not 100% natural in my regimen but the clay cleanser works magic on oily skin, so I think its worth it.

>> No.6533912

Thanks for the encouragement. My skin is not going crazy as it was during the school because of stress.
I was put on doxycycline so yeah same stuff. I hate it, and i'm almost afraid to start vomiting again.

For the wash, the derm told me to get panoxyl, i think i'm on the 10% right now. It's actually pretty harsh on the skin, and I've been thinking about changing to another wash or something. I've got fairly oily skin....

>> No.6533913

the shampoo and conditioner that come with it are really nice as well.
but me, and a few other people, feel like that after you use it for awhile- say half the bottle or so- it starts feeling... odd.
like it no longer makes your hair feel healthier, stronger, shinier, but dry. not in a dry, brittle way but in a- like there is just no oil or moisture in your hair at all way. like it's /too/ clean.

i feel the same way about the Pureology line, which is basically the best of the best when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. after awhile it's just too much.

SO i always recommend switching, between this line and something more- basic. not cheap, no Dove or Loreal or anything. but something like Paul Mitchel's basic lines- Moisture, Strength, Smooth, depending on your needs.
Redken shampoo and conditioner is nice as well, but it's not as moisturizing as Paul Mitchel's.

but the Paul Mitchel lines are really artificially moisturizing, they feel great, but after using something like Pureology, Awapuhi, or even Redken you can tell there's a lot of something in the Paul Mitchell that makes your hair feel soft. and not actually your hair being soft.

if that makes sense.
sorry for my tangent, i'm really into hair.

>> No.6533921

Also, switch your pillow case every night, or at least put something clean over it every night. Your face is pushed against that piece of cloth for hours.

>> No.6533927

I only started that about a week ago. I have a towel that i sleep on. i sleep on it one side for 1 night, then the other for the next. then swap towels. I have a silk pillowcase coming in a few days as well since I heard that helps

>> No.6533931

it can be a bit tedious, but a lot of my friends add 5 minutes to their morning routine to wash their pillow case. they just wake up that little bit earlier, keep laundry detergent at their bathroom sink and wash it. hang it up, and by the time they get home it's dry and ready to go back on the bed.

shouldn't have fabric softener on your pillow case anyway, especially if you've got acne prone sensitive skin.

>> No.6533938

Same. I had oily skin too, but don't give up and try to start the doxy cycle again but eat food this time. It helped me so much.
The wash should feel less harsh as you go on.

>> No.6533944

apparently asian skin is known to be oily. i'll try my best. thanks seagulls for the help and encouragement. i'm always so jealous of you cosplayers and your (shooped) skin [but still better than mine].

>> No.6534083

Damn bitch, thanks.
That's a great idea, I really wasn't sure how to keep up with a routine like that, I don't have enough time to put in a load of pillow cases everyday. But handwashing it as part of a morning routine is genius.
/dumb I am

>> No.6534092

I never thought of that before and that's really fucking smart

>> No.6534094

Cheap and healthy eye makeup removal: extra virgin olive oil. That shit comes right off, and then moisturizes the delicate skin around your eyes. Chemical free!

>> No.6534095

except your eyes can't clean themselves of an oil build up and you'll hurt your eyes that way
there's a reason the majority eye makeup removers are oil free.

>> No.6534097


.... .... This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
Why don't you just buy a bunch of pillow cases, and then rotate them, washing them all once a week? Keep them in a drawer and swap them out. So much more time effective than washing one every single day, because that means you also need to sanitize and bleach your sink. If your sink has any bacteria on/in it, you are now getting that on your cases.

>> No.6534101

What? No, not at all. The issue is that make up removers only use cheap oil, and it can clog your pores. Pure kinds such as extra virgin olive oil won't. The oil itself does absolutely nothing to harm your eye.

>> No.6534118

nice silk pillow cases can be expensive for college students.

google it. oil is not good to get in your eyes. there's no way to fully flush it out fully as water can't rinse oil, over time it will cause a film like build up.

>> No.6534126

Honestly, laundry costs a lot of money when you don't have your own machine...

>> No.6534135

This, I'm lazy and have to go to a laundromat to do laundry. I have enough clothes to go for weeks without doing laundry, but that many pillow cases is another story.

>> No.6534151

Yeah, plus buying all those cases in the first place, that's just not in my budget right now.

>> No.6534153

out of curiosity-
how many people have actually seen improvement with a clean pillow case every night?

that's never been something that has made a difference in my routine, not even a slight dent. and most people who i know do it have always done it, like since they started a skin care routine. so i don't really know if it helped them or not.

>> No.6534157

It's helped me the most! If I get lazy and don't switch out a pillowcase/towel every other night, my face starts to break out on the side I slept on.

If your hair gets greasy pretty quickly, it's probably a good idea to change your pillow case more often.

>> No.6534159

>clean pillow case

Because it depends on the actual pillow and the cleaning agent . A pure white pillow case would be the disinfect because of the power anti bacterial agents found in bleach. Since the human face is covered with lots of oil and bacteria the moving the face around only irritates the skin causing blemishes.

>> No.6534165

Yes white pillow cases lots of them since its very easy to clean and bleach is a marvelous tool.

>> No.6534164

i have always been on the oily side and changing my pillow case has never mattered for me.
my own natural oil has never really bothered my skin at all, i can go 3-4days without washing my face as long as i just stay inside with no issue. but makeup and outside air/pollution bothers my skin. even one night without washing my face of makeup and i'll notice it in the morning.

>> No.6534173

I think you have a drinking problem.

>> No.6534179

>I think you have a drinking problem.

You know what frightens me? You hate me but I know nothing of you

>> No.6534184

Yup. Stop tripping, it will make everybody a little happier.

>> No.6534185

I don't hate you at all libra!
I just really, I mean, the things we say in jest, dear.
>A pure white pillow case would be the disinfect
I mean come on. You spew out all this shit, I can't help but think you really believe some of it.

>> No.6534207

I'll be me

>A pure white pillow case would be the disinfect

What I mean to say was that a simple white pillow case is easier to clean because you can use bleach.

>> No.6534215

Jeez, I really dont want to see a make up/beauty thread go down hill.

Right now I am using dermablend's foundation for my face. I have some acne, I dont have any bad scars anymore now that I've been on spironolactone, but my face still does break out (probably from stress and I disrupted my intake of spiro going from taking it always in the morning to night time)

Dermablend was freaking amazing the first time I tried it on, I've never seen a foundation so great (I used clinique before that, but started to not like it)

Dermablend works pretty great, but I feel like I should get out and try more! I also know that sometimes Dermablend doesnt settle right on me? I know its water based, so I pat it and then let it dry before continuing. Any suggestions? I have a slightly oily face, thats it. Thanks tons! I kinda wanted to try something form the drug store, but I'm not even sure what to look at...

>> No.6534223

Gossmakeupartist just did some reviews of drugstore brands, i avoid the drug store just because i am sick of buying makeup that i can't test. like, i get it home and it's not what i expected

but dermablend is a very heavy foundation, very heavily pigmented, i would recommend mixing it with a water based moisturizer to lighten it out a bit.

>> No.6534228

at ~$20 for a pair, dolly winks are quite expensive - are there any cheaper lash brands of similar quality?

>> No.6534250

Don't be lazy. Always, always clean off your makeup at the end of the night. All of the cosmetics, including the buildup of oil underneath the makeup is definitely going to break you out.

>> No.6534253

wow, really?
you've totally enlightened me.

>> No.6534257

Diamond Lash

>> No.6534262

The bacteria thrive on the makeup oils

>> No.6534437

Diamond Lash is not the same quality as Dolly Wink. However, Diamond Lash do give you more bang for your buck. You get 5 pairs for about the same price as Dolly winks. Another pro for Diamond Lash is that they have a huuuuuuge variety of styles. You just have to find a good store that stocks them.

I find Dolly Winks to be a little more delicate. The lashes themselves look more natural and are lighter to wear. Diamond Lash's bands are a bit thicker (which is a bigger disadvantage if you're interested in bottom styles) and the lashes a bit shinier (faker-looking).

You can buy Dolly Wink for ~$13 from Sasa and they stock the full range. They also stock a few Diamond Lash styles. Sasa also ship your order for free if you spend a certain amount at their store too.

>> No.6534456

Pretty sure that was sarcasm, bro. Everyone knows you're supposed to take your makeup off.

>> No.6534796

How about some tips on hair? I have very strange hair in that it gets oily so fast. I can wash it with shampoo and that do nothing, even oily-hair shampoo, but wash it with regular bar soap and it be fine, I also find that if I wash every other day that it's not as bad as if I wash it every single time I shower. So I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my scalp.
I want to basically stop being a second rater and fix up my appearance, so anything for male improvement is appreciated.

>> No.6534824

>So I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my scalp.
It's dry. The shampoo for oily hair probably dries it even more, which is why it gets oily so fast (your scalp is just protecting itself, you know). Moisturizing conditioners and such could help (at least it does for me). Also, you don't have to wash it with shampoo every day, many people with great-looking hair wash it a couple of times a week and it doesn't get oily-looking.

>> No.6534827

Don't wash it every day. Basically what happens is that you strip the hair of its natural oils that it needs every time you wash your hair. Because your hair and scalp need those natural oils, your scalp produces even more oil to compensate for the oil that was stripped away, so your hair gets greasier faster. Wash it 3-4 times a week at most.

Also, I'm lazy as fuck so I can't be bothered both shampooing and conditioning. I just use a (kids) 2 in 1 formula, which means it's probably gentler on my hair.

>> No.6534848

I'm dip dying my hair- I bought box colour and regular hair bleach (not blonde box colour).

Should I dye my whole head the first colour (it's "champagne pink", but will probably end up maybe a pink/cool red-tinted darkish blonde), then bleach on top? Or dye everything except the tips, then bleach the tips? My concern with the first option is damaging my hair as well as the bleach not lifting the colour (I want to finish my dye job in one go, or dye the first colour then the second step in about 12 hours). Concern with the second option is uneven colour

also I used hair spray on my bangs and a tiny bit of wax as well when I got ready about 5 hours ago. Is that OK? Or should I rinse/wash/wash and dry/etc my hair first?

>> No.6534852

My advice? Go and get it done professionally, there's too much of a risk of you fucking it up, seeing as you don't even know how you're going to go about doing it.

>> No.6534876

Too late, I already bought the supplies. I've dyed my hair a lot and worked with bleach and box colour, however I've never put bleach right on top of recently-coloured box dye.

Also I can't afford to get it professionally done, lol.

>> No.6534890

No, don't colour with a box dye then bleach. CAREFULLY section off your hair;
You're going to need someone to help you with the back of your hair.
Why did you get a box dye anyway? Vegetable dye will be less harsh.

>> No.6534899


IDK I've just always had good results with box dye. And what do you mean vegetable dye? Like using very strong pigmented veggies to make a dye? Sorry, I've never heard this term.

Also wouldn't it wash out really quickly?

>> No.6534905

My boyfriend has really long hair and he doesn't know how to take care of it very well. It's all dry because he only washes it with combination shampoo/conditioner and he has split ends and stuff. How do I even begin to help him with it? What products should I get?

>> No.6534909

If it's dry he may be washing it too much. I don't think using a combo should make much of a difference. He may also have a sensitive scalp, so try switching to natural cleansing methods or baby shampoo. The split ends may also be contributing to the dry hair appearance. Get him to get a trim to get rid of all the split ends.

>> No.6534914

He washes it almost every day but it gets incredibly greasy if he doesn't. He should probably just wait it out until his hair starts producing oils normally after a few days, yeah?
Will keep the other advice in mind

>> No.6534916

Manic panic, punky colours, adore, special effects, splat, directions. They are biodegradable, have no harsh chemicals like peroxide or ammonia that boxed dyes have.
They come in all sorts of unusual colours.

>> No.6534919

Ahh, OK. I have no idea where to buy them here. I'm in a foreign country :/ I've never seen anything like that here.

>> No.6534924

Also I forgot to add that I've tried Manic Panic and it washed out to faded as fuck in about a week after applying on bleach blonde hair. I've tried Punky Colours and I vaguely remember is staying for a bit longer but also fading fairly fast as well.

>> No.6534929

What country if you don't mind me asking?
Here: http://www.amazon.com/Adore-Creative-Image-Color-Purple/dp/B004M5VREC

>> No.6534933

I used to dye parts of my hair with that stuff. It was pretty good, actually. After using it weekly it started to last longer and longer, which was nice. Also loved the colors. The bad thing was that it didn't stick to my natural hair, so I had to bleach the roots before applying it. Which is why I don't see much difference to box colors tbh (except for the colors, maybe).

>> No.6534934


>> No.6534944
File: 93 KB, 470x688, BWU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd appreciate if my fellow ladies on /cgl/ could help me out with the following two problems:

I've been bleaching my upper lip stache for a while now and it bothers me that I have to re-bleach every couple of days. I just hate having that greyish ugly shadow above my lip all the time and obviously the stache itself. Bleaching just looks good for 2-3 days at most. Would waxing be more advisable and last longer?

Also how do you y'all make your eyebrows look symmetrical? I've been letting my eyebrows grow in again because they are horribly wonky. I've never had nice even eyebrows in my life and the "professionals" have always fucked them up so far. I've come to the conclusion that it's virtually impossible to achieve having nice eyebrows on your own. Help?

tl;dr waxing or bleaching stache and how do nice symmetrical eyebrows get?

>> No.6534953

>Would waxing be more advisable and last longer?

Well of course since it removes the actual root

> look symmetrical?
Practice makes perfect

>> No.6534964

>none of this organic b.s
But the chemicals.

>> No.6534968

Everything has chemicals including the foods you eat.

>> No.6534973

Okay, I have a short story for you guys. Back in middle school, I was getting into makeup. I found one of my mother's eyebrow knives and I started messing with my eyebrows. So not only did I fuck up my arches, but I ended up shaving off half of one of my eyebrows. The half grew back in I think a month, but my arches remained ruined. How can I grow my arches back to normal? It's been years. Is there hope?

>> No.6534974

But wouldn't it better to limit the amount of chemicals you put into your body? You can do that by eating certain foods and using certain products.

>> No.6534980

The best way to limit these chemicals would be to move out of civilization and into the jungles of Amazon. Even eating certain foods will still have large traces of GMOs since monsanto owns the rights for almost every commercial seed available. Hey if you live in a country that has fruits/vegetables that is not in the U.S/Australia/U.K/ the more power to you as an individual. Not everybody can admit to eating a real mango or having actual ice cream that hasant been stamped organic.

>> No.6534983

How often do you shampoo?

>> No.6534988

So putting baby oil on your face is bad? This is terrible news for me.

>> No.6535008

I have my own garden and I get my seeds from a friend. I also don't wear makeup but I'm going to start when I can find some that won't be terrible for my skin.

>> No.6535060

GMOs contaminate? For makeup its rather difficult since a lot of it damages your skin causing an acceleration of aging.

>> No.6535062

oil is fine for your face, in fact it's quite good if you have drier skin. just not good in your eyes.

oh lord. not often enough. like every 4 days
i spray the fuck out of my hair with dry shampoo and spray wax in between showers.

but you have to keep in mind i have extensions in, for me washing my hair isn't so much a simple 5 minute task but an event that usually takes up my entire night.

>> No.6535120

Manic Panic is pretty shit. Special Effect and Directions are much better.

practice and go slowly when plucking.

>> No.6535178

I get my eyebrows threaded. It's super cheap (5 bucks for just the brows? 10-15 for eyebrows and the lip) since there are a ton of Indian threading salons here, they're super fast, and they always look good. Lasts about 3 weeks to a month on me and I'm like the Wolverine of hair. My place also gives you a little discount card to come back.

>> No.6535194

Also, for anyone needing a not-so-typical lip color, I really like Morgana Cryptoria's stuff. Shit goes on great, pigment is awesome, quality is comparable to MAC in most cases, and she has a lot of sales. The ONLY problem is that when she does have the sales there's a minimum for your order. The minimum changes depending on how big the sale is, but I think it's usually around 13-15 dollars? Not bad. That's a little over two lipsticks on sale though. So you should probably wait until you need a few colors/to restock your makeup to do an order.

>> No.6535236

Seconding this, I've only had experience with Special Effects cooler colors but it stays like nobodies business. In fact I've been trying to strip my hair of Fishbowl for a couple of weeks now and it just won't budge. Ive been washing every day with Prell and it is not coming out. I'm trying to avoid bleach for as long as possible before I switch colors, any advice?

>> No.6535244
File: 27 KB, 319x493, angelina_jolie_eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of hard to explain without showing, but use your eyeliner (or any kind of stick) to guide you
Stick your eyeliner vertically to the side of your nose, your eyebrows should start there.
Use your nose and your eye's outer corner as two points to create a line. Your eyebrows should stop around there.
It should be easier to make them symmetrical that way.

There I found a picture as reference.

>> No.6535401

Stop that, it's so drying/damaging.
I've heard that fishbowl is notorious for staying on hair.

>> No.6535420

Any experiences with home wax kits? I'm looking to wax my upper lip.

>> No.6535424

while that is a decent guide line to follow it only works if you have a proportionate nose to your face. if you have wide, or thin nostrils it wont work.

in Angelina's case her nose is right, but her eyebrows aren't. they start a bit far apart, and could be continued just that tiny bit more. and you can actually see that- with the lines. they don't actually match up with her eyebrow, save for the arch. which is of course perfect.

vit C powder mixed with shampoo, dish soap (the dish soap made to clean oil spill animals), and horse shampoo are all known to strip hair color very very well.

>> No.6535439

microwave wax you get from Sally's is fine, just be careful with it. it will melt a lot faster in some areas, so test it on the back of your hand before you put it on your face.

cleanse your face with a cleansing lotion, they'll sell that at Sally's too. then apply baby powder to your upper lip area.
apply the wax thinly, but cover everything. never wax the same spot twice. so if it takes you awhile don't fret, just apply a bit more wax to re-melt the wax that is on your face. it just needs to stick, doesn't need to be a liquid entirely.
press the wax strip onto your face firmly, and smooth is across the hair in the direction of growth.
after pull the skin taught and quickly rip in the other direction. no hesitation, no jerk, just a smooth quick pull. pull all the way through, like swinging a bat swing all the way through.

after that press on where you had just waxed with a finger, hold it there for 3-10seconds depending on how it feels and continue on to the next section.
should take no more than 4 to do the entire upper lip area.

after you're done apply a post-wax lotion.

so from Sally's just buy microwave wax, popsicle sticks, waxing fabric strips, cleansing lotion, and post waxing lotion
and from any store you'll need baby powder and baby oil. if you have any wax residue on you baby oil will take it off.

wont cost more than $30 and will last you years. they also sell pre-made wax strips for the face but i've never tried them so i can't recommend them.

>> No.6535442

This maybe my only place to ask since /fa/ will probably derail a thread about it: Could you recommend a short female hair style/cut? I've been cutting my own hair for the longest time and I don't know what to do with it. I have an oval face with mildly wavy dark brown hair that curls at the ends. The front and bangs goes down to my collarbone and the back ends before the end of my chin.

I'm sorry if that's too vauge, I'm nervous about posting a picture.

>> No.6535448

it's absolutely too vague.
but if you truly have an oval face any cut will suit you.

>> No.6535463
File: 60 KB, 640x480, HNI_0008_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darn, I've got this at least. It's a few months out of date, but I enjoy all the advice you've given in this thread!

>> No.6535466

i still don't really know what to recommend.
what do you like? girly, edgy, conservative, classy? do you want something you can wash and wear, how long do you usually spend styling your hair? products?

>> No.6535489

I tend to wear button-downs, sweaters, simple blouses either in black, white, grey or a neutral color (I have olive skin sans my face) along with usually black bell-like knee-length skirts (Can have skintight anything since dem child-rearing hips). All this is always paired with black leggings and knee-high black boots. I enjoy a classy/conservative look. As for hair care I wash my hair every other day, very light usage of (storebrand, feel free to slap me) shampoo and a leave-in conditioner for winter/dry weather. I'd like something with low manageability but I welcome a whole new routine and change.

>> No.6535499

Thanks so much!

>> No.6535502
File: 105 KB, 390x542, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd recommend something like this. simple enough that you can just let it air dry, long enough to do a beautiful round brush.

>> No.6535573

Of course, I just gave the basic advice beautician will give you. But, you must use a bit of common sense. Still a good way to start, imo.

Also, I just remembered that the first times I plucked my eyebrows I would use an eyeliner or a pencil concealer (of a color that would contrast with my eyebrows) to either outline the shape I wanted my eyebrows to be or mark-off the bits I wanted to get rid of. You will have an approximate preview of what it will look like and after a few times you will remember where to pluck.

>> No.6535634

Can anyone recommend shampoo & conditioner for hair that gets greasy easily? I've tried plenty of brands but no matter how little conditioner I use, my hair gets greasy so quickly! Something that gives volume would be nice too.
Thanks so much!

>> No.6535654

How often are you washing your hair? The problem may be that.

>> No.6535699
File: 21 KB, 386x480, HNI_0059_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that, it's really sleek too. Thanks Spooky :D

>> No.6535712
File: 83 KB, 170x515, 170px-April_May.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good tutorials for enhancing cleavage with makeup? Or at least maybe a list of useful products? Extra help on brushes greatly appreciated

>> No.6535733

Go slut up some other place.

>> No.6535748

why not just do the usual boob tricks (aka 2 bras, pinning the straps behind your neck together, stuffing)? that character is not that busty unless you are dfc (in which case i still recommend the tricks above)

>> No.6535777

I'm a 32A, so yes a little extra wouldn't hurt even though her chest is on the larger side of average. Haven't tried other boob tricks yet since I've never had this issue before so thank you!

>> No.6535818
File: 92 KB, 792x576, 1344464146629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but hey, everyone loves a good cleavage!

>> No.6535820

Look up Jenna Marbles boob magic video. This costume should be able to use it very well.

>> No.6535938
File: 3 KB, 102x118, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started using Apple cider vinegar treatment. I relax my hair, and I read it good for the ph level of your hair or any processed hair. I noticed the second time using it my hair had a lot more shine to it and it felt softer.

>> No.6535999

Once every day or once every other day. Should I just be washing it every other day?
I'd still like to know a generally good shampoo brand, though. Burt's Bees just isn't right for my hair, no matter when I wash it.

>> No.6536066

every other day is ideal. A few more questions about your hair first. Is it thin, thick, curly, straight, are you of any ethnic background?

>> No.6536144
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Just in case anybody finds this useful.

>> No.6536509
File: 41 KB, 570x253, simple-face-e1307784042285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne. I have huge problems with acne. For anyone else with problems, let me be your guinea pig. I have sensitive, dry skin. This is what worked for me:

I had cystic acne as well as a metric fuckton of papules and blackheads. For cystic ance, the only real cure is hormonal, I solved that by going on birth control. I have had three different dermatologists over four years, the last finally reccomended birth control for the cystic. The first one I was pretty sure was using me for trials for his other patients and the other kept on pushing holistic medicine and meditation. I have tried a great many topical and medicinal acne treatments. It was expensive and painful. Some barely did anything, some made me grow scales, and another cause the school nurse to pull me out for a day because she thought I had poison oak all over my face.

Then, I said fuck it. I spent days on the internet cataloging methods that seemed to work. I will not even go into what I have put on my face. But this, this works. Every night, wash your face with 10% benzyol peroxide wash. Never, ever use bar soap, even pan-oxyl bars, anywhere. After, put a thin layer of lemon juice on scars and problem ares. When that dries, liberally apply coconut oil. DO NOT GET NEAR EYES. This method will make your skin drier that Sahara air, but coconut oil is a godsend. Not only does it help free blackheads, It will work all over your body, it's cheap, and softens like a motherfucker. Treat your hair with it once and a while too. Anyway, now apply the vanishing creme. Liberally. ONLY to active acne, and NEVER on more than 25% percent of you face. Swelling and redness are to be avoided. You should have white globs of the stuff on your active acne. Now go to bed, put a white cloth over your pillow, because everything you just put on your face but the oil will bleach fabrics. Do this every goddam night, cleanse in the mornings. (continued)

>> No.6536560

You should see a reduced amount of acne in a few days, dramatic results in about 1-2 weeks. You can substitute coconut oil with olive oil or argan oil.

I put the St. Ives scrub on the graphic because I use it once a week. As said, this method will dry out your skin, and it's essential to slough of any dead skin buildup. But harsh microdermabrasion will damage you epidermis, so give your skin time to heal before using it again. That's why I recommended once a week or less.

Coconut oil smells like sunscreen and ass, so I cut the stuff I put on my body with a tiny bit of vanilla. Seriously though, coconut oil. It's one of the most effective moisturizers for your skin. In my opinion, far better than cetaphil lotion, which dermatologists will be quick to recommend.

I'm looking in to what to do about my scars as well. Does anyone have any tips for that?

>> No.6536652

Just to back up what anon is saying here's some info on why it works:


>> No.6536710

if you use RAW or manic panic, you can leave it in your hair overnight because they're water based and won't damage your hair. the colors last a lot longer that way.
also, just a tip, if you get a conditioner, add a bit of the RAW/manic panic hair dye color in the conditioner and use it as a color refresher whenever you wash your hair.

>> No.6536721
File: 1.17 MB, 1034x660, sky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to sky ferreira hair?
this is going to be my aim. I am going to baby the fuck out of my hair for the next few years to get my length back (thick shiny healthy hair I had before I discovered ghd's and bleach..

But what's the best way to get these relaxed waves? and the volume? would a perm be able to give this kind of effect?

>> No.6536979

you're going to pamper your hair and then fuck it up by giving it a perm? God why.

Try looking up no heat hair curling. You can do most of them at night before bed, it's not very hard.

>> No.6537014

I've finally stopped breaking out (for a few months now), and I'd like to speed up the process of fading my post acne marks. I'm lucking and don't have any bumps or craters, but my face is covered in (smooth) red marks. Does anyone have some advice?

(olive oil/lemon juice are out for me, btw)

>> No.6537031

Honestly? Braid hair while it's wet, let it air dry, maybe run a hot iron over the braids, and then undo the braids and brush/comb out just a little. Maybe some volumizing spray

>> No.6537046

anyone know of somewhere i could order a set of decent makeup brushes for cheap? i'm working on my collection but i'm kinda low on cash so it's coming along slowly. i'm hoping to find a set on ebay that's cheap but decent enough to use until i have a nice collection of quality, expensive ones.

>> No.6537095

Tried Vitamin E cream?

>> No.6537275

Sorry but out of curiosity, why are they 'out'?

>> No.6537283

Everything is made of chemicals. Every single thing. You are made out of tons of chemicals, that rock in your garden is made out of chemicals, the water you drink has a shitton of chemicals in it, the air you breathe is made of chemicals.

Chemicals chemicals chemicals
People really need to learn that chemicals aren't evil or poisoning the world. Chemicals are the world.

>> No.6537301

It's medium thickness, no volume, really long and naturally pin straight.
1000% white.

>> No.6537324

check out amazon.
I just bought something called Bellus 13 Piece Makeup Brush Set and Case for about 14 bucks on there and they seem like perfectly fine brushes.

>> No.6537333

They probably mean synthetic chemicals, although that's not black-and-white either. Sometimes synthetic chemicals are less harmful than those derived from plants and animal tissue.

It always boggles me when people talk about protein, though, as in "egg white has a lot of protein so it's good for you" or "with that kind of diet you do not get enough protein". What does that even mean? What kind of protein? Are they talking about essential amino acids? What?

obviously I'm too lazy to look it up though so polite sage for pointless rambling

>> No.6537346

I've done this before, I have short hair, so keep that in mind, for whatever reason. I dyed my whole head with a red color and then waited a day to let my hair "rest",bleached the underside and dyed it aqua.

My hair took the abuse fine, but I don't know how yours would react.
You are DEFINITELY going to want to wait a day (if not two) between dying and bleaching. And use a good conditioner afterwards.

>> No.6537350

I assume they mean you don't get enough stuck-together-amino-acids compared to the recommended daily intake of said chains of amino acids.

>> No.6537358

We mean very harmful chemicals and you knew that, smartass.

>> No.6537360

There is no hope sorry.

>> No.6537370

I have a fairly similar perm to this, which I ended up doing because my hair texture is so fine that it wouldn't hold any sort of curl no matter what products or methods I attempted. It didn't really damage my hair all that much, and it's almost a year later and the curls have only loosened slightly. They used to be tighter, but now look more like your picture. I cut off the split ends recently and had a treatment since the winter weather was drying it out, and my hair's condition is still very soft and managable. I just never use any heat on my hair and smother it in oils to combat any drying.

So yes, I think you could achieve this look with a perm without fucking your hair over too badly, especially if you baby your hair and don't dye it. Mine cost about $100, but I have no idea what the prices are like in the US.

>> No.6537508

unf girl crush
Not sure about a perm giving that look But you should get yourself a waving iron/ Wash hair with a volumising shampoo and conditioner, mousse on damp hair. Dry upside down, Though I would just air dry if you want to minimize heat. use a salt texturising spray and wave small sections of hair at a time.

>> No.6537615

I recently lost my entire make-up collection and have to start from scratch. Not too big of a deal because all my make-up was super cheap and shitty anyway so this give me the opportunity to get some better stuff.

I was just wondering what were some people's "can't live without" make-up products or brands that I should get first (I have pretty average skin but am looking for good coverage to cover up a few burns)? Any suggestions would be so incredibly appreciated.

>> No.6538411

I'd highly recommend the "missha bb cream", which is a foundation/regenarator/spf combo, and also very light on acne prone skin; I've been using it for several years and works really well even on its own. Price range is usually around 12~20$, and popular enough to have tons of reviews for you to make a judgement on to order it~

>> No.6538618

Don't start trimming your cuticles unless there was something actually wrong with them in the first place. I started doing that a few months ago, but now I'll start getting the feeling like I need to trim off my cuticle. It's annoying and there's no point.

>> No.6538729


>> No.6538817
File: 110 KB, 550x283, thebalm_nudetude001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into a good eyeshadow palette that can provide you with a wide variety of looks. I have theBalm's Nude 'Tude and you can create endless looks with it, from simple to dramatic. It has 12 shadows in shimmery and matte finishes and cool and warm colors. You can even line your eyes with the two dark brown and black shadows, if you don't have a liner on hand. You can just Youtube it and there are already tons of tutorials done with the palette, in case you want ideas.

There are also other palettes out there (Urban Decay's Naked, Too Faced), but a versatile palette can get you pretty far.

>> No.6538838

Oooh! That one looks really nice! I've also heard good things about the Urban Decay Naked palette.

Though with eyeshadow palettes, I always have trouble knowing what colors look good on me with such a wide array of colors to choose from and never seem to know what colors go together (I was raised in a religion that didn't allow make-up on women so am a bit ignorant even now that I'm on my own). Would you (or anyone else that would like to respond) have any tips like which of those colors in your picture you would use together, especially for brown eyes?

Thank you so much! It looked pretty good and I'll probably end up getting it by the looks of it. Thank you for the lovely recommendation.

>> No.6538908

That's a pretty sweet palette! I've never heard of the Balm; can you get it in the States?

>> No.6539079

I no that no one asked about this at all but I just felt the need to share: I recently bought the Hot Cocoa Primer/Bronzer duo by Too Faced cosmetics and I'm kind of obsessed with it. It's perfect for contouring. I use it on my nose. The bronzer is matte and blends soo well and it even smells like hot chocolate. The primer is also great because the pores on my nose are humongous and it's usually unsightly (looks like dirty, clogged pores) unless I use primer and since this is tinted, it definitely helps keep my contour from fading over time!

However, it is pretty dark so I could see how it doesnt work well for extremely pale individuals. Anyway. Just thought I'd give a heads up.

>> No.6539087

Pic related..don't know why I didn't think to attach this to my original post

>> No.6539092
File: 36 KB, 250x250, sephore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus H Christ how embarassing. Polite sage for derping the fuck out. Here's the pic.

>> No.6539099

they make that bronzer in two colors, the light color is light enough for me to use so i can't imagine anyone would really have an issue with it being too dark for them.

and it is really blendable so you can sheer it out by just using a lighter tough.

>> No.6539370

How would one go about covering scrapes or cuts or bruises on their body? Would liquid foundation or concealer cover them up, or should I just stick to costumes that cover up those parts of the body up until they go away/become less noticeable?

>> No.6539381

Depending on how bad they are, foundation or concealer should help cover those up or at least make them less noticeable, but I'm not sure how well that would look on camera.
I also wouldn't suggest putting anything on or over an open wound to avoid the risk or accidentally poisoning yourself.
Although if I were you, I'd just wear costumes that cover up the injured parts of the body for now.

>> No.6539398

Any advice on using a curling iron? Mine has a clamp and the clamp always seems to give my hair a weird kink at the end. Haven't been able to find a good video showing how to use one.

>> No.6539432

For bruises, try concealing with opposing tones (so if it's a really red, new bruise then use green concealer, older yellow bruises use purple, etc.) and then foundation.

>> No.6539449

I would just say experiment - I have brown eyes too and I don't restrict myself from any of the colors. How you use shadow also depends on your eyeshape, whether you are monolids or have a deep crease and so on. In general, the leftmost four colors are like your highlight colors (inner corner, under the brow), the middle four can be your main or crease colors, and the last four are the outer v colors or liners. Here are a few combos that I have used. A go-to is Selfish on the lids, Sophisticated/Silly on the outer v, and highlight with Sassy. You can tone it down to a sweet look by using Stubborn all over the lid instead. Schitzo also looks good just all over the lid and the edges blended out (maybe with Snobby)? Line with Sassy or Sleek.

TheBalm is a US brand. You can get their stuff from their official website http://www.thebalm.com/ or sign up for hautelook - sometimes they have stuff for halfoff.

>> No.6540159

Have you tried Sally Hansen's airbrush legs? I use that for my eczema scars, alternatively Estee Lauder and Mac do good concealers.

>> No.6540897
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 411kHyoRQcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend these two as moisturizers

they're around $13 and both come In 3 fl oz

>> No.6540903


forgot, to mention

>if you have sensitive skin and dry skin
or acne prone and oily skin.

>> No.6540920

Face wash recommendations? My skin isn't really oily or dry, but I tend to have mild break outs between my eyebrows and my chin. Everything I've tried, even the most sensitive formulas, leaves my skin flaky and dry, except for Angels on Bare Skin by Lush - but that doesn't seem to help my skin any more than just rubbing my face with a washcloth and warm water. Ideas?

>> No.6540951

I have raised scars on my arm. How can I get rid of them?

>> No.6541301

Possibly, Keloid scar?
Watch this about treatments from a derm.


African Americans a mostly prone to these types of scars.

>> No.6541373

Can anyone recommend a good but cheap curling iron?

>> No.6541652
File: 198 KB, 1000x831, Superficially-Spreading-Keloid[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keloids always grow past the borders of the original wound and never stop growing. Pic related.

Just raised scars are most likely hypertrophic. Moisturise them regularly and try bio-oil, but remember that they're unlikely to go away completely.

>> No.6541657

tfw white as anything and have keloids

That picture is a pretty severe case. Those things ACHE. I used bio-oil on recent surgical scars and they didn't scar up so bad. So yes, just bio-oil the shit out of them.

>> No.6544231

Look at the videos at bubzbeauty.com I'm pretty sure most of her curling iron videos have a clamp.

I bought a cheap one at 5below a few years ago (Conair I think?) I rarely use it because my hair is thick and it takes too long and I need to get something that will help protect the hair from heat styling.

>> No.6544615

Has anyone tried sugaring as a way to remove hair? Is it more/less painful than using an epilator?

>> No.6544627

I get sugared, its a touch harder to find. But, if you do find someone who does it I would say to try it out.

Especially for legs, they apply the sugar to the entire half of my leg and do the front portion in one pull and the same for the back. I find it to be less painful to be honest.

>> No.6544660

I've never heard of sugaring before but just looked it up and am very interested.

I've tried waxing before but it didn't do much because the hair would break instead of being pulled out. It looks like with the sugar paste method though you pull with the grain and it causes less breakage... Any experience with that?

>> No.6544771

I use MAC mineralize skinfinish natural face powder. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything of a similar quality but cheaper? My skin loves it but $30-$35 dollars every time i go through it? Yikes. Possibly because I only use it with no foundation, but I really don't need all too much coverage.

>> No.6547188
File: 140 KB, 600x600, ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to cosplay as a generic anime character and I really want my skin to look at least two shades lighter, or as close to anime skin-tone as possible.
Does anyone use stage make up like Ben Nye or Mehron to achieve this look?
Which shade would you recommend most?

>> No.6547766
File: 551 KB, 1280x853, Rosewater-glycerine-benefits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin is "normal" and I have basically no problems with it (except nose that is kinda oily). All the cleansers I have tried just dry it up, so I thought on moving to something natural and gentler.
Do you have any recommendations? I'm looking for something that refresh and cleans my skin without drying up, and easy to use/wash off. I have heard rose water is good but I don't know

>> No.6547992

nope, just good concealer and lighter foundation as well as minimising sun exposure in the lead-up to the cosplay.

>> No.6548004
File: 871 KB, 3128x2346, Skin cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need any stage makeup, I usually just use a foundation and a concealer that's a few shades lighter. I also use a skin lightening face mask from Japan that lightens my natural skin tone, it's the only skin lightener I've used that actually works. I got it at my local Japanese store here in America. (Picture)

>> No.6548008

I don't know too much about natural cleansers, but after I use my every-day cleanser I use some Rose Petal Witch Hazel as a toner to keep my skin soft and moisturized. I get it from a local health food store. I hope you find something that works for you!

>> No.6548019


witch hazel

>> No.6548059

>that actually works
Does it say what the active ingredients are? I've been looking into skin lightening but I got lost somewhere between safe, natural melanin inhibitors that may or may not actually work over very long periods of time and the "if you put bleach on your skin you will get cancer and diieee!!!" folks. It's also kind of annoying when English language sites try to keep it PC by saying "it's just to fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation, it won't turn you into Morticia Addams hohoho don't worry folks" because I DO want to look like Morticia Addams, motherfucker.

>> No.6548071


Shit, can anybody read Japanese? I need to know the name of this stuff!

>> No.6548076

Yep, it takes a few applications but it lightened my skin a few shades. I wish I could tell you what the active ingredients are but I'm not quite sure what these are supposed to translate to. The only one I'm sure of is called DPG. If it'll help, their Japanese names are things like "Jiguriserin", "Parumichin" acid, and Toriechiruhekisanoin".

>> No.6548080

Oh, in Japanese is Shunkanshirohada Pakku.
"Instant Whitening Pack"

>> No.6548081


Thank you, thank you so much x ;___;

>> No.6548087

I found it. It's a Japanese sale site though. http://www.cosme.com/product/pdt_dtl/item_id/1000009446

>> No.6548935

Any recommendations for good bronzers for EXTREMELY pale people? Bonus if it comes in a pallet/compact with a highlighter as well.

I've been just mixing my foundation with a bronzer to get a light enough shade for a while now but I'd like to not have that hassle- both are loose powders and it's always messy.

>> No.6548941

buy an eyeshadow of the shade you desire.

or Too Faced has one that's like- light chocolate or something. i don't know. but it's light enough for me- so i'd bet it's light enough for anyone.
really i have never found a bronzer that was too dark for me as long as i get the more pale shade. it's how you apply it that matters. make sure you're using a light touch, and blending well.
if i am anything it is pale, even though i wear a bronzer every single day.

>> No.6548944

I like Harmony blush from MAC. I was using NARS Laguna for a while but it was way too dark for me.

>> No.6548969
File: 66 KB, 659x667, Bennye Pallette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering Ben Nye because in addition to doing my face makeup I also need to change my neck's shoulders and chest color.
Can't choose between Cine or Shinsei series, I need a light skin tone that won't look white, would fair or light beige do?

>> No.6548994

using the right brush to apply helps too.

>> No.6548996

I want to try the baviphat lemon whitening pack. From what I've heard, it's very gentle and natural.

>> No.6549003

Has anybody experimented with using strange colors for things like blush and bronzer to get more of a fairy/supernatural look? Like nothing super extreme, but like just a hint...

>> No.6549010


If you're shooting for ethereal, I'd imagine shimmery lilacs and pale golds could produce an interesting effect.

>> No.6549026

I'm white as a sheet (living in the UK will do that to you), and I've found the Guerlain Blonde Terracotta Bronzer works perfectly on me - it's pretty finely milled and sheer with just the right mix of bronze and pinkish tones. Don't know if they're carrying my particular one at the moment, but they always do a sheer bronzer for the summer. Sometimes I use a tiny bit of Benefit Dallas under the cheekbones too since the slightly dusky pink of it stops it from showing up too dirty or orange on my skin. Just a tiny bit though.

>> No.6549046

I'd avoid strange colors and focus on something like contouring for a supernatural effect. Otherwise, one wrong flick of the brush and you'd end up looking like a fairy guest star on some CW show. You can also bring out some eye colors to an almost supernatural level with the right eyeshadow color.

>> No.6549076

Can we get some really, really basic application advice for makeup? Talk to me like I'm dumb and a baby. I don't know if it's because I missed some vital practice during my teen years, but I never notice much of an improvement when I;m done with myself. I do the basic BB Cream, lipstick, maybe some mascara. I own a nice Tonymoly gel liner but fuck me, I never get it right even while looking RIGHT AT a damn tutorial.

>> No.6549083

Video tutorials might help. That way you're watching the technique rather than just pictures.


A playlist of basics is down at the bottom.

>> No.6549159

I've been really interested in trying out BB cream but with so many I have no earthly clue where to start. Which ones are best? I have very fair, pink oily skin with a few blemishes at any one time.

>> No.6549185

I have pretty much your skin! I use Skin79's pink label, but I am considering switching to Missha #21 because it has slightly better coverage. Fair and pink tone skin should he a good match for most Asian brands of BB creams

>> No.6549414

I'm a Mac nc15 and I use misshas perfect cover bb in no 13 and its amazing. Some people worry its too light for them so if you're an nc15 it's not!

>> No.6549444

What stores sell really cute clothes for cheap? I keep losing weight so I keep needing to buy various size clothes and obviously after a month or two they become unwearable so somewhere cheap. It's fine if its online. I usually don't have a problem following stores measurements.

>> No.6554086

Does bio-oil really work, especially for scars/stretchmarks that are a couple of months old?

>> No.6554111

Any oil will work, it's the massaging that helps break down scar tissue.

>> No.6554117

If you're very fair like I am stay away from Kat Von D's tattoo concealer. The lightest color is way too dark and oxidizes to a really ugly brown color

>> No.6554250

What are the best products at Sephora? I'll be going there this week and I wanted to pick up a few things.

>> No.6554529

Do any of you have any hair/makeup tutorials? (or is this the wrong thread for that?)

>> No.6554527

I'm currently growing my hair out. What are the best ways to prevent split ends? Also, my hair gets oily very quickly. I wash it just about every day because of this. I know that's bad for my hair, though, so what should I do to stop it from getting so oily?
Also, any tips for getting more volume?

>> No.6554534

Oh, I should probably mention that my hair is already pretty thick, and it's very wavy. No ethnic background, either.

>> No.6554542


There's actually this thing called sugaring; it's a bit like waxing, but you can make it at home, and it's supposed to be more gentle on your skin.

Link all about it: http://hairremoval.about.com/od/sugarwaxing/a/sugaring101.htm

>> No.6554626


Uh... As someone who's got dry skin and has been using oil based cleansers and moisturizers for several years, this >>6534101

Avoid anything with mineral oil or anything in it. Jojoba, olive, grapeseed, etc. are awesome for your skin. Oil free moisturizers break me out in summer and don't keep me hydrated enough in winter and I end up looking 10 years older after a walk outside.

>> No.6554631
File: 102 KB, 392x392, 0424_cosmetics_392x392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if this is gonna help anyone, but for those interested in some Korean products:

They have a huge range of products (I found a lot of the really specific products I wanted here, wasn't really willing to buy them individually in different shops/sites), and for pretty cheap too! The BB cream I bought was like $5 more expensive on eBay.

It's like taobao where you pay for your products first, then they put it together and give you the shipping cost later.

Also they give you free samples.

>> No.6554639

Dry hair here. I washed my hair with baking soda once, it felt like I'd fucking bleached it.

Just buy doctor bronner's and fill up half an empty bottle with it and put coconut oil in the other half. If your hair is normal, use water. If your hair is greasy or you have hard water, rinse every once and awhile with vinegar, but don't mix vinegar and doctor bronner's.

>> No.6554651

What eyeshadow would be good to bring out the green in eyes that are more on the green side of hazel? I can't post pics but they are roughly the color of green cocktail olives and I want them to look as green as possible. A lot of the colors I use currently are warm purples and most bring out the goldish aspect.

>> No.6555035

What does bb cream even do?
should a dude us it?

>> No.6555086

It's like foundation, SPF, and moisturizer in one. Similar to a tinted moisturizer. Some bb creams have better coverage than others.
People usually use it to even out their skintone in place of foundation. I like using bb creams in the summer because it doesn't feel as heavy as foundation.
And yes, guys can use bb cream. I'm sure there's a guy bb cream out there.

>> No.6555094

Baking soda is a cheap alternative way to wash out your hair without the harmful chemicals and sulfates in shampoos. You're only supposed to make it into a paste-like consistency (baking soda+water) and then massage it into your scalp. Then, you wash it out with warm water and then make a mix of ACV+water and use that to close your hair cuticles to keep moisture in.
If you didn't do the ACV rinse, then of course your hair is gong to feel fucking dry. You just stripped your hair of everything and you didn't have the sense to replenish it.

>> No.6555160

You may be over washing your hair, causing your scalp to build up oils faster because your drying it out so much. If you are going to wash everyday, I suggest not using a sulfate-based shampoo because that will only further dry out your hair. You may also want to look into dry shampoo recipes (corn starch and baby powder, I think, for light hair, cornstarch and cocoa powder for dark) in order to soak up excess oils between washes.

To prevent split ends, make sure that you condition your hair regularly, applying it from the ends upward. Let set and then rinse out. You may get split ends eventually anyway, so you have to do a sweep and snip each one off to prevent further damage.

Try to avoid heat damage but if you need to straiten/blow dry your hair, get a protective serum to help prevent breakage.

>> No.6555200

Best thing to do is think about it with a color wheel. If your eyes are a peticular color on the wheel you would want to use the complimentary color to make you own eye color pop.

Granted the complimnet to green is red, but don't start using red and pinks because it can look odd depending on your skin tone (I tend to look sick) but if you use browns with a reddish undertone, that should make your eyes look more green.

Gossmakeupartist on YT did a video recently about this, and the video doesn't help much, but he does give a really complete list of eyeshadow colors in the description box for every eye color.

>> No.6557017

Ah okay, thank you.

>> No.6557021

>and don't expect it to make you look younger, just more attractive.

>green concealers in general

Bitch, you don't know shit.

>> No.6557024

Youtube is your friend. There are threads on make-up on /cgl/, you just have to lurk enough or start your own. If you're a guy, you might want to check out /fa/, too, but they won't be as kawaii uguu~ as the seagulls.

On Snog, Marry, Avoid the presenter gave out this really odd tip- fill an empty spray bottle with water and put sea salt in it- then spray it over damp hair (it has to be damp for it to work) and then simply wait until it dries. It might be a little over-volumizing than her hair, though.

Question- I work out once everyday until I'm a big sweaty mess.. literally, and my hair becomes greasy on the first day after washing. Is it recommended to wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner once every day at this rate? I don't want to cut down on my exercising, I just want to make sure that this won't make my hair really oily and even more greasier.

>> No.6557116

Way to be a fucking bitch.


>> No.6557120

>bleaching your stache

Why do american people do that, anyway? It's the most stupid thing I've ever seen. You can wax it, shave it, even pluck it if you have the patience.

Putting bleach near your mouth is too big of a risk for something that looks like shit and does not solve the problem.

>> No.6557132

Not the person you're replying to, but what's the problem with green concealers?

>> No.6557139


You also get special hair removal cream for your face, I think.

>> No.6557140

>You just stripped your hair of everything and you didn't have the sense to replenish it.

Uh, wasn't the whole point of baking soda + vinegar NOT stripping your hair of it's oils and necessary stuff, only removing the dirt?

While we're on the no shampoo thing, is there any special sort of water I should use? Like, mineral instead of the one straight from the shower?
Because every time I tried washing my hair with it, it ended up full of baking soda powder that didn't go away for about a week.

>> No.6557145

Nothing wrong, but it's for redness, AFAIK. It's not going to work if you're trying to cover up dark circles under your eyes (which are purple, and better hidden by a yellow-ish concealer) or other skin imperfections that are not, well, red.

>> No.6557152

I thought that was fairly obvious though, if anyone knows anything about colour theory. I get rosacea and other bits of redness on my face so I definitely use it the right way. Thanks though, I thought there was some other issue with green concealer that I'd never heard of.

>> No.6557188

No. Baking soda removes everything (dirt, oils, product, etc), but people use it because it's cheap and effective. Some other reasons people use it is because it doesn't have harsh chemicals like other shampoos do.
Thats the reason why people shouldn't do it daily. Only twice a month, because it may dry out your hair.

Also, if you do the baking soda, you MUST do the ACV rinse so your hair cuticles will close and keep in moisture. Doing just the baking soda will leave your hair feeling dry like hay and tangly.

>> No.6557206

I wouldn't use shampoo everyday, because you are stripping your hair and your scalp is compensating the loss of oils by secreting more oil, hence greasy hair.
I work out too, but I refresh myself by just taking a quick shower. Sometimes, if I feel "unclean", I use a cheap VO5 conditioner, because it doesn't have silicones. Silicones makes my hair feel weighed down. I just take some VO5 conditioner (something for moisture) and massage my scalp with the pads of my fingers.

Another alternative is to use dry shampoo. Just don't use the tresemme one. I find it horribly sticky.

>> No.6557210

Male cosplayer here.

Looking for general contouring advice in terms of what to use (something on the affordable side) and tips for application for pretty boy type characters.


>> No.6557236
File: 112 KB, 965x1603, colour-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Physician's Formula Bronze Booster Pressed Bronzer. It has shimmers, but when you put it on your face, it's not noticeable at all. I find that it's great for contouring my face and my nose area, or you can brush it on for a nice glow.
It's 15 USD though, but I think the price is worth it for the quality.
My skin color is M7 medium beige (pic related) and I get the medium to dark shade bronzer.

>> No.6557350
File: 294 KB, 450x1989, T1UkjKXmhgXXaH.X6X.JPEG_620x10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6557389


Do they show proof of authenticity or do you know for sure they are the real deal somehow?

>> No.6557403


When buying bronzer, should you try to match skin tone or get a shade darker. Also for the brush I take it I should invest in a seperate brush besides the one I use the one for my liquid foundation.

>> No.6557957

Dif anon, but if you're contouring you'll want to get a shade darker and make sure to blend. How dark you go may depend of the look you want/the character you're cosplaying. Your foundation should match you skin tone however. You may also want to invest in a highlight color as well, but most of the people I know who contour for cosplay (specfically FtM crossplay) don't highlight.

And yes, get a good buffing brush (maybe 2) to apply and blend. Physician's formula usually comes with a brush (I've used their loose powder foundation in the past.)

>> No.6557978

Yeah, I'm aware there needs to be the ACV rinse.

But then why the fuck do everywhere that promote the no-shampoo shit say "OMG SHAMPOO IS EVIL IT'S DETERGENT AND STRIPS YOUR HAIR OF IT'S NATURAL OILS!" and then suggests something that pretty much does the same?

>> No.6558007

I see.

I know that my foundation/concealer is a shade lighter than my skin tone so I can be a bit paler in pictures (works surprisingly well) Does that mean I should go a shade darker than my foundation?

>> No.6558017

I get the tecnique but it looks like her lips are bleeding

>> No.6558029

I want to say yes. Some brands actually do provide a... calibration for their bronzers so that you get the right shade for your skin tone (this worked well for a friend of mine who dressed as Cruella this past Halloween; she's very fair and needed to contour herself some cheekbones) but remember what you're ultimately doing is creating an illusion of a shadow. I don't know how much lighter you're going (probably as much as me; I'm a light beige on that chart >>6557236 posted and I could go two steps lighter if I wanted) but in your shoes I would get the bronzer that matched for my skin tone and then apply in sheer layers until I got the depth I wanted.

>> No.6558257

Don't bother with a foundation brush. Too streaky. Get a good 2-in-1 sponge instead. Spritz it with some water to dampen it (keeps the makeup from seeping into it) and then apply foundation either onto your face or onto the sponge, and buff it out. Be sure to buy a translucent setting powder, ESPECIALLY if you have liquid foundation, or else it'll cake up. As for bronzer, avoid anything that says "light bronzer" on it, because it takes way too many pass overs to get the depth you need. It works on incredibly light skinned people, but not yours, from what I've seen in pictures.

I do recommend, by the way, to go to a Sephora or something similar and get a proper foundation from there, not a department brand. You'll find the difference pretty noticeable, and you have the advantage of someone (hopefully) skilled to help you select the proper tone for everything.

>> No.6560158

Does anyone have any experience with BPAL? I just received my first imps today, and while the scents are nice, I reaaaaally have to inhale deeply to smell them. My roommate with a sensitive sense of smell can barely tell I'm wearing anything from arm's length away. Do they get stronger with age?