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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6533099 No.6533099[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How true is the stereotype of rampant asiaphilia on /cgl/? Do seagulls generally prefer Asian guys to White ones?

Amongst male conbros I've generally found the stereotype is somewhat exaggerated.

>> No.6533106

I prefer blacks

they are more muscly and have bigger dicks

>> No.6533109

Asian guys are only desirable if they're East Asian, slender, and well-mannered.

>> No.6533113

Of course they do because of anime/manga/kpop/jpop.

>> No.6533117

I like me some azn androgyny prodigies.

>> No.6533119

I've honestly never met a white guy who preferred asian women, even at cons, shits weird.

>> No.6533122

white female, asian guys are actually last on my list of races i'm attracted to.

>> No.6533123

Same, except on the reverse I've never met any of these asian women who adore white men that asian guys are always whinging about. I've met plenty who like top strata, very attractive white males, but never to the degree of "I'll fuck anything with a pair of squinty eyes" low standards racial fetishism that white females have.

>> No.6533131
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True. I would also throw in and looks kind of like a j-rocker, in a j-pop boy band, or looks like a drama actor.

>> No.6533132

>I've never met any of these asian women who adore white men that asian guys are always whinging about.

They honestly don't exist. Seriously. Asian girls who like White guys still hold them to a baseline standard that's actually fairly high.

I've never encountered say, an Asian girl who is the equivalent of Obasu.

>> No.6533133

Today we learn that shit spouted on the internet =/= what happens in real life

>> No.6533138


>> No.6533140

Yeah but Asians only look like that after plastic surgery.

I have only seen one hot Asian guy in person. The rest are average at best, I prefer white guys.

>> No.6533159

I find a few of them hot, Hiroshi Abe is smoking for example.

The effeminate look I totally don't get though, that's the kind of guy I would have liked when I was 12. It doesn't help that a lot of them are feminine behaviorally too.

>> No.6533161
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I could care less about race, it's more about general looks and personality. Strong jawline? Decent hygiene? Possessed of confidence without being a raging asshole? I can dig it.

Also like, evidence of lifting. Dancers man, dancers are hot no matter what the race (and I'm not talking rave kids here, I'm talking b-boys and shit.) Like all the really hot asians I know also dance, I don't really know whats up with that.

I can name movie stars of practically any race that I would be all over. If we're talking specifically asians? Takeshi Kaneshiro man, but I mean, a lot of east asian guys don't get quite as lucky in the Perfect Manly Features department as he did.

>> No.6533163

>It doesn't help that a lot of them are feminine behaviorally too.

Um, what?

>> No.6533168

From the variety shows and band-specific shows I've seen to do with groups like Super Junior, the members seem to be bitchy, gossipy and passive aggressive. I know these aren't specifically feminine traits, but they're unattractive to me. I've also heard pretty bad things about Asian guys trying to cut you off from your family because of the whole racism thing.

>> No.6533170

The problem with having a fetish for asian ladyboys is that those guys very rarely actually make good boyfriends. They're usually small men with a type 2 personality who really don't have what it takes to satisfy the primal urges of a woman. Which is why these men usually never hang on to their white women for very long and spend their saturday nights playing street fighter.

It's just a fantasy.

>> No.6533174


Jesus christ get out of your fucking house once in a while and try interacting with us in real life rather than equating us with shows that you watch or internet stereotypes lol

>> No.6533175

All of the good looking Asian guys seem to be Japanese. They tend to be more likely to have what we'd consider to be masculine features like facial hair and strong jawlines.

>> No.6533177

I prefer tall white guys with blonde or brown hair and blue eyes, fit bodies (not skinny fags!)

>> No.6533179

I'm actually basing the cutting off from someone's family part on real life experiences that friends have had, and a couple of people on /cgl/ have had too (I won't name names).

Also word of advice to the Asian guys ITT: If you're dating one of us, don't bitch about white guys dating asian girls at the same time. Not only is it humiliating to the girl, it's stupid and hypocritical too.

>> No.6533183

I now prefer white girls.

Whoever have "claimed" to date a Japanese girl and liked it is full of shit and obviously haven't put up with their Japanese parents. Never again. I'm a god damn engineer but I wasn't good enough because I wasn't Japanese.
>Yes I'm butthurt and vendettaing

>> No.6533188

I prefer Asian men to white men due to the frequency of them exhibiting more favorable aspects to me. I prefer really skinny (as opposed to fat or muscular) guys with less facial (and chest) hair. Not necessarily effeminate looking, though. Strong jaw line and such is good, too. In regards to height, I'm roughly 5 feet tall, so the relative lack of height in Asians doesn't really impact me, since the majority of them are still taller than me.
I also like their eyes for whatever reason. Not super "squinty", but I think the more almond-shaped they are compared to white people, they look nicer.

But I do like white men, too. Skinny white guys who shave, cool.

That said, however, I'm not really a fan of any other dark-skinned ethnicities. I don't find Africans, Indians, or Hispanics physically attractive. I'm just not a fan of dark skin, I guess--even including Filipino and Vietnamese people, despite them being Asian.

But I don't think my physical attraction to people has anything related to my cosplay hobbies. Just a coincidence, I think.

>> No.6533187


If that's true then holy shit lol.

I will admit that there are some of my male asian friends can be passive aggressive / bitchy but most of them aren't that bad.

>> No.6533189

>god damn engineer

B.S and you act like a total niggabo

>> No.6533196

yes I do have a B.S
>Civil Engineering

>> No.6533195
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Takeshi is... half japanese, half taiwanese I think, actually.

Personally, I think there's a lot of hot bollywood actors as well, but it seems to be a mixed pot. Occasionally you get a movie with like, a super manly bearmode bollywood star an I just can't find them attractive, but someone must.

pic related; Shahrukh Khan is like the easiest Indian actor period to use an example, personally I think he's pretty darn attractive but in some shots he's got a derpy nose thing going on... it doesn't help that he's not a super spring chicken anymore though,

>> No.6533194

I really don't want to dislike Asian people, but there's something infuriating about how acceptable it is for them to be racist, and how various Asian students unions will flip their shit if even the slightest racial stereotype about Asians is mentioned, even in a comedic setting like stand up.

Associate Asians with eating rice? DATS RAYCISS.

Parents will disown you if you date a white girl/guy? Haha it's just tradition crazy old Asian parents they're funny ^_^

>> No.6533199


Learn to differentiate between FOB asians (basically hurr durr social skills but excellent academics) and asian americans.

>> No.6533202
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>> No.6533204

Or whenever an Asian male idol says a racist remark, tumblr social justice tards suddenly become apologists for them. "Oppa didn't know what he was saying, it was just a misunderstanding."

White women who like Asian men are mentally ill. Ugh.

>> No.6533207


here you go libra

>> No.6533213

Then it's fine for my Russian FOB parents to think you're all shifty chinks with your eyes on stealing Siberia. Except you'd never take their racism with the same joviality we're expected to accept that of your own parents.

Sorry dude, I don't mean to vent at you, but the hypocrisy really annoys me.

>> No.6533218


>White women who like Asian men are mentally ill. Ugh.

Yea... I try not to generalize but a lot of them are fucking crazy (not all though)

>> No.6533219

What banned trip are you again? I forgot.

>> No.6533223


Looks Southern European, like a lot of Bollywood actors, very 'white' in our eyes.

Good looking guy though.