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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6529029 No.6529029 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/ what's your opinion on drinking at con's? And if you do drink, what do you prefer?

In return here's some Battle Royale.

>> No.6529049

Drinking is for losers no matter where you are.

>> No.6529050

Large gatherings always gather those, "It's not a party unless there's alcohol!! XD" types...
I don't really see the appeal in it at conventions, but as long as you're not stumbling about and vomiting vodka, I won't say anything.

>> No.6529056

>that pretentious guy no one wants to hang out with

>> No.6529079

I don't drink because it's for bad people.

>> No.6529087

Are west coast cons pretty cool with smoking weed?

>> No.6529088

i drank once during one of my panels that was at like 11pm.
It was just some Jap Beer

>> No.6529096

there is a weed thread, post in it.

>> No.6529100
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12 year old boy / 20+ never will get laid virgin detected.

>> No.6529108

OP here, you guys are making me feel like an alcoholic. I was drunk for 2 of the 3 days at the last con I went to.

>> No.6529111

What exactly are you getting drunk for at a con? Most of the time drunk people are annoying and obnoxious, why would you have to ruin the con for everyone else with your stupid behaviour. I don't want to have that sort of thing at cons so please, I hope y'all keep it limited.

>> No.6529312

ITT people who don't understand there's a difference between having 1-2 drinks and puking/passing out levels of drunk

>> No.6529322

>implying the drinking goes on during the day
You know people have parties and stuff AFTER the con.
Just sayin'

>> No.6529326

>Tfw 20 year-old virgin and allergic to almost all alcoholic drinks.

In all seriousness, I'm pretty much fine with it, as long as it's late enough in the evening all the underage kiddies are asleep.
Was fun as hell watching everyone get drunk off their asses at my last con.

>> No.6529362

>Hey /cgl/ what's your opinion on drinking at con's?
Well, if you don't drink at cons you might die of dehydration.

In all seriousness leave it for the 21+ who can handle it responsibly.

>what do you prefer?
A Fireman's #4 in a frosted mug

>> No.6529394

Drinking is absolutely fun for my friends and I at cons.
Do it at night, don't be underage or you ruin it for everyone, don't be loud in your room when people are probably trying to sleep next door.
Take it down to the main floor of the con and bring a video recorder.

Bring "special punch" which is a concoction you can mix with other drinks so it lasts longer.

>> No.6529395


Gin and Tonic. Con/hotel bartenders are shit so sticking with something simple is the way to go

>> No.6529415

>drinking at con's

Nothing but wine coolers and cheap alcohol?

>> No.6529447

You aren't an alcoholic, brudduh. You're probably one of the only sane people there.

I have friends who drag me along to these things, so I pretty much have to be drunk to deal with the crap around me.

>> No.6529448

Scotch, cask strength, neat.

>> No.6530257

You sir are a manly man.

>> No.6530296

i don't get why everyone in here is being such a whiny little bitch about alcohol. as long as you're not drinking way more than you can handle (y'know, as long as you're not an amateur) you're probably in the clear. i mean, at least save it until the night.

i like to have a themed con drink every time i go. i grab them off the drunken moogle.

>> No.6530305

I try not to actually get drunk but I'll have a few drinks in room parties sometimes.
I just don't want to be walking around the convention acting stupid, and I don't want to go overboard and ruin my whole con because I drank too much.
I know someone who had to be rushed to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning at a con.

>> No.6530325

Nope. A friend thought it was a good idea to get shitfaced at 2 p.m. at a con. We thought she naturally, brought water to combat the fucking Otakon heat and not pass out. It was vodka in there.

A ton of morons actually do this sort of thing.

>> No.6530348

Drinking is always fun, but I always make sure there is some soda for those peeps who don't like drinking, that way the parties are fun for everyone. I feel bad for the Americans because the limit is 21 instead of 18 here... still, it's not like there's anything stopping you from buying a crate of something and drinking somewhere.

Fave drinks are either piña colada, amaretto and coke or vodka and coke.

What an idiot

>> No.6530360

>piña colada, amaretto and coke or vodka and coke.

This is what I mean in cheap drinks you might as well inhale nitrous and call it a day.

>> No.6530362

Your friend doesn't drink then, she tries to impress. Huge difference.

>> No.6530366
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I drink Iced tea.

Y'all need Jesus.

>> No.6530373

True followers of Jesus just call it "Sweet Tea".

>> No.6530385


I'm English.
What ever I call it is what it is.

>> No.6530396

>drinking iced tea

Seriously though, I had a British friend who asked me to describe iced tea to her. She just could NOT get the idea of it and how it worked.

>> No.6530401

No true followers don't need the sweet because thats the only flavor that they have.

>> No.6530405
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I'm planning on going to megacon this year completely wasted and hitting on as many female cosplayers as I possibly can before security escorts me out.


>> No.6530408


Bullshit. We drink as much lipton iced tea in this country as anyone.

>> No.6530413

I just try what's there really. Depends on who's serving the drinks too, I had jägerbombs at a room party and they were absolutely disgusting, but having one from a bar in London was really good.

>> No.6530415

There's no need to be this upset.
Nor assume your country does all of the same thing.

I hate McDonald's but you don't see me saying America hates it.
That's just silly.

>> No.6530419

Drinking at a con is one of the worse things you can ever do.

>> No.6530423

I don't think there's anything wrong with getting tipsy or drunk at a con. I've done it before. I don't think I'd ever get completely smashed however. I just don't see the appeal.

>> No.6530425

How so?

>> No.6530445

dude is scared of alcohol, that's how. probably has a family member that abuses or something. also probably doesn't drink, so he's unqualified to make these judgments.

>> No.6530448

Ah, well, that explains it. That's why I still bring soda for people to drink if they don't like alcohol.

>> No.6530460

I feel like this thread has to contain a fair number of minors/social awkward people who didn't/don't drink in college.

huge difference between being shitfaced/blackout drunk and having a few drinks. i'd be surprised if people even noticed a few drinks on someone who had any kind of experience with alcohol at all. personally im just more social/outgoing. slurred speech, loss of coordination, etc doesn't happen until you're pretty far in, and with the level of noise at most cons anyway i don't think you're bothering people talking slightly louder than normal.

of course drinking post-con is whats up.

>> No.6530461

I have mixed feelings.

I like a good drink after a long day at the con to chill and relax with friends. Hanging out at the convention hotel bar can also be a great way to meet people.

I do have a problem however with what seems like the vast majority seem to have the same common sense and restraint as your average binge-drinking fourteen year old.

Every convention 'party' I've ever been to more than a few people have gotten so drunk they were puking/crying/passing out in the hallway or with their head in a toilet. It's like these people don't ever drink or go to parties outside of cons and just go completely overboard.

I'm sick of dealing with retarded drunk drama and half the people I know being too hungover to enjoy themselves during the day. They spend most of the con lying around in bed, and barely wear the costumes they spent so much time and money on.

>> No.6530467

Cheap alcohol and assburgers? Like really

>cheap alcohol is fun you guyz and weed !420 blaze them faggots

>using dude


You are confusing college drunks with cosplayers with assburgers?

Just say you hate so this shit can stop

>> No.6530470

This was 5 years ago. She actually does have a pretty terrible alcohol problem.

>> No.6530477

assburgers twice?
>trying this hard

>> No.6530479

>You are confusing college drunks with cosplayers with assburgers?

honestly no idea what point you're trying to make here

>> No.6530486

You want the buy 2 get one for free?

The problem is that many con attendants are underage. So where do these underage kids go to have fun? Of course the con parties with lots of drinking with like minded people who discus similar interests such as Hetalia or Homestruck. These so called party animals end up throwing up the cheap alcohol all over the hotel room that they are staying. So cool amirite?

>> No.6530487

Definitely not opposed to it.

As a rule, I try to avoid a hangover the next day, since like somebody else said, a wasted day at a con can be kind of a drag.

While feeling self-conscious at a con is kind of a silly thing to experience, I like to get a little loose if I go to the rave/dance thing. At the very least it makes the music more tolerable.

>> No.6530488
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So what about the ones that are not underage and drink responsibly?

The kids can stick to their parties, while we stick to ours.

>> No.6530489

As someone who enjoys drinking, a little alcohol mixed into the con experience can be enjoyable. However, (and this probably goes without saying) don't get ahead of yourself.

I usually pack a flask with some scotch, rum, bourbon, or rye.

>> No.6530490

Con drinking is an artform in my friends circle. (All 21+) we coordinate with who will be bringing what, get joined hotel rooms and set up a central hangout spot for everyone to go.
We'll all be typically at some level of intoxication throughout the day.
Have a beer in the morning while you're getting dressed, make yourself a mixed drink or jungle juice in a soda bottle to drink throughout the day, come back to the room when that bottle is done to refill, take a rest, get yourself something to eat and recharge. Always taking a shot or two before leaving the room.Water throughout the day to keep yourself well.
We'll usually get together later in the day to change and go to the dance or game room and take shots and make drinks to go.
This is pretty much our entire weekend schedule.
Never have we had black out or angry drunks and its always zero drama because we aren't stupid little shits and take responsibility for ourselves.

>> No.6530491

ah I see what you're saying.
I was getting more at the fact that there are so many people in this thread that are just diametrically opposed to any kind of drinking let alone drinking at a con.

and I do agree, underage kids with no experience are going to be stupid, drink too much, etc. that being said i don't see any problem with responsible people drinking during cons, which it seems like you would agree with?

>> No.6530498

These are the same people who are labeled in society as losers. You know the socially awkward kid from high school? He is drinking. You know that strange girl with weird interests? She is also drinking. Since they blew all the money on the hotel room and room they only can afford the fine selection of cheap wine coolers. So classy .

o-o-o-oo-o-o- the best part is the conversations and nothing much goes on unless more drinking of course.

>> No.6530499

>sticking to your age range
Holy fuck, this.

Not con, but booze anyway
>doing training Ops with SEALs in mountains
>"normal" working hours - day time shit, nights off
>camping at night we gather around fire, grill and drink
>four of us work together, two are augments we're close with, other two are medics
>one of the medics is 20
>cannot into booze
>at all
>he's my height but smaller overall
>has a huge disagreement with one guy
>who's huge
>wants to fight him so bad
>little medic just stood there SCREAMING at bigger buy, slurring his words and wavering
>bigger medic finally pulls him away and explains that if he tried something, the six of us would come down on him and he wouldn't help because he deserved it
>he wasn't allowed to drink from then on out

Drinking's fine as long as you can handle yourself. If you can't then don't even start.

>> No.6530504


I'm from Texas. If you order an iced tea from a restaurant and they give you a Lipton, you have a constitutional right to shoot the server.

>> No.6530506

I really can't see why this is necessary or enjoyable... are you all so socially anxious or awkward you need to be drugged to get through the day?

>> No.6530509

>Holy fuck, this.

At a cosplaying convention? Really just really

>doing training Ops with SEALs in mountains


>Drinking's fine as long as you can handle yoursel

Drinking at a anime convention? Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.6530511

...what the fuck are you talking about?

If you hate cheap stuff, tell us what isn't cheap then. Not everyone has bucketloads of money. What makes a convention so much different from any other place anyway?

>> No.6530518

>hasn't realized yet that libra is a shit troll
lurk more
only newfags would bother responding to her

>> No.6530520

>tell us what isn't cheap then

Not cheap stuff? Kinda obvious but drinking anything not cheap at a anime convention. Come on just come on

>Not everyone has bucketloads of money

Of course not so why would they all waste on cheap alcohol with equally depressing hangovers?

>convention so much different from any other place

Kinda obvious? Awkward people drinking? Just thinking about it is depressing.

>> No.6530522

Then don't drink at cons.
Just because it isn't your bag doesn't mean it isn't someone elses.

>> No.6530525

You know you bring you own drinks right?
There is absolutely no place to buy drinks from at an anime con unless it has a bar, and even that is unwise. And there's nothing wrong with awkward people drinking.

True, true

>> No.6530527


It never changes

He/she is right

>> No.6530530

>no place to buy drinks from
How many cons are at a hotel?
How many hotels have bars?

>> No.6530534

>You know you bring you own drinks right?

What makes you think I did not know that?

>nothing wrong with awkward people drinking.

Anime conventions? Looks sad and depressing especially when the tub of lards come in to "party down".

>> No.6530554

> "Hay guise what do you think of drinking at cons?"
> Someone says they find it dumb
> "OMG your opinion is so wrong!! if you don't like it just don't do it yourself!!! sheesh"
Alright, then

>> No.6530561

>troll says they find it dumb
>proceeds to troll and talk shit
>without any basis just saying stupid shit

>> No.6530577

The only reason you say that because it goes against the majority of the opinion in this thread.

>> No.6530579

no i'm saying it because you're a troll
and think you're cool for shitting on anyone who disagrees with you

>> No.6530580

I normally get really nervous at cons, it holds me back from having fun. Like I'll see great cosplays or cool people and really want to go over to talk to them or take pictures but my anxiety acts up and it keeps me away from those kinds of situations :/

And when people come talk to me I sorta freeze up and i have no idea what to say and sometimes i have to excuse myself from the conversation to avoid having a panic attack. I probably come off as a bitch.... I really hope i dont though...

But anyways, i normally dont get that anxious feeling as bad when i have a little bit of alcohol, so drinking just enough to loosen me up will make my con experiences much better.

>> No.6530581

if someone is saying stupid shit, you should just ignore them. Why do you feel you gotta correct him, he is mentally retarded you know.

>> No.6530583

oh no, i was correcting the retarded anon who mistook this entire thread
without libra doing her bad trolling there's actual discussions happening

>> No.6530586

Just going to say that's a stupid excuse.
Why not get meds for it than LOL DRINKING RELAXES ME

>> No.6530588

Everything in moderation, kiddies.

If you're going to drink, don't impose on others. If you're not going to drink, don't be that asshole who makes everyone who is drinking feel like shit.

We can all live together in harmony. HAAAAARRRRMONYYYYY!

>> No.6530593

idk about that anon, but personally speaking, the meds I'm able to get don't work as great as alcohol does. They also kinda make me realllly sleepy.

>> No.6530600

Cons were fun when I was 15-18. When I was 19 or so, they started to lose their charm... Then I turned 21. Now they're just as fun as they used to be.

We bring a backpack FILLED with booze, and most of it is gone by the time we depart the convention.

>> No.6530606

Have you seen the list of side effects for happy pills? They'll kill you faster than the fire water!

Stop being what's wrong with America.

>> No.6530621

> cool for shitting on anyone who disagrees with you

Nope all I said was drinking at cons is a stupid idea because of the large concentration of aspies.

>using alcohol to solve your problems

oh lawrdy

im right? Large concentration of underage drinking

IF they were comfortable with drinking then they shouldn't be so agitated.

> the meds I'm able to get don't work as great as alcohol does

This is why drinking at cons is a bad idea when you have people that in large quantities.

>> No.6530623

>that socially awkward kid/strange girl
>at a convention
thanks for narrowing it down

cheap alcohol works reasonably well for making cocktails and all that. beer is also relatively inexpensive, even if you're drinking craft beers. also, you don't get hungover every time you drink alcohol. why do you act like it's the devil?

>> No.6530622

>This is why drinking at cons is a bad idea when you have people that in large quantities.
um?? how exactly.

>> No.6530631

oh dear god libra your trolling is so pants on head retarded it's not even funny youre just embarrassing yourself

>> No.6530635

>um?? how exactly.

Full blown depression

>why do you act like it's the devil?

Drinking at anime conventions? Really? Especially when the entire convention is filled with socially inept people.

>> No.6530644

>Full blown depression
umm, i'm not following you, don't just blurt out random things without context, pls.

>> No.6530647

if i ever have the misfortune of meeting you in real life, i pray to god that i have a drink in hand. i don't think i could deal with you otherwise

>> No.6530656

Instead of addressing the problem you use drugs as an answer.

Just no

>> No.6530661

> Instead of addressing the problem you use drugs as an answer.
oh no, drugs and alcohol are mostly recreational for me. :3

>> No.6530666

>changed names
How much do you drop trip and put it back on?

>> No.6530667

Well, i do NOT want to become one of those people who needs meds to function, and like >>6530606 said, there are alot of side effects. People shouldn't be such pill poppers if it can be avoided. I'm not saying i get shit faced before a con, just a glass or two of something, or maybe a shot and that little amount helps alot.

And I'm not saying its solving the problem, It's just a way around it when i have to be in big crowds

>> No.6530671

I borrow libra's trip from time to time, for shock value. ;3

>> No.6530675


Not possible when depression is linked with alcoholism/drug cocktails. Not only that but the possibility of death.

Do you agree with it? Not me Do you not agree with it? Thats me

>when i have to be in big crowds

You need a outside drug inhibitor to participate in these acts?

>> No.6530681

>Do you agree with it? Not me Do you not agree with it? Thats me
SO EDGY. watch out guys, this guy is DIFFERENT. Don't fall in love with me, you silly lolitas.

also I use a lower case L.

>> No.6530685

Nope, i dont need it, i rarely drink. But if drinking a smirnoff or having a shot, loosens my nerves up enough to not feel overwhelmed when surrounded be a sea of weebs or people who might want to randomly surprise me with a bear hug, then yeah, i'm going to drink a little. If its not alot i dont see the problem with it

>> No.6530692


Why would I use that? The problem is that /cgl/ is in the far left in the political spectrum.

> loosens my nerves up enough to not feel overwhelmed

Escaping from reality? So you are avoiding the problem

> when surrounded be a sea of weebs

At a anime convention partying? Are you in denial

>> No.6530708

>The problem is that /cgl/ is in the far left in the political spectrum.
That's not what normal people would consider a HUGE deal tho.

>> No.6530709

Shit, what about eating mushrooms at an anime con?
All the cosplayers *become* the characters they're dressed as...?

>> No.6530710

Have you been to the other boards on 4chan? They all think differently about alcoholism/drug usage.

>> No.6530717
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>> No.6530718

>basing my life on the opinions of any board on 4chan

>> No.6530719

Back when I was a teenager I did that. I also found out that I was allergic to psilocybin the same day.
I'm not allowed to go back to Sakura Con

>> No.6530729

Escaping from reality? Partying?

XD Not only is that hypocritical since thats sort of the point of cosplaying and going to cons, ya know being someone else and having fun with a group of people. But have you never drank before in your life!? If you consider one shot or one bottle of freaking smirnoff 'partying' that is hilarious! Not that it would be a bad thing if you didn't but its not like you instantly get drunk, stop sounding like a dumb ass! After having that little amount of alcohol no one would even be able to tell i had anything at all.

And if your trying to tell me to go take meds so i 'stop avoiding the problem' then your an idiot. Because then i'll have to go through being overly sleepy, vomiting, dizziness, withdrawals and/or all that other crap for the rest of the 300+ days of the year that i dont go to those big events.

I have a close friend who is now trying to get off her meds for the same anxiety thing and they just messed up her body more than it helped and now even getting off of them is making her feel dizzy and sick. I dont see a benefit for me personally getting on medication. Get over it

>> No.6530740

>tell me to go take meds

I didn't even tell you to take meds?

> consider one shot or one bottle

You were the one that said you needed it

>little amount of alcohol

No you have denial

>> No.6530800

Didn't read and don't care about whatever the fuck you're arguing about but I happened to read this post on the main page.

I assume you're talking about benzo withdrawal. Sounds like you/your friend is cold turkeying it DON'T. It can cause seizures or even be fatal if the dose was high enough.
Seriously. Seizures suck and it's much easier to taper using valium and working with your doctor.

>> No.6530817

Yeah i'm not sure what she's doing since i dont get to see her often anymore, i'm pretty sure she's doing what her doctor told her to do. The worst of it seems to have passed now thank God, i felt so bad for her

Haha This idiot, thanks for the lawls. Now kindly take your head out of your ass and go fuck yourself ;)

>> No.6530824

hey do you know what might be fun?
ignoring Libra.

also is it me or is she on every thread on this board all day every day?
do you not have a job/ school/ life outside of 4chan?

>> No.6530868

i lol'd

okay, well, i'm heading out to a bar to drink with my family. that way we can be reckless and irresponsible together.
or, y'know, talk about our day over a beer. same thing.

>> No.6531134

Drinking is not bad. I drink, i'll admit it. It's when people abuse the right to drink by going around the con area intoxicated and acting like attention whoring jackasses because they demand attention.. yeah. Then it's a problem.

>> No.6531136

Do it afterwards when you're back at your hotel

>> No.6531344

I normally bring honey bourbon with me and drink that throughout the day. Just enough to have a good buzz that never ends. Best experience with that was doing a panel with Scott McNeil and both drinking the entire time.

>> No.6531403


>honey bourbon
Mah nigga

>> No.6531407

>what do you prefer?


>> No.6531599
File: 99 KB, 550x532, 1325648739468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight. Have you tried Jack's Devils cut?

Not sweet, but fairly good.

pic needs to be read by all non bourbon/whiskey/scotch drinkers

>> No.6532234

Been drinking at sakura-con for the last two, Usually after the rave always outside while taking a stroll. Underage drinkers welcome.

>> No.6532261

>slut shayming

Virgin neckbeard who never been to a party detected. Partying is one of the meanings of life.

>> No.6532492
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/cgl/: Where we argue about a basic human social interaction, dissect it and then ostracize ourselves from the group that does drink and the one that doesn't.

Y'all look like I need a beer.

>> No.6532497

Single malt scotch reporting for duty.

>> No.6535554

Wait. So, on the topic of battle royale. I totally forgot about that book... it came out in like the early 2000's... I think I read it in 2001.

I also read the hunger games...

Um, it just occured to me that the hunger games is kind of a huge fucking rip off of battle royale. Same story, same island, same two people fucking win. :/

And if you try escaping, you blow up.