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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6519765

has anyone seen fairisle leggings like these in a bit bigger size than these? 92 cm hips are sadly too small for my freakishly large pelvis.


>> No.6519918

I'm so excited! Just paid the first part of my very first taobao-order. Only downsize was that pryanu kept logging me out in the middle of filling the order sheet. I do hope everything will go okay.

>> No.6519993

what'd you order?

>> No.6520003
File: 261 KB, 750x500, T2PkvdXbpaXXXXXXXX_!!699298700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is how the galaxy seifuku looks.

>> No.6520025

I'm looking for beads and things for DiY, but I don't understand the quantities. Is this price per bead or something?


>> No.6520032

The blue is actually pretty cute but that horrible star brush on the purple, oh man...

>> No.6520105
File: 511 KB, 1136x926, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like I bought so damn much, but now that I look my list, most of them are pretty small things. The bag on the lower right is for a friend. There's few items missing from the picture but I was too lazy to put them there (mainly scrapbooking things).

Sadly a wig I wanted was out of stock, but I can easily order similar later.

I'll update the taobao thread (this or the next one) on how things proceeds!

>> No.6520106

which store had this again? i told myself i wouldn't buy it, but... i don't think i can help myself.

>> No.6520107

lovely order! link to the cross hair accessory, too? it's so cute.

>> No.6520113

Thank you!

The cross hair accessory is from here:
The cross comes in multiple different colours and the shop itself carries tons of cute little things. Depending on the quality I will definitely order more stuff from them.

>> No.6520114

But you have to buy every piece seperate.

>> No.6520129


I don't know if this is what you want, but I pulled up several stores:




I use the search term 指環 and I go into DIY. You find a lot of normal rings and rings for cabochons mixed in, but there's a lot of rings with flat beds floating around. They seem to be quite popular


Cuff brasses:






Hopefully you find something. The search term is 手鐲 in the subsection DIY jewelry, and I usually try to refine the search by selecting the material used as 'gold/silver/alloy.'

Hope this helps both of you!

>> No.6520139

how much for all this?

>> No.6520145
File: 136 KB, 550x550, mbz0002b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for the search term for metal cameo setting charms like the ones in the pic. Also looking for any sweets deco supply stores.

>> No.6520150

I thought that 81cm means the circunference for neck, I mean a person whith 82cm of neck can't put it.

>> No.6520149


102 euros (About 134 USD). This includes both the item price and the shipping inside China as well as the Paypal fee. My share is about 80 euros, give or take. Most expensive (and the heaviest) items were the two bags.

I've estimated that the weight is somewhere from 5-6 kilos, but I'll know for sure once pryany has all the items!

>> No.6520191

have you ever measured your neck? sorry i dont want to be snarky but really? 81 cm neck?

>> No.6520250
File: 44 KB, 600x600, SAN-274-BL_AW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever seen this kigu on Taobao? It's like almost 70 USD in the kigu shop, but I really want it.

>> No.6520261

Is this it?

>> No.6520264

That IS! Thanks!!

>> No.6520266

>mfw it's more expensive than the US version
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6520271

Link to the Rilakkuma heads please? They look so squishy and cute.

>> No.6520280

Actually, that was one of the reasons why I bought them. The look so soft and squishy.

They're from here:
The shop has a lot more Rilakkuma-stuff as well as some Sentimental Circus.

>> No.6520290

link to dem fruity hairclips and the stamps if you don't mind please and thank you.

>> No.6520304


> Fruit hairclips (also the black ones)

> Alphabet stamps

I also found another shop that sells alphabet stamps and other scrapbooking materials:

Take your pick!

>> No.6520520

lol i know what you mean, that's why i asked. but 81cm of lenght..? maybe divided by half, and each size is 40cm aprox.

inb4 stupid op. (i just want to be 100% sure because my bf's mom wants it)

>> No.6520577

Length is maybe wrong word, sry english isnt my native language. As the translator said, 81 cm is circumference, so 40 cm is the length. 81 cm is pretty normal for necklace, so i dont think you should worry about it

>> No.6520912

seriously considering the blue seifuku

>> No.6520926

Thank you so, so much! Those rings were perfect. You really helped me out.

>> No.6520928

neither is mine, but anyways, thank you!

>> No.6520988

Thank you awesome anon!

>> No.6520990
File: 112 KB, 440x1525, T2DFRIXkxXXXXXXXXX_!!43924821 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone in this thread know about using chinese android phones in america? will i still be able to access the internet and everything using an unlocked chinese android phone with an american sim card?

>> No.6521010

second this and link to phone plz?
I see theres something written on the picture but its too light for my eyes to see :/

>> No.6521034

I'm not androidanon, but the shop's link is http://panda156cm.taobao.com/

>> No.6521037

thank you, sweet thang ;)

>> No.6521043

in case you're curious, the phone costs about 236USD without shipping and SS fees. however, the same phone on ebay is 400USD plus $15 or so shipping.

>> No.6521048

i am american and have a chinese android phone, everything works perfectly fine for me

>> No.6521049

How do you order from the stores that ship directly overseas? I'm looking at a wig from shop33700042 in the google doc, but don't want to deal with a shopping service.
It's also my first time ordering from taobao

>> No.6521056


email her


>> No.6521059
File: 43 KB, 500x375, cepyGKTLOhYy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't mind me asking, where/how did you buy your phone? what model do you have? i really want to buy an android phone, but i'm afraid that parts of it won't work. i bought an unlocked korean phone before, and i couldn't picture message or anything.

>> No.6521067

Just email "I would like to buy _x_ wig, my address is _y_, here's a paypal transaction for _$z_"?

>> No.6521069

No, you email her what items you want then she'll reply with a quote and a paypal to send it to.

>> No.6521075

Oh, okay.
And I know most people get huge hauls from Taobao, so would it still be less expensive than eBay to get one or two items, usually?

polite sage for a million questions and being new to this.

>> No.6521080

It really depends on what store you buy from on ebay, but for the quality of lucaille's wigs at the price, if you go with cheaper shipping it should be worth it...? I don't buy wigs off of taobao so I wouldn't know enough to compare, but someone else might!

I recently bought three wigs (priced at 85, 95, and 100 yuans each), and the cheapest shipping option she gave me was liek $66 dollars. All of them were long, though.

>> No.6521089

seconding this as well.
Im so jealous of all the amazingly cute phones they have over in japan/china/korea.

>> No.6521098

for me, it's not even the "cute" factor. i just HATE touchscreen but also hate those sliding keyboard phones. i've been using an LG chocolate 2 and LG lollipop for the past 4 years.

>> No.6521100

$66 for three wigs at the same time? I'm looking at a few long wigs, so that seems fairly reasonable.

>> No.6521123

What carrier do you use?
Ive been looking at the lollipop as well. I like flip phones.

>> No.6521134

i was using the lollipop in canada with fido. they do sell the lollipop commercially in north america now, so i'd check that out. at&t or any network with sim cards will work with the lollipop. verizon doesn't use sim cards, so it won't work with them.

>> No.6521336
File: 49 KB, 521x669, 50d7bb4761d26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just shipped, so excited

>> No.6521443

Is that a beret at the top left?
If so link please, been looking for loli looking berets, only finding plain floppy ones however.

>> No.6521448

theres actually 3 berets in that pile, all are from red maria

>> No.6521450

>>6519765 again
nevermind....figured out the chinese for "nordic" and added "legging." found some a bit bigger.

store recommendations for oversized sweaters and sweatshirts?

>> No.6521550

Are there any shops that have idol-y looking costumes? Examples are short, fluffy skirts, pastel, sparkly, or just really cute dresses. Other costumes (like the galaxy seifuku) would work as well.

>> No.6521611
File: 372 KB, 600x900, $(KGrHqFHJDMFCfle+CcCBQuuEkmgRQ~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found this wig on ebay and i was wondering if anyone has seen it around taobao since im in the middle of placing a huge taobao order anyway,it might be cheaper for me to buy it there. thanks in advance!

>> No.6521639

This is great stuff, I'm looking to place orders soon and this information will come in handy. Many thanks!

>> No.6521664

Is there something wrong with the sizing on these? The XS sounds like it would fit me in the description but that should be more like a medium..

>> No.6521744

Hey has anyone bought from http://ideamanga.taobao.com?

>> No.6521851

what a disgusting face up

>> No.6521946

When's the last time you actually saw a pretty mannequin though?

Sage for completely unrelated.

>> No.6521963
File: 849 KB, 1000x1000, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

placed my first order with bhiner!!! just got a few things to try out the SS. 1st payment was $59 with paypal and SS fees. next time i'll use a SS that supports SAL....airmail is pricey. guesstimating around $35 for shipping based on weights from the item pages.

>> No.6521969

Yes, I thought that was a bit odd as well as the waist measurements are a bit large? Idk. Ordering them in mediums and smalls just to be safe
Also bhiner just confirmed the quote for these..seems like the purple ('magic galaxy') is still on preorder for a week but the blue ('gradient star) is fine

>> No.6522127

someone linked the galaxy seifuku earlier. if you look in the google documents in the first post, try the links that say school uniforms. several of them also have actual idol outfits and kpop outfits.

and god dammit, i want a galaxy seifuku so much, but buying a new cell phone and clearing my debt is much more important.

>> No.6522133

after lurking these threads for awhile and using bhiner, i think im going to try out taobaoring for a small-ish order sometime this week
kinda mad that bhiner doesnt offer SAL as an option but HK post has been always pretty fast for me (sometimes faster than EMS)

>> No.6522139

is anyone else having problems tracking their package? i'm not getting any results on any websites for my package even existing.

>> No.6522146

hapenning to me as well...might be because of new years

>> No.6522212

Is it a recent package? Sometimes it takes a few days to update from China. I sometimes find that the local site updates more than the international one.

>> No.6522256
File: 72 KB, 645x773, f e e l s_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw amazonian
> tfw none of this will fit me

>> No.6522267

that's what i thought

it shipped out friday, so maybe it just didn't update yet because of the weekend? usually packages will at least say they have been acknowledged/registered/whatever and are in the system, but my tracking number isn't turning up anything

>> No.6522277

I often find packages don't update until a few days after they've been shipped, I wouldn't worry.

>> No.6522281

I hear you sista. That's why my order is pretty much all BUT clothes. In the last thread a kind anon linked few shops that had more decent sized clothing, you might want to check them out.

>> No.6522399
File: 294 KB, 1273x821, orderdec2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First order from taobao. Cost of items + shipping to third party distributor was $183.10. I'm using Taobaonow and they claim to give 20% off EMS so shipping to America should be about $20?

>> No.6522406

Do you need your items right away? If not SAL will be loads cheaper

>> No.6522427

Not really. Also it's 40% rather than 20%.
Is here a place I can compare the prices?

>> No.6522448

EMS is never going to be $20.
I sent a package express (4-5 days) to the neighboring country, not even overseas, like 5 hours by air, and it was over $20. It was 0.5 kg.
Those shoes alone would cost over $20.
SAL would be much cheaper, and 40% or even 60% off EMS does, for the most part, diddly squat.
And most SS have weight/shipping method calculators.

>> No.6522451
File: 40 KB, 417x338, 1356307124823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting figures from taobao
I don't come to this board often, but you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6522456

Might be a desperate buy.
Most BRS shit is hard to come by now.

>> No.6522460

Could anybody help me translate the size chart on this item?

There's multiple charts and I'm not really sure what's going on..

>> No.6522467


Link to those black shoes pretty please?

>> No.6522495

Thank you.

>> No.6522499

Okay, thanks for the info. I appreciate the help!
That figure's hard to find for less than $100 not counting shipping. It's cheaper to buy it from Taobao even with the shipping.

>> No.6522521

No problem, and thanks for the shoe link!
Roughly $13 for cute oxfords? Hell yes.

>> No.6522557

I'm a size M in Chinese sizes for pleated skirts, too, but it seems like an XS would fit given the sizes on their chart. wtf

>> No.6522560

My package just got updated and its in EMS customs in San Francisco, yay

>> No.6522570

Likewise, but on the 29th. I don't think it'll budge till after New Years.

>> No.6522587

yeah, my package might get here around jan 2 to jan 5, just hoping nothing goes wrong/anything goes missing

>> No.6522596

I've got a 66cm waist and 81cm hips, and a few shops have things listed as a size 26 and one that has a size 25, but no other sizing details. which should i get?

>> No.6522612
File: 77 KB, 425x594, T2OSt_XfpaXXXXXXXX_!!77724479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some green colored hair accessories and jewelry to match this dress:

I'm going to wear a white blouse with it with a black neck tie thing (here:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.17-398781089.16.LPJS3b&id=12931160608&)), white tights, and black shoes if that helps.

>> No.6522611

OK, I'm going to ask a question I'm sure has been asked before, but what are some good Taobao shops for guy clothes? Not for crossplay, like actual male fashion.
Cause I want to jump on this shit

>> No.6522620

Something like this? I don't know what kind of style you're looking for, but this shop has silver crown ratings

>> No.6522630

>Green green and more green

That's how you coordinate

>> No.6522635

The big ass bow on the top of the bodice makes a nice flat hair bow, which is what I did with mine. It's easier to match the colour of the velvet in person, so if you have some decent local shops you could go around there and have a look.

>> No.6522640


Oh good, because the top I have for it will mostly cover that up so I was just going to take it off anyway. Thanks!

Sadly I don't have much for local shops, but finding jewelry in that color should be a lot easier than hair accessories. I planned to just get vintagey looking jewelry with a dark green looking gemstone on it or even just some vintagey jewelry without gems since it's already a lot of green.

>> No.6522647

No problem. Hope you find some cute clothes!

Maybe a dumb question, but have you tried to narrow your search field? Say, you look for a sweater -> type it in -> narrow it to clothes for men -> narrow it down to ... whatever and click it to filter the most reputable shops at first. Might be a bit of a hassle, but worth trying?

>> No.6522651

for all you anons that buy shoes off taobao, how do you do it? what i mean to ask is if it's usually a hit or miss. i LOVE all the shoes you anons are buying but i'm afraid to buy them myself due to fit issues. do you anons just buy them hoping they'll fit to your feet? if they don't fit do you guys sell them? i'm not new to buying from taobao but those oxfords are incredibly cute and i really want a black and dark brown pair.

tl;dr: i want to buy cute shoes but i'm too scared they won't fit.

>> No.6522654

Yeah, I don't think you need to worry too much about matching the jewellery as opposed to just making sure it's not clashing. I normally wear black jewellery with it.

>> No.6522655

Well, I just sell things if they don't fit.
But usually, I am not in-between sizes and have narrow feat so just about everything I order fits.

>> No.6522657


I try to buy from shops that list size measurements, if not, I Google the brand name to see if I can find size measurements listed somewhere, that helps a lot. I like my shoes to be really snug personally so I always tend to buy shoes smaller just in case (if I am in between 2 sizes listed).

>> No.6522690

Does anyone know when the Chinese New Year holiday stretch start/end?

I ordered a package before Christmas but the last log on EMS says it was still in China on the 26th of December. I'm guessing they're a bit backed up from the holidays, but I really don't want it still stuck there until Jan 30 or whatever.

>> No.6522693

i measured my foot and found the corresponding size to it, most have fit (except ss tea parties were way large but i wear them anyway)
even if they dont fit its not too much of a loss

>> No.6522728

Taobaoring shipped mine through EMS on the 24th and I got it on the 29th.

>> No.6522738

i hate that this terrible weeb-hipster shit even exists

>> No.6522741

so any anon-chan~~

>> No.6522744

wow, where are you located, anon?

>> No.6522747

Not who you're replying to but can you review those shoes once you get them? They have a pretty low rating.

>> No.6522779

Uh, where are you getting that they are low rated?

They've got a 4.6/5 from customers and that shop has double crowns

>> No.6522795

What are the search terms for 'jumpsuits' & 'rompers'/

>> No.6522798

Dammit, question mark supposed to be at the end.

>> No.6522874

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed! I'm happy to take any more that you guys know!

>> No.6522894

rompers - 连衫裤 / 连体裤

CNY begins 10 Feb. People will not work on the 9th though. In China it should end on 15 Feb. Individual shops may open earlier or take a longer break.
What is going on now is the Western new year. Not the Chinese one.

>sizes in general
Always go by the measurements listed. Always always always. S, M, L etc or numeric sizing are too generic. So, if the end product does not fit, it's not really your fault.

I hope you don't take what I say the wrong way...If your intention is to buy branded electronics on taobao, you may risk buying a "replica"...even if the reviews all say they love what they bought, it may still be a replica ^^; you may also receive the real thing! It depends on your luck.
If you can unlock the sim card, the only problem you may have would be app compatibility? So you won't be able to install some apps. Android is like that. That's all I can think of.

>> No.6522921

Thanks, anon. I know the seifuku were linked, I was using them as an example of things I liked. And by idol-y, I mean Jpop idoly (sorry about the confusion). I'd prefer costumes that are cute, as opposed to sexy.

>> No.6522926


>> No.6522944
File: 199 KB, 852x275, Measurements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled upon a pretty cool outfit on TaoBao but...
I can't read the characters :c Could I get some assistance, please? :3

>> No.6522951

胸圍 means 'Bust Measurement', '腰圍' means 'Waist Measurement'.

>> No.6522954


>> No.6522958

Can anyone work out the differences between these two listings?
I think the cheaper one doesn't come with the necklace but someone's taken a photo review with all three pieces so I'm confused...



>> No.6522961

On the cheaper one, you need to purchase the skirt to get the set. On the other one, I think the necklace needs to be purchased separately, I can't exactly tell, though.

>> No.6522966

Okay, that makes sense.

>> No.6522967

A low rating? It shows them as 4.6/5 for me. But yes, I'll rate 'em when they come in.

>> No.6523016

First thing is - do you have problems fitting shoes in regular stores (e.g wide feet/high arch) because if so, you probably don't want to be buying online. Second - measure your foot (draw around it on a piece of paper whilst standing on a hard surface, measure length/width) rather than going by sizing, then look for the corresponding size or check measurements on the webpage.

>> No.6523029

I was worried about buying shoes off taobao as I have a lot of trouble getting shoes to fit me.
My wardrobe is full of footwear from size 6 to 9 uk I'm a size 41 though.
I recently did a tb order with 6 pairs of footwear at size 41 thinking they're super cheap so if they don't fit I could get the money back off ebay maybe.

Surprisingly enough all fit perfectly except one pair which are slightly tight width ways but fit fine with just tights.

>> No.6523041

Oh I've always looked at the 96% one, is that for something completely different?

>> No.6523052

"尾款" means "remainder of the deposit." You only buy the 尾款 items if you participated in some kind of reservation/pre-order/paid some money beforehand. In this case >>6522961 Chess Story held a pre-order for the skirt + accessories set, so the 58RMB listing only applies if you pre-ordered the skirt and the acc set. Now, even if you buy the "ready stock/现货" skirt now, you will not be able to buy the accessories at a discounted price.

>> No.6523070

the percentage is the overall rating for the store, as in: delivery speed, overall item quality, and customer service.

The decimal rating/out of 5 rating is for the product you're looking at. There should be star ratings next to them. On the same line, google translated, it says '[number] evaluations', that is how many people reviewed that item, producing the total out of 5.

>> No.6523148

Anyone know if there's a search term for salopettes?
Checked the dictionary already

>> No.6523155

there is no specific word for salopette in chinese
you can only try the term for JSK - 背带群
this question gets asked all the time, oh man

>> No.6523180


Shipping is probably going to be $50-80. EMS is never that cheap.

>> No.6523188
File: 1.50 MB, 765x1024, tumblr_lrrb4kwVQw1qc5jioo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if they sell these tights in diff colours on tb?
Can only find the tattoo ones and they don't layer well with other tights, makes them a weird colour...

>> No.6523314

Thank you!

>> No.6523391

Hi, I'm a cosplayer who wants to get into lolita but I'm not sure where to start. I don't want to break the bank too much so I was thinking of getting some replicas on taobao. I've been through quite a few of the links on the spreadsheet but haven't found many shops with a lot of options. Are there any good quality shops you'd recommend to start with that aren't too expensive?
Sorry if this is a stupid question.

>> No.6523410

Link to the cross skirt please? Oh my goodness it's so nice.

>> No.6523420


Sure! The skirt is from here:

>> No.6523431

Link to the shirt please?

>> No.6523440

Thank you!

>> No.6523463

1- there are original designs on taobao and they are better in quality compared to any replicas.
2. You are too vague. Post pics of what type of lolita you think looks nice then we can suggest from there.
3. Taobao is not the only option for budget lolita. Go read hello lace. Also, if you want to buy from taobao, most shops take a long time to finally get their stuff to you.

>> No.6523473

Hmm alright here is a picture I've seen around that I liked. Not sure what style this would be but I think the dress is cute.
And ok I'll look into other sites! I just assumed taobao was the cheapest option since it is for cosplay and didn't really think of looking anywhere else. Thanks!

Sage for off topic

>> No.6523524

The sizing on these is really confusing.
I usually take a medium in Chinese sizes but xs seems like it'll fit me.
Unless they mean hips and not waist?

Also I can't find any sort of sizing on top's listing.
Am I just blind?


>> No.6523550

Don't sweat it. The girl in the mirror is wearing "sweet" and the girl on the stairs is wearing "classic." You could look around hellolace.net / lolibrary.org. Look for some glb/kera scans. Pop over to lolita general anytime to show us what you like, then people can give some opinions on your first few purchases. Also please do not buy from. milanoo.

Have fun!

>> No.6523551

Medium size: Shoulder width 36cm. Other sizing information will be uploaded to this page, as the project progresses.
This is a pre-order "预定" full price is 109RMB.
Also "短袖水手服(左边的),只有一件上衣配领结哦~" It seems like only 1 of the short-sleeved sailor shirts will come with the bow? It's kind of ambiguous here, might want to double check with your ss.

>> No.6523671


When I go to that link it just says "Untitled" ;_; what the heck.

>> No.6523721


Same here.

>> No.6523730

Ok this was very helpful and will get me a start, thanks!

>> No.6523842

can you link to the shops? Im also size 41 and it's hard to find cute cheap shoes from taobao.

>> No.6523865

I have question you lot.
How much do you usually declare your parcels?
When I finished my yoybuy order I filled out the full amount, now I know I'll be fucked by customs because of this which will be my own fault, but I wasn't sure how it worked with insurance.
I figured that the small amount I would declare it for would be what I'd get back from the insurance if it got lost?
However, due to yoybuy discontinuing paypal, I'll be trying Bhiner next, should I declare full amount every time, or not to be fully covered by insurance?
I always send with SAL as it saves money and we have no EMS available, but I'm always a bit afraid it'll go missing for some reason.
What do, what do?
Especially Dutchfag advice is welcome.

>> No.6523892

Honestly, what I've saved by underdeclaring packages is like more than 10x what my most expensive package was actually worth. I order a lot and customs in my country are like 25% of item value+shipping costs, minimum.

Never had anything missing, I always use either tracked airmail or EMS. But if anything ever does disappear, I am well aware and prepared that I might only get like 50 bucks for a lost item worth 300 or more. Still worth it in my opinion.

>> No.6523896

Jeez I'm typing like a drunk tonight. Still, you get my point.

>> No.6523905


That's strange. I tried the link I posted here, and sure enough, it didn't work. I inspected it a little and apparently a semicolon had somehow made it's way between "&" and "id" parts of the link and that caused the problem. I hope it works now. And I'm really sorry!

> the cross skirt
> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.104.Dq3mZE&id=16771405367&

If all else fails, this is the shop:

>> No.6523925


Maybe I should just give it a try.
My yoybuy order was only 175 dollars but still my country is quite expensive when it comes to customs.
SAL is tracked at yoybuy, don't know if it's tracked at Bhiner, but I'm sure I can get that option if I want to.
Sound like it's worth it to under-declare things for sure.

>> No.6523951

Jeffrey Campbell and other designer shoe replicas:

>> No.6523971

Just be sure to never do huge orders at once, or at least try to divide them in shipping. I remember anon who ordered 2000€ worth of brand (and big brands at that) and had entire huge package destroyed/lost by customs by accident. Plus the bigger the parcel, the more suspicious it is to them.

>> No.6523999

This store doesn't have any ratings. I've seen most of these shoes a 1000 times on Taobao so why you'd buy from here is beyond me...

>> No.6524092

Weird that link got the ; aswell. I took it out and the link worked. Thanks anon~!

>> No.6524101

Umn, it got quite a lot of rating. I hope you know that at taobao it always shows the amount of feedbacks of the current year.

>> No.6524108

It is the official store of the brand Jojo Cat, it even got positive reviews by many bloggers.

>> No.6524113

Not the same anon, but good to know! I was a bit worried haha.

>> No.6524143

Just wondering where I see that? I selected 'Six months ago' on the feedback and can still only find 2 favourable ratings.

>> No.6524151 [DELETED] 

The current year? Do you mean they haven't received any feedback since the beginning of 2013 or in the past 12 months?

>> No.6524202 [DELETED] 

Just wondering what you're talking about with the feedback thing, since all the other stores' feedback ratings look the same as they did yesterday. Unless you do mean feedback from the last 12 months in which case they haven't sold anything in over a year, which isn't exactly a good sign either.

I can't find any reviews for Jojo Cat shoes or this store. Of course my Googling may be failing but I'm gonna need to see some backup to your comments before I start thinking about your wonky English and whether you're promoting your own store...

>> No.6524209

Can you explain what you mean about the feedback totals since all the other stores that I've looked at have the same feedback ratings asyesterday. Unless you mean feedback from the past 12 months, but that means they haven't sold anything in a year which isn't a great sign either.

I can't find any reviews for Jojo Cat shoes or this Taobao store. Of course, I might just be rubbish at Googling but I'm gonna need to see some evidence to back up your comments before I start thinking about your wonky English and whether you're just promoting your own store...

>> No.6524212

1. Google
2. "Jojo Cat Shoes"
3. ...
4. Profit!

>> No.6524214

You find so many searching the name at the image search, as example:

>> No.6524221

Not the anon you're responding to but not sure how this proves that store is reliable?

>> No.6524222

Because it is the official store of the brand.

>> No.6524226

The review you linked to is positive, but they bought them from eBay, not this store. If it's the official store, why doesn't it have any ratings? (Why does a knockoff brand need an official store anyway...?)

>> No.6524229

Yes, the other anon does keep avoiding the ratings question since they made the claim about the year thing.

>> No.6524248

The jojo cat anon is probs an advertiser or some shit tbh.

>> No.6524260

Yeah, that's what I've been thinking too. None of their responses have proved anything of importance and I don't know why a random anon would stan a random Taobao store so hard.

>> No.6524270
File: 229 KB, 460x461, shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think this is too shiny?

>> No.6524276
File: 437 KB, 245x180, grabbyhand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to marry that model, she's so pretty.

It does look awfully shiny though, sorry.

>> No.6524340

I have this in grey. It's shiny but in a nice way not a cheap chinsy way.

>> No.6524351

I bought the same shirt off of a seller on ebay, it's really fucking shiny.

>> No.6524358

Here's more: http://wanjiayilai.tmall.com

>> No.6524363

Oh, okay. Thank you

>> No.6524570
File: 258 KB, 907x457, er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone use Buychina? I saw a review on the Tumblr Taobao tag and this one girl ordered a set of lingerie. I thought their weight estimator and shipping calculator would be useful, but according to it, this mousepad is 650 g! (See cap)

The girl who reviewed it on Tumblr said that her lingerie only weighed 160 g and her shipping was less than three dollars from Hong Kong to the U.S., so I'm wondering whether BuyChina's calculator is just inaccurate--or whether this mousepad really does weigh about a pound and a half.

>> No.6524588

They just use the weight that is listed on the taobao site of the product.

>> No.6524599

since when do taobao stores actually have weight in the item measurements

>> No.6524621

...guess how the shipping costs within china get generated.

>> No.6524649

that must be totally inacurate, 680g for just a mousepad like that seems fishy.

Just looked to another bra set of pinkyqueen
(this is priced 9.12, posibly it's price+ domestic shipping) and it weights 160 g too
But acording to an old purchase I made via yoybuy, those bra sets usually weights less than 100g
for example this one weighted 87 g
and another one weighted 92g

Anyway I'm unsure if it will be cheaper to order from them.

>> No.6524665

I've heard only negative reviews of buychina, and they came here to spam, and apparently try to scam their customers as well by sending "you have an outstanding payment" emails.

>> No.6524702

To the anons looking for tumblr-esque clothing, here's a pretty good shop that's cheap:

I read a few of the item reviews and they're all pretty high, but I can't find any heart/crown/diamond type of store rating. Does T-mall do that?

>> No.6524800

Uhm, actually I really think about when I'm about to buy something from T-mall: obviously more expensive but original/really good quality. If the item is something you could find in a diamond nor gold crown store, buy in taobao. But because in T-mall is expensive, you'd have to think if that item is worth it (or you can find it on eBay/your country)

>> No.6524831

This shop has items other taobao shops have for cheaper prices (leggings 30-50 yuan) (tops 25-40) ect. So it's kind of the opposite of what you said ;_; This shop has Boy London H&M and other famous designs for cheaper prices.
If you do have a taobao shop that's aboutthe same price with that style, I'd be happy to see it! I'm having a hard time finding them.

>> No.6524859

just copying and pastying this list posted a while ago. i saved it, here it its
I asked on tumblr and someone gave me all these links if anyone is interested:

Some have cool stuff, but the store ratings seem to go down as you go down the list.

And these list of terms:
Galaxy leggings: 星空打底裤
Doc Martens - 马丁靴
Creepers - 休闲鞋
Tattoo tights - 纹身丝袜
Platform Shoes - 厚底鞋
Cross - 十字架
Angel Wings - 天使翅膀
Wing - 翅膀

>> No.6524878

Ah yes I found that awhile ago in the archives :( it didn't really seem to have many clothes, I'll have a look through again.
Thank you for the help!

>> No.6524881

Anyone know any ss that aren't taking a break for the new year?
I wanted to get the new year price cuts on taobao. Dunno how long they'll be avaliable though.

>> No.6524893

What was that really good website with harnesses and bondage cuffs? I can't find it in my archives

>> No.6524901

Is that a tree print bag above the shoes? Link please!

>> No.6524911

Question seagulls, I am a complete taobao noob so forgive me if this has an incredibly obvious answer. Where I've circled in purple, what does this mean? The VIP and the price crossed out?

>> No.6524912
File: 157 KB, 773x520, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my image oops

>> No.6524916

Those are AP socks

>> No.6524917

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10. ?

>> No.6524918

So my Chinese friend told me not to order from taobao because some of the stuff is dodgy. She had a pair of shoes fall apart on her after a little while. I told her that's like me telling her not to buy from ebay because a ton of it is total shit.

But out of curiosity, has anyone had something they ordered come out completely terrible?

>> No.6524927

It means if your SS is a VIP they get a special lower price, but the crossed out price is the normal price.

>> No.6524933

Taobaoring has an article on that


>> No.6524935

Dream of Lolita.
Fuck the anon who says replicas are bad or whatever. The only issue people have with replicas are prints because of "legal" issues (bullshit) but people seem to be perfectly fine with Secret Shop & Antaina replicas (which still has the same moral issues of thief).
Dream of Lolita does custom sizing for free. I've never had an issue with them. I've owned a few Angelic Pretty dresses which were worse quality (granted I bought them for cheap, so they are pretty used) than DoL.

>> No.6524936

Check ratings? You could really say that about any online shop. Also, price is relatable to quality so you can't expect cheap items without taking a risk on quality. Thats why we're here to help each other and point out quality shops.

If only the "taobao review" tumblrs actually knew how to use tumblr and kept up with their shit though seriously.

>> No.6524937

Rolling my eyes.
Honestly just stfu about the replica debate here.

>> No.6524947

>http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10. ?
Thanks dude!

>> No.6524957

Wow, never seen them before.

>> No.6524962

All of the fucking time. Especially from Taobaoring. I think I might just go back to Taobaospree and Taobaonow because I've just been having so many fucking issues with things mysteriously being stolen/lost/seized in customs when using SAL...

But what your friend told you is just plain out retarded. Any shit can turn out to be shit. That's a problem with online shopping in general. Granted 99% of shit on eBay comes from China anyways, the price is just marked up a hell of a whole lot.

>> No.6524969

What your friend said can apply to anywhere.
With shoes, it depends on how you take care of them? I mean, I've had shoes from the same place (same model/style, different colors) and have one scuff a lot whereas the other one was flawless after days of wear. It's a hit or miss with everything, even ebay.

>> No.6524976

Thank you very much!

>> No.6524972

lol fuck u sage

>> No.6524990

They were actually tights! Wanted to double check myself just in case you went looking for them.

Tokyo Rebel sold them for $55
(tried posting link of sold out item but they think I'm spam)

If you google "Angelic Pretty ribbon tights" you can see them.

>> No.6525013


Don't use them

Theyre banned for coming here and constantly spamming their site

>> No.6525055

That's how I see it. I haven't made my first purchase yet but I intend to soon, and every time I mention it she pipes up about how taobao stuff is terrible quality, but to me it just seems like ebay. I've learned how to not get screwed on ebay, why can't I with taobao?

More reviews would definitely be nice though.

Wow, good to know about taobao ring.

Hah, the funny thing about that is that she just bought some stuff from China on ebay. I didn't bother to point out the logic fail there.

I don't know what she was doing to them. She said they lasted half a year.

>> No.6525142

Shoes are shoes. It depends how you treat them, how often you wear them, and what material they were made from in the start.
For instance, most lolita shoes are made out of PU (cheap fake leather), and any pastel color will scuff pretty easily. It makes an ugly black streak. For some reason, I always get them on the sides of the shoe. This is why I usually wear black shoes.

But falling apart? If you're wearing shoes that are meant to be for summer (like sandals) and it's winter time... Yeah, they won't last long.

>> No.6525178

Anyone know a taobao store where I can find those cute deco'd pastel kawaii shit iphone cases?

>> No.6525182

To add, anyone know where I can buy the stuff to make one myself? (not same anon, btw)

>> No.6525216

bondage type things similar to what creepyyaha wears?

>> No.6525258

This is really really scaring me. I'm putting an almost 500 item order soon with taobaoring which I've never used but have heard good things about. I used to use Yoybuy...should I just go back despite the 2% SS fee increase just in case?

>> No.6525272

I've been using TBring with no problems. I've never used SAL before though. I always use EMS. It could be that SAL is wonky, idk.

>> No.6525289

Hime Gyaru (lots of pink, bows, lace, ribbons) CHEAP accessories? I don't care if they're handmade or not. I just would like some other stores than what I have! I'm making a huge order of just accessories! Thank you~

>> No.6525291

Wow, I paid just about that much. I don't know why my items got lost. My first two orders (I paid $500-$600 each) went smooth. Items arrived in about a month. The third time, oh God, items were missing and "lost" apparently...

>> No.6525314

Was TBR just telling you ~oh they've been seized~ without giving you tracking? Because surely if you could see on the tracking that it was seized then I don't know how that could be TBR's fault.

>> No.6525317

This post doesn't make much sense, I just wanted clarification on the 'lost' part because your post makes it sound like you think TBR was lying about it.

>> No.6525331

Oh, I know it's not Taobaoring's fault. At least I hope. I never weighed the package before I opened it since I've never had problems with them in the past. I never would have thought some of my items would have been missing. I called up the customs (they were in my country for 2 weeks), but the customs here in USA didn't open it. I don't know where the items went, just that I didn't get them and Taobaoring doesn't have them at their office.

>> No.6525385
File: 48 KB, 310x310, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all of the shirts have panties attached to them? What purpose does that serve? Is that like a guranteed tucked in shirt or something?

>> No.6525386

forgot link: http://mixio.taobao.com/

>> No.6525395

Pretty much, it makes the line of the shirt smoother. Think leotard vs. t shirt.

>> No.6525398

Also, maybe because it's office lady clothing - it's harder for a sleazy boss to cop a feel up your shirt.

>> No.6525425

>Pretty much, it makes the line of the shirt smoother. Think leotard vs. t shirt.
Okay, cool.
>it's harder for a sleazy boss to cop a feel up your shirt.
That's really sad but I see what you mean.
Thanks guys.

>> No.6525429

Sorry, just realized you're one person.

>> No.6525449

Yeah, in China it's an unfortunate reality. The big CEOs have like...catwalk shows to pick office staff.

>> No.6525630

diy deco cases: http://bygz.tmall.com/

>> No.6525687

So I'm guessing it's not TBR? My order isn't $500, it's around 500 items. So about $1500 and I really don't want anything happening to it. Would my safest bet be to switch to a different SS or just ship EMS?

>> No.6525708

Do you guys think I should place an order the next couple of days? I'm kinda worried about them just rushing everything because of chinese new years soon.

>> No.6525711

Rushing what exactly? Are you planning to get custom items?

>> No.6525719


Oh, no no. Just wigs and stuff but I thought maybe they'd rush things because the holidays are soon. I haven't ordered from taobao before so I'm sorta nervous about it.

>> No.6525733

... then I'm not sure what there is to rush? I understand being nervous about the first order but I don't understand exactly what you're nervous about.

>> No.6525765

isn't the chinese new year in february? you probably shouldn't order the last week of january, but there's no need to order right now.

>> No.6525776

Never had a problem with taobaoring, they've always been polite, kind, and quick. I ordered during the holiday rush and everything came quickly.
Cheap airmail took like 2 weeks to get to me, even. Lots of people have problems with tbring taking a long time, but they don't seem to realize the influx of orders from cgl especially (after all the awesome reviews here, that's how I ended up using them)

I would love this too!

>> No.6525780

How long does the domestic shipping usually take?
All but one of my items arrived two days after I made my order, but I'm still waiting on one. It's been 6 days now since I made the order. I'm very impatient.

Also, wanted to say so far that bhiner has been awesome. This is my first taobao order and I haven't had any issues so far, everything they've recieved is the right colour and everything, and it was a lot easier and quicker than I expected.

>> No.6525820

well, i think a lot of places were closed for new years. so factor that in plus the weekend. what exactly was it that you ordered? if it was normal clothing from a regular shop, then a week max is normal, but if it's a wig or something from a cosplay site (even if it's not custom) those shops seem to take longer.

>> No.6525822


get the regular bondage stuff and customize it. it's really simple and easy to do (i've done it). you can buy everything you need on taobao.

>> No.6525827

pics of yours customized

>> No.6525849

i'm staying with my parents for the holidays, so i don't have them with me. i basically just took a rivet gun, punched holes in the cuffs/harness and screwed them in the holes. i didn't add lace or flowers like she does, but you can easily do that with glue or sewing.

>> No.6525851

wow, not a rivet gun. like a grommet gun?

>> No.6525856
File: 236 KB, 647x485, T291OYXjlXXXXXXXXX_!!88861982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorn's Shop sells some harness as well since a while.
Besides that:

>> No.6525956

the SS that I worked with informed me that the ones that i wanted were a size smaller than usual and I had to up a size but change the color

>> No.6525986
File: 16 KB, 663x556, footfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I suggest: Stand fully upright on a piece of paper. Trace your larger foot (make sure your pen/pencil does not angle in or out, make sure it is straight down). Measure from the longest toe to the back of the heel. Then measure your widest area (try drawing a rectangle around these areas to draw a straight line between the two points, angled lines will give an incorrect measurement, see terrible paint picture for reference on what I mean). At this point, do not pick a size or go to a conversion chart. Simply send these measurements to your SS and then they will give them to the store and the store will pick the size based on those measurements. The store will know better how their sizes run than a conversion chart. Using this method I have bought at least... two dozen pairs of shoes and never had a bad fit. Just remember to stand fully on the paper and keep the pencil/pen angled straight down. (I don't know why i didn't use a text box, fuck)

>> No.6526125

>So I'm guessing it's not TBR? My order isn't $500, it's around 500 items. So about $1500 and I really don't want anything happening to it. Would my safest bet be to switch to a different SS or just ship EMS?
EMS will KILL you. Things can get lost with EMS too in customs. If you live in US, you're fine. SAL is your best bet.

>> No.6526194

Does anyone have any experience with buying bedding? I'm thinking about buying a large comforter (for a XL queen sized bed) and a bunch of blankets.

>> No.6526195
File: 137 KB, 458x458, TO-433-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows where on taobao I can get this shirt?
I've seen it on romwe so it must be on taobao.

>> No.6526202

Yeah I'm in the US, I was planning on going with SAL anyways so I guess I'll just hope for the best, thanks!

Another question (sorry kind of new to this), most of the items in my order should get to them within a few days, but there are also some cosplay costumes and wigs (also a galaxy seifuku). Someone above said even though the costumes aren't custom made, they may take a bit longer to get to my SS. Should I order all of my other items first so I know they get to my SS before lunar new years and then order all the cosplay/wigs later on?

>> No.6526240

兔子图案 衬衫

>> No.6526258

I'd rather do a big order first if I were you. I'm adding on to my order right now and I know that some things are custom made and will take a few weeks to get to the SS. Chinese New Years only affects China, once the package gets to America you shouldn't have any delays. Overall, it still should take the same amount of time really. The only thing Chinese News Years would get in the way is if some Taobao shops stopped working/shipping things to your SS. Otherwise, it's all good. Items with SAL should take about a month at most.

>> No.6526275

cheers, buddy.

>> No.6526285

Seconding this. I've been thinking about getting some cutesy princess bedding XD

>> No.6526288


get out

>> No.6526287

So just order everything at once, including costumes and whatnot? I mean as long as it ships before new years (which I believe is the 10th this year) it should be fine right?

>> No.6526299

If it ships to the SS before New Years, you will be fine. Even if it was after, you'd still be fine. It mostly depends on whether or not the shop you're buying from celebrates New Years, or works on the weekends, etc. But if you order the items now or within a week, everything should arrive to the SS before New years' definitely.

>> No.6526302

There isn't much too say, just make sure you have the right measurements but you have to expect they are heavy at the shipping price.

>> No.6526304

>There isn't much too say, just make sure you have the right measurements but you have to expect they are heavy at the shipping price.
Even with SAL?

>> No.6526312

Shippinh is back is a huge burden and it could take weeks for a replay back from the seller. Check it 10 times before you press the purchase button.

>> No.6526399

A 4 piece bed set with a blanket and 2 pillows all queen weighs 6kg. Shipping around $90. Buy silk if you can. Cotton is hit or miss

>> No.6526456

Has anyone had experience with this seller's wigs? item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7071656846&spm=2014.12443903.0.0 Since it's so cheap, I'm expecting the best quality, but I'd like to know how good/bad it is since I might only use it once but still don't want to look like complete shit. Thanks!

>> No.6526471
File: 2.10 MB, 1120x713, IMG_9410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my order! I did SAL and it came in a little over 2 weeks.

>> No.6526475


Whoa, great haul! Could I possibly have links to the cosy looking sweater in the middle at the bottom and a link to the big Korilakkuma?

>> No.6526480

Review and Link to the Rilakkuma shorts?

>> No.6526484

How much did yours all weigh?

>> No.6526496

Which store did you use for the alpaca?

>> No.6526500

Thank you!
Sweater (the two leftmost sweaters are from this shop): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21167380097&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

Korilakkuma: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12314936167&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
Link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14869666550&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
This was one of the only items I got that I'm not very happy with. According to the ad they should fit me seeing as I have a below 95cm hip measurement. I haven't actually put them on but they look tiny, and fit my 5 year old cousin pretty well. The material is fine but I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who wasn't either super skinny or under 10 years old. Pic related.

>> No.6526502
File: 660 KB, 720x960, image_1357172470116086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops dropped my picture.


>> No.6526655


And thanks for the links, definitely buying that sweater and alpaca.
Can I get the link to the elephant?

>> No.6526771

Of course! I'm wearing the sweater now and it is SO warm. Very soft material on the inside.

Elephant: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17192384612&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

>> No.6526798

Thanks so much! Polite sage

>> No.6526822


Can you review the TTGL shirt please?

>> No.6526864

Sure! This shirt is really nice. The printing on it feels very smooth and it doesn't seem like it will rub off anytime soon. The fabric feels nice on the skin too, it's more comfortable than most T-shirts I've bought here in the states. The only possible problem would be sizing, but I'm not quite sure since it's not for me.
It fits like a loose t-shirt on me so hopefully it's not too small for the person I got it for. All in all it's a very nice shirt and I love the printing/colors.

>> No.6527047
File: 137 KB, 1080x810, DSCN0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My masks arrived Monday!

They're very durable and comfortable! They pull on my ears slightly but I have a big head, bigger than people they're made for, probably.

Thanks Canadian Taobao buddy!

>> No.6527056

Not the original guy complaining, but taobao is full of bootlegs and there are known counterfeits of that figure. You bought a knock-off, that's why it's cheaper.

>> No.6527062

That's a statue
And statues don't get bootlegged.

It's not the Figma dude.

>> No.6527085

taobao is full of bootlegs, but i think it's a little ridiculous that people think EVERYTHING on taobao is bootleg. some things don't get bootlegs and are the same price or even more expensive on taobao.

>> No.6527096

No, "statues" are also known as figures. Figures is not a generic term for figmas, it's a generic term for all static and poseable figures. Here's the link on MFC: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/25218

Scroll down and click the read "Counterfeit" link and there are photos of known bootlegs.

>> No.6527101

There are known bootlegs and the price was significantly cheaper. I'm not making a leap in judgement here.

>> No.6527106

go to tsuki board and see how you are wrong.
BRS statue is pretty bootleged, and funny fact that the bootleg carried a detail accurately that the original didn't had

>> No.6527119

i wasn't saying you're wrong. i didn't even look at the statue you were referring to or the price difference. i'm just adding that not everything on taobao is a bootleg, although there are many.

though, if people want cheap figures, they should hunt around mandarake rather than trying to find the real thing on taobao.

>> No.6527126
File: 8 KB, 272x252, 1283550902753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to mandarake for bootlegs
What the fuck did I just read

>> No.6527131

He didn't say to go to Mandarake for bootlegs at all? Can you read?

>> No.6527137

My context was to go go Mandarake for cheap shit and Taobao for the real.

>> No.6527144

Well you were wrong and made assumptions.

>> No.6527145

wow, you can't read. i said go to mandarake for cheap figures. i meant cheap as in discounted/low price not cheap quality.

and i said to go look around mandarake rather than worry yourself over the authenticity of what you're buying on taobao.

>> No.6527154

Mandarake's prices are usually retail or a little higher.

Granted I've only gotten stopped manufacture shit there so that may contribute to it.

>> No.6527160

But on popular discontinued figures, yeah it's going to cost you more than retail, anywhere. Mandarake usually has the lowest prices on the market for older figures. Also there's no worry about getting a bootleg.

>> No.6527165

you can get an unopened lucky star figma on there for $10. it may have a "damaged" box that is actually just a tiny dent in the corner. the cheapest figma has retailed for what? $15?

>> No.6527196

This might be a stupid question but is it a bad idea to buy fake guns off of taobao? Anyone done it before? Had trouble? And I don't mean a handgun. A rifle.

>> No.6527241

is the quality of taobao Lolita dress's good?

am a first time Lolita an was told to check the website out.

>> No.6527250
File: 137 KB, 448x338, Berries-and-Cream-guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527251

Just like at ebay it depends on the seller but at the most ones it is, just avoid stores that use stolen photos from japanese brands.

>> No.6527287

lol rowan Atkinson >>6527250


thanks will keep my eyes open

>> No.6527383


>> No.6527416

lol you are so fucking new it hurts

>> No.6527435

hey anon, I was searching for that term too.
I just found "底托"

>> No.6527433

Is something wrong with your keyboard


>> No.6527500
File: 70 KB, 369x700, 1323559704515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anything that resembles a gun from a foreign country and having it shipped through the mail to you

>> No.6527530

What's the difference between these 2? One is cheaper but I can't figure out why.



>> No.6527550

现货 = Ready stock
余款 = Second/Final payment for those who pre-ordered

>> No.6527554

How heavy is that Korilakkuma plush? I may add that to my order heh.

Link to masks? Gotta get some for my buddies now.

>> No.6527560

So seagulls, I just purchased a post office scale (not for this reason don't worry), should I post how much items weigh that I get in?

>> No.6527567


They come in a wide array of kawaii flavors. I purchased three, and they sent me a blank one for free!

>> No.6527568



>> No.6527573

the first one is the reserve price for the ones who pre-ordered, I think? the second one is the actual current price.

>> No.6527592

please do! it would be super helpful!

>> No.6527602

Alright :)
I have an order coming in like 2 weeks, I think.. SAL to California, any other anons do that?

>> No.6527804

Hey you guys I feel like I'm addicted to the Internet. I think I have a problem. I've spent so much fucking money on Taobao it's ujnbelievable. Half the shit I don't even want because they just don't fit me and I'm plain out fucking ugly. My whole life, my whole day was on the Internet today, and was this entire winter/Christmas break. Does anyone else feel like me that I can talk to..? Currently I'm making a $700+ order, but trying to figure out if I really need all of those hime accessories... I'm just so at a lost with what I really fucking need/want/is pretty...

>> No.6527811

Omg no. Please, their wigs are thin and so flat and they shed really fucking quickly. They don't tangle because there's so little hair! And when you do use a wide-tooth comb, it just tears out hair. Can't even run your fingers through them.
>bought 12 different wigs from them.

>> No.6527831

I do this all the time.
Over half the shit just ends up laying in my wardrobe maybe worn a few times in my room.

I'm making a small order atm. £200

>> No.6527833

Ahh, thanks! Sorry you had such bad luck, anon.

>> No.6527851

Same here! I just got a new job and I've pretty much planned to buy months' worth of clothes and accessories that I obviously don't need. It's so hard trying to take things out of my cart, too. I feel like I'm missing out if I don't buy all of Taobao.

>> No.6527856

So cute!
He should keep them.

And now I want a pair...

>> No.6527872
File: 37 KB, 361x414, 6428831889_a9556003c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find painting fabric like JetJ uses?
Or do you need to get those custom printed?
I tried several searched but just found painting supplies and canvas fabric :p

>> No.6528267

Any recommendations for blouses and cutsews? Would like to pick up a few cheap ones for spring.

>> No.6528315

i have a similar problem, but it's a lot better than before. i have hoarding problems that I posted about in a previous taobao thread, too, but then I looked at a lot of room tours and found places i could donate old stuff too. i got rid of about half of my plushies and threw out like 40 lbs of school work that i had been saving for one reason or another. i also managed to get rid of one full large trash bag of old clothing. i feel that a taobao addiction is more of a hoarding problem or shopping addiction than an internet addiction.

try doing what other anons do -- resell what you don't use. i started working out again as well as working more shifts. it really gets me out of the house and away from the computer. although i went and splurged on some work clothes because of this, in the end, i haven't made a new order yet. i'm also trying to focus spending on things that are a bit more expensive so that i shop around a lot more AWAY from taobao and have to wait a while before each purchase. tell yourself you're going to buy a new phone, a new computer, a new monitor, etc. or only buy gifts for other people. OR just try to save more...

>> No.6528396

Y-you could be my sugar momma, anon-chan <3

>> No.6528492

I'm having trouble getting my PayPal payment to TaoBaoRing through their site. I'd like to message them about it. Would it be appropriate to edit the message on my TaoBao order or is that only for when your placing the order? Would e-mail be better?

(I posted this in the new TaoBao thread but it was deleted before I could post. What's up with that? Checking autosage too.)

>> No.6529000

New taobao thread in case you missed it: