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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 406 KB, 2100x825, ohayo13flyerBANNER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6520978 No.6520978 [Reply] [Original]

Prepare your anus...almost 3 weeks left. Who's excited? What costumes are you bringing?

>> No.6521070

I wouldn't say excited, so far I'm kind of "meh" about it.

I've never really seen this con get hyped.

>> No.6521073

I'm only excited because this is my first con.. but after the horror story my friend told me about when she went I'm hoping that it's not the hugest letdown ever.

>> No.6521078

I agree, it's a mediocre con. But after all the shit I've gone though in the past 6 months, it's like a light in the tunnel. I'll tone down my enthusiasm for you guys though.

>> No.6522419

I myself am excited. Last year was my first time at Ohyao and compared to my hometown con Acen, I think it is just as enjoyable.

I really love the convention spaces and hotels. They have a great bar with pretty reasonable prices for a hotel. Looking forward to hanging out and meeting some other con goers.

>> No.6522528
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>> No.6522599

What was the horror story?

>> No.6522618

Yeah Ohayocon is a huge letdown.

So much so I don't wanna go to Ohayocon this year. Really I live in this city and it's THAT bad.

>> No.6522636

>on /cgl/

mai waifu

>> No.6522644

I'm excited, I've never been to Ohayo but I heard the convention center is really really nice

>> No.6522910

Basically, she was being told she couldn't do anything, because security has so many sticks up their butts. Her brother and her were Team Rocket and they'd try to get in character, and some 12 year old told security that they were harassing her.. or something stupid. All I know is that out of all the cons she's been to, the only one that were way worse were college cons.

>> No.6523072
File: 500 KB, 551x598, matsuri_2012_CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my buddy will be down with these, I just pre-registered earlier today actually. We've been to a few other cons before but this one in particular seems to have a LOT of negativity around it. Why exactly is that? Too many people, bad security, something along those lines?

>> No.6523074

Ohayocon has gone down the shitter. Basically, I'm going to hang with friends and wear my frills for a bit.

>> No.6523145
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All I ever hear are horror stories, and I've mostly had trouble in the past as well. However, this is a great chance for all my friends to meet up and hang out. Maybe I can get some pics back of my cosplays for once...

Plus it'll be the first con for a lot of my friends going, so they can at least say they've been to a convention, even if it is shitty Ohayocon...

>> No.6523256


I can see MC's polygons. Also, weather your undersuits.

Nice ODST. Sean Bradley kit?

>> No.6523298
File: 277 KB, 683x1024, Colossalcon_2012_-_Friday_357_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, ODST was all me actually. the MC was my first suit id ever done and i didn't bother to smooth it much. I'm in the process of redoing a lot of it in preparation for this con actually, i should hopefully have it all done by then.

>> No.6523376
File: 557 KB, 867x1712, Arc.(FF3).full.883024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there.
I'll probably be lazy and wear Marshall Lee for the umpteenth time on Friday. We won't be getting in until later so something low maintenance/easy is good.
Saturday I should be Arc from Final Fantasy III provided I stop being lazy and make the stupid coat and capelet. (pic related)

>> No.6523714

Then don't go faggot

>> No.6523802

im really interested in what you think makes a "good" con or at least a "less shitty" con than ohayocon

every con is the exact same thing. they're ONLY good for meeting up with friends. there is literally nothing else to do at a con. (except spend money but thats mostly just for the 15 year old girls)

>> No.6523815

The only other reason to go to a con is for panels.
Panels at smaller cons are often painful to watch.

>> No.6523826

Ohayocon has shitty panels, shitty staff, and even the Dealer's Room is tiny compared to many of the other cons I've been too.
If Ohayocon had better panels, and staff that weren't such giant dicks, it would be a million times better than it is now.

>> No.6523829

Then don't go.
Leave it to the people who want to enjoy it.

>> No.6523845

I don't know why people feel the need to complain about staff at cons -.-
the staff is just a bunch of volunteers. most of them have their own kids (along with 5000+ that were just dumped on them) and shit to take care of on top of their con "duties". Honestly, what could you have experienced that makes you think ohayocon staff are dicks?

considering what goes on behind the scenes at conventions it's amazing that the staffs function as much as they do. i've been at what you consider "good" conventions where the head of security is doing lines off the sink while staff are trying to find a missing child in the hotel. THAT is what I call a dick.

panels are never interesting at any con, and you are a sucker if you go to conventions for the dealer's room

>> No.6523851
File: 98 KB, 550x365, ohayocon-105-550x365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinion on Ohayo after 7 years of going:

+I've never had to wait for more than 5 minutes for my badge. (I pre-reg)
+The pool of talented cosplayers is small but surprisingly impressive.
+The dealer's hall is small compared to GenCon or Dragon Con, but it is adequate. Besides, at some point, no matter how big the dealer hall, everybody ends up selling the same assortment of figures, swords, and nick nacks anyway.
+Masquerade is so-so. Voltz and S.V. are funny fuckers.

-Panels are more miss than hit. I think there are actually 5 panels that are really worth going to.
-video game room - very small for a con its size.

I've never been a rave person, so I can't speak about that. Also, as long as you're not a jackass, security is never a problem. However, there was one year when they wanted me to peacebond my proton pack O_o.

Can you people elaborate what you mean by "Shitty Staff" and "Horror Stories"? When you tell me staff had a stick up their ass, it doesn't really tell me much. I find that most people who complain about Ohayo are little pricks that act like total shits and expect con staff not to get involved.

>> No.6524679

Because me not enjoying certain aspects of the con will affect the people who are enjoying it more fully? Okay.

The staff at Ohayocon just seem much more irresponsible and clueless than staff at other cons I've been to.
One year, there was a staff member who was drunk and he was falling down the escalator as he was going up it. He could have gotten really hurt, and other people could have been hurt because of him, but this guy was given a staff badge and expected to enforce rules. I saw this guy all three days I was there, still pretty wobbly, just wandering around, so I know they didn't kick him out or anything for acting the way he was.
Staff yelled at me for taking pictures of my friends at our table in the food court.
I got told we weren't allowed to sit in one of the hallways, but other people that were sleeping just a bit down, not even 15ft down the same stretch of hall, weren't woke up and told to move. These rules just came outta no where. It didn't even make sense. None of these times were any of us even acting crazy or loud or anything like that. I'm not trying to make it sound like we were the only ones getting harassed either about not following rules. I know the staff were doing these things to other people too.
When I needed help finding where to go for a bandage, the two staff members I asked didn't know. I needed to check my prop, the staff member I asked wasn't sure where exactly it was, but it might be where I got my badge, or maybe on the second floor somewhere.
Sorry that I expect the staff to have a decent sense of judgement and be somewhat knowledgeable about the con they're staffing. My bad.
I know now that I just need to avoid any and all contact that I could potentially make with the staff and security.
Ohayocon isn't the worst con ever, but it's far from being a great con. It's an okay con for the price of the badge, the location, and the chance to meet up with everyone again.

>> No.6524811

Dude, that sucks. Did you try reporting the drunk?

>> No.6524815

No I'm saying if you're just going to go and bitch about it then don't fucking go. Give someone else your badge who will actually have fun and not come here with propaganda.

>> No.6524820

Yeah, I did after the elevator incident. I was told they would look into it. Maybe they warned him about it or something, but that was on Friday I saw him falling down the up escalator, and he was still stumbling around Sunday, so they didn't take his badge or anything.

>> No.6524822

I dunno bro, sounds like legit problems with the staff. Though, Machete could have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

>> No.6524825

>implying watching someone fall down the up escalator isn't the best thing ever

It's fucking hilarious. And it's even funnier when some other drunk goes to help them and they fall down with them and it's a ball of two drunkies wrapped around each other falling forever.

....why the fuck didn't I record that.

>> No.6524830
File: 36 KB, 206x289, Borderlands-2-Skins-Gunzerker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing my gunzerker to the con. Hopefully I'll have a couple sirens joining me.

>> No.6524834

Wow. I don't bitch to every other attendee while I'm there about how much I dislike certain aspects of the con. I talk to other cosplayers, I'm as friendly as I can be, and try my hardest to make the best of the weekend. Why are you so offended by people not enjoying this con as much as you apparently do? Stay mad anon.

Yeah, could be... I mean, I do have some pretty awful luck at times, so it could just be that I caught a lot of bad scenarios because wrong place wrong time. Maybe the staff I talked to were brand new. Maybe things just got changed or they were really stressed from something else that happened. IDK man, shit happens. I was sharing my own personal opinions and experiences about Ohayocon. If other people have a way better time than me, more power to them and maybe the goodness will rub out my bad luck. lol

>> No.6524842

It was pretty funny, but I was kinda worried about him knocking me or one of my friends down because we were pretty much right behind him, but a few steps down. Or god forbid he knocked down someone who wasn't there for the con and they shut everything down or some crazy shit like that.

>> No.6524848

>getting on the escalator behind someone who's falling

>> No.6524858

Yeah. I never really pay attention to what people around me are doing. I didn't think of looking up... Not until we were almost to the top and he couldn't get off the escalator...
It's one thing I'm bad at. Like, really really bad at. It did make me a bit more cautious of stairs, escalators, and those airport moving walkway things though.

>> No.6525772

I've registered so I might as well enjoy this Con. Maybe I should dress up in lolita.

If anyone has any questions about where to eat, please ask me. I highly suggest no one eat at the food court.

>> No.6525835

Any good vegan/vegetarian places in the area?

>> No.6526027

Not me.
Truth be told, I don't even have fun at cons anymore. Never cosplayed and people are becoming more clique only as time goes by unless youre in costune (that I've noticed).

Only reason I go is I'm the driver for every con my group of friends go to else they probably wouldn't be able to go.

But instead of a con, I see a vacation. Worked my ass off in 2012 so I'll be enjoying Columbus while Ohayocon goes on.

Only thing I do is attend the panels and holy fuck did those blow last time.

Though I might stop in the dealer's room to buy Gunpla. All the Gunpla.

>> No.6526156


>> No.6526188

get drunk and it's pretty fun. otherwise, it's pretty ehhh. staff is miserable, the treatment of the masquerade participants is horrifying (i was in that dank, awful hallway, never again), and the panel schedule is always, ALWAYS, wrong.

i'll be bringing susan strong, schoolgirl stocking, and possibly ness if i get it together in time. did we decide that the friday meet was gonna not be at the hyatt bar, and the saturday meet would be?

>> No.6526308

I'm allergic to meat. Fuck off.

>> No.6526315

I'm excited for it, but I heard it's going to be Ponystuck again.

I'm also bummed my group cancelled on me.

>> No.6526322

I don't want to sound like a pretentious jackass. But anyone know the average age of people who go to this?

>> No.6526359

Dirty Franks Hot Dog Palace which even though is a hot dog place is friendly to your tastes. I took a friend who doesn't like hot dogs last year and really liked the mac n cheese. They have tofu veggie dogs too. I also recommend Northstar Cafe.

>> No.6526377

Pretty sure this year is going to be the last year my BF and I go to Ohayocon. It's just a pain to get down there from where we are in the state, not to mention parking if you don't book a super close hotel is crap -- as in weather. Will probably end up going to Colossalcon instead. Great parking, great atmosphere, better temps for cosplay and lolita.

>> No.6526378

>allergic to all meat

>> No.6526395

I will be more specific. I am allergic to shellfish, a few types of finned fish, pork, beef, and poultry (duck, chicken, turkey). I'm also allergic to dairy (goat milk, cheese, etc is okay so far), all nuts, and a good handful of fruit and vegetables (tomato, avocado, kiwi, melon, pineapple).

Thank you.

>> No.6526401

People are assigned departments/areas to work in so they might not know where everything is. Though at the very least they should direct you to con ops.

Also, I'm pretty sure staffers are just given one badge all weekend. A staff badge doesn't mean that they're necessarily on duty at the time. The drunk guy might not have been on duty when he was stumbling around but damn, at the least he should know better than to get that ridiculously drunk in public.

>> No.6526405

There are a few vegetarian friendly places inside North Market.
There's also a small market inside that sells fresh fruit and veggies.

>> No.6526411

That's great to know! Thanks!

>> No.6527054

I will be there. Cosplay is still unknown due to pressing real life issues.

Did we decide on meetup at the bar again in the last thread?

>> No.6527198

Holy fuck.

Sorry about that shitty hand.
There's a pretty big cluster of restaurants going East if you have transportation as well.

Do you guys just meet up and drink?
Just realized I've sat at that bar for years and never realized there's been a meet up.

>> No.6527208

FIrst time Lolita here. Im excited to meet others. Its probably my fifth year going, so its nice to not really cosplay this time around.

>> No.6527228

Yes and no. I think we talked about a later meetup Friday where people could get drinks, and an earlier meetup Saturday for general hangout.

>> No.6527324

I'm in. I'll watch this thread for the time.

>> No.6527444

i think friday meet was gonna be at a different bar, and saturday there would be a lunch meet and then a later meet at the hyatt bar? i'm down for whatever, and i'll make sure to have a seagull appreciation club sign so everyone knows where to rally

>> No.6527475


what do you eat? like, what CAN you eat? :(

>> No.6528135

Dunno what I did to get like this, but it sucks.

I mostly eat lots of beans, salad kind of stuff like lettuce and spinach, squash, I home bake my breads and I'm careful about which pasta I eat, apples, oranges, grapefruit, tofu, and other things like that. I just try to stay pretty strictly vegan. But, I will have goat cheese if I have the money and feel like having a treat.

>> No.6528186

I'm gonna be doing panels for the first time ever at this Ohayo, so what exactly makes for a shitty/better panel?

>> No.6528225

Oh wow, so THIS is what OhayoCon looks like these days?? I went to one of the very first OhayoCons many many years ago and it was tiny and the dealer's room was the size of a "large" banquet hall and cramped and smelled horrible.

What a difference it looks to be now!

>> No.6528514

What other bar? And a sign would be awesome, we didn't have one last year, and that areas so packed it was hard to know who was there for what.

>> No.6528894
File: 44 KB, 403x263, ohayo02_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I went to the 2nd Ohayocon, it was my first convention. It was the same location that Colossalcon was at for several years, small, kind of cramped, maybe like 1,000 people. I thought it was huge in 2004 when it had about 4,000-5,000. Now it's about 14-16k or so? I'm not entirely sure on those numbers though, I may be off.

>> No.6529121

Or we could say what cosplay we are in. Or pick a corner of the bar we can gather in and then go from there.

>> No.6529442


What panel are you doing?

>> No.6530713

Just be really well prepared. Have all your stuff in order before you go on. Boot up everything such as your slides/presentation before you actually go up to present. Oh, and make sure that you have the proper hook ups there in the room ahead of time. Staff can be slow at getting those things to you.

Look your audience in the eyes and engage with them. If you don't want questions until the end of the presentation be sure to say so at the beginning. Give your panel statement (what you're going to discuss) and say "I'm going to have a Q & A after the presentation so please hold your questions until then."

Also, if you have links to sites that support your panels ideas/presentations or have further info that people can go to and look at late,r have them available as a print out to pass out or pass around an email sign up list so you can contact people later and provide them with the links for further reading.

>> No.6531634
File: 67 KB, 959x716, 68686_2702891748886_137709971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf and I are running around as Luka and Mikuo. If you see me, say hi I guess.

Otherwise I'm probably just going to be hanging out with friends , if not at hounddogs / indochine or drinking. haha

>> No.6531716
File: 90 KB, 902x598, ohayocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the cosplays I'm doing.

Also I'm running a number of panels. I think between lead and co-panelist, I'm doing 6.
Are we getting together to drink this year? If so, when?

Hell yeah, son.

>> No.6531721

You should join me for pho if you're not busy running a panel or Roxy-installing.

>> No.6531760

I'll be there as a gijinka pinkie pie; not a major pony fag but I think she's cute....

>> No.6531763

I will definitely join you for pho, broseph.
Try to stop by my panels too. I know at 'So You Wanna Read Comics' we will be giving away free singles, so really, its free shit if for nothing else and since its our second time running it we have a bit of an idea of what to do.

That goes for everyone else too, obviously. Free comak baks.

>> No.6532307
File: 253 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as Aisaka Taiga from Toradora last episode uniform ver. This will be my 5th consecutive year at Ohayocon. I've never had a bad time there except at the rave last year, some men get a little too drunk and creepy and I had a couple of men literally following me around at the rave. I saw they were just standing and watching me so I moved, but they kept getting closer, so I just left, it was 3am anyways. Got some ice cream and went back to the hotel. Only got yelled at staff once back in 2011 for trying to get in the rave line with a friend, they made us go all the way to the back. Whatever, it wasn't a big deal anyways. But your experience there depends on your decisions as well.

>> No.6532313

omg your legs. So sexay.

>> No.6532323

Thank you.

>> No.6532332 [DELETED] 

Those are legs?

They look like shower rods.

>> No.6532335

Aw, thanks anon. Sorry my legs don't meet your standards. :P

>> No.6532342

too tall

>> No.6532343

5'2" is tall? ._. I didn't know you could determine someone's height from a photo.

>> No.6532396

It makes it a bit harder when you piddle with the aspect ratio to make it look more kawaii.

>> No.6532399

Touhou panel, and shmups/STGs.

That makes a fair amount of sense. I've never heard of the printouts thing before, though I'm not sure if I'll be having enough external links to warrant that.

>> No.6532476

From what I can see in this picture, you are absolutely stunning. Don't listen to those anons.

>> No.6532534


>> No.6533507


I have to say I always find staff generally unhelpful too. Last year I was in the whole damn wrong side of the convention center... down a hallway with only one person, a staffer at a booth. I was lost and asked for directions to a meetup, which he didn't know where it was (that's fine, okay, I don't either.) but so I take a map, take a look at it, am standing at his table and he rudely says "Excuse me, you're going to have to keep moving, don't stop traffic."

there wasn't a single other person in the whole hallway. wtf? I left speechless.

>> No.6533636

>hot taiga going
>want to hit on her
>she's probably 12
I hate this hobby

>> No.6533805
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This'll be my second time. First time I went was my first time at a con (and honestly, this'll be my second).

I've been losing sleep over it, to be truthful... I think zombies are lame but I'm there.

I'll be Garterbelt from episode 8 of PSG.

>> No.6534825 [DELETED] 

To be honest I'm 17. But I have a lovely boyfriend who will be going with me to the convention. :)

>> No.6535673 [DELETED] 

I another gripe about Ohayocon is how they do not post the schedule until the day before or the first day of the con. Most cons release their schedules a week or two before the con.

>> No.6535678

Another gripe about Ohayocon is how they do not post the schedule until the day before or the first day of the con. Most cons release their schedules a week or two before the con.

>> No.6535898

Yeah, its particularly annoying when you're a panelist and have no idea when you need to be there.
They said they were going to be better about it this year but it seems they are going to do the same shit.

>> No.6535950

It could get worse. They could post the day of the schedule of each day. Such as Friday's schedule on Friday, Saturday's schedule on Saturday, and Sunday's schedule on Sunday.

>> No.6537393 [DELETED] 

so friday do we wanna meet at the hyatt bar and go from there, then saturday just do a hyatt bar meet?

>> No.6538753

I vote hyatt bar meet.

>> No.6539031


So how about the one year when they didn't publish Friday's schedule until late Friday night and the congoers were there for hours without schedules?


I didn't think it was that fucking hard?

>> No.6540004 [DELETED] 

It's not. I have no clue why to this day they have such problems with schedules. It makes no sense. You'd think after 10 years, they'd get it right.

>> No.6540026


>> No.6542504 [DELETED] 

since I have a ton of cardboard lying around my dorm, I decided to do a last minute Danbo!

>> No.6545381
File: 44 KB, 315x511, hqQvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 It's gonna happen, and others but this for sure. : p

>> No.6547171

Hey I actually need some suggestions for costumes. also /cgl/ should meet up somewhere

>> No.6548109 [DELETED] 

Did you even read the thread? Friday, 9 pm, we'll meet at the Hyatt bar, and probably go somewhere else after everyone has gathered. Saturday, 9 pm, we'll just drink ourselves silly at the Hyatt bar.
>Less than one week until con
>Asking for suggestions for costumes
>No pics so we know what to suggest
You can go as the Charlie Brown ghost from the Halloween special

>> No.6549412

Good grief.

>> No.6549448
File: 17 KB, 287x320, didney-worl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6550373

Lol, so much trolling....

>> No.6551168


>> No.6551415 [DELETED] 

Now is the time to PANIC

>> No.6552277

They actually did better this year! The schedule is now up.


>> No.6552365
File: 2.82 MB, 260x208, My Body When.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body when I get inside the con.

>> No.6552367



>> No.6552772

Are there going to be any lolita meets?

>> No.6552777

Does anyone know what the deal with the prop height/size restrictions are this year? I've been going to Ohayo for going on 11 years (it's local) and I don't remember ever seeing a specific restriction set on the size of costume props before.

>> No.6552812 [DELETED] 

The Lolita Crush event is happening at 10am on Saturday if you haven't referred to the panel. We did a meetup at Haiku afterwards last year. I don't know if I am going to dress up this year.

>> No.6552825 [DELETED] 


Looks like 4 foot if it's gonna be in busy/public areas. Which is kinda stupid, I thought it was 6 foot.

>> No.6552826

The Lolita Crush event is happening at 10am on Saturday if you haven't referred to the schedule yet. We did a meetup at Haiku afterwards last year. I don't know if I am going to dress up this year.

>> No.6552929

Sorry I don't know what the Lolita Crust event is

>> No.6552942

It's basically a maid cafe type event and all the lolitas meet up. The meidos pass out drinks and snacks.

>> No.6553681

Please stay out of Ohio, we are shitty enough as it stands.

>> No.6553789

>taking little sister
>I don't think she's ever encountered a weeb
mite b kewl

>> No.6553798

Has anyone ever been to the Cosplay Ball? I've never actually heard a thing about it and I was thinking about getting an outfit together.

>> No.6553814 [DELETED] 

Once. It was small, and kinda boring. But that was a couple of years ago. Might be better.
Think of it like High School Homecoming. It's roughly that interesting.

>> No.6553831

So it's a boys standing on one side and girls standing on the other thing?

>> No.6553852

So I found this.


Well nevermind, fuck, I don't want to go to that.

>> No.6553870

>not wanting to go to that
I'm going to find slow songs to twerk to.

>> No.6553880

I can't believe that's considered a formal dance. There's someone in a wife beater and tripp pants wearing a tail in the background. What the hell are these people on?

>> No.6554098 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 311x311, tumblr_m3q6biZgTp1qbmz0co1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mostflogged now does hentai reveiws in her cosplay underwear

thoughts and opinions

>> No.6554627


>> No.6555610

Anyone heading out to day 0?

>> No.6555641

I'm just getting my badge and then leave. It's rather quiet and nothing ever happens except for a long line for pre-registration.

>> No.6556134

Yeah, I'll be there in the morning! Probably sitting at the bar all day greeting people.

>> No.6556404
File: 250 KB, 1450x485, Ohiocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FML, no Creeper Scootaloo for this con, but here is my other cosplay list.

>> No.6556605
File: 124 KB, 700x700, demonz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheit. The hype train is going full steam. Its time to once again awaken my elite team of drink slaying niggas to cast darkness upon this convention.

>> No.6557126

>look how 12 I am

>> No.6557160


>> No.6557161

"Creeper" Scootaloo?

>> No.6557245

>>Calling someone else 12
>>On a board dedicated to dressing up like lolitas and anime characters

What are you even doing?

>> No.6557318

>implying you still cant act a little mature even if you're dressed like a cartoon character

>> No.6557703


>> No.6557827


Keep being a weeb and wondering why no one likes you dipshit.

>> No.6557994

You can "act" all you like. You'll still be dressing like a dumbass, so why take shit seriously?

>> No.6559501
File: 184 KB, 423x316, 1268423790509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crowne Plaza 3 Floor! Lets do this shit!

>> No.6559532
File: 148 KB, 920x1632, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is what I'm going as. Thoughts?

I was going to take my girlfriend as a date, and she was going to go as a little sister so I could kidnap her sometimes. Instead, last second change of plans, he fucking friend wants to come and she doesnt want to dress up anymore. Been planning this shit for 5 months.

>> No.6559544

>mfw I still haven't finalized powerpoints for either of my panels

also I don't have any reaction images so feel free to substitute your own

>> No.6559560

needs to be dirtied, ripped up, some blood here and there and maybe some fake skin to replicate the toasty splicer's face (since no other splicer dresses like that)

>> No.6559564

I was going to, but. It took me forever to find a fucking vest for this costume, and that ran me $50. The white button up is stained with yellow and whatnot though, not sure if I want to go through all the trouble with less than a day left till the convention though. (this is also my first cosplay and convention)

>> No.6559570


Well, what if you take this dress shirt (or hell, another one) and rip the shit out of it? Make fake bloodspatter, get it on there, rip that shit, that kind of thing. Then just wear the vest crumpled, maybe skip a button or something, maybe use something non-permanent such as baby powder to get it dusty and dirty looking?

>> No.6559573

I might, but i probably wont. not in the best mood right now. thanks for the suggestions though. i could do it when i re use this costume.

>> No.6559624 [DELETED] 

Alright, tomorrow night, 9 pm, Hyatt bar, we'll meet! I'll have a Seagull Appreciation sign, so keep an eye out. We can stay there if we want, or we can move to a different bar. I'll be bringing mini cupcakes and party hats to the meet because it was just my birthday and I wanna celebrate.
Costume plans: Danbo, Susan Strong, Schoolgirl Stocking, and Female Ness.
Let's hope no one gets arrested!

>> No.6559718
File: 49 KB, 855x720, Neat 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might check it out but if I hear any nyaa's or kawaii desho's I'm fuckin OUT.

>> No.6559796 [DELETED] 

>kawaii desho
>anime con

>> No.6559834

>faggot not cosplaying to the character

>> No.6559844

>thought I had hotel reserved
>booked last minute at the Marriott

Anyway is the con mainly going to be at the convention center or the hotel?
The schedules tiny as shit and hard to read.

>> No.6559861

Ok...cosplaying zombies all weekend,doing zombies at all or mixing it up???? Friday: non-zombie Saturday: Zombie all the way!!!!

>> No.6559964

America's Got Talent and The Home Remodel Show are going to be at the Convention Center. Ohayocon takes up the hotel and then some of the Convention Center.

I do believe Ohayocon will probably hold panels at the Hilton next year along with being an official hotel too.

>> No.6560132

Last minute decided to go, just because I got offered a room and badge for working to promote Colossalcon and it's only 2 hours away. I'm looking forward more to Schmidt's than the con itself, but hey, whatever, it's better than going to work.

>> No.6560206

Cool, it's a Columbus establishment in casual dining. Get the Bahama Mama and a cream puff.

>> No.6560341

>go to find a place to eat at 1815 or so
>within walking one block watch black guy get arrested at a bus stop
>everything is closed
Fuck this city.

>> No.6560356

Don't get raped!

>> No.6560385

It looks like the dance is going on for 5 hours and is on Friday and Saturday!? Is this a typo?

>> No.6560409

I'm going Saturday. My initial plans were to go as a psycho but due to financial issues and my Dad in the hospital I couldn't do it.

SO. I'll be going as Green Man from Always Sunny. Volleyball and all.

I'll buy someone a beer at the expensive as fuck bar if you approach me.

>> No.6560414

Cream puffs ngg. I lived in German Villiage for 3 years, that place was a great eat once or twice a month.

>> No.6560415

Yes. Friday the "rave/dance" isn't nearly as good as Saturday. Beware of a line stand for a good 40 minutes if you don't get there early on Saturday. It's the reason 30% of people there go to this.

>> No.6560419

Where exactly were you because the Arena District is a pretty good place to get a beer or two or food.

Short north is eh..but everyone seems to go there for food or drinks.

>> No.6560420

Going as Old Snake and Billy. Can't wait.
And challenge accepted. I'm going to want a shot of jack.

>> No.6560426
File: 381 KB, 480x480, 32987492837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same faggin' Greenman here answering any questions newcomers need answered. It'll be my fourth year at the Ohayocon this time around so for the most part I know a good deal.

>> No.6560427

So it's not a typo?
And is the dance Saturday a rave/dance too?

>> No.6560432

Yes, Saturday night is the rave. It's huge. Friday to my knowledge there is a ballroom dance, and also a mini rave, but again it isn't nearly as big or good as Saturdays.

>> No.6560431

Didn't mean to >> you in that.
And by all means man. My birthday is on the 5th so I got early cash, I'll get you your shot. It'll be my first time meeting/conversating with anyone from 4chan let alone /cgl/ so I'm looking forward to meeting any of you come Saturday, I may go tomorrow too, but only if anyone would want my company since it'd just be me alone.

>> No.6560439

Cool, I'll be Billy (from Resident Evil 0) Saturday.
I'm going to be with a group of friends but I'll chat with you for a little bit.

>> No.6560446

No problem! Stay hydrated! Shit gets insane in there.

>> No.6560443

Ok, thank you very much for the information.

>> No.6560444

No shit? I went last year as a S.T.A.R.S member from Resident Evil, got in a huuuge photoshoot, and another next to a Umbrella Corp. car and everything.

>> No.6560450

>con rave
Good one bro

>> No.6560458

Ohayocons rave gets pretty wild, I don't know what you're on. I've seen some weird shit deep inside the pit of people like straight up sex and condoms flying and shit.

>> No.6560463 [DELETED] 

Welp. I'm hunting you down now. You can have a cupcake in exchange.

If it were up to them, they'd be 8 hour dances. Saturday >>>>>>>> Friday rave though. Be prepared for hot and sweaty.

>> No.6560464

I've lived here and I don't understand why people always rave about Schmidt's and their cream puffs. People seriously will only mention cream puffs when talking about them.
It's a cream puff.

>> No.6560469

But a fucking great creampuff.
Nothing would make me happier then getting a cupcake from a stranger in exchange for an alcoholic drink at an anime convention.

>> No.6560466

I'm sure you have.

>> No.6560467

That is really cool! I've got a soft spot for Resident Evil (hence the cosplay choice). Billy is one of my favorites.

>> No.6560471

I'm sure they'll have another huge photoshoot, get it on that shit!

>> No.6560480

I might have to.
I just want to find someone cosplaying Rebecca so I can say "been fantasizing about me, have you?" lol

>> No.6560484

Last year I saw at least 5 Rebeccas so I'm sure you'll have good luck

>> No.6560509

Last year was horrific.
This year, provided my shit comes in by tomorrow, I'll be going as Mr. Foster.

It'll be my first time cosplaying and there are some gratuitous inconsistencies (suit not pinstriped, tie is all blue instead of blue/dark blue striped) but it was last minute so eh.

>> No.6560549

That's good news.

>> No.6560550

Just try and have a good time regardless if there was a setback homie

>> No.6560554

That's the plan, mate.

>> No.6560596

Well if you're old enough I'll buy you a beer.

>> No.6560631

>go to pick up badges
>stereotypical weebs and neckbeards
>the bad kind
That kind of con I see...

>> No.6560635

I'll hold you to it.

>> No.6560671

Well everyone, looking forward to seeing you possibly tomorrow but if not for sure Saturday in my green man suit. My plan is to buy all of you some alcohol, all of us have a great time as well as have a good one with my friends that'll be with me. And throw a volleyball at a strangers face.

See you fools there.

>> No.6560688

Hell Yes! Looking forward to it.

>> No.6560696


Costume plans:
Friday: Harry Potter
Saturday: Kotetsu (T&B Kotets)
Sunday: Rigby gijinka

If you see multiple ones I'll be the little Mexican one.

>> No.6560849 [DELETED] 

I'm dressing up in lolita fashion on Saturday.


>> No.6560878

I'll be wearing my BTSSB Versailles Rose Bouquet JSK on Saturday.


>> No.6560900

I'm going as Ron (ginger costumes are hard to do)

I'm taking pics tomorrow. Do you have pics of yourself? Maybe we could get a cgl meetup

>> No.6560927
File: 243 KB, 1000x1000, battosai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Battosai will be there.

>> No.6560941

Friday me and my gf are going as the hunter and the witch from L4D.
We will be with 2 friends, idk if they're cosplaying or not, its their first con.
Sat we will be going as Rainbow dash and some thing that kinda resembles Noface but I couldnt find all the right stuff for it in time.

Any parties, 420 friendly people, or alcohol enthusiasts? We have quite a bit of liquor and goods for this.

>> No.6561487 [DELETED] 

Tonight, 9 pm, Hyatt Bar. See you chucklefucks there~

>> No.6561492 [DELETED] 

Hotel worker reporting, if you fucks don't tip, you're on the "list"

If you're on the list, you'll see what that means come sun

>> No.6561496

hotel worker reporting, if any of you fucks don't tip, you're on the "list"

come sun. checkout you'll find out what that means

don't be a jerk, tip your server/bellman/valet

>> No.6561535

because it's the best fucking cream puff money can buy. Also, everything else there is awesome including the beer.

>> No.6561563

stop working a shitty job if you don't like it

>> No.6561576
File: 734 KB, 474x651, kotetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotets from summer SacAnime tomorrow
Nothing in HP because it's a new one.

But seriously just find the brown Harry Potter. I'll be with slutty Captain America.

Stupid sister's a noob to this cosplay thing.

>> No.6561583

>slutty Captain America.

>> No.6561586

She's 15 and if you come to bed her I'll let you hit on her mostly to film you spaghetting everywhere and when that's done, I'll be dumping paint and bleach on your costume.

>> No.6561588

Don't hit on her, silly boys~

>> No.6561591
File: 225 KB, 700x700, demonz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Battosai The Drink Slayer: A wandering alcoholic whose past is stained with blood. No cup has ever withstood a hit from his reverse blade sip.

>>Cheddar The Biscuit: Red Lobster enthusiast and vagina expert. Legend has it that Based God comes to him for advice on women.

>>Demonz Demonz: His drink mixing techniques are infamous. It is said he created a drink so terrible that it was bad.

>> No.6561611

>I'll let you hit on her mostly to film you
>I'll be dumping paint and bleach on your costume.

>implying I don't regularly pull con sluts and the fact your sister wouldn't be one of them
>implying you're not a manlet and would only be able to reach my shins with your paint despite my 6'4" master race height

>> No.6561615

Are con-girls actually slutty like the stories you guys tell? I've never been to a con.

>> No.6561636

you idiots are the only group we have to worry about. Fuck, even foreigners even tip better than Ohayocon. Skimp on a wig and be a decent human being

>> No.6561655

>implying I would risk jail time for beating up a minor
Also you can be 6'4" all you want but it won't help you.

>> No.6561703 [DELETED] 

Okay, I seem to have lost my seagull appreciation club sign. So I'll probably just have one that says SEAGULL for tonight.

>> No.6561726 [DELETED] 

Also, it's the shittiest sign ever, and a little on the small side. I guess keep an eye out for people with happy birthday hats as well.

>> No.6561742

>These costumes
I miss SDCC

>> No.6561782

Well I woke up and called spencer and they have no body suits in green available.

So no green man apparently...unless any of you know a store that has body suits.

>> No.6561798

Nevermind we're back on track Party Center has them, given it's 49.99, Greenman confirmed to be there all day tomorrow or possibly later tonight, i may make a sign saying /cgl/ or mlp is for autistics to identify myself as the greenman on /cgl/ since i'm more than sure there will be other greenmen.

>> No.6562264

So many Homestucks and fat Vanellope's.

I just saw a Tyler Durden though.

>> No.6562537

I wish all my friends didn't bail, here I am at home. I'd go tonight alone but I don't know anyone and eh.


>> No.6562570

How old are you?

>> No.6562573

22 why.

>> No.6562712

My fucking god. I am a tiny girl, pulled in with my father who goes in to check in. The bellhops/valet car people fucking watch as I pull each piece of luggage out, struggle with it to the door. One guy in the lobby watches as I bring each piece in, LEANING ON A CART. A valet guy asked me to hurry getting my luggage out so he can move the car, never offering to help with my suitcases.

I come in and the guy at the desk asks the bellhop standing there to load up the cart and take it up. The guy doesn't even take all of the fucking luggage, leaves while I'm holding a big bag. I take it upstairs, get in the room. He shows up and opens the door, propping it open with MY FUCKING LAPTOP CASE as a doorstop. He carried the bags to the bed, then stops and looks expectantly at us waiting for a tip.

TD;LR fuck you why would I tip you you useless fuckers.

Also so my god is there a lot of homosucks and terrible cosplay. I think I'm getting too old for cons, I've spent the whole night wandering around, :|ing, judging shitty costumes, now I'm in for the night playing minecraft.

>> No.6562730

haha, fuck the wait staff!
and they wonder why they don't get tipped well

>> No.6562732

That sounds like an awful time, its the one huge perk I have by living 5 minutes away from the convention center, and I mean like a 5 minute walk.

Tomorrow if you seen a green man in a blazer and a hat, with a possible sign saying, "WE R LEEGUN HUEHUEHUE" I'll buy you a beer since that sounded like an awful time.

I didn't go today, I wanted to but no one was wanting to go with me and I'm too anti-social and weird to go alone and mingle.

>> No.6562735


You probably didn't miss much. I'm hanging out alone, none of my con friends could make it. So I had all these plans to make new awesome con friends and instead I just wandered around alone. oh.

>> No.6562738

I remember last year a buddy of mine that was working there decided to make a Safety Dance train right before the rave on Saturday, he had a boombox and everything. It was me and him and a friend of mine dressed in S.T.A.R.S gear and after 2-3 minutes it was this massive congo line of people, then some neckbeard working there too chased him down and screamed at him saying you can't form lines or mass dances at the con and I believe he got fired.

tl;dr: not only are hotel workers pricks come Ohayocon but the staff itself for the majority are pricks.

>> No.6562739

did you say anything
because seriously
that needs a few words

>> No.6562742

Well tomorrow approach me since I have no idea what youre cosplay as, I'll be the greenman in a suit with 3 friends. Drinks on me, it's always nice to make a new friend.

I've literally never met a single person from 4chan let alone /cgl/ so hopefully tomorrow you aren't the only one I chat it up with and such.

>> No.6562795

the neckbeards might not be AS bad as the typical neckbeards

this is the midwest, remember

>> No.6562798

u sure ur getting too old

>> No.6562799

why you sagin.

>> No.6562816

Ah yes, Female Kickass, Persian Zelda, and Toast girl. Some of my favorite characters.

>> No.6562824


My family's been going to cons for six years now, together, and we've been cosplaying together for two years. Three generations of us. I have a supportive family, jelly?

I mean, I'm in my twenties. Not that old really, but it really feels like I'm surrounded by 13 year old girls and 16 year old boys trying to bang 13 year old girls. Maybe I'm just not social enough, but I feel like I'm getting old and crotchety.

>> No.6562831
File: 308 KB, 1280x853, beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few pics

Here's Fairly odd parents and code lyoko

>> No.6562834
File: 324 KB, 1280x853, Resident evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The executioner from RE5

>> No.6562835
File: 394 KB, 500x667, Mr. what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Tardis

>> No.6562837
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x1714, I couldn't even tell it was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 63 Tony Stark

That's it

>> No.6562846

Also 9/10 god damn.

>> No.6562842

I'm jelly. I wish friends and family would be supportive of at least one thing instead of making comments about me being quiet and reserved.

>> No.6562844


>> No.6562848


my friends*

one thing I do*

>> No.6562853

You sound like me. I don't know anyone to cosplay with, and for years I've been telling myself I should just go. Never do, though.

>> No.6562861
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1440, Professor why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. who cosplayers everywhere

>> No.6562860

So you aren't going tomorrow or sunday?

You really should, shit I'll hang out with you with my small small group of my girlfriend and two friends, one of which doesn't know a thing about anime or video games and is just being tug along by his girlfriend.

I'll honestly spend most of my time either at the bar or walking around staring at people within my mask of green. hueheuh

Seriously, it looks like you really want to, don't not do it out of fear. You'll regret it.

I wish I could take my own advice sometimes lol

>> No.6562867

Last year they had an entire Dr. Who shoot from each generation and shit. Not an interest of mine but it was interesting to see like 40 people in a line in brown ass suits.

>> No.6562870

haha, that lonely neckbeard in the background, poor guy

>> No.6562874
File: 69 KB, 500x375, Holy fucking shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to guess what this is from

>> No.6562882

the filename made me giggle. but im gonna just take a dumb guess and say duke nukem

>> No.6562884

Mediocre rave.
I'm buying black booty shorts and gogo shit make a rave Kotetsu for it tomorrow though.
I need something to do at night

>> No.6562888

If it was your first time Friday is always a lame rave, Saturday is the better one by far, each year i've gone it's been a damn good time Saturday night.

>> No.6562889

Lt. Surge?

>> No.6562885

neckbeard is sitting with a Derpy cosplayer actually.

I thought I might go to a MLP panel tomorrow, I brought some customs I've made, but Ohayocon gave them some terrible times. Like 10am on Friday or whatever, and then against Anime Hell? There are like five different MLP panels and they're all scheduled during other important events. I'm not sure if I'm pleased, amused, or annoyed. This pony thing is kind of crazy though, shit. I have seen so many bad MLP cosplays. And there's a booth in the dealers room selling G3s that have to be dragged in from goodwill- nasty used, dirty toys, for top dollar. Jesus.

There is a LOT of Who. I think what bothers me most is, why the hell is the Doctor hugging a Dalek? Nevermind that. Greenman, I'll try to say hello! No drinks for me, but you seem pretty cool. :)

>> No.6562891

Thanks bud, you seem alright too, I'll see ya tomorrow if I see ya!

>> No.6562893

Look closely at his necklace

What was in the "big 3" of cosplay before Homestuck/MLP/whatever

>> No.6562895
File: 307 KB, 1280x960, spooky boogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pile of trash

>> No.6562903

I've only been to Ohayocon since 2010 so the big 3 hasn't really changed. As for big three that is enjoyed, A LOT of people cosplay as Resident Evil, last year I went as a STARS member and the photoshoot was massive, i'm sure you can find an old picture of it from last year, there was atleast 100 people on the stairs all together.

>> No.6562906

OH. Naruto has been a huge thing and One Piece as well.

>> No.6562911

It's Germany from Hetalia

>> No.6562917
File: 78 KB, 500x375, These feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon Petrikov

>> No.6562923

My friends says it looks like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer not Hetalia or whatever I googled that and holy shit he isn't even remotely close.

>> No.6562941
File: 304 KB, 1280x960, Adventure tales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finn and Jake

>> No.6562948


>> No.6563002

Watching people in the game room now. Lol I'm such a nerd gamer gurl

>> No.6563005

dont hit on me silly boys.

>> No.6563037

how late does this shit go? I've never been to a con before.

>> No.6563051


>> No.6563184

first day over, needs more pics

see you guys at the bar meetup at 9pm? unless there's another one sooner than that.

met a lot of awesome people tonight (i was in an snsd sweater and a long "wedding" dress before that if anyone remembers me!) and now i'm sad i didn't get numbers or anything like that :(

>> No.6563624

Dude there's panels running tonight until 4am
The game store in the hotel is open 24/7 all con.
That's pretty neat.

>> No.6563637

Greenman I'm gonna buy YOU a drink!

>> No.6563688

That made my morning, I'll be there at 4 with my girlfriend and two friends, and will be staying till probably whenever the rave slows down and shit.
9pm at the bar? I can meet you guys there. I'm real excited to meet atleast ONE person from 4chan let alone /cgl/ so I'm more than stoked for today.

>> No.6563702

Also there's only one bar in the Hyatt right?
I'm still meh about going.

No offense but I'm not in the Northeastern(ish) scene.

>> No.6563707

From my knowledge theres only one bar yeah. And what do you mean by North Eastern scene?

>> No.6563717

I'm from the SoCal area and am used to my people.
I don't know any of you.

>> No.6563718

Also if I go to a con with my sister again I'm not sharing a room.

Bitch hogs the bathroom so fucking much.

>> No.6563735


>> No.6563738

I mean thats understandable. Cali to Ohio is one hell of a change. WE COUNTRY FOLK DOWN HERE HYUK HYUK. But make new friends! Shit that's what I'm all about today in a few hours when I go in my green suit and blazer and dress pants. AND I'm pretty anti-social but what the hell, I've been wanting to socialize and talk to some people on 4chan or /cg/ for like 2-3 years now.

>> No.6563773

I bought some posterboard and a paint stick for a handle to make a sign. What should it say? I'm torn between a few things, one being "WE R LEEGUN HUEHUEHUE"

Any other suggestions?

>> No.6563774

Jesus christ, please don't do this.

>> No.6563780

I thought it was a funny idea, why not? And what do you suggest? I got like 2 hours till my friends get here for us to walk down there.

>> No.6563859

Its not funny. ANY 4chan faggotry is not funny.

>> No.6563861

Someone seems a little upset.

>> No.6563867

What do you suggest then, I'm not creative, I need a funny sign with my outfit and I got an hour left.

>> No.6563868

Yeah, that's it, put "U MAD?" on the back for all the people making fun of you. Then when they call you a retard, tell them you were only pretending.

>> No.6563870

I actually love that idea.

>> No.6563872

You seem upset.

>> No.6563871

you would

>> No.6563874

I think on the front of the sign I'll put, "/cgl/ told me to write umad."

and on the back something else.

>> No.6563880

Ooho! Or I could write,
What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true.

You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist.

Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now, lad.

ALL on my sign.

>> No.6563912

It's been decided, I will be in a green morph suit with a blazer, dress pants, dress shoes, and a newspaper boy hat, holding up a sign that reads. "WE R LEEGUN, le problem?"

Just to make a few of you upset with your whole rules 1 and 2 bullshit.

Still buying people beer if they lemme know theyre from /cgl/

drinks on me, lets get fucked up tonight.

See you guys there in an hour or so

>> No.6563936

are you 10?
it's not about DA RULES it's about not being a faggot
i bet you were that guy walking around with a troll mask on yesterday

>> No.6563944

I didn't go yesterday, and you seem mighty butt hurt. Hopefully you see my walking around today lmao.

>> No.6563947

And I hardly see how making fun of 4chan automatically makes me a faggot.

But to each it's own

>> No.6563949

you seem like youre an eight year old that has to show that hes from the mighty 4chan seekret club

if i wanted to go to a /b/ meet up id go to a church of scientology.

>> No.6563953

>making fun of
>what youre doing

>> No.6563954

But you're not getting it, I'm making fun of 4chan, not being proud that I'm from 4chan, I hardly ever go to this site. I'm poking fun at the whole We are legion, we do not forgive or forget bullshit, it's funny to me.

You're a grumpy man.

>> No.6563955

Hey if making fun of a website makes me a faggot and makes you all pissed off then I'm a proud faggot.

>> No.6563961

You REALLY don't know how retarded and edgy /b/-tard you're going to make yourself out to be do you?

You won't be making fun of shit, you're going to just gather a bunch of meme-spouting kids.

And again - signs aren't allowed unless it's an actual prop.

>> No.6563964

I could careless how I look towards others, I'm simply going and making fun of 4chan and it's super edgy anonymity. And if by doing that it upsets a handful of people then even better.

>> No.6563969

And if I can't have signs I'll just go in the attire I've already described earlier and have a fun time regardless.

>> No.6564009
File: 381 KB, 500x667, We spiderman now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564011
File: 904 KB, 1148x1920, Daft Punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vinyl Scratch

>> No.6564015
File: 679 KB, 648x881, Holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564035

You're free to do what you want - no one's "upset" - just be aware that you will look dumb and your insistence on doing it even though it isnt funny no matter how you look at it makes you look silly - in a cringe-worthy, secondhand embarassment sort of way, not an endearing way.

>> No.6564040

Well I decided to have no sign and rather just be green man from Always Sunny.

>> No.6564250 [DELETED] 

Neat. I'ma hunt you down tonight. I thought I saw you yesterday at the bar. I was gonna give you a cupcake, but I wasn't sure.
I'm wearing a NERV baseball shirt tonight, now that all my cosplay things are over. I'll be at the Hyatt bar tonight for a bit, join me for drinks.

>> No.6564254

Neat. I'ma hunt you down, and we'll drink. I swore I saw you last night, but I wasn't sure.
I'll be at the Hyatt bar with a Zelda backpack and and NERV baseball shirt, if anyone else wants to chill and drink.

>> No.6564275

I'll be there.

>> No.6564307


>> No.6564318

shes fat

>> No.6564325

I'm entirely okay with that.

>> No.6564435

greenman how old are you?

because you seriously dont sound like youre old enough to drink

>> No.6564525


He doesn't look like he's old enough to drink either.

>> No.6564548

I would have left for the meet up earlier but Iron Man 2 was on.

>> No.6564552

Also where the fuck are you nigs? I thought a zentai suit would be easy to spot but I'm not seeing one.

>> No.6564733


greenman left hours ago, unless he came back. I was hanging out for a little while but my ankles are bleeding from the boots I was wearing. I'm not nearly awake enough to get nearly drunk enough for con nightlife.

>> No.6564739

So where are the pics from today?

>> No.6564745

I was there for 10 minutes then went down to the gaming room. Going to the midnight madness dub panel the the hentai reading out loud.

I wanna do bronies late night just to see the atrocities.

>> No.6564853

It's kinda terrible I'd rather be on here than go do anything downstairs in the con.
Also I have been doing a shitty job taking pictures of cosplay, but I'll look into taking more tomorrow!

>> No.6564884
File: 341 KB, 500x667, pone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564890

>Mfw the line for the hentai reading out loud
Welp. Fuck.

>> No.6564891
File: 852 KB, 1280x1707, LeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many League cosplayers

>> No.6564897
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>> No.6564900
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Majoras Mask

>> No.6564903
File: 909 KB, 1280x1707, daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Peach

>> No.6565040

Ha, that one is awesome!

>> No.6565054


this is also me. Makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one.

>> No.6565196
File: 396 KB, 1280x1027, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565199
File: 657 KB, 1276x1920, blackbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirates of the Carribean

>> No.6565204
File: 613 KB, 1191x1920, gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565372

>buy 6 pack at shop downstairs
>drink at bar upstairs
>threatened with arrest
>waiting in line for panel
>people are tired, sit down
Security at Ohayo is, from what I gather, a bunch of cunts.

Also, hey, Chloe or Cleo I don't remember which with the septum, get a hold of me. You were cute.

>> No.6565385

Ohayocon in general is operated by a bunch of dumb dildos. There was a line for Best & Worst of 2012 in Union C-D, and a Type-Moon panel my friend and I wanted to go to in Union A-B. The line ended before Union A-B, and we asked a staffer who said the line was for Best & Worst. So we're waiting for it to open up and some other staffer comes and says that no, this line is for A-B, and that tiny one right there is for C-D. This led us on a god damn hunt for the end of the line, which hopped across a hallway, before we just decided to give up and stand around. Then another staffer came by to confirm that this line was for Union C-D. So we finally make our way past the line that was never for our panel, only for that second staffer to try and send us to the line we never wanted to be in. So frustrated.

>> No.6565398

And I never found Greenman.

>> No.6565399

Well I ran into one /cgl/ dude, spent the majority of my time in some fucking hotel room with people i didnt know that well because a friend knew them. Rave was great, I was there from around 4pm to just now got home. All in all good time, I may go up tomorrow, anyone else gonna be there?

>> No.6565401

he seemed like a faggot anyway

>> No.6565403

22 silly guys.

>> No.6565404

awh youre cute. getting all rustled over some stranger.

>> No.6565410

oh hes fresh to being an adult.
that explains it.

>> No.6565412

Yeah I'm only 22, not some old guy on a internet pedestal like you mr. edgy rofl.

its a shame i only met one of you /cgl/ guys, you all seem like a fun bunch.

>> No.6565415

actually after seeing how douchy you are i decided to skip the meet up

i'm sure i'm not the only one.

i asked other people to see if you were acting like a faggot make sure it wasn't just me and the general consensus is that you're a faggot. who should stay on /b/

>> No.6565418

Oh man and I was really looking forward to the meet up, well drats. I guess I got shoo'd out by you cool cat. But I'm glad you skipped something just based off me and my opinions that arent up to your standards lmao.

stay mad bud

>> No.6565421

>looking forward to the meetup
which is totes why you ducked out on it right?

>> No.6565425

are you really upset? and i wasn't told where the meeting was. You're really mad aren't you?

You've completed my entire night sir. Getting all riled up towards someone on the internet lmao.

>> No.6565426

Also learn to sarcasm

>> No.6565428


[ ] Not told
[x] Told
[X] Cash4told.com
[X] Battletolds
[X] No country for Told men
[X] Knights of the Told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm
[X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon
[x] Assassin’s Creed: Tolderhood
[x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl
[x] Batman: Brave and the Told
[X] Adventure Told
[x] Pokemon Told and Silver
[X] Quantold of Solace
[X] Toldfinger
[X] The Man With The Tolden Gun
[X] The Spy Who Told Me
[X] Dr. Told
[X] Thundertold
[X] Win, Lose, or Told
[X] License to be Told
[X] ToldenEye
[X] The World is not Told Enough
[X] OctoTold
[X] From Told With Love
[X] You're Only Told Twice
[X] Told Another Day
[X] SkyTold
[X] Toldraker
[X] On Her Majesty's Told Service
[X] Telling is Forever
[X] The Living Toldlights
[X] A View to a Telling
[X] Told Never Dies
[X] For Your Told Only
[X] Casino Roytold
[x] The Brave Little Toldster

>> No.6565430

>wasn't told where it was
>tried to set up meeting
>it was posted several times over a number of days
>in this thread

>> No.6565433

>Oh man and I was really looking forward to the meet up, well drats
>Not seeing the clear sarcasm.


Well again, I'm glad I riled a few of you autistics up with my text on a website but I got to get some rest. See you guys next year ;)

>> No.6565444

You might even be able to act like an adult by then.

>> No.6565762
File: 31 KB, 926x572, 1343516611978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is mine and my girlfriends first convention and first time cosplaying
>tfw people wanted pictures of or with me and my girlfriend

On a side note, fuck those panels being so god damn late. AND they delayed the rave by 2 hours so I couldn't go. Saw two panels yesterday out of the 10 or so i circled, only liked one of them. Some guy making music on a gameboy. It was pretty damn awesome. I was also in the bioshock photoshoot a little bit, made me feel 2kool4skool. All the homestuck people can be pretty annoying too, that is when they are all in groups screaming.

>> No.6565814
File: 1.25 MB, 1199x1116, winter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Guy wants to loosely plan a meet-up
>>Offers to buy people drinks just because
>>People call him a huge faggot who isn't cool enough for school

I rarely come to cgl but holy shit you guys are assholes of the highest order.

>> No.6565925


I was going to stick around for it too. But all I saw was a half dressed greenman hopping around with some others. They looked pretty underaged, so I ditched too. Cause that's what my con needs, underaged /b/ drinking. 2kewl4skewl

>> No.6566001 [DELETED] 

Ohayocon was merely adequate.

It doesn't have the best cosplay or the best layout for a con. Seriously I was all Animed out this weekend by Saturday and accomplished what I wanted to. I need to find a better petticoat cause my English Charms one is still running down my Kidsyoyo and below my JSK one even after repairing the former. I did get some compliments with the tights I bought at Forever 21 as the socks and tights combo didn't make my legs feel naked.

Pic related. That's me with Cinderella.

>> No.6566007
File: 136 KB, 480x640, photo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohayocon was merely adequate.

It doesn't have the best cosplay or the best layout for a con. Seriously I was all Animed out this weekend by Saturday and accomplished what I wanted to. I need to find a better petticoat cause my English Charms one is still running down my Kidsyoyo and below my JSK one even after repairing the former. I did get some compliments with the tights I bought at Forever 21 as the socks and tights combo didn't make my legs feel naked.

Pic related. That's me with Cinderella.

>> No.6566015

you look purdee

>> No.6566058

New thread:

>> No.6566420

If its shitalia then thats prob Germany

>> No.6566984

Does anyone have a image of his Archer cosplay? It was really well done!

>> No.6567633

>guy acts like a /b/ tard
>wants to bring a sign filled with memes
>wonder why no one wants to be associated with that
Fuck off green man