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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6512189 No.6512189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/, please explain to me why ever trip user and their mum are suddenly wanting to cosplay from eiyuu senki.

I wouldn't have such a problem with it if it wasn't for it being a hentai game in japanese only.

Why would you cosplay from something you don't even know what they're saying, or anything about the character (other than the small, translated bio)?

>> No.6512194


Why do you care? If they put the effort in and look good, isn't that enough?

>> No.6512199

eiyuu senki has characters with unique outfits that require a moderate amount of skill to produce (for the most part)
Perfect way to show off your skill
>and your body

>> No.6512201

People cosplay from shit because they like the costume design. People haven't cosplayed out of genuine fandom since 2001.

People also have a tendancy to have the monkey see, monkey do mentality. If a cosplayer sees another cosplayer do an impressive cosplay of a certain character, they want to do it too. Especially women, who already try to compete with each other for attention.

>> No.6512204

But couldn't they have put effort into something else they they actually like?

I understand people like designs and want to cosplay them, but they could at least wait until the game is fully translated.

It just seems ever since Angela did her Napoleon and Vlad, everyone has been jumping to cosplay from it.

>> No.6512205

lol at the CGL tripfag Cammy situation.

>> No.6512202

Do you even Rance?

>> No.6512210


> People haven't cosplayed out of genuine fandom since 2001

What about Homosteak cosplayers?
But do they even really count?

>> No.6512216

Most homestuck cosplayers just cosplay from it because it's the new social fad and most costumes are easy to do.

>> No.6512255

We've had Eiyuu Senki threads since it was announced, and Oyari Ashito has a pretty strong following.

But clearly women are too busy being sluts and bleeding everywhere to actually like anything. They have very busy schedules.

>> No.6512256

^pretty much this, well for teh most part.

The really good cosplays usually have a lot of effort put into them, and are 100% handmade.
Where most of the other ones are just things the found in the closet, and a shirt they bought online.

But they are one of the few fandom who do actually cosplay the characters they like. I'd say it's like a 40:60 split.

>> No.6512288


If I understand correctly, you're mad because they saw a design they liked in a partially translated game and decided to cosplay it before everyone else did.

I'm still not seeing the problem here.

>> No.6512527

The designs attracted me to the game in the first place, but I really did enjoy playing it. I've played several Rance games and liked them a lot too.

I feel like the people that say "It's in japanese you obviously haven't played it" have never touched visual novels before. People play untranslated games ALL THE TIME with ITH and AGTH you can get it up to translate into engrish. It's a pain in the ass but you can get the jist of it.

Plus, there is a decent patch out for it now.

As for the fact it's a hentai game...yes it is, but the scenes are short and not a major aspect of the game. 80% of it is battling and character background.

I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I put the effort into that costume because I loved the design, game, and the characters. I would never ever cosplay something without playing/reading the source material.

>> No.6512591

You forgot about men. Unless they're really fit and looking to go as shirtless characters, they're gonna cosplay from stuff they like.

However they usually make poorer outfits when compared to women.

>> No.6512611

Everything I have cosplayed so far has been from a series I have been obsessed with.

>> No.6512616

>men sewing

Go back to the garage.

>> No.6512638

Because cosplaying from a hentai game practically screams "HEY BOYS, I'M DTF" and so they can get shit tons of attention from all the dirty old men and neck beards who will take their picture to jack off to later.
Like this underage skank >>6512527

>> No.6512654

No. That is what people like yourself want to think. That thought brings some of your fantasy's to life i'm sure, sucks that it isn't true.

I worked hard on my costumes and cosplayed characters I like from a game I adore. Just because the source material has nudity and sex scenes does not make me a promiscuous person. Saying that is like saying I’m a psychopathic murder because I cosplayed from higurashi. (Spoiler; I’m also not a galactic songstress, and I don’t even fight with mechs on a regular basis)

If I wanted people to sit around and masturbate to photos of me I wouldn't have spent 2 months slaving away on a costume that covers 90% of my body.

Just because you dress up as a character doesn't mean you share their morals.

>> No.6512709

Oh, hey, it's the anon that claimed they "called it" in the future costumes thread. I'd make my own response, but this >>6512527 plus all the juicy sarcasm of this >>6512255 pretty much cover any response I'd have. Are Queen's Blade cosplayers usually bitched at this much? Or are people just not allowed to enjoy a little poorly-translated RPG with an erotic twist on historical figures? Yeah, some people are going to cosplay from it for the attention, and some because they like it. But considering the number of Eiyuu Senki cosplays is still in the single digits when it's been out for a year, I think it's a little early to start whining about it.

>> No.6512724

If I remember correctly, it was because this one underage girl (Angela, I think?) cosplayed from it, showing her juicy jailbait butt to everyone so it was a huge success and now every other local attention whore wants to be like her.

It's quite pitiful, really. A lot of those girls used to try verrrrrrrrrrrry hard to convince the world that they cosplay to express their love for the characters, and not the cocks and attention, and then they dress up as skimpy fetishized sexual objects from a game that was meant for lonely deranged neckbeards / pedos who never had sex.

>> No.6512728

>Just because the source material has nudity and sex scenes does not make me a promiscuous person.
True, you've always been a little slut that needed male attention to compensate for her low self-esteem. Bet you made mama proud.

>If I wanted people to sit around and masturbate to photos of me I wouldn't have spent 2 months slaving away on a costume that covers 90% of my body.
Which is why you made the skirt extra short. Guys need to see some of dat skin, right.

>Just because you dress up as a character doesn't mean you share their morals.
Except the character got no morals. Her only purpose is to be masturbated to by disgusting people.

>> No.6512734

Why does every man interested in sexy women have to be a "dirty old man" or a "neckbeard"?

The reason why such cosplays are so popular is because ALL men like that.

>> No.6512744

Because the good looking ones are too busy fucking 9 and 10/10s. Skankgela, with all make up on, is a 6/10 tops (which is also why she has to dress like chars from porn games) so she can't get the hunks to fuck her, so that means it's dirty old men & neckbeard pedos for her. Bloo bloo.

>> No.6512747

I got news for you: those good-looking guys in question jerk off to pictures of hot chicks too.

>> No.6512749

Nope, they can't jerk off to 6/10s when their dicks are too busy being flaccid from ejaculating into multiple easy pussies.

>> No.6512813

I don't understand

>> No.6512818

Because cgl as a whole cosplays characters for attention

>> No.6512837
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oh god this thread

Angela is an great cosplayer, she makes amazing costumes and is very cute as well, you people are just mad because you'll never do anything as impressive as her. Also who cares if it's a hentai game?

You ugly whales need to put down the jelly and go back to your shitty homestuck cosplays.

>> No.6512841

And the winner of the Most Obvious Dropped Trip goes to...

>> No.6512846

Am I a girl now? That's new.

>> No.6512852

You know she's not going to put out for a fatty neckbeard just because he whiteknights her on the Internet, right? Especially when it's obvious he's desperate for pussy.

>> No.6513113

Angela, aren't you like, 16?

>> No.6513116

Haha I'm sort of part of that, because they first "called it" in the Katsucon thread when I said I wanted to cosplay from it. But its sorta what I said before. It's been out for almost a year now...and it really hasn't picked up cosplay wise. I doubt many people really will pick it up because of the difficulty level in the costume.

>> No.6513118

I actually had no problem with Angela till I found out she was underage. That being my only issue with her.

My issue with eiyuu senki arises from more trips wanting to cosplay it. It seems that everyone is just bandwagoning now

>> No.6513126
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Even the ones that people try to make themselves look like shit, case in point.

>> No.6513130


Angela already said she hates you virgin males so stop trying to impress her.

>> No.6513140

Old enough to show her juicy juicy butt around;)

At least that way guys won't notice her Toot Braunstein face.

>> No.6513309

Where did all this Angela hate come from? I for one don't give a shit if she's underaged, she's talented and an actual good tripfag. Why do you dumb cunts always have to chase away good trips?

>> No.6513335

You're not a good trip Angela. Sluts have never been welcomed here.

>> No.6513336
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Anyone that makes their self obvious will receive hate. It's simply the nature of things. You can't hate anonymous.

Tripping out again to show you what I mean.

>> No.6513350

I would also like to add that's it's refreshing not having to see the same Cammy/Black Cat/Poison/ Black Widow/ Yoko/ insert more attention whore cosplay trend, in a damn progress thread. Yes I'm mad.

>> No.6513359

Are you new or something? There is a way to check from samefagging you dumb cunt.

>> No.6513363

You're hated for being a pedophile who tried to turn /cgl/ into cancer (and failed hard - WHERE IS YOUR "PRINCESS" AMAI NOW, EH?).

Angela is just a slut.

>> No.6513393

>tried to turn /cgl/ into cancer

Hey, have you guys heard of this living doll girl, I think her name was kotex?

>> No.6513428
File: 34 KB, 480x330, kotex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh hurr she is

>> No.6513592


What's the best?

>> No.6513629

I will admit that I became curious about Eiyuu Senki after seeing Angela's progress. I was blown away by her skill and craftsmanship and I decided to check out the series because I, too, wanted to challenge my own skills. After much debating, I settled on Joanne d'arc, because her dress is super cute and because it was a more modest outfit.
I do intend to play the game soon. I have a huge soft sport for history and historical fiction and I'm really excited to play it.
>tl;dr Angela is a talented sweetie and history is cool

>> No.6513625

lol oh god you're so pathetic.

>> No.6513632

says the malevirgin who can't get laid because he's fat + neckbeard :/

>> No.6513639

Says the ugly landwhale filled with Vendetta. Anon we could go on all day, but I will never be a male nor will I be fat. You will always have a sad vendetta for cosplayers who are more talented than yourself.

>> No.6513642
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hope you enjoy seeing history having their brains fucked out

>> No.6513647

Unfortunatly no. That being said, I've learned to just awkwardly skip over it from when I played Katawa Shoujo because I was curious about all the hype. I ended up liking some of the plot.
Aaaaaand that awkward moment when some of the best references from the game are durring the sex scenes.

>> No.6513665

yeah, girls definitely play this game for... the storyline... and... uhhh

>> No.6513668
File: 628 KB, 850x478, sample_a4de09229faafc651442908af8da9acb99b0b662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then riddle me this

if you feel awkward about watching hentai scenes, then why would you cosplay from a hentai game? sure, the game has fighting in it, but what do you think the target audience really plays it for?

if you feel uncomfortable about it, then why cosplay from something when you know males, and even some female fans, will have this in mind when they see you?

>> No.6513670

She's not actually uncomfortable about the sex. She's just saying what she thinks she's supposed to say. Probably has a different guy every week.

>> No.6513675

If you knew me irl you would think its pretty funny since it couldn't be farther from the truth.
I see your point and it's something I have grappled with before. I enjoy the sewing and crafting part if cosplay the most. Jeanne's design requires a lot if techniques that I'm good at and a lot I would like to learn. The attention like that does make me uncomfortable but I just really REALLY want to make that outfit.

>> No.6513676

This is fucking retarded to me. I'm a female and I love H, VN and EroG so cosplaying from this wouldn't bother me (I don't want to regardless). Why would a female who can barely stomach sex scenes cosplay something from a series pretty much based around that fact? Sure there are characters and plot, but those are only there to supplement the porn. 90% of the people who know your canon sure don't mind it and will expect you to like it too. It doesn't mean you're a slut or pervert, you can like adult oriented stuff without being promiscuous.

It just means you are going to end up making some people feel very awkward and uncomfortable and falsely advertising your interests. Its like wearing a sports jersey because you think the players are hot and like the clothing but hate sports. HI I'M WEARING A SOCCER JERSEY BUT THE ACTUAL SPORT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE I ONLY WATCH IT FOR THE PLAYERS.

>> No.6513683

Along the same vein girls or guys who cosplay sexy or extremely attention grabbing outfits who can't handle and supposedly don't like attention are ridiculous to me too. What the hell do you expect? When I wear a bikini at a con I'm not shocked and appalled by the fact guys are looking at me, nor am I scandalized when wearing a huge dress that I get stopped every five feet for photos. If you dress up from a hentai game expect people to think you like hentai games. No one is at fault for that 'misconception' except you. Also, if you actually LIKE Hgames and are just trying to act moe and innocent please stop. Its alright for women to like porn too. It's almost 2013. Promise.

>> No.6513684
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>> No.6513686

>ut what do you think the target audience really plays it for?
Let's see, I could invest hours into getting these very short and individual cutscenes, OR I could just download them. Nah, I think I'll waste hours since I obviously only want to see the pussy.

I'm a guy and I play it because I liked the strategy element (like Rance, but rance was more stale) and because I like the idea of the characters, if I wanted to jerk off to porn I wouldn't work for it.

>> No.6513693

The fuck did you say bitch? Eiyuu S-hit was unplayable puke compared to Sengoku "one of the best TBSes in years" Rance.

>> No.6513700

If you were playing Eiyuu for the game element you must be easy to please. Also, this sort of attitude toward VN and Hgames puts you in the minority for sure. Lots of people require mental as well as physical stimulation to get off, and the tease is what makes the reveal better. If looking at porn was all people wanted they wouldn't write H-doujin or make games like this.

>> No.6513706
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How long before people cosplay from this?

>> No.6513711

What is it exactly?

All I can tell is it's based off of the chinese military.

>> No.6513716

looks like that moe'ified history book

the one where hitler is a little artist girl and mao is a cute little chinese bishoujo.

>> No.6513714

chairman mao-chan I think.

>> No.6513718

they moe'ified hitler and mao

the world is truly coming to an end

watch as the hetaweebs cosplay it poorly

>> No.6513721

"Talent" is just about the only thing Angela has gong for her. And all the other trips are so eager to suck her dick because she's not as cancerous as shit trips like tenlied who paint a bat on a suit and call it "handmade", that they forget she's an underage attention whore
>willing to look the other way when it's discovered she's underage
> willing to look the other way when said underage girl wears hooker platform heels in EVERY progress picture despite being 5'10" so that she'll get comments on her legs
> willing to look the other way when said underage girls cosplays from a porn game (keeping in mind she can't even legally watch porn)
>willing to look the other way when she spends the majority of otakon with her ass hanging out of her skirt
>can't look the way when she "forgets" to alter the hem before the next con, despite having months between them
Call ths haters jelly all,you want, but she didn't get this hated til after her ass made it's second appearance, even though several anons (and,possibly a few trips) called her out the first time (relatively politely, I might add)

>> No.6513727

Have some more jelly, fatty bitch

>> No.6513730

ass pics? I need to see this. the skirt looked short but not THAT short...

>> No.6513774

Are you all seriously convinced i'm a slut because of a COSTUME MALFUNCTION? It was an accident for gods sake! I'm not a promiscuous person at all. And I would never make a costume with the intention of having my ass out there.

The second time I wore the too-short skirt I had shorts on almost all day. They were only off for about an hour when I had a photoshoot and they were showing in the front. But I've said this before and apparently no one cares about the truth.

It's sad that you guys would judge someone so much over a costume malfunction - and nomatter what you say, that's all it was.

I try to be nice and helpful when I post here. I don't contribute to drama and I avoid all off-topic threads. Yet I guess none of that matters when a skirt hem rises up a little bit.

>> No.6513778

>doesn't understand jellyfat will never rest until everyone is pulled down to their level

seriously, you came to 4chan expecting something other than the internet hate machine?

>> No.6513781

Word. Had a costume malfunctiong..robe wouldn't stay closed. Wore shorts instead...chaffed everything. Everything. From my v to my a. I was dry and ..ugh.

Anyway, shit happens.
Ps I'm glad that only a small percentage of cosplayers come to /cgl/.

>> No.6513788

That's unfortunately the truth Angela, no matter how nice, and how helpful one is, seagulls will always find something to hate about someone.
Whether if they're jealous of the person, they simply don't like the person, who the person cosplays, who the affiliate with, their age, etc.

It's a sad, sad, truth.

There could be someone out there who is an absolute angel and have god tier cosplay skills, there will be someone who will hate them.

The idea here Angela, is not everyone is going to like you. I personally myself like you as a cosplayer, because you take on costumes to improve your skill level.

But it's not your problem, its their problem. If people are going to get pissy as something such as a cosplay malfunction, something most cosplayers experience. Then don't even worry about that person.

You're you, and they're them. There's nothing in the world that can change that.

Simply be you, and don't worry about those who will get mad at you for most asinine of things

>> No.6513791

sounds like a whore to me.

eugh. -10/10 wouldnt fap to

>> No.6513794

This Angela. You make some great costumes, and don't worry about what a small majority of vendetta filled bitches have to say about you.

>> No.6513797

>That's unfortunately the truth Angela, no matter how nice, and how helpful one is, seagulls will always find something to hate about someone.

Even worse is that the better your costumes and prettier you are the more venom you'll meet as the resident jellyfat gnashes their teeth over their feelings of inferiority.

>> No.6513812

As someone who just started browsing /cgl/
you guys seriously make fun of a 16 year old girl just because her skirt was a tad short?
hahaha what the FUCK. i know this is 4chan but guys you're being a little pathetic right now.

>> No.6513823

angela is chill. from what i've seen, her and kamui are probably the two most skilled seagulls.

>> No.6513822

>no matter how nice, and how helpful one is, seagulls will always find something to hate about someone.
The sad truth

>every trip user and their mum
i have only seen 1 trip with a finished costume and 1 who's put a costume on her cosplay list, I'm not updated on every tripfag but how is that everyone? (unless I'm forgetting someone)

>> No.6513831

>hope you enjoy seeing history having their brains fucked out

i for one would be very interested in seeing hamilton and jefferson DP george washington

>> No.6513829

Yo angeslut, if I whiteknight you will you let me put it in your ass for free?
Don't worry, I'll pay for the rest of the sex, I know you're a classy lady

>> No.6513830

Ukraine, Meishi, and Katsumiyo are cosplaying from Eiyuu Senki

that's what I think OP is talking about, and knowing the cgl, it going to turn into a bigger dick contest.
Not exactly a Yoko/Cammy/etc dick contest
but I can easily see tenleid or DQ jumping on this if it gets enough attention

>> No.6513837

I don't think they're in that game.

i think the only people from the states in that game is Columbus, Geronimo, and Billy the Kid

>> No.6513842

Don't you mean "Georgia Washington"?

>> No.6513844
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>> No.6513902

Just ignore the attention starved anon and it'll go away.

>> No.6513905

Someone's still mad Angela refused to have sex with him, I see.

>> No.6513909

Keep dodging questions about your age, skankgela.
No one would give you this much shit if you were a run-of-the-mill attention whore that "had a wardrobe malfunction"
People are calling you a slut because you're a 15-16 year old cosplaying from a PORN game. a game that you can't even legally own or watch because you're underage.
People are calling you a slut because you're a 15-16 year old that's walking around conventions with your stripper heels and your ass out for everyone to see.

>> No.6513916

>People are calling you a slut because you're a 15-16 year old cosplaying from a PORN game. a game that you can't even legally own or watch because you're underage.
You know, this is actually a pretty good point, whether you like it or not.

Personally, I'd be more offended by the fact that she cosplayed from a game she hasn't played (it wasn't out back then).

>> No.6513917
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>people cosplaying hentai characters in a non 18+ convention

Uh, why?
I've looked up the characters for this too, and I must say the designs really aren't all that impressive...
It's like dressing up as a character from a porno for Halloween.
What are you people doing?

>> No.6513926

Thank you.

I suppose your right, I should be grateful that the only thing they can find wrong with me is a costume malfunction. Its just getting a bit more difficult to ignore since they are taking it upon themselves to destroy every thread I post in.

That...uh, really sucks. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

Uh...but the game had been out for over a month when I cosplayed from it? And the demo was out for several weeks before I started making the costume.

>> No.6513928

>I've learned to just awkwardly skip over it from when I played Katawa Shoujo because I was curious about all the hype. I ended up liking some of the plot.

lol, just staph. I'd be fine if cosplay girls admitted to having a libido (god forbid) or just LIKING the costumes, not this "i love the plot!!11" and "DEEP characterization" bullshit. It just a charade and this phoniness bothers people on a deep level, judging from the overreactions in this thread.

>> No.6513933

>dodges age shit again
No ones questioning if you played it, they're saying that you are underage cosplaying from a porn game.
It would be the same if you cosplayed from Bible black or some shit

The "malfunction" that lasted for two conventions was the slutty cherry on top of the skank cake.

>> No.6513942

>Personally, I'd be more offended by the fact that she cosplayed from a game she hasn't played (it wasn't out back then).

That sounds like they are questioning it.

I don't answer questions about my age. You have your own assumptions and apparently nobody listens to anything I say, anyway, so it shouldn't matter.

>> No.6513961
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Come on guys, you're on the internet. No one waits until they're 18 to watch porn, this shouldn't be a major point of contention.

Chances are she also had to download it illegally and patch it with a fan-made patch in order to play in the first place, why not bring that up next?

/cgl/ has been talking about this game since... oh god, when it was announced? The number of trips cosplaying from it is both unsurprising and not nearly high enough to warrant making a thread about.

This is so dumb.

>> No.6513978

Oh, you mean where you said your age on your coscom account, then conveniently deleted it when you got called out.

My bad, I thought you were quoting me from >>6513909
But like the age thing, you just avoided that question altogether.

>> No.6513998

It's been 'out' but not on any easily accessible pirate sites. So, not only you were able to comprehend it, you also ordered it from Nippon? Impressive, wouldn't expect to find someone on this board with such profound knowledge of Nipponese that's not a native.

>> No.6514007
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Made me lol hard. Like people actually buy this shit? God, /cgl/ is the most gullible group of people on Earth. No wonder you get trolled so, so, so, so often without even realizing it.

>> No.6514014

Why do you want me to address it when you are so certain? I'm not avoiding it, I've just answered those things before.

As I said, that doesn't make me a slut. Want to know something really obnoxious about me? I saw PG-13 movies when I WASN'T 13. And one time, when I was 14 I saw an R rated movie. And I played Halo 3 and COD when I was under 18. Do those things make me a slut too? If they do, you probably have to define every human being as a slut.

I like high heeled shoes, I've said this before. My daily dress is very casual so I tend to wear interesting/high heeled shoes to dress it up. I suppose this rolls over into cosplay too. And that was a costume malfunction, which is why I wore shorts with the costume the second time around. I've said this before too.

Neither of those things make me a slut. You might want to check the definition of that before you throw the word around.

It was on CraneAnime as of March 30th, same day it was released. I didn't wear the costume until June.

>> No.6514022

So why hasn't anyone posted pictures of Angela's cosplay with her ass sticking out? I'm curious, but I wouldn't want anyone to get banned for posting underage shit.

>> No.6514027

Ugh....ugh I really hope you didn't think that insult was clever. So much second hand embarrassment.

>> No.6514034

So they sold the boxed version of the game there?

>> No.6514037

>And I played Halo 3 and COD when I was under 18.
>I played Halo 3 and COD

>Do those things make me a slut too?
Probably yes, to help me cope with the loss of my loved one.

>> No.6514038

Bystander here; I thought it was funny. Munching my popcorn, please, continue.

>> No.6514042

It's so sad when women slut shame, not that I'm saying Angela is a slut.

>> No.6514044

*not a slut

>> No.6514047


it's not just women you should have seen the douchey guys trying to shame me yesterday when i said it's important how much money a man makes in a thread yesterday and that i could have a boyfriend without being in love with him

>> No.6514057

Of course you do..there's always one..

>> No.6514061

No. Stop. Go to your room. No tv, no dessert, no games, and no phone. Your father will be home shortly to talk to you about your behavior.

>> No.6514059

OMG are you a lolicon? 10/10 waifu material.

>> No.6514063

Those guys were probably just butthurt that certain woman just want men for their money and nothing else.

I do the same except with woman.

>> No.6514065

Robert Lorenzo Bower. Room. Now.

>> No.6514074

we just want what we want
i want a man that takes care of me and lets me have time and money to make my costumes and stay fit and healthy
those same guys that hate on me for wanting what i wouldnt give me time of day if i wasn't thin and pretty

>> No.6514140

sup 'gela

>> No.6514159

Exactly how i feel.

Now i wish we could go back on topic, but this has just become a "lets talk about Angela" thread and nothing more.

>> No.6514203

Well she's part of the problem. No one would want to cosplay it if it weren't for her.

>> No.6514204

>still no pictures as proof

Sorry, but the pics I've seen of Angela's Napoleon are perfectly fine, so this all sounds like a massive vendetta.

>> No.6514259

Start around 2:31 on this video
you can't directly see her butt, but if something were to happen such as her stumbling, walking up stairs, or walking quickly I can see how someone MAY see it.

Then again this is the cgl
They were probably staring at her ass and the few times her skirt may have flopped up they point it out as "omg her ass was out the entire con"

Her skirt is pretty short, but I don't think it was that short.

>> No.6514279

Oh god, dem pantyshots. Gonna masturbate with a force of 1000 suns as soon as I turn it into a gif with her head covered by a black box.

>> No.6514345

all of those pirate/sex puns...

>> No.6514353

the trolling today has been fucking ridiculous

angela you are a lovely person and cosplayer, continue doing what you love and getting better and better.

>> No.6514360

She didn't respond when you were whtieknighting her for pussy earlier, why do you think she would now?

Because I say so, that's why.

>> No.6514364

>whtieknighting her for pussy
not the person you're talking to but what the hell does that mean?

>> No.6514366

Not for nothing, but she had more screen time than any of the girls, even though there were ones with far superior costumes / looks.

Video creator confirmed for pedo/having his cock sucked. (As if it wasn't obvious from the sexist song choice already.)

>> No.6514368

>doesn't know that being nice to a girl gets you laid
Fucking DUH.

>> No.6514376

still better than the A-Kon 2012 video, that was so fucking bad

>> No.6514381

>talks about akon video
>post johnny rebel song

I think I'm missing something or I'm tired

>> No.6514385

oh shit, wrong ctrl+c


>> No.6514386

Ohhh I see. You didn't get into the video and this is some vendetta? For Real, this is really sad.

>> No.6514388

>gets you laid
in your imagination maybe, but do you really believe that if someone is nice to a girl on here they actually get to have sex with her? (in person)
you must be really delusional

>> No.6514391

God, Angela when tripdropped // her Beta malevirgin followers are extremely obnoxious.

I explicitly stated that some of the girls who are >IN< that video deserved more screentime than her.

Plus, you could tell from the way she was looking at him that she just finished doing some unpleasant sexual favors for him.

>> No.6514395

You are a very sad and lonely individual.

>> No.6514398

Holy shit that was hard to watch

OP here, this thread has been derailed enough. Let's just make this an embarrassing/ hard to watch/ bad con cosplay videos

And I mean cosplay videos like this one or the one posted earlier.

None of that random people running around filmed by weebs shit. I mean the stuff people are trying to pass off as professional.

>> No.6514404

>that Kamina and Yoko

My face couldn't palm any harder.

>> No.6514405

I liked the bit with Ryo and Sakura but the rest was ehhhh.

>> No.6514407

you rang?

>> No.6514410


>> No.6514419

>It's like dressing up as a character from a porno for Halloween.
>What are you people doing?
To show off how independent and strong they are.

>> No.6514421

At least they tell you right of the bat it's gonna be shit.

>> No.6514424

I'm honestly not sure if this is a joke or not

>> No.6514433

I think I just saw that Kasumi cosplayer's vag

>> No.6514434

In related videos:
Is... is Jessica always... like that? I couldn't watch past the first 30 seconds.

>> No.6514438 [DELETED] 

The dancing in this is just so awkward it hurts man. It hurts bad. It's just.... uncomfortable and not fun.

>> No.6514440

Yep, looks like she went commando.

>> No.6514442

The dancing in this is just so awkward it hurts man. It hurts bad. It's just.... uncomfortable and not fun.

>> No.6514443

Oh god she is awkward as fuck

>> No.6514447

Yaya let people into her room to film a cosplay video

while she was still changing

Not the most of Yaya's tits I've seen but holy shit

>> No.6514448

She's not.
I've talked with her a number of times.

>> No.6514450

Let's not dive into that territory. I'd cosplay from Monmusu Quest or Rance or any eroge that I particularly liked because I had fun playing them, enjoyed the porn, or liked the characters. Liking a porn game does not mean you are going to buy 1000 dicks off of Craigslist and suck all of them in one night.

I just wish people would admit that a lot of these porn games are PORN GAMES, games made up of porn, for porn, by people whose intention it was to make porn. That doesn't mean you can only masturbate to them and that it's a terrible dirty secret that no one should know, but pretending it's something it's not is silly.

On a more related note, does anyone have that video of the girl dressed as Ringo from Air Gear dancing? She looks familiar as fuck and the asian(?) guy eyeing her cracks me up every time.

The poor guy toward the end, you can just see the moment of "What have I done?"

>> No.6514451

Is she only awkward when douchelord youtubers interview her?

>> No.6514456

Did someone say tuna melt chan?

>> No.6514457

>hate Yaya
>love sideboob
>dat conflict


>> No.6514460

I guess. Interviewers weren't around when I talked to her.

>> No.6514464

This is the gayest thing ever.
>dance battle
>standing and making poses
>jumping over a guitar case

>> No.6514471

>yaya vs jnig

I would pay so much money to see the real thing

>> No.6514481

Now have some Jnig with no side boob.

>> No.6514484
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, 1306993266997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have so much empathy for and relation to awkward people that I can't even finish watching this

FUck look at them trying to dance god fuck fuck
I don't know if I have a fetish for such buttfuckingly blatant displays of social ineptitude or if I'm just terrified. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE

>> No.6514498


So is every Ohayocon video like this or?

Because I have not heard kind things about that convention.

>> No.6514506

Am I supposed to think this looked fun as heck? Because it looked fun as heck.

>> No.6514733

>not avoiding it.
>still hadn't posted age
Confirmed for wannabe jailbait.

>> No.6514738

Even you have to admit the double moonwalk was pretty badass

>> No.6514743
File: 177 KB, 400x295, 1326437340523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2013
>bitching about Eiyuu Senki but no Idolm@sters Cinderella Girls thread
Never change qq

>> No.6515385

Of course not, it would be a huge loss of money.

>> No.6515430

Oh Meishi. The funny thing is that you're underage too lmao. Aren't you still a junior in hs?

>> No.6515434

So what, no one's going to ban her for it.

>> No.6515446

Well no shit. My point was that she's another underage cosplayer suddenly all into eiyuu senki. It's the cool 16 year old thing to do so leave them alone GOD.

>> No.6515461

>you're on the internet. No one waits until they're 18 to watch porn, this shouldn't be a major point of contention.

everyone knows sixteen year old girls are irreparably corrupted when they see 2d penises entering 2d vaginas. it's almost as if none of you can see the damage feminism is doing to our society and ruining the chance of marrying a glorious virgin waifu. only men can responsibly handle the side affects of playing an h-game, women's minds are simply too weak and have a tendency to break under the game's influence, turning them into rampant cock gobblers.

>> No.6515470

So much delicious mangina/inner female embracee butthurt in this post.

But hey, keep defending her, it will only make her well-ridden jailbait pussy wetter for you, hero :3

>> No.6515477

>3:18, jessica punches yaya in the tata

>> No.6515481

lol i'm just wondering why you dislike her so much

>> No.6515487

Actually, I dislike you, mangina. I know you're the same faggot that shits up every single thread, you never change your posting style. You're never going to stop being a virgin, you know that right?

>> No.6515509

Its ok OP, I have no fucking clue whats going on in this thread.

>> No.6515530 [DELETED] 

goodness gracious. all that mad isn't good for you, anon.

oh and by the way, i'm not a virgin--as i type this, i have three homemade frozen water bottle dildos firmly lodged in every hole.


>> No.6515531

goodness gracious. all that mad isn't good for you, anon.

oh and by the way, i'm not a virgin--as i type this, i have three homemade frozen water bottle dildos firmly lodged in every hole.


>> No.6515606

Didn't I say before there was a way to check for samefagging? God you're an idiot. Must be all that Angela vendetta clogging your brain.

>> No.6515627

I already checked it you moron.


All this came from the same IANA IP.

Feel free to draw your conclusions, everyone.

>> No.6515647

Haha sadly you didn't check correctly because all these posts aren't mine.

>> No.6515651


yeah, no

>> No.6515654

You're doing it again. Stop pls.

>> No.6515672
File: 21 KB, 245x300, sad day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's definitely not me.

i will give a cookie to anyone who can actually find my posts. it really shouldn't be that hard

>> No.6515678

Protip: your IP stays the same even if you post with all lowercase characters.

>> No.6515681

You're an idiot. Not everyone is gonna have the same hate for Angela like you do. So you stop.

>> No.6515682

oh shit are you serious? i had no idea

clearly you're not just fucking retarded and don't know how to track posts

>> No.6515686

Oh rry. If I'm so dumb and incompetent, how do YOU track posts?

>> No.6515690

nigger, did i say i know how to track posts?

besides, in that list you actually missed a good number of my posts that weren't about angela.

>inb4 you go through the entire thread and claim every lower-case comment is mine

>> No.6515692

and lol, you actually missed my post where i complimented her. so, fuck off and fail harder

>> No.6515694

>missed one post
>therefore, I hit every other one
;) nice fail brosky.

I was doing it just by CTRL+F, of course it's not perfect.

>> No.6515701

you're so silly. i had three posts in this thread before i started replying to you, and you only hit one of them.

>> No.6515699

Give up Anon.There's no talking to someone filled with so much vendetta.

>>6515694 I hope you overcome your hate for Angela soon. It's not healthy.

>> No.6515722

You know there's only been about four people posting so far today, and half of them in this thread. If you had at least a bit of intellect, you'd pretend that your alter ego doesn't give a fuck about any of this, but no, that would be too natural/subtle. Instead, both your 'different personas' act like the same faggot that's been whiteknighting every female trip until she herself told him to fuck off since summer.

Maybe you should consider to gtfo?

>> No.6515736

You are wrong because I can't stand most of the female trips here. And I have a vagina. Oh and like dudes. If you really knew how to check for samefagging instead of just blindly assuming that everyone with a different opinion than yourself is the same person than I would think a little better of you. But despite the reputation of /cgl/ not all seagulls hate people who are more talented and get more attention in cosplaying than they do. I'll say it again. You're a dumb cunt, and I'm sure my other "persona" might agree.

>> No.6515748

>If you had at least a bit of intellect, you'd pretend that your alter ego doesn't give a fuck about any of this, but no, that would be too natural/subtle.
if i really wanted to seem convincing, i would wait at least a couple hours between my alter ego posts. and i actually do kind of give a fuck about this thread--angela is a very talented seamstress, i sympathize with her and don't think she deserves all this anger. besides, it would be hard to pretend not to give a fuck if i bothered to waste my time writing a response, dealing with twenty illegible captchas, and having this shitty ass internet connection reset the page every other post.

>the same faggot that's been whiteknighting every female trip until she herself told him to fuck off since summer
you have some terrible subject-verb agreement going on here, you might as well namedrop if you want people to understand what you're saying.....not that i missed this dramu or am interested in hearing it, or anything cray like that

>> No.6515749

Also, if you weren't a complete moron, you wouldn't respond twice every time.

Shitty summer cancer is shitty.

>> No.6515753

>Also, if you weren't a complete moron, you wouldn't respond twice every time.
>if i really wanted to seem convincing, i would wait at least a couple hours between my alter ego posts.

>Shitty summer cancer is shitty.
.....it's...the middle of winter? what.

pls lurk moar until you learn how to track a samefag.

>> No.6515754

I put some much effort in my post only for it to be dismissed. Are you running out of things to say anon?

>> No.6515761

>Also, if you weren't a complete moron, you wouldn't respond twice every time.
So dumb.

>> No.6515764

>Shitty summer cancer is shitty
I agree that you are cancer.

>> No.6515767

see, you're calling me dumb, but at least i'm not the one who's desperate enough to make a bullshit samefag list and claim to know that i can track an ip when i really can't. now that you're grasping at straws i think it's time for me to go to bed.

have fun, alter-ego

>> No.6515774
File: 348 KB, 449x401, girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still doing it

>> No.6515777

And you have ran out of things to say.

Goodnight alter ego~

>> No.6515778

I said everything important already, you're just dodging the truth.

>combo broken, posted before you posted again
Aww yeah. Mad virgin?

>> No.6515780

More like you've repeated yourself about 20 times. You actually ran out of things to say awhile ago. Tell me anon, do you cosplay?

>> No.6515782

Okay this thread has gone to more shit that it ever should have.

Somehow it went from discussing the number of trip users going to cosplay from Eiyuu Senki to hating on a 15-16 year old.

I'm killing this thread.

>> No.6515783

What happened?
I'm requesting those Angela costume malfunction pictures.