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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 520x389, emo-girls-kissing-520x389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6509784 No.6509784 [Reply] [Original]

1. Do cosplayers date other cosplayers to have someone to dress up with?
2.Have you meet your significant other though cosplay?
3.Do you have other hobbies as a couple besides cosplay?
4.Is it possible to find love at a convention?

>> No.6509804

If by 'love' you mean the exchange of sexual fluids, then yes, cons are a great way to find lots and lots of love.

>> No.6509808

Sure I guess hook up counts too. Any dating material or is it all just once and dones?

>> No.6509815

Basically. Maybe not love but its quite easy to get laid at conventions.

>> No.6509824

well i know there are popular cosplay couples just i don't really know shit about them. only seen them in passing in pics on here. not sure if they are still together, are actually in love, or just doing it for attention.

>> No.6509877

1. Probably. It all depends on them.
2. No, but we found out we both enjoy cosplay.
3. Vidya
4. It can be. But most of the time it's hookups.

>> No.6509880

1. Occasionally I suppose! It's a fun aspect.
2. Partially
3. Yes: cooking, vidya, sea life, keeping pets, watching dumb movies, etc.
4. Not generally the right kind but it's possible.

>> No.6509889

Femanons, if you put out at some disgusting 'rave party' at ALA or wherever, we're not going to consider you dating material. Quit being delusional.

>> No.6509898

>Do cosplayers date other cosplayers to have someone to dress up with?
I'll date a cosplayer if I love one, not because I think it'll be kawaii to have someone to play dress-up with.

I've had the displeasure of knowing two people who will date another cosplayer for the sake of getting more attention at conventions, and I really don't understand the point of doing that.

>Is it possible to find love at a convention?
What >>6509804 said.

>> No.6509926

Lol, I met my qt3.14 cosplaying boyfriend at a rave. Been 3 years and going strong. We have a ton in common, vidyas, guns, anime, etc. Sure, you could find love anywhere, but you'll never find it untill you stop looking.

>> No.6509934

>sucked his dick in a random hotel room after barely knowing his name

There's a word for you. It begins with 'W' and ends with 'e'.

>> No.6509936

Hey, you never know. It maybe possible to find someone at a con you'd want to be with. Guess its just the luck of the draw.

However, and I'm not sure what number this fits into, I have a lesbian friend who I think dates to have a dress up buddy. I've watched two semi long term relationships consist of nothing but cosplay, hand holding, and bad communication.

>> No.6509940


Unless you're an /a/non, then no, you're not getting lucky anytime soon.

>> No.6509942

I know one couple that got married who met at a con. She's annoying as hell and he's an asshole, but apparently tolerate each other well enough. So I guess its good they found each other?

>> No.6509951

1. I guess some people would, but I don't.
2. I did, actually!
3. Almost all our interests mirror each other's so, sure?
4. Maybe because of a convention, but I don't know about at one...

>> No.6510176

I'm married to someone I met at conventions... although he's not into the cosplaying scene and is more into running dealers tables and making money with it rather than dressing up and being silly. But I'm fine with that. I've dated cosplayers before and it was too much. Either they begged me to make costumes for them for next to no cost or they were too full of themselves to appreciate anything. I'd rather take a non-cosplayer.

>> No.6510178

Somebody's projecting... Just because you suck guys off in seedy hotel rooms doesn't mean we all do.

>> No.6510197

Never, ever go to a con with the intention of getting a date.
Meet up with some friends, and just hang out. cosplay/see panels/get drunk/whatever. If the chance presents itself, take it. Otherwise, don't even think about it.

>> No.6510267

Yup, the only people who hook up are whores at the "raves"

>> No.6510277

My ex cosplayed. In fact, He's the one who got me into cons and cosplaying, actually. However, He was a huge douchebag face so I dumped him. A few months later I met current boyfriend. He finds all my nerdy shit kinda weird but just accepts it, and I ask for nothing more than that. He watches toonami (eagerly) and I can deal with that. He's ocassionally mentioned dressing up as Goku or the typical protagonists, but I don't think he really gets the concept of cosplay. He's really buff, so He could pull off a lot of characters if he wanted too, but I don't think I'd ever actually want him to cosplay.
I'm stilll trying to make him forget the idea of me dressing up as Kagome.

>> No.6510292

i just want a cutiepie cosplayer as a girlfriend :( i don't dress up or even watch anime but i still want one.

>> No.6510313

> that feel when no qt3.14 cosplaying gf

Such is life as a heterosexual white make in America

>> No.6510320

1. Dont know
2. A couple
3. Cooking, paranormal, and firearms.
4.Yes, if your going to a con full of normal fags.

>> No.6510321


No. Through other things.

Vidja, anime marathoning, etc

Sure I guess.

>> No.6510330

1. Yes. I have a few cosplaying friends that are dating each other. They're still young as far as making logical relationship decisions go, but that's sort of a necessary pitfall to stumble into before you find a good life partner anyway. Whether or not they're dating just to do couple cosplay shit is up in the air.

2. I met my girlfriend through convention friends. We've been together for about two and a half years. It's nice to have someone to dress up with and share in similar hobbies without that person thinking you're weird. But mostly it's just nice to finally find someone that makes me happy.

3. We're kind of boring I think? We get excited about furniture, nice dishes and other shit that would look neat in our "future home."

4. It's possible, but I think if you're going into it just for the pairing shit and other things, you're relationship won't last very long.

>> No.6510599

> 1. Do cosplayers date other cosplayers to have someone to dress up with?
I hope not. That sounds retarded.

> 2.Have you meet your significant other though cosplay?
We met at a con, and I was cosplaying. I wouldn't say we met because of the cosplay, though. Just mutual friends.

> 3.Do you have other hobbies as a couple besides cosplay?
We're into mostly the same things, drinking, pokemon, art, museums, vidya (although i'm a console gamer and he's pc master race) and so on. He's at uni so I haven't gotten to see him a whole lot, so we're still finding out about each other.

> 4.Is it possible to find love at a convention?
So it seems. Although I think if we'd met anywhere else, the same would've happened. It's not like he was some complete randomer; I can't see how that would be a good idea, especially with all the potential crazy.

>> No.6510613

I don't date, I'm a virgin.

>> No.6510655

>>>/r9k/ fuck off malevirgin Beta fatty nerd misogynist piece of trash

>> No.6510658
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Please be nice, femanon.

>> No.6510675

Met my girlfriend at a con about 3 years ago now. Giving her a right next month. Hope she says yes.

>> No.6510692

Don't bother. Females can't feel empathy.

>> No.6510705
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>> No.6510707

Last girl I dated was really cool. She cosplayed, was an artist, we had a lot in common.

Then she started reading Homestuck.

>> No.6510714
File: 68 KB, 800x601, Ah252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do cosplayers date other cosplayers to have someone to dress up with?
Well not for that one purpose, but it is a fun little bonus that comes with dating another cosplayer
>Have you meet your significant other though cosplay?
>Do you have other hobbies as a couple besides cosplay?
We both love playing video games (bro-oping through Dark Souls) and he introduced me to Magic the Gathering which we play a lot together
>Is it possible to find love at a convention?
IMO it's possible to find love anywhere, though unfortunately the kind of love people find at cons isn't the lifetime love, but rather the nighttime love.

Did you mean giving her a ring? Good luck!

>> No.6510715

Nice try virgin trash.

I'm >>6510655 and nothing more, I exist and I hate you for existing too. Fuck. Off. Now.

>> No.6510719

>We both love playing video games
Lol sure. More like gamer girl meets casual dumbfuck.

>> No.6510723
File: 638 KB, 600x810, cute cats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha he's definitely not a casual gamer, and even if we were those things, I don't see why we still couldn't enjoy playing together?

>> No.6510722

I dont cosplay (I come here because I love cons and seeing great art here awesome) and usually just lurk, but I know several people who met love at cons or through cosplay.

It happens. Unfortunately, I have not met any great cosplay girls at cons yet.

>> No.6510728

Everyone was once a virgin and nothing is wrong with it, i respect it. In this day when people loose their virginity at 12-16, who cares if you don't loose it till you're 20?
If you hate virgins go ahead people have a right to hate whatever but more people hate sluts.
/cgl/ is so backwards sometimes.

>> No.6510736

1: Sometimes.
2: No, i got his email off aarinfantasy 8 years ago. Now are are engaged but he lives in england i have visited him 2 times a year for a month each time. I'm moving this march.
3: Music, Antique collecting, Travel, Anime, Porn, Drawing. We share alot of the same fetishes and he likes to garden i also like that but not as much as he does.
Most everything we like is the same, he does most of the cooking tho and plays more online games, i play games to but like PS2 games and shit.
4: It is people find love anywhere.

>> No.6510747

I bet you think that makes you speshul cause you're a 15-year-old casual who plays shitty games.

>> No.6510748

>hate teenager for being happy

The bitterness of being an adult is truly something I want.

>> No.6510751
File: 20 KB, 540x359, cat-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you always stay this angry and bitter, you'll never find true love.

>Also not 15, no matter how much you want to believe

>> No.6510763

It's hell. Turn back now!

>> No.6510766

1. I hope not, but its their life. Its as extreme as they wanna make it.
2. No. We met in an animu club. So romantic desu.
3. Vidjamergerms. Exercising. he wants to learn me to tabletop (I'm nervous). That's about it since we mostly spend our time in school.
4. Sho' is. I believe you can find love most anywhere. Even at a con.

>> No.6510768

>Haha he's definitely not a casual gamer,
Yes he is. Dark Souls is the epitome of "zomg! game so harddd!" - if you're a casual babby who grew up on console games.
>and even if we were those things, I don't see why we still couldn't enjoy playing together?
I didn't say that.
Enjoy your casualness as much as you want, but don't pretend you're more than that.

>> No.6510770
File: 9 KB, 152x154, chen'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible to find love at a convention?
OP, do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?

>> No.6510771

By the way, I'm >>6510719 & >>6510768.

This >>6510747 sounds like something someone would write on purpose by, let's say, dropping trip, to make themselves look better.

>> No.6510772

Seems there is royalty in this thread. We have here the lord of vidyas. Everyone please direct your attention for this is a moment we must all relish.
Please milord- tell us more of your superior knowledge of all that is vidya.

>> No.6510774

LoLbabbies please leave

>> No.6510775

>Seems there is royalty in this thread. We have here the lord of vidyas.
I think I liked it better when people who liked video games were neckbeard virgins who would never get laid. Or even before that, mass murdering school shooters.

I was just saying that them playing Dork Souls ("bro-op"ing whatever the fuck that means) does not entitle them to hold themselves any higher than casuals who play Cooking Mama and FarmVille.

But then again, it's not like I can say anything that would stop you from going full ad hominem.

That was kind of non sequitur but I like the way you're thinking.

>> No.6510777

This is no time to be laughing out loud friend. The Lord speaks! GRACE US! FILL US WILL COURAGE POWER AND WISDOM!

>> No.6510779
File: 41 KB, 435x571, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this is my first time visiting /cgl/. I am the Grand Wizard when it comes to vidyas. Any and all questions of someone's gaming ability should be directed to me.

>>6510774 ASSFAGGOTS are the cancer killing video games.

>> No.6510780

>doesn't even know what bro-op is
>think you know SHIT about vidya

>> No.6510783
File: 25 KB, 392x463, 8996d1236094228-cat-bong-cat_love1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you are so mad, why not spend your time outside trying to find a girl who can appreciate your immense knowledge of video games instead of bitching at people you've never met about things that they like?

>> No.6510784

All she said was she played video games and gave an example. She didn't say she was a gamer or that it was hurrdcurr.

>> No.6510782

You know, I think even the tripfag you're trying to subtly whiteknight here might think you're going a little overboard with it.

Ok, which skill is better for Colonel Assault class in eggs.com? Resilience or Killer Instinct?

>> No.6510788
File: 861 KB, 4084x3912, 1356233350670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. If you're a pussy-bitch with no skills go with Resilience, if you're a true 10/10 certified alpha male choose killer instinct.

The Grand Wizard demands more questions.

>> No.6510790

>anon you are so mad
lolno, nice projecting. Guess you were the anon earlier then.
>why not spend your time outside trying to find a girl
Because a) I'm not a stuck up teenager unlike someone else ITT b) I'm a married man & Christian, so I'm kind of against the idea of cheating on my wife.
>bitching at people you've never met about things that they like?

She bragged about playing Dork Souls.

>> No.6510794

0/10, moron.

Resilience gives you immunity to critical hits. You get hit critically if you run out of cover, like a MAN and end up flanked = almost guaranteed crits.

Killer Instinct, on the other hand, gives you +50% on crits during Run'n'Gun, so it implies that you will stay behind cover like a pussy, until the opportunity reveals itself and then run towards the enemy for what you hope is going to be a sure kill.

>> No.6510795

Overboard? Nah- just tryna to lighten it up. Its really stupid to try and base her like of a hobby off of one game she mentioned. You've made so that even if she listed any other games she's played shell just get called a tryhard gamergurl. So...what do you even want anon?

>> No.6510800

I just wanted that she'd see the err of her ways. Playing a mainstream / hard for casuals game doesn't make her better than the rest of her kin.

>> No.6510798
File: 13 KB, 400x314, 1272695600993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this logic
>married Christian man yelling at teenager for being a teenager
Are you 60?

>> No.6510803
File: 27 KB, 400x315, Cats_Love_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bragging about playing Dark Souls

I don't recall bragging about anything. I was just saying that we're currently playing Dark Souls together as an example of games we play. And nope anon, I don't trip drop, though you're right, it is pretty uncommon for someone on 4chan to call another person mad!

Never called myself better either! I just like playing games with my boyfriend. I don't see why you've got such a problem with that.

>> No.6510804

Point out when she said she was better.
YOU'RE the one that put her on that pedestal.

>> No.6510805
File: 30 KB, 344x267, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not running towards the enemy at full speed at all times firing as fast as you can to ensure the bullets go faster into their weak squishy guts
You want to avoid crits like a little girl? Don't get hit faggot. The Grand Wizard decrees that you are a casual and a faggot with no game.

>> No.6510806

No, I'm 24. I've been married for less than a year, FYI. Not that any of that would matter, my points wouldn't be any less valid if I was a senior citizen.

More like you projecting.

>> No.6510809

You've made projecting a buzzword.

Does anyone have that Seinfeld gif where he gets up and leaves? I need it.

>> No.6510810

She said she was playing it with her honey. Gat damn you are sensitive.

>> No.6510811
File: 15 KB, 188x153, 1341019384789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How autistic can you get?

>> No.6510814

I think the REAL issue here is autist anon hates Dark Souls.

>> No.6510813

>I don't recall bragging about anything.
But you were. It's the main selling point of the game. Mainstream popular game known to be 'zomg hard', so mainstream popamoles like you play it and then mention they play it just to brag.

Well, but you do project. You're no superhuman being, you make a picture of me in your head that agrees with your prejudiced opinions, rather than bothering to judge me with at least some objectivity. Just like anyone else. After all, I deserve it for daring to speak against a social group that you're part of, or should I say, that you want to be a part of.

Yeah, you definitely crawled up from >>>/v/. Seeing as you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are desperately trying to make it look like you do.

And here's another exemplar that wants a pat on the head.

>> No.6510816

Again, projecting. I don't hate it. It was one of the few better games of recent years. I guess dancing around the issue is the only way you can keep on arguing.

>> No.6510817
File: 11 KB, 390x470, 1327729041747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.6510818

>Well, but you do project. You're no superhuman being, you make a picture of me in your head that agrees with your prejudiced opinions, rather than bothering to judge me with at least some objectivity. Just like anyone else.

So you're projecting on her.

Because she plays Dark Souls.

>> No.6510820

but what exactly is the real issue anon?

>> No.6510821
File: 34 KB, 400x293, 1352606186295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just calling you a giant sperglord, the likes of which the world has never seen. I don't give two shits about Voldemort, who just mentioned that she's playing through a game with her boyfriend.

I play Dark Souls too. You got a problem?

>> No.6510822

He got Dark Souls in his stocking

>> No.6510824

I made a judgement call because I am the Master. Shit I'm a little disappointed I didn't just tell you not to pick either and just play through it like a man. If everyone was a Master at video games like me you wouldn't even need those upgrades.

>> No.6510827

Voldemort. Fuck off.

Not even that guy, but you're a bitch. You bring your /fit/ shitposter friends over here with you and you hate /a/. You aren't one of us. Go get gangbanged or something you dirty cunt.

>> No.6510829
File: 6 KB, 192x144, BobPage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's an observation. It's like saying "me and my bf love going to the movies! Just saw Cloud Atlas, such a deep movie".

And another common Internet tactic - if there's a lot of people who agree with one side, surely they're all right.

That you bragged about playing the game and you don't want to admit it.

Sorry, I can handle only so many cocks at once. But feel free to talk to one another to polarize yourself further against [insert insulting adjectives here] me.

Looks like the underclasses are starting to get desperate.

>> No.6510832

And your response to
Is what?

>> No.6510834

>implying implications
Nah, man, nah.
She said NOTHING along those lines.
She said "We play this game."
Not "We play this game and are going to write a thesis about it."

You have issues.

>> No.6510835

Never change /cgl/

>> No.6510836

I'm going to say that I don't like tripfags by principle, but man what the fuck is up with the hate on you in this thread? Did you poop in someone's Cheerios recently?

>> No.6510840

who doesn't hate /a/?
sage for unrelated

>> No.6510838

>She said "We play this game."
The point being >this< as in, mentioning specifically the name of the game.

>> No.6510841


>> No.6510842

I already explained that. Dork Souls. It's the Mumford and Sons of video gaming. I really don't get why it's so hard to understand.

Oh yeah, she's the one getting all the hate.

>> No.6510844

The point is you're acting like she said "we play dark souls and it's such a complex blah blah blah, something about how you should pay attention to the fact that we play dark souls" when she just. Simply. Said. "we play dark souls."

If THAT'S enough to enrage your hemorrhoid you have a lot of work to do on this board for telling people off for liking specific series, characters, story arcs and all that jazz as opposed to just stating "I like a book."

>> No.6510847

>mumford and sons

God damn I should be a detective or something.

>> No.6510846

>not blaming dildos/hobbes/etc for all the shitposting...youknow. the people who do the posting
But we have a mod now so you can pull that angry dick out of your ass now.

>> No.6510850

So he's a hipster? Makes sense.

>> No.6510851
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Is that so? Well, I guess I should take your word for it, since you're a mind reader & shit.

>> No.6510853

holy fuck someone is mad.
"oh no people like a game that I don't like"
when did /cgl/ become /v/???

>> No.6510854

Mystery solved boys.
Let's get this thread back on track.
We have some on topic discussing to do now.

>> No.6510855

Where did she brag about it? All she said was
"Bro-oping through dark souls" and that's it. Really, go back and read her post.
That's all.
And I was hoping you had a response to anon saying she didn't put herself on mount olympus- you did.

>> No.6510852

But she didn't say "we totes hardcore gamurs, we r playing dark souls so hardcoer amirite"
She said "we plays video games together too, like Dark Souls"

Like, shit, I am the queen of casual facebook gaming, but I play GW2 with my boyfriend too and if someone asked me what I did with my bf I would say "we play video games together"

>> No.6510856

So, one pulls out something out of his ass (projecting, again) and the other polarizes it. You two are doing a fine job, buddies.

That's quite nice.

I think I made it pretty obvious I have nothing in common with /v/.

Cock overflow again, gents.

>> No.6510859

Hey can I go play World of Warcraft now or will there be a thread about me?

>> No.6510860

Yes, please, go enjoy your game. You saved the damsel in distress and made the world a better place.

>> No.6510862

My cock is soft and gentle. Over 1000 thread count. You should be able to rest your cheeck on it and feel as if you are in heaven. Now respond.

>> No.6510861
File: 94 KB, 500x375, 1354981443513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one that projected onto Voldemort in the first place, so you have no room to speak.

I have a funny story involving cosplay, Omegle, and this asian chick.

>> No.6510865


>> No.6510867

If it doesn't involve cock on cam no one curr
Also this.
Nigga you were called out a number of times that you casually ignored because you KNEW you had no response.

>> No.6510869

>two wrongs make a right

And as I said, it's not a projection when statistics (and even reviews) lead to the same conclusion. The marketing strategy of the product was based on bragging about it.

> that you casually ignored because you KNEW you had no response.
I only ignored the things I already answered more than once ITT. The problem is you don't bother to read it.

>> No.6510872

>statistics (and even reviews) lead to the same conclusion
I can't stop laughing. Oh my fucking God dude.
Your logic is /v/ in a nutshell.

>> No.6510876

So, you regularly visit that board? Or are you projecting me onto them too? Because I've been there perhaps three times and I saw one thread where they were talking about a video game, and a few others that mostly concerned the daughter of Robin Williams.

Let me rephrase it one more time. Saying "we're playing DAAAAAARK SOOOOLES" is the video game equivalent of mentioning you love cars because you bought a Ferrari. If you still can't get it, then I really don't know.

Then again, it might not be your intellectual incapability, but rather the aforementioned unwillingness to agree with anything I say, because I greatly hurt someone who's extremely special to you. I suppose it takes a great man to be able to discuss things without ad hominems, without projecting and without polarizing with their kin.

Of course, you're not such a man, but then again, who is?

>> No.6510881

So you're generalizing everybody who ever mentions playing Dark Souls into tryhards. Do you know how stupid that looks? If she had said anything about how hard the game was, or how cool she is for playing it, or if people started sucking her dick because of her mentioning it, you MIGHT have an argument. But she didn't, and nobody did.

this is wonderful

>> No.6510882

>so you regular-
>saying you pla-
You're judging someone for playing a fucking game
>discuss things withou-
Don't try the buzzwords kid, you just described all your "arguments"

Does anyone have that picture from rage/wut threads with the yellow dude who's all like "i will leave you questioning everything"

I SERIOUSLY think this is the guy.

>> No.6510883

Just in case we all missed it, here is voldemorts posr where she is bragging about how she plays dark souls.
>bro oping through dark souls

>> No.6510891

How is that bragging?

>> No.6510895

> tryhards
I think you understand that word differently than I do.

Also, one thing is to mention you played Dark Souls when it's relevant to the discussion. Mentioning it in a thread where it completely lacks any context at all is another thing.

Oh nice, now the jobless over 20 year old with lacking education, who's at least one feet smaller than me and plays dress up calls me a 'kid'.

>> No.6510900

> the yellow dude
No need to behave like a racist fuck, by the way.

>> No.6510901

My point exactly.

>> No.6510902

>dem hollow inaccurate insults
>nothing contradictory
Thank you for acknowledging I was right about you.

>one feet
So intellectual.

>> No.6510904

Not yellow as in Asian you racist.
Yellow as in he's wearing a shit load of yellow and the primary color in the background is yellow.

I like how you jumped to the race conclusion though.

>> No.6510905

See, here's the problem - you were always right about me. There's nothing I could do to surprise you, because everything I post is going to be processed by your open-minded head into exactly what you want to hear.

And of course, my insults are hollow, yours are deep and funny.

>> No.6510909

It doesn't involve cock on cam, but I'm telling it anyway.

>be 2 years ago
>bored, put on Boba Fett cosplay, go on chatroulette
>meet some interesting people, one dude doodles me and emails me the picture (I lost it)
>next person
>cute as fuck asian girl
>compliments me on my cosplay
>tells me to hold on, she'll get her Darth Vader helmet
>we chat, exchange info, get her number
>be texting, find out she lives in MD
>2 days later she tells me her parents will be gone for the weekend
>take Amtrak to MD
>meet at train station, hug, kiss, go to her house


>> No.6510910

Wow so many sandy vaginas here.
You guys made this thread about a girl playing video games with her boyfriend.
Who cares? Yeh i know gamer girls are annoying but can you really judge she thinks that way from like 2 things she said?

Even if she is one of those annoying people "omg i'm a girl and i play videogames hardcore"
Who cares?
What is wrong with you people

>> No.6510913

I swear to God if this ends with her having a dick, you're telling a story that's been told a million times.

>> No.6510914

>you racist
I know you're just flinging shit, but seeing as you're the actual admitted racist here (you said numerous times you hate Hispanics with a passion), it makes you sound as full if you were even more full of poo than usual.

>> No.6510917

Again you're being overly sensitive about someone casually mentioning a game they play. Plenty of posts made mentions of what their s.o does/play
Mentions her bf watching toonami.
Whoah! Mentions pc gaming
Mentions fetishs and playing ps2 games

>> No.6510915

Tripfags. If it was one anon talking shit about another anon, none of this would ever happen, since no one would fucking care.

>> No.6510918

>implying the anon isn't the one talking shit

>> No.6510921

Wrong. Anons derail threads with their bickering all the time. Don't pretend that never happens

>> No.6510923

That's really great but unfortunately, those posts weren't at the top of the stack when I came here. Lord knows that I'm not perfect neither.

>> No.6510926


>meet her brother
>play vidya
>we go to blockbuster to rent a movie
>I get Hulk vs., she gets Fanboys
>pulls me aside and asks if I brought condoms
>"uhh, a couple"
>gives me 20 dollars to buy a box from CVS across the street
>back to her place, cuddle, watch movies, brother goes to bed
>clothes off instantly, on her knees, mouth around my dick
>fuck her madly for hours, tells me to choke her (harder), pull hair, slap her, jizz on her face
>finally fall asleep in bed with her after looking at porn on her psp
>next morning, tell her I might not have enough money to get a ticket back to NJ
>she drives me back (4 hours), stays with me during my entire overnight shift at work, comes home with me (more sex + shower sex), falls asleep with me, then leaves in the afternoon.

Asian chicks. They're crazy. She also came back up a couple weeks later and I fucked her outside my old highschool against a fence.

I miss her.

>> No.6510928

Its fine- you are anon. Anytime a girl mentions playing a vidyer game they should be prepared to get blasted.
Its sad but its how these hobbys work.

But since I have your attention, does /v/ like dishonored?

>> No.6510929

>since no one would fucking care.

>> No.6510932

>implying /v/ likes anything
This is how a game goes
>game is announced
>/v/ loves it
>game is reviewed
>/v/ has mixed opinions
>game is released
>/v/ hates it
>only casuals play this shit
>months later
>hey guys remember how good this game was?
>it was the best

>> No.6510930

>But since I have your attention, does /v/ like dishonored?
I wouldn't know about that.
>Anytime a girl mentions playing a vidyer game they should be prepared to get blasted.
There's no need to be frustrated, my friend.

>> No.6510933

Big surprise, the kind of /v/ doesn't know shit about video games

>> No.6510937

Yeah, I know that. I don't think they even talk about video games, as I mentioned earlier. There are much better places to discuss games on the Internet.

You're jecting it. Like a pro.

>> No.6510935

>derail entire thread out of butthurt
>"there's no need to be frustrated"

>> No.6510938

I just got a damn good deal on some shoes if anything I am happy. I'm just saying what you were doing should have been expected.
Well, ill find another game to wipe between my buttocks then.

>> No.6510940

Great, now they're all dropping trip to pretend they have lives. Thread was cosplay unrelated anyhow.

>> No.6510941

I'm projecting because you LITERALLY derailed an entire thread because of how upset you were over a girl playing a game.

You need a dictionary.

>> No.6510942
File: 266 KB, 450x253, 1341433294484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anytime a girl mentions playing a vidyer game they should be prepared to get blasted.
Its sad but its how these hobbys work.
>so instead of stopping to perpetuate the stereotype i will only lament and continue doing it

>> No.6510943

I'm happy for you. Praise the Lord for blessing you with such great pair of shoes and such sensible buttocks.

>> No.6510944

Not really, I only posted this >>6510719 and when I returned some time later, I was caught in an avalanche of shit.

>> No.6510945

Do you have a s.o that cosplays?

Question to girls
When your s.o cosplays a character that has an outrageous hair color, what do they do? Buy a wig or style their own hair?
Do you help them put together their costume?

I find myself always being the one who tracks down his wigs

>> No.6510948

No, my boyfriend thinks it's silly.

>> No.6510952

My actions alone will not stop a stereotype. Nothing I do will. But I was joking about the buttocks thing.

>> No.6510954

>1. Do cosplayers date other cosplayers to have someone to dress up with?
>2.Have you meet your significant other though cosplay?
no i met har at club in white night club in beirut
>3.Do you have other hobbies as a couple besides cosplay?
yes she like cooking(making food) I also like cooking(her)
>4.Is it possible to find love at a convention?
there is many easy white woman who love to make whoring around so love is easy but it is not true love as allah definition of love between man and woman should be and its filthy

>> No.6510958

munafiq,how can you say you believer and make marriage with white pig?? typical christianic kafir, who lost the ways of allah

>> No.6510959

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm willing to tolerate your faith in the Lord, even though you insulted my wife.

>> No.6510962

>yfw OP is just some troll from /r9k/ and you just gave him over 140 responses

>> No.6510976

Your wife is a whore and your faith is a joke.

>> No.6510979

>yfw voldi dropping trip because her father was christian and he raped her and her mother

>> No.6510980

wat. I'm Christian too actually. Again, so mad anon.

>> No.6510982

if your so christian then why do you make of christian anons waifu?

>> No.6510983

This explains so much.

>> No.6511094

>went to convention once
>no one above 5/10


>> No.6511102

What con?

>> No.6511124


>> No.6511135
File: 88 KB, 273x400, TR_PR_6_23_10_09_-_901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Woke up to find this. It's beautiful. Never change guys.

>> No.6511141

Well there's your problem. Go to NYCC or some other big con. More hot chicks than you can shake a stick at.

>> No.6511469
File: 17 KB, 209x215, 1327772041490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also like cooking(her)

>> No.6511539

>/v/ is one person
There was a lot of love for Dishonored and Sonic All & Stars Racing Transformed this/last month.

Anyway, it would be nice to have an other half to cosplay and play vidya with. Especially if she also happens to go on 4chan so we can share certain jokes amongst each other. I'm not sure I'd ever want to go out with somebody I met at a con though, due to living distance and whatnot.

>> No.6512735


>> No.6513559

someone's jelly of the prettiest girl no 4chan :o)

>> No.6513646

>implying /v/ likes anything
This is how a game goes

>game is announced
>/v/ loves it
/v/ is skeptical since history shows that sequels are rarely good
>demo is released
/v/ affirms its position whether the game will be good or bad (see; dmc5)
>game is reviewed
>/v/ has mixed opinions
/v/ doesn't listen to reviews
>game is released
>/v/ hates it
or loves it
>only casuals play this shit
depending on what the developers have turned the game into
>months later
>hey guys remember how good this game was?
>it was the best
/it was and/or is shit

it's like you've never been there

>> No.6514249

My ex got me into cosplaying, she was REALLY into it when I met her, and I didn't even like anime all that much at the time. Eventually I become a huge fucking weaboo, but things have chilled out since then. She made me a costume once, Sho from TWEWY, it was a high point in our relationship (friendship at that point) because she trusted me enough to make me, and then let me out in such a "sexy" costume.

When we got back together, we fucked in costume a few times, she was dressed as sailor Venus, it was some of the hottest sex we've had (we could so sell the video we made, it's hot as fuuuuck). So yeah cosplay was alright for the relationship, nothing bad really came of it but a few great things definitely did.

>> No.6514426


>> No.6514444

its not DMC5, its a reboot of the series, not numbered, has nothing to do with Devil May Cry, it doesn't even deserves to be called Devil May Cry.

and no one will remember it as good, see skyrim, up to this date its still considered shit by everyone.

>> No.6514473

The World Ends With You

>> No.6514495

On the offchance i peeked in here from my usual haunts /a/co/tg/etc/

Whats the chance of a /cgl/ being interested in someone who isn't really into cosplay, but is rather, interested the original sources of their cosplay, i'd give it a shot if there was a suitable character too, maybe.

/a/nimeclubs are all kind of dead or retarded, not much for /co/mrades, and FLGS/game groups are all kind of sausage fests... Cons are really the only thing i have to do thats social, related to my hobbies, and has a chance of girls being interested in it.

>> No.6514523

from my extended lurking i believe its not a requirement that any prospective BF/GF also cosplays

(also that cosplay sex is unlikely simply because of the chance of getting certain hard to clean substances on the costume)

>> No.6514577

Sharing my experience in this matter.
Met a really awesome guy with interests in common. Especially cosplay.
We had seen each other at cons, but never actually spoke to each other.
Started talking online to each other, we felt connection.
Okey, we set up a date everything went well.
But then things got awkward and fucked up.
Seeing you are dating someone who cosplays also, it should be to expect they understand the "rules" of cosplay. Such as, cosplay whatever the fuck you want, don't just cosplay a character you hardly know, or don't know at all, to be part of a group.
He told me to be part of his group, with a cosplay I don't even remember which was, but I didn't know at all.
Told him no. From then on he got pissy and upset at everything I did. Told me again to cosplay a character for him, again refused.
See, maybe it varies from person to person, but lets say this one guy I dated only wanted me as his little dress up doll. So that's a huge turn off to me.

>> No.6519783


>> No.6523291

Stop bumping this shit

>> No.6523331

anon no need to be mad cuz you not dating anyone

>> No.6523355
File: 20 KB, 282x400, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only dated people that cosplay. Much higher success-rate when asking them out.

>> No.6523369

1. Maybe some of them, if they want more attention?

2. Yes I met my current boyfriend and previous one this way.

3. We watch our anime together and play games and do pretty much everything else together too.

4.Yeah. Well you can meet someone at a con and fall in love with them once you get to know each other more. Don't expect to find love at first sight.

>> No.6523374


1. Yes, we couple cosplay all the time
2. Yes, I was dressed as Urahara and she Yoruichi
3. Surprisingly not really.
4. Yes, I met my ex-gf at Akon and my wife at AX

>> No.6523377

1. I wouldn't doubt it but I wouldn't know.
2. Nope
3. Vidya, anime, manga, animals, music, movies, etc.
4. I've met some really nice guys at conventions. As far as dating them, i dunno, i guess i've never thought about it.

>> No.6523413

How do you hoook up with a qt cosplayer girl?

>> No.6523477

1. Yes, i've dated two girls who enjoy cosplaying as much as I do.

2. Not exactly, but we did get to know each other a lot more through it.

3. Yeah, we enjoy the same anime and a few vidya games

4. I could say it should, or at least find friends reliable enough to have a relationship with.