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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6506902 No.6506902 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.6506955

>dwrpers in HSG

what an interesting turn of events.

>> No.6507012

thought i was the only one tbh

>> No.6507079

i know of a few.

and i'm one of them

>> No.6507256
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Shit on tumblr time

>> No.6507258
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>> No.6507264
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>> No.6507273
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what is even going on here

>> No.6507272
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>> No.6507281
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>> No.6507280
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>> No.6507284
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>> No.6507298

New headcanon Rose: achieved.

>> No.6507304
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>> No.6507310

I don't understand why their stomach is bulging out so much...are they pregnant???

>> No.6507314


>> No.6507334

There was someone in the last thread working on a pretty good Mituna helmet. Meant to ask if they were going to Ohayacon. Are you out there, Tofu?

>> No.6507338

looks a bit mannish

>> No.6507344

A blazer wouldn't be wise for a neophyte sewer, right?

>> No.6507345
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>> No.6507362
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>> No.6507360
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>> No.6507369
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>> No.6507373
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>> No.6507374
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>> No.6507376
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Her tattoos never fail to disappoint

>> No.6507379


I will never understand the level of bitching about Mostflogged's Porrim when it's basically the best one out there right now. Sure, it has flaws, but with the way HSG rips into it you'd think it looks like >>6507373 or something.

>> No.6507381
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it's because it's good that those poorly painted tats stand out.

>> No.6507382
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>> No.6507383

i dont envy anyone that tries to do that cosplay, honestly. those tats must be hell to paint on, and you can't even do them all yourself. would hate if someone else fucked mine up and then i had to live with it looking shitty.

>> No.6507386
File: 377 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mec3uab93D1qeanodo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting take on the tattoos but...

>> No.6507388
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>> No.6507389
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>> No.6507390

Oh, her boobs just look really unfortunate.

>> No.6507392
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>> No.6507393
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Maybe it's just me, but I've met this Dave irl and wasn't blown away by it?

>> No.6507408


I don't get what point you're driving at. Does the Dave in question go around pretending they're hot shit or something?

I think they're on the better side of Dave cosplays. Could do without the golden yellow wig though.

>> No.6507407

find a better picture, i cant even see him in this one.

>> No.6507415
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>> No.6507419

Not so far as I know, it's more I kept hearing people making them out to be "THE BEST DAVE EVER" in the local hamsteak group and it just.. didn't grab me?

>> No.6507427
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My Cronus wig thus far.

>> No.6507425

i'm a little iffy on that fabric, but they're not bad. i like the symbol, makes it pop nicely. i might have used a more red thread on the edge though, the orange is a bit odd.

>> No.6507428

that john really needs to bind better

>> No.6507438

Please elaborate on how a nearly flat, binded chest can be done better.
The only thing I see working against the binding is the sunlight that is very prominent on the John's waist and it creeps up enough that it could look a little deceiving. I seriously can not think of how their binding job could have been better. (Unless you know of a non-surgical process to remove boobs off of a person.)

>> No.6507441

You sound way too offended for that to not be you or your friend.

>> No.6507457

It could just be me, but I'm okay with this. Porrim's sprite doesn't make her out to be the kind of woman that wears supportive undergarments. Her cosplay needs some work, but either way she's pretty cute.

>> No.6507459

How do the homestucks think this is attractive

>> No.6507460

I don't, It's just funny.

>> No.6507469

HEY does anyone have any knit fabric suggestions for light god tier designs? I've been having a difficult time finding that exact cantaloupe color online...

>> No.6507488

Things that make older hs fans laugh and 13 fans fap.

>> No.6507505
File: 75 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mfiwqkvTOm1rte16fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is looking crazy good

>> No.6507579


Get a white that's mostly cotton and dye it

>> No.6507722
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>> No.6507735

Gonna ask again and rephrase... Roxy's dress is called her 'knitted dress' apparently. So... does that mean just regular knit fabric? Or is it meant to basically be a sweater dress?

>> No.6507768
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I'm planning on making this dress also, and took it to mean that the dress ought to be made out of a knit fabric, not that the dress should be knitted like a sweater.

I haven't actually started fabric shopping yet but I did find a decent pattern to work off of: McCall's M6462.

In addition- when I initially saw the dress in the flash, I though that the bottom was meant to be torn, as though it had originally been a longer dress which Roxy tore to make shorter (in, I imagine, some sort of adventure-driven need for an outfit with more mobility), however, it seems that most people think that the bottom is either meant to be intentionally looped or beaded. Thoughts?

>> No.6507774

Yeah, just basic knitted fabrics would work out better. I just did a double take when I read the name.

I think it is intentional. In what way it was actually done, I don't know. But the fact that there's multiple colors in the loops says it was intentional to me.

>> No.6507778

dat fins

>> No.6507781
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>> No.6507797

These are starting to get old honestly. Is there anything good from recent cons?

>> No.6507842

lots of people aren't going to anything until katsucon in february, so i'm assuming there won't be a huge influx of new con photos until then

>> No.6507860
File: 36 KB, 500x321, tumblr_mb5y9oFcPu1qcx66do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Sacanime and ALA are coming up, so there should be a lot of new photos from those two cons.

>> No.6507863
File: 539 KB, 1272x1920, ktcmeenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is relatively new. She just posted these yesterday, I think.

>> No.6507892

nice photography, but her braids really bother me for some reason.

>> No.6507890

this picture gives me a photography boner.

>> No.6507899

it's because mostflogged is a raging cunt and no matter how close to perfect her costumes get, it will always be hard to look at her face without wanting to punch it.

>> No.6507902

It's because they're cords and not actual braids.

>> No.6507901

I like a lot of things about this costume! I do wish she hadn't chosen that particular trim for the braids, and it would be nice if her earfins were prettier.

>> No.6507948

jesus what the fuck

>> No.6507991

Hey, I'm looking into a new wig for Gamzee; of course styling is going to happen, but what are some good suggestions for a base wig? Any ideas, HSG?

>> No.6508015
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>> No.6508027

Interesting idea, but executed poorly.

So HSG whats a good troll horn tutorial that you would recommend? I plan I doing Karkat soon and want your opinion.

>> No.6508035

*lets out a heavy squelching fart in this thread*

Worst fucking fandom ever

>> No.6508045

you even had the sense to sage

how considerate of you

no one gives a shit

>> No.6508060
File: 56 KB, 500x500, ktcmeenah2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like her meenah too! agreed, the rope braids weren't a great idea, but overall she's one of the best i've seen.

>> No.6508158

Karkat is no problem because his horns are so small. Use Model Magic and sew them straight into your wig.

For bigger horns, I recommend moulding a tinfoil core in the shape you want, lightly papier macheing it (let it dry), coating it with Model Magic (other branded alternatives are available) (let it dry) and then sanding it smooth.

>> No.6508166

I just found that I have a really large amount of Rage-tier-coloured purple pyjama fabric. God Tier Gamzee is the obvious choice (he's my patron troll and I like him), and I normally don't mind crossplaying, but I don't think I'm comfortable wearing a huge erect codpiece. Is there anything else I can do with it?

>> No.6508168
File: 315 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mfk2lcqsmO1qdd886o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this cosplay, the braid looks real cool but
dat uneven horns

>> No.6508171

Just avoid the codpiece, I've seen other do it and to be honest, it is probably a good idea to do so unless you're doing a private photoshoot. on /cgl/ people may be harsh on the smallest details being off, but offline no one really cares that much. A confident cosplayer is usually a better cosplayer.

>> No.6508176


all these lumpy tridents...

>> No.6508188

Maybe in the spirit of Christmas we could all stop bitching for once and post Good Cosplay and Progress?

>> No.6508203

Could I make the codpiece removable somehow? The cod is the iconic part of the outfit, and that way I can have it on for pictures, and off to prevent making cons (and myself) super uncomfortable.

>> No.6508205

You could perhaps attach it with snaps, and if you didn't want those showing then you could have a piece of fabric to snap in its place when the cod piece isn't necessary.

>> No.6508208

Good thinking. That might be what I do.

>> No.6508747
File: 237 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mfkldgVLHc1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy twelth perigee's eve

>> No.6508770


Fuck you I'm Jewish.

>> No.6508773
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>> No.6508776
File: 79 KB, 250x376, Alt design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to make this and it actually turn out good? I kinda like the design but it looks like you'd always have to keep your legs splayed like that for it to look right. Walking around would be a huge pain.

>> No.6508787

holy mother of god those brows on Kanaya

On one hand, I think they might look a little over the top in person or for other for other cosplays, but in this picture they are fabulous

>> No.6508793

Wiring to have them keep shape the entire time, or make the straps out of some kind of knit and have them snap to a pair of tights?

>> No.6508869

Just throwing out random ideas, but maybe you could make it out of stretchier material? Then id could be a bit more form fitting, but could still stretch out like in the picture?

>> No.6508880
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 547503_213698472083651_783971397_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What my friend did was make the codpiece part completely detatchable like a giant pair of pants. So it slid on and off their actual god tier pants, so they could take the codpiece off when they weren't in pics. Pic related, it's her.

>> No.6508889

I carve my horns out of Styrofoam, cover them with a thin layer of model magic, let it dry, sand it, then spackle in any cracks or dents and sand that. They're lightweight and relatively durable.

Out of the seven pairs of horns I've made, only one pair has ever been broken. I still have no idea how, the girl I made them for said she dropped them in her bathroom and they broke, but all of the pairs I've made for myself have withstood a good deal of accidental damage.

>> No.6508999


What if it attached with magnets mounted on the inside of the underpants-looking garment? Not only would it result in something that wouldn't show up in case you ever forgot to attach the codpiece for photos, but you'd also have a magnetic phallus that you could stick to various surfaces for shenanigans.

>> No.6509001

>magnetic phallus that you could stick to various surfaces for shenanigans

a phrase i never thought id hear but i'm so glad i did

>> No.6509004

Why are some of you shut-ins anyway?

Why not come to /r9k/?
We're not all bastards

>> No.6509130
File: 1.85 MB, 900x1200, tumblr_m8ayntrxkS1qdvaiko4_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas HSG!

>> No.6509131
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>> No.6509134
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>> No.6509136 [DELETED] 


>> No.6509146
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>> No.6509156

Is that Sarah Hyland as Meenah

>> No.6509211

hey girls what do you think about nudestuck? i've shlicked to it many times but i don't know if i'm the only one

>> No.6509215

I have never seen an Equius and so I disapprove on principle.

>> No.6509228

It's like they ripped Gamzee straight out of the comic

>> No.6509229

Most of the girls are fat and have disproportionate bodies, and most of the guys have pencil dicks resting in an ocean of pubes.

But it's alright if the person doing it is a non-landwhale or has a dick that looks good.

>> No.6509238
File: 280 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_me61zmitxy1qhsxz1o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tutorial for it, but I've made all of my horns(Karkat, Gamzee, Kankri, and a Karkat AU pair as shown) so far out of Lightweight sculpey. Even my gamzee ones I literally cannot feel on my head, because lightweight is just that-- lightweight. I don't suggest using sculpey though unless you know you can do a smooth job, but otherwise it works great for my Vantas horns.

>> No.6509268
File: 104 KB, 250x262, tumblr_md98mdXI081r4q6cbo3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nudestuck is just one of the many, many reasons why homestuck is such a shithole, enjoy your fat whale stripping in a graveyard
(bonus point of disgust for the bra laying on someone's tombstone)

>> No.6509302
File: 34 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mfexzwFXrc1r7mujco4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross on so many levels

>> No.6509311
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>> No.6509332
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Their cosplays are so lovely, but Aranea's dress bothers me.

>> No.6509347

Thats fucking gross and disrespectful

>> No.6509375
File: 226 KB, 691x720, scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting a lot in these threads but nothing of my own. Now I'm looking for help/criticism/advice regarding my doc scratch cosplay. I'm working on the head now, and since paper mache is the cheapest option (next to spending $70-$100 on a plastic sphere), it's what I'm using for now. Just paper mache around a beach ball. It's a bit bumpy already, but I'm hoping that if I put enough layers on, I can sand and cover it in gesso or something. What do you think? I'd rather it not look like complete shit, but this isn't something I'm trying to get super professional with.

>> No.6509389


paper mache is a good structural material but you're going to need to finish it with something else, yeah, gesso or bondo or something. just realize if you're going to paint it really glossy any bumps or cracks or uneveness is going to show so really put in the time to sand it smooth

>> No.6509398

That is so terrible oh my god

>> No.6509403

hope that dead person's spirit pay her a visit and shove those horns up her fat ass

>> No.6509424

Alright thanks! I'll be sure to take time and get enough layers, sand well, and I'll use a flat paint, I don't care for glossy paint in photos.

>> No.6509423

I came across this a few days ago, it'll make it look fantastic:

>> No.6509439

Wow! I just watched the video, really impressed. I have to figure it out, but maybe I'll start over now, and do just what he did. Looks relatively inexpensive, at least compared to the plastic globe idea. I might even have to take back what I said about gloss finish, but I'll have to think the paint later. That was super helpful, thanks.

>> No.6509440

*think about the paint later

>> No.6509441

I'm not a fan of her Rose or Roxy, but wow, I think she makes a really cute Aranea. Maybe the glasses make the proportions of her face look better? Either way, this is nice.

>> No.6509444

It might actually be how the wig frames her face?

>> No.6509448

I agree, I think it's the wig. She's a cute girl. Lalonde cuts just aren't flattering on her.

>> No.6509449
File: 279 KB, 500x337, tumblr_m6oqe5G3QG1qcx66do1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509451
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No problem, I'm thinking of doing the same thing when I make my own Doc Scratch helmet too.

>> No.6509453

Yeah, that could be it. It's a great length for her, and it shows.

>> No.6509486

She would make a much better Jade than Rose with regards to the kids, but she wouldn't do it. Maybe Terezi? Not really Feferi or Aradia.

>> No.6509516

what the fuck is going on with those seams?! her dress is so basic I don't understand how people keep screwing it up

>> No.6509537

A+ for not making sculpey look like shit. Well done.

>> No.6509544

they look like princess seams to me. a little distracting, but i like the white detailing along the edges neckline, cuffs, and bottom hem.

>> No.6509546

I'm more concerned about how the fabric seams to be gathered into the seams and how off the fit is then the finishing details she chose.

>> No.6509549
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 522588_516666418357276_2023779061_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the suggestions! I've made a test pair-- well prototype? Out of Fimo bake clay. If I had better sandpaper on me they woul've came out better I think. Will post a pic of them soon. (need to wait til family leaves.)

Also, merry christmas HSG <3

>> No.6509552
File: 40 KB, 137x234, 1296634256859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develop a boner for trolls
>check nudestuck
>99% of girls are fat/underage

>> No.6509558
File: 114 KB, 620x912, 1354451908554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Have a general boner for horns
>All horns
>PM every kind of horns there is
>Homestuck comes around
>People drawing horned, (non furry for a change) porn
>Everything is Tentabulges.

>> No.6509568

there wouldnt be anything wrong with it only if it wasnt anything more than fat chicks with green makeup or whatever

>> No.6509588

Around when did the tentabulge thing pick up?

>> No.6509597

IDK, I believe it was some girl who bought a purple tentadildo fronm BD. Don't know when tho'.

>> No.6509608

I don't know when either, but yeah some girl bought one and claimed it was gamzee's dick then it all went downhill from there.

>> No.6509618
File: 14 KB, 210x230, shrouded in darkness, i am succored by the night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.6509626
File: 132 KB, 485x650, tumblr_mflkeeRC0Y1r18cllo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509628

if this is a joke it's hilarious
if they're serious i'm sad

>> No.6509643

Where has someone posted a photo with a tentabulge?

>> No.6509646

it's obviously a joke, but even if it weren't it'd still be hilarious

>> No.6509673

Hey HSG. A few threads back someone mentioned that Heaven and Lauderdale were dating. Is it true or not? I've heard both kinds of answers.

>> No.6509678

we don't need to talk about them

>> No.6509682

Have you tried asking Homesmut for a troll porn prompt and cock-and-dick anatomy?

(Courtesy sage for general HSG rather than cosplay)

>> No.6509690


I know. I just want a straight answer so you all can get back to your regularly scheduled bitching.

>> No.6509691

if you're not interested in talking about it you're free to scroll

>> No.6509709
File: 409 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mfm0ufWxoR1qd6zono1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509731

holy shit where is this from?

if this is a selfpost don't forget to take your bracelet off next time, it's distracting.

>> No.6509733

i like the wig and good job with the binding. just get a photographer and better lighting next time

>> No.6509739



it's a joke guys

>> No.6509740

actually, i'm kind of curious now. are there any other well known-cosplayers who are dating each other?

>> No.6509745

ceriene and katspaw are dating

>> No.6509793

not self post. The cosplayer is broternia on tumblr.

>> No.6509831
File: 183 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mccygx2yT01r2hji0o3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of dave cosplays is it necessary that I wear black shoes for just his normal clothes, can I wear red ones or must I stick with black ones, I found a really nice pair of red ones that I want to wear
pic not realated

>> No.6509841

depends on what you mean by normal clothes. it's always best to go with what's most accurate. dave canonly wears red shoes with some of his clothes and he canonly wears black ones with others.
>alpha dave
red shoes
>godtier dave
black shoes

>> No.6509848
File: 40 KB, 456x750, tumblr_mesnfvDqp11rwgw9ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love this if it wasn't for the godawful fabric choice. The satin is so shiny it makes the whole dress look cheap and tacky. It could also be fitted better, especially around the chest.

>> No.6509851

I wish people would only use satin to accent things. It gives such a Halloween vibe when it's used for the majority of a costume. It's really sad because you're right, the costume itself is pretty great, save for that fabric.

>> No.6509859

Or they could at least have used bridal satin since it's less shiny.

>> No.6509862


So much shoop on the face, what the fuck? It looks like a painting now.

>> No.6509864


The moon is backwards.

Also, source?

>> No.6509884

Looks like she's 14. Not bad...

>> No.6509896

Sad, though, that a 14-year-old is feeling the pressure to shoop her face to the point of looking like the Flesh from Doctor Who.

>> No.6509953
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>> No.6509964
File: 50 KB, 245x245, sjkdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510062

is that...a Homestuck/Elf crossover?

>> No.6510069

I'm afraid.

>> No.6510071

I'd be interested to know this too, it's fun to hear about.

>> No.6510077
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mfm9fv6pvB1r0c7wno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking horns. fucking wig.

>> No.6510079

the sad part is, their construction looks incredibly smooth and symmetrical. but they don't resemble kurloz's canonical design at all with the curly twists at the end. plus the painting could blend better.

>> No.6510090
File: 449 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m4r1ywON921r3xx0bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510099
File: 122 KB, 671x864, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of kurloz horns, I just started mine (out of model magic). Once they're dry, I'm of course going to sand them, but I'd still like to know what /cgl/ thinks.

>> No.6510109

The fuck is with their hair.

>> No.6510113

I think they look quite nice!

>> No.6510119
File: 38 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwobk8vDRB1r6rc35o6_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look really good! I like the shape you got for them.

The only thing I'd change possibly, is adding a little more model magic to the base of the horns. That's where a lot of the weight's going to stay, especially when attaching them and with model magic, it actually shrinks up as it dries.

Other than that, they look like they probably won't need sanding at all with how smooth they came out.

>> No.6510121
File: 363 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mf8jr9cseT1rzhlrio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510139

i think shooshstab and harshwhimsical are dating too

>> No.6510146
File: 42 KB, 489x640, 300511_10150411974820639_596701918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510166

> Pointy horns, clearly bought
> "Cherries" are ball pit balls and pipe cleaners
> Bright red lips???
> Shitty paint, unsealed and horrible applied

I literally don't understand they looked and the mirror and said 'this is good, time to go show the world'

>> No.6510179
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1354041576839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone tells me to go as Lord English
>look up pics

Anything a little less intensive for the visibly /fit/ cosplayer?

>> No.6510182

Equius. There is a steep shortage of fit Zahhaks in this world.

>> No.6510183

Not to mention it looks like they have a case of... Pink eye. Ba dum tiss.

>> No.6510184

Any of the Sagittarius trolls, especially Equius.

>> No.6510186
File: 101 KB, 540x720, 296455_10150240534372644_6310520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510187

If you didn't want to bother with paint, you could also try your hand at Jake or Dirk. There aren't a lot of manly cosplays of them floating around either.

>> No.6510194

That was my thought too; hopefully people won't get too huffy about my being "too old".

>> No.6510204

No one's gonna get huffy, some of the most well liked HS cosplayers are over 25!

>> No.6510207

usually I like my Karkats to be a bit less moe-uguu, but this is a thing of beauty. Dat scowl.

>> No.6510220

if you are over 21/22 you are already a rare treat as far as I'm concerned. The more older Homestucks I discover, the better.

>> No.6510225

I'm 25, glad to see it's not entirely a teenage circle-jerk.

>> No.6510236

I'm also 25! I've got nothing against the younger population of the fandom but when it comes to making actual friends, I have a hard time connecting with people younger than around 22

>> No.6510240

I'm really tired of the younger ones thinking I'm younger than them and treating me as such.

So very few people actually talk to me to learn I'm 20 (21 in 3 months) and not 12 like everyone seems to think.

I fit for the ages to portray, but at a great cost.

>> No.6510245

I feel like it also depends on mental maturity to some aspect. I have a few younger Homestuck friends and we've had great conversations. On the flip side, I've also met other 24 year old's who stopped maturing after their pre-teen years and are still obsessed with hawt yaoiz and worship japan.

>> No.6510248

I'm about your age, and I find that it's just very difficult for me to connect with the younger fans. I think I end up giving off this really aloof vibe just because I can't hold a conversation with them.

>> No.6510257

23, almost 24. There's grownup Homestucks out there.

See if you can locate/organize a bar meet. Yes, there will be a zillion kiddies whining about how they can't come, but dammit, they get every other meet.

I know there was one in NYC at the Waystation a while ago.

>> No.6510263


Can this be done again? Preferably before I leave NYC to get back to uni before quarter starts?

>> No.6510264

I know that feel, went to a family dinner last night and it was just so awkward trying to talk to a 16 year old who still drools over tween shit like One Direction.

>> No.6510280
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 282025_520294984661086_717365971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thiiink a friend of mine hosted that one... Though theres like 5 different HS groups in NYC

>> No.6510285

I wish I lived there to go!! My friends went.

Most of the HS kids in my area are either very young- or older, 21+. Unfortunately the older ones are hesitant to meet with the younger ones so they evade meets, rather than trying to organize other ones...

>> No.6510323

Same here. There's a few mature ones I can handle with, but most of them just make me uncomfortable. Especially since, like I said, they THINK they're all older than me...

I think 18+ meet ups should start being more common place at cons to help the older fans meet.

>> No.6510322
File: 70 KB, 789x593, 432343_403587186322624_1581496391_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510325
File: 178 KB, 960x720, 419256_10150723950300639_1400084055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510339


I laughed way to hard that that Karkat's face.

>> No.6510341


>> No.6510386
File: 798 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_mduxipkOnp1rxv1sio4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo hsg i posted a link to this in an earlier thread but i figured i'd drop it again since the auditon deadline is coming up

basically if you're going to katsucon and youre one of the people who've wanted a chance to be in a panel but couldnt for various reasons

go for it!
i hope you guys have good holidays and what not

>> No.6510448

Is the list of characters up to date?

>> No.6510470


not op, but yes, the list doesn't change, its an app for all of those characters until the 31st.

>> No.6510506

On the left: fandom Cronus. On the right: canon Cronus.

Does anyone know who left Cronus is? They could do with brow/eye makeup, but man oh man those fingers.

>> No.6510610


Even 18+ ends up being a lot of 18 year olds thinking they're hot shit for being seniors in high school.

My kingdom for regular, carded barstuck con meetups

>> No.6510725

Most of the big cons have them now!

If you hang out IN the bar area at the con hotel, or even better, an outside bar, they'll card on the way in. It's sort of a defense mechanism to hide behind when kids try and sneak in.

Allegedly a fifteen-year-old managed to creep into the Otakon one and got booted out by staff.

Most barmeets go off well, though. Even if you don't drink, it's good to know that everyone you're talking to is legal, and you're not about to have an incredibly awkward moment realizing you've been talking to a sixteen-year about sexuality in Homestuck. Shit.

I find Drawmeets also tend to be older, if only because the younger kiddies aren't allowed to be out at the con past midnight. You'll get a handful of little ones, but it's not like a massive hoarde at the regular meets.

>> No.6510792

this. honestly I think most 18+ homestuck groups/events were creatited by 18 year olds who want a gold star for not being 17 anymore.

>> No.6510815

Did you get your directions messed up? Right Cronus is even more off than left Cronus...

>that wig

>> No.6510864

They're comparing how the Cronus on the left is trying to look suave and shit in contrast to the one on the right.

>> No.6510871
File: 245 KB, 300x750, tumblr_mf72tsWUip1r2qpyoo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on tumblr are literally losing their minds about this.

Meanwhile, what does hsg think?

>> No.6510886


I agree about the short emo bangs but I'm not sure what the curve of his hairline's supposed to be if not swept-sideways hair?

Where was this posted, though, I want to see the tumblr kids flipping their shit at someone daring to zomg no fun criticize!!!!!

>> No.6510892
File: 667 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mfngezrVOu1qbwnxlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510911

It was on unpopular-hs-opinions

Most of the people flipping shit are saying that the cosplays and art the person is criticizing are great, even though all but one of those cosplays genuinely do suck.

>> No.6510912


Oh my god this shit is hilarious:

>and cosplayers can do whatever the FUCK THEY WANT. cosplay is a hobby it is for fun. not every thing has to be 250% canon.

>They want to make Dave’s hair “swoopy”? Then they will. And don’t you dare say that they’re not trying to make it look good. Even if a cosplay is off-canon ((in which this is a minute detail where nobody else gives a shit except for nit-picky jerks with sticks up their asses)),

>Or, oh my god like, OR people can interpret his hair however they want, because every cosplay is good.

>every cosplay is good

Comedy Gold.

>> No.6510916

My favorite one is

>i'd like to see OP try and style a wig to look good

when none of the wigs in those pictures are even styled

>> No.6510966
File: 468 KB, 1280x1514, tumblr_mas7e3d73V1qh9u1oo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good styled wigs for Dave then?
There's not much you can really do besides part it to the side and put hairspray on it and go... right?

>> No.6510978
File: 36 KB, 650x450, 02836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic, shit

>> No.6510977

His hair is pretty slicked back and spiky. Pic related is a pretty good example, and it shouldn't be that hard to do if you buy the right kind of wig. You don't need to buy the same generic Dave wig that 99% of the fandom uses.

>> No.6510990
File: 138 KB, 657x1000, Martyvest1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think Dave's hair would be along the lines of Marty Mcfly's.

>> No.6510996


I want to hang out with 21+ homestucks but I really don't want to drink. My family is full of alcoholics and I seriously can't be around people that could be drunk or tipsy and shit. I just want a 21+ meet where alcohol isn't involved but I guess that's impossible.

>> No.6510999
File: 400 KB, 500x603, 1354252886529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine it to be similar to this

>> No.6511003

Generally planning a meet at a bar is the only way to come close to guaranteeing that twerpy highschoolers won't crash it. Even with the carding, there's been bar meets that kids have gotten into and refused to leave. In my experience though, people do a lot more sitting around and talking than actually drinking.

>> No.6511012
File: 20 KB, 283x400, 102274445_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree on the length and layering, he's still missing the obvious side-part.

Personally, I interpret Dave's hair as looking something like the attached pic, but a bit longer and less styled. And with at least some attempt at sideburns.

Speaking of side-burns and hair styling, I keep on seeing casual debates over Sollux's hair, and was wondering how sideburns would work, as opposed to long bangs framing his face.

I'm working on a cosplay of him, and the ambiguity in so many of the hairstyles is really throwing me off. Especially since Sollux cosplayers really do a lot of styling.

>> No.6511027


The barstucks I've been to are usually people getting maybe one, two drinks and just talking. Nobody got plastered or stupid or even all that tipsy, because everyone was an adult who knew how to drink in public without being an asshole.

Unfortunately a bar setting is the only way to guarentee the kids don't show up, because any other time people have tried to throw 18+ or 21+ meetups, kids crashed (Ota is a shining example).

>> No.6511031

If there's a bar-meet in your area, you can try asking people involved how the atmosphere is.

I don't really go to bars, but I've found when people drink in public places, it's a lot more subdued than a house party. When you're shelling out good amounts of money for a drink and expecting to get home alive a few hours later, you're not going to go crazy.

As for other ways to get a 21+ (or at least 18+) group going or have alternative events, I'd say try to stick with events in the late night, such as going to a cheap diner that's open 24/7.

That way you'll weed out the kids naturally. In my state, if you are under 18, you can not drive AT ALL after 9PM, and I'm pretty sure most parents won't be willing to chauffeur them home at 1AM. And many teens probably still have curfews regardless.

>> No.6511032
File: 68 KB, 500x404, tumblr_mcbmbwe3Fw1r8k37h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those things on his face are definitely sideburns, I don't know why everyone interprets them as animu bang things. Compare the texture on the end of them to Karkat's in pic related.

>> No.6511060


However, that picture also depicts Sollux as having more textured and layered hair that sticks out in the back, whereas his "standard" sprite shows it as being smooth with only a few sharp angles. Consistency in Homestuck's character designs is really a train wreck.

But I'm just looking for how it would play out with actual hair, as the solid coloring in all of the art makes seeing how everyone's hair falls really difficult.

Ah fuck, I just noticed a typo.
Last line should be
>Especially since Sollux cosplayers really DON'T do a lot of styling.
Because if they did, I probably wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.6511072


I always figure with character references sprites are the most stylized and hero-mode is the most realistic for interpreting hair, horns, etc. Depends on how cartoony you want to go though.

>> No.6511088

You may also just want to come to terms with the fact that most people you'll meet in life (who are functional adults) do drink casually and responsibly, and train yourself to feel comfortable (or at least not uncomfortable) being around it even if you don't drink yourself. Otherwise you're going to be uncomfortable at most outings.

>> No.6511181


Seriously, nobody's going to care if you don't want to drink, but being incapable of being around anyone mildly tipsy sounds like a personal problem you need to work out

>> No.6511212
File: 19 KB, 600x450, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone done seatrolls with these latex costume ears? do you normally paint them when you do bodypaint or beforehand? I'd like to pre-paint mine so I can get the blood-color accent color

>experiences with appliances?

>> No.6511235

I saw the tutorial in >>6509423 and now I'm wanting to cosplay someone with armour. Which Homestuck characters could fit the bill?

>> No.6511246

On the topic of Homestuck meets - Is it just me or do Homestuck meets have at least one person who breaks down crying about something.

Jesus fuck, I wish I could find older Homestucks who are sane and emotionally stable.

>> No.6511252

Makeup the back of your arm (or your face if you have a mirror accessible) for reference

>> No.6511254


first meet I went to it was at least two. both high school kids. that was also my last meet.

>> No.6511258

I've ued something like those for my Eridan before. I prepainted them, then when i went to go put my body paint on i put the body paint over it, just in case there were any spots i had missed beforehand and that it would blend in with the skin a little better. The last time I used them at a con I had forgotten to bring my spirit gum, but i brought my "just in case" bag which had gorilla glue in it. Let's just say i had a rough time getting out of my costume and remember to doublecheck everything.

>> No.6511256

One of the knights, maybe?

It's just you, I think. I've been to about twenty or so meetups over the past year, and I can think of exactly one instance of someone breaking down crying (during Otakon, or course, because for some reason Otakon is The Big One which everyone gets really highstrung over).

>> No.6511259


did you use your actual bodypaint or something like liquitex that you matched? I'd rather paint them once and be done with it

>> No.6511271

Do any of you have tips on sideburns? I've saved extra hairs from the wigs I'm trimming. I'm just not sure what the best method for making sideburns is.

>> No.6511279


Otakon's not "The Big One" when it comes to Homestuck stuff just because of the con's policy to reject western panels. Katsucon and AUSA on the other hand, Katsu in parituclar...

>> No.6511288
File: 17 KB, 596x556, JakeLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay Jake soon, but I'd rather be cheap and try something new than buy a shirt. Can anyone share some tips for iron on shirts, especially relating to the kids' logos? I've got iron on paper for dark clothing and a brand new white t-shirt to do this with, I just need to find someone's color printer to use for the transfer. How big should the logo be? I've noticed a lot of difference in size, but I'm not sure what's perfect.

>> No.6511295

put spirit gum where you would like the hair to be and place it there kind of scattered. this is a pretty good tutorial i like to use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwguPssqERQ

>> No.6511298


the method I've seen most often is what drag kings use for facial hair. probably with some penciling underneath to thicken it up at the top. youtube has some decent vids

>> No.6511308

Thank you!

>> No.6511314
File: 440 KB, 2048x1536, 415135_366578730068104_635353242_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I mean about logos all being different

>> No.6511320

I used this method for my Jane shirt, it ended up pretty decent. I made my logo as big as I could fit it on a microsoft Word page (narrowing the margins and such), but I am also huge so if you're smaller than 3xl I'd go a little smaller at least. Don't go dinky tiny thats dumb. Try aiming for a size around the right 3's size, especially the 2nd from the right.

Also, try to cut really close to your logo, giving like a quarter inch or eighth inch white gap around the outside. That way if you peel your shirt a bit to check it and its not all the way done, you don't have to worry about wrecking your design and you can just stick the iron on again. Also, I've found its better to do it a bit too long than not long enough.

>> No.6511354

Alright, thanks! I'll remember to cut it close to the logo.

>> No.6511371


What are /cgl/'s comments on this?

>> No.6511380


she seems like an excellent dancer but Nepeta is a weird choice and her bra being the same gray as her skin is unfortunate.

would love to see a Fef inspired dancing costume though with all her skirts and jewelry

>> No.6511386

prepaint them and just use whatever you're using for troll makeup (i use kryolan, it goes on quite nicely, you'll just have to reapply it after about 4 wears)

one of my biggest pet peeves with seadwellers are fins that arent blended in properly, i'd recommend using liquid latex (mehron is a good brand) and smoothing them down over your skin, then painting the area where they attach to help it (it'll hurt a bit when you tug them off but it looks so much better)

>> No.6511391

I agree. The dance doesn't quite seem to fit the music, either... but it's a nice idea.

>> No.6511393
File: 326 KB, 1280x857, bittesehr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sideburns work really well imo (see pic)

>> No.6511404
File: 180 KB, 500x750, princelalonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(same anon) however i have seen the long bangs pulled off too.
personal preference is still for sideburns, mostly because most sollux's wigs are awful

>> No.6511405 [DELETED] 

I think those sideburns would be absolutely perfect if they weren't so...muttonchoppish, almost? But overall, that Sollux looks marvelous.

>> No.6511414


Yeah if they were a bit sparser and more natural they would be perfect. I wish more people would go for sideburns since it looks more masculine and since 90% of Solluxes are crossplayers it would be a big help

>> No.6511484
File: 176 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm the Kurloz horn anon from earlier. Here they are, dry. One cracked, so should I fill it with plaster, or what? Thanks for your time.

>> No.6511542

Lightweight spackling usually works pretty well. (Side note, the lighting really threw me off because I thought the horns were indentations in a mould or something instead of actual horns.)

>> No.6511580

Has anyone got pix of that Sollux cosplayer with the insanely literal wig?

>> No.6511605

Even though these frames in Cascade were pretty much my headcanons, I greatly dislike it when people try to pull something off from it as entirely canon. They weren't drawn by hussie obviously, but by a fan who was very basic and simply drew some of her own. And I mean they're nice, but people shouldn't jump on it like "OH IT'S IN THESE FRAMES SO IT MUST BE CANON".

>> No.6511609
File: 424 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mfnxmwZxcS1rl86n6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human!Female!Karkat under the Karkat Vantas tag.

>> No.6511612


Someone call her mother and make that child clean that mirror. Ugh.

>> No.6511636

I thought it was splattered grey paint on her mirror from overenthusiastic painting with water-based, and then I looked at her face again.

>> No.6511648
File: 126 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mfnq9ej5RO1qfe1kko8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Sollux with sideburns but I've yet to see a cosplay pull it off without it looking stupid.

The guy is in his younger teens, and certainly not wolverine or something.

>> No.6511656
File: 4 KB, 146x212, Sollux_Captor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although you have a fair age/puberty point, i can understand why someone would end up looking like that if they were to do the sideburn method

pic related, look at how closely the corner of the "sideburn" is to his glasses

>> No.6511666

Exactly, his glasses, not aligned with his upper lip.

>> No.6511669
File: 1002 KB, 298x223, tumblr_mfmc0hYcAr1qh86mro1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand why these things get over 1k notes
it's not even that good?

>> No.6511689

If you translate troll proportions into anyone's face that isn't Potato Rose, you're going to get a mild Wolverine look. >>6511414 has a point where it would help a lot of the Sollux cosplayers because most are crossdressing and sideburns help them look more masculine.

tl;dr who cares

>> No.6511709
File: 49 KB, 495x413, tumblr_m6vs7vG6bf1qihft3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a crack at it once with an old wig of mine and it really wasn't that hard. Granted, it looked a little overstyled and choppy to me, but this wig was already butchered from it's previous owner and it took me about 15-20 minutes to style.

>> No.6511711
File: 53 KB, 510x437, tumblr_m6vs7vG6bf1qihft3o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6511782

WOAH lookin' good there

>> No.6511807

Just goes to show how horny the 13 year old Homestucks on tumblr are.

>> No.6511819

makes me wonder how many people own kinky clothing now just because of homestuck "tumblr" cosplay.

>> No.6511887

Would anyone be able to post some god-tier Jade pictures/photos/references/whatever for me please. I don't really know where you Homestuck chaps go for your references.

>> No.6511899

This was so awkward to watch I'm sorry

>> No.6511897
File: 106 KB, 900x600, wizard_of_space_by_pinkspacemonster-d5axxga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tumblr's fucking up right now but hopefully this helps

>> No.6511909

Nepeta really is an odd choice for this. She dances well enough, but I don't understand why she didn't get a top that would go better with the whole bellydancing shtick

>> No.6511942
File: 32 KB, 350x410, tops180green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, she's a stunning dancer. I'd love to have her flexibility. She's very graceful.

I'd have chosen someone like Feferi or Kanaya? Or chosen a different top. A green choli top would've suited Nepeta just fine!

>> No.6512079

that would be epoh-on

>> No.6512140

Agreed, the top change would've been a better idea.

also, is it bad this vid made me laugh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GD_Ag6yS0k&feature=endscreen&NR=1 I think it was the over effects that got me.

>> No.6512169

I love the fandom and cosplay, but I def do not see the appeal of that godawful webcomic.

>> No.6512196
File: 17 KB, 682x597, 1354989539191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to see a troll dancing in that top because of reasons.

>> No.6512208

Oh man, I'm hardcore considering doing this as Terezi, but I'm not nearly as good a dancer as that Nep, and paint takes effort

>> No.6512228
File: 50 KB, 321x302, 13564833533689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6512224


>> No.6512225



>> No.6512230

fall in an oil fire

>> No.6512233

I think there are more cosplayers of homestuck then there are actual FANS of homestuck.

>> No.6512234
File: 308 KB, 1300x861, ZLR_4694 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try reading it. It's a lovely webcomic.

>> No.6512237
File: 341 KB, 350x290, cleese2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6512241
File: 74 KB, 299x722, 1352747558613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes and /cgl/HSG is a perfect example of this.

>> No.6512238
File: 47 KB, 238x359, you're a square.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6512239

Fuck off Redwood

>> No.6512240
File: 391 KB, 1280x960, HSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, /cgl/HSG.

The 4chan winter ball is coming up, have you already decided on a date?

Let me propose you a great choice, us, /co/HSG. You're gonna lovve us.

>> No.6512242

What the fuck are you doing
We've decided not to ask these PLEBS out

>> No.6512248

>asking out these plebs who don't read the comic.
na let's go ask out those hotties over at /ck/
*ollie outie*

>> No.6512245


Kill yourself.

>> No.6512252
File: 292 KB, 1300x861, ZLR_4649 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck in Anonymous

>> No.6512253

that's incest

>> No.6512265

Had the same problem with my model magic horns. I rolled out a REALLY thin line of model magic and, with some water, sort of pressed it into the cracks and smoothed it over. Once it dried I sanded it smooth again.

>> No.6512270
File: 243 KB, 388x587, 1310104643552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hotties over at /ck/
>implying /ck/ isn't a bunch of fat dudes

>> No.6512305

Never change, /cgl/HSG.

>> No.6512405

Does /cgl/ prefer straight wigs or wavy wigs for Jade?

>> No.6512406


kill myself because I dont share your enthusiasm for a webcomic? just dropped by to compliment you all.
but wow. what friendly group you are. I retract my earlier statement about enjoying you guys' fandom and cosplay. guess you have been picked on and marginalized so much youre permaraged.


>> No.6512410


you're being trolled by /co/ shitting up our thread with their impotent jelly

>> No.6512412
File: 84 KB, 400x539, letmetellyouabouthomestuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is brilliant

>> No.6512416

people who partake in a fandom without appreciating the thing the fandom is based around are cancer.

>> No.6512532

>Getting mad over someone being an asshole on the internet

>> No.6512579
File: 234 KB, 900x1353, homestuck__jade_harley_by_tsundereprussian-d4z70kp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight with just a bit of natural wave.
i really like the wig this jade used

>> No.6512605

Yo where is the current /co/HSG? I haven't seen it for a few days

>> No.6512613

I swear I have like four of those 'disgusted security officer/janitor" photos and they never get old

>> No.6512615

you mean here?

>> No.6512625

I love them, would you mind posting them?

>> No.6512631


>> No.6512895

Attention whores that fuck everything up

>> No.6513187

4chan ball???

>> No.6513800
File: 692 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m5jd4sTiFj1qdd886o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we autosaging or just slow? How do you even tell?

>> No.6513802

Yep, supposedly autosageing.

>> No.6513805

I would start a new thread but I don't have any HSGeneral jokes.


And it's slow as well, the whole of /cgl/ is slow right now.

>> No.6513809

alright then new thread

>> No.6513870

so how are they going to describe dirk's hair?

>> No.6515097

I actually bought my first pair of thighhigh socks because of that thighhigh thursday deal from two years ago.

I try to not remember that fact though.