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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6504626
File: 854 KB, 700x778, taobaoringarrived.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying for international shipping on my first taobao order. Overestimated how much it weighed so I'm happy it weighed less. Using Taobaoring and shipping SAL.

>> No.6504625

Taobao Shopping Services spreadsheet:

>> No.6504627

Oh my god, those sweaters look so cute. If it's not too much trouble can I get a link to some of the shops?

I'm thinking of using SAL too, though my order's pretty small

>> No.6504628

What's that kangaroo thing?

>> No.6504629

The reviews look fine anon. So many reviews and most are positive.

>> No.6504632
File: 55 KB, 259x556, gyakutenkenjistrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This probably isn't the right place to be asking this, but if someone could help me I would really appreciate it!
I was trying to find some Ace Attorney stuff (mostly merchandise like the picture, but I guess cosplay would be ok too) on tao bao but every term that I tried resulted in 2 pages at most. Does anyone have an idea for a better term to search? I tried 逆転裁判, ace attorney and gyakuten saiban.

>> No.6504634

the top right hand corner with the big red thing is this shop : http://forestgirlfans.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.2-8295778581.1.FwnjQW

and middle left and bottom left is this shop : http://catworld.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.3-17457484312.1.9V8td8

>> No.6504635

I think it's a present from the shop? no clue. I'm also curious.

>> No.6504642
File: 1.09 MB, 1274x695, shit i dont need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holla holla get ₤

want to get more stuff but im already at 350 and afraid of shipping...half of the orders cute accessories which shouldnt be much but the coat, shoes, and 2 bags might weigh it down. im afraid to use anything other than ems as well in case it goes missing or something like that ;_;

>> No.6504668

holy poop link to that cake story stuff? WAY CUTE.

>> No.6504678

unf, link to dat brown beret please? <3

>> No.6504684

Nice ram horn/Chobit headband.

>> No.6504690

Oh lawd, those sweaters HNNNGH
How much did your items weigh?

>> No.6504691

about 11.5kg. I'm thinking of switching from SAL to EMS because its only a 55$ difference.

>> No.6504693

how much was SAL?

>> No.6504711

I'm gonna need a link to that ram horn headband.

>> No.6504714

Regarding the PayPal and shipping overseas Taobao spreadsheet, I wanted to clarify if the shops listed definitely take PayPal as well as ship overseas. I ask because the related LJ post (though old) seems to mention PayPal or shipping overseas and not necessarily both for all stores. A lot of the shops also don't seem to mention shipping overseas or PayPal on their storefront pages.

And with regard to using those TaoBao shops, would I just need to send them an e-mail?

>> No.6504718
File: 1.77 MB, 1560x469, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my package today. Kind of upset because I somehow managed to delete all of the pictures of the costumes/wigs actually on but oh well. Pretty happy with everything!

>> No.6504721

Has anyone ordered bras from this store?
I'm a 70A (70B in China) and I was wondering if the sizes are accurate, the quality is good etc...

>> No.6504734

Where did you get the 2D bag from please?

>> No.6504738

link to the devil horn hairpieces and the 2d bag, please?

>> No.6504742

about 120$

>> No.6504743 [DELETED] 


>> No.6504744


>> No.6504783

Which shops are you talking about? I know for sure Lucaille accepts both paypal and ships oversees because I use them all the time.
And yes you send an email of what you want (links) and where your address is then they send an email back with quotes.

>> No.6504784

How are the quality on the costumes?

>> No.6504794

They're not amazing but they're not terrible either. I got what I paid for basically. The custom sizing is very good and nothing looks like it's going to fall apart. A lot of the extra pieces are held on with safety pins but overall the seams are nice and it looks pretty clean.

>> No.6504799
File: 688 KB, 1641x1211, taobao2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to order cat bags & sailor shirt and some nice clothing, but i ended up with order full of stickers, tights & hair flowers...

>> No.6504800
File: 413 KB, 689x689, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess how much this shit weighs. reasonable guesses please. i just got my shipping fee charged and i cant believe it

>> No.6504804

Has anyone paid yoybuy through their credit card/alipay option successfully? They stopped accepting paypal, but every time I try to use their credit card option either the payment page doesn't load or I put in details but apparently the system is too busy to process the transaction.

sage for not-really-on-topic

>> No.6504803

link to whatever that flower hair thing is?

>> No.6504805

I'm gonna guess around 2.5kg. I feel like those shoes would be around 800g

>> No.6504807


purple was sold out when i ordered few days ago.

>> No.6504809

Anon, I thought I'd do this to find gifts for a friend. Believe me, that two pages at most is what they really have. There's next to nothing.

>> No.6504812
File: 895 KB, 984x491, troder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may just continue buying clothes in the use but omg I will never buy accessories here again since with shipping I'm only paying $4 tops on each item.

>> No.6504813

Aaah! You're buying No Face! You have to take a picture of it when it arrives.

>> No.6504815

I'm referring to the spreadsheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag-ECwzn2SCPdG1PTG10dHlmSkZ2WXVCbU5KNzhwVHc#gid=0 (also happens to be the last link in OP).

Thanks for your information.

>> No.6504816

Link to the earring stand?

>> No.6504820


if you look more through the shop you will see other Items that match it but most of them are just in black.

>> No.6504823

Any shop reccomendations for cheap hair accessories?

>> No.6504825


3 kg or so? the soles on those shoes look pretty thick, and some shopping services round up to the nearest whole number

>> No.6504833


aww man, saved a load of stuff from those 2 singular pages on taobao, though now I want to find the source of that specific Edgeworth keyring!

>> No.6504907
File: 146 KB, 600x377, T2..pyXm4aXXXXXXXX_!!33971194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to buy Minnie Mouse ears made for an adult head? This shop only has Mickey now.

>> No.6504931

theres some on ebay for like $5>

>> No.6504952

I hate to be "that" person but you can literally make those yourself for less than $5

>> No.6505029
File: 40 KB, 627x526, Tracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I bought about $500 of stuff and paid $22 for SAL shipping. I'm surprised the parcel was so light, too.

But my tracking has been updated and has been in customs for almost 2 weeks. Should I be worried?

PS I live in Washington.

The package was shipping from China on November 26th.

My last Taobao order, SAL got to me in just 2 weeks! I also ordered MORE stuff than I did this time.

>> No.6505034

LOL I was just about to say that myself! (Different anon)
I was originally gonna buy Miku headclips (like those things she wears in her hair, not the pigtails)
But then I was like... Dude this looks like total fucking cheap shit, I could make it myself! And cosplay websites are trying to sell that shit for $20USD. That is RIDICULOUS how overpriced cosplay is when it all comes from the same place [China]

>> No.6505040

The Kigurumi is probably at least or a little more than 1 kg. The shoes combined might be about 1kg. And the socks, nothing.

How much? And did you use EMS?

>> No.6505045


$22 for... taobao shipping?

what did you buy?

>> No.6505048

After seeing people's Taobao orders... Mine is so much fucking bigger, oh my God. Am I addicted to shopping or something? I spend $500-$700 on each order and get around 100 items (lots of accessories).

>> No.6505060

Oh, and what's weirder is that I paid the first time with Western Union (because TBRing charges extra for PP fees, and I thought I could avoid that). And then I was like... WTF Western Union charges $14 for sending money?! I was pissed. I was supposed to pay $536 for my items, but I had to pay the fee and only sent $522. What's weird is that they never charged me extra for the additional $14 I owe them. That was nice of them.

II just looked at my order, and I can;t believe how much money I spent on how little stuff I'm getting. I bought 3 dresses, 1 coat, 1 cosplay, and 2 blouses. I feel so ripped off.

>> No.6505067

Yeah, I was going to say... I have most of this shit and I just bought it off eBay for $.99 free shipping ("Korean fashion jewelry" ftw).

>> No.6505072


I never buy jewelry or accessories from taobao, always on ebay

>> No.6505075

...? No. The people who have huge orders don't have time to make a picture of them. Don't worry, your orders are probably tiny compared to a lot of people. My last orders was two shipments, first box was 12kg the second was 14kg. And I spent over three times as much as you. We aren't special, I promise.

>> No.6505079

Link to the sailor shirt and the black cat bag, please?

>> No.6505080

Lol I just went to dollar tree and bought one thing of fake flowers to make that exist same thing. Cheap shit :p

>> No.6505082

>Don't worry, your orders are probably tiny compared to a lot of people. My last orders was two shipments, first box was 12kg the second was 14kg. And I spent over three times as much as you. We aren't special, I promise.
Omg someone responded to me!!

>> No.6505087

you're precious.

>> No.6505111
File: 2.39 MB, 1492x1433, 798798798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah now i know i've been going about this entire taobao business wrong...

my order is 7 items and after shipping + agent fees it's probably $200 - am i seriously overpaying? :<

>> No.6505118

sailor shirt http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15367482587&spm=2014.12317209.0.0 (there's lot's of these same shirts on taobao, this was one of the cheapest i could find)
cat bag http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17883159620&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

yeh well no dollar tree here where i live, everything is expensive here :P

>> No.6505122

That does seem pricey for the look of those items... But the only way you could overpay would be to pick an SS with a crazy high shopping fee or pick stores that are far away from the SS so the domestic shipping would be a lot.

>> No.6505127

I am a lazy ass when it comes to closet cosplay for Halloween/events that aren't cons so if it's cheap enough, I'll buy the headband.

If I don't see any on taobao since I'm already doing an order, I'll stick with ebay thanks for the heads up.

You have to pay attention to what stores you're buying from. Taobao is cheap but there are stores that have prices roughly the same as where you can get it in store.
And considering weight, your shipping isn't that bad.

>> No.6505132

make sure you're shopping around for stuff... Lots of different stores have the same items for very different prices.

>> No.6505133

No, not over pricing. Lol. I bought A LOT (like 90) VERY cheap hair accessories. What you bought seems like everything is at least 100 yuan (~$16). I don't pay attention much to the SS fees, they're normally 8-10%, so not that big of a deal. If you want cheaper shipping, use SAL not EMS. EMS will kill you in shipping. You're not overpaying at all. The only clothes I bought in my order was all about the same price ($200) and there were only 4 garments instead of 7.

>> No.6505137

>yeh well no dollar tree here where i live, everything is expensive here :P
Do you not live in US?

>> No.6505140

Yeah. I've noticed differences from a lot of gyaru dresses especially. Like those floral lace dresses differ from one shop to another from like 100 to 200 yuan.

>> No.6505146

im from europe

>> No.6505170

Ugh that dress in the bottom middle is hideous. Remove it at once.

>> No.6505173

Oh well, that's really sad. Thanks for letting me know, though.

This one? http://animeish.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_8&products_id=58

>> No.6505181

I have, it's actually the option I use the most when I shop using yoybuy. Seems fine. You input your credit card info, then it takes you to a page where you verify your identity (either with your bank or the card type, i.e. visa or mastercard or whatnot).

>> No.6505186


Your opinion, not objective fact.

I think the dress is quite cute myself.

>> No.6505187

oh my god, that bird skull hair band
link please?

>> No.6505189

Is the middle blue dress a nightgown? It looks cute.

>> No.6505191

it was down two nights ago, but they fixed it within a couple hours. they were having technical problems, but it should be fine now. i paid two days ago after they fixed it.

>> No.6505195
File: 713 KB, 703x528, 8394832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmm - it's supposed to be an axes femme jsk, do the other colorways look any more appealing? :<

>> No.6505197


Not OP, but this is an Axes Femme knockoff product, and is supposed to be a strap dress you can convert into a high waisted skirt. I've been eyeing it for a while, even though I know it might not be the most flattering on my short 5'3 body heh, I can always convert it to a high waisted skirt worse comes to worse.

>> No.6505201

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15634939229&spm=2014.12317209.0.0 you can find these from ebay too, but they are really expensive there :P

>> No.6505204

yeah, i originally saw them on etsy a few years ago, but they were also pricey there.

>> No.6505222

>corset lacing placed right where the boobs are
Can't unsee it. I would like the dress better if it didn't have that tacky stuff pasted on there. And that really long lace at the bottom...idk.
I'd jock it and turn it into a skirt. The pattern looks cute but oh my gosh everything else.

>> No.6505233


This. I generally like axes, but they do make some unflattering and/or hideous stuff. That would NOT look good as a dress. Maybe if you were short and totally flat chested, but otherwise....
It'll probably look dodgy as a skirt too, so I would avoid it.

>> No.6505270
File: 160 KB, 712x795, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First TaoBao order. I've got a few other items I want to buy but they're both more expensive and heavier so I want to test the waters first, really. I requested airmail with bubblewrap envelope, if possible.

>> No.6505411

so how do you taobao addicts control your spending?

>> No.6505425

Someone please answer this^
I want to know as well.

>> No.6505426

Seriously? That's it?
What a huge waste of fucking money. You could have got that shit for the same price off of eBay (total cost, including shipping & agent fees that you had to pay on TB).

Best way to buy on Taobao is in bulk, imo.

>> No.6505427

I do not DO NOT browse if bored. I've always ended up adding boatloads of things into my cart when I do that, so I only browse when I have money to burn. Things I've had my eye on for a while I hold off until I absolutely need them, which are rare, since I don't need anything ASAP since I'm not going to any conventions or whatnot this year.

Also, I sit a few days before making any order, so when I go back and look at it with new eyes, I remove things I really don't need or added spontaneously.

Last part is I live paycheck to paycheck and I can't spend any more if there's literally no more money to spend, haha. Always do taobao hauls near the end of the month.

>> No.6505455

i really need to stop using the internet so much... i have little problems with impulse buying or excessive spending in person. purchases are generally limited to crafting stuff during con season.

yeah, i really try to do that as well, but my problem is more like i keep making orders on credit. like i'll pay off my credit card then use it immediately after to make a taobao purchase.

>> No.6505466

I make a spreadsheet for budgeting every month for what goes to savings, rent, bills, food, and fun spending money. Then within spending money, I decide how much I want to put in an order.

>> No.6505554

If anybody has time, could you link some of their favorite filler item shops? Like shops that have a lot of cute small things. My friend is in China and said he could get me some stuff before he comes back to the states but they have to be small but I usually order shoes and wigs so I'm not sure where to go.

>> No.6505555

they* whoops.

>> No.6505612

Has anyone gotten shoes from.. "Angelic Imprint"? (shoes0.taobao.com) They have a one crown rating and they're a bit cheaper than antaina, yet everyone seems to use the latter. Any reasoning behind this?

>> No.6505615

probably just that english speakers dont know about it

if they have a crown rating then I'd go for it

>> No.6505614

Thank you! Going to buy ace attourney key rings for ALL my friends!

>> No.6505617

Random cute shit:

>> No.6505648

Thanks so much!

>> No.6505749


>> No.6505759
File: 173 KB, 752x781, T2jUWnXitbXXXXXXXX_!!20713698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you got that blouse from the same place as I did, but man, does it fit well for a petite frame. I also ordered a blazer from them (pic related) and the quality is nice. It's hard to find a blazer that doesn't give me broad shoulders. I think I'm going to order from the store again in the future, even if their stuff costs a bit more.


>> No.6505773

Easy enough. I have two notepads always open. One, where I gather things that looks cute and what I could/would use. (link to the said item, colour I want, the size, the shop name etc.) The other is like the "shopping cart", where I put everything above as well as prices, estimated weight, shipping fees and all that jazz. Also, when I'm at my "shipping cart" I always make sure to think it over. "Do I really need this? Does this suit me? Is there anything else in the sair shop that would interest me?"

Buying clothes is also a lot more easy when my bust size is just big enough that most of the dresses/shirts do not fit. I'd never buy clothes out of whim, I always want to make sure that they fit, look cute on me and are appropriate on my (short) figure.

>> No.6505931

So given how awful Foxcherry are with shipping anything out ever, I thought it was about time to find somewhere else for cute hats- this shop has 1 crown and oh shit son look at dem hats.

>> No.6505937

This one has some cute, more summery styles, just found a really nice white lacy one for summer/spring. It's generally cheaper, too.

>> No.6506024

I was worried it might be a bit of a waste but I was wary of making a huge order for the first go. I'm relying on the shipping being less than £10 which I feel is reasonable as that would total to <= £25 which I think is fine for two shirts and two necklaces and what I would expect to pay on eBay or elsewhere.

I got them from http://wenya168.taobao.com/ and I hope it fits me well! I wasn't sure about whether to get S or M as the shoulders on M are more appropriate but otherwise I'm S.

>> No.6506061
File: 36 KB, 259x194, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a real loss when it comes to searching for stuff on Taobao.

Looking for crazy awesome purple creepers to go with my new found love of fairy kei.

Can anybody suggest somewhere that would sell those, as well as other cool fairy kei stuff?

Pic not related, but it's cute.

>> No.6506063

Link to the sailor coat please?

>> No.6506076
File: 161 KB, 452x688, bogutaop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a really dumb rant.

I ordered a dress off lolitas.taobao.com last Nov 12-ish, and it's still not at the ss. I know sometimes mto's can take a while but it's been a month and a half! And they put up a sign on the store that shipping might be delayed several weeks after I ordered my stuff, so annoyed. I never expected to receive the items before Christmas, but I've ordered off Boguta before and their stuff was on hand, so I thought this would be too, blagh. At this rate I wouldn't get my stuff until mid-Feb at the earliest.

Pic related, the dress I ordered.

>tl;dr where is my fucking dress

>> No.6506109

Do you save a lot buying from Taobao? I always figured the SS fees and shipping would cancel out any money saved. How do you save the most money when buying from Taobao? Or how much do you have to buy before you're getting a good deal?

>> No.6506196



some pink winged ones, too:


>> No.6506205

Best way to save money is to buy a lot from just one shop. A lot of SS charge a minimum fee, so as long as you're over that then it'll just be a percentage, and if you buy from just one shop then the shipping from the shop to the SS will be less.

>> No.6506238
File: 69 KB, 500x833, Yuno Cosplay Cellphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys know where to get cosplay prop cell phones on taobao/tmall?

>> No.6506240

Are there any shops on taobao which sell Secret Shop shoes?

>> No.6506253
File: 336 KB, 500x750, 1337532806744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search terms/stores that sell suspender skirts like these?

>> No.6506274

You can make that with a needle and a pair of scissors.

>> No.6506286


Wow okay you can make anything with a needle and scissors. Thanks for the snarky comment


Term I use is 背帶裙. Gets me a lot of these.

>> No.6506288


For future reference, if you ever forgot, just enter "strap dress" into google translate.

>> No.6506318

you dont even need fabric? or thread? or a pattern? hurr

>> No.6506324

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I checked the dictionary in OP's post and couldn't see it. What is the search term for lace front wigs?

>> No.6506372
File: 1.46 MB, 1500x1500, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently purchased these. Can't wait till they come in.

>> No.6506383

Those shoes... where?

>> No.6506386

The dress and tights on the top row?

>> No.6506389

I want to know where you bought those tights

>> No.6506395

Shoes - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15931336251&
JSK + Blouse - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.138.XNpjGV&scm=1007.77.0.0&id=15993934693&a
Tights - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.2457792-8885114860.3.vfMs6P&id=16175563908

>> No.6506400 [DELETED] 


lmao I actually have those shoes on my tumblr queue for that taobao thing I run.


Definitely not the person who bought it, but I did find a pair here:


Three diamonds, 99.32% positive, and a bit cheap, so I'd wait for OP to answer herself. All three reviews liked it though.


I linked tights a while ago - probably not the same as hers.


>> No.6506401

Thanks Lulu!

>> No.6506404

No problem!

>> No.6506408

Please review the madoka costume when you get it!

>> No.6506417

Of course! Honestly I think the one I'm most excited for is the Godoka outfit. The store has so many great giant dress costumes that I wanted to see what this one will look like in person.

>> No.6506425

Where is that white dress on the bottom left from?

>> No.6506427

looks like...


>> No.6506437

Can anyone recommend good mori shops on taobao?

>> No.6506439

What this person had said!

>> No.6506485


>> No.6506503

Can you buy stuff from Taobao and then resell it as a dealer at a convention? Or is that a really terrible idea..

>> No.6506508

Why not, it is not like if people wouldn't already do this.

>> No.6506509

You CAN, technically, but people will likely talk shit and/or call you out on it, especially if your markup is ridiculous

>mfw dealers selling $4 lolita accessories for $30 at cons

>> No.6506514

Most dealers do it anyway. Just don't buy anything that can get you in trouble for being bootleg.

>> No.6506523


Hm alright, some friends and I were thinking of doing this but I honestly know nothing about selling things at cons.

I figure anime merch would be risky since you could be buying bootlegs but hopefully selling kawaii shit to unknowing congoers could be profitable.

>> No.6506527


my SS told me it was 8 fucking pounds. HOW I DO NOT KNOW. and charged me $77 (EMS). I used taobaonow. The second this package comes home im weighing it myself.

>> No.6506534

Oh man, thank you. I don't do mori (yet?) but I love looking through mori and fairy kei looks and tons of things to see where people take the concept of fairy to. Really different looks and moods!

I don't know why, it makes me so happy!

>> No.6506538

should have used SAL

>> No.6506559

Who did you shop with? I use TaobaoRing and when the EMS was expensive they told me the airmail cost, which was much much cheaper and asked me if I'd prefer to change to that shipping option instead.

>> No.6506562

>I used taobaonow.


>> No.6506565

sorry, I misread and thought they changed to taobaonow...

>> No.6506573

I can believe that EMS cost. I bought something that weighed 184g and EMS cost was about $45 (with the discount they were offering on the EMS it was still $27 or $28)

>> No.6506592
File: 253 KB, 800x466, emsweight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I ship things in Japan, I notice the postal workers write the weight down on the package. I always see people on /cgl/ talking about weighing packages when they receive it. Does Chinese EMS not have the weight written on the receipt?

It'd be a nice way to call shopping services out on their shit if so.

>> No.6506595
File: 493 KB, 560x490, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a type of shoes called "Mule" (I was reading SuiPrincess and she has some) I looked it up on Taobao and I just got furry boots lol. Don't know if there's a better term? I look up princess shoes a lot, but end up getting lolita shoes instead.

I know DreamV, Yumetenbo, and Jesus Diamante makes them. I'd prefer no heels, but I know they always have heels (hate my height). I just am looking for those hime-gyaru-lolita shoes with like a thing of lace/flowers on them.

Pic examples.

>> No.6506676

Anybody has used airmail on taobaoring(Singapur Airmail I think?) It's the cheapest option, but I'm wanted to ask if anybody has used it before.

>> No.6506685

chances are you have used airmail at least once in your life if you've ever bought anything overseas from ebay

It takes about 2 weeks and has tracking

there's not anything wrong with it

>> No.6506687

link the shirts please?

>> No.6506693

yea i used it for my first taobao order ever like two months ago. It got here in like two weeks.

>> No.6506711

I use it on all my orders from taobaoring and so far no problems at all. It's got tracking and it's so much cheaper than EMS. I'm willing to wait the extra week it takes, just for the fact that it's less than half the cost of the EMS.

>> No.6506713

link to lace dress please?

>> No.6506720

It is still yuan

>> No.6506718

Did the currency change from yuan to yen or is Chrome being weird?

>> No.6506722

No. It's probably been said before but the ¥ symbol is for yen and yuan sort of like how the $ is used for American and Australian and Hong Kong Dollars. It's still in yuan.

>> No.6506732

Oh, thank you!

>> No.6507145

Mid Feb is Chinese New Year, so you definitely won't be receiving anything then!

>> No.6507166


Thank you kind anon!
Getting myself a lovely pair of shoes for Christmas. :3

>> No.6507236
File: 109 KB, 500x528, tumblr_mficrmUrqD1s19qbco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, could you direct me into the path of tumblr-core type of clothing? ;_;
Like, grunge stuff. Cut-out skeleton shirts, drippy font, inverted crosses, interesting jewelry and cute shorts. Almost like Urban Outfitters (without the ridiculous price tag.) Any good shops or search terms for this kind of style? Any help would be awesome!

Today when I was in Little Tokyo (Los Angeles, CA) I saw an obvious taobao reselling boutique with tops like that in them, I wonder where she got them from ;_; they were perf.

>> No.6507251

Dude, shoes are heavy. I always advice people against buying shoes on taobao because everyone gets shocked with their weight. I have bought flats before that were like 300 grams but stuff with platforms and generally thick material are usually about 800 grams and up. I ordered some platform shoes that were 800g-ish and when I got them they seemed so light. Even some shirts I get are like 300g. People really underestimate the weight of things. If you're tight on shipping costs I always tell people to use yoybuy because they show you the individual weight for each item... Oh, and kigus are pretty heavy too cuz not only is it a lot of material, but it's thick too.

Have you ever looked at the official EMS price chart? The first 500g/1kg costs quite a bit, then after that it's a lot cheaper for every extra gram. If you were gonna buy one light item, you should have done a group order at least lol

>> No.6507349


grunge, or pastel grunge jewelry? ourshows has some pretty interesting stuff


the search term for cross/crucifix is "十 字 架", and here's a random studded cross shirt saved from a previous taobao thread:


mmm this shop has some boy london clothing:


also, from another LA anon, which boutique was it? :o

>> No.6507378

I swear to god this gets posted in EVERY SINGLE TAOBAO THREAD

I could excuse it if we didn't have archives, but we do

Just do a search for taobao tumblr goth in the archives and you will find things

>> No.6507637

Hey, anyone use Bhiner? It's my first time and I have a fairly small order--except for a pair of shoes (two skirts, a light dress, and some hair chalk). I know it's going to up my shipping cost and I wanted to try SAL.

Bhiner has a huge dropdown list of options including:
Fedex Int
Fedex China
Airmail HK
Airmail China
And Other

Anyone with some experience know the best/cheapest option? It doesn't have to get to me too fast.

>> No.6507639

Well it should be added to the Taobao dictionery then if it's mentioned every time. Although i haven't seen anything...

...someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.

>> No.6507651

tumblr style clothing doesn't have a specific search term, it's more of a mix of other styles?
using 'amo' with the clothing item you want will get you some results and searching with a specific pattern will as well
it's best to actually just go on shops that are described as tumblresque

>> No.6507655
File: 255 KB, 750x539, bbag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biscuit Bag

>> No.6507659
File: 355 KB, 700x525, catsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cat Shoes

Does anyone know where these shoes are originally from? I saw them in a street snap ages ago and have been trying to find them ever since but with no luck

>> No.6507662

I swear I've seen a cat sweater with the same exact design that popped up when I put in 'cat dress' or 'cat sweater'. I don't think it's One Spo, but I get the feeling if you can find the original store for the sweater, you can find the shoes.

>> No.6507669
File: 464 KB, 750x539, ook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book Bag

I'll give it a try - thanks!

>> No.6507698

I've got plenty of results searching by "dip drops"
Those cat shoes seems to be from different brands but the one that gives you most of results is that one.

>> No.6507710

Fucking hell, learn how to use the archives. You are the same anon asking the same question.

>> No.6507716

The originals is by LDS "Dip Drop" and Wego. The LDS one is the one that actually has the tail attached in the back that you may have seen.


>> No.6507733

Well maybe something that doesn't have one definitive translation can't be added to a dictionary. Although by combining terms from the dictionary you could find the things you're looking for...

... guess that's too much work for someone like you though.

>> No.6507739

Even the tumblr taobao tag has links for "tumblr" clothes.

>> No.6507742

I meant I was hoping that the items will get shipped out by mid-january so I can receive them by mid-Feb... Hopefully.

>> No.6507749

Anyone else have a taobao shipment sitting at 'processed through sort facility' in New York with no scans/updates for 5 business days? EMS

>> No.6507770

Ah I don't remember the name. It was a boutique across the street from the kigu shop and across from a pink cosmetics store. ;_; Sorry that I can't give a better idea.

Alright I'll dig through archives, thanks anon

..Calm down. I've never asked before and sadly I haven't seen any answers when anons ask.

>> No.6507773

I track that tag, yet I never really find anything in that style, it's usually mori or lolita or just basic cute clothes. (not that I don't like those too, it's just not what I'm looking for)

>> No.6507776

i have used bhiner, but i've always used EMS with them. i can't really help you, but i wanna let you know that i was freaking out over an order not being shipped when the actually had but didn't put my tracking number up

>> No.6507780

Not with EMS, but that's happened to me a lot with SAL or Airmail. New York basically means customs, and I know any package I have that goes into the NY international center is there for a while (sometimes a fucking week), before it leaves, then sometimes the tracking never updates after it does. Which is why I groan every time I see the "Processed through ISC (New York)".

Whereas when my packages go to the Chicago or Los Angeles international centers, they're always out the next day, lol. All my EMS parcels go to Chicago, but I'm midwest so that might be why.

>> No.6507801

Link to madoka's bow?

>> No.6507869

Me again, I tried "taobao grunge" "taobao tumblr" "tumblr core" "grunge" and nothing came up really, only pastel goth shops.

>> No.6507874

(sorry for posting twice in a row)
I like that zkroom shop, but it seems a bit pricey..
Tops are like ~$20. I wonder if I can find another shop that's a bit cheaper ;_; Or do you think that's the best it'll get?

>> No.6507897

Sounds like your Internet searching skills just suck. Lurk the Internet more.

>> No.6507904

I'm usually just fine, but having trouble naming this style to find it on taobao.

"Amo" is helping a little bit, not really finding any good shops yet.

By the way, how is that helpful?

>> No.6507916

Also try:

十字架 倒
wildfox (look through a few pages)

>> No.6507919


>> No.6507920 [DELETED] 

Just to add, there probably isn't an exact name for the style or at least one that would be known in China so try using keywords related to specific items you're interested in (such as 十字架 倒), find something you like then take a look through the shop it's in. And try more searches using keywords from the title of the item you liked.

>> No.6507922

Just to add, there probably isn't an exact name for the style or at least not one that would be known in China so try using keywords related to specific items you're interested in (such as 十字架 倒), find something you like then take a look through the shop it's in. And try more searches using keywords from the title of the item you liked.

>> No.6507959
File: 1.47 MB, 2108x536, tbao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my order. sadly, a good portion of what i wanted was out of stock, so i lazily just cut them out of the picture without reorganizing it. it came out to about $140 or so for all of this

>> No.6507986

Anyone know the answer to this? I am looking for lace front wigs on Taobao.

>> No.6508019

i've been after turtlenecks like those for the longest, when you get them please post a review, or anyone with loliable turtlenecks for that matter

>> No.6508032

I'm looking for a particular taobao shop selling replicas of designer dresses, they use catwalk photos as the pictures.
I don't even have a picture because if I did I'd know where to look, I can't remember the designers name, I couldn't find the collection on vogue, I somehow lost the bookmark, I'm grasping a straws.

Any help appreciated!

>> No.6508033

>crying emoticon
>Tumblr-core clothing

oh god just leave.

>> No.6508036
File: 1.02 MB, 626x747, Taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I received my Taobao order. Does anyone want me to review anything?

>> No.6508037


>> No.6508042

Where is that brown/pink dress on the top from?

>> No.6508043

Little Bear's Cafe replica? Dream of Lolita?

>> No.6508046

YES! Thank you

>> No.6508048

What is rebeccablacktech? I've looked up things on Google trying to find threads from 4chan and I always saw something about rebeccablacktech

>> No.6508072


strawberry dress, please!

>> No.6508074

Thanks. I'm a non-lolita but it's very cute.

>> No.6508085

What I've been telling that tumblr-anon for threads

>> No.6508091


>> No.6508101

? What Shopping Service did you use...

>> No.6508105

Taobaoring. I have photo proof (they send photos before shipping) and both dresses were in those photos. I didn't receive one of them though.

>> No.6508108

Oh ok geez I thought you meant you only received one item out of the whole order. Just message them? Also make sure it's not stuffed in some box or another bag? I was missing two jsks last order and the SS had stuffed them into two separate shoe boxes that I didn't think to check until right before I emailed them.

>> No.6508107

...didn't you ask for proof pictures to make sure you got everything? You'll probably have to pay for them to ship the missing item.

>> No.6508134

I don't often browse the taobao threads here, but is there a good shop that sells shimapan?
(I don't want to sound like a pervert, but I like them.)

>> No.6508155


>> No.6508169

Thanks you two for helping. I hope I find a nice shop soon.

>> No.6508170


>> No.6508173

"Taobaoring. I have photo proof (they send photos before shipping) and both dresses were in those photos. I didn't receive one of them though."

>> No.6508175

I did Email them. They sent one huge package and I raided it. I opened EVERYTHING and every bag theat they were in. Can't find it. The package wasn't open so it couldn't have fell out while being delivered.

>> No.6508182

Taobaoring needs to get their shit together.
They didn't ship a couple of items of mine for my last huge order (an umbrella, some pens, and keyboard stickers), but since mine were small items I was upset but not seething... if I was in your position man. Good luck.

When I did email them about my things, they said they'll keep an eye out for the items but that was like a month ago and I haven't heard a thing since.

That was final nail in the coffin, I switched to yoybuy after that shit ugh.

I assumed if it turns up, oh yay, but I doubt they're actively looking for it. I might email them again about it though because hey I paid money for that stuff.

>> No.6508190

Oh God that's awful but it makes me feel so relieved.
I am bloody pissed right now about that dress. It was nearly 400yuan.

If they don't have it in their office, I will be so pissed. Since they normally get on around midnight - 2am (my time, Pacific), that's when I'll be looking for an Email.

I never thought I'd have an issue with them. I really loved Taobaoring. The first time, I used Taobaonow and after posting in the EGL about it, one comment really made me regret my order: They don't do SAL shipping. I ended up spending $100 on shipping and my order was about that same price.

>> No.6508192

Can you file a claim with them since they didn't send you the item?

>> No.6508210

All this talk about taobaoring is making me nervous about my order jesus christ

>> No.6508218

I've never done that sort of thing before. Do you mean like how ebay has its "open a case" thing?

>> No.6508259

no problem. i've been wanting to order one for the longest time, but i finally have now.

>> No.6508261

uhg i am so mad
i was given a 50$ gift card and went shopping on taobao for the first time

i spent a few hours calculating prices until i realized how expensive shipping costs

is it even worth it anymore

>> No.6508262

I've used tbr twice now and they haven't missed items. I wouldn't worry too much about it despite what's happening with a few people.

Just hope you don't get screwed haha

>> No.6508264

Depends on what you're ordering. Shoes and heavier items aren't usually worth it if you are able to find them cheaper elsewhere like ebay but if they're cheap and unique, then you're screwed.

If you use SAL or airmail, it'll be cheaper than EMS (usually). So it depends on what you want to order.

>> No.6508275

BouBou on Taobao has some really cute high necked cutsews. Check them out.

>> No.6508285


Do you think it's still worth it to use Taobao Ring? Was thinking about trying them out with an order here sometime soon. Or should I try out yoybuy instead? I've only ever used Bhiner and I felt like their shipping costs were really spendy plus I don't think they used VIP price, either, so I don't want to use them anymore.

>> No.6508291

tbr is worth it if you need to use paypal and their webcart system is easy. Their English is good too.

VIP prices are only applicable if the SS has VIP for that particular store (sometimes SS do get it for popular stores but usually not).

I haven't tried yoybuy so I can't say anything about it.

>> No.6508303

yoybuy no longer uses paypal fyi. You will have to use a credit/debit card to fill up your bank instead. Also, I'm not a fan of not receiving emails when they send me messages about items. But their cart system is just as simple as taobaoring.

>> No.6508323

>I haven't tried yoybuy so I can't say anything about it.
I've heard horrible things about yoybuy on EGL

>> No.6508329

Taobaoring. SAL shipping is best. When I used Taobaospree & Taobaonow (they were the only ones that were mentioned in EGL), they really killed me with shipping, because they only had Air and EMS as options (which were a few dollars a part, but fucking spendy). I felt like my TB orders from them were a fucking waste. I'd go with anything that uses SAL or SEA shipping as an option.

>> No.6508356

I have too. But I've used them for several orders after another anon said she's also used them for several orders with no problems.

I've also had no problems with them, and they're faster than Taobaoring and Bhiner.

>> No.6508378

i've tried taobaoring, bhiner, and yoybuy, and i like yoybuy best. if anything, i use it for their cart system. they also get back to me more quickly on their live chat than bhiner does on their msn account. unlike bhiner, they double-checked which items i wanted before i ordered them.

when i ordered from bhiner before, some items asked you to specify which one you wanted. i put my choices in the memo box for the items, yet they just chose randomly. they also wouldn't update my order for a few days when it came to second payment and the tracking number.

taobaoring didn't give me any problems, but they're slow, and their website isn't as nice.

>> No.6508383

Hmm I've got some shoes I want to order, but I want to specifically ask for a certain heel size in the color I want... You think yoybuy would understand better than taobaoring? I might just go with my tried and true taobaospree, I don't mind the excel sheet at all.

>> No.6508386

Just get cheaper shipping that takes a bit longer? And don't get heavy stuff.

>> No.6508415

i got a lolita coat customized using taobaoring. they were helpful, and everything turned out fine. just make sure to verify it with them before they place the order.

>> No.6508426

Yeah I haven't had a problem with them yet. I just hope the shop can do the shoes the way I want them... they don't show the lower heeled boot in the color I want, but the higher heel looks so bad... even if it is only an inch longer.

>> No.6508430

What's the difference between SAL and Air? Or I guess my real question is how long does SAL take and how worth it is it in comparison to Air?

>> No.6508436

Can anyone help me figure out how to search shoe clips? If I do it by google translate it gives me these things to hold your boots together. And all the lolita ones I can find in shops I know of don't call themselves anything except like bows or cutie roses.

>> No.6508447

I've tried taobaoring and bhiner. Bhiner lost some of my stuff while taobaoring sent me everything.

>> No.6508463

This might seem like an odd question, but does anybody know of any Taobao stores that sell doll clothes? Specifically doll clothes that will fit Pullips?

I think Pullips wear 1/6 scale clothing but I could be wrong. Cute Dal/Byul clothes are good too.

>> No.6508470

Just search BDJ in the taobao search bar on top, there's way too many shops to post

>> No.6508480


Searching Pullip turns up a lot of stuff too, I was just wondering if anybody knew of shops that stocked that size specifically. I'll have fun searching though, thank you!

>> No.6508529

has anyone used DHL shipping? What's it like compared to EMS? I live in the US and I was wondering if there are any differences between the two.

>> No.6508544


i've never used EMS, but packages shipped by DHL have arrived relatively quickly (3-5 days) since they don't get stuck in customs for some reason

they ship by volume instead of weight, and tend to be the cheaper option for larger packages (>6 kg)

>> No.6508562

>What's the difference between SAL and Air? Or I guess my real question is how long does SAL take and how worth it is it in comparison to Air?
AIR from China is like EMS = They're both equally expensive. Air might seem cheaper if they don't have that BS "50% off EMS thing that SS's like to use, but overall, it's about the same price. The only time where it makes a noticeable difference is with BODYLINE (not Taobao), because for an order of like $500, EMS was $200+ whereas Air was a flat rate of $10.

Except with Taobao, they don't use Flatrates.

Now SAL is more closer to SEA shipping.
It depends how much you care about time to say if it's worth it. I would never go with anything other than SAL or SEA, because I don't need packages to arrive in a week. I can wait a month or two for my shit to arrive, because I've already spent so much time on my order. I'd feel like it was a waste if I just splurged and had to splurge even more for my items to get there.

What it's worth is up to you and how you feel about time.

>> No.6508567

I don't know. They have stuff on eBay for like these shoes called "Crocks or Clogs" or something. Really ugly shoes, but they have a lot of cute shoe clips for them.

The best store to get shoe clips/bows/flowers (shoe attachments) are Antaina. They have a lot of them.

>> No.6508569

I feel ya. I hate having things with heels because I'm already so tall (and hate it), but I feel like all the pretty loli shoes all have heels... God damn my height. Why can't I be 6 inches shorter?!?!?!?

>> No.6508575

Please tell me if this sounds bitchy or not.
I received a coat and asked for it in pink. The stock photos are clearly PINK and they can't give me bullshit like it's the computer monitor settings, because there's an applique on the coat that is the same color as the coat. Well, I get the coat and the coat is a fucking orangey-pink, like SALMON instead of a pink. The applique is pink and the rest of the coat is... Orange.

I am so pissed off. This coat was the one item I was most excited about in my order. And now I won't even wear it because of the color issue.

>> No.6508577

Does anyone feel like they are a Taobao hoarder? I need help with buying things. I buy shit because it's pretty, but then I realize I'm just wasting money because I don't even wear/like it on me. Like those biscuit bags. I LOVE them and I want them. But when in the fuck would I ever wear one? I don't have any food lolita dresses! I wouldn't wear those kinds of bags outside of lolita. I just, feel like I need everything that's pretty, whether or not I can coord it or whether or not I'd ever wear it...

Is there something wrong with me? Do I have a shopping addiction? I'm very conscious of my money and always feel bad after every taobao order I make...

>> No.6508590
File: 163 KB, 1280x480, tbrorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just paid for the shipping for my items! $92.45 after paypal fees. My order was held up for about a week because of one item that ended up going out of stock after I paid. No big deal though, it was just an ear cuff that I could easily find on ebay.

>> No.6508599

What shipping method did you use?

>> No.6508612

...Ok, so how long does SAL take? That was my question.

Air usually takes a couple of weeks for me, so I'm not sure what you're talking about saying it's closer to EMS. I use it all the time and it's not at all.

>> No.6508624

I have a cart that's almost 500+ USD because I just like seeing all the cute stuff.

>> No.6508628

SAL takes the same amount of time as Air does

Do some research

>> No.6508643

Oh, thanks! I've never thought to use DHL before, but since I'm probably going to have a heavy package, I should use that option. I never even knew that DHL charged by volume lol

>> No.6508645

I meant the PRICE is closer to EMS, not the time.
My first time with EMS (and only time) using TBNow took 2.5 weeks (was held up).

Every time I use SAL it's always 3 weeks. It's never made it to a full month ;D

>> No.6508649

Oh God why the fuck didn't you choose SAL. $92? That barely looks like anything! I got an order that was 3x as big as that and used SAL (12kg) and still only had to pay less than $50...

>> No.6508654

My cart right now is over $1,000...

>> No.6508650

Probably used EMS or Air
That shit shouldn't have cost that much.

>> No.6508658

may be in bad taste but do you have a link to this strawberry dress? sounds cute.

>> No.6508663

This is the anon who received everything but one dress in their parcel. I Emailed Taobaoring and she sent me the picture of the items again (which I know, so I'm confused why the fuck I'm missing something after she sent the proof photo!):

"It's great news that you have received the parcel. Could you please have a check of the parcel again, because we did receive the dress you mention, and have packed all the items we receive into the parcel. On the picture you can also see the 2 dresses from the same seller "辟芷". Please check the picture attached. "


>> No.6508659

I'd love to see some of the stuff you have~

>> No.6508664

Take a photo of everything and make sure to emphasis you don't have it.

Could it be possible that a customs agent took it? I've heard stories about that happening.

>> No.6508665

Anon who lost some small items, they said the same thing to me, and attached the picture too... I said I was sure I didn't receive it, they said they would look out for it.

If there's any way to file a claim or something like >>6508192 said, I would love to hear it too.

>> No.6508668

I'm the anon from >>6508665, and I considered that customs maybe took it too, but why confiscate a dress? Or an umbrella? Or some stickers, even though other stickers got through?

I just think Taobaoring is incompetent.

>> No.6508670


It didn't cross my mind to be honest. I'm still kind of new to ordering from taobao, this only being my second order. I'll probably use SAL for my next one!

>> No.6508671

I would think a paypal claim if you paid that way. If not you're out of luck. It may seem like a pain to pay extra for paypal, but I like to think it's insurance if something like this happens. Your SS could easily claim they sent it then pocket it, but with paypal you can file a claim.

>> No.6508680

In such cases, is it possible to make only a partial PP claim? That is, assuming you pay for all your items at once but only one or a few are missing, you file a claim just for the amount of the items not sent?

I wasn't sure how it works when you only need to claim a partial refund.

>> No.6508700

I did, and still I'm POSITIVE it's not fucking here. Sorry for the foul language, I'm just really upset and my boyfriend's fucking sleep so I can't bitch to him about how upset I am. I really love Taobaoring, it is my favorite SS and I really loved making orders with them. I just found them, the best, and with SAL shipping, even better.

But this. Oh God. Where si that one dress.

Is it possible that customs would take that dress? Like why the fuck would they? I had two strawberry dresses (one being the shirt kind) and the other being the JSK kind.

>> No.6508717


maybe the customs agent was a lolita?

seriously though, paypal does allow sellers to issue partial refunds so just file the claim first


>> No.6508726


Link to the coat?

I've always wondered what'd happen if the item received had egregrious defects/was clearly not the same as shown in the stock image - would the shipping service mail it back to the seller or what lol

>> No.6508728

could you link to the blond wig and the sailor items please?

>> No.6508729

Can they really take shit out of your package?
My dad's asleep, but he spent a good 30+ years working for the post office. I'll ask him tomorrow. I noticed that my package was stuck in custom's for a long time. Is there any way I can contact them? I just don't know what to do.
Also, I paid through Western Union in hopes to avoid them jacking up the price with the PP fees. I paid the shipping with Paypal though. But still, the shipping costed around $25 for everything and that dress was like $60...

>> No.6508735

It's Dream of Lolita's Whimsical Vanilla Chan coat:

And the strawberry JSk I was talking about that whichever anon asked for a link to:

As you can see, it's sold out. I was lucky that I bought the last one. I also had it custom made to my measurements, and they charged extra for that (unlike DoL), but still, this was my dream dress. And I waited nearly a month to get my parcel, just to have this one missing.

>> No.6508736

Oh man... never ever pay with western union... there is no security whatsoever. I don't think paypal will give you anything... What country do you live in? US customs are really lax... I've ordered hundreds of things and never had a searched package or anything missing.

>> No.6508738

For me, DHL is faster than EMS shipping from China. My SS recommended DHL once because they said that EMS was being slow. It's a little cheaper too. The differences aren't too much though.

>> No.6508742

sailor items

I can't really tell which wig you're asking for because I ordered two that are split! But here's the links for both of them anyways

>> No.6508744

I know there's no security with Western Union and everyone calls it a scam or whatever, but I've made lots of orders with Taobaoring before and I just wanted to try it. I hate having to keep buying MoneyPaks to pay with Paypal lol.

I've never filed a claim or opened a case or anything like that with Paypal. I've been scammed before on eBay, so I just don't like Paypal .-.

I live in the US. I've never had a searched package or anything missing before today!

>> No.6508745

Then you're out of luck. Since you only paid the shipping with paypal, you won't be able to file charges for your order.

>> No.6508749

I don't care about that though! I just wanted my dress! Is there any way I can call the people from customs and ask if they stole my dress?
I Emailed Taobaoring (but they're offline) if they could check their office to see if they forgot to pack the dress. I've been refreshing my Email every 5 minutes...

>> No.6508753

I highly doubt it. Who would fess up to stealing a cutesy dress form China?

I think you need to step away from the computer and calm down for a bit.

>> No.6508764

Try doing what some of us do? If you find yourself impulse buying just let everything in your cart stay there a week or two. You can look it over every few days and once the "It's so cute! I gotta have it!" excitement wears off, you'll notice that a lot of stuff in your cart you really don't need.

>> No.6508791


Review and link to those cat shoes pretty please? I've been wondering about how they would look IRL for awhile now.

>> No.6508797


I'm 5 ft tall and I just hate high heels in general, forever clumsy as fuck. Anything over 3 inches is not doable for me ;_;

Anyone know of any good shops with lots of shoes on the lower side of heels? It seems like I can only ever find massive platforms and stuff.

>> No.6508824

holy crap sauce on those AWESOME hot dog slippers?? thx.

>> No.6508829

I don't even like hats but damn.

>> No.6508834

The only problems I've had with FoxCherry have led back to the SS I was using. Granted, the person who runs the shop has gotten so overrun with orders that she is very strict on when she cuts off orders, but I've ordered during her open time this past October and had everything arrive at my SS within a couple weeks (13 pieces). So if you're having trouble I recommend DollyPoddle she can get in touch with the owner when my other SS could not.

>> No.6508842

What's the difference between Airmal HK and Airmail China?

>> No.6508843

Links to:
black skirt
black velvet dress
white blouse
pinks hoodie

>> No.6508844

It's /cgl/'s archive.

>> No.6508845

Which agent are you using? HK airmail is generally cheaper than airmail china

>> No.6508847

They're actually an xmas present for a friend and they're nowhere near my size (I'm 35, she's 41) but I'll definitely post pictures of them when they arrive!


>> No.6508851

Seconding this request, please! Especially elegant shoes suitable for classic.

>> No.6508854
File: 49 KB, 521x669, 50d7bb4761d26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY ORDER HAS ARRIVED! they got the wrong sheep headband (i wanted the ones with ears :'( ) and im laughing at how bad the white shoes look (why didnt i just get some tokyo boppers)
4.8kg, 90 to ship it ems.

>> No.6508855

Maybe they shooped the photos to hell and back to match.

If there was an orange option, then yeah you can be mad.

>I don't mind the excel sheet at all.
What? I can fix something that needs to be fixed on there if stuff is wrong. I'm limited to what I've used for SS so all the info there is from other reviews I've read or from taobao threads.

>> No.6508856

>how bad the white shoes look
Why were they bad? I wanted to get some similar to them for cosplay.

And how's the biscuit bag?

>> No.6508857

>mfw mine doesnt have the cute ears as well
red is kidsyoyo (got it in beige cause they were out of red apparently i hope it fits they only had S) and white is 69th department (got it in brown)

>> No.6508859

Look at the shape of them compared to actual tea parties and you will see the bad

i should have specified my order isn't here at my house but at the SS's office uguu sorry, dunno the quality of anything but i will review them either on here or tumblr.

>> No.6508865

I placed a $1300 order half an hour ago.

>> No.6508867

good lord what'd you order?

>> No.6508868

i want to know what you bought as well! please post!

>> No.6508870

About 35 backpacks, haha.
I'm buying them for girls in my group of friends. And I bought a few of them tattoo tights, and myself some jewelry and small things.

>> No.6508874

What is your occupation?
>inb4 poorfag

>> No.6508876

I have an online business and I'm a cosmetologist..

>> No.6508877

guys, let's not do this

Chances are the majority of the people lurking here have hugeeee orders, but dont feel like posting them because theyre so large

I usually buy at least 200 items but I never post them here, mostly because I am lazy and that's a lot of screencapping/picture saving to do

>> No.6508881

aww but its exciting to see people's gigantic orders...for some reason it makes me happy

>> No.6509178

Is Foxcherry still giving people headaches? (ie. sending packages late etc).
There are a lot of hair accessories I want to get for them so...

>> No.6509180

>>I want to get for them
*from them

>> No.6509213

Don't understand your question? Taobaospree uses the old method where you fill out your own excel sheet (this is before they had SS with automated shopping carts) and then email them. It's more personal since you'll be conversing with an actual agent via emails the whole time instead of a messaging system like most other SS these days. They speak good english and I've never had problems with custom orders, hence why I was saying I might just go with them. I do like the automatic cart just for convenience but filling out the excel yourself is, in my opinion, more descriptive I guess? Less prone to errors?

Heh, my last couple of orders have all been over 1000USD and just for myself. 35 backpacks seems like it might weigh it down, hoping your shipping isn't too ridiculous!

>> No.6509217

FoxCherry is closed for orders until the New Year. I think they are a headache to the bigger SS... Try a private SS like DollyPoddle, she's been able to order from the girl who runs FoxCherry without any problems for me whereas my other, bigger SS wasn't able to get in touch with the shop owner. As for shipping... I ordered a bunch of things, about 13 items and a lot of them were custom hats and she said they arrived to her within 3 weeks. So excited to get that package... been waiting on those damn hats since I tried to order them month ago with the other SS with no luck.

>> No.6509234


Thank you! So strange that the bigger companies failed to get in contact with the Foxcherry owner while Dollypoodle succeeded.

I wonder why it took Foxcherry so long to ship items? Is it because the owner handmade all of the items?
Btw, I heard that dollypoodle is good, but her responses are slow (days to reply to e-mails) because she's a one woman business. How is she now? I might place order with Foxcherry somewhere late Jan - early february...

>> No.6509244


By the way what's your favourite lolita accessory shop besides Foxcherry? I wear classic.
I know there is a long list of shop in hellolace but it is better to hear reviews from people who actually bought the items. Thanks

>> No.6509247

I hate life :/

>> No.6509248


>> No.6509249

what happened anon?

>> No.6509256

I feel like an embarrassment so I don't want to post here. I have major social issues and I'm pretty much a hikikomori. I spend all my time on the computer and have no social life. Uni is starting up in 2 weeks and I'll be in panic attacks during class. I just want to be alone all the time. People don't like me. I'm starting to hate lolita too (the only thing that made me happy) because I feel like it's a money addiction I have and everything I received from Taobao, I hate most of it and just end up re-selling it (which is hard, most is offbrand) T^T

>> No.6509261
File: 165 KB, 640x480, and now i wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only part of it, but my order has arrived at taobaoring. The EMS fee is about 120 usd which isn't suprising(17 lbs), but the money thats going to shipping fees makes me cry
I asked them the shipping rates for DHL & SAL so I'm hoping to use one of those instead of EMS

>> No.6509273
File: 292 KB, 1172x800, 25-12-2012 12-26-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine taobaoring order is on pretty much status, but myself i am trying to switch airmail to ems, as it's just ~$10 more. At least they took these extra pictures that I asked on same email.

>> No.6509288

yes, i feel like a taobao hoarder. it usually takes me 2-4 weeks to actually place an order once i start it, because i try to do what the other anon suggested and let things sit in my cart. it starts off with, "well, i just need x for cosplay" or "i don't have enough x for work, and it's cheaper on taobao," so i begin with only a few items. obviously i figure that since i'm already ordering, i should order other stuff that i "need" like cute pens and shit for work. then i'll throw in a hat i'll wear once, some craft supplies i won't use, and a dress i'll be unhappy with in the end.

i'm very conscious of money as well -- i barely spend when i go out unless it's gifts for someone else. buyer's remorse sucks, and i get it too. do you at least feel better when you get your package?

that's awesome. i can only imagine what i'd get for $1300

i think it's pretty obvious that a lot of us in this thread are addicted to shopping. /cgl/, and the rest of 4chan, are full of social retards and rejects. so why would you feel like an embarrassment?

>> No.6509293

Bhiner, they have every drop down option but SAL and Airmail HK looked like a decent price when I did some shipping calculationg (I love the Bhiner menus and cart, holy shit)

>> No.6509294

The first time I used SAL it took 6 days. Next time (in November) it took 8 days

>> No.6509295

fuck wait, was responding to:

>> No.6509300

they're from the same store with a lot of different choices, so i'm just going to link the store to you.

the black skirt, velvet dress, white blouse, and pink hoodie are all from the same store. i'll give you the weight of the items as well, since i know people are generally curious about that.
>black skirt
0.328 kg
>black velvet dress
0.199 kg
>white blouse
0.143 kg
>pink hoodie
0.286 kg

if anyone else is curious about the weight of other things in my order, just let me know. i also had no idea yoybuy was working through christmas. my stuff updated christmas eve and christmas.

>> No.6509323

I felt better when I received my package... Until shit got lost and also the quality of some things are absolute shit and end up not fitting (wtf I know my measurements, maybe they just suck at custom making).
With how much money I spent, I don't feel like what I got was worth it because I'm so unhappy with some things.

>> No.6509328

Can someone link to me shops that sell gothic/punk/visual kei jewelry? Doesn't have to be handmade, I also don't want to see that cheap $.99 sent free shipping you can just buy on eBay lol.

Stuff similar to this:

Bonus if the shop has stuff for guys and doesn't look too gay, like if it's obvious it should be for a girl (want to get stuff for my VK boyfriend).

>> No.6509330

>i think it's pretty obvious that a lot of us in this thread are addicted to shopping. /cgl/, and the rest of 4chan, are full of social retards and rejects. so why would you feel like an embarrassment?
That's a good point. But I still don't feel like I can be friends with people. Like on 4chan, I've encountered a bujnch of people who just flame me, so I hardly post. I joined a support site for a disorder called "Social anxiety" (exactly what I am). I made a few friends who have social anxiety disorder, and they don't leave their house or their room (except for the bathroom). Most of them are in their 20's-50's and still living at home with their parents because they fear people and social interactions too much. I always felt like people ahve been mean to me and I just can't stand up to people. And all the online hate (I've gotten called a troll on the support site as well...), I don't know. It just makes me believe there are no nice people out there.

I assumed that 4chan had a lot of social retards & rejects, but sometimes I see photos and I'm just like... uh no. I tend to think all decent looking or attractive people are assholes. So at school I always look for the people who are obviously uh...Rejects? Like nerdy people who play Yugioh and shit with no other friends.

>> No.6509335

I'm looking at your order and no offense, but that is such a waste. I don't understand why people order so little from Taobao. I just think it's easier to order in bulk.

>> No.6509340

I just need cosplay for con, these are better looking (& cheaper) to compared ebay ones. Is there some problems with that?

>> No.6509345

yeah, i'm unhappy at the end too... i just fucking waste my money with lolita. i think i need to quit lolita. it's just not working for me because i've so far spent over $2,000 on shit like bodyline and replicas. my first bodyline order was $500 and my second was $600. this was two years ago and i sold every item i bought because none of it suited or fit me. it sucks being tall. i should have looked at their model's heights. all of them are like 5 foot 1. i'm a booming 5 foot 7. it's not just the length that's horrible or the sleeves - it's the dress itself. like the obvious part that should be wear your bust is, ends up at my neck because of my height. i also have a "larger" sized chest for how thin i am, so needless to say my bust is heavier and lower and ends up where the waist part of a dress is. i just wish they made dresses specifically to other heights as well...

and then my first taobao order. oh god, $200 on taobaonow. shipping was $100... as soon as i saw that shipping, i was like... omfg... what the fuck. i even emailed them asking why don't they have anything cheaper? because i always used to buy all of that cheap jewelry on ebay that's 99 cents and free shipping, so i emailed TBnow and asked can't they use whatever shipping method those people on ebay are using. i realized that it was called SAL, and looked up other agents.

>> No.6509349

it kept saying "field was too long" so i'm continuing here:
then i found taobaoring. i made my first order with $300. shipping SAL was ~$30.

then i made my second order of ~$550. shipping was $40 but i was discounted some because something became out of stock after i paid.

now i'm in the process of my 3rd order and also selling a ton of shit that i don't like from my 2nd order.

i feel like i have a problem. i buy things because like some other anon said, it's pretty. but i don't actually use/wear it. i think "oh it'll look good on me", but in reality, it won't, and doesn't. i even got more shit custom made, and that stuff ends up looking all wonky and just fucking wrong.

>> No.6509350

That's all you need...? That's all you NEED?
Oh my God, I could never buy so little at once... I just, I envy you. How can you not feel like everything you buy is a waste of money because you don't buy enough? THE DEALS! THE DEALLLSSSS!!!

I envy you for being a responsible buyer.

>> No.6509351

Holy shit do you live in China or what?

>> No.6509353

well, part of your problem is judging people by their appearance. there are certainly decent and attractive people who sit at home in nice clothes and full makeup but are too afraid to go out. it's not like ugly people really got the shit end of the stick and are ugly and socially inept.

also, emoticons, especially on 4chan, are probably what's getting you flamed. you seem like a troll, because you're basically describing yourself as a typical case, so it seems like you're mocking people.

why is it better to order in bulk if the anon only needed a few things?

>> No.6509362

that's really discouraging, but in a way, maybe this will help curb your shopping addiction.

it sounds like you quickly learned from your mistakes, at least. are you unhappy because you're also just getting offbrand items? why not look at the tall lolita threads they have here on tumblr and take note of the types of dresses they wear? i know some are well above 5' 7". i recall one person saying she was 6' 3".

and a trick i use when buying everyday clothing as well is to only buy really cheap stuff that i could also give to my mom or sister as a random "gift" if i don't really like the way it looks on me.

>> No.6509367

Seconding this request

>> No.6509369

Ah, thanks for telling me this. I don't tell people that I'm judging them, because everyone judges on appearance. I know uni is different than HS, but pretty girls are still gonna be bitches (at school), i'm talking about the typical preps. The losers (me) hang around at anime club and stuff.

So no emoticons? I barely use them.

>> No.6509372

yeah i definitely learned from my mistakes. i love replica dresses, because original ap (and i have an AP dress and it's of typical length...80 something cm). so i normally get custom made replicas, but i don't think i will anymore. i love the prints, i love the quality, it's just my body. nothing looks good on my body. the AP i have looks so horrible on me, i look like a grown woman wearing a children's dress. but i feel when i get dresses custom made longer, they end up just not fitting my petticoats. or they just look wrong. i think the size they're meant to be and the people they're meant to be worn on (short girls) are the only ones it looks good in. i wear sweet, and every JSK i have, it just, the poofy isn't right and now the dresses just look too long. i don't know how to describe it. maybe i'm just fucking ugly.

not unhappy about offbrand, just that i can't resell shit i don't like (i was reading a thread about brandwhores and the reason some people buy brand is because it's easier to resell if they don't like it/don't fit). i just feel like my body type is weird. it's not even being tall. i don't know what i'm saying anymore.

i think i'll just stick to OP's because i can't stand the issue i have with jsk's. i can't find a blouse that doesn't look like a muffled baggy mess under my jsk's. i just feel like a little house on the prairie girl. maybe 'm just not wearing it right. i'll probably post a pic sometime.

>> No.6509374

You'll also do better if you stop labelling others as well as yourself

>> No.6509376

>and a trick i use when buying everyday clothing as well is to only buy really cheap stuff that i could also give to my mom or sister as a random "gift" if i don't really like the way it looks on me.
I did this to my boyfriend's family lol! I bought a TON of stuff from eBay. I find things that are $.99 on eBay with free shipping more worth it than the same shit on Taobao, because even then, that stuff on Taobao is usually 10 yuan including shipping, which is more than eBay.

But everything I didn't like, I just packaged up and gave to my boyfriend's mom and sister for Christmas. They loved it. Also, they weren't aware of where it's from because they like to waste money and buy stuff in stores.

>> No.6509381

I've done that. It doesn't work. I think it's a self-esteem issue more so than a judging people issue. I've met girls who are pretty and have been nice to me (out of pity). I just find situations with people difficult to deal with. I also can't relate to people and say inappropriate things without knowing it. The Asperger's part of this derived from my social anxiety. I don't have many "real" social interactions. I forgot how this conversation related to Taobao lol.

>> No.6509391

S.O.L. get over it

>> No.6509393

>I envy you for being a responsible buyer.
Thanks, might debit card explains another bit of that....

But for that order, as it mine first taobao clothing order, i am bit scared of that screwed of measurements (custom order) and might I should have just used these predefined sizes.

And sadly that packet won't most likely arrive on this year even it gets shipped via EMS.

>> No.6509410

Airmail is good when you have a lightweight order, but since EMS on yours has a 10 usd difference you should go for it.
EMS is so expensive haha, DHL charges by volume, so I'm hoping to get a lower rate. That, or I go with SAL, I don't really need my order until early February though.

>> No.6509426
File: 37 KB, 668x653, Y2WY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally selected SAL, but taobaoring switched to airmail because:
>Airmail is lower than SAL for this parcel, so we changed to airmail fee for you, which is faster and safer.
But yeah, changed my mind when I saw that weight and checked price for EMS. Few times I have got problems with these SS when shipping is more expensive than I originally expected.

For order, these picture doesn't show does it include that "Decorative bow", http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9953141033 if I got right it comes for first 10 customers? Well, not big deal if it doesn't include.

>> No.6509502
File: 700 KB, 1920x960, taobaoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my package yesterday!! It was shipped on 12/8 and arrived on 12/24. I used SAL and live in California (if that helps)

If anyone wants photos, reviews, whatever, let me know! I'll try to respond asap (clothes might take longer since they're in the wash right now)

>> No.6509503

oops sorry for the huge white space, got my % wrong on PS. and thread is autosaging

>> No.6509506

can you review both pairs of shoes, the white bag, and the three shirts/blouses on the bottom left

>> No.6509526

Can you review the pink phone case?

>> No.6509554

Can someone please tell me if bhiner mark their packages down for customs

>> No.6509566

it didn't look like people had started another thread.

new thread here:

>> No.6509996

I'm really just looking for the findings to make my own. I found some on etsy. I might just get those, but I figure I might be able to find a shop that sells them cheaper on taobao since I'll already be buying other things there.

>> No.6510067

link to your white bag along with a review please! <3

>> No.6510075

Yup, came quickly.

>> No.6510987 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 640x480, TBR004122D5D7683-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black shoes (lolita)

Bodyline carries this exact same one I think. I really love the style since I think tea-parties have too many straps, but I'm really disappointed in these shoes! They looked great when TBR sent proof photos (image attached) but they're less prettier in real life.

>> No.6511834

It's my first time ordering from Yoybuy, and before I ship out my order I would like to see my items. How do I do this? Do I just request it?

>> No.6511950

Ask on the new thread.

>> No.6512226

I bought some accessories from Red Maria and I realised that the pearls and lace were glued on with some weak adhesive...this deterred me from buying their berets which I really really like. Please tell me more about the berets.