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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6503916 No.6503916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ feel about introducing more Korean stuff at cons?

I know we're all big fans of Korea, K-Pop and Korean men here, so how about we start cosplaying characters from Korean manwha and animation and trying to include more panels about Korean things?

>> No.6503923

>I know we're all big fans of


>> No.6503929

> know we're all big fans of.... Korean men here

Damn you weebs for perpetuating this stereotype about all of us.

I have no interest in Asian men.

>> No.6503953

Dae Han Min Guk!

>> No.6503993

The only people who are "big fans of korea" are starcraft progamers.

>> No.6504001

Why do Koreans astroturf their shitty pop culture so much?

>> No.6504002

Sorry, but any white woman who dates a Korean man is as good as a white woman who dates a nigger to me.

That is to say: Shit.

>> No.6504013

Massive inferiority complex because they steal it all from Japan and they know it.

>> No.6504016

But they're more successful at it because korean girls are generally hotter than japanese girls

>> No.6504023

I really beg to differ. I always thought it was funny that a lot of Korean men are good looking, but the women are mediocre at best.

They're all plastic surgery whores anyway.

>> No.6504033

Korean men are pan-faced wife beating dog eaters.

They get plastic surgery just as much as the girls.

>> No.6504036

That's just your jealousy talking.

>> No.6504047

Eh, I think they're about equal without the shoop and plastic surgery. There are massive amounts of Koreans where I live and they're just as average as Japanese in real life.

>> No.6504062

Actually, I've been wondering about this too; is there any manwha cosplay at all at anime and comic cons outside Korea? I've never seen any posted here.

>> No.6504065

This, y'all are like a guy in Japan watching the VS fashion show and going, "wow, all the girls in America are so pretty"

Your k-pop boy/girl bands are not representative samples and you're retards.

>> No.6504080

It kind of annoys me that the Korean media has turned Korean men into sex symbols.

I'm going to punch the next Korean I see.

>> No.6504095

Fuck the k-pop culture, fuck the Korean men, and fuck the idea of putting Korean POP culture into cons. It's bad enough we got retarded weebs, putting koreaboos is just as, if not, 10x worse

>> No.6504120

heyyyy sexy lady

Korean's seem to copy American culture (inb4 >culture ) too much.

plus their men are too plastic for my taste.

>> No.6504134

Op op op op oppa Gangnam styke

>> No.6504144

Basically it went
>Japan copying American culture, adapting to Japanese aesthetics
>Korea carbon-copying Japan's American-copied culture

Which is why it's even weaker.

>> No.6504172

Probably because there are very few manhwa comics that have a very large fanbase. Back when I paid more attention to that shit, I think a series called NOW was fairly popular, but that aside, I feel like there are very few manhwa titles that are popular enough to have a lot of cosplayers. Could be wrong, though.

Not that it makes much of a difference because, aside from country of origin, manhwa is the same as manga in terms of structure, style, and narrative. I had a fucking hernia when Tokyopop tried to market "manhwa" as this hip new thing when it's the same goddamn shit as manga.

>> No.6504194

No one cares. You'd get more respect from me if you became a stripper or something similar.

>> No.6504198

I fucking hate manhwa. It's even more cliched than manga. That said, it's still very similar to manga so I could understand having more of it at cons.

>How does /cgl/ feel about introducing more Korean stuff at cons?
I don't understand why everyone wants to shoehorn extra shit into anime cons. MLP, Homestuck, K-pop, etc.

>> No.6504202

It's funny because most of the VS models are latina.

>> No.6504205

>I don't understand why everyone wants to shoehorn extra shit into anime cons. MLP, Homestuck, K-pop, etc.

This. I miss the days even 3-5 years ago when anime cons were ANIME CONS.

>> No.6504211

You mean most are South Americans of European descent, like Lima, Bundchen etc.

>> No.6504209
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I wouldn't mind cosplays of manhwa or an ironic Psy but that's about it

>> No.6504213

That feel when I am Japanese living in Earth and I notice Chinese and Korean Americans act like retards with their "AZN PRIDE!!!" nonsense when everything they attach to being "azn" (good at video games, cute stuff, anime, etc) is basically Japanese and therefore not even part of their culture, and if they really wanted to give examples of modern Korean and Chinese culture (you know, "AZN lol : D") then it'd be famine, human rights violations, torture, mass prostitution and migrant slavery, disgusting food, while the stuff that they have which is anywhere close to the Japanese culture they wish to imitate is shitty fucking pop music, bad attempts at ripping off Japanese games and shitty fucking dramas which all have the same storyline (girl is dying, boyfriend tries to save, is too late baww etc) but the entire Korean/Chinese population love them and treat them like dramatic masterpieces because they are dumb and know no better

>> No.6504230

Or that one a couple years ago called 'Goong' that everyone was shitting themselves over and it was a super popular drama and then I tried reading it and it was like pulling out teeth.

I just couldn't into the style. Ah well.

>> No.6504241
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>> No.6504245
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average koreans

>> No.6504247
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>> No.6504249
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>> No.6504251
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>> No.6504253

I feel sorry for this guy ;_;

>> No.6504258
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>> No.6504263
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>> No.6504273

do people like him have normal vision? Jesus Christ

>> No.6504284

Guess I'll have to hope for Naver comics getting more popular, then.

>> No.6504287

I feel a distinct sense of conquest and 'white privilege' when I have sex with a Korean girl like Tim or Laika. It's like I'm conquering the orient or something.

>> No.6504363

Tokyo Pop loved hype so goddamn much, I'm glad they're finally gone so titles can go to companies that care about selling well translated material instead of desperately trying to launch THE NEXT BIGGEST FUCKING THING EVER--while cutting corners on regular releases.

>> No.6504370

I think they need to draw a line. Korea and Japan are not under the same umbrella culturally.

I think if it's a con focused on Korean things it's cool, but to assume "Oh I like Asian things! Let's just throw Korea in there too" Naw, that's not cool.

Anime is from Japan. It makes sense to have Japanese culture abundant at anime cons.

Korean culture is not related to that.

>> No.6504424

Korea is the strongest though.

>> No.6504426

We ALL know Korean stuff are different from Japanese culture. Stop trying to fag up our COSPLAY&LOLITA board with this bullshit. Just because you shove the word 'convention' in first post does not mean you can shitpost.
Everybody should sage and report this irrelevant thread. Nobody cares for your opinion and you will just be feeding OP.

>> No.6504433



This is my favorite song where he tells Americans to eat a dick

Also how does it feel that you are losing in the Middle East?

>> No.6504444

That's just your waifu-fag talking.