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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6480036 No.6480036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ita help thread, need advice on how to help your ita friends? Girl in your Comm is shiting pity stories to get free shit? Just some ita pet peeves?
Post stories here, not a ita photo thread

>> No.6480061
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Op here: girl i know is trying be the black version of Venus. we were friends but she got mad at me for telling her to focus more on fixing the problems she's been having(weight, she claims to cut herself, has autism etc ) instead. Claimed i was jealous and i will never be a good lolita/gyaru as her.
She is asking for free shit on different lolita groups and tumblr. Wants to be a guru despite her not owning any lolita brand/offbrand. Her mom not wanting near japanese fashion. She even did i video with a fake ass "kawaii" voice.
I dont want her to end up like a black PT instead any hep?
pic her

>> No.6480088

>"Hey anon, I think you should worry more about your weight than trying to cosplay a canon sexy character :)"

Do girls like you just have no sense of how that could sour quickly? Especially with a person with obvious issues?
Like PT people that try to outreach to her, I don't get why you just don't ignore them and let them do their thing.
Some people don't want help and don't want to be fixed. They want to live in their own little worlds and for some, there's nothing you can say to change their minds.

>> No.6480095

My comm in the past few months has become unbearable

>hey guys what's milanoo
>look at this goth loli stuff from this horrible website
>I'm going to pretend to be an ita and order from milanoo! XD
>brand whore elitists should be burrrrned

It's a nightmare, I'm so embarrassed by them

>> No.6480114

i didnt say it out of the blue, we were talking about working out together and she talked about beinglike venus out of the blue. She has worked out in the pass and lost a good bit of weight but we lost touch over the summer and she was back to the weebness again. She even asked for people to buy her angelic pretty cuz "she was suicidely and mentally ill."

>> No.6480121

Every time I see stuff like this, it reminds me why I chose to not join a community.

>> No.6480126

So she was doing good with her weight loss and you basically said that it wasn't good enough? What do you expect her to react with?

The begging part is messed up, at least that part I can agree with.

>> No.6480147

no i was glad for her losing weight, she was depressed about it in middle school and most of high school, but every since she started doing this shit, all she does is make "woe im so fat posts, i want to lose it but i cant cuz of such and such" instead of losing weight, she asking for help and then other itas are telling her "dont listen to those brandwhores" shit and she pulling pity post left and right,
When she was working out she was happier and we didnt fight and now she just sits at her computer looking for asskissers.

>> No.6480159

Lots of girls bitch about their weight for sympathy, and it ain't just the fatties. Trust me on this one.
I would just stay away from people like that until they grow a better sense.

>> No.6480179

Its hard to when she makes FB statuses calling me out for being "mean" and her other friends put me down with her and then her blocking and unblocking me to apologize just block me again when I don't agree with her. I blocked her but she sent me a message through a mutual friend asking for forgiveness. Then accused me of sending hate anons to her tumblr in the same message

>> No.6480186

Yep she's nuts. She would be forever on my block list.

>> No.6480208

yea, be we have alot of mutual friends and she tries to get them involved in our drama all the time. but most of them are growing tired of her or have already.
I hope she doesnt find out about me getting Marshmallow bunny for christmas. "the your are copying me posts" are giving me a headache already.

>> No.6480215

OMG I thinkI follow her on Tumblr, is she the same girl that made a post about why she's ugly fat and nobody likes her?
also any link to the video?

>> No.6480216

>marshmallow bunny
>copying her
Wait, does this person actually fit in AP? I mean honestly, she looks too big to fit it.

>> No.6480230

No she doesn't,but fitting into brand is one of the main reasons for her to lose weight. She wants to be petite but honestly it's not in her bone stucture. But losing can her and if she buys full shirring. She has accused me of copying her when it comes to gyaru, kpop artist, Anime and Lolita things.

>> No.6480242
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I kind of feel bad for her, a little.
You can tell she's the kind of girl that's either too poor or too dumb to order a custom lolita dress, so they just tried to find the most poofy dress they could at a consignment shop and called it lolita. Saddest part is, it still looks too tight on her arms.

>> No.6480246

If she used to be suyin on tumblr but changed it to kawaii ohime and claims her Japanese hating family call her mikoro or some shit yea that's her. Her new blog is tamed compared to her old one. And just scroll down the black Lolita tag

>> No.6480259

Yea she does that a lot, on free dress days she would sometimes claim dresses she got from Ross were Lolita and claim lolitas don't need petticoats abd she picks the ugliest Lolita role models for no reason other than they are big and black like her.

>> No.6480347

>it's not in her bone structure
probably is, even people who legitimately have a large frame can easily still appear thin

girl is just fat as fuck, there is no "big boned" here
judging by her shoulders she has a small-med frame under all of the blubber

bitches don't know anything

>> No.6484202


>> No.6484222

fucking fuck shit why is it that whales like this have thinner ankles than me even though they're 200 pounds heavier? fuck you your bone structure is fine

>mfw successful cankle thinning surgery doesn't exist ;_;

>> No.6484242
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>> No.6484273

not really interested in the thread, but is the first person even a woman? i don't claim to know anything about anatomy, legitimate question. if it isn't a woman, comparing body fat distribution between an obese woman and an average male seems kind of absurd.

>> No.6484324

I think you might be right, considering how different their pelvises look. But I've never taken anatomy, so I don't know.

>> No.6484361
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>Mimiko Ururu Yukata

>> No.6484391
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ita story: this chick used to be in our community ages ago, and she was really bizarre. for one thing, she was kind of obsessed with the fact that she was black. she was extremely awkward whenever she was with us, and while she acted polite around us, apparently hated our entire community because we weren't as into anime as she was. after she got into a confrontation with one of our moderators and a DIFFERENT crazy bitch who turned out to be a fakebook, she ended up flouncing. But she flounced over the definition of otaku: she refused to believe it was a derogatory word, and thought we were all anime hating elitists. Granted, only one person tried to educate her on this term; the one who had a BA in Japanese and had spent a year abroad.

After flouncing, we discovered she was spending a lot of time discussing publicly on her tumblr (shadesoflolita, a blog about, you guessed it, lolitas of color! a topic she's seriously obsessed with) about what horrid bitches we all were. She also spent a lot of time tarnishing our community name on cgl, scaring away potential members with her vendetta. She continues to do this and frequently demonizes some of our nicest group members because she can't let it go, despite telling us to our faces and online multiple times that she was "over it" and "wanted to be friends".

If she's not reading this now, she'll read it eventually, and probably either respond herself or by pretending she's someone else, saying stuff like "hey that outfit is pretty, you're a bitch, black lolitas are so rare, blah blah blah" and her usual arsenal of crazy responses.

tldr: race obsessed weeaboo flounces bc community doesn't love everything she loves, bad mouths community with no repercussions for literally 8+ months after event

>> No.6484431

Yea, she is definently trying to be Venus
And anotherI am not girls Bon bon

>> No.6484437

Not sure if vendetta or true

>> No.6484477

What a manipulative bitch.

>> No.6484506

Nothing to share, but that op picture... Is that crissey? Lmao.

Sage for not contributing anything

>> No.6484624
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>> No.6484750

I know the comm you mean and it's because we've literally had a tidal wave of new girls in the last 4 months or so, and they're all just feeding into each other's inexperience.

>> No.6484777

Wow, nice vendetta there

Seriously, what is it with people and their hateboner for this girl? I honestly do not get it

>> No.6485091

I need her tumblr!

>> No.6485099

never mind, found it...

>> No.6485116


>> No.6485801

post her tumblr?

>> No.6489654


>> No.6489672

Not exactly ita, but comm related. I went to a small meetup with some girls who dress pretty well in my comm and it was a fucking trainwreck. I mean, yeah it was only about 5 of us, but one of the girls was wearing a sweatshirt and sneakers that didn't match her outfit, another was wearing a sweater, like ugly christmas sweater over her jsk and I was so embarrassed. The worst thing was that they all had super cute coats on and looked completely presentable, but after they took that shit off it was a mess.

>> No.6489675

Yukata? What?

>> No.6489682
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Fat girl angle or photoshop?

>> No.6489720

based on the angle and the slimming of the face versus the up front one, this seems like a classic case of fat girl angle

>> No.6489726

Both. If you look at the sides of her cheeks in the left pic there's a lot of blurring.

>> No.6489872

Any tips on tying waistbows without having to ask anyone else to help? I've been lucky with detachables so I can just tie it nicely then just button them on, but if I didn't have detachables, I'd be stuck with ugly bum bows. Tips?

>> No.6489994

same here. I wish she posted more.
seconding. I have no idea what to do when it comes to that

>> No.6490080

Not the girl who posted this story, but I've witnessed this drama SHE stirred up.. There's no vendetta here, girl posted in this story is the one who was running around spewing bullshit and drama everywhere. She's got mental problems.

So by the looks of her trip not popping up in this thread because she's on here 24/7, anons quoted is most likely said girl.

Sage for drama.

>> No.6490348

>See's what to do to make itas not itas
>Is going to start dressing in this fashion very soon hopefully
>Taking notes on what other lolitas think about certain things.

Go on, I'm listening~

>> No.6490357

you are trying too hard.

>> No.6491311
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French lolis assemble!

Does this guy... actually turn up to French meets?

>> No.6491339 [DELETED] 


it really does sound like a true story. all the HURR Y U MAD VENDETTA responses are actually making it seem more legit

>> No.6491340


it really does sound like a true story. all the HURR Y U MAD VENDETTA responses are actually making it seem more legit

the butthurt is especially strong with >>6490357

>> No.6491352

Actually, no it doesnt

It sounds like the majority of the drama-stirring bullshit that vendetta-chans post to /cgl/ in hopes that we will blindly go along with it

>> No.6491363

Yeah, this actually does sound like a vendetta, sorry. Especially since people loooove to rag on shadesoflolita. Just because it's longer doesn't make it seem any less fake.

>> No.6491386

Well, people ragging on shadesoflolita to troll is 10x different than the fact that people have legitimate encounters with this rumor spreading hobag.

No amount of your whiteknighting a girl on the internet is going to change the amount of wankery she did alluding to her lolita community.

>> No.6491423

No one here has any incentive or reason to believe you, though

You didn't account for that, vendettachan.

>> No.6491472

I want to tell a cute girl on DL to get a petti, but she hasn't asked for concrit and all anyone is saying is'cute!'.
I hate DL, I look like a bitch on it.

>> No.6491490
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All of it is logged.

>> No.6491497

just do it, D_L doesnt need to turn into the asskissing journal EGL has turned into

>> No.6491512

who cares. if she doesn't even have a petti you're right anyway

>> No.6491518

Easy for you guys to say, it's not your username everyone will deem a bitch.

>> No.6491521

I fail to see how either of those posts prove the outlandish story that vendettachan posted

She says nothing about hating the community because they didnt like anime, just that she tried to bring up an interest she had (anime) and they reacted negatively towards it

>> No.6491530


Made the comment for you

Compliment Sandwich!

>> No.6491533

who cares
it's people on the internet
don't be such a wuss

>> No.6491538

everyone wins

>> No.6491543

Thank you, not-so-anon, you're my hero tonight.
You did it so well, too.

>> No.6491554
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Rumors. None of it is even true. I'm not even the same anon that posted the story here, anyway. I feel it's out of place, but I'm just trying to show the facts to back up their story. She just has a habit of skewing stories to her benefit her by acting like a victim.

>> No.6491558
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>> No.6491561

she sure says nice things about her friends on 4chan

>> No.6491567

>anonymous posts on 4chan

Look, there is no way that either side can be taken seriously if all we have are anon posts on 4chan for "evidence"

it just seems like a case of lolis bickering and both sides skewing their own stories

>> No.6491578

>>Claims it's anonymous
>>Ignores screencap of name and tripcode and simultaneous bitching in another thread about the same thing.

Come on, you're too busy licking your own ass.

>> No.6491780
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The way I tie them is to make the loop part of the bow first on each tie, and then tie THOSE in a knot, as opposed to the traditional knot-loop-around-and-loop "shoe lace" method.

I put the dress on and guestimate how much distance there will be between the start of the waist ties and where the knot falls; then I take it off and tie the bow, putting it back on to check. When I check, I leave only one waist tie buttoned, with the other knotted to it, and then reach around and button the other waist tie. That way, I can see right away if that side will reach to its button or not instead of chancing ripping them or popping the button or something. I leave the waist ties tied like this, and don't wash them as often as the dress itself. I don't have a dress with non-detachable waist ties though, so I've yet to figure out what to do with those.

>> No.6491782

Oops; I missed that you said you were stuck on non-detachables! I'd say just do the method I described, but OVER-estimate the distance just in case, and then tighten it.

>> No.6491833

The 'head' girl of my comm is an ita. She has such great potential, but its almost as if she doesn't want to put the effort in. She never does her hair, never wears makeup, and her petticoats are always deflated. She's a sweet girl, and she's one of my favorite girls in the comm but if she's the 'leader' of a comm, one would think she would dress better.

The whole comm is kind of...lackluster. Not too many people go to meets and only a few are decently dressed. No one really *AMAZING* in it. I'm kind of new to the comm, and we've gotten a few new members though so hopefully that'll change.

>> No.6492729

We had something similar, one of our older members who's been to Japan and has lots of brand came to a meet in a beginner tier lolita coord that lacked the right shape or makeup. It looked halfassed.
Everyone has their bad day but she loves to give advice but I just don't know if I can take it now.

>> No.6492819

Ahh. This girl has been to japan as well, and she's been to france. She always talks about how she's been to all the baby storefronts. Which is fine, I don't personally mind it or care. But I've only seen her in one baby piece.
She's been in the fashion for a while (I think she got posted to /cgl/ once too ..) and she's just so...newbie looking. I was surprised when I came to my first meet up and SHE was the one in charge.
At least she doesn't like to give advice or anything. But still...qurl needs a major makeover.

>> No.6493002


lol you are getting so defensive

>> No.6493951

OP here, she posted a doll make up video, the camera is so bad you cant see shit.

>> No.6493955

kill it before it lays eggs

>> No.6493970

lol you are so in denial that no one believes your shit

>> No.6494019

>I personally go by Ke-ai
>No you are not cute. stop that.

>> No.6494593

Black people can go by whatever they want honestly because there's always a chance it's their real name so nobody will ever question it.

>> No.6494729

are you saying that cuz of "ghetto black names"

>> No.6494744

That and the ones who are actually foreign and have names like Almanouara and Aderinola that have to be shortened in strange ways.

>> No.6494810

Except not really because ke-ai is actually just Chinese for cute. It's not an actual name.

>> No.6494819

op here and she claims her family is Dominican/Hatian for the longest, never one mention any asian family memebers until she started this venus copying thing. She claims her mom hates this asian stuff which is why she doesnt have any lolita clothes etc, but then says her family calls her Mimiko/whatever she changes it too and has Chinese on her fathers side. Why would her Chinese family call her Japanese names? She doesn't have Asian in her. She has two first names, one of them is Dakota the other is the other name for a line of longitude in geography.

>> No.6494834


Shaniqua, get off the computer!

>> No.6494836

I will never understand why people do this. It's shit like this that makes me basically forced to carry around pictures of my family to prove my heritage because I don't notice if I bring it up in conversation.

>> No.6494847

I can get what you are saying, but if it likes your great great grandparents, then it hardly matters to me. I have German on both sides of my family, but i dont go flashing it into peoples faces and saying "see im not al the way black, so dont call me ghetto"
She has pretty normal names dont know why she would lie about them.

>> No.6494869

Mimiko isn't a ~normal~ name, I also don't think that ke-ai is either, especially with the info from >>6494819.

What I am referring to is the huge number of weebs who claim to be "OMG I'm part Japanese on my mom's side and my cousin is Japanese and he's gay and I fucked him and he's friends with Miyavu!!111" or, the "OMG I'm part ~azn~ so I have to shove it in everyones' faces even though I know nothing about my actual heritage and only care about it because it's like almost sort of basically japanese. girlongaiathinksmongoliansspeakchinese.png

That kind of thing makes it difficult for people to not go "oh yeah sure you're part Japanese, anon and I'm the queen of france" up until I actually prove it to them.

tl;dr weebs make ~~~*being part asian**~~~ stigmatized for people who actually are.

>> No.6494870

>Yukata as a surname

>> No.6494875

ke-ai is just Chinese for 'cute'

>> No.6494878

Yes, I know that's why it's not a legitimate real name, since she's claiming to be part chinese but still wants us to believe she was named 'cute' in chinese.

>> No.6494882

It's really hilarious to me how she just seems to have taken random weeby shit.

Mimiko is a kawaii Japanese name for a cute little girl, Ururu is that bitch with the annoying bangs from Bleach and Yukata, well, I just can't stop laughing.

>> No.6494904

it just urks me, cuz this was the same shit that made her throw a bitchfit in the gyaru comms. They called her out on her weeb shit and she went full blast, trying to get G_S deleted and when i told her she was overreacting , she called me a bitch and all kinds of names. Told me to never talk to her anthen a few weeks after brought it up on her facebook status where she got her friends to bullied me and said i was sad and patheic for telling her it was better for her to work on her mental issue first and take a break from the web. And i was jealous of her.
no offense she is sweet but really, i dont think she's all that cute.

>> No.6494909

She's ugly, but I don't think she's sweet from your description.

>> No.6494936

she WAS sweet, is that better?

>> No.6494986
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i'm just a random bystander

but really, the more posts you make the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.

>> No.6495917

It doesn't matter to black mamas. I've known girls named Princess Princess, Vodka, Viper, and Tropicana.

>> No.6495942

Not really ita in appearance but there are some itas in personality in my comm. Well one in particular actually, and her friends who mostly feel bad for her. I have a feeling her drama-mongering and aspie behavior is going to cause a rift in our comm soon, with the clique-y girls taking her side and the rest of the comm just kind of being left in the dust.

For example, we had a meetup in the last month that she threw a fit about some minor detail related to it (and then admitted she never even planned to go), then got her friends to come to her own "XMAS DESU" meetup on the same exact day at the same exact time.

>> No.6495967

Its the same with any other race everyone gotta have a unique name. I met a white girl named Shaquilla.

>> No.6497417

why are you so butthurt over this boring dramu?
>tfw someone on 4chan defends a stranger

>> No.6497421

aww wrong box :(

>> No.6497747

Bump more ita stories

>> No.6498593
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Why can't some girls just not put their photos up?
One good photo of the meet is fine, maybe another of you being goofy with a friend. But when there are so many bad photos that don't even show off anything new, I just wonder why they thought it was a good idea to upload it.

>> No.6498721

because everyone knows shadesoflolita is a huge megabitch weeb ITA that thinks black lolitas are superior. anyone that whitenights THAT has to be her.

>> No.6498801

This chick has been nothing but sweet to me. I'm going to have to disagree. From what I gathered about the 'old community' was that they stalk/follow her in multiple sites and jump down her throat if she falls out of step.

>bitches be crazy

>> No.6498807

you really really need to find a different word other than "FLOUNCE FLOUNCE FLOUNCE"
because overusing it makes it look like you're the one flouncing vendetta anon

>> No.6498913

>>stalk/follow her in multiple sites

Not at all. I'm not even part of the community, I sure as fuck am going to see what she posts all over /cgl/. It's easy for anyone to see what she posts on public sites. No stalking required.

She's nice to your face and then she's going to come on here and talk about how fat you are in an innocent way, like she's not being offensive in the slightest by talking crap about a friend.

It's hard not to notice her posts in almost every thread on /cgl/.

>> No.6499062

has shadesoflolita actually been to any of our lolita-meetups?

and didn't we find out that it wasn't actually her that said all of the shit about us anon online, but that scammer japanese-turkish chick?

>> No.6500691

Speaking of SJWs at meetups, has anyone met ugly_kitties?

>> No.6500944

>has shadesoflolita actually been to any of our lolita-meetups?

What? Are you serious? Did you not read the archives? >>6491490

>> No.6502494


>> No.6502740

She came to meet-ups once upon a time from the threads I've seen about her and is still hung up on something from ages ago. But it's not hard to see why the local girls wouldn't want to hang out with her. She's still butthurt over shit that happened years ago and talks about them on /cgl/ whenever the chance arises. I'm glad I'm a lone lolita.

>> No.6502822


She used to be pretty active in the NYC community, before she got kicked out of college and, subsequently, her home. You know, for being pretty active in the NYC comm, but not so much at school. No clue what she's doing now aside from being TUmblr famous ragey SJW.

>> No.6503182

HAHAHAHAHA that's really fucking funny. Was she trying to renounce her privilege?

>> No.6503267

You are right, I have been following this thread. You really exaggerated your story. A LOT.
7/10 got me to respond.

>she was kind of obsessed with the fact that she was black.
how many times have I said that? if I said that It was probably along the lines about the fact that I was really fucking insecure about it

>apparently hated our entire community because we weren't as into anime as she was.
Where are you getting your facts? I didn't hate anyone for that. that is a retarded reason to hate anyone

>thought we were all anime hating elitists. Granted, only one person tried to educate her on this term; the one who had a BA in Japanese and had spent a year abroad.
I UNDERSTAND what otaku means. but in the U.S. it has a different meaning. when someone says "I'm an Otaku" it means "a proud lover of anime" and in Japan it pretty much means obsessive creep. I remember being with a friend that said they were a "proud otaku" then the subject got changed to how otakus are creepy ass motherfuckers and then everyone started talking about how they got molested by otakus and one chick went on to say anime was bad. it was really uncomfortable. This not only happened once when I was in the comm, but twice. I spoke up because no one else did, and now I see why.

>> No.6503269


>After flouncing, we discovered she was spending a lot of time discussing publicly on her tumblr (shadesoflolita, a blog about, you guessed it, lolitas of color! a topic she's seriously obsessed with) about what horrid bitches we all were.
why did I discuss the local lolitas on my tumblr you ask? one day, out of the blue, I got a million hate messages. what. the. fuck. "You're such a bitch, stop talking shit about us online."
and then tons upon tons of messages saying how weird and unbearable I was. I published these messages with a response of something along the lines of "please calm down. I didn't do anything" It turns out that one girl framed me on getoffegl. it wasn't even subtle. She said something across the lines of "everyone was soooo ita except for that amazing japanese-turkish girl, who even I idoled and admired! also I'm autistic." and you fell for it. she successfully pitted you all against one another, and me. once it was sorted out that it was her, the comm and I apologized to eachother for their ill behavior, and I removed the post from my tumblr.

>> No.6503274


>If she's not reading this now, she'll read it eventually, and probably either respond herself or by pretending she's someone else, saying stuff like "hey that outfit is pretty, you're a bitch, black lolitas are so rare, blah blah blah" and her usual arsenal of crazy responses.
In my opinion, that outfit sucks. the blog which it was from isn't even available through google and it freaks me out that you'd go to find it. that outfit was waaay back in the blog's archives so you must of been searching my blog for a while trying to find the shittiest picture of me in lolita possible.and I have to admit, you did a god job. I hate that picture, but then again, that was two years ago.why not use the one of me in the upsidedown corset though? that's a crowd favorite. even I get some giggles from that. and me, shadesoflolita, thinking black lolitas are rare? really?

>tldr: race obsessed weeaboo flounces bc community doesn't love everything she loves, bad mouths community with no repercussions for literally 8+ months after event

again, where are you getting your sources? everyone knows I'm an adventure time freak now. its not even subtle. and for someone who is saying I flounced a lot, you are sure doing a lot of it.

>> No.6503278

>implying she doesn't have asperger's.

>> No.6503285
File: 39 KB, 1195x272, old bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling that someone would try to start shit with me again so I had a couple of links saved.

>> No.6503288

>again, where are you getting your sources?

>> No.6503295

I fucking hate that brolita. and I'm pretty sure other girls in the comm have issues with him too.
Man that kid is annoying. I wonder if he improved...

>> No.6503301

Look, you need to stop acting like a victim of everything. You ain't innocent.

>> No.6503319
File: 244 KB, 685x365, 1350308467714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, I'm pretty sure that they do now that I think about it. he was spamming up the FB group with obnoxious requests and we did discuss this on the comm once when I still was interested in it.


>> No.6503332
File: 190 KB, 1901x403, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Because I'm sure someone adopted your experiences with the mid-south lolita community and posts in every thread on /cgl/ that they can about it. And that's totally not you at all.

You need to get off 4chan once in a while and maybe so do I, but you sure as fuck aren't innocent in this thread and you're digging a hole.

>> No.6503345

Who exactly is mana? I keep seeing his name but... yeah. Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6503348
File: 21 KB, 186x240, 2280200354_10c54023a8_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503378

haha oh wow, I somehow knew that but didn't put 2 and 2 together. Thanks for the link though.

>> No.6503457

No one acted that way towards her. She got offended when explained to that the word "Otaku" was an insult and she flipped her shit.

She has also tried to guilt trip people into taking her side because of her autism. Everything anon said above is true.

>> No.6503481

so is the moitie girl the only mean one? How big is this com?

>> No.6503490

>pelvis looks like a guy's (narrower inlet)
>no boob shadow at all on the chest

>> No.6503492

Niki get off the fucking computer and get some psychological help.

>> No.6503519

none of them were bitches to my face but online you can clearly see how some of them act.
Its actually not that big. well as you can see the ones that are drama hungry are now all flocking to this thread. "pls bite" "this girl is a bitch, pls bite" "no u dont understand pls bite" "I'm not from this comm but (insert only stuff that people from the community would know) "
>anyone that whitenights THAT has to be her.
That's just a case of denial.

at first I found it so sad it was funny. but now its just downright sad. I feel like every time something bad happens in that community they jump to hate on whatever lolita they hate at the moment (in this case, me) and I'm frankly fucking sick of it. yes, I'm a bitch when you piss me off. but is anyone else talking shit about me and over reacting to my stories any better? the community acts like its ALL ME.

"well ____ doesn't like our community"
"must be that Nia bitch"
"well, _____ talked shit about us online"
"must be that Nia bitch"
"well ____ said we have issues"
"must be because of that Nia bitch"
"well ____ whitenighted Nia"
"no everyone supporting Nia has to be Nia"

This is just fucking sad.

>> No.6503522

>the blog which it was from isn't even available through google


you dumb. everyone can get to it. google or not

>> No.6503523

You don't have to be from the community to see what you constantly post on /cgl/

>> No.6503524 [DELETED] 

>Points to page nine of blog
>picture isn't even there when you click the link

You're trying to hard.

>> No.6503531 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1365x667, magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what a scroll bar is.

>> No.6503536

>the community acts like its ALL ME.

I will refer you to >>6503332
I like how you ignore the post to go on your victim escapade again.

Are you going to claim someone else is posting from your internet now too?

>> No.6503561

>worried /cgl/ was gonna get boring because of no drama mods
>still getting my daily allotment of drama

>> No.6503565

>using an anon post as facts

This girl may have been a bitch to you but anon posts are hardly facts....

congrats. your whole lolita community shitted up an another thread again. "this girl said ____ about me months ago" "this girl did ____ to me months ago" "this girl is shitposting about us about stuff that happened months ago"

one or two posts, whatever, you want to tell your story. but posts upon posts of bickering in every thread that talks about local community? just stop. all of you. as you all said, it happened months ago. now get over it.

>> No.6503610
File: 7 KB, 311x323, e39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Implying it'd not easy to tell who is under anonymous

>> No.6503632

>using a rage face on 4chan

Now I'm really starting to think that you all linked eachother to this thread purely to shitpost

>> No.6503636

Ok, I want pics of these bitches.
Get on that, pics of midsouth lolitas

>> No.6503645
File: 65 KB, 720x960, tumblr_lv1yenpuNd1qfi9c9o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Implying to not be a shitposting newfag

>> No.6503660

oh god, link me to that picture please

>> No.6503675
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1354515290915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having a life

Shig a dig a wig.

>> No.6503676

That cat is fucking adorable.

>> No.6503681
File: 80 KB, 219x193, 1354513968927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still alive?

>Obsessing with a chick to the point of accusing every anon who talks bad about your comm as being her

Shiggy, Diggy, Fe Fi Fo Wiggy

>> No.6503684
File: 5 KB, 174x167, 1354515116288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing that people don't have time for your shitty dramu and could really careless but you hafta make this into a giant ass thread to further your vendetta

Shiggy, diggy, wiggy, etc., etc.

>> No.6503687
File: 72 KB, 363x341, tumblr_mc5zljsjE41r931x6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not a vendetta this girl is really a bitch
>posts tons of pictures of her making fun of her


>> No.6503706

>posts tons of pictures of her making fun of her

The samefag is strong in this thread.

>> No.6503712
File: 40 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lzfcazAgFE1r1yxl4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6503728

>>also I'm autistic
So are you now taking back that you have asperger's? Is it all a lie to gain pity?

>> No.6503742
File: 483 KB, 776x332, 1352045613772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the local lolitas did a great job of proving that I'm the biggest bitch in the world and EVERY anon that they ever disliked.

don't forget! I'm a huge bitch and your lolita community is flawless and each of you are perfect little angels that protect eachother in need!

wow! your community is so perfect! from what I see about you throwing shit at people online you guys really are awesome! I'm sorry for being each anon you dislike. hell, if there are lolita secrets made about you they are obviously me right? not like anyone else dislikes you or anything. and if they do, its obviously my fault, right? right?

congrats, you win. you worked damn hard for it.
have these rustled jimmies.

>> No.6503743
File: 20 KB, 360x268, you-are-bad-and-you-should-feel-bad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up /cgl/, stop reaching.

>> No.6503750

You are an idiot. You are the one making yourself look like an ass.

go sperg somewhere else.

>> No.6503754
File: 35 KB, 178x279, 1354511226644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahahaha I'm gonna use aspergers as an insult even though it's not funny

Wow, it's like I'm actually on /sp/

>> No.6503757

Welcome to 4chan, go back to tumblr.

>> No.6503763

>hurr durr im on 4chen offensive is cool

>> No.6503764

what? I'm just congratulating you on rustling my jimmies. that was your goal right?

>> No.6503765
File: 63 KB, 588x646, 1354218725982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I've been here longer than you sweetie.

>> No.6503768
File: 63 KB, 500x400, 1352045613772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503772
File: 47 KB, 200x200, 1354513592868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hahahahaha I post pictures of people in the most awkward positions because I think it's funny but it's really not and it shows what lack of a life I truly have that I have nothing better to do than dig through someone's tumblr at 11:32 at night.

>> No.6503775

no, just quit. I don't even live near you and am annoyed by all of this stupidity. You bring it up in EVERY local com thread. GIVE IT UP. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT.

You don't get along with a clique, so the fuck what? Grow up and make a new clique. Shit slinging isn't getting you anywhere but on everyone's bad sides. Whether they are wrong or right.


>> No.6503781
File: 448 KB, 800x600, 89797972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something in this picture doesn't belong

>> No.6503784

You do realize that youre doing the exact same thing youre bitching about, right? Youre saying local lolitas instead of anon from /cgl/. Meaning that THE WHOLE COMM is on here slandering you instead of one or two people.

Seriously? Can you not see the hypocritical value of that? You play victim well.

>> No.6503785


Fixed that for you

>> No.6503787
File: 90 KB, 598x450, absolutely autistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol racism XD


>> No.6503789
File: 62 KB, 1912x480, Gaiaaspergers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has asperger's after all.
she needs to gb2gaia and leave 4chan alone

>> No.6503791
File: 34 KB, 284x328, 1354514183285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting an account that hasn't been active for years.

>> No.6503792

What could have been a good thread is a shit one. OP just started a whole shit fest. Unless you girls are actually going to talk about itas and the stories associated with them, why don't you all turn off your computers and go lay down and take a breather from your internet screaming matches about this pathetic drama.

>> No.6503793

Wow you sure showed us anon, with your brilliant skills of deduction of internet aliases you've been able to find things that WOULD be embarrassing if said person actually still used them.

>> No.6503795
File: 66 KB, 550x523, gold-star-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503807

>>Last post 1/25/12

>> No.6503813

if this specific community is going to throw a tantrum like this every time someone calls them out, it only proves the point. you really are hopeless and aren't making yourself look any better. keep stamping your feet and whining about it every time anyone says anything you disagree with, so far, I haven't been proven wrong.

>> No.6503815

>Anon arguing with girl on /cgl/.

You guys sure like generalizing.

>> No.6503818



>> No.6503822

>4 years ago

>> No.6503831
File: 81 KB, 453x604, tumblr_lxpymf76n21qfi9c9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Thinks I need to prove anything to them
Lets stay on topic then

>> No.6503839

>I'm gonna go through all your pictures on tumblr and find all the ones at the weebiest stage of your life XD

You go /cgl/, you sure showed her.

>> No.6503842

Oh would you just fucking leave already?

You just lost the internet, sorry.

>> No.6503845
File: 51 KB, 540x720, 1356143048327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>weebiest stage of your life
>>One year ago
All your whiteknighting is only making my penis harder.

>> No.6503846

>Just lost the internet
not that anon but seriously that was the worst comeback I ever heard.

>> No.6503850
File: 133 KB, 363x500, KYO0004-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that this dress?

>> No.6503854
File: 26 KB, 396x349, zoidberg_bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you have a penis really doesn't surprise me.

I do what I want, I don't have to leave, stop bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.6503856

A comm where some of your girls put people on BTB AND cgl?? no wonder girls are scared away. oh, & the racism? not cute. ‘Obsessed with being a black lolita’ you seriously have no idea what its like do you?? Y’all treat noobs like idiots and tbh i felt like some weird hierarchy when i was in. some of the girls were nice but some of them SERIOUSLY need to get their shit together.

>> No.6503859

That was pulled from her tumblr as a "before and after" lolita picture. pic is at least three years old.
come on then, prove us wrong, show us the original post.

>> No.6503864

You did treat Nikki kinda weird for like anime/manga alot. I even remember a topic about how ‘ew otakus are gross’. Of course she was going to be defensive about it.

>> No.6503866

janitor please delete thread this is just embarrassing shitty drama

>> No.6503865
File: 60 KB, 223x226, 1352045613864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jizzed in my bloomers

>> No.6503867

a bow that high is never a good idea.

>> No.6503869
File: 2 KB, 92x125, 1354511120718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol faggot brolita

>> No.6503870

>Put people on BtB and cgl.
>Actually just one girl.

>> No.6503874

what would you call this thread then?

>> No.6503876

I find it hilarious that one anon goes through Nikki's tumblr and posts shit on here and all of a sudden it's pinned on the community that "hates her oh so much."

You people are acting like she doesn't post this shit publicly, especially the shit she posts on 4chan. It's not hard to tell who she is on 4chan when she says the same thing over and over.

Sage for drama. It's just too bad the girl can't take responsibility for her own words on here and is still caught up playing the victim.

>> No.6503878

> It's just too bad the girl can't take responsibility for her own words on here and is still caught up playing the victim.
what are you doing then?

>> No.6503883
File: 112 KB, 360x421, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more.


>> No.6503884

Anon isn't playing the victim, they're just calling out how pathetic all this dramu is. There pretty much wouldn't be any drama if y'all just stopped trying to one-up each other.

>> No.6503887

All this drama is seriously retarded. This thread needs moar ita shit.

>> No.6503894
File: 100 KB, 500x387, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lel I posted more stuff from her tumblr I'm so cool XD

>> No.6503900

you obviously don't know how much of a bitch this girl is. I hope she kills herself. its a win-win. monkey itas can stop being inspired by her shitty tumblr, and no one has to deal with her ever again

>> No.6503902
File: 156 KB, 1280x1024, New.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503904

>>I hope she kills herself
shut up shadesoflolita your reverse whiteknighting is pissing me off

>> No.6503905
File: 7 KB, 236x200, FEELS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would waifu

>> No.6503910

Dear Jason,

You are a despicable human being. You need to stop wearing that fucking Pikachu hat. The hat isn’t even cute. It’s ears look like two limp dicks on your head. I told you that the first time we met, but now that I see it every single time I have to see your ugly mug it only disgusts me more every time I see it. Patrick has such an unbelievable hatred for that thing and now I understand why. That thing needs to burn. Apart from your stupid Pikachu hat, your Zelda obsession is WAY over the top. We get it, you like Zelda. Doesn’t mean you have to rub it in everyone’s face constantly. You have told me not only once, nor twice, but THREE times how you wanted to have three kids and have their middle names be Link, Zelda, and Ganandorf. Every time you are in the car you request that your stupid Zelda CD is played and stick your head out the window shouting along to the music pretending to play the instruments. I hope you get your arm torn off by a passing car. How would you play your precious video games then? I love Okami probably more than you love Zelda, but I’m not rubbing it in everyone’s face telling them the history of the game and whatnot.

>> No.6503911

I know that when you have had five Doctor Peppers you just feel the need to do something retarded and act like a spazz, more so than you already do. Please, for the love of all things that are holy, keep your damn clothes on. No one wants to see you dancing around the room in your boxers pretending to butt rape your other friends. You aren’t even attractive. Please, keep your boobs in your shirt. No one needs to see that. Even Kate was disgusted with you. She expressed it loudly. “UGHHHH!!! EWWWWW!!!!! UGHHHHHHH!!!”

>> No.6503913

That’s enough of the retarded shit that you do. Now onto the bullshit you pulled on me. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. I told you over skype, in a serious conversation, about my depressing past. Did you erase that shit from your memory? That’s some damn hard stuff to forget! I play a practical joke on you, because I love pranks, and you flip your shit, and are rude to my best friend. That’s what pissed me off. NEVER. EVER. EVER do bad shit to my girl Kelli. If she doesn’t like you or you don’t like her, I know for a fact its not going to work out between us. But if you start shit with Kelli, the only thing that is going to work out between me and you is a swift kick to your crotch region with a steel toed boot. I stopped giving a damn about you. I just wanted to figure out what is going on in that messed up little head of yours. Days later, I tried to tag you in a post, only to realize that you were not showing up. You deleted me from your friends list, without giving any reason why to. I don’t give a single damn about you, but the fact that you KNEW I went through a lot of trauma from being ignored, then later on started ignoring me… just made me rage.

>> No.6503915

You little piece of shit. I know that this is going to sound really self centered of me but I am going to say it anyway. Upon meeting new otaku people I win their hearts over and they think I am the cutest/most awesome person they have ever met. I am not only a rarity of a Lolita that enjoys videogames and anime, but thanks to my blog, I’m also highly ranked in the Lolita community. Not only that, but I am often scouted by modeling agencies big and small. Heck, you were fucking there when I was scouted! Right fucking next to me! Even so, someone like me took the time to learn a made up language from your favorite videogame, and try her hardest to impress you. Your response? “Meh.” WHAT!? You sir, were never worthy of my affection and time, but once you received it did not give a damn. Oh? You were hoping for someone better? Some cute Asian Lolita girl? Don’t make me laugh. I have done extensive research on Japan and I know for a fact that your foreigner ass would be beaten if you even TALKED about liking kawaii anime girls around the average Japanese woman. You were never worth my time, and never will be. The only time you are worth is for me to spit in your general direction. You are gross, ill mannered, creepy, obnoxious, and wear a hat that freaking looks like two limp dicks on your head. You aren’t going to get a long-term relationship, ever. I am the best thing you will ever come across in your entire life if you are looking for an adorable girl that is just like she came from a moe anime. A long list of boys are going after me, and I used to only want you. Hahahahahaha! What a laugh! What, did you mix up some magic potion or something? I swear, that’s the only explanation! Some strange unnatural force must have been put upon me to start liking YOU! I think we are done here.
<3 I hope your arms get torn off by a passing car. <3

>> No.6503921
File: 213 KB, 720x720, you have problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503924

>>We get it, you like Zelda. Doesn’t mean you have to rub it in everyone’s face constantly.
So is this the same as whining about people not liking anime, too?
>>Not only that, but I am often scouted by modeling agencies big and small.
She's, you know, a real model.

>> No.6503930

What the fuck just happened in this thread.

>> No.6503933

Ohh God, shes a **girl gameeerz**.
No. That does not make you a rarity. You are perpetuating the stereotype us girls already have. Stop.

>> No.6503936

link to this post plz.
I fucking demand it.

>> No.6503939

she deleted her tumblr

>> No.6503943

now if only we can get her to delete the rest..

>> No.6503955

>I’m also highly ranked in the Lolita community.
You wish, bitch.

>> No.6503957
File: 122 KB, 312x210, 1548575568764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know that this is going to sound really self centered of me but I am going to say it anyway. Upon meeting new otaku people I win their hearts over and they think I am the cutest/most awesome person they have ever met. I am not only a rarity of a Lolita that enjoys videogames and anime, but thanks to my blog, I’m also highly ranked in the Lolita community. Not only that, but I am often scouted by modeling agencies big and small.

>> No.6503959

>now they are posting my diary entries. It scares me.. how the fuck did they find everything? why go to such lengths to do these things? do you really hate me that much?

>> No.6503964

all you bitches look ugly. What are you eleven? Get the fuck out of here

>> No.6503971

>Quick! Quick! Someones pointing out something that common amongst a race that isn't white.

>> No.6503977

clearly you do hate her that much

>> No.6503979

I am hella confused right now, I'm OP and this thread has been ruined by vendettas. I get it you don't like her, but did you guys have to fuck it up For the rest of us with this stupid shit.

>> No.6503985
File: 211 KB, 828x766, 3425266547658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>MFW one anon trolls and Nikki takes it out on a whole community.

>> No.6503988

You can always delete the thread and try again

>> No.6503991

isn't there a better, less punk ass bitch way to confront this girl. Why don't you just go beat her up, you know, the old fashioned way. The whole shaming her on the internet thing loses it's value after the first few times.

>> No.6503996

what the fuck even happened in this thread?