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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 570x143, ikki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6485187 No.6485187 [Reply] [Original]

Since the Texas thread was turning into Ikkicon general and this is in two weeks anyway, have an Ikki thread. Are you going? If so, what are you cosplaying?

>> No.6485230

Yes. But not cosplaying. Just a lurker.

>> No.6485295

I'm cosplaying Maes Hughes.

>> No.6485531

I'm for sure cosplaying mami Tomoe, not sure about anything else yet

>> No.6485561

I'm definitely going but I won't be in cosplay. Also we're only buying a Saturday pass for the Dealer's room, since I heard in the last IKKi thread that it wasn't worth it to get passes for the whole weekend.

>> No.6485888

Doing two panels again this year, hopefully shit goes better this time.

>> No.6486306

I'm going. Not expecting anything at all, and I don't think I'll be disappointed.

Although really, I do always have a great time at Ikki, but mostly because I get to see friends I haven't seen in a year.

>> No.6486334

Not sure what I'm cosplaying yet since I decided to go last minute. Gotta pick something out from my old ones.

>> No.6486382

I'll be cosplaying as Kyouko Sakura one day, not sure which. Other cosplay so far is Suou Pavlichenko, Darker than Black pt. II and Echo, Pandora Hearts.

>> No.6486406

Drinking Guy here
I never checked the Texas thread again after posting because..
That being said, anything come of it being mentioned?

>> No.6486497

hooray! I'll be in Mami saturday

I replied to you, I'll reply again. You are 2 blocks from sixth street. If the parties suck and you are desperate for booze you can walk to 10+ bars.

>> No.6486718

Kyouko will be Saturday's cosplay then!

>> No.6486755

Depending on if my gf is out of town I may or may not drop by on friday. If she can't then I take Matt and Matt actually likes conventions no matter how shitty. Can't wait to see generalivaaaaan.

>> No.6486787
File: 47 KB, 279x419, N In Thought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll possibly be going friday, and saturday if i can get off work.

i'm probably not going to cosplay anything, but my friends who i am making costumes for will be Damian Wayne, Yata (from something idk he's a sk8r boy), book 2 Korra, or we'll all be wearing NGE kiggys if i can finish them. which i probably won't but whatever.

now that i think about it i guess i could wear N...

>> No.6487184

I will be there, same fag in the same pink dress, playing the same games in the game room.

>> No.6488181

Friday- Kyoya Ootori (ouran)
Saturday- Heir of Breath (homostuck)
Sunday- Closet cosplay (old cosplay)

>> No.6488246

Friday - Miranda Lawson & Yoko
Saturday - Cammy & LSP

>> No.6490724

Anyone know if there will be a formal dance for not?
There was a post about it in the forum, but the forums are dead

>> No.6490989

did they have one last year? if they did I would say its a good bet it will happen again

>> No.6491258

They tried to have a Hetalia formal dance. Don't see that happening again. Funny that formal dances have now become required staples. But with Ikkicon you shouldn't expect anything

>> No.6491715

Yep, they had one in the tent. But there was a long wait outside before it started. In the cold. And most of us [girls] were in dresses and were freezing to death. Once it started it was okay...except that it was in a the parking lot and dress shoes do not go well with asphalt.

However, since it will not be there this year, it's bound to be better simply because of location.

>> No.6492080

Well, at Anime Overload (their sister con) there was a "steampunk masquerade dance"
If they plan on having a formal dance I really hope they have new people plan it.
Although I have nothing against Steamship Intrepid (group which hosted the dance), I would like to see something else other than another steampunk themed dance where """"'cosplay is discouraged"""""

>> No.6492084

Correction: "non-steampunk cosplay is discouraged"

>> No.6492303

I keep my expectations very low on expecting anything. Not as low as Oni but still fairly damn low.

>> No.6492315

So Oni is worse than Ikkicon? I've never been to Onicon.

>> No.6492347

The point of going to Oni is not to actually enjoy the convention. If that is your intent then you'll be disappointed.

>> No.6492576

yes, oni con is by far worse than ikkicon. You think Ikkicon has lackluster programming, try Onicon. You think Ikkicon's cosplay contest is a clusterfuck, try onicon. If you think Ikkicon has bad communication, try onicon. If you do not live less than an hour from Galveston it's not worth going.

>> No.6493308

have you been to the maid cafe? It will be my first time going to ikkicon and I look forward to relaxing in a cafe environment that is still animu friendly!

>> No.6493310


You're in for a world of disappointment then.

>> No.6493332

Why is that? Is something wrong with it?

>> No.6493333

I hope you know that you've gotta pay to get in. It's $10 for one visit, $20 for a day, and $50 for the weekend.

>> No.6493341

I anticipated that something like that wouldn't be free

>> No.6493347


It's less like cute-girls-bringing-you-tea-and-calling-you-master, and more like Nya-nya-I'M GOING TO DO A DANCE WHILE WEARING A MAID OUTFIT.

They're not really cafes. They're more like... amateur dance groups that bring you plastic cups of water.

>> No.6493355

So they don't serve any tea? Just water? That sounds boring...
But what about food items, surely they have pocky or ramen or something like that right? It's a freaking anime con!

>> No.6493358


I mean, they probably have tea. Just not anything worth noting or anything in a tea cup.

I've never wanted to get food from them, so I don't know.

They'll play board games with you though.

>> No.6493375
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Here, I found a photo for you.

>> No.6493485

Question for the maid cafe: How do they usually treat female guests? Do they treat them like they would a male guest or do they act more girl friend-like?

another question: How does one go about applying to being a maid at a maid cafe? Is there a group that's Austin only?

>> No.6493534

Not paying money for a cafe full of not very cute girls. I guess outside of Japan, legit cute girls don't really do maid cafes.

>> No.6493557

Wonder what they'll scramble to put together now that they kicked out KiraKira.


TL;DR - Accusations, lots of sobbing, called out conchairs, said it was like an abusive relationship in working with them.

>> No.6493592


The only maid cafes I know in Texas are KiraKira and NekoNeko - and I hear the latter isn't cleared to serve food or anything. It's like some requirement for american maid cafes to have a god awful name.

>> No.6493631
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>dat redhead

>> No.6493678

Wait, people still go to Ikkicon?!

>> No.6493686

lol this is some epic bitchfit. If this is how they react in such an unprofessional manner then I wouldn't want them working for my con either.

>> No.6493687

Oh, the girl on the far left with glasses, I've known her since High School

Thats cool.

>> No.6493702

Why would you even sign a contract to setup and perform at a con, or anywhere, when you wouldn't get any money back from what you made.
There had to be a contract that was signed somewhere, so shouldn't she not sound quite so angry about being screwed out of money and having the con setup a $10 fee.

>> No.6493715


>> No.6493722

Shocking. Many have warned against it but they still keep coming out in droves. Maybe KKMOE should stand out in the park across from the Hilton with signs warning them.

>> No.6493993

So it turns out that Ikkicon will not be hosting the Kira Kira Moe Maid Cafe this year.

From their FB page:
"Regarding the Kira Kira group and Ikkicon:

At some time in the past, an attendee made a post to the Ikkicon website forums expressing a concern about food handling and hygiene at the maid cafe for Anime Overload. That post was responded to by the our executive director, Melissa Henderson, indicating that we would take this concern seriously and that steps would be taken to ensure proper food handling at Ikkicon."

The maid's response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8fEv38-Fug&feature=youtu.be

>> No.6494018

Oh shit, someone already posted this...
But, here is the faggot who ruined it for EVERYONE on the forums.

>> No.6494089

i think its funny that you're using the same name as the guy who ruined the maid cafe (with presumably false accusations)

>> No.6494090

ruined what? the possibility of getting served food by girls with dirty little fingers? is that your fetish or something because that shit is nasty.

>> No.6494092

wow those girls are hideous

>> No.6494093

it was a false accusation, moron

>> No.6494102

go home maid-chan, the adults are talking

>> No.6494152 [DELETED] 

Yes that was me.
I wouldn't call the accusations false, because those events DID HAPPEN.
But I was not as concerned as I portrayed myself to be.

>> No.6494155

Yes that was me.
I wouldn't call the accusations false, because those events DID HAPPEN.
But I was not as concerned as I portrayed myself to be.

>> No.6494761

Good lord, I haven't seen con drama this delicious in years. Bless you kirakiramoe, bless you for being so fucking batshit crazy.

>> No.6495040
File: 112 KB, 636x482, KiraKiraMoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>batshit crazy
Pretty much.

I was half expecting her to start bawling

>> No.6496598

Is anyone trying to finish stuff up? Anyone have progress pics? Don't let the thread die, I want to see what people have planned

>> No.6496637

delicious tears are delicious 10/10 please do troll again

>> No.6496642

I literally just started on my stuff for Ikkicon. Got most of Zangoose done yesterday (too embarrassed to post pics ahahaha....) and I'm starting in on Gardevoir today. It's going to be an interesting week.

>> No.6496997


I don't think any of us really consider Ikkicon important enough to break out the new and exciting cosplays.

>> No.6497195
File: 145 KB, 900x1200, IMGSuou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.
I've been working on this all day and it all looks terrible to me, so please feel free to critique. Character is Suou Pavlichenko from Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini. The wig is unstyled btw.

>> No.6497201

Your hips aren't even that wide, I don't get why the proportion is so off...I would add a band and wear it higher, it looks like you're wearing it really low which might be why it's ballooning your hips so much

>> No.6497210

speak for yourself. I'm working on a new costume, its super simple but I'm still excited to wear it.

>> No.6497213


I agree with this and possibly making each tier in the skirt a bit shorter.

>> No.6497236

I tired wearing the skirt a bit higher, closer to my waist and that helped a lot. Thanks!
I'm hoping to get this done by the end of the week so I don't have to stress last minute.

>> No.6497248

This maid cafe thing is confusing me. It seems like the maid cafe was going to quit on Christmas, and they're just mad that Ikki is getting a replacement group?

Why is the head of the cafe mad if she was going to not do the con anyway?

>> No.6497262

because she's batshit.
also, since ikkicon dropped her before she had the chance to drop them them ikkicon is an evil monster but had she dropped them it would have been FOR THE PEOPLE! and everyone would have rallied behind her because she is perfect kawaiidesu.

>> No.6497274 [DELETED] 

I think Im just going to wander around and take pictures and hope for the best.

Is ikki good at checking badges?

>> No.6497285

>Someone posted on the forums complaining that the maids were running an unclean food serving business
>The exec. direct for ikkicon got in a girl fight with Kaya (owner of maid cafe)
>Both of their prides got hurt
>Ikkicon dropped the KKMOE Maid Cafe
>Kaya got butthurt and made the video
>Ikkicon hired(?)/started(?) the Sakura Moe Maid cafe to replace the KKMOE Maid Cafe

>> No.6497290

>>The exec. direct for ikkicon got in a girl fight with Kaya (owner of maid cafe)

I don't think that's quite fair, unless they got in a fight somewhere privately. On the ikki forums Kaya is the one that started shit when the director was just trying to address concerns.

>> No.6497305


Yeah, the director just said that they will make sure everything is sanitary, and Kaya started getting "offended" that the director even acted like one of the maids isn't a rainbow farting desufluff.

>> No.6497310


True. Very true.
However, there were about 3 posts that have been deleted off the forums that were posted by Kaya and Mistyibuki (exec. direct)...
I got to see one of the posts, as it was quoted by someone... who's post was later deleted... but it looked like some very heated words were exchanged.

>> No.6497382

Why is ikkicon so shit? I live in Austin and it still isn't even worth going to. Have fun wasting your money on one of the most inferior anime conventions in the nation.

>> No.6497386

>most inferior anime conventions in the nation

lol, you must not get out much anon, Ikkicon might not be great but if you think it's the worst "in the nation" then you've ether got impossible standards or you've been lucky enough to never go to a truly shit con.

>> No.6497387

just a troll, move along

>> No.6497402

>spending money

>> No.6497414

It's an alright con if you live in Austin; but if you live outside of Austin, don't go unless you hear otherwise.

>> No.6497435

I assume this is their last year to get their shit together before their reputation is COMPLETELY ruined?
Not that it matters, because all the weebs will mindlessly flock there every year
>including me

>> No.6497609

After "tent con" last year and they're still going? Ikkicon can do no wrong, apparently.

>> No.6497620

i might be going if my friends are down. had no time to make a cosplay :|

>> No.6497624

You were so drunk last year, it was great.

>> No.6497658

I think a majority of people don't really care about location/events/panels/guests. All they want is to socialize with other weebs.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the panels are empty and Ikkicon turns into "meet-up con"

>> No.6497667

despite how much that gets brought up here and how shitty it might have been to the seasoned con-goer it wasn't really a big deal to most of the attendees. I think Ikkicon's demographic is on the younger side because it's during a school break.

>> No.6497798

So are we having a cgl meetup and when/where?

>> No.6497805

That's exactly why I'm going, and from what I can tell, it's the same for most of my friends. In a state the size of Texas, even cons as shitty as Ikkicon are an excuse to hang out with people you never get to see.

I'm down for a meetup, I've somehow missed all the past ones.

>> No.6499051

I've got to know, if ikkicon is such shit then what do you consider a good con?

>> No.6499227

Everyone considers A Kon a good con because it's large. Really the problem is that Ikkicon isn't as isolated from the outside as A Kon is. You get a lot of people in that area who don't even know what anime is and they just look at all the cosplayers like wtf? It embarrasses a lot of people, and that's the reason people don't like Ikkicon as much.

>> No.6499230

pls don't. You pretty much acted like a complete jackass last year and just made it awkward for everyone around you.

>> No.6499237

Meh, good riddance. I went to the maid cafe before it and was pretty shit. Plus they kept putting guys with the butler tables because "YAOI KAWAII DESU~"

I heard we're getting go go dancers this year as well.

>> No.6499244

>Really the problem is that Ikkicon isn't as isolated from the outside as A Kon is.

lol what? I've never heard that reasoning before. There are normal people at akon too, in fact at almost every con I've gone to I've had to explain to someone what the hell is going on.

>> No.6499258

Yeah man, but it's not as bad. A Kon is pretty closed off, so whenever a normalfag wonders in, they are very much the minority so people don't feel so selfconscious. At Ikkicon, it's like being in the trojan turtle maneuver surrounded by a sea of normal fags constantly bombarding you. It can be very intimidating.

>> No.6499261

The Hentai Chicks or whatever? Yeah, some/all of them are part of another troop. I saw them once at Elysium; they were ehhhhhhh. Couple of them were decent though.

>> No.6499280

what Ikkicon are you going to? Aside from that one year all those dicks were hanging around the lobby new years eve there are not that many "normies"

>> No.6499282


One of the girls who tried out and made it is a professional gogo dancer.
2 others are members of Kira Kira Moe Maid Cafe.
1 (my friend) was a walk on for Anime Overload's tryout, and even though she didn't tryout she was given a slot for ikkicon because the Judges have a bone for her (SPOILER: she's asian)
Everyone else who tried out didn't make a slot.

>> No.6499285


OH, and Harmony made a gogo slot.
I wonder how long it takes for Ikkicon to find out that Harmony is underage and that it's illegal for gogo dancers to be under 18 in Tx.

>> No.6499317

>hat it's illegal for gogo dancers to be under 18 in Tx

no it's not, they are not strippers, there's no age requirement.

>> No.6499327


...Yes there is. If you're dancing on stage as an entertainer for a musical event in the state of Texas, you have to be over 18.
It's either a class B or C misdemeanor

>> No.6499346

so kids can't have dance recitals or be in musicals here? didn't know that.

>> No.6499481

I think you are confusing it with people who get paid to dance.

>> No.6499493

>last year before
that's usually year 3.

Ikkicon is big enough that it'll keep going regardless.

Look at Akon.

They'll lose some people, but they'll grow more.

>> No.6499500

what does it matter if it was false? They should have had the food handling license anyways.

>> No.6499504

Anyone want to go drinking on friday?

>> No.6499520

They aren't being paid. It's the loophole. I agree though that it is fucking weird to have an underage go go there.

>> No.6499525

I don't like being seen with fat people.

>> No.6499544

Youre in texas, its time to buckle up cunt.

>> No.6499646

Actually, I just looked it up. It's not money that matters, but alcohol.
If the venue makes 10% or more of their revenue from the sale of alcohol, then there can be no go-gos under the age of 18.

I'm down. Any bar preference?

>> No.6499675

I only know SA bars, I have no idea how ikki is gonna go down, maybe a seagull meet and decide from there? I dont know if I'll even have the money to do anything yet.

>> No.6499683

> accuse them of breaking the law
>has to look up the law
>was wrong the whole time

what are you even doing?

>> No.6499728

Alright, I'll keep an eye out on this thread to see if anything pops up.

As for meet up:
The floor plans haven't been released yet, so we can't decide on a location just yet...
But time- What sounds better to everyone, Friday or Saturday?

>> No.6500087

Who are you, since you know who I am?

At least now I won't have to worry about running back and forth between a cafe and a booth. Can't wait for some good parties. With all the maid drama going on, it would be nice to have a few drinks to laugh it off

>> No.6500609

you were working for Kirakiramoe?

what the fuck did they do?

>> No.6500662
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I'll be going as planned. Plan on seeing all my Austinbros as well as my gf. Also, sorry to hear about the maid cafe not being about to go on because it's a "threat" to Ikkicon, apparantly. I still don't understand how the Maid Cafe is a threat yet they're allowing Hentaifest to go on. I don't know, but anyway, this might be the last chance Ikkicon has of any redemption.

>> No.6500695

I'm assisting in hosting the Kuroshitsuji photoshoots on friday.
Wish me luck, hopefully these kids'll be calmer than the ones at AFest.

>> No.6500707

Meh, all the dramu is posted above and at your fingertips, since you know, you have the internet and stuff?
But tldr; there was tension between kkm and ikki con staff and lots of rumors flying around about the con going to shit since one of our supporting con staff members was getting the axe. Because of the animosity, the leader wanted to not go to the con last minute to piss off con heads. There was a maid who told con staff, con kicks out kkm, and now the world is ending~

The issue had hardly anything to do with food licences tbh.
It was just something that was addressed when this thing started.

Anyway, hope there is a seagull meetup, I had some fun at the akon one. Who's bringing corn bread this time?

>> No.6500709

We should plan one, at least briefly.

>> No.6500714

Were you at the akon one? I hope the group is a little more noticeable this time. We met at the back of the escalator area, and I had to keep asking random people "Is this the cgl meet up?"

>> No.6500726

No, I was in Ani-Idol and VA-Idol, along with several other panels and lost track of when the meetup was. We need a sign that says "Seagulls here" or something though.

>> No.6501006

I've read everything here and on Facebook. I was just hoping for the perspective of a maid that is possibly not batshit insane since everyone who was out posting with a name attached was.

>> No.6501432


That's because most of us in Dallas hate each other.
Might be different in Austin though.

>> No.6501535

>was getting the axe
you mean you thought he was getting the axe
I mean, he obviously didn't get axed...

>> No.6501539

what do you think a gogo dancer is?
do you think they take off their clothes, or something?

>> No.6501551

Nah, I had some laws mixed up.
I looked it up and if your venue makes 10% or more of it's sales in alcohol, they have to be over 18.
Thus ikkicon is excluded

Sage, because already said

>> No.6501716

The anime scene is the same in all territories. Bunch of man children who still think it's high school and live in small little clique groups.

>> No.6501722
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>implying Austin doesn't fucking despise fat people and unhealthy people in general with a passion of thousand sun dried cafe fruppa luppa frapaccianos

>> No.6501861

austin is too liberal to despise anyone, its not politically correct.

>> No.6501879

>austin is too liberal to despise anyone
>implying liberals aren't the biggest secret club circle jerk of this century

>> No.6501890

I'll be going and cosplaying Homestuck stuff for the waifu.

But I'm more excited about exploring Austin and checking out 6th Street. This will be a party con for me.

>> No.6501888 [DELETED] 


Have you forgotten about West Austin?
Go there and LOOK for a car that don't have a Romney/Ryan sticker. I dare you.
>Wasp Austin

>> No.6501896


Have you forgotten about West Austin?
Go there and LOOK for a car that don't have a Romney/Ryan sticker. I dare you.
>Wasp Austin

>> No.6501900

6th street is pretty lame, don't get too excited.

>> No.6501903

>6th Street

Prepare for disappointment. People go to 6th Street on their way to something better. Best bet is to see what shows are playing at some of the venues, and go there. New Emo's is pretty ballin.

>> No.6501911


Oh no! I had heard good things about it from my sister.

What do you guys recommend then? This will be my first time in Austin.

>> No.6501933

6th Street is worth checking out for maybe an hour, two hours at most. All the "clubs" on that street however suck. Some cooler places would be Karma, Kingdom, Emo's, Republic Live, etc.

Just avoid Head Hunters (now called Lace and Clock, or some shit) and Elysium.

>> No.6501955

If you like pubs, try Dog and Duck, they're pretty good. Theres also a nice Indian food place across the street called "The Clay Pot," was okay when I tried it.

Try Thundercloud around lunch if you get the chance, they're pretty good.

Arcade UFO is pretty cool too, just north of UT.

If you give a shit about history, our State Capitol is close to the convention, if you wanted to see the cool shit in there I'm just saying that because I'm a history major

Try to avoid going to the area east of the interstate, it gets really ghetto in there. I went to High School in that area and there were some shady motherfuckers in the area.

>> No.6501957

Seconding don't go to Elysium, place is fucking creepy.

>> No.6502090

6th street is JUST where you get drunk
it's a GREAT place to get drunk at, don't get me wrong.

But none of the hip places to be are on 6th street.

It's just austin's miniature bourbon street

>> No.6502098

Austin fuckin hates anyone that's normal.

I've had the president of a company, who nominated an employee for a national award complain that the winner that year got to actually meet a president worth meeting (Obama)

Not afraid to throw conservatives under the bus.

Oh, and you're anti-drugs? Well then you can go die in a fire, according to Austin. Pro-gun rights? Well you should all shoot each other and free the rest, according to Austin.

Austin is EXTREMELY condescending and hateful. I moved to Dallas and I found myself less hated here.


>> No.6502102

>implying there's a west austin.
What? You should know nothing west of mopac is considered Austin.

>> No.6502103

I'm actually running for Austin City Council when it comes up, and thats what I'm afraid of. I'm not liberal enough to appease some of the extreme liberals here.

>> No.6502104

this still seems very odd to me.

People cannot perform in public if they are under 18 if a good bit of alcohol is sold? Why is there a law specifically referencing gogo dancing?

I've tried to find laws on gogo dancing and cannot find ANYTHING

>> No.6502111

Austin needs some dyed in the wool conservatives.

I mean, it's not like city based decisions are the big ones.

Being pro choice on the city level means jack. Being pro gun on a city level means jack.

But being anti-drug on a city can have a major influence.

Austin's tendancy to coddle the drug and homeless (sorry, VAGRANT) culture has been tearing it down for years. And their extreme zoning laws are preventing Austin's economy from prospering as much as the rest of the state. Austin's outgrown it's size, and they've GOT to start growing in the center. They can't keep pushing out along 183, eventually it's just not Austin anymore.

>> No.6502148
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And thats why SA is so wonderful, it has all that cultura but with some god damn sensibility. Its like Austin but without all the faggotry. I went out and shot everything from an SKS to a mini revolver today with some buddies and no matter how liberal we all are there are some things like gun laws and smoking bans that just rustle a liberal Texan's jimmies.

>> No.6502583

bless you anon, bless you

I left austin and I don't ever want to go back unless they fix their shit. As much fun as that city is, living in it can be a nightmare.

>> No.6502754


Fucking, this. The drug "culture" in this town is downright retarded; you'd seriously think it was some kind of religion here. I've literally had "friends" here drop me as soon as they found out I didn't do drugs. Never even said anything about it really to them. 80% of the people here won't even fucking talk to you if you don't have a bag of marihuana on hand. It's so stupid.
Not to mention, a lot of the people here a pretty fucking dull with their cookie cutter hipster mentality. It's hard enough just finding people to go out and actually do shit with. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Dallas or SA to get away from all the elitist hipster bullshit.

>> No.6502923

former Austin bro here. I moved to Dallas, I really like it up here. The only thing I really miss is some of the Austin local food, but even then some of that is moving up here. We have tiffs, torchy's, hopdoddies, and soon an Alamo drafthouse

>> No.6502949

And its shit like this as to why I'm fucking frightened when my GF goes to Austin once a month to see her BFF. Fuck all those kinds of people. And its not just that they drop you like a fly, they don't do anything but drugs and start drama shit. Its enraging. Fuck Austin.

>> No.6503001

didn't realize smoker was a gun loving conservative asshole. why do you faggots treat him as anything but a cancer again?

>> No.6503002

you don't sound normal, you sound like an NRA-loving conservative assfuck who loves shooting kids with your gun.

>> No.6503004
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because im a little bitch liberal who also likes shooting 3030 lever actions.

>> No.6503008

your gf is probably cheating on you when she goes up there since you're such a fat gun loving piece of shit.

>> No.6503025
File: 288 KB, 163x199, 1354667609106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind.

>> No.6503076
File: 498 KB, 500x288, 1345086922874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Con thread turned into gun control/Smoker general

And this is why I stick around.

>> No.6503145


You mean her actual bf don't you?

>> No.6503146

It's so tempting man. The only thing that keeps me back right now is the few people I know here that are awesome, and food and music scene with the shit ton of festivals. Honestly, I'd probably be gone already if it wasn't for the festivals.

>> No.6503151

I shit I know this feel bro. Austinbro here as well

>move out of small west Texas town where everyone is mad at me because I'm too liberal
>move in to Austin where everyone is mad at me because I'm too conservative

These days, I don't even bother getting into anything remotely political with anyone and just pretend like I do drugs.

>> No.6503153

Get the fuck out Stefan. No one wants to hear you bitch about not being a DJ at Ikkicon again.

>> No.6503165

No, I solved that problem a while ago. I meant best friend.

>> No.6503170
File: 34 KB, 564x564, look_at_the_fucks_i_can't_even_hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jimmies remaining unrustled still.jpg

You're loss my angry pal. I was ready to throw down some wicked beats.

>> No.6503186

Good luck ever getting a spot in Ikkicon or Anime Overload. Those judges are some of the most stuckup people in the world.
If you wan't to get a slot you HAVE to DJ 128, Progressive Trance, and use CDJs. Everything else is sacrilegious to them.
>"I have a masters in EDM Culture, I know what I'm talking about"
Sorry buddy, but having a masters in SOCIOLOGY doesn't make you a good DJ...

>> No.6503219

Stefan isn't a DJ, please don't encourage him. He literally streams himself playing anime music and ponyfag remixes on windows media player and thinks he's a DJ for it.

>> No.6503224


Fuck those guys are almost as bad as VDJ's.

>> No.6503408
File: 283 KB, 604x340, nutbladder-hidamari-sketchc397honeycomb-11-9023c2e3_17-dec-2012-14-15-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still think Stefan is me
That's cute.

Being a DJ for a con was a dream-of-the-week I had that "stefan" over here likes to brag about. Besides, i'm going for a Marketing degree, I don't know where EDM Culture came from.

>> No.6503421

>samefagging for attention

that's really sad Stefan, just saying. Didn't you say you would leave /cgl/ for good after everyone found out you shit your pants at A Kon?

>> No.6503423


>making shit up to stir up drama

That's really sad anon, I'M just saying.

>> No.6503427

Dude, just leave it alone. Stefan is the biggest autist on here. Calling him out on his shit is like talking to a wooden board.

>> No.6503449


At least he's not >>6503004

>> No.6503476
File: 25 KB, 411x440, Stefan_is_so_edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Smoker is a giant faggot no doubt, but at least he behaves borderline acceptable. Stefan goes out and yells "FUCK YOU" to police and security at cons because he's a manchild that thinks it's edgy and cool.

He also stalks girls and hangs out with pedos. The dude is a fucking creep.

>> No.6503487


How do you even know the guy? Have you met him before? Or are you just basing him off /cgl/ has to tell you? I've never met the guy either but don't judge a book by it's cover.

>> No.6503491

Go to bed Stefan.

>> No.6503495

Texas cons are like small towns; everyone knows everyone and their entire everything.

>> No.6503507


Then i'll have to ask around at Ikki when we have the meetup. I think it's still on IIRC.

>> No.6503517


Just popping in here, Stefan is stupid and obnoxious JUST based off of what I saw of him at SJ5 tada.

>> No.6503521


I met him a year ago at last year's Ikkicon. Don't believe anything /cgl/ says, anon, he's pretty cool.

>> No.6503533

Obvious Stefan is obvious. I can confirm the shitting himself and then trying to cover up the evidence with a towel is accurate. I got first hand testimony from witnesses.

>> No.6503538

Yeah no, sorry. People who are cool don't embarrass the entire con by yelling FUCK YOU to people in uniform.

>> No.6503542


When did this happen? Curious anon again.

>> No.6503546
File: 26 KB, 447x396, 70236-facepalm_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was in my Cartman outfit and playing the character. I even asked the police guy to play along so it would look like it was on purpose. Now let it go. I could honestly care less whether or not you hate me.

>> No.6503548

Happened at A Kon, one or two years ago now I believe. Think it was the same year he tried proposing to some cosplay chick by throwing himself on the ground awkwardly.

>> No.6503557

Yet you keep posting; also I love how your story over this even keeps changing again and again in order to make yourself look like even less of a gigantic faggot. Just give it up. Your reputation has been completely ruined on here and at any con you go to, and not even you're shitty Walmart cartman mask can hide you are and get you off the /cgl/ meetups blacklist.

>> No.6503580


That's funny, because we had a great time at last year's Ikkicon meetup. I would've had a great time at A-Kon's meetup too if I had made it that year. Now YOU give it up, because you must have less of a life than I do to make sure my reputation is "ruined" on here. You're probably the one with the Stefan trip too for all I know.

>> No.6503584
File: 9 KB, 400x224, Jake and an octopus 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh come on. COME ON

>> No.6503599

>I was in my Cartman outfit and playing the character

bro what? Being in costume is NOT an excuse to act like a dick. seriously, how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.6503614
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1321123249308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just stop. We all know you and Stefan are the same. Pretty sure half of us in this thread were here when you fucked up your trips in the other Texas thread. Seriously, just stop trying to derail everything into an attention circle jerk. No one even cares about you, or what kind of faggot shit you come up with. The only reason people don't like you on here is because you do the samefag shit all the damn time. If you think you're going to get people to rally to your side magically by playing some insane pitty party victim game, then your wrong.

saging because Stefan is completely off topic, and everyone should just filter both his trips

>> No.6503621

Not sure why people would white knight Stefan. I have met him multiple times. Dudes a douche with a massive ego.

Aside from the "DJ" aspirations, he's doing panels at cons now. From what I understand, they haven't exactly been great and that's putting it nicely.

>> No.6503628
File: 7 KB, 249x203, 1307712570167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stories plz; this is the most interesting thread we've had in a while

>> No.6503642
File: 81 KB, 560x468, 1354589180695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, be lucky no one can prove that they don't samefag around here because if they could, I would be doing it this very minute. And seriously, all i'm doing on here now is checking out the con threads. Stefan is a troll. I'm not trying to play the victim, i'm trying to set things straight but that appears to be really hopeless. Anyways, saging as well because this is getting ridiculous.

In an attempt to get this thread back on topic, I don't have high hopes (again). The guest list is kind of shitty and the only thing that's promising about this con is that Tent-con isn't going to have a second year.

>> No.6503657


Aren't you running that music contest? Shouldn't you be more excited or something besides just shitting on the con?

Not that the con doesn't need to be shat on but really. I wouldn't want to go to your thing if the person running it already had a half-assed desire to even be going in the first place.

>> No.6503672
File: 515 KB, 225x300, 1333442679597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, I am excited to run Ikki-Idol. It's just if I didn't have that to run, I wouldn't even be going. You should definitely come though. I promise not to be a gigantic faggot.

>> No.6503682

>I wouldn't even go to this con if it weren't for the fact that I'm running something

You heard it here first folks.

>> No.6503693


So is it really that bad of a con? ;_;

>> No.6503697


It's not bad at all, it's just sometimes you can see the lack of management from the Ikkicon staff through the set up of the con. Though at least they're consistent, while A-Kon has one good year then one bad year.

>> No.6503727

So, did we ever get word on if there was going to be a formal dance? Or is that expecting too much?

>> No.6503758

Expecting too much I would wager. If they haven't put info about it up by now, I can't imagine they still have plans for one. And if they do, you can bet it will be pretty bad.

>> No.6503847

You with MuEpsilonKappa?

>> No.6504032


No he's not. Ikkicon isn't on the convention list for them.

>> No.6504090

At least I dont shit on towels.

Im obnoxious, drunk, and liked by many, but that doesn't make me an awful person.

>> No.6504299

6th street is alot of fun especially compared to other places in TX; watered down, cheap drinks at most of the bars on dirty 6th though

>> No.6504316

Oh alpha, you never make sense.

>> No.6504320

glad to see everyone's keeping the con drama alive

>> No.6504342

So Alpha, are you sad that PT is not showing up this year?

>> No.6504416
File: 53 KB, 372x373, 1346023620268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a meetup, I might creeper pass by it and not say anything... again.

>> No.6504546

don't rule it out until the schedule goes up. They're kind of bad about updating the website with info about events.

I really don't understand formal dances at cons though. Maybe it's because I'm over the age of 20 but they always just look like really sad high school dances.

>> No.6504653

yeah im gonna miss her beautiful face.

>> No.6504756
File: 2.67 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_6439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gurren lagann rig is getting closer and closer to completion, he will be done in time for ikkicon

>> No.6504916

Ill make sure to notice you and stare.

>> No.6505447
File: 670 KB, 1536x2048, sitting cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CGL Meetup:

Friday night, 8 p.m. in front of the white stone/tile fountain on the first floor in the lobby. There, done. Show the fuck up or pass by awkwardly to spy. Whatever.

>> No.6506165

I'm thinking about making banana nut bread. Hope no one is allergic to nuts or gluten.

>> No.6506181


Oh, good. Now if only we knew what to do other than awkwardly stand around each other.

>> No.6506188

Oh shit big boy, its like you're really funny with your commentary on social interactions.
>being a man
>wanting to share activities instead of drinking and talking

No wonder you dont have real friends.

>> No.6506203

Hey guys, havnt been on here in a while (big boss who won ani idol at San Japan), but I would like to say that I cant wait to see all you guys once more.

Ill be doing Snake both days because my Rider cosplay isnt complete yet.

Ikkicon may not be the best con, but its going to be a hell of a good time.

>> No.6506443
File: 27 KB, 300x281, IMG_1025_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I look forward to partying with you, bro.

>> No.6506553


>> No.6506587

god that Ikkicon tryout at Elysium was a complete waste of time. i spent more time on my laptop that night talking on Facebook than listening to the shitty DJ's. they didnt even hook up their mixer to the soundboard correctly

>> No.6506721

So...that one guy who quit during the maid thing was the one who ran all of the idiotic "edm auditions." thank GOD he wont be there anymore, maybe we can finally get some good music. his ridiculous stipulations were the reason good djs didnt even try out.
ikkicon is still one of my favorite conventions to go to, just because it isnt ridiculously out of proportion like akon or as dead as some of the other cons *coughoniconcough*

>> No.6506734


yea the rules for this recent try-out were just stupid. i still went just to see how bad it was. when i tried out for the Anime Overload i was the only one who even beat matched and didnt use a computer. still was a complete waste of time, even after following their shitty rules

>> No.6506745

i went to the audition for ao but it drove me insane. and when i tried to explain why you NEED a little dirt, esp in a set of 3 hours of house, they looked at me like i had horns ><
though, ive heard that the djs are probably going to play much better since the guy imposing the restrictions is no longer an issue. it will be the first rave ive been to in a while if thats the case (god, when did anyone ever mention that being an adult meant you didnt have time for fun anymore DX_

>> No.6506754


well i know one of the DJ's that is DJing this saturday for the rave. he isnt that good at all, the other one im not sure but i would wait for next year (if there is one) for good DJ's to play

>> No.6506761


Nocturnity is taking over the saturday rave with their go-go's some fashion show and something else with two of their DJ's

>> No.6506759

but saturday is just that greg guy, isnt it? idk.
and ikkicon will totally happen next year. as much as everyone here thinks otherwise, not all of the higher ups are just in it to see how they can screw with con goers for grins and giggles

>> No.6506770

OH! no. theres a burlesque show on saturday that was supposed to be run by nocturnity, but that was in a different area....yeahhhh. one of my friends organized that and nocturnity stole her planning. but fail they will : /

>> No.6506775


unless they are gonna compete against the rave, they are showing a time slot of midnight to 3am on saturday

>> No.6506780

Nocturnity will be competing against the rave. They were offered to split the show with a professional burlesque troupe that had already been planning the show, but decided they wanted to take control of it... along with six months of effort. The Vaude-Thrills will be hosting a cosplay and steampunk burlesque show at 11:00 PM, just before Nocturnity's show and in the same room.

>> No.6506783


oh wow that isnt gonna go well

>> No.6506787


As long as they keep making a profit off of this con, there's going to be a next one.

And Greg is going to DJ saturday night. He never shows up unless they hire him to DJ as well.

>> No.6506789

*shrug* They shouldn't have tried to bully their way into the con.

>> No.6506792

>tfw going to ikkicon and just go to /cgl/ on a whim to see if anyone said anything about it
>tfw so many people from here are going
>tfw I actually just got nervous from that thought

>> No.6506790

Yeah, he's the only one confirmed for the Saturday night rave. His ego's too big to fit anyone else onstage without suffocating them.

>> No.6506791

doesnt matter, they suck, as you said. but friday night's djs have a LITTLE promise : / I just havent seen them yet. either way, im excited for ikki this year. thank god the room rates didnt sky rocket like they were supposed to had we been there last year or i wouldnt have been able to get a room.

>> No.6506797

eh. as far as egos go, in the con scene so far hes been the only dj to be at least SOMEWHAT interesting. granted, hed definitely not last out in a warehouse rave, but it wasnt mind numbing like the other djs ive seen at cons

>> No.6506794

They'll put on a decent show, at the very least.

>> No.6506804

I've never seen Greg DJ, so I can't really speak for his music skills. I don't care either way. I'm gonna be tanked by then.

>> No.6506807


i went to the rave thing a couple of years ago but i mainly just hit the bars on saturday nite.

>> No.6506812

and thats the way you do it lol

ive never actually done the 6th street thing...i havent really done ANY of the austinite things that youre supposed to do and ive been here my whole life.... but theres always enough free booze in the hotel for the grabbing so why even venture out into the streets lol

>> No.6506811

Jackalope and Esther's Follies ftw. I'm bringing enough booze to fuel a suite party, so my happy drunk ass will be staying in the hotel the entire weekend.

>> No.6506814

That's how I approach conventions. I'm usually the one taking in strays with nothing better to do than get schnockered. c:

>> No.6506816


You seagulls sound like my kind of bro. Anyways, i'll pretty much be doing the same thing that weekend as well (except for when me and gf go to San Antonio for the UT game and come back in time for Hentaifest and the rave). But other than that, bring on the booze.

>> No.6506819

Word up, broseph. Wait, which rave?

>> No.6506822


yea 6th street is way overrated, im usually in the Red River disctrict between 7th and 8th. its the last of what Austin downtown use to be

>> No.6506825


I usually just hit up the con rave but i'm good to check out other raves that'll be happening that weekend.

>> No.6506824

Bahaha, I probably know you then.

>> No.6506827
File: 131 KB, 480x720, ikkicon_vi_friday_061_by_filmshooter-d4mflic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Spencer Tennant will return as Gakupo

>> No.6506828


lol i wouldnt be surprised

>> No.6506830

I was talking about the ones at the con. I have no idea if there's anything else going on in Austin that weekend.

>> No.6507150

James sunderland from silent hill 2 and a team rocket grunt

>> No.6507371

Is anyone volunteering at the Sakura Moe Maid Cafe?
I just received my confirmation

>> No.6507718

Every con I tell myself I will have another costume. It hasnt happened in a while XD

>> No.6507814

I'm in the same boat. I really need to get to work on something, but ehhhh...

>> No.6509970

I thought about making a new thread since the schedule is/has been up, but we're not near bump limit so here we go.

I just have one concern about the schedule...
>Cosplay Meetup
>DBZ Meetup
>Gangnam Style Meetup
>Zombie Meetup
>Umbrella Corp Meetup
>Sailor Moon Meetup
>Dinner Meetup
>Sentai Meetup
>Hentai Meetup
>Homestuck Meetup
>Steampunk Meetup
>Yaoi Meetup
>Brony Meetup

Someone got fucking happy with the term "meetup". What is this, Year of the Meetups?

>> No.6510107
File: 36 KB, 225x138, N Hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gangnam Style Meetup
y u do this

>> No.6510732


>yaoi meetup

What the...

>> No.6511230

>Yaoi Meetup
god help us all

I'm pretty sure those are supposed to be meetups, hosted by random attendees and thats why they're so stupid. We used to do this years ago, it was just never put on a con schedule. Remember fandom photoshoots? I never see those nearly as much as I did 5 years ago

>> No.6511300

>Gangnam Style Meetup
>Dinner Meetup
>Hentai Meetup
>Yaoi Meetup

u wot m8

>> No.6512633


Here is the schedule. idk it was under the 2010 wp

>> No.6512676

Yes it will be my first con!

I'll be going as an MSF soldier from MGS Peace Walker

>> No.6512770

Finally all packed...

>> No.6513707

Happy crunch-day

>> No.6513732

>all the meetups you're going to
It's cool mang.

>> No.6514369

Can I post again yet?

>> No.6515055
File: 26 KB, 375x280, Audrey_Hepburn_in_BREAKFAST_AT_TIFFANYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post away, my good man.

>> No.6515169


No, fuck off.

>> No.6515255
File: 120 KB, 1021x1027, 4bkxZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo, my ban is gone Audrey!
Sup kid.

>> No.6516664

I'm running kinda late guys.

>> No.6516717

H-hi guys... I see you.

>> No.6516841

no one cares

>> No.6516880

Day one of ikkicon:
Haven't found a seagull all day but feel like their crawling around in shit cosplay just waiting to strike.

>> No.6516886

Well, that was a shitty meetup. Thank you Bambi for supplying the banana bread. That was delicious! Also I've already seen a few seagulls roaming around.

>> No.6516903

i was gonna go but my bff dodged so i didn't go

>> No.6517051 [DELETED] 

Hell yeah! Why didnt any of you show up? We had banana nut bread and Soju in case there was an awesome party.
Check dat gramma, you drunk mutha fucka.

>> No.6517052
File: 46 KB, 278x400, HET 1954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah! Why didnt any of you show up? We had banana nut bread and Soju in case there was an awesome party.
Check dat gramma, you drunk mutha fucka.

>> No.6517062

Any pix?

>> No.6517078


Because Jebus of /a/ was there and he leaves shit-stained towels everyhwere

>> No.6517131

could be worse it could have been smoker

>> No.6517146


Go to bed, smoker.

>> No.6517221

Heh. I didn't even know about this con until someone at the Amber showing asked me why I wasn't there.

So what did I miss? Looks like the normal Texas drama. You know, I've never been in that at all. Sometimes I almost wish I was...

>> No.6517714

I enjoyed the meet up because Austin and banana but bread.
I only offended one person the whole night. I'm impressed.

>> No.6519357

Who saw the Cosplay contest?

>> No.6520090

lol. Is that what we're calling it?

>> No.6520102


holy fuck dat Stocking

>> No.6520222

Someone sounds but hurt

>> No.6520506

this! I didn't make it and I'd love to know how the fuck that debacle turned out.

>> No.6520535

Was not really a debacle will post more when I get home

>> No.6520721

If you competed, please let us know if the judging was better than in previous years. I am curious if they're doing better on that.

>> No.6520744

Any pictures of the show, or even, just the con?

>> No.6520758

YES. I want to see pics (I couldn't go), and I kinda half-way expected really awesome cosplay to show up with a $1,000 prize. Anything good?

>> No.6520930


So Stefan, did your panels fail miserably? You seem to be putting the blame on the con and not on yourself. Typical.

>> No.6520979

$1,000 went to a steampunk Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy couple if I am not mistaken.

>> No.6520984

All I remember from the cosplay contest is the best in show novice winners were Kankuro and Crow from Naruto.
Best in Show masters winners were Steampunk Poison Ivy and Steampunk Mr. freeze. They looked great though.

>> No.6521006

>>6520721 the judging was great and yes I competed. They had prejudging and everything this year and the contest staff was helpful throughout

>>6520984 you are correct about the winners and best novice won $250 as their prize

>> No.6521097

I laughed my ass off at the novice winners. They entered those cosplays with no upgrades or fixes over and over. Same guys that kept bitching about how a single cosplayer winning best in show 2 years ago at animefest somehow cost them winning any awards. I'm not sure if I'm happy that they no longer can whine about never winning anything or disappointed that people can just enter the same cosplay for years until finally winning a small award.

>> No.6521099

Anyone have pics of this steampunk pair?

>> No.6521116

I need those pics.

>> No.6521143
File: 490 KB, 640x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found one of mr. Freeze, dunno about Poison ivy.

>> No.6521167

Man that was pretty damn cool for my first con. I took a lot of pics.

I was dressed in Tiger Stripe camo with a beret and black brassards with emblems on the sides (MGS PW), if anyone saw me.

>> No.6521168

Isn't that the younger guy from Airship Isabella? Lazuli or something? It looks good.

>> No.6521173

Does he have a back piece?
The apron's a nice touch though it's kind of the polar opposite of it's use...

>> No.6521174
File: 201 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any more pics of this Cammy?

>> No.6521176
File: 44 KB, 625x473, oh my yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....oh my...

>> No.6521181
File: 10 KB, 251x173, 1279490531808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat nose
>dat ass

>> No.6521203
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 65046_4672085996654_507456861_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6521208

brown =/= steampunk
swing and a miss

>> No.6521211

Hi marina u mad girl?

>> No.6521223

Who the hell is Marina? Every time someone's a bitch on a Texas thread, talk of this Marina chic comes up. Who is she? Legit question.

>> No.6521230

Agreed, I'd like to know too.

>> No.6521241


The only name I can find associated with that for cons is Marina Bodenhamer, and normally, this guy is the only one to bring her up (by what I've seen). It's low-tier cosplayers bickering about low-tier cosplayers. The kind that need drama because it makes them feel relevant.

>> No.6521243

Ex roommate cunt sack angewoman American idol singer personal vendetta chan and had the con reserve her pannel time for her baby shower

>> No.6521242 [DELETED] 


I think she's the new head of the anime matsuri cosplay contest. I may be wrong though.

>> No.6521254


So does that make you an overweight whiny needy attention whoring same costume over and over until you finally win something because you have no creativity or skills unnecessary drama addict? Tell us again how Roadkill Rapidash is the reason you didn't win any awards at all for a contest. That story always makes me laugh.

>> No.6521278

Okay...yeah, I walked by that room when that was going on and there was a dude at the door trying to get us to come in saying "Come on in, it's Marina's baby shower!". At first I thought it was a gag for some pregnant character from an anime or something and they were having a mock *what* if baby shower. How in the heck does someone get to do something so personal like that at a con?

>> No.6521280


I believe she works with the con in some way. It's not like they really had quality programming this year...

>> No.6521286

Ikkicon = Homestuck con.

Sheesh, I cosplay a homestuck character myself (not at this con), but that was ridiculous...

>> No.6521292

At least what I saw was really good. I don't mind if they put effort into it, I just don't really care for the half-assed stuff, especially when they don't seal their body paint.

>> No.6521296


My biggest issue is how most of them act, and this time it was no different. I know of a few people that came to a con for the first time and cosplayed homestuck because it was easy, without having any idea how bad it was, and immediately were saying they regretted knowing this side of the fanbase.

>> No.6521317

I agree, most of what I saw was good quality, it was just overwhelming.

>> No.6521393

Lol my friend was invited to it by her and he just stole some cake for us and left.

>> No.6521416

Dropping in from /vg/. Con was fun, though I regret not talking to those two cute Mamis who sat on either side of me in the game room on Saturday. For the record, if either of you are here, you're both adorable.

>> No.6521539

why do people still go to the cosplay contest?

anyway con was shit as usual. highlight for me was seeing Meru and a few other cute/hot cosplayers strut their stuff.

>> No.6521541

every anime con is homestuck con now. homestuck is the biggest cancer since Naruto/Hetalia.

>> No.6521667

Because $1,000 cash prize.

>> No.6522280

I was damn surprised that even though drama was going on and the programming director left, both within two weeks before the con, it was really good. The panels ran late, and the guest list was kind of lackluster (except for Brittany and Carli, I adore those two) but other than that I saw all my friends and things that could've gone wrong, didn't. I'm a definite for next year. Oh and yeah, my panels were either cut or shortened but surprisingly they still went great.

>> No.6522284


Ask her yourself, that's Syren.

>> No.6522819

About the ball, I am a member of the Steam Engine Intrepid, we never have discourged anyone from attending any of our dances reguardless of cosplay or dress. We have even had our members at the door so the con volunters can dance.

>> No.6523536

Not to stir up drama or anything, but how was the maid cafe this year?