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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6501188 No.6501188 [Reply] [Original]

What would finally make you leave the cosplay scene?

What would make you want to leave the current nerd girl fad?

>> No.6501193

Being around other cosplayers

>> No.6501194


>> No.6501208 [DELETED] 

give it time brother, the nerd girl fad will end soon

>> No.6501216


Also being too fat to cosplay characters I want. Or being pregnant. Or having some terrible rash flare up that can't be controlled. Pretty much anything that alters my physical appearance in a noticeable way.

>> No.6501226

What substances can incite rashes? Can these substances be places in ventilation?

>> No.6501238

>What substances can incite rashes?
I was thinking genetic things, mostly. I'm currently going through pityriasis/psoriasis outbreak, which I've never had happen before, but the doctor says it's genetic, and despite meds, I can't control it. It's keeping me out of the cosplay loop for awhile...hopefully it goes away soon.
Other things similar to rashes, so like receiving a bad burn.
>Can these substances be places in ventilation?

>> No.6501248

saged and reported. get out of here, we don't need useless threads like this. if you dislike cosplaying just keep away from conventions or something, you bastard.

>> No.6501249

If you happened to have buckets filled with a combination of water/drain cleaner (or even better Super Soakers with this combination) and happened to spray every "sexy" this and "sexy" that, you would greatly decrease the amount interested in coming to cons or even participating in "IMMANURD" activities

>> No.6501253


>> No.6501258

not against the rules
you're just made because you're either ugly or a fat slut

>> No.6501274

The world ending

>> No.6501300


>> No.6501388

Getting a life.
Growing up

>> No.6501636


>> No.6501645

Its okay I made you a raft for me and you.

>> No.6501653

Seeing myself in a "bad cosplay" thread

>> No.6501662

A full bladder.

>> No.6501673

get outta my raft, i got hot bitches to save

>> No.6501693

>What would finally make you leave the cosplay scene?

If anime conventions/cosplay suddenly became mainstream... like what happened to the rave/edm culture in the past few years.

>> No.6501715

Dragon*Con is getting that way, unfortunately :( this past year was pretty bad relative to other years

>> No.6501726

maybe if my family was going through financial troubles. an apocalypse of any kind, nuclear fallout, etc.

that's about it.

>> No.6501730


The way the check badges now is helping with that. Keeps anyone from just showing up and fucking around.

Although I feel it is a little too crowded now. Getting around Saturday was really annoying. A lot to see but you couldn't see it cause there was just a solid wall of people that makes it hard to see individual anything.

>> No.6501747
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>What would finally make you leave the cosplay scene?

If it became purely LOOK AT ME ATTENTION WHORES (male & female)

At that point it would have lost all heart and running into people who made their stuff, was a huge fan of it, and actually want to talk to people would be a non existent thing and I really wouldn't see the point of attending nor cosplaying.

>> No.6501758

And nothing of value would be lost, obviously

>> No.6501786
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no kidding, i was holed up in the loft in the Marriott on friday and saturday and it was just endless seas of people

pic related

>> No.6501825


Fortunately/unfortunately I will never probably ever go to Dragoncon.

But what I'm talking about is...
Well, let me quote one of my friends who is in a Fraternity...
"Hey, do you anime people ever have gatherings? I would love to go to one and party and pick up girls."

>> No.6501831

Legit raves still exist, they're the same as they always were. Private parties, most of the time the where/when details only go out by texts or very limited advertisements via private facebook groups.

Rave culture never went mainstream, just some bastardized version of it was capitalized on and shoved in the public's face using popular DJs. Not to say these "concerts" aren't fun -- but they're not raves.

>> No.6501840

Drama queens and people taking cosplay too seriously. Oh, wait...

>> No.6501841

>Sage for no contribution

True. I was surprised when Kikwear made a comeback. They threw some great events recently. But other than that... All I hear about now-a-days are events like "LMFAO Shuffle Techno Dance feat. Skrillex, Deadmau5, and DJ Paris Hilton."
The Cancer will never be purged. Ever.
To give you an idea, I started raving when you still had to go to the record store, drop a codeword, and pick up directions/map to the party.
Now it's all frat and teens in panties. No more phats and kandi...
That's why I stopped raving.

>> No.6501856

What year did you start raving?

>> No.6501865

Already left.
Made some legit friends and friends of friends who later became closer friends of mine did solely to get me to make them props.

Wouldn't have been so bad had they not made plans for a cosplay group and asked me to be in it.
Made props for the group, last minute they decide to tell me they had ditched me long ago.
And if I could still give them the props plz.

I help people with their paint apps and general construction but I just go to cons for a small vacation and hang out.

>> No.6501868

These faggots, holy shit. I don't care if you're some seasoned whorelet or a virgin trying his luck, if you come to conventions with the intention to hook up you deserve to have your face smashed in. I have always come to cons to enjoy the collective nerdery, but there's only so many times you can deal with faggot PUAs until you become irrationally angry with all of them.

>> No.6501909
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>> No.6501918


Please no.....
This has to be fake...

>> No.6501925
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>> No.6501934
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>> No.6501942
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>> No.6501943
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>> No.6501944

I already left. Can't stand cons anymore. I feel like I don't have anything in common with people anymore since most people aren't watching new anime at all. I only went for the anime, and to meet other anime people. Now it just feels bad. If I do go to a con its in normal clothing to see a voice actor or panel, go to the vender room/artist alley, and then leave. Maybe see one of the fashion shows if I'm interested.

>> No.6501948

>What would finally make you leave the cosplay scene?
If I no longer had cosplaying friends/friends at cons with similar interests as I do.

>> No.6501986

Aside from that, there's a book called "Chav"???

>> No.6501989
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>> No.6501993


I want to cry

>> No.6501997

>diary of a chav
>the dragon princess
>daylight sinner
>vampire high

What the fuck is going on in the YA section of book stores lately.

>> No.6501996


>> No.6502003
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>> No.6502013

>vampire high

Shut your whore mouth, I loved that show when I was 10.

>> No.6502055

Twilight happened.

>> No.6502222

The discussion of anime/comics/videogames at these conventions has COMPLETLEY died.

There is no longer any reason to dress up and attend anymore.

>> No.6502244
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>Made me leave:
cosplay is an expensive hobby. I also had to balance this money sucking hobby with a more satisfying, sllightly less expensive hobby of raving. Ultimately, since edm shows occur more frequently than cons, and I have countless more edm friends than con friends, I decided to give up cosplay all together. Now I spend my money on sexy rave outfits and concert tickets. I've very very satisfied with my decision.

>Leave the nerd girl fad:
I used to be president of my high school anime club. I would get PISSED if anyone called me a nerd or geek or anything like that. People at my school really used it as a derogatory term. Hearing these girls run around all like LMFAO I'M SO NERDY KAWAII UGUU DESU GEEKY GIRL makes me wanna shove sewing needles under their fingernails for real...

>> No.6502278

>What would made you leave the cosplay scene?
Money and life, mostly. And a little bit of being sick of dealing with flakey cosplay groups and drama. But mostly money.

>nerd girl fad?
I mostly just roll my eyes to myself about it. I'll judge them, sure, but even as someone heavily bullied for being a nerd growing up I don't think it's worth getting up in arms over. It'll pass, like every fad. I'm sick of the witch-hunt it's become.

>> No.6503258

> shove sewing needles under their fingernails
That really got turned up a notch

>> No.6503268

If I go to a con in one of my favourite cosplays and no one recognized me. No one was cosplaying from anything that I even liked.

I haven't had it happen yet.

>> No.6505707

Probably finances or getting too busy with other things in life would make me leave cosplay, otherwise I plan to stay for a long time.

As for nerd girls, well...just call their bullshit out or wait for them to get chewed out and weeded out of the fandom. I've seen numerous girl gamers die off the face of the Earth after getting shat on by those non-sexual competitive players and moviefags smacked around with actual comic canon.

>> No.6507782
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>> No.6507785
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There are no words

>> No.6507799
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My Friend gave me that book. its the worst thing that I ever read.
"and then I like, fell in love online, my found my manga and helped me start an anime club, and then, that cute jock in my class.. just happened to be my online boyfriend!!! <3 <3"

all of the why.

>> No.6507800
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Why did I read it you ask? you are on a three hour bus ride and all you have is that book.

>> No.6507805

Probably age, honestly. When I can no longer look decent as younger characters, I think I'll tap out.

>nerd girl business
I'm so over it. My best friend has, for the past year, suddenly become "so into nerd culture". She claims to love all kinds of comics and whatnot but can't have an extended conversation about any of it, at least not without sounding like a Wikipedia article. Not to hate, and I love that females want to be able to enjoy their interests without getting shit for it. You don't have to be infatuated and know every last thing, obviously. Just lose the pretentious attitude and don't be embarrassed to say, "I'm only just getting into [fandom], but I like it so far."

>> No.6507811
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Oh shit, I saw that book at an Ocean State Job Lot

>> No.6507815

>playing Zelda
>holding a 360 controller

Yup, that's a bona fide Gamer Girl

>> No.6507828

I wasn't going to mention this because I tried to think how the cube wireless controllers looked from that angle...

>> No.6507836

I just find it kind of funny because there are also plenty of chicks that pretend or try to be really into videogames that aren't the stereotypical sexy girl/jessica nigri type.

Though I guess more recent incarnate of this type just play ftp Tf2 or watch Let's Plays.

>> No.6507859

If I stopped having fun, I'd stop cosplaying.

The "Nerd Girl Fad" pisses me off, but not because there are these mystical "fake" nerds. There have always been nerd girls, they are just more visible and still don't want to sleep with ugly mouth-breathers. But that's just my opinion, and that I don't give two-shits who likes what. If people want to like traditionally outside of pop-culture things, what do I care?
If my interests must so define me that I feel threatened by people having fun, I need to re-assess my personality. People just want to have fun and like things; pretty harmless. I'm sick of the hate and slut-shaming in my own interest groups though. I thought "we" were supposed to be the open-minded and accepting ones, not the "in-crowd" that rejects biters and fakes.

So I guess I need to reassess my first answer. These people who feel the need to attack happy people just having fun and think they're better because they've been in a fandom or a "nerd" when it was "uncool" to be, will make me quit cosplaying. Because that's just not fun, that's stupid.

geeze, sorry, let me get off my soap-box.

>> No.6507864

This forever this

>> No.6507917


>Men cosplaying
>become bros

>Women cosplaying
>Everyone is sneering at each other

the only people who make it a point to attack others having fun in the same fandom are assholes, and I have acquaintances I avoid because it's noticeable how awful they are.

It's funny, because often times they don't notice that other people will straight up avoid talking to you and then they wonder why they're socially awkward.

>> No.6508064
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I already left, but that was because I finally realized that I cannot juggle cosplay/conventions and real life.

I should have quite while I was ahead. I will never get those three years back. Three years of fucking nothing.

>> No.6508065

>quit, hurr durr

>> No.6508136

I have. It hasn't killed my thing for cosplay yet, but it made me twitch a bit.

I think though once people forget old, classic anime cosplays I'd have incentive to leave.

>> No.6510687

sluts deserve to be shamed

>> No.6510702

what happened?

>> No.6512737

No you misogynist trash. Slut shaming is one of the sickest things that's ever been done by mankind, just thinking about it makes me want to puke.

If anything, we should shame malevirgin trash like you.

>> No.6512757


sorry but i have to agree. being a slut is pretty fucking shameful. :\ cry about it, whore.

>> No.6512758

Male or female sluts deserved to be shamed.

>> No.6512764

Enjoy never having sex in your life, neckbeard shits.

>> No.6512805

Yeah, how dare they enjoy sex. Those wicked heathens!

>> No.6512930

I'm not even mad. If I was rich enough to buy some of you I'd be hella glad you're that way.

>> No.6515428

I admit that raving isn't my bag but you get props for serving us Eliza Doolittle

>> No.6515450

Oh, you don't have to explain yourself. I would read it. I mean, it's interesting just like this kind of thread is interesting and car accidents are interesting.

It's not pretty, it's not fun, it's definitely going to make you cringe but you just can't help it.

>> No.6515523

funny you should ask...

i befriended a tripfag from here shortly after going to a local con, missed the con this year, paid the tripfag a compliment on their cosplay...

said tripfag threw a shitfit about guys hitting on her trying to pick her up.

i apologized for any confusion stating theres no way i was trying to date her

and it got worse from there

are all you cosplaying girls fucking ass backwards are what because i might just skip the con and continue to fuck raver sluts

>> No.6515526

/cgl/, mostly.
The fact that it doesn't seem like people are doing it for fun anymore, just attention.

>> No.6515555

Catty women. I don't understand why cosplay of all things, a fun and somewhat geeky hobby, has to be like high school all over again. Only this time it's the NERDS who are the bitchy it-girls, and the casuals are picked on.

I thought we were better than this. =/

>> No.6515571

Women 60 years old do the same thing, you will never out grow it

>> No.6515603

Well that is it. I am never telling anyone that I game ever again, and when anyone asks at the gamestore I will just lie it is for my boyfriend or something. Jesus christ, i am ashamed of gaming now. Thanks writer of this book, thanks.

>> No.6515607

>calling yourself a "gamer"

>> No.6515808
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>> No.6515837
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>i was impressing myself with witty comebacks
it hurrrrts ussss

>> No.6515855


My sides just went into orbit.

>> No.6516028

Chav:The Book

>> No.6516077


Cosplay has been mainstream since around 2006

>> No.6516119

Brb stabbing my eyes with a fork.

>> No.6516158
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Okay, who the fuck wrote this? Was it some 14-year-old gamergurl? And how did it even make it far enough to get put in a bookstore?

Whoever allowed this crap to be published should be shot in the jaw.

>> No.6516161
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Nevermind, I just looked her up.

Pic related is the author, Mari Mancusi. Wat.

>> No.6516309

I bet she still remembers playing the original Atari console.

>> No.6516369

She's a Twilight fangirl...or "fanwoman" who has apparently won two Emmys for her writing. Fuck knows if she's ever picked up a video game in her life, and she clearly doesn't know shit about gamers anyway.

She probably has a daughter who is this way. Who knows.

>> No.6516410
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>tfw I was like this during my weeaboo phase.

>> No.6516489

It's okay, anon. We were all there at some point. The best thing to do is just admit it and move on. The world will forgive you.

>> No.6516616
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Terrible subject matter and grammar aside


Do you even /tg/?

>> No.6519781

I bought that for my niece and she liked it.

>> No.6520251

Not nearly as shameful as your horrid typing.

>> No.6520302
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>implying there are no white Gamecube controllers

And with no trigger buttons, it's really not accurate to either controller; it's a drawing that gets a valid point across. Don't be a tool.

>> No.6520317

Fucking THIS. There are days when I only put my controller down to eat and shower, and I will NEVER call myself a 'gamer'.

>> No.6520395

>leave cosplay
If I were offered a lot of money.
If my next con goes horribly..horribly wrong (murder rape etc)
If everything got too expensive.

>nrrdgrrl scene
..I'm not sure what that means. I'm not a nrrdgrrl sillyoysdonthitonme.jpg

>> No.6522222

I remember the first con I was ever going to my freshman year, I was headed there at we left at 9pm on a 4 hour drive to get there and we ended up hitting a moose on the highway, we had a 16 wheeler in front of us swerve and the moose ended up hitting us in a small sab car at 1am. But everyone was alright. Great way to start the day huh?
We went to the con the following day and my friend went as a female version of Kisuke Urahara from Bleach, and I went as fem version of Naruto, Naruko. We got trapped in this "hallway of hugs." And every time we wanted to cross to the other side of the hotel the con was in, like 60 guys in a long small crowded hallway the guys would yell at us to come hug them or want hugs. A guy who was dressed as a Sasuke hugged me and sniffed my hair and whispered some creepy shit to me. But another cosplayer grabbed his shoulder and made him let go of me. But also while we were there a couple who were cosplaying sasuke and naruto ( both girls ) the Sasuke was totally staring at me and her gf was pissed so they started fighting. It was pretty awkward and other girls who had cosplays ( barely trying ones ) were giving us shit.
So it made me not ever really want to go to a con or cosplay again. But I do want to go to Boston Con for once in my life and cosplay.

>> No.6522228


But I do have a Edward Elic cosplay I never got to use, and I wanted to do Marissa from Touhou and maybe a pokemon gijinka.

>> No.6522230


>> No.6527048


on one shelf with this shit?

>> No.6527908

You kidding? It's about as good as the other one.

>> No.6527927
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>hallway of hugs
You pretty much described the highlights of a stereotypical con with drama, creepers, and genderbending.

>> No.6527945

I remember I think I was in /lit/ when they first discovered the existence of this book, and they emailed the author to try and shame her. It turned out that she was a decent person who acknowledged that it wasn't great literature or anything, had good taste in actual literature, and was overall pretty chill. The book came out before the 'nerd girl' thing, I think, so it was mostly aimed towards getting middle school girls to read, which isn't a terrible thing, I think.

Still a terrible concept for a book, nonetheless.

>> No.6527974

I always wanted to add another panel to this

>> No.6534445

Yeah, left the scene. Just really dont have the time or money to devote to it. Plus ex-friend drama ruined the whole cosplay experience for me.

>> No.6534476

was this a brs group by chance?

>> No.6534490

I left because, whole I like making costumes, I hate the attention when wearing them.
Also it's a lot of money.
And my local community sucks ass.
And conventions are lame as hell.

>> No.6534500

>single thumbstick
Let's just assume that Zelda's next on her list for the evening.

Or she was enough of a nerd to mod a controller of her preference to work with whatever. (There need to be more women like this BTW)

>> No.6534512

Funny enough... this is exactly how I feel word for word.

>> No.6534515

>What would make you want to leave the current nerd girl fad?
I wish the nerd girl fad left. Forever.

>> No.6534545

I think I'd leave after school maybe, since by then I'd have a job and all it would be harder. But I think I would still cosplay, a bit longer after. Maybe I'll stop when I'm fairly old enough or it just becomes inconvient.

I don't care about this whole girl gamer fad. If someone gets into something new that you like you don't bash them or isolate them. dude, no that's a new friend right there. You teach'em and all.

Besides most fads go away after a while. Last year zombies this year...whatever.

>> No.6534582
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>What would finally make you leave the cosplay scene?
If it got too expensive, or I otherwise just couldn't afford it.
Maybe if I got a ton of hate on /cgl/, but I've never actually met someone who disliked me, and I've always flown under the radar, so to speak.

>What would make you want to leave the current nerd girl fad?
Guy, so semi-related story to toss in.
>Later on in high school, became athletic, but still awkwardly quiet / shy.
>Meet really pretty "gamer girl," she's flirting with me.
>Sees I have anime lock screen on my phone. (Pic related).
>"Oh, you're into that anime stuff, aren't you, Anon?"
>Instantly looses all interest in me.
>Tfw no gf.

>> No.6534610

Sorry to hear that dude. Most people just jump to the whole its all perverted crap.

Or maybe she just hates it I dunno.

>> No.6534629

It's fine. I'm one of those people that everyone's expected to have dated a lot, but in all honesty I'm completely clueless and unintentionally friendzone everyone I meet.
Kind of unusual problem for a guy, but whatever.
>Just get out of swim practice, friend in lobby with people I've never met.
>Random girl asks for back rub.
>"Sorry, I'm really hungry right now, and Jenny is great at them."
>Realize she was flirting with me two days later.
My life.

>> No.6534636

Meh you don't friendzone them, you just don't notice. It happens.

Maybe try for a girl who shares your interest yeah?

>> No.6534644

True, though of all 8 girls I personally know that cosplay, 1 of them are single (as of 2 days ago), and living half an hour from the nearest town doesn't really help.
Oh well. Dating's never really been a high priority of mine, as you can probably tell. Thank you, though.

>> No.6534658

ill have sex, with one or two people at the most, not twenty or more