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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6501494 No.6501494 [Reply] [Original]

Not-cosmetics makeup general?

Just got my Pro-glo light refracting and diffusing foundation on gropey's suggestion. Im supprised just how well it works though I need advice on maintaining it throughout the day and gropey is banned pls halp? D:

>> No.6501503
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What are you using as a sealant? Its so pretty but it reacted to my skin funny and I got all puffy. Yes, I jelly.


>> No.6501517

In b4 pro/anti clownfags.

Self sage for not contributing.

>> No.6501581

/cgl/ is quite past that stage. Majority of people who want to talk to him, talk to him outside of /cgl/. Simple as that.

I hear that tons of folks react badly to the particulates in proglo. All the microscopic mirrory bits can cause all sorts of hell on skin.

How much did it cost you? Where did you get it? That stuff is frikkin expensive when I looked into it.

>> No.6501585

where is this stuff from? I searched the name in OP and the only results are this thread and unrelated shit.

>> No.6501632

I got the 1 and a half ounce jar because it was the smallest, and it still cost me $50 before shipping. But with the way it looks its totes worth the money. Now I just need to be sure I can set it so it wont smear when I wear it.

You need to order it directly from the makers. I had to get a movie and stage catalog from Mehron to get it.

Before anyone asks, its this really subtle makeup that hase millions of microscopic mirrors in it that cause you to glow under natural light. Its like instant magic princess: just add ethereal glow.

>> No.6501675

>instant magic princess: just add ethereal glow

>> No.6501736


how do you get this catalog? Shit sounds amazing. How does it look under fluorescents?

>> No.6501770

Mr. The Clown was nice enough to actually mail me a copy but you can probably call mehron and tell them your with a movie or stage production group and get one.

It looks pretty good, but reflects kind blue under normal office lighting. Yellow light and true white light work best.

>> No.6502124

come on, OP, cough up the photos!
if nothing else, I want to see what the packaging looks like. this shit sounds amazing, but Mehron doesn't even have it available on their website from the looks of things. ):<

>> No.6502219

Seconding the request!

>> No.6502224

I'm not gonna lie, that shit sounds like hell for your pores.