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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 207 KB, 480x640, original_248_1355655258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6493076 No.6493076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WAYWT Thread.

Remember to keep it board-related! i.e. wear lolita or j-fashion. Or put on the weebiest things in your closet and pretend you wore that.

>> No.6493104


>> No.6493113


In the rules:
>"What Are You Wearing Today" threads should be cosplay/EGL/J-fashion focused. General fashion threads should be posted to /fa/.

>> No.6493114

>"What Are You Wearing Today" threads should be cosplay/EGL/J-fashion focused. General fashion threads should be posted to /fa/.

>> No.6493120

>Or put on the weebiest things in your closet and pretend you wore that.

Best rule.

>> No.6493123

Honestly, I thought these threads were just fine the way they were, except for the tripfag circle-jerking. Now that tripfags are nowhere near as abundant as they used to be, I would prefer them to be general fashion. I particularly enjoyed Spoony's posts, I used them as inspiration and what-to-do since we have the same body shape and I have no fashion sense.

>> No.6493131

I think moot said no more WAYWT threads. I can't remember for sure though.

>> No.6493130

I think most people are fine with "general fashion" because it isn't the same kind that's posted on /fa/, and we are predominately female unlike them, who generally shit on any girl who posts there. At least don't post really average western things, it's just to abide by the rules. No point getting the thread deleted.

>> No.6493136

Exactly. I posted on here almost a year ago asking for fashion advice because I was laughed out of /fa/, and I got a lot more help here than I did there.

The rules say we're allowed them as long as they're J-Fashion based, so I guess it's safe to say moot doesn't mind.

>> No.6493140

Can you fucking read or do you just like seeing that "Post Successful!" notice that much?

>> No.6493138

Forgot my sage

>> No.6493155

pajama pants and smb t-shirt

>> No.6493173
File: 962 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m5bvh7IdVA1qee6wmo1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else get the feeling nobody's gonna post in here? What happened to all the "daily" lolitas that refused to post since the thread wasn't specifically J fash?

>> No.6493182

>implying people in WAYWT threads actually wear cosplay/j-fashion rather than just being here for the /soc/ shit

>> No.6493180

No one wants to be the first to post, I bet. The thread hasn't been here very long though. I'd give it some more time.

>> No.6493181 [DELETED] 

Here's mine.

>> No.6493185
File: 181 KB, 540x1440, 20121123024916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.

>> No.6493194



>> No.6493196
File: 34 KB, 300x572, img_034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand I just managed to fucking resize my image by like 20% of something and now it's tiny. Well done....
You can pretty see all the details anyway but I did want a full size pic :(

>> No.6493231


>> No.6493246


dat dress, where'd you get it?

>> No.6493283


Yeah, it's the filename from my blog? It's not a 4chan filename if that's what you mean, take a look.

>> No.6493303
File: 235 KB, 334x628, clock sk down blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite!

This is an old photo, but repeat outfit because I have no imagination ;-;

>inb4 fat fat fat fatty fat fattinator

Now that's out of the way!

>> No.6493325

you forgot fatty-chan.
just kidding gurl, you got dem spicy curves.

>> No.6493327

I think a smaller purse would look nicer.

>> No.6493337


pff are you kidding? you got the perfect body
the outfit looks good too!

>> No.6493342

I'm not too sure about the placement of the blue (the socks in particular), but I like the colour on you!

>> No.6493340

(Can we concrit in this thread?)

Something about the socks bothers me. I think the socks should either also be sheer/lacey or it should just be a single, blue/black mix hose. The solid blue looks a little strange to me, like old guys that wear trouser socks with shorts or something. IDK how to describe it.

The bright red lipstick clashes with the overall blue scheme, I think a subtle feminine pink or a neutral would be much better in this outfit.

I'm also just not sure that shade of blue works with your skintone. I think a darker navy or a brighter sax might work better. This color just washes you out majorly because it's the same tone level as your skin.

Sage cuz not an outfit post, but I like the rest of the coord item-wise!

>> No.6493343


I really like your tights. I'm not ever so keen on the blue socks, but I can understand if you were introducing more blue into the outfit. Really jealous of your hair as well, it looks like everything I'd like mine to do!

>> No.6493361

I'd love to see this with a blue chiffon blouse.

>> No.6493362
File: 279 KB, 508x877, IMG_98755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6493363
File: 90 KB, 600x801, untitled_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.

Wore this for a casual day at college, albeit with a coat. In hindsight probably not the best outfit, I was freezing all day.

>> No.6493369


This is a WAYWT thread.
You did not wear this today, I've seen this image before.

>> No.6493378

this.. is literally the first time i've worn these clothes. check the exif data if you want.

>> No.6493385

Wearing pale pink pants with printed flowers. Gray booties with cream-colored knit socks over the first 10 inches of the pants. Then a dark red sweatshirt with feather patch-style stuffs printed in the front. Then it has some tinsel-like feather thingies stitched in the design.ust general kawaii shit. I'd take a picture but the lighting is super crappy.

>> No.6493393

Thanks :3

Sure! The lipstick is more like brick red, but it does look a lot brighter here you're right. I will try to find a more neutral shade. I was trying to use a gothic shade of blue with this for an accent color, but it didn't occur to me that it would clash with my skin

The socks were a sort of last-ditch effort to try and make the outfit more cohesive! I'll just try to find some blue shoes next time, maybe... or black shoes with a blue bow, or something(?)

Also I wish that was my hair! 'Tis only a wig

I've been trying to hunt for one that;s the right shade of blue and that doesn't have too many frills (b/c it accentuates my bust) hopefully I'll find one!

I really like this skirt! Where's it from?

>> No.6493399

Aren't you that youtube guru with the korean username?

>> No.6493412
File: 362 KB, 1535x1535, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wore this yesterday; still in my pajamas right now haha.

>> No.6493421


Hng dat everything. I shall ned a rundown of where you got every part of that outfit. It's perfecttt~

>> No.6493430


Cute outfit but weren't you freezing in that?
I wouldn't risk bare legs and such a short skirt with the Winter wings myself.

>> No.6493437

Thank you!

The blouse is from Ank Rouge and the skirt is from Liz Lisa. The tights/socks are from tutuanna, the shoes are from Bonita, the scarf is from Cecil McBee and the jacket is from Forever 21 lol.

>> No.6493435



>> No.6493436
File: 180 KB, 373x373, 1328372209271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6493438

the skirt is from Axes Femme!
nope! who dat?
this is perfect

>> No.6493443

So cute!
I really wish I could wear those kinds of socks, but I don't go bare-legged since my calves are kind of thick for my overall size so I hate showing them.

>> No.6493442


Nope! Yesterday it was 13 degrees Celsius. I guess that's cold for some, but I'm used to Canadian winters so this is nothing, haha. I'm also wearing nude tights :)

>> No.6493449


Haha, Berserk makes the best reaction faces.


Ohhh, right. I forget sometimes that the temperatures in places like America or Canada aren't the same all over. It's ridiculously cold in England at the minute, hitting minus one or two every night.

>> No.6493453

Not all of us are ; -; I'll brave up to post a pic tomorrow.

>> No.6493464

I'm actually living in Nagoya right now. It's cold back at home, but here it's really nice imo.

>> No.6493470


How much warmer is in Japan overall as compared to Canada?
And no wonder you have such kawaii clothing when they're so accessible to you :(

I wish the UK stocked clothes like this.

>> No.6493473

Do you have a tumblr or anything? <3

>> No.6493477
File: 63 KB, 150x150, 1355342337982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice myself kissing your ass a lot whenever you post, but I can't help it. You're freaking beautiful and don't you forget it.
Post more anytime.

>> No.6493483

whoops, sorry-- oppajjangg.tumblr.com

>> No.6493479


The high is supposed to be 11 today whereas in Ottawa it's -2 lol. So there's quite a big difference.

I do! I reblog a lot of jfashion stuff and post my outfits there :) it's oppajjang.tumblr.com

>> No.6493529
File: 519 KB, 636x1134, PICT1173_correctedcolors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I can post one
This was from about two days ago, have been wearing a pyjamas since (don't think you guys want to see that)
- Sorry for the weird-ass pose, I was playing around a bit with poses and this was like the only picture that wasn't shaky
- Fatty mcfatfat and all that, yes I know
- I have an old camera, which is why the quality sucks, I tried correcting the photo as much as I could but I can't really do anything about the grainy look on the pic
- I know, fat man-face of doom WIIIEEEEE :DDDDDD
>And yeah, I'm not expecting anyone to like it, but I liked it soooo

>> No.6493555


1/10. You made me reply.

>> No.6493570
File: 15 KB, 198x525, 2012-12-17_13-42-15_84-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weebiest things
Well, I'm dressed like PT today, so I guess this counts. Don't worry, I don't plan to leave the house like this

>> No.6493571

>with a polo

as for wanting to wear a skirt in winter
>tights+thigh high socks+a warm sweater

>> No.6493573

Stop with the excuses! Yeah, we;ll tear you apart if you don't already point these things out but JESUS that was a pain to read.
Good hair.

>> No.6493581

there is nothing j-fashion or even weeby about this

What was the point of posting here if we can't even see your outfit?

>> No.6493586

I just thought that if I pointed out them myself (mostly the wieght stuff) I wouldn't get too many hurtful comments about it, since it's a sensitive issue of mine
Sorry for your pain though, I would have put it in spoiler-brackets, but that's not possible on this forum lel

Thank you

>> No.6493589

I'm on my laptop, which has a very bad screen, so I don't really know if you guys can see anything or not
Apparently you can't heuheuheueh

>> No.6493594

>on this forum

Back to reddit with you

>> No.6493602

I don't surf on reddit, and I just remembered it's called a board (right?)
>looks like my memory is starting to fail me

>> No.6493670
File: 692 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2012-10-31-22h44m46s94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, you're too kind, thank you!

>> No.6493681

Double-checked the pic on my phone, and wow was I really off with the color correction
Sorry 'bout that

>> No.6493739
File: 466 KB, 956x1999, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I channel the "kawaii/creepy cute" side of tumblr correctly?

>> No.6493748

You look like a mess. I hope you didn't go out in public dressed like that.

>> No.6493758

>look like a mess

Mission accomplished then.

>> No.6493759


I'm not gonna lie, it looks like Taobao threw up on you

Next time try to just stick to two or three colors at the most. Everything here just clashes. I would ditch everything black in this and replace it with brown or cream or white

>> No.6493771

>not putting the bow on the shirt to make it look like the cat has a bow tie
cmon you can do better

>> No.6493785

>pretending you meant to look like that
You actually wanted validation and asspats, didn't you?

>> No.6493781

I tired and it looked like a bow beard vs a bowtie

>> No.6493791

Serious question: why are skeletal elements referred to as 'creepy'? They just seem like an attempt to be 'edgy' and 'different' to me. Very Hot Topic-esque. I mean in general too, not aimed at that anon in particular.

>> No.6493795

Actually my face looked awful from laser treatments so I needed to pull attention away from my face.

If I wanted asspats tumblr would've been much easier.

>> No.6493802

To some people bones and gore is considered "Edgey". Since plaids and safety pins no longer cut it, people are trying other ways to be different.

>> No.6493806

god i hope this is a joke, you like like SHIT

>> No.6493910


Because they're the only ones with the self-confidence to post. If anyone came and posted 'lel fatty/fugly' to any of these girls it would clearly be a troll, but if an averagemode or just an average looking girl posted it would be a free-for-all with the insults.

>> No.6493943

>>6493570 here
I'm pretty average and fat by /cgl/, and I haven't really been torn down, though I will admit I prepare myself to be every time I self post.

>> No.6493944

*/cgl/ standards

>> No.6494011


you tried to incorporate way too many elements/different jfashions into one coord

lose the salopette/skirt thing and the mint bowtie and you'll be good

>> No.6494060

I'm thin and apparently attractive and I prepare myself to be torn down too. It's just expected here. And people have been mean to me as well, they'll find anything to pick apart. So if you think your fat or ugly or something just don't worry about it, people will be both mean and nice no matter what.

>> No.6494065

Agreed. I have a 23" waist and I've seen girls that look thinner than I do get called fat here. There's really no pleasing both sides of extremism on /cgl/, either you're fat or you have an eating disorder.

>> No.6494067

It's 4chan, you have to take the good with the bad.

>> No.6494078

I'm...trying to remember if I knew you were a seagull when I followed you on tumblr/we started chatting. I probably did, but I forgot pretty quickly.
(for a clue as to who this is, I sold you a couple of my dresses a bit ago and am leaving for Osaka tomorrow haha.)

>> No.6494149

I lurk cgl from time to time :3 It's actually how I found your tumblr in the first place!

>> No.6494158
File: 429 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2057_meitu_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today a few lolitas and I went out for a small gift exchange and then took a ton of photos.

I just really wanted an excuse to wear Sacred Night before Christmas

>> No.6494207
File: 132 KB, 188x448, waywt 12-16-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6494349


>> No.6494368

Lookin' good!

>> No.6494469

>Spoony dropping trip to say she thinks she's hot

>> No.6494649

Because she totally posted herself in this thread, right?

>> No.6495322


Yeah, I don't quite get this either.

>> No.6496644

bampu for cute outfits go

>> No.6496647

because when you have to actually provide for yourself and not live off government money its hard to grow to humongous proportions like you have

>> No.6496939
File: 338 KB, 3648x2736, 1337477516579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496947

this thread is for lolita and other j-fashions

>> No.6496952

I don't like the whole skeleton thing.
I get that it's supposed to be creepy cute, but it makes no sense slapping on bones when you have a cute cat and a polka dot skirt on.
I think you should just go for a fairy kei look and ditch the skeleton necklace, tights, and the weird plastic doll broach for something more pastel.

>> No.6496956


>> No.6496958

I'm going to tell your mom and dad that you're posting butt shots on the internet. Get out.

>> No.6496982


>> No.6496983

Owow! I just can't handle how cute you look!!! I'm curious about which shoes you wore, though (since we can't see them in this one). I'm hoping some huge oldschool platforms? *-*

Sage for not contributing.

>> No.6496989

That's Blah. She used to go to /fa/

>> No.6497020

go away blah

>> No.6497028


I wish, I just had some flats on, I was waiting for some black shoes from bodyline that had not come in, and still have not, stupid USPS.

I'm also 5'7 so if I wore platforms I'd probably just be a giant

>> No.6497035

You are so cute, quaint and whimsical... Wow.

>> No.6497063

Well, you'd be a very elegant giant then!

>> No.6497135 [DELETED] 

Not what I wore today but aside from the lack of accessories is this a decent start of mori/hama-girl coord?

sorry for the shitty quality

>> No.6497186

Bah, 5'7"

>> No.6497202

GTFO. Nobody cares about your shitty t-shirt and leggings you fugly whore.

>> No.6497208
File: 69 KB, 337x404, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking that's me

>> No.6497211

>Implying being tall is a bad thing

though 57 isn't that tall, slightly taller than average

>> No.6497218
File: 83 KB, 600x400, Twee-Venn-Diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ here get inspiration from here:

(if you want obviously)

Fatties can't pull it off no offense and sorry.

>> No.6497306

Thank you! I really like your caplet thingy, where did you get it?

>> No.6497311 [DELETED] 

I feel like I've been on tumblr too much
Also wow what horrible quality my webcam is

I live every article of clothing in this, just... not together. I think the outfit would be perfect with maybe black shorts or a black skirt.

That coat/cape thing is just adorable! Love the whole outfit.

>> No.6497316
File: 164 KB, 400x548, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've been on tumblr too much
Also wow what horrible quality my webcam is

I live every article of clothing in this, just... not together. I think the outfit would be perfect with maybe black shorts or a black skirt.

That coat/cape thing is just adorable! Love the whole outfit.

>> No.6497403

also to be more specific this is hipster girl style if you aren't into hipsterdom just don't download, do mori style or something that looks cute too.

>> No.6498829

Thanks! I actually got it a few years ago at Macy's of all places

>> No.6498844

It's like tumblr threw up on you girls...

I can understand wearing some pieces, but not everything at the same time. Why do people think this looks good?

>> No.6498845
File: 28 KB, 390x310, myfacewhen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who posted the cute and thin comment, and I just find it so cute when they try to believe the comment was made by you

>> No.6498875

you're adorable, but your outfit is too tumblr, especially with that hair.

>> No.6498878

shut up cunt

>> No.6498903

You shut up

>> No.6498904
File: 473 KB, 630x477, vlcsnap-637813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're desperate, it's hilarious.

>> No.6498910

I know, mang. Since when do you give compliments? lol.

>> No.6498912


>> No.6498920
File: 778 KB, 781x520, 1328063595726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not the same person silly Anon :3

I just get this impulse to pinch their cheeks

>> No.6498924
File: 54 KB, 448x448, Sakura revels in your anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I give compliments....
I give lots of compliments!

>> No.6498931

>implying I'm multiple persons too
why are you so dumb C?

only because you're ultra jelly and the compliments are projected insults

>> No.6498942
File: 66 KB, 500x578, ohlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon
Imma tell you a secret
You're the dumb one here
Since we're not the same person
>Silly Anon :3

>> No.6498946


whatever, you're still just jelly

>> No.6498947
File: 39 KB, 848x480, 1355174539143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2 days later and still thinks that's me

>> No.6498953
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 1334153666665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think you're the one jelly here
Of what I do not know, so do not ask me, look inside yourself and see what it is that makes you jelly
>Silly Anon :3

I'm having the time of my life here

>> No.6498959


It happens in practically every thread I post to.
I'm going to bed now though, have fun~*

>> No.6498965
File: 16 KB, 334x378, 1338454365896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pahahahhah, those little fuckers
You bet I will.

>> No.6498966

no comment

>> No.6498970

today was ugly sweater day at school
so i wore the best christmas sweater ever

heck yes

>> No.6498979
File: 77 KB, 295x341, 1322530151944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No comment" is still a comment
>Silly Anon :3
And we're still not the same person
>Silly Anon :3

>> No.6498983

I will need some proof for that statement, ma'am.

>> No.6498989

I didn't actually believe you were cunt before, but seeing as you constantly post the same things pretending it's funny, are generally obnoxious, annoying and irrelevant to this thread... yeah... you really are her, holy shit

>> No.6499002
File: 25 KB, 390x300, dirty-harry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said I was funny? I sure didn't
>You think I'm funny?
>Do ya?

>> No.6499009

You kind of remind me of that person that would post in Ashley threads who always tried to find information about the anons in those threads.

>> No.6499017
File: 10 KB, 180x180, 1335281429877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon, I'm not interested in you, but good luck finding someone else!

>> No.6499045
File: 245 KB, 400x638, IMG_4810 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how everything is so dark all day now, makes it so hard to take photos.

Anyways, this is what I wore while having a lovely Christmas lunch with our student
organization today.

>> No.6499058

Do you have a tumblr?! I love your outfits and I love you!!

>> No.6499074

How did you not flash everyone wearing that?

>> No.6499090

what area do you live in? it was ugly sweater day at my school too..
best day ever gosh. but i really couldn't tell if some peoples sweaters were supposed to be ugly or not.

also wheres all the outfits? all i see are bitchfits.

>> No.6499097

Thank you!
I have a tumblr named spaceandroid

Black shorts with blondes underneath ;)

>> No.6499108

What are blondes?

>> No.6499132
File: 11 KB, 340x408, lace shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I mean eyelet lace.
For some stupid reason I translated "blonder" to blondes...

>> No.6499146
File: 44 KB, 569x570, 406620_502238986477684_575883291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a codenote?

>> No.6499217
File: 831 KB, 699x1600, waywt 1219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing particularly creative today, just simple black bodyline dress

>> No.6499956
File: 376 KB, 1026x1725, todaysme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldschoolish coord from yesterday.
I love everyones outfits,i used to hide waywt threads but now that we are only allowed to post board related outfits,every post looks interesting and worth a second glance instead of cookie cutter casual like it used to be.
still missing the drama though.

>> No.6499989
File: 124 KB, 239x304, 1342781049377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still true though, fatty

>> No.6500073

spoony post an outfit pls :D

>> No.6500080

she's not a lolita and doesnt participate in jfashion


>> No.6500085
File: 961 KB, 240x180, 1353497848706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she doesnt cosplay
why the fuck is she here, the age old question!

>> No.6500249
File: 149 KB, 532x450, Lilo-Stitch-Hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you <3

>> No.6502759


>> No.6502770

>,i used to hide waywt threads but now that we are only allowed to post board related outfits,every post looks interesting and worth a second glance instead of cookie cutter casual like it used to be.

This is really cute! Are those patterned tights? Looks like they have cherubs on them.

>> No.6502783


My outfits suck :D


You don't have to cosplay to be into cosplay. I would cosplay if I had more money. I also come here for beauty general, that and I'm a huge fucking weeaboo.

>> No.6502795
File: 39 KB, 400x273, 1348555885920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop acting like you're relevant. go shit up /a/ or /jp/ if you're such a weeaboo, give /cgl/ a fucking break from you for once.

>> No.6503418

As a man who occasionally likes fashion, this thread is making me realize what generic female fashion is missing in the west. Skirts. More girls should wear skirts. Skirts allow expressive decoration. Pants look boring, and they aren't any less revealing considering how tight most womens pants are worn.

In b4 people call me gay.

>> No.6503465

I wear skirts and dresses almost every day because they're comfy and look better on me, however the unfortunate side effect is old guys hitting on me because "that's how young ladies these days should dress" etc etc and people assume I'm "dressed up" for something.
I'm not even talking loli/J-fashion stuff, just normal stuff from H&M etc. It's weird.

>> No.6503484
File: 23 KB, 213x797, DSC_0268-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it really varies within Japan, too. Where I am (not even in the north, though) it's getting pretty cold, due for snow tomorrow. I'm ok with tights though.

>> No.6503482

i would wear skirts, but 90% of them are way too short. being 5"9 and having a vagina sucks

>> No.6503488


This is one shallow reason why I'm glad I live in Japan! It's normal to wear skirts/dresses and cute stuff. Lots of my American friends tell me I'm always "dressed-up", but I don't think so. It doesn't really take any special effort, and I love all the nice clothes.

>> No.6503506

That's what I don't get. I have a "uniform" down now that generally consists of a nice shirt or blouse, a skirt, and tights. It literally takes no effort and I can dress myself in my sleep. Pants are actually harder for me to coordinate, since you often have to take into account any length vs shoe height. That kind of thing annoys me.

>> No.6503539
File: 99 KB, 300x500, 1325835926861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I completely agree. You don't see many women wearing skirts or dresses casually any more, it's all jeans and baggy tracksuits.
I don't have a singe pair of jeans in my wardrobe and purchase 4 new sets of tights every two weeks. It's expensive in the long run but worth it for the freedom they allow compared to jeans which I find unflattering and restrictive.

People are so weird about it though. My family thinks it's really slutty that I exclusively wear skirts and dresses, but it's not like I'm walking around with bare legs and a hem half way up my arse.

>> No.6503549


With shoes like that it looks fairly slutty, though. They're cute, but just saying.

>> No.6503560
File: 276 KB, 500x667, 1337533700305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well yeah, that's probably not the best example but I just grabbed the first picture of a girl wearing a skirt from my "cute girls" folder.

I'm not the only one that has a cute girls folder right?

>> No.6503588

Don't post photos of other random girls in a WAYWT thread then? Fuck off, no one cares if you have a cute girls folder.

>> No.6503597

My folder is called Bishoujo uguu~.

But yeah, we really don't need the pictures in this thread.

>> No.6503631


Ouch, who menstruated in your cornflakes?

>> No.6506189
File: 62 KB, 960x1280, 470317_10151287074192423_1714350287_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work yesterdaaay

>> No.6506191

Quit chur bitchin shortie, I could probably lift you over my head.

>> No.6506204

I'm 6ft and I am basically always wearing skirts and dresses. You have the long legs for it, just go for it. There are skirts and dresses of many different lengths, you just have to be a little more careful than say, a girl who is 5'2.

>> No.6506340
File: 174 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20121221_185410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore dis earlier.

>> No.6506384

not j-fashion >>>/fa/

>> No.6506409

Its Cosplay related.

>> No.6506410

That's what superboy/doubledragons would wear on an average day. Its super closet cosplay. Take your cunty attitude and go tell some ita shes not as pretty as you or something.
God is mah waifu

>> No.6506413

Not to be rude, but just because I'm curious: how is it cosplay related? Is it based off of some character?

>> No.6506420


Then you have terrible taste.

>> No.6506422

This thread is for fashion

Not strung together closet cosplay you idiot

>> No.6506448
File: 58 KB, 537x720, 1344748777399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought that was established a while ago.

>> No.6506450


ewwww, is that smoker? with PT? are they an item?

>> No.6506456


My new OTP.

>> No.6506457

Nah, smoker has a "10/10" girlfriend.

>> No.6506460

>God is mah waifu
you must be the beta-est trip to ever have existed on 4chan

>with titties
>4/10 whale gf
>mangina pseudo-libertard (=the ultimate disappointment you can be for Texas, which is where he hails from)
>got into a hobby to get poon, without any standards
>...and still doesn't know how to cosplay
can you even fall lower

(nothing against God btw, he's pretty chill)

>implying PT would settle for something like that
IIRC, her last bf was... well... not hot, but certainly better looking and slimmer than smokgina over here

>> No.6506463 [DELETED] 


Does smoker have Klinefelter's?
I don't mean anything by it, just one of my old friends in high school had it and smoker looks like he could be a Klinefelter's poster child. He puts my hips to shame.

>> No.6506467

huh, that might actually explain a lot of things

>> No.6506468 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 922x1148, Spoony4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Spoony have Down's?
Yes. Yes she does.

>> No.6506471

>mad smoker is mad

>> No.6506472


lol, chill smoker, you do look a bit "Klinefelter-ish" is all.

>> No.6506473

This is a quality post.

>> No.6506476


I think you might be right. One of my cousins has that and he looks the same.

>> No.6506483



Well now we know Smoker has a folder full of pictures of you.

>> No.6506486



....that did not occur to me.


>> No.6506487

Now I feel like a creep, I deleted my folder of pictures of you like a week ago.

I was under the impression that this was totally acceptable behaviour.

>> No.6506492
File: 147 KB, 640x448, 1355704749772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure how I should feel about this haha

>> No.6506500

It is, if you're not fapping to it. I save pics of every tripfag just so that I know what loser I'm dealing with.

>> No.6506499

I had a folder called 'creepy' which was just full of pictures of attractive people I know. I deleted it because I thought t'matesprit wouldn't be massively happy about that.

>> No.6506501

Wow, smoker is FAT.

>> No.6506504
File: 18 KB, 548x579, tumblr_mf2myxL4vF1qg0fdgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Now I'm certain you're trolling me.
I have an attractive people folder too, though it's all like cute Asians and shit.

>> No.6506507

What can I say, I consider myself a connoisseur of tits.

Well as far as I know none of my friends are Equius cosplayers, so no, no fapping is involved.

>> No.6506510 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 320x444, 1344469033681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah.... tits are great.

>> No.6506531

Spoony, please stop making this thread off-topic.

>> No.6506533


Fucking stop derailing the thread jesus christ

>> No.6506535


>> No.6506540


>lolol i'm so edgy i'm a girl and i love tits look at me

>> No.6506541

God, can I suck yo dick?

>> No.6506543
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, Popcorn_02_Stephen_Colbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.6506700

you should try a different top imo. It looks like you have football player shoulders compared to the rest of your normal sized body

>> No.6506719


should someone just start a new thread? this one seems beyond saving

>> No.6506737

smoker is a fat ugly douchebag and his "gf" will dump him any day now

>> No.6506742


Haha, yes indeed. I do actually have fairly wide shoulders (which I hate) but the cardigan does exaggerate it. Maybe I should get hip padding to even it out....

>> No.6506785

I like it a lot

>> No.6506976

stop encouraging his off topic posting

>> No.6507417

this gook is always off topic

>> No.6507472


>> No.6507508
File: 1.98 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this thread is on topic at all anymore, but have a cellphonepicture of my outfit today!
(It's a salopette by the way, that's why it's so short)

>> No.6508237 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 216x512, waywt 1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe this thing is still going

You look absolutely lovely, very festive. The black tights seem a bit harsh though, maybe try a white/slightly pink pair and some rose colored shows?

>> No.6508240
File: 159 KB, 216x512, waywt 1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe this thing is still going

You look absolutely lovely, very festive. The black tights seem a bit harsh though, maybe try a white/slightly pink pair and some rose colored shoes?

>> No.6508241

Your legs are so cute and dainty. I'm envious!

>> No.6508249


You kill any cobras lately?

>> No.6508251
File: 8 KB, 299x169, images43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else was I supposed to get dinner for tonight?

>> No.6508258

You seriously do have the cutest little legs ever. They remind of those drawings with the crazy skinny legs.

>> No.6508459

Not the person you were asking, but
Those are Celeste Stein's First Kiss tights, They seem like practically a J-fashion staple at this point. RTBU on ebay is also selling knockoffs of the same print, but I don't know about their quality.

>> No.6508748
File: 141 KB, 404x640, meeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tights are actually brown even if it doesn't show to well on pictures! and I wore lighter brown shoes with matching colored bag, the same brown as the squirell on the print!
I actually have like no lolita-shoes, though I have a pair of dark red tea party shoes on the way so I'm super excited!

Thank you guys! /CGL/ is actually really nice despite what I've heard, last night I got compliments for my voice and now for my legs. You seem like pretty good guys!

Oh, and I wore circle lenses and simple make-up with this, it was for our small christmas family gathering!

>> No.6508756

WHY ruin such a pretty face with that shitty abomination in your nose?!

>> No.6508767

oh, fuck off

she looks fine

>> No.6508769

Each to their own I guess! I don't even really think about the fact that I have a piercing any more, it just feels like another part of my face really, but when I had to take it out because I was undergoing reconstructive surgery, it felt like I looked really really weird without it.

>> No.6508781

Haha what the fuck?
It's an accessory in her face, therefore it's part of the outfit.
If she was wearing tacky blue eyeshadow, and someone said "why ruin such a pretty face with that shitty abomination on your lids," would you really say the same thing?
Don't put your face online if you don't want to be judged.; especially /cgl/ Simple as that.

Personally, I wouldn't phrase my opinion like that seagull did, but I think it looks hilariously ridiculous on her too.

>> No.6508789

Some people don't view piercings as accessories, they're just another part of their face

just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad. If that's your opinion, fine, but there's nothing factual about not liking a piercing

>> No.6508795

Yeah, it is an opinion. Am I wrong in stating it? Did I not say I THINK it looks hilariously bad? Does me saying I THINK imply that I am stating it as a fact, not as an opinion?

A piercing isn't a part of you face. It is an accessory. It's jewelry. If it was a mod/implant, it would be a part of her face, because it cannot be removed without surgical means. It's like saying my glasses are a part of my face, or contact lenses are a part of my face. They're not. I can remove them without any procedures.

>> No.6508801

I knew I would get judged if I posted it, but I don't really mind, since I don't really care what anyone but me thinks of my piercing. People can say whatever they like. It doesn't change the fact that I like it, I think it looks cute. Also when I do decide to take it out, which I'm sure will happen, atleast the scarring won't be visible!

>> No.6508805

Hey, if you like it, you like it. I'm glad you don't have issues with people having their own opinions of it, and that they're not stopping you from doing your thing.

I just have problems with people who get offended at others for having an opinion, trying to shut them down in a medium that actually *calls* for opinion. It makes no sense to me.

>> No.6508812

I said that some people VIEW it as being a part of their face, and dont see it as an accessory. Like even she said that she forgets about it sometimes

And I'm not offended, I just get annoyed because /cgl/ gets so ridiculously bitchy about piercings when it's such a pointless thing to bitch about

>> No.6508837

It just drives me nuts, it's always the prettiest girls that have to fuck up their faces with piercings and holes. Like seriously you're stunning and then you go zooming to 0 because I glance at your nose and all I can think of is attaching a bit of string to your bull ring and tugging you around on it

>> No.6508840
File: 43 KB, 506x506, korra oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508841
File: 219 KB, 471x361, 1333352092878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls must be pretty to fit my tastes and how dare they do something that isnt for tmale attention
i despise piercings with a passion but you are an asshat

>> No.6508879

Why does it drive you nuts? Maybe they don't care about being attractive to you, that's fine. I don't get pissed off that guys don't all wear well-fitted suits.

>> No.6508884
File: 58 KB, 397x508, 1300865739915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508886

It just drives me nuts, it's always the hottest guys that have to fuck up their bodies with shitty steroids and fucking "six-packs" that look fucking terrible. Like seriously you're stunning and then you go zooming to 0 because I glance at your chest and all I can think of is cutting open your entire torso, pulling out the fucking waffles you hid underneath and eating them for breakfast.

>> No.6508887


I know this is a parody, but I actually agree with this. Over-ripped guys are pretty disgusting.

>> No.6509012

>It just drives me nuts, it's always the hottest guys that have to fuck up their bodies with shitty steroids and fucking "six-packs" that look fucking terrible.
Bad troll is bad. Six packs is something 99% of females find attractive (the 1% is fatties who have to say they don't like it to attract Beta males to fuck them).

Piercings on the other hand? You know what types of males 'like' that (=pretend to like)? The Beta males who can't get any better. Not only is it unattractive, it also serves as a warning sign saying: "Oooh! Look at me, I'm such a troubled special snowflake, my teenage years were full of such paaaaaaaain, so I got these rad piercings to show everyone how I truly feel about myself / craaaaaawling in my skin etc."

>> No.6509013

>pulling out the fucking waffles you hid underneath and eating them for breakfast.
Oh boy that is disgustingly hilarious

On a side note I do agree, Not a fan of the 6-pack look at all. But if they want to, whatever floats their boat. I don't need to find every single person attractive, unlike >>6508837 over there.

>> No.6509020


Mmkay whatever you say.

>> No.6509022
File: 485 KB, 248x138, Buffy-Evil-Eye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's kind of a load of bullshit, I'd like to see the evidence to support this conclusion of "99% of women finding a six-pack attractive".

I know a very, very, very fucking cute, tiny, attractive girl who's really into large, chubby, bear-type men and who's husband matches this description.

I myself am more of a trap kind of girl, as in I love big, wide shoulders. A six-pack doesn't concern me in the slightest and I don't mind a higher body fat percentage at all.

You sound insecure as fuck, senpai.

>> No.6509025

Nobody except vapid housewives, 14 year old girls and insecure men who enjoy showing other men their chests enjoy six-packs.
>See, I can pretend my opinion is objectively right too

>> No.6509044

Jesus christ, I prefer softer guys over ripped guys and I'm definitely not a fattie since I have a BMI of 15 because of illness, not that I understand how that would have anything with this to do.

>> No.6509051
File: 59 KB, 235x224, 1298580882699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, good troll is good, because that was a parody post.

>> No.6509059


gjrls on /cgl/ are generally unattractive and under-average.

Do you think girls like that think they could EVER EVER get a guy who is attractive and takes care of his body. They want a guy who doesn't give a shit, who is lazy, and putrid like their self.

>> No.6509062

lol why are you even here

>> No.6509067

I would guess that he is here for the Cosplay... Why are you here? For the girls?

>> No.6509072

Dem kawaii buns.
Not a fan of the socks, but they didn't call my attention at first.

>> No.6509074

Wow is she really from /fa/? That's such a chav outfit if you ask me.

>> No.6509076

Wow, do you have to be a dumb hypocritical bitch in ever post you make? In every other post you brag about how virgins are losers and you get macho dick only, but when that opinion stops being popular in a thread, you turn 180 degrees hoping that people would like you.

>I know a very, very, very fucking cute, tiny, attractive girl who's really into large, chubby, bear-type men and who's husband matches this description.
Because she has fucking mental issues. Probably raped by her fatso father, now she can't live without thick dick in her tiny vagina. And based on how much you hyper her looks, I'd say she's a 6/10 tops.

>> No.6509079

>"here for the Cosplay"
>"hurr durr sluts and hoezz cant hand le mah manly abss >:/"
There should be a law that states certian entry-level bullshit normalfag attention whore cosplays (like Kamina and Yoko) shouldn't really be considered cosplay.

>> No.6509081

I like it. What do you work as?

>> No.6509084

Oh, I suck dicks for a living :)

>> No.6509090
File: 26 KB, 460x421, 1353834020415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509095

If you get laughed out of /fa/, there's a very good a reason. You looked hideous.

>> No.6509120
File: 36 KB, 482x436, 1356404430602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So mad.
So sad.

>> No.6509124

>implying /cgl/ isn't on my side
>implying anyone is on your side
Cheap ho. Go show me your tits for a penny.

>> No.6509126

Oh gosh most of you are really cute.
>tfw you try and date cosplaying girls and they're all emotionally screwed up, immature, and obsessed with Japan

>> No.6509129

fuck off smoker, nobody is on your side you fat piece of shit.

>> No.6509135


Ohhhhh, is that who it is? Suddenly it all makes sense.

He's still mad I pointed out his Klinefelter's. Jesus Christ get over it.
Have a nice Christmas Smoker.

>> No.6509155

Don't you get people mistaking it for mucus dripping from your nose?

>> No.6509157
File: 51 KB, 500x380, u mad kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's me
Looks like someone was born with lack of oxygen.

>> No.6509159

but spoony and charms get laughed at on /fa/
and they're probably the prettiest girls on /cgl/

>> No.6509160

possible samefag?
spoony has been caught whiteknighting herself
before. . .

>> No.6509166

lel, not even close

There's a lot of pretty girls here, there's just the problem that they don't attention whore as much, so the two aforementioned get only compared to similar attention whores = a group that consists mostly of Canada-cancer's 7/10s (DQ, dill, yazee/fireside, voldefart).

>> No.6509168


I suppose it's preferable to being born with an extra chromosome.

>> No.6509169


This, I'm nothing special, my face is just more "out there".
Charms is a qt though.
A compliment is always nice though, so thanks.

>> No.6509172
File: 54 KB, 720x540, 1275236007080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geez spoonz
why dnt u ever clean ur room?

>> No.6509179
File: 196 KB, 919x652, cunt master as a kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Cunt, how can you live with yourself after posting pics like these? >>6509172

What would little Cunt think of herself when she saw them?

>> No.6509182


I get sidetracked laughing at how you've bigger tits then PT.

It's a full time occupation.

>> No.6509183


put your trip back on smoker.

>> No.6509186

She'd probably pull her titties out and offered her vagoo to some random bystander for free (attention is good enough as payment).

>> No.6509195

that room is pig disgusting, holy shit

>> No.6509196

So, what, are smoker and Spoony tsundere for eachother?

>> No.6509198

No, spoony is just being horny, and any man is a good fuck for her when she's like that.

>> No.6509221
File: 753 KB, 1228x2304, 1339909493811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even like smoker
he's a fatass just like this bitch

also the person who replied to me isn't me?
lel is it really inconceivably impossible for you to comprehend that more than one person doesn't like you spoony bb?

also we all know you white knight yourself
why don't you put your trip back on and
stand up for yourself.

>> No.6509230

Seriously, how can she live with herself??

I feel really bad for her 6/10 boyfriend, he doesn't deserve such a whore.

>> No.6509232

you mean fiancé

>> No.6509233

I mean ultra-Beta. Pretty sure he'll stay with her even when she starts bringing the guys she's fucking behind his back home.

>> No.6509284
File: 64 KB, 500x374, fail_strong_abmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa, the ignorance is so strong with this one

>> No.6509301

be butthurt somewhere else spoony

>> No.6509305


um.... girl, your hair is horrible. do something about it, get a REAL haircut, from a hairstylist, make something about the bangs.
also, your outfit is not so good, more weebee than anything else

>> No.6509307

Not Spoony and I know this is a troll and not worth a response but how about YOU go be butthurt somewhere else because you know, deep down that unlike Spoony and her friend, you will never find true love. Whether or not you find them to be attractive couples or not they have someone and you most likely don't. Why? Because you're a judgmental and hateful person. Go enjoy the rest of Christmas trolling other boards because you have no friends or family to spend it with

>> No.6509315

What. Dude, you can barely see her hair

>> No.6509320

Baw harder, Spoony

>> No.6509333
File: 369 KB, 500x667, derplegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a manface so Im gonna just hide k have some socks

>> No.6509342

all i can tell is that her hair is kind of thin and/or flat. it's not that bad, but i do agree that you should fix up your hair a bit more for a nice outfit.

>> No.6509344
File: 55 KB, 704x396, 1356214863998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying their relationship is "true love" while she sleeps around with other men and her bf is too beta to break up w/ her
>implying i am not in a loving 4 year relationship with my fiance
>implying I'm not at my parent's house with my family cooking them all a delicious holiday feast
>implying spoony is not a judgmental, hateful person (don't believe me? look at the doll style thread where she wished another contestant to die in a fire for being prettier than her)
as i said, go be butthurt somewhere else spoony

>> No.6509354

Is this that same guy just posting petty, negative shit about women in every thread? Mate, go have some turkey and a wank, watch some Ben Elton or something.

>> No.6509361
File: 94 KB, 500x377, tumblr_mc9ubjxE3t1r3cbfvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509397

Whoa, your brain is really clogged up with semen & shit. That poster is obviously female.

Also, stop trying to get Britain on your side, you and cunt are the shame of your nation.

>> No.6509413

He looks like a fag. Explains much.

>> No.6509417


Link to where she said that because I can't find it anywhere. Kind of sounds like you're pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.6509427

As far as I can see, Spoony just called the girl a lying, cheating skank because she entered multiple times in that doll contest. Anon may be referring to another thread, but I doubt it.

>> No.6509430


>go have some turkey and a wank

The perfect Christmas combination.
I actually had chicken in my Christmas dinner today because nobody in the house wanted turkey. Unf, my mother makes the best Christmas dinner, yorkshire puddings, sausages, stuffing, mash, gravy, chicken, carrots, broccoli, peas and parsnips!

What did you guys all have? I'm in such a good mood.


This thread just became perfection (。◕‿◕。)

>> No.6509431

>Spoony called the girl a lying, cheating skank

And this is why we can't have nice things when it comes to those contests. Instead of actually doing something about it and discussing the matter with the contest organizer, she goes around and fires her mouth like an uncouth little brat. Lying? Okay, if it was proven she entered multiple times. Skanky? Oh Spoony, don't be the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.6509434


I did discuss it with the contest organizer and she disqualified the cheater.

>> No.6509435

After the fact I'm sure.

>> No.6509442
File: 247 KB, 522x1134, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep grasping.
Or you know, calm down, realize it's Christmas and go spend time with your family. The time between I last posted here and now I've spent out walking with my fiance.

Do you not have better things to do? I know I do, I'm going to go play with my presents.

People like you though, you'll read this and just find another thing to hate me for and it's really quite sad. It's Christmas, save it for tomorrow.

>> No.6509447

Jesus fuck, Spoony. How long are you going to be mad about this for? Is it so huge a part of your life that you can't let it go?
I've seen you going on and on about this from the very start. Get over it, it's some stupid internet bullshit that *should* have no bearing on your actual life.

>> No.6509450

If he's so perfect, why do you cheat on him with other gu-- oh I see, that's what makes him perfect right?

>> No.6509452

>implying judgmental and hateful people can't be happy and/or find a like-minded individual.
oh you.

>> No.6509455

I don't care about your life.

>> No.6509456

>chico mad because she's a 4/10 beaner that can't afford higher standards than sucking roko's dick, whilst spoony is the handsomest girl on /cgl/ and white master race

>> No.6509458

>I'm not the same person you've been arguing with
>Two other people know you've said what you did, so stop trying to play it off like you acted civil when you obviously didn't
>Thirdly, no idea why you're trying to make it personal by implying I haven't spent time with my family

Blow your passive-aggressive 'Merry Christmas' out your ass. You know you don't mean it anyway.

>> No.6509463

>you'll read this and just find another thing to hate me for
way to prove her right lol

>> No.6509465


Maybe you should go spend time with your family right now instead of sitting on 4chan bitching at strangers.
Happy Holidays Anon.

>> No.6509466

k Spoony.

>> No.6509470

>Maybe you should go spend time with your family right now instead of sitting on 4chan bitching at strangers.

Spoony plz take your own advice.

>> No.6509472

and here I was thinking she was the pathetic one.

>> No.6509476
File: 75 KB, 760x571, 1344857158614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. Did Cunt really just tell someone else to get off the internet? Hilarious!

>> No.6509478

Is the general consensus here that when somebody says something that another doesn't agree with, you're automatically spoony?

>> No.6509479


Pretty much.

>> No.6509482 [DELETED] 

oh, please, I have the HIGHEST of standards.

>> No.6509484

oh, please, I have the HIGHEST of standards.