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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6470922 No.6470922 [Reply] [Original]

Less than a month til the con. It's crunch time, motherfuckers.

Are your cosplay plans on track? Hotel rooms organized, troops rallied?

>> No.6470959
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> Still waiting on wigs to arrive
> Waiting till after Finals to start on my bf's letterman jacket for a cosplay
>Still waiting for everyone to pay me their share for the hotel.
>Have to plan out meals for each day because I'm the con granny with magical coupons.
....Wow I really haven't done much at all....
At least I bought my ticket today

>> No.6471006


you know this is mainly a drinking, tripcode fest, right?

>> No.6471028

Not when you're a loser who can't drink.

>> No.6471055

I've still got to finish and start some major projects, but before I do that I need to solidify my income sources before the con. I'm on track with that at least! I can crunch before the con because I have most supplies, though. MOST.

>> No.6471066

ALA just confirmed via Facebook that they have ran out of rooms at the LAX Marriott.

>> No.6471078
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Thankfully we live close enough to the con that we don't need a hotel room.

Got a ton of sewing to do. Want to get at least one of my husband's costumes(Conner) done and finish what of mine I can. Bianca would be the fastest to finish since it's a lot of alterations. So much to do, so little time.

>> No.6471085

>Implying ALA isn't full of losers who defend this con to death

I can't wait

>> No.6471217

Holy shit son, that's a lot of hotel rooms.

Anyone passing out their own ribbons?

>> No.6471265

There's still fun to have when you're not drinking.

I'm hyped for the comedy show, Soap and Fazio are confirmed to make an appearance.

>> No.6471532
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Just reserved my room! Everything with two beds was sold out but I was able to snag one via the accessibility through disability for our group.

Still working on some stuff for a potential AA, not holding my breath but I'd rather be prepared than have nothing. I also got all the ingredients I need for the cakes, cookies, and fudge I'm bringing with for the CGL meet.

I've only ever gotten one ribbon before so this year I hope to actually grab some. Not sure how to go about that but all the ribbons look fun.

>> No.6471572

>can't go due to move
>one of the cons I've always wanted to go to but always got fucked out of
>won't be able to go to ALA until like 2016

>> No.6471579

ALA blows. The only thing to do at the con is stand around the pool and take pictures.

The honor of getting to attend a tripfag circlejerk gathering isn't enough to carry a con, sorry.

>> No.6471587

My new batch of "Fabri/cgl/adiator" ribbons arrived today.

Still haven't really given much thought on how to get them. I ordered a lot more this time around, so I stop running out. You goddamn seagulls are everywhere.

I need to get /v/-tan together, get someone to style my new Kenji wig, and get all my gaming stuff ready for the vidya room.

>> No.6471589 [DELETED] 

I've got two designs I'll be handing out. I might post hints on how to get the easier of the two closer to the event, but I'm looking forward to getting to give some this year!

>> No.6471591

So then how is the con able to book the entire hotel each year?

>> No.6471596

Congrats on scoring the room!

Ribbon hunting is weird, but I'll list the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
Jailbait - Information desk, only for members younger than 18
My First Time - Information desk, for first-time attendees of ALA
Shot by a Bear - Con Chair Chaz, have your picture taken by him
Fairy Dust - Fairy Godfathers, for participating in games and being general fun
Hey! We Listen - Fairy Godfathers, likely reserved for problem-resolution this year
GLITTERATI - allow yourself to be glittered at the office
A;Dorkable - do something adorkable at the info desk
Parent In Tow - used for parents accompanying children to the convention, obtained at info desk
Blue Rose - obtained at Con Suite, usually in high demand and short supply

That's a healthy amount to get you started with. Ones I've gotten in the past (but I either can't remember how I got, am unsure of the availability of this year, or have secret origins) include:

Shake-Hands FAN
Secret Asian Man
Mmm... BACON!
I can see tomorrow in your dance...
I found the Yaoi Flag!
I <3 Yaoi
I <3 Yuri
Magic Word
No, I don't know how fast Chaz is moving.
I'd go Yaoi for Tadao!

>> No.6471604

ALA has been running for 9 years and still going fairly strong. It'd probably expand more and move to a con center except the con caps the attendants.

ALA works because it's in a con downtime outside of SacAnime up north. It's a good little con for those looking for a winter con to start up the year with.

I know some of you bitch that's it JUST a tripfag circlejerk gathering, but there's people who have been going for several years.

>> No.6471605

There's also "Saved by the Costume Repair Station!" which runs out pretty quickly.

>> No.6471613

Don't forget the one you get for fixing your costume at the cosplay repair station.

I really like having the repair station there. Great when you need to fix buttons, glue something, or need wig supplies like bobby pins.

>> No.6471621

Forgot about that one, but I pray that you won't need it.

Space Weasel was around years ago back in Burbank, and I remember it having a really convoluted method of getting it. Anyone know if that's still around?

>> No.6471624

Someone handed me a "It's not like I like You or Anything!" ribbon two years ago because one of my prints feature the quote. I don't know how it was normally given out but I had several people come to my artist alley table and ask me if I was the one handing them out.

>> No.6471626

If all goes as planned, I will be handing out both "Bizarre Adventure" and "ざわ。。ざわ。。" at ALA.

>> No.6471627

Also, I forgot by the Hall cosplay award ribbons. I got one last year for my Rozalin costume and my husband got one for being part of a marvel group in his scarlet spider costume.

>> No.6471628

Ah, I forgot, Blue Rose Maid Cafe also has their own ribbon independent of the Con Suite; it's likely that the other operating maid cafes have their own ribbons as well.

>> No.6471630

I think the GAMER (or "Dedicated Gamer") one is given in the game room. You either have to do some impressive gaming, or cosplay a videogame character while playing a game.

I also like the "I'm here for the tail" ribbon with the catgirl on it. You get that either by wearing a tail to the tail/ear accessory booth or trading them a ribbon.

>> No.6471638

So whats this I see on facebook about their being another convention the same weekend as ALA?

>> No.6471642
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Thank you! I'm pretty excited for ALA since it's a nice way to start off the year.

And wow, that's a lot of ribbons. The only one I got last time was a karaoke one while doing late night karaoke at ALA back in Sherman Oaks. I'll definitely try and get what I can (really eyeing that blue rose one)

>> No.6471645

SacAnime. It's a Norcal con. They're trying to put themselves as a competing con with ALA. Seems kind of stupid to me when they could just as easily have their con a week or two afterwards. But I suppose it works out for those who don't travel down for ALA anyway.

>> No.6471649

Its a convention Called Taiyou con. I know they have a facebook
Their Masquerade prizes are really good. I wish I was a better cosplayer....

>> No.6471652

SacAnime winter, in... Sacramento. RUMOR is that SacAnime is trying to set themselves up as a competing convention (usually they're the week before or after).

Ohayocon has overlapped with ALA a few times in the past, but not this year.

>> No.6471662

I can't guarantee availability but here's a few other odd ones I got in previous years:

Friend of Miku - Some guy asked if I was a friend of Hatsune Miku. I said yes. I got a ribbon.
Decepticon - There were people handing out Autobot and Decepticon ribbons. You named one of either and you got the ribbon, but to get both you had to name a transformer who was both an autobot and a decepticon.
I <3 Yuri - name a yuri couple from any anime or manga
I'm On A Horse - I really don't think you can get this anymore, but you had to be able to recite an Old Spice commercial.

>> No.6471661

I wouldn't really worry about Taiyou con. Considering it's in Arizona.

Don't really think the AZ people are going to come to ALA unless they have friends out here.

>> No.6471668

You'd be shocked it seems like a lot of AZ people are going to ALA this year

>> No.6471676

SacAnime's been booking the same weekend as ALA for at least the past year or two. I think it's something that's somewhat recently come up.

>> No.6471681

Last year it was different weekends.

I remember this because I remember going up to friends at SacAnime I saw at ALA and going "Hey! Do you want some Carl's Jr?"

>> No.6471695

I always forget about the "I speak Japanese" ribbon that gets handed out, usually by one of the workshop panelists.

Pulling a few from a google search, some of these come straight from Chaz's mouth:

"EXCESSIVELY PREOCCUPIED, FLEXIBLE, GLOMP ME, DANGEROUS CURVES, DORKY BUT AWESOME, and KAWAII. Oh, and there's OLD SCHOOL, and FELLOWSHIP OF THE EMPTY GLASS... The Fairy Godfathers are known to hand out ribbons, incidentally. See a Fairy Godfather (they'll have a "Fairy Godfather" ribbon, makes them easy to spot) and ask them nicely.

And some ribbons are exclusive -- you only qualify for PERFECT ATTENDANCE if you've been to all seven Anime Los Angeles conventions. (Fewer than 100 people qualify for that.) "

Of course, the requirements for Perfect Attendance ribbon is now out of date, and probably more rare than it was before!

Fairy Godfathers lead has also handed out a LotR ribbon in the past; I'm not sure if she's continuing with this one.

Others pulled from the search:
- Naked
- Full Metal Enthusiast
- otakunopodcast (got this one a few years ago by chatting about older anime with a middle-aged woman)

>> No.6471715
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wee got my plane ticket yesterday. Staying Thurs-Mon with the most packed room I've ever had(not saying much, I don't pack rooms normally) so I dunno how that's gonna go. BUT I can't wait to see a whole bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. I still needa buy my con ticket but I'm doing that next week.

Cosplay wise I'm bringing KH2 and KH3D Rikus because I have THE most adorable Sora to cosplay with. KH2 is pretty much done, just needs one minor adjustment. KH3D still needs work.

I need to ship my prop to Cali though. Anyone have a ballpark price estimate on shipping a wide sword sized 5lb box within the US?

>> No.6471723
File: 25 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mec2okliHu1qklu7eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot this gem I saw on tumblr a few weeks ago:

"Joshua here. Want one of these ribbons? Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to pass one of Mr. Support Reaper Man’s tasks at Anime Los Angeles first~

You’ll be able to find him with Neku and I the latter half of Day 1~"

I am dedicating my latter half of day 1 to finding these people. I NEED THIS RIBBON IN MY LIFE.

>> No.6471736

ffff how am I going to remember to do this?! I want ittt. I need to write down a list or something. I never find ribbons at ALA...

>> No.6471962
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Rooms were booked in advanced and so far everyone is good and no one's dropped out.

Cosplays are going along, not this coming sunday but the next will become Cosplay Workshop Week in my home. Friends and masquerade partners are coming over to power through cosplays.

Hitting up the fabric district this weekend to pick up fabric for my viera Spellblade coat and then I'll have everything I need to finish for ALA~ Super excited!

Anywho, cosplay plans in pic and a ton of fun awaited.

>> No.6471970

Got room, Megabus ticket, and now I just need to buy the actual con badge.

And get two more cosplays together.

>> No.6471974

What are these ribbon things people keep talking about?

>> No.6471982
File: 394 KB, 500x667, alabadgeribbons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Hanyaan's from last year because it's the first I could find: all those things dangling from the badge.

>> No.6471980

I'm an AZ person going to ALA. I just looked up Taiyou con and it turns out that its happening not too far from where I live. Maybe I'll go next year if it doesn't happen at the same time as ALA again. Plus I'm way too stoked to party and circle jerk with everyone.

>> No.6472017

Think of them like prize ribbons. Some are just for doing different tasks, or attending certain events, or like the hall cosplay award is for when a staff member thinks you have an awesome costume and deserve a little something) Some of them are just stuff attendants give out(Like Mr. Freeman's "Fabri/cgl/adiator" ribbon), others are ones that staff members give out(The big list above). Some people turn it into a type of scavenger hunt to see how many ribbons they can get. Some people end up with a huge trail running down their badge and have to wrap it around them.

>> No.6472027
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>Let's Go! Gekiganger 3

I want one!

>> No.6472028

That's pretty neat I've never seen that done at a con before.

>> No.6472044

Apparently it something that happens more at places like Loscon and was picked up at ALA. It's kind of neat and a fun memento to pick up at the con. We also give out ribbons for people who participate in the cosplay chess game. You either get a black ribbon or white ribbon depending on which side you were a piece on.

>> No.6472047
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It really is. It's pretty darn adorable.

I remember this year, one girl had so many she was wearing them like a scarf. It just seems really fun to get them and a nice little memory for the convention!

>> No.6472052

Just realized I need to order my badge still along with one more wig, but otherwise costumes are looking good and I'm really excited!

>> No.6472276

Was she a red head named Sarah?

>> No.6472282
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I'm afraid I didn't get her name. I was walking out of the elevator and I just happened to spot her and another person who had their badge on their shirt, I believe, and had ribbons that touched down to the floor. It was pretty impressive.

>> No.6472283

I realized the other day that I still haven't ordered my badge fhdgjkhfdjgdjs nor do I have the money to do so... I really like ALA so I want to give them money so I'll see what I can do, I might as my mom to buy it for me as a christmas gift.

Otherwise... Hotel booked, roomies found. All but one of my costumes are done, but I'm going home in 5 hours for winter break and I can't bring along my sewing machine, so I need to finish what I can tonight and then bribe a friend to let me borrow their's.

>> No.6472384

you and me both, Valle. You and me both...

>> No.6472601
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Got my room but no badge..yet.
I have 4 costumes to finish but they are pretty simple so no big deal.
Cant wait for ALA its a chill con before con season starts and becomes hectic.

>> No.6472635

It sure sounds like Sarah. I think there's one other person on the Minions who scarfs theirs, but Sarah is the most prolific.

>> No.6472774

Had badge and room confirmed last night instead of sleeping after seeing this thread! Everything is in working order!

I also got to order all the wigs I needed before mid-December this year for once.

I've been waiting to get major sewing done after finals, so I'm gonna be raiding my friend's garage and making a marathon out of it.

>> No.6473776

Can't wait to see you again! Last I saw you I think was last ALA!

Polite sage

>> No.6474226
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Preview of the Jojo tea times provided by the Liquor & Tea Emporium and Haunted Mansion Consortium.

That reminds me. I have loose plans for a case of Asahi and Ichijos. I hope this is the year we get more pachinko machines too.

To add to the ribbon list, I fully intend on getting the Pachinko ribbon again. And actually spending quality conscious time in front of them.

>> No.6476970

Put in an order for 1120 ribbons between 7 designs, estimated to arrive before new years.

I know the person handing out two of the ribbons is going to be posting theirs before the con, not sure about the other three people. For mine, I might be posting just a single cryptic picture on here and no other information as to how to obtain it.

>> No.6477633

Figured I'd just make a quick post since a few people were interested, but it looks the Disney gathering is going to be Friday at 4 pm!

>> No.6477643


Will you be wearing Kim Possible?

>> No.6477660

I'll be wearing Rapunzel actually since I plan on fixing her up more! Im wearing Kim on Day 0 though

>> No.6477665

I helped set the time and now I can't do the gathering since the skullgirls group I'm part of is doing their costume on Friday.

>> No.6477664
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Plans for now. Can't decide if I want to give out ribbons or not yet. If I do, it'll probably be something as Masato or Olivier, maybe WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE with the Zangyak Space Empire logo or something.

But seriously though fuck the Guardians series and the terrible claws it's sunk into my soul. I still haven't started on Masato's jacket and I'm working on Pitch.

>> No.6477682

oh noo! Well hopefully you can stop by and say hello, I would love to meet you!

>> No.6477740
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Will most likely be cosplaying Red Sniper or a manly Cirno. I may be volunteering the con as well as a registration type person or whatever.

It'll be my first ALA, hope to meet some cool people there too.

>> No.6477763

Considering I'm dressing as Cerebella. I should probably be a little hard to miss at the con. Also I'm cosplay chess staff. So I'll be easy to catch during the game.

>> No.6478675

I ended up volunteering as reg last year. Huge mistake took up most of my con time :(

>> No.6478892

Who here that went last year went to that taco party thing on the top floor? I remember arriving about, 10 PM and they said they were going to have the tacos in a half hour or so. Me and my friend waited hours and we just left around 1 am without getting the tacos. Did the tacos ever arrive?

>> No.6479110

I was there last year and the tacos from Jack in the Box did arrived around 2am. Maguma said next year will be better planned.

It was neat talking to people and see planes take off from LAX with the skyline of El Segundo in the background.

>> No.6479143


Tacos didn't come until like 3am, but they literally had to go to like three different stores to get them all.

>> No.6479238
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Tacos man... YOU HAD ONE JOB!

>> No.6479310

Yeah. Taco party was not as well planned last year as it should have been. Better planning for this year's. This year it's suppose to be a la carte style.

>> No.6479523

Fuck yeah tacos on the roof!

>> No.6479617
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My body isn't ready for this damaging weekend yet.

>> No.6479736

i know that i'm going. no clue what i'm bringing. i'm probably gonna bake a zillion cookies or make cake truffles or something for everyone though.

>> No.6480025

You mean your liver?

I'll actually be 21 for this con finally, so I need to stock up on my contributions to the communal hotel room booze stash.

>> No.6480177

I'm gonna wait til after finals to finish cosplay ._.
Cosplays: /ck/, Poison, Felicia, Margaret (Regular Show), and maybe one more. I was thinking about wearing lolita but the tea party is another $25. Considering getting ribbons if it's in my budget ;;

Circlejerk same time as last year, yes?

>> No.6480684

Yes. We have changed the Taco Method so there is no issue of waiting. Tacos will be ready for you to make yourself, how you like it, upon arrival. There is a donation jar that we ask you pitch it what you feel is appropriate but there is no official cost to receive a taco (Limit 2).

And all three rooms on that top floor will be used, with tables, chairs, TVs, videos, games, etc, and of course, a wonderful view.

>> No.6480686

Long as we don't get kicked out of the pool deck for socializing, or we're overriding the hot tub, I'm in!

>> No.6480746

So I don't get these ribbon things. Can someone explain them to me?
I understand you can get them just by doing random things around the con, but are certain people handing them out? Is it just a /cgl/ thing, or is it actually part of the convention?

I'm just asking because it seems like alot of people in this thread are planing on handing them out. Can anyone make and pass them out?

>> No.6480751

Gonna be spending the next two weeks working on a majority of my cosplays since I'm visiting family for the holidays and my mom said she'd buy all my fabric. My last final is on Tuesday and I've been working on orders from my Etsy Store, so there is no time for cosplay sewing.

>> No.6480783

It's a whole convention thing, and it's been around since the very first ALA cons. Most of the ribbons are handed out by various volunteers at the con who host panels or organize and coordinate certain events.

Usually the ribbons range from fan-specific ribbons, but also ribbons can be handed out for hall cosplays, if you can speak Japanese (by speaking to a volunteer or staff member in conversant Japanese), getting your costume repaired, and by looking for specific cosplayers or attendees who make you do something specific.

If you participate in a number of con events, you can probably get a decent dose of ribbons. Some people spend the entire con looking for them.

>> No.6480844

Ribbons are like achievements/trophies that you get on xbox/ps3 by doing things IRL at cons.

Like anon said, ranging from fan-specific things, to run of the mill crap like "I like Manga" or "Hugs!" Lots of ribbons can be acquired through attending events, utilizing different facilities that the con offers, or just even talking to people and unknowingly winning them. It's some fun actually!

>> No.6480875

how legit is megabus? i'm taking that too..

>> No.6480883

Megabus is pretty nice and clean. Wifi usually sucks and not all of the electrical outlets work, but it's pretty nice and they don't destroy your luggage like at the airport

>> No.6480888

sweet. i just find it to be a bit sketchy considering i only payed $1.. like how is that a thing?

>> No.6480892

How is everyone planning to get from the transit center to the hotel. Taxi is estimated to be around $60

>> No.6480897

i think the bus i'm taking gets in at civic center so i'm taking the red line, blue line, then the green line there and taking a shuttle to the hotel -___- sigh

>> No.6481254

Artwork approved and ribbons placed into production. SUCCESS.

On a semi-related transportation, how do you guys think the parking situation's going to be? I've got a room there so I think I'll be able to use the hotel guest parking, but the past two times I've been to cons in the LAX area, parking has been PACKED. PMX ran out of parking and I had to use the Parking Spot because I didn't want to walk that far, same deal for Loscon.

>> No.6481296

I'm already expecting to park at the Hilton since I'm not getting there until Friday afternoonish and Marriott last year was full by 10am on Saturday.

>> No.6481319
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Nukka ended up cornering me at a party and convinced me to be Ma-san from Um Jammer Lammy with her, so I guess that's happening. I haven't added it to my lineup picture, but otherwise yeah this is what I'm wearing.

I'm so fucking excited to see my Cali bros who I haven't seen since AX!!

>> No.6481361

Thankfully, from the green line. You get off at Aviation and it's the closest stop to the hotel. They have buses that run and you can find one driver that can drop you off at the hotel. Thankfully the buses are fairly cheap. When attending an ALA meeting before, it cost me $.75 to ride the bus from the train station to the hotel.

>> No.6481365
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Our troops are rallied, still working very slowly on my 1 new costume. Hotel room is all set to go.
Excited to see some old bros!

>> No.6481424
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Oh goodness, I hope I can grab some pictures of your Mrs. Toad. You looked so adorable from what I had seen circulating around.

I hope I can actually meet Piggy this year too! I've been hoping to meet her for the past like 3 ALAs and have somehow continuously missed her.

Though, I'd love to hang out with everyone I was able to meet with last year, too.

>> No.6481481

Major logistics are out of the way. We're gonna be roadtripping down and probably driving through the night from Thursday~Friday but I'm so exciteddddd

Since I'll have my car, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to bring some extra stuff like a griddle thing so I can cook breakfast in my room ohmygodddddddd gonna make breakfast for all mai waifus it's gonna be BALLER AS FUQQQQ

>> No.6481492

Piggy, I, and a few others are doing a Skullgirls group on Friday. I've been picking up pvc pipe and expanding foam to start building Vice Versa this week. If it goes right, he'll be portable and can flex his arms and not just be hanging off my head.

>> No.6481504
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Wow, good luck with that! Don't overwork yourself, too. I'll be sure to peek around Friday when I get there to see people and I'll bring by the cakes, cookies and fudge for you guys!

>> No.6481513

I'm trying to get at least Conner and Cerebella done for my husband and me. I can bring Velma to since it just requires me to paint some new shoes I bought since I left one of my shoes back in NY. Must have been odd to find one lone red shoe in the hotel for the maids. At least it was an old shoe anyway and the new ones are really cute and a better match.

>> No.6481625
File: 1.02 MB, 1078x720, ALAPLANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting around to posting in here. SUPER STOKED FOR ALA. GOT MY BADGE, MY PLANE TICKET AND MY ROOM. Just time to finish cosplays now, scream. Here's what I'm bringing.

Gotta get me one of dem zawa zawas.

>> No.6481704

Kind of a stupid question, but does anyone know where people order their ribbons from? I've been thinking of making Okami or Skyrim ones but I haven't been able to find the website.

>> No.6481711

I did a quick search and Chaz actually has a list of sites to order ribbons through.


rvawardsaz.com (look under badges)
hodgesbadge.com (flat ribbons)
ribbonsgalore.com (badge/badge ribbons)
shopforawards.com (nametags)
marcomeetings.com (ribbons/badge ribbons)
larsensawardribbons.com (flat ribbons)
pcnametag.com (ribbons)
speedyawards.com (ribbons - pinked, vertical only)
luscangroup.com (look under events & trade shows, then ribbons)

>> No.6481728


Sweet! Thanks Harley!

>> No.6481729

Oh wow that's so cool. I kind of wish I could get some for something because I love handing things out. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Thanks for the links!

>> No.6481744

Eee~ I'm so glad to see you're doing Lily! I was going to pack my Rin but was worried there'd be no other KS cosplays!

>> No.6481780

has anyone ever been to the fashion show? i was thinking of putting in two or three garments but since it'd be my first time i'm at a loss as to how things work. or at least how can i get models?

>> No.6481803


Please, no 'arrow to the knee' ribbons.

>> No.6481832


Haha, don't worry. That's not what I was intending to do.

>> No.6481936

I should probably mention now, I'm ordering through Marco because the had the requirements needed for all of our ribbons for the cheapest price.

If you want to take advantage of Marco's flat rate 5.00 shipping on all ribbon orders, you'll have to order by the 12th. That's the date they gave me a few days ago, but I'd also try to shoot them an email to confirm.

>> No.6481944

Speaking as helper monkey for the person running fashion show, we can provide models for you if you do not have your own. I know for sure we require garment measurements for model-matching.

I really recommend emailing the Fashion Show head with questions even if you're just tentatively interested (address included in the email field). They really don't bite.

>> No.6481955


What size did you order?

>> No.6481962

The 4 by 1 5/8 horizontal; it's the standard size for ALA ribbons, the larger ones are the 4x2. Also, at least with Marco, the ribbon quantities stack across different designs, as long as they are the same size.

In other words, you don't have to order 250 of one ribbon to get the discounted quantity price; you can order 100 of one design and 150 of the other, and as long as they are the same design the numbers will still pool.

>> No.6481967


One more question, sorry! Can you do multicolored text or just one color on Marco?

>> No.6481970

I think it's just one color for Marco, but it wouldn't hurt to ask? Their customer service is pretty responsive; I left them an offline message for their live chat and had a reply in my inbox when I woke up. Just remember that they go by EST for their operating hours.

>> No.6481977


All right, thank you very much for your help!

>> No.6482097

About the ribbons, can anyone bring some as long as you let Chaz know or do you become part of a list?

>> No.6482103


I don't think you even have to let Chaz know.

>> No.6482115

Oh really? Sweet, I think I'll go about ordering some then. Thank you so much for your help.

>> No.6482267

Yeah. A lot of people bring their own ribbons. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine as long as they're nothing offensive or forcing people to do dangerous or illegal things to get them, you should be fine.

>> No.6482295

oh shit so some of you did pay attention to my $1 megabus post of stupidity a week or two ago?

anyway yeah, it's legit. it's promo prices. there's a couple $3 and $1 going to seats left for sf and sj but the returns are full price. $30 is better than paying gas though. you get let off at union station and that's a whole lot nicer than the greyhound station. i did the $3 round trip for AX earlier in the year on the dirty dog and that was fine. you just sleep through the whole trip and you can't beat it for the price you paid. the only bad thing is that you're limited to what you can haul yourself and that you have to get over to LAX for the hotel. jump on the union city flyaway bus (its like $9?) and you're good to go.

>> No.6482296

errr union station flyaway

>> No.6482318
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 64ff0786b2298efe5c191ca2a6c62fae11bd3370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything ready, except I am sad and don't feel like cosplaying any more for this con, because a friend has the best costume ever. Same series, different characters
but damn.... Itfeelsbad to not have something as good to wear.


>> No.6482321

Just wear the costume anyway and enjoy the con. It's okay to have a costume that isn't perfect or amazing. It's better to just go and enjoy yourself.

>> No.6482359

You either die the hero or live long enough to see
yourself become the villain.

>> No.6482385

wear it on a different day as your friend
unless your friend wears it all weekend, in which case it might get awkward

>> No.6482403

we both got completely different cosplays, 'same series' -different characters.

>> No.6482416

sorry i fail at reading

if it makes you feel any better i am confident that your costume will shine as well.

>> No.6482456

If you're not going to go all the way, why go at all?

you may have put effort and devotion into your cosplay plans and have everything prepared except yourself, the only person that is stopping you now is you..

It does not matter how it turns out as long as you make it to end, you won't know until finish what you started.

>> No.6482517


Dedicated gamer is for Game cosplay. Gamer is for answering Video Game trivia.

Need to figure out what to do about the Dedicated gamer ribbons. If we give them out to any old game, we run out by saturday morning.

>> No.6482527

Maybe make seperate ribbons? Like ones dedicated to shooters, one dedicated to rpgs, one to fighting games, and so on? Like of Piggy is doing Lammy and Filia. She could technically get a music based one for Lammy and a fighting game one for Filia.

>> No.6482529


At this point it's way too late. Ribbons already ordered. The problem is, with games like Pokemon and Resident Evil, everyone and their mother has a cosplay. Maybe limiting it to game specific characters/outfits.

Meh. We'll handle that hurdle when it happens.

>> No.6482530

and maybe not necessarily label them differently, but color code them. They'd all still say Dedicated gamer, but fighter in red, shooter in blue, puzzle in purple, music in yellow, etc....

>> No.6482548

Well, anon, that's not a very good reason to not go. If she's not cosplaying the same character as you, why are you so worried? If anything, you two should cosplay together! I have a cosplay group for ALA, and all the members have varying strengths and skill levels. I've cosplayed with people whose costumes were held together with safety pins and fashion tape, and there were days when my own costumes were held together with safety pins and fashion tape. The point of a con is to make friends and have fun, and that's not something you'll be doing while home alone all weekend.

>> No.6482566

I'm really hype for this, gonna hang out with a lot of people I haven't seen in ages. Picking up my Doctor Suit HOPEFULLY from Fashion District this weekend, idk what else I'm doing as far as costumes go. Might do some sort of fox or viera thing, time will tell.

Also going to be doing an overhaul on the Thursday of the con for their DDR Setup, definitely would love to play some games against some of you!

>> No.6482601
File: 48 KB, 312x244, ALA13Ribbons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those on my tumblr, I spammed with this, sorry about that. But, I ordered these two ribbons for ALA so I can't wait to give them out and collect some of my own. This is really one of the reasons I love ALA.

I have very limited of the Ragnarok Online ones because I don't think THAT many people remember or know of the game. Someone gave me the idea of asking the name of at least 5 poring classes to get the ribbon.

>> No.6482602
File: 197 KB, 500x321, planned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6482614

>I don't think THAT many people remember or know of the game
wait really
is RO that far gone from the world?
i mean, i never played it but i know of it

>> No.6482618
File: 37 KB, 250x250, tumblr_lyuq0dIRm11qhy6c9o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know OF it but the questions might be harder for people? I'm not sure. I originally was going to have "name four towns" but that might be hard for people who haven't played it.

Though I could indeed be very wrong. I'm excited to see though!

>> No.6482629

I will find you. And I WILL get that RO badge. My body is ready. Be prepared.

>no reaction pic can relate to the face I'm making right now

>> No.6482635

I'm just going to imagine a rape time kind of face.

>> No.6482641

get this hothead outta here

>> No.6482783
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1335305449102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I wanted to make my own ribbons and pass them out, would I get in trouble?
I'm about to say Fuck It and order a bunch.

>> No.6482843
File: 14 KB, 377x377, pusheen10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh boy I can't wait! My bf and I will be in RO Cosplay so we'll be easy to spot late Friday. I'll be in my scholar and he'll be his Soul Linker. So yeah, please find us and I'll be more than happy to quiz you and give you a badge!
Yup, pretty much! Go for it and have a blast.

>> No.6482866

how much is the Green line to bus route? Was that the one that cost you $75?

>> No.6482892


Absolutely not. Happens all the time.

>> No.6483018

Might be handing our ribbons on Saturday!

>> No.6483070
File: 257 KB, 1280x574, aviationtolax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed a . in there. 75 cents. Not 75 dollars(Should have added a 0 in front of the . to make it more noticeable). and when you get off at the green line, there are buses directly AT the train station. You just get on whichever one takes you closest to the hotel. It's about 1.6 miles from the station to the hotel. Technically speaking, it's close enough to walk, but it's a long road stretch that's more dirt on the side of the road then actual sidewalk.

>> No.6483102

I got way too much luggage to walk thanks for clairfying.

I'm not too familiar with the LA train system but I take it you ride the green line to a stop then take the bus to the hotel?

>> No.6483156

Yep. It's pretty easy and you can always ask one of the bus drivers for help. Just make sure you bring a couple bucks in change just in case the bus charges more.

>> No.6483457

As far as ribbons that aren't convention-sponsored go, you'll mostly be fine... but remember that this is an all-ages convention, and associating certain acts with the ribbon giving will be likely to get you busted.

>Friend and I sitting around after running panel
>Girl comes up to us looking really anxious and upset, asks if we're staff
>We confirm, even if we can't take care of her problem we probably know someone who can
>Girl tells us there are some guys at the lobby level "soliciting pornography"
>We get her to expand on the details, turns out there's some guys passing out a ribbon for a mildly suggestive act (I think it involved whipped cream?), and they're passing out business cards for an amateur adult film company advertising for actorss
>Friend and I decide that this is up Ops' alley, drop her off there

We never actually heard what happened after that; what ops decided to do, etc.

>> No.6483632

I'll be sure to look for you when I'm wearing it! I'm not too hard to find since the heels make me like 5'6" and I have a big pink bouffant with a white feather on my head...
Shannon will be with me too as Thumbelina!

>> No.6484492


Guest list is up. Looks like they got a lot of up and coming VAs

>> No.6484519

My inner GitS fan SINGS at this guest list. I saw Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and Richard Epcar on the most recent post card and flipped my shit. Then I saw Patrick Seitz on the list and knew it was going to be a real party.

>> No.6485404

What's the word on the /cgl/ meet up?

>> No.6485449
File: 2.44 MB, 300x200, Hecarim ganks Teemo and Kennen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

League of Legends drinking game. Bring your laptops.

Every time you:
>Miss a last hit = Take a shot
>Get Juked = Take a shot
>Get ganked = Take a shot
>Miss your smite = Take a shot
>Get grabbed/pulled/sonic boom'd/nidalee'd = Take a shot
>Flash into a wall = Drain your cup
>Get Aced = Drain your cup
>Play Nunu = Drain your cup

>> No.6485727




>> No.6485734
File: 1020 KB, 302x230, renektongankingbottomlane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6485884

I'm drunk already, fuck.

>> No.6487207

Mostly it's on friday night. Pool deck.

8 o'clock sound good folks?

>> No.6487222

ALA will be closed down for safety violations.

>> No.6487244


>> No.6487908

No, that's just the pool deck.

>> No.6487937
File: 178 KB, 552x414, not-sure-if-i-should-sleep-or-play-league-of-legends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body is ready.

>> No.6488017




>> No.6488162


I am so ready for this now. My boyfriend gave me a weird look when I started singing out loud, I was shocked to find out he doesn't know the sound.

>> No.6489035
File: 482 KB, 500x274, tumblr_marthjiXSL1r3w115o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look I found a preview for ALA.

>> No.6489059

But where's the booze and circlejerking?

>> No.6489065
File: 894 KB, 1280x1792, bubblegum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel all to well, anon. I'm getting to meet a lot of cosplayers with much more skill than I have.
Just have fun! ALA isn't about who's the best cosplayer, it's who can get the most wasted and live in infamy til next year

>> No.6489082
File: 982 KB, 280x210, tumblr_m3orkn8ORA1rn2llbo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still flip flopping on whether or not I am gonna go.

Tell me, how is the fighting game scene at ALA? Does it exist? I don't ask for myself, it is for my boyfriend who very much enjoys his fighting games but ever since we moved to southern CA he has had no friends to play with. It is really very sad, I would play with him but I suck major balls at any fighting game, I just don't have the speed or dexterity in my hands for it.

>> No.6489102
File: 117 KB, 482x484, Meduka oh hgawsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't cosplay much b-but I could go and c-circlejerk with you guys~

>> No.6489109

If you are in good spirits and ready to have a good time then of course!

>> No.6489116 [DELETED] 


...Some of the very best players in the United States play in SoCal.


I don't think the level of top play from that would come to ALA but I know of a few people going that'd definitely have something to offer

>> No.6489117 [DELETED] 


Of course. :) Isn't that the point?

>> No.6489135
File: 307 KB, 200x162, 1336525327295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah, yeah we know that there are a lot of good players here (tbh I have no idea how good or bad my bf is, all I know is he wins about half of his online matches these days, which is down from when he was playing with a group of friends) The problem is more along the lines of we don't know anyone here!

oh god you guys, so lonely.

>> No.6489145


Hey Mope, what does he play? I'll have my xbox and a slew of games in my room and I'll play him in whatever~ Except Tekken. I'm crap at Tekken.

>> No.6489153
File: 175 KB, 500x301, 1346985995288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He plays Street Fighter X Tekken a bunch, and Street Fighter IX.
um, and... others, a lot of others. I really don't know. Maybe we could bring along our PS3 and some games and shit if we go, and lure unsuspecting SoCal dorks into our friend circle.

yess yessss before they know it they will hang out with us, and talk to us, and it will no longer be just me, my bf and our roommate! bwahahaha! Maybe we should go after all.

>> No.6489157

Okay~ I play both of dem games! I also have Soul Caliber 5, UMvC 3, Skull Girls, and MvC 2, so LOTS TO PLAAAY!! :3

>> No.6489190

Y-You too. A location would be nice to know too~

>50% win ratio
That's above average since half the time I play it's against the ASIAN tier experts who air lock me 3 seconds into the match.

>Skull Girls
10/10 choice.

>> No.6489309
File: 427 KB, 480x360, tumblr_llxaxyPbon1qc0p7do1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gif is accuratly shows what Uncle is planning to do to any cosplayers that tick him off.

>> No.6489413

okay, so serious question: what can someone do at ALA if they A) don't want to drink and B) don't want to suck tripfag cock?

>> No.6489443

Cosplay...? Have fun with your non-cgl/tripfag friends not drink? This is what I've been doing at ALA every year and I've been having tons of fun.

>> No.6489448

>*and not drink
how do I grammar

>> No.6489472

Step one: Open Program Guide
Step two: Choose ANY event, workshop, or panel
Step three: Explore the different facilities and amenities offered by the con

>> No.6489713

There isn't anything to do at ALA really except cosplay and stand by the pool.

>> No.6490077

exactly. Been to ALA for 2 years now and the panels are not that good, the tripfags are too obnoxious, the drinking is everywhere (remember when the tripfags spiked one of the water coolers?) and I don't even cosplay. I hate to say it, but Back in My day, we had so much to do at a con and we didn't need to resort to drinking. I don't want to point the finger at you kids, but you kids lowered the bar for anime cons. Remember when AX used to mean something? when they would get AAA guest at the show? now the biggest thing they got is Masa and Friends comedy dick sucking hour.

>> No.6490187

Then why don't you suggest panels and events or, god forbid, participate and get involved in your community that you don't want tarnished.

This is the biggest problem with anyone who "complains" about the community. They don't do anything for it either.

>> No.6490219

We don't want to run a convention. We want to attend it and have fun. If a person goes to a con and is expected to take matters into their own hands in order to make it good then that is a con not worth attending.

sage because ALA crap on /cgl/ has never been anything other than a tripfag self-promotion campaign.

>> No.6490224
File: 182 KB, 850x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited to room with my best friends and looking forward to partying all weekend long~
Look for me i will be dressed as Bulma of course and I will have Hostess treats!

>> No.6490227

Offering your opinions or a bit of your time for a weekend is so much to ask of a person.

>> No.6490259
File: 77 KB, 700x437, shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson, itaqueen, and Mika need to bring some too. Amerifats can't have Hostess right now.

>> No.6490305

Let's see there are formal dances, the rum party, the new host club, standup comedy shows, workshops and QA panels with VAs, a dub competition which is pretty unique to cons, cosplay chess and free food

>> No.6490320

Cons these days aren't really anything more than cosplay-themed parties anyway. Nobody today really cares about anime anymore. Whether it be ALA, Otakon, AX or anything in between, all you really end up doing is hanging out and cosplaying.

>> No.6490341
File: 38 KB, 375x500, oh_snap_flowchart_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6490373
File: 68 KB, 450x600, Happy_AkuDemy_Day_by_KellyJane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6490414
File: 38 KB, 421x330, 1302025974032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dafuq am I looking at here?

>> No.6490426

ohgod. I went and checked the schedule because I didn't believe it.

... I don't wanna cosplay from KH to ALA anymoreee

>> No.6490429

Welp, it's a good thing I'm probably gonna not run into them anyway

>> No.6490439
File: 6 KB, 258x175, rachetdoesntknowifwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...KellyJane and TealPirate are still a thing? Holy shit, that's news to me.

>> No.6490453

how can you NOT run into them?! The con is so tiny and they might attract fangirl HORDES

>> No.6490460
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1259094793180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a run down on these people and why they're not really being anticipated?

I hope you still cosplay your KH, Crimson. Your cosplays are always so clean and pretty.

>> No.6490493
File: 88 KB, 600x450, No_Pants_Day__Insert_Key_Here_by_KellyJane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, they're not terrible. They just can be the worst kind of slashy fangirls sometimes. Stuff like pic related kinda makes me ughh. I don't despise them or anything.

and guuhh don't say thatt. I don't know who you are but you're not allowed to look at my cosplay close up OR YOU'LL KNOW THE TRUTH. hahaha but thank you~

Also I can't not cosplay my KH. I have partner to cosplay with who I kinda have a tiny tiny TINY (someone kill me) crush on.

>> No.6490519
File: 52 KB, 250x250, tumblr_lvo0pf0yBf1qhy6c9o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah so they're kind of the typical crazy fangirls that take it a step too far sometimes?

Oh poop modesty. They really are. And it's adorable that you have a crush on someone you get to do a cosplay with! It makes it a little more special so I'm sure you'll be fantastic!

Back on ALA, what's close by that's a cheaper place to eat than the Sports Bar in the hotel? I don't mind going once there but it's just a little pricey.

>> No.6490528


There's a Denny's a couple blocks away or something but I'm not about to go forage for food at a Denny's in LA at like 2am when I'm hungry.

>> No.6490552

Yeah basically. I might drop in on one of their panels for a bit if I have time though. Maybe they aren't as bad as I think.

I'm covering my face now guh. I can't even take compliments over the internet I like turn red you're too kind. And YEAH this cosplay thing is gonna be SO awkward for both of us. We're cosplaying our OTP. That's just bad news.

And for food there's also Carl's Jrs down the street. I hate that place soooo much but it's the closest place to get cheap food.

>> No.6490589
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1202547559188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. There are tons of people you can not run into during this con. Yes it's small, but there are tons of people, I'm gonna be dealing with masquerade most of Saturday, and I WORK there lol. Odds are, I'll never see 'em :3

There's carl's Jr., Denny's, Taco Bell, and Mc Donalds on the same street. Also in the Program guide is a list of nearby places to eat that are in walking distance and near driving distance, this also includes a birds eye view map as well. 20+ locations

>> No.6490624

If I remember correctly last year, there was a Burger King really nearby too along with the list of other restaurants listed here. It was a go-to place for that weekend besides the Dennys.

>> No.6490645
File: 31 KB, 325x325, tumblr_m5mdfg6rLD1qz82wc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh wonderful! Thank you! That doesn't seem too long for me to walk. I'm just usually hesitant wandering too far from a wheel chair when needed but I didn't think anything was THAT close. So thank you again!

I hope it goes alright then, if you do drop by their panel. And aw! OTP cosplay always makes for adorable pictures and time together at least. I hope this ALA goes great for you then.

>> No.6490684

>set up pre-con
>drink as much as possible
>bring home made food
>break down con after people get the hell out

The hotel axed my portable grill plan, so no steak for MeatCon. I might still be able to get cardboard cutouts for The Hobbit to draw dicks on.

>> No.6490695

This sounds confusing, but fun

>> No.6490697


Well I suppose after the spaghetti fiasco at Fanime, you may as well take the safe road and not even try to bring a portable grill/cook stove.

>> No.6490698


>> No.6490706

Okay, now I'm REALLY curious.

>> No.6490708


Not much to tell- someone brought a propane camp stove to make spaghetti in front of the con center, someone not from the party smelled the gas and called the police, the police and the SJFD showed up.



>> No.6490712

About what? Ask, and I'll answer the best I can

>> No.6490716

Referring to the spaghetti thing, >>6490708 answered it I guess?

>> No.6490719

Ahh my bad, misread the link. Multi-tasking like a mad man

>> No.6490731

Ok, I've only been here once before, and since I don't want to shit up the board I figured I'd ask before I started a thread on risk of offending the regulars;
Is it ok if I ask for opinions on my hairstyle and whether it would be good for a certain costume, and should I just ask here or start a thread? I'm considering going to my first convention, want to plan it well if I do.

>> No.6490735

nevermind, just found a "help general" after searching a few pages back.

>> No.6490737

Kyle, the gentleman at the front desk of one of the hotels, was super nice and got us a bunch of water to cook the spaghetti in. I left a letter at the front desk saying that he went above and beyond the call of duty. Hopefully he got a promotion, or at least a raise. He is a true bro.

>> No.6490767

I'm more upset ALA shelled out the money to fly them there (If they did, I remember something was in the works).

>> No.6490770

I'm pretty sure we aren't. I don't believe the con flies out guests.

>> No.6490771

Okay, well thank god for that. I can rest easy knowing that I won't have to deal with 'em because PARTY.

>> No.6490772

Odds are we'll never run into them with everything we have to do. And if we do, it'll be random ass chance, or being confronted, and I HIGHLY doubt it'll be the latter

>> No.6490773

Yo. I'm willing to play, even though I'm completely ass at SFxT and AE2012 now. Always wanna get people involved in the scene!

>> No.6490774
File: 54 KB, 431x415, 1336808817664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited to see everyone again and to meet people I missed at AX.

>> No.6490785


>> No.6490787

I've been working a CGL Fighters thing in Soul Calibur 5 for PS3 just because the character creator in that game is really detailed. Hopefully I'll be able to get it working when I'm there. It should be pretty fun when we're all drunk.

>> No.6490789


>> No.6490796

Next time I edit the characters I'll give you Xiba. My character has Xiba too lol.

>> No.6490798


>> No.6490973

Nice, so we don't have to worry so much about volume this time?

>> No.6491218

Yes. We're hoping this year runs FAR smoother than last year, and we wanna accommodate everyone better~ Also we're getting donations from the Game room as well, so there will be a good chunk of party games as well as some competitive fightan games, like last time, for people to enjoy in one room. Another room will just be streaming anime series and movies, and the third room will be a combo room and have the tacos being served in it.

All rooms will have tables and chairs for people to sit down and relax.

>> No.6491563

has my cosplay wig, accessories, props, & shoes but no costume!!!?

what should I do cgl!?

running out of time.

>> No.6491579

Cosplay as "my sewing machine broke" as a joke and revel in your cleverness.

>> No.6491632 [DELETED] 

are you saying throwing on some other clothing ?

>> No.6491637


are you saying to wear some clothing rather than the actual costume?

>> No.6491646

Do they not.. allow portable grills and stuff?

But how do I make pancakes then.

>> No.6491658

Small things like skillets and crock pots, no problem. But like propane grills or larger than electric top stoves have to be cleared with the hotel.

>> No.6491688
File: 30 KB, 912x496, amalias puppy eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could go ;~;

By the time I get out there I'll have missed the con by like a week

Have fun guise!

>> No.6492245

I'm gonna be on that RO ribbon so hard

>> No.6492297

Leak this info:

Due to recent events, all cosplay involving weapons or props are now banned. The hotel has instituted this ban. The announcement will be made Sunday Afternoon PDT.

>> No.6492300

But we already know pool's closed due to AIDS.

>> No.6492302


>> No.6492320

Hah. Get out

>> No.6492344

I'm still bringing my disco stick.

>> No.6492711 [DELETED] 

let the napalms begin.

>> No.6492714

Looking forward to it!

Also this.

>> No.6492720
File: 247 KB, 500x380, gimme dat caek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let that be a euphemism for penis.

>> No.6492725

If only someone from Taco Bell had told you this after you tried to be a tryhard and ordered hundreds of tacos and thereby overworking the minimum wage employees.

>> No.6492897 [DELETED] 


But it's not my comedy panel, and there lots of programming at the convention.

I like how you complain expecting to get entertained but cry when you have nothing creative to offer. :p I don't think the con is going to lose sleep if you don't show up, your lack of appearing won't make the con miss out

Most of the people who go make it a good experience because they want to have fun without being a demanding faggot. You're trying to act like ALA is a for-profit event for consumers. It's not.

It's an event put on for the fans, by the fans. If you can't be a part of things then don't show up! It's pretty simple. Pretty sure your friends will have just as much fun without you.

>> No.6492921 [DELETED] 


You have the wrong idea about cons then. Lol.

>> No.6492923

If its an event by the fans, for the fans, and everyone is expected to be a "part of things" and give something "creative to offer", why are we charged money to attend?

Imagine that. People paying their hard-earned money for entertainment and expecting to be entertained. What assholes. EITHER HELP US WITH OUR PANELS OR LEAVE!

>> No.6492931

Are you actually that stupid? If you SERIOUSLY think that "Why are we charged money?" is a valid counter argument, then you have some serious lurking to do.

The fresh winter newfag is slowly falling.

>> No.6492933

In case you forgot what's being offered...

Outside of that there are dating panels, cosplay chess, ribbon collecting, pachinko machines, late night drawing parties and other stuff I'm forgetting. Also many events are running late into the night in addition the hotel lobby and lower levels are always open for socializing. That last bit is something cosplayers take advantage of in spades.

Add to this all the usual cosplay gatherings, guest panels, autographs, masquerade and all the other usual convention features and you gotta be a damn idiot to say "there's nothing to do!"

ALA did report that the hotel is completely booked up so maybe you not showing up would help us save space

>> No.6492934

It's completely valid. People are paying money for a weekend of fun. If it isn't fun then it's a waste of time. Nobody is paying to help you run your shitty panels. That's YOUR problem. If I'm going to volunteer my time to help run the con I expect to attend for free.

>> No.6492938

I don't think you know how economics works.

"By Fans, For Fans" is also Fanime's slogan, so if everyone got to attend for free...

>> No.6492940

Sounds like a handful of nothing.

You know a con sucks when you're boasting about getting to collect ribbons.

>> No.6492945

Fanime doesn't expect its attendees to help run the con and create ideas for the con for them. Nor would anyone pay if they did.

>> No.6492944 [DELETED] 


Because the hotel doesn't rent the space for free. The maids who make your bed when you roll out of the cosplay you wore last night and your wig hairs and makeup are left all over the sheets? Not free.

People are paying money to socialize. It's a convention. Part of the social contract between more than one individual involves effort on your part. The money goes towards running the convention itself without motive for profit.

People attend because they want to meet other like minded people. That we put on these events for you so you can feel entertained is the icing on the cake; we don't make money doing this. I don't make money putting on a comedy show. I don't make money staffing conventions. I don't make money managing or running conventions.

I do this because for some people, cosplay is their hobby. For me?? Designing something that makes people like you 'entertained' at a convention is my hobby. Securing a venue and coming up with creative shit?? That's me.

So when someone like you that doesn't appreciate that art comes up with their self-entitled faggot face with shit opinions, you're going to get shit on big time. :p

>> No.6492947
File: 94 KB, 231x294, 1342511425048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's not. conventions must pay fees to rent locations for the days of events. They need to afford the security and or location staff that manage, clean, and take care of the event location. Money goes into the equipment rentals for all the sound systems, lights, and so on so forth. ALA also uses its budget to put on a room where you walk in and get food for free.

Your badge fee, goes towards the con affording all of these things. But if you want better content, then you either should voice your opinion, or get involved. And TONS of cons give volunteers or staff members free badges. My badge for ALA has been $0 since 2008.

So get off your lazy ass and do something about it, or sit there at home and stay out of the way. Simple as that :/

Then what do you want at a con that would make it fun for you? You tell me, and I'll see where it can go.

>> No.6492948

>lists a ton of panels unique to ALA
>Dismisses them and say there's nothing

Well sir enjoy staying away from the con

>> No.6492950


Grow the fuck up. It's not a con full of nothing unless you make it that. If you don't like that, tough shit, that's reality. A con is truly only as good as you make it, and if you go in with that sort of mentality, you're going to have absolutely no fun at all.

Obviously if the con sucks, it gets 5000 attendees yearly. Yep, sure sounds like a horrible place.

>> No.6492951 [DELETED] 


Except when you pay money? You're under the working assumption that it's my job to deliver.

Jobs pay. I'm volunteering my time. Cry more. If your vision of a convention makes more sense than mine, I welcome you to start your own.

>> No.6492954

>People are paying money to socialize.
Wrong. You can socialize just fine at the hotel pool without paying a dime. The convention is for the con events.

>Designing something that makes people like you 'entertained' at a convention is my hobby.
Then you must not be very good at your hobby since you're expecting all convention attendees to help you out with it.

>> No.6492953

Then who's expected to come up with ideas? You do realize panel attendees go to the con to host their panels out of their own time and are rewarded for doing so? You really should consider lurking more because that's the exact ideology of a convention.

>> No.6492956

>Fanime doesn't expect its attendees to help run the con

- Fan panels hosted and organized by fans
- Stage Zero asking fans to help entertain the audience
- Artist Alley made up of attendees
- Volunteer staff full of nothing but attendees

>> No.6492962

This anon made an excellent point. EVERY con has an artist alley (Or at least every one that I know), thus, attendees make up a part of each convention.

>> No.6492961

And we already discussed that there are a ton of events already being provided by the con and FREE FOOD.

Also did you completely ignore all the industry guests as well?

>> No.6492964

>Wrong. You can socialize just fine at the hotel pool without paying a dime. The convention is for the con events.
Not anymore~ you gotta have a badge at ALA to do that :P

>> No.6492966

Then don't go.

>> No.6492971

>Then who's expected to come up with ideas?
The con staff, obviously.

>that's the exact ideology of a convention.
No convention has an "ideology" of expecting work out of paying attendees. Cons don't charge you to attend if you volunteer your time.

>> No.6492974
File: 17 KB, 488x439, Sailor Shehulk Cammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then volunteer. You don't have to pay and you'll get to put on good programming. Also tons of panelists are just attendees and do not STAFF the con.

It just sounds like you're a lazy, self-entitled dickbutt~

>> No.6492973

So what you're telling me is that it's not attendees who apply to do panels out of their own time, it's the con staff?

You're really missing the point. If you hate this so much, don't go. Nobody's forcing you to go, after all.

>> No.6492976

It is. It's not called a tripfag con for nothing. It's basically a small con but its exaggerated greatness is due to tripfag ego.

>> No.6492978

>5000+ attendees
>30+ tripfags
>Clearly people go for the trips

>> No.6492980

It's not exaggerated greatness obviously because of the attendance. This sounds like a huge cry for "I hate tripfags and you should too". You do realize that if you avoid them all, then they have no impact on your weekend, right? Out of the THOUSANDS of attendees, there's only about 30-50 tripfags.

>> No.6492982

The convention isn't going to become good just because I volunteer my time, nor would I ever want to work at a con.

And yeah, when a person pays money for entertainment they should be entitled to it. Otherwise they should be entitled to a refund.

>> No.6492983

>thinks 5000 is a large number for a con
>this shitstain con wouldn't be on anybody's calendar if not for tripfags advertising it

>> No.6492984

No, don't you get it? They've got it all figured out! The people who run complete non-profit conventions have the time and funding to run entire con by themselves! They don't have JOBS or LIVES, they just sit around their homes, saying "Let me think of three days worth of content so that people I've never met have had fun. And best of all, I don't make a cent from my many man hours and personal sacrifice!"

Because that's exactly what they're expecting.

>> No.6492991


Ban evading.

>> No.6492989

I beg to differ, just don't go if you hate it so much. Jesus christ, I have never seen anybody bitch this much about a con and you seem like you have a personal vendetta against tripfags.

Then don't go.

>> No.6492992

It's a con that takes place in a hotel lobby. It's small.

>> No.6492993

You're not paying for entertainment, you're paying to be there.

Has anyone here ever been to a dental convention? You pay to go in, you go to their panels, and then you go home. There's zero fun. Why? Because you're paying to be there.

>> No.6492997

I'm pretty sure people remember that it exists since the con mails out postcards with reminders of its events, guests, rates/deals, and their pending reg info if they are unsure as to whether they registered or not.

If you're not gonna bother to make something you want, better, then don't even bother going any more. Cons aren't built to make you alone happy. They provide programming. It's up to you to go. And your feedback controls what content stays and goes. Or just stop going to cons, that'll say something.

Someone's never been to ALA.

>> No.6492999

People mostly due that for credit, idiot. Do you even work in healthcare?

>> No.6492995

>Takes place in a lobby
>Because, you know, the entire hotel isn't for the convention with all the cosplayers about

There's no reasoning with newfags.

And now the thread has "That guy".

>> No.6492996


4k attendees. Keep up the promotional campaign though, fruitcake.

>> No.6493003

>sold out rooms this upcoming year
That's never happened in the history of the con, so we've hit more than 4000. Cry more.

It's because they're wrong and they don't want to respond to logic. It happens.

>> No.6493000

Then what do you call all panels and stuff the convention provides?

Also you didn't respond to my post concerning you said Fanime doesn't expect its attendees to work which I clearly shut down.

>> No.6493007

You don't have to pay to be in a hotel. You pay for a badge which grants you entry into the events.

>> No.6493004

lawls my spelling and grammar.

>> No.6493006

the attendee cap on any given day is 4000. That does not mean that's the number of badges we sell throughout the weekend. Lrn2statistics.

>> No.6493008

Sure cause a few tripfags on this board cause cause a con to be completely booked

Tripfags are not that powerful

>> No.6493009

All because of viral marketing from tripfags. I mean the con's biggest attraction is the pool. That's how small and pathetic it is.

>> No.6493019

The other DAs that work in my office have been going for years, simply because they want to learn more about dentistry. Our doctor has never once mentioned anything about getting credit. However, the point of this was about not being an entitled fggt, because the point of conventions is to participate, you make your own days.

Get mad, asshole

>> No.6493020

ALA is not capped. They're trying to grow as much as possible and allow as many people as they can get. Con staff WANTS to reach 5k in 2 years.

If you're going to try to hype a con it might help to even know the facts.

>> No.6493017

They bring along their friends and advertise on Facebook, Twitter, and various other places which swells the numbers. Even you or I are only 7 degrees away from Kevin Bacon.

>> No.6493022

As of this year, to go to any function of the hotel, you need a badge.

You've never been to ALA, then. 30 people do NOT get 4000+ to go. Your whole argument is based on "Tripfags made the con", which is entirely wrong.

I don't think that 30 people have 5000 friends between them. It's really hard to imagine that.

Also, from the email sent out to staff after this past ALA: "Our warm body member count for the weekend seems to be 4211.That's
total badges issued, "warm bodies on site.""

Again from the email: "(We didn't hit our Saturday 4000 cap, but there were enough one-days
on Friday & Sunday to put us over that number.)"

>> No.6493024

You do if that area is reserved.

>> No.6493026

>implying tripfags have friends outside of cgl

You're giving them too much credit

>> No.6493029

You won't be able to get into the pool deck without a badge

>> No.6493028
File: 93 KB, 223x223, Wright - Not sure if serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a department head and soon to become department head for another division of management. Are you telling me that I don't know about my own conventions attendee limit?

I've seen Carlos Mencia act funnier than you

>> No.6493034

>tfw no friends

>> No.6493030

They didn't mention it because it's common knowledge. Maybe they didn't feel the need to tell a receptionist.

>> No.6493037

And what area will you be failing at? I hope it's not the artist alley.

>> No.6493036

There isn't really 4000 genuine fans attending. ALA posts of flyers around the con while it goes on and invites people to come on in. It's in the center of a major urban area so its not hard to find passerbyers.

Notice how in this thread, like every ALA thread, it's only tripfags (and tripfag wunnabes like yourself) that scream how AWESOMEZ the con is. Nobody else gives a shit.

>> No.6493039

I'm sitting here golf clapping. Not a receptionist, but I applaud your retort.

You're still an entitled little shit.

>> No.6493040

They're attention whores, that's what they do best.

>> No.6493046

Well, you sure aren't a dentist due to your retardation. Dental assistant?

>> No.6493047

Special Events

>> No.6493043

I must applaud you for being one of the most retarded anons on here. Good job.

>> No.6493048

Obviously you don't, since you don't even know facts stated from the source on the subject.

Don't try to sound prestigeous either. Being a staffer at ALA is like being the minister of somebody's bathroom. It wouldn't surprise me if nobody at ALA con staff knows what the fuck is going on.

>> No.6493054

ALA con staff certainly knows a hell of a lot more than some random people who hate on every single aspect of a convention.

>> No.6493053

Well apparently Maguma is staff. That's why he's trying HARD to advertise.

>> No.6493060

He's already been proven wrong. Your pathetic attempt to circle jerk has no effect.

>> No.6493057

So basically beer pong and taco. SO MUCH WORK!

>> No.6493061
File: 94 KB, 300x290, 1323136930862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writer of the article was making a theoretical growth estimate of the convention. No one was declaring that the attendee number will be capping at higher points. Context clues are a huge part of the english language, you may wanna ask your 9th grade teacher what that means so you pass your finals in the spring, kid.


>> No.6493063

No, people just hate tripfags with gigantic egos praising some small ass con as the next coming of Christ.

>> No.6493065

I'm not attempting to circlejerk. Seriously, do you think I care about what people online think of me? I'm simply trying to say that this biased hate towards a convention is ridiculous.

I never said this con was the greatest thing ever, but it's just assholes like you that try to shit up the reputation of a convention you've probably never attended.

>> No.6493067

It was never capped to begin with.

>> No.6493068

See? I was right. Tripfag cons gonna tripfag.

>> No.6493072

>don't care
>keep replying
>keep advertising shit con


>> No.6493074

But you forget that the people who acknowledge tripfags are other tripags.

They can never bring in other people as that would get in the way for their circlejerk

>> No.6493077

In terms of having a trip, being a tripfag doesn't matter more to me rather than knowing who's who.

Excuse me for wanting to advertise a con that I like.

>> No.6493075

>do you think I care about what people online think of me?
No, you just care about wanting to feel included. Same as the rest of the "ALA ROX! XD" tripfag tryhards.

>> No.6493078

Nope. A tripfag's main goal is to attention whore to as many people as possible.


As for numbers, this girl managed to do this all by herself.

>> No.6493081
File: 22 KB, 299x276, 1287858364120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you work for the convention?

Anons give more attention to trips than trips do. All you guys do is find us and yell at us~ It's like you want us around or something :3

>> No.6493084

Exactly. If only tripfags will admit that they are just advertising a shit con that's run by their friends.

>> No.6493085

That's their goal but tripfag suck at getting attention.

If tripfags were so good at promoting and getting people to do what they say, then how come a majority of anon hate them?

>> No.6493091

>then how come a majority of anon hate them

Negative attention is still attention.

>> No.6493089

Would Maguma even be talked about if not for his constant tripfagging? His costumes are shit.

>> No.6493092

I actually know the higher ups, I'm advertising more for them than anybody else because I respect them. The fact that they've given me good opportunities and presented me with some useful skills is really helpful, and advertising the convention is the least I can do in return.

>> No.6493093

>I actually know the higher ups

Well, geeze, what a surprise. WHAT. A. SURPISE.

>> No.6493094

>teehee u must luv us admit it ;3

This is why we hate you. We come here to talk about cosplay, you come here to advertise yourselves and revel in any attention you can get. You hunger for a spotlight, even if it means viral marketing some rinkydink con you happen to have an internet gathering at.

>> No.6493098

You're forgetting that he latches onto any popular cosplayer to leech off their fame.

>> No.6493096

To clarify, on a more personal level.

>> No.6493102

Yes, that was implied hence the constant advertising.

>> No.6493106

Alright. Well regardless, I have my reasons as do others. I'm advertising for the sake of the convention, not for some "super secret internet club" like everybody claims. I go to conventions to have fun, tripfags or not. I make my own fun if I have none readily available. I don't dwell on the small stuff, I'm dedicating my time to make sure others have a great experience as well.

Hell, if I see people by themselves, I strike up a conversation with them and help them find people to hang out with and get in the groove of a convention. I was there once, and was treated the same way, it's only fair to treat them the same.

>> No.6493112

Talk about cosplay? /cgl/? You must be confused

>> No.6493116

>Advertising a shit con
I'm sorry, I thought this was the ALA thread
>Run by their friends
Most of the socal trips either are on staff or like to come, of course they're excited about it.

>> No.6493122

That tends to happen a lot with blacks. Is this my bike? I'll just take it anyways.

>> No.6493125


Whole thread should be deleted for blatant advertising.

>> No.6493129
File: 432 KB, 467x487, Makoto - You gonna get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAH. Cus it happens~

Remember when anons were shitting on the con, and when they got called out on it, they just went back to shitting on trips?

It's like you all think you're people~

It's a thread for a con. Con threads get posted constantly. If you're gonna suggest a deleting, come up with a feasible reason.

>> No.6493132

We're in 1 specific thread, it's not like we're going in other threads to advertise.

>> No.6493143

Why would people be shitting on a con if it was supposedly so wonderful and amazing as you so claim? Tripfags are the ONLY ONES who give a shit about ALA. that's not a coincidence.

ALA is not a great con. It's just a nearby place that can be used as a tripfag circle jerk and subsequent advertisement of themselves on /cgl/. You dipshits dont care about the con, you just want to be noticed.

>> No.6493146

Except for the fact that everybody has their reasons. I have my reason for advertising, and it surely isn't because of tripfags.

>> No.6493150

Doesn't matter. Staff advertising is still advertising.

>> No.6493153

Yes it is.

>> No.6493154

>Except for the fact that everybody has their reasons.

1. Because they tripfag circlejerk there
2. Part of staff or know the people that run it

>> No.6493157

There's no viable reason for the thread to be deleted; cons get talked about in the threads that are created for them.

No it's not. I couldn't give a fuck if I hung out with tripfags. I don't see people for their online reputation, if I like them I hang out with them.

>> No.6493164

If your desire was to promote the con you'd be out posting flyers and making public forum posts asking people to come. You wouldn't be entering into /cgl/ threads trying to defend other tripfags.

>> No.6493165

I'm not defending tripfags, I'm defending the convention. There's a difference.

As far as promotions go, I've gone to as many conventions this year as I possibly could to promote the convention, as well as constantly pass out fliers for it.

>> No.6493171

>no viable reason
>blatant viral market by staff of small con

Sure thing, tripfag con staff.

>> No.6493174

>Still using tripfag as a basis to any point that you have
See, I can't in good faith take you seriously with you saying stuff like that.

>> No.6493179

>ignores all the more important parts

>> No.6493186 [DELETED] 


>Wrong. You can socialize just fine at the hotel pool without paying a dime.

Not after this year. The convention worked a deal with the hotel so that the pool area is only accessible to people with a badge. You can try to sneak your way in as I'm sure I can as well, but it's easier for me than it is for you because guess what.

All those volunteers you shit on? Those are my friends. Even if I didn't have a badge, I don't need it. Cons are cons for the COMMUNITY. It's about the people. If you're focused on the intangibles like the events and expecting high dollar entertainment, then you're not in the right place and perhaps you should go to another event better suited to your tastes. I'm sure you'd run a better convention right?? :)

>Then you must not be very good at your hobby since you're expecting all convention attendees to help you out with it.

The expectation that everything has to be done yourself is wrong. If you don't know how to build a small competent team of individuals that you can trust to handle something when you're not physically there to supervise it (because you are somewhere else doing something more pressing and important and can't be in two places at once), then you don't know how to leverage your ideas and time to bring them to life. It's plain and simple leadersihp, and it's not something someone like me can teach to a sheep like you.

I may run some things and have an eye for the big picture, but it's impossible to do everything alone.

>> No.6493187

ban evading

>> No.6493189

I didn't, but I still can't take your argument seriously if you base it on "tripfag advertising". I'm not going to advertise on here, just defend it and provide counter arguments to your points so that others can see it from both sides of the spectrum.

>> No.6493198

And I can't take your supposed nonbias seriously because you know the people running the con, know the tripfags help running the con and advertising the shit out of it and then willingly say they are not breaking any rules.

>> No.6493204

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I don't really see much in terms of advertising, just people saying what the features/panels of the convention are going to be to prove the naysayers wrong. If it truly is advertising, then I'm sorry and will stop.

>> No.6493209


>I'm advertising for the sake of the convention

We can only hope you'll stop.

>> No.6493214

Well shit, I guess that was my bad. I actually meant to say I was trying to defend the convention for the convention's sake, but regardless it doesn't matter.

>> No.6493215


>> No.6493216 [DELETED] 


I'd advertise and say come to ALA but I already know you're not going.

Why are you even in this thread if you're not attending ALA? It's not a crime to advertise your convention.

Lol, only 16 year olds think "OH HE'S ADVERTISING CLEARLY WE WON'T GO" in that knee-jerk fashion. Nobody cares that we're telling people to go.

It's not our fault no one likes hanging out with you lol

>> No.6493223

No, not really. I don't care if I get banned, but I felt as if I should clarify I was defending the convention, but that is advertising in that sense.

>> No.6493225 [DELETED] 

also this thread is just dead, and one really pissed off anon.

When you frame it that way and imagine that someone is THIS asspained over getting their money's worth in a convention rather than doing something constructive, you wonder what other else they have going for them in life

Say what you like, but I make friends and get free things and opportunities that this moron that has to pay will never get a chance to see or do because I put in my time. You can criticize it but it won't stop me from creating bigger and better things that you will inevitably be entertained by.

>> No.6493226


>> No.6493331

Don't you ever get tired of pretending to be connected? You're a nobody and nobody cares about you, even at ALA.

Go back to pretending to be the King of AX.

>> No.6493336

>Come to /cgl/ every day even though you know most people cant stand you
>Troll to try to get reactions
>Get banned
>Wait by your computer until the moment you can come back
>Resume trolling

If you want to talk about people not having anything going on life, you should probably look in the mirror.

>> No.6493352

Said one of the many anons who go out of their way to insult tripfags~

>> No.6493357

Only if they're shit like you. :3

>> No.6493366

Glad to know you care!~ <3

>> No.6493376

Of course anons care. Tripfags sure as hell don't care about the boards.

>> No.6493380

See >>6493028's Macro

>> No.6493384

>viral marketing on /cgl/

>> No.6493386

Why does anyone act like knowing people who post here is important? This is a large forum basically. There are people who become friends on it and it's much easier to become friends when there's a repeated name associated with posts so you know who you're talking to. But it's not the center of fandom.

I do know a decent number of people who sign here. But most of the people I know and hang out with at conventions never go on 4chan. Many of the cosplayers I know don't even know what /cgl/ is. It's easy to get tunnel vision if you visit any one community a lot. But that's not the same as that community actually being the end all be all of a larger group.

That being said, on the subject of conventions. ALA takes suggestions. There is a difference between saying "run this for me" and saying "if you don't like something I'm doing tell me what you want so I can improve". The first is lazy the second is good customer relations.

Back on topic, I'm looking forward to this year. It's the first time in forever that I've had more than one new costume and I'll be handing out megaten Jack Frost ribbons. Hee Ho! :D

>> No.6493390

Cosplay.com is that way. You have the benefit of namefagging all the time too.

>> No.6493407

>Another dumb tripfag throws their hat into the ring to proclaim "TRIPFAGS RULE AND SO DOES ALA! I WUNNA BE NOTICED TOO!"

Business as usual.

>> No.6493414

You say that like it's difficult to sign a post here. So because I've signed a total of three posts ever on 4chan I'm famous now? Crazy. I didn't think it'd be this easy!

>> No.6493416


>> No.6493429

No one said you were famous. Just that you're striving to be included. Same as every other idiot that dawns a tripcode and wants to go to ALA to be part of "the group"

Go get some real friends and stop wishing for internet ones.

>> No.6493462

Girls, girls, I'm sure you're all pretty...


On second though...

Why not, girls, you're all pretty.

>> No.6493487

Black kid trying hard still retarded.

>> No.6493516

Anon kid trying hard still retarded

>> No.6493595


Keep trying.

>> No.6493611

What the hell happened to the thread?

I'm disappointed.

>> No.6493640

Kyle needs to shut the fuck up and let the trolls get bored. It happens every thread and the only constants between them all is the trolls and Kyle not knowing when to shut the fuck up.

No sage cause SHUT THE FUCK UP, KYLE.

>> No.6493650

But... you saged

>> No.6493656


>> No.6493667

you idiots are all in autosage anyway

>> No.6493920 [DELETED] 

Well since you're black being retarded is natural for you.

>> No.6496398

Why aren't these advertising tripfags banned yet?