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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 16 KB, 1181x788, ca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6485035 No.6485035 [Reply] [Original]

Canadians post here

Some questions for everyone:

1) What's the next con you're going to?
2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?

>> No.6485167


>> No.6485575


>> No.6485580

Fuck off. There's already been two Canada threads in the last week.

>> No.6485615

1) Sakuracon

2) Being asked to hang out with Japanese VA as I cosplayer their character while they did autographs.

3) Once. It was lame. No one was in costume except me and almost everyone was hungover.

>> No.6485680
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>> No.6485876


>> No.6485896

Did anyone else really want to fuck Sugar from YTV

>> No.6485913

Yes. I wonder what she's doing now?

>> No.6485989

>What's the next con you're going to?
Taste of Animethon

>What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Probably my first year at Otafest. It was my first con away from home and it was just so much fun even though I was sick for most of the con.

>Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
I have, but it was at Sakura Con. Lots of fun I can't wait to go to another one!

Oh god Sugar. I loved her as a kid. I don't remember the guy she hosted with but I adored her and wanted to be like her when I got older.

>> No.6486012


I would hit that so hard that whoever pulled it out would become king of the Britons.



1) Anime North, because I go to Uni on the east coast
2) Running a Russian Roulette tournament
3) hahahaahahhhhhahahaha

>> No.6486011


>> No.6486016

>Irish, moving to Canada
>what cons around May or June

>> No.6486028

Where in Canada?

>> No.6486036


Oh, forgot. Toronto at first, maybe Ottawa.

>> No.6486050
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1) What's the next con you're going to?
MTAC probably. I enjoyed it last year.

2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Participating in hentai gaming with my friend at Atomic Lolipop

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?

Yeah. They are really fun. I wish more anons would come out.

>> No.6486051
File: 188 KB, 922x882, 527392_10151060284302606_259540502_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems a bit redundant because we just had two threads about it but oh well

>What's the next con you're going to?
Probably MTAC
>What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
>Not spelling it favourite
I actually had a lot of fun at FanExpo 2011. I go to AN every year, but I'm never interested in attending panels, and I don't buy much from the dealers room or Artist Alley. FanExpo 2011 was my first FanExpo, and it offered a lot more to do than Anime North

>Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Good. Toronto seagulls are all nice

I think when I was 9, my dad brought me to see an advanced screening of The Jungle Book 2, and Sugar sat right next to me in the theatre. I was a big fan, but too shy to say anything. At the end of the film she asked my dad what time it was, and I fangasmed so hard because she (sorta) spoke to me. She went with a black guy and two kids- I wonder if he was a friend and she was babysitting? Still have no idea

>> No.6486071

>Toronto seagulls are all nice

Really? I've only been to one and all I met were eternal screaming hellbitches.

>> No.6486074

Who were they?

>> No.6486085


I didn't take names.

>> No.6486097

Well I hope it's not us.

>> No.6486121
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>1) What's the next con you're going to?
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Probably attending my first convention (AN 2012) and seeing all these cosplays of characters from my favourite series.
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Yes. It was great! Really liked hearing everyone's stories about their con experiences, future con plans, and other nerdy/geeky stuff.

>> No.6486309
File: 545 KB, 1392x1392, 20121115_165053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Next con im for sure going to is AN but ill probabbly end up going to some before then.

2.meeting new awesome friends and hanging out with them really.

3.yes, everyone is really nice and cool. I think Toronto's seagulls are pretty awesome to hang with.

>> No.6486321 [DELETED] 

Are you half nigger?

>> No.6486329

>What's the next con you're going to?
Possibly G-Anime, though I have no idea as what yet.

>What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
When a group and I got told off for loitering in front (though not blocking the entrance) of the bathrooms. And my boyfriend told her to "Deal with it", which led to her flipping her shit and telling us, "I can have you kicked out of the convention!" Lady, please, you were only a volunteer. Was a good laugh.

>Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Just one at Otakuthon 2012, there was practically no one there except for my friends and a Red cosplayer, whom we befriended and shared the above experience with.

>> No.6486377


>> No.6486454


I think a few Toronto seagulls went to Otakuthon.

>> No.6486457

You are honestly so stunning.

>> No.6486486

are you half dumbass?

>> No.6486491

If she rotated the picture she'd look even better.

>> No.6486513

Sugar was actually at an apparently shitty con in Ottawa last month.
It seems like they get her on the guest list every year.

>> No.6486530
File: 98 KB, 410x307, EVVp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Con G in february
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
playing cards against humanity with the seagulls at AN
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Planned a few, been to many, all have been fun

her cousin is a friend of mine. He's a Toronto seagull, actually.

ughh, still disappointed I couldn't go to that one

>> No.6486536
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BTW, I'm still arranging a Waterloo meetup.

Leave me an email if you're interested.

>> No.6486552
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1) What's the next con you're going to?
I have no idea. I'm considering last-minute planning for MAGfest or Katsu. If not those, then Zenkaikon.
2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
I have a few, it's hard to choose just one.
>the turnout at the 2012 MLP panel
>Ad-Astra shenanigans back in 2008
3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
I've been to a few, at conventions and casual ones. They were all really awesome. I love the Toronto /cgl/ community. Everyone is really nice and fun to hang out with.

>> No.6486594

Oh yeah, to the seagull that handed out cake pops at DTAC, thank you! It was delicious. Better if there was tea to go with it, though.

>> No.6486642

thank you beautiful~
actually it was fine on my phone but for some reason it rotated it.. its been doing that lately, not sure why.

>> No.6486643
File: 32 KB, 1000x664, ohhello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
my only surprise birthday party ever where dill gave me a giant piplup and corky made a piplup cake djhgfjhsk
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
every meetup in Canada is a /cgl/ meetup...

>> No.6486660

...really? Any chance you could bring up the source on that?

I know a con that's looking old YTV hosts for panelists, they had PJ Phil last year. They'd definitely be interested in something like that.

>> No.6486667
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Next Canadian con is... *maybe* Con-G. Next con is ALA~

>2) What's your favourite Canadian con memory?
My group's skit at CNAnime 2005 is a pretty good memory. They used the Canadian Idol stage for the masquerade, so we performed on there, and after we were finished we had to walk through the audience on the way out. The screams were deafening. We won the Fangirl Award for it! loll then I got the big ribbon autographed by Scott McNeil and Kirby Morrow. Oh that was also the con where I met Scott McNeil as I was leaving the con and he did a dialogue between Dinobot, Rattrap, and Waspinator. I died.

>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
I've been to quite a few. They were all fine. No complaints here.

>> No.6486682

What was your skit?

>> No.6486702

PJ Phil seems like such a fucking bro.

I want to tell him I watched Gamerz and depress the shit out of him.

>> No.6486704
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, DSCN2036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cough* That is something you'll never get out of me, haha. Those were dark times. I mean I had a lot of fun but I'M NEVER SPEAKING OF 2005-2006. Let's just say... our group was a Naruto group and we won a FANGIRL award. I don't think there are any youtube videos up of it anymore thank god. I was kinda a pretty big weeb back then...

pic isn't my group but it was the stage we got to use. It was so cool!

>> No.6486712

Oh god.
I was not prepared for this.

>> No.6486719

>I was kinda a pretty big weeb back then...
>big weeb back then...
>back then...

>> No.6486723

That's would be mean.

>> No.6486727
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, DSCN1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY. The weeb is only evident if you see my room and that is TOTALLY OKAY WITH ME.

>> No.6486729

...pics of the room.
Upload pics of the room.

>> No.6486731
File: 662 KB, 1000x664, DSC_1358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to venture a guess and say that yaoi was involved? Naruto x Sasuke maybe?

I'm kind of sad I didn't get an autograph from PJ Phil at APOP

>> No.6486746
File: 1.19 MB, 1758x2102, sumrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's seen pics of my room. I don't even care.

>> No.6486761
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And I got PJ Phil to autograph my DS at APOP. I couldn't even speak to him I was so nervous guuh

>> No.6486763

its sad when I can recognize a hobbystar event by the carpet.

>> No.6486777

hmm I believe my room may be slightly worse. . poster wise anyways..

>> No.6486778

If I still had all my posters up I'd challenge you

>> No.6486779

It must be a peculiar kind of sadness to be a "Canadian mini-celebrity".

>> No.6486783


You shouldn't have asked.

>> No.6486786
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, DSCN1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my room has more gaming shit to be honest but I mean still plenty weeaboo for TODD over here.

I'm just posting old con photos. All the ones I've posted so far are from FanExpo 2005, when it was still called CNAnime.

>> No.6486795

nvm, I was just looking at a really old source for their guest listings (or it just hadn't been updated in a while).
The con was called Naru2u, wikipedia said Stephanie Beard would be there but they changed/updated it come con time.

Although she was in the movie 50/50!

>> No.6486807

Next con is probably MTAC or Anime north.
Favourite con memory was probably the Angela concert/randomly winning some puffiamiyumi shit one year/just lots of good memories with friends being weeaboos together.
Never been to a meetup. Y'all scare the fuck outta me. People in general scare me.

>> No.6486828

Oh, actually one of my favourite experiences was being a den mother at AN for the masquerade, and volunteering in general. Lots of friends volunteered as well, and we got the free rooming.

What is everybody cosplaying as this year? Plans?

>> No.6486859

mephisto from Ao no Exorsist, yukata mari from evangelion, possibly celty and/or izaya from durarara, the gyaru girls from drrr with my friends, a few guys from kuroko no basket, TYL mukuro from reborn, gym version and/or cafe mort shion from higurashi possibly, possibly Nezumi from no.6 if I am able to go to otakon, and im probabbly forgetting some but thats all I can remember. . now that I think about it its a lot.. oh shit.. so much for saving up for school
To be honest I felt that way at first too but they're all really nice.

>> No.6486995

MFW I see like five people I know in this photo...

>> No.6487014

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Taste of Animethon. Was considering Otafest Aurora but it's peak exam season for me now.
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Winning my first cosplay award was really cool. I wasn't expecting it at all and the other contestants were very friendly and congratulatory so it was a fun experience.
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Yes, the only people who showed up were people I knew IRL everybody else chickened out. Thus it wasn't much of meet.

>> No.6487025

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Not sure about locally, but PAX Prime definitely.
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
I was resting after walking around in my Domo-kun cosplay, and my friend wandered off with my bag that had my waterbottle so I was feeling a bit dehydrated. A staff/media guy walked by and saw how I was, and kindly offered to treat me a bottle of juice. It was the best orange juice ever.
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Nope, I thought of it at times, but then usually I end up feeling too shy and awkward about it so I don't bother. Also I think the meetups are usually held pretty late, so I end up leaving the con for dinner with my friends.

>> No.6487054

Hello Seagulls, new trip here, so please excuse any n00b actions.

1) What's the next con you're going to?
Con G. 3rd year going, and it's fun times every year.

2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
i have favourite memories from every con i've attended, but i'd have to say ConBravo 2011 was one of the most fun.

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?

not an official one, but i have hung out with groups of seagulls multiple times, and plan on going to meet ups in the future

>> No.6487316
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1) What's the next con you're going to?
>Animethon if it's not going to be cancelled. Don't feel like going down to Calgary unless I can round up other people who are interested.
2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Meeting Cathy Weseluck since she did the voice of of he main character in Cyber Six.
3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Nope. Not that I wouldn't want to meet you people, but being from /fit/ I'm suppose to be all >tfw and such therefore no contact with any female is approved.

>> No.6487435
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welcome, come sit at the cool kids table

>> No.6487440
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>Y'all scare the fuck outta me.
>To be honest I felt that way at first too

Why are people afraid of us...?

>> No.6487442

>What is everybody cosplaying as this year?
>Naruto and Corn. Maybe Raichu.

>> No.6487461

can I sit at the cool kid's table?

>> No.6487470

Can't wait to see your mephitso!
Everyone SEEMS really nice, and people report having a great time. But you have to wonder - maybe I just won't fit in. Maybe they have lots of inside jokes and are all really good friends.
Just anxiety.

>> No.6487494

thanks, and yes those were/are my exact feelings too I just didnt know how to explain them, dont worry anon you're not alone on that.I feel like that when appriaching groups, I rather not most of the time

>> No.6487498

We will make you feel welcomed. I promise.

Come say hi at conG

>> No.6487499

Hey, I managed to fit in, and I was completely unknown to those guys before I met them. you'll be fine~

>> No.6487517

Who is you? I'm curious

>> No.6487522

I'll consider it.

We have something in common, though. This board and our hobby. I felt the same way at my first meetup, but in successive cons and meetups, these random strangers became friends.
Way I see it, you have nothing to lose by at least saying hi.

>> No.6487527


Adding to what Enver's saying. Most of our "inside jokes" are 4chan related. Like Jessica Nigri, PT, etc. Our topics of conversation are usually video games, anime and comics. It's not like we talk about sports or anything like that.

And despite what everyone else says, we are, in fact, nice.

>> No.6487631

1) Con-G

2) Probably nothing has topped my first Anime North. Kinda sad.

3) Yes, it was a bit awkward and everyone just drew on the table instead of talking to each other hahah. But it was still alright!

>> No.6487635

>it was a bit awkward

You would come back to another meet up. You love us.

>> No.6487640

whole lot of ontario in here
1) ALA. For CanCon? no idea
2) This one really terrible Sephiroth dancing at the outside daytime rave in like, uh, 2009?
3) Fine? the biggest local one was at a greek restaurant and it was pretty fun

>> No.6487641

daytime rave at AN :V

>> No.6487651

>whole lot of ontario in here
That's cause we're 3 hours ahead

>> No.6487974


>> No.6487983

Oh yes, of course! I am pretty much the definition of awkward so I fit right in. Is there going to be a meetup for Con-G? Hopefully one that isn't during the middle of the day.

>> No.6488047

Guy who lives on the prairies here, what's the best con to go in the west?

>> No.6488051

The ones in Ontario. ConG is coming come in 2 months. MTAC is in March. Anime North is in May.

>> No.6488221

Haha, Todd. Get back to /fa/.

>> No.6488266

How new are you?

>> No.6488340


fresh as fuck

>> No.6488983
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 422825_10151095120756985_1990566686_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man i'm late to this topic. Too much gaming. Okay let's answer these:

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Possibly Con-G if I can get a ride there.

>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Running a panel about video games that led to nothing but modern Square Enix and Capcom bashing.

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Haven't been to one. I should at some point lol.

>> No.6489211

Ohhh I know you

>> No.6489219

>can barely see your face and eyes
>only thing completely visible is your mouth which I'd like to say is smiling but combined with the dark, blurry, grainy ass photo, and not being able to see the rest of your face clearly, is honestly just creeping me the fuck out
You can do better than posting a dark, blurry, grainy ass photo, can't you?

>> No.6489237

it's a beta male

>> No.6489296
File: 20 KB, 500x284, tumblr_mabiz7Po2n1qhgrsso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Course I can considering as a cosplayer i've got tons of clear photos, of course I thought it'd be obvious that I did this on purpose,

>> No.6489306

Eww, someone get rid of it.

>> No.6489313
File: 44 KB, 200x197, 694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't say that considering i've posted stuff here before that appear with full clarity.

>> No.6489318

may is animu north month

>> No.6489362
File: 1.35 MB, 1234x3305, 1332109825319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) What's the next con you're going to?
>i dunno, i assume if one is happening, todd will tell me and if its not during exams i will actually go this time
2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
>running the dating game at AL
3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
>pic related

>> No.6489371

shut up beta male

>> No.6489372

srs any qts in toronto want to sit on my face

>> No.6489374
File: 16 KB, 364x375, Butthurt-Is-Strong-With-This-One-75011504919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6489384
File: 36 KB, 500x333, quack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat image
the pain. I bring it.

>> No.6489386

1) What's the next con you're going to?
2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Getting together a large Escaflowne group. Everyone looked great.
3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Yes, everyone was super nice.

>> No.6489392
File: 3 KB, 117x120, 1327803257758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still cracks me up everytime

>> No.6489400

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Probably a Taste of Animethon, if my car works for the drive.
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Cardboard Gundam Panel at Otafest 2 years ago.
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Most of my friends, and myself included have tripped on /cgl/, but I've never been to a /cgl/ meet up. I wonder if there's anyone from /cgl/ in calgary that I don't know.

>> No.6489404
File: 86 KB, 477x720, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6489409

Last I heard she went crazy, quit cosplay, and became a burly mountain man hermit.
Can anyone confirm/deny?

>> No.6489425

>What's the next con you're going to?
Not sure
>What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Crushing the power trip of some security guard by bringing a group of people dressed as pirates into the rave without waiting/going through security.
>Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Yes, It was good, everyone is nice. Lots of fun, no drama which was surprising because of all the drama on this site. Would do again.

>> No.6489431

She left because somebody she went to high school with wouldn't stop shit-posting her.
There was a thread on /adv/ a while back where the person fessed up to it.
Name of the person was "Lydia" if it means anything to anybody.

She looks exactly the same as she did years ago. She just doesn't cosplay anymore and keeps to herself completely; I'd imagine she wouldn't want anything to do with it.

If you want proof and actually know who she is just message her on Facebook or something.

Sage because this is how many years old now and is a shit attempt at drama.

>> No.6489438

I never spoke to her much, but her old boyfriend is a pretty cool guy.
I moved to the area once all the drama was going crazy, and didn't want to freak her out completely, being an obvious /b/tard at the time.

>> No.6489451

ya seeing how I've only started coming on /cgl/ for the past year

who is this person and what happened?

>> No.6489459

General hyper-active teenager.
Few people found her mildly annoying but it wasn't anything severe.

From the /adv/ thread the person got jealous and started posting her on /cgl/ trying to make it seem like self posting.
People believed it. She went along with it to try and not cause problems and just randomly left one day and never came back.
I'd imagine it'd be trust issues since the person who did it didn't reach out to her until recently if the person was telling the truth about contacting her.

There really isn't much more to it.

It's been years.

Kale is a total bro. Fairly certain they still have contact with each other in case anybody wants to confirm what happened.

Anyways -
Let it die and back on topic folks.
No drama - Just information.

>> No.6489467

It was probably 3 or 4 years ago that it started.
Her picture was just getting spammed here like mad. at any given time there were three luppi threads on the front page.
Shit started to spill over into real life and become a major nuisance, to put it lightly.
She got pretty paranoid. Th e first time I met her was at Eau Clair market, when I snapped a picture of a few other friends she saw the flash and demanded to see the picture to make sure it wasn't of her.
Otherwise cute girl.
I haven't seen her in ages, which is why I like to imagine she's a burly mountain hermit.

>> No.6489470

idonteven why would someone do this honestly it's just retarded

>> No.6489474

Bitches be crazy. That's all there is to it.

Lets get back on topic.

>> No.6489477

1) What's the next con you're going to?

2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Going to be my first. I've been around cosplayers and stuff for years but I've always been traveling back and forth between Canada and Japan during those times so I never had time.
Also the whole "Japan" thing makes me nervous due to con horror stories about asians.

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
Nope. Would like to now that things seem more respectable around here. Well - For /cgl/ that is.

>> No.6489482

I've never been to anime north and I also want to cycle to Toronto from Montreal

since most Canadian seagulls are from Tdot whats the odds of finding somewhere free to sleep?

>> No.6489484

Ah! Are you going to Taste of animethon coming up in January?

I don't think they've announced the proper animethon yet, but they seemed to have fixed their staffing issues, so animethon proper will hopefully happen.

Should be good times, and I hope you have fun! I would recommend not to mention japan around the weeaboos though. Always have an escape plan if a wild weeaboo appears. Have a quick way of ending a conversation.

>> No.6489488

>whats the odds of finding somewhere free to sleep?
Depends on the odds of you having a cardboard box on hand. Dohohohohoho!
Although I'm sure most seagulls would let you crassh on their couch if you bring a 24 of Molson, or something.

>> No.6489494

>Always have an escape plan if a wild weeaboo appears
"I have aids, and i will bite you" , 60% of the time it works everytime.

>> No.6489500

if you sound serious enough, and if they are wimpy enough, you can be charged with assault, for a threat like that.
I personally like, "Oh, sorry, there's a panel I have to get to." or, "All apologies, but there's a sexy cosplayer I wish to molest. Excuse me." or my personal favorite, "Please excuse me while I imbibeto make this seem more fun, and everyone seem more attractive."

>> No.6489501

impying I'll give the LCBO 50$ for a 24
pfff I've got a bivybag shits all you need last time I was in tdot i got to stay at a squat on queen and john shit was sweet

>> No.6489506

>charged with assault
pft, only if you let them live to tell about it

>> No.6489509

You go to the Beer Store for beer, and the LCBO for hard liquor. Everyone knows this.
Further more, research the seagull in question. If they like Whiskey, show up with that. If they like Gin, show up with that. If they like Vodka, skip them, because they are probably crazy, or russian, or both. Although every now and then a crazy drunk russian is the funnest thing in the world.

>> No.6489514

I'll be out on vacation again then back home so no.
I also have work to do out there.

But I finally have the summer off.

>> No.6489523

word drunk russian always do the most funnest shit

>> No.6489532

Not sure if these guys are drunk, but definitely russians.
Probably drunk though.

>> No.6490038

Some of the seagulls I know are nice, the rest... I'm not sure. Probably why I'm still lurking around on the boards and have never gone to an actual meet.

>> No.6490044

Never posted much before, but... here goes.

1) What's the next con you're going to?
Probably Mtac- Con-G isn't looking too good right now. It's a shame but the travel distance/hotel costs isn't justifiable for what the con is.

2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
Fan Expo 2012, I'd say. There was a lot of us just having fun at the con and we got a lot of pictures. First time with a group.

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
No, it's a bit intimidating to meet everyone in person but I know a few of you guys and you're good people. Just weary of the dramu in general with the Toronto cosplay community.

>> No.6490204

Late to the party

1) What's the next con you're going to?
Probably Anime North

2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
My first Anime North when I saw a couple cosplayers on the drive to the con and freaking out. People cosplaying. In PUBLIC!

3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
The first couple meetups we ever had were very quiet and involved crepes, everyone was very nice (I miss you Badr! And Liam). The new meetups are very lively which is a nice change. Everyone is awesome and way more vocal in the community which is nice :)

>> No.6490207
File: 62 KB, 960x696, 1346900866631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Liam too. Darn maritimes, taking away all my favourite seagulls one at a time.

>> No.6490277

YEah, Guelph is kinda far.

>> No.6490415

I remember when I was moving out to Calgary from Windsor I missed by proper exit, so absentmindedly took the next one thinking I'd be able to turn around quickly.
Turned out that exit I took had no way of turning around until Guelph. Had to drive from toronto to Guelph back to toronto, because I missed one exit.
Shit sucked.

Polite sage for off topic, but somewhat amusing.

>> No.6490944

If it was the 401, I've driven that many times and there's ample opportunity to turn around

>> No.6490948

>i dunno, i assume if one is happening, todd will tell me

Hey, I'm not your bitch.

>> No.6490963

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Con-G, so excited. Will be my first one!
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
See above. Every time I try to go to a con something happens. (Not enough room for friend to take me, another con gets cancelled, I go on holiday to Europe instead...not complaining but heh.)
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
No but I would like to. Not sure if I should hop on that Waterloo meet-up as I would have to bus from London. I don't have a car. qq etc.

>> No.6490964

Canadian maple candy sucks, Vermont rules!

>> No.6491622


>> No.6491723

99% of my 401 driving has been Windsor to Tilbury. It was a retarded moment of my life I like to relive with laughter

>> No.6491777
File: 84 KB, 640x407, you'll_have_to_live_with_mistakes_of_your_youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually remember a pretty terrible Naruto skit from some years back and have a really terrible photo of it.

Was this you?

>> No.6491786

Nope! OH I almost forgot. It wasn't ONLY Naruto. Two of my friends were Joey and Kaiba from YuGiOh. hahaha I totally forgot about that until I saw that pic was like wait we didn't have an Itachi...

>> No.6491820
File: 396 KB, 254x186, 1307132330929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I brought the maple candy
maybe I'll just buy lots of rockets this year instead....

>> No.6491830

careful, you'll confuse the Americans.

they call Rockets "Smarties." It's a fucking abomination I tell you what

>> No.6491854
File: 93 KB, 400x300, candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called bullshit and googled that
horry shiet. mind blown.

>> No.6491861
File: 180 KB, 640x360, 2011-07-26 00-59-36.756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that shit?
Calling rockets smarties?
The shit is nothing like smarties.

>> No.6491870

Rockets taste like chalk, nty. n. t. y.

>> No.6491865

It's okay, we don't need your mislabeled candy. WE GOTS CANDY CORN, YO!

>> No.6491879
File: 1.79 MB, 256x160, 1297383665593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine. more for me.

>> No.6491889
File: 257 KB, 500x250, Mass Effect 3 - That's loco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we went to Youmacon we saw a candy store and my friend HAD to go in to see if they had "Smarties". Sure enough they had them. IT WAS CRAZY.

haha I always bring maple candies to ALA. I have a pretty sizeable bag of them sitting here ready to go. THEY ARE SO GOOD.

>> No.6491893
File: 80 KB, 640x427, popeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also delicious.

>> No.6491897

>not cool candy cigarettes like in Amurika

>> No.6491901
File: 1017 KB, 200x200, 1331436380987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that stops us from pretending...

>> No.6491910

I'm sure you like white sticks in your mouth.

>> No.6491924
File: 61 KB, 500x562, 1236912679819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only when I can grind them into tiny pieces with my teeth

>> No.6491943

Your love is rough and filled with candy castration.

>> No.6492143

>1) What's the next con you're going to?
Possibly Con-G, I've never been. Is it any good?

>2) What's your favourite Canadian con memory?
Probably the first time I cosplayed from a popular series and I had random people come up and ask me to act out scene or say lines. Seeing their faces light up was great, but it's a pretty generic experience.
Oh, and being at DTAC while trying to avoid pretty much everyone cosplaying from the same series I was was lots of fun actually.

>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
No, but I'm considering it.

>> No.6492179

what were you cosplaying from Homestuck?

>> No.6492239
File: 12 KB, 468x263, 152632__468x_sword-art-online-9-034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew we'd all be in here eventually

>> No.6492471

You should come to a meetup

>> No.6492726

I wasn't. Close though.

I might hit up the Anime North one, I guess.

>> No.6494059


>> No.6494643

Strength rBRS and Yukari from Parakiss. Maybe Ranka Lee as well

>> No.6497105


>> No.6498191


>> No.6501214

Could someone list a few notable Canadian cosplayers...

>> No.6502562


>> No.6504005

Newfag here. be kind
>1) What's the next con you're going to?
I guess it's either Con-G or shit frostcon
>2) What's your favorite Canadian con memory?
AN 2012. It was kinda shit but the room party made up for it.
>3) Have you been to a /cgl/ meetup? How was it?
does unplugged count? if not, no.

>> No.6505542

1. At this rate it looks like it might be Frostcon.
2. First year that I went to Fanex; I stayed at a really nice suite hotel in the middle of downtown on a queen size bed that overlooked the city and everything was just so comfy and fun that weekend.
3. No. I keep meaning to go but I'm often tied up helping out with something else like panels or AA and such.

>> No.6505591

I'm new too!

1) Next con is probably Con G, it's around my birthday
2) I have a lot, Anime North has always been great for me, I think the best was checking ID for the hentai room and all the awkward feels
3) No, thinking about it but I'm a little nervous. I don't think there's any up where I am so maybe a Toronto one? i'm a little shy D;