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File: 55 KB, 450x450, Make-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486645 No.6486645 [Reply] [Original]

I do not see a make-up thread. Anything from Cosplay to Jfashion would be great.

What type of style is best for photos?
Natural looks
Full out look

Or ask for advice! Lets help make everyone beautiful.

>> No.6486652

Photos? Full out.
Just everyday wear? Probably something natural if no makeup at all.
I started taking medication for my acne and I didn't have to wear makeup everyday like I used to when I had acne. I got so used to no makeup that I could tell on the day where I did wear it that I looked like a cake face.

My full coverage makeup looks great in photos, but I think it looks phony irl.

>> No.6486657
File: 688 KB, 1400x2027, [017895].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 'bout some misleading adverts?

Maybelline's mascara makes your lashes magically grow somehow.

>> No.6486659

>What type of style is best for photos?
do not use any SPF when you know you will have photos taken, if it flashes you will get flash back and look stupid. same for shimmers, go lighter on the shimmer when you know flash photos, or photos in general, will be taken.
>Natural looks
no shimmer at all, mix your foundation with moisturizer. or just use a tinted moisturizer. if you can, skip the powder. if not spritz or face with something like MAC fix it + to make the powder look less powdery
>Full out look
go big or go home. if you want to look full out go full out. use a contour, use a highlight, use false lashes, use 4 layers of mascara, line your lips, lipstick your lips, highlight your lips. high light your brow bone and inner corner. flick out that winged eyeliner. do it all and do it well.
depends on the occasion, personally for formal i follow a rule my mother gave me- if you do a trendy color follow a classy look. if you use a classy color follow a trendy look.
want a purple smokey eye? don't wing your eyeliner and stay with a very natural looking lip. doing a neutral pearl and brown look? winged eyes and thick lashes with brighter pink lips, or red lips.

NEVER do bright eyes, bright cheeks, and bright lips for day time. sometimes for night, but only for clubbing. you will look like a tranny or a drag queen. pick 2 at most, but you should pick 1 to be the main of your face.
i do perfect skin with statement eyes and a natural or nude lip most of the time.

but most of all, find what works for you and don't let anyone tell you differently.
if you like tadpoll eyebrows and garage door blue eyeshadow- fucking do it. there is no wrong answer in makeup.

>> No.6486665

she actually is only wearing false lashes on the outer corner of her eyes, so it's not as bad as some adverts i've seen. a lot of asians i know look like they literally don't grow eyelashes but when they curl their lashes and put mascara on they suddenly have lashes all the way up to their brow bone. not literally, but it makes a huge difference.

but really- mascara adverts are the worst though, absolutely BS.

>> No.6486666

I have that stuff, I honestly do not like it very much. It seems to make my lashes look...clumpy. That may be due to my stupid shaky hands though.

>> No.6486669
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>> No.6486671

looking closer in the pink lined one she has them all the way across, but the one in the blue box looks to me to be her natural lashes until half way.

>> No.6486691

You seem like the best person to ask. I would like to wear lipstick sometime but, I have lips a bit on the thinner side which ends in looking a bit awkward. How can you go about helping this? I usually just use lip plumper lip gloss.

>> No.6486692
File: 313 KB, 730x1092, 1337276766105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake lashes are mentioned in the ad actually

but it's still misleading
It's not you. You can see how much it's clumped on those fake lashes too.

I dunno why but I love tan/bronze/orange shades on all kinds of skin

It's so striking.

>> No.6486697

i'd need to see a photo to really help, but generally over lining your lips EVER so slightly- like so slightly that you're just like half lining inside your lips half out will make a huge difference.
also, applying a white or pearl (can be shimmer or matte) highly between your cupids bow and a matte brown that's only 2ish shades darker than your skin tone under the middle of your lip will create a fuller look as well.

>> No.6486703

and they aren't half false lashes?
holy fuck, that's an awful mascara.

protip for chicks with long but thin lashes- Urban Decay Big Fatty. i do 1 or 2 coats as opposed to my 4-5 with BUXOM and it looks like i have very natural fake lashes on. i do have to comb them out usually but it's literally the best mascara i have ever used.
only con is it's a bitch and a half to take off.
i also recommend it for thin and short lashes, it really builds them up if you swipe the tips.

>> No.6486708
File: 287 KB, 1154x1638, les-merveilleuses-laduree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this type of packaging is so lovely

wish it wasn't so darn expensive though.

>> No.6486710


i am a sucker for packaging, Too Faced has some beautiful packaging. like a holiday set in a baby pink and gold tin. omg i died. i haven't even used it, bought it just for the packaging.

>> No.6486713

those eyebrows are not working with her face though...

>> No.6486722

it's a common thing with models that their eyebrows get perma fucked up due to being tweezed so many times.
lots of makeup artists will just take them off completely so they can draw on something totally different, after doing it too much- especially to hair that isn't even out of the growing phase- the hair will just stop growing.

glad thick brows are in now. so sick of seeing models with fucked up brows.

>> No.6486728
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Honestly right now I am just learning how to even make-up at all. Getting some of my first false eyelashes soon. I try not to use foundation because I don't want to cover my freckles. I have literally no clue about anything when it comes to working with my lips. The only thing I've really used for the past *whenever I started using make-up* is eye-liner. I have a rounder childish looking face. Any kind of advice would be great really.

>> No.6486733

i think your lower lip is fine, just do the half inside your lips half outside your lips for your upper lip should be enough. just make sure to blend it really really well. like color your entire lip in with the lip pencil.

as for your baby face, play it up. use a really nice peach pink plush on the apple of your cheek (the part that rounds when you smile) and on your cheek bone (just feel around for the bone) put a pearl or white highlight. shimmer on normal days, matte or semi shimmer when you know flash photos will be taken. this will add dimension to your face and keep it from looking chubby or fat round, but instead youthful and cute round.

it's okay for highlights to be shimmer since they're meant to stick out.

>> No.6486734

oh and you can add contour to the sides of your jaw line, but i wouldn't contour your cheekbones. too harsh on your face.

>> No.6486742

Thank you! Going to have to screen shot all this for later and try it out.

For the lips is there any color that would be best or is that something not to worry about?

>> No.6486748

that's up to you, i'd start with something really natural. like almost try and match your lip color but with a bit more red, pink, peach, or whichever tone you like, and then branch out to more and more unnatural pink, red, peach, whatever colors.

>> No.6486753

Anyone have any tips to share? The winter is upon my region and the air is dry as fuck, which doesn't help my already-dry skin. I've been using liquid foundation (applied with a brush) and setting it with light powder. It looks fabulous when I leave for work at 6am, but by mid day, it looks terrible and dry. I use moisturizer in the morning and at night, exfoliate 1x a week because I've got sensitive skin too, but maybe it's not enough? Ideas?

>> No.6486772

if you're using a gel moisturizer switch to cream, if you're using cream moisturizer get a night time heavy moisturizer as well.
ExfoliKate is an amazing exfoliate that works way better than regular ones, it really will remove any and all dead skin while promoting new skin growth. but it's expensive- so if it's out of your price range add a face brush to your routine. don't scrub your face, just gently apply light pressure and do circle motions with it. 20 seconds on your forehead, 20 on your nose and chin area, and 10 on each cheek.

MAC fix + spray will add moisture to your face as well, many setting sprays add moisture, you can go to sephora and ask.
you can even dab on moisturizer and pat it into your skin very very very lightly. like use literally 1/4 of a pea size on just where you're dry.

>> No.6486771
File: 80 KB, 368x750, 1344462946160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to check out how much these are

holy shit, the pressed powder's 112 USD and the lipstick is 72USD

I really don't understand why they need to charge 100 USD for a makeup brush either.
use this mask.
Mayonnaise-Baby Oil Dry Skin Treatment
Makes 1 application

2 tablespoons real mayonnaise
1 teaspoon baby oil

> Combine both ingredients.
> Smooth onto face, neck, rough elbows and knees or anywhere else you feel might benefit from it.
> Leave for 20 minutes.
> Rinse off thoroughly with tepid water.


switch to a cream foundation if you can.

>> No.6486774

Ads are usually full of shit. Though there are some that have strengthening serums in them that strengthen your lashes over time so they don't break and look longer. I've had results with Revlon's one.

>> No.6486794
File: 223 KB, 800x1194, 1323252146076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautypedia says;
Fix + is a standard, but good, alcohol-free toner for normal to dry or slightly oily skin. The mist application is convenient, but don’t mist this over your makeup—nothing in the formula will “finish” it or prolong wear. Quite the opposite is true!
I suggest anon use Ben nye's alcohol free fixing spray instead

here's a contouring guide, choose a bronzer about 2 shades darker than your own skin.

>> No.6486797

Thanks for the recipe. I have some cream foundation I wasn't using. Guess it's time to switch back and see how it goes!

Maybe I'm not using heavy-duty enough moisturizer. I use a Q10 cream in the AM and a heavy night-time one to help with facial redness. Guess I will look for something different.
I do have a face brush, the bristles are soft but I didn't think I should use one that had stiff bristles because of my sensitive skin, yes/ no?. There's no Sephora near me but I do have makeup fix sprays. I just assumed they were more of use to me during the summer time and not cold-dry times. I'll give that a go. Thanks!

>> No.6486801

they didn't ask for something to help make the makeup last longer, they asked for something to refresh the makeup to make them look less dry.

Fix + does just that. i don't know anyone who uses it to set their makeup, because it doesn't work for that at all. but it does make an over powdered face look better, and it refreshes a dry face beautifully.

>> No.6486804

don't use any makeup setting sprays, they'll make you look more dry because most have alcohol in them. MACs fix + works because it's basically water with like a tonic-ish whatever ingredients.
really all i use it for is when i over powder and to prime my brushes sometimes. it stops too much product from staying on the brush, if that makes sense. it is not a setting spray at all, idk why they market it like that, no one uses it that way at all

and no, soft bristles only. it will exfoliate, i promise.

>> No.6486819

does anyone have recommendations for mascara for sensitive eyes? almost every mascara i've ever tried makes my eyes water (but other eye makeup doesn't??? idk) . i usually use clinique but i would like some other options.

>> No.6486829

I have pretty bad seasonal allergies. When that time of year happens, I switch to Almay brand mascara. That's about the least offensive makeup brand on the market. It may not look as glitzy and glamorous as other brands, but their products are great for people with sensitive skin and eyes.

>> No.6486840
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From my research, toners do not serve much of a purpose. fix+ appears to be mainly water and glycerin and I personally wouldn't pay 20 dollars for that.

I'm looking for a good moisturizer as well, I've used a couple, including clinique's redness solutions daily cream. No moisturizer I've used has ever minimized redness.

>> No.6486841 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 247x363, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me make up and beauty tips?
I have blackheads on my nose and whiteheads on my cheeks and forehead though they aren't that noticeable. I have never plucked my eyebrows and it's kinda obvious... I'm not using any make up or anything in this pic.

Please girls, help! I want to be a pretty girl too ;_;

>> No.6486842

i've tried almay and it made my eyes water too :(
but i think i used waterproof so maybe i should try regular

>> No.6486848
File: 129 KB, 500x600, 1333928297834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your skin looks pretty clear too me. Is that smudged eyeliner under your eyes? If not, I'd conceal under your eyes.

also contour your nose.

>> No.6486847

also can anyone tell me what kind of eyes I have?
I think they are hooded but I can't really tell

>> No.6486852

do you like white guys?
are you that white guys only girl?

>> No.6486855
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not very good at this but i'd say almond.

>> No.6486857

>toners do not serve much a purpose
you obviously have not done much skin care research then. toners can shrink pores so excess moisturizer and makeup does not get into them, they can also be specialty to calm breakouts, reduce redness, add emollients, like- they do endless things that are all good for your skin.
a toner should always be apart of your beauty regime.

Fix +? nah. not at all. unless you love to powder yourself like i do, or have really dry skin. Fix + is silly to use as a toner, because it wont do anything but make your skin a bit more "refreshed" looking.

reducing redness might just not be possible for you, red isn't always in your skins pigment but from your skin being thinner and your blood showing through. it took me a long time to accept this but it was how my skin is.
try a green primer, you can use it on it's own and just blend it very well and it will cancel out some of the redness. Smashbox makes a great one.

you are very pretty already, any basic makeup would just enhance it.
for the eyebrows, get them done professionally once and then just every 4-8 days touch it up. whenever you start noticing it. just tweeze only what was waxed/threaded/tweezed before. nothing else.

as for black heads, a good exfoliate followed by a good toner and moisturizer will do wonders. nose strips can be too harsh, try backing soda or a clay mask before you go for a nose strip.
and white heads should be fixed with just exfoliating and toning.

>> No.6486860

Thank you, it's not that clear, this cam makes it look clear, I'd say it's average, depending on the facial cleanser I use it can get oily too :(
and it's a lil bit eyeliner I put on 16 hours ago but I have dark circles too, I will look up countouring. Thanks!!

looks like them though they look hooded when I have bad sleep

>> No.6486865
File: 540 KB, 1200x719, princess_etoinette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etude house's special winter stuff is sort of a ripoff that laduree packaging. i bought it, it's quite cute.

>> No.6486867

Thanks :3, I love you spooky, your posts are always really helpful and I love your style as well, you are so pretty.
I like my eyebrows and I've tried plucking them but it hurts also I kinda like the arch but it makes me look a bit agressive, I'm not so sure what shape would look good on me :/
I'm trying some clinique moisturizer, it works well and I've been using tea tree oil diluted in cold water as a toner as I read it here!. I'm waiting for my bbcream to arrive (: I hope it will work all right and wont make me break out.

Any experiences on skin79 gold?

>> No.6486868

you're not hooded. for sure not hooded. you have small lid space, but your lid is still visible.

according to the chart posted you're deep set, but i'd call you a deep set almond because they aren't really too far back in your skull. just not too much lid space to work with. to make them look bigger do very very very thin eyeliner. like, even tight lining (just the water line on your upper lid) instead of lining above your lashes will make them look like there is more lid space and therefore bigger.

>> No.6486870

i really don't like tea tree oil for anything other than cleaning ear piercings.
it's very very harsh, too harsh for the face, switch to witch hazel. you'll get better results.

and no, i don't mess with BB creams. i have a personal issue with them because they have skin whitening and blemish stuff in them and most people put it on the eye area so i'm like- uhg no please stop. i just- can't approve of them due to the skin care knowledge i have.
while it might fix your skin, it'll give you eye wrinkles a lot faster too.

>> No.6486872

>can shrink pores so excess moisturizer and makeup does not get into them
that is pure myth my dear

You're not one of those people that buys into every claim salespeople make are you? They're pretty sneaky.
In reality, toners—also referred to as astringents, clarifiers, refiners, fresheners, and
tonics—don’t tone anything. At least not by the dictionary definition of “tone,” which refers
to the “normal firmness of a tissue or an organ.” The term “toner” is a caprice invented by
the cosmetics industry and, therefore, it can mean anything they want it to. I have heard
that toners do everything from balance the skin and close pores to deep-clean and prepare
the skin for other products. They do none of that. In fact, toners of any kind do not close
pores, they do not deep-clean pores, and they do not reduce oil production. If toners could
do any of that, given the repeated daily use of these items by most women, who would have
a visible pore left on their face?

> Smashbox makes a great one.

never going back to that again
It is the worst primer I've ever tried.

>> No.6486878


where can I get this?

>> No.6486876

I agree about the tea tree oil. Way too harsh.

>skin whitening and blemish
Not all do. I'd lookup all the ingredients in the product to make sure though.

Anyway, Paula's book is a lifesaver. I was clueless about so man things before I read it . Her no-nonsense approach is refreshing.

>> No.6486882 [DELETED] 

I never used to bother with toners but I changed my mind since I started using them. I got diagnosed recently with pre-rosacea - since then I have been using a solution of diluted tea tree oil which has calmed the redness quite a bit over 1 month of usage. Since there's no cure for rosacea, the best I can do is not irritate my skin and keep it healthy and well nurtured. That said, they make toners from many ingredients like green tea, aloe vera, etc. so they aren't all going to be water and glycerin. Basically you choose a toner to treat what ails you.

>> No.6486884

How much do they cost and where are they sold?

also how's the quality?

>> No.6486885

no, i only went to school for it. taken outside classes, gone out of my way to talk to dermatologists and estheticians.

and they don't "shrink" pores in the way of making them go away, you can't change the pore size you're born with except through damage or laser type surgeries. but when you use hot water to wash your face a toner can return the pore to it's original size much faster than just letting it get back there on it's own.

and you can say it doesn't, that's fine, skin care isn't a science as much as it is a game or trial and error. but i have my opinion, and you have yours. no two resources will give the same information.
no need to get snippy over it.

>> No.6486906

If it's well formulated then it can have beneficial effects I suppose.

I wasn't trying to be. But the enlarging of pores when they come in contact with hot water isn't visible to the naked eye, I believe. Paula also recommends that we don't use cold or hot water on our faces.
> no two resources will give the same information.

Well, to be honest, if I said that rubbing sand on my face was a great exfoliant, that'd be opinion. If I linked to a study done that proved it was, that would make the claim more factual.

Paula links to various studies and such in her book which makes me more inclined to believe her.

>> No.6486914

and my information comes straight from the #1 used book in cosmetology and esthetician schools.

skin care will never the be the same for any two people, not even twin sisters, it's not an exact science. for some people using a volcanic ash body exfoliate will make them peel. for others it's perfect for their face. some people will burn if they put straight witch hazel on their skin, some will be oily as fuck without it.
no two people are the same, so no skin care can be absolute.

and just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't matter. for me, without a toner, i break out. my skin is too oily. if i don't use a toner i also have to not use a moisturizer. and doesn't matter what toner it is, i use many, but i need a toner in my regime.

>> No.6486921
File: 320 KB, 1353x1873, elle-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin care isn't a science

oh but it is, all those creams have to be formulated in a lab, don't they?

I'm sorry if I sound like a know-it-all.

>> No.6486924

You're not very good at saging, are you?

>> No.6486929

Is it okay if I DON'T wear any cover-up for photos and cons? I don't have any acne, but at cons (when I DO where BB Cream but am strongly considering just leaving it be) my skin tends to get really super oily with all of the crap on my face. You can tell in pictures too.

>> No.6486931

i really think you're being difficult on purpose. or you're just really bad at reading comprehension.

where did i say it's not a science? or even it's not scientific? do you know what "exact science" means?
since you like to google information to get prewritten words for you i'll try your style.
>An exact science is any field of science capable of accurate quantitative expression or precise predictions and rigorous methods of testing hypotheses, especially reproducible experiments involving quantifiable predictions and measurements. Physics and Chemistry can be considered as exact sciences in this sense.
in other words, an exact science is exact. you will get the same results every time.

skin care is not one of these. skin care varies, not only from person to person but age, time of the month/year/hormonal cycle, medication, weather, diet, and a million other things effect the outcome.

i'm going to be going to bed soon now, idk if i'll reply anymore or not. but i should get some rest. i was sick this morning and i'm worried my lack of sleep had something to do with it.
sooooo possibly goodnight all, if this thread is here tomorrow and anyone has questions i'll answer them then.

>> No.6486935

if your like your skin naturally then sure- go for it.

my ex had absolute perfect skin, only splashed it with water ever, and in photos had better skin than me with full face foundation. but if she washed her face, wore makeup, anything, would look oily and break out. some people are just lucky.

>> No.6486937

i bought mine from ebay seller zinopark. there are a few other sellers on ebay. i chose zinopark because he offers combined shipping (came out to 8.50 for shipping). also available on gmarket, and i'm sure a lot of online resell korean cosmetic places have started carrying them. i know an anon in the bb cream thread has set up a shopping service in korea.

what i bought and my initial thoughts (just got the products a few hours ago!):

Princess Etoinette 3 brush set - average quality. hot pink tips. goat hair. soft, no hair fallout. super pretty. great purchase imo.
Princess Etoinette Rose brush - same as above really. pleased. these aren't the best brushes in the world, but they are far from bad! do not regret buying.
Princess Etoinette loose crystal powder - light pink shimmer powder. finely milled. i think the highlight powder is more popular, but this is a nice subtle glitter. suits me better. of course packaging is adorable.
Princess Etoinette heart blusher in PK001 - more meh on this one. comes with 10 shimmery mini hearts blusher that you dump into the container. it's a rather sheer blush. haven't tried to apply it heavily yet. very pink and princessy...i'm most meh on this one because i like the packing better than the actual product. it's not a horrible blush, not the best.

with most items being being priced around 20 USD, it's not an amazing deal. (well if we compare this with LADUREE it's a steal! lol) the brushes are better value than the powders imo. i personally really like etude house brushes better than their products in general tho. can take packaging/product pics if anyone asks. do not feel like taking worn pics.

>> No.6486943

I didn't know you were into girls Charms.

>> No.6486949
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Okay, thank you very much! Is it okay if I where a little blush? Would it make the skin oily like a BB Cream would?
Wow your ex is very lucky!

(P.S: Sorry if my English is poor. It is not my first language ^^;

>> No.6486950

i have only dated 2 boys, this is my second and he's the first real boy-boyfriend since i was 15.

waiting for him to come to bed so i can sleep now ~

>> No.6486952

Maybe I can get some help and advice on some rather general skincare.

I'm noticing my biggest problem areas to be oily skin that is prone to breaking out along my jawline and forehead the most, redness on the cheeks and chin, and large pores. I'm wanting to find a way to smooth everything out. I don't have any particular routines since I'm just trying to figure out one in the first place.

Also if anyone were to recommend a good home made exfoliating recipe that I guess you're supposed to use like a mud mask and use it once a week that would be great.

>> No.6486954

blush is always great, and not if it was a powder. at least it shouldn't.

the most likely cause for your skin getting oily is not actually it's more oily than normal, but the oil in the BB cream mixes with your skin oil and melts together from being hot at the con and makes you feel more oily. a powder blush should not have this.

and yes, she is. i will forever be jealous of her pale pure white skin. she's not even a little red, and her eye bags look like makeup.

>> No.6486959

real quick, before you go to bed...i've heard that with proper toner use, sometimes you don't even need to use a facial cleanser (of course you would only do this if you didn't wear makeup that day). what do you think about that?

>> No.6486960
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too lazy to remove sage from name field actually ahahaha
I totally agree. I don't like how so much makeup is made for people with smooth, "normal" skin. when i applied some of my makeup on a friend for practice, I was flabbergasted by how flawless it looked on her. I've been very disappointing by high end makeup a lot.

May I ask what toner you use? and which ingredients do this "shrinking"? I'm very curious.

I don't think it shrinks the pores at all, because if your pores really shrunk then that would be problematic and mess with your body's heat regulation. I believe secretions from your pores are also natural cleansers. (I know this because I used to take medication that essentially created a film in the parts where it was applied to prevent sweating)

are you sure your toner isn't forming a film to prevent makeup penetrating the skin like a fixant?

I am lucky that moisturizer and foundation won't break me out. I try to be very meticulous about removing the makeup before sleep.

Anyone use the oil cleansing method with jojoba oil?

>> No.6486961

Egg white masks worked for me when I had the same problem. Of course, I also had a daily skincare routine.

ok so egg white mask:
Beat one egg white until frothy. Then spread it on your face. Wait for 10-15 minutes and peel off. It reduces oil, redness, and minimizes pores. I also recommend you hop on the skincare day/night routine quickly.

>> No.6486964
File: 180 KB, 355x500, 3945484542_e4074ee893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! This helps a lot for my future con-going.

>> No.6486965

i do it all the time. but i use a more harsh toner instead of my blemish calming one.
i have three i use right now, one is a basic toner that's just... normal. one is for calming blemishes, helping acne heal and such. and the last is a "beauty elixir" which i use as a setting spray but it also has some stuff in it that is good for my face so i can use it on days i don't wear makeup as well just to refresh when i feel oily.

the normal one is what i use when i just wake up if i don't have time to wash my face. instead of misting it on my face i soak a cotton square or pad with it and blot my face. i do this with 2 or 3 pads.
this should only be done if you really don't have time though, not just because you're lazy. it's important to wash your face twice daily if you're oily or wear makeup regularly. if you have normal to dry skin and only wear makeup a couple times a week it's fine to do this regularly, it's what my mother does (but then again she's a 50+ year old woman lol) but it is fine to do.

>> No.6486971

I don't think I'm expressing myself very clearly

Just trying to be helpful, I'd like someone to correct me if I'm wrong too.

but my inquisitiveness is probably tiring you you as much as it's tiring me so I'm leaving

>> No.6486973

thank you for your response! ever since i moved to a desert climate a couple years ago my skin has been really dry and i've been wearing makeup less frequently, so that should be fine for me.

>> No.6486974

Any suggestions on a routine or wat products I should use? I'm sort of in the dark without a light on the subject.

>> No.6486980

i don't go that deep into it to know which help with what, i go based on reviews and trial and error more than ingredients. especially because so much of what i use has 50+ on the back.
Gossmakeupartist really goes into ingredients and stuff, you should check him out.

also, pore shrinking is possible through over drying of the skin. there are corrective surgeries for it and everything. it can be awful for your skin, cause premature aging, it's far better to have slightly bigger pores than slightly smaller in the long run.
and it's a natural lubricate and moisturizer, not a natural cleanser. naturally water should be the only thing used to clean our skin- but really what of humans is natural anymore?

the toner i use daily is to help calm blemishes, it has a weird name so idk it but it's on my blog (spookycharms blogspot) it has healing whatever in it like an ointment but not an ointment for obvious reasons.

for me, i did only face wash for years. wash my face and go to bed, when i switched to just moisturizer i broke out like mad. when i added a toner my skin got back to normal- and it stopped being red. so woohoo for me

>> No.6488810

Does anyone know of any other makeup or skincare brands that have cute packaging like this?

>> No.6488917

jill stuart
anna sui
paul & joe
tarina tarantino
majolica majorca
holika holika

i'm sure there are tons more.

>> No.6489230

Aaaah, I'm getting worried now, I shave off my eyebrows, will they stop growing because of that?

>> No.6489234

could you tell me what do you use instead of bb cream....since you said bbcreams are quite bad for skin around eyes , now im paranoid ;___;

>> No.6489357
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>> No.6489366
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Also Tony Moly, they have some stuff that's cute as fuck.

>> No.6489368

I brought Kryolan Aquacolour for my Homestuck cosplay and the consistency and colour is lovely, but it smells so bad it actually makes me feel physically queasy. Can anything be done about it?

>> No.6489593
File: 143 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m7km6y3YY41qhdjupo1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried a sample Make Up Forever's HD foundation in 110 and it looked like I had tanned my face. It turns out that's the lightest Sephora had in store but I see they have a 107 online, only you have to purchase a bottle and can't order a sample. Another thing is that 107 is pink-tinted and the lady at the store said I should stick with cool tints. :\

My question is, does Sephora carry another foundation that anyone has found good, in a lighter color than that so I can get a sample? Or should I just gamble on that bottle matching?

And any advice on what I should do to set it? The powder I currently use sticks like hell in my weird smile-dimple line thing and it makes me look a lot older. >:[ I've heard there are also setting sprays?

>> No.6489602

>Another thing is that 107 is pink-tinted and the lady at the store said I should stick with cool tints. :\
Pink-ish undertones are cool, though...

>> No.6489736

Sephora is awful at this sort of shit.

>> No.6489821


Pink is cool.

And anyway, if you order it, you can always return it. You can even return things you bought on the Sephora website at the store.

>> No.6489845

sephora has an awesome return policy. if it doesn't match simply return it.

>> No.6489848

the Kat Von D foundation in it's lightest color is insanely light, even too light for me. i mix it with the second lightest, or sometimes just wear the second lightest. it's also way more pigmented than Makeup Forever. very thick and creamy, but still a liquid.

>> No.6489854

oh, having more pigment means you can use less. so it will last longer. like i don't even use an entire pump to cover my whole face.

it blends amazingly, but you may want to mix a little moisturizer in it as it can be really thick if you aren't too experienced with blending. i recommend an airbrush concealer or airbrush foundation brush. not a sponge (not even a beauty blender), or a normal foundation brush. i like the airbrush concealer because it's more precise and i use so little that in a big brush it kind of gets lost in the bristles, but a foundation one works fine.

>> No.6490041
File: 23 KB, 350x350, Siberia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried Nars Sheer Glow in Siberia?
I have the most awkward skin tone and it's perfect (I'm yellow toned and super pale but with a set of megawatt rosy cheeks!). My face actually matches my neck now. It's glorious.
I set with MAC Prep+Prime Transparent Powder. If you use it lightly, it's very smooth and flattering and doesn't add any extra color to the skin.

>> No.6490046

So what do you guys think of lip tar?

>> No.6490078

I love you. I have the exact same issue with my skin. I even have had people ask me if I'm part native because of the yellow tone in my skin. ;__;

>> No.6490094

Spooky, you're my favorite.

>> No.6490145

I tried this in the lightest shade for a little while but I found it didn't give me the look I wanted. It's the only foundation that has matched my Décolletage though. I'm on the fence.
Maybe I'll keep playing with it and try adding different moisturizers to give it a more natural finish ( a bit too matte for me)

It has such a strong house paint like smell too. ugh. I've been using Juice Beauty in ivory to conceal my redness but it's still too dark for me to be 100% happy with it.

Anyone tried illamasqua skin base foundation?

>> No.6490237

Hello there. I'm kinda new to make up; are there any basic make up guides you would recommend, or rules of thumb you could throw at me?

I'm so noob I don't even know where to begin, or what make up I should have? I know about stuff like primer and foundation and concealer, but I don't know what any of it means, or what it's used for, nor what would look best with my face.

I also have a slight acne problem, though it's primarily a blackhead issue. I wouldn't argue that my face is oily, but by the end of the day it gets to be that way.

Thank you so much for your patience.

>> No.6490267

How the hell do I get rid of/hide freckles? Is there any efficent way to do that?

>> No.6490275

Lemon juice?

>> No.6490319
File: 114 KB, 489x349, photo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make-up has never been my thing but I've always wondered what would be the most flattering way to wear eye make-up given my eye shape.

Also, how do you get eye make-up to last? Eye liner, eye shadow, whatever, it all seems to smear within an hour or two and when I'm at work I don't have time to retouch it constantly.

>> No.6490332

Which Too Faced Mascara is the best one?

>> No.6490343

You're going to have to explain how you want your eyes to look like. Wider? Rounder? For what occasion? Etc etc.

Also, eyelid primer is your friend. I've never used it, but I've heard good things about UD's eyeshadow primers. I use Etude House's, myself.

>> No.6490353


Sadly I wish I knew what kind of look I'm going for so that's rather unhelpful and generally is my problem attempting make-up because I have no idea what I should do or what would be flattering.

As far as occasion goes, casual.

>> No.6490354

I have Illamasqua's Skin Base foundation and I find it really great. Shade 02 matches my skintone perfectly, and I'm very pale. The coverage is medium, if you're looking for a full-coverage foundation, I've heard good things about their Rich Liquid Foundation, although I've never tried it myself. The one negative about it is that it goes on terribly if your skin is in any way dry. My skin's usually very oily, but it's drying out a bit now in the winter, so I have to moisturise well before I use that foundation.

>> No.6490375

i like it, lots of colors but you definitely need more than the recommended 1-2 drops as many gurus suggest, and a lip gloss for over top it can feel a bit drying, i also really like sleek's pout paint

>> No.6490466


>> No.6490755

fffff if smashbox is the worst primer you've tried, i would love to know what you found that was better, smashbox is one the leading companies specializing in primers.

>> No.6490757


I love their tomato mask shit

>> No.6490955
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lol I don't know shit about make-up; I just crash headfirst into things I need and hope for the best

I will look into these among other thread testimonials; see how they feel on my face/work with my skin.

Thanks everyone!

>> No.6490961

Not who you are talking to, but the Mac fix plus doesn't work for me because I have combination skin. After two hours, my face looked really shiny and felt greasy.

>> No.6490977

What should you put under your eyes?
Just concealer? Because I'm guilty of putting my bb cream there.

>> No.6490983

what should i use, too, charms? i trust what you say.

i have really clear skin, knock on wood, but all types of foundation have made me break out. bbcream is the only thing that doesn't make me break out but also evens out my skin (particularly just the redness around my nose). what should i try that doesn't cause wrinkles or whatever? i've been using american bbcream.

>> No.6491001

As a guy, I don't really know what I should be doing aside from using a good cleanser and moisturizer. Should I be using a toner? If so, when do I apply it? Is there anything else I should be doing?

My skin is slightly oily, mostly in my T-zone. I don't have a problem with acne but the pores on my nose are bigger than I would like.

>> No.6491009

Same here! 1/4 native so I have a yellowy undertone but thin skin so I have red cheeks, but super pale everywhere else.
Definitely giving the NARS a try!
It sounds like exactly what my skin needs.

>> No.6491018

Yes you should use toner, women and men are very similar in regards to skin - we're all the same species and of course there are exceptions.
First cleanse with a gentle cleanser and warm but not hot water, blot toner with a cotton pad, then moisturize. Personally I would say stick with women/unisex products. Male-centered products, as far as I know, have the same formulas but contain a "manly" fragrance.
Fragrance-free in my experience is the best. Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic - won't clog your pores and hopefully won't break you out in hives either.

>> No.6491197
File: 16 KB, 316x235, 1332552123843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend some eyelashes lolitas wear? The ones I get never look like the ones like in this pic. I just want the style!!! I've boughten so many now..

>> No.6491200

Pretty sure the brand most use is Dolly Wink.

>> No.6491211

I have dolly wink and they dont look like that ...the just look super weird. Hmm

>> No.6491213

if you're using american bb cream you'll be fine because it's basically glorified tined moisturizer.

i've noticed a lot of products marketed towards men have excessive alcohol as well.

>> No.6491216

are you serious? they make different styles of eyelashes.

>> No.6491245

Pa (also known as Dear Laura), D.U.P, Dolly Wink.

>> No.6491308

bb creams have different formulations. today there are endless amounts of bb creams to choose from cruelty free/vegan, whatever you want basically. please check the ingredients yourself, and see if the product agrees with you. if you have seen no negative effects on your eye area, what could the problem be? looking up the ingredients to missha m bb cream, there isn't really anything i'd feel uncomfortable putting on my eyes.

despite the name blemish balm, bb creams were originally created for patients who had recently undergone laser skin procedure...they are meant to heal and protect the skin with their high spf value. not to treat acne. engrish at it's best. but of course today there are bb creams specified for acne, like the innisfree trouble care bb cream.

if you are that worried, get an undereye concealer. i myself use bb cream on my brow area and ysl touche eclat on my undereye.

of course i'm not charms, just thought i would give in my two cents.

>> No.6492009

Bummer, my skin runs normal - dry, but thank you for the information. I was hesitant to buy from their site if it wouldn't work for my skin.

>> No.6492019

i feel dumb for asking this but how do i figure out if cool or warm eyeshadow colors look better on me?

>> No.6492038

I think most people can pull off both but if you want you can just use the same as your natural coloring. I have cool undertones and usually use cool shades for natural or everyday looks. Having said that there are other factors involved in choosing colors that look good on you, but that's less about cool/warm and more about skin, hair and eye color.

>> No.6492043

i'm looking to buy a palette of mostly neutral colors (i.e. urban decay's naked or something like it) and i was overwhelmed by how many choices there are.

>> No.6492502


>> No.6493428
File: 464 KB, 960x720, allrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaah, I just purchased the naked 2 palette but haven't received it yet. I have looked at it in store many times and it is more cool toned than Naked 1. There are a ton of choices for neutral palettes though.

If you are looking to get a neutral palette to explore and learn which looks you like I suggest picking up a cheap one! I have the e.l.f. Studio Endless Eyes Pro Mini Eyeshadow Palette in the color Natural (#85040) from eyeslipsface.com. It's only 5 dollars. It has cool and warm shades in matte, shimmer and satin finishes. I posted swatches, in natural light, of the colors in my image. The quality is on par with most drugstore brands but some of the matte shades are sheer. (As seen in the image)

There are also sites like BHcosmestics, Coastal scents, etc... that make large palettes of neutral colors (10-20 dollar range).

>> No.6493475

I bought that for my sister for Christmas!

Anyway... not sure if this will work but I don't feel like uploading
I have thinks I've been meaning to upload to it but I'm a lazy twat

>> No.6495709

I have a weird combination of hooded and deep set eye shape. It doesn't help that I have ptosis in my left eye. It makes everything awkward.

>> No.6496003
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>> No.6496005

or likas papaya soap
it's not so great for dry skin though :/

>> No.6496108

sunscreen everyone, get some.

about 80% of you wrinkles trough out your life is cause by sunlight

>> No.6496185

what are some of the best "whitening" bb creams? I need them to help fade my acne scaring.

Skin79's hot pink bb cream faded my scars a bit, but it was too dark, and I hated the scent, so I'd rather try something else.

Right now I have BRTC Jasmine water BB cream, Skin79 Lovely Girl, and Skin79 snail bb creams in my amazon cart. I'll buy them after christmas.

Can I get some opinions on those, and personal favorites people have?

>> No.6496424
File: 80 KB, 553x836, 68539225548539470_F2NUW87G_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this isn't makeup as much as general "beauty", but I has a question! The downy lil peachfuzz stuff on my upper lip; it's not really that noticeable, but it is if I put foundation on it. So, I'm planning on waxing it or something. Can anyone recommend some kind of cheap waxing kit I can do this with? I read something that says the hair must be at least 1/4 inch long, which it's not. What do? I'm worried that shaving it will make it more noticeable or something.

>> No.6496432

enjoy your wrinkles

>> No.6496442

OK damn now I have the urge to ask
Is it good to use moisturizer in your eye area?
Mom always told me to put moisturizer and BB cream in the eye are or I ould totally get eyebags an dark circles and fuck up my eyes.
But now I have been reading and every single makeup page tells me to avoid putting BB cream and moisturizer in my eyes.
>TL;DR should I use moisturizer and BB cream in my eyes or not?

>> No.6496443

I have this problem with peach fuzz between my eyebrows and would also like advice. Shaving is especially difficult because the space isn't big enough for a traditional razor to fit between and I've read far too many reviews of those little eyebrow razors leaving little knicks and cuts without you even realizing it.

>> No.6496445

Sorry, not any help, but lol your wording

>> No.6496686

Do whitening products really cause wrinkles? Just when I was about to order Shiseido's white lucent line....

>> No.6496702

Most of my life I've had the bad habit that I often furrow my brows. Now I've gotten fine lines between my eyebrows so now I always look angry. Besides botox, is there anything I can do about this?

>> No.6496847

I haven't heard anything about them actually causing wrinkles, but if you're whitening your skin, you reduce the amount of melanin, so your skin is going to be much more sensitive to sun damage. So it'll be especially important to use a good sunscreen.

>> No.6496853

I'm a shut in so I don't really have to worry about sun damage (and I keep it away from my eyes). I only plan on using them for about 6 months anyway.

>> No.6497094

ah, awesome! she said they cause wrinkles, and i really don't want that.

alright. i know nothing about the ingredients in makeup and such, since i really only use moisturizer and bbcream with the occasional eyeliner + mascara when it's a special occasion/cosplay.

>> No.6497130

Does anyone know what to do about sunscreen if you have oily skin? For a while I made an effort to use some but fuck me if it didn't cause my face to be terribly greasy and filmy. And that was using "simple" brand, i.e. meant to have little unnecessary ingredients. Does anyone know of a matter one, preferably non-scented? I tried powder over the top but it looked really bad, and my face got sweaty and hot additionally, like I could just feel it clogging my pores man.

>> No.6497132

How important/useful is lipliner? I generally just wear lip gloss and none of the ones I have are very pigmented.

>> No.6497144

lipliner is used for many different reasons, color alone is one of the less common ones.

they can help prevent feathering of the lip color, also known as bleeding. when the color spreads from the lips to the area around the mouth- most commonly in the wrinkles around the mouth.
they can help intensify color, so if you're wearing a red lip color it's smart to line your lips as well as fill them in so there is red under the red lipstick.
they help give longer life and wear time to lipsticks, having the dry pigment under the wet pigment helps it stay longer.
they make your lips look fuller, more even, just general shape correction stuff. if your cupids bow is wonky, or you have a very thin upper lip with a thick lower lip you can over draw to even your lips out.

but if you only wear gloss don't wear lip liner.
i only use lip liners when i want to change my lip shape, wear really dark lips, or really light lips.

>> No.6497157

Asian sunscreens are supposed to be really good. Musings of a Muse has a good number of reviews.

>> No.6498604
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I'm having trouble determining my eye shape. I think I've looked at them for so long that I just can't figure it out anymore. Any help??

>> No.6498642
File: 201 KB, 789x314, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your eyes are partially hooded.
It's shit. I've got one full hood and one partial.

>> No.6498719
File: 49 KB, 395x133, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help with my eyeshape. I've looked on so many tutorials but I can't seem to be able to determine my eye shape for the life of me...

>> No.6498892

Does anyone who has bought from COSTSELL on amazon know where they are shipping from (it usually says on the package)? I something I ordered from them shipped today and I'm hopping it'll be here sooner rather than later.

>> No.6498915

Okay, I'm tired of this shit
I have a very oily T-zone and acne that won't go away no matter what (those little fuckers)
I need a face primer that will keep my face matte throughout the day, the one I have now sucks big time
>Yes I mad
I will be eternally grateful for any tips concerning primers, t-zones and acne

>> No.6498925

I know that feel, anon.
I have one partial and one non-hooded. One always looks droopy, fuck!
Also does anyone have that eye shape chart?

>> No.6498927

i really like Boscia's pore minimizing primer thingy. it looks beautiful under makeup and invisible on it's own, use it twice daily and you will see results.

not everyone fits into one category, or sometimes any, sometimes your a mixture of so many that you just aren't any or them
i would say almond, possibly wide set but i can't really tell because it's a close up. your face shape does effect your eye shape.

>> No.6498945

Will look in to that one, thank you very much!

>> No.6498954

I recently read that most loose powders and mineral powders are mostly made from cornstarch, and that cornstarch alone can work as a setting powder. Well I tried it, and it's awesome. It cost me a dollar and I don't have to reapply any powder or blot my face the rest of the day. It's actually better than the compact powder I've previously used.

>> No.6498972

Do you have any tips on how to do this well?

>> No.6499109

I just dip my brush into the cornstarch, tap off the excess, and then brush on and buff it in. It would probably be better with a powder puff, but I don't have one. Nothing complicated at all. As I said, cornstarch is very cheap, so you can waste and practise as much as you want without feeling guilty about wasting money.

>> No.6499128

I have some cornstarch actually, I am going to try that tomorrow. I thought a powder puff might work but I just was curious. Thanks!

>> No.6499133

Can you guys share your skin care routines? In the morning I use a cleanser, then a toner, and finally a gel moisturizer, but my night routine is seriously lacking. I'm almost 19 and I want to keep my skin healthy and as wrinkle-free as possible. I bought a Nuxe Reve de Miel night cream, and it's okay, but I don't feel like it's really doing anything for my skin. Does anyone have any night/eye care product recommendations?

>> No.6500652
File: 74 KB, 320x385, 6802595_320x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a good routine yet as I am still trying out products that work well for my skin.

I will say though that I just started using Neutrogena's Rapid Clear 2-in-1 Fight & Fade Gel and noticed results right away. I've used a bunch of other OTC products before but this one really started working for me rather quickly.

I had an issue with acne along my jawline and hairline and over night this stuff reduced it and made most of it go away.
I'm on my third day (Applying only once after I wash my face before I go to bed) and I noticed that my skin feels supple in the morning and throughout the next day.

I've noticed that some of the acne scars have faded too.

Only issue is that it's a really small tube for 8-10 dollars and if you forget to put sunblock on your face your skin will start to sting.

Other than that I haven't come across anything to complain about.

>> No.6503069

I just got a Dillard's giftcard... with no idea wtf to spend it on(middle aged woman store imo) so I'm just going to opt for makeup, I guess.

Can anyone suggest to me a mascara that they carry for long, not particularly thick eyelashes that don't curl as easily?
I've been using Diorshow for a long time now and I'm finding it really ends up drying up fast and I've been noticing with this last tube that I bought it's not keeping my eyelashes curled as much anymore.
But if all else fails, I'll probably just re-buy it since my last tube has already dried up on me.

>> No.6503097

Urban Decay Big Fatty, and a good eyelash curler. like, the Japanese S band one, can't think of how to say it.

i have very long lashes but my lash curler never worked on them, but i got those two and now i get asked regularly if my lashes are fake.

>> No.6503125

Eff. I saw that recommendation earlier in the thread, I really wish they carried that makeup brand so I could pick that up.

I might just have to ebay this thing.

>> No.6503137

Get Mac haught and naughty. They have Mac at Dillard's.

>> No.6503142

it's only $20, which isn't like a lot but it's not too much. so if i were you i'd get a really good makeup remover with your gift card and then just get Big Fatty.

because literally it takes 3 washes to get it off. the stuff sticks.

>> No.6503196

Diorshow is kinda like that too, so I'm definitely used to it. I was just trying to figure out what I could even buy with this thing.. but I'll just settle for trying to sell this giftcard I guess.

The reviews for that don't really look very impressive, I'd opt to just re-buy diorshow.. Thanks for the recommendation, though.

>> No.6503209

hmmm, i have never been to dillards sorry i can't help more.

>> No.6503217

I know this is a commonly asked question, but any tips for blackheads/large pores? I've had problems with them for ages, tried OCM, pore strips, the works. Nothing seems to stick.

Related, anyone ever tried either of these? They look good...


>> No.6503232

Do they have Benefit at Dillard's? Their "They're Real!" mascara is pretty fantastic, imo.

>> No.6503373
File: 53 KB, 315x573, SAM_1390_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a test for future reference~ How does it look? :D

>> No.6503380
File: 174 KB, 600x800, Gyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to post something girly as well, since that is what I mostly do :D What do you think everyone? I tried to do a gyaru-ish look, How did I do?

>> No.6503388

I recently got one of those Olay knockoffs of the clarisonic. My skin's been doing better since then. I also use the clean and clear blackhead mask, doesn't work as well as what I used to use (which is discontinued) but it does better than nothing.

>> No.6503394

super pretty! what contacts are those?

>> No.6503412

I want to stick my dick inbetween those fat lips.

>> No.6503413

Nothing gyaru about it, not even -ish.
It's nice, but nothing outside of the average that would require feedback.

>> No.6503419

>not even -ish
>circle lens
>false lashes

while i agree it's not gyaru, to say there is ~nothing about it that even shows it's supposed to be~ is a bit off. like yeah in /cgl/ that's regular makeup. but not in the real world.

you look cute, but it's not gyaru. you need more facial sculpting, and your eyemakeup is too simple.
but it's still cute girly makeup. i'd just recommend some more blusher.

>> No.6503422
File: 182 KB, 800x600, SAM_2687_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess mimi sesame grey :)
Oh I see. I'm no everyday gyaru, So I wouldn't know, that's why I cam here. What about this? This is a newer photo and I guess I've been practising a bit. What do you think?

>> No.6503430

Thank you. I guess I look too much at korean idols and gyarus, I kinda mix them together. I don't like my face with too much contour (I don't own any matching color yet v_v) But I'm going to Thailand this summer, I'll definitely get some to try out! :D I just like my face without contouring and blush, Is it too simple for the Gyaru style?

>> No.6503428 [DELETED] 

You're confusing gyaru with ulzzang. Gyaru is essentially Japanese women mimicking caucasians/western fashion. Just wearing makeup and curling your hair doesn't means hit.

>> No.6503432

You're confusing gyaru with ulzzang. Gyaru is essentially Japanese women mimicking caucasians/western fashion. Just wearing makeup and curling your hair doesn't mean shit.

>> No.6503434

I know the difference between the two. I wanted some feedback on how to make it better, that's what I came here for. But I feel like you're being a little offensive.

>> No.6503435


>> No.6503436

yes it is. like, even if you don't go all out with the face you need to have really heavy eyes.

it is very k-idol inspired though, obviously.

>> No.6503438

Hehe I see. I'll try some heavier eyemake next time. Thank you c:

>> No.6503440

not really "heavier" but more. like, the upper and lower lid should be lined with white or peach eyeliner on the lower lid.
and a heavier contour on your upper eyelid, to make it appear more round.

>> No.6503442
File: 293 KB, 458x344, tellmeimpretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 9000 hrs in paint, etc

>> No.6503446

I see. I'll try it out, and probably post it in here later c: Thank you for the feedback

>> No.6503450

What's the best BB cream for acne prone skin? I'm using Clinique for now, but are Korean brands better overall?

>> No.6503456

I think the seagull should be on Trixie's face.

>> No.6503464

but she's asking seagulls to tell her she's pretty

>> No.6503469


>> No.6504340
File: 32 KB, 228x350, gemmaward4nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help? I have really wide-set eyes, it's not noticeable usually since I wear glasses, but when I'm wearing circle lenses my eyes look even wider apart than they usually are. How do you apply makeup to make it look closer together, but not look too contoured (as most makeup tutorials tend to recommend, ugh)?

Pic kind of related, my eye distance is kind of similar to Gemma Ward's, except I have round Asian eyes.

>> No.6504343

Apply your eyeliner right to the inner corner of your eyes, and don't wing it out too far. focusing on the inner corner will bring your eyes closer together while focusing on the outer edge will pull them further apart.

>> No.6504353
File: 30 KB, 269x72, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make my eyes look bigger without circle lens and fake lashes?

>> No.6504357

I want to look kAwAiI and young like most other people here, but make-up sets me back. Without make-up I'm really average and with it I'm pretty, but wearing it makes me look a lot older than I am (I'm 19, it makes me looks like I'm in my 20s). It's just basic stuff - concealer, foundation, lip stain, blush and mascara, so I don't know why it ages me so much. Is there any way I can wear make-up while still looking young, or even a style of wearing it that can make me look younger than I am?

>> No.6504359

Do you have a higher res picture? Typically eyeliner and mascara will draw focus to you eyes, not necessarily making them bigger, but more noticeable. Depending on how your lids are structured will determined how and where you apply eyeliner though curling and then applying mascara generally works if you want too go more 'natural'

>> No.6504362

How and what shades do you wear exactly? it can be small things contributing to it since certain shades can age a person over other ones. It may also be your features themselves that when they are defined with make up just makes you look older.

>> No.6504414


sorry, not atm
i don't have many pictures of myself. will try to get one later.

>> No.6504417

>>6504343 here, wouldn't that look kind of harsh? And would slightly darker eyeshadow by the inner eye area help? Most tuts tend to emphasize darker eyeshadow on the outer corners on the eyes, but it just makes me look kind of... Really spaced out and much younger than i actually am, tbh.

>> No.6504479 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 640x480, bowwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i get my eyes to look bigger/doe-eyed and downplay my ugly nose? i've been thinking of buying fake lashes but i don't know what type i should get...

>> No.6504482

Shut the fuck up. You're a cute girl.

>> No.6504495

You're so cute. I don't like my nose either, but at least you don't have horrible dark circles like mine

>> No.6504499 [DELETED] 

thank you! but i really want makeup tips, i just want to look really pretty...
thank you for your compliment!! i've never had dark circles but i usually sleep 5~4 hours so i guess it's a blessing...

>> No.6504521
File: 37 KB, 251x355, emg-zipper801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think amo's eyemazing lashes would be a good call. Just stay away from harsh-looking, hostess-like eyelashes and you should be fine. You're pretty darn cute, btw.

>> No.6504674

you're such a cute girl

>> No.6504688

Just because she uses circle lenses and falsies, doesn't make it anything near gyaru by default, no. I can wear red lipstick and cat eyeliner, but that doesn't make me rockabillyish.

>> No.6504746


you have really nice eyes/lips, makeup's good - have you considered dying your hair a more honey blonde?

>> No.6504764

wow you're pretty ugly. only surgery can fix that nose, sorry.

>> No.6504790

There are a few of this collection on cosmetic-love for cheaper.

>> No.6504789


I use light pink stain for my lips and cheeks, and black mascara. I don't use any eyeshadows or lipsticks or anything heavy.

>> No.6505230


Where the hell is Gemma Ward anyway? She was well on her way to becoming the next Kate Moss...

>> No.6505326

you honestly look fine. try contouring your nose maybe? it doesn't look ugly at all to me, but maybe you could post a better picture with you looking straight towards the camera. it's hard to really tell what your nose looks like because of the lighting and angle.

>> No.6505339

Can anyone recommend some natural looking falsies to wear during the day? I've tried a bunch of Ardell lashes, but my eyes are so huge they just look ridiculous.

>> No.6505559
File: 17 KB, 369x141, Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do with my eyes in terms of makeup to provide the illusion that I look younger than I do, compared to with normal makeup applied?

>> No.6505564

can anyone recommend a good green primer other than smashbox? i only need a small tube like what the ulzzang pony used in one of her tutorials, because only my cheeks get red and not oily like the rest of my face.

>> No.6505582

And your general coloration? Sorry I forgot to ask before. If you're towards the fairer/paler end black mascara may be too heavy causing too much contrast, particularly if you don't have black hair/brows to match. Do you have a pic because it otherwise sound like you're doing everything right.

Your features are similar to mine so I recommend this
>Line the upper lid (at least) and apply mascara, fake eyelashes too if you wish
>If you line the lower lid, only do so half way from the out corner to the center, and on the lash line
>apply white eyeliner/shadow on the inner corners of your eye (and if you have white liner, along the water line as well; you don't have to take it from corner to corner)
>Use an earthy pink for your lips, gloss preferred

Also let you bangs grow out and side sweep them; I know it's thing to have blunt/hime cut bangs but they widen the face, and emphasize a "broad" nose. When you have a "big" nose the best thing to do is draw attention to other parts of your face.

>> No.6505620
File: 1.68 MB, 1281x1711, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for my giant sunk in eyes? I feel I have an odd face, and most makeup tutorials make me look awful.
I have most issues with eyeshadows and liners. I just have so much eyeball.

>> No.6505641

More sleep might help?

>> No.6505666

Google makeup tutorials specifically for "deep set" eyes, which is what you appear to have. Accentuated properly, you could totally get the huge doe-eyed look going. You don't want to use much eyeliner at all, and try to stick to lighter eyeshadows. Unfortunately I don't have deep set eyes myself so these are just general tips I've heard.

>> No.6505673

Get reborn with better genes, or just rub cum in your eyes, the broteins will help

>> No.6505697
File: 55 KB, 468x515, twiggydm200207_468x5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're lovely as you are, and you eyes have amazing potential! Lightening up around them with a light eyeshadow will bring them forward.
You definitely have lovely doe eyes many people would die for.

>> No.6505741

Because your eyes are deep set you don't really need to work much with shadows; if you just line your eyes, or even apply just some mascara you would be fine.

I also recommend giving your brows some definition as well to frame your face better overall.

I wish I could help with undereye stuff, but I'm still working on that myself.

>> No.6505806

Thank you. Yes I have, but I like dark hair and I'm too afraid to bleach it ;_; But I'm gonna purchase a blonde wig someday, and if I like it, maybe I'll dye it afterwards n_n

>> No.6505878
File: 11 KB, 640x197, IMG_20121214_172239-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody tell me what type of eyes do i have , i cant figure it out ;_;

>> No.6505886


>> No.6505887

consider lightening brows
if not, just use light pink/ other light tones around the eye

>> No.6505888

looks wide set to me

>> No.6505967 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-11-08 at 18.14 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this picture i'm wearing black mascara but that's all. nope my nose is very ugly and puffy!! i hope you can see how it looks like here. i'm pretty fair but my cheeks are a tad red; i'm half-japanese so my face has a yellowy tone too. what brown mascara/liner would you recommend? can i do the kitten eye flicks or will they make my eyes smaller? i just want to look like a doll....

>> No.6505971 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 240x320, hwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, i also wanted to ask about hairstyles! would the side-swept fringe be something like the picture? i like my blunt bangs because i think they look cute but unfortunately they don't flatter my face, i guess...

>> No.6505979 [DELETED] 

marry me

>> No.6505986


Seriously, what's up with these asian selfposting and fishing for compliments? It just makes you look desperate and attention-whorey.

>>>/soc/ is this way

>> No.6505991

How are they supposed to ask for specific makeup tips if they don't post their faces? Double standards...

>> No.6505993

racist jelly white girl detected

>> No.6505994

But we've already seen her face we don't need to see it over and over again she's not even eye catching she's plain jane tier.

>> No.6505996

I'm not even that anon but get the fuck over yourself she's just a normal looking asian girl.

>> No.6505997

What? I just said that because she's ONLY complaining about the Asians and not the white girls who selfposted. Get the stick out of your booty.
>not even that anon

>> No.6505999

>average but has a few attractive points asian girl posts
>"gosh look at her attention whoring because she posts pictures of her face"

ahaha look at you girls

>> No.6506001

Wow, ok... I deleted my old picture so only the one where you can see my face properly is here. I'm not fishing for compliments, I'm just trying to get some makeup tips...

>> No.6506003

>being this upset because some Asian girl is prettier than you
HAHAHAHAHA no. No one even brought up her looks but you're attacking with "she's just plain!1!!!11!!!!" comments.

>> No.6506007

Whiteknight harder bitch be as plain as it gets.

>> No.6506010

jesus christ you guys flip your shit for nothing

>> No.6506014

Yeah let's attack the girl who posted her face to get makeup advice because she's fug!!

sage because maaaan, some people are imbeciles.

>> No.6506015

No one said she wasn't, but you keep telling yourself everyone's a whiteknight.

>> No.6506019

hey man I'm a dude and all
I don't even know why I ventured this thread
but you just sounded so
I can't explain but just ugly

so you girls gonna get on with the make up tips or

>> No.6506045
File: 2.07 MB, 464x371, 1349192225472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jealous of master race? ;)
>lol i typed rice instead of race at first

>> No.6506064

>implying asians are the best race

>> No.6506082

hmm, so try the nose contouring then, especially around the tip. you can use non-shiny/glittery eyeshadow if you can't find actually contouring powder, i believe. to make your eyes look a little bitter, maybe try more natural looking circle lenses that are only slightly enlarging and dark brown.

her other picture wasn't very good. it was at an angle and really bad quality. this one is much better.

>> No.6506085

better* hurrr

>> No.6506114

She is not a good example of "master race".

>> No.6506131 [DELETED] 

I don't understand you guys. I came to this thread saying "I'm not happy with my face; please give me advice" and you tell me I'm not pretty enough and that I shouldn't be posting? My "attractiveness" as it stands is not the matter right now, I never said I was pretty nor did I ask for compliments. What I did say is that I wanted to be pretty! I didn't selfpost on a cosplay photo thread and say 'lol im so ugly!!' waiting for the flood of compliments. All I did was ask for help. What is the point of help threads if you're just going to bash the people who post themselves here? Thanks to the people who gave tips, I'll make sure I try them and improve my makeup skills.

>> No.6506142

looking for some blushes

what brands?

cream or powder

>> No.6506144
File: 44 KB, 270x199, 1344219069066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /cgl, honey. If you can't take the fire stay off the internet.

>> No.6506147

Are you new to /cgl/? If so I'm gonna tell you now that you need to let it go and not, I repeat, DO NOT respond to people shittalking you. It only makes you into a bigger target and can often encourage other people to join in.

Also, relax. It's like one or maybe two people tops being dicks out of several others that have told you you're fine the way you are.

>> No.6506150

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.6506332

I'm attractive with make-up and without it I'm average and quite plain - until I learnt how to use it I was bullied pretty often about the way I looked, or even get outright insulted by strangers, but with it on I get compliments quite a lot and people are much nicer to me.

It doesn't take long to do make-up everyday but I hate being so dependent on it. Is there anything I can do to look better and attractive without needing it?

>> No.6506376

it sucks about your eyebags -- mine are similar and it's impossible to get rid of or completely conceal. like other people were saying, just put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. it'll do a lot for you, since you have a nice face. if you get hair that suits your face shape, you'll look amazing

>> No.6506377

Not really. But take care of your skin (and hair) and you'll look better.

Also using 'no make up make up' techniques are always good (provided you don't do this already.)

>> No.6506391

yeah, the other anon is correct. you do seem quite new, because the only thread that people are generally less bitchy in is the recommendation thread. even in the wywt and wip threads, people get catty as fuck.

what do you do with your makeup that is changing your appearance in what seems to be a drastic manner? is it possible you just feel more confident with makeup and then project a better aura when you're wearing makeup? whereas without makeup you might seem shy/insecure. believe me, shy and insecure people give off a vibe that sometimes makes people want to be mean.

>> No.6506484


It's just basic stuff, like lip balm, foundation and mascara. I don't bother to do eyeshadow or stuff like that. I think it's making my eyelashes really stand out that helps me look better, but I can't think of any way to make them darker and thicker apart from make-up.


Thanks for the video, I try to make it as natural as possible.

>> No.6506593


>> No.6506604

>tfw don't wear makeup, never could do it properly despite trying a dozen different things and want to post picture here so that the pretty /cgl/ girls who i trust dearly can help me but too scared
;_; forever ugly... oh well.

>> No.6506630

Its an advice thread, its okay! Other girls have posted photos as well

>> No.6506639

Don't worry, advice threads like these overall are much nicer. They are kind of the reason why I started posting regularly on /cgl/

>> No.6506641
File: 640 KB, 500x375, 1337050910396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they arent
stay mad with your inferior genes!

>> No.6506892

Hilariously this one >>6503380 attentionwhores on /soc/ a lot...

>> No.6506925

ah, that's true. if you have light and/or short eyelashes, mascara can do a lot for your face. good, even skin or the appearance of it, is obviously fundamental. do you have uneven skin in general or acne or something? if you don't want to feel like you're wearing foundation, try tinted moisturizer.

you can also get your eyelashes tinted so that you don't have to wear mascara. i'm not sure if it's good for you or how long it lasts, but maybe someone in this thread knows. there are also eyelash extensions that you can get done that last a few weeks. my friend would get them done, and they looked awesome, but again, i'm not sure about the cost or if they're damaging.

>> No.6506949
File: 647 KB, 896x1076, coles face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one make a convincing fake scar. pic related

>> No.6506963

Rigid collodion. Shit's expensive, but totally worth it

>> No.6508390

Since this is a make up thread wouldn't hurt to ask. I'm looking for reviews on Tattoo Coverup makeup. I have rather large ones and I've been told there was a certain on that works okay. I'm trying to cover two of them up for a sleeveless cosplay.

>> No.6508404

So I imediatly thought of Zombie Boy and the ad thing he did for Dermablend:


You aren't as crazy covered as he is, and professional make up artists did cover his tats but that's at least a good place to start.

Kat Von D also has tattoo cover up make up as well, and I've heard it was used well for blemishes and scars, not sure about actual tattoos.

>> No.6508418

I'd like to know if they're worth buying!

MAC studio fix
benefit pore minimizer
Chanel Primer

>> No.6508422

Hey in the skin care threads, someone mentioned this wax used for scar treatment that works really well but it's not popularized in America yet. Does anyone remember what it was called?
Also general products to help get rid of scars would be great. Please? My friend asked for my help and I would like to give him a definitive answer about something that could work.

>> No.6508438


and I forgot, Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer?

>> No.6508439

Dermablend is god teir
youtu . be / KtUUOxskTA0

Kat Von D works okay, but not as well as Dermablend.

>> No.6508448

i don't like Studio Fix, it's for people with dry to normal skin. normal to oily or oil should never wear MAC foundation in my opinion.
i'm not a fan of MAC foundations, though. like for the price you can get much nicer foundations. it's not "bad" obviously, but it's not as good as you can get.

anything Benefit is going to be nice, just don't expect miracles from pore minimizers. they can't make your pores smaller than their natural size.
Chanel isn't my favorite makeup just for the prize line, but you will get what you pay for. it will feel silky, perfect, and beautiful.

i don't like it, for a concealer. it doesn't give me the coverage i want unless i really work with it. CoverFX's ConcealFX is much nicer. and i like NARS stick concealer. beautiful products.

but her foundation is amazing, it's my favorite foundation and i really doubt i will stray away from it. i use one pump from the lightest and second lightest and mix them and i can use it for almost a week. 2 pumps of foundation lasting 6 days is fucking insane. and i rarely use concealer on top of it. and everyone always tells me i look airbrushed.

>> No.6508449

>prize line
price line

>> No.6508518

Do anyone here color their eyebrows the same color as their wig!?

I find it hard to pull off and even then I still think it looks weird to do this

>> No.6508543

i do, when i do blonde or like pink/red/blue/whatever wig for cosplay or Lolita at a convention.

i bleach my eyebrows until they're a yellow blonde and then fill them in with whatever color i need. i find lipstick works very well if you need a pink or red eyebrow, then set it with eyeshadow.

>> No.6508653

Anybody else have eyebrows infinitely darker than their natural hair color? I do and I fucking hate it.

>> No.6508655


I'm in the opposite situation to you; I have red hair but my brows and lashes look nonexistant. I have mine darkened; you could try bleaching yours?

>> No.6508982

I have issues with very dry/chapped lips, which is frustrating for me as lipstick is pretty much a staple for my makeup routine (even without wearing it I just look disgusting with plain, chapped lips). I thought it may be dehydration but I've been drinking a stupid amount of water every day for about three weeks now with no improvement. Does anyone have any tips for what I could do to fix this? Is there some sort of exfoliating product or remedy I can throw together at home? Thank you in advance.

>> No.6508988

Chanel Primer is alright, I prefer Laura Mercier or even Makeup Forever HD Primer.

Benefit Pore Minimizer, not even worth a look.

Mac StudioFix... Urban Forever has better stuff.

>> No.6509019

I have this problem as well, haven't found anything to fix it.

>> No.6509026


I had this problem too. I solved it by scrubbing my lips with one of Lush's sugar scrubs (Mine is the lovely mint one.), then slathering my lips with Clinique Dramatically Different moisturiser. I then use a lip balm (Not sure what mine is as I can't find it, it's caramel scented though.) after the moisturiser has sunk in and then I roll. It works. If you need to wear lipsticks, buy ones labelled as having hydrating formulas and shit like that.

>> No.6509360
File: 112 KB, 400x638, 1_29_10_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509371
File: 767 KB, 2048x1152, sephora19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend is taking me to Sephora so I can get my christmas gifts. What have you guys used that you would recommend?
I already have the original Naked Palette, UD primer potion, benefit's cheek and lip stain, and brushes from sephora.
I don't need eyeliner because I have the one from NYX and revlon that I like a lot.

My skin is combination. Dry on the cheeks and forehead, but a bit oily on the t-zone.
I'm not really looking for a foundation, because my skin is pretty even, but I do need a good concealor that I can use. Something that looks kinda of natural while sill covering my undereye circles.

>> No.6509492

Clinique has some pretty good mascaras. And if you're interested in skincare, Fresh has a nice clay bar mask.

>> No.6509494

I hate mac studio fix. I tried both the liquid and powder. I ordered the lightest cool shade but it still made my face yellow and even the tiniest bit used made me look cakey. However I love Ladyblush. Perfect staple blush for everyday looks.

>> No.6509496

Has anyone tried the ELF brow kit? I've been hearing some really good reviews about it and it's only 3$.

>> No.6509501
File: 167 KB, 1440x810, Dio.Eraclea.full.1038816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap here. New to makeup.

- Tips on covering up beard shadow? I'm experimenting with the red lipstick trick but it just doesn't look right to me.
- How would one conceivably achieve this look that Dio has going on here?

>> No.6509611


we need a picture of your chin

>> No.6509669

peach tints are supposed to combat the grey of beard shadow, but i can't offer more advice than that.

as for the makeup, just perfect skin with proper contouring to make your face look angular- eyeliner with a wing, and for the eyeshadow you can do it literal to the picture. just put on that yellowy orange color in a block or you can do it artistically to your face shape.

>> No.6509679

how easy is it to get a prescription for that, especially if you're young?

>> No.6509700

You'd need to get your skin flawless like porcelain (concealer, foundation, powder), then use a nude lipstick (and probably some gloss), dark brown liquid or gel eyeliner for the wing, and gold eyeshadow probably along the outer half of your lid (I wouldn't go as far out as he did. It will not look good on you.) You could also look up some cosplay makeup tutorials on youtube for tips on how to make your eyes appear more bishie-like (use dark brown on the creases, white on the water line, etc.)

>> No.6509838

At the start of winter I get horribly chapped lips that turn big and puffy an just painful. I just try to hydrate as much as I can and apply a lip balm regularly. Burt's Bees I think makes the best lip balm ever and their tinted balms are good too (the one I have matches the color of my lips, but they have a few different shades of red and pink.)

Otherwise I've been meaning to try the DIY lip scrub on this >>6486771 ; un-petroleum jelly has always left my skin/lips really soft and the raw sugar would act as a scrub.

>> No.6510047

Can anyone recommend a good black lipstick? I'd like some but no clue who makes a decent tube.

>> No.6510061

Illamasqua and Make Up For Ever have good ones.
I use MUFE's black lipstick and it works really fucking well.

>> No.6510157


You do know that its just dry tissue hanging on your lips, if you would brush your lips after you brush your teeth. you won't have chapped lips that often otherwise I'd just keep drying more

>> No.6510163

Oh and i forget, brush gently, you'll see results in 2-3 days

>> No.6510165

I've tried that before it really didn't do much of anything for my lips, winter or not.

>> No.6511908


Wait, what?

>> No.6512975

With lips, a combination of dehydration + exposure to central heating/dry air/cold air and switching between them is often the problem people have in winter. Brushing lips that are already irritated and dry without trying at least a little to correct whatever the underlying cause is will only be a temporary fix. Personally I find a soft flannel better than a brush. A good protective lip balm with SPF and hydration is about all you can do in winter.

>> No.6512985

He said "look", not trap look. Besides, Dio does look girly-ish in the face.

>> No.6513764

Retard faggot trying to pick a fight over nothing.

>> No.6513927

seagulls, i'm looking to start wearing fale eyelashes.
are there any tips/tricks for beginners?
what are some good brands for beginners as well?

>> No.6513936

Can anyone give me some of their experiences or opinions on Clinique?
I bought some of their BB cream from Macy's and so far it works pretty well. It definitely looks a lot better than my Neutrogena/drugstore brand liquid foundation.
My main problem is that sometimes when I put on the makeup (especially if it's kind of warm) I get these little tiny beads of water on my face and it makes the makeup look weird or smudge. Sometimes I have to take some tissue paper and dab it off.

Does anyone else experience this problem?
I've tried primers and lotions, but idk.
I'm open for recommendations.

>> No.6515403

Get one of those plastic lash applicators. Some people can put them on really easily; I am not one of those and they really help. Not sure about brands since I'm cheap and usually get them from Daiso/dollar stores

>> No.6515435

Just get a cheap pair for now. When you get a new pair, make sure they fit your eyes - trim them if they are too long.

There are a couple of options for glue. If you get the squeeze tube type, you can squeeze the glue direction onto the lashline, just don't be too heavy-handed except for the endpoints. I like to put a dab of glue on the back of my hand and just roll the lashes past it so that I get an even distribution of glue. There are also tubes of glue that looks more like mascara with a brush which might be easier to use.

Either way, wait at least 10 to 15 seconds so the glue gets tacky, and then stick them on. You can get an applicator like >>6515403
said, or your fingers. I like using tweezers because I suck at using my fingers and I can make adjustments quickly before the glue dries.

As for brands, I just go with cheap lashes like from Daiso and some other Japanese brands. I like them better because their base line is more rigid and easier to put on, but they are heavier and for me, more prone to irritation of the eyes. I tried lashes from Eylure (a US brand) and was actually impressed with how soft and natural the lashes are, but I find them harder to put on.

>> No.6519371

What what be the best thing to use for getting rid of spots that were left from former pimples?

>> No.6519374

*What would, my bad.

>> No.6522610

Lemon I think but not alone.

>> No.6522938

This probably sounds weird, but I have texture issues with getting my hands wet and washing my face. I don't like the texture of wash cloths either, and my face gets extremely dry if I don't wash it every day.

Does anyone have suggestions for something I could use that would help me wash/exfoliate my face without being expensive? Looked into Clarisonic but, expensive, and most of the reviews I read said it's really good for acne, not really for dry skin. Any face brushes or something similar that would be useful?

>> No.6522947

you can get non-electronic brushes at Sephora, or some Targets/Walmarts but not everyone has them. they are like up to $20

they're nice.

>> No.6522973

Hey Charms, what heated eyelash curler do you recommend?

>> No.6525346
File: 78 KB, 269x107, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye type? sage for selfpost

>> No.6525469

whats a good brand of foundation primer?

>> No.6525838
File: 43 KB, 500x280, loreal-go-clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this, L'Oreal Go 360 Clean. It comes with a little scrubby thing. It works really well for me.