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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 337x400, kids-awesome-dope-3-337x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6481995 No.6481995 [Reply] [Original]

seagulls, tell me your con romance stories
i know you have some good ones

>> No.6482002 [DELETED] 

Imagine wedging your cock between their lips

>> No.6482027
File: 84 KB, 500x368, 1332309314032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like cons are not a good breeding ground for romance.

Sure, you may meet someone, or someone you may already have interest in might do something cute, but I don't think they're where romance really -happens-.

>first con
>in love with dudebro
>friendzoned by dudebro
>staying in a hotel room with eight people
>mutual friend, fatfag decides to also stay in hotel room
>another girl in hotel room, fatslut, decides it's time to hook up with fatfag
>oh hell no
>stay up all night staring at them in the dark ready to slap hands when they make their way down to crotches
>fatslut spends all night resting her hand on fatfag's hip; he inches away every few minutes but she snuggles up to him
>all night I watch as they slowly but surely move around the floor of the room like bloated slugs

dudebro had a pretty good night though, he took some nyquil and passed out on the couch and I felt sad for passing up the chance to sleep next to him in favor of being the designated cockblocker

six months later we got together though so it was all good

>> No.6482045


why would you cock block the fatfag if you dont like him? its prob the only time he can get some smelly pussy...Smelly Con Pussy. yea.
i can understand if like...they smell like shit or something , and you dont wanna smell em, i guess lol

>> No.6482061

Fatfag was a bro. But he was also gay.

Fatslut was a typical smelly landwhale con slut. She didn't get it.

Also even if he wasn't gay, who wants to listen to two people having sex in a hotel room with 8 people in it? This wasn't a suite or anything, it was a bare bones one-bed one-shower half-a-window type room.

>> No.6482080

Cons are literally the worst way to try and meet anyone for something serious. Worse than clubs, bars, etc.

>> No.6482096
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>Get super drunk before A-kon rave
>hook up with hot girl at rave
>Bring girl back to hotel room for a night of romance
>She goes down on me and starts sucking me off
>Pull her pants off
>dick flops out
>Keeps going
Except he wasn't a trap.
It was just a man
I had sex with a man

>> No.6482099

I met my boyfriend at Otakon 2010!
We're from a fairly small city, and have a couple of mutual friends, but it was the first con I ever went to. We hadn't met before, but happened to be in the same group of folks heading down to the con, so we ended up in a 2-room suite together with a bunch of other people.
He was cosplaying as a Hunter from L4D, I happened to be cosplaying Zoey, we spent the whole con pretending to kill each other. It was glorious; I'd never enjoyed myself more.
At the time, though, I was underage, so I think we just kind of mutually decided to leave it alone for the time being.
But by Otakon 2011, we didn't have to anymore! :D hooked up on the first day of the con, and we've been inseparable ever since then. We work on cosplay together! I do the sewing, he does the props.

>> No.6482144
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hmmmm okay. sure. i'll share.

i'd been cosplaying about a year, and had worn my Zexion cosplay to a few con's previously. small group of friends, I don't talk all that much and tend to just organize hotels and whatnot in the background. Anime North comes along, my entire hotel group is wearing Kingdom Hearts for the Saturday shoot.
Around 10am we're wandering around the con, and I suppose we're fairly noticeable. We had a Roxas with a keyblade, Sora with a keyblade, a Lexaeus with an axe, a Xaldin with a spear, a Xemnas with two lightsabers, a Namine with a filled sketch book, and myself with my lexicon. We get ambushed by cameras the second we get out front.

The first break after standing there for a good fifteen minutes, this Demyx cosplayer comes running out of the crowd and over to me. tells me she think's i'm perfect, and asks for a hug.

I indulge my otp feelings, and give her a hug. tell her there's a photoshoot at 1, and I hope to see her there.

i do.
gosh she's pretty.
i stand next to her.
wow holy crap she is really pretty and funny and sweet.
We chit chat, I make attempts to flirt and fail horribly. I speak to her friend who's taking pictures after the shoot, ask "is that into girls, and is she single." "she's in a relationship right now." Dreams are crushed. she's a total cutie, and i decide yes, I will keep her as a friend because she's super nice and not awful like the rest of the crowd. My little brother (Roxas) asks about the hot Demyx cosplayer, "No, I already asked. Taken." "Awww no way, the good ones are always taken." We're disappointed together, but spend the rest of the weekend hanging out with her and her friends. We exchange emails, phone numbers, but the con ends and I expect to never hear from her again because that's how i'd been told it went....


>> No.6482154
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(and the rest)

She text me the whole way home. turns out she broke up with her girlfriend the sunday of AN because she couldn't deal with her freaking out that she'd gone to the convention without her. It had been done for months and she'd needed a reason to actually end it. Two weeks of talking all every day, thousands of texts and 3am msn conversations later, I'm invited to go over to her house. She tells me that she's pretty smitten. Me too. But I wanted to wait and actually hang out with her outside of cosplay, have her show me around her town and what not.
I took the Go Train over, we had a really dorky date at the river behind her house, caught cray fish in our barefeet like idiots, and then headed home to watch Silent Hill. Her parents asked me to stay the night, sure, yes please, still have to ask her the whole girlfriend thing. 1am rolls around, we're both starting to nod off, and I ask her if she'd like to be my girlfriend. I get a kiss and a "uh, yeah?".

It'll be two and a half years on December 26th, and I keep the go train ticket from that trip pined to my cork board above my desk.

We've moved fandoms an awful lot since way back then, but every time we cosplay, its a pairing we ship.

and you get a non-cosplay picture too. because why not.

>> No.6482158


>> No.6482180
File: 4 KB, 210x230, 1324435591220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 year old "lesbians"
>real romance stories

Yeah sure, okay.

>> No.6482200


...i was just thinking that.

rainbow earring=/=REAL LESBIANS

>> No.6482202

.... i'm 21. not sure where you got 15 from.

>> No.6482207


That is fucking adorable. You two look precious :)

>> No.6482217

It's hard nowadays to tell who's a real lesbian or who's a "college lesbian".

>> No.6482221

just ignore them anon. your story is beautiful and I'm happy you shared it.
also, you both look like you're 15 (yes, this is supposed to be a compliment)

>> No.6482233

haha well thank you. We're actually having a pretty good laugh over their responses.

>> No.6482257

Well, this isn't really romance, but I first met my boyfriend at my first con. He was a mutual friend of mine, and was the guy who was essentially taking us there.

He was in a mediocrely done cosplay (horrible wig, inaccurate construction) but had a nice prop.

We didn't talk much and he noted me down as a yaoi fan when I was perusing the Trader's hall.

I still tease him how I first met him in a pink wig when he tries to show off his maculinity

Yeah, not much of a romance story because that's not when things started heating up. Sorry mates.

>> No.6482314
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>> No.6483477
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holy shit that's cute

>> No.6483490
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I fucking hate Kingdom Hearts and I still d'awwwed.

I technically met my guy at Fanime 08, but we didn't start really dating until...oh, about month ago. Long story there.

>> No.6483493

I once held my friends' hand that I have a strictly con-crush on while we were doing a casual couple cosplay late at night.

The end.

>> No.6483503

i'm jealous =<

>> No.6483514
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>> No.6483528

I don't have the patience or inclination to read of these walls of text, but I'll just assume it involves women making exaggerated claims over how romantic their boyfriends are and pretending to be moe lesbians.

>> No.6483555

I met my boyfriend at a convention too!

It was two years ago now, and I was cosplaying Cirno from Touhou, while he was wearing a terrible Suwako crossplay. We hung out a lot at the convention and became friends, as every touhou cosplayer did. Then we went to the arcade occasionally with friends, until nobody went anymore but the two of us, and we started dating.

Now we're together for almost two years, and even though he isn't really a cosplayer, he will cosplay pairings with me as long as I help him.

Picture related, it's me cosplaying as Marisa, giving him a blue Harvest Moon feather (he had no clue what it meant).

>> No.6483558
File: 515 KB, 1660x1245, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic... Oops

>> No.6483579

That's awesome.

>> No.6483625

I don't understand how people do it.

>Met girl at con.
>We talk.
>We hit it off.
>Hang out all day and flirt.
>Ask for number.
>"Oh I have a boyfriend sorry I didn't know you where flirting with me!"

>> No.6483637

My story isn't that romantic. We did meet at a con though.

>Met through a mutual friend's cosplay group
>Became friends
>Started dating after 4 years of friendship

>> No.6483656

I met my current boyfriend at a con. We were cosplaying from the same series on the first day, stuck together so people could get group pictures of us, and ended up spending all days of the con together. Afterwards, we continued to hang out and he eventually asked me to be his girlfriend.
Apparently he was interested in my best friend at first but once he saw me that first night back in the hotel room (we found out we were rooming right next to each other) without all the make-up and my natural hair and everything, his opinion changed. (HUGE EGO BOOST!)

Now we seem pretty close to ending, though. It's really sad to think about and I'm hoping we can reconcile before that happens.

>> No.6483678

So adorable! ; A ;

Wished it had gone that well for my gf and I, but she dumped me recently after 1 year and 8 month's togheter </3 Said she wanted to "live her life".

One of the wisest thing's a friend of mine said after that was: "Look on the bright side, one day someone will come along, and that one will be the person that won't let go <3 "

Brb, crying into a pillow.

>> No.6483700

>Never had boyfriend
>high expectations on boys
>Guys at cons in my country are horrible.
>still young, has chances.

End of sotry.

>> No.6483798

I met my boyfriend at a con. We were introduced to each other by a tripfag.
We were very drunk and had sex. I thought it would end up being a one night stand, but it turned into something pretty great. I never would've expected someone, who in my opinion, is so out of my league to actually like me.

Although it's been long distance we've now been dating for almost 2 years and are looking at moving in together.

>> No.6483813

Are you me? I met my boyfriend at a con two months ago through mutual friends, got drunk, had sex. It's such a relief to hear that such relationships can work out. It's been worrying me.

>> No.6483816 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 300x300, 1354505098855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont ever have a chance, it's over for you ~

>> No.6483827

It's not working, you are just in denial that you are a piece of side ass con fuck for your long distance "boyfriend". You and the dumb cunt above you

>> No.6483831

Shut the fuck up, /soc/ trash.

>> No.6483835 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 400x400, 1355162008851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohohoh, seems like i hit a sore spot there ~

>> No.6483859

>attentionwhore tripfag
>constantly shitposts
>posts with a /jp/-tier reaction image
>probably doesn't even know what Touhou is
>probably hasn't even played (or beaten) a single Touhou game
>posts with a trip on an ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD

Why do people like you even exist?

>> No.6483862

Oh and I forgot to add one more thing

>> No.6483863 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 460x760, 1349996292685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee-hee ~ And you get annoyed by it.
Which makes my plan work, but nice come back.

>> No.6483865

Mine is not con related
It's a little bit long

>In Army
>In Advanced Individual Training, i.e. where you learn your specific Army job skill
>It was horrible
>Every night there are alphabetical formations
>The 'R's stand behind me
>Guy stands behind me every night
>Periodically asks me how my day was, comments on my tiny tiny feet, and blows on my hair from behind
>Pay no mind, forget about him after he graduates
>2 months later I arrive brand new to my unit
>He's there and secretly excited as fuck to see me
>One day he lets me borrow his hard drive so I can copy some movies so I have something to do in my empty ass barracks room
>Upon returning it he invites me in, we hang out and watch YouTube videos
>Continues for weeks
>We take a 'single soldiers' retreat to Niagara Falls
>Asks me out
>Been dating for nearly a year
>Deploying in January
>Separate FOBS, separate companies
>No hope of seeing each other for nine months
>Going home together for winter leave

>> No.6483869

>And you get annoyed by it.
Stupid people do tend to annoy me, I have to agree with that statement.
>Which makes my plan work
You don't have a plan.
>but nice come back.
So you're admitting to either not knowing what Touhou is or not playing the games?

>> No.6483871
File: 13 KB, 338x154, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad at an obvious trip that likes getting people mad

>> No.6483873

>not being an elitist dick to them every time they post
>not forcefully driving them out of the site
This is why /cgl/ is filled with tumblr landwhales, homostuck, and attentionwhores.

>> No.6483878 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1351903864901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only tried out Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, read about patchouli knowledge, else i'm close to clueless, teach me oh great one ~
I do have a plan though, but secret for now ~
And making people like you angry is my favorite meal for nighttime.

>> No.6483884

>Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
POC was better
>Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Hisoutensoku was better
>patchouli knowledge
Okuu is better
Your tastes are obviously shit.

> i'm close to clueless, teach me oh great one ~
Browse /jp/ until you become as autistic as they are.
>I do have a plan though, but secret for now ~
Sure...Why aren't you banned yet? Or if you are, please stop evading.
>And making people like you angry is my favorite meal for nighttime.

>K reaction image
So, you're a fujoshit, right?
I'm not even surprised given how you shitpost all the time.

>> No.6483885

I mean PCB
Goddammit, I need sleep.

>> No.6483892 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 219x222, 1349471605380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy da best 2hu, deal with it.
And i'll look into Hisoutensoku and PCB, thank you great master Anon.
I'm already browsing /jp/ as much as time allows it, i'll be tru autism one day!
Oh, last time i got banned was.... 1 or 2 weeks ago i think, it was 3 days only though, havent evade'd a single ban yet, try again.
Also why are you here since you know this much about 2hu and sound like someone from /a/ ? ( inb4 " Dont group me with shit " )
Naah i just enjoy the homolust it have, also only girls are supposed to be fujoshit, i wonder what the male type of it is...

>> No.6483901
File: 79 KB, 489x505, 1323826419379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patchy da best 2hu, deal with it.
Sure, whatever you say...

>I'm already browsing /jp/ as much as time allows it, i'll be tru autism one day!
Don't forget to get government bux to live off of and leech off of your parents.

>havent evade'd a single ban yet, try again.
I have trouble believing that.

>Also why are you here since you know this much about 2hu and sound like someone from /a/ ?
Believe it or not, a few years ago, I used to browse /cgl/ frequently. I have long learned the mistakes of my past but from time to time still drop by to see how much of a shithole it turned into.
I sound like someone from /a/ because I am I also know that spoiler tags don't work on /cgl/

>Naah i just enjoy the homolust it have
Yeah, you go enjoy it with your group of circlejerking friends!

>i wonder what the male type of it is...

>> No.6483914 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 221x221, 1349728325305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good that we can get to some kind of agreement atleast, you keep yours and i have mine.
Oh... but i'm working and considering starting a meido cafe when i have enough for it actually.
Then dont believe me.
Kinda knew it from your typing, but it's okay brother, i wont tell anyone else about this.
I will! Thank you... But i also kinda wanna be friends with you now.
But if you're from /a/ then you should also enjoy that though, they have daily homo-threads as far as i know.

>> No.6483919
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Chill, people like that are products of either not getting enough attention as a child or getting way too much. Probably an only/youngest child and definitely starved for any kind of attention. It's okay anon, trolls ain't worth your time.

>> No.6483922

>Oh... but i'm working and considering starting a meido cafe when i have enough for it actually.
Yeah, okay good luck with that.

>Kinda knew it from your typing, but it's okay brother, i wont tell anyone else about this.
Can you elaborate?

>But i also kinda wanna be friends with you now.
Please don't say such things, people might get the wrong idea. Also, you're far too lewd for me.

>they have daily homo-threads as far as i know.
It's more of a weekend/every few days thing as opposed to a daily thing.
They're pretty nice I guess, though I don't usually lurk in them, on occasion I do.

>> No.6483935 [DELETED] 
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I wont end up like the detroit shit cafe, that i atleast will promise.
Eh? I just guess you sounded like someone from that place, since you used words most people from /a/ does when they write.
Wanna become even lewder...? Like holding hands?
Atleast you admit on going there for looking at times, thats always a good start.

>> No.6483946

>I wont end up like the detroit shit cafe, that i atleast will promise.
You better hire cute girls and traps to be the maids.

>holding hands

>Atleast you admit on going there for looking at times, thats always a good start.
I never said I hated homolust, I just hate fujoshits and circlejerking.
I even attended one of the streams they had, it was pretty fun, I guess.
I usually go to their threads at the start of each season to see what shows they're hyped about and I pretty much tend to avoid them after.

>> No.6483949

>I pretty much tend to avoid them after.
To clarify, I meant the homo threads not the shows themselves.

>> No.6483952
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>weebs arguing
always provides me with a hearty chuckle.

>> No.6483957 [DELETED] 
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I will! Already got my eyes on good ones.
Awh come on, thats the lewdest it'll get though! I-It's not like i-i wanna go for more .... maybe a hug.
Mmh there's always something to be hyped about when a new season starts, and were getting closer to winter 2012/2013, we better prepare even more!

>> No.6483978

Hate to break it to you girls, but every relationship in which the guy outranks the girl in terms of attractiveness ends up with him cheating on her.

Every. Single. One.

The reason you struck gold in the first place is because guys have lower physical standards and will fuck women who aren't their equivalents in terms of looks. You managed to draw this out into an LDR, but it won't last.

Try going for someone who is your equivalent next time. If you're a 5/10. Go for an average guy, if you're a 6/10, go for an above average guy and so on.

Learn to settle, or you're just going to end up getting played over and over and over again.

>> No.6484013

why can't we all just have multiple partners

you can have sex with all the men you want if you let me have sex with all the women I want

>> No.6484031
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I will h-help you onii-chan

>> No.6484035 [DELETED] 
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Who allowed you to call me Onii-chan?

>> No.6484040
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B-but I am your imouto you said so yourself.

>> No.6484042 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 390x300, 1306691964157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Imouto i had went and found a lover, changed herself .... it.. its like i dont even know her more.

>> No.6484044

Not true ;__;
I've never been a cheater and have exclusively dated less than attractive women while I am typically considered attractive. instead these 4/10's cheat on me.

I never understand it, but whatever.

>> No.6484054
File: 342 KB, 1024x1024, Kousaka.Kirino.full.416803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I am sorry Onii-chan. I have not been paying as much attention t-to you as I usually do. P-please f-forgive me. B-baka..

>> No.6484059 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 965x445, 1350328794667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just .. want some more attention from you ;__; ..

>> No.6484065
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 600586_491716384179137_226589329_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duralath and me got super drunk at ala11, i asked him out and now we've been together for almost two years
i think we're both still a little boggled about how it happened, but very happy
~romance & responsible decision making~

>> No.6484785

IIRC, he's blacklisted by moot for trashposting, so discussing whether he has a right to post on 4chan or not is a moot point, since he's permanently ban evading anyhow.

>> No.6484796

>you will never collect shiny things with Okuu

>> No.6484810

>> met at AX 06 Fruits Basket photoshoot
>> at the time I was carrying bag full of Gundam Kits. Yeah, not weird at all.
>> Months later, Fanime 07 skit practice
>> Instant friendship
>> both of us survived Drama-lama at Fanime 07
>> upgraded to Best Friends 4 LIFE
>> I went through shit-ton of rejections
>> She went through couple of bad relationships
>> 2010 - 'Fuck it, let's just start dating'
>> 2.75 years later, in-fucking-separable and loving each other like whoa

Con relationships can happen, you just gotta abandon whatever ego you have as cosplayer and just support each other.

>> No.6484812
File: 28 KB, 541x700, 1899059367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time a really cute guy started hitting on me at a con
When I started talking he suddenly become uninterested

He was gay and thought I was a guy

>> No.6484816

If it makes you feel any more better, I salute you. I dunno how you army folks keep the relationship tight and in calm manner too.

>> No.6484824

Sage for off-topic but your eyebrows look great. How did you do them?

Also that is a pretty dang cute story you've got there. Re: that other anon, you two have had a relationship for almost two years, which is more mature and a lot longer than teenage couples in my fandom can lay claim to.

>> No.6484826

>Con relationships can happen, you just gotta abandon whatever ego you have as cosplayer and just support each other.

THIIIIIS. This is the main reason why it didn't work out for me. I tried it with a guy who blatantly told me that we could cosplay together only on the grounds that we had to get attention from everyone. He kept emphasizing that he was very dependant on getting pictures or else.

He's actually a great cosplayer, but over time his ego inflated more and more. Unfortunately he just got annoying and I broke it off. Since then he comes around to ask if why other girls say he is selfish and arrogant because he doesn't believe that he isn't.

I'm glad though you two sound mature and happy together!

>> No.6484845

Thank you

and sorry to hear about your prior relationship with that guy. It's unfortunate that we often see s/o that takes hobby above love that they can't see anything but themselves.

(Also, this goes to whomever it concerns out there)
To have a working cosplay relationship, you have to take the majority of 'cosplay' out of the equation. I don't really give a fuck whether our couple cosplay gets attention or not, we do it because we can and we want to, simple as that. We rarely see our couple cosplay pic floating around the internet anyhow. Also, If she gets more attention on her costume than mine, whatever. Hell, I've done one day of convention without costume and I've been on bag duty while she was getting her pics taken. I didn't mind really, maybe get bored a bit (hey, who doesn't).

Treat your S/O for person you fell in love with, not your goddamn cosplay prop.

>> No.6484879

glad to hear it work out since i know you would have gotten in a hell of a lot of trouble for dating in AIT

im in the army as well and actually met a guy while in basic that was into cosplaying and we became really good friends but i lost contact of him after he left for AIT...
we apparently went to the same cons before basic so maybe ill run into him one day haha

>> No.6484952 [DELETED] 

I didnt get blacklisted though, you're confusing me with some other trip, please get your facts right and try again.
>Inb4 youre the butthurt trip that moot mentioned posting a billion times.

>> No.6485079

oh wow, thanks!
For that colour I mixed acrylic paint to the same colour as my wig, watered it down a little bit, and put it on with my finger tips. you have to be careful to just be painting the hairs of the eyebrow, not the skin underneath. To match your eyebrows to a lighter wig like a white or blonde, you do the same only not watered down.

A lot of our friends have been in reasonably long relationships too, but there's only a few of them that are still together and happy. It seems like even though a few of them come off like normal people, about a year in you start noticing that maybe its not quite the case. I have a couple friends with absolute horror stories of people they met at cons and had relationships with...

>> No.6485087

how do i get a cgl-gf when i dont go to cons and only hang out at school, work and the gym..

u girls lift?

>> No.6485103

No, but DQ and Voldemort are willing to put out for any /fit/fag.

>in b4 they selfpost ITT

>> No.6485110

im a /fit/-fag

please put out

im so lonely these days..

>> No.6485122


>> No.6485141 [DELETED] 
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And thus my day became made.
I wonder where the Anon went.. i kinda miss him/her/that person now.

>> No.6485149

The anon didn't go anywhere, since it was either you or one of your namedropping e-friends.

But I sure hope seagulls will report your posts as they should. You're the last cancer alive, the last barrier we need to get over to have a good /cgl/.

>> No.6485184
File: 48 KB, 128x136, tumblr_md7imwzM7S1qfzowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ meet
>hit it off with guy i met briefly at last con
>we eventually break off from group along with roommate
>bar hop all night, end up at a club
>totally shitfaced
>start making out while roommate is in the bathroom
>go back to hotel room
>get cockblocked by roommate who kicks him out in the middle of the night

>> No.6485200

your r-mate is a hero, you dum slut

>> No.6485199
File: 11 KB, 312x396, homestuck-terezi-laugh-5783_preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know who this is
classic nik naks

>> No.6485201 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 370x542, 1349015186275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he didnt sound like anyone i know though.
But i would befriend him for sure.
Anyways make a petition and i'll leave forever and blablabla.

>> No.6485204

no you dumbfuck, we don't deal with terrorists, you'll just get banned and that's it

>> No.6485215

Of course you are. Go back to your gym and try to impress the other homos with your bulging biceps and tears.

>> No.6485216 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 499x452, 1350484040729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one sounding like a terrorist though, cant we just handle this on a level of grownups and have a vote/petition for my exile?
I'm sure that would go better for you, since you call me a " Ban evader ", and i'll promise if you get enough votes, i'll take my leave then.


>> No.6485248

oh shit sprung let's never speak of this again

>> No.6485303

>go to con with friend
>find out he meets cgl friends
>be nice to everyone, still finding a limit
>meet a girl, pretty, think nothing of it
>talk a bit, find out girl is interesting and quirky
>she goes to her friend's party, and i go with mine
>next day at con, go earlier, still awkward with cgl friends,
>see girl
>talk and spend time
>lock arms and eventually spend day with her
>cosplayed with her
>hold hands
>go to dance with her
>try to go for kiss, rejected
>get a peck on cheek
>get a kiss from her
>spend rest of the night talking to her
>commence relationship

>> No.6485329
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I don't have any con romance stories.
Probably because I was fat and every girl I tried talking to just put me in the friendzone or was uninterested altogether.
Hopefully now that I'm in shape things will be different.

>> No.6485344

Cosplaying Euphemia I lost my shoe in a crowd and couldn't get it without hall nazi yelling at me or having foot stepped on. Suzaku I had been bumping into all day dove into it, found it for me and put it on my foot.

We walked around together the rest of the day, went out to dinner and found out we were local and hit it off. Cried a little when con was ending because I didn't think I would see him again. Three years later and we're engaged and living together and he still calls me princess.

>> No.6485356

Met a couple of my exs at some cons.
They were nice when I met them, but outside the convention scene you start to catch onto their personality flaws.

For instance one ex bf I met from a convention was severely bullied by people in school and had a dysfunctional family. He was professional and had a good job, seemed like a normalfag if you didn't step into his apartment and see wall-to-wall of hug pillows and figurines. But the severe bullying had made him grow a contempt for people, and I often found him trying to be very manipulative. Like trying to do little favors for me and then having me 'indebted' to him for it later. Our relationship didn't always seem so much romantic as it did a chore or a transaction. Every car ride or dinner turned into his personal biography and I would have to hear the same stories over and over again with very few opportunities to interject. I think he needed some therapy and I legitimately felt bad for him. Found out the hard way that he also had an affinity for crossdress.

I can't tell you the convention story that drove me to tears and made me break up with him because I think it would give away his identity, but it wasn't good.
>TL;DR con romances are nice but it's probably better to date someone you've known for awhile so these things aren't a surprise later

>> No.6485369

>implying I would read your trash

>> No.6485378

well thats pretty adorable. congrats!

>> No.6485380

So um, I agreed to have a 3some with my bf a few weeks ago.

I found out a few days ago he's still speaking to the other girl regularly and they've exchanged pics.

We both agreed it would be a one off thing.

Has he cheated on me?

What should I do?

>> No.6485382
File: 58 KB, 442x640, ttf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplaying Euphemia I lost my shoe in a crowd and couldn't get it without hall nazi yelling at me or having foot stepped on. Suzaku I had been bumping into all day dove into it, found it for me and put it on my foot.

>> No.6485386 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, 1350684384514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt you forget your angry sage? Or do you really wanna talk with me?

>> No.6485393

2010 AOD in San Francisco.

I'm working the dock crew. We take all exhibits from the dock to the floor, set up, break down and return to dock for loading. I'm the only female in a crew of about 25.

During the day one exhibitor is complaining that their set up is wrong. I go out and take a look and realize no one screwed the partitions together. I fix while cgl girl watches. I'm bent over and cgl girl comments on my thong showing. We chat for a while and she says if I wanted to buy her a drink after the show I could. We set a time, meet, chat some more and she invites me to her hotel room.

Spend the night, break up with my then girlfriend the next day and date cgl girl for 2 years before she graduates and moves back to NYC.

>mfw my cgl girl leaves

>> No.6485398

not that anon, but I want to talk with you

>> No.6485406 [DELETED] 
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Oh my ... N-Not sure how to approach this.

>> No.6485410

I-It's not like I like you or anything

>> No.6485411

stop shitting up this thread. CGL is not your personal tumblr.

>> No.6485416 [DELETED] 
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W-Well thats alright i guess.

No, it's a place where i can gather attention and ruin threads for people like you, it makes me happy, just tell me if you want some also.

>> No.6485419

Can we meet at a con and hold hands?

>> No.6485422 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 431x394, 1349462994225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too lewd! Not sure if im ready for that already!

>> No.6485426


That's not cheating. Men should be given some degree of leeway when it comes to talking to other girls and getting pics from them online.

I let my boyfriend chat to camwhores from /soc/ for example, and they sometimes cam for him, it's not cheating as it's just an internet thing. Quit being a bitch.

>> No.6485428

O-oh okay. I can just sit next to you and tell you how nice you look.

>> No.6485433 [DELETED] 
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Oh you, still dont try anything funny though, but you're allowed.

And stuff like that leads to cheating, be careful, not that i should care about what couples do these days.

>> No.6485438

I'm a girl and I agree with this too. Women will break up with a guy even if he just kisses a girl these days.

I think we have to face the facts that if we want to keep a truly hot guy, then we need to accept that he's going to play around sometimes.

>> No.6485451

Can we walk around and talk too? I'll open doors for you and everything.

>> No.6485461
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>I have no self-respect
They're thinking of fucking someone else that they can know personally. That's not porn, that's not a movie, that's real. And the only thing that separates them from actually doing it is a physical screen and the distance.
Grow some esteem for yourself, nobody has to put up with that shit.

>> No.6485458 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 330x292, 1349008161232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying too hard now, i know its to be friendly and what not, but no, go use that on someone else that deserves it.

>> No.6485467

;_; I just want to learn all about you

>> No.6485468

I have self-esteem. I just don't constantly try to alienate my boyfriend by being a bitch.

>> No.6485479

I lurk /cgl/ once in a while because I plan on cos-playing in a convention this coming March. This thread caught my eye given the fact that ya know, I drink and wanna party up with some cosfags.

To the point, this thread has been derailed so many times and is filled with so much shitpost its almost un-readable.

The true seagull appears to be an endangered species.

>> No.6485486

Well shit sorry to hear about your loss, but sounds like a sweet time!

>> No.6485487 [DELETED] 
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I gotta hunt one down before then! Better find my equipment and start, it'll make a fine trophy on the wall at home!

>> No.6485488

You'd have an easier time finding people in a thread related to whichever particular con you're going to. If there isn't one already, make one!

>> No.6485490

>implying establishing boundaries=alienating
Why can't your boyfriend have female friends without thinking of fucking them and asking them for tits or pussy everyday?
No you don't. This makes perfectly rational people upset.
The only way you can't be upset over it is because you think the only way you can keep a bf is to let him fool around with other women, virtual or otherwise. Which implies you have no self-esteem. It's pretty sad.
Usually women who let their bfs cheat on them have their own issues.

>> No.6485494

But I have so many questions for you! Like what does this rag smell like?

>> No.6485500

It doesn't mean he doesn't love me.

>> No.6485504

>pointing out the obvious

>> No.6485511
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but it's not

>> No.6485508 [DELETED] 
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Chloroform for sure.

>> No.6485512

Oh well I was just hoping to read stories about encounters at cons. I'm the big social type so im curious to see if its totally common to invite your fellow cos-player out on the town or if your lucky... the hotel!

>> No.6485516

Maybe it's just me but I thought loving someone meant you wouldn't do anything to hurt them or make them feel inadequate.

Are you not hurt by that? Like, are you not bothered that he can't be satisfied with only you?
I understand that some people have open relationships, but if that hasn't been established then that's messed up what he's doing.
You wouldn't be a bitch if you told him that it hurt you. And if that's what he calls women who try to set a boundary like that then he's being manipulative.

>> No.6485517

It's pretty common for strangers to meet up and party together. Hooking up and whatnot, I'm not sure, since I've never had it happen to me.

But I need you to confirm for me.

>> No.6485527

Welp if you enjoy a beer, can hold a conversation and are attending Megacon hit me up!

>> No.6485524

>Are you not hurt by that? Like, are you not bothered that he can't be satisfied with only you?

A little, but it's either that or lose him, and I don't want to lose him. I don't want to be on my own again. Ever.

>> No.6485528 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 278x251, 1350508133853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, next time use Dr.pepper instead.
That lures in me in perfectly.

>> No.6485532

That's one of the most depressing things I've ever seen. But anyway, I'm just letting you know that if you were to come out with your feelings, it wouldn't make you a bitch and I'm sure plenty of other people could agree.

>> No.6485536

He just says that other girls try and manipulate girls like me into breaking up with our boyfriends because they want to make other people unhappy.

>> No.6485534

If you don't mind hanging with a guy, sure.

I have Mr. Pibb

>> No.6485540 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6485545

Dude, of course I dont mind. Drinking is drinking is drinking is drinking just god dont be boring. I know spots all over Orlando!

>> No.6485544

Wouldn't you rather be someone who wants you and only you? These people exist.

;_; I can get Dr. Pepper!

>> No.6485554

>Wouldn't you rather be someone who wants you and only you? These people exist.

Yeah, I know. I just feel like it would be too impossible to try at this point. I've felt things for other girls too, and that confuses me somewhat.

>> No.6485555 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6485566

It's not like you're an old spinster (right?), you can afford to take some time and find somebody who makes you truly happy, be it a guy or girl. Right now you're just making the best of a bad situation and it's just going to hurt you more in the long run. Nothing's impossible, you just have to put yourself out there.

I'm sorry

>> No.6485578

I mean I'm some anonymous person that doesn't know you. I have no motive to try to make you unhappy. I just see a messed up situation and think it's shitty that you feel you have no choice.

>> No.6485660

>this thread
It's like a worse version of /soc/.

>> No.6485663
File: 40 KB, 400x450, oh no you didn't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be around 14
>been talking to a guy online for a couple of years
>kind of in a relationship but not really (because online and distance)
>planing to meet at a con (with a bunch of other friends from the same online community)
>know that will probably get together then
>i'm forbid to go because parents
>mfw when he hooked with a small chubby latina at the con(that I knew, she had been trying to get to him when I strayed away from the online community for a while)
>mfw when he told me all about their relationship for the next months

Sucked, but she left him to live her life as her true lesbo self so karma kind of got him back.

It was cute tho that I discovered that our friends really wanted us to hook up at the con, thinking we didn't know we would both go. Like we didn't already talk to each other about it. (they hadn't thought of that)

>> No.6485670

>going to /soc/

>> No.6485674

That's not a healthy mindset. I don't know what your situation is, but staying with a person only because you fear being on your own makes little to no sense. What makes you think that you'll be on your own for long? If it's because you feel you're not attractive enough to get another man, just get fit.

>> No.6485835

I actually did date someone in AIT
It was a horrible idea. I never got in trouble, though my sergeants knew. They just thought it was hilarious

>> No.6485853


I wouldn't call that cheating, but it's definitely iffy behavior. If you a threesome that was just sex one time, not an open realationship, etc, he's overstepping. I'd talk to him about it before it becomes more of a problem.

>> No.6485860

Just because you're okay with that doesn't mean everyone has to be. Each relationships has it's own boundaries. If you've agreed on what's okay to do and your partner ignores that, it's a violation of your trust.

>> No.6486005
File: 108 KB, 468x377, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, and i thought /fit/ had problems!
You betas are terrible!

>> No.6486277

Sure, mister alpha, sure.

>> No.6486577
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 65907_1481528631389_1029005503_31298205_3615058_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husband at I met at Blizzcon, and he proposed to me at Blizzcon as well. We were in costume both times, so that was pretty awesome.

>> No.6486641

>I think we have to face the facts that if we want to keep a truly hot guy, then we need to accept that he's going to play around sometimes.

You know what this sounds like to non-retards?

>I'll let a hot guy cheat on me because I'm painfully average and as a result my self esteem is shit and i have no respect for myself and he knows I don't think I deserve better for myself

>> No.6486650


You don't love him, you hate yourself and need the validation of someone else. But because you don't love yourself, he can't love you either, hence him cheating. Vicious cycle.

>> No.6486662

It took being bored with what other friends were doing at a con for me & my SO to spend enough time together to realize we realyl liked each other. A lot. We'd known each other 6 years. That con was a year & a half ago. We got married since.
Feels good.

>> No.6486730

Do you find yourself more into guys cosplaying at cons even if it isa ameture, or does a tall dark and handsome seem more approachable in costume even if he is not cosplaying?

Have you ever convinced a man to cosplay?
If so did he do a good job or at least meet your personal standards?

>> No.6489433

oh look, Pshit was banned

>> No.6489645


>> No.6489656

Abloobloobooo ~

>> No.6489698

>ban evading
>considered absolute trash by moot
>still posting
Beta male creepers are not even human in my book.

>> No.6489704

>kid dressed as Gaara is sitting all by himself looking really sad and lonely at the rave
>my friends and I are also cosplaying from Naruto
>I am a huge weeb faggot who couldn't leave people alone and decide to get my friends to go over and get him to dance with us
>we are talking and this giant hairy guy who's been following us all day because he's cosplaying Shino and just latched onto us lifts this kid up over his head
>feel awful and run after them
>giant guy literally throws the kid onto me
>he parties and dances with us the rest of the night

>2 months later I check the con forum on a whim and see that the kid is looking for my friends and I
>he only lives 20 minutes away, we start hanging out

>10 months later he asks me out and I had no idea he liked me
>I find out that the reason he was sitting down looking really upset is because he had just whacked himself in the nuts trying to glowstick, not because he was lonely

>5 years later and we're moving in together this April

>> No.6489737

>Still thinks every trip is in same boat.
Also if you want me to go away that badly, just make a petition for it, i bet you're the same anon that goes around saying " ban evading " in every thread or so anyways.
Cant get banned on a dynamic ip that changes everyday unless moot bans the range though.

>> No.6489856

>Cant get banned on a dynamic ip that changes everyday unless moot bans the range though.
Boasting about ban evading to boot, how nice. How does it feel to be not only a loser IRL (which brought you here to jerk your ego in the first place) but also a loser on the Internet?

If you weren't a fake, you'd already off yourself.

>> No.6490505

>whacked himself in the nuts trying to glowstick
I laughed.
Cute story.

>> No.6490654
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1337032191516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be friends with a girl
>Like her
>She is cosplaying Scout's mom
>I'm the Red Spy
>In pictures she would grab my arm
>a month later were dating
>still are
>I'm going to be Groose and shes going to be Zelda next comic-con

>> No.6490662
File: 20 KB, 423x404, 1299304605711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to be Groose
>She's going to be Zelda

There goes your relationship! Hahaha.

>a male /cgl/ poster thinks he's buffed enough to do Groose

>> No.6490671
File: 18 KB, 346x264, ima fat fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that buff- but im chunky enough i think, plus I've gotten into boxing and I've lost some weight.

Skyward Sword link is too skinny for me to cosplay.

>> No.6490678
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>> No.6490703
File: 28 KB, 404x363, 1307476212286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to be Groose
>she's going to be Zelda

That sounds motherfucking kawaii.

>> No.6490705

you look cute and I'm sure you guys will look great together :)

ignore all the haters

>> No.6490707

Do you know how backwards that train of thought is? If a guy kisses another girl behind his girlfriend's back, that is knowingly keeping information from her, which most people with self-respect consider to be wrong. If both people are okay with this, then fine cool whatever. If the girl considers this to be a breach of trust and terms, that shit isn't okay. He doesn't need to be with her, she doesn't have to put up with that shit, end of story.

FYI I have myself a truly hot guy that wouldn't dream of touching another woman. Maybe it's because he respects me and I respect myself. But what do I know.

>> No.6490732

I started planning a lot of cosplays with a friend of mine. And he'd even said yes to some groups even though he wasn't really into the fandom because he wanted to cosplay. So this last summer I spent a lot of time with him going to fabric stores and brainstorming ideas. And we spent pretty much all of SDCC together. He'd run to a nearby store to grab food for the both of us when we were camping out. We even camped out for the Hobbit panel and met Sir Ian McKellen.

I think the most doki/anime moment of the con was when we were in Hall H and I stood up on the chair to get a better look when RDJ entered through the back and made his way up the aisles during the Marvel panel. Everyone was standing up or on chairs at this point and I'm on the shorter side of things so I was having a hard time trying to see. I totally lost my balance and started to fall and he caught me mid-air. I was embarassed as hell but also oddly pleased.

I've always liked him, but spending time together over the summer pretty much blew me into full crush mode. He ended up asking me out after the con and we've been together for a couple of months! We're planning on doing a Paperman cosplay for SDCC, greyscale and all.

This isn't to say it hasn't been a bumpy ride though. Once his crazy ex found out, she kind of threw all sorts of shitfits. She assumed I was dating him at SDCC when we were just friends then and called me a cunt on tumblr and all other kinds of things. She still talks about me on her tumblr and my friends let me know. It's kind of sad, really.

>> No.6490734

>Paperman cosplay for SDCC, greyscale and all
Oh my goodness, how sweet. I desire pictures when you guys pull this off!

>> No.6490799
File: 682 KB, 225x300, 1355182820128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joined a tinychat on /mlp/
>talk it up with the loud people
>one girl is sitting quietly and pitching in every now and then
>discover she lives near Seattle
>discover she's going to sakuracon too
>sakuracon 2011
>try to find girl, fail (never swapped numbers)
>go back to hotel at night
>on way out the door, find girl
>discuss pone with girl
>one thing and another
>posting this from her house where I live now

Worked out great for me.

>> No.6490801

oops, it was this year's sakuracon

>> No.6490848

Sweetie, if he says things like this, that setting those bonndaries or being monogamous is you being a bitch, that is more than manipulation. That is emotional abuse. If he has you fearing for being without him, that's unhealthy.

Being alone is not a bad thing. Breaking up is not impossible. I've been there before, honey. It's feels like there's no other way. But there is! You're probably stronger without him. And happier! You won't need to fear loosing someone true to you.

I have someone I love, who is hot, and would never call me or annyone a bitch for setting terms in my relationship. He's set the same for me. A relationship is about give-and-take. You should both set and follow the same terms you give each other: IE NOT CHEATING ON EACH OTHER and BEING ABLE TO TALK OPENLY ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP (Or whatever else).

>> No.6490872


You are not being helpful when using these terms with someone you don't know. You are not being loving when using these terms with someone you don't know. You are being condescending as fuck and using "advice" and "pity" as leverage to establish yourself as a higher authority. That's disgusting.

>> No.6490874

I was going to say the exact thing.

>> No.6490879

Oh shit, I thought I took those out. ;-;
I don't mean to say things like that, it's just been engrained in me. It's how my mom talks. I don't want to be condescending. :c
I try to edit things like that out of posts, but aparently I forgot to do so. Thanks for keeping me more vigilant!

>> No.6495825 [DELETED] 

Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.6495827

I'm a huge fag please shit in my mouth.

>> No.6495834


Calm your tits, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a dialect.

>> No.6496502


>> No.6496660

I'm still waiting on matt to respond. hes hott...

pls matt, respond.

>> No.6496669

I know that feel, as an ugly girl who never got attention, I take what I can get.

I told my boyfriend "if you're going to cheat, don't ever let me find out"

>> No.6496705

and now you are not together, see how fucked up you are?

>> No.6496744
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>> No.6496753



>> No.6496794

All Toph cosplayers are my waifu's.

>> No.6496815
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 1330996031067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet cool girls
>Try looking for their tumblrs or anything to get into contact with them
>Their dashboards are filled with gay sex and fanfics of said character and they're really immature
>this has happened like 3 times now

>> No.6496833
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I.. I think I might know that kid irl, or at least his long lost twin...

>> No.6501313
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Extremely long story short:

I met him at Katsucon 2007 by complete coincidence after talking to him online. After the con Later that year he joins the military and After a Bunch of Flirting I assumed he thought I was his girlfriend. He finds out after graduating boot camp from his friends we are dating. He was stationed in my home state to work and we started dating properly. After a Few months my mothers had problems and was in the hospital (or as the Doctor told us, Dying) and I broke up with him since i felt like I was neglecting him. I felt like shit the whole day cause I was really upset about it. I get off from work to go see my mom and about 15 minutes later he knocks on the door. He drives two hours after work to make sure everything was okay (and I assume he knew I got off work before he showed up). I was in shock he showed up, and from then on we remained close friends. After a year or two of talking and worrying about one another we attend Otakon together and we decide to go out.

He now constantly pushes me to do my best and does every thing he can to spoil me. It drives me up a fucking wall daily but he is adorable as hell doing it.

>> No.6501639

I'm sorry, but found this funnier than I should have.
Who were you cosplaying as?

>> No.6503769
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Romance stories? Nope!
I am omega as fuck and all girls have no interest.
Forever alone...

>> No.6504423

I met him IRL at a con. I knew him from twitter before some big ass con in our country because a friend recommended me to follow him. When I asked who was gonna be at that con, he told me he would, and exchanged numbers. I had a boyfriend at that moment so I didn't even think of being more than friends.
Turns out my boyfriend dumped me because he was jealous, because I was so nice to him and met too many guys at that con ( and he was there with me, mind you ).
He helped me get through, and a month after he came to a con in my city and we hooked up. I didn't want anything like a serious relationship at that moment, but slowly I fell in love with him. At some point I told him what I was feeling and he refused a relationship, though he was visiting me monthly now.
When I was already losing any kind of hope, he asked me out. I was the one to make him cosplay, we already cosplayed a few series together, and I'm still in love with him like the day I confessed my feelings.
I'm cheesy as fuck, Jesus.
Not gonna post a picture of us because it would be kinda embarassing.

>> No.6504452

I had a soul crushing time with my now ex-gf at a Con. It wasn't the best of time

>Went to LAC
>Girlfriend is cosplaying as gender bender Link
>It's a bit uninspired but man it looked good.
>She's guys keep hitting on her.
>I'm not feeling angry or anything
>Anyway, one of the guys who hit on her was a nice guy and after she said "I have a BF" was fine and we ended up hanging out with him and some of his friends that day
>We go out clubbing that night
>Everyone seems more at home in this places with the exception of myself but once a few drinks are down me I'm ok
>Lose GF in the crowd
>I'm fine just hanging around these newly acquired friends
>Go outside for fresh air
>See GF making out with guy who hit on her
>I just stare for seconds as they kiss
>Walk up to her and said "Nope"
>Went back to Hotel
>We were sharing a room and bed
>She comes in later and drunkily boasts about how hot he was and a bunch of other shit I can't remember
>I just lie in bed waiting to sleep, quiet as a mouse
>She eventually stopped and lay in bed with me

He seemed like such a nice guy as well. I haven't gone all 'bitches and whores' about this but it hurt for it to happen.

>> No.6504564

met my fiance at Yaoi Con 2010.

>> No.6504569


>not beating the shit out of the guy who kissed your girlfriend

I don't care if he was bigger than you, you should have tried.

0/10, see me after class.

>> No.6504617

>get mad at the "3rd wheel" instead of the cheating girlfriend
Sometimes I just don't get you people

>> No.6504631

Went to con with friends. Met really nice girl who was a friend of a friend at TF2 shoot. Hit the bars after and great conversations was had. Started dating (long distance).

After a few months turns out she wasn't all that she seemed to be. She was a lazy, unmotivated art student who was doing nothing with her life and constantly talks shit about her friends who actually do something with their life. Broke up with her in the nicest way possible. Now she talks shit about me.

Here's hoping I don't run into at the con this year.

>> No.6504644

Hahahhaaha good!

you deserve it!

>> No.6504648


Get mad at everyone. Kick the shit out of the guy, then (politely because you are a gentleman) tell the girl to kindly fuck off out of the room instead of sleeping next to her.

>> No.6504650

tjis. i never understood why people get made at the other woman/man and not their significant other. i just feel sorry for them, that they got caught up in some mess...

>> No.6504661

This one time I fell in love with a girl met at a con who used me as a rebound. Last time she saw me she turned 180 degrees and ran. Since then I learned that just fucking bitches is easier while i'm still young.

>> No.6504666

This nearly made me cry.
This is so horrible.

It is immoral and wrong to be in a relationship with someone who is not loyal to you.
You are worth so much more than this.

Do you need someone to speak to?
Do you need help?
I've attached my email.
You can send me a message anytime.

>> No.6504667


But this guy didn't get "caught up". The girl flat out told him she had a boyfriend. They're both at fault.

>> No.6504682

theyre both at fault but many people feel enraged at only the 3rd wheel and not at their SO. this i dont get.

>> No.6504771

He's basically correct.

>> No.6504793
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They are dependent little children. Especially the females of the cosplay world. They are more similar to dogs than humans and all of their personal dramas are all situations they created for themselves.

Don't feel sorry for them. Feel sorry for the parents that created them. And then fuck them.

>> No.6504801
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>reading all of these posts

Please for the love of fuck, none of you screwballs have kids. Get your eggs removed, because any kid in your mentally unstable hands will be a lost caused.

Holy fuck

>> No.6504819

You let her back in the room? Doormat central.

I'd have told her to go sleep with her new buddy and locked her out of the hotel room.

>> No.6504827

Yeah both at fault, but why beat up the dude, though? It's the bitch who decided to cheat on her bf, it's not like she's not able to decide for herself. Right?

>> No.6504828

The cosplay community seems to be filled with a bunch of codependent children

At least the females of this board have an excuse, but the dudes...what the fuck man?

>> No.6504856


It's more emotional than logical, I'll admit.

But not taking retribution against someone for stealing your girl, even if said girl was equally at fault, makes you less of a man. After all, if the dude approached your girlfriend in the first place, that's because he thought you were less than him.

If your girlfriend agrees... well. He can keep her, and she can keep him, but he doesn't get to keep his teeth, you know what I'm saying?

And likewise she doesn't get to go back into the room or a ride back home.

>> No.6504915

We should bring back honor killings.

>> No.6505514

sit him down and talk to him about it.

>> No.6505562

Dump him. He just used a 3some to legally cheat on you and is still talking to the bitch right after. Jesus christ why are you even asking this?

>> No.6505570

>includes both parties

Woman logic.

>> No.6505579


Oh hell to the no squared!

After all that shit, she'd be sleeping in the hotel hallway for the rest of the con. Seriously man get some backbone and confront her ass. If the terms were reversed with you making out with some random con snowbunny, you'd hear about it until the end of days.

You better man up or you'll be on permanent doormat status with the women you date.

>> No.6505585
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>met bff online
>been with me through the worst shit in life, and the best every day every minute
>finally met at Otakon a year later
>we cosplayed equius and nepeta
>held hands, eskimo kissed and snuggled all weekend until we kissed goodbye on sunday
>happy lovers 5ever

>> No.6505610

It's probably because youre a huge push over beta regardless of attractiveness.

>> No.6505628

>they both agreed it would be one time only
>he's still in touch with her and exchanged pics

Sounds like he's not keeping it to a one time thing. He's either cheating or planning to cheat.

>> No.6506041

But you're not a girl, wft are you doing.

>> No.6506157
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its cuter this way though

>> No.6506162
File: 49 KB, 500x651, 129016809165474747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online friend claims to be straight
>online friend secretly loves traps
>online friend does not know i am a convincing trap
>go to convention
>meet at con
>catch him looking up my skirt
>tease him a lot
>hold hands
>cuddle him for hours
>my gf watching in disgust/anger
>online friend still says hes straight

>> No.6506167

Your poor gf. I refuse to associate with the LGBT scene anymore, bunch of cheating sluts. (es, I know I'm generalizing.

>> No.6506168

I feel really bad for your gf.

>> No.6506169

I hated her fucking bitch face she loved another guy and talked about him all the time through out our relationship and slept with a 3rd guy all before this happened, this was like my last revenge and we broke up like a week later.
She's a man now

>> No.6506171

Why didn't you break up with her sooner?

>> No.6506172
File: 365 KB, 690x690, 1292721046664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me refer you to my previous statement...