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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.87 MB, 1600x1200, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6483345 No.6483345 [Reply] [Original]

Homestuck General Store

Last thread here >>6480585

>> No.6483352

so is Jake x Roxy going to be canon soon?

might be good for some good photographs if it comes around...

>> No.6483354

Can we continue bitching about Porrim's dress, or?

>> No.6483363

The sprite is so ridiculously small, I don't see why people can't interpret any of the dancestor stuff how they want. If you want to be OMGCANON about it, the distance from the edge of the dress to her foot is the same as the five pixels it takes to go from her foot to her waist. Does this mean Mostflogged wins?

>> No.6483365

if you guys don't mind me asking, how did potato rose get her name? why potato? i don't think i was lurking these homestuck threads when that came along.

>> No.6483371


Maybe. At this point I think Dirk is going to break up with Jake, so it's definitely possible.

Is there anyone with a GOOD Porrim dress? Is couture too much to expect from /cgl/?

>> No.6483372


At this point I'm willing to accept any alterations to length, neck, back, if it's well constructed, and the M shape isn't a hideous puckered mess

> mfw it'll never happen

>> No.6483374


Because she has a weird shaped head that looks like a potato.

>> No.6483375
File: 1.05 MB, 717x1600, 584674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little pixelized sprite isn't much to go off of, and a WIP of a dress isn't much to judge by. We all know MF's Porrim dress is a hot mess. There's not much more to say other than Cow is taking liberties, which MF did as well (though in different ways). Not sure there's much else to say.

Her face has a potato shape. That's the whole story.

>> No.6483379
File: 1.39 MB, 1199x1600, felt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a /co/ thread if you want to theorize over the comic and what's going to happen.

>> No.6483382
File: 518 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mcbjjfO0Qi1qgp5aro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture unrelated. I just have a question though, you guys have upset feelings about Heaven/Davespriite and I completely get why. But how do you feel about Ame, the girl who hangs out with her and what not? I hung out with them and some other people at a con and Ame and the people I brought were pretty cool. Just curious on your opinions. Sorry for my weird typing by the way.

>> No.6483383


What people should really be doing for the green trim is using a bit of water soluble adhesive to hold it in place for sewing. These girls are invariably using lightweight, slippery fabrics, which will snag and pucker if you so much as look at it funny.

>> No.6483393


What specifically would you suggest? I've never heard of water soluble, is it like an interfacing thing or...?

>> No.6483395


Well, I think some of it is that the designs are quite a bit trickier to sew. It took a while before people realized that Latula and Mituna's matching rad jumpsuits should be tailored like motorcycle suits to be most flattering, or that Aranea's dress looks best in a stretch knit, or that you need rad interfacing skills for Horuss.

>> No.6483397

Dirk has already broken up with Jake multiple times, but Jake keeps forgetting. Also Dirk will turn The Full Straight and get with Roxy. Calling it now.

Ame seems like a pretty normal person. Just takes photographs and that's it? Surprised someone who comes off as so level-headed would be friends with Heaven though.

>> No.6483407


Stabilizer, basically. I work in the costume department at a reenactment village, we use it for embroidering delicate fabrics that we can't put in a hoop. It makes the fabric stiffer and more... stable, basically, so you can sew onto it without it puckering up like Liberace in a fire hall.

>> No.6483408

Actually she cosplays too. Her God-tier John hood is really long, from what I remember it drags and such. If any of you have met/heard Heaven's voice I think you'd be surprised, unrelated note.

>> No.6483409

I think anon is basically recommending something like sock glue??

Which makes sense as it's sticky enough to hold, but washes away with plain water

>> No.6483410

Ame is a sweetheart, I swear to god she is. I actually have never heard her talk shit about anyone in AZstuck, which is pretty hard because we're all pretty fucking dumb, and in general embarrassing, but her cosplays just aren't really topnotch. She constructs things so well, but she never suits them much? I think maybe it's just the fact that she only cosplays boys, and she's literally an H cup, and doesn't use an actual binder? Or maybe the fact that she's actually really young, but if she got a proper binder, and maybe braces, I would kiss that face so hard.

>> No.6483422

I know what you mean. I remember the group I was with for the con there were a lot of comments about AZStucks and I hadn't been in AZStuck long enough to get it, like I was around when AZStuckfun crap got slung. I do know somebodies feelings were hurt due to a rude comment about a cosplay they'd done. I don't get why AZStucks are so meh in a way.

>> No.6483420

I remember actually meeting Heaven at a con not too long ago, and speaking to her, and I was just. Really shocked. It's so much deeper than I expected? But she has like some weird inflection. Honestly, I don't see everyone's big deal with her. I've hung out with her a decent few times, and she's pretty fun to shoot the shit with. Her cosplays aren't really that great, yeah, but she's a pretty cool person to be around.

>> No.6483435


That one Dogtier Jade from Tuscon is an absolute sweetheart. I don't think she has a mean bone in her whole body.

>> No.6483438

I don't think I've met her? him? I know that I'm that one new kid who really has trouble going to meetups haha nobody really knows who I am, like a few select people.

>> No.6483443

The deal with AZStuck is that half of them are really young, like, 13-16, and not really good at acting like normal, functional human beings in public. The other half are mostly older, the "AZStuck beta kids", and are really fucking rude, and often inappropriate. There are a few elitists(mostly in Phoenix), and then so many that honk their horns as Gamzee, and smear paint all over cons, and wear horns to public meets. There are something like 20-30 of them that are really cool, but the others are jackshit insane.
Unrelated note, did you know that there are a few groups of people that make meetups just to make fun of the bad ones? It's pretty funny.

>> No.6483454

The last part I may have misunderstood. They make meetups to make fun of bad meetups? or cosplays? or people? Geez more and more I worry about the people I'm starting to hang out with... Like weird. The weird thing is I can act normal in public and get embarrassed semi-easily. Then sometimes I embarrass people just by getting a little loud because I have semi bad hearing. I know Alex and Aislinn and Ame are cool. I've noticed that there's a crap ton of meetups here in December. All on the same day around the same time, do you understand why though? Like why?

>> No.6483467


She hangs out with Ashley.

>> No.6483471

I don't think I expressed how new I seriously am. I have been part of all of this since a few days after Saboten. Labor Day weekend. Ashley sounds a little familiar, but I know a ton of Ashley.

>> No.6483475

They make meetups to make fun of the weeaboo homestucks and bad cosplayers.

Oh god. You're the one that's semi-new here? Everyone in AZStuck is pretty bitter against each other. There are a few unbiased groups of people that'll take in new guys, but a lot of people are awkward.

News for you, though, if you think AZStuck is a peaceful place, sorry, but we kind of have a tendency to hate each other. We keep drama out of tags typically, and usually act fine toward people in public, but a lot of us are shit talkers. I can't say I like Aislinn much for some pretty stupid reasons, but Alex is okay I suppose, and Ame is a dear.

The December meetups are pretty much staple ones coming forward. The only one worth going to around this time in my opinion is Ice-skatestuck in Phoenix. You can probably find the info in the tag if you scroll past all of the Winterhavenstuck bullshit.

>> No.6483486
File: 122 KB, 500x750, tumblr_lznqpmGqcx1qgp5aro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if that a bad 'Oh god'... Yeah that's me. Didn't think it'd be that noticeable. No wasn't expecting total peace, but I was hoping for civil relations. I've honestly only met a few people in AZStuck, yeah I got the whole bitter think during TCC.
I tend to like everybody unless I've been wronged or something though, so I expect something bad will probably come of that whole ordeal it has is the past at least.
I know about the meetups for the most part. not sure if I'd be able to go with my mom's play going on and what not. Also cosplay picture to get slightly back on subject.

>> No.6483495
File: 442 KB, 600x480, tumblr_mcoogj6cr61qfneslo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zillywhoooore's looks good from the progress pics (or she at least looks like she isn't falling out of it), but the only thing we really have to judge it with is some webcam progress shots and a badly lit mirror body shot, so *shrugs*

>> No.6483504
File: 297 KB, 1128x1920, wowee homestuck cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, cosplay.

Hey man, good luck here. I'm sure I'll meet you somewhere at a con, I'd ask what you cosplay, but there are a million of us here. Were you, perchance, a femDavesprite at Saboten? That's the only person that wasn't familiar to me there.
But hey.
Watch yourself at PCC.
It's going to be really embarrassing.
I'm like 90% sure that AZStuck is going to get a really bad name while Hussie's here.
(captcha: which itughs)

>> No.6483505

this would be so fucking cute without that stupid lip biting.

>> No.6483516

FemDavesprite? No, I wasn't in Homestuck cosplay at the time. If you were in the elevators me and my friend were hanging out in them for a while, and we walked out just before it got stuck. [She was sick of the cussing] If it does, it does. On another note:
I think it looks pretty good [not a very good cosplayer here though] I am kind of excited about seeing it when it's done.

>> No.6483520

I am happy to see I'm not the only one who get's painfully upset when people do that. I've seen people upset, but it just makes the facial expressions looks a little off.

>> No.6483530
File: 473 KB, 1280x1707, hotty meenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, only rode them once, they were too busy, and my room was only on the third floor. Stairs were easier. Yeah, good luck around here, though. I'm sorry for AZStuck in advance.

>> No.6483532

Could some of you tell me what homestuck communities are like outside of America? Like in Europe, Oceania, Asia, etc.

>> No.6483535
File: 96 KB, 500x674, tumblr_lv8r3yLNAe1r0q2pio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well I was dressed as Chihiro and my friend just kinda went as a random blue haired person.
I like the Meenah, the pants not so much.
Also this was on my dash.

>> No.6483539

haha yeah like do these people even know what overbite looks like? coz it sure as hell looks nothing like that

>> No.6483547

I have somewhat of an overbite, they really aren't that exaggerated. Just a little front bite, over your bottom teeth.

>> No.6483548
File: 64 KB, 496x750, fucking trickster cosplays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually almost sounds familiar. I dunno. Was it Sunday, maybe?

Also, I usually fucking hate trickster cosplays, but this almost looks pretty good.

>> No.6483557

It was all three days. Yeah it's really good though!
I'm so used to that slightly inverted thing people do?? With pink hair and stuff. That's pretty cool though.

>> No.6483562
File: 69 KB, 498x1024, winterstuck bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. If you happen to be going to Taiyoucon, I'll be there as Roxy, in her update dress, I think, on Saturday.
(not me.)

>> No.6483568

Ah winterstuck.
I'll look for you. I'm hopefully going to have a Rose cosplay, maybe.
The scarf I kind of like though.

>> No.6483582
File: 267 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mev5r053EV1s09tseo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was on my dash. I don't really like the way the wig is from what we can see, but opinions. Jackets a little cool.

>> No.6483599

Any ideas of what a John could wear for a winter-like outfit?
Need some ideas.

>> No.6483608
File: 103 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m8mtehZAZn1rrtvrho5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483610

Personally, I think it would be hilarious if Dad bundled John up like the kid from a Christmas Story.

>> No.6483612

got a pic?

>> No.6483621

Actually, I don't think I've seen either of these cosplayed before, although it is one of the lesser known/less popular albums. I figure Rose's outfit might be popular.

>> No.6483620
File: 227 KB, 1366x768, Oh Fudge, Ralphie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the suggester, but I think this is him? Never seen the movie just googled.

>> No.6483623
File: 653 KB, 1000x1000, 262021910-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm good at posting

>> No.6483626

Ooooh, that looks pretty good. I might shoot for that then. I already have a blue scarf so I guess I'd have that instead of a yellow one.

>> No.6483628
File: 115 KB, 500x782, Randy-Snow-Suit-A-Christmas-Story-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the op either, but it's this one

>> No.6483645

Yep, that's the one I was referring to. Dad would have done it. You know he would have.

>> No.6483650
File: 101 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mew24beF2G1rjdukno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't get me started about how this is totally wrong...

>> No.6483653
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, 1345508159840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483659

Okay, I know that a lot of fem!Jake cosplayers try to go for the Lara Croft look, but jesus fucking christ it looks horrible 95% of the time.

>> No.6483662
File: 178 KB, 719x960, tumblr_m4qq407cYJ1qknzj9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of terrible fem!jake's.

>> No.6483668

has anyone actually seen a good dirk?

>> No.6483676
File: 176 KB, 720x960, 1352530116832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZstuck can get pretty bad, and I know of what Heaven has done, but without her (and Ame working with her), Tucsonstuck would be fucking lost.
I should also put this out there, lots of AZstucks and I think homestucks in general are new to cosplay. I'm using homestuck to practice simple sewing before I get into complicated things.
But Heaven arranges pretty much all of our meetups and makes them good. Keeps them under control.
I was at halloweenstuck, and it was a blast.

>> No.6483686

Any opinions on SDStuck?

>> No.6483688
File: 139 KB, 490x653, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey cgl i was wondering if i could get some critiques on my jade ? this was my first cosplay ever (it was made all the way back in june) and im somewhat proud but i do think some critique would be nice !! besides my wig (its terribly awful tbh) is there anything i should fix?
also sorry if the image is low quality or too small im currently restricted to my phone!

>> No.6483697
File: 94 KB, 200x480, Lara_Croft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but she doesn't wear a crop top. That shit is so impractical.

>> No.6483706
File: 22 KB, 650x450, 03902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, John has a canon Winterstuck outfit.

>> No.6483735

different anon here but I have been hunting for that coat all season.

They're either the wrong shade of blue or something with added accents or some horribly stylized coat for women.

All I want to do is cosplay winter marshmallow John.

>> No.6483755

that eridan looks sketch as hell

>> No.6483757

Every time I see that picture I just kinda stare. What's sad is they're possible pretty fuckin' nice.

>> No.6483768


This is the closest I can find, but it isn't outrageously cheap.

>> No.6483770

Oh my gosh you are a god to anybody who needs that.

>> No.6483786

Sorry, you want that in Sapphire, not Azure.

>> No.6483789

ehhh, you can say that about anyone and it really holds no ground. but he looks like 10 years older than those fefs

>> No.6483803

On another note the front Fef is really cute, and I think has a great costume.

>> No.6483811

Ebay is your friend:




>> No.6483868

Please use a yellow one. The point of the colour scheme is that it's a callback to his god-tier one, and the pops of yellow unify the mittens and shoes.

>> No.6483872

If you can find one, a full-front picture would be helpful.
Why is there a slit halfway up your leg? Are there buttons on your skirt? Symbol is sitting kind of low on the shirt (it's more in the stomach area than the chest area where it belongs).

Thanks for opening yourself to critique.

>> No.6483876
File: 590 KB, 493x740, c7a4cf02ea3b7185c2e1f59fe8d55dbe-d5fveuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lirlys gets forgotten all the time. She was the first (and only decent) Porrim I'd seen, aside from the awkward thigh highs and weirdly-shaped hook horn. Her wig is the closest effort anyone's made to Porrim's scene queen hair shape instead of taking the easy route with some arbitrary pretty, wavy wig.

>> No.6483877
File: 983 KB, 985x720, 68877c11f5d7cb698163bea07f7d12fa-d5ek4zp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483903


wow i hope this doesnt double post but thank you for the crit!!!
ah these were all really bad... mistakes i guess on my part heh!! but yeah the slit is because i bought the skirt rather than just making it and i had no idea of how to sew back then. same for the buttons, there are none because i never sewed any on. the symbol is awkwardly down there due to my poor positioning with iron ons...
and yeah the leg is just because of weird positions and poses. :c

thank you for the crit! i dont have any flattering photos of myself from the front but if i find one ill post it!

>> No.6483912


>> No.6483910

No problem. Things to keep in mind if you try Jade again, which you should because you make a cute one.

>> No.6483911

Your wig looks pretty stringy or greasy, maybe try brushing it out or washing it. I also agree with the previous critique; your symbol looks a little low, and a bit faded.

>> No.6483913


yeah my wig is actually really bad. i plan on buying a new one :o

and yes that is me i am tina hello.

>> No.6483928

Reposting the deleted comment from this drama


because it's hilarious.

>> No.6483932

I don't think so, her head seems fine...

>> No.6483931
File: 56 KB, 956x364, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic!

>> No.6483937


i think it's more that her features are squished and lumpy. potatolike.

>> No.6483934
File: 264 KB, 500x667, 1355234182676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's a close up of the person who 'can't wait to see if you're this awful in person', Nitro. I don't know who you are and I think your trans drama is ridiculous but this drama is even more so. Have fun locating this person.

>> No.6483944
File: 37 KB, 640x480, tumblr_men1723Kg71qcs6jdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I think she just needs the right wig to work with her face

>> No.6483950

So you post the one wig that makes her face even more squished, nice

>> No.6483955
File: 404 KB, 598x804, tumblr_mdpjnzEwQK1qcs6jdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked her mabel
Maybe more long wigs.

>> No.6483959


a lot of the problem could just be that she is pretty consistent in making the same unattractive, pursed-lip face in her photos

>> No.6483963

Am I the only one who thinks she makes a cute Rose?

>> No.6483964

Doesn't help that she has a very small chin that doesn't support how wide apart her eyes are. Her nose is a bit bulbous and her mouth is too small for her face when she tries to play up sexy.

I liked it, too. She works well with younger-looking characters who don't need the heavy eye makeup that her recent Rose (her early Rose was actually okay) and Roxy have, since that kind of makeup accentuates the odd areas under her eyes.

Generally, I didn't see much wrong with her until she started posting risque photos and behaving in an attention-hungry manner.
Posit that the reasoning behind "potato rose" be that she is as mentally dense as a potato.

>> No.6483969

Her eyes aren't that far apart, I think you're being melodramatic. Why is everyone so insistent on calling her deformed?
Explain the attention-hungry thing to me.

>> No.6483987

Symptomatic between her and missjadeharley, compounded by the fact that the latter only knows how to pose in one fashion.

Her Rose is cute, yes.

What probably should have been said is that her chin gives her a very young face, and she doesn't cosplay to it. That's why she works well as Rose and Mabel, less so as Roxy.

On attention-seeking: I went as far back as four/five months under her "cosplay" tag. About half of the "Homestuck" ensembles were just Rose/Roxy wig and makeup with closet clothes. Maybe a third of "Homestuck" was fanservice (see: the Dirk shirt, the bikini pictures at various times of day with a rotating cast).
HSG's problem with potato Rose might be less her appearance and more her online conduct.

>> No.6483988
File: 309 KB, 1280x960, 10 outta 10 would bang this grandpa like a gun (youmacon 2012) activelyprocrastinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483991
File: 276 KB, 1280x853, just hangin out in actual person jane quiteupsidedown jake bluehelado roxy tippygolden dirk marthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483993
File: 425 KB, 467x700, lapirin trickster roxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483994

Are those... craft foam shades?

>> No.6484000

Now that you mention it, missjadeharley really does only know one facial expression.
They should be sisters.

>> No.6484017

Emily is that you.
Or a friend.

Personally I don't think her eyes are far apart, the bridge of her nose is a tad bit wide. I agree with the makeup thing too, very heavy makeup doesn't look good on her features (or atlesr heavy makeup with dark colors).

>> No.6484021

met this guy at youmacon and gosh was he friendly and attractive

sage for not actually contributing anything, just want to know if anyone knows his name/url/etc? i didn't catch it when i talked to him

>> No.6484023
File: 840 KB, 1184x800, shopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this pop up in the Dersecest tag. I went to see if the original photo was on the photographer's account since the Rose mentioned they photoshopped the hell out of it.

Lo and behold it was. And comparing them side by side, the photoshop job is really bizarre. She did that Britney Spears thing where she made herself look narrow (if that makes sense). Let me post the shopped one first and then the original so you guys can compare.

>> No.6484025

No, I'm a new follower so I don't know much about her. I think she's pretty but should stick to longer wigs.
And yea, lighten the make-up.

>> No.6484026
File: 340 KB, 1280x851, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original. The shopped one seems okay until you actually see this one.

I'm all for smoothing out skin/removed stray threads/enhancing eye color, but this just leaves me confused.

>> No.6484029
File: 98 KB, 500x358, tumblr_lxvfcv2UK31qbhsrqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time cosplaying a troll and so I was surprised how small the makeup pots are for ben nye! Does anyone know how many wears I'll get out of the two pots of mixed troll grey? (I'm making arm socks and wearing tights so I only have to cover my face + neck)
pic unrelated

>> No.6484030

The Feferi in the front is adorable. If she had glasses/goggles and some more jewelry she'd be perfect.

Creeper Eridan is pretty scary, but I'm also digging his look.

>> No.6484036


>> No.6484037

A little goes a long way with make up, two pots will last you a good while if you're only doing your face and neck.

>> No.6484049

You'll get a lot of uses out of one batch of troll grey (white plus grey, so two pots) if you're only applying it on your neck and face. One batch lasted me through one (botched) face+neck+arms application, three face+neck applications, one face application, and some scattered makeup tests between. I would have had a lot more leftover if I had applied the makeup correctly the first time and only done it on my neck and face.

The paler your skin, the less makeup you'll have to use, though in general you shouldn't be using very much at all. Carry around a pot for touchups; the collar will need them in particular, and if you're cosplaying a troll with glasses, where the nose pieces of the glasses sit.

>> No.6484052

I saw her at SacCon this past Sunday - she's super cute. I don't see why she felt the need to photoshop that picture.

>> No.6484058
File: 238 KB, 592x400, dreamers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. There was no need for her to shop that picture that way when she already looked fine!

But here's a gif for anybody having trouble seeing what happened.

>> No.6484064

That's activelyprocrastinating on tumblr. He's a pretty cool dude, and makes a rather good Doc Scratch as well as Grandpa and Colonel Sassacre.

>> No.6484072

She's cute as anything and I really love her personality. She's nothing but helpful to people who ask for cosplay help on tumblr, and I've never seen her start any drama.

I don't think she needed to shop the picture so much, but at the same time I do with the photographer had done a little more editing.

>> No.6484078
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x851, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now for stupid levels of photoshop.

>> No.6484077
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x851, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a minute to edit this to (what I think) are reasonable levels of shop.

Although I have a problem with bloom.

So many things can be made better if you change the lighting a bit. Not to say that's the only thing I did, but it definitely made the biggest difference.

>> No.6484082

God you're terrible at photoshoping things.

>> No.6484087

When drunk I take a special pride in how bad I photoshop.

However I've posted shopped to kingdom come photos in multiple threads and had people comment on what a great job the cosplayers did.

>> No.6484090

Thanks for the info!

>> No.6484092

Who is this? I want to say it's an actual guy but I think I see a hint of boob.

>> No.6484102

Wait. Is potato rose a name that /cgl/ gave her? I thought that was just the online alias she went by normally.

>> No.6484106

She doesn't like being called it, she got upset a bit ago.

>> No.6484108
File: 529 KB, 650x975, tumblr_mak9htCY2W1qbdvveo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more trickster roxy

>> No.6484115
File: 98 KB, 400x600, display-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6484131
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>> No.6484156
File: 1.23 MB, 610x995, trickster+roxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more??

>> No.6484166

I love this except for her face

>> No.6484173


God I hate this tryhard.
Sage for no real contribution.

>> No.6484186

Yo speaking about Trickster Roxy, would you all rather see the sewn scarves, or a knitted one?

>> No.6484199


either way works. only the very large gauge knit ones look like crap.

>> No.6484215

I disagree. She has been nothing but awful to everyone in tucsonstuck since she's been here (never to their faces), and is the cause of many rifts.

>> No.6484271
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>> No.6484275
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>> No.6484281
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>> No.6484284
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>> No.6484287
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>> No.6484293
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>> No.6484298

I like this wig color but shit they need to work on binding.

Surprisingly cute. If she were properly grey she'd probably make a really good Meulin.

>> No.6484320
File: 44 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mew0fjpWrf1r2d9fuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6484330

Oh I saw the Meulin on my dash.

She's waiting on her grey makeup but god damn do I love how she did the rest of her makeup

>> No.6484378
File: 74 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mew37hONzM1r0dmxco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6484406

Oh that's not what I've seen at all. I think she stays away from people that annoy her at meets because she's a college student while most of us are in middle and high school. Most of the people here I've heard of having issues with her are based off of how she acts and what she says, not personal issues.
But as I said, despite peoples issues with her personality, she's a fantastic meet planner and she's a sweetie if you're on her good side.

>> No.6484418
File: 18 KB, 137x670, porrim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From earlier: I went looking for references.

Porrim's dress has a high back and drags on the ground.

>> No.6484422

.... Who are they? Just wondering

>> No.6484495


Having a problem with how she acts and what she says falls under personal issues, unless I'm misunderstanding how you've worded it.

If someone is sweet as pie to my face, that's all well and good. But if they hang out with my friend that night and talk shit about my cosplay over something retarded like using a cotton blend instead of twill, I have a personal issue with that.

This is cgl, we rip each other to shreds all the time over cosplay. But in real life we don't judge someone's character based entirely on it.

Heaven however, has both ugly cosplays and a personality to match. I don't look forward to seeing her at any cons we're both going to. I wish she'd realize how many people don't want her at ALA.

>> No.6484502

SMH when I saw the sprite in-game because whoever designed that has never worn a dragging dress with a slit up one leg. It takes an awful lot of practice (or gathering up the train) to even walk in that and you still trip half the time.

>it helps if you sway your hips to throw the train away from your stride
>maybe actual genius design??

>> No.6484528

So I'm in the final run of getting my Cronus cosplay done.

Liquid latex is what I'll need for his scars, yes? Are there any other items I'll need and would anyone be kind enough to post a scar tutorial if they have one on hand?

>> No.6484534

Thank you, I was about to say exactly this. If she talks major shit about even her closest friends over something as petty as cosplay, then I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. I've got my own friend group going to ALA but a few of them still suck her cock and I won't be happy if I have to run into her. I can't wait until she leaves us all in the SW alone for good personally.

>> No.6484536

I met her at a con before ever knowing who she was. My MO at cons is to be as friendly and polite as humanly possible to offset the reputation of Homestuck cosplayers as awful brats, so I complimented her on her outfit and she smiled and dismissed my presence in favour of searching the crowd for --as it turned out-- another Tumblr famous dude. I thought she was just shy and reserved at the time, but the only people she greeted enthusiastically were the ones who were internet-popular.

The reason I remember this is that hers was the single unpleasant encounter I had that day, and I later recognised the "Indiana Jones" Aradia outfit she had on at the time.
Her nose is much less noticeable under grey paint.

>> No.6484540

If you have liquid latex, this is basic and fast for keloid scars, though you'll want to make them much thinner and less cartoony than hers:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G0vy7vhlfA
Requires cotton balls (or toilet/tissue paper) and a cheap paintbrush. Don't cover it with paint the same colour as your face at the end; use some darker grey (maybe tinted with purple?) to emphasise the raised part.

>> No.6484557

Shh, that's the fun part of Heaven. She's fun to talk shit with.

>> No.6484556

kind of in the same boat as the other anon. what do you think of using scar liquid like in this tutorial
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFyot9NL_h0
would a product like this last on an area of the face that moves as much as the forehead does? i like the indented look, but i don't want to be reapplying it every hour.

>> No.6484579

I think I know who you are and if my hunch is correct you've been the subject of her shit talk more times than you'd like to think

>> No.6484582

Nah, I don't know about that, I don't really go to meets, at cons or outside of them.
But I wouldn't be surprised, I'm pretty sure the only person I've never heard her talk shit about is Ame. She's a hateful bitch. She's fun, but she's a hateful bitch.

>> No.6484618

Wow, I'm really flattered to hear this! And pft, these are. . . all very valid points-
But! Just for the record I do cosplay females, and I'm just realizing I hardly wear females to cons!
Also comments about my costume construction I'm doki. . .u/////u
But yes, getting a proper binder is something I REALLY need to move up on my priority list thank you for reminding me!

>> No.6484623
File: 516 KB, 450x293, tumblr_meweu9IyZ31qa3lhio1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of cloth mantles pieces on Dolorosas, but holy hell they all look legit.

>> No.6484630

I dunno man, once you get to really know Heaven, she's a pretty fun person!
I mean she's a lot to handle, which (unfortunately) isn't for everyone, because her personality is HUGE
But I really enjoy hanging out with her, I mean I see her practically everyday.
Once you get to know her as well as I do, she's just a huge dork~

>> No.6484641


BNFs will do that.

>> No.6484646

I don't think I've seen you in many female cosplays, but your Latula at Saboten was amazing. Have you thought about cosplaying Jade, though? You have a nice shaped face for circular glasses, I think.

>> No.6484679
File: 129 KB, 500x667, jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I've cosplayed Jade!
And I plan to do more of her outfits soon!
Same with Jane (goodness gracious Jane is my baBY)
Wow my Latula was so sad!!
I'll remake her dress and do her more justice, I swear uwu
I know this is a horrible picture (best I've got) I'm not wearing make up, because I just threw on my wig since I finished styling it.
I'll have to get bigger glasses, sit down, finish one of her outfits and actually wear her to a con soon!

>> No.6484685
File: 72 KB, 500x667, heaven tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this o:
Since I prefer myself as Jane uwu
(Ignore Heaven's face please-)

>> No.6484686

Oh man, you do suit them very well! I hope to see them at a con soon, you pull them off very well!

>> No.6484691

Wow I'm flattered! If you're making it to Taiyou, I'm planning on finishing my maid of life before then!
I'd love to talk to you, I might have prints o3o

>> No.6484693

Ah, I don't plan on going this year after some nasty shit that happened last year and the year prior to it, it just seems to be a bad con for me. Perhaps I'll see you at Con-ni. Speaking of which, were you the "Party Roxy" at Con-Ni this year?

>> No.6484699

shhhhhhhhhhhhh that wAS A MESS WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT............
I've learned from my mistakes that entire outfit was horrendous I don't even count it as a cosplay, but to answer your question yes that was indeed me-

>> No.6484707
File: 1.73 MB, 1064x1600, tumblr_mewfrsrz3K1qkf1fpo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From personal (as in face to face, not tumblr gossip) experience, I will never like Heaven. You do make a cute Jane though.

>> No.6484704
File: 594 KB, 1268x1920, 1352525560850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Ame bb I love you~

>> No.6484706

The outfit might have been a little silly, but I would love to see you do Roxy again sometime, be it Heaven's territory or not; You looked adorable.

>> No.6484710

Hello my love mwah mwah u3u

>> No.6484715

We don't talk like we're on tumblr here.

>> No.6484718

Ah, that actually means a lot to me??
I plan on remaking her soon! I have contacts and a wig picked out!
I really loved being Roxy, this is encouraging!
Wow thank you!!

>> No.6484720
File: 606 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_mewfrsrz3K1qkf1fpo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6484731
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, IMAG0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so now I have a question!
I recently got my John contacts, and they show up on my eyes a little darker than I expected.
So /cgl/, what's your opinion, do I need to invest in brighter ones for Jane?
(Sorry for the edgy 'flipping off the camera picture', it's the best one I have)

>> No.6484733
File: 189 KB, 981x596, tumblr_mcya5tZCeP1qiiky7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who's noticing the (I don't want to say "poor", but for lack of a better word) poor craftsmanship that goes into lalonding's cosplays?
It's obvious that she has an idea of what she's doing, but there are usually visible loose threads or ripping seams, or something of the sort. Most of her cosplays generally look rushed.
She's not a terrible cosplayer, don't get me wrong, but there's definitely room for improvement.

>> No.6484744

They look for both John and Jane. I think a lot of cosplayers will go for bright contacts that show up well in photos, but usually that ends up looking kind of creepy. Those are nice and vivid without being over the top.

I don't think anyone will argue that she's top notch. She does have skill and she is capable of better, but at the same time she's 15 and, if I remember correctly from her tumblr, is one of those kids who has a mom that makes them jump every fucking scholastic hoop and then some.

As in having school Monday through Friday and then having volunteer on Saturday at a soup kitchen. Only to have a soccer game on Sunday.

Man, fuck that shit. My high school years were like that and I have nothing but sympathy for kids who deal with something similar.

>> No.6484791

i regret with all my being making that god damn group, its nothing but weebs and douche bags with a few cool people

>> No.6484794

Not to be annoying and bring her back up, but has anybody done commissions from Heaven? I know a friend of mine said she was going to try, but she was kind of bitchy about it or something? Not entirely sure...

>> No.6484820


Right here

>> No.6484837

Ah this guy. I don't have any irl experience with him, but I remember a while back a photo of a Jake cosplayer from ALA was floating around tumblr that he got involved in. The Jake wasn't perfect, but he looked very nicely put together and it was obvious he put effort into the cosplay and his posing.
Dude reblogged the photo trying to call out the fandom for saying they were slobbering all over a mediocre cosplayer in a less than tactful way, and then got buttmad when lots of people disagreed with him. At some point his girlfriend got involved and whined that tumblr were big meanie faces for "tearing her boyfriend a new one" and that was about all I saw of that nonesense.
I think if he had just worded his response better he wouldn't have gotten so much flack.

>> No.6484841

Oh, I remember this guy! Tbh he was one of the better Dirks at SacAnime (+10 points to gryffindor for sideburns on his Dirk wig) and after that con, he was selfposting as a vendetta-chan possibly to stir some shit for himself. Probably just another locally popular cosplayer trying to get internet famous somehow, idk.

>> No.6484869

That 100% was not a self post. I know the threa you're talking about and I made it so yeah.

>> No.6484880

I would recommend Ridgid Collodion if you can. It makes fake scars and runs really cheap at most Theater Makeup stores if you can manage.

>> No.6484899

Not the anon you're replying to, but thank you so much. I've been trying to remember the name of this product forever.

>> No.6484906

No problem! For what it's worth, I wouldn't recommend Mehron for anything. I'd stick with Ben Nye or Collodocolor. Mehron flakes off and has a minimal effect in comparison to the other brands.

>> No.6484910

Thank you!

>> No.6484987


Question - How long does the effect last before I need to re-apply? And should I apply it once I've applied all my troll makeup or beforehand?

>> No.6485010
File: 258 KB, 320x240, tumblr_meqy57lOJb1r3x5j9o7_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gif time?

>> No.6485060

This guy. He thinks that he's Octopimp levels of fandom popular because a few preteens drool over his Eridan cosplay and will publicly reblog and rip on cosplayers who he is no better than.
Huge ego, avoid him.

>> No.6485100

It should last a while. Rigid collodion forms a sort of plastic-y layer where it's applied, and it contracts which is what causes your skin to bunch up and 'dent' in to get the scar effect, so you don't really have to worry about it wearing off as much as you have to worry about it cracking and flaking away.

I would put it on before you do your troll paint, and then shade in the scars after everything is said and done if only because putting it on after might make the edges of the collodion lines a little more apt to peel and show? But you might want to mess around with it before the convention to see if that's right or not.

>> No.6485108
File: 339 KB, 640x480, tumblr_ly4i0dD1841qduozbo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think patchowow is a good Dirk

>> No.6485164

that wig looks nothing like his hair though. So far all I can see that are Dirk in this are the orange eyes. iirc Dirk's brows aren't dark either, just thick. Dave's the one with black brows.

So I guess I have to disagree with you

>> No.6485175

just a heads up that emoticons and tumblrspeak are really frowned upon here, and that you should cut that shit out before someone decides to take offense.

>> No.6485186

Woah hey where did you get those

>> No.6485195


Gurl, what is with all the shoop. In the second one she doesn't even look asian any more.

>> No.6485440

I am always appreciative of efforts to spike Dirk wigs. Also this person definitely has a good face for Dirk. If they spike the bangs upward instead of having a Bieber swoop that'd be even better!

>> No.6485441

he's pretty fun to hang out with

>> No.6485448

i think this is before he styled it but im not sure. i love patchowow's dirk, however

>> No.6485471

so cgl, who do you think is the worst tumblr famous homestuck out there? it could be for costume, personality, or both.
curious because i wanna see how bad any of these guys are.

>> No.6485598

Not going to go searching for her cosplays, so no pic, but I'd have to saw cancerously. Her attitude is just downright awful, (bossy, she's a user, 'no fun allowed, enabler, bratty'). And her cosplays are honestly just average. She doesn't know how to flatter her body at all, with clothing and with poses. Did I mention her horrible attitude?

>> No.6485654

ia with everything

i also want MF to just go away, she'snot special, just annoying as fuck and she's EVERYWHERE all the damn time.

besides cancerously and mf, I want all the fakebois to just kill themselves already or at least fuck off back to Kuroshitsuji

>> No.6485656

That's a whole lot of feelings anon. I'd agree that she's not the best cosplayer but I think she's pretty nice. Definitely nowhere near as bad as some of the tumblr famous cosplayers I hear about in these threads.

I haven't had much bad experience with tumblr famous homestucks other than just generally disliking them, so I don't really have anything to contribute, but I'm curious who other people would avoid.

>> No.6485664

Anyone from that AwkwardCosplay group I hear are rude. At least the Eridan is, not sure about the others.

>> No.6485665

Sorry for feelings post, just having her in my usual cosplay news and around my area has caused me to learn about her, and I really oppose to the way she runs things. And I'm not just talking about her shoots.

>> No.6485675

Care to share? I'm curious what you've heard/experienced.

>> No.6485686

Yes, curious too.

>> No.6485687

The Eridan is okay. Their Dave is the one who's a dick, I had the unfortunate experience of running into her. Probably the most rude person I've met in any sort of cosplay scene. Very entitled, fame completely to her head.
Pretty much everyone else in their group is really nice though. A little stand offish but not to an entitled length, just to a general con people length.

>> No.6485692

Oh god, those guys. Isn't it basically just the Eridan and Lauderdale now? It looks like all of their friends just got sick of their bullshit drama and high-tailed it out of there.

>> No.6485696

Well, most of the people who she's 'friends' with, I'm friends with. I do know of at least two people who loather her that have to awkwardly deal with her very often, as quote unquote friends. And it's not really a 'pretend to be friends because we hate her' thing, more of a 'we have mutual friends and we have to be cordial, but we hate you' thing. She conducts herself in a way that seems to put everyone else down, or at least make herself higher than them. She does this with cosplay interactions, photoshoots, and her tumblr posts. The hotel fiasco from Otakon was a prime example. She made herself look like she was of utmost importance, when in reality the situation could have been handled if she wasn't so convinced he was the shit, and so stubborn. She said they had been kicked out, and their room was too small. They were kicked out because they had tried to sneak people in, (her actual words btw), and the room was probably small because it's a busy time, and if they downgraded your room it's because they thought that you didn't need that much room for the people that you said were going to be there. That post she made about it got over 600 notes in 15 minutes, and most Homestucks transferred out of that hotel. She said she needed a room for under a certain low amount of money, and all TEN of her group had to be together. If it was really an emergency, you would split up and get everyone a place to stay. I stayed at the 'problem' hotel. Was it the best? No way. But it wasn't horrible. That's just one reason why I'm not too fond of her

>> No.6485704

Oh man I remember that. I was at Otakon and I stayed at one of the downtown hotels. Idk if it was the "problem" hotel? (It was the Quality Inn, though I was only there for a day.)
Completely agree with you on the "high and mighty" part and putting everyone else down. She can rally a large group rather well, to be honest, but yeah.

>> No.6485709
File: 492 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_lzyyidV2am1qdv5quo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened between her and Ferocity? They seemed like they were both inseparable...

>> No.6485719

Jesus Christ, that sounds yucky. I wonder when I'll have the "privilege" or meeting her at a con..

>> No.6485730

Well there was that whole proposal thing at Fanime. There was a lot of back and forth about whether it was real or not, with them saying it was real (but then for some reason I could have sworn Lauderdale told me it wasn't). It got called off because they are both highschoolers and Ferocity is like 16 anyway, so it's not like anyone thought it would happen.

It seemed like it was an amicable thing though. At the time, anyway. Not Lauderdale has bitchfits whenever she sees Ferocity.

Someone posted a photo of Ferocity's Jade cosplay in a thread a couple weeks back and Lauderdale samefagged all over that shit to rip into her and call her ugly, say her cosplay was awful, why shoop a photo so much when the cosplayer is still ugly etc. (Although the photo wasn't processed by her, but a photographer.)

Lauderdale is a crazy bitch. She owns up to it like that makes it okay, but it doesn't.

The best part is that I'm pretty sure Lauderdale and Heaven are friends.

>> No.6485729

I realize that this is entirely subjective, and that you have every right to dislike any person you choose to dislike, but I'd like to put in my two cents as well:

I agree that cancerously may often come off as lofty on her tumblr or over the internet, but in all honesty all dealings I've had with her in person have been nothing but pleasant. I've known her for a little over a year now, and I consider her to be something of a friendly acquaintance (not one of my inner circle of friends, but someone whom I've had multiple interactions with).

She has always treated me politely, has shown enthusiasm in her interests and in conversing with me about our shared interests, and has certainly had tremendous poise for holding herself (and successfully conducting) a crowd. She has her faults, certainly, but I would say she is far from the worst of the lot when it comes to the Homestuck fandom.

>> No.6485743

is it dumb to want to become friends with half these people just so i can have the know on this drama shit. some of them may be actually nice and that would be great, too

>> No.6485745

Very much agreed. She definitely comes off as a little self-important but... isn't she like 18? She's pretty young, and fairly successful in everything she's done (good grades, got into a good college) so maybe that's just how it's affected her personality. She's not always super to be around but I definitely don't think she deserves the reputation of the big bad homestuck that she gets. She's still a kid.

Wishing I had content to post but tumblr is down and I don't have anything saved.

>> No.6485750

I totally get this, and a lot of her friends do say she is quite nice! I never said she was rude, just very full of herself and stubborn and childish. She nice, just a little high and mighty is all.

>> No.6485756

Holy shit what? That's crazy.

>> No.6485763

Are leaders of Homestuck groups always crazy and bitchy? Serious question, does anyone have any examples of a decent group?

>> No.6485764 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 640x480, meenah peixes cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick question!
I want to cosplay meenah and I wear reddish pink prescription glasses that look pretty close to her's. I was wondering if I could pull off the cosplay by wearing mine. (they are transitions but idk if that's relevant.)

>> No.6485768

Its better to be "acquaintances" so you don't inadvertently get sucked into their drama. You want to be "that con friend" and not the person they call to see if you want to fill a space in their room, because the more you get involved with them the harder it will be to pull away when you realize if they're batshit or not.
Weirdly enough I've met a decent amount of the odd ball Homestucks mentioned in these threads. I'm wondering if their all in SoCal or something.

>> No.6485769

I wouldn't say cancerously is crazy and bitchy. Think about it: generally cons have well over 100 Homestucks (at least for larger cons) at meetups/photoshoots. They have to almost herd the crowd so people can walk and be able to take pictures. Not to mention no one shuts the hell up when they're speaking and have to speak at the top of their lungs.

>> No.6485770

Apparently Lauderdale's going to visit Heaven as some reward for not going crazy and trying to kill herself again, and they're making CMVs. Oh God.

>> No.6485775

There was a local con over here in Maryland just last weekend. I forget her name, but it was some girl's first time running a shoot. She seemed pretty nice and organized, and I was surprised that it was her first gig when I talked to her. No clue if she'll keep on running some things here, but I'd like to see her doing more. Most MDstucks are obnoxious and everything seemed to be under control.

>> No.6485776
File: 103 KB, 960x720, ksdjfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually kind of like how incognitovindicator has their Dirk wig styled. I only wish he had the sideburns on it.

>> No.6485781

I can think of a handful of groups with both excellent cosplay and social skills that go above the bare minimum. And nearly drama-free as well (it helps that the people in these groups keep drama one on one and not cosplay related).

But they do their best to stay off the radar as being seen as a group, probably for reasons as we've all seen here.

As for gathering/photoshoot organizers who don't come off as bossy and the like (don't know Cancerously in the least, so I have no idea if she is), the bigger California cons seem to always have their meets/shoots run well.

Like at Fanime, the gathering wasn't even at the con, but across the street. The Condesce and the Equius/Darkleer/Scratch cosplayer is good at getting everyone's attention and is the type of person who can shout without being a dick.

>> No.6485780

They'd suit Jane better. For a meetup, you could wear these glasses. For a con, I'd recommend making Meenah glasses (with the spikes on the sides) and keeping them clipped to the front of your shirt when walking around and looking at things, and swap them out with your prescription glasses when you're taking pictures.

Awkward Cosplay is NorCal, MF is NY, cancerously is Southeast (?), Heaven is AZ. They tend to converge for the big CA cons though.

>> No.6485788

Some of the groups in Canada seem alright.

>> No.6485782

Oh that's my friend! She's really proud of herself for pulling it off.

>> No.6485784

I wouldn't. Meenah has the two little spikes on the edge on her glasses.
I'd suggest getting regular glasses and possibly using it as a base, mold light clay over it, sandpaper it so it's nice and smooth, then paint it.
(Your glasses are really cute though!)

>> No.6485785

If you don't mind doing a lot of work with sculpy to force the shape of her glasses into those, then I say go for it? I'm extremely near sighted myself, so I feel you.
If you're looking for accuracy, you can always mod a pair of cat eye lenses on ebay for a few bucks and just switch glasses for picturees.

>> No.6485794

April and Scratchman ran the AX shoot, too. They had some loud helpers scattered throughout the crowd to get their directions through, and they seem nice people, though I've never personally had the opportunity to interact with them. At cons and meetups, they keep to their group of friends but they won't snub people who go over and introduce themselves.

>> No.6485792

Cancerously is Northeastern too (NJ, NY, etc)

>> No.6485793

At first I thought his waist was that tiny (didn't see the Cal). But knowing him irl, that didn't even strike me as off since he's a wisp.

>That Roxy though
>not how bodies work

>> No.6485796

Good, she should be. Did her and the Tavros have all those little skit things planned out, do you know? Because it really helped holding everyones attention I think. Give her my kudos.

>> No.6485800

She's from Florida but goes to school in New York, so she sort of fits into both groups.

>> No.6485805

Those two are both really great from what I've seen. They do keep to their friend group, but like you said, they don't snub others out.

A friend knew I was friends with them and was all kinds of excited just to get to meet April, and instead of that 'Oh God not another weird fangirl' sort of reaction, April was incredibly fucking warm and nice to the girl.

I think almost all shoots, regardless of who runs them or where they are on this earth, are daunting as hell to try and manage, so props to anyone who does it. People who are considered bossy when running them I actually have sympathy for.

If you've ever been to a gathering, you know that asking people to stop talking so others can hear characters called does nothing to actually shut them up. It annoys me something furious since you learn that shit in gradeschool.

>> No.6485810
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Looks like he gave his friend his Dirk stuff. Is he ever going to do Homestuck again? I actually really like his Strider cosplays.

>> No.6485812
File: 609 KB, 1280x957, tumblr_m5sj37oraC1rtfdtbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one attractive Dirk, damn.

>> No.6485828
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 400211_370753043012938_1920790484_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cute Jade cosplays you guys can share with me?

>> No.6485830

Yeah, these two are good people. I haven't talked to April much, but Scratchman is a total bro. April is really resourceful from what I've seen and I really appreciate how helpful she is for the fandom with her cosplay tips and stuff.

>> No.6485842


How can you tell with the lighting blown out?

>> No.6485849

Are you talking about the Gamzee?

>> No.6485872
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>> No.6485878

I don't understand why people make Jade's hood black? It looks nothing like it.

>> No.6485879
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>> No.6485887




Oh wow I can't wait for this trainwreck.

>> No.6485890
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>> No.6485893

They said those were pictures they sent to a friend with filters, and decided to post them after. I'd like to see what they'd look like in a full Dirk cosplay though.

>> No.6485894


>> No.6485897


I actually think the gray looks better. It's too much black otherwise, and it just looks tacky. But I think with Homestuck cosplay, stuff like this can go either way, considering how inconsistent details like this are throughout the story.

>> No.6485900

everyone in ontario is insane

>> No.6485902
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this is the same jade right?

>> No.6485953 [DELETED] 

probably evan

>> No.6486008

Looks like it judging by her glasses... Which could be a little more circular. Otherwise she looks okay to me. Pretty cute.

That whole group looks decent from what little that picture shows.

>> No.6486014
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>> No.6486023

Laxita2688, she's really great and a very nice person. I didn't attend the shoot[though I was at the con] and everyone says it went really well for her, I hope she runs more.

Tigercon was the first time I've ever actually interacted with mdstuckers in real life, oddly. They were on a whole pretty good.

>> No.6486035
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>> No.6486040
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I really like this Tavros. Iffy on the Vriska, but they both look well put together.

>> No.6486045

not sure what's going on with the dave's pants.... but the kanaya looks good.

>> No.6486054
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>> No.6486059
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>> No.6486069

So many reposts omfg.

>> No.6486070
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The horns and eyes are shooped, but that wig dang.

>> No.6486078
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Tumblr is down, can't find any new or fairly new stuff. Though I'd roll with some oldies, sorry.

>> No.6486099
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>> No.6486102
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>> No.6486108
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>> No.6486112

eddie didint make SDstuck, so no

>> No.6486113
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>> No.6486119
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>> No.6486124
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>> No.6486137

Everyone and their cousin thinks they made SDstuck. I know of at least four people saying they did. But I'm guessing you're Fef.

>> No.6486148

I thought you were supposed to wear makeup when you cosplayed. I cosplay kids, should I not wear any makeup? I've always thought it looked better, but I don't see a lot of other kid cosplayers wear makeup. Are they being lazy, or am I being stupid?

>> No.6486147
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>> No.6486150
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>> No.6486155
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They're probably being lazy. You should wear foundation, concealer, mascara (only a little at the base if you're doing a guy), and some contouring if cosplaying a guy.

>> No.6486156

oh hahaha i never should have made her a mod, so no not fef

>> No.6486158


Wear subtle, natural makeup. You always want to wear a base and something for your eyes to even out your skin and make your eyes pop in photos, but you're obviously not going to go all-out if you character is young / male / doesn't have access to makeup.

Still, do a little subtle something so you look clean and neat in photos.

>> No.6486166
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>> No.6486183
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>> No.6486189
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>> No.6486195


They're all uniquely messed up in different ways.

>> No.6486198


I made my first Jade hood out of black to match the painting by Lexxy and you're right, it's just way too much black for someone to pull off and not look like a tacky, emo popsicle. My grey one provides contrast and looks a lot better, imo.

>> No.6486242

Alright, here's a question irrelevant to the current discussion - my cosplay group got invited to do the Alpha kid Strippertiers with the group who did Betas at SacAnime. Now, my initial instinct is ..... don't do it with them but - my group is very pushy and there's no way for me to back or get them to back out.
Any suggestions on not being so ..... trashy? I know that's an oxymoron, given the whole idea of the cosplay, but....please let me know your opinions, HSG.

>> No.6486245

oh god just don't do it anon. there's no way to make that not trashy, the whole strippertier thing is just fucking moronic.

Or if you do make sure to send pics here so we can rip you apart haha sorry just don't do it.

>> No.6486270

Oh, no, believe me- I would upload pictures. 1, because I'd deserve it for going along with it, and 2, maybe it'll help my group realize how bad of an idea it is.

I'd be the Roxy, by the way. If you see it, then you'll know I was unable to convince anyone of the trashiness.

>> No.6486272

Well, if anything, Roxy is the closest thing we'd have to a stripper anyway.

Go with something kinda burlesquey? That's the only way I can imagine it not being a massive shitbomb.

>> No.6486278

hahaah in that case, I say go all out. Just make it quality. None of that crappy MF racerstuck. Make the costume fucking perfect, especially the wig, makeup and contacts. Use the right colors and make it look like something she would wear. Like, add a hipflash holder on to a garter or something.

Make easy for us to make fun of you but do it so well we'll love you all the same

>> No.6486280

it'll still be a shitbomb unless you are real (and hot and talented) strippers. And even then...
just dont do it

>> No.6486291

Thanks! Bri already sent us her designs (imo, from hanging out with her, she's sweet, but she has terrible taste) so maybe I can mess about with them a bit. I don't really know anything about burlesque, but hell, I'll research and do what I can.

>> No.6486301

Laxita2688 sounds... familiar? I THINK I talked to her at Otakon or AUSA. Has she been involved in anything?

>> No.6486311

Your instincts are right, it's a bad idea. I remember that group and not only was it poorly handled (not that I think it's something that could be pulled off well easily by many people), it was overall incredibly awkward. Especially with that Jade. Body acceptance is good, and while it's great she felt she could dress that way, the fact that she's so young (15?) was really uncomfortable for a lot of people.

The majority of society does not want to see a fifteen year old cosplaying a stripper version of a character. It's oversexed and bound to draw creeps.

If it's not viable to avoid being in the group in the end, at least you get to be Roxy. Burlesque the fuck out of your outfit and channel Dita von Tease. It's your only hope.

>> No.6486315

Pour alcohol all over your bosoms.

>> No.6486317

I'm lenient on stripperstuck/strippertier because the original beta kids weren't too hard on the eyes and were obviously fucking around. GOd knows there have been worse ideas out there.

>> No.6486318

You should show us the designs (or at least the Roxy one) so we can try to give advice on how to class it up. What's your sewing experience like, too? Or if someone else is sewing it, tell us theirs.

>> No.6486339
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>> No.6486342

That Vriskas' skin is really dark dang.

>> No.6486350
File: 84 KB, 343x594, kanaya-cosplay-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey homestuck general! I plan on cosplaying Kanaya, but I am stumped on the wig and have very little experience.
What do you guys like to see in a Kanaya wig? Any tips? What length should I get to start out?

>> No.6486355

its probably just because shes next to a rainbow drinker kanaya cosplayer.

>> No.6486358

actually that vriska is a bit darker than the typical troll cosplayer who mixes white and grey ben nye but it looks good so im not complaining

>> No.6486364

Kanaya has a very difficult style to pull off without it looking rigid or bad from any angle but the front. I find that omitting the top spike makes the style not as ridiculous but sometimes it can throw off your silhouette depending on how you styled the rest of it. Generally just stay away from using unstyled "anime guy" wigs, make sure to get your bangs styled nice and neatly, and make the whole thing looks nice polished and you should be fine.
I personally used a wig that reached to about my chin and had a bit of fluff to it so it was easier to style, then I tried to make a sort of "flip" thing that laid as close to my head as i could.

>> No.6486387

so is anyone here a chicagostuck? we hardly have any drama, besides a few weeaboo 12-15 year olds, and the whole ordeal with the sex offender summoner (who is honestly a creep).

>> No.6486389

woah, sex offender summoner? do tell.

>> No.6486391

I mentioned this a couple threads back but personally, I think Cancerously takes herself WAY too seriously, and I do think she has a bit of a big head when it comes to Homestuck. Yeah, she runs shoots and shit, but that doesn't make her the BNF of BNFs or nearly as important as she makes herself out to be. Other than that she's not bad, ive met her, but still. I think this is her first fandom being a BNF and it's gone to her head a bit.

I will tell you though it's nice when she has seerofsarcasm run shoots with her. She came up for Otakon and AUSA and she's always the one who makes jokes and generally plays around and talks to the people at the shoot. Cancerously is so absorbed in the shoot that they tend to be a little dry.

>> No.6486403

there was a ton of drama over a summoner cosplayer, and how he supposedly puts girls into situations where they cant say no and have sex with him. the drama was insinuated when one girl liked him, but he went out with some other girl from the community. i actually have trouble following the whole story, but the guys a manwhore, he's supposedly had over 50 sex partners and he told me personally that he lost his virginity at age 12.

>> No.6486414

This was up on hsg AGES ago, but I remember it being said that some underaged bait was hardcore hitting on him, crawling into his lap, and I think he found out, told her to stop, and she went fangirl crazy? Correct me if I'm wrong, it was a long while back

>> No.6486421

It came out that the whole story was just some chick being super jealous because he WOULDN'T sleep with her, because he found out she was underage. Yeah he was flirting with her and intending to sleep with her but he backed off when he found out she was under 18 and that pissed her off so she decided to ruin his reputation by saying he was like, a pedophile.

>> No.6486424

i dont know. i think he was dating someone underaged? or maybe they were like, 18 or 19 or something. i know he dated the super good pm from acen, but they ended up breaking up. he also was grinding on someone on promstuck in front of his then girlfriend (not the pm) and ive seen him at almost every convention ive been at in the area and outside of the area where homestucks are. its weird. im not sure. the guy just seems really weird to me, even if i cant piece together everything from all the stories ive heard, but i ran into him on omegle once.....and it was....odd.

>> No.6486426

yeah, thats what he told me on omegle. but even if hes not a *~sex offender!!!!!~* he still just manages to make me feel uncomfortable

>> No.6486427

I know the PM was dating him when the whole thing went down because I remember distinctly a post on her blog saying it was al false.

>> No.6486428

Are there any other super creepy homestuck cosplayers that you all know of? There's the summoner we're talking about now but any stories about general gross or creeper guys or girls in the fandom?

>> No.6486431

wish you had a better view of that fear no anvil
that's a prop i don't see done often, or done well
this angle looks somewhat promising though

>> No.6486438

I'd say the eclectica out of this bunch looks the best, at least to my eyes. Those unfinished edges on that dogtier, ugh.

>> No.6486446

I remember seeing this in person and being disappointed. It was unsanded styrofoam :c It looked good from far away but up close it was really ugly.

>> No.6486448

There's a Jake cosplayer down in Florida who gets mentioned here every once and a while for being generally creepy and sexually harassing women he meets. But I think people only care because he cheated on seerofsarcasm and she's a bnf.

Other than that I think there was a situation up north last NYCC with someone but I don't remember much and could be thinking of a different fandom.

>> No.6486452

Dad needs to teach Dave how to shave his face.

>> No.6486456

I will definitely post the designs when I get a chance to use a computer (hopefully sometime tonight, and before the next autosage). I've been sewing for a little over a year now, i've made a few dresses and quite a few more skirts and Jade's GT, Dave's GT, Rose's GT, and Dirk's GT hood. I recently made a Meulin cosplay. I'm the seamstress of the group.

>> No.6486463

Okay so ive been meaning to ask this, what does seerofsarcasm even do? I see her posted a ton but i'm not familiar with her at all.

>> No.6486473

That's probably because she's not a drama cow therefore doesn't get much attention. She doesn't have a big following on tumblr I don't think but everyone knows her because she started and mods homestuckcosplayhelp.

I think she also started running shoots about the same time cancerously did, she runs pretty much everything big in Florida and goes up to northern conventions a lot and runs things up there too.

She was the main picture in the last HSG thread, if that helps >>6480585 she's been in a few big panels, too. but overall she's pretty low-key because basically everyone likes her.

>> No.6486475

Middle of the road cosplayer, but she helps run shoots on the East coast and started the trainwreck that is HomestuckCosplayHelp

>> No.6486484

Why would you call it a trainwreck? It seems...decent at the least.

>> No.6486489

She's incredibly nice. My friend, who's younger than I am, went to Metrocon this year and at one point at a Homestuck shoot my friend started crying for personal reasons and she came over and asked if she was okay and if there was anything she could do. We told her no so she shrugged, told my friend she had a very nice cosplay and went back to where she was. She said "I want everyone who comes to my shoots to have a nice time" and I thought that was really great. It really cheered my friend up.

I don't know I just sort of felt like sharing that story because stuff like that doesn't happen often at cons and I thought it was really nice.

>> No.6486492

It started decent, then turned it into a trainweck, now it's getting decent again. Less shit is getting through and they're working on organizing it a lot.

>> No.6486500

What does everyone think of Hanari? Personally I think she can be a huge cunt for no reason and passing it off as being a blunt person (which I can understand, i see myself as that too), but sometimes she can just be downright rude.
Curious to see what others think about her.

>> No.6486507

aw, that was nice!

>> No.6486508
File: 65 KB, 517x522, yesgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a really cool idea when it was first made but since it's submission based now it's less likely to see people submitting things that are actually useful. I hope she continues with the twitter she made for the really horrible things that people submit to that blog.

>> No.6486511

She must make a habit of that because I saw her do the same thing for a girl crying after the Otakon 10:25 shoot.

>> No.6486512

Who the fuck is Hanari

>> No.6486515

Fuck I forgot the rest.
What I know of her from conventions, she can be...okay. I don't really know about being a cunt to people, but then again I've only seen her conduct online mostly.

>> No.6486526
File: 104 KB, 636x960, i_can_see_you_by_hanari502-d4gcrgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She comes across as a raging asshole online and is slightly better in person. She is WAY full of herself though, in a really bad way. I don't know if she still does it, but I remember back when she would bitch people out about using wigs that were longer than ear-length for Rose or portrayed her character as asian.
I think of her as an obnoxious 13 year old and am reminded occasionally that she's actually 18.

>> No.6486528

Oh my god this twitter is gold.

>> No.6486533

Her name is diamondsfuckingdroog right now on tumblr, but recently she's been know on here for making a shit-tier Rufioh wig and outfit. I think she's friends with seerofsarcasm or just acquaintances.

>> No.6486534

New thread >>6486531

>> No.6486538

I can't stand her cosplays. She always makes the same smug face in photos. Really uninteresting and she pats herself on the back about them a lot. Is this considered an unpopular opinion? ha

>> No.6486539

she needs to stop trying to sell her homestuck wallets at conventions. not only is it super annoying but i'm pretty sure shes been sent cease and desist letters from halftruth

>> No.6486554

She is downright rude for no reason. She thinks she's all that but she's a huge bitch and won't stop trying to sell her wallets to gullible people and it's getting really annoying. Have to deal with enough shit at Florida cons.

>> No.6486557

Holy shit yes. One of the few things that actually pisses me off about her. I guess they're okay looking but does anyone actually buy from her?
Now that I think about it there are more than a few things that bug me about her..

>> No.6486558


i think shes so fucking obnoxious. i was talking to a friend of hers at mega and she interrupted saying "i'm hanari, i'm kind of.. tumblr famous haha. and yeah i'm like everyones headcanon rose"

also her rufioh cosplay is sections of feather boa hot glued to blue jeans and hot glued to a wig. its painful.

>> No.6486564

there is an eridan in toronto that has a lot of harassment rumors

>> No.6486565

>Have to deal with enough shit at Florida cons.
wait is there new shit i didn't hear about? goddammit.

>> No.6486575

Fuckin' serious? Sheesh, I've only seen the girl once, maybe twice at cons. That sure shows she has an ego if she butts in just to say "uh yeah i have a blog lolol".

>> No.6486585

Is that the one who was said to have taken a girl back to his hotel room and mess around with her when she was stone cold passed out drunk?

>> No.6486608
File: 52 KB, 500x750, 248976_447036448675866_924695258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was pretty cool at metrocon, lots of fun, kanaya west and squarewave and such but she can be kind of cruel and angry online for... seemingly no reason. wonder why.

>> No.6486636

Does anyone know anything about the San Francisco Homestuck group? I'm visiting a friend for Christmas break and I want to know if I should be warned or not.

>> No.6487031

They're Super Pinkys! I got mine off of Honey Color, but you can get them from Pinky Paradise as well uwu
(Darn they went on sale right after I bought them!)

>> No.6487526

wasn't that the mod who threw tantrums?