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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 150 KB, 280x373, night_sky_regimental_dress_ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6477813 No.6477813 [Reply] [Original]


Honestly I don't get the massive hype over AP's Gloria print. I like it myself but it's not as if AP has never done anything that could be worn in a gothic or classic coord. Pic related, it's on sale on the AP SF page right now. I guess no one really cares about nonprint pieces.

>> No.6477821

If this is an attempt at a secrets thread, I salute you. I started one last night and it was deleted within ten minutes. All I opened with was "no secrets thread?"

>> No.6477841

I'm not hyped into it. I like it, but I'm not dying to have it.

I think a few other anon lolitas here too mentioned that AP just tends to have a more serious release for the holiday season. Makes sense.

>> No.6477849

My feeling is that the similarity of the print to Puppet Circus (intricate gold print) sets us into crazy mode. There's a dress coming out NOW that's similar to one of the ultimate status items in the fashion.

Personally I think it looks good and wouldn't mind the dress, but I'm not creaming my bloomers over it.

This week's secrets weren't very interesting, although the ones with that creepy brolita/sissy guy gave me a lol. I can't believe he's actually gotten worse now hahahahahahaha!!!

>> No.6477856
File: 153 KB, 279x365, apbookmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's partially this, and also partially how many AP fans are really only pseudo fangirls who don't actually actively check AP's site. Have you guys seen this shit? It is fucking baller, a dress that looks like a book with open pages. The little open flaps there have writing in gold. Yet this one isn't making the rounds on tumblr or anywhere.

>> No.6477858

>Accidentally clicked /cgl/ instead of /ck/
>See this post
>That IS a nice dress!
>Look it up
>And back to lurking /cgl/ I go.

>> No.6477865


Oh God, I know. I fucking love that dress.

>> No.6478010

Yeah they were pretty lack luster this week. I was hoping for stuff about the creepy curtseying guy who writes weird stuff on Fetlife or backlash from Crystal Candyland about their pics being posted on /cgl/.

Dude this is beautiful. I'd buy all the darker color AP designs at retail if I wasn't such a poorfag.

>> No.6478016

>looks like a book with open pages
I can't see this. I just see awkward pleats. :(

>> No.6478038

same here. it just looks like an awkward dress to me.

>> No.6478270

Is it normal now for anon comments to be marked as spam and not show up for a bit on the comm?

>> No.6478292

I like these dresses, but I think AP prices them too high when the reality is they're very simple.
Like >>6477856
is actually really nice, but I'm not going to pay close to $400 for it because I don't think it's super unique.

>> No.6478293

I like the idea but it's poorly done. I can see what they were trying to do but if it wasn't called 'bookmark' or if someone didn't draw the attention to it, I would have just thought it was a weird design.

AP's been experimenting with a lot of interesting ideas like this though, I like Royal Chocolate where the fabric around the waist of the skirt is 'melting' down.

AP is starting to be my favorite brand and I don't even like sweet, they're just doing a lot of interesting innovative and playful things beyond just prints that I'm not seeing in other brands.

>> No.6478299

I don't see it either, and I really don't like the striped thing at the bottom.

>> No.6478411

IMO it would look a lot better with a solid color bow and buttons.

>> No.6478421


>> No.6478518

The secret about the 6ft girl having short dresses me sad. I honestly perfect skirts being above the knees, even if it's ita.
But I'm 5'0", so I'll never have shorter dresses unless i commission them.

>> No.6480042

i seriously dont see the book. i see an ugly dress

>> No.6480403

Above the knees =/= ita. Mid thigh/covering crotch = ita.

Also, Putumayo will be above knee on you. Their staff model is 5' 2" and stuff is usually well above knee on her.

>> No.6480432

unless it's higher than low mid thigh, I personally think it's fine as long as you wear tights(preferably dark) instead of otk socks

>> No.6480435


you have to see it on the site, the white part is actually pages

and yes, I want it so bad but my atelier boz order comes first

>> No.6480446

Anybody know anything about this purronica chick that started ~defending herself~ in secret the comments section for secret #43?

>> No.6480482

Anyone know how much this goes for second-hand?

>> No.6480484

That secret-maker has been butthurt about being tall for weeks on end; she posts numerous posts about it every fucking time.

I agree that above-the-knee looks great on some people; on tall thin girls with thin-ass legs it look fucking elegant. I'm short, though, so sometimes I end up with tea-length dresses but that still looks cute as fuck anyway.

tl;dr height is whatever, man.

>> No.6480519

It's still for sale on the US site.

>> No.6480576

Draw it out over the dress please. I still can't see any books.

>> No.6480620

Anyone got caps of the deleted comments? I assume it's Veronica de la Rosa or whatever her name is on FB. (she's wearing a purple wig in her profile pic and almost everything is public, including the post where she's complaining about what happened) I was watching that fb sale comm post when all that went down between the mod and both girls. It was hilarious how Veronica flew off the handle.

>> No.6480900
File: 494 KB, 546x1190, 659830_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have btb caps, but this is the original from the Facebook lolita sales comm.

>> No.6480907
File: 374 KB, 530x960, 660132_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veronica (purronica) pming Amber (dearestvictoria) for being ~so rude~~~!

>> No.6480913
File: 1.27 MB, 609x2356, 660401_original (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Veronica's bruised ego is not gently massaged by Amber's words, she turns to the mod, Alex.

>> No.6480935


this bitch.

>> No.6480941

Jesus Christ. I'd think she was trolling with the way she went from, "Someone was being mean to me :c" to "Okay, you fucking bitch. Fuck you and your group, you literal retard."

>> No.6480948
File: 207 KB, 320x506, Secret_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and on one of last weeks secrets ~purronica~ whiteknighted all over this girls overexaggerated story in this secret (behind-the-bows.livejournal.com/25970.html?thread=8781170#t8781170) and the week before posted one about how ~awesome~ her comm is
like seriously take that shit to loli valentines

>> No.6480966

Now that we're a no-drama board, this is actually the most interesting thing I've read about in a while.
I'd love to do an anthropological study of Lolitas.

>> No.6480974

You'd like to do an ethnography of lolitas is what you meant.

>> No.6480992

Should i throw myself onto your parasol in penance for my misinformed intentions?

>> No.6480993

I don't really care but that sure did get a reaction out of you.

>> No.6480998

lol i read that secret and i kept thinking "so you went out dressed weird and didn't get asspats? WAHHH" i have this feeling that the incident described in the secret wasn't the whole story and after veronica commented the OP basically outed herself and i vaguely recall seeing this somewhere on tumblr and it being a bit different from what was described in the comments...

>> No.6481000

I was being playful, you're supposed to say something like "Kiss my Dreamy Horoscope acrylic ring, knave!", or something.

>> No.6481005

It feels like it's been a while since someone has been so unabashedly moronic and defensive in the lolita community. I really hope purronica sticks around and continues to "nOT CARE WUT WE THINK!!!11".

>> No.6481018

i really hope so

>> No.6481036
File: 544 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mbpl0qVYuL1ruodpro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is purronica, in case anyone was wondering.

>> No.6481042


>> No.6481045

jesus christ what are those things

>> No.6481060
File: 103 KB, 400x571, 1297560399006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God.

>> No.6481064
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>> No.6481086

That's a damn shame.
She seems like she'd be better if she worked on her posture, lost like 50 pounds, got contacts and switched to classic vs whatever the fuck that is.

Oh, and had an attitude adjustment.

>> No.6481088

HAH. I was counting down the days for this chick (brown, on right) to get posted on here. I go to school with her. She's just a wonderful embodiment of the most annoying side of lolita/omgnerd crap.

her website where she poses with a kpop wannabee http://theotherbeautifulcouple.com/gallery.php

>> No.6481095
File: 14 KB, 483x418, smug-obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh damn son! That bitch is crazy. What is rude about the simple statement "This does not belong in this group."

There is nothing rude about that, at all. It could be considered a little blunt, but rude? Rude is "Get that fucking doll out of our group, it doesn't belong you retard!!"

>> No.6481118

So she's just a massive snowflake? How did you meet her?

>> No.6481125

I don't quite remember; it was at least two years ago. Probably through some mutual friend in either the local anime or asian students club.

But yeah, total special snowflake thing going on. Likes to talk about being a lesbian while dating guys exclusively (to my knowledge, anyway). That sort of thing.

>> No.6481138

Well at least she's cute.

>> No.6481142

Compared to that other monstrosity, yeah.

>> No.6481161
File: 129 KB, 279x365, readabooknigguh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried. The green is like, the "cover" of the book. I tried to outline the pages. The red blob is the eponymous "bookmark". The red squiggles are where the werds would be, on the dress they are written in gold, AP's stock photos are so damn shitty.

>> No.6481165

I like the idea, but feel like it would make more sense as a full on bustle or something. As it is, the comparison is a bit hard to make without someone drawing in on top of the dress.

>> No.6481192 [DELETED] 


>> No.6481190

Why the flying fuck are the mods deleting SECRETS THREADS?

Hope moot did something because this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.6481195 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 260x224, 1355164912617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481246

Well she looks really cute in that gallery. She should stick to dressing like a normal person. Also why does she have a whole gallery of her hanging on to some uggo guy?

>> No.6481249

Can someone email moot or something? I've already mailed him tons lately about something unrelated.

>> No.6481263

She used to post on d_l a lot. Maybe about 3 years ago? Her outfits were sometimes a bit odd but very refreshing at the time. It's nice to see her posting again.

>> No.6481271

That's her boyfriend.

>> No.6481451

She's really pretty, she'd make a gorgeous classic lolita or toned-town sweet, not the bullshit in >>6481036

>> No.6482325

Dear cgl,

Not everyone wants to wear classic.

>> No.6483121
File: 29 KB, 419x333, 1275130742187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ has anyone seen the getoffegl post about purronica yet. her and her friends are freaking out with sock puppets all over the comments. it's highly embarassing

>> No.6483133


>> No.6483137

is the SoFL this crazy

>> No.6483138
File: 1.03 MB, 248x193, 4sku2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to buy that crymoregirls person some ice cream so she'll chill out and learn to enjoy life a little. Like...it's been a long time since I've seen someone type in a way that accurately expresses the idea of "high blood pressure" in text alone. Seriously girl, you're going to pop something. Just simmer down already.

>> No.6483141
File: 128 KB, 616x909, ca26196103f4ec1ef959d54f22bc5e7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483146

if you're asking if the south florida lolita community is this crazy then- from the stuff i've read over the past few weeks involving the veronica girl then yes i'm inclined to believe so

>> No.6483144

Hahahahaha. Wow. Dis bitch.

>> No.6483148

It boggles my mind that people can write this kind of shit on their public facebooks so everyone they know can read it and anyone can look it up. Do they not think about the future when employers / new people they meet could potentially look them up and see this shit? I mean really. Goddamn.

>> No.6483154

lol i can't believe the crymore sock is trying to use the "well i'm lgbt and i use faggot all the time so it's not offensive XD" argument urgh

>> No.6483164

Holy shit I met this girl a year or so ago at school club get together, and she was just...odd. I'm sure she's nice and all but I got this weird snowflake vibe off of her as well.
I'm guessing you live in south florida as well, anon?

>> No.6483168

What the heck is dis?
I mean, I know we're actually real people and not refined perfect dolls, but why doesn't she stop?
It's a wall of her talking to herself. Wouldn't one "fuck you all" do it enough?

>> No.6483189

i think purronica keeps it public because she's on the whole "I DONT CAER WAT U THINK11!!" kick so she leaves it public to seem like an internet tough girl, kicking down meanies and haters one bad replica at a time

>> No.6483193

... Someone needs to take her out back and put her down. Seriously, there is no excuse for being this foaming-at-the-mouth crazy.

>> No.6483194

Oh my god, so what is she hoping to accomplish here

That she is tough on the internet and knows how to use a capslock key? I mean seriously, what the actual fuck

If anyone were to message her she would probably just capslock them and block them

>> No.6483233

Just letting you know, you're outing yourself screen capper. First comment there.

Also, apparently this Breanne person just got dumped.

>> No.6483249

this was taken from the GTFO post- crymoregirls posted a link to it in a comment so i just saved it and reposted it here in case anyone missed it

>> No.6483265

I like how she thinks because she's a ~lesbian~ that it makes it okay to say those slurs. She's not even black.

>> No.6483279 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 609x2356, crazy bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the convo she has with the mod that wasn't included in the gtfo post

>> No.6483284

I doubt she even is by how she skirts around it. "involved in the community" "MIGHT marry a woman someday." my guess is high school bisexual.

>> No.6483290



>> No.6483294

sorry! that's what I get for skimming

>> No.6483306


I never get this "I can totally throw that around with as much vitriol as I want, 'cause I'm a minority too!" crap. Like, I don't get massive butthurt when that shit is thrown lightly in a "this dramu is such delicious faggorty" kinda way, but when it's in the same endless tirade as this crazy ass bitch's with all the slurs her feeble mind can muster, all I can think is, "Well, I can easily think of several LGBT public figures that are really shit for the community, so I don't think that excuse really flies there, little girl."

Kid, you ain't all ~edgey~ and shit if you say "faggot" in anger and you're a lesbian. Stop pretending you are for it.

>> No.6483326

not to mention the whole "my sister is autistic!" thing. oh sorry I didn't realize your sister was the spokesperson for all autistic people. and how are random people who see it supposed to know all that? they'll just assume he's another discriminatory asshole

>> No.6483350


Exactly. Besides, as oversensitive as I think people tend to get these days (as well as the exact opposite), you don't get to dictate how someone reacts to something, or how informed they are regarding your position in saying that.

Plus, there's no way in hell I'm letting some baby bi with her panties endlessly in a twist try to speak up for me as a queer. Fuck that shit.

>> No.6483355

Jesus. One of those 'activists' who only wants to support you if you act the way they want you to.

Reminds me of the sjws who want to 'like totally support a woman's right to choose!" but vilify women who make choices they don't like, like being a stay at home mom or keeping an unwanted pregnancy or shaving their legs or whatever.
Nope, doesn't work like that, fucker. You want to support me you need to realize that I have my own opinions on how I want to be treated, and you don't get to ignore them because they're not the same as yours.

>> No.6483712

>I posted selling a victorian doll
I don't even have to see the doll to know it's an ugly, no-brand, modern polyester mess from the Dollar General store. Mainly because if it was worth anything, she would be selling it on eBay, not trying to slag off her thrift store mess on a clothing-selling community.

>> No.6483740
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(Speaking in general tendencies)

I think lolitas who wear lolita more frequently or every day are the ones who are the market for the non-print dresses. I have a mix of both (prints, solids/florals) and the latter are much easier to wear every day.

Prints appeal more to younger lolitas who wear it every day who don't have "real" jobs, weekend lolitas, and people who want to buy into the image brands advertise.

I notice replica-chans who are dead set on prints are usually just into it for the look and status. Very rarely do they own solids (unless their oo jia print washes out, pic related) because the print/status is more important than the fashion to them.

>> No.6483779

This, this so much. I wear lolita daily and don't own much in the way of prints yet because for the most part they're just very impractical and too loud for daily wear yet so expensive, they're just not worth me buying when I'll barely wear them. Even screenprint or embroidered designs can be a bit loud for daily wear so I save them for special occasions.

>> No.6483785

Yes! I was a sweet all the way and now I'm a real girl with grown up shit I'm drooling over the plainer stuff from metamorphose.
Nobody's going to want an adult baby around the office, no matter how much you tell them it's ~*~*AP~*~*~.

>> No.6483790
File: 57 KB, 328x480, 1348271352995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're a stay at home mom that kept an unwanted pregnancy and doesn't shave her legs.

It's okay, I support your right to choose stupid.

>> No.6483800

>all that greentexting on facebook
how fucking stupid do you have to be
she's obviously not quoting anyone, which is the most common defense used by fags who do that
does she not realize how damn stupid that looks?
maybe i'm just being nitpicky but it's just so stupid to make it known you go here

>> No.6483802

These people are exactly the sorts who end up getting fired over something they posted online, because they cannot fucking comprehend that public Facebook content is viewable BY LITERALLY EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET WITH AN INTERNET CONNECTION. You can't post shit in public and then bitch when people look at it.

>> No.6483807


For all her "I DUN CARE IF UR OFFENDED" bs, I'm ever so sure that her employers would mind that she used hate speech not only on Facebook but on any account that can be tied to her name.

>> No.6483832

It does look stupid, and it's something that makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.6483966

Okay the batshit girl is funny but that other girl
>"slaps u"
>how many times do i have to tell you not to bash lolita

That little "slaps u" actually got me to laugh out loud. It didn't even use asterisks.

>> No.6483972

Those homophobic comments, christ. No idea what is even going on.

>> No.6483989

"Only a few inches short of fitting into shirred brand"

>> No.6483997

And yet her legs look just like the other girl's. It baffles me.

>> No.6484002

Obviously you were only into sweet when it was popular. Now that it's going out of style its "eww adult baby!!!1!"

>> No.6484008

I'm obese and my lower legs are small. Looks like she's apple shaped like me, most of the fat is in the midsection.

>> No.6484011

crymoregirls FB isn't as public as purronica's is. I tried looking for that post she capped but it wasn't there. Also, I think purronica hid the statuses that got capped from public view because they're not there anymore.

>> No.6484056

I don't wear lolita very often, but I prefer solids in deep jewel colors, ivory, or black mostly because I look better in them. Pastels make me look like death warmed over, and I've never been a big fan of prints beyond stripes, polka dots, or gingham checks.

Also, I'm a lot older than most lolitas. I'm talkin' serious outlier, here. Not quite Tiferet, but close. And unless I want to look ridiculous, or as if I just stumbled out of a bad remake of 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?', I've got to keep shit toned down. So I'm on the subdued gothic/classic/aristo end of the spectrum, where solids prevail.

>> No.6484061

I'm still on the big side, and I've been bigger, but I'd have to be *immense* to get fat calves (or arms). It all goes to my boobs and midsection. I describe my fat body shape as "potato with toothpicks," so this girl's slim lower legs don't strike me as odd.

>> No.6484060

Well that was an assumption and a half.
I'm pretty sure sweet's going strong still with the younger girls.

>> No.6484083

>potato with toothpicks

It all makes sense now. That's a good way to describe it.

>> No.6484136

oh daayumm that is hard to see
it's a really cute idea though, just lacking in execution.

>> No.6484182

>i was all about sweet
>nobody wants an adult baby in the office

did you read the post? I wasn't assuming shit. I swear so many girls on cgl are so fucking obsessed with being "adult" and "acting their age" It's seriously almost as bad as older women obsessed with recapturing their youth.

>> No.6484211

i'm young and i cannot imagine wearing sweet ever right now.

>> No.6484219


23, and the closest I can get to sweet is Innocent World. It's adorable and I love it, but...not on me.

I think as I get older I'll gradually shift from lolita to more full length Victorian and Edwardian outfits. Wouldn't it be something to do my grocery shopping dressed like a Gibson girl?