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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 397x550, dollfie31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6480797 No.6480797 [Reply] [Original]

Dollstyle cosplay

itt we help eachother achieve the BJD/dolly look.
- doll makeup tutorials
- links to cute accessories like ball-jointed tights
- pics of your "goal" look

>> No.6480801
File: 67 KB, 400x600, tumblr_l64vl1fGp81qzhlbso1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6480799
File: 89 KB, 500x333, dollfie02ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6480824

Is this living doll thing basically ulzzang and feizl?

>> No.6480835

That's not a BJD or a cosplay, that's just Kerli.

>> No.6480836

It's a mixture of cosplay and j-fashion.

>> No.6480903

Did anyone from /cgl/ join the VA doll contest? I saw that it has been closed.

>> No.6481197
File: 162 KB, 480x640, 5462748330_1c1a36c5f0_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never look like a BJD ever. They are a league of their own. That is what makes them so special.

A human that tries to look like them only steps into uncanny valley. Because humans aren't perfect, but the dolls we own are, or have the potential to be in their own little ways. Damn I BJD to much, carry on people.

>> No.6481225

This. Eyes that big aren't even possible. Not even with circle lenses and makeup.

Anastasiya Shpagina tried that and failed pretty hard...

>> No.6481270


This made me sad. I want to be that pretty.
Sometimes it hurts so much knowing that it's impossible and I know it's ridiculous to feel that way.

>> No.6481372

It's one of those things that looks good in photos, but would probably be too unusual in real life, so being that pretty naturally might just be awkward. Like going grocery shopping looking like Katy Perry in the ET video.

That said, since it's purely a photographic aesthetic I personally believe it's perfectly fine to use makeup and shoop to look like a BJD in photos so long as you're not lying out your ass about it like a certain someone, and have already worked to get as close to the look as possible naturally (like, losing a healthy amount of weight if need be).

>> No.6481411

I like how their skin looks. Like with the pink around the eyes. Sometimes there's a tiny tinge of blush on their chin as well, in addition to the usual blush in the cheeks. I think it's very pretty. Not sure how well it would transfer to real life though, outside of photographs.

>> No.6481415
File: 16 KB, 380x275, hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i want a bjd so badly

>> No.6481421

You'd look like a druggie

>> No.6481438
File: 55 KB, 500x600, 1324076887184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481559

need bloodshot eyes for that

>> No.6481570

Where does one acquire a BJD?

>> No.6481579

Den of Angels, the #1 bjd community, would be the best place to start-- information, price, and care wise. People sell them used and new on there with all the knowledge in the world to share. Only tricky part is getting an invite into the website itself.

>> No.6481630
File: 60 KB, 570x1128, 84484687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper BJD tights:

>> No.6481645
File: 83 KB, 566x848, cf9e500d54e253b88bb8a093da611d61-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all BJDs have unrealistic big eyes, just saying.

>> No.6481650

these just look scary to me.

>> No.6481659


Those look way too shiny and have way too much shading. They should be subtle not "LOOK AT THE WEIRD ASS PATTERN ON MY KNEES THAT LOOK LIKE A WEIRD MOUTH OR SOMETHING!".

>> No.6481672

Hmm, these look positively scary.

Maybe it's because the pictures are taken with flash, though.

>> No.6481677

It translates pretty well, actually. Only downside are the stares from generic white girls who think you are a retarded kid who doesn't know how to wear make-up.

>> No.6481681
File: 19 KB, 315x370, 1266718516810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too, anon, me too. Except I only love the hard to get ones like Migidoll Miho and Limhwa Mono.

>> No.6481685


Den of angels is good, or if you want a new one you can just buy from their site. Google "BJD brands" and go from there, but trust me, do tons of research and homework before you just buy one.

>> No.6481695

this is like, the cutest girl ever, fuck

>> No.6481702

BJD joints aren't supposed to be subtle at BJD 'cosplays'.

>> No.6481725

they almost look like they could be some sort of spacesuit pants.

>> No.6481726

But those are just flat-out ugly and tacky, even for cosplay.

>> No.6481738


all the candy stripper models are cute as fuck

amo ftw

>> No.6481739


We're not talking about cosplaying BJDs ITT, we're talking about incorporating BJD-like elements into a workable style. Gaudy joint tights like that no bueno.

>> No.6481986
File: 192 KB, 530x630, 20080229125000cont6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, when I was bored a while ago I would open my BJD pic folder and copy their make up on my face or use it as inpiration of new styles. It was like a year before all the 'doll style' thing popped up, I didn't even knew it could be a trend. It made me learn a lot about couturing and eye/face shape too.
Pic related, my favourite for inspitation.

>> No.6482621

ok, how chocolat or whatever that girl that runs the wig shop is making bjd tights to sell- but she's basing them off a tutorial that was floating around for ages.
i'm really uncomfortable about the thought of her profiting and mass-producing tights that were made in a tutorial by someone else. What do you guys think?

>> No.6482630

That's why I only own dolls that aren't conventionally "pretty" without looking grotesque. Sooms and Volks are 99% of the time ridiculously boring in both sculpt and owner's stylization. So sick of rosy girls in poofy dresses and majestic dames in satin ball gowns.

I like a face that tells a story, I'll never get this whole "dolly look" thing. It's fun as a one-time coord or party look, but long term it robs girls of their personality and leaves a plastic unified fake instead...

>> No.6482643

There's plenty of tutorials out there showing how to dye your light colored wig with Sharpies, but no one is complaining that wig companies don't just stock white wigs and assorted color Sharpies to get your own wig colors. Some people feel more comfortable buying things than DIYing them. I'm pretty sure a Taobao shop also stocks BJD tights and are probably cheaper than Chokelate's, but other people don't want to buy from Taobao. It's not like she's selling replicas of a print dress like Oo Jia or DOL.

>> No.6482645

wasn't even aware this was a thing.
anyone can post good pictures? i'm curious as to what it would look like

>> No.6482655

I know what tutorial you're talking about, but I was already working on getting them made before I found out about that one. I hand drew the print in Photoshop myself using BJD references. The Selfer tights did inspire me though :)

>> No.6482730

Still doesn't make them less popular in japan, could say that lolita is flat-out ugly and tacky as well.

>> No.6482732
File: 99 KB, 500x333, 7267028910_56c0a22c04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joints ARE BJD elements, also they if they are so bad, why is everyone japanese that is into the BJD style wearing them? Makes no sense, the japanese ones look even more shaded then those.

>> No.6482753

I think it's weird that people are going to be wearing these on their legs but their arms won't look to be BJD.
Definitely floating into the costume realm, imo.

>> No.6482754

I see faces on the knees...

This is /x/ tier shit.

>> No.6482778

oh shit son... i see them too.

>> No.6482776

>also they if they are so bad, why is everyone japanese that is into the BJD style wearing them?

who cares what the japanese wear? it looks bad.

>> No.6482777

I wasn't talking about BJD tights in general, I was talking about THOSE PARTICULAR ones. They're fucking ugly and look fake.

>> No.6482780

You could always do the rubber band thing and then do some contouring shading stuffs to make it more ball joint-like. I've tried it, looks pretty god, and since the "joint" is actually drawn on your elbow, whenever you bend it it looks like the joint thing is actually a part of you since it stretches and retracts when your elbow's just chilling. Sorry for all the commas, just can't think of a better way to explain it ; -;

>> No.6482788

Allmost all look like this because, guess what, doll joints look like this.

>> No.6482790

>who cares what the japanese wear?
Why are you on /cgl/ then which is a board about japanese fashion?

>> No.6482792

i enjoy cosplay. not because the japanese do, because i do.

>> No.6482803

But those are crappily done. I don't care that they're balljoints, I care that they've been shaded in a hideous, fake-looking way which is why I don't like them. There are better balljoint tights than this.
Did you make those yourself or something?

>> No.6482808

i'm starting to think she's the maker of those ugly tights.

>> No.6482828

I don't remember being a japanese girl that can't even speak english.

>> No.6482834

All BJD tights look like these, just saying and the 'shiny' things is just because of the flash of the camera.

>> No.6482835

At last they aren't as bad looking as Choke's.

>> No.6482842
File: 43 KB, 320x240, 8010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones by japanese brands like Dangerous Nude look the same.

>> No.6482846
File: 248 KB, 800x1067, 8373_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6482847

>beadbord on Etsy
>Sharon Bateman

They don't look the same in the sense that these DN ones don't have a retarded fake shine on the kneecaps

>> No.6482850

they don't look the same at all. these look slightly nicer although i haven't seen many, if any bjd's with legs that look like that tbh.
wish there were other designs out there that look closer to the dolls

>> No.6482853
File: 251 KB, 800x1067, 8375_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never talked about the etsy shop but like said before, all BJD tights by japanese brands look like this as well.

>> No.6482854

They look the same and there is no shine because you can't paint white on white.

>> No.6482858
File: 19 KB, 192x288, 278167714455600123_TVIVGntw_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my image.

>> No.6482864

Ugh. No one likes these particular tights. Just give it up.

>> No.6482870

Just accept that the etsy ones are particularly bad and no one likes them

>> No.6482873

If you don't like them, why are you in this thread which is about the BJD/dolly look? You don't have to look at this thread.

>> No.6482876

Fun fact because the ones posted were from various japanese brands and not etsy.

>> No.6482877

> no one likes bjd tights
> in a "i wish i looked like a bjd" thread
Yeah ok

>> No.6482878

>at etsy
>Dangerous Nude and Selfer

Oh you.

>> No.6482882

>not etsy

>> No.6482890

I'm surprised as fuck that no one has posted Dakota/Venus/Anastasiya/Valeria shit yet. They'd actually be relevant to this thread. For once.

>> No.6482893

>linked to
>saying it is etsy at


>> No.6482895

No one likes those ugly-ass Etsy BJD tights that you yourself may or may not have made. Deal with it.

>> No.6482901

>Japanese brands posted everywhere
>thinks they are all from the etsy shop

>> No.6482906

Are you retarded? No one is saying that all the tights ITT are from the Etsy store, but that the ones that ARE from the Etsy store are fucking ugly and shitty.

>> No.6482909
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to compare the shitty Etsy ones with brand ones and keep saying "GUISE THEY LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME"
>pretending people are talking about the brand tights when we say the Etsy ones suck

>> No.6482910

Yeah, this is sure why you linked to the ones from japanese brands saying they are from etsy.

>> No.6482917

>people are talking
>samefagging the whole time

>> No.6482922

>thinks everything linked at
>is from etsy

>> No.6482923

Can we have pictures of people who actually look like BJD's? I like seeing people pull the look off.

>> No.6482927
File: 117 KB, 381x500, 3744248619_101531d269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With or without photoshop?

>> No.6482932
File: 34 KB, 447x290, 2424873_13_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because without most don't.

>> No.6482934
File: 179 KB, 666x1000, bjd_cosplay1_by_shushunya-d35jxo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really matter with/out as long as it looks good? Obviously if its bad and unshooped then don't post, haha

>> No.6482937

Seriously bitches, stop feeding the troll.

>> No.6482942
File: 38 KB, 333x500, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, post pictures then? jeez

>> No.6482945
File: 39 KB, 446x637, 523333_103542_5072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482947
File: 51 KB, 500x660, xL7Sts7a0bsxMg==_9oR8WLuF6xcF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482948
File: 68 KB, 318x439, 3-120R91631590-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482949

I don't have any?

>> No.6482951

Is it bad that I kind of like this quality of wig for these? Usually I'd think they looked like a mess but it looks like she's been played with.

>> No.6482952

No, I linked to your stupid posts trying to say they're the exact same as the shitty Ets--
I'm going to stop now. This thread has been shitted up enough. Sorry, everyone.

>> No.6482957
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 10085222_913917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482963
File: 225 KB, 432x576, 10009951_415760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, many dolls have shiny hair after all.

>> No.6482964
File: 50 KB, 300x452, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482970
File: 98 KB, 500x880, filipina-cosplay-dolls-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the point of cosplay is to be realistic, but the point of cosplaying a doll is to be fake...

I didn't either, that's what google is for

>> No.6482973
File: 62 KB, 600x731, 14a38263b02f7f2c100c95d92e7b82c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482975

That's way more shoop than actual technique.

>> No.6482976
File: 51 KB, 474x712, 20090619_b75a8d46c94a76fffe6amUPQh9QxyzUt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482977

Most pictures here are shooped to hell and back.

>> No.6482998

I will look like this one day.

>> No.6483081
File: 66 KB, 600x374, fugitif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even dolls that aren't conventionally "pretty", are perfect. And have a perfection that humans can't touch. I just think that is what makes dolls so special. They do the work of being pretty so we can focus on being human.

I personally think the Volk's sculpts are ugly, unless I see the rare owner one I like. Though I do like the beauty Soom has. I can't stand overly weird sculpts most of the time, but there are some I like. It usually takes people posting their owner pictures multiple times to get me to buy one.

>> No.6483087
File: 194 KB, 800x1254, 12222945-1-1003517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, this is the only picture I have to actually contribute to the discussion. I think this tights can look good, but they are always shaded really weird.

>> No.6483089

Where can I get good BJD tights in tall westerner sizes? Even if I cut up Japanese ones into stockings, I'm afraid the joints wouldn't be in the right place.

>> No.6483092
File: 78 KB, 500x375, 1325971186450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and this lip tutorial. Its something a lot of dolls have, but can end up looking gross on real people. Because sometimes the colors used can make it look like you have chapped lips.

>> No.6483097

These are ridiculous but kinda awesome.

>> No.6483103
File: 376 KB, 440x2490, 48847b64gw1dtyn1llgr9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.

>> No.6483107

That last panel doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me...

>> No.6483110

This is great.

>> No.6483114

I interpreted it as Barbie cut off all her hair because Ken was gay and she wanted him to love her, therefore making herself appear as a man.

>> No.6483113

Barbie cut off her hair and looks like a man so she hopefully attract Ken again. Shes pretty crazy at this point, and you can also see her make up running.

>> No.6483115
File: 56 KB, 350x441, 1313745050625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Barbie's dressed in mens clothing and cut off all her hair in her desperation to appeal to Ken.
It's depressing as hell.

In other news, I think this girl looks like a doll.

>> No.6483126
File: 535 KB, 638x1163, Tuto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll makeup tutorials any one?

>> No.6483129
File: 305 KB, 835x1273, Rikkus-eye-makeup-tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483130
File: 278 KB, 470x2037, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had to be split into three parts because it's so big.

>> No.6483132
File: 371 KB, 470x2313, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483134
File: 500 KB, 470x3237, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483135
File: 646 KB, 400x4580, 1312629406156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483151

Lockshop has them suitable for tall people

>> No.6483170
File: 223 KB, 800x1133, 20160Q1-1-M247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't this just regular make up? What exactly is looking like a doll? If its just looking pretty, having clear skin, good makeup/hair, etc. Then you can find a doll in any subculture. So are we talking about being pretty to the point of looking fake? Looking more Asian? Looking like Dakota or whoever?

>> No.6483192


Tradtionally it's a petite, flat nose, large, oval eyes, thick eyebrows, fair skin big, pouty lips and long soft hair.

The things I posted I think I can be incorporated into the doll look. I don't think it's regular makeup in the sense that the majority of regular people don't know much about makeup tricks. Example being I still see loads of women walking around with black eyeliner caked on their lower lid all the way to the inner corner.

>> No.6483213

I think that your face is the most important factor when it comes to looking like a doll. If you don't have the right faceshape and features, then you won't look like a doll no matter how much makeup you use.

>> No.6483225

I think a couple of girls from /cgl/ joined the contest, but I can't really remember their names. I think Spoony, Charms and flan entered. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6483226

This tutorial always makes me sad because this girl's lips look fucking terrible.

>> No.6483241


There's Soliloquy too, but you're right with me, Charms and Flan. I'm sure there's others but I can't remember who...

>> No.6483260
File: 815 KB, 617x733, hizaki makeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. If you have the right tools and makeup you can achieve virtually any look you want. Unless your face is horribly disfigured or sloth-like that is.

>> No.6483292

Wow. That nigger ugly.

>> No.6483310

The cute asian one who posts on WAYWT threads did also.

>> No.6483344
File: 89 KB, 960x888, 32373_441379339242560_171541759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this girl is from /cgl/ too (I'm so bad with names...)

>> No.6483347
File: 104 KB, 800x600, 526117_10152268114550537_1082059284_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.6483357
File: 14 KB, 320x272, 1287912850376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh girl that 'aint cute

>> No.6483361

>Fake pouty bitch smile
Ew, cut that shit out

>> No.6483377
File: 88 KB, 800x537, 72129_546571355357828_210341496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483381
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 150287_375122502573768_880659931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably more, but this is what I remember seeing in the previous doll threads

>> No.6483386
File: 459 KB, 534x800, ae2a2aacc4a3c4299dc2719f94896d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an actual girl btw.

>> No.6483391
File: 42 KB, 402x604, 09092016394c5d0df8baafea7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483396

and thats an actual large amount of photoshop.

>> No.6483404
File: 93 KB, 536x800, 151957ja7uczr9fmm4r4r6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483406

Like said before

>> No.6483411
File: 101 KB, 535x800, 152113bbu5yl7ql5u8lopq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before shoop.

>> No.6483413

>This is an actual girl btw.

>> No.6483423

What's so funny? It is.

>> No.6483424


>> No.6483442

Fuck, you know, I've seen this stupid eye gap trick thing so much it's actually starting to grow on me... very scary

>> No.6483445

Lol the combination of eye makeup and whiting out the face so much that there's no nose makes me think of mana

>> No.6483450

She looks like she could do an anne hathaway looklike if she did her makeup properly

>> No.6483448
File: 258 KB, 430x709, 1_사본.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some korean makeup tutorial:

>> No.6483455


>before shoop

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA maybe a progress pic, but certainly not without shoop

>> No.6483458
File: 69 KB, 250x359, dol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483465

Your jelly is showing.

>> No.6483469

Not the same anon, but >>6483411 is definitely shooped...

>> No.6483470

Can we also share tips for long hair? I feel like 'real' dolls always have the longest locks

>> No.6483472

any recommendations for bottom lashes?

>> No.6483488

Most people just use short upper ones and cut them into pieces.

>> No.6483497


They're too cute for /cgl/.

>> No.6483499

you're just saying that because you have similar lips.

>> No.6483507

Can we get some doll like clothes posted up in here? Not just lolita but other stuff too

>> No.6483511

So because it was posted by an actual person and it's a overshooped picture of an actual person it means that picture shows an actual girl?


>> No.6483512

This. I just discovered I have split ends, so sad. Going to have to get those bastards trimmed but any advice on preventing them in the future? I already know I need to stop brushing my hair but old habits man

>> No.6483531

grinch lips

>> No.6483565

I think everyone's hair is different so take this advice with a pinch of salt.

Personally, the thing that worked for me was just being very gentle with my hair. I switched to a shampoo for repairing and protecting split ends, which I alternate with another shampoo for dry scalp. I apply the dry scalp shampoo to the top of my head and the repair and protect shampoo to the length and tips of my hair. I always condition the length of my hair too. I have a spray in split-end repairing conditioner that I use occasionally. When my hair was bad, I used it every day, but since having my split ends cut I just use it maybe once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. I also started using a heat protecting spray on my hair whenever I'm going to use a straightener/curler or hairdryer, as I found that it prevents my hair becoming dry and damaged. I switched to a natural bristle hairbrush too.

>> No.6483572

You really can't avoid them but you should consider consuming more protein and avoiding heat if it is that bad.

>> No.6483588

same person here...
first of all thanks for the couple of responses I got so far, but I think it might help if I provided more information about my hair

I have naturally curly and extremely frizzy hair. I've pretty much gotten to the point where I hardly use any shampoo at which helps but it's still frizzy and looks dry as fuck. The split ends probably do not help.

I do not currently condition my hair because I'm worried about buildup. Recommendations would be nice.

Actually maybe I should just go look for a haircare thread to post in... sorry

>> No.6483600


I'm saying it because she's hot as hell and send me sassy videos of her squatting. So, so sassy.

>> No.6483602

You could try using a conditioner that is designed for curly hair. If you're worried about build up, just shampoo your hair once in a while to remove it. Or you could alway try out the no shampoo thing that's currently popular.

>> No.6483615

Avoid heat styling (curlers, straighteners, blowdrying), use extra virgin olive oil on the tips, wear it up the most you can (buns, or braided if you must wear it down) to protect the ends. How long is your hair?

>> No.6483624

I DO do the whole no shampoo thing...

>> No.6483634

Splits happen, but if you don't want to lose length, get yourself a good pair of scissors for cutting hair and trim them off yourself. That way you don't lose any more hair than the split. And since you're curly, the slight difference in length probably won't be noticeable.

>> No.6483639

Wow, this looks great!

>> No.6483642

Wow, ok sorry.... I didn't know, I'm not a mind reader, I was just going off what information you posted.

>> No.6483660

Eh you're right, went back and read my original post and wasn't very clear about it. Basically I started out washing my hair like twice a month but I haven't washed my hair now in a couple months at least

>> No.6483687

Well you want to both make it grow like a weed and keep the ends healthy so they don't break.

A lot of people apply monistat 7 cream at their roots for hair growth. You can search before and afters of it. I've also had personal experience with it working.

For strong hair I mix up eggs and leave them in for an hour or two before I shower. I don't use shampoo at all, but my hair doesn't get greasy until about a week later so this might not work for most people. I wash out the egg using cool water (don't use hot water, it will cook the egg in your hair and stink up the bathroom). I use V05 conditioner since they have no silicone and I work it through my hair and scrub gently along my scalp as you would with shampoo. Sometimes it takes two rounds of conditioner to get my hair feeling detangled from the egg. Wash out, airdry.

Style like you normally would with whatever products you use, of course with a good heat protectant if you'll be using heat.

>> No.6483716

Man I never realised how derpy Hizaki's eyes were in that picture.

>> No.6483724

Just don't use the egg treatment a lot, because so much proteine makes hair prone to breakage. Hair needs a good balance between moisture and protein, too much of one or other and bam! hair problems.

>> No.6483722

Sweet, will definitely look more into that monistat thing.

I'm also tempted to try the egg thing, but I'm such a baby when it comes to water temp, especially now that it's winter. Maybe I'll try it in the summer time.

>> No.6483733

lol this girl has a Kotex tutorial too

>> No.6483738

Really? I've been doing it about a year and haven't had any serious breakage issues. My hair was in much worse condition before. I do it about once a week and leave the conditioner in for a pretty long while. I also occasionally put olive oil in. My hair can take a beating though so I'll keep that in mind before recommending it in the future.

>> No.6483749

Oh, it really depends on your hair routine too, and how you feel your hair. If you bleach or color, the egg treatment is amazing and you can use it more regulary. Olive oil is great too, it blocks the moisture inside your hair, and outside so it doesn't frizz.
She looks cute with that make up IMO

>> No.6483754

Because she is exposing her, did you even look at what she posted?

>> No.6483814

Question! My lips aren't that soft nudey color. They're darker or something, maybe an unsaturated fuschia or a matte coral. Will it look ridiculous if I do it or should I just use different colors?

>> No.6483818

She used foundation on her lips before the color, you can do the same or experiment with several colors until you find what looks good on you!

>> No.6483823

Oh! Alright haha, sorry. Noob just starting to learn how to makeup

>> No.6484779

bumpity boop.

>> No.6484835


Not all of us can read Korean. What does she say?

>> No.6485023

More tutorials please!

>> No.6485171
File: 331 KB, 500x747, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with chokelate.

>> No.6485434

Ugh. I fucking love Berry. Shes really sweet, too. I'm surprised this image didn't get any replies.

>> No.6485445

...you don't need to be abel to read korean to see the exposing photos that compare her shoop to the interviews. She wrote that they aired the ETUDE event in TV which caused a huge debate on a forum because she looked like a different person there and then it is just the usual stuff.

>> No.6485498

idk. i think she let her supposed e-fame get to her head

>> No.6485548

I did notice this about a year ago, but I think that she either realized what she was doing or someone brought it up, so she got better. I've actually had some really good conversations with her on facebook. She seems like a sweetheart.

>> No.6485563
File: 134 KB, 462x750, tumblr_mcbhh1FV851r3wd4to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped following her almost a year ago, so it's totally possible that she's better. i still get reblogs of her selca on my dash all the time, and she is super cute. she really got lucky with her genetics.

>> No.6485736

um dude, she painfully shoops her facial proportions, can you not tell?

>> No.6485827

I'm pretty sure she shoops her skin or wears a ton of makeup to make herself loof super pale. She seems like she would have a dirty-asian skintone, and those lips are very non-japanese to me, more latino or something.

>> No.6486194

She's filipino.

>> No.6486226
File: 113 KB, 500x636, tumblr_m9qwfiWhrn1r3wd4to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's filipino. i'm pretty sure she shoops her skin, but i've seen other filipinos with a very similar face to hers (though they were dark)

not all filipinos are dark though. my mom actually has the same nose as her, big eyes, and kind of big lips (overall kind of looks similar but has an.. off face shape) and is on the paler side. she's not as pale as berry, but she's far from tan.

>> No.6486343
File: 191 KB, 400x602, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyes look larger than Kooter's but something about her lips seems off, like's puckering them but not really.

She's more attractive than kooter w/o the makeup, i'll give her that.

>> No.6486372

I wish I had ichigoflavors face. like for real she has the cutest plump lips

>> No.6486369

i love this hair color
it instantly makes people like 5x more attractive to me
or like 100000x

uhg i think it's so cute
why can't my hair just grow that color

>> No.6486383

Her lips are just big. It's common for southern asians to have lips like that

>> No.6486392

I have this color, it doesn't look as good on white people. I prefer my hair a tiny bit lighter.

>> No.6486398

that's my natural hair colour
I haven't seen it in over 7 years, been dying it a really dark brown
fuck this mousey blonde shit

>> No.6486404

i had this hair color, Dakota has this hair color, a girl at my school has this hair color, i /love/ it on white people. it's my favorite hair color, hands down, no competition.

>> No.6486409

Agreed :/
I wish I had a "heart" shaped face more. I'm Chinese so I have a really round face (not chubby), but it's not heart-shaped like a lot of dolls are. The even worse part is having straight across bangs makes my face look chubby :/

>> No.6486412

u r crazy crazy crazy
stop denying your kawaii self

>> No.6487628


I'm Chinese too and my face is really...angular. I really wish it'll be a little rounder so I would look cuter. Also flat as fuck wide nose. I really dislike my Chinese genes :/

>> No.6489454

she doesn't look very asian to me
maybe it's the hair colour+eyes

>> No.6489490

How does one even know what shape their face is? My face in the mirror is kinda round and childish, big cheeks, full lips and an okay nose. On pictures though, it looks like a tall rectangle, with thin lips, no cheeks and a giant nose. But that's on pics taken my myself. And on pictures taken by others of me, it looks like a mix of the two. Either I have really bad body dysmorphia or my face likes to make me suffer.

>> No.6489835
File: 868 KB, 1024x788, eye-anatomy-front-view-1024x788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it also looks for you like this because of the way her lacrimal gland show, at most asians it looks like at this pic because of their epicanthal fold.

Everlastingu (that's her online name) is fully korean thought.

>> No.6489840

I have the same problem
I think it's because of shadows and angles (or at lest that's what I've been told)

>> No.6490483
File: 157 KB, 500x283, DailyLives- girl in mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know :< it's usually the same for me no matter what angle I take. I've lived in three different houses, and in all of them, the girl in the mirror is so pretty. Then I decide to take a picture and bam, square manface. I just want to be the girl in the mirror.

>> No.6490513

Another chinese here, and my I've been told my face is oval, but I have a bit of a jawline so it's not quite as heart-shaped as I want it to be. :/ my main problem is my large/flat chinese nose bleeeh.