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6480775 No.6480775 [Reply] [Original]

Here we discuss all things related to circle lenses. Keep it relative to wearing them for cosplay, lolita, and j-fashion. Those of you who wear them for daily use should already be aware that such frequent usage can be damaging to the eyes.

Post links to reliable sellers, product reviews & comparison photos, tips for people who are new, and safety procedures. This topic is something most of us can agree on even though we fight about everything else.

>> No.6480776
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Oh OP, thank you for this.

>> No.6480788

You're welcome :3

>> No.6480979


>> No.6480985

Does anyone have experience with yearlies? I nearly bought a pair for lolita but then found out you pay per lense, not for two, so took that shit back off the till and back on to the shelf.
So poorfag.

>> No.6481276

Dude wat? Where were you shopping? Many circle lenses are good for yearly wear and are sold by the pair. Check places like Pinky, Korea Big Eyes, etc. etc.

>> No.6481282

All of my circle lenses are yearly, and I've never paid over USD20 for them, and usually a lot less.

>> No.6481286

Links to shops you use?

>> No.6481306

Not sure if I can link, as links sometimes seem to get spam detected, but...

Pinky Paradise, Kiwiberry1, Lens Village, HoneyColor and someplace that sells iFairy lenses that I can't remember right now.

HoneyColor has a bad rep, so I don't tend to recommend them. I've never had any trouble, but others have.

Kiwiberry used to be my favourite, but recently I ordered a pair of lenses that never arrived, and wasn't very happy with the customer service (i.e: no lenses, no partial refund/store credit, not even an email back), so I won't be using them again.

Pinky Paradise is your best bet for reliable service and a wide range of lenses.

>> No.6481322
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Forgot to mention, all of the stores mentioned have sales pretty often except HoneyColor.
I always wait for sales, because at least one of them is bound to have one soon.

Have a picture of MI Wine Reds for this double post.

>> No.6481331

UNIQSO do Beuberry lenses.

>> No.6481338

Does the safety of a lens vary by seller or by brand? Which lenses should I get so that I don't mess up my eyes?

>> No.6481345

By seller, typically. Brand mostly determines styles and comfort level and that can vary from person to person.

You want to be sure that you're buying from somewhere reputable so that you don't end up with counterfeit/fake lenses.

>> No.6481348

Basically the big brands all seem to be much of a muchness from what I can tell. Geo, EOS, Hana, etc.
Just make sure you're buying from the bigger and more reputable stores, because some super cheap lenses are fake. Geo has an authenticity test for their lens vials, but I'm not sure about other brands.

>> No.6481353

Geo has the code you can enter on their site, yes. iFairy has also started adding holographic labels to their bottles which look different went removed and put on another bottle. I'm not sure if anyone else has any anti-counterfeiting methods in place yet.

>> No.6481350
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>> No.6481390

GEO has their authenticity feature, but IMO the lenses are the least comfortable of all the ones I've tried (bearable, though). In my experience, the most comfy lenses have been Neo Vision and Beuberry.

Generally the higher the water content, the more comfy. Generally. Fake lenses are very, very uncomfy.

>> No.6481407


source on these lenses?

>> No.6481490
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waiting on vassen flora brown to arrive.

>> No.6481512

Looks like princess mimi grey to me.

>> No.6481525

Seconding water content. I refuse to get any lenses with a water content of 38% (which means no GEO or Deuba for me).
Also, I doubt anyone will listen to me, but I encourage everyone to get rid of their lenses after a month. Circle lenses are advertised as lasting a year, but even specially made lenses from the doctor aren't supposed to be worn for more than a month. I hope nobody forgets that contact lenses ARE a medical device, and when you treat them willy nilly as a vanity object on the same level as makeup or something, you're putting your eyes at serious risk.

>> No.6481527

are there any adverse effects of daily usage of circle lenses ? i'm trying to dress more cute/gyaru, and makeup's a big part of that

>> No.6481529

I don't keep mine for more than about a month, either. Just because I don't wear them all that frequently. I change the solution regularly, but I don't want to risk having them sit in those cases for ages.

>> No.6481537

Same risk as all contacts, really. Risk of scratching the cornea. Higher risk of eye infections than non-contact wearers. Risk of ulcerations caused by infections.

Basically, same as colour contact wear, but your eyes are more likely to dry out than with regular contacts, due to the nature of the dyes blocking the permeability of the lenses.

>> No.6481544

To be fair, it depends on what kind of "specially made lenses from the doctor" you're talking about. Mine are made for 3 years of wear and are expensive as fuck. I will not be tossing these puppies after 1 month.

Side note concerning care: I really like Clear Care as opposed to simple "no rub" solutions. It does a better job cleaning and breaking apart debris/protein buildup etc. So regardless of whether you keep your lenses for the full time they're certified for or toss them early, you can make your lenses feel "fresh from the package" every time.

>> No.6481551

This was me.
Thanks everyone for telling me this stuff, I was kicking myself for bailing out of buying them, but actually it looks like this was the right choice.

I'm looking on Pink Paradise, so far i like the look of Geo Starmish Brown and related colours, although I'm pretty sure they'll make me look possessed since they're so yellow.

>> No.6481748

I just bought lenses last week from Honey Color and they came within the week (I paid for DHL shipping). I'm so glad they stock Neo lenses again.

>> No.6481933

Could I please get some shop/brand recommendations for toric lenses? I've only ever purchased regular astigmatism lenses from my optometrist, so I don't even know where to start!

>> No.6481947


Unfortunately toric circle lenses are still expensive and cater to fairly low prescriptions but maybe these'll have something you can use?

>> No.6481971

I always have trouble finding good lenses. Finding lenses in my prescription/strength, high water content and in an 8.3-8.5 base curve isn't easy.

I thought I might have some luck with this site, but I'm not sure if I trust it enough. Does anyone here have any personal experience with them?

>> No.6481979

This is probably the best thread to ask here....

I got some dust in my eye and it's still watering three hours later. I can wear glasses for now but I'm attending a convention in January for which I really don't want to have to wear my glasses. I can't afford an optometrist appointment right now, although if it doesn't get better I'm canceling the convention and going to the eye doctor.

In the meantime, how do I tell (other than "it stops hurting" or "the tears stop") when my eye is a little better?

>> No.6481983


Aww I was gonna ask about toric lenses too, but my eyeballs are just toooo bad. Thank you tho anon!

>> No.6481994

I need lenses that are >50% water content because my eyes get irritated really easily. I heard that i.Fairy lenses were >50%, but on Pinky Paradise, it says that they are 38% like pretty much everything else. Is this a typo? Or do they not sell legit i.Fairy's? (Or are i.Fairy's not actually >50%?)

>> No.6481999

Whoops. That's what I get for being lazy and not typing out 'greater than.'

>> No.6482019

Have you "flushed" your eye with drops etc? Sometimes letting your eyes "tear" up and try to work out the sediments is slow or not enough. Depending on how much you got in your eyes, I'd give it a week to settle down too.

>> No.6482026 [DELETED] 

I have tried everything. I have tried so many eyedrop and solution brands. Drops only give me relief for about 5 minutes and then my eyes start to get red again. I haven't noticed any difference across solutions either.

>> No.6482038

E-circlelens.com, can't recommend them enough! Good selection, customer service has been great, and they ship from Korea.

>> No.6482060

A tip for those who like to wear circle lenses for 'daily wear', I would recommend wearing them either: Every other day (Not as good, if you do this, definitely give your eyes more long term breaks; i.e. week long breaks)
But what I do, is I pick a day or two to wear my circle lenses, then on my off days, I wear my glasses. I know this might not work for non-glasses wearers, but for me, it works out really well. Since everyone just thinks that my glasses make my eyes look smaller! So it's not really weird when I come into school all of a sudden with 'smaller' eyes.
And as ALWAYS, if you happen to hurt your eye, from contact wear or what-not, DO NOT WEAR YOUR CONTACTS AT ALL, until they a) feel 100% better, or b) If they're not feeling 100% better after about a week, go see your eye doctor. I just recently rubbed my eye too hard while wearing my lenses, irritating my eye, and God knows I've done this before with 'normal' contacts. I will not be wearing my lenses for the next week, even though my eye feels better. Since I am not risking it.

Anyways, I bought a pair of yellow-brown contacts I THOUGHT I was gonna wear for a Mami cosplay, that got suddenly canceled... But now, I'm gonna cosplay Flame Princess for iCon, so I get to use them~

>> No.6482313

Are E-circlelens.com and E-circlelens.net run by the same people?

>> No.6482315

Think they're both the same site, they just bought both the .com and .net domains

>> No.6482324
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yeah. alternatively, wear a lot heavier makeup when you wear circle lenses. by heavier i mean actually wearing mascara and not just a bit of eyeliner. it generally looks better, and when you wear more natural makeup (or don't wear makeup at all), people sometimes just think the lenses are a makeup trick. obviously this only goes for when you wear lenses of your natural eye color... but that's what i do!

i usually only wear circle lenses for special events or when i go out to do something where photos will be taken. going to the movies is an example of an event not worth putting in circle lenses.

>> No.6482343

I am absolutely new to wanting to try on circle lenses, because I don't count one time when I bought some and absolutely could not relax my eye enough to try to put them on, even with a contact-wearing friend at hand to help.

I've read from sites that they require a prescription, so I am considering to get one. I have one for glasses and obviously need a separate one for contacts. What's the process after getting a prescription to place the order? Is it different for every store?

I hate to admit that I would love to own and use a pair but am afraid of not following all the steps correctly and safely.

>> No.6482387

you should get fitted by an optometrist for contacts, because you need to learn the base curve of your cornea before getting them online. i wouldn't really tell your doctor that you're getting contacts from korea, because they might try to convince you otherwise. (circle lenses from reputable sites aren't gonna blind you, but they don't earn your optometrist any money.) if you get contacts at random and don't know whether or not they'll fit nicely over yours eyes, you can damage your eyes, though.

>> No.6482399

Thanks for this information. This is exactly what I needed to know.

I've heard some horror stories, and I initially at the time when circle lenses were becoming popular bought them from a local asian cosmetics store, no prescription or whatnot like before. I couldn't stop blinking to get them past in, but looking back I'm glad because I had little to no information about sizes and general contacts safety. It would of been pretty stupid, looking back.

This is great information to start off with.

>> No.6482418

that's cute as hell. Too bad I already have astigmatism and am way too afraid to go poking around my eyeballs with some cheap Chinese plastic

>> No.6482452

My mother is an ophthalmologist, and when I asked her about circle lenses, she said to buy a pair and then bring them with me when I visit over the holidays so she can check the fit with the slit lamp. I already wear contacts (moist one-day lenses, because I have problems with dry eyes) so are there any particular brands you would suggest for me? Such as ones with higher water content? And where to buy them? I was looking at Pinky Paradise (Geo and EOS lenses particularly) but I've been seeing a bunch other names thrown around here, and was wondering if there might be something better for me, since I know I have dry eyes already.

>> No.6482457

I hate pinky paradise, they have never once sold me a pair of lenses that weren't defective. I've been a loyal Honey Color customer for 4 years now. They list the water content of their lenses in the description, but I'm pretty sure it's only the GEO and Dueba lenses that are less than 45%

>> No.6482471

I wouldn't exactly rely on Pinky Paradise. I believe they were the source provider of the lens that caused a horror story awhile back (Basically the girl's eyes were damaged by fake lenses and she had to pay a few hundred for surgery).

>> No.6482494

Awesome, thanks. Checking out Honey Color now. Adding a bunch to my wishlist for now. Neo seem to be pretty popular/reliable, I think I'll probably start with a pair of those to have my mom take a look at. I usually just wear clear lenses, but I think it would be nice to have a pair or two of circle lenses for photoshoots and conventions.

>> No.6482504

Anyone know of a nice purple lenses that will work over green eyes without mixing or anything?

>> No.6482510

That was Eyecandylens, not PinkyParadise.

Someone started trying to call out PinkyParadise for having fake lenses when what they had was the same lens in different packaging, but that was stupid.

light-eyes purple-lens addict here. My favorite is New Adult Purple. It's opaque enough to work, pupil hole small enough to not look stupid, and it blends well enough with even green or yellow.

>> No.6482563

Oh god, I LOVE honeycolor.com, I buy all of my lenses and stuff from there! Love the Neo Glamour Grey for every day wear- they look great on dark eyes and are super-comfortable. For cosplay, their Dolly+ and Super Pinky kick ass.

>> No.6482569
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I've got blue/grey eyes, so not green, but my two favourite violet lenses are Neo Princess...

>> No.6482570
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and EOS Faye.
The Princess series has yellow/tan blending in the centre, so I think it would work really well for blending with green eyes.

>> No.6482736

Does anyone have the link to the tutorial explaining how to order circle lenses for light astigmatism? It was talking about a way to tell if your lens grade for astigmatism was ok enough to buy normal lenses and what kind of lenses to buy to accommodate having no toric.

>> No.6482859

If you have astigmatism, buy toric lenses jesus fuck. You only have one set of eyes, don't even risk damaging them.

>> No.6482920

Actually, from what I understand, the main reason for eye danger from regular circle lens use is improper hygiene.

Here's the deal.

You need to clean your lenses regularly.
If you are using lenses, your eyes need to be moistened with eye drops regularly.

This is true of any type of contact lens.

Also, properly fitted lenses are better, because they will be shaped for your eyes. If you want to do this, go to your eye doctor and get a prescription. Then when you order your lenses, they will fit properly.

>> No.6482990
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I need a little help! How good is this store? http://www.i-beautyshop.net

because I'm looking for GEO CPA2 and I have found this store with good prices. Do you know other store which have the same lenses (this ones are the only ones that I actually liked, all blue lenses that I have found look really ugly to me?

>> No.6483004

But wasn't it her fault? I mean, I read a little bit from her blog and even though they hurt her eyes, she kept using them...

I'm not saying that it's ALL her fault, the store is guilty but let's face it, how are you going to keep using something that is hurting your eyes?!

>> No.6483160

Never tried them, but they're here too: http://www.honeycolor.com/anime-a2-blue.html

You can get e, with free shipping when the event comes around.

>> No.6483181

I think it's more than just hygiene, you've ignored that people skimp out and think they can wear contacts without a script, think that they can order from anywhere and don't bother to check brand reputability, and also don't know basic things about contact wear (e.g. not wearing them for longer than the recommended time/hygiene/don't fucking store them in the solution they came in/if they hurt TAKE THEM OUT FOR FUCK'S SAKE)

Unless you have particularly dry eyes, contacts shouldn't cause them to get so dry or uncomfortable that they need drops. That may actually be a sign of them not being right for you.

Although circle lenses are supposedly yearly contacts, I wouldn't keep them that long unless I was only wearing them once/twice a week with a decent clean each time.

>> No.6483190

>Those of you who wear them for daily use should already be aware that such frequent usage can be damaging to the eyes.

Are you retarded or what?

>> No.6483312

Does anyone know what happened to TheDollyEye? they were great but it looks like some other place took them over....

>> No.6483415

>Are you retarded or what?

Actually, I can confirm that this is true, as a non-cosmetic lens-wearing anon.
If a lens is not tried out and fitted for your eye, daily usage can be damaging to your eyes. And that is why you should remove the lenses as soon as any discomfort rises.
Anyone else then me that get's really tired of the idiot cosplayers out there that keeps insisting to sell used lenses to others and to borrow lenses from their friends?
There are a few in my local community, and they keep insisting that it's totally safe, just because ONE lousy optician said that it was so! Personally, I hope they get the worst eye infection possible, and that the optician gets fired!!

>> No.6483421

The ONLY way that it is safe to sell "used" lenses is if you buy lenses, you have never worn them and they're still in the vials, and the plans for your costume change so you don't need them anymore so you just sell them off to someone else.

Honestly though, borrowing lenses is so much of a NO that I hope someone does get an eye infection severe enough to cause temporary problems but mild enough to not fuck them over for the rest of their life. I want people to be safe, but I don't think anybody should borrow white lenses to be Toph and then end up cosplaying Toph forever because they went blind.

>> No.6483431

>and then end up cosplaying Toph forever because they went blind.
This made me chortle a little.

>> No.6483449

Everyone keeps telling them about the dangers and they're like: "Noo, as long as we clean them in the lens solution and wait 12 hours, *beep* can use them instead of me".

All of my rage.

Anyone have any tip on what to do when eyes dry out because you're allergic to something? I'm trying to use normal eyedrops, they work a little bit, but then it starts to itch again, and the allergy-drops just work a little bit, like the normal eyedrops.

I can't quit using my mosturizer, c'us then my skin will dry up again..

(My eyes can't handle the parfume that's in my facial cleaning products and mosturizer)

>> No.6483473


I think it's time to switch out brands on those skin care products there.

>> No.6483485

But I just bought them, and the sellswoman really recommended them!

Oh boy.. Maybe I should wait and see if it's something else, like that my room needs to be aired out or something... C'us the first day when I tried out everything, my eyes didn't complain at all.

>> No.6483491

Yes, if you are a dumbass and doesn't go to a doctor to find out wheter you can use them or not. OP said frequent usage of lenses (no specification) damages your eyes which is absolutely not true and as a non-cosmetic lens wearing person you should be the first one to know that.

>> No.6483543


I feel you on that. I had to dump new cosmetics that I was having reactions to. Not cheap ones, either. But I would definitely be keeping in mind that it might be the fragrances or something in those products. And just because you don't have a reaction the first day doesn't mean that that isn't the cause of it down the line. I had a really bad allergic reaction to adhesives in a medical patch after months of use before hand and broke out from moving to a city I already frequented regularly.

Hopefully for you, it is just the environment and not what's on your face.

>> No.6483571

I know this feel.
For some reason every fucking foundation I've ever tried makes me break out like a motherfucker, except for mineral powder, but I have dry skin and it makes me look 45.

Any suggestions for lenses for someone with natural green eyes?
Well, they're olive green moving towards hazel. I want something that will blend well with my natural color and not show those super weird
inner rings that look like holes.

Was thinking of getting these.

>> No.6483685
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I really like the Hyper Eclipse or Dizon series for natural blending. And I've found Geo's Nudy series looks really natural over my greyish eyes.

The ones in pic related are also really nicely blended, but I'm not sure where you can get them now. I got them from Kiwiberry1, but they seem to be sold out and I can't find them under the same name (Hana SPC Aurora series) anywhere else.

>> No.6483702

I have grey eyes.
Can anybody recommend some brown lenses that won't look fucking stupid over light eyes?

I'm going to be buying the GEO Princess Mimi Bambi series ones in brown anyway, but I'd love some other recommendations.

>> No.6483713
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I only own two pairs of brown lenses, sorry.
One of them is the Bambi series you're getting, which I love and think look great over light eyes.

The other is Geo's Nudy series. Here's a picture of them. They don't come out very brown, but I think they make my eyes look hazelish. They're very hard to get an accurate photo of, because the colour is quite odd. I like them, but I know a lot of people don't.

>> No.6483730


I'm glad to hear the Bambi ones look good; I have them in green and I love them, so I figured I might as well get them in brown too as I wanted brown lenses anyway.

I've heard good things about the lighter colours in the Nudy series, but from what I've heard most people didn't like the brown.

Maybe I'll experiment and find some awesome ones.

>> No.6483748
File: 47 KB, 308x215, pinkyblue_lens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried this pair?

Because the color seems really cute but I'm afraid that when I get them, they are dark blue! In the photos they have a lovely light-blue color, but I don't know if they won't look like that, because the photos on the site were taken with flash.
My eyes are light brown.

>> No.6483751
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Yeah, that is true. I'm not sure what I like about them so much tbh.
Have you thought about trying the Puffy/Shinny series? This is the pink version, but I feel like the brown would look quite natural over light eyes.

>> No.6483765
File: 76 KB, 500x750, vassendolly_plus_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get these?

I'm thinking about Vassen Dolly Plus Brown.
I have blue eyes but want a dolly look, although I've been told to get a green pair for my reddish hair I want to try dark eyes!
Any idea of the vassen coverage of brown over light eyes?

>> No.6483783

Are these the 'regular' nudy or the super nudy?

>> No.6483788
File: 92 KB, 1000x262, lenses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular. Here are the Super Nudys in pink.

>> No.6483829

They will look dark blue over dark eyes. On light-to-light-medium eyes they will look closer to that photo. They enhanced the color on the stock images.

>> No.6483833
File: 93 KB, 768x1024, P7200714_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit, it ate the pic. Her eyes aren't even what I'd call "Asian dark" either, but the lenses certainly don't look as light blue which sucks because that light color looks really nice.

>> No.6483841

Omg! The look really cute! Thanks anon! I will definitely buy these :o

An they don't look as big as the reviews say, because my iris are big enough