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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 185 KB, 640x426, 6947983295_ae201f6cbf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6479815 No.6479815 [Reply] [Original]

How long should a dress or cape train be at conventions?

Should props and wings be sized down to make them people friendly?

Do you think accuracy is more important than ease of movement and crowd convenience?

>> No.6479830

You can be large and in charge and accuracy all you want out of the way of others. I'll be damned if some bitch in a huge dress wants to stop the flow of traffic because she needs to sit down and fan out her dress for one photo.
Be considerate of others and take your huge dress/sword/face outside for photos.

>> No.6479852

I remember this one cosplayer who had actually made her five or six wings BIGGER than the reference art, and then chose to stand at the bottom of the escalator to photowhore.

>> No.6479856

>Be considerate of others and take your huge dress/sword/face outside for photos.

Unless your dress is the size of a tent and blocks off walkways, in which case, that shit is just out of control and should be worn at a private shoot.

>> No.6479860

I remember when Katsucon was smaller, they would stop people with large objects going into the Dealers. They would have to leave the props at the door with the staff member.

>> No.6479864

Depends on the purpose of the costume.
If you are competing in it and the majority of your time in it will be spent in lineup and on stage then making it size accurate is fine. You won't be in the way. After the show you can set yourself up in a corner out of traffic flow for some photos.

if you are wearing the costume around the con and plan to go to panels, events, the dealers room, ect, then please be able to move in it and not take up more than a person and half width wise because fuck you if you do.

>> No.6479865
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>How long should a dress or cape train be at conventions?

as long as accurately possible obviously

>> No.6479867

I always feel like I'd look like an egotistical douche standing in a corner like it was my spot, waiting for people to take photos...

>> No.6479871
File: 51 KB, 662x452, Lucifer_Zander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder how they got this shit there

>> No.6479875

Story time.

>walking down crowded hall, people elbow to elbow at all sides
>dave strider in a ridiculously long cape in front of me, train is probably... 10ft or so?
>someone bumps me from behind, the toe of my heel just barely catches the hem
>turns around and glares at me before I can jump back


>later see security telling them to pick it up or take it off, they're arguing it forever.

>> No.6479877

>How long should a dress or cape train be at conventions?

Long in enough to block everyone in your path.

>> No.6479882

Those Lucifer wings. I love.

I tend to try to adjust length if it's way too obnoxiously big. I learned my lesson when I once made a pair of Latias wings a while back. They weren't super huge, but I had to be careful and try not hurt anyone since the spikes were a bit stiff. The constant paranoia was enough for me to agree that I should make things at a comfortable level for me and for the cosnideration of other people.

>> No.6479884
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Do you think a little less than arms width is too big for wings? I'm okay with scaling them down because I'd rather they not hurt anyone or get broken, but I don't want them to look out of proportion either...

pic related.

>> No.6479900
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>being guilt tripped into playing security for friend so no one steps on her dress

>> No.6479903

>having a dress train at a con

Why bother? Nobody will respect your costume unless you make it so fucking known to the point where it's obnoxious.

My first cosplay was a dress that had a train. It got to the point where I actually had to carry the train beside me like a tail because people would not watch where the fuck they were going and step on it. It wasn't like I stood in a busy hallway either. I would be waiting in line for something and some douche would literally walk over and STEP on it to go talk to a friend on the other side of me. On the seldom instance where I forgot to hold onto my train when walking outside some douche in the back of me would walk too close and step on it, thus pulling out the stitching and causing tears on it. I had to sew the thing like three times.

And the kicker is my dress was white too. So all of their shoe marks and dirt were on it by the end of the convention. I went to handwash the train and the rinsewater was literally brown from the muck.
People are asking for aggravation.

>> No.6479907

how big is your friends dress gonna be?

>> No.6479917

a little shorter than >>6479865 by the photos she has posted

>> No.6479923


Personally, with wings and long trains, I think the best thing to do is make them as modular/removable as possible and have a quick storage solution if you're planning to wear the costume all day. That way, if you're in the common area taking photos you can put on the wings or let down the train/whatever, but you can also put that shit away if you head into a people-dense area like the dealer's room. Both for your benefit (your dress is going to get stepped on and your wings will probably get bent or broken) and for other con-goers.

On a tangent, I wish US cons would institute a thing like they do in Japan where they have like, a cosplay area which is cordoned off and out of the way of traffic for taking photos and taking photos elsewhere is prohibited. You don't get traffic jams in the rows because of someone stopping to take a picture and shit.

>> No.6479926

have fun with that. she'll be taking up four peoples worth of space at least and acting like a giant crowd needs to accommodate one person and not the other way around.

>> No.6479939

Thanks for the advice! The skirt will have a large radius but the cage will be bouncy and flexible (also removable) and the dress actually won't be dragging on the ground at all.

I'm going to try and look into a way to make the wings removable.. maybe bolt into the back of my corset and unbolt when I need them off again.

>> No.6479940
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I know, thankfully its only for one day because I planned on doing something other than ushering her out of the way of people and reminding her that there are better places to take photos than in hallways.

>> No.6479947


I know you're mad about getting your costume ruined, but I don't think any of those people were being malicious. You can't expect everyone to be keeping an eye out for your dress train. Most people just don't notice it because they're not looking down while they're walking. Plus, just because you're wearing a large costume doesn't really mean you're entitled to more space than everyone else.

I wonder why people never consider making trains removable or adding ties to bustle it when you're trying to move around (a lot of wedding dresses have this feature so they're less cumbersome during the reception).

>> No.6479956

None of them even stopped to apologize. I don't assert that they're being malicious, but very careless and indifferent.
>entitled to extra space
Oh, you're one of these folks...

>> No.6479964

And just a btw, my train only trailed maybe six inches behind me. It was not big to say the least.

>> No.6479980

calm your tits. next time put a loop on your train so you can easily lift it.

>> No.6479988

Well forgive me if it's a bit flustering when people assume that you had a ten foot train and that you were trying to act like the hallway queen demanding her "entitled space" when you just wanted people to have a bit of consideration.

>> No.6479994


You do realise what a crowd is right? You're not the only one whose space is being invaded. And honestly, when you're being shoved around by others, the last thing you're going to think of is a stranger's train.

>> No.6479999

Outside though? Seriously? The con I went to is very small and this happened walking back and forth between buildings when there were no major crowds, just wandering people in pairs not quite paying much attention.

But go figure, I should've known I would have been called 'entitled' for this. Oh god, lol.

>> No.6480002


Look, maybe they didn't even notice they stepped on it. All your "douches" comments sure make it sound like you think it was malicious.

What do you mean by "one of those people" anyway? You made the choice to wear a costume that might invade other people's space, it's your responsibility to keep it out of other people's way. Do you really expect the other attendees to pay special attention to you because you're wearing a cumbersome costume (which they very well might not even notice).


I wasn't assuming that you had some giant train taking up an entire aisle. Trains get stepped on if you're not doing something about it. I've worn dresses with trains to regular formal parties and gotten walked all over because I didn't remember to pick it up in high traffic areas. It goes with the territory. Your train is your responsibility, not the rest of the con's.

>> No.6480007

>I should've known I would have been called 'entitled' for this. Oh god, lol.

You don't actually know what that word means, do you?

>> No.6480008

Because they didn't stop to apologize. That's pretty douchey.

If someone came and bumped into you and your prop or costume got wrecked, would you want an apology? Or would you tell yourself to shut up because "you're in everyone else's space too and stop acting entitled" ... ?

>> No.6480017

I don't think you do tbh.
Wanting some courtesy is not entitlement.
I am not claiming ownership to the earth nor the space surrounding me, but just that people not trample me while I'm occupying that space.

Shoes touch the ground too, and people step on them carelessly as well. Do you not get irritated when someone steps on the back of your shoes?

>> No.6480022


Again, they probably didn't notice. Or maybe they thought you were a douche for your costume being in their way. Who knows.

>stop acting entitled" ... ?

That's not what I said. Let me rephrase since you didn't understand, you do not have the right to additional concern/consideration from other attendees because of your costume choices.


No, no I don't. It's a fucking accident, it happens from time to time. Get over yourself.

>> No.6480021

I'd apologize to them, TBH. When I wore a big dress I always was mindful of other people, I didn't expect them to be mindful of me. I kept out of peoples way and 99% of the time when they bumped into me, I apologized for being in the way and they apologized back.

If someone directly slams into you when they have an entire hallway and literally didn't care there was a person there, fine. But if you are taking up space and not paying attention to your own belongings, that is your own fault

>> No.6480024

How do you know they even noticed? Do you spend your entire con staring at the floor?

>> No.6480028

>you don't have consideration
So lifting the train when I'm inside and letting it down only when I'm in line or outside when I'm not around other people is not consideration? That's pretty funny anon.

Just stop. Don't even act like you wouldn't be slightly annoyed that someone else wrecked a prop or dress you worked hard on.

>> No.6480029

>how do you know they even noticed?
Because some looked back me me for a second and scurried off without saying anything.

And if they didn't, like that instance where I was standing in line not surrounded by many people, then they were being careless and obviously not looking.

Any more inquisitions?

>> No.6480030

Nope, sorry, try reading that sentence again:

>you do not have the right to additional concern/consideration from other attendees because of your costume choices.

If my prop got wrecked because I wasn't paying attention to where I was keeping it, it's my own damn fault.

>> No.6480032

Lol whatever you say anon, whatever you say.

>> No.6480035

>then they were being careless and obviously not looking.

They shouldn't have to be looking out for your train. YOU should be looking out for your train.

>> No.6480037

When I was standing in line not suspecting that a person was about to cross over my dress to get to the other side?
You're a complete bitch.

>> No.6480039


this. you are the one who chose the costume, not the crowd. not anyone else. it's your job to look after it and be aware of your costume and your surroundings. if someone stepping on your train bothers you that much, then keep your train up.

>> No.6480041

>not suspecting that a person was about to cross over my dress

And they weren't expecting your damn dress to be there!

>> No.6480043
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>then keep your train up
>implying I didn't the majority of the time
But >implying you're not samefagging at this point to make it look like multiple people actually agree with this crap.

>> No.6480048

So then why are you completely putting the blame on me if you're basically admitting it was just a careless circumstance? Oh right, you're trying to rustle me because you've got a bee in your bonnet for people with small trains for whatever reason.

>> No.6480049

lol... not samefagging. whatever honey, keep expecting other people to watch your shit for you and you'll keep being disappointed.

>> No.6480051

you are so, so mad about this

>> No.6480052

Okay sweetie.
And I hope your attitude attests to the evidence as to why people shouldn't wear trains to conventions.

>> No.6480056


Yes, careless on your part because you weren't watching your costume. If I leave a prop on the ground and someone steps on it, guess who's fault that is (hint: not the person who stepped on it).

>> No.6480062

Nice extreme example you got there. Because I'm sure, you know, people purposefully leave their props out on the floor where people were walking just to yell when someone steps on them.

>> No.6480059
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Almost fifty posts of wank about trains. Oh cgl.

>> No.6480065
File: 328 KB, 1353x976, DenshaDeD_ch01p16-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trains are serious business, yo.


Yeah and I bet you purposely left your train on the floor just so people could step on it.

>> No.6480069
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>> No.6480071

Oh I totally did man. I was just waiting for some poor sucker to come along and step on my 50 foot white train, right in the middle of a crowded hallway where people were walking. I needed some poor, unsuspecting sap I could sink my claws into, I was looking for an argument.

>> No.6480074
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>> No.6480081

Ugh, her entitlement disgusts me.

>> No.6480079

You know what I hate? cosplay campers.

They pick the best spot for either lighting or backdrop and just plop themselves down and sit there and wait for photos. They don't give a shit if other people want to use the spot, or if people want to potentially move through that spot to go anywhere else. If you accidentally get in the way of their photowhoring or even nudge their costume or shit they flip out.

There are few places in convention centres or hotels with nice lighting or backdrops, please be mindful of your fellow cosplayers and share the space. I feel like Katsucon has a LOT of these, people will rush to the main foyer or gazebo and just stay there for hours and hours.

If you can only wear your costume by sitting in one spot, perhaps it was not the best choice for a convention costume.

>> No.6480082
File: 486 KB, 687x457, photo (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking bitch. She clogged up all the hallways dragging this entire boat behind her. What a cunt

>> No.6480085

Can you stop ruining an otherwise decent thread with your continued moping and bitching and sageing? Thanks.

>> No.6480087

>implying this isnt as much bullshit trollbait as any other con horror story

>> No.6480091

my local con scene is ripe with this.

the main lobby will have the same groups in it all day long.

>> No.6480092

Not my fault you said something retarded.
>space entitlement
Wonder how long before this becomes a "thing." Like replica entitlement, but worse.

>> No.6480097

I DIDN'T SAY THAT YOU DUMB WHORE. Either way, get off your fucking soap box. This thread isn't all about 'the trials and tribulations of anon with a tiny train'.

>> No.6480094

>implying that wasn't one of the most obviously sarcastic comments on the front page right now

>> No.6480102
File: 153 KB, 769x595, badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb whore
Oh man, you're mad for someone that didn't say it. No really, keep responding with your false sense of superiority.

>> No.6480105
File: 16 KB, 480x360, I+know+that+feel+bro+_9c874b38837db99bc40c6629e6893fc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480107

I got squished in the back of an elevator by someone in an Alphonse Elric suit of armor.
12 fucking floors. I couldnt even ask him to move because there was no space

>> No.6480110

I always get stuck behind the giant unwieldy gundam that can barely walk during masquerades

I feel like people should be docked points if you need a team of 10 people just to move you without the costume falling apart

>> No.6480115

She looks like she's sucked over 200 dicks to boot. I bet they all do, inconsiderate women not checking their privilege.

>> No.6480128


Please, tell us what other words you've only heard on Tumblr and don't understand their normal usage.

>> No.6480131

>telling someone that has a train that they're being 'entitled' to space

You quite literally have no room to accuse other people of not knowing definitions of words.

>> No.6480136
File: 218 KB, 800x874, 6-6753-16094-DSC036332jpg-800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love those safety hazards

>> No.6480135

Seriously? Stop being retarded.

>> No.6480138
File: 188 KB, 700x700, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblr language trolling

>> No.6480141

Once had a friend who went as Sorceress Edea in a local con in a location that gets crowded fast. That back piece was already cut down less wide than the character reference, but it still got hella in the way of everything, and she couldn't even move through the hall without stabbing somebody with one of the points. Worse trouble when she had to be put in the lineup and there were two or three mecha and armor cosplayers in there with her.

I think the con area and crowd population should just be taken into consideration first. If the place is too small or the ceilings too low--don't bother. Wear it to a private shoot or a different con.

>> No.6480148

I had this issue with my SifLoki horns. I honestly did not think they would be problematic because they only stuck out like a foot from my head and curved up.

Whenever I was taking photos with people I would forget about my horns, turn my head and end up knocking them in the skull.

Thankfully they weren't too hard and I always apologized and felt embarrassed after....

>> No.6480151

Animazement does that too, and that convention center is pretty large.

>> No.6480160

Everybody has places to go and things to do, so the less of a nuisance a costume is to other people, the better. And in the unlikely event there's an emergency, you don't want to end up being a hazard yourself.

>> No.6480165

I think cosplayers with pointy shit attached need to be especially careful, what if you actually did gore someones eye out?

>> No.6480169

>gore someone at a con
Has this ever even happened before?
I thought most cons have strict rules about props, and if they don't meet standards then they have to be corked, taped, or can't be brought.

>> No.6480175

I saw someone get sliced by someone horsing around with a dull steel blade.

The worst I've gotten (which was pretty nasty) was I had my cheek punctured by this retard wearing a ridiculously metal spiked choker when someone pushed into me from behind.

>> No.6480176
File: 75 KB, 364x512, Face06ct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i dressed up as kanako from touhou and i had that rope circle on my back which i scaled down to half size. i kept on getting nervous that all my paper things hanging off of the back would flutter in people's faces so i ended up just tucking them inside the circle. i asked some friends i was with about it and apparently they weren't even being a problem.

but still, i don't know how people can walk around with shit trailing behind them or stuff poking out, i'd rather just avoid inconveniencing anyone.

>> No.6480182

>wearing a big full-size russian pancake tutu
>people bumping into my frisbee like circumference
>lols are had, no1curr because I wasn't a b. and tutus are meant to be jostled and bounced about when made properly

>> No.6480184

I'm doing Yukari's balllgown next year for a con, i'm trying to decide whether to make it to scale or to shrink it down a bit. I kinda feel bad, thinking of taking up so much space

>> No.6480187

hoops aren't bad and hers isn't that big. as long as you don't mind the occasional bump into you, which any decent hoop can take, I don't think anyone would mind. maybe just avoid the dealers room on a saturday if its a tight squeeze.

>> No.6480190

Hmm, true enough. I guess it just seems so huge to me as it will be my first hoop skirted cosplay. Will definitely be avoiding the dealers room, it's a tight squeeze even if you aren't in cosplay

>> No.6480196

This is why only tall people should wear horns.

>> No.6480202

>thinking of taking up so much space

Seriously, don't worry about it in the general convention area. The only places where you might run into trouble are the dealer's room, artists alleys (these are the worst sometimes), and crowded hallways.

Just weigh the pros and cons, and I wouldn't listen to the anons earlier arguing about entitlement.

>> No.6480221

I think the point missed was that you can wear a big skirt, just be sensible about it and remember that you are the one in the big costume and that other people aren't required to look out for you.

That being said, hoops can be bumped into with no problem and I doubt anyone would care. You can also lift the bottom of a hoop and collapse it while you walk and going through tight places, so wear shorts under and you're good. Just don't get upset if you're bumped, because you will be.

>> No.6480224

It depends on the size of the con and when you're planning to wear it. Generally avoid AA, elevators, small hallways, and probably the dealer's room

>> No.6480227

>just be sensible about it
That's basically what I said.

>> No.6480233

It doesn't even take an actual sharp object or a weapon. It could be a the corner of a wing or something being whipped around really fast.

>> No.6480231

>other people aren't required to look out for you
No, but they should. I take extra care to respect the space of other people at the convention besides myself, it would be nice if others had the same mentality.

>> No.6480240

>I respect everyone's space so they should respect mine
...That's basically the 'Nice Guy's argument for why you should have sex with them
>I gave you presents so you should reciprocate and put out

>> No.6480239
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Even when I cosplayed as Noel Vermillion, I tucked the red ribbons into the tops of my sleeves unless I was taking a photo. It may be annoying to take out for each photo, yes, but it saved people (and myself) a lot of annoyance from having them stepped on. I made them JUST long enough to touch the floor, but I took off a LITTLE bit of length (they're supposed to be SUPER long) for comfort.

>> No.6480249
File: 38 KB, 526x300, 1333043997615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....LOL. I don't even...

>> No.6480251

Oh stop being a bitch just because you didn't have enough sense to look after your train

>> No.6480252


Yeahhh I was behind a Cloud when suddenly his buster sword whipped into my face and nearly took out my eye. The guy didn't notice - he seemed really flustered and next thing I knew he's like "Hey hold my sword while I fix this thing" and I was holding it.

It was a big awesome sword so I forgave him for that.

>sage for hardly any contribution and coolstorybro

>> No.6480254

Stop keep trying to perpetuate a dead argument and shit up the thread. Thanks children, now go your separate ways.

>> No.6480257

I like how that had nothing to with the train post yet you're still that butthurt over it.
Sage because I have no cool story to contribute.

>> No.6480260
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Implying this thread was anything but shit and wank

>> No.6480258
File: 379 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ma9vqm5XLp1r8benko10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about horns, it was probably a joke just for that shoot but figured i would drop it by

also whats the biggest dress anyone has made?

>> No.6480267
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>cgl not being about drama and wank

>> No.6480340
File: 136 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-05-23 at 03.55 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be damned if I can find it, but there was some woman at a German con, I believe? Whose skirt was easily about 30 ft long. Someone took a picture of it from above, it was ridiculous.

Selfposting a minute to offer my two cents, for what it's worth.

When I make my wings, I scale them down. I find overly big wigs can look weirdly proportioned. I'd fiddle with mockups till I figured out the right balance.

Any train I've had isn't awfully long, or easy to scoop up and carry.

>> No.6480362

I agree that it depends on several factors.

If you are only wearing it for competition, meeting, or photoshoot, make it as big as you like. Just make sure you can get where you need to go wearing it.

The con you are wearing it to is also major. I have a large costume for Dragon*Con this year. I'm making it accurate, so it will take up space. You can't navigate in the busiest hotels at Dragon*Con, so I am going to try to make it in parts that I can carry and put on when I get to my destination. I'd be horrendously pissed if someone stepped on it, and I know it will get stepped on unless I take proper precautions.

Granted, Dragon*con is full of people in huge costumes.

>> No.6480382

Taking them apart is always a good option, too. A lot of people make props that dismantle and reassemble. Wings can, too.

Also, long trains can bustle. Why do people not just bustle it until they get to where they're going?

>> No.6480387

Maybe I wasn't paying attention too much but really...this...seriously...exists?

I assumed it did, but I always thought it wasn't that extreme.

>> No.6480392

I thought that was a rule in masquerades already. No costumes that are falling apart.

>> No.6480396

There's this picture around, I think it's the one >>6480340 was talking about, and this lady is just in a huge fucking dress and she's sitting in the middle of the park where the con is at. Just...sitting there and wanting people to look at her dress. Also heard that she'd throw a fit whenever someone would get close. Attention whoring to the max.

I thought I had the picture saved but I don't.

>> No.6480402

That's so fucking depressing to hear, seriously.
I always assumed that yeah, there's attention whores everywhere, but l am just appalled at the lengths they've gone to.

>> No.6480404


>> No.6480405
File: 69 KB, 468x600, cos9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's her! Ugh, I thought I had it saved, too.

Here's another shot of it, though. I think this is her. This is from Germany. But this girl's dress is still shorter than the one I'm thinking of.

>> No.6480408
File: 482 KB, 245x190, 1321414022307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MY GOD. WHY WOULD YOU WASTE THAT MUCH FABRIC. Who was she cosplaying as anyway?!

>> No.6480410
File: 55 KB, 453x500, 47527_436603043797_816498797_5040715_303897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more details. How much did she spend? Could she wear it more than once? Why did she even jesus fuck why

>> No.6480411

Thank you so much. Saving that picture and never letting go.

>> No.6480412

Hinoto, from X. Same as OP.
I'm assuming the dress that is clearly too long to actually move around in is canonical, but it's still sort of obnoxious. When I googled "Hinato" it was a bunch of girls sitting in this fabric-ring.

>> No.6480415

I get Hinoto and the reason for a big train but sweet jesus that is overkill. She doesn't even look like she fixed the wig right at all or did any nice details to it.

And...did anyone even like it?

>> No.6480416

I wish the dress was brown or something vaguely red/fleshtoned. I would laugh so hard if someone went to all that trouble only to look like a giant anus worm

>> No.6480422

Apparently she shouted at anyone who got close enough to step on the hem, and had a little chair/stool she was sitting on. And sat there. All day.

I'll be honest, I'll take a bit of showboating from people in big, extravagant costumes. They don't wear them to not get noticed. If they're well-done, more power to them.

But if all you're going to do is sit there in a big pile of fabric and get attention, what the actual fuck?
At that size, it's not even skill, really. It's just like sewing massive curtains and sticking them vaguely to your waist. Also, there's no canon context of the fabric ever being that large.

>> No.6480438

Exactly. This doesn't even add anything great to the cosplay design elementing. Shortening it would have looked much better.

And I cannot believe that she actually fucking shouted at people for that. No organizers of the con even said anything?

>> No.6480443
File: 101 KB, 421x474, I will put it in your butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How awesome would it be if a bunch of people picked up the edges and pretended it was a parachute from elementary school gym class?

>> No.6480444
File: 5 KB, 251x251, 1350784783017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would absolutely have loved to do that. And sing, sing while we whirl around to drown out her angry shouting.

>> No.6480764

And throw little waffle balls onto it and bounced them up and played hidey tag...

>> No.6480769

....I wish to do this

>> No.6480771

How to make a huge dress con friendly, bring waffle balls.

>> No.6480793

There's actually a picture floating around of her with some other chick wearing the same costume, except the skirt was the right size and she had all the gorgeous details, nice wig and everything. It's wonderful. I wish I had it saved.

>> No.6480800

The funny part is for all that fabric, its barely accurate and looks like shit. She's missing all the additional accessories and detailing, not to mention the coloured underlayer. She looks like a giant, satin pig in a blanket.

Hinoto's dress is only made 5ft longer than her height at the most, OP has it right.

>> No.6480808

largest prop?

>> No.6480817


I've seen some Bleach characters with ridiculously huge props that take multiple people to set up and can't be moved with. It always seemed kind of dumb that they would spend so much money going to a convention to just sit in the hall and never move or see anything all day. Why not just do a photoshoot?

>> No.6480822

I never do very big cosplays but if I have one that's difficult to move in it's usually on cons that are multiple days and I only wear it on one day so I can look around the other days.

>> No.6480858
File: 439 KB, 1200x900, 1345004363690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480879

Wow..way to take up space. I like how there are tiny photoshoots all around her though.
Bigger does not mean better..

>> No.6480894
File: 94 KB, 500x498, 49-ho-ho-ho-batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's yelling at people not to get near her but she's in the fucking pathway.

>> No.6480904

This must be incredibly lonely

>> No.6480925

you got to love that despite that huge dress most people appear to be ignoring her.

>> No.6480930

Good mother of the gods

>> No.6480942

I remember that one.
She sat there all fucking day and everyone was mad at her because of how much space she took up. It was really crowded but she still didn't go away.

>> No.6480949

does that chick have any friends?

>> No.6480958

She does. Occasionally some people sat by her on her dress (without shoes on) and chatted with her.

I think the Hinoto apologized afterwards for taking up so much space (because there was some online drama after the con).

>> No.6480963

No shit, I'd be pissed if she took up that much space. She couldn't even keep her damn dress off the one path. If I was wearing heels I'd be pissed.

>> No.6480972
File: 77 KB, 468x314, 5498901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, then guess what happened at the next con?
Thankfully this dress was slightly smaller, but still...
(This is from a book fair in Germany which is considered a convention among cosplayers, but the bigger percentage of visitors are still normalfags. Not sure if I wanna know what they were thinking..)

>> No.6480977
File: 297 KB, 1180x660, 1346803941806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to hear more about this, does anyone has pictures from it up close? Did she get problems with the staff? Is it a fat lonely whale?

>> No.6480988

Oh fuck please don't tell me she was on the stairs all day long shouting at people not to come near her dress.

>> No.6481008


Why the hell do people think this is a good idea? are they that desperate for attention? It's not even canonical for the dress to be that large, and the costumes are probably filthy and fit for the garbage after just one wear. WHITE DRESSES. WHITE.

>> No.6481124

I think they were there for at least a good part of the day (though I don't think she was all that bitchy). Didn't pay much attention because I was somewhere else for most of the time.

>> No.6481129

Am I the only one that wouldn't give a shit about this? The most it would inconvenience me is that I'd have to walk to the left of the stairs.
I'm not even going to pretend like that would be a big deal.

>> No.6481215

If there wasn't much people traffic I'd think it was dumb but I wouldn't really care, but if there was a ton of people only having half the staircase would really back things up and cause crowding issues.

>> No.6481262

This pic always makes my wallet cry. That much fabric must've been pricey and you can see the seams and shit from it and tell it's not even etc... I can't imagine blowing the dress out of proportion by that much AND taking up a lot of space both inside the con center and outside.

For my one costume with wings, people were pretty good to me at Otakon.. it probably also helped that there was glitter on the edges of the wings that people didn't want on their costumes, but I did a lot of side stepping and said "Pardon me" to anyone I inconvenienced. Not that hard to watch your shit. The dress with a train costume is an easy enough fix with a loop and button for bustling like wedding gowns. It worked really well at Katsucon. It may also be a good idea to plan "bigger" costumes for cons that have fewer attendees + more space. I'm planning one such costume for this Katsu because there's space enough for it.

>> No.6481552

She could have outfitted an entire school with ghost costumes.

>> No.6481558

Is there any videos of her walking around before she got to her sitting spot? Or any other pictures besides this one? I've seen it around a lot but nothing else, I imagine it's something people would photograph only because how ridiculous it is.

>> No.6481563

I'm curious about this as well. She must've had a battle team straighten out her tent in that photo.

>> No.6481608

I have a costume with big wings. I just.... Crab-walk through the convention, next to the walls. Telling everyone I'm sorry and excuse me and please. People look at me like I'm a freak. I just put it on for the competition, but the dead time between putting it on and going on backstage requires me to go somewhere and stay there for a while. I can't even sit on the floor with them...

>> No.6481661

It pleases me to see people with large props/costumes apologizing for hitting someone or saying excuse me.

it's so rage inducing to see someone in a huge costume barrel through a crowed and not say excuse me, or even blame others when they get hit by something.

>> No.6481674


This. When I'm wearing a huge outfit I'M the obstacle not other people. Its my duty to not present a nuisance to them, not the other way around.

Most of the time the crowd will be very understanding if you are polite and do your best to keep out of the way and not block traffic.

>> No.6481678

This. I always try to say excuse me, pardon me, etc.... when I'm walking through an area. It makes it so much easier to traverse when you let people know you're trying to get a giant poofy dress.

Also, I always try to bend the hoopskirt up so people can load onto elevators. Thankfully they're usually plastic instead of metal so they flex and I don't end up with my skirt in my face like a trap door.

>> No.6481720

If that was the down escalator I would purposely go down it and bump into her if she didn't move.

>> No.6481721
File: 26 KB, 300x400, ltwbp3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of a tangent, but speaking of hoopskirts. I always wondered how Milky Ange made theirs. The three-layer one has multiple configurations: http://www.milky-ange.com/pannier/ltwbp3.html

Do you think it's just removable tiers or some crazy hoop collapsing mechanism?

>> No.6481736

... WHAT IS THIS MAGIC, please explain

>> No.6481733

My first con I almost got taken out by a Sephiroth who had his accurate length sword balanced on his shoulder. He turned around on the up escalator and nearly hit about 8 people including a few poor saps on the down escalator.

I try to make my larger props modular so I can take them apart when I'm just walking around the con or I'm in a panel, etc.

>> No.6481742

The reason it happens is that there's artwork from one of the artbooks that makes it look like her robes/kimono fill the whole room. The actual length of things is more "reasonable", but still cumbersome, as you've said. They're formal in style and length and she's an itty bitty thing.

In the series, she doesn't move around much at all, so it doesn't matter, but it makes cosplaying her a real shit move for anything other than a photoshoot.

>> No.6481749


Yeah that's what I'd like to know. It seem useful, but I don't own one (would love to, along with one of their beautiful long maid dresses, but I can't really justify it).

>> No.6481762

It looks like the hoops are likely compressed the same way that you do a round photography reflector. Basically, they nest down into one another and then you "twist" the larger portions into a smaller circle until they all fit together. So once you get the actual hoops allined, it would end up fairly compact.

I didn't know that they made hoop skirts like that, though. I really want to order one, now. Hmm.

>> No.6481768

Actually, I read their description. The wire is removable/adjustable in the hoops. You can change the width and collapse the petticoat by removing or resizing the hoops.


>> No.6481771

Those are extremely common actually, most moderately priced plastic boned hoopskirts on eBay are adjustably hooped and compressable.

>> No.6481773
File: 212 KB, 660x820, img60223971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I did some more reading and that's what it sounds like. Could be a useful idea re: space concerns.

>> No.6481774


>>6481736 here, thanks for translating!

>> No.6481781

Bought one just like that off eBay for $30 from a civil wear recreationist.

>> No.6481790

Oh, I meant Milky Ange specifically when I said "they". I've seen collapsible hoops before! The ones I've seen are usually kind of ugly, though and don't come with t built in, tulle petticoat like that.

>> No.6481801

Didn't know they did removable hoops, but I suppose it makes sense. How else would it get washed?

>> No.6481805


So, dumb question from someone who obviously doesn't know much about hoop skirts: how do you adjust the hoops exactly? Do they have like, snaps or notches or something so you can make them smaller?

I did some cursory googling and couldn't really find any description of how it works.

>> No.6481816

They have little bumps that go into holes like those plastic snap-on watch straps usually

>> No.6481827


Oh cool, that's kind of what I figured.

That might be something to consider for gown type costumes, if you wanted to be able to wear it all day to a con––keep the hoops out/on a smaller setting while you're in the dealer's room or something and expand them/put them in for photos/hanging out in open areas? (Though I guess taking them out completely/putting it back in might be a bit annoying, but like, if you came in with them in and then pulled 'em out later to explore the rest of the con it might be an option?)

>> No.6481835

I made my hoops smaller for that exact reason whenever I went into crowded areas and it worked great. You don't even need to remove the hoops.

>> No.6482642


>> No.6482812


>> No.6483157

Personally if you have a big costume, you need to go into the convention expecting that costume to get ruined. Always try and hold long, big, and sharp parts. Always say, "Excuse me, pardon me, sorry, etc." when going past someone or a crowd you think you might hit.

On the flip side I always make sure to move out of the way, and watch my surroundings with any costume in the convention area. I try my best to be mindful of the floor because I know there are always a lot of bags and things, and I try not to bump into people if I can avoid it.

Sometimes big costumes/props are just in the way or out of your vision and you still step on them though. I can usually feel them under my feet and always apologize if I do step/hit something. I apologize even if it was the other person that bumped into me too, even if I didn't mean it. I just think its a common courtesy if Its an accident.

>> No.6483171

Anyone have that picture of the fat chick sitting outside in a park with that giant ass dress? I think it was from a clamp series... We're talking about a dress the size of half a football field or something close. I've seen it posted here before.

>> No.6483173


This one?

>> No.6483262

Scroll UP

>> No.6483795
File: 146 KB, 1600x900, Thundercats-the-Duelist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What character is this supposed to be? Because he kind of looks like this fucker right here.

>> No.6486077


Bumping for footage of this gal setting up her dress. And more stories in general.

>> No.6486094


It's Auron from FFX-2

>> No.6486140

I think it really depends on the person.
I've seen people with mega huge costumes move gracefully through a crowd, and then on the other hand I've also encountered people with tiny props acting like they own the whole damn con.
Last AUSA was the perfect example of the latter. The artist alley/dealer's room wasn't particularly crowded, but this one girl and her friend took it upon themselves to screech "SCUZE ME COMIN THROUGH FRAGILE WINGS" when she had yaya-sized wings on.
I think it becomes more of a "look at me, I have something big and/or fragile" (even if that's sometimes hardly the case).
It's really not hard to not be rude about it. Since 2008 or so I've almost always had some large prop or hoopskirt or something cumbersome. I've had things stepped on, I've almost been tripped down a flight of stairs. You just have to realize that no one else is looking out for your costume, so don't ever assume it's safe anywhere but right next to you. And even then it's not safe. Luckily I have friends who are wonderful enough to help me out (protip: especially helpful if you have large props and an eyepatch i.e. Lavi/Fai Flourite).

tl;dr: Look out for your shit, but don't be a bitch about it.