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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 126 KB, 900x672, well that's a cute table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6470389 No.6470389 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread is Autosaging. >>6434236
Share your tips, tricks, suggestions, ideas, and experiences! Show off your wares and stock.

A good guide for newbies, or people that just want a refresher;

>> No.6470558
File: 111 KB, 720x537, 249013_10150273452055081_77542780080_9182356_5378671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a table setup for someone selling crafts! ^_^

>> No.6470802
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>> No.6470805
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>> No.6470819
File: 41 KB, 400x340, colorful-awning-thumb9619363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shared some random pictures of booths and ideas that I really like. I like a vertical display, but not so big that you can't see the customers. Right now I'm working on something to drape over the top of my display to look like a colorful awning. I know it's been done, but I love it. Considering adding some Christmast-y lights under it as well.

>> No.6470856

Oh Man that set up is just ASKING for theft, it would be so easy to snag something off that table when the seller isn't looking...

>> No.6470860
File: 494 KB, 500x330, itsfuckingbeautiful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6470862

I always think that when I look at these set ups.

is theft common? I'm sure weebs are obnoxious enough to do it.

>> No.6470879

Yep it is. Use zip ties if you don't care about the look of them.

>> No.6470929

My setup is pretty similar. You have to be alert and attentive to those at your booth. I've not had anything stolen yet, but a friend of mine did when she left things on her table and only covered it with a sheet at night.

>> No.6470946

>left things on her table and only covered it with a sheet at night
Oh man I do this but I only do prints so I have yet to get anything stolen. I think it helps that artists get to go into the exhibit hall earlier than normal customers so I usually get there before the foot traffic starts up so if anyone's stealing anything, it'd be a fellow artist which is highly unlikely.

>> No.6471018
File: 1.71 MB, 4000x2248, IMG_2569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for Halloween. Anyone else have holiday themed tables? I love things like this.

>> No.6471049
File: 161 KB, 500x326, 1323400788960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those bats!

>> No.6471112
File: 1.39 MB, 4000x2248, IMG_2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were really fun and easy to do. If anyone wants to make their own I could probably rustle up the pattern I drew out.

>> No.6471160
File: 89 KB, 606x790, 1349929722418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I saw something similar at AWA, but they were tiny and the fabric was meh. I'd sure like to make a big, huggable one!

>> No.6471181

I can barely sew but I'd love to make one of these for my friend for Christmas if you have a pattern handy.

>> No.6471281

I have some of them tights... they're fucking amazing in so many ways. They are sturdy and super fricken comfortable. But they're best for people who are not extremely tall or heavy. I'm 5'8" and 180 lbs and they're good, but any bigger and the print might start stretching too much and not be as vibrant.

>> No.6471302
File: 142 KB, 554x415, 153263193538472006_Cwv6zpsI_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.... I'm in love...
Also, here are some random display idea images from craft shows... this is good stuff for folks who like to make jewelry and accessories to sell. :)

>> No.6471306
File: 104 KB, 500x405, 113786328054802385_TyT8nYe8_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6471308
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>> No.6471311
File: 137 KB, 480x640, 202310208232524565_q2BMH7N4_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food display, but it's great for folks to like to make candy and food related stuff to sell. :)

>> No.6471313
File: 104 KB, 426x640, 43769427598051220_385lcBgD_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake awning like what I was talking about earlier... I think it's awesome.

>> No.6471330

I'm so glad that my lolita thread was deleted but a thread where people talk about their artwork tables is still here.

>> No.6471344
File: 52 KB, 960x540, tumblr_mc7et0AKIe1r88ds6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist alley is a big part of conventions and pretty much goes hand in hand with cosplay. I haven't hear anyone complain about their presence on /cgl/. Sorry about your sour grapes.

>> No.6471377

Does anyone have tote bag display examples?

>> No.6471411
File: 48 KB, 396x298, deariead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why lolita threads are being deleted - diff anon but I would say both artist alley and lolita threads are legit. Why is the janitor so trigger happy?

>> No.6471588

Does anyone know of any interesting display racks for keychains? I've just started making some, but i'm not so sure how to fit them into my table.

How do you plan on setting it up? I've seen it on some displays, and I really like it, but I haven't bothered to check out the mechanics behind it.

I'd love that.

Basically this. We may not be exactly tied to cosplay and lolita (although the point about conventions is true, and there's a lot of cosplay prop/lolita accessory selling in vendor halls), I've never heard anyone complaining about them being here, until now.

>> No.6471666
File: 84 KB, 554x369, 267471665338779881_s2eY4Z0O_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why lolita threads would get deleted. Hopefully this doesn't get deleted because of misplaced bitter feelings.
Anyhow, back on topic, I like this idea for selling handmade decoden and pieces. :)

>> No.6471672

I guess the best way to do the awning thing would be to set up the grid walls (cube shelves) on each side of the table somehow, then run a bar across the top back, and then a bar a level lower across the front to drape it across or even feed the bar through the fabric, so basically it would be like a curtain.

>> No.6471682
File: 72 KB, 554x415, 280419514269117013_cIKe8Pro_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I saw someone use decorative "s" hooks (like you'd find at Hobby Lobby in the Christmas stuff for ornaments) to hang keychains from the grid walls of their alley table. You could also drape chains across and hang the keychains from individual links. :) Also, pegboard = cheap and easy. Pic related.

>> No.6471696

If you're going to have a display piece like that make sure that it fits the specs for a con- some have strict rules about how high up from the table/floor you can set a display and may ask you to take one down if they deem it unstable regardless.

Anyone know what cons they're heading to this con season? I have Katsu and Kotori on my list thus far.

>> No.6471899

Generally it's no higher than the pvc poles that 2-d artists hang their art from. AWA has I think a 5ft rule.
I'm thinking about Ichibancon, Nashicon and Banzaicon, maaaybe thinking about Animazement. I'm positively going to Frill, Momocon, AWA, Dragon*Con. I can't go to ALL of them, of course, but hte last four are positives.

>> No.6471902

Not AA related but craft related. Pulled a sparkly Rarity figure from a MLP blind bag. I want to use it to make something for a fabulous friend who loves Rarity for xmas. I figured a pendant necklace would be a bit much. All I can think of is casting her into a square mold for a keychain. Any other ideas?

>> No.6471916

How about as an ornament, just in time for christmas? Add a loop thing to the top and if you wanna attach some shiny shit around it, that might work too (don't make it too heavy, though).

Year-round they could just hang iit up somewhere for decoration.

>> No.6471930
File: 279 KB, 2400x3300, batbody1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay here's the bat pattern. I'm sorry, I just scanned my original drawing and traced over it in photoshop, so it looks horrible, but it'll get the job done.

>> No.6471931
File: 72 KB, 792x576, batwing1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wings can be made smaller or bigger depending on your preference. This is just half the wing, it'll fit on regular printer paper landscape-wise. Just when tracing flip it for the full wing.

>> No.6471932
File: 32 KB, 648x792, batear1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ears on this are a little too big I think. Sorry about that, I'm not sure what I did that derped them. Just scale them down to whatever size you want, since you can make your bat with ittybitty ears or big floppy ones.

>> No.6471933
File: 264 KB, 1600x2200, battut1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I tried to do a tutorial, just in case. Sorry that it's so bad, it's the first time I've ever done one and I didn't have in-progress pics to help. When I make my next bat I'll make sure to do so!

>> No.6471936
File: 417 KB, 1600x2200, battut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand part2. Good luck guys! I hope this is coherent enough for people to actually make something of this. If you do, I'd love to see them posted.
I don't care if you sell them or use this pattern for whatever, if the customer likes your bat over my bat then that's okay with me. :)

>> No.6471954
File: 32 KB, 447x418, 1306297420176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are far too kind, anon.

>> No.6472014
File: 11 KB, 410x284, 1322753354545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaah! Thank you anon!

>> No.6472018

Do you... have a shop or a tumblr or an etsy? Do you also take commissions for these bats, because I'd love one. If you're a west coast artist, I'd love to come see your table at cons.

>> No.6472107

Aww, thank you! Unfortunately I'm only in Hawaii, so I'm stuck with only Kawaii Kon and HEXXP and various craft fairs. I'm hoping to branch out and move to the mainland soon though!

I have both an etsy and a tumblr:

I'm not terribly good at updating tumblr, but I receive all messages there and reply quickly if you prefer that.
My etsy store is usually my most active, I only closed it temporarily because I had received 11 pony orders and needed to make that my cut off point because otherwise I'd be super stressed and there'd be unhappy people for Christmas. I'll willingly take a bat commission though, they're not nearly as intensive as ponies, if you wanted one by Christmas. :)
The ones up there I sold for $15. Those had a wingspan of 20in and the bats were 10 in tall. Just shoot me a message sometime and we can work out whatever you want!

>> No.6472124

Glad to help! If either of you end up making one, please share!

>> No.6472412
File: 333 KB, 451x367, pillows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing some wares :D these pillows ended up as a happy accident. How much is too much for them? I sold one already for $25 at my last con, but whenever I say it to my irl friends they make a face.

>> No.6472421

As a buyer, I'd probably be reluctant to purchase if they were over $30.

>> No.6472455

So none of you sell anime merchandise?

>> No.6472458

It would depend on the size. Also how much you spent to have them or the fabric made for them when you break it down to each item. They look to be about what? 14" or 16" tall? $25 isn't too bad at that size but it may be a hard sell at some cons so possibly be open to haggling on Sunday if sales aren't great.

Unless your irl friends are crafters they may not understand the base expense that goes into items so their view is a little skewed as a result. One of the hardest thing as a crafter sometimes is to not take it personally.

>> No.6472483

By anime merchandise do you mean anime related items? Because a lot of AA people do that. But if you mean actual merchandise, no. That's dealers room.

>> No.6472538


I'd need to know how much money in materials and time go into making these before giving you an answer. I personally wouldn't pay more than like 20$, but I also don't like having more pillows than I need. I do like the critter on the front, though.

>> No.6472720

Thank you for your opinion!!
Unfortunately I never sell on Sundays, but I may lower to around $20. Sadly majority of my friends aren't artist or crafters.

Thank you! I ordered two yards of the print so about $36 + 6 shipping which made about 4 of these. I may lower the price to around $20 because that extra $5 might be what turns people off from purchasing. Time on the other hand I can't really say since I didn't time myself, but I used a machine and sewed the edges about 4 times over

>> No.6472723

Do you guys make lots of money in the artist alley?

>All I care about is the $$$

>> No.6472726

I haven't sold myself yet, my first time will be at Katsucon coming up, but from observation, I think most people make anywhere between $200-500 dollars in profit.

One of my friends tabled at this past Otakon and made over 1k but I don't know if that was profit or just overall. She was also sharing with a popular artist, so that helped.

>> No.6472729


I've dabbled in wire armatures before, but what exactly do you mean by "reinforce with glue"? The wire itself? The position of the wire in the wings?

>> No.6472731

>Artist Alley
>"Goes hand in hand with cosplay"
>Has absolutely nothing to do with cosplay

>> No.6472739

Is the back of the pillow the same print or a solid color? If it's same print 22$, if it's a solid color drop the price to just under 20$
Also if you have other merchandise offer a small discount of if they buy the pillow at full price a smaller item will have a price cut of a buck or something depending on what you make. Also I'd say put some of these on Etsy it's a very cute print! On Etsy list them for 25$ I think they'd sell well. Artist alleys just tend to be cheaper/deal with cheapskates.

>> No.6472741

>Artist Alley

Face it, /cgl/ is cosplay, lolita, J-fashion, and conventions. Where else would you expect people to talk about cons and things that go on inside of cons?

>> No.6472744


>> No.6472749

This is 4chan, not Deviantart. Seriously, if you don't like it then just hide the thread. Not that hard.

>> No.6472752

Since these were kind of a mistake (I wanted to make totebags but the fabric came out larger cause I am a derp) they are one sided. I am planning to make two sided pillows for my next convention. Or pillows with one design on one side and then the other side has another design.

I will definately start offering a deal with them! Thank you very much! I had an Etsy but I wasn't making anything and I was shelling out money on the fees that I didn't have. I have a storenvy though. Maybe now that I have a solid job I will use both Etsy and Storenvy or does that seem kinda shady?

>> No.6472753

So apparently you think that 4chan boards are your own personal playground where you can post whatever you want. Sorry, but that's not quite the case.

The only reason this thread hasn't been deleted is because the new janitor is a moron who doesn't understand cosplay and he can't decipher between what is relevant and what isn't.

>> No.6472765

In all the AA threads I've visited, you are the first anon I've seen being upset about AA threads existing. Why? Who crumbled your cookies?

Seriously, I hide so many threads on /cgl/ that don't interest me or I find not worth getting mad over no matter how off-topic it is (ie. suicide threads, really?), so why don't you hide this thread?

>> No.6472770

I can't tell if you're trolling or seriously butthurt. We've had AA threads on /cgl/ for years.

>> No.6472777

You're that butthurt lolita from earlier, aren't you? There have been AA threads for years, get over it. Next you'll complain about people making convention threads because not everyone posting in them are talking about what costumes they're wearing.

>> No.6472781

They're butt frustrated that their precious /drama/ and trolling is gone pretty much.

>> No.6472872

Lets all take our own advice and ignore them, if its that big a deal they can make another thread for their topic.

Both ideas could be decent. Maybe for the one sided pillow have a fabric thats a completely different texture like that minky fabric with the pressed out dots in it. Or even the soft and fluffy fabric that Joann's sells.

>> No.6472888

No. The reason this thread has not been deleted is because it's relevant to conventions.

The reason some of the lolita threads have been getting deleted is because they are either: A) re-hashings of LJ drama or B) drama that singles people out.

Notice how the general lolita threads about coords are still there, but the ones where people post livejournal screencaps of egl community drama so they can bitch it here are gone.

>> No.6472909
File: 106 KB, 570x479, il_570xN.327710931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a hand with pricing for a sec? I'm trying to see if certain products would be worth making. I don't have any pics yet, but how much would people pay for pencil/cosmetic cases like pic related? Not my design, I'd probably do a mix of fanart and general cute designs.
What about note pads? The type that have glue at the top so you just rip a sheet off. I was thinking of having them coloured with an anime themed border and small pic in the bottom corner.
I'm trying to make useful products, but they're so much more expensive to make than useless stuff like buttons.

>> No.6472922

That case is so cute! I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

Personally, I'm all over things like pencil cases, cosmetic bags, notepads etc. Any stationary with cute prints I always end up buying. I'd imagine them being popular at cons.

>> No.6472925

Has anyone sold in the dealers' hall at MCM Expo? I was considering getting a table but the FAQ on what can be sold is really vague.

I want to sell hand-sewn anime plushies as well as other crafty things. Would I be allowed to sell anime plushies? I'd only be selling plushies of characters without an official plush.

>> No.6472926


Derp, forgot to add the pricing bit. For a good handmade cosmetic bag/pencil case I'd pay what, about $15 maybe more, depending on how well it was made. A notepad I'd pay about $10 for providing it was A4, the smaller they get the less I'd pay.

>> No.6472936

Awesome, thanks! I don't see much of this kind of stuff around cons here so I wasn't sure.

>> No.6472986

Where are you from? I'm in the UK, I see the odd bit of stationary at dealer tables but nothing hand-crafted. It would be nice to see something like that though! I know that a lot of younger con-goers would like stationary to show their power levels off in school/college, or even just some cute stationary to use at school or work. I got a Tsubasa notepad a few years ago, I've never used it because of how cute/unusual it is!

>> No.6472991

Could someone help me? What company would you go to get cosmetic/pencil pouches and pillows made like above??

>> No.6473012

Australia. We have been getting more variety in the AA lately, but I haven't seen anyone do stationary yet. I hope to snag the market first! Saying that, now I bet it'll pop up everywhere.

>> No.6473037
File: 144 KB, 560x805, IMAG0341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really AA related but I imagine some of you sell on Etsy. I started making MtG Ravinca guild symbol pendants with a laser cutter. Most cons don't have a problem with you selling copyrighted images but what about Etsy? Wizards of the Coast only has enamel pins in these so it's not like I'm ripping a direct product, but I would like to know whetehr I can go ahead with this or not legally so I don't waste money on materials

>> No.6473054

oh, I meant the position of the wire in the wings. Since it's smaller than the wings you don't want it to shift around. Sorry for the confusion!

I would pay $15-20 for one at a con if it was well made. I usually look at how clear the design is and what the lining inside is like, if that helps at all.

>> No.6473057

I've seen similar items on etsy being sold with no problem. I'm not sure what their policy outlines explicitly, but I think so long as you personally made it, they don't really care.

>> No.6473059

If you have twitter you can ask wizards directly about it. They're pretty chip.

>> No.6473080

Officially, you're not supposed to sell anything copyrighted. They don't do anything unless the original copyright holder reports it though, so lots of people do it. I do remember that people selling hello kitty items got cease and desist emails a while back, that was interesting.

>> No.6473086

If it's a big con and you've got a pretty fairly big following or cater well to your audience, you can make well over $1k in profit. I know this year my friend made around $3k and I made around $4.5~5k at AX.

>> No.6473091

Yeah, this basically. I have a friend who works at GEAnimation and they served up KumaCrafts with a cease and desist for their sailor moon accessories as well.

>> No.6473092

my best was this year about $2000. My worst was my first year, about $500.

>> No.6473098

Does anyone know what the hot stuff is(When it comes to shows/video games/anime/manga)? Considering making some Dr. Who things.

I don't keep track of new anime nowadays

>> No.6473121


Seconding, but Dr. Who sells pretty well considering the fanbase.

Last con I went to, there was a lot of: Pokemon, MLP, Avengers, Homestuck, and general cutesy things. Of note, there was a table who sold nothing but Pokemon badge pins and... other pins. They didn't have a great display at all (just some pins out, and a bunch of pins in a pencil box), but they sold out some stuff such as whole Pokemon pin sets by the time I came back around on Saturday (out of a Sat-Sun con).

>mfw my friend whined about how this girl did her bookmarks in photoshop and she had to pay 3 euros. Girl, you have no idea how much work goes into that drawing, and how much more it would be if she individually drew all of them. Sigh.

>> No.6473133

uh, you're not allowed to sell Homestuck art, I hope you reported the artists.

>> No.6473142

Kumacrafts is still selling though? Think they will take it further?

>> No.6473233

Kyandi has started ripping off Kumacrafts by making the exact same accessories. If Kuma can't make them then damn straight I'll report this bitch and get it all taken down too.

>> No.6473371

Not cosplay

>> No.6473449

pokemon always sells well, people just love it. Nostalgia is also selling pretty high, like sailor moon. And of course, ponies are still going strong.

>> No.6473573
File: 71 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m4gaseUJig1qfg5sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice on fabric for bags like this? this girl makes hers out of felt, i want mine to be softer and i really dont like the look of felt bags but if i made a fleece one would it hold its shape alright?

>> No.6473584

You'd want to use cardboard or something to keep it's shape, otherwise it'll just fwump with any weight you put in it. Look at tutorials for Ramona Flowers bags.

>> No.6473594

For those of you who do resin, what brand do you use? I really would love to get into it but I'm sort of overwhelmed by the number of brands and types.

So far from googlefu, I got castin' craft, Famowood, and Ariba which would be suitable for small crafts, deco, and such. Any other recommendations for good epoxy/casting resin?

>> No.6473619

like >>6473584 said, you'd need some sort of reinforcement. I've had luck with batting, cardboard, cardstock (I wouldn't sell anything with that as the reinforcement though), stiffer fabric on the inside and interfacing. Good luck anon!

>> No.6473641

My friends and I do cosmetic bags. SOmetimes you have to adjust pricing depending on the con, but generally we all sell ours at $12~$13, with a 2 for $20 deal. $10 and they move too quickly, which sucks because we have limited stock, and at some cons, $15 moves too slowly.

You could probably get away with charging for more if you add cute trinkets or attachments to like the zipper portion and stuff.

>> No.6473662

Not op but thanks for pricing info!
What company do you use to print your bags?

>> No.6473675
File: 15 KB, 214x66, ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried posting this like three times but for some reason 4chan keeps seeing it as spam, so here it is as an image haha.

Their regular prices are high, but every so often they have 3 for 10 sales, which is when we all stock up on ours or create new ones. They ad those on facebook frequently, so I'd like/friend them there to stay updated on their sales and stuff.

>> No.6473746

If looking to get into it one of the easiest to use is smooth-on. Its a bit more expensive than other brands but the majority of their products are 1:1 mix ratio. What you're looking for is the OOMOO series for mold material and smooth-cast 300 series for resin. I just recently switched mold material to their Dragon Skin line but is much more expensive and not something I would suggest for trial and error learning.

>> No.6473787

>for some reason 4chan keeps seeing it as spam

"for some reason" is because so many people kept making threads about the free mousepads over a year ago

>> No.6474004

What size do you use? I feel like they should be longer and thinner. The bigger they get, the more squarish, but I imagine you could charge more for the larger ones.

>> No.6474018

Interesting. I remember those threads, but didn't know it got so bad as to get filtered/blocked.

All up to personal preference. I use the medium ones (8x5)

>> No.6474667

I think she was allowed to ship out her last batch of orders but she can't make anymore to sell. She was apparently a bitch about it in the emails when they were just doing they're job.

>> No.6474669

their* goddamn i just woke up sorry

>> No.6474675
File: 401 KB, 1013x385, time-key-comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but in comparison to GE Animation products, the jewelry by kumacrafts is super nice? I've only bought a few necklaces~ (also, comparison of quality of kyandi vs kumacrafts)

>> No.6474687

Not debating the quality of the products at all here. I thought the Kumacrafts ones were super nice too. Once GEAnimation got a report (from a fan group or something?) I think they asked Etsy for the store sales and the like and it turned out Kumacrafts was selling things at a mass production level. They weren't going to bother her if she wasn't make so many of them/doing them on a commission basis but at the level she was producing her products, it was starting to compete with the official merch, which is why she was told to stop.

>> No.6474769

Damn, she must have made a fortune! Will they go after Kyandi too? It's unfair to let her take over the market now.

>> No.6474804

God dammit, now I can't get one.
Please tell me if they told Kumacrafts to stop, then they're making the keys, wands, and brooches?

>> No.6474816

I think that depends on whether people report her or not? The funny thing is that I actually showed my friends the Kumacrafts accessories before and they personally didn't have a problem with it until a complaint was filed through the company. So if you think it's unfair, you should just probably go report Kyandi by email or something because I don't think any action will be taken otherwise.

I actually asked him about that and he said that the reason they try to stay away from the plastic accessories that Kuma does is because they're fragile and break easily. So they do like those rubber keychain types instead. I don't think it's a personal decision they get to make because the higher ups probably already decided on that.

>> No.6474849

I just sold this past weekend and had a LOT of good feedback for Dr. Who things. All my prints sold.

Also, RotG stuff! I was the only one there with any and they flew.

>> No.6474855
File: 312 KB, 1126x674, dhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey there fellow laser cutter person!
I haven't me many others that do this kind of thing. but what materials do you laser cut with? I'm just doing basswood right now and thinking about doing acrylic jewelry stuff later when I know where to get the material.

>> No.6474856

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

>> No.6474860

This has to do with conventions, so it seems pretty related.

>> No.6474861

This has nothing to do with cosplay, EGL or anything related to it. So no, it isn't.

>> No.6474862

artists alley is the part of the con that is most AWAY from cosplay. Unless your art booth is dressing up in costume this has nothing to do with this board.

>> No.6474863

BAWWW Everyone's having fun and being Helpful! Therefore it can't be related!

It is. If you think it isn't you've never been to a con before.

>> No.6474865

Ok we get it, you don't think it belongs. But it does so troll somewhere else.

>> No.6474874

So you think an off-topic thread deserves to be on a cosplay board simply because you're "having fun". You are fucking retarded.

This board is for cosplay and lolita. Not places cosplayers sometimes go or things that some other people do at the places cosplayers sometimes go. Trying to twist /cgl/ into encompassing whatever you want it to be doesn't work. Post cosplay or lolita or fuck off.

>> No.6474900

seriously dude, the hobby is pretty varying in all the different crafts we learn from doing it, so A LOT of cosplayers are actually artist alley participants, so why don't you stop your "justified policing" and stick it up your butt, we've probably had artist alley threads here before you even heard of this place.

>> No.6474901


All of you, just fucking stop it. You're shitting a perfectly good board


I just googled the prices. Looks a bit pricey, but a lot of people are saying it's worth the money. I think I'll look into that then. Out of curiosity, how do you buy it? I looked online, and inexplicably, dick blick sells it cheaper than the actual manufacturer itself.

Anyways, thanks!

>> No.6474903


>> No.6474905
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>> No.6474907
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Rise of the Guardians

>> No.6474908

Rise of the Guardians, that new movie that came out. I made most of my profits from stickers of the characters.

>> No.6474911
File: 176 KB, 1200x749, Wreck-It-Ralph-post3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of making stuff from Rise of the Guardians and Wrek it Ralph to sell, does anyone have any examples of stuff people have made for them since they're fairly popular now?

>> No.6474921
File: 33 KB, 516x425, il_570xN.401163813_h1b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw this on etsy.
I thought it was a pretty cool idea since hoodie scarves seem appropriate for the weather nowadays

>> No.6474923

speaking of, does anyone have a basic pattern for a hooded scarf?

>> No.6474929

you know what's fun? coming to /cgl/ and not having to wade through a bunch of irrelevant topics and then having idiots try to rationalize in abstract ways such as "it's sometimes in the same building with people interested in cosplay" or "I dont care posting random shit is fun".

>> No.6474933

Seconding this, I've been meaning to make one for myself for a gijinka costume

>> No.6474934

baww I refuse to hide boards and hate everything because my thread once got deleted and that means I get to be a sandy cunt

wow that's actually really adorable. I imagine for wreck-it-ralph you could do the hair pins vanellope wears.

>> No.6474938

person interested in laser cutting.
where did you guys get your laser cutter? or do you use someone else's?

>> No.6474940

Rise Of The Guardians. That new film Tumblr loves.

>> No.6474946
File: 302 KB, 1366x768, 1366_Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope Von Schweetz and Wreck-It Ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about doing that, but they seem so tiny and so many. ( I'd just think that people would just hot glue them to their wigs or something) unless you mean just pins to just wear whenever with the idea of Vanellope in mind. Which I think just a few of the pins she wears would be good to sell in a baggie or so.

>> No.6474969

I've seen a lot of people try to gauge the popularity of certain fandoms, and even as a noob, I've been trying to as well. However thinking about what fandoms to make for brings me to this question.

How much do you like the fandoms you make for? Do you love them, like them slightly, or have no feelings at all for them?

Obviously, there will be gaps between certain fandoms, but on the whole, what draws you more to make for a certain fandom? Of course it's a mix of the two, but I'd like to see your thought processes, I guess.

>> No.6474974

I'm curious on how to make these? I mean, I know how to sew a pillow, but I noticed that you mentioned that you had gotten them printed. So you got a custom design printed on some fabric? I'm so confused. ;-; I really want to know how to make some though.

>> No.6475001

Ugh. Why are people arguing? We were having such nice, helpful threads.

Covering anime fanbase, Sword Art Online is basically the new big thing. There's a rapidly increasing fanbase for it. My Touhou prints have always sold really well, because of the hardcore fanbase; not an anime, but you'll always see a brohou here or there.

I found out a long time ago that I can't draw well for fandoms I don't like. I tried that with pokemon, and despite the popularity, I barely sold anything. The reverse is also true. I've managed to get sales for fanart that some people think are just random OC characters, because I put forth the passion and effort into making it looks good.
The only influence I have is that I generally do art for things I both like and are popular at the moment, or are aesthetically pleasing. I don't put in the effort to draw a series that I do love, but I know would not sell as well as if I did something else that I enjoy slightly. It's all a balancing act.

>> No.6475087

Spoonflower prints custom fabric.

>> No.6475222
File: 182 KB, 356x289, hurrf_durrf_urrrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have access to a 3D printer at my school for animation that costs $50 per print to use.
>I am a pretty decent character modeler/concept artist and can sculpt photo real figures to be printed using zbrush software.

If I were to model a character, make a custom box with my booth logo on it full of padding for transport, and paint the printed sculpture with my airbrush kit.. Would I first of all be able to legally sell something from a series/movie (merchandise licensing rules make me nervous to attempt anything not OC) and lastly.. Would something like this even sell?

I was contemplating making one limited edition figurine per con to this quality so I could hold a mini auction of some sort for it at my booth as a marketed one of a kind. I know sculptures rarely do well, hence why the majority of my stock being more conventional. In reality though, while I love drawing, I love sculpting and character modeling more than anything. About to get reaaal sappy hur but I'd be so happy if I was able to give a little piece of my heart to someone to love and take home with them and honestly wouldn't mind losing money on these little figure's as long as someone liked them enough to want them.

>> No.6475235

This goes under copyright order and what not, i think the safest would be to create your own figure and not copy, else you would need to buy some rights firstly i guess.

I'm not really familiar with rights about this topic though, so i could be wrong.

>> No.6475260

Cool, thanks for the quick answer! I have tons of characters that I've designed over the years that I would easily be able to model and print.

>> No.6475263

you'd be better off doing your own design for your figures, just in case.
Man, it would be so rad if you did like, 10x10 squares of a minecraft area and sold those. I've seen hints and things of people who did that, but it would be an instant buy for me at a con.

>> No.6475264

If the sculpt is your own work, like you didn't base the pose off an existing model, you should be fine. Especially if you're only making one of each. I guess it's like a new way to make garage kits.

>> No.6475438

My boyfriend and I are selling at Katsucon for the first time and I'm a little confused.

The AA Survival Guide mentions taxes... so what happens with that?

>> No.6475489
File: 396 KB, 900x558, 55918213201102101435138254373323096_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your own character because you'll run into legal trouble. Also I don't know how tough 3D printers are, but could you print one figure, and then make a mold out of it? That way you can make multiple copies, in a better quality material, and have it be cheaper.

You could make a ball joint doll (pic related). You will have people literally squealing to get their hands on one. Of course this will only work if you are able to make molds from the 3D printer form.

>> No.6475623

This has nothing to do with cosplay. If you want to have artbooth discussions then fuck off back to Deviantart.

>> No.6475751

You're still at this? What a sad bitter person you are.
Some tables sell wigs or cosplay accessories, and we have every right to be here. Take your shitty attitude back to Deviantart. You're more suited for it than we are.

>> No.6475794

Depending on the state you may be required to have a vendor's license for tax purposes. As a result you're technically required to have a sales tax on your items that meets the state's tax policy and since most states have sales tax on non-essential items...

Most artists have the tax rolled into their prices because it's easier. That may change with smartphones and Square....

>> No.6475807


Um... no, actually you don't.

/cgl/ is not your facebook wall. Talk about cosplay or EGL or leave.

>> No.6475819

And you can't read. If you have an issue with it take it up with the janitor. Sage for stupid.

>> No.6475893
File: 104 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.293997465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen someone complain about AA threads before. If specific con threads, general con story threads, weeaboo story threads, etc are allowed, AA (a huge part of a con!) is definitely acceptable. Do us all a favour and hide the thread.

To keep on topic, here's a tardis bag I had saved. I think something like this would sell well at a con.

>> No.6475898

Yeah, pretty much agreeing with others. AA's are a big part of the convention scene and help with getting lolita and cosplay needs to people along with art and merchandise for fandoms. It's a great way to get your name out there and get commissions on things like props, cosplays, art, and other things.

I think it would be great! You might want to add more details on it like the Police Box part but I think it would be cute. You ca probably get little UV Light keychains, make a sticker and sell them with every bag too for people to play with. I'd pay for that.

I think it's real cute though and would for sure sell.

>> No.6475899

The janitor is a moron who randomly deleted threads as he sees fit. Which is too bad, since it forces us to deal with idiots like yourself who adopt a "Im gunna keep doing it until Im forced to stop in ur face! XD" mentality.

>> No.6475928

Yes because PT threads aren't being policed at all. GTFO otherwise con/weaboo horror threads need to go since they aren't about cosplay/lolita either.

>> No.6475939
File: 592 KB, 1024x768, 2936827552_014b2ca7ba_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this argument is just going to put this thread into autosage sooner, don't you see?! Though the sooner that happens, the sooner another AA thread will appear, brilliant!

But seriously, just ignore and post more AA related things.

>> No.6475954

At least PT is a cosplayer and has something to do with cosplay.

And yes, other off-topic shit needs to go as well. Just because you see something else that is bad doesn't mean it's okay to do bad too.

>> No.6475960
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>> No.6475963
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>> No.6475970
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>> No.6475984


>50 cents each or 4 for 5$
>$0.50 for one
>$5.00 for 4

I like the display and everything in it, but... what?

>> No.6475988

I didn't even notice that. I think they meant $1?

>> No.6476010
File: 154 KB, 290x289, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat Hellboy plush

That is so awesome I can't even...

>> No.6476011

Crap, wrong pic.

This one:

>> No.6476031
File: 543 KB, 1024x768, 2935966181_dfd551d13a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a closer picture.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/kittyzilla/ here's the source, she made so many plushies.

>> No.6476067


Ahh more answers to my questions, thank you seagulls! As a fan of minecraft it is now my mission to make that idea into a reality one day kind anon and you better believe I'm going to have an "idea by kind anon on /cgl/" sign on it. As for the ball point doll idea, the printing material is pretty sturdy actually when you coat it with some extra resin. For reference of how strong the models can be here's a video of them printing out a working wrench http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ-aWFYT_SU.. I could print out each limb individually for the molding to give it that doll like look to it. Do you have a recommendation of material to use for the copies other than what I would assume would be plastic?

Also polite sage.

>> No.6476075
File: 66 KB, 600x656, 1354413233548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really hope you post a pic of it when you get it done, however long that takes you. As a fellow minecraftian, I would be so happy.

Does anyone have tips on how to cut craft foam cleanly like the picture posted? I'd love to do a few of these for myself, but I keep getting jagged edges. I'm not sure if it's my scissors or what. I tried using an exacto blade, but I had small knicks. I could just be a huge derp though.

>> No.6476079

How sharp are your scissor? Because they should work fine. It's craft foam for kids, you shouldn't be getting jagged edges.

>> No.6476106

Large, sharp scissors. Lots of little snips will be more rough than one long, smooth cut. Cut into the corners, instead of going in one way and coming out the other way.
I think these were by the same person.

>> No.6476107
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Seems that Capcha ate my pic.

>> No.6476146

I am a traditional artist, watercolours being my main medium.How should I work with this? cupy over lineart and paint them individually or make one original and send to print? What are the differences between printing digital and printing traditional?

>> No.6476153

I wont get in trouble for making and selling plushies, of anime characters right? I know people do it all the time, but just to be careful....

>> No.6476253

Easiest thing to do would probably be to do a piece, scan it and then get prints. I can't imagine traditional art is much different from digital when printed, although I find that there's a lot of subtle details you lose when you scan and then again when you print. You want to make sure you do it with a good scanner. My scanner likes to eat all the subtle shades when I scan coloured pencil pieces :(

And on top of selling prints you could also sell/auction off your originals. Some cons have a gallery type thing where people place bids on your work separate from the AA and then the con keeps a percentage or has a showing fee. Anime North has something like that for example.

People do this all the time. Just don't copy pre-existing plushies. Also if you use a pattern you found online make sure the person who made the pattern is OK with you selling stuff based on it. I know some people only allow their patterns for personal use.

>> No.6476302

Scanning and printing your watercolours would be nice. Also, if you're good at doing watercolours quickly, you could also offer small commissions. I would love to get something done in watercolour <3

>> No.6476351


>> No.6476368


Pillowcases. That could be something fun, easy, and practical. I've seen a lot of awesome cotton/flannel prints that I've wanted to get, but had no real reason to. This might change that.

>> No.6476596
File: 303 KB, 347x418, chibigrowl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those monsters are so cute! I love the Hellboy too. I would definitely buy an Abe Sapien plush if I saw one.

What would you guys think is reasonable for little pokedolls? I'm so terrible at pricing. I want to make decent money, but I also want to be able to sell things.

>> No.6476611

Anyone have tutorials for felt badges? Or more examples?

>> No.6476620

That's pretty cute and original to me. I'll guess by "decent money" you want to make back your investment and a bit of extra, but are not looking to make a living off it and not undersell yourself either. I don't know how big it is and how long it took, but if it was me, $17 at the lowest, and it goes up from there depending on size. I think some time down the road you may want to consider safety eyes. Just that element suddenly makes your plushies look more professional, and you save yourself the time of cutting up circles and sewing them on.

>> No.6476639
File: 601 KB, 1024x768, 2936826050_e7c1d9f176_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rethinking about it, I guess you can still go a few dollars lower and still make back your material costs and an extra bit, if you're desperate to sell.

Pricing is a learning experience for everyone, but try not to base your price off of other artists. You don't know how long they took, the materials they used, etc. They price what is fair to them, especially if their lives depend on it. On the other hand, we have artists who sells lowly for fun for themselves. It can be a bit damaging to the other artists, but customers who appreciate your goods and efforts will come to buy. I better stop rambling and add more pictures.

>> No.6476949
File: 812 KB, 901x535, aatable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I'll look in to getting some safety eyes. I don't want to undercut and affect other artist's, but then like you said I try not to price my items based on other artist's because of the time and materials I know I've put into the craft. I think I'll try $20 because I do all the sewing by hand, and then maybe go down to $15 if I'm stuck holding on to them for too long.

>> No.6476990
File: 559 KB, 1024x768, 6306736787_741673fe42_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh you sew it by hand, how nice!

I'll admit, if you do that for your whole stock, I find that you don't make back a lot of your time and effort from the money you make. I used to do that, and it was my first mistake when I started my AA table. I started months ahead, but for a huge chunk of that time was spent hand-sewing, and I didn't make a lot of quantities. My table looked pretty empty and cleaned out for the most part. Lesson learned! I didn't sew by machine because it kept messing up on me and I felt pretty frustrated with it. I got the machine fixed and I manage to make a whole lot and more the following year. So rather spending 2hours+ handsewing one plushie, I made like one plushie in less than a half-hour on the machine (of course this all depends on the size and difficulty).

Not my stuff, but I find these sort of pictures very motivating to make as many as I can, and have the variety to help me stand out!

>> No.6477074

>all that fabric

I love seeing people's collection.

>> No.6477110

Loving how organized it all is. I wish I had the ability to do that.

>> No.6477152
File: 417 KB, 1024x489, 3327306856_6b9b3b1f79_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so beautiful. All of my fabrics and things are in bins, and my bins are all over the place. I need to reorganize my room... and things...

>> No.6477158

What the fuck does this have to do with cosplay?

>> No.6477179

People cosplay at cons for the most part, artist alleys are at cons.

>> No.6477183
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>> No.6477198
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Don't bother responding, they aren't going to stop posting those sort of comments.

Though it is nice when there are tables that sell cosplay items, such as pokeballs, plushies from shows, etc. Tables that sell certain fashion items are good too, though it's up to the person's tastes. I know I'm not a fan of decorative tophats that has a bunch of things hotglued to it, it looks terrible and very cheap looking.

>> No.6477201
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>> No.6477203
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>> No.6477208
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>> No.6477215
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>> No.6477221

>Threads been around for years
>Suddenly they start getting complaints.

What the heck is going on?

>> No.6477226
File: 145 KB, 900x675, nyaf_artist_alley_table_by_foresakenfaerie-d4d7t63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477229

people are butthurt their non-cosplay threads are being deleted by our lovely mod.

>> No.6477233
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>> No.6477234

>shitty off-topic threads been posted before
>"that means its okay!"

People have always complained about this shit. Same with the stupid pixyteri spam, interior decorating threads, RDJ floods, and dakota rose hate campaigns.

This shit has nothing to do with /cgl/.

>> No.6477238

People keep replying to it. Just stop bringing attention to the person bitching about this thread being "irrelevant"

>> No.6477240
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>> No.6477246
File: 158 KB, 900x675, 1290497755448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying while manning the table: do you do it?

I wish I could, I barely have enough time to do cosplay and AA stuff together, so it's one or the other for me.

>> No.6477253
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>> No.6477256

They have a point though. This shit has nothing to do with cosplay or EGL. It doesn't belong on this board.

"I dont care I like it" is not a good excuse.

>> No.6477260
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>> No.6477262
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>> No.6477269
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>> No.6477266
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>> No.6477271

The prep for both is way too stressful so definitely not haha.

>> No.6477273
File: 356 KB, 421x553, d4esk3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477276
File: 95 KB, 604x453, 1295286067679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, I imagine if I had the time, I can only pull a very simple cosplay, some sort of gijinka, etc.

>> No.6477280

This thread is very plush heavy, which I totally dig, but I've a different topic of interest.

I'd like to have both prints and plushies at a table one day, and I see a lot of print artists with varying skill, and even greater varying prices. In what range do you all price your different print sizes? When I was at AWA back in September, it seemed like 11x17 was the most popular size sold by artists in the 10-15 dollar range with some deals like BOGO, buy X for reduced price, etc.

>> No.6477279
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>> No.6477287
File: 32 KB, 435x450, 51lJEn+99XL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should not have put off any planning for ALA artist alley at all.

I usually buy my fiberfill stuffing for my animals and dolls off amazon for $17-20 for a 5lb box but now they don't have it anymore. ;_;

I normally use a combination of the fairfield fiberfill for the smaller areas that are hard to stuff and morning glory for everywhere else. It turns out great but now I have no more morning glory and I think Walmart may no longer sell the 50 oz bags of Fairfields fiberfill for $9.

You guys wouldn't happen to know of any websites I can order off of would you?

>> No.6477291

For 11x17, $15 each, buy 2 get 1 free.

I've also seen $12 each+2 for $20, $15 each+2 for $25+buy 2 get 1 free. At smaller cons I might go with 2 for $20 as well just because I know it'll be a little slower.

Smaller sizes, like 8x10, I usually keep under $10, around $5~$7ish. I don't know if I'm gonna bother with those for long, though, just because 8x10 is a bitch to carry around sometimes and I think the sizing itself is kinda meh.

>> No.6477296
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>> No.6477298
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>> No.6477307
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>> No.6477326
File: 184 KB, 560x736, ala542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my first time at artist alley next year and I'm wondering if Hetalia is still popular?

I made these a couple years back and I wanna see if its worth the effort to make more and in better quality.

I'm thinking about making dragonball pillows, dangos, the bunnies from Tiger and bunny and other anime related pillows. Haven't had much time to work on them yet, but I'm brainstorming for now.

>> No.6477333

The Hetafags are still alive and well, anon.

I do know a lot of them are looking for those mochi's, just not sure if they are all at the cons anymore. If worst comes to worst, you could sell them easily online.

>> No.6477334
File: 71 KB, 600x422, NYAF_2009___Artist_Alley_Table_by_dyzzispell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477349
File: 304 KB, 1024x1365, awa_shadowivy_at_artist_alley_by_sabakunoheeromai-d3074hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477359

No worries anon, the hetalia fandom is only sleeping; from what I hear the newest season comes out on January 25th, so there will certainly be hetafags in abundance at cons who would buy them.

>> No.6477398


Joann's has similar sized boxes for about the same price. I don't know if you have one near you, but they give out coupons almost weekly and have an app on android/iOS that has even MORE coupons. If you don't need to buy in bulk, it's a great way to bolster your supply over time.

I never order online, but feel free to take a look:

>> No.6477404
File: 60 KB, 549x546, 1279336270408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, you guys are totally right!
I can't believe I forgot about that 3rd season.
I have not been in that fandom in over two years so I've been out of it.

I feel like Phoenix wright is making a comeback as well. I'm thinking blue badger plushies, even if its not popular I think I'll make them anyways.

>> No.6477409

Hmmm, I have a friend whose mom is a teacher and can get some sort of discount off.

I just never thought of Joann's because I would always compare their prices to my local fabric district.

>> No.6477419


PW is lucky in the sense that while it has a fandom, so many people outside of it have casually played the games and enjoyed it that you'll constantly get people buying for it.

>> No.6477468

AA sell things both for cosplay and EGL. They do sell other things, but they are part of (not even simply related to, AA is a composant of) cons which is clearly a the root of cosplay. So it does have everything to do with this board.

Do you suggest every thread linked to selling things related to this board should not exist? For example taobao threads? And there is many others.

>> No.6478273
File: 877 KB, 1132x960, 1330996426532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these booth pictures make me wish I had asked a bunch of artists if I cold snap their booths last season. They're full of great examples.

>> No.6478337
File: 23 KB, 295x250, oh god i am fucking retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look it's the shithead from the Maiko thread.

>> No.6478344
File: 73 KB, 1000x598, claras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt worry about them, they'll get over it eventually

>> No.6478436

I do. Just not always, because I have this philosophy of factoring everything I spend on a convention into my profits at a con, so if I commissioned one, or just got the materials to make one myself, it'd be taken out of the money I tell myself that I made. So I end up re-using a lot of old cosplays.

>> No.6478790


>> No.6478868

Can we see some versatile displays with both prints and crafts? I have both a PvC setup and a wirecube setup, but I want to have ideas on how to efficiently use both. I sell predominately prints, with cuffs and plushies

>> No.6478889

So how do you guys transport your displays? How much room does it take up in your transport? Do you need more than one person to carry it?

I'm only asking this because I have absolutely no access to a car, and was wondering with all this stuff, is it possible to carry it with two people/onto a bus? The PVC tube display looks doable as a portable display, but most other things seem rather bulky.

>> No.6478907

Oh man who made these and are they selling them online?

I'd love the earrings.

>> No.6478916
File: 64 KB, 518x869, clara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! i made them, and they are on my etsy

>> No.6478936

Sent a message on etsy.

>> No.6478952

These are adorable! What did you make them from? Air dry clay?

>> No.6479006

thanks, i use model magic when it comes earrings because its a lot lighter than other clay. its good since these are sorta big and would probably pull otherwise

>> No.6479124
File: 93 KB, 509x309, mercatino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this was posted before?

>> No.6479174 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 960x541, 32379_524082630949105_465927148_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't sit down, stand up
>Make eye contact
>ask customers if they have any questions
>tell them the price before they have to ask
>create deals if they buy more than one item
>have cards ready
>always have a display so if you sell out, people will still come over and ask about pricing and take a card

>> No.6479198

I disagree with several of these points from a customer perspective.

As a customer I will actively avoid sellers that seize upon me the minute I walk by their table and so much as glance at their stuff. I don't like being hounded or pressed upon; if I had interest in an item or a question, I'd let you know. Otherwise I feel like I'm going to be pressured into buying something the entire time I'm there, and I'll leave immediately without a second look, and I'd definitely not connect with a table like you just described.

Additionally, you shouldn't have to tell them the price directly, you should have prices clearly marked somewhere for customers to see.

>> No.6479206

>Don't sit, stand
How about no.
As a customer, if you see a seller stand up, it looks like they are about to do something/go somewhere.
If they're sitting and comfy they look more approachable.

>> No.6479244

Woah what post did I miss?

>> No.6479245

this so much, even when they're drawing I hate to bug them because I myself hate getting interrupted.

>> No.6479252

someone posted some table manner suggestions that others didn't agree with. That's all

>> No.6479258

whys it turning into a clusterfuck then?

>> No.6479265

Two people replied against it, I don't think that constitutes as a clusterfuck

>> No.6479266

Lol fucking deleted because two people politely disagreed? Grow a pair.

>> No.6479272

How well do you think a stand could do selling things from only one show? I'm thinking of getting a table at one of the few cons in my state but I'd rather have one focus than kind of dabbling in different series

>> No.6479294

It would have to be something EXTREMELY popular and well done. I have seen it done before.

There was a girl two years ago in the Anime North AA that did only Okami posters, but she sold out by the end of Saturday. They were really REALLY nice.

>> No.6479296

My unattainable Artist's Alley dream is to run a fake generic-JRPG item shop with weapons, accessories, potion bottles, "crafting ingredients" (such as slime essence), monster plushies, etc. I'd run the stall in-character as a JRPG shopkeeper as well. Is this something that sounds interesting, and what other items could I stock in it?

>> No.6479305

i want to do adventure time.
plushes for the most part but in a lot of different sizes and characters. i plan to also have pillows and maybe a few of those blanket-pillow things..anything else that you would recommend stocking to keep with the adventure time theme? i am open to expanding to other shows i just dont like the cluttered feel that i think some stands that cater to a bunch of fandoms have

>> No.6479322


.... Anon, I'm suing you for copyright infringement.

Kidding, kidding. But that aside, you just described my dream artist alley in freakishly accurate detail, down to the cosplaying JRPG shopkeeper. That's... interesting.

>> No.6479375

Adventure Time should be okay. Pony plushies are hot shit too if you wanted to try another show.

For other plush like things to make you could make small plush keychains. Or cosmetic bags/pencil case. Or it could be also used to hold someone's Nintendo DS or PSP

>> No.6479389

hadn`t..not hads
apparently i cant type anymore today

>> No.6479388

keychains were on my idea list but i hads thought of cosmetic bags or game bags, thats a good idea.

>> No.6479405
File: 145 KB, 500x454, 1318882340379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many craft fairs are going on this month, it's very refreshing to see the different works and table setups. Getting some ideas... too bad it's so busy, it's rather hard to get a picture of the booths.

Generally photo taking around AA tables isn't allowed, but I think it is okay if you ask the artist's permission first, and take the photo quickly (some aisles get crowded easily, it sucks and awkward).

Let's see what else I have to share, I categorized my pictures in different folders: prints, crafts, and mixed media (both prints and crafts). I share my table with my friend who does prints, while I do plushies and other non-2D stuff. I use wirecubes and PVC pipes, and even locker shelves (sorry no picture on me).

Oh goodness, I only travel by bus, no car. With an extra friend to help, we handle 2 suitcases (one large, one medium) and a large sports bag (there's a super large "pocket" that pushes out of the bag at one end, so it expands twice the length). Usually in the medium suitcase, I have the dissembled wirecubes, big box of plastic bags, corkboard, table cloth, and whatever small inventory I can fit in there and other tools. Usually in the large suitcase, I have most of my inventory, but if it's a multi-day event, I leave my stuff at the con, and the next day I bring more stock. In the expandable sports bag, I have my PVC pipes (two 3-feet pipes, five 2-feet pipes) and anything else that is very long and narrow. I tend to have a backpack or side bag for more things that don't fit in the other bags. It's possible to carry a lot while riding the bus if you have the right equipment and helpers! Also, I'm very lucky to catch the very first bus, so it's pretty empty and I can get my first pick of seating before it gets crowded.

I like your idea very much.

>> No.6479408
File: 221 KB, 900x675, d3ium0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479410
File: 100 KB, 648x486, 1315711404167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479414

>10/10 idea
>Would play with you.
Do it, also just play some rpgs and find items you like.

>> No.6479415
File: 350 KB, 640x480, 5f4dc85f34f9197e1898125752581e97-d45s1pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479421
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, awa_artistalley_warped_designs_by_sabakunoheeromai-d3073x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479425
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>> No.6479428
File: 46 KB, 403x403, 542146_436022909755155_1803111409_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479427
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>> No.6479434
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>> No.6479437
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>> No.6479447
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>> No.6479446


Ooohhh thanks a lot for the detailed description. Good to know I won't have to drag some poor soul at 5 AM in the morning to con time when he clearly doesn't want to go to a con. Cheers!

>> No.6479463
File: 441 KB, 1280x960, lzo4vq8CC11qet8yyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! I hope you'll be fine, I know travelling with such luggages is difficult. It just takes some arrangements to make it easier on yourself or else you'll start off having a bad day, haha. Good luck!

>> No.6479466

This. Way to not stand by your opinions.

>> No.6479469
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>> No.6479476
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>> No.6479478
File: 930 KB, 913x631, tumblr_m6mexvVZlb1qftvcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479481
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>> No.6479514

Just looked it up, this was the missing post. >>6479174
">Don't sit down, stand up
>Make eye contact
>ask customers if they have any questions
>tell them the price before they have to ask
>create deals if they buy more than one item
>have cards ready
>always have a display so if you sell out, people will still come over and ask about pricing and take a card"

That sounds like an amazing idea. Recettear cosplay for extra points. Not to mention I'm a sucker for HP/MP bottles.

My wire cubes aren't nearly so sturdy that they could be set up like that. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, or it's just that it uses sturdier connectors/cubes? Hrm.

>> No.6479526
File: 187 KB, 750x563, MY_AX_Artist_Alley_Table_2009_by_TheCurseofRainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a slightly random note, while I was checking out this crafts fair, there was a booth that handed out Square card readers. Totally awesome. Most of the vendors had it and now I have a few at hand in case. It won't work on my current phone (just another few months till I trade in for the Galaxy S3), but I wonder if it'll work on my laptop? Has anyone tried this?

>> No.6479531

To be fair, their's probably aren't either but if you look at the bottom connectors, they lay flat instead of on their side. I would suggest testing on your own first.

>> No.6479532

A Pokemon only table would do very well. Pokemon is a long, strong fandom with many many items you can use in a stand.
Pokeballs are always an easy money grabber. Plushies are plentiful. I know one year someone was selling small juices called potions and repels that were cute.

>> No.6479540

I was thinking Recettear as well. Walnut Bread madness!

And as for the wirecubes, well they aren't holding up anything heavier than their own weight... I guess they somehow firmly connected theirs to the plastic joints, I know my stuff is pretty hardy and difficult to pry apart at times. I always carry zipties in case, they hold the wireframes very well for me.

>> No.6479622

I've tried that as well, but it's just a matter that I can't put one directly on top of another without having it flopping on the side.

Zipties... That's actually a really good idea! Thank you.

>> No.6479650
File: 203 KB, 604x453, 388707_10150356996553597_519118596_8461023_495098798_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see people selling stuff in little bottles at artist alley; does anyone know where to get them, with the corks? I've only seen them sold in tiny quantities on etsy, and it's a bit expensive for what it is, so I kind of want to know what it is that I'm missing out on here.

>> No.6479660

Sure is cosplays in here.

>> No.6479686


eBay. Just look for "mini corked bottles"

>> No.6479691

dry your bitch tears, sweet sage-anon~

>> No.6479709

Ebay is really the only way to go. My former table mate sold these, and always bought the little packs of 4 for around $5 that are made for dollhouses. Didn't understand why she never figured out the internet was the way to go...

>> No.6480518

we tried it with an android tablet computer and it didn't work. I know they work on ipads, but yeah, I think they're os specific unless you can find the app for your computer. I'm sure someone much more computer savvy could pull it off, but I couldn't do it.

>> No.6480529
File: 153 KB, 500x375, antlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should post this to the progress thread or here but, a few threads ago, some nice anon suggested making antlers for headbands and I figured I'd test sculpt them. I wanted to have a handful done in case of ALA AA.

Someone on tumblr also thought they'd look cute with cherry blossoms wrapped around them once they dried which I'll try. But how well do things like this sell at conventions, I wonder?

Also, what are some things to make them more eye appealing on headbands or clips? Ribbons, lace, flowers or autumn leafs? I'm afraid I don't know the lolita fashion too well.

>> No.6480530

bows lace fur and flowers

what did you make them out of?
and how are you going to attach them?

>> No.6480543


Those are so cute omg

>> No.6480544
File: 62 KB, 450x450, tumblr_mes5dirRzv1qhy6c9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go to the craft store and see what I can find. Thank you!

I just molded them out of left over model magic I had from horns and I'm waiting for them to dry right now. They're not too big, just little tiny antlers I'm going to fit on to headbands like I do my Homestuck horns and decorate around.

>> No.6480551

Model magic tends to be a bit delicate for me, I'd test these out and make sure they're durable before you sell them.

>> No.6480582
File: 46 KB, 470x336, gc7z8g1qd6zkvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h.NAOTO does not go in artists' alley, it's in the exhibit hall. It's a real brand.

>> No.6480677

Oh god I knew I should have checked this thread earlier.

It's a long shot, but if you're still checking the thread, is there any way you could provide me with some way of contacting you? Or an Etsy account if you do end up selling these there. I have been looking for someone to make an Orzhov signet, and if the work pictured is yours, I'd love to commission one from you,

>> No.6480697
File: 66 KB, 550x367, 550xN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make plushies and charms, but recently my mom and I got into handmade sketchbooks.

Right now we only make them with fabric, but I was thinking about making those with drawings at the covers, and some other paper goods.

Pic related is how the sketchbook looks like, it was bound with coptic stitch binding. I dunno it those would sell well (I would plan selling them for U$15 or U$20) but since most people I've met at cons like to draw, I think these would be cool.

>> No.6480699

I've been making these too, going to cast them I'm some lightweight resin. How are you attatching them to the head bands? I'm kinda stuck.I did a few others too, like antelope and dik dik ones. I wish I had a picture on me. Ill post later if anyone wants to see

>> No.6480713

I recommend making them with nice paper. I'd be willing to pay more for a cute book with some Arches.

>> No.6480719
File: 36 KB, 600x450, 101_1192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really can. I've had a couple of sets just sort of crumble if I handled them too quickly.
Ooh I'd like to see those when you're done!

What I've usually done, like with the Homestuck Horns[pic related], is I wait for them to be near completely dry [so about 2-3 weeks, depending on the size] and carve a notch in them that slides on to the headband to help secure it and so it lays flat against the head and doesn't stick up. With model magic still being kind of moist on the inside, by cutting the notch you help the airflow to dry them out and they sort of shrink and form around the headband for extra security with super glue. Super glue fills in the air pockets of the model magic and helps build up a solid base against the headband.

Then I'll probably decorate it with leafs, flowers and other things. But, I'd love to see a picture when you can get to it!

>> No.6480739
File: 1021 KB, 2560x1920, CIMG3991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of questions from an AA newcomer.
I like to make necklace charms but how do you guys make the chains the charms go on? I usually cannibalise from cheap necklaces because I can only find chain by the meter online, the necklaces with clasps seem sort of expensive. Even the necklaces from china actually say they don't have clasps in the description. Do you all just suck it up and cut your own chain and attach the clasps?

Also, how much do people care if your print comes from an inkjet or a screen print press? Because I do a lot of lithographs but I don't think it's worth the hassle anymore.

>> No.6480747

I think most people can't tell the difference of how something was printed. They will only notice the quality...

Here where I live they sell necklace with claps on craft stores, but is easier and cheaper to cut the chain and attach the clasps.

>> No.6480758


If you're looking for a cheap alternative, you may want to look into ribbon necklaces. They're colorful and come in packs of 50 for less than $3.00


You'll have to go bidding, but 4 dollars for 50 of them is not bad.

Alternatively, attaching your own clasp to chain is not hard. You just cut the chain, then open and close jump rings around the respective items and you're good to go.

>> No.6480763

Thanks guys, I'll invest in some jewelry pliers and clasps for Christmas.

>> No.6480815

Here is what I bought last time: http://www.8seasons.com/silver-tone-lobster-clasp-link-chain-necklaces-18-sold-per-packet-of-12-p-13

For anyone needing jewelry supplies and findings, I use these guys. They are cheaper than any ebay store I have been able to find (excluding auctions and I so don't have the patience for those) and the more you buy the cheaper they get. Plus when you sign up they give you a little bit of of cash in a coupon ($5-10 USD, not sure which it was now) You can also find them on ebay and bid there.

It's still cheaper to buy the chain in bulk and you can buy it there as well, from ~$2-$5 for 10 m depending on the type.

Pic related, some stuff I made for my friend's birthday from supplies I bought there. Speaking of printing, you can see all the tiny dots in the Loki pendant just because it's regular paper in a laser printer. They probably don't care but I don't want to sell it like that so I will probably have to print it some other way that can lessen the effect :x

>> No.6480816
File: 170 KB, 867x650, IMG216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp forgot the pic

>> No.6480826

My friend and I have tried selling lino-prints at cons before but they've never sold because it's like anything else; animu sells better and most con-goers question why something like that has such a high value. Save stuff like that for craft fairs and places where original art is valued more. Fanart will always sells better (and when it's not fanart, it's better to err on the side of animu.)

>> No.6480838


I want that shelf of all things in this thread

>> No.6480887
File: 37 KB, 500x499, udoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would personally love something like this.

>> No.6480959
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 124739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these, I'm defiantly going to do something similar
Thanks! heres a pic of mine, sorry its blurry and crap lighting, Ive only got a webcam

>> No.6480965

Dumb question here. Is it better to use model magic or sculpey? Can someone please compare them / pro's and con's?

>> No.6480987

Model magic is a lot cheaper to use, around $3 a bag, and a lot of people have trouble using it without getting cracks and the like because its an air dry clay and ends up drying while you're sculpting. It's good for horns and earrings and stuff because its so light that it doesn't pull. It's also easy to sand and paint, so if you can practice and get use to it, its a really good product. i personally love it, though its downsides are that it can be really weak. so bigger things need usually need some kind of support inside, like wire or something else.
Sculpey is just good baking clay. Its heavier but also stronger and easier to mold, though harder to do much with once you bake it, so plan things out. It's also a bit costly so i don't like using it if i don't need to.

>> No.6481100
File: 162 KB, 800x801, sheephorns2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah thank you! I'm hoping to make a lot of little varieties. I've made a handful of horns [other than homestuck] with model magic and figured if I could scale them down and pick up some new things I could try and sell those at my AA tables.Your image is really cute too. I love that headband.
Oooh wow those look beautiful! I love the base how you got it right with the flaring out and spiral. Thanks for showing!
Pretty much what >>6480987 said about it.

Over the two years I've used it, I've kind of found how to sort of whip it in to place. The important thing to do with model magic to help with cracks is to make sure there aren't any seam when you sculpt with it. It's usually best to take it out of it's package and knead like dough. Roll it back up in the package for a couple of days just to dry out a tiny bit so it's easier to mold with. Once that's done, if you continue to keep smoothing it out then you won't have seams and it doesn't crack.

If it does, super glue helps a lot. Fill it in and once the model magic is completely ready for painting [you can tell by giving it just a little squeeze, if it's still squishy, let it dry more then give a light sanding with a fine grit]. Painting helps cover up any cracks or imperfections. Pic kind of related. They were really uneven but sanding them and buffing the horns helped them come out smooth. I was able to carve the notches in to the model magic only when it was dry and with sandpaper.

Aah sorry this turned it to a lot of TLDR. I just wanted to offer any help if anyone had questions on model magic.

>> No.6481120

Dang that sucks to hear, thanks for your input though.

>> No.6481132

Aaand it's autosaging! Time for another thread.

>> No.6481173

Oh, i think a week ago you said i should try emailing hussie about doing some homestuck crafts for artist alley. its been a few days since i sent it and i havn't heard anything from him, i guess its just not a thing he deals with anymore

>> No.6481181

Oh damnit... Man I'm really sorry to hear that. He's been ignoring my emails as of late, too. Ugh, they don't realize how much business they could get if they just handled business better and stopped ignoring fans like that.

I'm really sorry, Angel.

>> No.6481204

oh no, its no biggie
it was worth a try anyway

>> No.6481613

Anyone want to start the new thread? I'm on my phone, so I can't really do anything atm.

>> No.6481623

new thred

>> No.6482128

If there's a Hobby Lobby near you they sometimes have little packs of these for around $3.